1933_Minute Book1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to t 12 13 14• 15 I 16 17 1s 19 20 21 � 22 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31, 32 33 34 YIATFRi:�iIN CONSTRIICTIOI� COIITRACT. � mfiIS AGRE�NT, t,dade and ent�e�into this 6th day oP April, 1958, bv and bet�een� �,,,+c�u� �p;,�ay,�,,�y �dinneeota, party oP the Piret part, herein�ftetr oe ed he aontraator, and'the Village of Hopkine, Aenn- epin County, S�ate oP Minneaota, party og the eecond part, hereinatter 4alled the 9illage, �1I�TESST�: 1. Zhat whereas the Villa�s has heretoSore caused plane and epecitao �to be made Por the exteaefon of ae�er me�ine in the 9illaoe of Hopkine, ot� the followin� designated streete: Un Purdy Avenue in the 9illage of Hopkfn$, Prom the intersectfon t�hereof with Goodrioh Aaenue, extending 3n a aoutherlq direation a di�t�nce of about eix hundred feet, fn eaid Villa.�e, Por fire protection and servioe ta propert,y abuttiq� on safd etreete. 3izea oP rrater maia to be�laid to be �our inohes, and the �ame shall be oontruc�ed in aocordance with plane end apeaiffcations on Pile fn the oPfioo of the reoorder of eaid� Yi�.lage oP Aopkin�, l�dinneeote, and pux9� - �n� tco ahapter 925 oP the lawa cP Mfnn�eota, for the year 1921. Said ple►ns anG epeoiPi�atior�e are hereby mada a part hereof and reSerr4d'' tt� se F.'�chib�t "A" and whereas � the V111e�e hsa adverti.aed Pcr bide ar,d pro� poeals for th� fnstallatfon and �onetruotior oP eaicl wster mefn extensions, oomplete in aoaordanae with eaid plana and epeoiPioatione and pureuant to � said etetute, e�nd the Village has fn eocordance therewith ax�d w�th said adv er isemeat and in reply �therto reoeived, among othere„ a proposal from ea3d Contraotor on this date, A�ril 6,�1933� on the beaie of the work be�ng done bv hend , labor end emple�ym�ent of lacal .emplo.yees at .Porty centa (.90¢) per hour, �xoepti,ng the foreman and s.eat setter, whiah prapos�l�fe aow on Pi1e with the Reoorder of eafa Vfllage, and hereby �nade a part hereof, and marlced for referenae Exhibit "B", and ie and wes the laarest reponefble bid for euah xork, and aoaepted a� euoh by mo�ion duly made end oarried at e� regular meet- ing oP �he Village Counoil held on e��.a ast,�. AND, Q9HSR�AS, the Village epeafPioatione Por all said work did not desig,- nate the tvpe of hydrants to be fure�ished and inetelled, it ie agreed by end between the Village and the Contraotor�that Waterous hydrents are to be far- nfehed and inetalled. N0�'P, THER�FORE-, In aonaideration oP the p�fniees and t�he oovenante at�d . agreements of the Yfllage hereinaPter mentioned, the Contractor agrese to Purnish ell me�teriel, labor, apparetus, aooeasorie.s and equipment and conetruo edid avater ma9.n escteneioa in s go6d� eubetatfal ena wot�naalike menner, com� plete�in all per+�ioulare, in:�luding egaav�tion and repl�oement of any perman - ent improvementa of whatever nature, whether pabliv ot� p�i�ata, cvhinh may be demsged b,y the natare of the a�ork, and in the exeout3on theroP, all to be it� atrfot oonPormitv v�ith the sPoreseid plana and epecifioatfone, whiah esid plana�and speaffiaet3one end propoaal referred �o a� Exhi�iite "A° and "�" are hereby e�cpresaly made a pa�� oP this aontraot, as full and to the same extent ae iP herefn_B�*, ��rth in Pull. The said Contraotor agrees to �b the safd work :iti a ga��:, r�or�inlike nanner under the euperviefon and direation of G. �Y. isfoor�,� A. E. Andereon, and Hermeu� Olson, who ere all deei�nated by the 9illage ae inapeotore Por trat.purpose, and to ao�nenoe safd conetructfon, inetallation end improvement et once; end to aomplete.same b,y not lat�er than b9ay 6th,1933� all �P eafd work to be aubjeatea to an aa�epted �age preasure �eet o� 1b0 pounda per square inoh.� � / 2. R�e seid Contraotor agreee to pav all laboe�rera employod a�d �ter- isl mem Purnieh� �� ita� material to s�id Qon�raotar in and about the perPormanoe� of thie Contraot fbr �11 labor and material bt� them eo performed and Purnished, and Lhe eaid labors�� end all pereone furniehing materia? Por eaid work ehal I be fi,rat psid out of the amount due said Contraotor froai eafd Village urder thie oontramt boPore any part of the asme is paid �o the Contra�tor, his eua - aeaeor� or �esi�ne. � � � � 3. It fe �greed th�e._t_in the oonatrua�ption of eaid wate� main axteneioR''� 1 �2 3 4 5 6 �. s 9 lo 11 12 13 14• 15 . 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 � 24 25 26 , 27 2s 29 30 31 32 33 34 \ that no eztras wfll be allowed e.na no alteretione in or deviatione Prom ee�id� � plene and specifioatione �hall be made unlese auoh extrae, elteratiot�s or aeviationa are autflori�ed and d3.rected by a vate �of the Villa�e Counail oP I, safd 9illage.and first approved by �he �upet�vfeing�inepeotore� a• n a event, when.saoh extrae or deviationa shall involve ana neeeesf a e�ooet � e�nd expenee in. ihe aonstr�za��ion oP sefd water mafn eicteneione, each eatrae ahall not be oraered ead euoh deviationa maae until orc3ered by a vote oP the Village Counail and an agre6ment between the partie� hereto in �riting fixing the prfae of eaid extras end deviatione to be paid the Contreator by the Village, anci �vrh�n such altermtion shall reduae the oost of aoqetruot9.on and in t 11 t on�o� e� �h, or t ea tu•�aw �m.ount of euoh reduation in ocat eha� u,rn s the-Village e�m��� —ea wf�l.enable the �il�age to v readily compute eaid aoet. . 9. The Cantrsotor further egreea in oage_of improper conetruotian.or unreasoneble deley in the proseoutfon of the work by the Contreotor that the Village ehall have the r�ght�to brder and oeuee•euepenaion of' work at any �time and re-let the aontraot therefor or order a reoonstruotion oP en,y portioh of the �ork fmproperly don'e and eaid �ork ahall bb under the di�reation of the aupervgsing fnepeotore of the Vfllsge �nd.in aaee any aompleint a�rfae� re— lating:to the conetruotior of said Water me�3n extenefona as to material, labor or inetallatfvn, the eame shall be imr�edfately referred to the eup�r— viafpg inapectore of the Village and an immsdfste adjuetment ahell be made to the aetfefaotion of eaid auperv�.eing inspeotora, and thefr �indinge in such osae shall be.abeolut� and oonolueive.upoa b�th psrtfea here�o. 5. In ceae the Coutraotor'eha11 properlv per€orm the work and furnfeh the material herein deaigneted� the V311age w�ll from time to ti.me before the oompletion of the.work in ita diearetion pay the Contractor efghty per aent (80�b).of the�amount.alreeay esrned under thie oontract apon the eetfm�ate oP eaid supervieing iuepeators, and said estimate �hall be conaluaive ae to eaid e�moant so earned, but in any event, nQ payment aha11 be mride until a11 material ehall be on the gronnd. � 6. Seia Cohtractor Purther a�reea fn oase oP delay to notify the Village he in writing oP enq and ell ceuaes oP t]e�e►y of aeid work or e�nv pert thereoP 'within twenty—fbur hoars sfter euoh cauae or oaueea oP delav arise, end in aaee oP fai�ure oP the Cantraotor to perPorm tY►ie montraot and onmplete eai8 work ai the time beretnbePore speciPfeB, eaid Oontraator will for�leit and pa y to Said Village end aaid Villa�e ehali deduot from_the oontrect prioe herefn epecifi�d the eum of �renty—five„Dollars (�2b.00) fbr eaoh snd every d�y thfe oontraat �nd vrork herein�provided for ehall remain unYiniehed and inaomplete �Prom�and aft�r the 6th day of �ay� 1935, herefnbefbre epeofPied Por the aom. pletion thereof, and seid �mount ie hereby agreed upon and fixed by and be trxee � the parties hereto ae liquidatea aam�gea for eucth faglure of eaid Contractor to'fally porform and �omplete thia oontraat herein. . ' � 7. ,�e Cont�aator .agrees to indemnify end �ave harm].esa eaid 9illr�ge from and againet any and all alafms, su�ta and aotione a��inet all lo�s, dem— age,-ooate or expense �o eaid�9illage o�oc�sfoned by br ar�aing From any in- frangement or vlaim oP infringement oP an,y Lettere Patent or pstent rig�ita upon or covering �r.�� nateated aYtfolee uaed by the Contre�o�tor in the � aon�truqtion a� asid �rork under thie oontraat br arfafng from the failure to pe,y �ny royeltiea in oonnection with the con.s�ruotion of eaid �ork, and eafd Contreotor a�reea to hold himeelf reeponeible Por any dePeote�wh3oh may de- °.qelop in any part o� the work aoverea by thia oontraot. � . 8. �e Contractor agrees to hold ttie 9illage harmlees from all �Cemagee ena alaim� of dem�gea that may erise by reaeon oP an,y negl4genoe cn the part of the Contraator, hie agenta or emploveee whfle enge�ged in the prosecutiotn of thie �rork and�the per£ormanoe vf thia oontreot, �nd Will Purnish and na3n• tain saoh b_arricadee and_lighte aa are neoeeasry Por the proteotfon oP the publia during th� progreae of eaid Work and agrees to make, exeonte, aAa ae— livor to eaid Yflla�e a bon� with auffiaient suretfes to be approved by the 9illage �n the aum of 3even Hundred and no/100 Dollare (700.00�) for the use � i_ / , �. 1 z 3 , .4 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 � 17 18 . � 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 26 � 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 � . � , oP sa9.d Qillage and sll�persone do3ng work or furnieh3n� ekill, too�s, maah- inery, or material ander or �Por the purpoae oP thie aontra�t and t►�:eeaure the Pa�.thPul performsaae oP this �oontreot b�• ihe Contraator abd to be oondi– tianed ae �reqqired bv Seatfo� 9�00 of the (�eriere�� Statptes oP Minneamta.1928 , I and.?11 �ct� a��nrlw��r;; :��i.cu�al�mvntary herato and alao Chspter 925 Qeneral I,aws of M�nneaota 192�,.end oonditioned furth�r t�a� the-Contraator ahall sane e�d hold t,he Village harmloae from a�y arid ell liab�l3ty 5.n the proseont; eaecu�ion, and oomplet�ng of the work and from any demage whateoever thet may sriee out of or aocrue on eoe�uA+ �f ��ie oontramt or in �he exeaution pf the wor3c to be perPor.me� hereun8ar eitia.er direotly or indirectly, and that too � wnd�.�er the ae�rne are herefa expres�ly providea Po� or naf,� abd cond�.tionea aZco iat the paymenta oP �13 m�terge�l uaed and �labor performed in the exeouti� oP the vrorlt. ' . The Village it� cdneia�ration oP the oovenants ana agreem�anta oP tbe Con– tractor bere�.�g oontafnea and the Paithful performanoe thereoP by him egrees to eocept seid aster mafn �onetraatl.ane., oanatruated and installed oomplete to.�he eatfeFsotion, aFproval and eaoeptanae oP eefa Village and the euper– v9.sing inepemtor�s oP ea9�d Ville.ge and to apy �he Contraotor therefor iA acoordance with the.plene and speaiffoat�one and propoeal heretofore �entiarte� �nd. an� fii� in the oPfice of the iT�lle.ge �teaorder as aforesafd. �;• IN TF3TI�dONX i�SEREOF, The oontrectin� parties have hereunto set their hanc]s . i�h�.s 17th.: dey oP ��'il, , 1938. , , —o""–' �CTOR CONS RIICTION COPP9IQY, IPTC • s ' _ � By � res. • crete�'ys I� PR�STNC� OF; . .. JAC B BRO , ' ^w'' f By:�~.� Partner . `�// �� �C/i��A��� " . • .. �. . ' ' . _ . . . ' ;'. . ' �- �i.1i1:1\7� \/1' O L7 . � . � . . • , By . ea den � . )) � oor er , � � , <� tI �. 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �o il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 s��� oF r�c�so� ) �s. COUI`�TY OF. COTZ`ON[700�D Qrs th3a day oS �prily 1933� be��bra r,ee s No�„�ry Publi� arith4n e.nd'. �a�.d Ccun�y �nd ta�e� peraonally appearoa --�..,��, to xme lrnaarri to be t�e person daooribea in and v�ho eaeont�d the Soregoin� �uetrument e�nd. ac�noQiea�ea t�►�t b� eaeo��ea �t ae hie ��ee �ot saa 80aao . S�� oF r.�x�so� ) ee. COUI�T�I OF HENNTPIIQ On tJ�ie day of Ap�il� 19SS, beforo me a I�otary Publi�a within an� for se�i8 cun y, personalZy �ppeared G, t�. �oore and Art E. Andereon, to m�e person�lly L�nawn, v�ho be�ng eaah by me auly �orn esoh dia aey tha� •� the,y are respeatively the Preeident an� Reaorder ot the 9f.11age oP Hopkins, ihe corpor��ion named i.n the foregoing instrument, �and thet the eeel aP— fised ta eaia �natrwaent f.s the aorporQte �eal of the eaid Qilta�e aA� that said it��trumont �raa e9.�nea and eealed in b.ei�lf of eafd Viilage by authority of ita Village Counoil and esid f�. W, L�oo�end Art E. flnaereon aokna�rledged eaid inetument to be the free eat and deed of eaid 9flla�e. . A. H , o�ar� � o, ennep n oun% �d3.nneaota. �iy Commiseioe eapSree on O�tober�23� 1935. �� � � ". 2 3 4 5 .. . . 6 7 8 9 io � 11 . 12 � 13 ' 14 15 � lb . III 17 �g , . 19 . 2� 21 22.. 23 24 25 .�';� 26: 1. . . , ,, . 27 2s ' � 29 �30 31 . . 32 . 33 � 34 ' BOND 13Y COIQTRAOTOR F08 PUBLIC �ORBS ' ' ' � aEc�ox coxsT. co a� sira iBi�V" HtJO�fi �: ALL 2�EN . BY ��SE YRSSI;N�S i� 9hat I� .T n�nAs BROS . r Pd�nnosot�� Con�raatox°� ae pr�.bcipalr and��_ ��� �►RTFORD ACCIDENT & INDT�TITY CO�dPANY, of He�rtPord, Conneatiaut, . � . ea surety are held ana firmly boun� unto the 7i?la�e o£ Hopkgne in the Coan�,y ��:oi :iennep�.a and Stete oP Minneaota, in the eum oP�Seven Hundred sna n0/J.00 Do].Yars ($700.� ) 1a�Pu1 mot�oy of t,he United St�tee, for the ase oP � eaid : ���lag� oP Hopk$ae and aleo Po� the ase of all pereone �dho may perform any work or lebora or furnish eny ekill, tools, maohSasry, or �terials, ander or for the purpose oP the Oontraat hereinbefore mentfaned� thefr euca�esore or hefra, exeautors,.adminietratore ar�aesigns, Por Whioli pa�m�an� vrell and iruly to be m$de, �re jointl,y and aeeerally bind� o�irselvee, ana eech oP oar .hefre, eReautora and sdministiratore'firmly by thege preaente. 8eeled with our seal and dated this 17th,day of Aprili 1988. - ' � HECTOR CONST. CO., �iie oondition of this obliga�ion ie .such that w�er.eae JACOBS BROTI�RS , the eaid ContraotEir, has entered into and made a written oon rea w t e eaid V3.11age oP Hopki�ns Yor the la,yipg Four inah wate� �ir� � on Purdy Avenue ib the Village oP Hopkine, from the interseatfor► thereof with (iooarfoh Avenae, extending 9.n �a �outherl,y ci�.reot4on a,distanae oP aboat six huridred Peet, �r� eocordanoe With plane and epeoiffoatione and propoael �on file in the OPtioe of the ,8eoorde�of eaid Vi11egQ.��lhfah aontraot ie he�eto a��aahed and made e part hereoP, and for a tulYer desoriptfon refer- .enoe i� made to eaid aontxaot�► '•� ' � NO�, 7giERI�FORB, �I4 the �ai8 Contraotor ehell and does . pav ae thev be- oome due,- ell, juet clsime.Por �ork an8 labor perPormed end all toole.and maahfnery, ekill s�nd msterial furniehe8 for t�he oompletion oP eaid oontraat, � fn aaoordanae with �te terme, and ahall eade and hoZd t3ie 99.�1�ge oY Aop�ft�s , aforesaid hermle�s from any and e�ll li�bi�ity and Prom all aoste end oharge� th�t maq ea�ur.e oD e000unt oP the proaeaution, �xeoutfon, e�nd aompletion of the work speoiPiecl in eafd oontraot� � and ahsli aleo 'fulfill', �aarry out and complete a�id aontreat, a000rdi:ng � to the terme �thhe,raP and ehall complv wgt� �11�, the" le�arg sppertain4ng thereto� � then thie obligation ehall be vofd; o1�tnere�iee to �rem��n in full Porae and ePPeot. ; � �, �,�. �N``T�S'TII+�NY.�'F'sRSOF, We have hereumto aet-.our handa end eeals thie ��,a�y �f AFr�i,, .is33. . � HECTOR CONSTRIICTION COMP6NY, INC., sf�ea, seeiea saa . Delivered in Presence of: , gy O�j � President, ���.� _ . . �iud, _ ... . - � �Secretary. / � � ' ' � / .ter.nRS AROTt�:Rs . ... � �".:�G - �.�/ _ - -- s....� , , By ; - , , �: , , Pertne'r . �• ✓ R : . � � ' � . HART D aCCIDFNT INDE'�NTTY COMPANY, By ��� . s �ttorne - -F'act. Form J-3070 ,STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. : �, County of Ramsey On this.........29t1? .............day of..............�P?'i1......19....3�.., before me appeared............Ffi�k...$.t...St.....J.o.hxt............. to me personally known, and who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Agent and Attorney-in-fact of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a COI'POililOri O{ COnriCCtiCUt, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Connecticut; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of -said Corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; and the said ........... .........................b'rank..B.,,St.,.John............,...acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and' deed of said Corporation. � i . .............................. ...... .. ..... . .... . ...... ��....... G�:�C/..... ........ ... .............. -� Notasy Public, Ramsey ounEy, Minnesota � My commission expires ............................................................................ � � ': tf; , . � . � . , � 'd Printed in U. S. A. . . . . • 1 2 3 4 � 5 f 6 7 .. � 8. � ' . 9 10 11 12. 13 I4 � , 15 ��. 16 j .. . 17 18 . 19 II 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28. 29 30 31 �� 32 33 34 STAT� �F MINN�80T�1 68 aoux� or �o�ro�roofl On t�hfe day of �pril� I933, betorce rya ;�atar�� Pablic Rithib a�ad Por eai� Coun �� pereonall appeered , to ms la�am tb be the pereon deaaribed in and Aha exea�ted the forego ng inetrumenL and e�knawle�ged thet he ezecuted tha �ane se hia tee act and 8eed• Notary Publioi Oounty� �9.m�• � d Th�s %�i�Solutio F�l�- 2, �y � � o PTF !� /93z Ar �a�N��,� rr«fi��� ' �.i.i�!�et}43�t:11.:i ��,7�.'iL�I�w..�ltl� i�_Uo?1d , � � _f. �.t�T>fs:�� t��!;Ll ^,T'� a �4 �.iC �1�, iS.S� 7l�'t � �� �� a�-�.l%:, r �-.: , . . 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L�Lc.a U LdJ.c.+ �w'i����� {i.l �/ld�i U �..6y��j(�. � r�aor����° b� a�� t�e ��a� i� i�Q�°�b� �`1���. :�� ;,��?.00 pc� mv�.�la �n �$111 �'U Z' �i � �� � � i''SP �C; F; e3 �323 C� '�,�. t� 6� f3 A � � t�F' � Xlf�._ 3.Y1 'b �l',� l �' 0� '��1 C� 8 vil�a�� b�x�ira�s�, no� ira��u.€��r� �'�e� tia ��h�cii h� is ����at�.�d � b� �aw for ��.ii:i� �n� en�asin� c�oea�aents �.:nc� �ap���, ra�.s�r�- 9 ��,€��, and r��S�f� �e�'ti�2a��a;�_ nv� �elaLi� ta vi? �,e�a '�u�i�as� e�t�e�� "vP��t h� �ig�.2 ��ce�ve the �a�io fee �.1o��a by ia� �o� 'o cna�€�.�x� and cer�����n� lo��l, as�es����t rol�:^ to �:e coun�� � � ��.i t or , c��P��e �iv� � ��� �'4��,�aar�t i�i; , 193�, mr�d �a�� b 1� ��,�r'�cx�l�t. �. ��.11��e �$�s��>,or-�T�� I�'"' �'.:°�:��il�L ���� t�e U�M�.a�xy a� tkcte a; 12 llill��;e ���e��nr b� �:aic� :;i�e ��r�� is ��reb� �ia�ci at � ��inur� 13 n� �15O..OQ �a� yeur s�. c�dsl nu�bEx�ci b�ar�, azid €� ��xir�� o� ;,��4�..�Q ��� ve�r in �v��. r��berec� �er:lr�, ��i'ectiv� �rv� Ja�.�r� 14 �.�t', � �.C.�e�l�! . �5 4. iTi� 1��� �re�,�ure�-B, T� R���T�V�a� �hgt �ha �a�r�a�' �2ae Y�.��.a�� �r�asusl�x: b� and 1,he s�r�e i:� h�rab� f3.xe�. 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N�'y .� O�c�ir�anc�� �o k�m�nd �a�s (�xa�.�.�:n�� s}n�;i��1�fl "�1xx 0�°i�3s.ic.r�ce Ls�abl.i��in� �n�l Gx�e;�:�;�.ya� � P�.r� �Q�r�",acao��eil s.ic3,9 �.� 0 2.9 y Bn �t�.� iTa.�,1F��;€: Cota�tc��.l o� �Y�� fl0 �aC'C�A;lil �1:� gOi��.:0lJf�; c�i ��cap��:�;�� �ce�i.Qr� i.. �1a�t iec�io�� 2 0�' �aaa G�c�i�ar,c� �n- �3��.�r� �'A.x� Q�c��a���.���e `�;���b1i����.r� nn� Cr�a�ir�; � i��:ir� ?�o:�re�" be an�. �he �.;����� i� a��ni�a�. to �e�c� �� �c�llou��; __ a.�'�Ci"�i$�?�"1 r � ��J�i�L�' d.���;+� �ii�ei:)��.Tr.'L��a'.� ��� t�c.��'��z�e�;_,�^ Th� T�� a�:� �o�� �c, a� Iio��afn �� a13�a11 t�c��oi �t o f. t��rc �: rc� �i— d.�:�L- ��m�ar���, ���c� .�i����.1 b�: `us��c_ai��t;ad b;� .txi� ,-�7�°�����n'� o� vhc: vail��p�c co��:i1. �nc� E:�:BI1�3.Z"�?C^fA bY ��ie: v�.12����;e oounc i1 � �� �,'�r�� '������i f�.� r, � e�e� ���:c� �,i�� 15, ��lwa, one �y1�a.�. �be; ��,�pn�.�f ��ae'�. �'�r ��c� �;�;rr� c�� c��� yc�'-f �°, qnc� �'o� ��e �c� cs� '��vc� ��€; �r.:�,, oai� �ca� t�e; Gerr� c�:E �e�hrc�� ye;��� �, anii €��id m��brx1� �iar�11 'ria�� �i:a�3r f3�:�,'�(;E7E3 �o� ;h� t�:rm �T '�hx�c� :Ia���r� <�n�. �n��.� �,h�i�e :�ucc��wwar� �g�e .�.����.a��ad z�n�. - - �-- : ��'�a.�: ]. �. f5�.c� �.. ; . • � x�,aaE' .�.}�a�i� Me���F�;�r �.���.1�:��w��I, �ia:4�.� t�L4.ci���.��y 6�a:�}�.�.n tcr� c��y� ���,i�x a�o�g�� cs:� �� on �� gi5, ���po��.��'J��nt b� �ub— �crib9�a�; �z� o� �;1� •���;<.:39; ��� �.���.l.l Tr�i ��13"�.�.:�.� �:��c`i, i��1���r'�fa:1.l�,r ���r��rm ���o d.u:i�c, c�� �a�^ :,t�lr� o�aicc:, �rac? �%�"�.� i�i ie :��:�� �:,�:c�, s��ath �� �;�br•. �i:�� i��c, ni �€�ie v �2�.i� �;c x�i:c �cl� �°. Th�r� �cx^�.1 �e ap�a�.���ed. �r�ah „�c�.r �i��x��:�a.�ter- ��r �he v�3Z�r�.t�e �c�..:rei ! crne �v�*��t�x� ��' :��,�xca. %o,��i; c°a��o�r� "��.�°r� o� n1`.�ice r�:�a;�li b� .tiicec3 �e:_�r;�, �r��= c€a��Z, rz�;m'�er o�' :,aid ., � boe��c3 �xit�a33. �ac ,�x����ic:;����; �,�ic:�.��:�oi i�t�r� �,� i,i�� ]..��:a'G ge�:x� o�. a�Ze .;���r;� ��1r �:;h�.cl�. 4�a �.� ����nai��.t�c�, aco'��..;t� ?. '�tii:� o�c��rz�nr�a a7iz�',' 1. �a���� a:���eL �w�d be. i:� �'c�raQ fr�am �nc< :,�':c.r i��� �rlxb�.ic:�t�r,n, P�a�c:�1 v�i�.�� /S �..;a o�" �' �i:�5�.�ar�1,1^�3�0. ' �'799/'1l1 ���1�U V.. ! � ii�Yi'..t. ��V14.l.C�d.� .0 � _ 4..... �,.�..�.r.1....�-�+...�.�..�.,..w.o. ��'� �;P., �te1 C. (i� Cl.e i s ��„ .� �<'ics.uliy p�b�.�r�ilec� ? �:; e�%€: ��c�nx�e�z n Co�an�� 2c;vi�r� � �,1f.�3�:, :49 , �`' ���t�� . � �.�^'r.►�g��i�� �,;:aS(���Ii'I�?� .�tT����I�af� I�S� ,�� �GOTiF��IuY� uF �'�L�;��: .'t��:�R y,f.t�F��:.��$ �� `�' � �€�:��.G�; �s� H��'�; �t�5. 5����L CsF �,g�T��;�Q��, �ti�i TF� Pi��'t3�� �� :�'�Oi�'IDT'� F��� r' � 73T�;�+�i:�°s'Y T�� ��Si Cl�` i�'C�S a�ii'Y 57�:?��R ��,ls.i�5 ��6 �UR- �3� A��' , 8���'J:�Ei� �.^�S�4R :��QUE A�9 ��Ct?1�?3 S�rR��� N���i�, � . - pra�e �� �o�. 193�. � �itEAS, ihe V�?� ���� +���,.nc�i3. o� thE '�flla �e o #' �o�k3.a�, b� �esoi�tio� u� �he Vi.�.€�ge ��u.ne?�l a�opted - 3=/ 3( c�ul.�r 8�'��Z'@ZPl _#� 8If f� 21SC�ii'� �E{3: ��'t� �B.itW �3�iS �O j3P4�8� �J �7 ���B�il o�' net�as�ar�i n���r �a�:�� an �.4.tT� .�ve�2ue �a��wee8 "�xeelsi.�a� �ve. artti ?•r�d ������ nQr�, do� a�d �om�l��od dur�.z;� the y�as 193�., a�� � �Ri.`'.AS� ��� bene�its da�-er��neQ �.ave be�n dul�► asses,�ed�. �;SC?�V.�1 t�y �he i€i�.1.p,-gv 8t�t�4#.1 0� t;he Fi1�.a�e s�� �ca�- k4n�� �ha� the �id V�.�:Z�� f.��� a�nd ��o�ia'�e �.�3�,�0 �t am4�� o� or�e�s o� eerti��.eatas a� in�e��s&x�e�s a�' s�id iT�.3,:],.3ge Ya� t,�.� pwrpoe�; cs�' pro�ici�r�g S���d� to cie�€�g the oo$t nf neoe�s- ar� �:��€.er :a�ns ��� �4�h I�� . , �aetw$�� a�a+e�laior =���� �r�d 2�. �t, ns�rtl�, �aar�e �abe ds �d� �S- ��) �nd to be �� �.��oniaa �3ron� Rri$ ��7 L:;S$�].Z'8 �:� �4�.�.Ot��, �� , � �� P r�-�'� �er� �o� ���3�2� es�� to �a�u�� �$n�l= �.�3�, �` 4 % ' E:��� .�nd eaah g�r �erea�'ter, �es}��c��vea�, � � �t�� �';-J an� t� b�a� iratere s�C �. i��� Pa �e o f si g �� ( 6� p�� sa�n� �e� a��wn► ��Qb�e ar�zn�. iy., and tha P�e�iaen� a�d tiae Vi'_I�� R�c��c�e� o� t�e �t5:ll��e Coun�i3. be snd aFa he�eb;� au'�hoa�3r�edt empa�e�ed a�ad �.nstr�c�te� to s��n �aaa o���u�e ���.� �e��f.�5.c�a�t�� cr� c�rc�er� a.� �e1�., the sa�e �o �he �igia��u ��.�ti�r fr�r nd�� les� ��a� ��ar, a�t� i;o be � acc���.ance with �eot�r�� 3D �s �`iaer�ded _by Ch2p�er l�fi �� �the Gcner�l L��rs �� 3��9]., s�eti�n Z5 �hereo�,: o� �he Vi�la� Ch��� �er a�d �3�e s�a#�tt►e� i� �.oh aa se matl� and �aro��l c�ecT , aad t�^ t the proeeedls �hessa�' to T�e used ��cd ��� hc��eb� ap�a��pr�:�tetl �Qr �h� pa��n� rs� �af A x.�e��s:.,� �� �x�ter t��i��c�. iru�tea c��iered t�� �or��oi!ag resala�- tio�. d� aove 3�s � ca�� o�,w io �F�a� seoa�ded b� irustee ,�nc� upo� bei r�g �ut td � uo�e �� � ur�an�mrjus�" aope k I3� Il FUR�i� B�S���B tha� �h3 ���soluvion be and �.b:� sar!ne �.s �,e-reU� �u�p�.emen��r� e�ad �►eru�atoxy �o a �revio�e resoi�a�on og '��e ii�llAge Co�►ail �a tria �ei� sub�ec� me��er ��.op�ed. � �2 :�'��1�� � ' v Adt�ptac �i�rah 1 �t,�.932. � :�T'�,; ��; i�re$ c.ei��"'d�'4'i11a�eZ'�o�na�.l �.� !/ �'�'.�i'� V1�1r��e Re�aa�e� , �tiitt��e �f �o�htxrs HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS. MINNESOTA �� �{ � �'�i��{i� A��{j�,�'���� .�lt,�°���a#���:. �,�"�,r' I {J±��L t�� ��'r���1� �Z�in� - � �r �1i:J.Ut1W� iJ�•`rY3jl'� i��il��.�'.. � � �3" S�lk:�. �J::..rLfi�i:y ��r. ��i�f.3..��v�.f ��t���J �r i�. ��tri:ii��i�� �'��. �t K�Lti�Q�.�`?�'` ��' P�WV 1�✓�,e�x d"4J�c� �4? �b''�SLE�.1 �� C�S`.� 0�' ��1=d�I$ ��k�I'�S ti=d F(3U�.'��� �V� $�T ' ��'� %.�*- . �E��I��t A��Ua �`� �'IR�T S�F2,.,'i'�;� �ORT�i• ' P7ro�e8t �o �, 19�,, , . ��F€sS �-#Y�e �S.11a ge � o�o i l o� th� iTi3�a ge O f$o���.� s� b:y �eeso3.u��on. o�' �he 4illa�e �ounc�ii �dop�e� ���� ,duly de- tez�ix��d a�d a.���rt�i�ed t�te be��.�'i�s ta �F�pe����i`� ra�son of� se�er r�a��s c�x� �.���a �i�renue T�et��ee� �ce�.��:�� �ve:. �td laL ��. north, d4ne �nd aom��a'�ac� du�i�g �h� y�ar i��,: an� �'�R�S,:- �iie �er�e�i�� determix��d ��re. �ieer� �,� a��essed;. R�S�J�V�,, . b� t3�e gillag� �ounoi�. c�� t�e > 11�� o�' Ho�kin�s,. tY�at tY�� �aid Vi�:���e �ss�.e �nd xa�oti� te ��-09 �� a���� oY ordexs or t�e��i�i�e�os o�' indeb�:e�dn��s o� �€��.d V�.II�g� �or �he puapose nf ��c��id.irrg f�n�s �o ����a� the ao� o� se��� n��.� on 14� A��� b��vaee� E�ce3si: o� �ve.- a�d I�3:�st .�t. I�o�th, same to . b_e da ted ��� i 5' 31 a�i3 ta �e �n: �.e�:omin���nn�. a�d � gI� fiiLl3"B +3 � 3. � Vl� t�7... � ..�..r,..� � ' L � � � �-ri �iu�e �o� �.�-OQ eaah}�a €���vre ,�a��1..,19�"., � an.�: �'flr es�h �re�r �1��resfi�r:, �espea��ve1�;, a�zd �o b��r �.nte�es� at therate 'c�� s�a �6. � p �r .ae�t ��:� ax�$�an-�. :�a�e anna�].��,. an� the Pre�ic��n�G snd �:..� �'�.11a�e �ea+��der c�� �he. �t�lla ge �ounoil i�e aad �r� %reby �utho�i.zed� e�tp_vv��ed �r�t� �s�ruo�ed ta s�.g,� s�d e�eon�e sa�d ee�ti�'ic�t�s� o� o��;e�� �.d sell �he �me to the hi�e�� bid�:er �or n�t le�e ��an p�r,.,�nd �o be i� aocorc�a�ae v��:ti� Sea��.o� 30 a$ Ar��nd�d �� ��apter �:4fx o�f �h� G��aer�7. ��s o�' 1�9�9.,; s.ec�ia� lfi :�he��o�� o� `tiae '�i�.lage: C���er Par►d �he- 8'�i��'itl'�6�8 3:II t�S,lfl$1 CQ:�6 Y{18td8 �Ii� j!1"OV1�BC�.� ��: ��13t+ '��3f: j1�'flt4Efl�.:€3 �. thereo�' ta b� use8 a�i ��e Y�ex�eb� �pp�opriat�8. fn� the �ayme��t o� ��5.r1 ��v�er ms�.�s, . iPti�'�BB fl��°8�8$ �I28 �Oi6g�3:i2� rP�011.].'�$�� &Ild moee�d its ��op �.on, � �.� �as seaon�e8 by ��s�ee � and th�:x� upo� gu'� �� �a �otQ ��;s uT�a�itnfl��Z�r �dop���;" � B� i� ���t �;S��V"�D �`t tY��.s resc�Iut�.on ��a �ffi �� ��� is ne�eb�r a�pplem�tAr� and a�mox��.a.tsr�r to ��revlo� ��so lutic�n o� the Villa�e Cov�n�i� o� ��e s�id �uub�eo� ma���;e� adap�ed , � --.2 � � �- ,; .�+3op:te d �a�eh ls� , 1932. d°S d� ��JJ, i �:r��',E �t30P @� . � �' � ' " , . o � � ge our�.e �tXXtt�.e �# �n��tns HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS. MINNESOTA �sazU�i�� �tT��f�;������G Z��� �� ?�Go�J:��T��i o� �T� ��� ��fi��N t��UR T�'� ���5� �F �'�iC3'GI��% 6� �, FEfi?!1'DS ��} I�E�'R�T� TI� CiJS� �F �i�:�����4L%� i��:��ZRS,.. � Pro�e�� �o. `��,,1931. " ���:�s, the vi].z��e Couno�i of �e g�.z�.a�e o� xup�f�s. b� Pe�o�t��ian oi th� ��lla�e �ovnoil atio.pt�ci�+ .(-a ,� d'�y. �c�t�.r���ed �nd: ast�@r��i�;e� . �$e ben��3.�s to pr�p�x 'y. �t reasnn o� s�:c�e�ual� re�ir� don� anci oora�leted du�a� �he �€;�r 193]�:, anc� . ��J�II��, t�ie b�neYi'�� de'���r�i�ed h�v� baen dnl.� �ss�sse�, �t��O��TFI} b� th�. Vil.la�,e �ounotl oi �h� Vglia��vf Hopkins ��a� t�ie ��i� �'ill�ge isw�u� anc� neg�tiate ��98.t38 in am��nt oi c�rc�ars or o8�tigic��t�s oi indelitec�nes,� of $sid '�i13�,�e fo� the �urpoae of p�roviding �nnds to defr��I the a���� of . said s3.dea�al� repair i�p�o�c���n��,: s�m� to be dated I-�R3-z. �d �o he .in �.enowi�ation� �.d to matur� �s i�o7�l0� , `�"+` �'6�� �Q3° �: J.�. -� �.'Bfl�1,� �,O ffi� �',ll�'f3' .e�. �. �.�.9��. aXld ;. 1,,,�93�, r�S�a@.at3.v0��, 8Sd _ �o c�ar in�e���t at �ie �e�te o:� �i� �6� per �e�t peP �rlxtum,. pa3�a:�ble �ri:nttal.ly': �nd the Pres4c�eat aact �he Vi�:l�a �ea�rder of th� gil2ag�= �ot�.o�l b� an�. �e her�b�` a�.thox�ized, em-�o.v��r�d and �.n- atrnc�ed to si� �. �xe�t��',e said a�:�ti��.et��es or �rrlers ant� Sf:�.�. �`i� fi8fil@ �3 'i,�l�' �i�.g$E:S`�'r b�.f�.d�'i0� Y10�«+ '3.G$S �',�ir`%33 �?8.I''��,.E'iTiB �o �e in ��oo�d�z�e.e �vf��i 5eot1_on 30 as �ended b� Chap��.r �.�fi . o��he F��rre��.l La�s af 1891„ ��tiL;� i�i the �o� a� �A�: ��:l.lag� Chartsr ��d the a�a�tutes i� suah c�se ��d.e. :r�d �ra- virl�d, an$ �ha� the proe�eds ���e��of to be �.sec� �ad a�e �ere- b� �ap�ropria �ced �cr �e Paf9men� oz . said iM�ra��men�, �r.us�ee of�e�.ed ihe �or��oing Pes�lu- tion d r�eved $ a op x n,:: �hivY� �as seeo:n�,ad. by �ru�tee : � ���. upor� bei�g p�.� '�:� a v:a:�.e �r�s t�nf.- .. m�u$ y op e . � AdOpi',�c� ��IBiC:Y� ].�1',.i 1932, . rE;� 6i821 Oi: 1 3�;� Oilz1C �i.�4`�� S.�` , ' S�B�SfS�i .B:C�:� . , . : : . _ ._� ,_ - � .. . . , � . , � f; �tiitt$.e .a� �n�ktxts HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA R�SOLII`�'�f�l� I�Ui'����+I�g I��iT� � �EGGrJTI:�iI�;� t��' �II,I�'aC� �"��.�t��T� Ft�R 'i� ��'�35� �F �F��iTi��G i+'Ui�� '�0 ��,��'. �'H� CUS�' �3F SEl�+i�� .�3) �,�T�� C:��- �G'�i(�SI�S A��3 i�S�'�I3,A�I01� GF �OI�.i,i.'�i ��CI�I�iLB � ��T P�tZV��� Pl�ffii'�I��'Y PU�ISU� 1� tJP�Zki���S �i�` .-- `� �i�G}�At� ��` H��'T€I�dS , Pasaed �epte��►�� �.3 : 191?. gra�eet �o. �� .,;i�?l.. .d F�SR �$e Ti�llsge i'.oA�(t3.1. oi `�e �'11].��� o�' HOpklYls.� b8 resol��ivn af th� �f12a�e •Cou��il s�:o�te� •� / 3 , i��a.1� � � det�rr�i�ed ,ax�d as�t�z t��r�ed t�ie b�ne�i�� �� ���pe�� y �ce�sor�. a.g �ec�er a�d ��ateY Qonnevt�a� a� installa�i�n r�� toi�a� f�v:��itie� on pr�.vate-�roper�� pu�e�+ta�r�� f;o a�ed4��.�r�� oes oi ��e Vill€��e o� Hop��ng pa�sed Se�t... ��3,: �917,, flor�e �nd t�omple�ed du��.ng �h� �e�� 3.9�1., a� ���R�A�., th� ben��its de�e�mi��d ha�e b��n dul�ii . ass�ssed, . soL : � � �� ��i�.a ����.ii o t�. � a � - - . � �. � � g � � ��� kins,. th�t �e ��id V�t3:1�@�� ���us � r�e�o�iate � _ �g � in amau��a� �rd�rs o� �er�iPiez�tea c�� �rtt�8fi�te�a.e�e o aa. ilill�g� �ar �he purgo�e o� provi,d��; ��� �o deg��� �he e�s� oi' �e�er ��d tii8'�i�P t30I3YlECt�,flYi7� SAI� �.Y28$g��€�:$�.0?l o� � �oile� f'�►eilit3.e�. �n �ri��t� ��o�pB��g pnr�usat �o ordinax�-: c�:es a�' �e ii i:l�� a� �o�kia� �:�ae:�e.d �e}��;.. �3,: 191�%, s�m+� :tQ be d�tsfl �� i,�Q3� �z�d �a ��ia deno�.�st�o�s a�d �o �a t�e � s �oY v�a �:; " - . ��hre�e �or � 2 I Q,�3 �_ohs �fl m���r� �€ua � 1 f 19�$, d�. 1 t�`�� erid �an.: �, 193�.��espevtiv�l�.,, �i1t�i ta ��8� f!i$�pES'� �.'�- �$B 3,'&�0 tif £3�$ (�3_}._p4'i' 6iE]2'F pei' �I'I�1�tt � �a�r �}1� 43i��.����.' anti ��e Pre ��a�n� � �zd �� '�is��ge Res��rd�� ai ��,e Sf�l�ls�e �o��il be �n4 a�e Fti;reby at�f�ori�:etl, empo�eFefl �rad: i�t�- s�rud. �e.d �to �3�: artci exec�u�c� s��c� c��rti�ic��8� o� orc�ers and �ell �he �r��te to �ne h�g�tes� bi.ddsr €�r aat �o$� � �ar, and �o �e �:n at�Qorc��nt�e �i.th Section ?0 as .�menried b�r Chap�te� 146 0�' ��e G=�x�er�3. Lac�s o�' 18�3., �eet3:Qn lf� ��iereA�, o� tYte �i3].�e �h��ters�� �� st�����s i� suo� c�se utmde �nd provid��.* ertd that the pro.t��eds -���reaf' �o be �sed and: �T8 �'18T��V �3��F0�}�:1�'G�t3. �OZ'' �h@ ia�ls7�21'� O�' L�181d CA�2�L�1�Yi5 and �ns�ailati�x�,: - �x��ee� o��e�ec� �he �orego3�g �e�a- �.U.'�i�.0� ��. tH�48 ��S c�: �?P �31s 4� ��k 1r8.�3 8@GOIl.$0Q �J� i�PLtStQEi ',-��� upvn b��� pu�� �o � vote � �r:3s �anQ. ��au� � �p�e ��: " , . . .._. - . , Adopted �%�rch �:�t, 19��: � A�'��,��5�:�• ' �'....�r"e�'�den��i�l�ge Counc��l. ., . . � e�e eaorde� �i1.�tt�e �f ��o�l�tx�� HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS. MINNESOTA Fti���3JLt�TI� .�t7��F►I�TI3G IS:�tl�; 1��'�A r�� Gc�l� � i::�� t�F NI�LkG'�; tid�I�t_�_i�T� �'JR •a�%� �'tiN,P�Si� 0�° :�'�O��I�G ��� "'� �y:F�,.'�Y T_� Cf�S�L' �1�' ���:�U���. %iI�1D C�B I�EC��TSTRU�TI�:�, Lo� 15, Blaok 69� �iee� �ir�aaapol.ie, SeQa�d �ivisian. , Pro�ecrt �io.�,193i. � �tF�F�.:AS s the V�.11�ge C o�o i1 0� �e Vi.lia� of �€op�.3na�. �'t�'�'6,�� "'� i 9 �--.^.= $�ar@—�� � � a r;s C A'w �° a�. � � ^ �L'� 9 (a --�"' • c?..t�.y det�rmined ant� Bsv�r��9.aed tbe benef'i ;.s -�o proge'~r�by reasoz� oi �idev�alk a,�� curb re�c�r�s��a�i as., �ot k6, Bl�ok 69, �ies� �ir�eapoli�, �eaor�� �9.vi s�on� ao�e anc� o ompletad dur3.� the 8ear i937., and �� 1 , the benef�. �s dete�ined P��ve be�u �uly as�ves�d, i�SOL� by �e Y�:11.��� Go�noil o� the Vi.11�� oi �o� kins, ��a � 1�,e sr� id Filia �e �.�su�e a.ntl negotia�e �216 �Q �n acnouu'� uf or�ers or c�ertifioat+�s v� indeb�G�d�es� af said �Til].age io� �i�e purpas� fli prav�di.r;� �unc�s to d��'ra8 the �:o�t of si�e��al�: �nd ou�cb r�eonstruc�i�n., Lo� �.5, Blav� 69, Hes� �iinr��€�pol�_s, Se�cond �ivi si on, sam� �o be d�ted r-� 93,... �nd to De in denorninaticna �nd tfo r��ure �s foll.�ic��; r/y to l �02+ �` BS,eh �o r� e . itI.93;4 a�d . l, 193�� s�ea��T �r, a�d �to be� in'�ere �t �t �� r�. �e o�' s�.x { 6) per �e�$ ;peP ar�num, �a�-ab1� a��u�3��� �r�d the Pre9ifient �n8 th� Vi��a,�e� Reaorder �� the �f12�e Cou:_c�il b� �ad arg her�b�r au�ax�i 2�d, empo�ere� ��d f.�t- �true ted �o �i�n and ��eoate s�i.�. ae�ti��� ��e� or orc�ers and sell ��e ��m� to �i�c� h:igh�st bidder �c�r no� l��a i�han �ar, and to be ira a�.cordaaee w��h �e�o��.on 3� as �endea bg Chapt�r 14fi a� �he (iertersl �aws o� 189�., se��i�n 16 �h�reo� o� �h� iTil].a;ge C`ha�te� an$ tlae s��L�ite� i� suc�h aase mf-�de an�t prov�ded, arid �h� t the p�ot�eet�$ ther��� to be u�e� and �re h� ��b� a��ropriat�d Yar 'the �,a�maa� o� �aid �ceaonstruatio�,.. �rus�ee o��ercd i�e �a�egoir� res �lu�ion :�nd m�d i�$ o �a�, oh ��a;° se�onded bg �ru�tee � �nd u� ;n b�in�; pu� �o s vote L;a$ ctn�ni- mous �r �: op e � �` ddag�ed �arah ��, 193�. T�sl �21 ' � II� �171__Qis �`�"�' i�S`T` : i .......�� fl�;e � t3f3�' OP.. r.,. �tiXtt�E n� �n�l�tns HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA � An Ordinance relating to the sale of Village certificates of indebtedness,Twarrants, bonds-or li.ke thereunto, � payable primarily out of funda collected from assesa- ments on account of benefits to property by imprave- . ments . � The Village Council o£ the Villag e of Hopkins do ordain as folloa�s: ' • Sea.tion 1. That hereafter, no Village oertifiaatea of indebtedneas, bonds,Tmarrants or other negotiable in- struments, payable prim.arily out�of funds raised and oollected from assessmenta made against�property bene- , fited by improvements, shall be executed and delivered to purahasers thereof untildetermination and confirmation bythe Village Council of the esseasments against the prop- erty benefited on account of any improvements for which such Village certificates of' indebtedness are authorized, and after the certification oP the assessrr�ent roll therefor has been made by the Village Recorder to the�County Auditor for collection, all in the manner and as required by.lerw. ` Section 2. This Ordinence shall telce effect and be � in force from and af'ter ita� publiaation. Passed and approved thie 29th day of �Hay, 1932. Attest: � V111age Recorder � President of illage Council � F �t11��e �� �o�ki�s HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 1 B�SOLIITI08 AFFIR�IPIG ASS�SS�Eff� �0� �dATER MAIbTS OA �4K AVENIIS FR.OM E%CELSIOR A9IIJiJE � GOOD&ICH AYEt�S 2 �1VD Oid GODD�ICH 99E�ITE FR0�9 P�014g AV sf'HQE TO II4TBRLAC�H AVL2sTTUS� HILI�P, �, OF HOPKI�iS�E�INN. : 3 , Pro�eot #1 1932 4 A RESOLU3'YOR .AFFI1�6d�NG ASSE�Sb�I� FO$ V�AfiES MAIN� ON MQNR A9EI4aE FROM 5 E�ELSI08 ItVI�:� TO �i10DRTCH AVTiNE AND� ON QOODBIQIi AV�3II.� FRO�t �HOI� AV�UE/��INTERLACH�N A9�1�, �rae o�i'erecl by Trus�ee �nd {�ount�f�meon s rY/ �����/_, 7 The Vi].la�o Caut�il oP the aills� e of HopkSne meti in Ad�ourned re�uler seaeion on the 2�rd of August, �932, a� 7e3a ��alook P.E�. �.t tihe gillage 8 GounoiT Chsmbers �f th� Mun�.oipal �u3ld�ng o�' -safd 9il lage;being the �im� ar� plaa'e appointed in a d�ly publi�hed �aotice of hear�ng ;pursaan� �Co ft� • s 8eaolat9.on sdopted Bttgust 2, I932, Sor t�e purpose af asoertiafnirig and easesa�.ng the '6eaeS�.ta �o �he property �ithin said' ifiliage con�rred by the lo it�xavemen$ kna�n �a �►ete� extensions rnthe stree�s hereinafter namac3'end afte� heari� �11 test9.moay by or �.a behalP of all oP the; persons an� partfoe 11 in�ez�estea, or whose propert�r is affec�ed by saia improvement and�a�r3.n� },o b� hee�rri��nd beit�g fully edvised §.n the pa�em€eea, tha' folla�fng Reaolution 12 �as atloptecl a vi� s . � 13 �VH$I�EAS �. pureuar�t to Reaoluta � sdoptsd t.�,y d4 y 1932 's by th� 14 , �$���g� �au�il for the aonatruoti.on of �ater maihs in the 9filage o� Hop- kins ae �o il�� s � 15 _��ainsh pipe an Monk Avenue f'rom £xceleior Av�nue to . is �oodrioh A�nu� �� r�t on t�oodrSah Avenue Prom Monk Avenne to �te rls.chen .�ven�te � 17 l'�te WOPI�. t�P90P YL&8 �aen dono and com��et,sd. ' � i11�8SEi,S, Axrauant to reeolntion of the.y'illa,�e Goune�l oP the D'illage 18 oY Hopkine i M3,nn:, edopted �e.y ?g,, 1932, the propose�} assesamQnt of th� amount proper and necea�ary t� be �speage.l.ly asseseea for �uch improvoment agein$t � 19 every asaeas�ble lot� pfieoe or percel o� lena effeated by such 4mprvPeayexits on the bae3,e of benePita- without re�ard to cash ualuatitm in accordance wit,h 20 �ap},��5 .g� of tt� Lar�s oS I�f,nneeota Por td�� ye ar 1921, o�hiah hee been mada 21 ��d 4e an Pile vrith td�e Vfllege Clet'k fbr publfc inapeat3an � end hae been auly etabm3ttec3 to the qillage Qoarzef.]. Por oonei8eratBon�: and whereae 8ue notice hss 22 ��en ��°°� °� �e '�i� _ at�d plsoe �hen and where the Co�mall v�.11' �et and pes� upo.n t�i�e. said propoaecl seseasment and Ysear �e�d pass upon al l objeo�t,dons, iis � 23 ��:� � u�' ema nd tY►e sa�a s� , ` y �,_. A�fEST : 35 � s$den of Villege Councils HOSP & VESELY ATTORNEYS AT LAW � NOPKINS, MINN. 24 140�P� �R�E'OBl3,. Be �t -Rssolved by the afllage Qounoil oP the $illege oP Hopkine� that tha aPoi�esafd propoaed asse�sment be and the s�e ie hereby 25 adopt�d' made an� aona�itute� tY�e epeoiel asseesment against �he lots, piea�s and parveie o�la�td therein aeearibed and ah��,l be a lien ��en the proper�y de�- 26 car�bed therein and a11 thereaf,� vrh3ah lien �hell be �onourr�nt �i.th the genersl �axes aseeesed ag�inat saf8 praperty snd tha Clerk fa here'� di.rected to 5.m- 27 medi ^tely tra�aem9.t e oertiffed auplioe�e thereoP to- the County Audi.tor fbr aolleoti.cm in the manner and ae required by lavPr `end be �.t flarthsr reaolve8 28 t�hat the praaee8s of easessmsate levied agaiast the pro,�rty benef�tec7 b,ysai� in�rnvemen� -be an� h�re here'b�r approprfa�ea and set �side ae a separa4,e ep�aiel 2s a�s�ean�ent f�nd far the paqment og �rater warranta, iasaea by the Pillage of Hop� 30 �ns to oover the aost and ex�nae of saisl improvemgnt, aii in aceordaeee �ith th� statu�ea in �uch osee mac�� and provide8• 31 �ounailmRn r,�►ho offerea the foregoi�g esolutiox�, 32 thereugan moQed it� a op on whioh �a� setscmdecl by aouna3:l:::an � and upon being put to a vote wae aaapted ananimously by a11 m�.n era e�� 33 91�.�s�e Counail. �'. � 34 9 la�e C er� � /-� 1 F2ESQLlT�ION 1�II�ORTZII�G ISSII$ A.�i� 1��G()TTATIOI� OF �JATisR t4AYN' E%T�I�SIdN Z � C�RTIFt�:14T�S OF IRDE��DN�'SS OF �'FiE FliLLAGE �F H�PK�t'b, C0�19�3C OF . $ErT EPIt�p �TAT� OF MINN�SQTA� FOR �S PURPOS'� OF PROVIDIATa FIIIQDS ^t0 DE�Rt�Y �iL C0� TS 4F �CESSARY i�83�sR PP:Z6YN �XT�IiSI�S 0& PSONII A�JI:RUS 3 F��T TX�CL^t Il?R A�I� � GOODRICH AVE'� dilD ON GOOPRi�H AV�rtC1E �'ROL3 4 LiONH d4VV�TtO}� TOI �'��RLACH�fi1 AVF,�!1U�. . i 5 Pro�ect �l • ��iZ t s �R�AS� the neveseat,y stepa. heve �en t��n by the �311�g� Cvunoil of the Vf],ls,? e oP Aopkine, �oun�y flF Hennepin, State of Minnesote, f�� the � construction of weter maine in eaid i��llage pura�xer� t�o Chapter !�25_���e �we o� I�nne 8ota �or the ye�r 192I. (, 8 r � 9. �D i��iEItEASa pursuant �o resolutian of the Vill�� Coti�ici�.� .oQ said `�'illsge adc�ted Id��r29, 1�2:, it �ras deetime� neaeasery and egpedfent far �b be��t inter.ea�s 10 0� e�id 'P�.�lage to aonatruct water mei.ns i.n the V�, lag� of Hopkins:, ea f'o7,laavs: 11 6�3noh pipe an �donk Avena� f°rom I�coelsfo� Avenue to Goodrich Acenne an8 on Gooch►3.ch Avenue f rom Morik . 12 Avenue to Infsrlaehen Avenue 13 �414D C�HEREAS, the C�ctnciZ has oataaeci p3aae snd �pe a3,f'�.c�tion� to, ba a�.de �'or eafd �rop?� and 3mprove�t�t� wh�ch a�a on Pi.le with the GZerk. 14 � AhD [�R�'ASi s aontraet for Lha s� o�f �g��,g5 paws aaa�tior,el eapense 15 og publ5.cationa, ;ega1 end enginc�er9.ng servicess. amounting i�a the egg�egete oP 16 �bGA.00, has bee� �luly ],@t f.or the oonetruotian of a a�c] waier �+ina on t,he atreet� e.foa�es�id, 17 �}PID T7HE.RPA,S, it �s deeme�4 ne�oesary an8 espedient Po� �l�e best intereete 18 of eeid V�11sgF, 'i� ma�e eaid nsceseaty improvemeats .snd �ater ex�Eensions to an8 to msin�ain the esi��ing weter syst�n in sa�.c1 Village. . . 19 � 41� i�RE�S� 'by resolution of the 'Vi.�ls�e Coci�co�i adoptsa May 29, i9S2, 2o tho �'illage Fteaordet� �raa d3.�ec�ted ta oeleulaf�e the amat�nt proper an8 ne0ees�ary • ta b� ee�Qc3a13.9 �$se�aed an the baefe aP one�t,hir�3 af the c�et for �re pra• 2i teata.�n, ���.inet eaah asaese��xe 2ots piece or peroel og lan� w��hin the c3istrict area+ and t�a :�wo—thirde oF the cas t oP a�.id �mproveme$t be e�eseesed 22 a��;n$� the �rcper�y abuttin� the etreeta �n �rhich asia water �aias are Ia3d, �.. upota the, baeig aP bexteF4.ts withou� regard to aseh ealu��ion. 23 24 �1D �IE�A3, it 9�e nec:ess�ry. to issue �rat�ran$e to be kr�o�n es �atep � �errants and to negotiate tdze ee� ir_ t,he smount af $g56p,pU Por the purpose oP 25 proviafng �,tnds ta defrsy the. cos� of said improtcement and extension� to the main— tenanae og the exfsiin� v�e�er �orke syetem �.n sair]Village in anticipat3an of the 26 oo��eotS.on of �uch egsoial aesesemen�. , 27 ?Jf�E',�,�REFOf� s�e T$ Aeeolv�8 by tdie V�llage Crntnoil o� the �411age of Hopkfns, Hennepin �otmt�,, stete of bs3nnesota, 4,h�� tne Said vi2l.ege f�sue� and 28 negotiate �9b60.00 in the eanount o� wetar �arrante of sa9.� Vill�ge, in �o'cordaace �ith tho autharity g3veri "9.n C�p�ea� 926 of the Lawa oF M3,c�nesat� Por the fyear I921, 29 for t,he harpoee uP prov3ciing �tds ta dePray the aos� o£ neveasary improde�n�e and e�en�i.on to ana maS�tensnce of esiat3ng eater �rorks ays�sm fn eQfa piLiage 30 �nd tha,t there be and there h�•reby are ieaued ooupon v�arrents of the '�'"i�1a�e of Hopkfns Por theag�regate amount eforesaid he�ring fn$er�st at the rate oP six 31 {S) per cent per a�num, payabYe annually, said �arrants to be 3.n denomination and to msture ae follo�s � � ' 32 ` ; � Ten for �9b6.00 eaah,�o mature danusry lat, 193�, anr� eacsh 33 y�ear thereafter. � 34 35 HOSP & VESELY ATTORNEYS AT LAW NOPKINS. MINN ��' 1 2 3 a 5 6 �. 8 9 io ii � �2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 • 33 ' �� 34 35 HOSP & VESELY ATTORN,EYS AT LAW BOO ANDRUS BUILDING MINNEI�POLIS. MINN. d 3'�at th� �411sge R,aoorder 3e he�eby authorfaea er�i d3reo!ted to advertfse for bids there£or, fa aaaoraanae with la�. , The�t the �lillage R�oarder an� �he Fresiden� of 1�a�V$�lag� Cout�cil be �d sre hePeby �.u#�.o�ised �na ��� and _inetr�oted to e�gn end � egeatrted se4� �ert9.fioatas.oF .indebteriIIese �r� �aid aonpons a���eclisol thAPetd� aru3 �11 the seme �to the hi�ea� b�..ddor fcr no� leee than par�:.�.nc� that the proceeds thereof be tasc� an� �re he�eby epprapr�aiea for th�, �ay�nt o� sefs] i�upmovemen$. f` � � ' j Ttvstee and Couno3.lmen ,,`�ha; off+sred the foregofx�g rasolutfon, upon a�ave s e op on;'�ii oFi ��s '�aoon8�d by C�una3�lman sn8 upon befng put to el vo�, v��a t�rianfmously aaopted by a me re ege Ca�no31. ;'. , . / � � l. �%��' AT�3T: � . �� :�� . .. �es3ciemt .o a 3.�e Co�3, i • � 1 , � � . ; : .` . � . � � � , � ,�. _�. .� _� _��cr���� ���������G� �s������� �a� ���.ov���, �r��v�� �e�.'�r�t�� ��.'T��. ���a . �.i��������s, ��.�� s��� �q� t�.�������s, ��a �u�x��,����t� ���n� r�� �EC�C�`iIATI��d �F ��'t�'�F'�6;ts��� �L' I��D�T�i11T�� �Q .�� `�'�.� �OSiF� T�i.�i'i�:�?�'. i R 0.�' � G'i' S i���s ���' a i5 --- I9 �a�:. `�D�e V�il€��e Counc�3. a.�' �he V:i2�.��� o�. Hop�.ns net �,t r��ta3�r se��ic�n,.oa� {3cY�c�b�� �, i34� �.t ��ae Vill��¢ Co�.-ncil i�i�F���ar� ie� tl�e P�lu�a�.ci��tl nu�i�.n� o�' a���. �l��.�.���� �t ?a30 P.P�.� 1��3�� �Q �.iu�� r:�d. �l€�ca �.��o�..�°�ed i.x: � a�,9 �ubli�l�ec3 notace o� £ze�r3ri� �ixsu�� to P�erno�.ut3o� �a�.y �da�� ior ti�� p��°pna� c�� as�er�t��n�,�� �.nd. wsa�;��ln� '�e�a�f%�s �o �ro�or�g� �5. ��h.i� e€�§.d �i��l�:�� ca��ea��ec3 tr� laea��y�����z� �c�a��on�d �m;s�v�:ri��ta� an �ta��:c�t� �er�d�i��`t;�r er�tncad� ,:�nd r��a� �C�r�rin� ea.� �,h� 'tee��r� �y or az� b�ha��' a�' �,�� ���s���n� �ar ��x�i�€� 9.nt�:�c�t�d8 or r��a�a ;;arn�°�e.r� i�7 :k�'fc���d �r �rs�.d �.�.p��ove�:r�en��, �t�ci d��:.r�.n� i� bQ kza��rd ��n� i��ir��; ftiaZ�� r�dvi��c� ita ��►� �a���� ���, t�aQ �p� �.o�rir�� z°�s�Iu�.v� w€��� �do�i�, v3..�s a�3� �'I's�Ii�'�S, �u�sut�ni *� �eSc�3.u�;i.cra� of tl:e Vis�.^�� Ca�«x�c3l, �e h������o�e cik�l�r z��c�p�ed �c�n`t�'�.c�� c��x�� dt�� ��t foA �� �"o3.��s��.tt� . i�u�r�v���r�t�, ��»a� �: � Ap��.�.�:��iar� �i '�.���3.�. T_a��an� e�n %'b�,xrtc��h �y�cr�t�e �t�����n �'�:c��.�io� ���n�.e z��t? �'�.�:�t ����;�t i�ra�°�hd ���s�e� �ssi�► �act�z��3.on �ra S9.r��h �v�xa�z� �ea���?9 �i�t���ra� ��c�n,� �rzc3 `�hirci �tr�et� �az��. S��qr a�:r�i.n �tenu;i.�an �z� ��v�:�,tk� �%���ae .���rtk�t �.frr��, :i�:i�°a1 �t�'o�� � �rtY: �'or a. d�.�t�tice '�r �ig�t�r (8�3j �'o��o �.n� t}:e �ork th�x�eaa� ;:�a been �.ane ax�� csa�p�.�a't�d, l:i3� �`�s: �Ll?.�A58 �rs�.a.-�� t� r��e���at�s�n �f Va��.�ge C��r.e�i�. :�e3c���ted� Sc:�t�z�ber 2Jp �.�3� �s 4,he �rayaa��sr� 4���c����ta�a�t o£ �t�� �mc�ur.t �ra�a�x �?r�d nev�m�ax^y �:� �Sc ew�aC��l� r-a�4���e� ::ar �.nr.h is�p�av�r��*a� ?���.���� e�rexy �.s��cs�lai� �.o��p �a�,�c� �g i���aE31 ah �.,�nd ��'ia�t.�� �r,� �uh ����°�v���s�;p o�: *�h� b�sis r�f ben��3�� .�i���o�� ��;��x� � c��h v�.a.r�iiar� in �ecas°���c� �.�.��h the ���.f;:��,��.� �.n ��ac3� c�.��s �:�c��_ �.�lc� ���vic��_d, r.�s2ch 'xa��� �ae�n mcde �r�d i� c�r� ti�a § 3tia t�Ze Vi1�.�.$� �l�r� �c+x ,�ub�.i e it�ep�r aian, r�nc� h�.s b��n e�.z�,y suY�m�i i;�;�d i� �.�.a V�.1� �g� uo�:nw3.I �'�r �:t}n�� �e;re.t.;�nra, �ne? �kaex�e�.s c3uo notiea r� 4� b�€;n ����rt o� �h� �raa ��a.d �1e �q gah�� Rnc� ���k�er� �h� �ou.�a�a�.i e�3.i1 �a�r�� �n� �.�� �z�ats� tl�c� ��ir� ����.ao��d cs�����cnt €:�d ���L�j� �:,€a ,�i:ss u��an a�.�. ob3acLiv��, i� �, c�e e��ci ��z� e�;►�. � 1�Q�, 1H�!�E?;`•ai?�, 8� �� cF��c��Lv� b,� �4�e V'i3.lag� ��unc3.l caf ��e �,�ill��� oi ffio�k3.n�y '���at �4�� ��t����,�d t�3�;���;d r���w���:�a� bP ��°;nc3 t���; ��;�� i�� horityy ��ds�;���d, m�d€� �d ca���i't,���;�c3 ��� .��s�ci�.1 �s� .��ez�t ��c�,ng� �1�� loto' g�.ace� ��d ,�.}�rcei� cr£ l.an�i ' ��t�� �3n �a�cr3.bed ��;^c� sh�3.�. be � �.f �:� u;:�ri '��e , x�rc���s°'� c�a��rib�d t�i���a�*� �d ��� �h�xe�:��, �r�iych �i�,� ��i��. b� v�r:cur��a� �r�.th �,&�s gan�ral tar�es ��se���s� ���.�.r.�� ��::id ��.r���:r�ya �.nc� t�:a ��7.�r% 3.� ��r�� t�:a�ac'��d 'F,o ;�ed.i�tely �r��.� � c���Gi��,ed c3xaa�.3.c�� �?��x�c:rai' to t�e ���uzt� �.usiiY,a� thar��o£ �c►�° col�.���.�n i.�i �hc� ��u�n�x �n� �R� �r�4;�a�.�°�d '� I.k;��. :nc� �e it �'u���er r�wa3ve.a 't�h�� �n� �ra^c�d� a£ €�„w��s��nts IQv�.c�d �g^..i.nai� the ��rca��:�t,�r b�n�f'it�d 1$ �4��.c� �,�►�r�vs��t b� �nr� �.r� la���hy ��_:��s��.�.�d �ac1 aqt ��icis �z� €� sr��r�r�.te ���.re��.r;�. �����ssa�tem� �t�xad f'vx� �hm �a��x�.:,�t of ca�r��:nt�� 3��ed b3r �*�� V�.�.la�� n� �is9��s +.,� c��v�r th� c��� �,nc� c::;r��r��� r�� s�i� im�r�v��an�:gF �:1.1 :�m ��c:ard�r.g� �p�.�h �he �t�tt�°��� �.�► �ta�:� cr��� ��d� �o�d �aravided� �'���3 �3F I� .T�t7i��I.� 1"tiT�S�Di,ii1?�a � �.� '�i�.�.a�a C�ta�ac31 c�� -�h� V3.���;Q ��' H�p�.ts�, ���it er��d Vi�.�,e�+� is�uQ �u� a��o��3.s��a �3.a35.�� 3r► �a r��rou�.� o�' F�e��e� i��� �.t�s���.ca�x Ca�°tif�.����s c�� T��d.eb��c3�:��a �.� acr��axd�sn�e �;i� au�Li:o�.'t� �3.v� b;� ���ter ��5 caf tbs i��av;� ra� �.n�a�n�� .�or ��e ��t���r l�� zor ti�� ��ax��7ase �F ;���idin� i'�tnc�s '�..o d�f�°� �v�`L9 a�f �����a�a�r �.��rov��:en� x �ra� �$�.nt�a�c� c�f the e�.��i�:� c�:z.t,�a� r:�r% ��t� ia� e���.d t#al�.��r�s :'�n�. t.Y�a�'� Lhe�e bo �.:3susd cpu�on �art3fi����a� o�' S�.a�debtednaa� of a�id V�13F�e ��� the ���re��t� s���ou�.� a�or��a3.a, b�sarin� ie�tarE:st a't �the r�te of �bu� pEr cent (��) g�er �nr�u�,. �ra�.�m�i�e �ntau�,i yr; s�.d ��rtif�.r��.tc:� �i �ndet�t�cin��� �t� �Q �n de?��rAj.n��3t�n an� tm matu�� r�s �QZ�.e�ruas k'iv� �cr ��!�.�� ��a^h �a ri�.�.ur� (�w;„ob�:• in 19�5� �nd a�.ch y�ar +rherc���'ter. , wa�t� C�stafi,c+�t�a e�f I��deb�tedness �nd �rzt�-r��� couvons ��cox��to r�„�¢��zck�ed �ha�l �e 9.n tlae u�u�;i tc�r� 3n ��uch c��e�, {xnrl pzy�ble. fx�oxi itznc�s coll�ctad frc�m the �s�oasme�� o� �Gi�� �c�a� oi th� ��i��r �.�.n ��tens�Q� i�pa�o�re��n� �n �i�th ��renue reor��a betvaeen ��c�nd €�iid i;lli�d sL�ee�ts nortl�. ,�►�� 13�; I'� I''tJ:�liia�ft I?�;��V��TJ, L'h��c 't�:� ��zti,��.c�ztt�s vf Snrl�bf:�r�c��� �+� es.id Vi.�1.r�go bo :.t�s�ed sa the aum �of �;iwi.iCla q�a r,��;Atit�t�ci yar the pu���s� C!�' '�i�'f7P�C��.t1�; 7�tAT1L�� '�J C�d?��'CI� "G'c�i :��'� �J� ��1:`. ����3�����OYl 4Ji' '��iV'�� ����.`�OIi� s�aa .�ourteoa�t�a r�v�aau� tae��earr� I�ce�.�io� �vGnua �,�icl �'ir:+t �i�r�et x1a��th,, b��x3�� �.n��res� at ��� r��x'�� noL tc> �x�cad �ix r�z� cent (G�,) ��sr a.nnu.�, M�id �e��i� fie��e o�' T�e�r�'c�te�e?�tQ;�� �.a 3��: f.�z; eie�arain�:�i�n c.r�e: t,a �s�tur� �� �o�.lo«�; 'Thrt�� �ox ��i`3.5� ea,oh �ne: Y�sa �turs �?ct�ober �, 1J�5 and ea�h yc�ar v�:,e� a�ag��r �.ric� �,i bea i��u�d �.n t?�e �a�u��.3 fvr� c�b ��ach c�;��;r� ��cte ��id ���vid�d. 11�33T� Bt�� xT FGA.�FI'��6 Ri�vCiY+V'�T1s �i�lg"� ��id Vil�.age i,ssaa �,nri n�;�c�t3.��r� �aoi��r w,��6.u0 in til;� .�nc��« o�' Ca�°i�i�icrr,te�:� �f ��►d��tedn��s of' s�..�d V�.11aga s"or �he ��o�@ o� nrou�.c�3.n�; �'und� i;o d�i`r�a� tha ��st of �?ar�r na� �xtQn�ion on s�v�n�t� �vc�:aue�nortka �aor� f�:i.rd �tr¢�et ��x°thH �or a �:i�t�nce o� e��hty (8�) fc�et, beari�.n� in�ere�t r�� tho' rs�t:.1 not 1� eac�e� : 3x �er vexa� (Ei�+) ;��r �nn�zm, p�yab:l� �n•aaI]ya s�.d C���ific�i� i� f,o b� iz� c��nc�n•:.n�:�`.ion, �.nd tc� ma�ur� �s f�llo�r�� � ��re� �'or �4�.Q0 �uch, to ���i.i�re t�ctober 1, 2:?�: �.nd. agch � c:�:r �.k�ar���er. � B� Z�:' I'�i:`�"��;�: PF: i�%V�'U� th�f� �ha Y:i�.l��� R�caxd�r e:�;d €'�F;��ie�ent oF th� '�i�7.r��g Cc�i�ncil be crid r�x°� h�raby Aut�ox3.s:�d, �►gow�r�d �.nd an�tx�uc�ed tn �i�n and ��ec��Co EF1ic1 Cert;,i.f'S.c��te� c�i Ind�btEdxa�ss9 �zd �el�. ��::�� io t�e ia�,bs���t b�.ddar. £a� a��at :�.e�� �iaan ��:.�, �ri t�t th.� �ra�ceec�s �Y��reof be u��d and �� iz�z �byr u��:x�ag�ri�i��a �or tY�e ��aer� V of ��c:� a�" �t��: aaf.c� .an� r��;�r�a�3v� i.�:prove���.�s. T.�ua��e �nd Go�nc3.�a� , �riaa n�'�ex°ac� tY�o %r�a;oing r�>s�olu�tion, �herou�z� ciavec� at� �c��?�*fans s;lxich r��� seeortded '�r� ��or,�r�3].�°.,,r,a� a�d upon b��� ±sut �,ca a vdte �v�� unen�r�ou�';,rr �.do���d �_ �3.1 u;�ab�r� o�' ti�t� 'Ji��a.�r Counc3�:�. Rcla;�ted Jetobex� �nd, i334. ,� , _ 1 7 �' RESOLUTION AFFIRNfING ASSESSHHE�IT FOR WATER DBAIN EXTENSIONS FROtH TVdFLFTH AVENUE NORTH TO THIRTEENTH AVENUE ON THIRD STREET NORTH AND FRON! THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY TO FOURTH STREE"� NORTH ON THIRTEIIVTH AVIIVUE NORTH. P R 0 J E C T#2 -- 1934 The Village Council of the Village of Hopkins met in adjourned regular session on the 2nd day of October 1934, at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Council Chamber of the Municipal Bu531ding of said Village, being the time and place appoi.nted in a duly publmshed notice of hearing pursuant to its Resolution adopted July 24th, 1934, for the purpose of as�ertaining and assessing the benefits to the property within said Village conferred by the i.mprovement lrnown as water extensions on the street,s hereinafter named,and after hearing all testi.mor�y by or in behalf of all of the persons and parties interested, or �hose property is affected by said improvement and desiring to be heard, and being fully advised in the premises, the follovvi.ng Resolution was adopted, viz: VPHEREAS, oursuant to Resolution adopted July 24th, 1934, by, the Vill�.ge Council for the construction of �ater mains in the Village of Hopkins as follows: 6-inch pipe on third street north from twelfth avenue north to thirteenth avenue, and from the railroad right of w�y to fourth street , north on thirteenth avenue north. The �vork thereof has been done and completed. AND WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution of the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, Minnesota, the proposed assessment of the amount proper and necessary to be especially assessed for such improvenent against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected by such improvement, on the basis of benefits �vithout.reg�rd to cash valuation in accordance �aith Chapter 425 of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1921, �uhich has been made and is on file with the Village Clerk for public inspection, and has been duly submitted to the Village Council for consideration, and whereas due notice has been given of the time and place when and where the Council will meet and pass upon the said proposed asseasment and hear and pass upon all objections, if any, or amend the same. NOV9, .THERF.�'ORE, Be it Resolved by the Village�Council of the � Village of Hopkins, that thE aforesaid.proposee3 assessment`'be and the same is hereby adopted, made and eonstituted.the special as�e5s�ient against the lots, pieces and parcEls of.land.ther-ein described and,sha.11 be a lien upon the property described ther�in and all'thereof, v�hieh lien shall be concurrent with the general taxes assessed against said property and the Clerk is hereby directed to immediately transniit a eertified duplicate thereof to the County Auditor for collection in the manner and as required by law, and be it further resolved that�the proceeds of assessments levied ' against the property benefited by said improvemcnt�be and are hereby appropriated and set aside as a separate�specia7. assessment f�nd for the ,� payment of warrants, issued by the'Village of Hopkins�to cover the eoat and expemse of said improvements, all in aecordance �ith the s"tatut�.s.in such ,'` cases made and provided. ' ' Councilman � � � `' ', a�lio ��off`ered' the. '�oregp�ng ���esolution, - thereupon moved its adoption which was seconded by Counci:Iman, ,, � ' �� and upon being put to a vote was adopted unanimously by al'1�"member� of the said Village Council. ` Village Clerk.- ---��� ATTEST: � President of Village Council. �, .. � � �. �,. 1 2 3 4 .. 5 6 . � , 8 . 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16� . . 17 . 18 l q. 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 . 26 27 28 29 30 � 31 � 32 33 � 34 � w — ► . STATE OF A�NNESaTA) • � � . .- . COUNTY 0�' HENN�PII�: ) SS . RESOLUTIOId. : � . . jTILL�GE� OF HOPKIN� ) � . � . . � �'.�'HEREI�S, at 'the �Me��in� of thH Vi11a�e Counci]. oP �the �Villt�ge of Hapkina, Ni1lnnesote,, tr�e at�ex��ion of the �i},lage Council was directed to the circu�n�tance that through mistake�the sum o£ . �19.60 �vas .erFoneously cM.ar�ed as an aEsossr�an�. for 19$.0 . �side�all� constructian and repezrs�againat Lot �.1,Bloak 69, �"Test. h%annc�polis,. Secand .pinision, �hicY� sa�d surri should have , � bsen aharged az�d �ssessed against �the a.djcsinin� Lot �12, Blocl� 69, �es� P,��,nneapolis, Second:Division . � � NO�,THEBEFOP�, Be it�resoZvad by tha Vilig�e �ouncil of the village . of Hopkins, r�ti.r.nesota, thet the gai� sum of' �19.60 erroneously charged a� assessmont..for 19�0 side�ralk cor,struction a'nc] repa3rs against Lot 11, Bloak 69, t°test Iviinneapo3.is�, ,Second Division be ' and the same is hereby abe,ted and cariae3.lea and si;ricl�en fro�i _ - the asnessm�nt reoords i�n the office of the Village Recorder of Hopltina, B�,nneeota, and be � it fur �har 'rosolvod trat tlie s�►id su� of w19.60 be and the same is hereby asaessed and charged as •ari o�,itted item for 1930 sidelralk constructior��,a�ainst Lot 12, � Block 69, ��1e.st �4i�z�ea�rolis, Second Division, and t�h�,t the Village Recordar be..'and is hereby aut�.�r�.Zea ana a�.re�tea �to . . , . .. _ . .j . . . en�ter the sam�.upon tha essessraent re�ords of the V�11age of � �_ Hopka.ns� in 1933 far coZl�ation in 1539 and:�be it £urthor rosolvQd I' that the County �uditor of tha County oF He�ine�in be and i's � � hereb�► directQd and autho�ized to aancel �nd abate the said aum I ' of �19.�0 as ag�inst Lot 13.,B7.�� 69, ??es� .B�.inneapolis, Seconc]� I Division, and the said County Auditor i� hereby aut,horiz.ed and ' :� directod to cb.arge. the -sazd ite� of �19.6Q as�,�.n o�:i �ted item�� �. .for 1530 sideraalk oons�ruction .againsl; L�t 12, 81ock 69, '��st , Ninneapolis, Second.�iviaion, arid to entor �the eams upon the � � 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 II 32 33 34 as3es�caent reccrds for 1833 for collection in 1939 in socordance with tho sta,tutes in such oase� made and provided, . and be it further resolvad that a duplicate herocf be by the 1 V.il,ia�e Cle�k transraitted imnediately to the �ounty Audi�tor � of Hennepin County. � � �L� s eai ent of' e Village ouncil. Attes�: •� . As Cler�, or Reoorde.r of Vil7.a�e oun� Datea �ran s, iss�. lil. �� � RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SECL�RITY" I�T�TIONAL BAN� OF HOPKIPTS, ZJI[NP�ESOTA as a CONT1PNIi�?G DFPO�ITORY FOR VILLAGE I'UNDS, iNHERE�LS, The Security AT�tior.al BanY os' Hopkins, Minr.esota, u banit au�horized to ;do a bar.Ying business in the State of �[innesoia has raade application to .the Villa�e Counca.l of the �iillage o� Hopkins tc be . . designated a s,:dep.osi�cr� .of village funds, ,and has oi'fered as security for said fund�s, the securitics,sche.duled in "E;�hibit A" attachvd hereto and hereby made a�part hereof, whi:ch sai.d securities as in s aid E�chib�t scheduled are�.hereby assi�ned and pledged to the Vi1�aJe of Hopkins as celZateral sec�rity pursuant to Cha�ter 173 ai General Lavrs of Iai�.nnaeot,�� 1925, and any amendn�en�ts thereof, in lieu of corpot•ate ei• pei sonal ¢urety� bond, and which pledge and assign�rient thereof to the Vi11a�e of �Iopkins rocites th.e ccnditio�s that such:�,Security t�ational �anl� of Hopkins �foresaid,� as depositortT,sha?1-pay over te the Villrzge Treasuxer or his order, on demand, or .as a time seposit rrhen �due, . free of exchange or� en�r othvr chai•ges, a.11 money deposxtod therein at any time during, tha period such c�ollatvral shall be so deposited, and to pay the inte�est thvreon vrhen due at the a�roed rate.; and that in case ef any dePault upon the part.of the dopositery the. i�'i11aGe Council of the Village of Hoplsins shall have full power and autho-rity to se11 such collateral, or so mucr thereof o.s may be necGssar3T to realize the full ar�Lcunt due the �illege, and to pay over �ny surplus to the depositoryr or its assigns, said collateral tc be deposited in trust �rith the Fedo+-�1 Reser�*e �ank of I�41nr.oapolis, Minnosote, parsuant tc trust; agreem�ent; ana . VPHEREAS, Said applican�; agroes to pay interest on villa�o funds at the rate of 2/ per annum on�daily b&lances, payable: monthly, and to be credited to the account ai` the Village on or about,the 28th d�y of each month, and Yiave alsc agresd to increase the a.�ount oi security as nay be .required upon demand by the Village.Councal; NOW,THEREFORE,•Be it.Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Hop�ins that tho ,application, offer a.rid deposit of securitSr �,11 as aforesazd be accopted, and that the said Securit.y National Bank of Hopkins, Miniiesota, be�ana the same is hereby.designated depository of the village funds o�' the Villaae o� Hopl:ins, said depo• its not to exceed at any tir�e. the aggre�ate of Thirteen Thous�nd,(�13,000.0 ) Do11ar�. Adopted l��arch 6, 1933. � /r / % resi�ent of Village Counczl. . a . :. l�ttest : � illa�e C1erL. � �; RESOLII`PIUN DES.IGNnTING`I� FIRST NATION�I, BAI�K OF HOPKINS, I+�NNESOTA, as, a CONTINIITNG DEFOSITORY FOR VILLAGE FUNDS. FJ�iEREAS, The First National Ean� of Hopkins, Minnosota a bar_k authorized to do a banking business in the State of Iviinnesota, has made application to the Villa�e Council of tho Village of Hopkins to b� designated As a depositor;� of village funds, and has ofa"ered as security for said funds, the securities scheduled in "Exhibit A" a•tt�.ched hereto and hereby made a par�c :hereof, bvhich said securities as in said. F:;hibit saheduled are hereby assigned and pledged to tha Villago of Hopkins as collateral security pursuant to Chaptor 173 of General Lati�rs of �sinnosota, 1925, and any anendments thoreof, in lisu of corporate or personal surety bond, and which pledge and assignment thereof to the Village of Hopkins recites the condition that such First IJational Bank oi".Hopkins aforosaid, as doposito�S►; sha11 pav ovor to the Village. Treasurer or his order, on c�.emand, or as a time deposit �rhen due, �free of exahange or any ,other charges, all money deposited thoreiri at any time d�iring the period such coll�teral sha11 be so deposited, and to pay thv interost thereon lvhen due at the agreed rate�;�and that in case of any default upon the part of the depository the V�,llage Council of the Vill�.ge of Hopkins shall have fu11 poiver and autrorit3� to sell .such collateral, or so r,�uch thereo� as may be . necessary to realize the full air,oun•t due the Village, and to pay over any surplus to the depository or its assigns, said collater�.1 to be depositod in trust with the Federal �eserve Fiank of I!�nneapcla.s, Minnosota, pursuant to trust agreemsr.t; and ti?HER�;AS, Said a��lic�nt agrees to pay interest on vill�ge funds at the rate of 2f per annum on daily bal�nces, payaYle monthly, and to be credited to the accouni; ef the Village on or about the 28th day of e�.ch month, and have �.lse agreed to increase tho amount o£ security as may be i•equired upon demand by the Vi11� �o Counci? ; NCJ"I, TiiEREI'0'_�E, Be it Resolved by �the Village Co�ncil af the Village o� Hopkins that the application, of�er and.deposit of all as aforesaad be �ccep�ad, and that the said First Naticnal $anY of hop�ins, tJlinnesota, be an� the same.is hereby designated depository o�' the vill�go �urds c�' the Villa�e of Hopkir.s, said deposits nct to oxceed �,t.any tirxo the ���regate of Ten ihousand (P10,OOO.GO) Doll�rs. hdapted I�arch 6, 19�3. President of Village our�cil. .�ttest : :� �'3��I08 DESI(��A��'l�TA� F�RSt �AT�O�f�. B91Qg fl� $t)PHffiS,. �3C19�SOT&i �e a t�ONTiNII�NG DF�P4S�T4RY' FOR ViI.LAG'�, FIRa'D3. � �R�, �he Fix�a� Natir�n�: Hang flP Hapkins, �:nn�av�a s ba� �uthor��ed �o do e banking bus�B�e� �i the S+�a#s af �nne��ta, mas �de .�PP1ic�at�,cm. to the Vi3;ls�e Goune�3� of thQ 9��1�� qY Hople�ne �o be deefgn��ed �s e dspoei6ory oF e�.��age Pat���l, �na hae �off�Fered �r seour%ty' ' � �or �tef,� Puads, �he ��c�ax�3��'�� �ohedu�rd !n ":�Ch3.b�t A" a���ohea her��o and herebq mgd� s p�ir� he��, ���h �ai.d ,��aurities s� �n e�i�d Each�b�t �du'�ed a�re hexeb�t asa��aed t�t�d pie►dge8 �c �h�r 9ill��e o� $opk9.na ae oollatera� sequr��y put��u�nE ta �Y�p�r 17� aP �en��a� �ar,� of' �f.r�ne�ota� • ~� � 192&; etac] auy e�rendmgn�e �he��of' ���eu bf oo�pQ�rat� o� per�onai ffure�q bor�d. and s�hi¢h �pled�� �ad ��ignm�nb thepep� �o the �ill��e oS Hopk9.�� reo��es th� oqtaa���on �ha� euoh F�rgt �te�9.qnal �ank of Hopk$�� af'or�st+i�d,. . ' s� �epc����cy, ehai�. gaq aver �c► �h+� V�1]:ag� �'r�ae�urer or h�ie oraer, cm � �emend, or ae � t9.� �epa�l�� r�'hen dae, Pr�e oP �iar►gv a� ar��r �h�r � aharges, all money depaeited �h�r��n at any ��.�ma flu��n� th� perio� auch .� doll�teral ehall be �o �pos�tea, sn� t� peg the �.n�e��Z thareon wh�A d� at �he agree� re�fi,e •, and �kha� �n o�se of any �efaulti upan the par'G of the �epas9.��ry the V�.11a��e Cou�aa�1 p� th� Q3.1�a� of' �apk�ns shal.l have �'uE�9l pa�er an� �uthor4:tq tv �e17. �ucsh aol�ateral, cr� �o muah ther�c� ee may 1�e .� a, neoeas�y to reel��e �e ful$ amount due �h� �il�age, em� to pay over sAy ew�p�,ue to the dep!��ftorsr ar 9ts aesf�e,�;�sia Q6�.l��era1 �o be depo�itsd �n tru�� w9lth 'F�e Fede�ra� �d���ve E�►rik ,�sS �n�ea�o��s, F�nnesote, pureuant �a tz�u�t a�reemeti�;# a�ad �REAS., �9��i� �pp�ioatat �g�e�Q �a p�y 3nte�e� pn 'v9.li�� Sund� e� tha ra�� o� 2� pez� �nnuia ot� de��ly b�7.���e�, 1�aYs�b].e �tr6�1�y; and to � ore�ited to th� e.oaoun� cf i�e 0�21ag� � or ab+ou�, b1�� 2�th de�r �F e�ch mo�a�h, and hevs ��aa �agree�i, �c� �nor��a� the amatmt of eeouri�y as ma� be required �po�i d�man8 �y the $�,�l�ge Cou�acil� � 1��'1, �EAB�'Oi�R �e i.t �e�o�.�ac3 by the �311age �oun��.l af th� 'n'3.11ag� of Ropl��na �hat the epp�io��qpt�, �f£er ar�� ��p0e�� of e��: � sf4rae�:9,d ba aooep�Eed, �nc� 't,�at �h� �e�d Fireb �a�3ona1 B�nk a� Hopk3ne, �9.nnesota, ba aad �he semQ 3.s heraby� c�e���natat� �epoeitidry n� the a�.l�ag� �!e of the 9i�.1ag� vf � k��a, �e��.d �eip���►�e �not to e�roeeci a� any t�me �T� : a�gz'�gate oF Ten �o4uga�� ���O:,f�O.�,� ,D,o��.are. . A�opte� �sb .6 j 1�3. Attest: / ,/ � ' :,- - �,, ...i.:�. �J e+�n A_ 5. ag� ouna . �; RBS�JLIITI� DESIl3I�A�INf� SEC� �ATI4�A�, B.AI3� 0�' HQP�INS, �EH1Q�S�TA ae e� QONTT�TIT�ta D��ITOIDi FOR �LLAt� FO1�dS. , �, �h�` ,Sea�u�rit�t 8a�f�e1 Her�k. of �ap�li..n�, �,nneeote, a be,nk au�hori�et# to do. �'6ar►l��t�g b���,n��� !n t,i� State d� M�.t�i�e�ota hea mad� a�p]��aat9.an �o the Y�,lla� ��runo�l oP �I� O�llage Q� H�,Pk�g. to 'b�... dee9.g���a a � aepo�i�o�' � ��.liage �na�,, �na � ����a � seau�i�y. �a�r' s`�3d Pund�;. �i�e ��eati�ri�ieq� ��i►�du��� i.n "Es��.Toi1�'.��. e,ttached hereto �t�d hA�e'by �m�ae a pa��E hegeoP� v��vh; �a9.d e��'u�i'E�ee aa in s a�d Sxh�bi� �o4�edud,ed err� hereby ab��gn�d atY� p$e`dged to $he V'ii��ga af Hopk�n� a� or�lla�era� e��ausi'�y pur�ue�� �r� Che��ater� ��3 bf Q�ine�a�; L�v!'s'af; B�,pn�g�t�:- � 192b��, �nrl s�ay emeridmer��s th�rea�s i� 1l,eu ofl corporate ar p�rebrc� �ur�� ba�nd'� e�d vi�9lah p��ge a�� s����gam�ont �here�P to �he '�iils�a of He�pT�ine reo9.t�e �ttie oo�iaf��.on �h�t �uoh �an��ty ��►��dnsl 8s� sf $opStin� afore�af�d, e�e 8epo���s�ry,�hsi1 pay, cr+�� t� �h�.9iil+ag�, Treseurer,, o�r I�ie, qr�et�,, on d�man�, or am a ti�ua� .d�p�e�� �n dt��, Pr�� of �xohan�rr or � atM�� , oherge�, ai� mone� ae�o�3�ed the.ret9� �t. e.ri��r �S.m�s, �ur��g the.. pe�rl;�@ ��h �ollate.r,�� . �l�a�l b� �q depos�.ted, an� t� pay the in�tereet t'hereoa� �xhen �iue �t the sgreed rste; and that ��a. o�e ,aF eny. def�u��, upo� the p��r� o� �he, ��pi�e#�ory �Ghs 4�11aga f3puma'�1 of �he ��].1a�s of flo�kir� ehe3,i havb �u3��. p�er �n� author3ty to �+�11 �uoh �ol].��er��., �r so mucii the�e�f �� rn�y be neoe���ry .�o ,re��,�se► the tal�: amour�� du� �h� Qil],�g�, �rt8 t€� ��r aver ar�r �u�p�ne� ta �he . d�poe�,�tiry or �.ts ass3:g�t�.a. �a9.� ovila'Ge�a� '�o ii� d�poe�.�ed 9.t� �ru�� �rf�h the FedexaY I�eerve He.nk oP �t�ri�e�pw��s, ��nes��a, ptir��ft to tru�t agra�m�at� and . ��A3,: Sa�� app��.�a�t ag�ree� tr� ��y ��t�re�� or� viYlage �ae s� t�e �rat�r OP, "�� �9r �t3t�m An �s��q ba�.�riqea s��,ara.bl�, molzthly� and Ln t�e orbd5:ted tv i�e' ac�oount m� th�� V�Zls�e or� or �bc�at �he 2�f.h de�y �P ��ch , n���, and h�v� e:�st� ag�e�� ta 3�draa�� �he �;mount of aeourity ee ma� 't� z�equii�a upon d�mand b� the 'V�lle�ge �oun�i�l; � ��',�R�FORI�s Be �$ l��olv�d by #,I�� V��;li�ge a�t��$�. ot �he Di�.lage of Hopk�r�e t,h�t 1�,he app3�oat�an, oPPer a�d d�pt>s3.t o� eec'wc�.i�y eli �s aForeaaici b� ��o$pted.� a�ad that th� �ae�s� $ec, ur3tq Se►t�one� B�nk af H��fns, bi�nn�eota, i�� �nd thc� �ame �.e l�ereby .desi�n�4�d �epoe�.�Cc�ty _ of the vil.�age #'u�e o� tha Y��.�a� of iippk'�n� ��a�d dapv��te teQt �o �xaaed et any���m� �he a�gx`e'gate of �'h����sb �hQuaand ���,QC�Q.00� Dml�sr�. �op��8 �arvh 6, �19�5. �._ . s �n o �bv o�c ; . Att�et : ' �' : i r/'w:/: i _ k �y r/� � . r Y.�. ,-:; � � 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 '' 8 9 -� �� � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 18 19 20 � - 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 - 30 _� 31 `�J - JOSEPH A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS, MINN. ! . . � ��r� , �6. � . �/ J ' � RESOLIITION AIITHORIZING ISSUE AND NEGOTIATION OF �VATER 6�AIN, EXTIIVSION CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS OF THE VILLAGE OF HOPKINS,COUNTY OF H�INEPIN,STATE OF MINNESOTA, . FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF_PROVIDING FONDS TO DEFRAY THE COST OF NECESSARY WATER BdAIN EXTF�]SIONS ON PURDY AVENUE FR,ON! THE INTERSECTION THEREOF @VITfl GOODRICH AVENUE, �EXTENDIlVG IN . A SOIITHERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF ABOIIT .SIX HIAVDRED F.E�T . � � . Project #1 - 1933. �VHEREAS, the necessary stepa have been taken by the Village Council of the Village of�Hopkins, County oP Hennepin, State of B�innesota., for the aonstruction of water mains in,said Village pursuant to Chapter 425 of the Laws of Ntinnesota for the year 1921. AND P�HEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Village Council of said Village adopted April 6, 1933, it was deemed necessary and expedient for tlie.best interests of said 9illage to construct water mains in the Village of Hopkins as follows: � 4-inch�pipe on Purdy Avenue from the inter- section thereof with Goodrich Avenue, ex- - tending in a Soutlierly direction a distance of about six hundred feet. . �ND���iiHEREAS; the Council has caused plaris and specifications to be made for said vrork;and improvements vahich are on file with the Clerk. AND VVH.EREAS, a contract for the sum of �670.00, plus additional expense of publications, legal and engineering services, amounting in the aggregate of ��00, has been du],y let for the construction of said water mains on the streets a�foresaid. .� AND P�HERE�AS, it ia deemed necessary and expedient for the beat in- terests of said Village, to make said necessary improvements and water extensions to and to maintain the existing water syatem in said Village. AND @PHEREAS, by resolution.of the Village,Council adopted April 6, 1933, the Village Recorder wes directed to calculate the amount proper and necessary to be especially esaeased aga.inst-each lot, piece, or parcel of land and property abutting the streets in which said water mains axe laid, on the basis of the cost of said impronements and upon the basis of ben- efits ecithout regard to cash valuation. � • AND VUiiEREAS, it is necessary to issue certificates of indebtednesa to be Imo�n as water mai.n extension certificates of indebtedneas and to negotiate �he same in the amount of �740.00, for the purpose of providing funds to defray the cost of said improvement and extensions to th� main- tenance of the existing water works system in said Village in anticipation of the collection of such special assessment• N09�, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, State of B�innesota, that the saa.d Village issue and negotiate �740.00 in the amount of water main extension certif- � icates of indebtedness of said Village in.accordance with the authority given in Chapter 425 of the Laws of' Minnesota for the year 1921, for the purpose of providing �f�nda .to defrqy the cost of necessar,�r improvements and extension to and ma,intenance of existing water �orks system in said Village and that there be and there hereby axe issued coupon certificates of in- debtedness of the Village of Hopkins for the aggregate amount aforesaid, Baearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, payeble annually, said',certificates��bf�indebtedness to be in denomination and to na.tuTe as f0�.10�98: . - . . Fide for �148.00 each, to mature January 1,.1935, and each year thereafter. � � -1- i ' �. • . s�i�►. �--• � . � 1 2 3 " 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 1�3 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 �2S 26 27 2g i 29 � 30 31 I � JOSEPH A. HOSP ' ATTORNEY AT LAW I HOPKINS. MINN. � Tha.t said Certificates of lndebtedness and interest coupons to be thereto attached, shall be the.usual form in such cases made a.nd provided and in addition thereto shall contain the follovaing endorsement, which is. hereby adopted�and made applicable thereto: That~said Villege of Aopkins,` BGinnesota., and this �Village Council, as such; do hereby pledge'and bind themselees to seasonabl� collect tYie�assesaments levied for the cost of t � the construction.of the water`mains for which these cer- tificates of indebtednesa are issued and to apply the same . to the payment of the certificates of indebtedness issued in anticipation of the collection of:said assessments, and if any.certificate of indebtedness or the interest thereon � falls due when there are no flinds to pay the same, to effect a temporary loan for the payment thereof by the use of the Village's credit to the f1.i11 extent that said Village and Council are now or may.be authorized by law. , That the Vil].age Recorder is hereby authorized and directed�to adver- tise for bids therefor, in accordance �aith.law. _ � That the Village Recorder and the President of the Village Council be.and-ase.hereby authorized and empowered and instructed to sign and execute said certificate� of indebtednesa and said coupona attached thereto� and sell the same to the highest bidder for riot less than par and that the proceeds thereof be used and are hereby appropriated for the payment of.said i�mpro�ement. . . Truatee and.Councilman � � , �ho . �offered the foregoing re ution, thereupon.moved its adoption, which �as seconded by Councilman ��.r.2i����- and upon being put to a vote �as unanimous].p adopted by all members of the Village Council. � Adopted June 6th, 1933. . gTTEST: � � Village Clerk � President of Village Council. � � � .� . 1 " 2 3�i 41I 5, 61 7 � s 9� > �� .� ii II 12 II � 13 I�I 14� , � 15 .-. 16 17 - 1R . 19 20 � � . 21 22 23 24 2s 26 � 27 2s . 29 30 31 JOSEPH A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS. MINN. RESOL�TI02� II� ��' IN ST.A��L��I�?� TOILETS SEi�E,R Aia�3 �PATPR CONPI�C�IOR, �0� 239 BT,OGK 7, '�T ��II�E��i}LTS. �k'�E.�EAS, . Pursut3n* �o a�► ordina,nce o� the Vf? lage Co�ci1 of �tha Vil��� e of Hopkina ado�ted Septea�b�r lOt�, I�I7, pxov�id5si� for �tia se— quirin� se��r r�nd wa�e� can��etioris in a11 c1�e1.3ing �.ous�a �d tho in— stalla W�.on Qf �il.e�a. t1���.°ci�. on a:El pla�tted 1ot� ab�:ttin, �po� stre�t9 3ra vrh9.ch have b�r�n la:td� and coras#�a�xct�d municig�,l �ater �.n;d sewei mafas, tofls� faci�.�..tie� �nc� con�.ectio�-�.s ?�av� �Qa�� a�3��m11ed irz t�E da�e�.ling nous� sit�date on '�hhe �aLlo�ri� de: cribed pro�er�, io—�vitis :�ot.2'rren�.�y—three (2�), Hlock Sev�a (7), �est' �tinne��al�s, accor�in ; � t'�e Te_ � �cor�;eci ���� ���ie��of ot� fs.1.e exs.d o� �e— cord i�, tk�� office af the Regi�ie� of� . Deed�, Gounfi�r of .�enrispin, vtr�te of L'15.�.r�es�t�� . ��1N� �I3EFtEAS, T?n�. costs �.nd .�xpei�.se oY �eifl installatS.on amounted i�o t�tc� s�ur► �i th�e x�.undre�. i�7,Li�.�4} Ik�llarsp ' ' ' � 1aND Y�tiF�"�;�5, � qit,c_o�.�.J . as duly �PPoiuted and qualif,�cd ardian of 9u�ust �. Peaxao�, o�meT of $�aid �arc:ais�s9 ha� ��d� ia2s. �rit �� pet�t3on �o t�.e Vi1�.��� Co+znc�.�. af fiopitiizs v�herein ��,iver is m€zde of �ex°vice of a11 r�ot3ces .�ravided f�r in �aid ora3.�1�.�ace a�.� recuo����r�o ti:�t t�se .�os � a.r�c� e���iz�o a� i�at�:Ili�.1� w��.d fi�o3lot facil3ti�5 �s efnre�aid be a�se�sed �sa.nst t�e �aid proper�y so b:�nefit�:d, � bd tk�v t�ze ��.� assFs��E�_�� ty� N�rc�d ovas €: ��F•�2, of thycQ� years, azid tY►�t th� ssme be cert�.f�ed to the Count� Aadi�to� for collectioA �s other avs�s��.�:�� �nd banE�'lts �nd to k�ec��e �, 1:L€:u oL s�ia �;�nerty pu�su�.nt tv said osdi��nce.. � . . NOP�y .T��REF'�F�E,- He It � Re�oived b-y the i�ill��e Cou�cil� of iiap�kine . �hat t�Q �:x�i a�f OnE �L'i3'1C��BC� ��J.O�.00) Uc��.lar� bs �c� +��zc N drLe is hereb� �sses��d as a benefit agai�s� Lot T�ee��r—t��x°ee (ti3), Illoc�. 5�v�x�, (7), P+ow;� f.'�i,n�r,��ol3sp �.ec��,�c�a..ng to t��� �aao�erec� plat or� fx1�s i� tl�c oF£icc of the� Regists�r .of Deeda, Cov.nty �� Hennepin, S{�te o� ral�,r���esot.�� that ti�e c�3t of s�i� �r.si��.11€��ion �e p�i.d ou� �f ti,e �e�aer�1. r�:vEn�.e f��i oP ea�.d Vi�.la�e andi that il�� s�m�: be �a�e�sea� a��in�t t�xe pro�c�r� ss� be�efited� p�rsble in thrc� equal. �nnu�Z .inst�,lZr���t� oxz Janu�.� l, i�35, J�.nuary 19 ' .�l 1936, �nd Janu..� 1� 1987, w�..th interost at six {�) per cent �e� annum� and that ��id asseasment be cert3fied t� �r.e Coun�.y �udi�.;os :'o�.^ c�l3ection at� .othe� asse�sm�nts �d. benefs.t� Enc� ��*�..11 becor�e �. l�.�n upon s��d �ra�— erty uxit�.l pa3.c� m� prov�deci b� s�id orainanae; and }3E IT Ftl£�TN�R RESOLVED, That t:ie Clerk �nd F�eca�d�r of the Vi11Age aP Ho�ki�� trt�amit a d�.i.plicate oi this reso�ut��n f,c� �he Coun� Aucl3.tor, to�etli�r with a certified copy of t'_ae a�ec�r� of said aaaesame��. �do�ated aL an s8�our�e�. meetYng of L'k�e V�.11a�;e Co�aneil held an . ti�e 13th day of � Ju� p I�Su a ATTESTs A.E.AAIDER30N, Village Recorder. � m � \ r �"� - - - - . O O _ �n✓l� � I / I / 1 - - / - -J-/-c ///� _ i � �s��� � i r � ., � � e• � . :. � I' f • • .i 0 1/ � �3r . i , �, . , .�'� ,� 0 � t / LJ V l/ � �\./ � .e �'; � � j � _ __\ � � `.z' � � % ; . i . I _ � � � ' � i , � � � / � I%'f i" , / r , � /� � � / � � ..�. . . � � � � � �i � r � . /� / / � � � � � � ,/ � i ' � �� � , , �� �� � . � .. � , � � �,- ,r' � . , , '. .' , , , ,. . , ., . i // _ �,-- :.. , ' / / . '� / ' . , � � � �' • ' I " / � /� � ^ • / / • � / i � � � / / �� / i • ' � ' i � / / ♦ / - � , �, /, , / , , i ��, � . -, , '• �I , - /, . , , � � . • � , _ _ _ ,, . �� � - � � ? � � . ��� ' � � /, � �,j.,.r. _ � ,/ � � � ' -I� , �� / � � r i� , , / / � i / � l. i ii� . [ � " / / w � / / �� . // � � �. � • � � � �, ' ' . . , J // /, .� .-.� � � � �. ' � � � i .� .• . . � i ► . „ . � � ; � � //�. / � , , . � � � ,, � / � �, . , // � �� ' ' / � „ , . , . . '� � . � � . -, - � . . . . ,� - . � � � - , � , , , . � �. � . � � , . � � � 9 / ��i /' ��r . .'1 . � 's / � "'^�1 / �, =' ./�- / , -,_ r . � � � � ��/. I , � � / . / / /� ,� . , ,• , / i :i • , / • i • . • � � /� // � / , � ��„,� � �• � � � ,. � /� � �. / /� �,. / / � //. ! , % � , � , . - - / �� � /� � ' � �� � � � � / _ ./. . � . � .. � � -- � � � � .r �� � � / / s � � � . _ i- � �_ _� � / � � � , � � �' � J . • . / ;� . � ` ; . � r � / , � i ., / � � , /� � ♦ � ,� , �� , � i , �� 33, 7� 3� � � � , ; . ' . t ' ' �' � �� t 2 3 4 s 6 7 s' 9 zo li 12 13 14 15 ' 16 17 18 19, 20 21 22 23 . 24 24 26 27 2E 29 30 ��\ 31 J03EPH. A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS. MINN. S'���E ?_l3�' �;�����'� , . vd�TY C9�' ���:3�ei"�I�a �; t t�$Ye�'.t`iC&; tJlr' si�i�''�F�a� 3 � � i:�:OL�Ti0�1 SU�P��DI��t3 �L1� ��� ��9�t�fi � ����'D�flp�'f }�'T�� . . . - �iaQrea�, �c����re E�.t3nQ of ��a� ��2.�'�.��� of ���kins, ��e�*�e�at�., �� �er�a�o�c�s �ra�t�d �n �� ��� �u3t���ara �+ur�nan� t.a t3�� p�g�.��.o:�� c��.- ��b�t�r �7A L��+� vf 3���3, �nc� �z��c�re�i►� tb4:re�,o, e�ad � ����sz°���e t�Ja� fl�d a�eo�saa�� �.°���a�� 1��� r�ce��.v� �aoo� reAief dt�r3.n� �hc� a�n.t3�raR.nC� r�Y �a3c� �ez�ei�r. f%°tai$Y��d byr t#te �'�.li��� og t��a��ia�e� ��.x�ns�a�L�, �� , . , �c�r�a�� �h�, s�.� �hwodore i��t�ne �i�1 rp c�iv� th� bcr�F�:Cs �a� p�c�r asi��€ �'ror� �h� �z��2iaie� z�� �CLa �'�1e�*a�. �ov��°c���� no�, �tz�r��o�res be� 3.t . � .' ' �s����.ved, b�* tt�e '��.1��� C�ur�ai�: v�" t�s� W3i�.�a Q� �.o.gx�r��, ��►.a� f'so� n�e� or� �tl dur9.�� the �ant�ausnQe og t��e �;�n4,�.�� o�' �c,or reli�� ff�om �.he �;����io�+ of i�Y:c� f ec���� ��v���e�t :aaa�d fro�� L�i� e�i�d ��.11W�;e �nd �snLi1 �h� r�sc�inci3ra�; of ��a�.s r��o1.�t.�:�n� ��ct t"rx� ;a�m�rit of �asy r�.s�ra ��nr��.t�n� Lts ��� aa�3.d T��dore ��ine be Po�i��3.th �u�,�n�3�d �d tY�t t�e Silll�ge �.�cordnr a�' aaS� �31,&�� �� e�i�ce ���a��h � t�a �o�jr �� �i�.�a r�gol�t�.a�n � �t��Q �v� mi Count� Cora�.�s9�oners oflie�ta�yain �our�t}, �49.nnesa�e. .�dopt.�d �t � r��ar me�'�1ing ot' t�s� Vil.la�e �unail v� t��� �f,ll��e c�� �So�a�ins, can J�nu�:,� �, �.��e. � .. - �. �'. �e�D�t�� pre�3.e:Qt��. . �4%�E3�$i ' . �i• �. �Ca�3�.i��i.."�� �eco�e�. `�' �� .1 2 3 .4. ;� S 6 7 8 ' 9 � 10 - il i2 13 14 1S 16 17 is 19 �� 2Q 1 , 21. . 22 23 24 . 24 26 �� � .2F, €�.I,SOLUfiI�� a'�1'��G Shla���S C?6=. ��::��s�iVE �i;�s ��'''t3?".�,�:'3�1� �'��;.A�� U"�'.�St�:i:ll:� 3.o P���ia�n� ax�d �r�.��te�:� _-- �� i� ry�:"��i���D t�,��c t'.��: gal�,ay r�i" �i�e rrc���d,ent b� �..f� t1;e 9�.c _� l,�ro�:;� �'::�rec� �� ���o�� ��r �nont��.� r�r.t� �;'.;.� s����y �g edch o� *Ll�� �i�e� trtts���� E�e r:��cl �:ie �,�.�c �s '��x.r,b;y �£�����d �� ;��:5.tifJ Q�r :J��tb, e���c:tiv� �rora t.►�c� �.��x� 1��.��:nn�,�� i.�.�� fyrs�.. e�#' W�r.u�ry, ��r���m :;�� ��,3raeal� 7t��rt��:�.�r �t�:c�����'��r, . �'°ii.acbrd�r --�3F :��' ft,;�� �t►� � t,ii�t v::� ;�al: z� oi ��.9 U'i�.1a� p r�eorci,er �i� �ind f�,�� s�r��v �.� �:c.r��r fixe�! �.t �'SSvi�t? ,��r. r��snth �,r� it�l� �or� �.s � s�r7;.�es €�z�c� *�ir.�Q �,ae�n� for t���:d i�� b�k��If o�' Li�e vi'�.:�n�e� �aw��t;k.��, ����r;�� �' �: f�•�m . J�n�:�ry 1, ZrA$�9 �,z:ci �a�;y,��7.e ch�a����t��°lyo 3v �:: �.I.��� As��s�or -- HL 1: �. �?�:S�r Vi?�� }��i�•t t}:a_ ;;&3�r;t �� f•�,� Vi3la�e ���e�soz• b� e�d t��� ��;:ne i� l�cz•r,b; f'i:�ed �t ����ar�.��.�u::e au�; �� �`?.��.�� ��r y��a �.n oci,c� ��u�nbQrc ;: �r-:"�s a� i��'� eq��cr����t�s�n #'c�r t�:�� �ir�rf'c�z�r.sr..nc� c�€ ��� o�' tY�.e �lutie� af s��d oi�'i�� ���;�"r��.� �- t�-.--a �s:►�.d.,:�e �.z��� ��,�-:�c� ;.�?.F;r3r ��.�3. �.:�cZud� �i�� acx_s�,:�n�e��a�a� a� �,�y Sw,�a�3:c�r�.���d c����uf:.�,� ��i�F,��ary e.t:d a��,x5.r.itarn c�i �3��i.(30 u�x� y�aar :Ln ��,r�n rr�,�bsr�ci ;���r;} �� !'�z.;_� c�s�;��n��:�ic.}� ='o� ��� �1�.�.���or ��r�c�. �.: �lA o:' t�f� e�ut��� o� u<:::.c� a�'::'3.e� ;s�;y�3b�e %;,. ;;�_., Vi�.s€�,��e, �.�d w!:�.�Yd sHl�r-y s'naii aitc:s.�asa:� tt�c e��:.��;r9;;�,t�a.�, r�.� .r�r.�;� ;,=at'_�:,�,���;d �?.��;,���t�, a�;�c�soT, �i�cc�,:Lve f'� o:.z J�n ua��* . �., �.:3:��. � . . �:. V3,�.i���a ��°:��.=�v�ar�x -�- �ta �.� a �r����i:Z� �tl,.�t� t�:� €��,��r;� o�' i�;Q Wil1.��e �`; t2'GQ3�4PC'ji° �r�; .:�.T9CE �Zif,' S�:•.�,1@ �5 ':1`>5Ta'�'� ?.'9.X'$CI Fz�'i pi'.Qv�:IQ '3C�T !?':ili;tT :L� �'111..�i X03° �,lZ 3o�v3.�e�- �n� ti7�� ��erst �ox� �a�.c.3 : n �j�::.��.�.f ;a� v'i? ��ti�e; :at�sin�ss ��d as :�equa..rc�:s b; Z[�ti"e €;.ir(?C:���;::� r'xo:._ J�;�;:��r i., "�.:3�;�, �,ayfa�x� ���;r��r�;�� t:�^��e4:i't�r. 5a ViI��,�o rt;,a�r_�r - - ��� �T �ti� �t���'.� �;s,ai, �,a�<, �w?��� o:: t��� i:i�3a�;� �.tt,or•�a€�v, �ca �,;,�;,o�r:t5:v� o ;'y �crar, h� �*:; it:.�� 9+�ar Z �,, .��,�r. F�by �' � :�eci Lt �30r:J.UO �.��� �e�z� ir� �'��.' fox• �.1? ��rv�.e�� �yt:c�. •.i. « s;�er�f x�r �.�.�:c� in hc;l�a3.t' �i' t'_::� v�.11�;;� b�isir����, ��::c.l�c:;�r:�* �.�Gv�;�d�rzce �f �I��t-� �ne��L:r�;s o� t��,e i�3���.��;� ;auac.��. �st�cn ��i,��s ��d, F:c�u�i.ec� ��•:ci c��.�ii�ion� r��ac7��rec� �o �he iT�.1I.��e C�,ta�:c31 �r ��� o��' tTi� j�i�3.�,�;=. a�'��c�.�1u, ��.t�.�x° e�l€�c�ive or �p��ir�t:�vt,, �����eti��. ►1���;� ��ut��.a�essa r�r�#:i�g4��; �� �uckr ��°c:�.,�t �:en� �:.��c� in�olut���z�s, cc�s+�.�°�.cts a��.d ►�'r.�r �s��Qrs . a� r�c�,ttc�s��� by ts.� C.�un�al�; sor 5ta��r_.i�il e��sr'.�c� �uch �� >i��.g�.i.inn �r ��i��er5..nc,t zn�ud�:d ��tF�i.�� � �;:,c� >03•���a�klb� Rc� s�.�.7.i xc.���ve 'cc:�s�enss�C? on 'or e�;iavic�� renci�r�c�9 he sc,cll �.sfl i�e �ei�,�Utaa�:rc► i+�r ����so�se �.�Jc�.rr�ac�, `�r�.e �'or���aA<�� r��r��.ution ��� a�"ferr:d �z�on •a�at:oii �'o� . �9 ts :���;a�ti�n, 'YliGYi IACJ.�1.fl1'1 wa� s�xonci��, - �.�d u���n ae:'ir.� ���,t �t,o � vot;�� ��.� �.c3.��t�a. �r�t�a J�nizr�r� ; , l�,�a. . �T'.��ST � �. ,m .�,��r,._,..:s�ry, �d����aer - 29 � . , „�t 30 . • �- � ; 31 JOSEPH. A. HOSP , ATTORNEY.AT LAW HOPKINS. MINPI. � (�o '�;�o `1�0�3F.'.�;, c'r������z�� _.,s": :,� . .. r. � t'�� ' '�� IN TI�E f�ATTER OF THE ADB�II�ISTRATION � OF C.�DNTY �7ERGI�ICY RII,IEF FONAS II9 THE VILLAGE Og HOPKIIVB' H�aAIEPI� COONTY' 6RINRlESOTA,� WAEREA9p The Goeernor of �the 3tate of �tirmeaota and the 8tate Board oP Cont'rol have al�.otted io the Coun�t.y of Hennepin �Y'rom it�nds made �vailable t�o the State of t�lfnnesota by the Federal Relief �dmia��tra.tor under the proviaiona oS th� Feder�.l. E�nerg�ncy Aelief Act of 1938 � grent fo'r carrying on d�rec`t relief and,/or �ork relief for the reiieP of dest9.tution th� haxdetiipa resulting from unemployment end otYier such causes within sa3d count�yo and . ��.WHFREA3, the �oard of County Commieaioneas et the,,requeat of the '� �linnesote State Board oY Cantrol h�� eatabliehed a Couniy'�aergency Re1ieY � Committee`-to acjninfster in accord�nce �ith the rules end regulatioae of � the Federal Fanes�ency Relief Admini�tration and. the State Hoard of Control ; at�y ftiuids e�hioh. have bee�n or r�ay be allotted to s89.d county� and EVHEREAsy $t 3s necessary to coordinate e].1 relief activitie� �ithin the county For the purpose� of efPicient adminiatr�.tion and inasmuch aa ' � Federal Funds are considered�only as supplemental to loeal. flinda� � N0�' TH£RF,FORE� BE IT R�SOLVED by the Vil.�s�e Council of Hopk9:nsD , " � A�innesota that it desires that its neec�r'residents ahall benefi� from the ' � ��;.;� admin3str$tion .of Federal. E'aaergency RelieF flands and that it herehy authorize� - the Eounty Relief �orker of Hennepin �ou�nty to draw ordera on ita poor fUnd � � u� to an � �mount nat to �e�ceed �/S.� dol.l�ra, egainst �:hfch the Coun.ty Re13ef �7orker �vi11 be authoriz�d to nake commitments Por the � purpoae of providing food, flael, ciothin�, shelter� medical and dent�l � care�. and atf.ention in the home� � �iND :BE IT �I`UP.TH�R RESOLV�D' that th� '�31�age Coun'ciZ of Hopkina� l�nnesota agrees to submit to the Board of Eounty,Commi.ssioners not later than the fifth�of each rnor.th a repart of �.].T poor rel�ef.experidituress � excluding those expenditures by the County•�19.ef �orker referred to 9.n the above paragraphD during the,preceding moathe 'i'he fore�oing reealution w�s offered �t a specisl meeting of the Village Council of Hopk3na held on 4iarch 2?' 1934� by Councilm8n. `_ who moved its adoption' the motion was seconded iry Councilman end �upon bein& put f,o a vote r�ae urianimoual;y adop'ted�e � Deteds Ed�Tch 2?0 1934e, ' Signed G, o�d00R.E� Presiaent of 9iilag� Council �;�� �- . . . attesta � �1- � _. � ,,, _�..._,,,, _�._ g. Eo ANDERSON� 9i13age Recox�der� s ? � :;+ � 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 �� 9 . �o. 11 12 - 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , t 20 . 21 22 23 24 2S 26 ' � _. =--- 2� � 2F, 29 ,.: �: �o I 31 . J03EPH. A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS. MINN. SSdSt.rvJ i./l 1�lidV�SA%L16A "- ' . . ' � ' � � COUtJTY 0�' HE�2�J�'IiQ � 11iLI,�G� Oi� f��P��IiiS R�OLUTI�3N SUSPIl'2D�A�G OL� AGE PIS35i0I� TO ��Ik�O��€� F�TZt�� �rcaa, T��eadore �E2ctf�.e af tl�� V�.�.1��e oi iiopk3na, �inn�sotas �es heretofor ��ur►ted an oZd age �s�r�a�.an �ur�uant to the provia2ot�s oi Ct�pLer 47� I,�.�� 4g 1929y at�d �am�nd�e�nt8 tbor�iv, and . ili�er��se �the e�i�d ih�oc3ore Extia�e ha� received �aoor rel�ef , during t�ie continuance o.i se,id �en�ion fl�rn3�k�ed by. t�e V9.13a�e of t�o�k�.�e, 6��aanesotso at]d . ' . . �ier�as� th� a id Ti�eoc3v�e Ext�.ne wil� receive th� benefi�s of poar rmli�� from tYze ���ea��iea r�� t�ae Fec�ea�a'�. G�vernr��aat� naw, ��are�or�, b� ��t � � , Reaolveei, b� �thQ -V311a�e Co'�noil of ttz� v�Ile,gv o� �opkins, th�at fPOIiI t10F1 Ori �Il�. L�Gi1"�Tlg �ht9 CU�].'�i�1Att82a.CE3 fl� �'i�Tl? �I'L�i12�i�.Sd1�; Oi �10Qx' P��.�.G��' LT8r71 the agen�aea o£ th� �"ederal �avex��nt �nc4 fx�ocz ���e s�id. V�aZ.�e arid until ti�e re�cind3ng of th3.s �•e�alutimn, th�t the �qym�nt of �ny �ore p�ns3.one to the. aai� �heoslorQ k.�tine i�� �Qpfelliv`'1�1A auep�rided �.r�d �f�at tih�� n3.ii��e �?c�eord�er o� s89.d U311�ge �t � o�aee flxaa�i�� e► � true efl,�y � o� �h�� re�olution to tlie Bt��td oF Count�,� Corami.ssionexs af �en�er�l.n Cvunty�., P�inr�esate. Adoptad �t �. re�al�r m��t.3n� af t�c� Vallr�ge Cour�cYl. �f tl�v �illage of� Hopkins� on January, 2, �.��. � � � � � �• �r �e����;s �i���.G�E�'11'�.• , .. . � , , , _ , , AttQsta ' � / r ' � �� ,.� �.� �.�_,..._o � � A. �. r����'�SflN } ��corder. ¢ . , t : ' ;71. � 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION FI%ING SALARIES OF ELECTIVT AND APPOINTIVE VILLAGE OFFICIALS l. President a.nd Trusteea =- BE IT RESOL9ID that the salary of the sident be and the same�is hereby fixed at �35.00 per•month and the salaxy each of the three trustees be and the same is hereby fixed at �25.00 per th, effective from the term beginning the first of Januaxy, 1934� and able quarterly thereafter. 5 2.Recorder.- - BE IT RESOLVED tha.t the salary of the Dillage recorder be and the same is hereby fixed at.�65.00 per month in Pull for all servicea. 6� snd time apent for and in behalf of the village busines8, effective from January 1, 1934,�and payable quaxterly. 7 � S. Vi1la,ge Assessor�- - BE IT RESOLVED that the salary.of the gi-llage :ssessor be and the same 3s hereby fixed at�a maximum sum of��200.00 per �ear in.odd rnimbered yeara as full compensation for the performance of all of ;he duties of said office p�yable by�the Village and which salary ahall include. �he compenaetion of any e.uthorised deputy asseasor; and a meadmum of .�300.00 �er year in even numbered years ea full compensation for the performance f all of the dutiea of said office peyable by the �illage, and which salary hall include the compensation of ar�p authorized deputy assessor, effective 'rom January 1, 1934. .. ' �4. Village Treasurer =- BE IT RESOLVED that the salary of the 9illage 13. treasurer be and the same is hereby fized at �200.00 per annum i.n Pull for l aervices'and time apent for and in beha].f of village business and as 1� equired by law, effective from January 1, 1934, payable quarterly thereafter. is 16 17 18 19 20 21 � 22 23 24 24 � 26 27 2F, 29 30 '�, 31 � JOSEPH. A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS. MINN. y ' . 5. Village Attorney -- BE IT RESOLVED that the salary of the illagerattorney, an appointive officer, be and the sa.me is herebg fi.aed t�300.00 per year in full for all services and time spent for and in behalf � f the village businesa, including attendance oP the meetinga of the Village ouncil when requested, advice and opiniona.rendered�to the Ville.ge Council � r any of the Village officiels, either electine or appointi�e,.reapecting illage bueiness, drafting of such ordinences and reeolutions,.contracta and ther papers�as requested by the Council; for special service such as litigation r matters not included within,the foregoing,.he she11 receive compensation or services rendered; he shall also be reimburaed for expense incurred. The foregoing reeolution Was offered upon motion for ite adoptioa, ; hich motioa wae aexonded, and upon�being put to a vote,.wea,adopted. '', �.ted: January 2, 1934. � " !�l �u: � . G...�O: �OORE, Preaident • � , TTEST: �.�E. ANDERSON, ��� � 2 3" 4 5 6 7 ��soZvlrar� r�x��G ��,���s oF ��_c�lv� �a� ��o�:r��lsv�� �tz�i,�G� o�� �c��s 1. President Anc� `Tx'�.is$�e� —— BE IT R�LVED th�.t, the s�lar,�T of the .i r�aident be �nd t�7.e sa�e a.s l�ero�ry fi�ed �t �35�00 par n�nth and the s�l.ary . �' e��'ra o�' �;se t��.��c; ux�z��ees b� �riC�� '�it�. 5?3Ai�? is hervlx-y ��i.ked. e•t � 25.00 per onth, ef�ective �rom th� tari� be��innz�:g the firat of January, 3934, �i.d a�'SbTe e�uarte�l;� ther��ft�r. � 2.Recos�der —— BE I'� R�'SOLV�D traat t�:e s�axd c��' th� Y��i�be �record�r be and th�: s3.�ie is }:er�b� ii�ed �.f. ��5.00 �ex� �ot�th i7, �'�ali for al� services . €���d ta.m� sn�t��G ,fo�° �:�r1 in . be�Y�:�f o�' ��:� vi? 1��� �uain��s., af�P4c�tiv�• �rom J�.nuary 19 1934, �.nr� p�ar�ble quar�i�rl�. . 3. �Ti].la�� Aasessor .— — BE IT f�.r�SOLVF� t,�at -�iz� ��l;�r� of �he V�.1�a�e 8 �sse�a�or 'ne ���za t;.�` st�n� �.s' `1��r�t3;� �'�xcd, �.t �_�. in��x��:a�� � si�tr: �� �?200.f�0 per , eer i.n oc}d nu�ebercc3 ;�e z.� s as fii11 co�Pen3at�on i'ar the ��ea io�::anee �f a]].Z of 9 t,�2e ClutiF:,� o,f' ,s�:�d ��'.fi�e a:��.E bV ',s� ra�. �aF,ic �;;aa7.arz� sh�1l. inelude � p�}' t,n_ Vil:�.�;e t.� ? tYae eompensatS:on o:E �.r_y auth�r� �ed d�put;� �ssessor� an� a �:��ximum of �''3�J0.00 �� �0 ��er yP�.r in e��er! n�ib�red ye�.rG c�s: fizil co���a�swt��n �'or �Y:� ,��� �'or��.�.�ce I, o#' all a.f the dutiE� of s�ic3 of�'ice �?y�,lhle i�- tp,; Vi�.�:�� c;� an�..�hich s��.lary '� 11 gl�a'.11 inc:iac�� ��ae conis�t�n;��t�� o� �.i ���n,,r �u+rz��.r� � ,� sa+�ntl�� �.� �es�or� ..���'c�etfve i2 ifson Janua�r 1, �.9�4. II 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 /� 20 21 22 23 . 24 24 26 . 2� 2E 29 30 S�� 31 JOSEPH. A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW NOPKINS. MINN. 4. Vi,l�i��e '1°r•��.sux �r ——�E IT %ti;SO�VFD t�:,�.t �h� �«1e..r�� of' tro Vil� �ge ,remsztrer b� a�d �t�,E S��e is hn�eb�r �i�:eu �.�� �?�J�,��? c:�:r ��nug ,;n f'u11 ior ,11 �ervic�s �nc� ti�� ��a��.t f�r �nd 5��iena� f of v.zl:�a� e �,�.�sinE�� �.r�w �s. ����ir?cl b� l.aw, effFct�.vP �'.�a� �.T�.�.,�«r� �; ���:��.� ��r����,?a3.e n����rt�,���r �-.,hnx��i•�er.. �: ViI.�.��e. �tto'ra� — — ��: IT : r"S� �.s; n� ;,, � +.i�� ;�a? ar;,- o� {:..lc il�a,;e a�torne;�� ��.�� ��nointiv�- o.;'�'icer, bA �n� i,�s� ;�n�e 7�; ��.ei���r f:ixPa t �;���0�.00 �e.r ��:�;:r .�r., f�?�� :��x-• r�.� s€�bYr.c��� tanr�. +�� ;cr �;�e�k ::'as �,��c� ir, ��ha1f f tr1e. vi31c�4;e �i�isiiless, :;.nc��dii�� att,A�c��x;ce a.f �?�� t�i;;Ft.{��s o� ���e Vi.11a�e ouncil �eh�n r�cue��ed, �.r3vi.e� ;�,��c� oninioras r�n�cr��c, {,�; i-,�e Villaie Gour,c31 r a�„�% oi the 4�.� l�g�; of�ica.al�F �:i��Aem elec;t� ve ar �?g��,o�rititire, re�pec �:.n� �: i�l].��;e ��uainess, t3:�aftin�; o.� �ue?: or�ir.<�.z:ces a.na �es�li:t-__ars, co�"tz��ets anci tlier p�.�aerW ae rec�uest�ci ���x �:.��e GounGil; fcr specic��_ s�r�rs.ce �.�cY� �s li�iga�,ian r��tters not �.nc?�d�d �i�thi.n �;�r� �'ox�e;ni►��, t.�; g�:�,��y x�ecF�vQ c���en;��.'�iori � or �erv�oes •re�der�d; he ��iai� �,lso ��: r�in?1=az•�>��c? '�or c_�p�n�c �ri�cu'rr�d. . . T?�e for��;oin� r.��c�lution ���� o�.�'fer�:� tt�c�n ��c�tiar� �cr zts �cioi�t���i, hich �oiion �rsa sexor_r��ec?, �:nc� u�on bein�; pixt to �. �ot�e, y#�s ,aclogt�ed. . tet€� Janu�.z,y 2, 19�4. TTEST: �. A^JL�E.x�014, �tecorder G. ��. r5:0�a F� Pre�i.�Fn� � _. R�9aL�dTZC+N AUTIiOF�T�II�i� I��U� Aldg Id�;�aTIATTE�N t3b' CE�tT��ICAT�� OF ;€�d�EB�'�D���� T�J D�b'�tAX CO�T� OF �'AT�i �1AII� �XTII3�YQN ON HA�AI�30N . A��N� :3�U'FH H�iE�E�A3 $�C�LBIOR k30tiL�VAR1� AIrT� S�UTH VILLAf3� LI�IT�p �EiOJI�CJ� N0. 1 - Y9�6. "�HF��1►�, �ursuan� to ��titi�oa� oP prop�rty c�rr�er� front- ing an tbe s�reets mentioaed in the exhlbit herein�fter ref�rred 'Eo� petitio�ing t2a� �'i,11�g� �ouaoil o� the Villaga of �iopkin� for er�ter mai.n exten6ion � on H�rri�on Avveaue �3outh bot�reen #�xeel�ior �oulev�ard a.t�d �ot�th Village Li�ait�; ane3 �1�i��A�, gureu��t �o sa9.d pet��Cion� th� Qounoil by �ts resAluLlons her�to�ore �dopted d�emed it expetlien� �d n�oss�argr to make s�ch �.mprovemants �d ord�red tl�e arork to be c�one by coatract let to the 1oor��t respons9.b1� bldder ag bq l�,�a r�quire�, th� enti.�°e e�cpens� of gr�.ci � 3mprovemex�t to be p�?:� from fl�n8� to be obtaine� �roam iseu�,nc� �d, a�.l.e �i' a�rti�ie�.tee of lndebtea- n��s oP th�e �lll„age anfl ��.y�ble �,�aiz��t the lot�, �,rt� of lots �r p�resa� oP �rounci or� property �peoiallq b�ne�itLec3 by s�id im�rovpment r�ax�ble �nd in �roportion �o the ��eci�,l b�ne�i� conferred by �aid �m�arovement� a�;nr� ��.��ou'� reg��rd to ea�h v�,�ue; �nd �H���A�, �the totz�l ao�i of said improv�mant ��nount� to �be �um o� �, 470.00; �ci . �'H�R�A9, tfie Vill�ge �evorder ha�� �arep�re�t �ci �. €��bmi�ted to tfle Qilla�e .Counci]. ���Msduie of ��s���m�n� o�, the lot�, parts o� lots or parcels of �ound �d propertq ben�fittsd :by said improvement; ansi �H�R�A�, the Yi11�p;� Coun�i�, h� by �.Ls reso],utic�r� �r- d�red �ubliaatian oP �. motice of �, hearir�g of Qonflrcaatsoa of asseesment for s�id ��eo��i beneflt� �ga9,nst th� property �aene- fitted by s�sd improvemen� a� d�soribed �d �e� �ortt� in �Ghe ��seesment �ohedule 4F benefits �,t��ahed hereto ��d m�►rked ��htbi�t °ta" �and hereby m�.de a p�rt of this reso3ution� said con- �irr�a�ion he�ring oa �t�id asaes�mera� t� be helfl befbr� tbe V�17.��e Couri�il at lia me�ting QA �e�at�mb�r �3, 1936, ��L 7 y 3t? o'c�ook Lo h��.r �nd p�ae upon �il ob�e�ticmQ i� �uny. B� IT ��S�L'V�D �h�t th� entsr�r �as�t .�d e��aen�e of ��i8 im�rov�ments be pald from fur�Be to be obtained from th� iesu� and eale o� certif9.a��es of indeb�edr�e�s of s�id Vi7.].��e, p+�y- �,ble in ten ( 20 ) ar��ua1 i�g t�].lment� , eaob of �►�3,oh iag t�,2lmeat� sh�ll be repre�ented by a sepaar�te aertifioa�t� of in8ebtednee� be�r).n� ir��tere�t �t th� r�.te of four (�) per aen�. p�� �nnum �nc� to be�r dat� �epte�aber Y, 19�6, . t�n� du� not �.a.ter than Jan�aaryr 1, 1�38; ong due no� later ��i�n �T�r�uary 1� ].�59; or�e du� not lAter ta�an Janua,ry 1, 1940; one due not iaLer th�n J�nuary 1, 194I; one due not lat�r tban Janu�ry l0 194�; on� due �ot late�r �Ch�n Janu�ry 1, 19��i; one due r��t later th�n Sr�rau�ry I, 19�4; on� due not l�.t�r th�n J�nu�.rq 1, 1�45; one d�e aot Iater th�n J�:nu�ry _ 1, 1�46; �z��t..on� diae �o� l�ter th�,n J�nuary 1, ].947; ransi tt��at g�,id certific�Le� o�' �indebtedr►�ss sh312 be m�r�e �y�,b�e to be�rer. And th� �re�ld�r�t of the vi3i�e oounail �n.fl the Reco��r �►e hereby. au�horized ��d empo��red �o negoti�.te an�l �e11, s�.i�3 oer- tifioe,te$ of ind�b�edn�ss for aot le�s �h�n the ��r v�.Zu� t2��re�of, the game to be is�uedN.�nd reQorB Lher�a� be m�de �ur�uant Lo la�r. D�tes� thi s�'Jnd da�q of september, 19�6. PrE�id��at, Viliags Qo�aii Attest t,______., 011.1mge �ecorder I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPHINS, MINN. STATE OF bIINNESOTA, � COUNTY OF HENNEPIN � J. L. �&T�78m _______{��g duly sworn, deposes and says that he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned ��as been the publisher or priater in aharge of The Hennepin County view, a weekly newspaper, printed and ublished in the Villa,ge of Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, State o�Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he has lmowledge of the facts and knowe personally that the r�,� NQ��ce_ �o Pr4�erty_Qov_nere 9Phose _Pro�ertg _ _M�y �e Aasessed ThereFor� of Proposed �Aater �ain �x— tenaica-on_Nint���nua_Dt,or_th_He�.en_Thirri- �t.,,-- and_Fourth St,_ Oilla�e _of_ Hop� attached, cut from tx�e columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each we�k for____ 2_____weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was Srst inserted, printed and published on Thurs- aay, the----��h---�Y �f-----�'�h--------------. is_35► ana Was printed and published in sain newspaper on each and every Thursdsy thereafter until and including Thursday, the______l�� _______day of -------=-a±�rch----------------------, �9_ 3_5. That during all the times aforesaid, said uewspaper was qualified as a medium- of official and legal publications as requ�red by 8ections 3 and 4 of Chapter 484, 8ession Laws oY M'innesota, 1921�, and that it has mplied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper -�deSned in'said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year _+`_,�� lest.past from the date of the �rst publication oi said__________________ PTotice -------------------------------------------------------- said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English la.nguage, and in oolumn and aheet Por�m equivalent in space to at least four pages, with flve columns to tha page, each seven- teen and triree-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once each week from a lrnown office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to conte,in� general and lceal news, oomment and miscellany, not whollq duplicating any other publicati,on, and not en- tlrely made up of patents, plate m�tter or advertisem8nts, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place oi pubHcation to the extent of at least two hundred aad forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior w the aate of the Hrst publica.tion of said Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the �blisher or printer in charge of said newspaper havin,g knowledge of the facts, flled in the office of the oounty auditor of said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and loca- tion of sa�d newspaper and the e�datence of conditions constituting its, qualiScations as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in Bection 3 of Chapter 484, Sesson Laws Minnesots, 1921. <" ' That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet ;�� A to Z both inclusive, of the slze and 8dnd of type used in the - cdaiposition, printing and ubHcation of said legal advertisement here- unto attsched, viz: ab defghi n rstuvwxyz l�ll �c-. �.d.t�►--� ----------- - ------------------------s------------- � Publisher. Subscribed and swom�to before me 1�'�' �areh . ls_�5 -- --- - - ---- - ------- -- -- --"`�--------- - -- -------------- Nota Public Hennepin Count Minnesota My coaimission expires_ / ^ __�_�_-�`� � OFFIGIAL PUBLICATION � NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN- ERS WHOSE PROPERTY MAY BE ASSESSED THEREFOR, OF PROPOSED WATER MAIN EX- TENSION ON NINTH AVENUE NOR11H B E T W E E N THIIt.D STREET AND FOURTH STREET, VILLAGE OF HOPKINS. Notice 7s Here�by Given, bhat the � Vi�lla.ge T?ouncil of the Village of j Hopkins. Hennepin CountY, 1VIinne= � sota, will meet in the Council Chambers in �the Mn�nfcipal Build- � ing in �the Villa�e of �Horikins. said � oounty and state, at 7:30 P. 1VI. on � the 19th day af 1VIarcn. 1935, to de�termine the - necessitv and ad- � vLsabilitY of the construction of w�- � ter mains on Ninth Avenue North � betaveen Third �treet and Fourth � Street, in said Vdlla�e. ' The size of the �vvater mains so ��roPosed to �be laid are in ac�ord- snce �with �the plans and slpeci8ca- tions on fl1e in �the office of the Vil1a�e Recorder. Notice is furtner �iven that it ;s �prp,posed that �the exUense incurred by said �pro�sed construction of water main sha11 b$ Iborne �bY the owners of the �propertv a+butting �iYiereon and shall be levied and assessed against said �Aropert.y in accordance wiih �ChaUter 425 of the Imrws oR 1Vlinnesotra %r the Yeas , 1921, and sia.id �pral�entY awners are ; hereby notified af said meeting and' are renueste�d to �be ,nresent and � discuss ihe advisalrilitv and neces- sity of said �construction at time a,nci place aifore5a.id . � This natice is �iven �bv order of the Villa�e �Cauncil and in ar�cord- ance �with �Chapter 425 oi the Lativs af Minnesota, �for t�he veas 1921. A. E. Anderson. Villa�e Reooz'der. � J. A. Has7p, U�illage ACtorney, HoAkins: Minnesotla. Published in The Hennapin Coun- tV Review Mar. 7 and 14. AN flRDINAIaGE PfiOI�ISITING BILLI�IRD AND POOL �i�LLS C�t�IIIICTED &S A Pi1BI,IC �,AC� OF BII$I�1FS� I�Ft Pi'OFIT (�R ISLPi �R iiTRE, AI�ID PftEuC�IBI:iG PII�11�.Y'� FOR 9IOLATTQIkII TAEf�OF. � Ttie Villag� Council flf the Village af Aopk:Lns, Hen�epirr Coluit�, �linnesoia do•orciain as follo�ss Sect�.on 1� No bi2liax�d or pooZ hell af a�y description in �hic?� bill.iarda pocket bil�iards, or pool are pl�red or �shich ine3udes any apparatus or parapher�nali� �or the pl�ying of billiards, �ocke� billi�rds or pool and which ia cond�acted a� � gubl3c.place of business for profit shtzll be caxried an or ccaint,�ix;ed. T'he tern billi�rd hall sh,�ll enbrace �il].iard rooma and pool rooms and �ny roon or glace rhere one ar more bi�Iiard or gool teblea are k�pi f�r �ir� ar►d o� 8� a public p�ae� of bus3.ness for prafit. Sectioa 2. --�enalty--A�y persan, fira► o� corpora�an violati.ng any of the provisions of this ordir-;ance shail be.deemed guilt� oP a m3ademeanor �nd npon convic�ian be �nieh�d by a fine o� not less tthan iive dol3�re nor �ore than one huridred dollars ar�d costs. �henever th� �3.r,� and costs i�posed �ar the vio].at�an of this orrlinsxice sre not paid� the pesson c�nvicted m� b� commi�ted i,a the vil.lage or county j�.il uritil such fine and costs ara paid, not to exceed nine�q da�s. Section 3.—ConPlictin� Ordin�nce R�pB�ied--All oxdinsnces Rnd gar�,s of ordinancea in conflict herex:ith �xe hereby repealed. 9e�tion 4�--Effsctive�-This ord3.n�nce shal]. be i� force t nd effect from emd af�r its passago and p�blica�tion �es prde3ded by lax. P�ssed t3�e STillage Council �his . 29tYi d� of ;�archs 19�5 y�,��� �•�-rr{ Preaident � �1'TES?e �corder Published in the Qennepin Connt��.� Revie�� �arch 21, 15�5. RESOLUTION FOR MEETING OF COUNCIL TO CONSIDER IMPROVE�iENT EXTEd�llSION OF NINTH AV�]UE NORTH FROT�:� MI1�N�,tONKA iu1ILL5 AVENUE TO AND - CONNFCTT?�G VJITH STATE HIGHWAY N0. 7. Be it Resolved by the Villa�e Council of the Village of Hopkins_in the County of Hennepin, State of i�innesota, that it is necessary and expedient to open, extend and grade, for public use and travel, extension of rlinth ,Avenue from Minnetonka P�ills Avenue to and connecting with State Highway No. 7, and that in case said improvement shall be made, the tot�,l• cost thereof, or so much thei°eof as represents the benefits received, as determi:ned by the said concil after consideration and determination of said benefits, will be finally assessed against the lots, p�,rts of lots, or parcels of ground benefitted by said improvement, ratably, and in proportion to the � special benefit so conferred upon it by said improvement, and without regard to cash valuation. Flirther resolved that at the Council Chambers in the P�unicipal Buildin� in the Village of Hopkins on the 26th day of 1blarch, 1935 at 7:30 o�clock P. M., the said council �ill meet and hear all persons or parties interested for and against sa.id improvement, And at said time and place will, if said improvement is decided upon, determine whether the same shall be made by the village, or,by contract let to the lowest responsible bidaer. And that notice to a11. concerned in said matter shall be given by publication hereof at least twice in the ofiicial paper of said village. Dated March 5, 1935 ATTEST: J. A. Hosp, Village Attorne}r Hopkins, fl�'innesota Dr. G. w. Moore, Pres. Village Council A. E. l�.�derson, Villa.ge Recorder Project No. 1 , 1935 RESOLIIT � ON OF.DERING CONSTRUCTION OT �AT�R f�:7AIN EXTF�]SION ON NINTH AVL'NUE FRON1 THIRD STREET TO FOURTH STRFET, VILLAGE OF HOPKINS. 6��HEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, P/Iinnesota, has caused due notice to be given to property o�aners affected by the proposed construction of 6 inch size �aater main.pipes on Ninth Avenue bet�een Third Street and Fourth Street, in accorda.nce vrith the provisions of Chapter 425 of the La�vs of Minnesota for the year 1921, and of a public hearing thereon at 7:30 P.M. on the 26th day of March, 1935, in the Council Cnambers of the P�Iunicipal Building of said Village, AND V�,HER�AS, at said time �.nd place the matter came on for consideration, and a11 property o�ers affected by the proposed construction of said �ater ma�ns �vere heard, . ' NOW THEREFOR� BE IT RESOLVF�D, that it is necessary and expedient to construct size 6 inch pipes on Ninth Avenue bet�reen Third Street and Fourth Street North, in accordance with plans and specifications therefore on file, and as a part of the existing urater system of said village, AiVD BE IT FUR^1HER R�'SOLVED, that the Village Recorder be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said improve- ment in the Hennepin County Review, the official newspaper of said Village, for a period of ten days such advertiseMent shall specify the v�ork to be done and call zor bids on the basis of cash pa.yment for the work and material, including one Columbia. h�drant, and shall st�,te the time v�hen bids shall be opened a.nd considered by the Village Council, all in accordance with the provisions of said statute, and that no bid shall be received unless sealed and filed a�ith the Village Hecorder, accompanied b.y a certified check payable to the Village Treasurer of Hopkins for fifteen (15�) percent of the'amount b2d. AiVD BF IT FURTHER R�SOLVED, that sealed bids �vill be received by the Village Council at the Council Chambers, in tY�.e Village of Hopkins, up to 7: 30 0� clock PLPI�. , April 2�, 1935, at �ich time and place the same �vill be opened and considered, AND BE TT rITR'T'H�R R�SOLVED, that the cost and expense of construction of said �rater main extension be assessed against the property abutting thereon, on the basis of benefits to said proper�Ly and in Accordance �vith the provisions of Chapter 425, Laws of �Iinnesota 1921 and �endnents thereto: The for•egoing resolution v�as offered by Councilman who moved its ado;ption vThich �aas seconded by Councilman and v�hich upon being �ut to a vote was unanimously adopted by all members of the Village Council: Passed �, 1935 G. P�. �loore, President of Village Council ATTEST: A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder RESOLUTION OP�DERING C�LLCULATION OF Pl?OPOSrD ASSESSMENT FOR I�i1PR0���`b� ,i?T EXTE�]SION OF �ATER �Y4AINS OPJ ` n1TN�j AVEI�IUE NOPTH BETPr'EEN THIRD STREET �1�D FOURTH STRF'ET. PROJECT No. / , 1935. Trustee a.nd Councilman o�fered the follovring resolution: VJH�REAS, pursuant to a Resolution adopted March 26, 1935, by th Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, for the construction of a��� extension in the Village of Hopkins as follovrs: 6 in. pipe on Ninth Avenue North bet�reen Third Street and Fourth Street. A contract for the wrork has been let. AND �i��I.EREAS, the Council has caused plans and specifications to be ma,de for the said a�ork and improvement v�hich are on file �aith the Clerk. BE IT THERFrOf�F RLSOLVr , By he Village Council of the Village of . Hopkins, that '3�� G� , with the assist�nce of , the Village iu'ayor, supervisors of' the �vork, ana heretofore desiKnated as such b�r the Village Cou.ncil, . be F.nd are hereby directed to forthw�ith calculate the amount proper anci necessary to be esbeciall�T assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot or parcel of land ai'fected, upon the basis of the benefits �vithout regard to �cash�valua'tiori,• and in accordance. wzth tne provisions of Chapter 35; G.L. 1915, and:�mendraents thereto, and provided that the amou?it of the assessrnent a.nd accrL�ed interest i'or said improvement shall be payable in t�enty ec�ual �nnual installrnents. That the proposed assessment vJhen made sha.11 be iiled �rith the Cl:erk for aublic inspection, and l�.id before the Village Counci- for its approval. Th�t the Clerk be and is hereby directed to c�.use notice to be give:� as req_uired b;;= Chapter 35, G. L. 1915, and amend– Lnents thereto, of the time a.nd place, ��hen and rahere the Council w,ill- meet upon such proposed assessrnent and he�.r and pass on all objections, if any, or amend the same. Councilman , u�ho oifered the foregoing Reso ti t}��eupon moved its adoption, �vhich was seconded by Councilman � , and upon being put to a vote �va.s unanimously adopted by all members of the Village Council. � . — � L�- 3 ) A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder ATTEST: G. �V. ?!9oore, President of Village Council � Project No. 2, 1935 � R�.SOLIITI3N ERTF��DING EXISTI�G SEP�ER SYST�[ �hereas� the villsge Council of the Oillag� of Aopkins, of I�ennepin Countsy, State of �inneso+.,a, h�.s heretofore to �uit� on �� 7���� 26� I935, passed end approved an ordinance entitleds "An ordina.�ce prov:iding and establishing additional se�e� mains on Ninth Avenue North bet�een Third Street and Fourth Street in the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, State of D�innesota." And Flhereas, th� property o�ners abutting on Ninth.9venue betReen Third Street and Fourth 3treet 19orth have petitioned the 9i31a�e Council for the construction oF se�rer extensi:on which petition has received consi@er�.tion� � 19ow thereforer be it resolved, and it is expeciient and necessary for the preservation of the public health th�.t the existii�g sewer system be extended in �oint distriet number . arid be onnstracted as follo�s, to—wits 9n eight inah in diameter distsict sec�er on Niri th Ave�ue between Third Street and Fourth Street North and connecting crith the existing trunk sewer in Excelszor Aveaue �rhich seid seaver extension shall be classified �s D�istrict Se�rer l�umber . Be it further reaolved� thai the Village Clerk bey �nd he is h�reby directed� t,� c�use proposals for b�ds for such �ork to be advertised in the official p�per of t,he Village! and €i1.so in trade papers� pursu�t to Section 11� Chapter 35, G. Lo 1915 as amended, and that said proposals e,nd bids be received l� the Viliage Council of the Qillage of Hopkir.s� up to 7t 30 a*clock on the 23rr� da� of April� 1935, at �rhich time the same will be ogen for conaideration. Be it further resolved, thst the cost and expense of the construction . of said eight inch cii9trict se�er nuenber be �special],y ass�ssed ., against every �ssessabl� lot� piece, or p�rcel of land vs�.thin said sev;er district number . p�ysble in three annual installments, and. that the cost and expense of ihe constructioa of said l�.teral se�rer number be assesaed against every lot� piecs, of pa:rcel of land abu tting•thereon� p�able in ten annua7. installmenta, all in accordance rrith �ections 7f 8� 9, end 13 of Chapter 35 G.L. i9i5 as anendedo � �he foregoin� res�lution �as offer�d�by Gouncilman wlao movea its adoption, which notion was aeconded by Councilman and upon putting it to a vote� w�s ur�animously adopted. � �I � �✓f �,� �9�� A. E. Anderaon, Village Recorder �TT �.STs G.. �, �doore� President of Village Counc3l RESOLUTlON ORDERI!dG CALCULATION OF PROPOSFD ASSEilSP,iF�T FOR IMPROVI�'�i7��NT EYTENSION OF S�Va'E� b�AIN S ON N IN TH AVFNU� A10RTH BLTvdE�] THIR.D STRE�T AS�]D FOURTH fiTRF�T. Pro j ect ,� ?/ , 1935 . Trustee �nd �e�.� ofiered the fol— iotiving �resolution: � Pt'HEREAS, pursuant to a Resolution a.aopted 1lRarch 26, 1935, by the Village Council of the Village of Ho��kins, for the construction of a secrer extension in the Village of Hopkins as follo��s: "8in. set��er main on Niy�{�� Avenue North bet��een Third Street and Fourth Street. A contract for the tvorlc has bee�i let. � AAdD yEHEREAS, the Council has caused �lans and specifications to be made for the said �vorl{ �nd im�rovement l�hicrz are on file v�7ith the Clerk, BE IT THERE ' E Rr'cOL �Ll, - the Village Council of the• Village of Hopkins, that , �aith the assist— ance of the Village �,Za,yor, supervisors of the y��ork, and heretofore desig— � nated as such by the Village Council, be and �re hereby directed to forth— F�ith calculate the amount �aroper a.nd necess&r,y to be especially assessed for such i�nprovement against every assessable 1ot or parcel of lznd a.ffected upon the basis of benef'its -� thout regard to cash va.luation, and in acc:ord— ance v�ith the �rovisions of Chapter 35, G.L. 1915, and amendments thereto, and provided that the amount of the �.ssessM�nt and acc�tzea interest f.or for said improvement shall be paya.ble in ten equa.l annual installments. That tne proposed nssessment wren made shall be filed �rith the Clerk for public.inspection, and laid be�ore the Vil.lage Council for its apnroval. That t�e Clerk be �.nd is hereby directed to cause notice to be given as required by Chanter U�, G. L. 1915 and amendrnents thereto, of the time and place, ��hen and where the Couricil vJill �iPet .upon such proposed amsess— �ent �nd he�r and pass on all objections, if an,y, or amend the same. _ , �aho offered the foregoing Resolution he pon moved its adoption, vrhich was seconded by Councilman , and upon l�eing i�ut to a vote v�as � una 'mously adopted by all members of the Village Council. 4� 2 3 -3J` ATTEST: A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder G. �'�. I�Ioore, President of Village Council L R�{3�D�� C1t:t3�.��=� C��L�'�� t�F Pf?�3��� �`:� ��`��'��i �f4 T�i��;�3R��'?�'�� �i`��SI�� �� �A�`�'� ���i�v� �� TIlVTH r ���� �� ���ii� �F�i�D �T�c.��' �;�I� ��t;� �iF��t: , P�?.3�GT 1�►a 1J�5� i'rust.�e �xci �unc3� ...: r _ ,_ , ....,�._. o��er�d t.�+a f�a�,Is��fII� r�s��ss�4�uS �+i's����Sg pv.z ��t t� �. � e�x����zt adap'� �arc� 2�; i��5, 'by t�e— �i3.l�g� �oe�ci� af itxe ���.���e r�.� €�s����a�� P�r ti�e c�rs�t=vs�ioa� �� �� a����i�n 3�:� Y�� 4i�l��s of..�aA��i€�s es �a�.3c���� , 6 Sa�o �a3,� �� TentYa Au�°r�� ��r�y: b����s� �rd Str�et ��� ��r't�s St���t. � ���n�r�c� �'o� �i�� �� h�s b�� 9.e�o l��� ������, �ae Gaua��i3 ��s ��ue�ri �1�� �d ��r�r�#'icetio�s t� be m�de ��� �� ��.d s�or�C �.d S�Qr�v��n�; ��.c� �re � �ii.� �i�a �.a� Gl�r4c, �� 3Ix T�l��.�b���";� �rS� �De y�!� Vil�l�g� �ac3i s�F ��� Q��.l��� c�� HAp�:�s$, tY��� ,�i_t�C�� , � €�i�.� L�,e �9���t�ce �t" �� t��,�.1s�Q �!�;��a�! ��a��a�.�rxr� �s� t;�s ��rk: a�c�� Y�s���.ofaa� de������� �a ����Z b;� ��� ili�.ln�� �s�.ac����s b� 6�r��i ��e h�re� c�r�cted t� forti��i�?a c�l�a�.��� ��� ��a��� �rm;��r �:��: na��s��� t� � ����c��:�� �s����� �'�� ::��� 3a�;���ra..�:�'� ��;r-0�.��� �v�r,� ��; c�s���3� i�� �r ��rc�ci s� ���d ��:��t�ci� u� the Dasi� of t�s� b�ra����� �it�a�� �t��.�.rri to �€�ra�� �l�a�,�.i��, �ar�� �� ��cma���� v�s�t� ��'�e - p�ov3a3.�a�s ��' G'����� ��� �.L. �.�i5� a*�� ���e��ti�er�t� t%er��� �.,�� �rm�:��^E3 th�� t�� ��.�L caY' �Y�e �ss�ws��nL ��d �cr.rF.��;xl ������s� ��r ���� 3c�rrav��e�a� e�s�l . �ie ��sbi� � �����* oc}�� �.e��u�l 3.nst��3m��t�: �� ��� ����a�eri ���ese��t s��z�n m�da s�� be ��1.��3 �it:a t.�� Cl�r� fo� �ub�.Sc ���p�o���, �z�c� 1�� bo�'o�s t�� �i�1s�e Cc�sc�.:. %a� i4.� ����a�v��3e �g�L ��� �8��. ba �4� �s �se��tr� c�#r�et�d � c,�s� �aa�ic� ta k�� �Sva��= e�� rs;���z��s� tr� Eh.�gt�z� ��y �. f�. �2�1�� ��c� ��c��-�. ��a�� �.�Dar�r�#,�S a�� �ia� �iuto �r�s� �,��e�s ��a�� �ns� �e3���c� ��:c� �sa�:���.1 �il�. n��e�L u���s �;.c� �r�pr��ed � �s�Q��L��t �ansi he�r �aa=s� ��s Q� �9.I ob� ���i�r��, i� a�►, �� a�t��:c� �in� s��. . C��ci].�san . ��v a,�Q���t� ��a �car��mz�� �� t���� � � n ��xa� �v�c� 3t� �do�fR$.��, ��fe� �: � ss�c�nc�ec� b� Co�zr�e���:estt �nd u�� f��.�� �ut �� � �at� ��.a �a��gr�nsz�r ��o�t�3 b�,� � as�b�ar �� t::r Vi�.Ia�� C��cilo ��2�i�- �- z 3 . 3 J� �. �. �nders� 9 V3i3�g� �tec�r�er �`1"��:5�� G. �. ����� Pr�e3cic�t o� St31t�.�� �atu�e3�1 � P�o�ect �oa �+,�. .:� 1�85 �?�S�LII�a(h'� OF.Y3�:�eS�G ��i�Sifi*3C'iIQI� 0�' �A���s �1�I�� -�'�':'F:��I���i �1 TE�27i �V�E4iii� � 1°€�IRD �`I'�'.��I' 'F(? F�OU[�,Tk� Sfi�-�� iTIL,LAGE QF F�rJl�ih��o ��HE"�i��S� t�e Vi�lage Goime�.1 of' t�e Vi.1�.�ge �f Ho�kkS.t�e, �iiticaE��fic�s I�as c�ue�i due ao�i.c� tQ be �3.ven t� �ro���ty orner€� a,f F�et��. � t,�.� �araps���8 �nsLi+�ct3oa of' �6 o inci� 9i�e �.t�r r�.��►n pi�e� or� Tenth �venue ,. be°t�e�a ��ird St���t �d Four`�h S��eee�, �.n scec�rci��e. �4.t�i �hQ � pr�vi�3oa� oP Ch��tes� �??5 of Lhe ��s vf �ir��eo� �'ar �e �re I��i� �z�d of � �nab�.�c he�ris�. t.�er�� at ?:30 F.f�o �on th� 3�� d�y ox" � � l�35� in t�e Cou���.l C�a��ra o�' tb� ��n3ei.�€�I Bng2s�.n� oY s�fd 91�3ag , A�D �`_���?�?�4�, �t ae3d tiffie �aLtC� �fI£3GQ the ��.�t�r c��r.� on �or c��si.s�ex�;�ion, �nd el}. �ro�rt� ��xn�rs ��£�cted �r t.�ae �ra�����c� eon�ts�ue�,.i.�n of .s�id �i�r Aai�aa �e�� hcr�rd� � A0� �H�r'�ti.E� BF IT P�'SflLV�D, Vhat 5�� is n�c�ss�ry �d e�edient to caast�vct 9��s ` inch p�.�es vn Tenth Av�nue bc��e� ThS.rd ��reet �ad Fciurit�a St,��etc • t4ort&s in ae�ord�.�nce �tt�� �lr-.,�s �.�d apecf f3ca�:3.9:ons ��eretore on iil�� and r�� ��rt �� ihe ex�st�� �a�ter sy���n t�f sQ.ir3 villsgs' . A�D B� I`� �R:H� F�"�LQ�D� tt��t the Vili�ge Pecorrier b� �r�d 3:s hereby� cd�r�ct�d to �dv�rY,��E �or bic�� f�� th� e�n��rrsc��.ot� of �aid ica�rave� �,�nt ir t�e iiat�xzep�s� Cvt�n� �evie�r' thQ of�icir-il. aseesg�pe,z� Qf �a9.d qi�.la�e� _ for ��ezs.od a� te� d�s such. �demriiv��n� s��ll sp�^:if� ',Y�e cv�r� ta 'b� done �d ��1.1 %�r bic�s Qn the b�sz� of c�aFa p�.���n� �or t�� �rk and mx��ri.el, �.ncludi.ng ane Golu�►bia �dr�nt� and s::�1i s�te t�e +vi�� r�he� bid� ab�.3. �e o�e�ed �n�i er�sid�r� ir,� tY�e Oiilag� Coune�.�:, �11 in �cward�nce wi��� the provi��ans af er.�3d �tatutee �nd 'Gh�t n� b�id ���11 b� r�ce�ne� unl�ss �e�1ed aad. iiied �i�2?. the 9ii�e .Ftecox°der, �eco�►gan�eci b� e. �ex°Li�'S,�:d c�ieci� ��y�ble to t�i� Oi.�>7.�ge. '����aurer of �lo��ins for i`iftee� (IS�i �ercen� of i6 � s�ms�mt bido �D 8�' IT �iJfdTi��C �SO�STT�D� th�t se�? ed bid9 �ri.Il ��: x��ceieed b� i�e 1�i11€�ge Council at the Co�ncii G�a�berse ia t�:� �ii3.l��e of f�oa�J�ins� up t,c� 7s �0 0! eloc� Pi�o g�ori3. �3, i93�s �t �3ch tita� �nd �l�ce the ��m� vill %e opcx�ed atad �:�n�3d�red, 91�iiD �� TT Ff��`i'�i� �i. i'zi�3�LV�'Da t�at �he cost t.�� ��en�e of co�stzuctioa of �afd ��t,ex� n�is exi�asio� be �sW�s�Ed €i���.ns�. �«e nrop�rt� �bu�tix�g L�:er�ans o� ��s� ��sss of ��r�e�it� to s:��.d �r�r,pert� �nc� in :�ccord�nc� �it� t,�;c pra��i�n� o�' C�iapt�r �?5, i��s of �' aeaota 1�2a �n.d �•��nc�en�s t���°eto. Tpie f'orego�r�g reso�ution �fia �f�erad b� t:oknci?�^ W%o r�t�ved fLs ad��t3on rri�.e�i ��� seconded ��ouncil��,� �z�d ��.ieh up�n beir�g ���t t� � vate ��� un�nir��s�,q c�d�pted b,� aiI r���r�.�°s wa� �o V'iila�e uncYla � Pa93E;d � Z 7 � j,��$ hT`i'��S`.r[`6 A� 8b �ndereo�� Vil��e P>�corder G. �:. �oc�re! P�esia�enL of Vi �Z�ge Coue�c3.1 ,., ii�JiUSi.�� 41�Lf:8E.pE16:9 LdtSlsLd2d:.�Pldd=dtVi O� �:'�JY'.i! � �����°�,�o� � �� I�r?��l�`W.�"°'"aa ��u��� JF :��� � �� °. �� TIIV TH At�?�a'ti�; I�;��.� . �a� ���� '��TP.Ii S�'�?'� I� � �''lt��;:� ��'1���ia Fra� ec't � � I���� firust.�e �r�d C����i�n e�'���c� tF�s .�e�3— �o�i.t�� ��s41sa��csr�s ��i�R�x�.SD �nrsia�.n� t� �a F�s�Iu�i�:� �w���ec� �arc�2 �f�s �9� ,� t�' t►%� �iZ�.�s �o�a��Sl o� �Y:e ��I.3��� o.� �;�;g:�I.��, ��r t�e ��n�a�rta���.r� a� � �e�:er �t��i�� �.c �Isa� 11i12�.�� o.� ��:�kisa+� a� fr���.a�r�a ��3in. sek ear �aa�as ,a� Tenth Ave�a�e tJ�r�h bQ�t���n i`t��d ��r�e�. s�� r��sra�+�a ��,r���. � �ssr�'�r��t �n� �.i� ��� �� ia�e�e IeL. �,r�� �`�,���.:^�S' �a �o�nicii h�M ��r�� ��.��s ��� ��r�egfi�wti.Qaxs t►g 'D� ��� �os ���� sr��€� �rk �.d i��z�e��� : ����� �r� v�a g�3� �i.t� ��� �I �arks � . . �� IT fi���`�fl�r' �F���9�3! ��he 4i�7.n�� �anane3.1 0�' t,�a� �i�.�a�s oP �€�gk3.��, '��a� � � .�_...��: �ri.t�i t�.e ��t�1�t� ance af �c� V3laa�o �ag� �ttpervl��s� af �� crar;�a �c3 ��r�f,s��or� ds��.�- n�i�d �s t�nch t� t�e �1�1��;e ��cfi, �e� �n� �r� :��r�a� c:9,a��c?.� to fc��t,�e sg�� �c�,�#,� �Ys� ��ur�� �ro�r �nd a�c�s��r� tc� be e��ecim211� ��Be�s��d ga�° se�ch ��ax�vc�ent r����L e�r�g;T �.��as�s��le� ].o V �r ��x°��3 �f ��ns3 ��'f�c#.ed � tsg�� �e b�a3.� €��' b�-se�� � �3 t��t ��gro �� t� ��s� v€�.u�zti�„ ��� ia� :�c�ard- �c� sri�.�; t�a� �rc�v�.s3ar�s s�� �ba���r �Sp G.L.d 29358 a�ci ��^��n�s t�ee���saf 8�(t �PO4f(�� �� �.j'3L' �1.7�tiII� �3� �h�: �;.£��e83':!�3'i� QI3c� 3CC�,R11�d �C9�$�2"d.'�� %P f9� s��d i;�prave�ea�� a�ai?. b� �=�y�b1� Ss� t,� e�ual �����1 it�sL�3i�e*�t�. T�i�.� t'h� �a������� ���e���en� ���r� r��c�� ni���.3. �e f���t� �i�� tp�� C? c�ris �c�r �Stz�Iic i.m��ectx.o�� �Ad l�d k�aB�re L�e 9f].l,�g� Ccmtz�E�il �PQr �t� a��r�e�l. ���i t,he �.�rk b�. f3tad is be���r �ir�c*.�d t�€� �>::s�ee ��t,9.c� � �� �iveaq �$ re�u.�.r�� 1� C�i€z��,�s° ;:5� G. Ls a��5 ��d ��ac�����e �h���o� �f t'�� �i�� �a�d ,�l��e, �e���x �d ���rm �� �a��i r�2i �c�� u�� ��a�� .�a�a�a�� �����a- �t �nd ite�r a�.a.n� ���a o�: � �bj�ct�.on�, 9.P �n�,•, �ar� ��d t�2:� �a��. ��:�ci1��� .�. �. . cr�o effe��d t�e .�or��flin� ii�r�l�t�sx� ihea°���r �cEd 4.�s �do�L�.�a, ��c� �a� sec����� b� ���n�3i��x�. �, �nd gptm b�ia� ��a�, t.�a �a �a#e �s�s ��t���a��s3� ra�v,�ted b,� � r����;re �� t�� �'�1�.$�c� �v�a�c�I.. � �`-�.�s �. �� ltnde��, p3i�.��;� �esor�� C. -�. 4�vo�� Pres�d�n� of Vi31��;� C�unc3i � � Pra�ect �09 Z9�5 R�SOL€��°I€}?� ���"7:�3III�G �XISTI��Cr � S�R SYST� �hereas' ti�e V3.IZ��� Council of the Va�.l�g� of fio�k3na, of ��_��+� � ii��e�A.� Cour.t�� St�t,� oi �in.n�sot�� h�s here�,ofore t.c: �i'ts on f�rc� � — °^ ' p�s��d �nd ���rovE�d �n ordi.nance �ntitledt n� ordin�ne� pravid3n� mrcd �s�Ga�ilis��ing �dd�itio�al �e�es a�.na, ,an .; Tenth _ -�ivar►ta� Aor'th b�t�een �l�i.rd Str�et and Fou�t�� 5t: eet in , the Q'iiiag� oF iivpkina, Couni�y oF i��nnepins St�t� of �in�esota." And P�fa.ere�a: tlae prc��a�rip ��ner s�bu�tin� v� TentYi :���a� b� d�;eEn fihird S�reet �nc3 Fourt3a Street .North h�ve ��tiL;�e��d �h� 6�lla�e C��ancil for f,h� co�.�tr�a�t�on of sec,°�� e�t�nsian vhich netition ta�s r�ceived e�neiderntion8 Aow the��f'ore� b� i� reeolved9 az9d 3t ia e�sedi�nt ttnd nece�vary For '�e preae;. vution oi �Y�e pub�ic ���Ith th�t t�,e exietin� ��er sy�t� be exten8eo� in joi.r��t d�.atrict aumbex .�nd be a�ns�ruc�ed �� �alio�se, #,a�-�fts An ei�t inch in di�aeter district sew�rr on Tenth �v�:�+ue �+�t�sen Th��B Street �a� Fourt3� �fi�re�t. i�ortY� and c�*�n�ci,in� �i�h tI�e e�iaia�g trunk s�er in F�cel�iar 1�ver�ue �hic� sai@ se�;�r �.,.�rtens3on shall be cl�seii`i�d �s Distric� Se�ser �:um�er o Be it, f�rth�r rc�s�lv�d, t3��t tk�e �3�.3.age Gi�rk be, ��ci he i� h�reb� direotad, to eause ;aropos€�ls for bius P�r s�c�� ��rk to be �r�.veriised ixi �b� o�Fia3�z.I. p�ger o� thaa Vf12�ge•, �nd �3�a in trar�� pa�ers� .�urst���� t,a Sec�i�n 21� Ch�.�ter �Sa G. L� 1�15 ne €��ancied, and tt�t ��,id prc�pos�1� end �id� be r�ceived bp� th� gil3�ge Counci�. o£ tP�e Oill��e of ���kir�s� up to '�a30 o�ciock o�a the ��� c3�g aP �prilg 19�5, at r�hich t.ime� th� ��� �''aII be og�n f�r cox��ider�tion. E� �.t flar�h�r Pesolved' t��t the eo�t en.d e��en�e of �he c:onstructio� of said eight 3n�t� �?isLric� se�cr m��er be espeeiel3,�r �sseas�c3 mg:�inst eeez�► �ssesse�le iot��piece, or ��rc�l oY lend �ithi� �oid se�+�r cl�.�trict number ,� .����ble in thrc�e annn�� iA���? 1m��ts, a��. th�t the �o�t a.�cT e��anse o� tbe cnnstruict�.o� o�' s�c� l�.t�r�3. ae��r nuaber be �sse�sed �.�iast a�vea� lo�, ��ece� Q� pr�rc�i flf 1�r.cl �butta�� Lberec�n� pt��.b? e� i� te� annu�.l. i�st�ll��n�s� a],.1, in t��ceard�nce �i�� ��eti�ns ?' S. 9, ar�d �.3 oF �i�pter �S GoLa I�i� as a��nded�. The �flre��in� reeo�.uti�an �aa a���roci i�y C�ar�c=_lai�u - �a �ooeed i�� adonti�n, �iis.ic�i raration ��s secondEd by Go��ei��n �axz.c� u�Qn �tztfi,3ri� �t to �, vcite� �v�s un�.n3r•.o�asly: �dv�t.E�, Ao Ea �.nderson� Villa�� �scorce�r ATTESTa. G.- R. �lavres P�eei��r�t oi Vil].�ge Council . . . � _ � F �� - / 3�- 9 RESOLUTION ORDERITJG CONSTRUCTTON -OF SIDE�'ALKS. YVH�REAS, a majority of the oi�mers of property fronting on both sides of Ninth Avenue North betvaeen Third Street and Fourth Street, in the Village of' Hopkins have petitioned the Villabe Council of said Village to order a sidewalk and curb constructed on both sides of said Street in accordance with approved anc"t adopted specifica.tions for said walk on file in the office of the Recorder of said Villa�e, BE IT R�SOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins � that a sidewa_lk and curb be and is hereby ordered to be constructed on Ninth Aven�:e North betAeen Third Street and Fourth Street in accorda.nce ��Jith approved and adopted speciFications on iile in the Office of the Village Recorder and to coniorm to the grading iine established by the Village . Council for the purpose, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the vuork of said improvemen ts be done.by contract to be let to tne loti�est responsible bidder as required by la��r and that the entire exnense and costs oi the construction thereof be assessed and levied against all lots and parcels of ground fronting on both sides of said Street so improved, on the basis of benefits to said property and in accordance vaith provisions of Sections 1205, 1206, . 1207, I�Qasons h�innesota Statutes, 1927, payable in five equa.l annual installments �.nd_ that the proposed assessment �hen made, sh?11 be filed with the N.ecorder f'or public inspection and rendered before the Village Councii for its approval and the Village P�ecor,der be ar_d is herebv directed to cause notice to be given, as requ:�rr-;a by la.tiv, o�, the time and place when and where the.Council will meec =�nd act upon such proposed assessment and hear and pass on all objections, if any, or �.mend the same. Dated April 23, 1935 G. 4�. ;,�oore, President of Village Council ATTFST: - _. A. E. Anderson, Village kecorder. d 9 � NOTICE F'�R BIDS ROAD TAR NOTICE IS HEF.EBY GIVEIV' that the Village Council of the 9illage of Hopkins, �innesota, 4ai11 on the 7th d�y of May, 1935 at the hour of 7:30 P.�q. at the Council Chamber in tbe l�unicipal Building of said Village of Hopkins (Aopkins P.O.�, open bids for ten thousand (10,000) gallons more.or leas of road tAr grade Tfi—1 and / or TH-2 applied on streets in the Village of Ho�kins as directed in accordance c�ith P�innesota State H3ghwa� Standard Specification therefore on file for record in the Office of the Vi11�.ge H�corder of said Villagea Sealed bids will be,rec�ived tiy the under�igned Fcecorder-up to,the hour of 7s00 P.�. INa� 7� I935..�The right is reBErved to reject any and all bids. ., . Dated Apsil 23, 1935. A. E. Anderson, �lillage Recorder :� --� .' 1 � �l � � _.. To the Honora.ble Councii of 'the Village of Hopkins :' � �,t the last regvl�.r meeting of the Hopkin� s �'arm—Labor Club held July 10, 193�j' �he �ollo�ning resolution ��as presented and unanimously adopted, .VE 13ELIEVE .that the intere�ts of' the ta� pay�rrs _ can.best be served b�r.municipal ownership of .public utili�ies,�,nd � tiYhereas_: the� franchise of .the Northern States � Power Corn�any exnires in 1937 . and. , . r `'vYhereas:. :'�e :believ�e it would be to the best . interests , of the ta� payers. of� th� Viilage .oP Hopkins to ov�n thPir po:�er a.nd lighting equipment� and - � � . \"'Jhereas: At this tfine governmental as�istance ca.n 'be � prot�ured for bUilding �such plants, be �.it . .,RE�OLVED� that the matter or building such munic— ipal power and ligYiting plant in the Village of Ho�kins be brou�ht . to tne attention of the Village�`Council and that c�ve dem�.nd the s�,me to be eubmitt.ed to a. rei�erendum vot.e -at the v�flla�e election . to be held next fall. . � ✓ri�iL (�c� , Dated this lOth day. of July at the � Village of Fiopki�ns. ` ? `�� `� 3 �� , Com�r,ittee � G� � � G�T-C/ : ��_ / . � �� . . RESOLUTION AUTHORI ZING ISSUE ANll ` 1V�GOTIATIUN OF CE�TIFICATES OF INDEBTEl7NES8 T� DEFRAY COSTS UF � � ��;AT�i 1�dAIN� EXT�iSION ON HARRISON � � AVENUE SOUTH BE'I'���EEN EXCFLSInR � BOULEV�RD AND SOUTH VI LLAGE � .� � LI�IITS, PROJECT N0. 1- 1936. ?'�HEREAS, pursu�,nt to petitions of proper.ty owners front- ing on.the streets mentioned in.the exhibit hereinafter referred to, petitioning the Village Council of,the Village of Hopkins for water main extension ��n Harrison Avenue South between� Excelsior Boulevard and South Village Limits; �.nd ��VHEREAS, �ursuant to said petitions the Council by its resolutions heretofore ado�at�d deemed it expedient an@ necessary. to make such improvements and ordered the work t�o be done by contract let to the 1owQst responsible bidder as by la�� r�quirea, �the entire expens� of s�,id improvement to be.paid from funds to b� obt�,ined fram issuance and sale of.certificates of indebted- ness of the Village and pa.y�b].e agains.t the lots, �arts of lots or parcels of ground or �roperty specially bPnefitted by said � improvement r�,table �.nd in proportion to the sp�ci�,l benefit conferred k�y said improvements And ti•rith�ut regard to cash v�.lue; an � : . :VH�REAS, the total cost of said improvemerit amounts to the sum of ��.,470.00; a�d ti7HEREAB, the Village Recorder. has prep�red and submitted to the ViTlage Council a schedulP of assessment of�the lots, pa.rts of lots or p�,rcels o.f ground and property benefitted by said improvement; an3 ?�Hr'�i.EAS, .the Village �Council has by. its resolution or- dered .public�,tion of a notice of �; hearino of coniirmati�n of assessmpnt for said specia7. benefits �,g�,inqt the property bene- fitted by said improvement as describecl and set forth in the � assessment schedule of benefit4�attached hereto and m�.rked �xhibit "A.'� and hereby made a part of thi� resolution, �aid con- firnation hearing on s3id ass�ssment to be held before the Vill�.ge Council �,t its meeting on September 22, I936, .at 7• 30 o' clock to hear and pass upon �.11 objecti ons if any. � BE IT RESOLVED that the entire co�t and expense of s�,id im�rovements b� }�a.id from funds to be obtained from the issue and sale of c�rtificates of indebtednesa of sa.id Vill�.ge, pa,y= able in ten. (10) �.nnual inst�.11ments, ea,ch of v�hich installments sh�,ll be represented_by a se�arate certifica,te of indebtedness bearir.g interest at the rate of iour {�) ner cent. ;aer annwn and to bear date September 1, 1936, one due not later than January 1, 1938; one due not `l�.t�r than Janua.ry 1, 1939; one due not l�,ter tha,n January 1, 1940; one due not l�.ter th�.n Ja.nuary 1, 1941; one due not later than January 1, 1942; one due not la.ter than Jaxivary 1, 1943; on� due not later th�,n January 1, _ 1944; one dup not later th?,�n Janu�.ry 1, 1945; one due not °later. th�n Ja,nuary 1, 1946; and one due not later than January 1, 1�947; � a,nd that s�,id certific�.tes of indebtedness shall be made �ayable to b�arer. And the President.oi the Village Counail and the Recorder are hereby authorized and empov��red � to negotiate �,n� se�ll said cer- tific�,tes o.i indebt�c�ness for not less than the �ar v�.lue_therPof, the same to be issued, and record thereof be ma�e pursua.nt to law. Da.ted this 22nd day of September, 1936. , � President, Village Counoi�l . Attest: . . � =t � Vil].age Recorder - � . . "- � RESOLUTION--'NATPR MAIN EXT�iSION � PROJEGT NO.� 3- 1936, SE��1TH _ � AV�iTUE FROI� THIRD 93`R��T NOiiTH TO tL�I�NE�ONKA �ILLS ROAD � t7H&�EAS, the YYji..11a�e C�uncil. �of the Vi1la�ge oi Hopkir�, Yinnesot�, has receiv�d the folla�rfng petition: , "�te the property .o�ners:.: on 9�eenth Av�, iV, � 9.n the �' Vi11a�� of Hopkin� ,petit�.on the Honorable Villa�ge ; Council of Hopkin� to � eonn�ot the. dea�d �nd r�ater maln on ��.id a.venue,. �e haeing paid for the ' inatallation of water on 9eeenth Ae�. -Are con- .� � stant].y annoped by the condition oP the v�ater, �nd deem it is not he�lthFul gnd eerta�nly not pler�sant ;� .to drink, and conslder it � neeessity�and demand your bocly to ino�.ude 'seventb� �Ave. ia your �ro jeet � , of connecting water me,in� from Sixth to Eighth.� � which e�id petltion o,�m� on `for con�idera'tion at the meeting of the villa� Qounoil helc9 on .9eptember a�, 1936, � BT IT RESOLV�IJ, th�t it`is neaessary and �xpedient to conetruet 6-inah �r�,ter main eKtensions on Seventh Avenue bets�een Third Street North and Minnetonka �[i.11s Ro�,d pur�u�.nt to the pro�risions of Seotion 1�37 etc. Bi�son�e 19�7 9t�tut.ea, being Chapter 346 Lawa of 1911, �s amended bp Chapter ?a La.ws of 19�1, �ndCh�pter a3f L��t� oY 1983, which provides that th.e pill.ege Couazcil may proc�ed upon lts own motion to in�t�,ll water m�in extensions in V111ages having �a �rater-works sy�tea�, with the power to levy a speci�l tax upon progerty speci�lly benefitsd thereby, the �ame to be divid�d up to pay it� Pive annual installmenta and vrhich shall not exoee8 the sum of One and 75/100 Doll�,r� ($1.75) per llneal foot of piping laid in front of eech lot or �arcel of land a�ainst each t�°act of land, �uah inst�,llment� to b��r inte,rest e,t the ra�e of 6� per annum fro� da�e of conPS�rm�tioA of such assessment until paid, and that the $ame ehall be � 1ler� upon �uch l�,nd �rom the ti.me the tax is l�vied by the Villege Counail ae provid�cl. by l�r.. � � . , BE I� FURTii�R RE90LVED. that : the work and construction thereof be done pursuant �o and inoluded as p�rt of the pre- vious contract let to Chris Jensep of Wiaona� Minneeota, for the con�trubtion of dead ends.on 9ixth Avenue� 9eventh Avenue and Ei�;hth Avenue I�o�th on �innetonkg Bdills Road. The fore�oing resolution �►�� offerefl by Counci.lma � � �ho thereupon moved its adoption, whioh wag �eoonded by aounailm�n______, �..� and upon being put to �, vot�.wag unanimously adopted by all members of the Vlllage gouncil. . Dated September 29� 19.36. _ � � Village Clerk ATTE9T: President of the Yillage Council 9 LAYING ADDITIUNAL ;7AT� �QAiNS BIDS CLOSE SEPT�liIBER 6 Hopkins, Minn. �FFICIAL PUBLICATION, NOTIOE �'OR BIDS--3�aled bids will be reaeived by the Villa�e Council of the Village of Hopkine, Hennepin County, �innesote., in the Council Chamber� of the Municipal Buildin� of said Village up to 8:00 �. m., 9�ptember B, 1936, �t which time sa,me r�ill be opened for eon- sideration for the �lay�ng �of. water mains as folloRs: /2we'�'�, G�,.�`."`` . . To connect dead ends on Sixth Av�nue �nd Eighth Av�nue i�orth on Minnetonka �4111s Road. Size �f wa�er rnain to be l�,id to be six inehea �ith two (2) �a,te�ou� hyd�ants �vith breakable flange, three (3) g�,te val'ves for hydranta, three (3) crosses, �,nd tbree (3) gate valves for water mains, and the sa.me shall be oonstructed in accordance wi th plans and specif�c�,tions on file in the of fice of the Recorder of s�,1d Vi2lsge of Hopkins, Mlnnesota, and pureuant to Chapter 425 of the Laws of �inneso- ta, for the year 1921. The work to be done and the ma�erial to be furnished is to oonsist of the tlirniahing of all labor, material and equ�pment necessary in and to entirely complete the aforesa,id improvement. Hids s,re requested on the baeis of hand labor, and/or machine work. � Proposals, therefore, to be considered, must be made up.on a�asis of c�,ah payment for the sai3 .work �nd labor, and each bid mua t be 9ealed �nd filed� �ith the aforesaid R�corder and accompa.nied by a cash 3�posit or certified check upon a reliable bank, pa,y�,bZe unconditionally to the Vill�ge Treasurer �,s psyee of the Village Qf Hopkine Hennepin County, �innesot�,, for at least fifteen per cent, (15�'�) of the �pt�l amount o� bid. The suoceasful bidder will be required upon the ac= ceptance of his bid to execute a Rritten contract with the .9�.id Villags, � and to �ive a bond, eai.d bond and contrac� all to be in etrict accordance with Chapter 425 of the Laws of Min�esota for the year 19a1, The Viliage of Hopkins reaerves ihe ri�ht to rej�ct any or �,11 bids. � . Dated Augu st 28, 1936. ART E. ANDER$ON, . � Village Recorder, Attest: AI�T T�1� A . OL80N President of Villeg� Oouncil -,�. � 9TAT� 0�' IIV�NP3�80TA ) � \�� 1, COUPiTY oF H�11��pIN ) ) � � VI LLAG� 0� HOFKINB ) . � _ . � �. W�F.��A9, the Village Cotuzail of the Viilage of Hopkins, h�vin� inveeti�a�ed.the �pplioe.tiota oP � � Thomas� Ga�leia�, r��ident of �a9�d Vi11a�g� at 2�th Av.` N. � . � Ho�kin�, bdi�n�sota, . �. � B� IT. RE��LV�D by the Villag� Counoil oY Hopkins that the application of said Thomas {3�lvin for C�ld Age �'en�iati be and� the e�ms i� her�by encior�sd �nd ' _ �.p�rov�d� �nd tha.t reoommenfl�tion be :�.nd the s�m� i� hereby made to th� County k�ension �oard for the �pprov�l and �.11o�rano� of the `Penqian �pplied for. � .� tinanimously adopted a�t �: me�ting of th� � �Tilla�� Qc�un�il held on �otober �0, 1936. � ATTE�T: . K• . � . A. �. An ergan, R�oo 3er "� \�� � � - ' ���' � � �D�.��n. . r.....r......_.� _.:�. -- .� _ �ntan A. 91son Pre�ident oP Village Counoll � - � �1 . . �i��� �� �;������ �io�� Q� �'���I�. �L�a�l�� �� � � �t�E d� �O��i2t� HENNEPIN �COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA r �� � 1 r : �1 t��t 1 ♦ fi � :. �.. . 1 r., s j'- '" B� I? R�LV�U by tAe Vi11�ge Council oY the Hillage af �o�ina, ln the Co��y o� Hennepin9 �h�� it is nee�e��arg �ad egpedien� tc� �ivid� tt� �ill��� into $Are� eieotSon distr3e�g �d de�ign�.t� �t�e �Ooill.n� �l�c� �, e�ch �ii��rict �,s Yolla►�s, to-�ri � : �I�`I�iiCi' I��?. i-_ �oun��ri�e be��en ti�� e�st limit� an9 the �ea8.t line ot ��s2a�.���on �i�rexiu�, 9.i1C1u�9.�es �i1�4 �h8.t t4�8 �il�x'le� FiopglDB �tc�i�ol Bu�id4a� be �d ie her�by de���ngt�� �s �t�� pai19.� �iao� thereln. �I9TI�iC� PIA. �-- Boun€i�;°iee b�t�een t�e w��� lla� a! ��Ain�on �v�nue �nd tta� e�et iirie o� �e�ti� A�►enu�, anelu�i�e, �� t�t the �uraic�p�l. }�uildin� b� a��s3 �,a he�eby �e�i�a��d e►s �he pollin;� place �t�er�in.. _ 1�ISTRIQ� At�. 3-�ouad�rieb bet�re�a the We�� ilae of Tea�th �ive�ue and th� �rest �illage limit�, inclueive, �nd th�t �he Ju=�lor H1� �chool Buildi� be e� i� her�b� d��ig- �L�d a� the pollia�g plaee iherein. . �E I� ��'��'R AE�ULV�D tt�t copie� oY thie Re�olut�o$ be du].y poa$ed �s noti�e o� t8e fo��go�, a� �equi�fl bq l�w. �ha►�,ni�ousl�r �8opted at ati a� journed meetin� of �he 0ili���Ca�ali h�1� on,July �B� 1�3�e L� ��� ao o��o� Pr��iden�6 of ��� �ill�e tiauncil A�te�t:� �1�d� ���.-�d�-� i�ia � �.��rw i.�..r. �r��� A. Ee �DF:�t�0Y3 �'ili.�e �eeoa°der 9 E A b ) --.,.r�• '- AN �r�DINANCE- TO LTCr�iSE AI.D R�GULATE �IECHAA':ICAL �,I�TU�aLIbIEI� T DEiTI CES IN THE VILL�GE OF HOpKINS. The Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, I�ennepin County, I�innesota, do or- dain as follows : Section 1. Definition; A mechanical amusement device is hereby defined as a ma.chine, which, upon the inse-rtion of a coin or slug, opsr�.�as or may be operated �or ;zse as a g�s, contest or a.musement o� any description, or which may be used for �ny such game, contest or amusement and which contains no automatic pa.y-off device for the return of money, coins, checks, tokens or merch andise, or ti�vhich provides �or no such pay-off by �ny other means or manner, except th�,t this �rovision shall not prohibit the licensing of a ma,chine �hich returns slugs which may be used only in the machine licensed, and ti�hich in it- self does not constitute a gambling device. Sec-�ion 2. No persons, firr� or corpora- tion sha11 maintain, kee;� or sell �vithin the Village of Hopkins a mechanical amuse- ment device, as hereinbefore defined, tivithout first obtaining a license therefor from the Village Council, but no such license shall be issued for any machine. or device which is a gambling device. Section 3. (a) The Village Recorder of the Village of Hopkins is hereby authorized to issue a license r�hen authorized by the Village Council for the ope.ration of such mechanical �,musement devi�ce to any, person of good moral character u?�on the pa,yment of �.n a.nnual licenge fee of Dollars (� ), �rhich license fee shall be placed to the credit oi the General Revenue Fund of the Village. (b) Every amusement.deuice so licensed $hall contai n suita.ble identification marks and numbers, which identi�fication marks and numbers shall be written by the Vill�.ge Recorder upon the license is sued for such amusement device, and such license snal 1 be , }?ermanently affixed to such machine. (c) Any amusement deviCe so 1�.cenaed map be transferred from one place to ra�other in the Vi 11 a,oe of Hopkins , upon the i ssuance of a permit so to do by, the. Village Recor3er. Before such permit shall be iasued, the per- sons, firm ar corporation desiring to trana�er such machine sha7.1 fil� ��rith the . I �. • � � � Village Recorder � giving the na,me fxom whi,ch and t be transferred.. an app�ication so to do, ^nd �.ddress of the place o which the machine is to SeCti4n 4, :IJo person sha1T permit such mecha.nical �,musement device to be overated by any minor under t�e age of 18 years, except when such m�.nor shall then and there be acc�m?�anied by his or her parent o-r guardiax�. Section 5. No person, firm or corpora- .. tion, by himsel#' or anot�er, or otherwise, shall give any prize, �.�ard, merchandise, gi�t or anything of value to .anp player or to any operator of such mechanic�.l device. Section 6. No person, firm or corpora- tion ahall keep, m�,intain, se12 or permit to be operated in its, nis or their pYace of business a:ny mechanica'1 amusement dE- vice r�hich has�b�en converted into an automatic pay-off device a�hich shall d�.s- . charge co�ns, checks or other tokeng to the operator qr player of suah machine, .except as provided in Section 1 hereof, . and no license for any such machin� shall be issued; and no persan, firm or corpora- tiQn�shall convert any mechani�al amuse- ment device into an automatic pay-off device, as hereix� defined. 9ection 7, Any machine, appaxatus, contrivance or device which sha11 have been made use of in violation of th� terms, of this ordinance may be seized and destroyed in compliance with t he terms and provisions of th� statutes of the State of r�Iinnesota relating to g�zming devices. Section 8. Any person who shall keep,, maintain, op�rate or sell v�ithin the Village of Hopkins any such mech�.n�c�.l amusement device without first paying the annual license fee therefor, or �vho shall operate such device or permit the same to be operated for gaming, or who shall � opera�e or permit the operation of any slot machine �s hereinbefore defined, or who shall otherrri$e violate the terms of this ordinance, shall be guilty o� a, mis- demeanor and sha].1 be fined in a sum not to�exceed One Hundred �ollars (�100.00) ar�d costs, or imprisoninent ir� the Village or County Jail for not l�ss �th�.n �'ive ( 5) `days nor more than three (3) raonths. Section 9. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or pal�t of this ordinance sha�l for any reason be adjudged or decreed to be invalid by any court of competent jur- isdiction, such judgment or decree shall not affect, impair or invalidate the re- mainc�er of this ordinance, but shall be � .�; . i ,, `�..� . - � ' ' . . • • , r , confined in its operation to the clause, sen- tence, paragra h or x�art hereof directl P Y � �involved in the controver�y in. �rhich s2;id � judgment or decree sh�,ll have been rend�ered. Section 10. Nothing in this ordin�,nce. �shall be held to apx�ly to mechanica.l �.muse- � , men� devices held o� kept in etorag� or for � sale, and which are not actu ally in use or displayed for use. � , ;_ . 9ection il. �''his ordinance Shall take ef�ect and be in force irom and after its . publication. Passed and approved by the Village CounciY this day of July , 1936. President of the Village Counoil A�test: � Village Recor er Official�y publishefl in the Hennepin . County Review July , 1936. �uOLUTI(1i� �.U�'f�t��.I�I1k3G C 4�'R�, P'��5����;T {��' V.L '�•'-,tSSJ'� L+ i� V A'Y�i 11.. S�i,i'tl L;� Y,i 1.,l.fi� �.s'�i "1.iZ�t�i.�3 Ci�.�,.�+'tL 1`kJ �S�IJ� C�1�TAI�I VOIICI��R�3 A�.�D Ci-3�'LK5 ?1`t �A3€� �',�NT 0� CL�RTA� SAL,A��Z�� �':TT�iOII',� '�:RIFI�� c��� �a�c4 P���r���m �°��,��r��. C;'fi�RL�.l�.9, ��laries o�' Qerta3.n D'411a�s ePpointees �nd e�plo,yeea P�r the year Z941, or until such tim� a� �h� �mployment of auch emplo�ees or �.ppointaes mQ�° be �ooner tor�ain���d, h��� been anc3 are hereby set s.nfl fi�ed at �he suas se� opposite each such a�oi�te�'s or en��loyee � s re�pectiea n�.n.e, � whic�i .��lari�� �ra �ayabl� tv�ice monthly out vf t�ie �r�rbe�e �'anti, pro�ric�ed th�.t su�ch appointee or employee has not been absent from duty f�r Q per9.od lora�er than � total oF 14 day� in suah ys�.r, p].u� r� 10 d�.� giak lea�e, v9.z; dvseph �irom.adi��. ��,25�00 per �.on.th ,P�D l►�I�'R�A;3, the ��lery o� th� � oliousin� a�poin�tee Por the yeas ]:�41, or u:at�.l suc.h t�.�.� as ��ie �nployment of suoii �ppviate� m�y be aconer ter�iz�.t+�d, h�.� been �.nd 3.s hareby set ena �ixed at the �ume sat oppo�ite �i� ��.me, which salar�r 9.s pey�ble �nonthly out o�' �ha �ire F'ur�d, qiz: ���tin J. Vanek. � 35.40 Aer month �TOt: �f�T�E�OR�, IT I� �R�BY RE�O�TED tha� 'the ��laries Ss �bmv� s�t i'orth �s o hereby ordered �.�d £iaid. as �t�ove sst f�r��. w�.thou� t�ie pre�en��pnt, fil�n� �nr� allo�rancc� o� verifiod c1�.3m� or �caour��s therefor b3� the persons �.bove n�ed du�i.�.�; th� �u19. 3rear df 19�1, e�cep� i� the ca�e of. ��ha�t ;���son �vhos� �t�.ted mo�ihl� sal�� �.s �or�.ditioned u�on �i�zited vac�zt�an and �fek ie�v� �er�ods; a�� in guo.� ^^^� ��uch ��;1ary v�i�ll be p��.d to such �►er-�ar� pur�uarz� �-;� ��i� �e�olut3.on un�i.� s��ch �e��an shall h�ve extended sai� 1�..��ted �or�ad� c�hereupon Lhc� �alary o�' ang suc� per�an �i��.l]. �� pa�.d oniy u�on presen�Gment �nd a1.1t��r�nce o� a vsr3.�'3.�d c].�im t�.er��ar, �d except in t�e c�s�e o�' any auch employee �vho�a eerniees or er�p3;oyr�Qnt .�tay ���ve bee.z� t�rrni�ated pr�.or ta �the end af th� 3re�r �941, �.n c�h�:ch aa8e the �bove �roe�du�e �nd �e.y�ent sh�.11. s�op �aith suah tsrm�nation or su��e�sion as �o an�r such ��pZ4�se e+r �fPic3.ai. IT I� '���t;LY �T�'.R R��O�.V�D, the.t the 'Pilla�e Council ��9 21E�Z'eby �.u#,h�3°3.Zed �',o �t1lo�tv t�la. o�' the � t3bove ��i3t�T'�.�8 �u�sliEtJlt to thQ ai�o�re �esAl�:tic�n anfl thtit further, �he a res3dez�t v�' �he Viiie�e Council, the �i11a�e Reaorder e.n.d the '�3.11a�e Tr��surer �re h�reb;�r au�hor�.�ed to �ssue pro�ex� '��.13a�e ?:'a�°rc�n�� a�d Villa�e Cheaks �o the aho�ee ar�m.ed p�rsons �'z�o�n ti�e �o t�me durir��; the 9e�� 19�1 �n con�'�rmit9 �nd pursuant hereto» 1'g�sed an�. adopted by t�a g311a�e Counai3 t�i3s ��h.fl�y o�' �'eb�uary, ��43. „ F. r�. �DDEN �'�e� dent 3, lag$ Council. A.T�S� s �'. Rii�SE�L C��OI.� l,a�,e ��c��clor J'OS�PH C . V.�:�FLY � �'��tor�ay ��; ItE�OLt7TT0� D�'I'���ItJING � fi3EC��S�TX OF i�RO�'OSED i'�A�R 1�AIni C��7STRIICT2QI3 .�3A r�T�'�'IOI� �L0�3G C�RT�►T�+T STR�T� AND ��i+ttTES IId ii�� 4�LL1�iG� QF �IOP�iDI� .PS �R�;I�3.A.F'�Ft IVIO?��: �'U�LY ?�3C�7'�A. ��1►"E�I��A.S, pet�t�.on�a h�.�ve besn pr�sent�d ��o th� iii�.la{�e Coun��:l oF th� iTi]:l.a�� c�i' �iop�rins, pr�sying fcr the extens� o:� oP �.h�a Hopkiras �1�.tex ��:i�s :L�. the fa�.le►�1i.r_�; iac���.o�.s s �To. l. :�l�n� th� '��a�G��1g �"��lf Qf i7th: .��ve�►�e �'�y th b�tE-Jeeu 2d �.nd 3d �treet� No�th. Nv. 2. la.�.o�� �.�h�.ey ito�:c�, eQmxri�nc�,ri� r�t tr�e SQuth boundary i�:ne of lo� 7, b1o�T� �.�, �`, r�; �:�tr���*e's �*.��e����;�.�n p�.r�., �.� Lh� i;����� .�l�u�.d t�e �,f Q�rt�nc�ed; than�� �;otx�her�.y �la�� w�a3.� x�s�1�:Y RQ��. tc� t�e �;vu�� �ou�d�r� 3.i�� �� T.�� l5, RL�cl� �: ; ���.c1 edci.at �.c��. Al�TI� '�°;'��.'?'��� ��.uE� �rci statutory r�o;uice of ������tn�; aP t��� �T�.11��;� t�c�un��.�. �o c�ei:E,��i r�� th� nece��i�y and �d�vi�a�3�.�.ty c�� su�h w�ter �rain con.�truation k��e been �3ven, �hi�h �.o�ice �p�c3.fied �'ebruary 4t��, �.94:L �.t �.�Q o' c1oGk �'. ?�. a� the d�.te �nc1 time oP st�eh m�at�.n�; tc� �.1.�. �rauer'�y �w��r� whos� 'progerty �ne� be a��e�sed fvx� .�aah �.�.��ace^;er�.0 btr � �ue � en�. �aran�r �ublie��f.vx� o�' ��id not�ce � �.n the �;ennapin ���t� �t�ei�zva i�kie oi:'Y'3ci�;1 newsp��c�r of ��a�d iTS.�3a�e, a� px�o�3.6�d by ����. � �i�;T1 �;��:��?°�.�`�, no o'b�a�t�.on i��� b�:��. �.n�Qrt�4se�. by a�yane �o �aid �ra3oct. F�0'� 'i'��.���'D� ;'�' �:� FX�r� �Y ��t7T.�D Yay �he � V"��3.��e Coun:c�.i of �a.��: 'i�lla�;� o� �J:o�kZn�, ��'s.a� 3:t �s �;�p�ad�an� i ��Cesst�I'y ��d p�o�ez' �h.ai t�h� �a�er ..�aln o�' thc� '��.1].age o�' �opk�nc� Y�e aon�truCted and e�t�nd�d a�•:her�ia�bQv� �ot; �'ar�t�h. i�ur�h�r, �h�.� t�^e totaZ ce,s� o�' sal.d co�struc�ion �hall .fi�e bor�e by the � o�n�r� v�` end ��ses�efl ���i�s�; a��. �� �2�e �.o�s, �oiec4� aad .pa�c��� of lamd sbut�ira�; u�o�, said imvrove���,ts �� �st £a�th 3n �ha .�iatia� ta ��Z� P�op�r�y �3wx��rs 3�erei�.bePo.re r�f.r�rred ��, �h3ch 1Votice is herebg include� Y�e�+�4.�a b� ro� arQ�.e� �!c� +�a�e �. part �ereo�' �� �hau�T� fc�3,ly �e� �'or�h ��x°e�.n �rer��'v:�..rn, �'a��e�. �r� a�o���d �y �,he '�3.��a�;e ��ur�ciZ aS' t%.c ��.�:3.��e Af F�opkir�s, t��.g 4th �.�.y o�' �'obx�u�ry, i��l. F. ?;�. ?�SJD� ��e� �c� crzt Q�' tY�:� �'•_�? ag� C�unai 1 �� ''�'��2`: J' . RU�SELL CAR�tO�� 1 ��e �r V V�rJL 11. V • • ��L�+i'41TY� . .�.�,.�"�l��e d�t �c�� ��" � ��soLVTio�i n��zc���ar� �Lcux�� �a��zor�,��, �A�iK OF H0�'T�Il'�S, HOPKIN�, 1�'liItiTN�SOTA, AND FTR; T P,T��'�IO�n,L ��q�� 4F I�O�KINS, HOPI�INS, i;+iI�TiT'�;SOTA, 1� CONTINUTi�� ��PO��IT�RY �`OR FiOFI�ZIQ� PILLAG� �'C33I��D� . � 4"�i��Ru�, the Security Natipnal Ban� oP Aopkin�, �opkY�ns, ���inne�ota, a bank authorized to do a benkin� bu�iness in the State o� "1linnesota, has mac�e appl3c�t�.vn to th� Vill��e Couricil of the 4iZla�e of' T:�opki8� �o be de�4�nated �s g ciepo�ita��r of gopkins �3.11a�;e fur�ds, az�d i�a� offe�ed and plcd�ed a� seeurit3r �'or su�Y� furzds, the follo�3n�: 4i11A�e of �opki�s, �:i�.nnesvta, �ec�er 4'�arrant� Pro j�o� ;�5 of 1935 �.ated 9/1-�5 due �anuary lst of each ysn� in th� yee.rs 1942 to 4�3 fnclusive. Each �';arz'�nt at �448.0t? � 2244.00 k3c�me owners' I,oan Cor�ara�ion 2-��, Serfes G, Bcjnds d.uQ 7/1»44. Ida County, Io�f�a, 2��-� �x��.r� �oad Bond, due 5/1-4� LQCrosse, +`�tisconsin, 1-�/4;� Sev�a�,e Di�posai H4nd, due �/�-�4� � Cer�ifica�e.of ���osit, �iapk2n�, ��3nn�sot�, �ewor �ro�ects o#' 1935, 4;� dated 8/1-35 due 1/1-4� Cert�.ficate of Depds�.t, i�opki�s, i��nne�ota, Se�rer Projeets of 1�35, 4�, dated 8/1-35 due 1/1-44 Cer�tif'ioate of Deposit, �Hopkins, i�innesota, �ewer Pro�ects of 1J35, ��� dated 8/1-35 due 1/1M46 Certif3cate of Depo�it, Yill��e of Hop�Zins, �'7ater Pro�eat, 4°�, dated 8/1-35 dt�e 1/1-42 Cert3i'icate vf De�os�t, V3.11��,e o� Hopkin�, ��, dated e/�.-�� due i/�-�� � CertiF2cate oP Depc�sit� �9.�.1a e o� i�opkin�, '�1 oP 193B, ��, d��ed 2/1-36 due l�1-43 ��8t0r P�o�eC$, t'I��er �ro j eat 7004.00 2fl0(3. �0 �oov.00 27�.50 270. 5(} 270.50 3Q4.20 304.20 447.QQ Cartifiaete of Deposit, �tilla�� ��' Fio�kin�, ���tc�r Pro�ec� '�2 of 1g39, 4� a dr�ted 7/3.-39 �iue 1/1-�� 8�3.60 �ederai D�po�it Insur�oe Corporat3.on, Insurance 5000.OQ � I Total Face Value ��` 21960.50 �'�RE�,S, � thQ �'�rst Natio��l B�k o�' �Iopk3.�.s, Hop}s�ans, �innesota�, a bank authorized to c1t� a bar�kin� busiaess in the ;tat� of P�ginne�ota,has l�.kew3.se made ap�lication to the �'il�.a�e Counci�. of the V�1.9.a�e of Hopk�.n.� �to be desi�nated as Q con�GinuS.zig depo: itory of �opk�ns gilla;;e �nd�, an� ha� o#'for�d �nd pled�ed �s security �or �airl func�s, the follow3n� : 'U. S. 'Tr�asur3r �ond.s of 1944-46, 3� due 4/15�-48 � 70�Q.p0 �ast Grand �'orks, �innesota, w�ater Plant Bonde, 2�� �at�a �o/�-3a due io/�.-�s Feder�l Depo�it Insur�.noe Cor:�ora�ion, In�urance Total Face V�lue � �oao, o0 5000.00 w 15400.00 ��i� ::�?��.+en��Bl;"', L�o�:i� �i' �ay�=.i ��r�r��.� �a.nr� �i��'o�� �t��t�.ea�ei� ���.:�� h+�v� �a�a��.►�aa��� ��� ,ai.et��-�c� �� �I�e �$.3.1n`� aP I����.i��� ��€� r�b�v� �l9�Ca.'��:pC7 iG`.3't�¢�C'�'i�V{,3 CC3�.�.��'rC?3,'ta�. �9f,,"Cl3,�,'�'�� L`�� $7i�1317�3 �3t3�'i �'�c�".�'a�! ?:ai�rs�a�:�.ti �c� r✓hi�.��Qa' �.'�v3 c��' E,'�a�e%r:��. ��r.� �1 !�fi3�r�-riia�t� b� � l�w�, �� �3��t� of ��a���r�.�c� �r ��i'����1 t3�rvi� t�a�a , �n� t�:�i�� �'31���;�a� �.�� m�����*r�s�n�� tP��r�o�' �� ��:� ��.�.3�a�;c� ��' �jc�p��z�:�, ����,�� �h.� r����.d���.o�s tY��'� s��.�. ����,�°�.�g� '�'�.t��oa:��a� �r��l�: a�' '���1,�.n�, �,�F3 �'�:��� ���+��.��,��? ��� +a�' �'���h�r��, ��'dru�aid� c��: ���a.�a��iec c�Q�����'.�ari��� �hF�.�.i ,��a;� ov�,�� �c� i�h� �il�.c��e� .{'r�,��u��r �� tl�� �'�.1.I��^�� ��' �:a�l��.��, �� 3��:� ���l�r �rty ����gpi.d' `�Y, CJ1n� lA. I/.5�...��..:� �*�CJh�6./�d.� i�f[j1.'ii �4W��� L�-V� i/� V�W%ACt:.y.pi��47 �b Cddii� b3V�VA c�e����:�, ��1 ��*�c�r ���o�i.�c�� �a��r���. �t �a� ��rr:� ��.ar�.�_� ^th� �e�#�c�c� suc� cc��.�.���r�.l ��.a��l �e ��a c����;3i�ed; t�r�s� �h�:L 9�i ���� ��' �� ��fa�c��.� u,�on ��c� #���'� �af. �h� t�o�a��.�o�°�.e:' a� �it�i€�r m� t:���, #��� ��.�,la�� Cc�un��.l r��' th� ��.1�.�^�r;� a�' �tc�pi�i��, ��i��ll h��Q �'P3�.J,. ��a�r�� ��sl €�u�����;�y #�,�a �:�€��.1 ����� c�3.i����°���. sag ��e: "�€�xa� �� �€�n���:r�, �:�.tiaFa ����.� h�ve �� �e���t�l�ec�, �� ;�� .t�ucsh ��;h�r��i' a�� �aag �� ��������� �a x�Q����� :3�� �'t��.l r����an� �ue t��� �'i1.3a���, ��� xa�.� c���� ��s� �u�pZ�a� �a t�Yse ra�+ p��t�.v� c�e�r��ito�y c��' i�� �,����xs� g���d c�a�.l�:���c�3 �� '�e� c�e�v�f°��� �.Ii tui'L1ai0�� t':`�.'"r:�3 �`.;1C'i �'t;€.�i}�'z�Z .�('.�'3C�33'�7E,' �li��lit d�' i,i�.F�E3Q�,`3Cid.�.S � ��1'�"�IlPi��'JUC3 � '�9ill'�t2k:�I.'�i �`,C5 ��Yi� $��'Ll�'� c"��"�'�"f'�f.•�€:i!`� � t�?3°� :'��T��'�t:"'� t�e� e��a�.�;. ''ye�t���L� r�,���.t�rz€�_� ��:c!b a�" ���k�.n�a h�� ��re— �VY V.��S�. �L5ti7�F����:1 l;.pkl�i w��,�.a`Ld�4� $alSt,! �i.-'CJ V V �1��JV.F+.F�G� NVd ��i-R.11 47'�W40.d ��.L�Li' Q:�.a. �7 "'0.6:i�'� �f��'�i1a����"�.tr �i�i��4C���.��1 JF.�: s.�i. �7S'G��1��w�i �"�f� ����±�i��i�.i��iaJe �r�i' c�o����1.�p� ��s��:� ��� ��tt��°o�'�x� ��a�u��� 8��i �"r�+�c����. t�����°ve� �t�nk 4�' '::��,�n����ali� ; ��� `•.:�T�'a�X�.��:�y '��'3£3 �J^�1,� ���.�'�`3'� .��:;�.laPX�3�. �E�Ya �$� ��(����.il�i �''1L^��3 �ibY.'t3�,f)°' �`�rc +����.��g� �c�. �1�d�;�d �ha ��sca�� dt����i�t�d. c�sat�i� mvou���`.it��, �- � �11 �:� ���c� p���la���..��.y �sci���uior� 3�a ��� �l�cl�€�� e��c3 ���5.�c�r���, ��d �! �����.t�r�� �°����. M�t� thcs���°v� ��ca��a��s� ��r �'�dor�l =�e�ea�v€� ���k �a�' g��.n��€��02��; ��c� ':.��R�:��� �", �h� �e�u�ei ��.t��� �:�v�ra �e���r�,t��e� rxr� o�'�'���c�. b,� eae��a c�� ��.�.c� ti���U�.tori�� ��.��c�c��.�t��.y, r� �b�s�e� ��� �'c��t2� �.� �.�.�u �� ��ci �n st�b��i�u�io�, �'�� ti�e se�u�i�Gi�� �l���s� ��a� ���3.�;�a�t� �n p���3,nu� ����.� �z�n��. �'�!.�;`:�y '���;��.`,F�'��r� �s �� ��'a°i:+�i.s�*:�� �'9,�j� i��� ��.�.�.�:�"�i ��>��1w�:�. 'u3� �`i�s`'i� �'��;.2ea�~� �� �';<��a���.n�, ��.�t� �h� ���a�.i��.�4��n� caa �'��, �r.��! �c�����.'� �� �1��; �ac���.4��e� ���e��3��;� �� �:�'c�r� y�3,� �� ^���`i�� �.rr�t�.ic�r��� ��:�P� 4�' ���?�ir�, *��►�����a�� T��.r�n��c���s, �� �����'��d� �r��. °��.� �he ���t� ���«�i�y r����.�n.�i1 �?�.�k �F ��������t�, �.��:����.r�Vo �3!inr����ta, �a ����; t�� ��:�� �.�u tz��ct�� �a�9.t ��a�;�� ��� �a �����it�3�xc; �.��rs ��.�c���r ��' °G��� '��:1�.��� i'Li�'i.4s'�i r��' �',�'?�' ���.�.Cl^;:! �3� �TG�"���:"l:�p �E3�.C�, �iF.��t3*��.�;3 �C,��'i '�7 @dCC1C.'�C� �t". �2� t��� 5:� �,�:.c �^°x������� c��' �i�P�t�e�*a t��s����c���d a€�ll�r �� l.��t?�3t7 ��.a �ca�1�9l3 ci��.�.e�r� j . d�7j"� ��;: d.�R ,S'U�S,�1����d'4 �'iiJ+�.,1J8'JY�.ai� ��i 4IdQQ �Y��.���•:,�.r k0�ui.Jat�� aJ� �l�.l�',+ V.Ld.��.i��s �i3y, �Q�i� .1.��� �,��G� �RA� i��1�d.��iia�.S,a�a.d �+.1.���4 ��4'W Ea��i�i��� �l 9:E�� v��i�i��3.��,r E,��' ��ll���,ie�r� �:v �& 0�'�i.��i �63 4d� �.B,F�'r ��J..��� �re�, tr.7����.? ��,�.i� Q,i� �t'Q����:.�'s o ,E';4�l�Fa1.�:.� tr. a:�������%�.� ��; ±�:i�irVQ�L�1�a Q�6.:� i.�ri�,Y� �31� ��$4� �A:,Li+.�� ���:���i��� ���Ts �.t� �''��i��.t?a� ��O��S�.13�e ri�1'����kE?�fti ��€' ��»i�[� '��?� Et�'lt'• �E3 �i�x°�,';�?�' �E���.,.�';:7.�3.�;�t�# �.� � c�ar�tir�uin� d.c��t���.to�v �a�' �E� �'i�.3.�,�°� �'ta�i�.� s�'� ��.� �'�.�l�g,� ��� ��Qg3��.� �, �ai� d�p��i�r �a�� �c� m��a��d �a� �,� ti��� i�. ��� e�*����c��� a�' ������z� th�����fi c3o�.�.ar�, (�.�,f�fla �a� r�a/�.�t7 �i��.�r��°�3. �,r�o��br� �� � r�;; ;t��.a� €��c���.i�� a�' �Y�� ��.I�.c�r�e t,'����.1 c��` �h� V��.lc���e �,� �t��kg���, ��nn��iin C�at�t�`��', h��d �� �u�a��.��', J�a�€����r �1, ���1.� �' . I$. ::�t�e�eiar�t y..�..,_�..,.w,. �x���c�a�t �i�' �Ti�.l��.� ��aa���� A,�","��"�° : �`. �������.1 ��s�r�].�. �r�;c� �c�C� �.�'yr� �'�,y���' C. V�:���;I��d' tf �.�; �� d���a�ne� �soLu�aN �r,z�h��u� �.s� � S';�BJT Ft3R ��TF,�i B�AIN EXT�3STO�l3 �"i.r 0� T�F'TH AVF�VII� �1��.TH �'0 T�iIRT�ITH �VIIVUE ON i'KIRD STft �. Y��?RTIi APJD FRO�I THE TtAII,ROAD RTG�IT �F PJ�.Y � FOURTH S'�I�EE�T NO:tTH ON THIRTE.�.�1TH �iV]�1�JL NOR`�H. P ROJECT�2---193� The ui1?age Couneil of the Fi�.lage of Hopkins aet in �.djourned regnlar sessio� on the 2nd d�,y of October 1�34, �t ?;�0 P.�2, at th,e Village Council Ch�unUer of the �ianicipal I3ufiilding oi eaid Village, being the tisne and �,�lace e�gpaiated in a du];g publ��hed notiCe of hcari�tag pu�suan� to its I�esolut,ion adopted �� 2gth, 1934, for t�e purpose of �.s�er�aining �nci a�aessing the benefi�s to the property ,1 thiu said Vill€�e conferr�d by ihe ir�prove:aent kno�:m as �ater extensions on �he streets hersin�ftQr named,and �fter hea.rin�.�11 testimvriy by or in Ueha�� of �1I of ti�e persons and ��r�ie� ix�terestec3, ar whose praperty is affecte@ by sa3d 3.mprov�ment and d.eairi�g +.�o be heard," rinci being flaily advised in the premiaes, the follo�ving Resolution ras adopted, vi,a: �IE�AS, pursuant �to ?�esolut5.vn �.dopted July w4th, 1934, by the Vi13�,g� Counc"i1 fbr the conatruct�on of wa�er mains in the Village of �►�-,-- Hopkins as foilows: , 6-inch pipe on thixd stre�t nort7z from tv:elfth avenue north to thirteenth aver�ue, and from the r�ilroa.d right of �r�r to fo�arth street nor�`�li on thirteenth avenue north. lhe �ork ther�of Yu�s be�a done a.nd completed. AIQD F�HEA.EAS, Pursuan-� to resolu �ion of the Vil].age Council oF t�:e Vi:tlage of Hapk�ns, ��innesota, the �ro�osed assessment of th�. ��unt prc�per and necessa� -tu be espec3:aT);y. ass�ssed for such im�rci�rement . �.�ainst every asse�sable lot, piecE or parcel. of I�nd s.ffectsd by such improvement, on �he ba�i� uf bcnefits w-ithout r�gzrd to cash vaZuation :in �.ccordance �ith Ci�.p�er 425 oi the La�s of �9dinn�sota for the yeer i923., which has 6aen m�,c�e �;nc3 is ¢an fi�e �ith the Vi11�.ge Clerk�. f�or p�blic inspec��a.on, and hgs beer+ duly submitted t�o t�ie �lillage Co�ncil for consideration, �nd tivhereas due notice has been given of the tirae and placs ��hen and whero the Couneal �ri13 meet arad pass u�on the sai� proposec� �ssessment arz� he�.s� «�d pr�ss upon all objectians, if fany, or �unend the same. �10�d, THEfiEFC)RE, Be it Resolved by the Village Co�zncil oi the tlillage of hopkina„ that t�E aforesaid progos�d �asesament be and the Hame is heretr,� �.dopted, nade and consti�uted the special aos:�ssrsent against �he lots, pieces ana �arcels oi land therein described and :�all be a lien u�on -the �roperty described i�erein and F�.11 �hereof, �unich lien sh�.1l be coneu�rent �i.th the general ta�es �sses�ed against said �roperty �nci the Ci erk is hereb�r directed ta immedi�,tel,y transmit a certifaed duplicat� thereof to the Caunty 8uditor fbr coll.ection in the manner �.nd aa required by 1�.w, and be it further resolved.that the proeeeds of aas��sments levied against the propert�y benefited by saa.d im�rovement be and are hereby appropriated and set aside as A separ�te special awsWssment i'und for the �g,y��rs�t of �varrr�nts, issued bg the Vi11�ge of Hopkina to cover th� cost and expe�ise of' s�ici improve�ents� �.1�. in accordance with the statutes in such c�asea made and provided. �ouncilmar�. , �;ha o�fer�d the fo�e�oing resolut:ion., t�.errupon moveci its �dop}„ion �Yii.ch was seconded by Gounci�axl �.n.nd upon being put to a vot;,e w�s ado�ied vsiani.r�ous7,y by a.].1 members of the J�.].C3. �1211&�e COL113C�. s �age Clerk. AT��S t , Presi�e�.'t of Village Co�c3.1. , -=.�--- l . .: . �.�' - ,3� - . , .. . . . � ' ' � �.� �. . ,. .^ ' ' ,� - BALAnTCE DEC :1 1932;':: �' � , . � _ GENERAL FUND � - � . _ . ... _, . 1932 recipts 32666.12 � , „ warrents 2202689 , _ '► � balance . � _ ,. � 1931 over draYt 9265.63 . - Ba l �.�- - . lniA^ER FUND 1932 recipts --� 8355.27 -. . . - � ,► H-�ARF.�,NTS � 4767.52 Ba1 � _ ��:.� . " �OgD AND BRIDG�- FUlVD � .-T932_ . rec.ipts. . . � 9265.50. ; � � ' " . - �Jarrents 5915.77 � .. . � = Bal. . _. SPECIAL ASSESSP�yNT FUND 1932. recipts 31181.25 � � - � '► . - - ti��arrents �27907 .88 � Bal. 2� . � � � GAS FUND - 1932 recipts 2720.07 ._ _� " warrents 2320.QO � , Ba.l 40 . . - V age ecor er. � General Fund B� Fnnds. -. �- - Gen. Po3iee -_ _ PARK R�usic. Rcpts 21041.13 ��7��5 "4152.'75 Rc:pts. - 571..09 Rcpts. 933.07 : Cks 11461.08 ���TS. 2888.47 Gks, 425.98 eks. 750.00 Bal.. �.9 8. O.D.Bal. 1264,28 Ba.1. . 14�- Bal. 1. 1931 H��r D7226..50 - 31 0_.D�. 232.16 3� Bal- 652.95 � Bal 2F� .� - 32 O.D�. � _ _ .�6.�' F IRE POOF. Ziabrar,�r Ropts. 2174.02 RCPTS. 2965:03 Repts. Z083.44 Cks-. 1908.32 Cks .. 1623:83 Cks. 1566.53 - 265.70 1�� 6: --31 O.D. 1338--.73 .31.O.D. 712:72 _ 31 bal -91.53 32 O. D. Ba 1'7 . 32 Bal 6 . Ba l— 6�8 .�� _ . -- � _ . _ ;=� . • , ; '�, , _ ,. - ' . . . � .. . . ' �1` - � ,i , - .. . . . . � . � � . �� x , V . ' . ' . _ _ � �� � � ' . � \ �� -' ' ' f � .� '�-.-� ' � � ; �,�,, e � , i' �f J -s � � i �� 2 ����� l �. ( �-2� �g��7� �'' �.�,�% ��i< s�/• o q � Zs" 9� �s�e 2 3 2'�_ �`'%r � S`� 93�. 07 ��o. �� /��"�� 7oS2� � �0 � �'3. � -� �9��� ���'0T �-� ���� � � � � � �s��►�r� �� �� �.�� � .� ���� � �9s`� �� � ° � 3' �5/�j! is��•,t`3 SI � • 9_ � o � ��f � / �'.�-9� %� ° �� � i" _, �� _�// � ,2 • 7 �-- /� � � V D � I ����,,��- @ � � ► , , .� 9 Regular meeting of the Vill�e_ �ourlcil of the 7i11a�e of Hopkins �ras held January 3rd, 1933, at �rp�o� Pr� at the Vill�.ge c:iall. ��embers present ; G.ti5l.Pdoore,President; Trustees Ja�s and i^adden. F.ecorder .�nderson. �bsen_t,Y!::dni.�iosp, The Po llowing perso ns appeared f or a id and v�e re grante d, s ame ; Leonard �auley, a�plied for permission to cut wood. Geo.Hinke�l, �roc�-ries,farina be�ns =arid o��meal. Roy: 4�uilliams, groceries and milk. J.E�rlelson, �roceries and meat. - � - 1��ilten Berg, Pt2i�lk and meat. E.Dodge; .milk and meat. Joe i�Viedman, groceries. O.J .Vollra.th ,perosene and m�eat . � Ben Tasarak f lour. Ho�Frard Jurisch, groceries and meat.--�-----_ Ejnar Nelso�n, groceries and meat. ��rs. Einma- Smith , gro ceries and milk � Joe �Kucera groceries and mea.t '���arren Bensan, groceries and meat � - P�"at t Beve rsdorf gro c er ie s and meat John Spotne�,gro:;eries and milk Albert Sanderson, groceries and milk Henry J oo�s , meat . , Frank Kaspar,� proceries and me�at - John Pass, milk arxl meat - Carl �eden, flour and meat , 109 9th Ave:N. � Robt.Rob'e-rs �roceries : • - John Novotne� groceries and meat. �Motion duly made b�r ll�e,dden, seconded by•Japs, minutes,o.P the last " re�ular mee€�t ing be appro�ed as read , carried . . �. Motion dul�r made b� :Japs, seconded by I�.�adden, minutes of t'� 5pecial P,Reetin�s stand approved as read, .carried. _ Resolution adopted b� Japs, seconded by P�Iaddet� copy of same attached herewith and co��y sent . to fl�Rinneapolis I�oline Gi��s� Club.: ��otion duly made by r."•adden, seconded by Japs, water report -be approved as read and placed on f ile, carried . ��otion duly made b�r ��adden, secor�led by Anderson that lreasurer's re��o:r� be approved as read and placed on fi].e, carried.. b�sotion duly made by Anderson, seconded by �r��adden and Justice Report �rras approved as read and placed on file, carried. . 1�'�otion duly made by Japs; seconded license be allowed, carried; 86 6�Jm. H1son,Iiopkiris R#1 87 Hulten CaFe 88 Fre d Fal t ine by �lnderson th�:.t the. �'ollowing r�ilk ��otion dul�r made b� Japs, seconded b� Tb"adden t:hatthe following Plumbers' license be allowed,�ubject to approval of Bond b� Village Attorne�,carri�d �89 H,Friehl . . 90 J.H.Damschen_ ��otion duly made by. Japs, seconded by Madden, that the Treasurer's and Recorder's Bond be approved,subject to the approval oP the Villa�e Attor- ney,carri ed. Motion duly made by R1ladden, seconded b� Japs, tY�at the Follo���ing bills be allowed ; carried ; . 11143. C.D,MeP��,hon 11144 Albert Skran�a 11145 Jos . Vesely 1-1146 John Brecka 11147 Zeon Bloberger 11148 V�m.Odell 11149 N.R.Y�a,lkes 11150 gug.Kopesky 11151 Jos.gnderle 11152 Frank Duda 102 hrs . � 45 ¢ 18 hrs. �? 1.00 Truck 19�- hrs.� 45� 13�- n rf _ ir 1�� rr rt tt 13 '� " �� 13� n �r �r 1 tf n rr l� tt tt �r 13 z �T ;� ,� 4.73 18.00 8.78 6.08 6 .08 6.08 6.08 6.08 � 6.08 6.08 , Bills,cont. • - 11153 11154 1115 5 11156 11157 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 11167 11168 11169 11170 11171 11172 11173 11174 11175 11176 11177 11178 11179 1726 1727 1728 1729 1'730 1731 1732 1753 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 17 50 1751 1752 Ed.Roehl Fred Eriekson T.Sculle� James Cathers Joe Joret Geo.Hinds John I.Johnscm vqiko 14�at he r Fred Kromadko Victor Johnson Zambe rt . T�Zeulners J.Jas erson �tatt �eCauley Carl E. Ols an Frank Koehnen Frank Stodola V�arren Benson Chas,Bennett Frank Lehmbecker Cl�.rence Thaimert Henr� Joos C.Rasmussen Chas.Knos Frank Nit z Rpbt. Gehrl:e O.J.Vollrath Chr�i s b7oe Standard Oi1 Co. Pviike Holm, Se c . � Archie �elly � Pederson Bros. Geo .lUl.Miles Hovander Bros. Emil 9riderson Joe I;apic A�ton Olson I;en MilUert Sincl��air Service Anderson Bros. Schutz. Grocer9 Cnas.Herzan Hopki�s Ind.Oil C Pioneer �lev.Co. b� .�Mpl s. Fu e 1 C o. Henn.Count� Home lst Nat.Bk. N . `�J. Pho ne Justus Zbr.Co. Hopkins Produce J.J.1�Ieng I,:Eidam Geo .N.Miles Red,Owl Store. G.�d.��oore -2- --- - � 132 hrs , n 45� 1� iT il fl 13'-• �� �r ,r 13� rt n �r 15 =`. �f « „ 14 hrs. Q 5A¢� Tractor 13 � " " 4 5 1� IT Ti -. � Ti � 1� n rr rr 16� rt n �: ��_. 13� " • "1.00 T ruc � 13� hrs.Q 90¢� Team 15 " " 45�' 17 " " 50� Traetor 13-�� " " 45� 25� hrs .�,.00 truck,432 202 hrs. � 90¢ team 10 hrs. � 90� Team 13-� h rs . � 45 � 13�- hrs . � 1.00 Truck 13� hr s . � 45 ¢� 131 hrs. Q 45� 1� hrs, � 45¢ 1 hrs . G; 45� 1 hrs. Q 45� 1� hrs . � 45� 7 hrs. � 45� 14 h rs .� 1. 00 T ruc k Gasoline Ut ility Truck I,icense G,roceries �R - 25 milk books PR Gaso line Il7e �.t PR Groeeries PR Groceries PR Groceries PR Groceries PR Sta.Kerosene PR Clotnin � PR Groc erie s P� Groc e r- es PR o. -Yerosene PR C oal PR C oa1 PF. Board Sept .Oct. Tdov . Egtine . Ir�s . . Dec. Pho ne Coal PR Groce �,ies PR Gro cerie s PR �- � Groceries PR Kerosens PR Groceries PR hrs.� 60¢� Messenger for Elee .Ballots 6.08 6.08 6.08 6 .08 6,75 7.00 6.08 6.08 8.78 7.43 13.50 12.15 6..75 6.75 6.08 70 .05 9.00 6.0$ 13.50 6 .08 6.08 6.08 6 .08 6 . 08 4.73 3.15 14 .00 10 . 5'7 .35 1:5.07 18.75 2 .46 28.74 1.57 1'7.87 13.69 1�.28 7.71 1.75 6.18 14.61 2.80 18.05 20.00 128.00 8.60 11.10 32.45 26.21 11.36 6 . Fil 4.06 1�.27 2 .00 Upon_ motion duly made by Andersonl� seconded b� h�oore, that mneting adjourn until Deo•.4th, 1933, c�rried. f� ��"r� �tte st : �or �:�'_ . /� � i(/ / i -, _ � • � - d t� = �illtt�e n# �u�l�tn� HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Ip y+�+�g:�.� � il �i � .�,yF ..7 n� ��. , ,:�! x� r�v..� S` � �:e� �i � � ti�:��&�i�.•.�.�'� ,.r� �,�i a;;� � ��?7n�?�1*`i,o '.,t+.�4edi;t���i '".�� �.z��.:� � �.�s.����'rL'°�r �y F:�:j����;.�, ���a��� r„���a� ��#�?,�'�'�.��i�i� 3�� �,�� '�.:�� �.��.*�,� ��, �,��r��� ������,���: �� ��� ���a� ���.����.��i�������:; ��. ���}�3 ����� u'e� ��� ��� ���a���:G�.�� ���.��'�:�tix��:� �a,� �'�s�+� �����;�,��,� �r.�:�a��i ���� ��+� �.��, �. ���a�,�� �� �w�.:���.@�� �:� '�Y�s� �'��:�K��;� �3�' �����$:�'�* �.d ';�� �� ��"�� "� � 7'�.���:� �i��,f,f�;� � �� � � � �� �,�� . ��` ��a � ac�;a�t��x�_ � �a����r� � ��:s� ��.a����� ��` �e �������� ���� �� ��� ������� ����� �� ����� � ���� �����, �� ���a��a�. �a����:� �� �.��,��. `��:� �� �� ��.a�� "'-i������� ��� ��� � �.���r� - �� ����;�� �'�������'�, ��;�3F�� ��i��� w��a;� ���.a�.�� �� '�����+� ��a� �'������.���� �..� ���� �� i���, .���� bc� � ������ � ��� �i��t��;� ��;�'��►�. *. �.�i,�;����4 �� �,��� �,����.��R ��` �y�� ���.����a�,�g ��0.3.�i���sL a�l.k. '59��.+� �'��i.�p� .0�;94 n:vi����i��Z`aw^�� �J'�i IB.� ���"a�a��� EJiI"ka'. # ���� . �� ��k�;. �. ����i `+������ �w.����� ������ � �,��� �,� �,��:,���.��' . The Villa�-e Council of the Vil]�.ge oP Hop��ins reconvened in adjourned session at 7;30 PR� January 4th, 1933 at the Villa�e Hall. L�err�bers present; President G.YJ.P�Zoore; Trustees Madden and Jap�, and Rec order gnde rs a�� . � � Bill was ordered sent to �finnetonka &�ills for �P.H.Gratton �8.80. Resolution oFfered by Trustee Japs, and seconded by Anderson oF : condolence to VVm.Hosp Family in th e event of his death, carried. Copy o f same Resolution attached herewith. RZot ion dular made by Japs , se c on ded by AZoo re that the as�essment on -� lot ` 11 B1k.69. ��est pJlirine�,polis , 2nd Divis ion, be cancelled and tli e , necessar� steps be taken to place same assessrr�t . against Zot ]2 , B1k.69 t�est I���inneapolis , 2nd Division, to the amount o� �18.60, and interest, carried. ��otion duly �ade 9,nderson, 2nd by l�oore that the Salaries and ��Vages for the �rear oP 1933 be as follows ; �f� ��Zayor �35.00 per mo. C o unc i lman �25 . 00 p e r mo . Recorder �50.00 per mo Treasurer �16.66 per mo Fire �'Ja rden �16. 66 pe r mo Fire Stew�,rd �10.00 per mo. _ �seessor 4244.00 Real estate year; �150.00 Personal Propert� Yr. - gttorney% 300 p0 r ear ��r�� -^! Hezman Ol�on,�tii��y �ian ,�'�0-;00° pe r mo Police OfficeSs,�:�14:3.00 per mo and 'phone.No vacation & sick Road Overseer 50� per hr ove��eer leave allowed. Zabo r ^ 40 � Tractor man 50� per hr � Teams' 75� per hr Trucks T.00 per hr . �� � Carried on the follotiving vote; Ayes-�oore,Anderson,Madden. No-Japs. ft�otion duly ma,de b� Japs, seconded by �ndergon, that th e agreement with the Fire Dep t. be ]�, id on tabie . , fl�otion duly made by RZadden, seconded by Anderson that the Hennepin County Review be appointed efficial paper, carried. . �totion duly made . b�r Japs, s:econded b� It2oore, that the minutes �vi 11 not be published for the �r�ar 1933, carried. , � , Communication from Hennepin Count� Revie��u, in regards to official printing was read and ordered placed on file. John B.Shirle�, and F.OZPeterson �vere nominated for the ofFice of Village Tzv.stee, to fill the unegpired term of ;7m.Hosp, ending December 31st , 1933. IvIotion du].y rrade 'Qy Japs, secorxied by ��oore, that nominations be closed , carried; and upon being put to a vote John B.Shirle�r was declared elected on the follovving vote; F.O.Peterson 1 vote, John B,Shirley 3 vo tes. Rqot ion duly made b� Japs, s ec �nded by t�nderson that the aecurit� P�ational Bank be desianated the Depo�itory for the Road F� Bridge, ' General Funds, and the First Nationai 3ank be designated the Depositor�r ior the Special Assessment , l�ater, Gas Funds; and said Banks to se�ure Village Deposits, Carried. The Follovring appointments were made; J.A.Hosp, attorney, carried. ' Frank Sto,dola,Overseer. roads, carried. � Herman �Olson, Utility man,carried. Zawrence,' Schutz, �police officer,carried. A.G.H�nilton,r4_a.rshal�., carried. The President appointed the fo11o��►ing committees: ROAD 8c BPIDGE COI':ti112ITTEF ;� -2 - ROgD 8c BRIDGE CO1�",14'�ITT�E : J.B.ShirYey,Chairman Dr. F .M.I4Tadden Albe.�;t Japs . PUBZIC UTILITY �Oh��ITT�'E: Dr. F.1VI.1'��a,dd en, Chai rman Japs. Shi rley Pa�oo re PUBZIC SAFE�Y COT���'yRITTEE : Dr. G. �'J.1��oore,Chairman 1VIa dd en Bhi rley ��J�YS 8c .NEANS C 0141�12I2'TEE : Albe rt Japs ,Cha.irman Anders on �adden PUBZ IC WEI,FgRE : Entire Council. LICENSE 8� PII�4ITS: A.E.gnderson Z?r.Jeppesen's bill for �gineer's servioes on insta7.lir,g interlachen ��Jater �'ain was reopened and �ras_turned over to the �rTayor. Nlot ion dul�r made by Anderson , sec onded by P�adden tl�:at the f ollowing bills be allotived, carri ed t. 175� Fran'� Sitar I754 East Side Service Sta 1755 Phillips Service Sta 1756 Accounting Systems Co. �757 Chas.�nka 1758 Standard-Oi1 Co. 1759 �?p1s.Gen.Llec.Co. 1760 Japs-Olson Co. 1761 Kokesh Hdwe.Co. 1762 Nelson Shoe Store 1763 Yello�v Trail Garage 1764 4"d.S.Smetana 1765 a7rs.H.F.Converse 1766 Hopkins Fi re Dept . 1767 9.E.Anderson 1768 Jacob Sheifler 1769 T.Skotte�;�rd 1770 Dahlberg Bros.�nc • ]:771 Feudner-Davidson Co. 1772 Henn.Co.Review 17R3 g.4B. Elmqui st 1774 Daniel E.Foley 5278 Void 5279 Mp1s.Gen.Elec .Co. 11380 11�p1s.Gen.Elec .Co. 11181 Blacksmithing Special Police Gasoline PR Gaso line PR Zedger sheets Pdie�ls PR &- Police �Gasoline Ligh t 8c Power OFfice supplies .t'J.�dges 8c Ax Handles Shoes PR Repa'irs 1Vledi�ne 4Ji11 i.ams' rent Fhones 8c calls S tamps &�'en c i ls - Sal.to 1-1-33 Dec.Police 8c �'ire Alarms ' �.Repairs Treasurer's Bond Pr int ing Deposit Bog Justice feee V o id Powe r & Zi �h t Power Traffic Signals A.G.Hensler Motion::dul� ma.de by Japs, seconded by Madden that the meeting adjourn, carri ed. � gtte�t ; °Ma� o r � eeorder '� __�._ ..,_.. _..:�,., . � Special meetin� of the i�illag�e Council of the Vil].�.�:e of Hopkins ' �vas h eld Januar� 9th, 193�, at 7:30 PI���T ir� thet,ouncil Room: = Purpose of this meetin� heing Poor Relief. P:iembers present; G.ti�I.Moore, Trustees Japs, Shirley �na r��,adden; Recorder �nderson. The follo�.��ing persons appe�red for aid; , Gus;I,emke, Groceries J.E.I�elson.,�roceries,meat and beans. tirs.Ole. ]�anson,.l9th Ave.Td. Groceries,coal milk. Robt.Gehrke,gro ceries C. C.Vickerman,groceries,f�rina Motion Madden, seconded by Anderson that a complaint be s�vorn out against r�r.Ole Hanson, Oak Terrace for non-support af famil�,carried. Frank Rosen�ren 'aid refused and referred to Villag�e Attorne�j. Joe Bacik,groceries denied. Victor Borgman. groce-ries. Henry �Z�uman,groceries, allowed temporary aid. l�Jalter Rolf,�roceries and milk beans and meat. Joe �Kuchera, groceries, and meat. Howard Jurisch, Script John Pass ,groceries ,and milk Chas.Zietzow,coal and. groceries Frank Kriz,groceries,milk and meat John �I.Johnson,groceries Vendel Tryden,grocer.ies anc� meat John Spotney,groceries ar.d rneat Robt. Ro'oer� , groc eri es � John Slavin,groceries and mi7_k Lenard Schroers,P�2ilk C.Thaimert, groceries and meat f�arl Seden,�roceries milk andmeat Following Bills allowed: " A.L.Anderson,Stamps , �3.00 � Japs �lson, Script 2.50 Sec,. r��at . Bk. Int . . 53 . Upon motion dul� made and seconded meeting� t�as adj ourned . ' . � � cor er Attest: �� ayor �;�=�--- . � .�, -� .�- � 1..,,-�„��� - � - - ;.x =��.`..-_��� .T � . _ _ . . . _ -- ry . - � • ,\ ..; �rr�. t . - � _ . �. ' . . -- _ y�} - . i.'z ."__. _' - ,A. � . - ,� ' . • - - - . � . `�-�.� - ^ , T>.,-�.... o- . _'?_.�^ _ . . � t _ . - . x. . . _ .�_ _ -773C-� - . f � � +,...-�. � , . �1i.,R-`:`Y"�i • Special meeting of the Village Cour�.il �as held on Januar,y 16th, 19� �.t �x� 7;30 PM�.,in the Council Room Hopkins,Mi.r�n. Purpose ofthis meeting being Poor Relief. �'Iembers present; G.�f�.h�oore,President; Trustees, Japs,l!�adden and S��ir•1ey. gbsent A.E,Anderson,Reeorder. Foll�ing persons c� ere granted aid; Gust Lemke,�;roceries,farina,meat,milk. Julius Thielman,�,roceries, cornmeal,meat. John Pass,groceries me�a.t and n�ilk J.�jE.Nelson,�roceries,rice and meat. Frank Rosengren�`�`roceries carrots milk Lee Hanson,groceries,beans rice meat and milk 4'Valter Rolff,groceries,beans,rice,meat and milk John Pdovotn�,groceries,meat and milk Victor Borgman,�roceries,beans,meat ard milk. Edward Hedtke,groce ies,cornrneal�onions,meat. Robt.Rober�,groceri es,beans,rice,potatoesl Emil STunick,groceries and meat. Alex �asper, ( Benson ) Groce ��ies ,beans Oatmeal and milk ard. meat. Robt.Gehrke,�roceries,bearls rice pot�.toes meat. John Spotny,gr cE:rzes,beans caarrots,r�eat and milk John Slavin,�roceries,beans r�eat milk John I.Johnsor,�roceries ard meat. Victor J ohnson,onions and carrote. Carl- Sedan,groceries,farina and meat. Jos.Shonka,Script �33,��7.20 time to Jan.l5th,1932 Roy Vdilliams , Script �34, �14.40 time to Jan.l5th,1932 . Chas.Bennett,��cript �35,�16.20,time to Jan.l5th,1932 Robt.�e�Zrke,Scr�::pt �36,�",•7.20 Cr.on Groceries to �'illa�e �3.00. •, Herman OrtlofF,Script :�4,Cr.on food to V"illa�^e �5.50 Upon motion duly made and seconded,meet ing was ad.i ourned . Recorder Attest: a�or � . :� Speci�l Ppor Reiief ineeting of ti�e Village Council of Aopkins was held on Ja,nuary 2 3r� , 1933 �n the C ounc il Hal l at 7: 33 PrR. _ �eanbers prese�t� �G.VJ��lloore,President; Trustees, Japs,l"�a.dden and Shirley; Recorder Anderson. The follo�aing persons appeared .�or sid; Arthur Boltman, referred to Village Atto rne�r to write Adolph Graupman lOth Ave.S. in regard to dau�hter r`rs.Arthur Boltman. Ps2rs.Thielman, sack potetoes, meat and groceries. Joe Basic,oatmeal,beans rice cornffieal meat and groceries. Gus Zehmke,paid script �37 �9.00. Paid �6.00 bal �3.00. Geo.Hinkle, farina,oatmeal and groceries. C.C.'�iakerman� 'oeans a�d meat �ro�eries. Frank Ros engrens,�rice and beans . ' John Slavin, onions,beans meat ard milk Joe t�Jiedman,Keroseee onl�r. E.Doge, sack potatoes Vandal Triden,groceries. Aleg Kasper,milk John I.Johnson,groceries,meat and milk Ed.Hedtke,meat 4Valter RolFf ineat and milk �ar1 Seden,rice,meat and milk Upon a motion dul� made and seconded meeting w�as adjourned. ecorc At te st ; ..G ��Z� ayor Special Poor Relief ineetin� of tho.Villa�e Council of.,.Hopkins was held . on Januar� 30�rh , 1933, at 7 s30 Pl+� at the Counc il Room. ``` piRem�ers �resent ; G. �V.�Toore ,President ; irustees , Japs ,Madden and Shirley. °�"�� � Recorder gnde��son. The following persons appeared and �T�ere g�ran ted aid ; Gus I,em}�e, groceries and milk. Julius ihielman, groceries, beans,cornmeal,me�t ar�d milk. C:C.Vickerman,cornmeal and farins. Claus Rasmussen,oatmeal,be�.ns,rice,��ood groceries,milk. Frank Rosen�ren��roceries,potatoes,rice and milk Robt.Roberg, Potatoes,rice oatmeal cornmeal beans carrots Robt.Gehrke,groceries,farina,potatoes,one-hal� ton coal. V.C.Triden,groeeries,meat. Joe �Viedman,farina d`dal�er RolfF,rice,meat,groceries and milk Chas.Bennett,�roce.ries,f�.rina,rice,meat and beans. Joe Basic,groceries and meat Frank Nitz,potatoes. Ed.Hedtke�cornmeal and meat Jorin Spotney,_Earina,meat and milk Joe Shon�a,�roceries ,cornmeal,rice,oal:meal Farir�a Ejnar Nels on,milk John. Tlovotney,Beans,meat,potatoe��,milk Victor Bor�man,groceries,milL John Slavin,groceries,potatoes,beans,meat,milk. �'rank Habeck,�roceries ,rice, oatr:�eal,beans. Val Ge�rges, milk Lenoard Schroers,meat and milk Carl Sea�en,oatmeal,meat,potatoes. Upon a motion duly made �.nd seconded,meeting v�ras ad j ourned . ,ecor�, er Qttest; �Zayor � A Special Poor Relief ineeting of �he Village Council of the Village of Hopkir�s was held �'ebruary 6th, 1933, at 7:r�0 P�� at the Village Hall. h"_embers present; G.��d.A�oore,President; Tru.stees 1l2adden �,nd Japs, Recorder Anderson, Absent Tr�zstee Shirle�. The follo�ing persons appeared and v�ere granted aid. Julia T�ar, �roceries, potatoes,beans carrots,onions,oatmeal,meat and milk Roy Gordon,n�l,Groceries, and potatoes Fred �romadka,l ton coal, beans farina onion and meat . _ vJm.Graper,�roceries denied. Gus I,emke , 1 co rd v�ro od oalc ord ere d. 3� meat . Julius Thielman, groceries. C.G.Vic�erman,be.�ns,groceries,meat John Brucha, milk R�irs.Glena-rd Vickerman,�rocel�ies,potatoes,onions,cornr,:eal�rice kerosene Fra.nk Rosen�ren,groceries meat Godfre,y Gillman, rice, beans meat and milk Joe Bas_ic,corn�eal,oatmeal meat �;obt.Robe���,p��t�,toes,bear.s,f�.rina oa�meal Robt.Gehrl�e,potatoes,farira,beans and meat. Arnold reamer fo r P�:?rs. �'rrma Smith Q ton coal Geol Hinkle farina 1 ton �oal Roy 4"lill�m,ms,�arina meat coal 1 ton John Spotney meat cornme�,l -U7ictor Borgman beans,farina meat and milk Joe Shonka milk Ejnar �Ielson,meat,2 �al.g•�.s. milk Alphones Bettschar�,groceries,riee cornmeal meat Ec] . Hedtke , bea; s me at l�da3�ter Ro.l.i,bear�s,meat , �nilk 6J.M.Bro��vn,314 �;xcel.Ave. , 1 Cord O�k �vood `�6.75 Frank .�Iabeck,rice,beans meat Jonn Slavin meat,oatmeal beans milk Frank P1itz onions oa�Lmeal Chas.Bennett, potatoes,onions ard carrots. i;.Osterbe�•�, Ned ic ine potato es . � Len.Schroers oatmeal rice �:eat Carl �eden,rice beans mea.l, one cord wood 5Y6.75 mi]_k Upon motion duly made and secorded meeting ��as adjourned. � � Recorder Attest ; ,/ �.ayor " 0 ��_ �'heregular neetir� of the Village Council oF the Village of Hopkins was held Februar� 7th , 1933 at 7:30 PM in the. Counc il Room. Members present; R�Zayor G,l�1.Moore; Trustees, Japs,��.dden and Shirle�; Recorder 9nd e-rson. b2otion duly made by 1!fadden , s econded by �hirley, that minutes of last meetin� be app ro�ed as read; carried.. 1!�otion dul� made by �Madden, seconded by �raps, that the followin� app7.ications Be �ranted , earried : e Hopkins Produee , Inc . Jorgensen Bros. R. D. Rio rd�n Standard Oi1 Co. Nina Ivi.Burns Chas.Herzan Chas. Shonka Chas.Kizer Robt.Johnson T . Sko tte��a.rd I�Iart :uz Holy Vdallace'�R.Fog Fdarren St ore J .J.�`�.eng? PTat ional Tea Co. Z.�idam Anders on & �di lYielms on n�'artin J.�raxle� I,en I�lilber� Ant on Ols on �os.V.Lapic J .O.Harrison A.O.,Iuei der i:mil Anderson Jasper Jasperson T:':artin Olson & Son Pederson Bros Pure Oi1 Co. L.A.Er�el_1 8c Sons gohn �ath er A.A.Valesh Phillips Petro. John J.$�Zoran Hilmer Olson Red avJl St�es , Inc . 1�.H.Be �.tchart Geo.�i.Cha.stek Frank Bennis L.:'i. Loughre�r ��.hlberg Bros. Inc . T�dorthland ly�.ilk Co. N�ilY b'Iilk and Soft Drink Soft Drin$ Drive-In Station 8c �ulk Stati on Soft Drink and rb�ilk �;�i lk Soft Drink,4 I3owling �11-le�s 2 Pool Tables,5oft Drink Drive-In Station I�ilk Drive-In Station PSZ il�_ � �;"ilk r,.� i � Ti"i lk Milk l��ilk and Sof t Dr i.nk - isiilk and Soft Drink r"ilk �: Sof t D-rink i�q i 7�.� T�I ilk It4ilk 8c Soft Drink �?ilk 8� Soft Drink Ia�i lk Ili � ]� 11�.i1k,Soft Drink & 4 Poo� Tables 1L�i l�: Drive -In St a tion PF�i ]k B�ilk Plb rs . Drive-In Station 8c Bulk Pdli lk 8c S of t Dri�k Dance Ha7.1 I� i lk Plbrs. �Q i 1k �T?i lk 1�'i lk Gurb Pumps I�:�. il k 1';'otion dul� made b�r Japs, seconded b� Anderson that the Fire Dept. needs be ref'erred to tne Pui�lic Safety Committee,carried. Letter regarding Ed ina cross ing read and �.�.id on table unti l April meetir�g. Jeppesen's letter to J�A�Hosp,gttorney, read and placed on f ile . All Reports read and ordered placed on file, also all co�nunications. .'r�nerson's comrnunication in regard Gas Rates, read and placed on table nntil Feb.l3th,1933. Communication on Old Age Pension fo-r Nick �ason, read and turned over to �Iayor. ; H.F.NIoo re appointed Fire e�darden for 1933 by rilayor P:Ioore. Card of thanks received and read from Susan Hosp and family,filed.. ����������I��x�� .Japs � � _ �- _2 _ I�.�otion duly made by Jsps , seconded by P�d-adden, the Plumbers' Bonds be accepted, sub=ject to the �ttorney's approval, earried. r�o.tion duly made by R�adden, seconded by Japs, that Pollowin� bills be allowed ; 1'787 b�. S, Darle y& Co . 1788 Nelson Shoe St�re 1789 Juetus Zbr.Co. 1790 Red �vvl Sto res 1791 69l.�ipls.Fue1 F� Ice Co. 1792 Hopkir_s Ap��arel Shop 1793 Pure Oil �o. 1794 P�eDonald Trfe.Co. 1795 J.Frederickson 1796 Y�r. �chmidt 1797 �eJ.Holasek 1798 J.F.�Jatschke 1799 Jos .P:iiller 1800 Oscar �u�st 1801 Harr�r L�eathers •1802 Gus �indahl 1803 Maetzold �3d�ve.�o. 1804 Frsn� Nitz ,-- 1805 Lmil Anderson 1806 Z.Eidam - 1807 Joe Zibra 1808 J.V.I,apic 1809 Tom Kosanc�a 1810 J.V.I,a�aic 1811 ��rs. glbert Yosanda 1812 J.�.Hennessy Cos 18].3 Pioneer �.lev.8c �br.Co. Standard Oil Co. 1814 1815 g rch i e �e lle y� � 1816 Sinclair �ervice Sta. 1817 Hopkins Ifiv�a�er lndk�. 1618 Edels Texaco Oil Sta. 1819 Se c. Nat . Bk. 1820 i�opkins �'ire Dept 1821 Tdat.Tea Co. 1822 C.VV.Herzan 1823 Alhe rt Japs 1824 Z.J.P�`�ilbert 1825 Frank 5itar 1826 T.Skot�'egard 1827 I��pls. Gen.Ele c�.;Co. g828 �?p1s.Sub.Gas Co. 1829. N.�hJ.Bell Tele:Co. 1830 . Northland 1�rTilk Co . 1831 Kokesh Hdwe.Co. 1832 Phillips "66'r Sta. 1833 G.I+J.IV�oore 1834 �ec. Tv��,t . �ank 1835 J.Jasperso n 1836 F.H.Hainert 1837 Henr� L��J.Friehl 1838 �. T�. St ev ens 1839 J;J.P��,eng 1840 Anton Olson 1841 Red O�al S to re s 1842 Anderson Bros. 1843 Peders on �ros. 1844 Hovander Bros. 1845 Hopkir_�s Produce 1846 Chas.A.Hersman 1847 Schutz Grocer�r 1848 P.H.Coyle ].849 ti�arren Stores Inc. 1850 A.tiV.�lmq�aist 1851 ta�rs.H�F.Converse 1852 Jacob �chef.fler 1853 Burrouggs �dd. Recharger & PP Shoes PR , Coal PR Groceries PR �oarl PR Clot'r�es PR Kerosens PR Haulir�g Flour Script nl8 Rent Pass Ren t E . Dog�e , �'ent �-1-33 � Rent Paspar �noes PR Rent T:�oe �' en t Ag '�'andle s �boeing Be�son horses Groceries PR Groceri es_ PR Rent J . Sh onka G ro c e r ie s PR ?�ent Kollnen Groc eries PR Rent �,'.HasYir�s Coal 'r�ct ine Coa-rl PR. herosens PR and Gasoline Gro cerie s PR. Kerosene PR Henry Joos 'e'�ater bill PR Ke�osane PR Fire �; Tornado Ins. Fi re 2 c al l 8c ,2 2 ph on e s Groceries PR Groceri es PR Sup�lies PR Groceries FR �han�e Polhce 10 h rs. Fire & Police alarms Zight ?,� :;�ower Cit�r ��iaTl Gas Fire 8c Cit� RalZ 'phones Refund on R�ii3k Lfi.����e Suppl i es Kerosene PR ���� �. T ru ck l�fioney adv.LrE. Dow for Vollrath Fire Ins.City T�all R�,Jail �'�ilk PR P:fec� ic�ne PP Supplies . Supplies,PP Groceries PR Groceries PR Groceries PR Sup�lies PR ��ilk PF. � ��eat PF. Groceries PR Kerosene PR Groc e-rie s PR Supplies PR G ro c e ri e s PR Pos t age � Rent R.��ill iams Sal.fire �� steward re pa i rs � 9.18 35.92 30.27 34.91 24.25 4.20 v4.32 12.50 1.80 2. 67 24.00 30.00 24.00 1.25 15.00 12,00 2.50 1.60 17.27 9.11 11.00- 23 .18 20.00 10 . l� 15.00 8.55 18.80 11.64 18.32 2 .95 ]:.85 1.26 58.31 90,b0 46.06 33.04 1.75 24.45 5.00 25.00 425.52 2.I5 9.50 2.00 10.25 4. 82 3 .00 122.26 45.26 2.15 2 .23 12.69 18.63 23 .00 3 .09 20.85 25,75 24.5� 35.32 3.85 7.71 4.85 4.44 2.88 8.00 10.00 . 42 Bills Cont. 1854 14?artin Holy 1855_ Chas .He rzan 1856 Tom Yosanda 111:82 Frank Stodola 11183 Chas.I,ehmbecker 11184 Chri s P,Toe 11185 Frank Lehmbecker 11186 'ddarren Benson 11187 Carl Olson 11188 Emil Peters on 11189 John Harincar 11190 E.J.�IcDonald 11191 Albert Skranka 11192 Soren Pederson 11193 Val Georges 11194 Claus Rasmussen 11195 ldlatt fl4eCaule� 11196 Jos Anderle 11197 Geo.Hinds 11198 Filip Hadac 11199 �'re d Ne ls on 11200 anton Shidla 11201 Frank Rampartl 11202 John �reckass. 11203 Jens Clausen 11204 Fred Yimmer 11205 Thos.Fara 11206 g�olph Svaboda 11207 4�d�.P:2atuska 11208 J�s .I,�kke 11209 I�ambert l�reulners 11210 Standarii Oil Co. 11211 Fran k Kaspa r 11212 I�pls.Gen.�,'lec. Co. 11213 Jos.Vesely 11214 Jos.Velely 11215 T ed . u�lalker 11216 T e d Vda lke r 112�7 Chas .I,ietzow 11218 John Idovo tney 11219 Robt .Gehrke 185'7 A.G.Hamilto� 8288 Herm�n Ols on 5283 �Tp1s.Gen. ;lec.Co. 5284 He rman Ols on 15168 Seo.Nat:Bk. 1858 Zawrenc e Schutz 1859 ��rs .Bloomie Jenstad 1860 Mrs .Theo. ;gtine -3- Gaso 1 in e PR 6 Pr.P�ittens Fire Dept. Filing saws 52 hrs . 18 hrs. a 40� 18 8� " 1.00 Truck 18 fl, ti� IT IT 4 " " 75�' team 16"�" " 50¢� Tracto r 18 " " 40� 18 �1 ,T. n 18 " " 1.00 Truck �.8 ,r rr rr n 18 rr rr 4O� 18 r,; �� it rr 18 �r �� ri 18 tt rt rT 18 n rf . rt 16 " " g0¢ Tractor 18 " " 40¢� 18 rr �t ir 18 'r ,r n 18 ,f ►, ,T 18 ►T tt tt 18 " " „ 18. n �t n 18 lT IT fl 18 tT rt rT 18 t' " " 1 S II TT !1 18 " 'T 1�.00 Truck Gaso line 12 hrs.E 40¢ I�i �'ht R� P odr e r 8 3�4 hrs. � 40¢� 9 1�4 " " „ 10 hrs.35 min. � 6 hrs.25 min. " 18 hgrs . � 40� 18 „ �r �, 18 hrs. � 40� �al.to 2-15-33 Stamps Jan.Powe r Sal�. t o 2-15-33 Int .due 2-1-33 Sal. to 2-16-33 Sal. to 2616�3 1.00 T ruck n n P,Irs .Berg's Sal. to 2-16-33 Upon motion duly made and seconded th e meet ing G��as ad j ourned . Attest ;�.2j��2�I� Mayor _ _---��-___ � - •- , �� - � . . 0 ' Speeial Poor Relief ineeting of the Villa��e Council of the Village of I�opYins was held February 13th, 1933, at 7�3Q P�2 at tiie Villag�e Hall. l�?embers present; G,��J.Pv�oore,President; Trustees, 1Viadden, Japs and �hirle�r . Recorder Anc�erson. The follov�ing pereons ap�eared before the� Council and cNere �ranted aid ; 4'lialter Rofl, Groce�ies, oatmeal meat milk. -_ YYII].Graper,groceries, meat a:�d milY. Gus Lemke ,�ro cer ie s milk meat Joe �asic, meat Julius 'rheilman,beand one ton coal, meat God.frey Gillm�an, cornffieal,beans 1 ton coal,meat milk. G�enard V ickerman , beans ,.1 t on c oal , gro cer ie s, �milk Fra.nk Rosengren,groceries,�:ea� �nilk Roy Go nien,�roceries ,beans . V .C.Triden,�roceries,meat milk Joe VViedman,�roceries ,kerosene a���f �lfonse Bettchard,groceries,keroser.�e,�vood meat Robt.Kicker,groceries, oatmeal rice beans �?obt.Rober�.potatoes,f�.rina oatmeal rice me4t Roy 6�illiams,�roceries,meat milk Frar�k Y�asper,groceries,be��ns meat Milk � Geo.Hinkle,�,�oceries,ca rots oatmeal far�nameat milk Joe Shonka groceries,l cord wood Frank Nitz g�r�ceries potatoes farir.a milk n�eat �is.Bennett,�roceries rice cornmeal meat milk John SpotnezT groceries rice beans milk me�,t � Howard Jurisch groceries potatoes farina meat �;jnar T?elson groceries meat E.Doge groceries potatoes Lc�.Hec�tke groce- ies potatoes meat C.C.�fickerman,groceries beans �- ton coal meat �obt.Gehrke �roceries farina rice beans milk meat Victor Borgman groceries farina milk meat F rank yriz groceries,o�,�mea� potatoes (Tempo���� aid �ranted b�r order oF Henn.Co.Child ti�Jelfar�,tairs.Luce.) Fred kromadtka groce ies �:eat Frank Habeck groceries rice be��ns meat Ed.t'�eil �roceries carrots onions o�.t�eal rice meE:t milk ��has.Zietz.o��i �roceries oatrne�,l rice cornmeal m�at.Rent denied. John Slavin groceries beans potatoes meat milk __ ��att Beversdorff groceries,bear�s oatmeal farina cornme�l r_eat r��ilk � _� , f�' � -2 - _ . ZeonaTd Schroers;�roceries meat: milk�"- . . - - - �Carl Seden: groceries � meat .J . � _ � _ Llotion duly made by �riderson� .seconded 'by tti�Radden that we �buy_;the fire hosee requested..:.carried: : _ _ - . U on. me�ion dul made and seconded, t1�e meeti 'M�� p y ng ,was ad j ourned.. unt il�s- ' � da� .night at` eight o'-,clock.'� - - . _ ,. � _ -, - . �� , �� � �-��;: - - _, . - � ". __ _ � .�ecorder _ , .. _ . :: < . -.. - � _ gtt est : . . - - . . _ - _ _ _ . , _ _ - - - -��a�or . . _ . _ - -,� _ .- f . , . , . . .� ,' � � � ���� / � � 3 - � �-�- , �pecial meetin� of tYie Village �ouncil of the Villa� oF Hopkins �ras he ld on V��edne sda.y at 7; 30 PM in t he �ounc i 1 Room. P�Zembers present, G,uu.�J_roore President; Trustees Japs, •Madden and Shirley, Recurder Anderson. The Pur;pose of th�s meeting tluas for the settleing of claim.For Engineer's serviceS at the Interlachen V�later l�ain job. � . , . P.�qr.E,J.Jeppesen appeared and rendered bill for Engineer's service at Interla.chen 6�dater R�ain. hqotion ;du1� made b�r Japs, seconded b�r Anderson, that Jeppesen's' bill for �`��85.00, dated February 16th, 1933, be denied, c�,rried. P.�otion !duly made by Iy`adden, seconded by Ander,�on, that �50.00, be - allowed �or Engineer's Service, in .full, carried, and I�Zr.Jeppesen accepted same. Chris R��oe appeared and rendered bid For deli�erin� wood to Hopkins Village �rom the rlickols lot for ��1.15 per cord. � 1 Upon mo,tion dul�r ma,de and seconded, �eeting was adjourned. e��orde�� �lttest;� � ayor TYie � Poor Reliei mee ting of the I�op�:.ins Villa�e Council was held on Feb.20th', 1933 at 7:30 P142 at the City Hall. 14�emb�rs present; G.��i.�Ioore ,President; Trustees J�.ps, r�adden and Shirley, and Recorder rinderson. The Fo1losNing pereons appeared and were granted aid; Roy Gorden, Groe��ies, milk, meat. V'Vm. Graper , " " Gus I,emke " " JOe Ba.Cik �� rr �dRrs .Hartzell " 1 cord v�ood Ge o.Hinkle " " potatoe s Ro�r Vu'ill iams " " " � Julius Thielman " " ". 1 Cord �oft wood,oa�meal J.,L.TJelson _ 'T " Rice _ G.Gillman 'T " Ric e, Oatmeal potatoe s Chas .Knoss '! '' Farina G.Z:Vickerman '.' " " Farina,Rice Clarence Tromblev" rl�rs.Bruchs " " �' Carrots,Pot�,toes Fr�.nk Habeck " " Ric e Beans � Frank Rosengren " Rice,Potatoes Carrots ll�iss RadlofP n;Rice,Parina,�3eans C.Q.Vickerman � " Beans,Carrots,farina Robt.Roberg '.' !' Farina,Beans,Cornemal Potatoes,Rice,�n� Robi�,Gehrke E Farina,Beans,Potatoes 1Cord V�Iood Hotivard Jurish " " Cornffieal John Spotney " Joe Kurcera _ l cord v��ood Chas.Zitzo� " " cornmeal,be�ns. Joe Shonka, " " cornmeal,farina Ejnar T�elson,Groceries,r+�eat milk �'rank Nitz,Groceries,pbt�atoes�beansl�meat C�Zas.Be�nett,groceries, cornmeal,meat Vic .�org:man , �rocerie s , farina ,milk,meat A1f.BettcYiart,groceries,beans, meat La . t7iell,�roceries, be�.ns , meat Rob t.Kicker, �rocer ie s, meat �Iatt,��eversdorff,groceries, cornmeal, rice, potatoes, meat,milk Jo:nn Pass, groceries, potatoes,meat, milk �d,riedtke,�;roceries, cornmeal, meat Otto Volrath, gro cerie s, beans , meat , Frank �aspar,groceries, Farina,potai�oes,meat, milk John Slavin,groceries,bea��s,meat,milk Anton,Shidla,groceries, sugar, Chas,Tata�ka,groceries, potatoes,cornm�l bears,farina,meat,milk C.Thai.me rt , ric e, farina. , co rnmeal ,meat Frank Kriz,groceries,meat L:Osterberg,groceries,rice,beans,cornmeal milk John NoVotne�r,rice,beans,potatoes,meat milk � J�hn . Brecka , ric e beans , grocerie s,meat ma�lk tJal�er Rolff,beans ,c�rnmeal,mill�,meat. �1ar1 �eden,beans, pot�.toe�, meat. Upon motion duly made and seeonded,meeting was adjourned. ✓ Recor e r �ttest: Rayor Poor Relief ineeting was held by the Village Couneil on Februar�r 27th, 1933, at 7;30 P14q a� the Council Room. I�Iembers present, President G.GI.h�?oore, Trustees,Japs, Sr�irley,%adden, Rec o rder Ande rson . � The Following persons appeared and were grar,te.,d aid; Glena.rd Vickerman,uroceries�, beans,farina,one-half ton coal. U�alter F.o1F,�roceries,meat a-r�d milk � 1�Irs.Henr�r _Narr;groceries,bea.ns,cornneal,milk 2 ton coal Joe Basic,L�roceries,meat Julius Thieiman,groceries, beans,cornmeal,potatoes,meat Gus Lemke, groc erie s, miJ.k IF�m.Graper,�Toceries,�� meat Roy du`ill iams , grocerie s, milk ,meat Geo .Hinkl e, groc eries, meat milk J.E.�elson,�roceries,. meat Ro� Gorden,groceries,cornmeal, G, Gillman,groceries, c�nnme�,l,meat,milk John Pass, groceries,meat milk Chas.Knoss,�roceries, meat ��rs.Julia 14�arr, groceries, potatoes, meat �`rank Rosengren,groceriea, meat milk r�".RgdloFf ,�roceries, Q ton coal,meat Ro'�t.Gehrke,grocer-es,beans,potatoes, meat C.C.Vickerman,groce-ries,l cord ��ood,beans, meat Robt . Rob erg ,grocerie s, bear�s O.J�Vollrath,�roceries,meat rnilk Howard Jt}risch, potatoes,beans,meat Joe gucera,groceries, meat A1 l�ettcr�art, g�roceries meat Joe L"dideman ,groce _ies, mea t Ejnar �elson, groceries, meat , carrots, onions Vict_or Borgman,�roceries milk ��e�.t Chas.Bennett,groceries, meat,milk Frank IvTitz,groceries, milk meat John Spotney,groceries,carrotts,meat V,C.Triden,groceries,meat ,milk Joe Shonka Pot c:t oes beans John Novotr�e�,groceries, beans, meat,milk Ld.Hedtke �roceries,meat milk :F,d.��liel,groceries , beans, meat milk Ben.Tatarsek,g�roceries, beans,milk John I Johnson,�roceries, potatoes,beans,meat,milk �'ra.nk �a,sper,�rocer�es,�eans,potatoes,meat milk Frank Habeck,groceries,beans,potatoesmeat Fr�a,nk Kriz ,groceries � meat milk �iatt BeversdorP�,groceries, beans, potatoes , meat John Slavin ,groceries, beana,potat oes,milk, meat . John Brecka, groceries, bea.ns , meat Leonard.Schroers,meat milk,potatoes Car1 Seden, meat milk . milk Upon motion duly made and seconded, meeting was adjourned. s � _ / .� ,, � '- • o a �titi@$ti' � . yo r �t.11az�e �� ����itt� ' HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA RF,SOI,VFID, BY T�E VIZLAGE COUNCIL OF TH:� VIZI,AGE OF HOPKINS;,. That �rateful ackno�aledgment be and the same is hereb� egtended to the .�IA?NEgPOLIS-T�OZINE GIRZ'S CZUB For the ver� substantial contribution o.f food supplies, which the� made to a number of residents of the Villa.ge of Hopkins, and _ � BE IT FURTII�.R RESOI,VED, that a cop� of this resalation be entered in�the minutes of the proceedings of the Village Council and tha,t a cop� hereof be trans- mitted to them. The foregoing Resolution was offerecZ by � Trustee Albert Japs, which ��ras secor�led by Trustee Dr. F.M.R?adden, .arid� upon being put to a vote, was unanimousl�r carried. Adopted at the meetin� of the Uillage Council o.f the Village of Hopkins, held January 3rd, 1933. . l/�! 70 • ' . . n erson -" Vi11a�e Recorder �ttest : G.UV. oore, � �or �• � I �i11ttgE o# �o��ins ' HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA �:<:������ ������ �� ��� c ��o���;�� ��� 1� � �x.��.� l�:c���x� xz v.e ����i���+�aa �� �s������� o , �����.���.�„ i� ��a� pl�a�e€,1 �ia.�i�%t�r �od., in f��� i�.:'i� . � . � � ' . , ' In��.nite �r3srl��, �r� ca�1. f�o� ��u,r.��d�� �€� ��r��:l� , �i��i�, o;x� Be1av�� �a�znc�I ��Pmb�r+ ��iiliam �o��. t�7�20 ��.��BC� B���D� Cll'� ' �.'1�(3�t��;� ��,Eix1'l��� �'�'..�.�, '`�i3'Ai3�8��'f . �fi�il��'�f� '�8 .'��1�.�'��'fa'��"fl"�lE3o' , � �3� �T F�`�,a��.V;��, b,p �ho O�f�ce�� �d ��e�bos�� � � oi .�i�e ��opl�i��e �'311�.�e Oovr�t��.lo ��:��: ���, �r�t� �:an� t'x'i8nd�� ��te7�7.ti �u,i �4�� �i23C0�'4 .��l�d ;�e€�.�'tsBl� ����i��Y�y' ��' �a Li��. bereav�d �'�i1�, � in- ;h ie �k��i� h�ur o.� ��iof �. �.r� .��a€��.ro �u�.tt� �I��a► ��Qir �orral� anr� lossp B'�: i'a" �'ll': °i'ki:�:� :�;5�3Z,"��Z�, ��'7�a �� c o�� o�' ��� c�ee �:�,�A�`�1�� IU��;� b� ��re�:d u�o� ��zd �ai�u�es oP t&�fs �;e�S:.i.ng; � :7YiI�L �31 <iV.�� �G- i'3+�.��V� �Jt! V�iCi �A.LQG7�.��y�. ;S'�GKlI.{.ai�R ' . i ��7t't� C1- H�}k��T�:�� V� �.L.�.� CJ���'�T� �� . � d �2�� ���� - , • �' Special meeting oP trie Vi7.la�•e Council of the Villa��e o P Hopkins was � held on �:�:arch 6th, 1"33, at �he Ci�L� Hall at 7:30 P1G2 For the purpose of purchasin€• fire fignting equipment . e P:Zembers present; G.1�.1��oore,President, Trustees Ja�s, rti�;adden,Shirley, and Reco�er Ariderson; also Villa�e 9ttorne,y Hosp. The follovJing bids were submitted ; The B.F.Goodrich Rubber Company; 250 �eet, more or less 1�-" Triton �r�Jax 8c Gum Hose .72 ner 500, ir �r �t rf 2�.n t► rr Tt rt 1 05 �f 500 Tr n ►r ►r 2,?i�rr �,���ite ��ing D..7. Br�,nd 1.10 " 500 " " " " 2�" ChieFtain D.J. 1.00 " 500 T' " " ►' 2" Jupiter D.J. .g0 �T 250 " " " " 1�" D.J.Booster (Und).. .37 500 " " 'r 'T 2�-" D.J.Underwriters .57 " Prices..include Couplin�s Rocker Zug� Couplin�-s Ori 2�" (, Pin Zug on 12" Terms; 4 months net 2� for cash if paid in 30 da�s. Ii you supp�y couplin�s which are usable , we will allo�v 9� per foot on 2Q" hose and 3�� per ft . on 12". The above are based on suppl�ing; G�.�od.rich Fla�t Cure Hose. �d.S.AtOTT C0. 22" Tru�rag D.J, per ft 1.00 � 22" Carbon D.J. " " .90 2-�" Defender D. J." " .80 2�" Red Diamond D.J. " .85 22" Pdotts Spec.D.J. " .60 22rr Underwriters D.J." .47 � 1�" lNax & Gum D. J. " . 60 � l�'' Cable D.J. " .40 (C ld.�rith Rocker T�rpe Cpl�s. ) 1 12" Zeader I,ine Shut Off TJoz zle �12, 50 1 Tru.ssed Run� Straight Side Roof Zadder �15.00 Complete If ;you furnish your old ladae � hooks deduct �'3.75 Terms ; 2 0 10 days 30 days net. NORTH�"JEST FIRE HOSE G0. 500 Ft, 2�" more or less Nordic D.J. �.75 per ft ' 6�0 '� 2�.►r n rr n l�d3S �c �?Ufi � 75 rr rr , 250 « l�n 'r " " Nordic D.7. .rj8 n n 250 « 1�-'? " 11 '� SpA C 12.1 D. 7. .54 ►r n 1 14Ft. Roof Ladder �vith folding hooks �13.50 1 12" �Shut off nozzle Gvith 2" Tip 12.50 Rocker Zug Coupling•s supplied Terms ; 2�% cash �iscount THE BI-�ATERAL FIRL �iOSE C0. I1u.robilt no freeze D.J. Ze�'ion Duro Ideal D.J. ti^Jhite Or Treated Oak D . J . 1.10 per ft. 1. 00 'T n .90 ►f r� . 5 5 �t �f . 7 5 rr n 500 Ft. more or less 22�r Hose 250 ft.12�' Hose 500 ft . 22" " A1���;RICAN LA FRANCE 8c FOAI�RITE IZ1iIIBUSTRI�S INC. 500 ft. 22'� I,a France ��Jax 8c Gum , with Rocker Zug Coupl. �1.25 pe� Ft 250 " 1Q" Wag Sc Gum Treated Salvage w�ith Rocker Zug Coupl. .gp T� rt �bbve grade hose tivithout V'JaA & Guin deduct �.05 per ft. 1 14 ft.9m.La.France Roof Laddea� with hooks 427.50 2�" Salva�e �1.05 perit. 2�'r BabCOek , 95 �r n 2�" PlatoOri ,gp t► n 2�'T' BT1ge,dA �49 �r �r 1�'� Plat o0I1 .55 'T rr � 12" Bri�ade .34 " n 1 14 ft.American Za France Solid Side R�of Ladder with hook� �32.U0 1 1Q" Alfco Leader Line Nozzle with �"_tip polished brass 11.75 Nickel Plate finish 12.25 on the First three brands of hose quoted on we propose to furnish bronze Rocker Zug or Akronite Rocker Lug Couplings �srithout extra cost,., �17 the 22n AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE SENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPHINS, MINN. STATE OF MINNESOTA, � ^OUNTY OF HENNEPIN � �----------=T'--L�_1�[arkham--------------being duiy sworn, deposes and says that he now is and during a11 the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher or printer in charge of The Hennepin County Fteview, a weekly newspaper, printed and�published in the Village of Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, 3tate of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: • ' That he has knowledge of the facts and knowa personally that the pr;ntea _Proposal_For_Fire_Fi�htin�_Egui�ment_______ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________ hereto attached, cut from the oolumns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each week for___1 _______weeks, and that a11 of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was �t inserted, printed and published on Thurs- aay, taie__16th ---�y of---February -----------, ls_�,.� 7�I�E.�G� �C.�7CX�AX�AXXX]C�XXXXXXAX __X7gL�jAX7C That during a11 the times aforesaid, sa.id uewspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as requu�ed by Sections 3 and 4' of Chapter 484, Session Laws oi M'innesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from the date of the flrst publication oi said__________________ -------------- PY' 0�70 9a�.----------=- ---------------- ------------------ said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet foran equivalent in space to at least four pages; with flve columns to the paBe, each seven- teen and three-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once each week from a known office, established in such place for pubHcation and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to conte.in general a.nd local news, �comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not en- tirely made up of patents, plate m�tter or advertisements, or any or. either of them. -- (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred aad forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prlor t� the aate oi the Srst pubflcation oP said PI' Op0 S&1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, Sled in the office oY the oounty auditor oY said county of :nnepin, state of Minnesota, an a�davit showing the x�ame and lcea- �n of sa,�d newspa.per and t,he existence of conditions constituting its, quallflcations as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in Bection 3 of Chapter 484, Sesson Lawa Minnesota, 1921. That the iollowing is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and dclnd oP type used in the composition, printing, and�ublication oP said legal advertisement here- unto atta�ched, viz: ( �� _ � - � � I�,�� �� ---- - ------------- -�.- -- --- -`- --- -- --�- -Publlsher. PROPOSAL FaR FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT ' Village of Hopkins, Minnesota City Hall Sealed proposaLs will be received up ; to eight o'clock p. m. �March 6th, 1933, by the Village Council of the Viliage I of Hopkins, at the �Council rooms in•I Che V�illage Hall �for: I Quant9ty 500 Feet of 2�/S inch ,�Double Jacket Rubber lined fire hose;'and 250 F'eet of 11/, inch Double Jacket Rubber lined fire �hose; in 50 ioot lex�bhs, equipped �with �R.ocker lug couplings in each case, and guaran- teed �to �test 400 �pounds perssure. Length of gua,rantee, �cash_ cliscount, and samples of �hose �proposed should be submitted �with bid. . A;L90 One 14 foot �Roof Ladder with hooks; One 1� inch �Shut-off nozzle with half inch tip Certified check ,paya�ble to Arthur Elmquist, Village Treas., in amount of 5% of total ,to accompany your pro- ' posa,l. No bids �vill be considered vn- less accompanied �by required deposik. Equipment to be delivered to the ' F1re,Departmeni at Hopkins, Minn. Proposals �must be printed or wri•tten I in ink. Address to Arthur �S. Anderson, Village R,ecorder, Hopkins,• Minn, and marked ` on Envelope "Proposal Sor, "fire fighting equipment." Envelope i must also bear •Lhe 'name of �the �per- � son or Srm by .whom ,tHe 'bid is sub- mitted. I The V�llage or Hopkins reserves the � right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any �art of any praposa,l.'I ArthuT E. Anderson, - Village Recorder. j Subscribed and sworn to lsefore me thi�i-6t�day of_FebTuar�_i9�1_ ----=���- - ` �--- -------------- Natasy Public Hennepin Couniy� Minnesota ' r�..L. FEJll�°lYslL My cama►ission expires--------------- 1�ciat-?' e't:nuc, r�awdwa �eN�i'Y.1�/11f6�,. . l�q Coxs�n�:�a I�a�elvsa I�lap. ►. l�i���. _ - -2- - I On the 2Q" Brigade in the event you preser the Akronite Couplings to the regular bronze brass Rocke�� Zug there vrill be an eAtra charge of- 3� per ft� . On th� 12" Brigade in event �ou .prefer the �kronite Couplin�s to the regul�,r bronze brass Rocker Lug, there v��ill be an extra charge of 2� per ft. Terms 2� 10 days. P�IDVJEST FIRE APP9P,ATUS C0. 2�" i�hite cotton Vi&ing brand 1 n n. n Tr rT 2 ".Treated Vytex " l.�n tt tr n 2�" �ag arld Gtim rr 12 rt rt �t, n rt CRZ fire hose per ft rr n n n • rt IT � !1 Tl II fi n tt n rt tT �� . n n n n fl I1 1/ 11 if �. 90 pe r f t .67 .95 .75 .80 .60 611 the above hose to be coupled with either pin or rocke::� lug type couplings, Guararteed to withs�ans pressure or 400 pounds or for a period of 36 months. Terms 2�? 30 days 4 mo, net. ]. 1�". Shutoff Nozzle (�lkhart or 9kron make'� 1 14 ft. roo.� ladder with foldin� hooks Allowarlce if �o�z rpovide hooks �4.00 � ��14.75 18.00 250 Ft. more or less �`Ja,g 8c Gum double Jacket Basket- ��eave �.75 per ft. 250 '� 't �T T► n ri ir +r 'T Circular-�=-0eave .70 n 11 250 " " " " " " " Rainier pouble Jacket .65 "i-:-. " 250 " " " " Mp1s.Spec.Double �acket .52 " " 12" Shut Off Idozzle �rith 2" Tip 13.00 1 14 ft.Roof Ladder: with Hooks 15.00 Terffis- 2� �0 da�rs. 500 ft. 600 " 500 "� 500 " 600 " 500 " 500 " more or less 2-Fly Multiple ,� lT �T Blue Diamond �iultiple Blue Queen Double Jaeket �Vax & Gum Doub le Jacke t Gasket " " " "Circular ft?�ls . SpeclDouble Jacket lAJortny Double ��acket Te�rr�s 2 0 30 da�Ts. �1.10 per ft. 1.05 " " �. � 0� �� f1 ti"Jeave 1.00 Pe r n � c� � rr . E30 �, .70 " ft. iT ►� f� After_ considerable discussion on the purchasing of Fire equipment the motion was duly made by �:adden, seconded by Shirley, that e��e purchase 500 ft. of 2Q" Hose at �1.00 per ft and one ladder, vrithout hooks, at �11.25_, from the 1�7.S.Plott Co.Tviinneapolis, and 250 ft. of 12" Hose Goodrieh Triten at 72� per ft., and 12" Nozzel at �12.25 from the �- B.F�Goodrich Co.,�-Zinne�.polis, as recommended b� Fire Dept.Committee. Carried on the follo�aing Vote.-A�es-14�oore ,r.�add.en,Shirle�,And.erson. No-Japs. �ir.Groth appeared and asked that the Villa�e Council ma�e preperations toad�ertise and make arran�e�ents to la,y a V�fater N�ain on Purd� Ave. , Irterlachen Park. l�:�otion duly made and carried that P��arch 21st, 1933, be set for hearirg on petition for �ater �4ain on Pu.rd� Ave.,at special meetin� of the -Council. Upon motion duly made and seconded meeting was ad�ourned. -_ - Recorder�- 4�t��est: bRa� or Regul.ar meetin� oP the Villa�e Council of the `Jilla��:e of Hopk$ns �vas held on I�t'arch 7th, 1��33, at -7;30 PM, on aceount of a special meetin� held on TvTonday night P,�arch"-6th for the purpose of purchasin� fire fig�hting equipment , Poo r RelieP �vas given at this regular meet ing. T�embers present; G.tiV.i42oore, President ; Trustees Jap$, fl�adden, Shirle�. Recorder gnderson. _- Aid was given to the follotving� pereons; 1- Albert Sanderson, Groceries, potatoes meat and 2- John Pass. groceries, meat. 3�;1Chas .Kno� gro ceries and meat . 4�:=:'Julius lhielman, meat, and groceries. 6= Joe Basi�, meat 6- Henry Narr, groceries, 1 pk.carrots, meat 7- GQo.Benson, �roceries Potatoes,carrots meat and 8- Robt.Gehrke ��roceries, potatoe�, meat and milk 9- C.C.Vickerman, �;roceries potatoes meat 10- 4Valter Ro1F, groceries meat and milk 11- �ym.Graper, p-roceries, meat and milk 12- Ro,y JVilliams, grocerie�, poi;atoes, meat,milk 13- Geo.Hinkel, groce:.ies, meat 1�- J.E.Tlelson, groceries, meat 15- P.o�r Gorder�, groceries,, carrots, milk 16- C.Tromble�, �.-.�oceries 17-; Claus �?asmussen, �:_roceries, pot�,toes,milY 1�3-G.Gillman, groceries, meat 19- Frank Rosen�ren,groceries, 20- �=rs.Hartzell, groceries 21- A-r�ton Shidla , groc er i es 22- Victor Bor�man, groceries, meat 23- Joe Kucera, g�roceries, meat 24- F.obt.Pobert, groceries,potatoes,carrots � 2 tu i 25- Hol^rard JuriscYi, �roceries, meat and milk 26- John I�tovotn�, groceries, meat and milk 27- A.n.Bettscnart, groceries, r.;eat 28- Joe �honka, �roceries 29- Robt.F�icicer, �roceries, potatoes, rneat 30- V.i;,Triden , grocera,es 31- Ott o Volrath ,�roce-r ies , meat 32- John Spotne�, groceries, meat and �ilk 33- .�jnar PIelson, �roceries, mea.t and milk 34- Ed.t�edtke,groceries,potatoes,meat , milk. milk coal 35- Cnas.Tat�.rk�.,Groceries , potatoes, carrots, onions 36- John Slavin, groceries, milk 37- E.Do��e, potatoes,groceries, milk 38- �'rank Habeck,�roceries, meat � 39- Frank I�ritz , groceries, me�,t 40- �h�.s.Bennett, groceries, meat �1- Frank Ka.sper, �roceries, meat, mill� 42 Ed,ti�;�eil, groceries, 2 ton coal, meat 43 Za4vrence H� �tke,groceries 44-Bert BenjOdgroceries denied. 45-Leonard Schroers, groceries �rantec� , meat �Iotion duly r,�ade b�r �nderson,seconded by Shirley, Lhat aid be denied Bert Benson, and I:Trs.Plan&, and her son and d�,ug�nter, v�i��ile the �.bove have their residence there, carried. 460 �rank Kriz, mea.t, grocex•ies, and milk 47- Ernest Osterberg, �roceries and milk. 14�oti on du 7.� made and c arri ed t o ad j ourn the regular mee t ing unt i l ��rida�r, ?:�arch lOth, 1933, at 7:30 PP,�. ��� Attest : L�� 1+�i�YOR �:�'�_ -='�..f�'�=.i/ •- . .- � gdjourned Regular meetir,g of the Vi11aPe Council of I3opkins was held on ��11arch lOth 1933 at 7:30 Plli in the Council Room. ��embers present; Trustees, ��adden, Japs a.nd Sharle,y. Recorder Anc�erson. gbsent l�ra�or ty�oore. . �:�otion duly r�ade by Japs, seconded b� r�nderson, that Dr.�iadden be President Pro Tem, carried . �iLLotion duly made by Anderson, seconded b� Shirle� tr�at T:�c iTahon bi7.1 for hawling wood be allvaed and p aid bV Scrip �44.63 and check for �p15.00 carr ie d . Motion d.uly made by 9�derson, secondee2 b� Shirley tha,t we have T:�cL_ahon �awl wood From Eden Prairie at �1.15 per cord. �iotion dul�r made b� Japs, seconded by Anderson that we s��spense with - reading of� minutes unt il i�aonda� P:�Tarch 13th, 1933, earried. ��otion duly m,ade to adjourn until P�ond�y i:7arch 13th, 1933, carried. ecora�er Attest: �Ia �or .� �oor relief ineeting �vas held �� the Village Council on ��.iarch 131:h, 1933, at 8� :30 PP�T at the Village Hall . � R�'_embers present; President Ia�oore; Trustees, T��adden, .7aps and Shirle�: Recorder �nderson. The Following� pers ons appeared and we :�e granted aid : Jotln Pass, groceries 2 ton coal, potatr�es, rreat and rnilk Ben Tasarak,groceries, milk Josephine Shidla, groceries ' 1,,=�rs Bishop,temporary aid v��as �ranted, t roceries,potatoes,flour rnilk. _ Child tiVelfare hoard notified. P.1rs.T��'arr,groceries,meat milk � Julius Thielman,�roceries,r��eat n:ilk �'Jrn.Gr:aper,groceries �eat J.L.TTelson,groceries, 1 corc3 wood, meat G.Gillman,groceries, milk rr_�at Joe :Bacik �roceries,meat H.Idarr, Jr. ,groceries ,meat �ilk � Geo.BPnson ,�roceries,meat G.Hin]:le ,grocex• ie s,potat oes, carr�ts,milk,rr.�eat Ro� eJil lians,,�roceries ,,�,eat milk Robt Gehrke,gro ceri es , me at Ro�7 G��don groceries Robt.Roberg,groceries ,potatoes �. C. Vicke rrnar ,grocer ies , pot�yt oes , grugs ,meat I�V'_iss �adlof groceries Claus R.a,smussen,meat milk,�roceries Frank Rosengren,groc erie s,meat milk J hn Bruschs,groceries,milk,r:eat Joe. �ucera,groceries meat IIo���ai.d, groceries ,pot�toe s ,meat �Otto V�l.rat$,groceries meat Vic.Borgman,�roceries,meat milk Joe 1�Jiedman,groceries,meat Ejnar £�elson',groceries meat V.C.Triden,groceries,milk, meat �.��Bettscharg,groceries,o cord ��ood, meat P.obt.i�icker,Aid denied Frank.Kasper,potatoes,carrots,meat milk,Groceries �has.�enr�ett,meat milk,groceries Chas.F.noss r�e�_Lt, ,groceries Ed .Hedtke ,meat ,milk , gro c erie s John I�ovotn�,potatoes,meat,milk,�roceries John Spotny,meat,groceries ���,lter Rolff,potatoes,meat n�ilk,groceries E,Doge,meat,groceries Joe Shonka�r�ilk,�roceri.es - Albt.�andersor ,meat ,groceries Lawrerce Hed�ke ,meat ,groceries John Slavin, Groceries 1 bu potatoes meat milk F'ranit r,: i t.z �, " " " Ed .Wiel " " " . DRat.Beversdorff 'r "' T, " carrots Frank jYri z " 'r r ran]. �Habeck " rr �T " onions Leonar,d Sch��ers " " carrots . Fred �iromadka " carrots R21'. Shi�d la rr Clarence Thamert " 'r John Parkus " " Ernest'i Osterberg " Dru�s " � Carl �eden " , Motion duly made and seconded �hat poor relief ineetin� be adjourned,ca-rried. - Re�tlar meetin� v�as called 1;0 order from adjourned �neeting of P�`a�h lOth, 1933 . , Rr�otion�� duly made to accept minutes as read, carried. I•r�ayor ��reported tha.t I�ick P�Iaron's old a�;e pension was tirithd-rav�n. - Communication fror_f. the Standard Insurance Compan�r, received and read in -Page �,?�eeting 1�Rareh 13th, 1938-. regards to l�iinneapolis-i.2oline damage to. hydran�. I�otion duly made by �,�iadden, seconded by �hirle�, that v�e reFer to Village At�orriey,with instructions for him to collect full amount of claim,carried. �Rotion dul� made b� tb��adden , secor�3 ed by Anderson t hat the Village Attorney take steps to acqnmre lots of the Cant�r Estate and report at next regular me eting April 4th , 1933, c arried . 147otion duly made by Tti:adden, seconded by Japs, that the Resolution in re�ards to assessment on Zot 11, Block 69, be adopted as read, carried. Copy in file. • Anderson, Rec orde _, reported that he made arrangement s�i th Pavek � on Lots 4-5- Block 64, in re��rds to driveway. Anderson,Recorder, appointed to serve on B.T.Emerson's committee i�vorking on lowerin� Gas rates. P�Zotion dul� n�s.de by J�,pa, second ed b� P�,�adden tha t renewed applicat ions for Licenses be granted, carried. T�Qotion duly made by Japs, secor�ded py i�`adden, that application of C.Sundquist and Hawkinson, for Plumber's Lics�se be reierred to the Inspection Board and they to report bacl. on same , carried. Pu�otion duly made b� I,'�adden, seconded by Shirle�, that following� bills be all owed , carrie d ; �866 P.4aetzold Hdwe.Co. 1867 Ko�esh Hdwe.Co. 1868 Jos .V.I,apic 1869 I,.Eidam 1870 Daniel L'. Fol e;� 1$71 Hen ry �l. �+'rieh� 1872 Jacob Scheffler 1873 '�Jarren Stores , Inc . 18?4 tpJilliams Stam� Co. 18?5 Christ �oe 1876 Id.W.Bell T1e.Co. 1877 Bren Hde��e.Co. 1878 Geo .Ter.I��ile� 1879 Standard Oil i;o. 1880 Peter Schmitz 1881 Schutz Grocer�r 1882 Kell� Gro�er� 1883 Dr.Jas.Blake 1884 Anton 9.'Olson 1885 Emil Anderson 188 6 :�d . Ciper� �887 Dr. G. �'J.�roo re 1888 J.B.Shirle� 1889 alb ert Japs 1890 Dr. F.14I.R`�adden 1891 J.9. Hosp 1892 A.t'd.Elmquist 18�33 H.F.L"oore 1894 Jes.Edel 1895 Frak Ldel Texaco ata. 1896 Chas. ���.Herzan 1897 Chas.A,Iiersr:ian . 1898 Red.Owl Stores 1899 �.G.Bennis 1900 Frank S it ar 1901 t'�pls. Gen . Elec. Co. 1902 Hopkins �'ireDept. 1903 Jos. R. �avek 190� J.Jasperson 1905 Jusi;us Zhr.Co. 1906 ld in e Burns 1907 Pederson Bros. �908 �+Irs.H.F.Conderse� 1909 J�,s . J .Ii�en� 1910 Pioneer Llev.& .Lbr. Co. ���� Shellac Supplies PR Groceries,PR Gro ceri es PR Justice �'ee Thawin� ca�tch basin Sal.l',�ch.lst r-ire �tevrard Groceries PR Dog Tags Flauling Flonr Fire Dept.8c City Hall phones Supplies uasoline PR Gasoline F.ent J . Pass PR. Gro c er ie s PR Tr n Rent J.I.Johrs on PR Groceries PR n n P�ilk '-' 5a1. to 4-1-33 Sal. to 4- 1-33 Sa 1. t o 4-1-33 Sal. to 4-1-33 Sal. to 4-1-33 aal. to 4-1-33 Sal. 1�o Fite ti°:arden 4-1-33 G�soline PR i?erosene PR Gro�.PR � Gas. & %�erosenePR Groceries PR Tt�:ilk tickets PR Police ��ha�ge 10 hrs . I,ig ht &; P;���°> e r Fire calls & 22 Phones 2 dr� cells i�:'ilk books PR Fuel PR I�=�eals PR iYIilk PR �ent Ro� �dilliams PR G ro c e ri es PF. Furel PR � .90 3.00 26.50 22 .04 3.05 3.15 10.06 2.33 3.50 9.50 10130_ 19.70 2.10 6 .35 8.00 17.92 36.47 16.88 23. 40 13.76 - 3.15 105.00 75�.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 50 . 00 50.00 2.94 2.66 31.10 4.01 40.07 3.00 5.00 423.09 153.50 .70 19.75 42.65 1.00 44.53 8.00 34.4� 23.10 � 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 192 3 192 4 1925 1926 192 7 1928 1929 T 930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 193 7 1938 193 9 1940 1941 1942 194 3 1944 19.45 194'7 1946 1948 1949 1950 1951 T952 1953 11220 11221 11222 11223 11224 11225 11226 1122 7 11228 11229 11230 11231 11232 112 33 11234 13235 11236 11237 11238 1123,9 .11240 1I241 11242 11243 11244 11245 11246 11247 11248 5286 5287 5288 -Pa�e 3 %�eeting Pra �h 13th, 1953- I"p1s.Sub.Gas Co. Univ.Hospital ;��.�`p1s.Fue1 3c Ice Co. Accour.�ting• S�rstems Co. Jos .%_iller `TYi.o rvald. Skot t ega rd Dahloerg Bros.Inc L. J .P�'ilberg J,E.Kennessy �C Co. VOID Hopkins Produce Co. Sinclair �ervice Sta. I3enry S.Roehl • �s�art in `Holy Hovander Bros. Anderson �3ros. �.�L�.Anderson Christ T�oe R. J ,��1ayo Henn.Countp ReView" Funk 8� i�Jagnal ls C o. I���rs.J.�.Zajicek Li�s.Jmil Yetersen Tv!rs.�1.H �iartzell i: . D .1�.2c�7ah on ��dinslow Holasek J.�P.�, ��Vat s c hk e DYational Tea Co. ,P.J.Cazvline rdelson Shoe Store �'. Ii . Ha ine rt Hopkins Variety Store Hennepin County Home Gay�ord Bros.Inc Yellow Trail Garage Zawre nc e Sc hut z A. G.�iamilton R�Irs. Bloomie Jenstad ft'rs .Theo.i;gtine Kerosene PR t^!. S � Sme�tana Hopkins Furniture Co. Nelson Shoe Store Yello� Trail Garage Geo.��i:r�:iles Frank Stodola 8 hrs.�- 40� Jon Har-inca r Joe Pud�l L.D+Zeulners glbert akranka Frank Zehmbecker Anton Pavek Ne 1 s Ne ls on UJm.Odell ��arren Benson Geo.�inds Carl Olson C�cil �Sundquist Mp1s.Gen.Elec.Co1 John `Spotny Roy Gordon V��n.Graper V.C,Triden Robt Gehrke F rank Hab eck Dave ;4'dinl�ler G.Z.VicLerman Frank Rosengren l�Jalter Rolf Joe Bacik Ed.Hedtke Herman qlson l��pls:Gen.�lec.Co. D�at.l'�Ieter �o. City �-�all �as ITitz � 1��illiar�s. gcct. Fuel PR �upplies Rent PR to 3-1-33 Fire 8� Polic e Alarms Repairs Groceries P� Fuel PR Void see �1829 Groceries PR Y�erosens PR Kerosene PR Kerosene & Gas li�ie at PR Supplies PR Sal. to 4-1-33 & Inter.�lss't. Hauling v�ood ��istor�r of T�.�:inn.Lib. Lib.supplies Book f or Zib ra ry Ch ild �l�elfare 1,:ag. Sub. Lib . � le an i�ng Lib . tt 1T Haulin� e�ood ??ent .L.Doge 3-1-33 PR Rent 50 8tfi� Ave. 5.4-1-33 Groc e rie s PR R�edicine PR�. - Void Dru�s PF. pvT��.tts Fire Dept. Bd,3 mos.�t.Peter F� �'Jaldoske �upp lie s Zib raxy Rep�irr� Fire Dept . Sal. to 3-16-33 Sal. to �-16-�3 Sal . to 3-16 -33 ����rs .Berg's Sal. 3-16-33 Pure Oil Co. �Drugs PR Pic t are f rame Zibrar� Shoes PR Feb. Repai rs Gasoline �abo r Joe Joret 32 hrs. � 40�1 ,24 �, rr n 8 " �' 1.00 Truck 8 rr n ir n 8 �r rr rt tt 8 rr ►r ::40si 8 rT ir rt 8 TT tT If 4 " " 75¢� Team 18 " " � 50�' Tra.ctor 40 �, �►: ;� ,� 6 tt �► 4p� Light & Povrer 12 hrs . � 4Oy� 8 rr n, rr O IT Il � 11 �D 8 rr n n . 12 r, rT "n 8 Ii TT �ii -. . . 8 rr n rr' $ n n n 8 �� T� ; ,� 8 i, n ,r' 8 „ f� �,T� � . 8 n f, • �, - Sal . to 3-16 -33 Zight & Power Supplies � 1.15 1.2 5 38.35 3.76 12 .00 25.00 29.39 23 .17 40.63 56.64 5. 04 .98 4.17 46.08 8.74 183.90 7.8 . 00 .75 11.60 6."75 1.00 4 . 50 5.00 15.00 12.00 30.00 49.01 8.73 2.25 2.66 90100 3�.73 2.94 72 .50 72. 50 32 .50 8.00 5. 91 16.95 2.50 8.00 11.56 8.64 57.00 3.20 12 .80 9.60 fi . 00 8 .00 $.00 3.20 3.20 3 .20 3 . 00 9.00 20.00 2.40 7.09 4.80 3.20 3.20 3.20 4.80 3.20 3 .20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 70.00 137.23 9.4� r . - _ , � , - , � - - � . - .:. ,..,, . ,. _ ,, _ �. : -, �`` - - � ,� ' z - -Page �4, r��eeting rf��.rch 13th, 1933- � _ `� ' 7 \� - . _ ; a _ .�� ,� =' � �''- `� � _ } '.' { '. .i t -F y �}' � _ � f_ t �.' r�a. � ( � T. _ f -- �` . ` , �' _� - '��� ���' Y`2.��60 = � -5289 Jacob;�Sche,�fler Supplies . _�,, .. _ 5290 Japs-0ls`ori,._ Co.`: � � Siipp �1ies _.� __ - ,} � 2.00 =::'15170 ,Se c.:Nat ?Bank - :- � Int :due 1-,1 33�� _ 146 .90 . , , � .- - _ _ _ _ F��� i t ,. , � : � . - � - - � I : _ ' � . � '' � : . . . . � . ..r U'�on��motion dul mad_e and.seconded.meeting �a's adjourned.�-. _ - ��''' i - �°' . . , y '. . �- - � - - - , - ; . , � - _ _ - . ; . : �;: ` - � :r-: - - . . . �' ATTEST $_, ,I�������`�,.�� - . , D�Zayor� • � 1 ' . .: a__ . .. . . " :'� ' . ' . . . , � . . _�,, . -.. . ;a.V-Y � _ �} . .. � � �. � . . '�._ L , ' . , . y �s - I � f'. . ' . . . . . . � ..o - � S ' " 4 - - . ,` - J _ .. .• -- . . � _ 3 '..( - . i _ ' . ` ; _ ;' ` .�.`f• T. _ - . - � � : s' T - .w.-��-.-.. _ ._ � . � . . . , ��, . . ' - ��r �, � �- i. . _ . , ' . - ° .� - - � ' � . � . - . . _ ' ,�f �.- . � - . �.. , - . . 1 • _ . J � � - i " _ .. . _ :. . . . . . , �. ... . .. �..� . . . . . . ��. _ . - . �. �'�;. , . � . . � l. L�? _ ` - _ _ , _. _ .. i _ _ • `� - �. _ . - ecor e�-r .- -. _ _ , .� �"� � - ' , . . _ ~.'� � � .� . . . .. � , - -;: . ' ' " . _ . .. Y � r _�_ - _ . _ ". ' . '.. �.f .. l.. _� . 1 _" ' .. . .. - _ .a - _ S � . � '. V. � F ' - .�; . . - _ _ , ,4 . . ' " - � " , � .lt - ' . . � � _ . 't�. . . . ' .- -' , _ l y . . ` - c '� _�;�f ' . � � � _ .. . .. _� � -��"� .. 1 = 1_ " . " . ' . .r.' , . . . � . - . . ' — �{ ' . - . . - i^- '- . . . ' ' `. L� �.- ' ' . . _ ��4 l ��.,_ . � . ... ��.� . _ 'G ' _ , . . . - ,� _ . .- . .j. `" _ =�� " . . " . . . . " il � r - L . _� T ' . - . _ . . , � � . _ . . ' ;'.'.6 _ .. . . . . . _ ' _ � -� _ . �'t; , .. ' . . . . _. . . i . . . . . _ ' t _ _ - . .' . _ ..x.`` .. . ' . ' . .. . -?z � . . . � - . � - - � � �c.. � . - . ' " -- - _ .. ' - " . _� � _ . . . . . . , ,. -_ . - � I _ - � - .. .. . . ' _ ._ . �_i r ' S . ' �'•f( � t ' . _ . _ _ F. - _ _ ! _ .. . . Poor. Relief ineeting of t�e Village Counci€�.1 of Hopkins was hels P�Za-rch 20th, 1933 in th e C ounc il Room . � _ Members present G.W.Moore,President, Trustees �Tadden, Shirley,Japs. Recorder Arderson. The Polloeving persons applied for aid and ��ere g�rantecl same. P,Zrs.Geo.Benson Groceries 14�CAT I,eonard Pauley 1 cord wood " J ohn . Pas s '� ,1 Joe Bacik " " Henry Narr 1 co rd wood " " C.Trombley " '� li II R�rs.3ishop �.�,Vickerman 1 cord wood " " Otto Voll rath " " Robt.Roberg " " Robt.Gehrke - 2 prs.shoes '-' '-' Ho���ard Jt}ris chl- " " " Mrs. L.'uJ.Alberg " i= John Tlovotney +' T, J o e Sho3�ka 1 co rd v��o od " BRatt Beve rsdorff " `r " Albert �inirsch " " E.Osterberg " �� Chas.Bennett " ' „ Frank Kriz " " Car� �eden '' " L�enee Hedtke " Fred Hromadko " " John Parks T' Chas.�noss " " Gust Zemke " " ZVin . G ra p e r �T ►1 J.E.Tdelson " '� Roy ��Jilliamsz ton coal " �- Julius Theiman 2 ton coal `-` '' Claus Rasmussen " " Frank Rosengren " " i+Valt er Rolf - - " " Roy Gordon " '� Joe Kucera 1 cord �aood `_' " Ho�vard Jurisch " " Ge o.Ainkel " �T V.C.Triden " " i�rank TS i t z " " Ejnar ATelson '-' T' - Alphonse Bettchart " " -� John Spotny 1 co rd wood '-' " Ernie Doge " " Frank Habeck 1 cord �rood " �' Anton Shidla " - Aloert Sanderson " " Ed.Hedtke " " Chas.Velner " . Ed.Wiell 1 pr.shoes " " V . da . � o rgman � �� John Slavin 'r " Leonard Scnroers " " CllB.r.�� L1t7i0� 11 11 Mot ion dul� made and carr ie d me et ing ad j ourne d. Att e st : �a�or. �\ 1�RIL� POT��TOES CAR. -ON. ir iT �� fT „ �f n rr li �� �t rt �� n n 6� �T n n ,r . Tr » n �� ,► n ,� n rr rt IT ecor er 6�� _. ., Special -meeting oF /the Village Council of. the'Jillage' of Hopkins was held on r�Iarch 21s,t, .1933, in the Council, Roam at 7:30 PM. Members present; P�esident G.VJ.Moore; Tru�tees, b2adden, Japs ���x��. Recorder Anderson. Absent Trustee Shirley. � - . �•� . - This meet'ing' was called for hearing on petition for I��ater ��ain on Purd� Avenue. - TVlotion� dul� �ade b�r �I�dden, seconded b� �qooxe , that due to .error in only having one publication a second publication was_ ordered and meeting adj ourned until i:iarch 28th, 1933, earried. � _ ' � ��eco rd�r �ittest: ,�I2er ' - , �ayor + _. \ , _ . . Poor .Relief ineeting of the Vill�e. Council of the Vill�ge of Hopkins was held in the Courcil Room P�:��arch 27th, 1933, at 7:30, P�,4. P,4embers'present G.�`J.I�oore,President; Trustees, RRadden,Japs and Shirley. Recorder �nderson. The Follo�ving� persons appeared and _ were grante d aid : GR�C �R�S:L- MEAT � I�iILK P�TI�TOES Car., On. Lawre nc e A1be rg " �� TT Robt.Gehrke- 1 cord uvood " . " " Geo.Benson _ � ton co�.l " " John Pass " " JpG' Be.Clk �� �t Julins Thielman• " 'f P�Rrs. Bishop Aid Denied Claus Rasmussen G.Gillman �Frank Rosen.�ren Joe Kucera Otto.Vollrath Ejn�.r Tdelson �. �ett chart �Nalt�r Polf �1b.I�einrich John Novottney Ed.Hedtke gnton Iiorbel V.C,Triden John Slavin Anto n Shidla J�e ,Shonka �rnest Osterbe�g Ben Tesarak Chas.Knoss �Jm . G r ap er Zauvrence Hedtke C.C,idickerman 2 pr boy shoes J.�.�.Nelson Chas.Zeitzow Henr� rdarr Jr Geo .Hinke]_ Roy i�lilliams Roy Gordon John Bruchs Joe i°aiedman Ho���ard Jurisch Albe-r�t �ariderson 5 ga� �as Robt �o�erg Johnt; Spotny �rnie Doge Frs.nk Nitz Ed. lNiel Ct�a s .Bennett Victor Borr-man Frank Habeck 1!•Zatt Beversdorf V.C.�riden Frank`Kasper Chas.Velner Fr�.nk Hromadtka Frank ���=riz Jo7in Parkos Clarence Thai�ert Leonard 5chroers n �t T, t, n „ „ ►, n iT Ti rr tt TI �T �� t► ,� �r �� �� �r „ � +t tt Ii tt n „ ,� ,� TT �t �T 11 rt tt „ „ Ti rr �t n rr Ii � tt rr tt �� ir n Ti ;► m m n �i t, n �r n rT tt Ti TT �r ►r �► „ �► I1 „ IT n T, If ;T /I ir �r rt rt If n �� rt �r rt �t T1 n ,� n n ,r , ,► �t rt rt rr n rt - rr n „ lT R n �� rr �t Tf t1 1T � IT fT n IT 1T Upon motion duly made and carri ed me et ing ad j ourned . & Recor �er t A�test• � . ' �� .- _ �' . _ . _ �-.. _ �.-,:� �- a "` . k�'. Speci.al meetir� of the Village Council oF the Villag�e of Hopkins was held on �'arch �8th, 1933, in the Council Room at 7:30 Pr��. This meeting. had been adj��urned from h�iarch 21s�", 1933 called for the purpose of heari:�g o.f 'r'Jater Liain petition on Purdy Ave.,Interlachen Park. I�!embers present; G.I�J.�`ioore,President; Tru.stees,T��adden,Japs and 7hir�e�. ?�ecorder Anderson. L�Iotion dulv made by Anderson, seconded b� P��adden, that the necessar� Resolution be ado�ted, un�.nimousl� carried. Mo�ion duly made b� Japs, seconded b�,TY�adden, that an Ordinance be dravvn �rant in� licensin� for sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor as definied in Senate File �880. Unanimousl� carried. P�To�ion duly made by Japs, seconded b� Anderson, that a�pecial I�Teetin� be held Thrusda�,Z'Iarch 30th, 1933, f or he ar ing of sale of non-int oxicating malt liquor, carried. P!Ir.I�J�.lr7allery appeared and asked if Council i�rould allo��r �.ny money for local band this yeartithis matter was tabled until A;�-ril 4th meeting. Upon a motion duly made �.nd carried meeting adjourned. ���J/!' .e�, , �.. i�'/I ' s- • • - Attest ; �Ia� o r � �'' 0 Special meeting of the Vi11a�e of Hopkins ���ra.s �eia ori r�.��arch 30�h, 1933 , at 7: 30 PI�7 in the Counci l Room. �The Purpose of this meetin� �as the �rawing of an Orc�_inance in re�ards to the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor. P;Zembers present; President G.l-�I.Moore. Trustees Japs,�}a'rrley, I�:�adden. Recorder Anderson, and Attorne� Hosp. r��oti on du 1� made b� Apderson, seconded b�r Iv.00re , th�.t the License fee � be �25.00 for "On Sale" License, carried b�r the follol�in� vote; �yee- Madden, l��oore and Anderson. No- Japs, Snirle�r. Upon moi;ion d ulp made �nd sec onded meeting was ad j ou.rnecl . � gttest : , ' 1!�a�o r � � � Recorder Poor Relief ineeting of the Vi118�e Council of the ililluge of Hopkins was held on April 3rd,1933, at 7 j30 Pb� in the Council Room. Members present ;��G.VJ.Moore President; Tr�zstees, R�Iadden, Japs a,nd Sliirley, Recorder Anderson. ; The Following pe•rsons appeared and �vere given aid; Iriilk Potatoes Carrots� Onions U"Vm.Graper Groceries P�eat Julius Thielman " �' " Geo .Bens on t� ►, �► �T Zloyd Block denied Ro.y ��iilliams " T' .- " COD I,IVL� OIL J ohn Pas s n rr rt - Julis �;Tarr rr n it n . Fr€�nnk Rosengren �' " Robt.Gehrke � " " '� ` �,`].8,L1S RaSmussen n n n Joe Bacik " " �1bt.Heinrich " " �f A.Bettchart " " Ho.v�ard Jurisch " " John Tlovotny « ►� ►r Joe Yucer�, " '1 Otto Volrath " �T �d�,lter Rolff " " " E. Doge �� �► „ � C . Bennett " " John Sp0 tri� rr �r �i71SS. Z1.@'riZOW rr rr tt : r,d.Hedtke " " vd .ti�iel " " Joe Shonka " " � Anton Shid la " " Gus t . Zehml.e " " ,r Chas.Velner �' " Zen.Schroers " " onions John Slanin " ,► " _�� Chas.Knoss " ,� ` Hen-ry Narr,Jr. " � ►' 'f J.E.Nelson " " Geo.riinkel 1 shoe� " " � Page 2 l�Reetin� 4-3-33 Groceries ��ieat �.�iilk Potatoes Carts. Onions � Roy .Gordon " " - �.C.jTic�erman " " � Laevrence 9hlberg " " � V.1 riden. ►, ►, A.O.t�hlberg " ". Albt.Sanderson " t' 'T " Ljnar I`elson " " Victor Borgman " " " Frank Nit z " " " Frank I�aspar }' " " " Rpbt . RObe Y'g '� �T rr Zawrence 13edtke " " Frank Habeck " " " Frank �iriz " " " Fred Hromadko " " Matt �e�ersdorff " " " " Clarence `1'haimert " " 'T John Parkos " " - � Carl Seden " ►' Poors Reiief ineeting adj ourned on duly made motion. _ � Reco rde r. . ATT ;ST: MAYOR tT rt IT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY B.EVIEW, HOPHINS, MINN. STATE OF 1VIINNESOTA, � COUNTY OF HENNEPIN � �' eT. _L. 1U1�rkhaIll-------------------being duly sworn, depases and says that he now is and during a11 the tunes hereinafter mentianed has been the publLSher or printer in chaige of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and .publlshed in the Village of Hopkins, !n sald Hennepin County, 8tate of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: �n at e has knowled of the facts l�tn Ordinance L�censing a r�� of NON-INTORICATING b �nconsistgn� �rdinar.ces an or The Vio a_ ion_ Hereof .___ ad Re�ula�ing �he S�le "alt_Li�uors_�_Re��alin d Providing a penalty ________________________________________ hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each week for____1 ______weekc, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was 8�t inserted, printed and published on Thurs- c�aY, the---- Cth---�y of__April-----------------. �s.2'3.� Sr.-:7=r::a�rial :.;�5 �d�.T; . ._r•7l .Sct •:�;�:: >i�c3 svir?�?i;r:�: :�;�:�;�: ;r:�: ' :r:. .�,������� .�:� .�'�.�. .�.�-�:i:r. .�• :�.�. � �. ,�,—+: ;Z � 7:i�. '^hat during a11 the times aforesaid, sa.id newspaper was qualified nedium of official and legal publications as requlred by Sectfons 3 :-of Chapter 484, Session Laws o2 �*+nP�ta, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that constitute _a legal newspaper as de8ned in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from the date of the �t publication o2 said________ --------------------------S2x.��,n�aac�---------------------- ,n said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet fonm equivelent fn space to at least four pages with flve columi�s to tha page, each seven- teen and three-quarters inefies long. (2) Issued once each week from a l�own office, established in such place for publication and eqWpped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, oomment and miscellany, not wholly dupflcating any other publication, and not en- tirely made up of patents, plate m�.tter or advertisements, or any or either oE them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regular�y delivered to paying subscribers, and that prlor w ttie aate o! the 8rst publica.tion of said --------------------------� rd inanc e the publisher or printer in chazge oP said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, Sled in the office of the' oounty auditor of said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and lcea- t+^� of sajd newspaper a.nd the eadstence of conditions constituting its 3cations as a legal newspaper as required and set forth ia Sectiori �hapter 484, Sesson Laws Minnesota, 1921. That �the following is a printed copy of thE lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, oP the size and Sdnd of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement here- unto attached, viz: ab� fghij opqrstuvwxyz ------ - -- ------- L 1 --��-Publisher. --- Subscribed and sworn to bef ine this_ 6t�?aay of___�ril____ls1'3 ------- --- -- -------------------------- Notary �tblic Henne fn County Minneso E. C. COLQS�Y cammission expires--- -� ��,tc.�y P�sbiic, Hennepl� ���'tyr 5�. �io --- ---- ------- ,�=.•r Commission Ex�fres P.Fay f2� 193'�. AN ORDYNANCE LICENSING AND R,EGULATING THE SALE OF NON- INTO%ICATHIG MA7.T LIQUOR$, REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORD- INANCES, AND PROVIDING A PEN- ' ALTY FOR TFPE VIULATION i HEREOF The Village �Gauncil of the ViAage of Iiopkins, Minnesota, do ordain as follows: • Section 1 Deflnitions As used in this ordinance, the � term "person" shall mean and include a,n�.tural person of either sex, persons, coparthierships, carporations and as as- sociations of persons; and shall in- clude bhe age�nt �or manager of any oP the �.foresaid. The singular number j shall include �the plural, �and the mas- culine pronoun shall include tlie fem- , inine and neuter.. "Non-intoxica,ting malt liquor" sha11 I mean any pota,ble malt beverage with an alcoholic content �04 more than one-half of �one �per cent by vol- ume �,nd not more than �three a�d two-tenths per cent �by weight. - � Section 2. License Reqnired No person shall sell, vend, deal in or dispose oP by gift, sale or obherwise, or keep or offer for sale in the vill�age oP Hopkins, any non-intoxica�ting malt liquar within this village w�Ghout flrst having received a license therefor as Ihereinaft�er provided. Licenses shall be oY �two kinds: "On iSa,le" and "08 Sale." ' "On' bSale" liees�ses sha11 be grant,�d only to drug stores, ca,fes, restaurants and hotels where food is prepared and' served for consumption on the prem- ises an�d in bona fide clu�bs, and shall permit the sale of such liquor Yar con- sumption on the premises only. "Off S�ale" lic�nses shall be gran�ted to pernut t�he sale of such liquor in original packages for removal from and eonsumption oS the premises on- ly. Section 3 Applications for Lidenses All applica.tians for amy license to sell non-intoxivating malt liquor shall be made on forms to be supplied by the village, setting forth the name of the person asking for such iicense, his age, representations as to his 'character with such references as may be required, �his citizenship, tYie i location where such business is to be carried on, w1�e�her such aplicatian is j for "on sales': . or "off sales," the bus- i iness in connection with which the proposed licensee will operate, w�hetn- er applica,nt is owner and operator of such business, the time such applicant has been in tha,t busin�ss at that place, and suoh other informa�tion as the Village Council may require from time to time. It shail be unlawful to make any false sta.tement in an application, and in addition to all obYier penalties his license shall be revoked by the Village Council far a viola:tion of this section. Section� 4. � Fees All applications for licen�es shall be j accompanied by a receipt ,from tlie Village Treasurer for the required an- R nual fee for �the respective license. � All such �fees sha,ll be paid into the � general fund oP the muiucipality. IIp- ; on rejection of any application for �a ' license, the treasurer shall Tefund the amount paid. The annual fee for an "On S�ale" li- cense shall be $25.U0. The annu�ai fee for an "Off Sale" license shall be flve dollars ($5.00): •�All licenses shall expire on the l�ast day oi Decem�ber in each year; provid- ' ed that if part of any licensing yeax '�has elapsed when bhe application ie � made a pro rata fee shall be charged, `— — '-'�f1.....-ae�... ..r t t..e..r-- prohibit the esta,blishment or eads- tence of places w�here bhe uiajor por- tion of the business is �to sell such be- verages, and whenever in the judg- ment of the Village Council the sale oP such malt liquor becomes the majoT portion of the business of bhe licensee, his license shall �be revoked. No person shall have in �his posses- sion for sale any non-intoxicating malt liquor wi�thout first having vb- tained one or both of tihe licenses herein provided for. R•t shall be unlawful ?or any licensee to mix, or sell for the purpose oP mix- ing, any such malt liquor or to suffei or permit upon the premises named in �his license any mixing or spiking of malt liquor, soft d;inks or any othei liquid or beverage by adding to or wit1� the same any alcohol or other intoxi- ca,tfng liquor. � - iNo license shall be gran.ted for sale on any premises w�here a licensee ;h� been convicted �of �the v.[olation of t'his ordinance or where any license �here- tinder ISas been revoked for cause foi �t le�t �one year aEter �Ghe said con- viction or revocahion. �No sale oY �any non-intoxicat�g ma,1t liquor shall be made to any per- son under gUa.rri:ia.n�hip, nor to any person under twenty-one ye�ars of age. The licensee, shall also keep posted in a conspicuous place at or in �the front window ai �his premises, a sign of not less than three (3) inch lettering indicating which (or both) kind of li- cense is held for the premises. The written license shall at all times be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises named therein. All licenses granted under this or- dinance �hall be issued to �tki�e appli- cant only, and shall be issuefl for the �premises described in the applica:tion. �Such license shall not be transferable. No manufacturer oP such non-intox- icating malt liquors shall � have any ownership, in whole or in part, in the business of any licensee �holding an "On Sale" license. I,ieex�ses shali be gran�ted on1Y to ses persons whp ame oitizens of the United States, residents af bhe Village of Hopkins and of good moral _character. Section 7. Ciosing Hours. No "On Sale" sale of any non-in- �toxicating malt licjuor shall be made �betweeri the �hours of 2:00 A. M. and 7:00 A. M. of any week day, nor on �unday� between the hours oY 2:00 A. M. and 12:00 M. No "Off 5ale" sale of any non-in- toxicating malt liquor shall be made between the hours of 9:00 P. 2Vl. and 7:00 A: M. of any week dap, nor at all on Sunday. No manufacturer or distxibutor, oP non-intoxicating malt liquor shall sell and-or deliver such liquor to consum- ers between the nours of 9 o'clock P. M. and 7 o'clack A. M. on any week day, nor at all on �4unday. Section 8. Bars and Connteis In any place licensed for "on sales" the Yiquor. sold shall be served and consumed at tiables in the dining or refreshment �room of �the cafe, restaur- ant, hotel or clu'b, anc� shall not be consumed or served at �bass; provided the 'sa,me may be served at counte¢�s w�here food is reg'ularly served and consumed. Section 9. Revocation. The license oP any person who shall be found guilty of any violation_of the prohibition law, whether Ghe offense be committe�d on ihe premises named in his license or elsewhere, and the license of any person who shall have, keep, sell, manufacture or possess in- toxicating liquor at or upon the prem, ises named in his license, contrary to coirl -,rnhihi}:inn .1siW. f+ilSll bP-R'P.vnknr7 oca:r..iu �.. The Village Coun�u snau caus� an investiga�tion to be ma,d�e of all facts set fort;h in the application. Op- portunity sha31 be given to ,any per- son to be heard for o�r �agai�nst the granting of any license. ABter such in- vestigation, the Village �Cauncil shall grant or refuse any such application in its discretion. Section 6. Conditions of Licenses All licenses granted hereunder s�all be granted subject to the following conditions, and �a,ll ot.her conditions of this ordinance, and subject to all oth- er ordinances of the Village applicable thereto. No license sha11 be granted �to any person under twenty-one years of age. No license sha,]1 be granted to any applicant who already owns a license of �the �kind 'applied for. No license shall be issued to an ap- plica,nt unless �he be the actual owner or proprietor of the business at the lceation w�here he intends to sell such malt liquor. No suaYi malt liquor sha11 be sold, served or consumed at or in any tlie- ater, picture show, ball parx, dance hall or other place -of public g+a.ther- ing far the purpose of entertainment or amusement, provided, however; that nothing herein shall be construed to prohibi�t such sale in a duly dicensed restaurant or caie, haGel or club where dancing is permi�tted in the dining room t,hereof and as an . incideni bhereto; nor shall suclz malt liquor �be sold or served far consumption, or consumed, at, in or upon any public highway or in any motor vehicle upon any public highway. No "On �ale" license shall� be gmaxnt- ed for sales in, oonnection with �.ny business or club where such business or club has n�ot been in operaiion �t h,hat place for at least six months im- mediaiely preceding such applioaiian. �No license shall be issued �to any person ,unless the sale of non-intoxica- ting malt beverages is the incidenial and not the major portion oP the bus- �ness of �the licensee transacted �t �rPmises na,med in his license, it � purpose of this ordinance to Dy LnL vl.udge .'Vvui.w. � Any license granted h�*reunder may be revvked by the council without no- �tice to the grante�e or a�e�aring may first be held by �the �council and the re- vocation �thern made for cavse. Any vi- olation of any provision or condition oP this ordinance or any false state- ment in the applica,tion shall be graund for revocation. No portion of the license fee paid into the Village treasury shall be retumned upon re- vocation. Section 10. Itepeal and Prohibited Sale. All ordinances or provisions thereof of trhe Village in conflict witah a,ny of the provisions hereof axe here- �y �repealed. Nothing �hereundez shal] permit the manufacture, sale, or trans- portation, or keeping or having in, pos- session for sa,le or transportation of, or �ta�king or rsceiving, or soliciting, any order for liquor o# a gre�at�r alcoholic con�t,�nt t�han 32% by weigh�t except for medicinal, pharm�a,ceutical �or scientiflc purposes, and any such act is hareby made unlawful. � Any viola- tion oP �bhase provisians upon any pre- mises licensed nereunder shall consti- iute grounds for revocation of �t,he li- cense. Section 11. Penalty. . Any person violating any provision oY h�his ordinance shall be guilty of a misdem�eanor, . and upon conviciion bhereof sha11 be punished by a flne oi not more than $100.00, or in deEault of �such paymen�t shall be imprisone�d in the village lockup _ or oounty jai] for not to exceed nine�ty tiays, plus the costs of prosecution in a,ny case, Section 12. Effect. This �omdi�vance sh�all take effeci and be in force from April 7, 1933, after its publication. Passed by the (3ouncil this 4th day oP April> 1933. �G. W. Moore �President of Village Caunci] (SEAZ) Atiest: Art ;E. Anderson R,ecorder. Published in The �Hennepin County Review Thursday, April 6, 1933. � �- 1�; AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINAIVCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING THE 2�: SALF OF NON-INTOXICATING MALT LI�?UORS, REPFALING INCONSISTENT ORDIN;�NCES, , 3� AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION HEROF," PASSED AND APPROVED i� 4 � 1933. , { S,� The Village Council of the Village of Honkina do ordain as follows: i 6� That an ordinance of said Vi11�ge entitled, �'An ordinance licensing � ,� and regulating the sale of non-into�:ica.ting malt lic�uors, repealing inconsisT 7,' tent ordin c s and pro�iding a penalty for the violation hereoft' passed and 19 � � 20 21 ! � 22 23 '� 24 �I 2S 26 27 � 28 ', i 29 ' � 30 �•�, •�� 31 �i ; JOSEPH p. HOSP �� ATTORNEY AT LAW i; HOPKIN3, MINN. '' approved ;��.933, ��e and the same is hereby amended to read as follorrs: ' � Section 1. That the last sentence and ;�aragraph of Section 6 of said� Ordinance be amended to read as follorrs, that is to say: j i "Licenses hereunder shall be issued only to nersons who are citizens i of the United States and c�ho are of good moral eharacter snd repute."j Sectio� 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and� after its publication. ; Passed this 2nd day of May, 1933. ATTEST• A. _F,. Anderson Village Recorder G. Vd. PJfoore President of the Village Council Special �eting was held an April 7rd, 1933 b� the Village Council of the Vill�.ge of Hopkins at 9 P� in the Council Room. The purpose oP this mee ting being the� i�iscussion of the sale oF non-intogicating malt liquo r. Members present, G.L`�J,�Ioore,President; Trustees; T�.7adden, Japs and Shirle,y. Recorder Anderson. RZotion du � made b� Anderson, seconded by �;`adden, that no O1V SALE of n on-intoxi cat ing �. lt liquor shal l be sold grom 2 Ab2 to�7�F oP an�.day. Carried- by the folloaving vote : . gyes- Wadden, I,ioore,9nderson. No- J�ps , Shi rley. biotion dul.y made b� 9nderson, seconded by �,:oore, �that the ON S9LE oP non-in togicati ng malt liquor on Su.nday shall be f rom 12 T00 until 2 ALi. Carri ed b�r the following vote : Ayes- I,�adden,I�.Ioore,Anderson No- Japs, Shirle�r P,�otion duly made by Shirley, seconded by �iadden, that no OFF SAZE of non-intogicating malt liquor shall be made between the hours oF 9 P� and 7 Alt2 of any wee�k-d_a�r, and no OFF SALE of non-intoxicat in� malt liquor on Sunda�. (,arried b� �Fie o� llowing vote; A�es- RZoore , Japs , Shirley,lt°adden No- Anderson Councilman Anderson offered and m.�ved th€�t the first readir� of the following propos�d ordinance for the enactment by the Villag�e Council which motion was seconded b� Con;ncilman �iadden, and upon being put to a vote said motion w�.s carried unanimously, the first reading of an ordina.nce entitled "An ordinance licensing and regulating the sale oP Idon-intogicating malt liquor repealing inc�nsi.si;ant ordinances �:nd providing a penalty for the viol�tion thereof" was had. Upon motion dul� made and seconded meeting adjourned. 9TTEST : 0�— �J RECORDER �� � � Regular me et i n� o f t he Villa�e C ounc il o f t�ie Vi llage of Hopkins v�as he ld on April 4th ,1933 in the C ounc il Room at 7 s 30 Prni . �?em�ers present G.VJ.�;ioore,President; Trustees PsTadden,�hir7_e� and Japs. Recorder Anders on. !�"otion dul� made b� �aps, seconded by 1�aadden that the following bills- be allowed; 15171 Security 1lational Bk. 1�172 First National Bk. 1125I Frank Stodola 11249 Dahlberg Bros. 11250 John I.Johnson 11252 Ben Tesarek 11253 Joe Bacik 11254 Carl Olson 112255 Frank ��iabeck 11256 Chas.Bennett 11257 r rank ldit z 11259 i;. J .1��eDon ald 11260 Pf7pls.Gen.Elec.Co. 11258 E. J . P�c�onald 5291 Herman �lson 5292 First Zdat.Bk. 5293 Mp].s.Gen.Elec.Co. 5294 Carl Pedersen 5295 Jacob Scheffler 5296 u�Jaterous Co. 5297 Frank Yaspar 1954 Bloomie Jenstad 1955 l�qrs .Theo .'�;xtine 1956 Za.�vrenc e Sch ut z 1957 A.G.Hamilton. 1958 A:1�. Steve ns 19.59 J,Jasperson 1960 Frank Nitz 1961 Pe.derson Bros. 1962 Chas.lv.Herzan 1963 t�Jest Mpls .r uel 8c Ice Co. 1964 Nelson Shoe Store 1965 Henr� . County Reviea� 1966 Justus Lbr.Co. 1967 P:7rs.�mil Peterson I968 R�I 1s.Sub.Gas Co. 1969 r.S.Tdott Co. 19.'70 Thorvald Sko �tegard 1971 Hen r� Roehl 1972 Frank Sit ar 1973 Schut z Gro�3er� 1974 grch ie Kelle �r 1975 &�pls .Gen.�lec.Col 197G VV. S.Booth & Son, Inc . 1977 N.:ti�.Bell T�le.Co. 1978 Nat:Geo�.Society 19?9 Blanche I:Groth 1980 St.Paul Bk.� Stat.Co. I9$1 Ga�rlord Bros.Inc. 1982 Po�rrers D�ierc.Co. 1983 H.V�l.Wilson Co. 1984 American Zib.�o. 1985 Demco.Zib.Supplies 1986 J.-E.Hennessy & Co. 1987 Emil Anderson 1988 Last Side Service Sta. $989 Jacoti �cheFYler 1990 Z. J .IU?ilb�r� ; 1991 Olson's Gr�er� 1992 Hopkins Pr�uc e Co. 1993 Void 1994 Chas.Hersman 3.995 HopYins _Fire Dep�. 1996 R�rs .A.F.,Converse Int.due 4-1-33 Pavin g Bonds & int . I,ab or Renai xs 32 hrs . C� 40g� 32 hrs. � 40� 202- hrs. C� 40�1 22 h rs . G 50� T rac to r 16 hrs . C 40�: 20 h rs . Q 40 � 1� hr s. G 40 ¢� Gravelin� Li g�nt 8c Po�e r Gravel ing Sal . � 0 4:=1-�3 Poli c ie s#�24830 & 250530 Zi�ht 8c Power 16 nrs . � 40� � �epairs ��d ran t , et c . 18 hrs. C� 40¢ Sal. ��1-33 rairs.Ber�'s Sal. 4-1-�� Sal. to 4-1-33 Sal t. to 4.-1-33 Suppl ie s PR A�Iilk books PI� 42 hrs. � 40¢ & Rep�.irs Paiilk b0oks PR Groceries P�? Fu� ]. PR Shoe s PR S uppl ie s Fuel PR � Cleaning Library C i t�r Hall Ga s Fire Hose 8c Ladder Firs 8c Police �larms Kerosene PR Po1_ice change 10 hrs. Groc e ri es PR Groc er ie s PR Zight ;8c Power Supplies Fir e& Cit� Hall Phone S ub s. mag���. z ine Sapplies Zib. Books� Zibrar� Supplies Zib. Books Lib rary Catalogue Zib r�,r� Sub.to booklist Supplies Library I+'uel PR Grocer�es PP Gaso line �al . f ire �tevrard 4-1-33 Groc erie s FR Groc er ies PR Groceries PR V o id �erosene PR Fi re calls Ren t 4-18�� PR ��16.8A 4741.14 63.01 74.00 12.80 12.80 8.20 11.00 6.40 8.00 6 .20 28.25 5.09 125:00 70.00 193.75 125.07 6,40 2.70 96�.28 7.20 32 .50 8.00 7 5. 00 75.00 3.25 19.75 3.30 41,50 40.76 14 .25 17 . 83 26.95 24 :60 3 . 00 1.30 501.03 25.00 .'i 0 5.00 26.93 50.77 422.96 1.60 10:70 _ 3. 00 .85 48.68 9.05 27.90 3.5 � 5 .00 11.55 5.20 38.22 7.73 10.00- 38.06 35 .33 4I . 43 - 2.60 101.00 8.00� Page 2 r.�ee ting �lpril 4th , 1933 _ 199'7 Jas. J.1!4e�g T998 Jos .V.I,apic � 1999 L.�idam 2000.Standard Oil Co. 2001 Suburban Chev.Co. 2002 C.D.��cb��ahon 2003 Hopkins uJater Dept. 2004 Hennepin Dist.Boiler Instp. 20363 Refund on Gas ryTeter .� �� o� J Groceries PR Groc e ri es PR Grocerie s PP. Gasoline Repai rs l�Jood PR l�Jater bill H.Ortlotf Inspecting boiler J ohn Kosanda �42.77 .30.68 42.25 9173 30.00 9.00 2.25 3 .OQ 3.20 Mot ion dul� made b� Japs, not seconded, t:i�.t the word 2 A1�.+I be stricken out of the non-intoxicating malt liquor ordinanca and t�1e word 1 AA:� ins�rted. �1�oL ion duly made by I���adden, seconded by Ar.derson that v�re accept tl�e second reading of non-intoxicating malt liquor ordinance. Carried on the follo��ring vote: A�es- tY:adden ,Moo ze ,And erson No- Shirley, Jap s Motion du7_y made b�r Anderson, seconded b� N�adden, tha.t we adopt the Resolution �s of the sec�nd reading and as' published on April 6th,1�33 in the official ;:�aper, a copy of sar.le on file in the Resolution Book. Carried on the fol�.ovaing vote: � Ayes-Moo re,Madden,Shirley,�nderson No -Japs � Communicati on from Anton Jesek and Great Northern Railwa� read and .placed on file. �Motion duly made by :�aps,seconded b� Ir�adden, that peti�Lion of zoneing be rePerred to the Conunittee atlarge, c�rried unanimously. Dr.�'.J.�ucera'a co�nuncation read and placed on file. t�Iotion duly rr�ade by Shirley,seconded b� �aps,that vve allow the Hedtke drug bill and Dr.Kuce�na be notified that hereafter no bi11s will be pa.id for drugs vrithout authorization of some member of the V'ill�e Council,carried. � r42r.Alden's commun�cat ion read and Recorder inst ructed to answer same and Filel P,Rotion duly rnade b�r r�adden,seconded by Ar.derson tl�at t�`dater. report be. accepted and placed on file . Communication from the Junvenile. Court in. regard to r��rs.Alma Boltmari read and placed on file. Motion fuly made ���y Japs, seconded by T�adden that we accept tlie assi�n- ment of securities of t he Securit� Nati onal �3ank, and also instruct the Villa,ge Tre�jsurer to release the 1932 assignment of Securit ies held by him for 1932. Carried. �iotion duly ri�a,de by I�add en, seconded by Japs, t rat we accept the assign- ment of securities of the First Nation�zl Bank. Motion dul�r �nade '��y Japs, �econded by Shirley that d�ie � acq�ire lots � 1 to 5 inclusive 31ock 103,ti"Jest R�ipls. 2nd Division for high�va� pu��rposes. Carried. Motion dLi1.y made b� Japs, seconded by I�!adden that tlie follot�;�in� applica- tions be �ranted• • � Zeo Schut z �rcl�ie Kelle� � Frank Edel - Jas. Edel Henr� Ado lphi �enr� Adolplli` Sof t Drink 8� T��ilk Soft- Drink Drive-In Statiorl 3 pumps Drive-In Statiori 3 pumps I3ulk Drive-In Station 2 pumps Upon motion c�uly made and seconded the r.:eetina tiroas adjournec�. - attest • �Z� Rec order � PJIa�o r � � Jr . ' ' . , 1 2 3. 4 . s . � 6 . 7 8 9. 10 �' - 11 . 12 . 13 14 15 � 16 17 18 19 20 21� . 22 23 . 24 . - 25 26 27 28 , 29 30 31 �`� 32 . . . 33 34 �ATER�lAIN CONSTRUCTIOI�T COIJTRACT. • THIS AGREEiIIi�'NT, �Hade and en e ed into ,thia .6th day of April, 1933,- by . and between ��°' •� Gr�� '� ,,a,, B�inneaota, partv of the. firet part,. herein��`Pter. ca ed� tHe ontractor, and th8 Villa�e oP Hopkins, Henn- . epin Count,y, State oP Minneaota, part�r oP the�second part, hereinafter aelled the Village, �YITNESS��i:. . . ; 1. Zfiat whereas.the Village has heretoPore caused pZans and speciPaation to be made for. the ext�er�sion of wa.ter maine . in the Village of. Hopkins , on the . follovring desianated streets : _ � � � On Purd�r.Avenue' in the Vil].age.,of ,riopkine, fror� .the intersection .� �� thereof with Goodrich Adenue;�extending.in a southerly direction a . � di'�tanae' oP about� aix hund�red� feet, in said� Village, for fire protection �.snd servioe to.proper_tv.abutting�on aaid�atraets. Sizes of wster main to�be laid to be, ' four.inches, and the eame shall be aontructed in accordance with plans and s.pecifioations-on £ile in.tlie offiQe oP the recorder oP said Village of Hopkina, Pdinnesota, and �ur�-- �n.t � to Chapter' 425 of the l�.�re oP 'rHinneaota, for the year 1921. . Said plans and speoiFicationa are hereby made e part hereof and referred to as �chi�ait "A" �and vrhereas the Village has advertised for bids and pro- poeals for,the installation and conatruct�.on of said.water main extensions, complete: in accor�ance with sa.id plans and speaif'iaationa snd pursuant to eaid.statute, and'�the Village hae in eccordance therewith and with said.adv er isement arid in reply therto�received, among othera, a propoeal�from said . Con'treotor on this date, April� 6, 1933; on the basie oF the work,being done; bv hand labor and employment.of local emplo,yee,s at Porty cents (.90�). per .. � hour, excepting the,foreman;and.se.at�setter, which proposal is nora� on file with the Recorder oP said.Vil�lage, snd herebv made a part hereof,�and marked �'� for�reference Exhibit "B", and is.and was�the la�eeat reponsible bid for suoh v�ork, and aooepted as suah bv motion dulv made and carried at e regular meet- ing of the Villa�e �Counail iield on said date. , � AND', �1fHHEREAS, the Village specificationa for all said work did not desig-l'� nate `the �tsTpe of hydrants to be furnished and installed, it �ie agreed .b,y and � � between, .the Village and ,the Con.tractor that t°late:rous. ii,ydrants are to' be fur- �, nished end ,9:n:atalled. : , � , � � � � i NOr�, THEREFORE�, .In consideration of the p�i'nise,s and .the covenanta and. I agreements.of the Village hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor agrees to ' Purnish all meterial-, labor,.apparatue, aoceasories and equipnent and conetruc, said water main .extensios in a godd, aubstatial and wot�mnlike manner, com- ' plete in all particulars, inaluding�excav�tion and replacement� of any'perman -' ent improvements�of whatever nature,�whether pub2ic or priL�ate,.which may � � be damaged by th'e �nature of the work, a:nd in the execution therof, all: to be I in strict conformit�:� with,the aPoresaid plana and specificatione, which eaid � plans and specifications•and proposal referred to as �xhibi�s "A"�and "B" 11 are hereby exprea�sly made a part oP.this contract, as full end to the same � extent as if herein aet f'orth 'in full. �The eaid Contractor agree� to i�o�the safd vro�kr:in�aa good,�:workmanlike manner under the superaision and direction -!� of G..�. Moors� �. E. Anderson, and Herman Olson, who are all de"signated by the Village as inepectore for irat,purpoae, and.to commence said construction,ll installation and.improveinent at once; and to complete same by not later than , Br1av 6th,1933��811 0�' said work to be subjected.to an eacepted �a�e presaure �est oP •150 pounas per •square inch. � � � �' , � � li 2. The said Contractor a`grees to , pa;d all la�oetrers 'eaployed and ma+,er- ial men furnis3��n� material. to said Contractor in and about the erformance P I of. this Contract for all labor and material b�� them.so_performed and furnishedl and' the said laborers and all persons furnishing material for� said �vork shall ' be first paid��out of' the amount due s�id Contractor frora said Village under this aontract before an,y .part of the same is .paid to� the Contractor, �his suc- I cessora or assigns. � I 3. It is agreed that in the constru�iction oF said water main extensiona l , e �.�:�'e''. 1 2 �3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 • 11 12 13 14 15. . 16 17 , 18 19 � � 20 21 22 23•. � 24 25 � , 26 27 28 29 . . . 30 � 31 32 33 34 that no extras will be allotived and no alterationa�in or deviations-from�said - plana;and specificationa shall.be made_unless such extras, alterations or � deviations are authorized and direated by a vote of the Village Counail oP said Village and firat approved by the �aupervising �inapectore, � 'any event, w�en such-extras or deniations shall innolve arid nesessi�a"te^c s and e,xpense in the construct3on of said water main extenaions,. suoh extras shall not be ordered and� auch �devieitiona me:de until ordered by a vot.e of. the Vi1la.ge Counca.l and an agreement betcveen the part�es hereto in writing : fixing the price of said extras and deviations to be paid the Contractor by the ViYlage,.and when suah alteration shall reduoe the cost of construction snd 'n a of �sy� r al t of such reduction in coat �sha urnls�� � 11age�suo i��ti n�ill enable the Village to .. readi y compu�te said �coet. - . .. - , : ; . . . � 9. The Contractor further agrees in case of improper conatruction or' unreasonable delay in the prosecution of the work by the Contractor�that � the Villa�e ehall have the right�to order and oauae suspension of work at any ��time and re-let the contract therePor or order a reconstruction of an,y portion of the �ork improperly done and said work shall be under the direction of the supervising inapectore of .the Village and in case an,y oomplaint arises re- . lating to the oons.truation of�said water meiin extensions as to material, labor or installation, the same,shall be iminediately referred to the auper- , vising inapectors oF the Village and an immediate adjuatment shall be med'e to the satisfaction of said�superviaing_inapectora, and their findings in suoh caee shall be.sbsolute and aonclusive upon both perties hereto• � 5. �In case the Contrsator shall properls� perform the work and furnieh � the material herein designated; the Village.will.from time to time.before the completion of the work in ita di'soretion pa,y the Contractor eighty per cent (80f) of the amount already earned under, this oontrsct upon the estimate oF said a�uperniaing inspectors,. and said e.stimate ahell be conclusive.as to seid amount so earned, but in any event,.no payment ahall be.made unt.il.all material .shall tie �on the .ground. � ; ' 6..� S�.id,Con_tractor'further agrees in aase:of delay to notify the Village in wr�i.tin� of�_ an,y and all� causea of delay of .said work or an,y part thereof . �vrithin twentv-four hours after such cause or oauses of delay arise, and in ' csse of �ailure of.the Contr,scto� to perform this ooritract and oo plete eaid , `�ork a.t the time herefinbefore apecified, said Contractor will for eit and pa,y to said Village and said.Vilia�e shall deduct Prom�the contract p ice tierein specified the sum of �venty-five Dollare (�2.5.00) for�each and eyery dav thia contract and work herein provided for sha11 remain unfinished and'inooMplete from and aft"er the �6th day of �y, 1933,�hereinbefore apecified for the �com- pletion t2iereof,.and said amount is hereby agreed.upon and fixed by and be�eer the parties hereto as liquid�ted damagea Por auch�feilure of said Contractor. to fully.pe.rform and compTete this aontract herein. . 7. �e �ontractor.agrees to indemnif�r and save harmless said Villege from and against an,y. end a11 claime�,.suits and ac.tions against all loss, dain-. - uge,� coats or expense to said Village occasioned by or arising from any in- fringement or olaim of infringement of any Le�tere Patent or patent righte upon or conering any patented articles used b,y the Contractor in the construotion of said �rork under th�ie contract �r arisin� from the failure to pav any ro,yalties in connec.tion with the construction of said �ork, and said Contractor,agreea to hold himseli responsi�le For an,y defects which may de-. velop in any part� af the �arork covered by tris contract. � : 8., �e Contractor. agrees to hold tYie Village harmless frou� all elamages . and olaims of damages that�may,arise ty reason oE ant� ne_gligence on�the part of' the Contractor, hia agenta or empl�o��ees while engaged in the. prosecution of this t�ork and the performsnce of �thie contract, and will� furnish and main- . tain such barricadea and lights as are necessarv for�the proteotion of the public during the progress of sai8 work and agre.es to make, execute, and de- liver to said Villa�e a bond w�ith suYficient suretiea to be approveci bv the Vi],1age in,the.sum of Seven Hundred and no/100 Dollara (700.00�) f'or the use . . s �a � -•��� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 of said Village and all persons doing work or furnishing ekill, tools, mach— iner,y, or moterial under or for the purpose of this contract and to seaure the faithgal performance of this contraot bv the Contractor and to be condi— tioned as required b,y Section 9700 of the General Statutes of �+SinneaQta 1923, end'a�1 a0ts�araendsto'rv. ar.d. su�►p�ementarv hereto and also Chapter 925 General Lavrs of Ivlinne�ota 1921, and conditioned further that the;:ontractor ahall save and hold the Village harmleas from an� and all liability in the prosecu ti exeaution, and completing of the v�ork and from an,y damage whatsoever that may arise out o� or accrue on account of thia contract or in the execution of the work �o be performed hereunder either direatly or indirectly, and that too whether.the same are herein expressl?r provided for or not, and_eonditioned also for the payments of all material used and labor performed in the executic of the work. The 9ill�ge in aonsideration of the oovenante and a�reementa of the Can— tractor hereing aontained and the faithful performanae thereof by hin agrees to accept said v�ater main conatructiona, aonatruotsd and installed complete to the satiafaction, approval and acceptance of said Village and the super— vising inapectors of said Village and.to apv�the Contractor. thereior in accordanoe with the plane and apeoifiaations and.proposal heretofore mentionec nnd .on file in the office .oi' the Village Recorder ae aforesaid. IN T%STIEiONY yVSEREOF, handa thie 17th day of IN PRESET�CE OF : The oontracting pariiea have hereunto set their April, ,��►��R CO t TRUCTION OMPANY, INC., gy Prea., � ecretaxy. ACOBS BROTHERS, g�, � Partner. 7HE A PKINS ny President . ecor er a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1� 34 � STATE OF LSINNESOTA ) sa. COtTNTY OF COTTON:700D On thia day of April, 1933, before ms a Nptary Public within and said County and State, personall,y appeared�, , to me knarm to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrumsnt and acknotivledged that he executed it as his Free act and deed. STATE 0�' �ffNATESOTA ) � B8, COUNTY OF HEnTNEPIN ) On this da,y of April, 1933, before me a Notarv Public v�ithin and for saxi.d Countv, personally appeared G. �. 2�oors and Art E. Andereon, to me peraonall,y known, who being each by me duly sworn esch did say that the,y are respectively the President snd Recorder of the Village of fiopkine, the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal af- • fixed to eaid inetrument ia the corporate seal of the said Village and that said instrument tivas aigned and sealed in Uehalf of said Village b,y authority of its Village Council and said G. �d. �doore and Art E. Anderaon ackno�vled�ed said instument to be the free eot and deed oP said Village. . A. HOSP, P�otar,y ubl�c, Hennepzn ount, Minneaota. L�y Commiasion expires on � October 23, 1935. i� Y • 1 .. 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 - 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16 17 18 .. .19' 20 � .21 22 ' , 23 : 24 - 25: 26. • .27 28 � 29 30 31 ' 32 33 1 34 BOND BY CONTRAC,TOR FOR PIIBLIC �O�KS ��� HECTO. ONST. CO., of Hector Minn. KN� �t�LL �P1 RY THESL P�iESENTS, Zhat I, JACOBS BROS. � oF Bird Is�and, Minnesota,�Contractor, as prinaipal, and ,���,,,� HARTFORD ACCIDENT & I�fDEMNITY COMPAY, of Hartford, Connecticut, as�surety are held and firml,y bound unto the V�llage of Hopkins in the Count.y of Hennepin,and State of �innesota, in the aum of Seven Hundred and n0/100 Dollars•(�700.00) lawful money oP the United Statea�, for the use of said Vi1].age of Hopkina snd also for the use of all persona wiio�may perform any work or labor� or furnish�any slcill, tools, machinerv, or materi�ls, ander or.for the�purpose.of the Contract hereinbefore mentione8, their sucaessora or heira, executors,' �adrainistrators or�asaigna, for which pajsment well and trul.y to be maae, we jointl�� and severally bind ourselves, and each of our heirs,.executora and administrators firmly b,y these presents. Sealed ,with our seal and dated this 17tl�ay of April, 1933. . . HECTOR CONST. C0. Zhe condition . of. this obligation is such tha,t �whoreas JACOBS BROTi�RS , the said Contractor, has entered into and made a written contract wit�t� 's:aid Village�of.Hopkina Por the la,ying of. ' four inch water mains on Purdy'Avenue in the Village of Hopkins,: from tYie intersection thereof with Goodrich Avenue, extending in a southerly direation a distance of about six hundred feet, in accordanae �ith�� /plana and apeaifiaations and propoaal on file in the OFfice of .the Record�"bf e�id Village, which contract is � hereto att�ohed �nd made a part,hereof', and far a fuller deac,ription rePer- snce is made to eaid cnntraat. . , NO�T, THEREFOAE, If the said . Contractor .shsll and ,.does pa�! as thev be- come due, all just alaime for work and labor performed and all tools and machinery, ekill and material furnished for the completion of said oontrect, in accordanoe �ith ita terma, and ehal�. eave and hold the Village of Hopl�ina afo"resaid harmless Prom�anv and all liabilitv and from all costs and cherges tYi�t ma,y accure on aocount oF thg prosecution, execution, and completion of the work. specifi,ed in �said �contract, and shal]: also fulfill; carry out and � complete said contract, according to the terms therof and shall complt� v�ith all the laws appertaining there.to, then thie obligation.ahall'be void,• � otherwise-to remain in full force and effect. IP� TESTIM016Y iPHEREOF�,_ �Ve have hereunto set� our hands and aeals this �' ��th day o£ AFril, 1933. . - � Signed; Sealed��end � � ` HECTOR CONSTRIICTION CO�IIPANY, INC., �Delivered.in.Presence of: - B9� � , Y'eS �A . � -- � .. @CTA fll'j/. . � .. JACOBS BROTEERSs . B� sr ner . AARTFO BCCIDENT dc NDE�IiTITY COMPAN�, . By � . I s A rney-in- �ac S� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ' ss. , County of Ramsey Form J-3070 On this..........2.g�?�............day of ..............�P..?'�:1......19....3.�., before me appeared.............F.T.�k..�....�t.,,..J.ohri............. to me personally known, and who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Agent and Attorney-in-fact of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation of Connecticut, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Connecticut; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; and the said ........... . ........................�'.T&►nk..B.....S�.,,,�ohn, act and deed of said Corporation. .............................. -S My commission expires ............................................................................ � Pdnted in U. S. A. .........acknowledged said instrument to be the free ...... . ...... . .. ��. ;i� . . .. .................... Not¢ry Public, Ramsey ounty, Minnesota � -�i'`" J ► � 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 STa t'E OF MINPJESO'1'�'� ) as covN�r oF coT�ror�roon Un this da�► of April, 1933, before m� a Notary Public within �nd for said Count,y, personall appeared � , to me knooa�mm to be the pareon described in and who exeauted the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed tha aame as his fee act and deed. Notary Publia, Count,y, �itm. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPHINS, DIINN. STATE OF 1VIINNESOTA, ( � COUNTY OF HENNEPIN � ------`-T •- L„__I1�I�tY'k11a.m-------------------��eing duly sworn, dePoses `�, says that he no�v is and durin� all the times hereinafter mentioned been the publlsher or printer in chai�ge of The Hennepin County view, a weekly newspaper, printed and ublished in the Village of Hopkins, in said Iiennepin County, State o�Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he has knowledge of the facts and knaws personally tha.t the �� Notice_to_Property__Oc�ners�_ti�lhose_Property ��y be Assessed on Account of Pro�osed �ater Nlain ���en��,Qn_ Qn _Purd�y_ �venue_ in_ The _ Qi.11�,�e_ Qf _�opkin s Fr�m the Int�rs�cti�n Theremf-��'tn ,Goodrich Avenue, Exten _in�_in_ 2___ou_ ner �_ e�C_ hereto attachea, cut trom tne columns of sa.id newspaper, w�s inserted, printed a.nd published in said • . � C� newspaper once in each w k for_____� _____meekc, and that all of said _: publications were made inF�e English la,nguage. ' Tha.t said notice was,� itbserted, printed and published on Thurs- daY, the--��3-----day;of-----�'_C�L--------------. 19_.�1�. u That during a1T the times aforesa,id, said newspaAer was quali8ed as a medium of official and legal pnblications as reqtu;efl by Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 484, Session Laws bp MjLnrnesoGg, • i92i, and that 1t has i�ed with all the requirements that co�titute a legal newspaper ed in said sections 3 snd 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last pest from the date of the � pubHcation oi said__________________ -------=-------------------�IO ti.�9_----------------------------------- said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place froai ovhich it purports to be issued in the English language, and in oolumn and sheet foran equivalent in space to at least four pages with Sve columna to the page, each seven- teen and three-quarters inc�es long. � (2) Issued once eac�h week from a Imown office, established in such place for publication and equipped wiGh skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and i3i3scellany, not wholly duplicating any other pubHcation, and not en- �, tirely made �p of patents, plate matter or advertisements, or any or - either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regvlarly delivered to payinB subscribers, and that prlor w ttie aate of the flrst publlcation of said OFFICEAL PUBLICATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNEB,S, WAOSE PROPERTY MAY BE AS- �SESSED ON ACCOUNT �OF PRO-I POSED WATER MAIN EXI�ENSION ON PUR.DY AVENUE IN TIiE VII.- I i LAGE OF HOPKINS; FROM THE IN- � � 1'ERSECTION THEREOF WITH � GOODRICH AVENUE, EXTENDING ' IN A SOUTHERLY DIR:ECTION� A } DISTANCE OF ABOUT SIX HUN- DRED FEET NOTICE IS f�FtESY GIVEN, tliat � the Village Council of the Village of ' Hopkins; �Hennepin County, Minneso- � + ta, will meet in the Council Cha,mbers � 1 im the Municipa,l �Building in the Vil- ' �lage of !Hopkins, said county and stats, at 7:30 P. M. on the 21st day of March, '� � 1933, to deterfnine the necessity and ; I advisability of the construction oY a� � water main �extension on Purdy &ve- : nue irom the intersection thereof with , Goodrich Avenue, extending in a sou- therly direction a distance oP about,� six hundred (600) feet, in said Village, � for iire protection • and service to pro- ! perty on sa,ici streets. The size oP the water main so pro- I posed to be laid is suah as is usual and i customary in such cases:-. Notice is hereby given that it is pro- ! posed that the expense incurred by ; sa,id ; proposed construction �oY water ! main shall be assessed against the property abutting said streets upon the ' basis of beneflts to such property in I .accordance with Chapter 425. 1VI�nne- i sota G. L. 1921, and that hhe Village { Council will hear all persons or par- � ties and property owners concerning ' their interests for and against said ' improvement and discuss the advisa- ', �bility -and necessity oi said improve- i ment. , This notice is given by_order of the Village Council. � G. W. Moore, � Presfdent of Village �Council � Attest: � � Art E. Anderson, " � Village Recorder. . (Ma,rch 9, 1933) , l�o t ice '� ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the publisher or printer in charge of said newspa.per having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor oP said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, aa affidavit ahowing the tia,me and loca- tion of sa�d newspaper and t,he eadstence of conditions constituting its 3na11flchaAtni�= 4 s� a l��nne�wsp�a���� uir�i and set forth in Section aat the following is a printed copy oi thE lower case alphabet fi, . A to Z both inclusive, of the slze and l�ind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of �id legal advertisement here- unto atta.ched, viz: bcde jk opqrstu � --- --- -- - I�__ � -==-=------------ --- ----------- .- � Publisher. Subscribed and sw ' before me this_�thday of_�r��_____19�3 --- -�f=� ------------------------ - N-- �lic He� tY, Minnesota � My cammission espir _ _ ���[ � OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. NOTIGE 'PO PROP�RTY 0�7NERS, �VHOSE i'ROPERTY I+�ZAY BE ASSESSED OP1 ACCOL'�1T OF PROPOSED �AZ'ER IVIAIN EXTENSION OIJ PURDY AVENUE IPd THE VILLAGE OF HOPKIIVS, FROR� THE INTERS�CTION TI�ER�OF �iPITH GOCI:RICH AVENUE,EXTENDING IN A SOUTHERLY D�IRECTION A DISTANCE OF ABOtTP SIX HiJNDRFD FEET. NOTICE. IS h"EREBY GIVEN, that the Village Counail of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Brlinnesota, �rill m.eet. in tho Council �hambera in the Municipal Building in the villa e o riopkins, said county and stato, at 7:30 P.M. on the �day �ot , 1933, to detorr�inv the T19C0931�tr and advioabilittr of the o0t7� rua on of a water *nain extQnsion on purdy Avenue fror.► the intersection �hereof with �oodrich Avenuo, axtending in a southeriy direction a distance of about sixrhundr�d (0"00) feot, in said Villa�o, foi• fire proLection and servico to property on said streots. The sizo of the ti�ater main so proposed to be laid is such ae is �usual and c us�omary in such cases. � � Notice is he-roby given that it is proposod that the expense inaurred by said proposed consL_�uation of vrater main shall be asso�sed against the pt•operty abutting said atraets upon tho basis of benefits tc auch property in acc ordance �ith Chapter 925 Minnesota G. L. 1921, and that the Village Council will hear al� persons or parties and prop�rty ��rnere conaerning their intereats`for and against said improvo?aont and discass the advisaoilit,y and necvssit,y of said im�rovoment. This no�tice is given by ordor of the V�,llage Counail. G. i�T. � ooro, President of Village Council. � Ati;est : Art r. �ndorson, , Villa�e Recor3er.. • Special meetir�g of. the :Village Council_ of t��e �rillage of liopkiris ��as held. on April 6th,19.33, at '7i30 1'��� in the Council i:oor�. ihe purpose of this r�eeting being to open bids on ne�� Interlachen L�Jater �Ifain on Purd�r Ave . Presert, President T,�oore; Trust;ees,1f=adden�ahirle�,Japs. Recorde-r Ar�deison. . The Following bids were opened and read; 1- Conne rs Checl� �160.00 ( che ck re i;urned ) 827 2nd �lve .�. 2- Isley 8� Bussman,165 �omo �ve.�t.Paul,Gk.;r115.(ck.retd. ) 3- bJ.D.Love11,1415 8ti� �t.S.1,.T:�.'":pls. Ck.4�160.00 " " � 4= u'ax Sorrenson,2300 L.351;t� r�t. " Ck. �100.00 " " 5- H.�I.Frankamp,I��ankato,i�Fiinn. ' C�.�100.00 " 'r� 6- Chas , ��uilkiris � Co.1428 '4'u.28th �t .,t���pls . Ck. y�145.00 Ck. retd. 7- Phelps-Drake �o . ,1�•�et .I�if e �ldg ,..�pls . Ck. �150 .00 - " " f3- Jacobs Bros .,Bi zd Island,�`��iinn Ck. �125.00 9- 9.1.Damchen,Vill�.�e of hopkins,Ck.�178.50. Check retd. 10- I,ars Rogde,3015 21st Ave.S.T�,+ipls. Ck.�p120.00 " " Bid ;�1062.00 " 738.00 " 7g9,00 :,' 72Q'.00 " 764.00 " 850.00 n 790.00 670.Q0 " 1229.75 " 680.00 A:�otion duly made by Japs , sec onded b� !:�addHn that bids be opened ,ea rrie d. tliotion duly made b� :Iaps, seconded by Anderson, t�iat a contr�ct be drawn up ��iti.-� � acobs Bros .,Bird Island ,11�inn. , v�ith a�ime limitat ion of April 20th,19B3, for 'the u�ork to start, sub.; ect to the approv�,l of tne �illa�e Attorney, carried. Iasotion dulp ri�ade b� _Taps, secor_ded by i:_adden that the F.esolution "Orderir�g Cons tructi on of E'a�at er �`�a in egtensions on ru rdg Av e. , ir . the Villa.g�e of Hopkir�s, from the lrtersectiori t�ieremP cvitr. Goodrich �:�e. ,exter.ding in a S��utherly direction a distance of About six Hund-red feet, �Tillag�e of Hopkins,IViinn."be adopted, carried, copy of resolution in Resolution book. The folloa,rin� applications for non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses �vere received arid granted. T�;i.J.Vanek, h-�otion made by Andersor�,seconded b� T.�adden tYl�,t V�.nek licenses off ar�d on sale be �rante� , carried unanimously. , �Totion dul,y made �y I�:adden,seconded by :��airley tr�at Anton Olson, be allovred an "Off Sale" License, carried unanimousl��. 11"oti�n dul� made by r��':adden, seconded by Anderson, th�,t Leo :�chutz be allowed an "OFF �l�:D Ciid a�1LE'' License , carried on the following vote : �yes- r:�oore, ��iadden,Ja�s,Ande�•son I�o. Shirley I`,�otion dul� �ade by Anderson, seconded by I:�adden that Jorgensen �3ros. be allowed an Uff and On Sale license, carried unanim�usly. �'otion duly �ade by Andersor, seconded b�r ����adden that ��;.D.Riordan be granted an��OYf and On Sale license, carried unanimousl�r. IJlotion duly made by )aps, seconded by ��adden that �!.J.l��eldon,�r.be granted both Off and OnSale licenses, carried unanimously. Pe?otion. dul� nade b� Shirley,secon�'� ed by �Zadden tY�a. t T,.Eidam be granted an of� sale license,carriecl unanimously. Tr!otion dul�r made b�r ���adder�, seconded �y Anderson, that I�en �:�iilbert i�e � , �= granted an Off and On Sale license , carrie d on the follotisrin� vote ; A�es- Andersor�,:7aps,��oore and ty�adden Tdo Shirley r;"otion duly made b� �ndersor�, seconded b� r�.adden t1�at ��ina h�.Burns be granted an Off 8c ON Sale Zicense, carried unanimously. %Totion duly rnade by Anderson, seconded that ���e �rant an On sale and off s�,7_e Pa.ge 2 of April 6th,1933 meeting. license be granted Eugene Olson, carried . �: � 1��otion duly made by Anderson, seconded by ���adden that the application � of �dolpn Andersen be grant ed and Off � On �ale license, carried . ' ��otion dul� made by Japs� seconded b� !:`.adden, that the application o�' ' Lhas.�'nonka be �ranted for an Off and On Sale license, carried. R:otion dul� made by Japs, seconded b� Shirle� that Archie Kelley be granted an OFF Sale license, earried. �.�otion duly made b� �nd e rson , . be grant ed to Archie ��elley, . A�re s- h� oo re , , No. Japs. l��otion duly made by Shirel�, an ON Sale license, carried. seconded b�r p:;acY3en that an ON Sale carried on the follov�ing vote_;. P� ad�en Anderso ��: �P � License seconded by �aps, that_ A.O.IJeider be �ranted Py"_otion duly made by �Tadden, seconded b� Anderson, that 7.O.�arrison be �ranted and On and Ofi �ale license, carried by tYie follotiving vote: Ayes- r.%oore ,I��:adden,Anderson and Japs No. Shirley P�otion b� -�aps, seconded b�r �s'_oore t'�at �;he applica�Linn of J.�'J.Kroon for an OFF Sale license, be denied, carr�ed. � re"otion dul�r �ade by Ir�adden, seconded by Anderson that the application of J.J.. �'oran for an OPf and On Sale license be l�.id on table until we can get legal opinion as to the sig months in business clause, carried . P:Zotion dul� made by Japs, seconded b� P,�iadden, that ti�e application of �:IcKenzie for soft dri�k license be referred to the Public t��elYare Committee for investigat�on, carried. �:�otion duly made by �.Tadden, seconded by ry�oore that the resignation of J.B. �3nirle�r be laid on table , carried on the follo��ring vote ; � A�es- �20o re ,�iadden,� ,Anc�erson �� o - � �%'a-� .. ��otion duly made by Ande rson, seconded by i�-�a.dden that 1;he fol�owing bills be al lowed , ca rrie d: 2005 J . ��J. Y�roon 2006 r'rank Spott � 2019 A.t-a'.�,lrnquist 2020 Hennepin i;ount� Peview 2021 Jos:'`d.Zapic 2022 4'Jarren Stores,Tncl 2023 �opkir�s Produce Co. 2024 Red Owl Stores, Tnc.. 2025 Hovander Bros. � �-; Refund on Zicense denied Roberg Rent Postag�e Supplies Groceries PR „ ►� ft [T ►r n I�'Ieat . n Upon motion dul�r made and earried meeting ad.i ourned. g t t e s t; :>��j%��. &�ayo r / F.ecorc�er applicati on ��5.00 10.00 2.16 4.65 5.00 9.82 4.98 21.08 57.89 Poor Relief ineeting of the Village Council oP the �illa� of Hopkins was held on Apri. ].Oth, 1933, in the Village Aall a� 7:�3 PT,i P,Sembers present, G.ti�J.P.'�oore President; Trustees 1�Zadden,Japs, and Recorder Anderson. Absent * Trustee Shirley. + The following persons appeared anc� avere granted aid; � � �has .Lietzo� Groceriee Chas.Knoss " J.Bruch " J oe Bac ik " Julius Thielman" ROb t. Gehrke " C.C,Vickerman " Joe 67iedman `� r�rs . Bishop DEN ICD Ejnar Nelson " J .Novo tney " Chas.Bennett " L.S�orers " Lav�rence Hedtke" �.O.Alberg " Joe Shonka " rJalter � Rolif " Anton �hidla " V.C.TRIDEPd " PJP�T . � rap e r " Ro� Gorden " Geo.Benson `T Frank Rosengren" J ohn S lav in " l�rs.H.Narr,Jr. " Geo .Henkel " J . E.lde lson " C.Tromble� " Claus Rasmussen" John Spotn�r " Otto Vollrath " Joe guchera " HoWard Jurisch " Albert Hei�ish" Frank Nitz " E.DOge " A.Bettchart `r ^�+ d . 4'di @1 rr Ed.Hedtke " I..6�7,�lbeY'g 'r V . �orgrnan " glb.aanderson " Frank Kriz " Fred Hromadka. " Cfias.Velner " r:7�,tt .Beversdorff" John Parkos "+' Va1.G�erges " Carl Seden " 112eat n n �r IT rr rT n rr r� �, �1 �, ►r rT � n n �1 ,r ir rr t1 ,1 „ TT If IT „ n �� �t t1 „ ,► n „ t, ►r „ �� A.4ilk „ rr rr rr C8z'Z'Ot S „ rr � �f rr rr �� �� �T « - li IT tt r1 rr IT �► ,1 n rr onions 1 co rd wo od 1 bur .potatoe s 1 bu. " 1 p�ir snoes 1 bu.potato es 1 b u. �otatoes ir m m 11 1T 61 � « rs�otion duly made b� Anderson,seconded b� Japs, that A.O.Neider be granted �,n OFP SAZE non-intoxicating Malt Ziquor license, carried. �:gotion duly made by Anderson , seconded by I�-adden that the Ordinance on Tdon-Intoxicating &'alt Liquor be ca.hnged to read that theOFF SALE license be same hours as ON SAI,E, ;namely, to 2 Al� weekdays, and from 12 noon on Sunday to 2 A14S. �arried on the Follovuin� vote: A�es; Moore,P�laddCn,Anderson. I�o-Japs. T�,"otion duly made by 1�Iadden, seconded b�r Anderson th�,t the �ollowing bil.ls be a llowed , carried � �zo� l�stional Tea, Groceries PR 3.13 � �ational Tea, " " 19.90 �Zu �- (P -Hainert Drug Dr�s PR 5.89 Motion dul� made and seconded that meeting adj ourn. RECORDER ATT.�ST : I��gYOR / . ., � . ` - . � Special meeting. o i the Village Councii of the �Village of ,.Hopkins ��ras , held on gpril` l�th, 1933, at the �Tillage Iiall,_;called for. the �purpose of hear ing second read i.ng of an Amendment �chan�ing �ihe sale hour o� OFF SAZE-sale of Non-Into�ieating RrIa.lt Liquor. Me�bers present ,�.���;Moore,president, Trustees,It2€�dden, and. Reco r�ler gnderson, gbsent., Trustees Japs and Snirle,y. � I�:iotion dul�r made b� rdladden, seeonded by gnderson that .we approve the A�endr�ent to Ordinarice as read, carried. Copy of same a�btached here-- w i th . _ fl?otion duly made b� Pvradd.en, seeonded by Ar�7.e rson that meeting ad j ourn. , carr�ie d . , eco er � ,„ A t t e. s t: ��e-�z� , . n�a �ro r � . , - -� � . .. : �t 1 2 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 10 � 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 33 1 �� 34 AA] ORDINANCE TO AMF��1D AN ORDIIVANCE IIVTITLID, "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGIILATING THE SALE OF NON-INTO%IC�4TING hRALT LIQIIORS, REPEALING INCONSISTENZ ORDINA�]CES, 9ND PROVIDIl�IG A PENALTY, FOR THE VIOLATION HERFJOF." Passed and Approved April 4, 1933. The Village Council of the gillage of Ho�kins do ordain as follows: That an ordinance of said Village entitled, "An ordinance licensing and regulating the sale of non-into�icating ma.lt liquors, repealing inconsiatent ordinances, and providirig a penalty, for the violation hereof" passed and approved on April 4, 1933, be and the same ia hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. That Section 7 of said ordinance be amended to read as follows, that ia to say: "Section ?. Closin� Hours-- No "On Sale" nor "Off Sale" sales of ar�y non-into�dcating malt liquor shall be ma.de between the hours of 2: 00 A.M. and 7:00 9.M. of�ax� week day, nor on Sunday between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 12:00 M. No ma.nufacturer, or distributor of non- intoxicating ma.lt liquor shall sell or delicer �uch liquor to conaumers between the hours of 9:00 P.�I. and 7:00 A.Pd. on ar�y week d�r, nor at all on S�nday . �' Section 2. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from aad after its pt�blication. Passed this 12th dqp of April, 1933. G. VP. Bd00RE, President of the Village Council. Attest: I41�_ A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder. ,�- � � �, �� � 3 � � � � 1 2 3 4 5 6 . q s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 �8 � 19 20 zi za 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 31 32 33 34 �a o�n��cE �o �an�� �u orDara�c� �xa��r,�n, flE,N OktD�NA�CE E�CEI�S�G AND REGULAT?�1a TEi� BALE OF �1QN-i1�T0$I�G OtALT LIQIIOR�, R�PEALING INCONSISTE�'. O�DIN,�1 't�� �t�D PR(�VIbIla(x A PI+�9r;L'iY � FQ� T�� V�OI+AT�OA �'EF�F. p� PasBed sud Lpproved April 4, 1933. The Village C�Zihc�l. of the Village oP Hopkin� do ordain as �olloaao That an ordineaae of sa'ld Village entitled, "�n ordiaance ].ioenain� end regulat2,�g the aale of uon inta�.tcating mal.t liq�wrs, repealing inconmtetent ordinances, and providi�g a penalt�, Yor the v�.olatian hereot" paesed and a�proved on Apri1 4, 1933, be and the aame �.s herebv suneaded to read as fol�.o�v�: 9�ctiaa l, Tlsat Sectton 7 of sa�d ordinance be ame�ded to read as followpj thst 18 to ��t p3Qat�n `�. Closi.a�s-•--�o "On 8alea �apr nOff S�le" �a.lss of at�y noa-ia�toxioating mg].t �li,qt�aar �hal1 be made bet�veen the hours of Qo 00 A.M. ettd ?a 00 g.M. of any �reek cl�y, nor on 3undey between t2ie hon,ra of 2:40 �.�. end 1'2: o0 68. � Np man�facturer, or dtstrib�tor of nou- 3.nioxioat.ing malt 7,4quor sha]1 sell or del,i.v�r such �3,c�or to consnmers bett►een the haure of S}:pQ P.�. aud 7:QO a.�d. on an�r �e�k day, nor at all, on S�nd,�r � +� 3ectio�p 2• '.E'��8 O]."d�AALC@ �i#.�. �kQ effeat az�d be i.n force from and aft�x i,t� publ3o�#�.on. . T?a��ed trhia 1,2th d�► of April, 1983, gttest� �. E. Qnderson, Vi11.a�a Recorder. . �� �"' � ��� .. G. �. �oo�, Preaident of the V111age Couacll. �`���q3� Poor relief ineeting of the Village Council of Lhe Villa�e. of �Iopl:ins �vas held on April 1'7th, 193��, at 7;30 PP�17 in the Council Room. � Ibiembers �xresent; President ��oore; Trustees Japs� �.nd i;:adden, �?ecorder � �nderson. Absent Shirle�r. . _�� � �'he follovrin�• persons. appeared and were granted aid. Groceri es ��eat 1`."ilk C h as . Yr� o s s « —Julius'lhielman " " Potatoes J oe Bac ik �� �1 � �'ran k Ros e ngrea 'T ►� Robt. Geh-rke « <► „ V.C,Trzden ,r ►, Hovvard �urisch '� �1 Ejnar T��elson �� �+ ►, Otto Volrath Tf Tr J oe Yuc e ra " �► E.Do�e 'T « rr Chas.I3ennett �► ►► . Ld.Hedtke « Tf Voctor �?or�man '� �� r► Za�vrence Hedtke " �f Fred Hroma.dtke " �i L.Ostet•be�-g " P,��ed ic ine T:"att Beversdorff " �< <t fr J.E.Ivelson " « „ Geo . Be nson ►► �T �, Henr� T�larr,Jr. �T �� �► . JOYlI1 Pe,SS '� ri C.C.VICh'�Rl:�AN " Tf ,► Z. GJ.ALberg �T �► ���31�er Ro1fF �� �+ �P�m Tdovotny " ►� Frank I�:asper '? ,T �► Frank l�Tit z " " " Onion;, Alb . Sand ers on " �T ,► ,T Frank �ri z �� t► A1.Bettchart " �f i;d.i�Jeill " " " & Potatoes John Slavin " �T �► " �Chas.Velner " �► _ Joe Shonka ?' �T gnton Shidla " �� John Parkos �t �T Potal�o es Clarer,ce `ihaimert " '� �� Ch�.s.I,ietzo� " 1 cord �.-;ood " Carl Sed :,n " T' �z� r:7otion dul�y made b� :Japs, seconded by 1�`adden, tr,a,t soft drink license be granted I:rc enzie, carried. I,�otion dul� m�.de and seconded to adj ourn,carried. Attest : %�iZ� :Ra,po r Reco er � Poor relief ineeting of the Village council of the Village of Hopkins evas held on 'rhursday,April 27th, 1�i33, at 7;30 Pbq in the Village Council Room. 1�' ' AJ�embers px�sent; Presiden'L G.6`J.Moore; Trizstees T�adden and Japs; Recorder gnderson. �bsent Trustee Shirley. Tne follodving pe rsons appeared and were granl;ed aid ; _ Groceries Juli us Tnie ]man " i.�rs .�:Zarr �' " John Bruch " Val Georges " Joe Batili , " C. C. �ickerman " John Pas�s � " G.Z.Vickerr�an " Howard Jurisch " E. D0�'@. rr OttO Vollrath '!�. V.C.Triden " Frank Kaspe r '' . Ed,Hed-tke " " F.Hromadka " P.Zatt Beversdorff " �' Clarence `�haimert" Chas..Ze i:tzoQq " Geo.Hinkel " J. L. Ne ls on " Geo.Benson "==- Clarence irombley" ° �OBT . Geh�rke " Z.d�i.glberg " A,O..Alberg " Joe e'�iedman " Alb. Sand er- s on " J.Novotny " Ljnar tdelson " -._ Joe.�ucera " Victor Borgman " Frank Nitz " Al.Bettschart " Ed.U�iel " ' John.Slavin " B.Tesarek " Joe Shonka " Clarence l�edke " Chas.Bennett " Q�as: Velner " A-. Shidla . "�' Frank Yriz " I,. Schroes " Jphrl P8I'kos r' ' Carl Sed.an " . �'' 0 Meat �T, �f „ n ir ►� „ �1 rr rn �1 �f �� �� ►, rr �,. „ iT II ,� � �� r► �T IT f� „ ir � r, „ er n 1 pk.onions,potat�es �, bu.potato es I, bu.�iotatoe s 1 cordwood 1 bu.potatoes 1 bu.potatoes 1 pk.carrots po tatoe s 8c carro ts carro ts �C potatoes T' Potatoe s �, " �arrots ►� rt " rotatoe s " rotatoes �6 " Potatoes fr n " Potato es 8c carrot s Potatoes �: carrots - n „ ,T rt . Motion duly made by l�tadden, seconded by Anderson, that we ainend Section - 6 of the Ordinance regulating the sale of tbon-Intoxicat ing ��:alt Liquor striking out- tne v�rords "Resident of the �Tillage of Hopkins". Car.ried. _.- - ltgotion duly made b�r Anderson, seconded b� Iti�a,dden, that the �Dance .Hall���,�'� - license 'oe granted. Carried on the followin� vote: Ayes-&:oore,rl�a,dden'•�`,"_�"' � �r?derson. . I��o-Japs . . ' - . - -' % P"otion dul� made b� Japs, seconded by l�a,dden , tr�.t SoFt Drink Zicense �� - application of tb"iriy Cathers be `d enied. Carried. ���otiori duly made by Tv�oore, seconded by Anderson, th�.t no Beer or So.ft drink licenses be granted to Dance Halls , carried. ll2otion d'ul�. made and seconded tha.t meetin�� adj ourri, carried. ' . �: _ BCORD�R At te�st : ., � Ma,y o r The regular meetin� of the Trillag•e Council of the �iillage oi- Hopkins Gvas held on Tuesda�r, P�Ia� 2nd,1933, at; 7:30 Pr�i in the Council room. . Members present: G.'uJ,l':�oore,President; Trustees Madden and Japs. Recorcler Anderson. Attorney Hosp. Absent-Trustee Shirley. Senator It"iller and Committee appe�.red in connection with the Clu.b House on Tlth 6ve.Alorth ,Hopkins, and after c or�s iderable discussion permit to buila saine srras denied. l�otion duly made b� Japs, secorrded b� Anderson, that the application of I'.F.P�icKenzie for "On and Off Sale" Zicense,to sell non-intoxicating beer, ��� was denied, carried. �2otion duly made by :Taps, seconded b�r Tvladden, that �;he V�later �;�ain Assess- ment on lot� 13, 7.4 and 15 in �31ock 74, be cancelled arxi the proper Resolution be certified to the county Auditor, and that �, nev�r assessrnent be clrawn on lots 13, 14, and 15 of Block 75, in lieu of the above and certified to County 9uditor in same Resolution, carried. P�otion duly made b� Anderson, seconded b� .:aps that we approve the second readir,g of tne �Amme�dment and adopt the Ordinance as ammended, carriec� . b�Iot ion duly made by l���adden, seconded by Japs, that minutes of the last meeti ng be anproved as read , c�rri ed. �Zotior� du7_� made b,y ?���adden, seconcled b� �lnderson, that app].ica,�ion of J.J�P��Zoran, for "On and Off Sale" Zicense to sell non-intoxicatin� malt liquor be grantec�, carried. P�Zotion duly made by l�:;adden, seconded b,y Japs, thai; comrnunications and �eports be placed on file, carried . - 1l7otion duly �de b� I:"adden, seconded by :7aps, tliat Lhe re��i�,nation of J.B.Shirley as Trustee beaccepted , carried . i�?ot ion duly r�ade oy T4_adden � s ec or� ed by J$ps , that �� e purcr.a se 20 BBLS. of �,P Pat chin� , c arried . l:�o ti on dul�r made by Japs , seconded �y r�'?adden , t�,at th e Fire Department be �ranted the use of the Villa�e Hall 5atu�day ni�ht, T�r'a� 6th, 1933; carried.. P���otion dul.;� made by I;`adden, seconded by �aps that permission be granted tne Fire Department to irstall netiv elecLric clock on Village Hall, carried . T��'oti on duly made b�r ?aps, s econded by I:��adden, that ov�ing to the conditions poor relief ineetin�s be discontinued for one month, carried. I��Totion du].y made i�y I�4iadden , seconded by �japs 1;hat the f ollo��ving bills be allo�red , carr i ed : 11262 T,�?pls .Gen�:�,�ec .Co. Povuer 8� I,ight 11263 A.H.Hensler Supplies 11264 Geo.fl��.1�Tiles Gasoline 11265 Kokesh Hdwe.�o. Supp�_ies 1I266 Frank �todo la �al.& I�abor 11267 Carl Olson 19 l�rs .� 40¢ 1126� F. Dit trick 6 da�s C« 3. 00 11269 John T�lovotny 42 hrs (� �0¢ 11270 Robt. Gehrke 22 hrs. � 40¢� 112'71 Einar I�Tel son 8 hrs . � 40� 112'72 Fred hromadko 21 hrs . G? 40¢ 11273 V. C. T r id en 35 h rs .� 40 ¢ 11274 Claus ��:asmussen 35 hrs. � 40¢ F-rank T<itz 112�5 40 t�rs. !�� 40� 1T276 John Pass 42 hrs. �� 40y,� 11277 Franli Kaspar 14 hrs . r 40� 11278 �has .Bennett 42 hrs .� 40;1 11279 Howard Jurisch 3 days Q 3.00 27 hrs. � 40y; 11280 Yellow Trail Ga-rage Gasoline 15174 Sec.I'a�; . "��?k. oi ?iopkir.�s inl;erest 15175 l�-ax Sorer,son Full pmt.Interlachen ��ial;er ?,°ain 1517� Jaco'�s Bros.8� Hector Const .Co. Pmt .Purd�r kve � TT �T 20364„ Td.!'u'.Itat.�3k. Int. on gas bonds 5298 `�Iezman Olson Sal. to 4-15-33 5299 Herman Olson Sal. to 5=� 1-33 5.300 �ecil 5undquist 16 hrs .:� 80� � 5. 09 10.60 3 . 60 2.32 129.00 7.60 18.00 l�s. 80 8.�3U 3.20 8.. 40 14 .00 14.00 16.00 16 .80 5;60 16.80 10.20 8.98 40.01 '73 .73 650 .00 �- 270.00 70.00 70 . 00 12.80 � ;' Bills -2 5301 5�02 63.03 5304 530 5 5306 5307 5308 5309 202£3 202 9 20 30 20 31 20 32 E033 2034 2035 2036 20 37 2 038 2039 2040 2041 2Q42 2043 2044 �45 2046 2047 2048 2 04 9 2050 2051 2052 20 53 20 54 2055 2056 20 5 7 20 58 2059 20 60 20 61 2062 2 063 2 064 2065 20 66 2067 20 68 2069 20 70 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2� 80 2081 20f32 20£i3 2084 2085 2086 1':Zue l Ie r � o. T:Zpls .Gen.Elec.Co. Pione er �le c.�: Zbe . C b:�aterous Co. `�tandard Oil Co. ��,rl Pedersen Void Cnrist Jensen �eo Priest P:_otor Co. �1.�.Iiamilton La�rence Schu�;z 3loomie Jenstead I��Trs .�l�he o . Lxti ne �;Irs. T3erg �.G.H�nilton L.Schutz Bloorr;ie Jenstead Pure> Oil Co. is7cDonald Transfer Jos.V.I,apic gnton Olson. Schutz Grocery I4. Ei d am Pedersen Bros. Lmil anderson Archie Kelle� J. 0. iiar ri s orl Starxlard Oil Co. V o id Goodrich SilvertotiAin T;Ip1s.Gen.�lec.Co. T� . .��J . Phone C o . St .Paul '3k.8c Sta. �o . Hopkirs Furniture Co Demco Zbr.Co. H.4'r`.4'�lilson Co. P,�rs.Peterson A.G.Iiamilton Jake� Scheffler Frank Sitar �',H.Ha�nert. Thor.Skottegard Cr�, s. �ie rzan I?elson Shoe Sotre Henn.Co.Rgvieu� Phi ].1 i�s "66" St�.. Hopkins Fi�e Dept. J.E.�enne.ssey= Co. Daniel �.�'ole� C ha s. B en ne t t John Pass Fred Hromadl:a D. �Vinkler :�jnar Tvelson Robt. Gehrke J ohn I�i ov otny Frank Stodo la Hopkins Produce Zeonard I!�:ilber� J�,me s J .rYieng P:"liny�. �ath ers Zeo.Priest Yello�a Lrail Garag�e �;.Do�e Rent to. ��dir�s7 Hovander Bros. �r`�arren Stores J . T���i . '��Jat s chke J.B.Shirley Supplie s Power &: Zight o . Suppl ie s Supplies Gasoline 60 nrs . C 40� Void 60 h rs . �. 40¢ Taking o ut hyd -rant Sal. to 4 -15-33 Sal. tio 4-15-33 Sal. to 4-15-33 r�7rs. Berg' s Sal . t o Sal. from 4�15-33 Sal. to 5-1-33 5al . t o 5-1-33 Sal.� to 5-1-3�� Kerosene Dze,yin�' Groceries PR Groceries PR Groceries PR Groceries P?� Groceries PR Groc er ie s P�� Groceries PR Groc er ie s PR Gasoline Void Inc l�ose w nozzle Power &� Zi�ht 4-15-33 to 4-18-44 1'ire � Yolice �hones Books Zibrary � . Curtains f Rods Zibrar� Supplies �3ooYs I�ibra-r�r C � ean i ng� „ Committin � Prisoners ��al. 8c Zabor Special Police Dnzgs PF. Fi re 8c Police Alarams Groc eri es PF. �h o e s PF. Public�,tions I�erosene Phones & Calls Sewer Pipe Justice �'ee� 6 hrs. �' 40¢ 6 hrs. Q 40 � 30 h rs . ��� 40 �l 24 hrs . �a 40� 40�:��hrs. � 40� 40 h-rs . !� 40� 6 hrs. � 40� I,abor R_; i'eam Groceries PR Groceries PR Groceries PR Refund on Zic en se i�`�i eld i rig Gasoline _oti� �iolasek to Apri7. P;=eat fo -r Api•i 1 PR Grocer'ies PR - ne�t �o r �.�arch 50 �a . or �pril. lst ,1933 So .81�h 5t . 2.06 1.36.63 3.60 36.88 5.05 24.00 24.00 4.50 72.50 72 .50 32 .50 8..00 2 . C� 0 ?5.OA 75.00 32.50 1. 40 9.07 31.32 45.11 48.34 27.8�. 56.25 42 .4 6 27.59 3.51 8.64 188.40 421.70 10.75 71.59 2 . Fi 5 11.05 4. 00 3.00 4.60 12.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 36.52 10.92 30 . 60 `.70 197.00 2.08 3.05 2. 40 2 . 40 12.00 9.60 16. 00 16.00 2.40 74.00 51.45 33.22 40.79 5 .00 1.50 3.98 12.00. 54.13 7.61 25.00 I�Iotion duly rad.e by Japs, seconded b� I�.�adden that no allo�r•rance oe made for a band this year, c�.rried. Ir�otion dul� made ard seconded 16or meeting to adj ourn,carriec+. A1;test . rti2ayor C��l Recorder � � Speci�l meetin g of the Village�Council of the tirillage oF Hopkins was held �Thursda�r,r�Ia� 4th , 1933, a.t 7:30 P�2 in the Counc il Room. �embers present; G.��J.I�roore,President ; Trustees Pvl�,dden and Japs. Recorder Anderson. �bserit Txustee Shirle�. . This meeting tivas callea� For the purpose of appointing a Tr�zstee to fill ,� a va�aricy ma.de .by the resi�nation of J.B.Shirley. . V.Ny�in and Chief H.F.I��oore met wi th trie Council and �olunteered to t�ro rk �r�ith. the Cou.r�ci7. on Co�unit� Gardens triis �ear. � � Council met �viththe Firemen to discuss tiT�ays arid means of. takin� care of tr�e deficit in the Fire Fiznd, and after considerable discnssion the Fire Department vrere to recommend a��orYin� �earl�r amount a.nd submit same � to the_ Village Council. I�oi;i on duly made b� Japs, seconded by j'�'adden that Porkorne�'s .plumbing �icense. be granted on approval o.� the Bond from Villa�e Attorney, carried. T.iotion dal� mar�.e by Anderson, seconded b� Japs that �.J.Gaertner be appointed as Trustee to fi1.1 the unexpi�ed term of T�i�stee Shirley, carried. - v� ��otion duly made and carried thatthe meeting adjourn. Attest ; - Ma yo r �� Recorder Speci�l meeting c�lled Ma� 8 th, 1933, of the Village Connci 1 o f the Vi 11:age oP Hopkins at 7• 30 P�� in the Counc il Room , . . �-. _. _ � Members present; G.�V.h�Ioore,President; Trustees, t,��adden, Japs `and Gaertner. Recorde r Ande rs on. The purpose ofnthis meeting being to authorize �:�C:om��it�r Gardens for the year oF 1933. . fl�otion duly made b� Anderson, seconde� b� I��.dden, that I,�r.Nylin and T4ir. H.�'.��:.00re make arrangements to purchase the necessary amount of seed needed for the 1933 Communit� Gardens, carried. I�Iotion duly maiie by Ande�son and seconded by Gaertner, that an "On and OFF� Sale non-intoxicating L"alt liquor license be granted. ��.F.l,icKenz�e,berried. The following persons �.ppeared and �ere granted aid; G.I,.Viekerman, Groceries, l�ilk Joe 3asicK " ;�.1'V.�lberg " " Robt.Gehrke " Jor�n Pass '� �T C.C�Vickerman Julius �hielman " Vi ct or �3o r��an " �� J oe �_uc e ra ►' " A.Sandersori " " �Frank �riz " Carl Seden " " Geo . �en sp n f' 1 c ord �v ood X4.00 1 cord wood �6.00 Upon a motion duly made and seconded meeting was adj ourned . Att est • .�a-u ayor i eco er Special meeting of the Village Couneil o.f the Villa�e of .Ho:okins was called ��ay llth, 1933, for the purpose of Commuriit�r Gardens. . , Members present; G.VJ.I�oore,President; Trustees �2adden,Gaertner. Reoorder . �nderson. Absent Trustee Japs. The follo�aing persons appeared and were given aid : Geo . Benson Groce ries Allilk Geo. Hinkel " . ►f - Ro�r ��lilliams " - „ - Mrs.tdar „ t' John Bruch " _ " Ben Tasarek " � " Ed. Wiel n - , � ;; Frarik I�it z " . " Frank g�.sper �T ; _ . _ ,► . � �otion dal� made b� nTadden,seconded b�r Moore, that 6'0ilbert .E.Fritz application For Driv�In Station be granted, carried. - Mayor Moore appointed g.E.Anderson to Fill the vacanc� on Park Board NIrs .Johnson's term expiring, . 1�2otion duly made by �nderson, seconded , that the Bank �tand in Park � be painted,carried. - , - Report read Prom � r�Zr.Nylin and P.�r.Moore,regarding garden-pro:ject, and D4r.Nylin w�.s.instructed to purchase seed potatoes,etc.- =• � � 142otion auiy made and seconded to �c�journ. � : �ecor er .. �-� At tes t � iv�a�o r , � - Poor relie� mesting oP the Villa,ge Council of the y�l�illage oP Hopkins was hels I�iay 22nd, 1933, in the Council �oom at 7�30 Pfl�I. : ��embers present: G.�'�`.RZoore,president; Trustees,�rYadden,Japs and Gaertner; Record:er Anderson. � • � The . folTotiving persons appeared and were gran ted aid ; John Pas's Groc P ries �- fl�2ilk . � Joe Basic '► " „ J oe Kuc e ra *' " Fred Hromadkta " " � J.ohn Parkus " " - Victor Borgman " " _ I42o�tion duly made by Anderson, �econded by ltroo re, that Drive-�m Station � � Zicense be granted John C.Fetl, carried on the follotivin� vote: � - Ayes-Anderson,Moore,R4adden. No-Japs. S _ Motion duly made and seconded that meetir� adjourn. ECO DER Attest : a�or Poor Relief ineeting of the Village Council was held' on l��`onday June 5th,1933 in the C ounc i l$.00m a� 7; 30 Pi�: - �. . . . _�=- 1GTembers present, Trustees, Gaertner,Japs and i'�ladden. F.ecorder Anderson. �bsent I,Iayor i�oore . - . � - � The following persons =appeared and were granted aid: _ • �,jner Nelson Groceries , -ffi�lk Geo.Benson " 1 bu.potatoes John Bruchs " "- cTU.�.lUS Thielman ,t .. �T m n _ � n` Ben "Tasarek " � " John- Slavin " �. ". Robt.Gehrke _ " " " " - . � John Parkos ' " . -� I,e ri Sch roe rs " � „ " 2 Fred Hromadtka " Upon motion d uly made and second ed meeting was adj ourned. - � ecor er _ � �ttestt6 ' � • � � Regular meeting of the Villag;e Council of the Village oP �3opkins, was held on Tuesday, June 6th, 1933, at 7;30 PI�� in the Council Room. 1L4embers present ; G.4J.Noore,President ; Trustees,Japs,�iadden and Gaertne r. Recorder 9nderson, Attorney Hosp. �'� ���`�otion duly made by �,adden, seconded by Gaertner, tk�at the necessar� Pesolution be drawn up on the aseessment for Interlachen 6'?ater. ��.in, carried. It was decided that pe rmits must be taken out v�h�re a house is to be Stuccoed. Z.T.Kelley from the Outdoor Advertising �ompany,appeared for a permit to place sig�n on ��eltl lot negt to Schutz's Gn�cer�r, and a committee as a whole will investigate before permitt is granted. Investigation to be Fridan June 9th, 1933. Fi.Newell ��.l��ood appeared and wanted to obtain the exclusive permit to salvage all material in the �V�illage Dump, and in return the�r are to keep the �ump in an orderly fashion. rermission was granted to try this plan out. ���inny Cathers appeared and wanted refusal of Soft Drink license re- considered, stating tn t is created a hardship due to the fact that there is no water available at the Fair Grounds v�here the Dances are � being held. � r�otion duly made by Anderson, seconded b� Gaertner that Council re- consider the denial of Soft Drink license to ���r.�athers at Fair ' Grounds and th�t a�oft �rink license be gr�.nted him, carried, on the following vote: gyes-l���oore �Iadden Gaertner,��nderson. ldo-,Japs. Motion duly made bg Gae�tner, seconded by �=adden that we write Minneapolis 4Jayzata and Excelsior, ti�t v��e will gaarantee all fire calls made in Hopkins whenever assisstance is needed, when �7epartment receives a call either from tIopkins r'ire �epartment. carried. � P,f�otion duly made by tuiadden, seconded by �aertner that minutes be approved as read , carried. gpplicat ion received from American Legion for Nierry-Go-Round and Concession: received. &�otion dul9 ir�.de by Japs, seconded by rr�adden, that the application for above be denied, carried on following vote: Ayes-Japs,�na.dden,Gaertner, hloore. No-Anderson. Petition for oiling alleys between 6th and 13th A4es. on both� sides of Egceisior Ave. received. I+�otion duly made b� �aps, seconded by io�ad�:�en that it be referred to Road & Bri��e committee,carried. myater report read and motion duly made by i:�!adden, seconded b� �aertner that .same be �,ccepted and placed on f ile , carried. Police report read and motion duly made by T�.dden, seconded by Anderson that same be accepted and placed on file , carried. Motion duly madeby Gaertner, seconded b� ande-rson that the Hopkins F'iremen be granted permission to errect a Fire Vvorks stand on i;xcelsior Ave . 8� 5th �ve . , �arri ed . �pplic�.tion of Vets.of Forei�:n t�iars, and American Le�ion for Fire VVorks permits vras granted, on motion du7y made by 14'adden, seconded by Gaertner. ' fl2otion dul�r made by Gsertner, seconded by Japs that the Traffic Signal,s be turned on from 7 AAQ to 10 PM each day, carried. , 1l2otion duly made and seconded �hat Telephon Company be permitt�d to place Pa�r Station in upstair hall-�vay o� City Hall, carried. Recor.der instructed to write Minneapolis 8c St.I,ouis RR and the �hica�o, lt�ilv�aukee 8c St.Paul RR in regards to fixing "Poor Farm Road"crossingl �-_ � �� � � -2- Recorder instructed to re�trrn bill to St.Zouis Park fo r fire service in Hopkins, writing them a letter. � �lotion duly made b�r RZadden, seconded by Gaertner that Tdational Tea Company be granted a milk license, carried. Mo�ion duly made by Japs, seconded by T�`adden that the following b ills be allowed; 2094 Nlrs .The o.Egt ine 2095 g,G.�amilt� 2096 Zawrence Schutz 2097 Bloomie Jenstad 2098 Fdirs. Theo .Eat ine 2A 99 Frank Stodola 2100 A.Bettschart 2101 E.Doge 2102 G.L.Vickerman 2103 A.ti`J,Elmquist 2104 G ���v,Moore �.E.9nderson 2105 2106 J.A.Hosp 2107 Dr.F;�i.��iadden 2108 Albert Japs 2109 B.J.Gaertner 2110 H.F.Moore 2111 Vdarren Benson 2112 Standard Oil Co. 2113 Cooperative 5eed 2114 Farm Service Stor 2115 �Ip1s.Sub.Gas Co. 2116 Pederson Bros 21T7 I,.Eidam 2118 Jos.�+2iller 2120 Albert Japs 2119 Pure Oil Co. 2121 Arit on� Ols on 2122 Archie Ke ll�r 2123 Hopkins Produce C 2124 J .Jaspersen 2125 National Tea Co. a126 J.C,Jersak 2�27�_Jas.J.T++ieng 2128 Frank Edel 2129 Red 0�1 Stores, I 2130 John Tauch en 2131 Jens Clausen 2132 Jos.R.Pavek 2133 Schutz's Groc ery 2134 Warren Stores, In 2135 Nelson Sho e St or 2136 Milbert's Grocer 2I37 Emil And ers � 2138 Chas . b51.Iierzan 2139 Jaco b Scheff le r 2140 J os . V. Lap ic 2141 V�m.Strobeck 2142 N.VJ�Be11 Tele .Co. 2143 hlcDonald Trfs.Co. 2144 Daniel L.Foley 2145 Kokesh Hdwe.Co. 2146 Mp1s.Gen.Elec.Co 21.47 Japs-Olson Co . 2148 V.T.McHa-le 2149 �opkins Fire Dep 2150 T.Skotte�ard 2151 Frank Sitar 2152 C,.D.NIcr.2ahon 215� A.�rriess 2154 Hopkins Oil Co. 11281 Clarence Hedtke 11282 Frank Kasper Sal.J.Myhre 5-8-44 to Sal. to 6-1-33 Sal. to 6-1-33 Sal. to 6-1-33 Sal. to 6d1-33 J.Myhre 20 hrs . � 75� Team Amt.due on acc't. Killing 11 dog•s 16 hr s . � �0� Sal. to 7-1-33 Sal. to 7-1-33 Sal. to 7-1-33 5�.1. to 791-33 Sal. to 7-1-33 Sal. to 7-1�33 Sal. �ia� & June Sal. to 7-1-33 Plo��ring Community Gar Ke rosene PR Lxch.Inc. Seed & aeed Po� e s Seeds Commmnit�T Garde City Hall �as to 6-1- �qilk Boo�s PR Groceries PR Rent r.Kasper �arch Receipt books PR Gas ol in e Groceries PR Grocer ie s PR o. Groceries PR I�ilk booYsPR Groceries PR �erosene PR Groceries PR Gasoline PR nc. Groceries PR 19 hrs. � 40¢ 87 Hrs. C 40� 2 dry cells Groceries PR c. Groceries PR e Shoe s PR � Groceries PP Groceries PR Groceries PF. Sal. to 6-1-33 Groceries PR Burial �lavin bab� Fire ,Police 8c Cit� Ha H _�. uling PR Justice Fees Supplies PR . Light & Power t o 6-1- Supplies Dental ��lork PR t. 22 Fir emen phones Fire &� Police �larms Poli ce c riange 10 h rs. Hauling wood PF. 24 hrs .� 40 � plow�ing �erosene PR 24 hrs. ° � 40¢ 19 hrs.C� 40¢� 5-15-33 d en s t,atoes C.G. ns 33 11 33 � 4. 00 75 .00 75.00 32.50 8.00 15.00 1.34 11.00 6.10 50 .00 105. 00 1�0.00 75 .00 75.00 75 .00 50 .00 50 .00 18.50 2. 86 119 .14 7.00 2.00 18.75 4.48 12 .00 1.25 2.14 14. 67 19.47 24:31 18.74 6. 56 3. 96 �8.91 .80 15.78 7.60 34.80 ..70 13.13 .18 4.18 19.51 4. 42 9.05 10.00 18.44 25 .00 11.10 20.30 6.10 2.72 420. ]2 5.20 1.00 44.00 ,25.00 5.00 8.30 9.60 .56 9.60 7.60 �: � :-` � �-+ -3 - 11283)�wrence Hedtke 2� hrs. � 40� 11284 , 11286�Joe Kuchera 51 hrs. � 40¢ 11287)C.6�V,Stothard 6 days C� 3.00 11288)pnton Jerek 27 hrs. C 40 � 11289 Frank Dittrick 4 days � 3.00 11250 Frank Stodola 189 hrs .(� b0¢ 133 ,Yirs. �� 75� 11291 VOI� 11292 Albert �anderson 24 r�rs .� 40� 11293 J.Spotn� 4 hrs.� 40� 11294 .E. Ost erbe rg 24 nrs. � 40 � 11295� 11296 Howard Juri sch 24 hrs . r== 40¢� 3 da�s � 3.00 11297 ��dalter Rolf 24 hrs. (� 40� 11298) 11299 J.Spotn� 16 hrs.� 40� 11300�Jos.Shonka 48 hrs. 0 40g� 11301) . 11302 A.drness 23 hrs. Q 50� Tractor 1i303 Frank Nunvar 67 lirs.(� �0¢� 11304 Carl Ulson 8 hrs .� 50¢ Tracto r 11305) g�,lton Sbidla 48 hrs .C�' 40� 1130 6 ) . 11307 Chas.Vickerman 16 hrs. C 40� 11308 11309� Lawrenco Vd.Albey,Jr.16 hrs. � 40� 11310) Joe iNiedm�,n 56 hrs.� 40¢ 11311) 11312� 11313 � V.C.Triden 24 hrs .Q 40� 11314 24 hrs. � 40¢ John Novotn� 11315) 11316 ) Joe Bacik 36 hrs . C� 40� 11317) John Parkos 48 hrs. � 40� 11318) 11319 Vic tor Borgmann 24 hr_� . C� 40 ¢ 11320 Ecl. VJeill 16 hrs . G 40¢ 11322) J.E.NeZson 18 hrs. �' 40¢ 113245 Val Georges 16 hrs.� 40¢ 11325) 11326 Henry Narr,Jr. 32 hrs .� 40� 11327� VOID. 11328i Otto Vollrath 40 hrs.� 40¢ 11329) i��3��� John Pass 40 hrs. � 40¢ 11332) Clarence Thaemart 45 hrs .� 40¢� 11333) 11334 11335 11336 11337 11338 11339 11340 11341 11342 5311 53I2 5313 5314 5315 5316 15179 John A�aetzold Standard Oil Go. Standard Oil Co. Yello� T�ail �'Iarshall �Jells Co. Mpls Gen.Elec.Co. Void rQcDonald Trfs.Co. T.C.S�,nd Rr. Gravel Herman Olson g.E,A�lerson Mp1s.Gen.Elec.Co. Joseph Vesely Justus Lbe. Co. A.P.S�ith Co. Impl.Bulletin Gas Gas Gas Gas V,�heel barrow � �Shove ls Si�nals t o 6-1-33 Dra�age San d Sal . t o 6-1-33 L�xpre s s Power & • Light 3 hr s. C^' 40 � Zumber 5 meters Purd� Ave .lSaat er Nain Upon motion dul� made and seconded meeting adjourned. ' � � Rec orcle �ttes�. Mayor U • n • � 20 .40 18.00 10.80 12.98 194�25 9.60 1.60 9.60 18.60 9.60 6.40 19,20 11.50 26.80 4.00 19.20 6.40 6 . 40. ��22.40 9.60 9.60 14.40 19.20 9.60 6.40 7.20. 6.40 12.80 16.00 16 .00 18.�0 5.75 1.24 4.39 9.31 18.28. 4. 09 15 .79 . 6. 60 70.00 1.25 131.64 1.20 20.48 3'7 . 50 11.40 +"; gdjourned meeting o� the Villa�e Council,of the Villa�e of Hopkins �ras he ld on Tue sda�r , June 20th , 1933 at 7: 30 P1�.4 in th e Vi llage Hal 1. This �e�as an adjourned neei;ing� fror� June E�th, 193:;�. Iv7embers present: Trustees Japs, Gaertner and j���a,dden. �tecorder Anderson. Absent G.l�l.R7o.�re,Presiden�., . 'i'he follo�F�ing persons appeared and were granted aid; Geo.Benson Groceries 1 bu. potatoes �==rs . Thielman " L�7i lk b ook . P:Aotion duly �ade by •?aps , seconded by Caertne r that Dr. R,�adden be T:�a�or pro tem, ca�.ried. 2:Iotion du]_y made by 7aps, seconded b� �aertner that T:.B.�alkes be granted permission to install drain at Hennepin �ourty �evie��r, carried. Iv�otion duly m�,de by Japs , s ec onded b� Gaertne r �hat "on �nd Off" -beer license be granted Geo.Culshav�, also �oft Drink and I�:"ilk License, carried. P�otion dul� made by Japs , seconded b�r uaertner that Drive-In S�;ation License be �ranted Dahlberg �,�ros., carriec�. A petition viith thirt� (30) si�nat�zres askin; for �. zonin� of si�n � boards on Excelsior �ve. from 6th Ave. to 15th prohibiting errection '��- oY Signboards in that dist rict. Approved and placed on file. � � P�otion dul_�r Made b�r Gae-rtner, seconded by Japs , �hat tne applic�.�;ion of tne Outdoor Advertisirlg Co�pany to-r the placin� of a.signboard on` the �'eltl lot on Lxcelsior �ve. ,be denied, carried. Mot:ion duly r�ade by Japs, seconded by �nderson tY�at �ve clean the Durrp so that the me n c un l�e ep the vur.ip in shape in the fut ure, ca rried-. Iviotion duly made b� ?aps, seconded �y Gaertner th�.t the ���`ayor see that the traffic s ignals be turr�e on at 7 o'clock to the re�ular time, c�,rri ed. 1ti�7otion duly made and approved t'r�a.t the follo�ving bills be allo�red; 11343 Victor Borgmann 1134� Vicotr Borgmann 11345 �inar T�Telson 11346 �%inar Pdels on 11347 Robert Gehrke 11348 Robert Gehrke 11349 Zeonard Schroers 11350 Leonard �chroers 11351 G.L.Vickerman 11352 G.L.Vicke�man 11353 C.Knoss 11354 C .I�n os s 11355 JoslShonka 11356 Jos .Shoril�a 11357 �d.6'leill 11358 11 rr 11359 John Pass 11360 John Pass 11361 H.Jurisch 11362 H.Jurisch 11363 E.Osterb�erg 11364 E.Osterberg 11365 John Novotney 11366 John Novotne� 11367 �Jalter Rolf 11368 b�Jalt�r Ro7..g 11369 A.�anderson 11370 A.Sanderson 11371 C.C:Vickerman 11372 C.C.Vickerman 11,373 Frank Stodola 11374 Joe Bacik 11375 F.Dittrick 11376 C.W.Stotthard 11 12 2 hrs . � 40�C 831 rr �r �f 1� n �� n 12 2 rt rt rt 8 h rs " ,► _ 32 �► �► " _ 28'-- ,� ir rr 67 43 �4 h Y'S , Tr ir la-� hrs . 40¢� 3rrQ �r rr 192 �3 " " 44 ��:3'r fr 7 hrs. C 40� 2 5 �, „� „ 11 �� „ ►f 75 rr ,r f1 8 n �t ►r 11 " '� " 8 n n �r 16 �► „ �► 8 ,► „ f► 32 �T �► „ 16 " " " 40 IT T1 tt 11 n n tt 45 " " " 161 ,r n n 2 8'72 n' ir ir 8 rr n n 66 " " r' 205 �r n 50¢ 24 i,_rs." 40¢ 2 da�rs �' 3.00 5 „ ►1 ,T 5.00 33. 40 4. 20 5.00 3.20 12.80 11.21 27.19 4.20 15.00 7.92 17.68 2 .80 10.00 4. 40 30.00 �,20 4. 40 3.20 6.40 3.2 0 12 . 80 6.40 16.00 4.40 18.00 6.60 35.00 3.20 26.40 102.60 9.60 6.00 15.00 _ - .=2- • . � , . . . -. . : . :_.,. _ .. . Bills _'con'tl, , . . ; ., � ,11377- Carl _ Ols on - : 16 hrs_ . O �50¢ Tractor . � . 8.00 - � 11378 JOhri �p0trly � � : 69 �r . . �r, 40¢ � � . � 27 . 60 �:1379 C. Rasmus sen 24 h rs ..." "" � 9:60 ~. 15181 Society ATorden I�lippan � Bond 8c int . � 1b4.89 . 2156 �awrence: �chut z Sa1 .. to 6-16-33 _ 72.50 2157 BTo_omie �Jenstad Sal. to 6-16-33 " �-•. 32.50 2158 �rs.Theo.�tine Sal. to J.11�yhre to 6-16-33 `8.00 �- 5317 Herman Olson Sal. to 6-16-33 -` 70.,00 2155 A�.G.Hamilton Sal. to 6-16-33 ^ •- : 7�2:50 Upon: motion dul�r rilade and seconded meeting adjourned. . . _ ��U DER � • ; . � . . � � _ ATT�ST : - .�1Y0 � m . - , .. ,�_: : . . . � .... � . - Spec ial m eeti ng o F the Village Coune il of the Villag e oP -HoPkins w�.s Y�e ld on June 26 th ,-1933 at '7 :�30 PR�S . in the . Village Hal7_ . The purpose of this mee ting being .called fo r se�t ing of date for sale oP Bonds on the Purdy Ave. i�ater P��ain. l��embers present; Dr.G.V�J.Moore,President; Tru.stees - � Japs, Gaertne a d A���adden. Recorder Anderson. s The da te of , Jul� 13th , 1933 was set and advertized for the sale of Bonds on thenPurd� �ve. 4`Vat er NIa in . Motion dul� made b� Japs, seconded b�r gnderson, that the regular meeting be held on `i�hursday, July 6th, 1933, as the regular meeting date falls on Jul� 4th,1933. carried. Motion duly made by Anderson, seconded b� Gaertner that the "Off Sale" non-intoxicating malt liquor and the Soft Drink license be allovreel Henry �dolpni, carried. Motio�� dul� made by Japs, seconded by Gaertner, that _ the co�uni cat ion .f rom the St. Loui s Park Fi re Department be placed on file, and letter of thanks extended, carried. Upon a motion duly made and c:arried me�ting adjourned. � 1�G 0 .D�R ATTEST : �� v YO R � � � e Regular T�Ieet ing o F the Vi llage Counc il of the Villa.ge of Hopkin-� �as held on Thursday;July 6th,1933, at - 7:30 .PPJI in the Villa�e Hall. I47embers present: G.VV.I��oore,President., .Trustees,R�7adden,Gaertner and Japs. Recorder Anderson. Upori a mot'ion duly made b� Madden, and seconded by Gaerl;ner, minutes of the last ffieeting approved as read,carried. . r:�?otion duly made b� Gaertne r and seconded by N?adden that the following bills be allowed, carried: � 15182 Frar�k Jackso n 15183 Gust Japs 15184 1st.rlat.Bk.of Hopki 15185 Bond � Int. 2159 Hopkins t-dater Fund 2160 Pe ter _Schmi tz 2161 �1. G � I3ami1 ton .2162 Zativrence- �ch �at z 2163 Bloomie Janstad 2164 1�-�rs. The o .Extine 2165 Dahlberg 3ros.Inc. 2166 . Bren Hdwe.Co. 2167 C.:�;Gustafson 2168 �.G .hamilton 2169 J.Jasperson 2170 Mpls.Gen.t�lec.Co. 2171 Kokesh Hdwe . Co . 2172 Justus Zbr. Co. 2173 Chas.A.i�ersman 2174 Frank Sitar 2175 liopkins Ti re Dep t. 2176 i.Skotte�ard 21'77 Jacob �cheffler 21'7� �erma.n Olso n 2179 21.i�V.Bel1 Tele.Co. 2180 V�1. S.Smetana 2181 ti�Jalter S..Booth �, �o 2182 Je ns C laus en 2183 Hennepin County Hom 218� Frank �todola - 2185 Archie Lelly 2186 L.J.r:�ilbert 2187 HopYins �roduce Co. 2188 �lil �nderson 2189 gnton Ol�on 2190 I,.Eidam Jas.J.P;°en� 2191 2192 L.Osterberg 2193 Val Georges 2194 Frank Pasper c195 Geo . �inl~e 1 _. 5318 Herman t�lson 5319 �:°pls .Gen.Elec .Co. 5�20. P�ia�;t TTelson 5321 C rane �� C o. 5322 ATational %�eter Co. 532� A. E. And erson 5324 l��ax �orenson 5326 Fierman Ols on Bond E� Int . Bond �; in� . ns B�nd Ec Int. Bond �; Int . �rror in Dep .#1748 John Pass Ren t For I�"ch.Apr.8� T��`ay Sal. t o 7-1-3� Sal. to 7-1-33 ���0 Sal. to 7-1-33 �al. to 7-1-33 Jcsephine �-=�hre Tennis �ou rt 'i'ape Supplies Communit� Garden Supplies �onstable �'ee 11�iilk PR Zi�'ht 8c PO��d/1G].^ Park Su ;_:p lie s Beri�r Stakes F�eros ene PR 10 hrs. police cnange Phone s�: �al l s �ire Sc Polic eAlarffis ;3a1. to 7-1-33 b�i rs Ste�r�rd Keys f or Counci 1 Room Fire � �i t.y ;�all �none s i�:'�edicire for Osterberg PR n,inc.Justice'sDocket 110 hrs . C 40;1 Park- e Board ��t. `�eter 8c ��`;�old.oske 8 hrs. � 50�1 8 hrs. n 75�i Grocerie s PP, ,� �► 5326 Chris.Jensen 57 t 5327 Henry Vi ta 5328 Carl Peterson 5329 Claus rassmussen 533 0 Claus .��.smus s e n 5331 John Tauchen 5332 John `�'auchen 11380 �'he �arret�; Co. ,1 ,f rt tt ir ►r ,� ,T n tt 8 hr s. �`. 40�1 8 hrs. � 40�.� 8 hrs. �' 40¢ � - � ���r s . �s�l 40 Sal. to 7-1-33 June ��oG7P.T' 57 I3rs. {r� 50¢ Supplies P�i'et er supnlies Lxp re ss 5 7 hr s. �� �x�x Stamps hrs. (�� 40� 6 2 h rs . r_-:1 40 � 57� h:rs . �-� 40� 14 hrs. C:: 40�1 27 hrs. � 40� 162 nrs. � 40r� 161 n Tt, rr 2 Tarvia ��1.00 402.80 400.67 682.20 473.80 4.50 24.00 75.00 75.00 32. 50 8.00 : 8.00 7.40 43 . 92 2 . 30 20.25 414.24 1.25 _ 1.04 1.04 5.00 66.50 25. 00 10.00 2.60 9.80 10 l00 8.00 44 . 00 92 . 00 10.00 8:85 1.23 8.72 4.2 5 9.42 1.38 ` 3.68 3.20 3.20 3 . 20 3.20 70.00 158.51 28.50 5.25 2.61 1.23 57.00 1.00 2u .80 2.60 22 . 80 5.65 10..75 6.45 6 .45 18'7.20 � � � � Page �2 �ill s Cont . 11381 Dahlberg Bros .Inc. �:epairs �c Supplies 11382 �ren �dw�e.Co. Supplies 11383 ��lpls . Gen.'Lle c. C o. Li�h ��c Po�aer 11384 P.H. Coy]_e I�e�airs 11385 Red. cuing Sewer Pipe Co. Pipes 11386 �1.H:�Hensler Repairs 11387 �'lour Ci ty Brush C o. 12 Brooms 113$8 Standard Oil Co. �asoline 113$9 Fran�� ,3todola 96 hrs. �=1 50� 8� 71 hr,s. 11390 Geo .��.1l�Iiles CTasoline 11391 Frank Nunvar 16 hrs .�: 40 � 11392 Carl Olso n 33 llrs .� 50y� 1°93 Frank Dittricl� 5 days � 3.00 S�veeper 11394 Chas. Stothard 1 day Swe,=:per. 11395 Geo.Hinkel �6 hrs. C 40�1 11396 Geo.I�inkel 5 hrs. C� 40¢� 11397 �:,Osterberg 33 hrs. ��� 40yi 11398 E.Osterberg 50 hrs. �=� 40¢ 11399 Val. Georges 32 h rs . �� 40¢ 11400 Frank ka�per 92 hrs . C� 40� 11401 Frank Kasper 622 " " " 114�2. E.T�elson 30 " " " 11403 L.Tdelson 10 " '► " 11404 A. Sand er s� 32 " " " 11405 Ld.4�Jei11 g rr �T n 11406 Robert Gehrke 24 " " " 11407 Johri PBSS $ " " " 11408 John Pass g " " " 11409 Howard Ju.risch 10 " " +' 11410 Ho1var� Jurisch 30 " " " 11411 John Tdovotne� g " " „ 11412 Jphn Novo tney 8 " " " � 75¢ Upon motion dul� made and seconded rneeting ��as adj ourned. ATT�' S'1 : �L� Y R ' _�„ -. �� � - 13.94 3.45 4.09 30.20 21.85 12.20 12.00 3.09 101.25. 4.13 6.40 16.50 15.00 3.00 30.00 2.00 15 .2 0 00.00 12 . 80 3.80 25. 00 12 . 00 4.00 12 .80 3. 20 9.60 3.20 3.20 4. �� 0 12.00 3.20 3.20 > ► � . �_ _� i 2 3 4 .5 6 7 s 9 � �r\ , 1� � il 12 13 � 14 is 16 ' 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 2S ._ 26 �27 28 � z��rlon� aFF7r�r�a� �ssrss����T �� ���� r�azNs t7N Pt1RI�Y Al►ia:iJ� FFU�i,i THE iN`t'��+'RSEGTI�hI TI�)+kEflF �iTTg GOflI?RICIi A;��a[i�, �,��'���ING TN A SOIITHERZY � AT�tEC�TOA� �, DTS�1�dC� t�F ABOPT SIX f�DRFD Ft�:E"I'� .. VI�I,9Gi; 0�' fiOPiili�S; CiINi��S�J^l�. . � , �'rc�ject ;�1, 1��33. � r�s��,�s��s�a �rl�z�z�c �us�s����� �a� .�r���: �;�as oy �u�y Av�a�'�{�a� T;iE INiERS�'CTION TH�;�FAF �`+T'IH G�JODFcICH ,SQ�)QE, F�TF1'dJI�d� iPl A SDUT�3�'�i� �ZR : ECT�ON A u"'�A:1C� OF Ai3�L'�.' SIX i�Ut�;�Fi'�D ��;r, v��s off.,r�:c�, by �xv.stee an.d Couc�_. eilmara �ac.2.t� �ti Th�: Vi7.3.age Ct�Lin.cil of tiie Oillage o� i�opkins met i+� �.d jo�art�ed regu? �.r seN�i.a:� oM -tzi� of 1��3, �� 0� ci oca� �:i.. � � t�e Vi_7.a�;e Cou�� ;il C�a�nk�ers c�f th� i:'funicipnl Euiid��g of. e�ic? Village� bei�s� t�ie �::i.n� and ?�lace a��o�t�ted in �. d�tly �ub?:iw�led not,.�.ce of �.e�..r3.n6 �ta.rsu;:at ta a.ts T�sol�tion ttdo�ted 1�3�, For thp pur�ose af aecer�aining and asse�s°� ng -L:�� b�r�efits �o the �ro�eriy ,�ith:�.n sfi%c� Vi� Ia�� eanf�rsed by �he iynar�ve�cn� ��wn as �ater e�tex3�3.ons on t�ie strEet� hegein�ft�r naraed at�d �,f�ter ���x �a.1� z�,l �i;ea�imora� �r or i�i be��.I� c�f all. af ��.e persons and p;;��ties ��ere�te@, fl� �hose p�op�rt�Sr is a�fec-�ed i�y ss:i� inprc�v�e�e�t a��. �'cs3rang t,o b8 i.e�x'rt�., aa�r� being �zily adv�.�ed in tl�.� pr�ises' �he foZloFair�g Resolut:�.on was adv��ed� �z� • i�II:��,,8, purs�.�n�t �.o Reso7.ufi,3on ado��ed A�ril 6th, I93S, b� the. Vi11a�e C4t;n.ci1 for trae� cons-h�z�lctao� of ra�,t�r ;n�,�ns i� t:�� Vi13.�gQ of �io�kint� as £ollo�rat 4-sr�cla pipe o�i Purdy Av�r�t.e f'ro� tl�s in�.ersection . ihcre:�f � r�.th Good.riah Auen�ae, e��tene�.in� in� a � . So�at�er].y .directa�n a�is�ac� of a�1ut six Y�ua�dred $ee'�. . �I Trse' �oric -t�.�� eot' h�,s been dnne anc� co�n�al.e'te�. � I�-ND �1'fiL`REAS, P�a�sae.nt to rosol.ution of ��ze Villa�;e Council of t�e P�.11��e � af fioplcina, '�i3.�anesot�.� s,do�ted ��az i�. 6, 2�33� t!�e pro��sec� asacsament of �Yr.s � a,nount .�xoper and neeee�ary. �o -be ms,�ec�.a].1;� a�s�ssed fc��° s�.oh �mprov�nent a�ai ' every ass€ssahle Zot�. pi�ce o� x��,rcel of 1€�,�d �:f�ec�ed ir�r sueh improv�;nent,, on �h�: b3si� ai" ben�fits �riik�o�at re��.rci tv ca�h vzl.uat�.on zn accorclat9.ce �th Crtap� ter 425 of �..�ie �a�s of t�;ina�Esot€� for the year 1921, whic�? 'r3a� b��n m�.de anc; i� ox� :il.e �.th t�ie Villag� G].erk for �a�blia inspect,#.on,' aaid has been �iul� g�zbmit� �,a the V�al��e Cc�uuci� for cor�9idesation, aaad whe�°��s due n�vti�e 1a.�s been given� ia af �'rze �t��' �nd� pl�.ce �hen �d r����r� t%e C��,ncil �.�.1 m�et an.c� p�ss upon ihe � prc�posed assessme�t �nd 1nea.r s.nd ps�ss u.�on �1 objectiana,if �,or amPnca the � ND�f, '1`�i���FO�tE, Be at Resolved Toy tho Vil].age CouncS.� of tne Vilia�e of H' kins, th�;t ��i� a.��res�.id z�ao�c�sEd a�s��sm�nt �e and �e s�,�e is �ereby 3dopteds nede �nd aon�tituted the sp�cia7. gsa�ss�ent �.g�ix�s� tla� 3.0��, pieces anc3 �narcel of l�nd ther�:.n dQscribed s�d ahsZ�. be a].ien upon the proper� aescribsd: therei; �nd a13: the�e4�'! wlaich i:ien shal� �ie concursc�r�� ���h the general �axes asses�ed i a,gainst said pro�c.�ty ar�d ��e Clerk i.s a�erei�y direeted f.o im�ned��telp tr�.n�3;.it � certified d�s�licate thereof fio t,he Couni;T,y Aucli�r %a� coliection in the manner � ettd �s reqa:ired 1� 1��� r�nc1 be it �`ur'�I1e� resolg�:d t�at �t?a� �roceeds o� a�ses�- ments levied a��i.net,the property benefited � s�id i.mgrov�ment be and are her� epproprimtpd ar�d set �szde �� a, ���er�.te ��ecia.:a �sess�ent ftaYsd f'or ��s �ae,q���t of v��ter s�arr.an�G�, issued by the �I31Ia�e og I�o�kixis to covez� the cost and expen� ��gai� :i.mpronemen.t, al]. in accord�nce �.t�: �h4 �t�.tutr-.s :�� �uci:� c�se m�de �nc� I �.�.. - . _ _ 29 Councilman �.��� . wk�o of fered th� foregoa.ng �esolui�.�.oa, �� th�rEu�o� mov�d its adoptian ��ic�: w�.s seconcled by Co�aneiL,��n � 31 I�d u.pen �eing �ut to a vote waa �r�.4pted unariirao�.sly by �1 members oi tf.e s�.id i�.la�e Gou�.nci�... I . � �.�, C'� I� T��'ST�� Villa�e Gl�rk, � JOSEPH A. HOSP AT70RNEY AT LAW � HOPKINS.� MINN: �f vzua�� co���. �� . � Special meetirlg of the Village �ouncil of the Village of Hopkins, was held on Jul� 13th, 1933, at 7:30 PM in the Council Room. R,2embers pres�nt; G.tiSl.Nloore,President; Trustees T:`adden and Gaertnex. Recorder Anderson. Atto-rne�i ?-:osp. Absent, irustee Japs. This mee.ting was called For the purpose of aff irming the assessment for t�ater r�1lains on P�zrd� Avenue from the Interseetion thereof witYi Goodric,�. Ave., extending in a southerly direction a distance of about six huridred feet, vil]�.ge of �opkins,IL�inr_. l�:�otion duly made b�r Gaer�ner, seconded b�r �,�i�dden tY�.t the Pesolution affirming the �ssessment for �^dat er rl�a ins on Purd� ��ve. , be adopted as. �1�, . read, Carried. Copy of Resolution attached he �ewi-th. n�otion duly made b� Gaertner, seconded by r���adden_tnat we accept the bid �� of �J.H.Souba for Purdy xve. ��Jater rL�:ain ce-rtificate oF indebtedness of 4�740.00 with a premium of 1 0. �a rri e d. T�iotion duly made b� �,iadden, seconded b� Gaertner, that the Recorder �- post a hearirg Por objections and recommendations relative to proposed ehar.�es in Zoning Ordi��nce, affesting tne district east of l��onk �ve . and Sout�1 of L�celsior Blvd. ,carried. RESOLUTi0r1, authorizing State Highway Dep�,rtment ot proceed euith construction of Highv�a�r #12 in accordance with plans previously� ` proposed connect ing dvith 4th St. and 6th A?�e ., and to the Uak Ridge Golf Club , and ��innetonka viills Road, throu�h �lock 5, �Jest r�inneapolis, 2nd Division, in Vill�.ge of �iopkins. I!�otion duly made by ���adden, seconded b� Gaertner that the above Resolution be adopted, carried. P,�otion dul� made and carried that the meetin� adj ourn. � � � ; � �/ �ii -' - 1�ZAYOR � �� � �, E ORDER 7 � � 4� r � 2 3 4 s 6 7 g 9 �.� �_ l0 li 12 13 ' � 14 ls 16 17 . 1s I9: � ,. . . 20 �-: _�� 21 22 23 24 2s 26 . 2� 28 29 � 30 s � 31 i JOSEPH A. HOSP� ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS, MINN. R.�SOLUTION AFFTPsflING AS5ESS�IT FOR PJATER 1�AINS ON PURDY,. AVENUE FRIOB� THE INTERSECTION THEREOF YOITH GOODRICH A9IIVIIF, EXTENDING IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF ABOUT SI% HUNDRED FEET, VILLAGE OF HOPKIAIS, I�IAINESOTA. . Project #1, 1933. A RESOLIITION .AFFIi3�I1VG ASSESSMENT FOR �7ATER MAINS Ol� PIIRDY AVEND� FRO� THE INTERSECTION THEREOF 6PITH GOODRICH AVENIIE, �EXTENDING IN � SOtJTfiERLY DIR- ECTION A D�,STANCE OF ABOUT SIX HUNDRED FEET, was offered by Trustee and Coun- cilman �0 � The Villa e Counci, qf t 9illa.ge of Hopkine met i.n adjourned regular session on the��f -- 1933, at �f 0' clock �� B�. a t the Village Council Chambe�� .of th �unici�al Building of said Village, being the time and place appo' t d i a duly published notice of hearing pursuant to its Resolution adopted ��-a "_ -- 1933, for the purpose of ascertaining and assessing the benefi�s to the property within said Village conferred by'the improvement kaown as water ezte�sions on the streets hereinafter named and after heaxing all testimony by or in behalf of all of the persons and parties interested� or whose property is affected by said improvement and desiring to be.heaxd, and being f�,illy advised in the premiaes, the following Resolution was: adopted, viz: � VPAEREAS, pursuant,to Resolution adopted April 6th, 1933� by the Village Counail for the construction of v�e.ter maina i.n the Village of Hopkina as followa: 4-inch pipe on Purdy Avenue from the ir�teraection thereof.with Goodrich Avenue, extending in a Southerl� direction a diatance of about six hundred feet. � The work thereof has been done and completed. AND V�HEREAS, Pur.suant to resolution of the Village Cou.ncil of the Villag� of Hopkins, �finnesota, adopted lpril 6, 1933, the proposed assessment of the amount proper and necessary, to be especially assesaed for auch improvement aga� st ever,y aeseasable lot, piece or parcel of land affected by such i.mprovement, on� the basis of benefits withbut regard to cash valuation in accordance with Chap : ter 425 of the Laws of BHinnesota�for the yeax 1921, which.has been made and is � on file with the Village Clerk for public inspeation� and has�beeri duly submitt�ed �to the Village Councii for conaideration, and �vhereas due notice has been given of the time and place when and �here the Council will meet and pass upon the sa�d .proposed assessment and hear and pass upon sll objections,if any,or amend the s�ame. AlOV6, THEREF'ORE, Be it Resolved by t?ie VilZage Council of the Village of Hop- kina, that the aforesaid proposed assesament �e and the sa.me is hereby adopted,� mede and constituted the special assessment against'the lots, pieces and parcel of land �thereia described and shall be a lien upon the property described there'n and all thereof� which lien ahall be concurrent with the general taxes assessed against said property and the Clerk is hereby directed to immediately transmit a certified duplicate thereof to the County Auditor for collection in the manner � -and aa requiTed by law, and be it further resolved that the proceeds of assess- ments lev-led against the property benefited b� aeid improvement be and are hereb� appropriated and aet aside as a separate.special assesament flznd for the pa�men & m of water vaarrants, issued by the Village of Hopkins to cover the cost and e$pen e of�said improvement, all in accordance �rith the,ata.tutes in such case made and �rovided. �/ .�ue� Councilman _ 1 Qoi, .who offered the foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption �rhich was seconded by Councilman and upbn being put to a vote was adopted unanimousl,� by all members of the Hillage Council. � ATTEST: President of Village Council. Village Clerk. � 1 ? : 3 4 . � s . 6I � ! 7� I ! 81 ; • 9� `� io - 11 ;12 13 14 � 15 16 17 I 4 �g � 19 j , Zo ! � � y,� 21 � 22 I - I 23 � 24 � ` 2S � '26 27 28 . 29 (. � 30 . 31 ��� JOSEPH A. HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS, MINN. Nt?�i�C� 0�' 1�i�8 �1 fl� a�d'�7[L�6 AN� ��'.�L�r�+iJ�&i'T�Ni� �ATIV� T� �'�5.3��?� ��ANG� i� �3�ING ��At�C� ��t� �� �9TR���' ��i �!� i�19�� ��'��� �9D �i�'� �F �F:�i4?� B�i3�,�'ii�'?. ,.. � ffifl'�5�� 3� ��g C�.v�t, .'�� �ae yi�.3�� Qou�aee�.a caf ��.� �'3.]�9.ag� �f �d��;� �i3�e��t�3 �� m���1 � � .� � d�ir ��' ,...�.. ��.�•�.�5�� �� 1�1 '�Q V2�.��� �ii3�.t!].� {i$�11�T�3 � �c: �.C�.�� HY��... s3� �A2d Vi��.��11 edt, �a OEil��iC P}H�e9 .'�t� �1� �3� p�8,"� ��E3 � O��^��4�i&� �$G�'��G9�l�.t��i�.�� � F��#,1'Y0 '�i8! � �'4��.El�:"�.� p�'0�:i��d ��'dEi�1�;C'•�i .�l.�t. �'L �E@I��.22 ��� 4�li�C� s►�3a��ed ��� 3,�t�� I.��, r�l��+� �: a��a�.at�g �c� ����.°3��� t�aQ �.�c��.i.��, �I.�eg ��o, ��d ���.,�i� of �aL%� � �ie c3,���r��� ��� csf` l�taaalc ���n�� �►c� :�r�`�a, �� �ec�'.a�:s�a� �.a�,ov��rd �.� �ss.� �'��age, �o—�i•te � • �.,� `�'c� ��s�0 �a� a���Ct�� �8 tCA �`�� ��a '�'�.�� Q�' ��ral�tz�� � ��a b�a3.�t �rc ��� a�c�� �%t��d �ss. �a ��f.d c?�.� �t�� f�'�m �?�«nF� � �«�E�i. �. `% �rov51..�� L��� t�.�e ��.3� �as nm ����est�� +�� �c+ � ; v�::e� r��` �a9.'�.s��� � �� �u.�.3.t �,� ��� u�;�3.�tfi�c� �sce�t � � ��� `7� �d t�0 of �ud�.�aa�� � ��abdi�''i�.ar�. �'p+ 23�e '� :6. � �� �m,��� '�3�e ��� �a�o�.��.c�� �r et�kita�, �a.� ���.m . v�c��r�� '��c►� �c'� �a.c� �� c3�r �t��� v�.a�t�la�rt e8�°�w�taQ�� . , - �d t� ���r�.�� ��.at t�s �n��� �'or ��i� v�:��,�.��:�► �� �the - Qrt,�.��;nc� �Y�.�.1. Tbe as ��1].��ac�a � �'��,3. �0 �.�.t�r t�P � r�.,,�de�eaa�� �a��.���'ble . �� ,s�d b�' � �'igl�' �t?� �ii'tr �Q!!� �t�."-ai7. �'�,`�a�� F,.�Ci 61o�i iarJ� tl+�n �l�Jo�f�g e�� o"i�r �u�� vic►�.�.t�c�n qx+ �;��.�— � , � ta c:s��sl,y i:cs �er�t�s� � e�53.s� €���� �!ati�'— �.��a���a �����r�� �i�a�7. �anst:i.fi,;��a : � ��^��f°r� �e� . . €affr��e�.� � B,�r o�de� o� �t��s �'�.1���e Co�an�:i.�. �►ua�� �,o ���%:��on ar%nt� �t ���$�i�. a��eting h��c� c� Jt�� � i��la, 2����, ' ���+�i. . . 'iT$1"i�.�;6 ��€��d��'� .-=.�.-,--. .. ���� ��t� �� �'�.2�.��?e �ic9.�,� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPHINS, MII1TN. STATE OF 1MIINNESOTA, � COUNTY OF HENNEPIN � ------------ J �-L,_ �rkh8m ------------,being duly sworn, depases and says that he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher or printer in chaige of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and publLshed in the Village of Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he has knowled e of the facts and knows rsonally that the }�� Notice of �earing Assessment �tension of pT�ted �Y&�r�S_.5�3318__9A_�1,.Y_�Y@IL1bQ__��ID_ �}�.@_.IAt��'— Y section Thereof �ith Goodrich Avenue Extending in &_SQ������ y__D�rQ��iQ �_ a_Di�tan e _of_�bQu�_ S�x_�I�,n— drel �eet, Village of �opkins, �inneso�� ---------------------------------------- hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed aud publis�hed in safd newspaper once in each week for___ �_______weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice wes Srst inserted, printed and published on Thurs- daY, the,_ 2�th---�.Y of--- June-----------------. is3.�_, eua was printed and publlshed in sairi newspaper on each and every Thursday thereafter until and including Thursday, the___ 6t�____________day of Jul�--------------------, �s_ 33 That during all the times aforesaid, said uewspaper was qualifled as a medium of official and legal publlcations as requlred by Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter• 484, 6ession Laws oi M'innesota, 1921, and that it has complied with a11 the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as de�flned in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from the date of the flrst pubflcation oi said__________________ _______ Notice -------------------- ------------------------------------- S , newspaper has been: �`' (1) Printed from the place from which. it purports to be issued in the English langua.ge, and in oolumn and sheet for�m equivalent in space to at least four pages, with flve columns to tha pa8e, each seven- teen and three-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once each week from a lrnown office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the, same. (3) Made up to contain eeneral and local news, oomment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not en- tirely made up ot patents, plate ma.tter or advertisEments, or e,ny or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent 04 at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior w the aate o! the Srst publication of said ------------------------------ NCC2�iC9 -------------------------------- the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of . the facts, flled in the office oP the oounty auditor oY said county oY Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showin� the name and Icea- tion of sa�d newspaper and the e�dstence of candltions constituting its quallflcations as a legsl newspaper as required and set forth in Section 3 of Chapter 484, 6esson Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and Scind oP type used in the compcuition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement here- unto attached, viz: bcdef i opqistuvwa�yz a' � � �.L`liA/� --------- --_----------------_-'Publisher.--- Subscribed and sworn to before me this6th_day of__ J��_____19�3 _� _ --------- � �- ------------ =------------- Notary Public Fiennepin County, Minnesota t�. s, ;�:�II1J:h�:kZ �-_ — `NOTICE OF . HEARING ASSESS- I MMEAIIITS ON PUR YNAVENUE FROM THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH GOODRICH AVENUE, EX- TENDING IN A SOIII�RLY DI- RECTION .R DISTANCE OF ABOUT gIS SIINDE,ED FEET, VII.LAGE OF HOPHINS, MCNNESOTA. WF�REAS, .a contract for the sum oY $670 UO plus adidtional expense , of publications, , legal and engineenng services, lamounting in the aggregate of 00, has been duly let, pursuant to `�lution adopted April 6th, 1933, by the Village Council of the Village oP Hopkins, Minnesota, for the con- struction of .water main extensions on Purdy Avenue from the intersection �hereof with Goodrich Avenue, extend- ing ,in a Southerly direction a distance of about six hundred feet. AI�TD WFFIE�R,EAS, pursuant to said resolution, the proposed assessment of the proper amount and necessary to be especi � assessed for such im- provemen� on the basis of one-third of said cost for flre protection against every assessable piece or parcel of land within the dis,trict asea and that two- thirds oP �the cast oP said improve- Iment be assessed against the property abutting the streets in which said water mains are laid, on the basis oY beneflts without regard to cash valua- �tion and in $ccordance with Chapter 425 of the Laws oY Mix�nesota for the flle with the Village �Recorder for pub- lic inspection. NOTICE IS HERffiY CrIVE'N, that the VilTage Council of the Village of Hopkins, Minnesota, will meet July 13, 1933, at the Village Council Chambers in the Municipa.l Build�ng oi said Vil- lage at 8 o'clack P. M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and shall , hear and pass upon all objections, if �any, and may amend the proposed as- sessment as to any lots, pieces, or par- cels of land, and will proceed to make an assessment as aforesaid for said work and 'vnprovement in accordance with said statute. Dated, 1933. A. E. Anderson, Village Clerk. Atbest: � ' Pres dentof Villag'e Couricil. (June 29-Ju19 6) . My cammission egpires-_--- _ -_ . �.:;.aa4A' 6r3�ai�qi�,i�v��1 _�.(7t{A6Jr.i1J11F1i•. �, i�•`dg C'„6.`.�i.�a:� Eiz�fren Nsv. i, 14�1 ! f i�flTICE flF t?��.�3G A���S���T F�'i'���IO� fl� �IATF� t�i�ii5 flN �'iIftBY &V�'iiJ� FI4,O�i 1���' 7.�i��tS�C'Piflfi�1 Ti�s,.r'�� �`k'i� �flOf}P1C�i Ag��UT, �X�Ii1�`�� ji4 A �T�.�.�Y i3�I�C�Z�3 � I3�C� �JF �S�3t3T �� ��3irt3R� FE�T, '@'�LI,���E J� I�3�P�T�iS� ����5l1'��,� � ;:''�'��AS, ��. cau��r._•.e* �'or t��e ��z of �'�'I4.Q0 �lva �^.��.��.o;x�3. - ' ax�e�.�e cf �:�?%1•�eatioaa�, �.�n�. and e�gxnea.�i.n�; �e��3.ce�, a�Qvn�ir�g �_�-� it� ��e a��re��t� af ���¢�°� ; has b�er•. dul,� �.c��s Pu��tz...�nt tv � Resc�lu�Gic�� €�s���ed ���r�.i �tL, �.�3�, b� �he 9'�7.�.��� Cotanei.l c��' tlze Qi.]].3.3�-,e o�' fio��L��s, Y�i��neso��., �or tk�c� c�ns�x�c�5.�n of �M.tes ��9.n - �$�t�s�ons orr. 1�,►rc� �ve�ue �ro� �3�� int�sectioit '�-�er�vf ae3.th C�avd» rich Av�:z�e, �xte�c�;n� �ri. €z Sc��?t,��ea�l�r c'�.reetio� 8 dista€�c� of �bo�,t ��.�: i�mdr�r? �eet. Al�?� Y�F�£:3,E�iS, pu�•sue.�t to �aae� res�lu�ion, t;�e ;��posed s��ss���nt csf f��.� �r��er �+�nt ��c� ���e�e�ry i� be e��eei�+3�,y s�ss�ec� foi s�ci� impra�te��nt �� �h� b�s�.� c�f on:�-t�air� esf s{3a.c1 ec��t F4r ��.re ,�z°��ct�c�� ���ins� eve� ��s�e�able ��.ece �r ��x�ei c�f l�d �i.�%i.n t��e c�.s�`s�ct �rea and �hat t�c�-t.�.irtis of t`�� c�nst vi esad i�prov�rient i�e a�s?s�et3 a��.�r�st �he nxc3f�erty a�.�tt�r.� tY!e strest� ir� �hic'r� ��ici ���t�r �:��a� �r� �ui�, o�e ttz� �iz�sis �� bensY:i.ts �iLt�o�t r���rd f,o c�.sk� �1.uation ar�d i.n accorc3.�nce c�i.t,�i �1�;�at�r �� a� ��:e L��s �f �:ii�ne�tc3 ��r th� �e�x� 1923, h�s b�en aade eind is o� file� �r-i.tl� t�2e Vi3.3�ge �eeorc�r for p�ab�.ic �us�ecti.an. � ��TI�E �S i3J�i'�Y G�V�'Z, t���+-t th� ��.1.�= c�uz�c�.l o£ the 1�ill��� of i�a�,�.5.ras, i�.n�e9o�G±��, a►�.1� �a�� — 1 3— ��3� at �€� Vi3.3�.;�e t�oaix�c�.l Cl:�r.�t�ers 3.�. t��e �a�za.ca��_ �uS.Ic�i��� o£ sai� i���.1.��c- at � 4t c1oc�: i� �i�. i,o p��� u�o� si��h a�oposed ��ses�en� a�td sl��ll. he�,r and. ��ass �g�a �Il �bj �Ctinns, �.� ar,�, a�v. �� �.mend iY�e �x°c�os�d ��s�s�►e��, €�s '� ar� 1.0��, �a.ece�� ar ��rc�ls �f l�r�d, a.�d �ri�l v�oceed ���e �n asaess�ent �3 afa� �s�id f�r ss�.d e�rk ��i improQ:n�n� '�s aecord��nce ffri�h s�id st.�.tute. T���� ,��33. � "_��,,��'.t���.� �,i�� Vi31�,�s C� erk ��`��t i'res3.deli'� Oi �T3.1.]..ag0 t`rOt�C3�. �i11r��e �# �o�l�txr� HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS. MINNESOTA � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPRINS, MINN. STATE OF MINNE30TA, t B& COUNTY OF HENNEPIN � 'T• I'. M�r�Ch&� ------�ein dul sworn, deposes � --------------------------------------- g Y {NOTICE OF BIDS FOR THE PUR- and says that he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned ICHASE OF VII.LAGE CERTIFICATES has been the publisher or printer in charge of The` Hennepin County !OF INDEBTEDNESS, FOR EXTEN- R,eview, a weekly newspaper, printed and ubllshed in the Villa,ge of SION OF WATER MAINS ON PURDY Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, State o�Minnesota, on Thursday of IAVENUE FBAM THE IIVTEg.SEC- each week: �TION THEREOF WITH GOQDB,ICH AVENUE, ERTENDING IN A SOUTS- T t he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the IER,LY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF ��Ot�CA of Bide fOT tYUB �ItTC�3A Of v1118�;8 ��GE OF HOPA NS, 1KINNE�OTA. iteaCert,ificatBa_oi_1nd.eht.�.dnesa,_fnx_�ta�asinn project No. 1, .1933. ��dater Mains mn Purc�p Avenue From the Intersec- Public notice is hereby given tnat tion_Thereof_With Goodrich_9_v_enue,_Extending i�_a sealed bids for the purchase of $740.00 in amount of Village of Hopkins, Southerl� Direction a Distance of 9bout Sis HundrEcounty of Hennepin, State of Minne= Feat.r-�ii]'l8g$_��-Ho�k3,u�=-lldiil�Leto attached, cut from the � sota, Certiflcate of indebtednesa will columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said be received and considered by the Vil- lage, Council on the �3th day of July, " 1833, at 8 o'clock P. M. in the Council newSpaper once in each week for_____ �_____weeks, and that all of said Chambers of the Municipal Building publications were made in the English language. of said Villa�e of Hopkins, Minnesota. Said Gert�ficates of Indebtedness „ __ That said notice was Srst inserted, printed and published on Thurs- are to be issued for the purpose of providing funds to dePray the cost o !, necessary additions, improvements and day, txie___ 29�?�__aay of______e�lll'��_______________, 19��, and was i extensions to and maintenance o4 the printed and published in saia newspaper on each and every Thursday existing water works system in said [ I�Village, and said Certiflcates of Indebt- thereafter until and including Thursday, the_____ 4��3__________day of P�ess to be dated. �9eAt. 1, 1933, and bear fnterest at the rate of per cent per annum, paYable annually, �Ju].y and to have interest coupons attached ------------- ---------------------. 19��. and mature as follows: That during all the times aPoresaid, said uewspaper was qualified 5 Por $148.00 each, to mature Jan. as a medium of official and legal publications as.;reqiured by Sections 3 1, 1934, and each year thereafter, arid 4 of Chspter 484, Session Laws oi 1NTinnesota, 1921, and that it has resPectively, and to bear interest complied with a11 the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper at 6 per cent per annum, payable as deSned in said sections 3 and 4 to-mit: That for more than one year $�uall9• All tenders to purchase must be �, without condition, or qualification and last past from Lhe date of the flrst publication oi said__________________ eC� ti�fleam hae�cka paqable octheitorder Notice oP the Treasurer of said Village for --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- the sum of $5U.00, �aid Certiflcates of �'\ . newspaper has been: Indebtedness will be ready ior deliv- (1) Printed from the place from wluch it purports to be issued e� at the time oY sa1e. The Village in the English la,nguage, and in oolumn and sheet forui equivalent in Council reserves the right -to reject , any and all oSers and award said Cer- space to at least four pages, with flve columns to t,he pa+8e, each seven- ; tigca,tes of Indebtedness to a lower teen and three-quarters inches long. , bidder. Bids should be addressed to (2) Issued once each week from a l�own office, established in such ;the undersigned. ' This notice is given by authoritq of place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- a g,�lutian, adapted by the Village essary material for preparing and printing the same. � Council of said Village. (3) Made up to contain general and lceal news, oomment and �� at Hopkins, Minnesota,• this miscellany, not wholly dupflcating any other pubflcation, and not en- 2�� day of June, 1933. tirely made ap of patents, plate m�tter or advertisements, or any or A. E. Anderson, Village Clerk, Villa.ge of Hopkins, Minnesota, either of them. To be published in the Fiennepin (4) Circulated in and near its place of publicatioa to the extent ��unty Review, the Villa,ge officia,] of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to payinB ��� l��r, twice: June 29 and July subscribers, and that prior to ttie aate of the Srst publica.tion of said (June' 29-July 6) NO t1CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the publisher or printer in charge of said newspa r having knowledge of the facts, ffied in the office oP the oounty a�r of said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and lcea- tion of sajd newspa.per and the existence oY conditions constituting its qua3lflcations as a legel newspaper as required and set Porth in Section 3 of Chapter 484, Sesson Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the iower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, oP the size and Sflnd oP type used in the composition, printing and publication oP s�id legal advertisement here- unto attached, viz: abc ij opqrstuvwxyz � ---- -- -- ----- �- -- - --- - - -- --- - - Publiaher. 6ubscribed and sworn to befoxe me this 6t$-�,y _Q=---Jli],,�-----lg--� ----------���...'��--`�--�.�.�,.-------------- Notary �ubllc Hennepin Caunt9, Minnesota - - eS. !:. �''k;�l3,�1�lt My coaimissioa. eapires--_-,--- - - --s iv�;;s�,fi'�) S"N:i�iL�iy "—f�'=`-c ^ �:2S1�yy.�Lifti�. {y9q C����:4 �;r�ao �`b�. 1� I�aA, � � ���zcr �� �a�r�� �.� �xr ��c��.�� ��- �.��� f;��':,��*'�(.'�`s`.�� �� �1IJ�;B��F1c�I''.�&;yI'J�t ��iL�3��(JI3 flg �f�"P��2 fi�i�T�S Ql� P�3R� ���if� .F� �'E� .�t,� T�-�5���'�Pd 'T��� ��� ��i��Fi �:t�T3i3$, � �, I'��,1�� T�i � �UU'�ii�E'�.X �3IR��'I0�8 � I�IS"��:�i�� �� 'A�� �JT� �'s���� ��sYib.y ��a���°. �� �i�Ff�.ilu�3 I�I1t7.;�'u�:�vi.� 1�ii�. . �'�'O�'�C'�, �`i.s:. i9v�. a-�:�b7:�.� not�ce i.s k�ere� �;iu� .tt�st .�e�lc�� ��.� ia� tt±e. _ ��re��se oa" � 7�D i� ar�o�nt �� �i..:�.1��_ �i �io�sa�s.Co�ntg of He�ee��, S�.te of .�ueso��:, ���ri;ii�cc�,�: of i�c€eb�,ec3���e �ili be e e�ved anc� cans�.a��ec� l� �he Vill�,�� fi,�r��i3 4�a ��e � �r c�:£ c� �� 1�33, a� ��D� cla�s � I�... i� tl:e Caunci�. C��m�e�s af �f�e i�u �ci.�ai �ui3ctin,� o�' �id ��.11a�e of �onl�z:ns, . i�a.�nys��. F�:�a ��r�.��c�t�s of I�de�9�.ed�es� are t,c� 'bQ ag��c� f�r �;�e `�+a.x��se_�i �rc��idirx� fiu�s�' ta d��r�, ti�� .c��;t of nec��s�*� �c€�.ti.ori�, �:m�r�g��enta an.� o�si.o�s '�v �e� r��int�n�xsc� _o� i;+� e�is'�i�q ��ter �+��ks- �siv� zn saic� �a11a��y ar:rt ��i�: ��:rw�.{'�,e�.��s �f Inc�eb�edn��s t,a be d��ed ,Z9 , a�d ���x ��at.�res�, �t ���� ��zte. o� ;�er c�nt �ae� e.�ur�, ������.� ��xt�t�i.y, �z�� �t� �,�ve i.�a�cr— e�� et>u�zan� �tfi,€zch� �i�s�ta �c� ��.tur� a. fa� ia�st .S' r/ , t� �c�- fup �`�d" each3 �.:o u°���re: ���` 3 � a:na, e�c�. �re�r ��P:re�f-��z, r���fieti:ve.�� �:n� � �e�.x� �;�+�res� �.t (,� aj �+�� cent `�er ��u�' ��:b1e ��e13.�. A1.]. �enele�s �o purc�i�se �nu�t be �-it;.ho:at coaa�.:.ti ra� c,r €�u�:iPi— ��zi:�on �aci 1�� �.cec�;n��n�.ec� � �s� zan.cvn�itivnai �eric�a�:�ci �h�c�� �as�:. �bie to t?��� or�e�° o� �h� '�'�e�s�r��° �� s�� �. ,t�11��e aor t?��e av� o#' ����, s�:�.ci Gea°��.��.c�,�� c�P ixidebt�e%ess �3:11: b� �e�t� ��r �ei�.�e� a� �Ft� '�am.:; .Q�' s�3�, T�.� �wl.l��e �o���t�aZ r�,��rve� ' �.�� ��.�;iz�, t�- x�e-► �ect �ay ar�d �..1 o��'�s t�ci a��rd ��ii� G��fi,3-=�oaf,�s oi �nde'�tec'���� t,o �?o�er ��c?dRr. Bic�� sk:�u�.a b� �,c�����d ��o �he u�derei���:d. '��as �Q�ice a� ��.�e�. b;r �.u��iiy ai a F�esc�l:�tiim ,a�opte� bg t}�e ����e G��at�cal. Q� s�id ViZla�o. . D��d �� �ox�k3.��, ��t�eso��, �h.�:� �-7 al� �f . _ 3.9330 ' . . . . C�' ��' �� " ' �'��:1.�Q� Clerk! ���i�.��� o� f-I��al��xts, ?�iia..t�n��i3t�.� �a be ���ab�.�snec? �i� th�: �l�ras�e�:�n vau�ty Re����, t�e iTil�.s,g�- of��.e��. �ae�sr�.;�s�r, t�3.�e; . and. . �tX1tt�E uf �o��tn� HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA � � ,� / � Adjourned meeting .�rom Jul� 6�h, 1933, of the Village Couneil of the Village of Hopkins, was held on Tuesday evening Ju1� 18th, 1933, at 7:30 Prd1 in the Cou.ncil Room. D4embers present : G.l�=d.�2oore, President; Tru�etees,I!�Iadden,Japs and Gaertner. �ecorder Anderson. The follo�ving pere�ons were g�ra,nted aid: John Pass , flour. Victor Borgman,flour Geo.Benson,groceries. RZotion duly made b� Japs, seconded by Gaer�;ner, that the road filling south of the railroad on �=onk �venue , be re.ferrec�. to the Road Corrmlitt- ee, and fro same to report to Village Council, carried. It�Iotion duly rnade by Japs, seconded i�y Gaertner, thdt 1;rie commu.nicatio� from the �'e�erans of Forei�n l��Jars, be placed on File, and all members attend meeting ment iQned that can, carried. 1':�Iotion duly made by Gaertner, seconded by Japs, that application of I,e Vahn Bros., for a plumbing license be denied, carried. I`�otion duly made b�r �rladden, seconded by Gaertner, that d��e grant.� beti= tion of 6lbert Pearson, and th�t we spread assessment and certify same to the Coun�;� guditor, carried. . I�ot ion duly made by Gaertner and seconded by Japs that �esolution, Re: Installation, 'i'oilets, Se�q�er and l�Jater connections, lot 23, Block 7, 4`�Je:�t Minne�.polis be a.d.opted, carried. Cop� of Resolution attaclied here•��ith. Corr�unic�.t ion from I�'T.B.H€�,gen read ar,d ord.ered answered and place� on file. 11�'otion dul�r made by T:'adden, seconded by Gaertner th�=:t 7ustice of Peace report of Zen I,�Tilbert, be placed on .file, carried. T`:otion dul� made by I�f'adden, seconded by Gaertner that we charge �lumbers �3.00 each fo r repairing ot street at i��Jater connection, carried. Tti�otion �uly made by Gaertner, seconded by Anderson, tl�at the following bills be allo�ved, carried; 11413 11414 11415 11416 11417 11418 11419 114 20 11421 114 22 11428 11424 11425. 114 26 11427 11428 11429 11430 11431 2200 22 O 1 220 2 2303 22 04 220 5 5334 �335 15187 Frank Stodola F ra.n k TJunv a r J.Yuchera2 J.Yuchera Geo.Hinkle Frank ��asper FranY �:asper i;rnie Os terberg Erni e OsterUe rg Val Georges John Pass John Pass Jr�.s .Lykke C . 4�l. Sto thard Jas.Plehal Ca rl Olso n Fr.Dittrich Josef �nderle A.Svoboda J.F. VJatschke Frank Stodola John Pass Jas.Cathers J as . Z�rk�e �. i'J.�lmquist I.H.Sko�lund Henry Friehl Henry �riehl 40 hrs. C? '75¢ team,76 >j��rs. 24 hrs . (� 40¢ �- 8 h rs . �� �0¢� e� 15 hrs. � 40;: 1 8 hrs . � 40� 8 Y�rs. �y 40�i 8 h rs . �� 40 y� 8 h rs . �: 40 ¢� 19 h rs . C� 40 y� 8 h i°s. � 40¢� plus 65¢ due 8 hr s. C� 40¢ 15 hrs. C 40¢ 23 hrs. � 40� 6 da�s 3.00. 23 hrs. � 40� 5 h-rs . � 50¢� Tractor 1 da� Sweeper 11 nrs . G 40¢� 1 14 hrs . ��� 40� Val Georges rent 6-15-33 to J.Thielmen " 4- 1-33 to 22 h rs . C^� 75�i team-20 hrs . 22 'ars . ��� 40� painting of Band Stand 22 hrs. � 40y Posta.ge Li gh t re pa i ri n�� ���dt e r Iti��a in Installing 6" T . Installing Sewer at I,ot 23 • 7-1-33 7-1-33 �' 5 0 ¢� C 50¢� 9 th �v e . ld . 31k.7 � 68.00 9,60 3.20 6.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 7.60 3.85 3.20 6.00 9.20 18.U0 9 .20 2 .50 , .3.00 �4.40 �.: 60 30 , 00, �. 26.50 , 8.80 35.00 B . 80 2.16 2.00 5.80 100.00 . �. . . . .._ __� , . - , . ., _ . .._. , �: _ , _ . . - . . . _ � ._ ," . .. . . ��' -- , � - _ - . T . ". . ,< . . _ -2- - � - - _. . . - � • _ , �. ` Ivloti on ,duly : ma de' by; Japs , sec orided b� 1L�adden , that nece�sar-�r �esolu��;ion �` be- �drawri �.to advertize f or hearing f or appl ication- o.F : s:econd.;-coat o:F� .;:, ;, -:,. Tarvia: to the streets�, s,pecified,�. carried. - �='�,� : �. � �-P�Zot:ion dul�;made and seconded meeting adjourn,. carrie�d'. . ` - . �. ' . - , �, - � Rec,orde:r- �_ _ . . .� - . t-, .:: .: - _ . _ , - . ;� `gT�.i'-LST: � _ . . _ ,. �: -; : : b2AY0p -. - _-� - :{; - � . - - __; _ \� , . � _ �, : � _. _ . ,,._ , . • . . �; - �-�--� - ' . � _ - _ _ . - �, � , _ ;-- - ' . _ - , r�� � : -, _ . � . _ _.. -.. - . _ _ _ . ' �.' '. � � '. • . . _ " - 1:.� . � - - � . : � : -, - _ . � . - '; _ . - _ : . . t- , " - i �::;,, ��=��. -� . ^ �\ �`�' v • SCRIPT ORDER This is to certify ___________ N° 1433 whose signature is ------------------------------------------------ will be entitled to receive merchandise from dealers in the village of Hopkins, Minnesota, to the extent of $______________ Dollars, upon endorsement hereunder by the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Name of Desler � Date � Mdse. Furnished � Amount � Balance This script order will be redeemed by the village of Hopkins, Min- nesota, upon being presented to the village council accompanied by certi$ed bills of the dealer furnishing sa,id merchandise. Dated __ ; VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA BY-------------------------------- President of village council. Attest --------------------- Village Recorder. i� � 2 � 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 lo 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 1s 19 - 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 . 28 29 30 1 31 HOSP \T LAW. MINN. N .J RESOLIITION IN RE: INST9LLATION TOILETS SEP�ER AND @PATE�R CONNECTION, LOT 23, BLOCK ?, �PEST B�INNEAPOLIS. �PHEREAS, Pursuant to an ordinance of,the Village Council of the Village of Hopk'ins adopted September 1Oth, 1917, providing for and re- quiring sewer and�erater connections in all d�elling Yiou'ses'and the in-. stallation of toilets therein on all platted lots abutting upon streets in which have been laid and constructed municipal water and sewer mains, toilet facilities and connections have been inatalled in the�dwelling house situa.te on the following described property, to-wit: Lot T�oenty-three (23), Block Seven (7), 9�eat �dinneapolis, according to the re- � corded plat�thereof on file and of re- cord in the office of the.Register of Deeda; County of Hennepin, State of Dflinnesota, � AND @VHEREAS, The coSts and expense of said installation amounted to the sum of One Hundred (�].00.00) Dollars; ' ' . �1VD �PHEREAS, . i� , as duly appointed and qualifi di of August J. Peaxson, owner of said premises, has made his, en petition to �he Village Council of Hopkins wherein waiver is made of service of all notices provided Por in �said ordinance and requesting that the cast and expense of installing said . toilet facilities as aforesaid be assessed agai�st the said property so benefited,�and that the said asses'ament be,spread over a term of three yeara; and that the aeme�be certified to the County Auditor for collection : aa other assessments and benefits and to become.a lien on said propertg . pursuant to said.;ordiriance. � � NOw, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of Hopkins that the sum of One Hundred ��100.00) Dollara be and the same is hereby assessed as, a benefit agai:nst Lot T�enty-three (23), Block Seven (7), �Vest b4i�neapolis, according to the recorded plat on file in the office of. the Regiater of Deeds, Couiity of Hennepin, State oi l�innesota; that the cost of said installation be paid,out of the general revenue fund of said Village and that the same be assessed against.the property so benefited, p�►able in three equal arinual installments on January 1, 1935, January 1, 1936,. and Januazg 1, 1937,��ith interest at si.x (6) per cent per annum, and that said assessment be certified to the County Auditor for collection as other assessments and benefits and shall become a lien upon said tor.op- erty�until paid es provided by said ordinance; and BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVF�, That the Clerk and Recorder of the. Village of Hopki.ns transmit a duplicate of this resolution to the County Auditor, together with a certified copy of the record of said assessment.. Adopted at an adjouxned meeting of the Village Council�.held' on the 13th dap of July, 1933. � ATTEST: �.E.9IVDERSON, Village Recorder. G.Y�.MOORE, President of Village Counc . � 1' � 2 - � �' 4�1 . � s� ; 6� 7 8 ° 9 � 10 11 12 13 I 14 � . ; 1 �, i I . '16 ; . � 17 � � 18 ! 19 i � � � - � 20 � �- I � . 21 1 I . 22 i 23 � � 24 � 2i 26 27 28 29 30 ��� 3 i JOSEPH A. HOSP � ATTORNEY AT LAW � HOPKINS,_MINN. i 'I . � � 1��� c� �, � . t ���'� . . � � � , �' � ���y � ;,� . � 1�� PETITION. � � �REPiS, The:undersigned is the guardien of the Estate of Auguat J. Pearson, oc�rner of the following described property: � Lot T�enty-three (23), Block Seven (?) West �Ii�neapolis, � � on which a d�elling house is situate; and • �VHEREAS;. prior to the _,�/�l./� . day of ,1933 1V , no toilet f c a ilities had�been installed in aid . s ises, � ' ch �uere d . serve sewer and avater m' � a�.ns in the.street a ted said remises and . bY P � ,� PJHER.FAS , complaint had been ma.de to_ the undersigned of a nuisance status of the said premises by reason of the failure on the part of the owner of said premises to inatall toilet facilities, and thereupon the undersigned proceeded to comp]�r with the ordinance of the Yillage.of , Hopkins adopted September lOth, 1917 requiring sewer and water connections in all develling houses:and the installing of toilets therein and arranged to and did.cause�a toilet to be installed in the dwelling house situated on said premisea at.an expense of One Hundred (�100.00) Dollars, and the undersigned�does herebp petition the Village Council of the Village of � Hopkins to pay the costs and expense of.the insta.11ation of said toilet out of the general revenue fiind and assess the cost and�expense thereof � against the said property benefited by the inatallation of said toilet connectiona, and does hereby.waive a.�y and all notices provided for in said ordinance and requests the adoption of a resolution asaessing the amount thereof in three annual installments.�.nd that said.assessment be certified t o the County Auditor of Sennepin County for�collection as other assess- � j ments and benefits pursuant to said ordinance. Dated July 12, 1933. l - � . � � -C'G"� ��'iy� . � Guardian of the�Estate of . _ . ' ��August •J. Pearson. . � C��,�1/ , � � _ � > - ��� � .. � �� ��'- . ° �1- ;' �,,� •, '�.J �° � �� � 8egular meeting of tY±e �illage Council of the Villag�e of Hopkins, was held in the Council Room on 2'uesday, A�ust lst, 1933, at 7:30 Pr,4. 14�emberg �p resent ; President G. e'V.r��Zo r�e�Trust ees ,J�.ps , Cisertne r,and itiiadden. :� Recorder Anderson. Attorney:._ ` � Id2otion duly made by Japs, seconded b� Gaertner, that he minutes of the l�.st meeting be approved as read, carried. I:�otion du19 made by Anderson, seconded by t--adden, tha1: we advertize for bids for `1'a�via treatment on streets as advertized on Jul�r 27th, 1933, carried. P,�r.Boyc: appeared from Interlachen Park in regard to zoneing� ardinance and spoke for the change. T�Tr. Bo�ce offered lot 8�, and also a three and �e-ha1.S foot strip to the Counc il to made a 58 ioot Road runriing Last 8c G�1est from tvlr.l�emec's place. R�r. Groth spoke against the change. , Nlotion� d�ly made by Ma�e�'i second ed by Gaertner, that the platted area north oi Goodrich the building re strictio n be f ixed at y�5,000 minimum, and tha t soath of Goodrich rest ricti on be �'7500.00 minimum and tY�at th e unplattbd �rea remain the same as �,t present ��4000.00 restriction, carried on the Yollowing vote: Ayes, iv��,dden, G�.ertner,Anderson,rlloore, I�o-Japs. � b2otion Anderson, seconded �a.dden tY�at we adcertize for bids of oiling „ alleys as advei�tized in paper July 27th, 19�3, carried. ��otion duly made by Japs, seconded by j�'�adden that Assessor's bill for ��467.50 be denied and a check for �150.00 be drawm as full �alar�r for yea v� a� per Ordinance. Carried on the following vote; Ayes, Gaertner, tvia.dden �oore and Jap.s. ivo-dnd�rson. ��otion duly r�ade by �.'adden, seconded b�r Gaertner, that Qre adve�tize for �0 (forty) tons of Yocohantas Lgg Coal to be delivered at the Cit� Hall at �opkins,��linn. Carried. ri3otion duly made by i�adden, seconded by Anderson, that we fill road �t �nonk Ave. no�th of the Railroad tracks, subject to tne approyal of the Village Attorne�r, carried. Petition was presented by tv7r.i�oyce of Interlachen Yark, for the change in zoneing. `i�wo petitions were presented by �+�r.�roth oP lnterlachen Yark, against the change in zoneing, these petitions were read and placed on file. �I�oi�ion duly r,-ade by P�iadden, secorrled by Japs, that Justice Foleg's report ae read and placed on P ile, carried. Motion du].y made by gnderson, seconded b� Japs, that the d�ater Ret�ort be read and placed on file , carried. • Communicat ion from I�iis s Ros e Vesele�, was read and placed on Fi le. �% I47otion duly made by Ande��son, seconded by Nadden, that we cancel water assess- ment on Zot 10, Block 73, -Gi '�, Jorgensen �ros. ,and .same be assessed against remainder of lots, carried.l��}�� ,+�-.,ti..� �� . V �� `.� Motion duiy rr�ade by r�2adden, seconded by Gaertner, th�.t the following bills be allowed, carried: 11432 r'rank Stodola 11433 Robt.Gehrke 11434 Rob t . UehrY.e 11435 �.Doge 11436 H.J urisch 11437 V.C.Triden 11438 V.�.Triden 11439 �.L.Nelson 11440 tiJalter holf 11441 �"�alter Rolf 11442 �.Usterberg 11443 E.Osterberg 11444 �'r.Dittrieh 11445 Frank tVunvar 11446 65 hrs . C^: 75� te�.m 10�5i hrs. U 40� 27 3-20 hrs. C� 40�' 4 7-20 . ,f ,r �f �� 8 h rs . c«- 40 ¢ .` 8 hrs. � 40� 20 hrs . �n� 40y.� 15 hrs . '�; 40�i 48 hrs. �' 40�' 7 h rs . Cj 40 � 25 hrs. � 40¢� 33 hrs. ��s 40� 39 hrs. �� 40� 6 days. C 3.00 Sweeper 38 hr s . � 40 � 101.25 10.86 1.94 3.20 3.20 8.00 6.00 19.20 2.80 10.00 13.20 15.60 18.00 15.20 �3ills -2- 11446 g.Svoboda 11447 Jos.Anderle �11448 Frank Ramportl 11449 Thos.Far�. 17.450 �ug.Peterson 11451 I�leDonald Transfer 11452 Void 11453 Kokesh Hdwe.Co.2. 11454 Standard �il Co. 11455 T.C.Sand �C Gravel 11456 Mp1s.Gen.�lec.Co. 11457 The Barrett Co. 11458 Dahlbe rg Bros. Inc. 2206 Standard �il Co. 2207 McDonald Transf er 2208 Jens Clausen 2209 Albin Zinberg 2210 T,Skottegard . 2211 Geo .I��.�4ile s 2212 H op kin s F ire Dep t. 2213 Jacob Schefiler 2214.Frank Sitar 2215 Td.'�l.Be]1 Tele .Co. 2216 Mp1s.Gen..Elec.Co. � 221'7 Peders c� Bros. 2218 Jonn Koss 2219 Accou.nting �ystems Pure Oil Co. Mpls.Sub.Gas Co. J.F.�atschke �.G.Ha�klton I,awrence Schutz Bloomie Jenstad 1�2rs. Theo . ��r�xt ine Henn.Co.�eview Thos .Kosanda Carl Yetersen Chris J ens en Claus Rasmussen John Tauchen 1�ZcDonald '1 ransPe r ll Pioneer �lev.8� Zbr Matt Nelson Max Sorensen B�Ip1s.Gen.Elec. Co. A.P.Sm�th I�ZFg.Co. Herma.n Olson Henn.Co.Review lst Nat.Bk.Hopl:ins Sec. Na t. Bk.Hopkin 16 hrs . � 40¢ 16 hrs. ck 40�i 2� hrs. c� 40� 24 hr s. C� 40 � � 8 hrs. Q 40�1 O.o. Del.Brushes Vo id Supp li es Gaso line Co.Gra.vel Zight 8c �'ower Tarvi a Reapirs 8c Gas Gasoline Co.Del.Flour PR 107 hrs . C 40� 3hrs. �40� Fire 8c Po li ce alarm Gas ol ine PR 2 fire calls, 22 phones Sal. to 8-1-33 �'ire �tew. Police change 10 hrs. City Ha1�,fire & police phones I,i�.ht 8c Pov��er 25 Adilk �3k.PR Supp]:ies �o. Zedger Sheets Gasoline PR City Hall g�.s 5-51-33 to 6-30-33 Rent to 8-1-33 Georges & i�hielman Sal. to 8-1-33 Sal. to 8-1-33 Sal . t o �5�-1-33 J .�iyhre �al . to 8-1-33 Pub.Beer Ordinance Amd. Assessor Salar�r for 1933 342 hrs . 0 40;i 35 3-4 Hrs. Q 40� 342 hrs. � 40 � 30� hrs. � 40�i �o.Freight on 6ti`ater N�.ain .Co.Lumber 12 3-4 hrs. � 40¢ Za�ring 1�`dater f�Rain I,i ght � Power b'`J��ter meters �al. to 801-33 Publications Bond � Int. Sewer s Wat er Bond & Int. Total � 6.40 6.40 9.60 9.60 3,20 .50 4.69 10.02 19.43 20 . 91 47.70 25.53 .77 5,00 42. 80 1.20 25.00 .88� 83 .00 10.00 5.00 9.90 419.56 18.75 8.82 2.35 .60 1.00 13. 00 75.00 75.00 32.50 8.00 3. 60 150.00 "''� 13,80 14.30 13.80 12 . 20 1.70 15.10 6.38 147.75 214.36 37.50 70.00 26.55 958.93 910.52 Motion duly rr�,de and seconded meeting adj ourned until Tuesday Aug. 8th, 1933 ecor er 9ttest : ayo r � Adjournec�. meeting of the Villa�e �ouncil of the Village of Hopkins was held August 8th, 1933 at 7:30 PAZ in the Counc il Room. RAembers present, Trustees Madden, Gaertner and Japs. Recorder 9nderson. gbsent- Dr.G.�J.I��oore. Ta7otion dul� made b� �aertner, seconded by Japs, �i�at Dr.�,iadden be Mayor portem, carried. Petition presented with twenty-three (23) signatures requesting the opening of 5th Ave. from Excels ior �ve. to the County Road North of 5th �v enue . 1l2otion dul�r made 1�� Japs, seconded by �nderson that a comr�ittee be appoin- ted to see propert�r o�d��ners adjoining 5th �ve., as to acquiriin� an addition- al 33 feet to m�.ke 5th gve. a full 66 foot street.,carried. I,etters Prom I�Zr.L.A.Boyce in regards to zoneing ordinance were read and referred to the Village Attorney. 14�otion duly made and seconded for meeting to adjou.rn,carried. �ttest • �'I&YOR m PE ORDER � rdleeting of the Village Council of the Village• of Hopkins was iield on TuesdaV , Au�us t 15th , 19 33 , at 7:30 Pll2 in the C o unc il Room, P;Zembers preseni;; President G.��V.I�.2oore; Trustees Japs, P�zadden and Gaertner. gbsent Recorder anderson. rs?otion dulp made b� �aps, secnded by P���adden that petition fzom o���ners of property for refund of 5�14,000.00 be laid on table, carried. Coal bids from the following �vere received and opened : Pioneer .�levator and Lbr. Co., �11.55 per ton Henness�r Lbr.Co. 11.55 " „ V`�est l:'pls. Fuel R� Ice Co. 11.55 " „ rlo compet it ion on account of Government regu.lat ion. A:Iotion duly rr,ade bv i��'adden, seconded by Japs, that coal bid be given to the Yioneer Elev.& Lbr.Co. , ard the Henness� Lbr. Co. , at �11.55 pe r ton� each to deliver one-half the requirerr_�ents, carried. Bids for strret application'received from the follo��ing: :Barrett Company, N .1069 p�er gallon"Tarvia" Replubic Creosoting Co., ;� .1096 per �allon "Bituvia" -� 1`�ighv�ray Engineering Co ., �p .@607 per gal �l Road Oil .0832 " " Cu�; :Back �lsphalt Pllr.Carpenter of t7ie �arrett �o. spok��� on behalf of "Tarvia" as being ver� essential, as pr�oi has been sho4��n by the condition of our roads v�hich were treated 1°�Ilt�l this product. T�� rLngler of t.,ne ilig�hv�a� En�ineering Spoke of the benefits of his �ro- ducts proven on many State and County roads. I!�r.I���cClellan of tne xepublic Creosoting Co. also spoke in benalf of "Bituvia" a product made at St.Zouis Park. P;Zotion duly made by l.�adden, seconded b� Japs, that a neces�ar� reeolution ' be adopted ordering t:r and oil treatment on the streets and a11eJs re- ferred to in a not ice published Au�ust l Oth , 19�3, thut th e bid of the Republic �reosoting Co. , fo r> .1096 per g�allon ior "Bituvia be accepted and the iecorde-�� insi�ructed to compile a proposal of a n assessment payable in ta�o in��tallments �,.nd ��ive notice of a hea rir_g in accordance witri the lav�, carried. � ll��otion �uly made b� 17aps, seconded by r�:`adden that the follo�aing bills be alloUred , carried : 11459 r'r�nk �todola 11460 O.J.Vollratii 11461 O.J.�ollrath 11462 Carl Peterson 11463 Carl Pet er:�on 11464 V.Borgman 11465 V. Bor�;man 1146G J.Brecka,Sr. 11467 J.�re cka , S r. 11468 Johr� Novo tney 11469 John i�iovotney 11470 �u� . Pet e rs on 11471 ��u��.�'eterson 114'72 F.Jurisch 11473 Ii . Jurisch 11474 �.Doge 11475 �. Doge 11476 John Pass 11477 John Pass 11478 Val Geor�es 11479 �Tal Georges 11480 V.C.Triden �1481 V.C.Triden 11482 John �la� in 11483 John �lavin :w�3: ? 2'eam 96 'r. rs . �� 75q� 104 hrs G 50c` On a c c o un t ,��' 16 hrs . � 40 � !, � �n acc ount �' 24 hrs. +� 40¢ On acc ount 24 hrs. �:° 40� On a c c o un t 32 Lrs . `� 40y; On a c c o unt 48 h rs . � 40;! On Acco unt 51 'nrs , �=: 40� On ac co ur: t 40 h rs . �� 40 � 0n acc ount 51hrs.G40r On a c c ouni: 13 hrs. i7� 40� 16 hrs. C` 40�1 On account On acc ount 13 Y�rs. �` 40� 43 rlrs . ��� 40 ¢ On acc ount �124.00 3.20 3.20 6.00 3.60 7.00 2.60 3.81 8.99 34.20 5.00 12.50 7.90 11.00 5.00 �3 .40 12 .00 2.00 � 3.20 3.20 3 .20 �.20 3 .00 3.20 14 .00 Bills Onn't. 11484 Frank Yasper 11485 Frank hasper � 11486 Geo.Hinkle 114a7 Void 11488 Geo .riinkle 11489 Leonard Schroers 11490 John Klonda 11491 Frank Idunvar 11492 Frank Eri c kson 11493 David �tingstad 11494 J oe �ud i 1 11495 Frank Dittric�} 1I496 d.�rness 11497 Vo id 11498 Carl Olson 11499 C .l°V. Stothard 53�7 Herman Olson 2230 A.G.Hamilton 2231 La�vrence Schutz 2232 Bloomie Jens�ad 2233 P,1rs.Theo.Lxtine 16 hrs . �' 40y' On' a ccount . On ac c ou nt 37 hrs. � 40� 12 hr s . �� 40�1 32 hrs. C� 40�: 21 hrs. � 40� 27 h rs . G 40� 27 hrs. C� 40� 27 hrs. � 40� 1 day �=' 3.00 13 hrs. �r 40�; 16 hrs. 'J 50� Tractor 6� day s�; 3. 00 Sal. to �� Au�.l5tn,1953 Sal. to 8-15-33 �al. to 8-15-83 S� l. t o 8-15 -33 Sal. to 8-�5-23 J.�hre 0�1 motion du7.�r made and seconded meeting was adj ourned. � �ttest : � yor � : �. B.J.Gaertner lerk ro em 3.20 3.20 10.00 4.80 4.80 12.80 8 .40 10.80 10.80 10.80 3,00 G.50 8.00. 18.00 70.00 72 .50 72.50 32.50 8.00 s----_ _ _ _ --, s. Special meeting of the Village �ouncil of the �illage o� Hopkins was_held on Augu..st 18th, 1933 at 7:30 PM in the VilTage Hall. - �:�embers present; President G.ti�J.T�oore; Trustees Japs and Gaertner. Recorder 9nderson . Absent Trustee h7adden . l�o ti on dul� made by Japs , seconded by gnde rson t�at ��ve enga�e an . �'ngineer to give estimate for projects contemplated, carried..� ��otion duTy made by �nderson, seconded by �aertner, that vue hire Albert Graber, as Engineer, at �1.25 per hour, carrie d. I�1eet ing adj ourne d. � ecor er Attes t • �� .,,_;. I�,Za,� or �-_ .r � Regular r�eeting of the V�illage Co�ncil of the Vill�.ge of Hopkins c�as held Tuesda�, September 5th, 1933, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Members present G.u�1.�t7oore,President; Trustees I+Iadden, Gae�tner, and Japs. Recorder Anderson. hiotion duly made b�r Japs, seconded by Uaertr�er that .minu�es of last meetin� be corrected to inc lude bo th E�at er and Sewe r an Zot 10, Block 7�, carried. PZotion duly made by Japs, seconded by Gaertner that minutes be accepted ad �corrected, carried. l�otion duly made by 8nderson, seconded by il.�adden, that we pa� �41.48 � taxes on lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5 Block 103�,rto ac uire title of said lots, ca rrie d . �t- `�.�,� � b�otion duly made by ��oore, seconded by i�adde�►; tnat the gttorne� write a letter to �ln;er Bennett, Hopkirs, disclosing the la��� relati�e to support of, nis Tti-Tother, carried. _ P�Zotion dul� made by r:�adden, seconded by Anderson that a Committee of �1oore, P,�adden Attorney �Iosp, and Andex•son meet with the Pti�iinneapolis- �oline �ompan� to �et a report on water arranger,ents, carried. � � Motion duly made by gndersnn, second�d by ��oore, that the Bnilding Permit from Les�rer Bo�Tce, Interlachen Park, be denied and money be refunded, carried on the following vote: Ayes,r:�ioore,lvladden,�aertner, Anderson. �So-Japs. 14lotion duly made �y �nderson, seconded by Gaertner that request for ` Fire Department be allowed, ca-rried on the following vote: 9yes- rr�oore ,ltiriadden ,Uaertner.,Anders on. No-Japs. �� � ��s�. Communicat ion from�vep rtmerrt of P.rinn. in regard to Albert O.b��aetzold be placed on file. - T�otion duly made by r�adden, seconded by Gaertner that the Recorder writ e the r,�iilwraukee u. R. to �omplete f ill on i�2onl: Ave ., carried. �Zotion du�� made b� �aiadden, seconded by Gaertner that the folloP�ing bills be allowed; 15191 Jacobs Bros. 5348� Herman Olson 5349 Sec.i�at.Bk. 5350 Buffalo �s�eter Co. 5351 Zeo Yriest hiotor Co. 5352 I3enry e'�. �'ri ehl 5353 l�pls . �en.:Ele c. Co . 5354 h'1cDonald �rPs . C o . 11500 John `l'auchen 11501 Howard Jurisch 11502 J ohn �'as s 11503 John �lavin 11504 John Slavin 11505 r'rany xaspar 115U6 val Georges 115C�7 val Georges 11508 V.C.Triden 11509 V.C.Triden 11510 0.� . v"ollrath ��.511 O.J.Vollrath 11512 Ueo .tiinkel 11513 Geo.Hinkel 11514 J .Idovo tney 11515 L.�ster�erg 11516 L.Osterberg 11517 henry Friehl 11518 Zen Schroers 11519 Garl Olson 11520 A.grness 11521 John Frederickson 11522 C . ��J. Stothard ��� Bal on Purdy r�ve .lJater h�ain Sal. to 9-1-33 Compensation lns. Supplies Repairs Supplies Light; �: �'o�ve r Del.aupplies 32 hrs . �: 40¢ 16 h rs. �:� 40¢ 8 hrs. �^� 40� 40¢� for 29 hrs. �n acc't. 71 hrs. � 40�1 45 hrs. �-� 40r� � �n acc ' t . 16 'r� r s. ��� 40 � On acc't. 28 h-rs. �; 40�i Un acc't. 29 hrs. l�; 40� on acc't. 31 hrs. � 40¢ 35 hrs . � 40y: U21 B,CC't. uover for tank 16hrs. �40� 16 hrs. C� 50� Tractor 29 hrs. �t� 50� " 29 hrs C� �0� 2 da�s 3.00 awee�3er 27 .36 70.00 17.32 1.80 2.00 2.36 200.40 6.85 12.80 6.40 3.20 5.00 6.60 28.40 3.60 14.40 2.78 3.62 6.66 4. 54 5 .00 6.60 12.40 12.00 2.00 .80 6.40 8.00 14.50 11.60 6 . 00 � �� 2-page 11523 115 24 11525 1152 6 115 2'7 1152 8 11529 11530- 11531 11532 11533 2235 8234 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 22 43 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 : 22 50 22 51 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 w257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 226 22 65 226 226 226 226 227 - 22 7� 22 7 227 227 22 7 227 227 227 227 2280 228 228 228 22 22 Frank Stodola 43 hrs . C�� 75� team,116 hrs.� 50�i F.Dittrick 5 d�,�s C� 3.00 � �'�� R.Johrison 40 hrs.- �. 40� � o� 1�Rpls.Gen.�lec.Col Zight �C Power r _ Hennepin Co.Revievr Notice bids on coal Sc tarvia Albert Graber -__ 5 3-4 days ��0.,00 . Yellow Trail Garage Supplies � T�eo'Priest I�otor Co. Repairs - � Dahlberg Bros.Inc. Dahlberg Bros.Inc. g.x.Aensler Supplies Sec.I�lational Bk. Compensation Ins. I,awrenc e�chut z Sal . t o 9-1-33 A.G.Fiamilton �al. to 9-1-33 1�Zrs. Bloomie Jenstad Sal. to 9-1-33 I:�rs.Theo.Extine ��rs.l�7yhre's Sal. to 9-1-33 A.t�V.Elmquiest Sal.to Oct.lst, 1933 H.F.1t�7oore S�.lt . �6�- 10-1-33 B.J.Gaertner� Sal. to 10-1-33 Albert Japs Sal. to_ I 0-1-33 F.��i,Nladden Sal. to 10-Z-33 J.a.Hosp Sal. to 10-1-33 A.�.Anderson �al. to 10-1-33 G.VV rd7oore � Sal. to 10-1-33 . J ohn Tauch en 42 hrs . O 40� _ Frank I�a,spar 16 h-rs. C 40� Sec.Nat.�k. Comp.Ins. Howard Jurisch 16 Yirs. �' 40w J.R.Pave k �atteries Jens.Clausen 98 hrs. � 40�.� ��rank 5todola 16 hrs. r 75� team Emil �nderson Groc .PR. Hopkins Furniture Co. Shades city hall g.E.Anderson �tamps • D,Iaetzold Hdwe.Co. �hellac 8c V��ood �lchol St.Paul Bk.& �tat.Co. Books librar� Type�vriter Clearn� Assn.Repairs Po���ers I�?erc.Co. 18 books Zibrary Cha.s.'�'J.�erzan Supplies Farnham Prtg.Co . Supplies St.Paul I3k.& �tat.Co. Books P��rs.Emil Petersen Cleaning librar�r 4 Frank �;del Gas ��ire Dept . It2pls.Gen.Elec.Co. Zight 8c Power 6 Hopkins Fire Dept. 2 calls 22 ph.�nes 7 Mid�vest Fi re dpp.�o. Sup�alies 8 N.V'd.Be11.�3ele.Co. Phones 9 ls t IJat . Ins .A�c y. I� • 0 61.P.Lrickson,Co.Aud. F�v �ots purchesed 1 T.Skottegard Fire�Bc Police a l a r c� s 2=J���.i�datschke Rent Georges 8c Thielman to 9-1-33 3 Claus itasmussen � hrs . C 40� 4 Pioneer Elev.P� Lbr.Co. 4¢ hrs. G 40� 5 C.N.Gatchel gdd.Marchine paper 6 14Ip1s.Sub.Gas Co. uas city ha.11 7 1�iinn.Zeague I�uncip. Dues to Aug.31st,1934 8 Archie Kelly Groc.P.R. 9 lst Nat. Bk. Int. on �'darrant �15189 H • � Supplies F.H.- a�ner 1 Frank �itar 34 hrs. C� 50� polic e a 2 Jacob �cheffler Sal. f•ire �teart.9-1-3� 3 O.J .Vollrath 8 hrs .� 40r cleaning j ail 84 I,ester Boyce Refund on �ldg.pe rmit B5 Hopkins Fire Dept. 2 calls Village Recorder jvas instructed to secure three �lection Jud��re for Sep t .12th , 1933. Trustee Japs offered the follovring Resola'tlVilla xo kins has 4�Ihereas t�ie village Council of the ge of pVe. , and on. placed Traffic Signals on the corner of 9th 8c Egcelsior llth and �%xc�lsi or Av e. , - D ��dHERE�S "NO U Turns" signs have been placed on a number l9[N ,� �-39 , page . ,oP_ crossings on Excelsior Ave._, .�' � AND 4UHERPAS .these Traffic regulations are being dail� violated and rio attempt being made by police.to stop them I�OW THEREFOR be it resolved by the Villagc Council oF the , � Vill`age of � Hopkins that the &Zayor and Police be� ordered to enForee thes�e regulations�ti�ith arrests iP necessary. Tru�tee Japs moved that this Resolution be adopted, seconded b� . `Trustee Gaertner, reject�d on the Following vote: Ayes, Japs and Gaertner. No- �nderson, Pa2adden, Moore. � - The �esolution ofPered by Trustee Japs in rePerence to�music in places oP dancing, and the serving oi' Beer to �linors .was rePerred to the Village gttorney. . h?otion duly made and seconded Por meeting to adjourn, carried.,_ � Attest : :'�����L��. RDER �a� o r : �� _ e i �- bdjourned meetinf o i' the Vill�.ge `�our�ciJ. o.f l�opkins,I:�inn. , v�as held on Tvescla�., aeptember,�9th, 1°33, at 7:30 Pr�,7 in the Council Room. l�iembers present ; G.'�:�.lt�oore , Pr esident; Trustees Japs , T�iadden and Gaertne r, Recorder Anderson, and Attorney Hosp. Attorne� Hosp reported on pa,ving refund, and also on Dance Hall license, reports on file. P��otion duly made by l::oore, seconded by Gaertner that the Treasurer noti.f�r bo th banks to s top pa�rmen t; on check �2281, the o riginal hav ing been los t, c a rr ie d. i,2rs.Benson appeared for aid, same bein� granted. P:iotion duly rnade b�r Gaertner, seconded by l��?adden, t��a,t the folloi��ing bi11s be allowed , carried; 2286 A.G�Flamil�on 2287 La���rence �chutz 2288 �irs. Bl. Jenstad 2289 I��frs, The o lExtin e 22 90 Frank Si t�,r 2291 F.ose Vesely 2292 John G,I�osand�. 2293 Albert O.�t�iaetzold 2294 J.E.Hennessy Co. 5535 Herman Olson 11534 Fr.Di�trich 115 35 F ran 1: l�unv a r 11536 H.Jurisch 11537 �V. Puxa 11538 8'ohn Parkos 11539 C. %V, StOtiiard 11540 �'r�, nk Ka, s pa r 11541 John Novo tny 11542 A. Arne ss 11543 �arl 017o n 11544 ��a1t er 1�olf 11545 Robt.Gehrke 11546 VOID 11547 ��a.tt �eversdorf 11548 1�Tatt Beversdorf 11549 E.Doge 11550 E.Doge T1551 Fra,nk �todola �al. to 9-16-�3 aal. to 9-16-33 Sal. to 9-16-3� Sal . to 9-1�3 f or J.P��hre 16 �?rs. � 20¢ �leci;ion Jud�e rr tr rr n Supplies Pk. & Coal Sal. to 9-16-33 3 da�s r�� 3.00 Sweepe r 11 hrs. �� 40�i 16 hrs . Cy 40�;' 24 hrs. �:� 40¢ 24 hr s. �:: 40� 4 days �, 3.00 Sweepre 16 hrs. �`: 40� 16 hrs . C� 40�.� 11 h rs .�;= 50� Tract or 35 r rs. C; 50� " 48 hr s. ��i7 40 � 32 hrs. � 40� 48 h rs . �'y 40� �n a,cc't. 48 h rs . �� 40� On acc't. 106 hrs . �' 50�;� 8c 25 hrs. n 75y� team �p72. 50 72. 50 32. 50 8.U0 3 .20 6 .80 6.80 6 . £i 0 234.89 70.00 9.00 4.40 6.40 9.60 9.60 12.00 6 .40 6.40 =1.�.50 17.5� 19.20 12.80 6 . 40 12.80 12 . 00 7 .20 '71.75 iJiotion duly r�a,de b� Japs, seconded b�r 1�'adden, th�t t.he Vill�.�e �ttorney � draw up an agreement ���ith I�.1r.Vane'_� ior 1'olice :�iren and ��ire 5iren at �25.00 per month,and that either part�r give a_ notice of sixty days before any change can be made, carried. �Zotion duly made by I�iadden, secor�ded by �nderson, tha,t Vre insl;ruct tne - General Llec.Co. to move pole in alley betv�een lOth �C llth �ve. south of Excels ior �ve ., close to Paul Spearin� res ider�ce , carrie d. Iv��� ion duly made by Japs, secor�ded by r:f�.dden that �he Road �verseer sta.rt wor� on 9tn nve.No. at once, carried. P�Iotion dul� made by Japs, seconded b� Gaertner, that e�Ter�r plumber that hasn't �id his street repair bill be denied a per mit until same is paid, carrie d. ��o ti on du ly made b�� Ande reon , se con ded by Gae rtn e r tha t�re cal l a Taypaye rs only meeting for the p�rpose of discussing and determining the .Taxpa�ers attitude towards the Public �`�orks pivgram, said meeting to be held TYlonday. nig;ht, �ept.25th, 1933, at 8 o'clock in the �j'otivri Hall, carrie�9. '� I�Zotion duly made ar�i seconded to adjourn, carried. �_ Recorde r �i;test : ,. �ayo r & me eting was held on Septembe r 25th , 1933, at 7: 30 P11�7 in the �i own Hall the purpose being for Taxpa�rers to express and discuss opinions and projects on T�ade adork �'or the coming winter. ��" P�Zembers �of the Council present; G.v�.Iti�oore, President; Trustees Gaertner, Japs an d�:adden. Reco rtler �nd erson. Tllo ti on dul�r made by �V1. �. Smetana , s ecorided by that Lh e�ounc i 1 make arrangemen ts to �.e�ermine �rha� another line frmim ��ater 'i'enk to �celsior ave., and eliminate de�.d ends in 6��iate:r I!�Tain would cost, carried Trie the various pro jects discussed were to be checked on, �Iot ion d ul�r ma,de by '�`sr. S. Smetana , se c ond .: d by P:1r. McNalley, t7iat th e� Council provide a l�ay of connecting water main dead ends, carried. IS2otion .duly made by ���.S.Smetana, seconded by I:�T-r.Vesely, that another outlet be provided for our �'�ater NIain, carried. �ll�otion duly made by V�I.S.�metarsa, seconded b� I�.F.r.400re,that we investigate �: th e improvemen t of that ��, rt of t he �ewer from tne Gas House to �ept ic Tank, th�,t has settled and meeds repairing, carried. Pt2otion duly rna,de by Hagen, seconded by Geo.Cermak. t��at we put throu�h - 5th Ave. and same be considered in this �roject and t�at it be reported �--+ at same time a,s other projects, carried. ll��otion duly rnade by P:icNalley, seconded b�T �mel Feudner that �hre investi�ate the storm sev��er and report back at next meeting, carried. P.?otion dui�r made by �resely, secor�ded by T�?arkham, that we get �o�ts of various projects and also h�F�st; it will mea.n in days of.labor, carried. P�I��.: Alexander, Count� Commissioner v�ras present at this meeting. IVirs h�rxc�e and M,�.. L�-��-Q� �� �..,.., -�� f,�--��-�Q �Yc/,c..Q--�-�-- �-�-�- �� ,�'+ou'`c,a- Meeting aws adjourned until Octobe-r 4th, 193�. ecorder. � �ttest • la� o r � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY $EVIEW, HOPHINS, MINN. STATE OF MIIVNE30TA, � �. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN J. L. Nlarkham _______be�,g auiy sworn, deposes ----------------- -------------------- and says that he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publlsher or printer in charge of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and publlshed in the Village of Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, 3tate of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the ��� Notice _gf_ Hearing-A�$e���nen�� _g�_��,���j���_ �-. Street and Alley_Improvements-,Application_of_Tar arid-Oil Treatment-Proje@t No. � ________________________________________ hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each we�ek for__ 1________weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was � inserted, printed and published on Thurs- aay, the_ 21st----�,y of----- Se�tember--------, 19�j�� $����� That during a11 -the times aforesaid, sald newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as reqwred by Sectfons 3 and 4 of Chapter 484, Session Laws.oi M'innesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as deSned in safd sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from the date of the �t publication oi said__________________ Notice of Hearing etc� ------------------------------------------------------------------------ newspaper has been: \ (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued �n the English la,ngua8e, and in colua►n and sheet foran equivalent in space to at least four pages, with flve columns to tha page, each seven- teen and three-quarters incYies long. (2) Issued once each week from e. lrnown office, establlshed in such place for pubHcation and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general ,and local news, oomment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not en- tirely made up of patents, plate m�.tter or advertLsem@nts, or any or either oP them. (4) Circulated in and near its place o! publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to payinB subscribers, and that prior w the aate of the 8rst publication of said _ __ _ __ __ _ _____ _ Notice__of Hearin�_etcs___________ the publisher or printer in charge oP said newspaper havin� knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the oounty auditor of said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavft showing the name and loca- tion of sa�d newspa.per and the e�dstence of conditions constituting its 3 of�Chapter 484a l�e�nne�wl Sa�n�eso�ta 192i and set forth in Bection That the followix�g is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, oP the size and �Cind of type used in the composition, printing and publication o4 said legal advertisement here- unto attached, viz: a cdefgh pqrstuvwgyz �_ � � .l�G,� ��l,W`y ' � ------ -- - =------------------ ----------------- , " � ." - : ` Publisher. Subscribed and swom to beforg-:me this21s�tia9 of—�8�tembe�9__3� --------�- --��y������-------- Notaryrt.Public Hennepin Ca��nty, Minneeota � FECJDN�kt a NOTICE OF HEARING — ASSESS- 1K�'NT$ OF BENEFITS — . STREET � AND ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS — APPLICATION OF TAB� AND OII. TREATMENT — PR,OJECT NO: R, 1838. ' ` = - He it resolved by the Villa�ge Coun- cil, of the Village of Aopkins, that on � the 3rd day of October, 1938, the said Council cvill at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. 11�., convene at its meeting pla,ce in the councii chambers oi the Munic!- pal building, when and where said Council will hear the testimony. oP all I persons and parties interested, or , whose �propertq is affected by the im- i provement known as street improve- ment by application oP tar treatment on the following streets: Second application on the. Pollow- � ing named streets: On 81ath Avenue from Flrst 8treet � to Second Avenue North, On Eighth Avenue from Third 3treet ! North to Minnetonka Mills Road ; ' On Flrst Street North between N�nth � and Tenth Avenues, , ' On Tenth �Avenue North between Railroad tracks F.nd �'irst Avenue i North, - � � On FIfteenth Avenue North from E'gcelsior Avenue � to Seoond Stseet �, Nbrth, On Flrst Avenue North .from inter- f seation with F'lfteenth- Avenue •West ( Ito the alley, First Application on �the following �streets: - Sixth Avenue North from Exce]sior ; Avenue to Flrst $treet North, and oil breatment on the Ppllowing named al- leys• First application oY oil on alleys i from 8ixth Avenue ta Thirteenth I Avenue, north of Excelsior Avenue. Flrst application, oP oil on alleys be- tween Sixth Avenue and T1�elfth� Avenue i5outh of Excelsior Avenue. � which hes been made in said Village, � pursuant to resolutions of said Council � adopted July 18, 1933. And at said time and place, or such other time or times and place as said meeti{ng may be adjourned . to, the Council will ascertain the amount oP speciad benefits received by any and all property within� said Village, by reason of the constr'uction of sa,id im- provement• and will then and there assess each lot, part of lot or parcel oY ground, benefited thereby, rata.bly and in , proportion to the special benefit so confered upon it, but not in excess thereoP. ' Dated September 19th, 1933. G. W. Moore, President of the Villa,ge Council. A. E. Anderson, ATTEBT: — R,ecorder of Vlllage Council. ' , <sent. ai, 1933) � i ,q, L. My cRmmissiori espir�s=---------Y�c"��; ='rw�� (:e,�u�y,NH�,,.. a<u;:�ry ��yiy C��"a Rs.Q4rr.e ���, {, ��4�,• � RESOLUTION ASSF�T _ OF BF,NEFITS,: STREEr. �..:I1�PR�VFd�ITS TAR AfitH-Ol`� TREATM�ITJS 1933 PROJECT NII�BBER 2. �HEREAS, the o�ners of property fronting on the streets mentioned '�.i thia exhibit hereinafter referred to, petitioned the Village Council of the Village `� of Hopktna, for etreet improvem�nt� Yor the year 1933 by the application of tar a�—� ,e�i treatment which petition�d daPe on Pile and on record in the office of the clerk of said Village. � AND V�HEREAS, in pursuance of the eaid petitioas the Council by ita resolution� sdopted Ju�y 18th 1938� deemed it expedient and necesaar,� t�o make euch improvament� and gave effect to said petition� and ordered the work to be�done by contract let to the loweat responsible bidder, as by law required, t� �e�tt•i�e-�expe�ae of satd improvement to be paid from funds to be obtained from issuance and sa]:e of ' orders of certificatee of indebtedneas, of the Village and p�able from ftiinds to be ^ r�38ed from the collection of assesamenta againat the lots, or parcels of ground or `\ property to be:�spe�iall�ben=ef�ited bgr_ said improvement� rstab],y and in proportion �r to the special benefi�--oonferred by eaid improvement and without regard to cash value; � the t tal o�t of se.�l improvement� amounta to the sum of �_ �-�r-e.� Qo�: �L �� Dollara. AND 6PHEREAS, the �illa(�e Recorder has prepared and submi�ted'to the Villege Council a achedule assessment of the lota, parts of lots, or parcela of ground and property benefited by said improvementi �ND �6HEREAS, after due consideration oi said asaeasment schedule oY �benefits and bein _flil. advised �in the remiaes the foLl.oerin resolution was ado ted: � g �Y P. , g P. BE IT RESOL9ID by the 9illage Council of the Village of Hopkins� that the lota, parts of lots and parcels of gronnd or property described and set forth in the aasesament schedule of benefits attached hereto and marked Exhibit A and hereby made a part of this reeolution� are specially benefited by eaid improveme�s;:.for�:.the; -.•,���� year I938 by the application of tar as�-e� treatment; � in the amount of money set opposite the respective descriptions contained.in said �h,ibit and that the asaesament ae set forth therein be p�able in two annual equal installmenta. of IT FITRTH RF�SOLVED tha� the entire c_ o� snd exp�nsa of said improvement in the sum � Z Doltars be,paid in the first instanca from the genersl reven e da of eaid Village or other ft�ads available, which said sum ia hereby appropriated therefor �iud that said appropriation be reimbursed from flxnds to be obtained from the iasue and sale of orders or certificates oY iridebtec3nese.of aaid Village� p�,yable in two an�ausl inatallments, eaeh oi which installments ahAll be repreaented by a seperate order of certificate oY fndebtedness, bearing interest at aig per centum per annum sad pe�►able aa followas one not 3.ater than one �rear ' Yollowing_the iastte thereof; one not later.than two yeara after the�s ce ther�of;. that aaid orders oP certificatea of indebte�eas ahall be dated /�` lggg �` � aad be made pa�yable to bearer, and the Preaident of the Village Council and the �_��ecorder are hereb,� authorf�ed and empowered to negotidte and aell said orders and ' certificatea of indebtedneas for not lees than the par face value and same be issned and record thereof be made pursuant to law. �ND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID, that the 9illaga Recorder forthwith deliver and tranamit a certified c�py of eaid assessment schedule FSrhibit @ to the Count� lu.ditor for collection of said as a �t as reqai.red by law. Dated thie �_day.of._�Q��er, 1933. Atte�t �� Ville.ge_ Recorder President of 9ill�age Counci7. _ _ - Adjourned: r�eeting of the Village �%ouncil oP the Villa�^�e oF �opkins �v�,s �eld on Septmeber 26th,1933 at 7:30 P�� in the Council Room, ll?embers present; G.��.I��oore,�resident; Trustees. Gaertner, Japs and P�adden. Re�corder dl�derson. � I!�otion duly made by Gaertner, seconded b� �aps tnat D.�Ad.Killmer's application for T�"ilY Zicense 'pe �ranted, carried. The Robt.Gehrke n,atter was trunec� over to Dr.P��adden and �.�."nderson, with poti�er to act. � ffiotion duly made by Gaertner, seconded by Anderson that cRe grant application for �ituvia treat?��:ent on lst �t.1�T.. from 14th to 75 t'r� Ave ., from� alley to 16th, carried. , ll4otion dul� ma.de b� �1.�.Andereon to install bells on traPfic signals, and put ErafFic lines on the street, also inforce ordinance, no second. �o this motion. . � G��� - °'�2°.� t� ecor er Attest : -' � r.2a,yor . � � {"f, � i � STATE �HITE BALL �r PRE�.IMINARY STATEIVIENT OF VOTES CASi I N TH E � . � � ? �illa�� of �opk�n� ._. ;: , JUDGES OF ELECTION:-- � You are required to make copy on this blank of the OH'icial Returns as soon as you have finished ' counting the same, and enclose in Envelope marked ����� and deliver to TOWN, VILLAGE OR CITY CLERK. (Sec. 466 Election Laws of State of Minn.) Total number of ballots cast and counted : � fl 3 PROPOSED AMENDMENT Delegates to a convention to pass upon a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 18th amendment of the Constitution of the United Stafes and to pro6ibit the transportation or importation of intoxicating liquors into any state, territory or possession of the United States in violation of the laws thereof. NUMBER IN FICURE9 MARGARET CULKIN BANNING W. W. NAUTH I C. W. BUNN RICHARD T. DALY VICTOR E. CARLSON JAMES F. LYNN � `A. C. WELCH FRED SCHILPLIN EQWIN L. LINDELL MYRTLE HARRIS ,A. C. WEISS FRED A. OSSANNA � �HARRYJ. 0'BRIEN GEORGE W. LAWSON MMRS. SILAS M. BRYAN H� B. HASSENGER LAURENCE C. HODGSON NATE V. KELLER f THOMAS GRAT2EK W. E. ROWE t JACOB ONLSEN ; �OR REPEAL � Q � �E. C. CLEMANS PAUL N. CASSERLY fP. M. GLASOE KATHERINE GILMAN SUSIE W. STAGEBERG PAUL J. THOMPSON (0. J. JOHNSON EDNA B. HOFFMAN jARTHUR M. NELSON LARS OLSON W.G.CALDERWOOD MARYJAQUES BESSIE L. SCOVELL PHILIP MOORE CHARLES J. ANDRE BERT N. WHEELER BELLE C. SWEARINCsEN F. H. PETERSON JAMES WALLACE OLE 0. SAGENG THOMA3 VOLLOM ( " - - - AGAYNST gtEPEAL NUDiBER WRITPEN AT LENGTH � � ' _ _ " .�`+ � I � Z ��.,� N �.,�.�.�� �,� - - � , Attest : ....................... - -�.. v. ................ .....:.......................... . . .......... � .. .... (dudee ot Election Special Election �-Ield September 12, 1933 Regular meetirig o f the Village Council or the Villa�e of Hopkins , was held Tuesda�, October 3rd, 193:�, at 7:30 Phi in the Council Rooms. h�Iembers present: G.6��.P�ioore, president; Trustees, Japs,I�adden and Gaertner, + Recorder �nderson, and At�orney Hesp. I�otion du7�y r.��.de by Gaertner, seconded b�r Japs, that �he minates of the last meetinb be adopted as read, carried. &iotion duly mac3e b� �ladden, seconded by Gaertner, that the F.esoluting for assessment for street imporvements project #2, 1933, be adopted as read, carried.. Copy of s�,id resolut ing in resoluting book. Motion dul� made by Rladden, seconded b�r Anderson, tY�,t Pre bill propert� owners on bo th s ides of 911e�s for the o iling �f same , on a bas is o.f `• � w1.50 per lot, abutting alle�s, carried. Z�"otion du]�y made by Anderson, seconded by �.Iadden, that Justice Foley's repori; be acceptec� and �laced on file, carried. t.fiotion duly� made by �Lnderson, seconded by P�'adden, th�,t A.G.Harnilton's police report be placed on file, carried. Recorder instructed to ansv�er Campbe�l �nd Jasperson's communication in regard to special police for pheasant season. I�iotion duly made by �nderson, seconded b�r I�adden that the tlater report be placed on File, carried. l��irs.H.F.Ie"oore, Eirs.Groth and P.Jargensen were appointed b� the hTayor for a three (3) �ear term on the Zib�ary 73oard. �4:otion daly made by �nderson , secorded by Japs tl�t tY�e appointment be approved, carried. Motion duly made b�r Gaertner, seconded by P�.�adden th�,t communications be placed on f ile , carried. P�rrs.Geo.Benson applied �or aid, sa�e being granted. Recorder instructed to v��rite the Pat�;erson Coznp�,ny to decline �n order on Fiourard Jurisch. T�Totion dul�r made by Gaertne r, seconded b� Japs that the follov�ing bi lls be al lo�rved , carri ed_ : 5356 13erman Olson 5357 Gen.�lec.Co. 5358 IQI�,x � o ren so �7 5359 �.Dodge 5360 A.�rness 5861 4�aterou s Co. 5362 I�Trs. �. �;.Anders on 11552 Joseph Anc�erle 11553 Thos.�'ara. 11554 1VTels ���elson 11555 ��r'�.rren Benson 11556 Fr.Dittrich 11557 C.GJ.atothard 11558 �dolph Sti�roboda 11559 J.Vesely 1156A J�,s.Z�kke 11551 J.Pudgil 11562 Aug.Peterson 11563 John I�lor�ka 11564 J , Cathe rs 11565 Joe Kuchera 11566 Joe Kuchera 11567 t;'aynard Grapes �t�aynard Graper 11568 11569 John Parko s 11570 J o1�n Parkos 11571 Va1.Georges 11572 Ho�°�ard Ju-risch 11573 Howard Jurisch Sal. to 10-1-33 Sept.poti�er Pro j ect Cost . 9 hrs . �' 40 ¢ 9 hr's. C 40� Supplie s `lyping ass't. . 24 hrs, � 40� 24 n.rs . �' 40 � 24 h r s. ��-� 40 � 67 hrs. C� �5� Team 3 da�s � 3.00 3tiveeper 3 days C �.00 Sweeper 16 n rs . ��-: 40� 16 hrs. G� 40� 24 hrs . �' 40¢ 2<< h rs . �"40� 24 hrs. �� 40� 24 hrs. c:� 40¢ 24 hrs . � 40;, 32 hrs . C�� 40�i On acc't. 16 hrs. � 40¢� On acc't. 16 hrs . C? 40� On acc't. 8 1ir s . �' 40 �.� 27 hrs . '�' 40� On acc't. 70.00 206.�0 5 .00 3. 60 3.60 �34.26 2.00 9.60 9,60 9.60 50.25 9.00 9.00 6.40 6. 40 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 6.40 6.40 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 � 3. 20 6 . �- 0 4.40 ^`� Bi11S O�n'�;.(2) �11574 Claus Rasn��ussen 11575 John Brecka 115'7 6 J olln �re cka 11577 V. �`,'1ric�en 11578 .�+'rar:k i�asper 115 7 9 F ranl� I>a s pe r 11580 Ernst Os�erberg 115b1 John I�lovotney �1582 John Novo tne� 24 hrs . c%�. 404�� 24 nrs . �� 20 ;� On a.cc't. 24 ��rs . �`_:: 40y� 48 iirs. � 40�' On acc't. 32 hrs. �'�: 4Ur , 27 :Irs . �� 4� �r On acc't. 11583 Frany: atodola 96 hrs. ��5 50� - 83 �irs. �' 75� �;eam 11584 John Pass 51 hrs . �':� 40�.{ 11585 John Pass on a cc' t, 11586 l�Ipls.Gen.Llec.Co. Li�hi; 8: Yotiver 11587 John ula�in 24 hrs. <<� 40y,� 11588 John �lavin On acc`t. 11589 �.C.aand �C Gravel Co.��.nd � gr�,vel 11590 P.�?.Coyle F'epairs 11591 Dahlberg Bro s. In c. Gas oline 115�J2 J�E.Henr�ess�r 8� �o. Supplies 1159'3 �entury 2'00l €� metal �o. sup�lies 11594 �epublic Cre�ot��.ng Co. �3ituvia 11595 Paulson Bros.Hd�^�e. ,�upplies 11596 T�rs.3, ��.���,d ers on T�rpeir�� �,�s't. 2295 Frank aitar To replace ck.�r2281 lost 2296 l�.G.Haanilton :�al. to 10-1-33 22J'7 Za��rence ��chu�;z 5�1. to 10-1-33 2298 Dloomie �ens�;�.d ;�al. to 10�1-33 2299 It'rs .�l'h eo.Extine Sal.J.T:Iy'rire t o 10-1-33 2300 I���p1s.�en.E].ec. �o. Zi�_l� t;?, Pov�er 2301 �Iopkins �pp�,rel Siiop Sup�lies PR 2302 �lbe _:�t Japs Rece ipt books Pn 2303 I'.?�.�ainert Dru��s pR : 2304 Herinepin County �:evie���r 30 copies brief 2305 �;�p1s.�ub.G�,s Co. City h�,ll �-as 2306 Ifokesh i�dl�ve . Co . au�,��l ie s 230'7 Jaco�b Sciieffler � Sal.fire �te.10-1-33 2308. Hopl�ins Fire Dept. 1 call R� 22 I�iremen phones 2309 Frank Sitar Police chan�e 2310 I+�I-rs .L'mil Petersen Cleanir� libr�,ry 2�11 Frank Ldel Guso lir�e 2312 T.Skottegard Poiice &� Firo aiarm 2313 �i'he �ure �il Co . Gaso line ' 2314 Hopkins Produce �.%o. Groceries P�' 2315 IT.'+'`d.Bell Tele.�o. P'nones 231t6 Jens Clausen 22 hr s. G� 40 � 2317 A.E.Ander�on Postag�e 2318 Jo s. R.Pavek 2 dr� c ell s 2�19 Tnenn County HoMe Board �t.-�ei,er F. 'rioldoslie 2320 atand.0il �o. �asolir�c 2321 �.G�Fi�il�or� Snort on Oct.l°��t p�.ST c��eck 2322 Zativrence ac�7utz " " �' „ " 9.60 6.77 2.83 9.60 9.20 10.00 12 . 80 6.40 4.40 110.25 9.60 10.80 17.97 4:G0 5.�0 174.50 10.25 �.73 4 . 45 3�.20 840.40 .85 2.00 17.00 72 .50 72.50 32. 50 £3.00 417.50 3.73 .85 .40 1B.U0 1.00 3.48 :Lo , o0 60, 50 8 .00 3 .00 .92 12 . 0 0 1.70 � 8.37 1G� . 2 5 16.80 2 .00 .70 '�2.00 ��l.Cl 2 . 50 2.50 �-�ol:ion duly r�de b�T I,Tadden an� a�econded l�y U�.ertner �Ll��� � rr�ei;iri� adjourn, carri e d. , / ��; _.:L..../„ i ✓!1I', ; • •- �ttes�;: I:��ay o z, Special meetin� o� i;he Village �ouncil of the Villa�e of rIopkins �rras held on October 5th, 1933 at 7:30 P�i in the Cour�cil Hoom. r:iembers present ; G.l1.I:Ioore, President ; Trustees P,`adden, Gae �tner; R�corder �lnderson. Absent Tru�tee Japs. This meetin� v��as called for the purpose of �etting a report from the Engineer Shafer on Surface Flater project. Niotion duly made by Gaertr.er, seconded b� T.?ad��en that rre hire J.�J. ShaFer,'�gineer, to made plans and specifications for the folloc�ing pm jects, Storn sev�aer, septic tank, de�p well, opening of 5th �ve., and connecting dead end and tiv�.ter mains. said engineer to be �a,id i;�500.00 .£or the above v�ork, and if retained on an� of said pro jects his price to be 5� of total construction cost, less the �500.00 paid for surve�r, carried. L�otion dul� made by Ar�derson, seconded by f�adden that �ve pa�r the r,IcT:7ahon bill for �rood hauling, carried. ecmr er A t t e s t; ���Z��o'�Z,C.. r�7a �or AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPRIN6, MIIVN. STATE OF MiNNESOTA, � �UNTY OF HENNEPIN � J. L. �2'kl]�Il _______k�eing duly sworn, deposes ----------------- -------------------- and says that he now is and durin� a11 the times hereinafter mentioned ha� been the publisher or printer in charge of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and publlshed in the Village of Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, 3tate of Minnesota, on Thursday oY esch week: That he has lmowledge of the facts and knows personally that the pr�� _ l�solution for_ Meetin�_of_ Council to ------ ------------ _Consider_ Oiling_l�+th gv_enue______________________________ ---------------------------------------- hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each we�ek for__ 1_______week�, and t,hat all of said publications were made in the Englfsh language. That said notice, was � inserted, printed and published on Thurs- aay, txie---�th----�y of-------October---------, is 3�r�� � . $_��a6 --- - --- ---�� ---�• That. during a11 the times aforesaid, sa.id newspaper was qualified as a�edium of official and legal publications as reqwred by 8ections 3 and 4 of Chapter 484, Bession Laws o2 M'irmesota, 1921, and that it has complled with all the . requirements that constitute a legal newapaper es de�Hned in, safd sectians 3 and 4 to-wit: That Por more than one year , . last past lrom Lhe date of the flrst publicatioa oi said__________________ Resolution ------------------------------------------------------------------------ said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued fn the English language, and in oolumn and sheet fonm equivalent in space to at least four pages; with flve columns to tha paBe, each seven- teen and three-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once each week Prom a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and lceal newa, oomment and miscella.ny, not wholly duplicating any other pubHcation, and not en- tirely made up oP patents, plate a�tter or advertisementa, or any or either of them. - (4) Circulated in and near its ple.ce of publication to the extent oP at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subRcribers, and that prior w the aate oi the �rst publication of said � Resolution - ------------------------------------------------ the publLsher or printer in charge of said newspa.per having knowledge of the facts, flled in the office of the oounty auditor of said county of Hennepin, state oP Minnesota, an a�davit showing the name and lcea- tion of sa�d newspaAer and the eadstence of conditions constituting its quali8cations as a legal newapaper as required and set forth in Sectiori 3 of Chapter 484, Sesson Laws Minnesota, 1921. RESOLUTION , FOR MEETING OF COUNCIL TO CON5IDEIi OILING 14TH AVENIIE BE IT RESOLVED by tHe Village Council of Hopkins; in the County oP ' Hennepin, State of Minnesota, that it is necessary and expedient to improve ' the following named street by the ap- plication oP Oil to wit: First application of oil on Fbur- � teenth Avenue North 'from Excelsior Avenue to First Street North. FURTHER RESOLVED. That at the � Council Chambers in the municipal building of said Village on the 17th I dz�y of October, 1933, at 7:30 o'clock P: M., the sa.id Council will meet and hear all persans or �parties interested I Y�or and against sTaid improvement. I And at said time and place will, if � sa.id improvement is decided upon, de- I termine whether the same sh�,ll be � made by_the Village, or by contraet let to the. lowest responsible bidder. And � that notice to all concerned in said matter shall be given by publication hereoP at least once, in the official pa- per. Ds,ted October 4, 1933. �Cr. W. MOORE, ' � President of Village. Council. � Attest: i A. E. ANDER.SON, Clerk. (or Recorder) of Village Council. I J. A. HOSP, i Village Attorney. • _ _ _ YOctober 5. 1933) ' That the following is a printed copy oi the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and �nd of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement here- unto atteshed, viz: abc Imnopqrst���� �A �E.�l/a� . ---- -- ------------------------------ Publisher. --- Subscribed and sworn to bef �lne _ t_day of_October_1s_� ----- - �ian --- t --------------- No Public ennepYL�-[ �i�'U r�..� - - l� �tary Public, I-lennepin County, Minn, My �0�lmiss1o11 exi$�e��„ru-�t�.,-iatr-Er.�:irs;—•riY 29, 1937. a Special n�ectini ot �he Village Council oF t'r�e Villa�e of �.opl�ins was $eld on October 9th, 1933, at �;30 Pr? at the Cit� Hall. 1!�embers present; G.t��i.P�,�oore , President; Trus�ees I��2�,dden, Japs and Gaertner . Reco rder. And ers on . The purpose of tt�is meeting vr�.s for the m_�kin� of a Budget for tne year of 1934.. T���otion d uly made b� I�J`adden, seconded bv �{aertner tl��,t the 13ud�et for 1934 be adop ted as follows : carried on the follotiring vote ; �� Yes- r:�oore, Gaertner,IdTadden and �nderson. No-Japs. io�d and Brid�e ��u.nd 5�7,000.00 Pavin� Bonds 2 , 600.00 i�dat er Bonds 1, 950 .00 Poor F�nd., - 1,,4�0.00 t-. 1 _ - Zibrary Pund 1,500.00 Park Fund 450.00 Fire P'und 2,000.00 Police I:+'und 3,600.00 ��J . OODooe . � �� Total �35 t580.00 � T�'oti on duly made and secondea fo�� meeting t o ad j ourn . Attest : ����✓s� P,Zayo r r ,� _ r, � . � .��_ .��f�i�� '- • • � \ � � Taxpayers P.�Iee�;ing ���as }� eld on October �th, 1�.��3, at 1;he Toti:�r� I�all -. at 8:00 PT�. -. ��.�.embers of the Council presen�L Dr.G.I�V.It�oore,Presidenl;; Trustees . J�.ps,Gaertner �.nd �Tadden. �ecorder �nde�•son and A�torne�l �Iosp. Trustee Japs reported on '�'Jater 1�.�Iain 8: Dead Ends. Recorder Ander� n reported on 5th �ve. � G:l�l.r,Toore reported on :�torm Se�rers. Chief T�Ioore reported on the necessity of an additional �iell and also the establishment of a series of Valves so 'as to re�ulate the flow o� �tr�,ter to the various rTains. T���r.r?cl�alley advised tnat a �vater tirorks eng�ineer be hirec� a.nd �h�,t valves be installed so as to crzuse a detii�ii;e circulation of water th rou�hout all the 'Ji1L� ge , ard .:-_av e tne same water c onc�i�Lions : in all parts of the City. � I�.Zotion du7.y m�a,de by sae �tner, seconded b� I���adden that Council take � -irrnned iate in hiring an Engineer to pre�are plans and spe ciiications on Deep �'�ell, opening of 5th �ve. � and sur.face water drains, and the conneet ing of dead ends and �a:ter mains, and a new septic tan�:, af��r vrhich a special elec �ion shall be ca,lled for the purpose of �_ votin� on these various �rojects.,carried. �/_ _ _ =(.: �� �`� •- . . - 9ttest: d� :Zay o r � Adjourned meeting oF the Village Council of the Vill�,ge of Hopkins v=ras held on October 17th, 1933, at 7:30 P� in the Council Room. Niembers present G.�Y.�400re,President; Trustees Japs,Gaertner and �:'adden. Recorder Anderson. R,Zotion duly r�ade b�r T,"adden, seconded. b�r Gaertner that the Communic�tion from the Trusttes of the Bollemi�.n Presb,yterian Church in regard to �he bill rendered for services oF �'ire Department be laid on table until the next regular meeting� oF November 7th, 1933, carried. 1�io�Lion duly m�.de by Ja�s, seconded b� I�Tadden that if there be no objections to the treating of 14th xve.TvTo. from '�;xcd��or �ive. to ls t gve .�a . v�i th �3i tu.via, that we make arrang�emen ts �o r the appl ica i;ion of same at onc e� carried. leTotion duly rrade b�r �r�derson, seconded b� P:adden that the follo�ring� bills be paid, carried: 11557 J.Ce�er 24 hrs .`_� 40� 11598 �.drness 24 hrs . �-�- 50�i 11599 Frank �todola 11600 11601 11602 11603 11604 11605 11606 1160 7 11608 11609 11610 l�. 611 11612 11613 11614 11615 11616 11617 11618 11619 11620 116�1 11622 11623 11624 11625 11626 1162'7 11628 11629 17.630 116 3I lI6 32 C.�J. S t o thard John Slavin J ohn S lav i n iTal Geo rges � Val Georges Joe Kuchera Joe Kuchera A.Svoboda J . Tauch en C.Hedtke C.Hedtke A.Christenson O.Tschimperle O.Tschimperle F.Kipp 24 B. Benson B.Benson �i. Bachinsky .�. Doge �;. Doge F.Dittrich Carl Olson �+'ilip Hadec 6J. B�nson J.Parkos J.Parkos Ei � G rape r M. Grape r M.McCaule� �Z.Beversdorf hi.Beversdorf R.Gehrke Joe Vesely Tractor 93 hrs. C� 75� team 96 hrs . � 50�1 Supt. 3 days G 3.00 a�v�eper 48 hrs. O 40� On acc't. 30 h rs . C� 40 � On Acc't. 32 hrs. � 40� On �cc't. 8 hrs . ��� 40�1 8 hY• s . � 40 ¢ 24 hrs . �' 40¢ On acc't. 16 hr s . �� 40 Yirs. ��� On acc't . 24 hrs. C 24 hrs . C On acc't. 24 hrs. r 64 hrs. C; On acc't. ��� ��� �•, .� 40 ¢� 40 � 3 da�rs 0 3.00 Sti�eeper 8 ��rs. �' 50� Tractor 24 hrs. C? 40¢ 69 hrs. � 75�' Team 16 hr s. � 40 �i On a.cc't. 24 h-rs. � 40¢ On acc't. 24 hrs. � 40�' 80 hrs . C 40�,r On Acc.'t. 32 hrs . �?, 40� 8 II 1'S . � ��� T�Iotion dul� made and seconded for meetin� to ad�journ. Recorde r At t e s t: ��,�`j�2 e�✓�Zc. l�ta�or �� 9 . 60 12 . 0 0 11'7 . 7 5 9.00 9.20 10.00 6 .40 6. 40 6.48 6. 32 3.20 3.20 4.60 5. 00 6 .40 1.80 14.20 9.60 6.67 2 .93 9.60 7.00 18 . 60 9.00 4.00 9.60 51.75 3.17 3.23 2.00 7.60 9.60 12.00 . 20.00 12.80 3. 20 , �-. _ , _ _ .. _ _ . _, ,., - - _.. _ ; . _ , - ; - �; . - � -- - � ., _ .. - � . . , .. .; � Spe'clal mee ting of the Vi11a�e� �ouric ilT of t he 'V:i11a�e �`of Hopkirs , c;ras" - . he1'd on�.Tuesda�i, October 24th,_ 1933.: . . , _ - � �� � Purpose o�f thi-s r_ieeting:being to audit.:books;:, � �. � - -. � _ . - : �: : : - . .. � �� �- _- - ":L�Iembers present; G.'�J.1�;�Ioore; President.;. Trus:tee.s `l�Tadden�; �Japs;and Ga.ertner, � :�: and ��ecorder Anderson. = - _ - �The _ .fo llo�ring persons appeared for aid :, , � - • - - � �,. . . - �;�` 0.1"iver Tschimperle Pork - .. _ �� � � - - V_.C:Tr�iden Groceries � - - ��� : =11Rrs.Ahlberg I��Tilk Book ` � . . - :ti- __' Upon-_mot ion .d uly made and se corided the me et ing_ �T�as ad j ourned . - _ . -- - ; .. � . � Recorc�e r - , �ttest : `.; ��"fi�- - . .- : � ��+a�or ' - - -. , -- ,, . : ,��_.., - _ � - �.'. .. , . . _ . . _ .i,,;_ � . ..-..�:, ... .�'- . � ` � � _. � ., .. -'"''' � .. " ' ' . _ . _ ' f � . - _ - . , ' .. . ' .J.�- _ _ - :r . , . " ' . . , . : � . , � . . ' , , . � - � . - . " . . ' . . . , . ' � 1 _ .-I. _ . ' . _. . . _. - � - . . � - . '_ ' , - . � � �_� _ . - . � . . .- . . . � - ' . . .. . . - . Sp ec i�.l me e ting of �he Village Counc il o.f t l�� V illa�•e of Ilo.pkins ��ras on Friday October 27t��, 1933 in the �ouncil P.00m at �;30 PP:2. , l.� L��mbers present G.U'1,ivioore,President; Trustees I��ladden, Japs and Gaertner. F.ecorder �nderson. Tilis meeting ��as called by the ��a�or �'or the purpose of r.leetin� witn J.��i.Shafer, L'ngineer �;o hear reports on the propos_td" projects. T,Zr. _,._.__ Shafer discussed the various projects wii,h ��he Council and offered �'rie costs of the p��o j ects as follo�rrs : The opening of 5th :�ve. from Egcelsior �e. to T:�liTls ��ve. ,�rading full �rridth street of 66 feet, ��ritYi a 36 foot road bed, �nd a 4 0 �rade at a cost oF �13 , 706.88 . Storm Sewers Complete 7a'70,543.29 C onne ct i ng of ��'dat e r P��Ia �ns ;; 54�2 . 96 Deep tivell, pump and pump house 4�10,500.00 l i� , Se��er t reatment �lant ��20 , 000 .00 . Cost of all pro je c ts ;�120 ,183.13. I��!oti on duly made by ��de-rson, sec onded by r�:adden to adj ourn and meet FJith �;he Vill�e l�ttorney or� October �lst,1933, to draw up Resolutions for t;he special elec�;ion to be held i�o vo1;e on Bond issue, carried. 1�ttest - T42a�or i� Pec orde r 1 2 3 ,4 ; S 6 .7 8 9 10 11 :12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4. HOSP AT LAW MINN. � �P�IINUTES OF A SPECIAL P�9EETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, COUNTY , OF flENNEPIN, STATE OF �b9INNFSOTA� HET,D OCTOBER 31,. 1933, �t 7:30 P. M. �The.follovaing are"tne minutes of a special meeting of the Village �� Council of Hogkins, PJ,`innesota, Y!eld� at the usual meeting place� the r�lunicipal �IBuilding, on October 31st, 1933,.at the hour of 7:30 P.b7., pursuant to� due call. � The.following menbers�of the Council mere present: Dr. "G. �. 1�400re � Albert Japa A. E. Anderaon B. J. Gaertner Br. F. M. �;adden � � � conatituting a quorum (all) of tYie'Cbuncil. � The nieeting vaas called to, order by Dr. G. w: P�[oore� President of the Council, who presided at the meeting, and �;r. A. Fo Anderson, Recorder, being present, recorder the minutes of the meeting. The following resolution v�as offered by Councilman rlla.dd.en who moved its.adoption: RFSOLVED:.that the following proi.�osed; lawful, public improvements at ia cost not to e�ceed the surn here and after stated for each of said public � im;�rovements, to=vrit: . . � a. Opening and.construction of 5th Avenue North from Excelsior ,Avenue to 14�innetonka t�i1ls:Roed, grading thereof for full � street 66 feet:wide, road�sy, 36 feet �vide, in accordance �ith. the plans and specifications therei'or on �file and of �record . if the office of the Villagd I�ecoru.er of said Village at a costnotto exceed--,----=-------------- �1a,000 b. Starm se�er system, surface �vater.drainage in accordance with the�plans and specifications t,herefor on file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said Village ata costnot to exceed----------.-=-------�71,000 � c. 4later. main, d.ead end. cona�etions �fro�n 6th Avenue to ?th Avenue on 2nd �treet North, and 7th Avenue to Bth�Avenue on 3rd Street North, and from 8th to 12th Avenue on lt7innetonka � IVlills Road in accordance �i.th the plans and s�ecif�.cations .therefor�on.file and`of re�cord in the office of the Village Recorder of sa.id Villa.ge.at a cost•�ot to exceed -.- -----� 5,500 . d. Construction of deep wel\� pump, and pum�house for Village 1"+ater �'�orks S�stem in � accorda�nce v�ith the plfl.ns and specific�tions therefor on file and of record:in the office of the Village . RecordEr of said Village at�-a cost'not to ex.ceed ---�- ---.�$10,500 e. Construction � of se�rage disposal plan,,t in .accorc�ance with the plans and specifications�therefor ori file and of record in the office of the.Vill.age Recor�.er of.saia Village at a costnotto exceed-----=-.-�--.-----------_ �20,000 for which.parpose the.said Village may issue and negotiate�its bonds therefor naturing and payable serially�in.annual installments as ma� be determiried k� the 1Till�.ge Council of said Village, it being coniemplateu-that the said bonds be issued'and negotiated.to the Federal Emer�ency Administr�.tion of Public b':orks at four (4) per ceritum per annum intere.t rate and obtain the benefit of grants. from the Federal Governc+ient not in excesa of thirty(30) per�centum of the cost of labor Find materials emnloyed upon each of said projects; that each of said propositions ahall be submitted to the electors of said Vi11aGe for spprov� � 1. � 2 3 ' ,4 �.. � S 6 _' 8 . 9 � 10 11 � 1.2 I ' '13 I ' 14 II 15 16 17 18 19 20 ' 21 22 .. 23 24 25 26 27� . 28 29 . 30 ' 31 JOSEPH A: HOSP ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS. MINN. lat a special election tc be held..t.herein' ori the 16th d�y of �ove�ber, 1933, b.etvreen the hours of 9 o�cTo�k a. m. and 8 o'c1Qck p. m. of the same day. BE IT FORTHER,RESOLVED: tha�t the £olloyving notice of special election be given as required by. la�v by posting thereof in.three (3) or more public �places in.said Village ten (10) days before said election and b;� also publishinE tvrice (2) in the Hennepin County Revie�, a legal and t�e official newspaper of said,�illage: '. - � � ;S�ECIp.L VILLAGE ELECTION NOTICE. . i:, Notice is hereby giv.en that a speciGl election will �e held.in the Villa.ge of Hopkins, County of ��iennepin, State �of Pe9innesota, a.t the usual voting pla,ce in tlie t,�uriicipal Builcl3ng of said Vill�ge on the 16t!z day oi �November, 1933, � bEt�een the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p.m. o� saicL;day,. at which ' time and place the.resident and.qualified electors thereof will vote for or. agairist each, atiy, and�.or,all of tlle following propositions:pursuant to r.esolutions of the Village Council of said��'ill�ge adopted at a special meeting held:on October 31st,,.1933; ana.on,file. and of record in.the office of the. Village Recorder of said Village,.and�for the issuance and negotiation of bonds of�the said Village the proceeds thereof to be used for t.h.e purpose of defraying .the costs and�expenses of said proj.ects, t�o-wit: � a. Opening_and eonstruction oi 5th Avenue North.from �xeelsior 'i. . Avenue to 149innetonka P��ills Roed, grading thereof for �full street 66 feet wide, roadv�ay 36 feet wide, iq accordance with � the plans and specif�cations thereior on file and of record in , the office of the Village Recorder of said Vil].age at a cost ' � not.to exceed-------,----------------- �14,000 b. Storm sen�er sy stem, surface miater draiiiage in sccorr�ance : vrith. the ,olans and specifications therefor on file �nd of = record in the office of�the Village Recorder of said.Village � at a cost not to exceed - - - - - - .= - - - - - - - - - - �71, 000 � , � � , .. c. �;ater main, dead end connections from 6th Avenue to 7tYi Avenue on 2nd Street I�orthy and 7th Avenue to 8tfi Avenue on - . 3rd Street Pdorth, and from 8tY1 �0 12th Avenue of l�innetonka . i�7ills Road in accordance �ith the plans and specifications therelor on file�and of�record in tne office of the Villa.ge� Recorder of .:said Village at a cost not to exceed '- - --- �;>5,500 . �, . . . d. Coristruction of deep well, piimp, and pump�ouse for Village � VJater 1�r'orks System in accordance,with the plans and specifications. . .� thereior on.file and of record ir. the office of the Village . Recorder of said Village zt a co's:t.not to e�:ce�d ------ �10,500 e. Cons�rtiction of sewage disposal plant in accordance�with the plans and specificat'ions there�or�on file and of record � in the office�of the Village Recorcler of„said:�Village at a costnotto exceed----.--=--------- ---- �20,000. for �hich purpose the.said Village inay,issue and negotiate its bonds thErefor maturing and pt�y�ble serially in annual insta.11ments as may be deternined by the �illage Council of said Vill�ge, it being contemplated that the�said bonds be issued and negotiated to the Fee�eral F•lnergency Administr�.tion of Public YJorks Pt four (4)� per centum per,anr�um i.nte'rest rate and,obtain the benefit of grants from the Federal Goverr.rient not in exeess �f thirty.(30) � per centum of the cost oi labor anci materials employed upon each of such pro- jects. � � . Ry direction of Lhe Vil.lage Counc�l � � '. A. E. Anderson� Village Recorder � � Hopkins, t�innesot°a � it ;, i; �' i' , . �! � � BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED: that the following form of ballot be used at l+�said apecial election: i� 2j; Official Ballot) � 3I, SPECIAL FZECTION ;. VILIl,AGF HF HOPKINS .4 '; HENNF�IN COIINTY, P�INNESOTA � i' NOVEMBER' T6,1933 5 �' 6� � � 7�'a. Shall the bonds of the Village of Hopkins, County of �ennepin, Gt.�.tQ �f 'l�,inn�esota, Ue issued and negotiated to the Federal Emer�ency AdmiAist�atton�, 8!of Public V'�orks for the aggregate sum of �14�000, bearing interest�at four (4) ;�per cent per annum, the proceeds of v�hich to be used to defray the cost and 9��expense of the opening and construction of 5th Avenue North from Etcelsior ��Avenue to t�innetonka t�lills Road; gr2ding tlaereof for full street o6 feet 10'�'wide, roadw�p 36 feet wi�e, in accordance with the plans and specification there I;for on file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said. Village, il�,less the amount of the benefit of grants from the Federal Government not in the ; excess of tilirty ( 30) per centwn of the cost of labor and materials en�ployed 12 �upon sucr� project and pursuant to resolutions .iov: on file and of record in the i;office of the Village Recorder of said Village? i3 �I tC� - - - - - - - - - - - -. . I4 'i � . � , . . • � � � � • I 13 �i ;; . ...... No-------- - ---. . 16 I! ...... 17 � b. Shall the �onds of the Village of f:opkins, Count;y of : ennepin, St�.te of ;�,f�;innesota, be issued and negotiated to the Fecleral F�Snergency Administration 18 ��of Public 4�orks for tize aggregage sur� of �'71,000, bearing interest at t;�e rate lof four (4} per cent per annum, t•he procee�s of �hich to be used to deirby the 19 ��cost anc� expense of the construction of storm se�ver system� surface vaa_ter � iidrainage in accordance v�ith the plans and specifications therefor on file and 20 ' oi record i.z, the office of tize Village Recorder of the �illage of I:opkins, �'leas the smount of the benefit of gr2nts from tne Federal Government not in the 21 I,excess of thirty (30) per centuw of the cost of labor and ma.terials employed upo� ��such project and pursuant to resolutions no�? on file and of record in the office 22 �'of the Village Recorc�er of said Village? I� 23 il ...... I� Yes ---------- . . � 24 ' ...... �I �i � • � � � � • �� No---------- . . 25 I! 26 i ...... t; ,i ;;c. Shall _the bonds of tl-!e Village of f�opkina, County of i3ennepin, State of 27 �iinnesota., be issued and negotiated to t'r,e Federal L�er�,ency Administration ��of Public P�orks for the aggregate sum of �5,500 oearing interest at four (4) 28 i�er cent pe; annum, the �roceeds of v�hich to be used to defray the cost and ;expense of the construction of vsater main, dead end connections fro� uth Avenue 29 'to 7th Avenue bn 2nd Street i;orth a.nd 'Ith to 8th Avenue on 3rd Street North, and ifrom 8th to 12th Avenue on �iinnetonka �ills �oad in accordgnce with the plans 30 I��d specifications therefor on file and of record in the office of the Village 31 j�ecorder of said. Village, less the amount of tl�e benefit of grar_ts from tY�e i�'ederal Goverriment not in the excess of thirty (30) per centum of the cost of ; JOSEPH A. HOSP ATTORNEY qT LAW i;� HOPKINS. MINN. �I ,i II 1 III 2 �I i � 3I 4I 4 sl 6i . 7 8 I 9� I 10 (I 1 11 I 12 I i 13 � 14 �I i 15 I 16 I 17 18 19 20 �I I 21 � i 22 I li 23 24 i 25 26 27 � I 28 29 � 30 31 JOSEPH A. HOSP ( ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS, MINN. ;; labor and materials empl.oyed upon such project and pursuant to the resolutions no� on file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said Village.' ,`�,;` ...... Yes- - - - - - - - - - . . � ...... ...... No------------. . ...... d. Shall the bonds of 'tl:e Village of Hopkins, County of Her�nepin, Sta.te of Nli�n be issued �,nd negotiated to the Fe�eral Emergency Ad.ministration of P�.iUlic.�ork for the aggregate snm of �p10,500 bearing interest at four per cent per annum the proceeds of which to be used to defrey the expense and costs of the constx•i� tion of deep well, pumu, pumphouse for Village F�ater.V`�orks System i� accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file and of record in the office tne Village Recorder of s�id Village, less the amour�t of trle benefit of grants irom the Federal Government not in the excess of thirty (30) per centuri of the cost of labor a.nd materials eMployed upom such project and pursuant to� resolutions now on file in the office of tl.e Village Recorder of said VillageY ...... � i'es------------. . ...... ........ No ------- -----. . ....... e. Shall the bonds of the �illage of Hopkins, County of hennepin, State of blir�n esota, be issued and negotiated to the Federal E�nergency Administration of Public i�.orks for the aggregate sum of �20,OOO.bearing interest at the rate of four (4) per• cent per annum, the proeeeds of which to be used io�de�ray the cost and expense of construction.of sewage disnosal ple.nt in accordance. with the plans and specifications on file and of record in the office of the �illage Recorder of said Village, less the amount of the benefit of grants from the Federal Government not in the excess of thirty (3Q) per centum of the eost::df 3:�.bo'r and::materials employed upon such project a.nd pursuant Lo resolutions noA file and o� reeord in tize office of the Village F�ecorder of said,Village? ...... Yes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . � ...... ...... No--------------- . . ...... To vo�Le for approval of either any of all of �Lhe aforesaid propositior place a cross X in the square opposite tY�e v^ord "yes: To vote aj2inat either any or all of the aforesaid propositions place a cross X in tre square opposite the word"No". The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was duly seconded by Councilman Gaertner and upon being put to a vote prevai�led. Yeas � � Nays 0 Attest: � . . erson, ecor er. G. ��. �loore, President ta, � , i , ' • , -. �. . ' _' �30�� �l;�to 1�33; �, . ,\ . i��;d�,jLY'�C�9�11 , . , tit3 0 , �i'tl.l�.�$Oi.. . � .« � . 'a�QY1Y1. C' O . " ' , . , , , �; . Y���innvapo�:,3� B"9.�p � . , . • ' i�rs�it�to �r ordar o� ��i� Vi1���;e ��u.�c�.]. - . . _ � �Z�ill�.�a o� ��or�3.�� �� �h�ir�r�e�ti�� o:� Qe�q �l�t 1.��3, . I'�h� undar��:g�ed V'S:i�1��o --��QCbT�.QY' d.o he�eo �y ca�"C��9 , t�Q� T v��� ��st��.c��c� �,o �o�i�f� Yov. to aorz^�ct tlae poor . rolioP lov�i'o� �h Q�o�r 1�3� �.Pro� on,� mil�. �,71��oA44 , tt� t��o ���.1� �2E36�.44 ax�� �.��r Y�u �o ��.��� oa� �oe�r.�, , �� la�r� �nr 19�� tbis c�rra�tc�c? atnou�t, " -' � , . , : � � ' �" , � , ,. . . , � � Y4tare � x�.�.8, � ' . , . . , - . � �1'i�].�,�e _ a:ec�o�c�erd • . ' ' y ? � i � I / , . . . , . . � ' .. r � VI , . . ' . . ' ' ' . . . . � ' � , . . ' - ' - ' . - . � . / . � � . . . t ' � ' i . � I r • � ` . ' l 1 � - .• . . ` . . . ' � _.. . . 1 , . . �i� I ' . . . ' . ' . 7 : ' .� ' 1 1 ' ` ' _ i i 1 . ' ' �� � � � SPECIAL VIL?��G� +' ECTION �fOTSCE 1 I�otica z� here'fly �iven tY�at: n s�aeci�l. e�.ection �i?i be held in t�e� 2 Vi11ab� of F�opkins, County of �ennepin, Stato oi itilinnesot�� �:t the u�ual voting place in ths '.unicigal. Building oi the �a.id Vi11a�;e on t'�� 16ih dGy of Alovember� 3 1933, bet�seen ihe houxs of 9 0� clock �.. n. and 8 0� clock . p. m � of 3�S.d dPy ��t w�hi_ch timle �d place tYie .resid�nt �nd aus.�.ified voters ther�of �;ill vote for 4 or a�ainst each' any� and, or all of tl�e folloa�i.n�; ���o�aoai�tions �L�rstz�nt to� re�olutiona of the ViZla�;o �our_cil of aaid Village adopted at a special, ineetiing 5�he1d on 0etober 3I, 1933' end on f'ile and of.rec�rd in the off'ice at ti�e Vi11Rge rRecox°cler of. said Vill�.go� �.nd �or ttie issu�nce. &nci nc�goti�ti.on of �nds of the 6� said Villa�e t�e proc�ed� tlzereoi to be uaed far � ti�e pur�ose _ of d�fray� n� t?�e � costs �nd exp�nsea of s�.c� pra� ects9 to-wit: 7 a. OpEnin� �nd constr�.�eti�n. of 5th Avenue r�orth fror� r�xcelsior 8 �_ Avenue to uint�etonka i�iills Fw�d; �r�.�t�n� tLer�of for full ��rewi . 66 'f�et wide, roads�sy_ 36 fe�t �ide, i� accarda��ce v�r�.t?�� t��e. pla.ns I 9 a�d speciiicat�ons iilerefor on file ar►d of recor�. in the office of tl�e V�.11abe �.ecorder of �aid Villag� a� � cost not tc� exc�ed --�149000 10 � b. Storm se�ver system, surf�ce wat�r drain�ge in r�ccoraance li ' �itn the plans an� specific�at3_ons on file �nd a� r�cord in tho office of t�e Vi11�,�e Recorder oi sa�d t'i1Z��e �.t a cost no� � 12 to excEed -------- - _ _ _ --_ _---.------- �71,000 �3 c. �ater ma.in, deaci end cfli�nections from 6th Avenue �to 7th Averue on 2nd Street I�orth9 �,nd 7th Avern�e .to nth Aven�e on , 14 3rd 5treet North, �nd from 8th io 1?Lh �.ver_ue on air�ne�nLa � ::�ills Fto�.d �n aeeordance �::iin. the pla.nu �nd : ��ci�'ic�t? �n� _� , , 15 � ���brefor on i�1ZP a�!cl. oi record i� the office o�' tF�e�Vill��;e_ r_ �, Recorder of �aid Vil.lage �.t a cost r.ot to er.ceed - -� 5,50Q 16 17 ' 18 19 . �20 21 .�. �� 22 23 24 25 d.. Cons��uctiorr of desp �ve11� pump, and pun�p�ioi�; ��ar Vi11�.�� �':ater �'orks Systera in accoraance �th the p? an� and sg�ecificP �ion.s th�refor on f'�:le and o£ reeord � n tt�� off�_ce� of the Vil���e Record�r of said Village tat � cos� r�ot to e�ceed - - - - - - - - - ���, e. Constructio� of se��a�e dispos�l �lant iti. �ccord�nce F�ith tho � �lpns �nc� s,pecifications ��=���for on file �nd of rec�rd in j�,he ofi'ice of t�!e Vili��.�e Recorder o.f said Vi11a�e �it a cos� not to exceed� _ _ _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ��d, I ` i for �'riich pv:rbose t•he s�.icl Village �� issue and negoti�tE its bonda therefor � 1�matu�ing ana ;�ay�.ble s�ria7.ly in annua.l instal�r�enta �� ��y oe d.et�r.iined by i tlze �ille�e Council of s�id V�ll�ge' it bein.,� contem����,ted t��t �the ssid bor�ds �'be issued and negotiated to the F'Ederal F=�er�ency Ac�inistr�t�.oi� of '•ubl9.c �ork� �at four (4) �er cent �er annur� interest rate and obt€�in the beneiit of �rwnts ! frorri tf>e Federal Govern�neni not in excess of t4iirt;� (30) �er centu.;i of t��e cost f10 � 3.A.bor :.na ��a.t�rials e���lo�ed upon eF1.c.h of �aid proj ec�3. , I 26': 27 28 � 29 30 � 31 ' JOSE HOSP ATTOR AT . LAW HOPKINS. MINN. � By directioai of ,��e Vil�_a�;e Co�.mcil. �J. A. i+o�p, Vi11.ag� �?ttorney i:a��.ina, L�i.nnesat�.a � Ae E. �inderson, Vil? g�e Fecord.es� I�opkina, �.iinnesot� .--- y, '�j�—Minutes of Village ElecNon . , , _ - -- -- -- �' `! ----- -- 1 � . �'�LTL� �. �ODTN � �01:� IYO.� MIIIIIGIOW '._��_' ��_� -__-._-_�.._ ,�� . _�....__'� .. ��-__ _ �� _ _� ___ � ' _ __ .. _' _ ��' �.-.�� �:� MINUTES OF VILLA�E ELECTION Y' � (a) The lines following the letter (a) in this blank are left to write in the [act, that "the electore p;esent at the time and place named for opening the polla elected the Judges and Clerk vioo noce, because the council had neglected to make euch appointment; or "because the petsona so appointed, or one or more af them, neglected or refused to aerve; '(if such was the case.) At the ��......--�pA���g� :.........................�-------.Election of the Village of.._HApk:I.x1S......................................---....---�--_......__.._ in th� County of ....:............�I�rlYl..................---.........-�---.........---.---...............and State of 112innesota, held at.....3I..i17.��....H8��1... ..................................................................................��-�---.......:........----.......--�---.......----......................being the place where it �vas directed to be held by the Village Couricil after giving due notice thereof as provided by law, on the.�����1$-�-h�.�.�.---�.�������•��.�....��.-.��.��..-.--��-��--���- dayof----...1`�.OV.�ID.b.�T ..............................1�1.3....., ....._...---�--------..........................---...---..............-----.......-�-�---�----..............------...................................................--•---��---�-----�-• and ................................................................�-------....._............----��--�-��------.........----.....-�---. .....two qualified voters of said Village, ......................�-�-�----�-�-�-�-�--..... to act as Judges of st:c'� �lection, and one qualified voter of said Village to act as Clerk of such Election, each of �vhom had within twenty days before such time been designated and appointed by the Village Council to a,ct as Judges and C'lerk respectively of such Election (a) .......................�--�---..............................------...---............................._.....................-------� -� ...............�---....,......................._..........---------�--................�._..:...---........................................._...... .-----------......................................................------................_...........................................-----�---------��- who, being present; at the hour of...: 9r�........o'clock...�,...1�I., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath ........................................................................to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Election; and the said Judges and Clerk being du13� qua,lified, forth�vith opened the polls by proclamation, alid the Electiori proceed- ed by ballot �vithout adjournment or intermission until closed. � The subjects voted on at such Election, a,s stated iil the Notice thereof, �vere :....................................................................... � --..:......-�t��--����e.....on....a--���a��.....�s$�e-...:f�ar.....�Y�s��--��o�l�oua��n��---�3.mgr.au.�ments.�.--...-----�--.. ....... .. ..........................a.�.�...ps.�---..�.�m,�l�.....b�,.11o.�..._a.t.tac&ed..............................._...__........-�-�----�-�-��-�---........---------......-----..........------�--.....-----..........,...... .......................��-�----�-----=------............................----.......Th�......�.�.sult.....o..�..._th�. ---.e.le� t i o�... we.re..:. as..._f o llows_..............---...... ..............................g�.......�iPth....AY..R...-------�--Yes.----107.-............ No:...312.-....---��---...:..........---.....................------...............---....--------.....................-----�--��-----...... ..........................�---B •...._St o rm....s ewe_r.:........._..: Ye s 100.- ...�o.....307 .....-�-�-----............:_.........-�----.........-------...................-------.........---��-------.............:.-�----.. .. .......... .....................�---- ... C. Water N1ain. Yes. 144- No 255. .................�- -...------�----.......-----.....--��----............---...........................---._......_...--------�---.................... .-�-�----..................................----....--�---...------....................................-:.-..------.................................... ................�---.........,-D.�.....1J$.ep.....1�e1�1..------��-�--------.....Yea...----.142 -....BTA.....2.64..................-�---.....................-----..............:---�---...............---....:......-�---��-�-------..... ---------------�------.......--�.--�-�Se�s�e--�-�?�.a�.�..�-------��es-.-----1,22 --.. .DT.o.....287.�.......----.................-------.......---..........................------�-�---..................---......---...... At .............e...................o'clock in the afternoon of said� day the polls �vere closed, procla,mation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previo us thereto. The Judges then proceeded to publicly count and canvass the votes, ai�d a true sta,tement thereof was duly proclaimed to the voters by the Cleik, who recorded the same in the Village Minute Book. STATEMENT OF RESULT OF �ANVASS The wing is a true statement of the result of the counting and canvass of votes by ballot at the Annual........................................ .Election of the Village of............_....----��------........----�--.........------.......-----.........---.....-�----��---��-------.....................:-.:-.County af....-"�' ................ ��---......................-------..................... ....---........._a,nd iState of Dlinnesota, held........---�---................................------ �......:...---�-�-�-��-----19...----..... �s proclaimed to the voters by the Gler lection: , _ _ -----=ved ......................_votes for President of Council �d ........................votes for President of C'ouncil 0 was decZ'd��lected President of Council (Continued on wing page) .� _._.__._...._..._.....received ........................votes for Trustee, term of............ye s ............_ ...............received........................votes for Trustee, term of......... ears _ ...........................received........................votes for Trustee, term o .._.....years .............................received_.......................votes for Trustee, te of............years .............................received........................votes for Trustee, m of....._.....years .__ ......received ........................votes for Trus , term of............years .........................................was declared elected T stee, term of............years .........................................1vas declared electe rustee, term of............years ........................................was declared ele ed Trustee, term of..........._years eeived............_....votes for Treasurer eeived ..................votes for Treasurer was declared elected Treasurer � ............................received..................votes for Village C'lerk ..........................................received..................votes for Village G°lerk .....................................................was declared elected Vi111ge Clerk - - --- -- - - -��- --�--.......... ...........................................�---...-�----.........-�----..received................._votes for Assessor -----.__........-�----�---� ................_.......................received-�-�----�--.......votes for Assessor ........................................................................._.....was declared elected Assessor �........._ ...............�-�--�----.........---........................._.............received.---------------..votes for Justice of the Peace .................��--�--...............--------............----..........................received..................votes for Justice of the Peace _ .............�--........----�----..............-----------��--- .........--.........received..................votes for Justice of the Peace .....:...-�--� ...................._..---...........---�--...----.......------...........received..................votes for Justice of the Peace .........:............................................................................�.............was declared elected Justice of the Peace ....................................................................................................was declared elected Justice of the Peace ........... .....................................................................�-----��-�---...._.............------........... ---�-----........................._.....�--�---..........-�---.......received......-�----......votes for Constable - �--� ...............�--.......................................---......-�------...............-�-�-----....--��---................................_......---.................................----.......received............--�--.votes for Constable .......................�-----�----��-�----��------�--�-�--..........................----.......................--------.....................................................--�---.........----�-�--........received............----..votes for Constable ..........................�--��-�-�---.............-�------��----................-�-------......------��-�-�---......--��-------�-��--------......----........-�---.........................................received..----............votes for Constable ------------�------------------------�--��----�--�---�-----.............-----.....-�----.........-----......---.................---��-�---�-----............._..-�-----........._......----�-��-----..........---was declared elected Constable � ° _nrac derlarPrl PlPr+nri (lnnc+ahlr � .......................................:..........•--........................-••••......_........ ..........---..........._............-••. ..........................-•••-..................._......\ ...._....-••••••.:.........................................--••-�-•-------------........ ...........�2�...��._...........ballots were cast for..--�----Y�.�...--� ..............................�-�--�-----...-�--�-�---....-•-----....---•------•.......----...................------------....-•------------......------ ...........1423�........ballots were cast for........�Ia ...............��-�-----......................_..---...................._...._..M.__......_......._................----................--�-�------�-- m Attest : Judges ......................................-� -- ----...._---..._ ......................_..................._---...---•-�� of Election .............................Clerk of Election ...........---........................ � 0 ----- =�-_-�'- - -- . _--- --- - ------- -� �- � ecial ' � Electl �- p on VILL,AGE OF �HOPI�INS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 16,1933 (OFFICIAL BALL- OT) A. Shall the bonds of the Village of Aopkins, County of Hennepin, State oP Minnesota, be issued and negotiated to the Federal Emergency Ad- ministration of Public Works for the aggregate sum of $14,000, bearing interest at four (4) per cent per. annum, the proceeds of which to be used to defray the cost and. expense of the opening and CONSTRUCTION OF 5th AVENUE NORTH FROM EXCELSIOR AVENUE TO MINNETONKA MILLS ROAD; grading thereof for full street 66 feet wide, roadway 36 feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said Village, less. the amount of the benefit of grants from the Federal Government not in the ezcess oP thirty (30) per centum of the cost of labor and materials employed upon such pro- ject and pursuant to resolutions now on file and of record in the office oP the'Village Recorder oP said Village? YES - - - - - - - ' ,❑ NO- - - � �- - - -� B. Shall the bonds of the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, be issued and negotia,ted to th'e Federal Emergency Ad- ministration of Public Works for the aggregate sum of $71,000, bearing in- st at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum, the proceeds of which to sed to defray the cost and ezpense of the construction of STORM SEW- ER SYSTEM, surface water drainage in accordance with the plans and spe- cifications therefor on file and of record in the office of the Village Record- er of �the Village of Hopkins, less the amount oP the benefit of grant� from the Federal Government not in the excess of thirty (30) per centum of the cost of labor and materials employed upon such project and pursuant to resolutions now on file and of record in the office of the Village� Recorder of said Village? , YES J — �- - - - - - - � - NO . - � — - - - -� C. Shall the bonds of the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, be issued and negotiated to the Federal Emergency Ad- ministration of Public Works for the aggregate sum .of $5,500 bearing inter- • est at four (4) per cent per annum, the proceeds of which 'tQ be used to de- fray the cost and expense of the construction of WATER MAIN, DEAD END CONNECTIONS from 6th Avenue to�7th Avenue'on 2nd Street North and , 7th to 8th Avenue on 3rd Street North, and from 8th to .12th Avenue on Minn�tonka Mills �i,oad in accordance with the plans and 'specifications therefor on file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said :'1'age, less the amount of the benefit of grants from• the Federal Govern- t not in the excess of thirty (30) per centum� of the �ost of labor and' terials employed upon such project and pursuant to the� resolutions now oon file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said' Village? , � o YES - - - - — - -. � . , No---------� . � D. Shall the bonds of the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, be issued and negotiated to the Federal Emergency Ad- ministration of Public Works for the aggregate sum of $10,500 bearing in- terest at four per cent per annum, the proceeds af which to be used to de- fray expense and costs of the construction of DEEP WELL, PUMP, PUMP- HOUSE for Village Water Works System in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on Pile and of record in �the office of the Village Re- corder of said Village, less the amount oP� the benefit of grants from the Federal Government not in the egcess of thirty (30) per centum of the cost of labor and materials employed upon such project and pursuant to resolu- tions now on file in the oifice of the Village Recorder of. said Village? ' YES — - - � — - - - ❑ NO - — - - - - , -.� . E. Shall the bonds of the . Village of gIopkins, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, be issued and negotiated.to the Federal Emergency Ad- ministration of Public Works for the aggregate sum of $20,000 bearing inter- est at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum, the proceeds of which to be used to defray the cost and expense of construction of SE�VAGE DISPO- SAL PLANT in accordance with the plans and specifications on file and of record in the office of the Village Recorder of said Village;;,less the amount of the benefit of grants from the Federal Government not in the excess of thirty (30) per centum of the cost of labor and materials employed upon such project and pursuant to resolutions now on file and of record in the office oP the Village Recorder of said Village? ` � YES - - - - - - - - � . � NO - - - - - - - ❑. _ _ To vote 4or approval of either, any or all oP the aforesaid propositions place a cross X in tpe square opposite the word "yes." , To vote against either, any or all of the aforesaid propositfons place a cross X in the square opposite the word "No:' �' A. E. ANDERSON, 'VILLAGE RFr.ORpES, A�ditional minu�es ror 7pecial T��Teetin��� held Oct:31s� ,1�33, T.�Totion d�,y rnade :by ��rd er� n, s ecord ed b� Gaer�ner, that _ �-re� purc��as� -abau.t '� 5G�? �ounds o �' potatoes at =4 .75 �er hundred Lroml �lmer ��].arl�, �f�ho ��a� 11 dor.+ate 100U lbs . of or�ioi�s and also a7_1 ti�e carrots ti�a�L ���e !-�r:�nt to di�, car-ried. �'he follo���ing per:�ons �.p;>>eared anc' �rl@ re p�r�.nted aid; :7.:��.rc'r� �roceriea ' J oe a�aciL " Creo.Ben�on " ��:-�.oti on dul.y n;ade and secor:d�c� meeti_nF�� adj ourn. • Motian duly rr��de by I��aaaen, seeonded b� G�ertner that we increase the le�� from 1 mill �1430.00, to 2 mills ,�2860,0o and the, ��oorder was instructed to notif�- the �ounty :�luditor to that efPect, Tearried. P,ecorrer Att est : TJ1a� or Regular n�eetil��� or tYle Gr`�7.1�Lr=e �ouncil of tne Villa��e oi �Io;�];in,s, �as h�ld iuesda�r nig'r��;, i��v�-rnber 7��:�� ].�JJ.J, a� 7:3U Pl��. in ti�e �ouncil =�oorn. I�,:�embers �reseni;: G.'�,'i.i�,�oore, Preside��t; `i�-rustees I,�adden, G�,er�n���,J�ps: F.ecorder h�,de rson, Attorrie�� li�sp. r:=otion d:zly made b�r �,��adden, secorded by l�nderson ti1�,t trie r�atter o£ guaranteein� �ne rent sor :�]d.[-Jeill be refer��ed �;0 1;ne i'�a��s �.nd I`��eans �orrur;i�;tee, carried. � , i�. 0 u 10Y1 CZU 1_� I?',�,t) @ i:7�T .1rd ers on , s ec or ded �� �,� �+d@T' �ll@I , L?�') �Yl �; �]0 Tt�?�.�TOT � S reauesi�, oti���ng� i�o -i�is ai�serce, �L��,�.i, D-r.i:�Tadden be �.uthorizec� �;o �.ct �,s Presiderit I'ro '�em, �o si�n �Tilla�•e ��J�,rr�,n�;s issued for t'r�e pa�yTrnent of �bil�ls allo�r�ed st 1;1�i5 u:eetin�;, carried. I;�:otion du�.�r rnade by Gaertr�er, seconded b� �l.�derson t-t-��,t the follo�.,rS_n� E7.e cti on �o�.rd be appoir ted , recorder to not ii.y s�.?r.e , c�.rri ed.: T�:Trs.��leal� �3.�-iosp, Judge I��irs . knr: Borlan d �' :� .J.iopeka Clerl; I:��otion duly m�,de b�� Ar�der�on, seconded b;� T;:'adden t��at the ��illa�e �lttorney comrriunicate �-�ri�Lh �'OL11S Zundquist in re�:ard to siderialY repairs, carried. ' R�Iotion duly r;ade b�r T,:adden, seconded b,y Gaertner ti�at ��e 1�.� tile Hopkins Fire De;�artmer�t rec�uest on t��e taQle, carried . � I�.�otion du7_y rnac?c by P,��adc3en, secol�ded b�r Gaertner 1;}».t the t�;orthern ,�ta�;es Po�^�er Company be g:ant�d pe,r��it i�o erect pole, carried. I���otion dul�r m�_�de b�r,�aps, seconded b�T I4'�ad{',en th�.t ti��e refer i;he Prescott Cor.�nnunication �Lo t�_e Pub1�_c �r:�`elfare comri�i�tee, carried. I��Totion du].y made bT? Anderson, seconded b�T CTaertne� t�t�,t r;e carcel �Lhe Fire call bill to the Deep�laven Junction Bohemian -Presbyt'eri.an Church. carriecl on the fo ll o�r ir� � o te ; 9�e s; And e rson , Gaertn er, I!��ad�+ en and 11`oore � I:� o- Japs . . T:�o�Lion du1J r:ade b� �li�der-�on, secor;ded. tia� T��`adden �;Llt tlie ��a.�er report be placed on file, carried. TyPotion duly m�,de b,y It'adclen, seconded b� GaerLr.ler t]�a�L Pokorney's �lun;ber's license oe subjected i,o requiremerts payir7��� balance and bond, carried. I;�otion dul�r r��ade b� Japs, secor��cled by I�r^adden �L��a�L the +Tilla�=�e c:�lairs not pe loanec? ou�L for antT purpose othea� than for funerals � carried. L7ot ion dul� r�ade l�y I��adden, seconded b� C'xaertr�e :�� th�, t th e folloT.�ing b ills be allov�red; ca-r-ried: 11633 Frank S�;odola 11634 A. Sanderson 11635 �.il.��tothard 11636-I'.�ittrich 11637- i'i-.Benson 11638 t�i_.Benson 11639 Ga -rl Olson 11640-�iuY.Yeterson 11641-.I'red Kimmer 11642 John lauchen 116a3--H.Jurisch 11644 H.Jurisch 116�5 Ed . l�ei 11 116�6 Robt.Gehrke 11647. � . Lehmbecl�er 11648�..0 .I,e��mbec�er 11649 Jas.Cathers 11650 Jas. Cathe rs 11651 P.fi.141atlie r 11652 1�7.I:Iat her 1T653 J.I�ovotney 112 hrs .� 50�1 89 rirs 52 hrs . �y 40�' B d�ras � 3.00 S��reepe r 3 da�Ts „ ,T 7 hrs . �_-' 75� On acc't. 88 hrs. �; 50� Tractor 23 hrs. .�� 40� 24 hrs. �; 40� 16 il TS.. r 40 p 67 'rirs . � 40� On acc' �. 27 hrs , �' 40� 24 h�_�s . � 40y� 2 4 .} ; � . �C:��� 40 � l�ater biJ_1 23 hrs. � 40� Hold io-r I��rater.bill 24 �,.rs . n gp� Hold for lvater 'D111 48 hrs .. �� 40�; n 75� � 122.75 20 . i30 9.00 9.00 1.25 4.00 44.00 9.20 9.60 6 . 40 20 : 05 6.75;:. 10 . 80 : 9.60 4 .60 5.00 4.20 5.00 7.04 2.56 1 ..20 � Bills -2- 11654 C.Velner 11655 C.Velner 11656 V...C.2'riden 11657 V.C.Triden 11658�.- C . Rasruss en 11G59 C.��,smussen 11660_�;-.Osterber�; 11661�. O.J. �Tollrai;r: 11662 O.J.Vollrath 11663 I,.Alber� 11664 T. C. Sand R� Gravel Co . 11665 -Yokesh Hdwe .Co . 11666 Standard Oil Co. 11667 P.Ei.Coyle 11668 nopkins dil Co.. 11665 �--ihe Hennepin Count 3 �tevi_e�� 11670 Dahlberg Bros .Inc ' 11671..�.H.tlersler 11672 The P��pls. Cer .Elec. Co. 1167� �:epublic �reosoting Co. 5367 �-`�'he Henn . !; ounty �:ev ieur 5368 -T�iTpls.Gen.Elec,Co. 2333uDanlbe��� B-ros.Inc. 2334 riopkins Produce Co. 2:�35 �lmer i;.Clark 2336 A.G.Hamil�on 2337--Dan iel � .1�'ole�r 2338-1�<:artin J.Vanel� 2339- Hopkins �'ire Dept. 2340 Jacob �chef�ler 2341 J.F.�atschke Anton A.Olson 234� 2343 Joseph V.Lapic 2344 Chas .4�J.Herzan 2345 ��ranlc ;�todola 2346 Jas .J 1�Zen� 2347 ��:mil gnderson 2348 Red Uv��l Stores �349 Jen s Clausen 2350-Christ Jensen 2351 Min �:. Produ ct s C o. 2352 fvipls. Gen . ��le c .Co . 2353 Pederson B�os. 2354 Blake �linic 2355 Dr. G. i��,I:Toore 2356�-Pioneer �;lev. �o. 2357 1� rank �3i�a r 2358 I�ary UValdron 2359 L.I�.Beardsley 2360 �!rs .�,P,il Peterse n 2361 S1;.Paul f3k.8� St;at; .��o. 2362 P��ipls. atar 2363 T:��ls .Journal 2364 J. B. T��Zil1.�: r 2365 �lnderson Bros. 236G Leo Priest P;Iotor Co. 2367 -IJ-.d�l.Be11.2'elephone Co. 2368 ����pls . �ub. Gas Co . 2369 l�T.�.Steffen 2370 �J. ;,Hennessy � Co. 2371 Nel son's Sh oe St ore 2372 J�hn Tauchen 2373 '� rank K-riz 2374 �i. Sand erson 2375 E.Os terbe rg 2329 A.G,Hamilton 2330 I�a�rrence Schutz 2331 Bloomie Jen st ad 2332 I�:qrs .Theo .:Lxtine 53u4 VOID �5�6 He ='rr�n Ols on 5 66 -Hopkins Gas I'und 20365 N.��I.ITat.l3k.r�7pls. 15194 Hopkins Gas Furld 32 hrs.. 0 40¢ On acc't. 3B hrs. �� �0¢ �n �,cc't. 32 hrs. C?' 40 � On acc't. 16 h rs . l�; �-0 ¢� 4 8 i� rs .!� 40 j:� :deld fo�� T�fov.8c Dec. rent 37 h-r s._ r 40� • �and � �ravel 2 lanl;err_ �•lobes Ga�oline Re�na ir s I��Io to r o i 1 l�otices & supplies Repairs �; �as Iiepa irs Zi�i�t � Po�=rer J3ituvia Supplie s Zi �ht & �o��rer Re :pa i r s Gro ce ri es PR Pot at oe s P?� Const;able fee �ustice fee Fire c� Police alarms 3 ca ].ls � 22 te lephone s Sal. Fire ste��ard to 11-1-33 1?�t.Thielman � Geor�es Oct.�c Groceries PR. Sept . Groce ries PR Groceries P�? 19 h rs . n 7 5� te am Groceries PR Grocerie s PR Groceries PR 14 i�rs . � 40� 6 hrs. � 40�i �uppl ie s Ligh t & Power 1 mi]_k boo� PR Call on TU�.Iioblas Rent io r Robe rts Pp Coal P�: Police chan`�e 222 hrs.. r 50� T::Zagazines for Zibrar� TLxr� re s s on b o ok_s Cleaning oF lib rar� �ooLs fo r li brary 6 mo s u b. fo r 1 ib rary tt n tt ir Repairing ladder �upplies PR Suppli es Telepehones C it y Iia 11 �as Zabor on cabinets 2 cupboards 3 Firemen's_coats � hats 4 hrs. C 40�1 �6 hrs. � 40� 19 hrs. �7 40� 8 ��rs. ��� 40¢� Sa1. to 11-1-33 Sal . t o 11-1.-33 Sal. to Nov.lst,1933 Sal. to It!lyhre J. 11-1-33 VOID Sal. to 11-1-33 Bonds Gas bond �3on d & Int . 6.40 6 .4 0 9.84 2.96 3 .30 9.50 6.40 7.20 12.00 14.80 21. 21 .30 12.13 14. 10 £3.00 6.85 129.48 10.95 16.83 102.80 31 .25 152.19 31.12 12 . 54 51. 00 2. 65 4. 80 37.50 134.50 10.00 26 .00 5.44 2.96 3.08 14.25 6 . 40 3 . �3: 7.19 5.60 2.40 16 .50 423.03 1.00 2 . 00 15.00 ' 3. 50 11.25 61.75 .72 3 .00 30.96 2 . 50 2.50 2.25 4. 05 1.39 10.27 2.00 11.00 28 .90 21.30 1.60 6.40 7.60 3.20 75 .00 75.00 32.50 $ . 00 70.00 1006.14 3270.00 2171.00 � i i i q � t z � ''`' 3. A� � � 7 i � " I �'t' � � � �. ��' - a _ r, -.'t _ V ♦ { ^ �F� . 1 T ' _ ' n .� t � . � - - " ' ` �� � � ' rl' - . Y i -y ' . �i.' C . : _. -a � . •�. .:: __:� . . . y' � - - , . s_ _ . ^ t' _ _ - . - _.r - � - � . . - � _. _ � . - _ - - � _ . . .� � �-_. _ _ . _ .. . -_ . � - . . - � . . _ . . . . . � . . .. . . r �� . r - - t .8111�5 :e3�"— ' .. . . . , - '. . _ - � :- _ � _ , .. �� - � }- �it r. . . - .. - .. . . . . _ � `;7i'��X�„X�j��I�X_��X}�'�S� <. ��X..��. _ - _ � r ._ , _ . . � ,�.. 15195 Securit I�at .Bk. ` . ' � " ':: r Y � Bor�d �8c Int. - �:�:96..'78 " �1539.6 lst . Nat . Bk. . Bor.d & Int. _ �,664:175 � � . , _ � � � �� T 3A 1 ,_ '_ ` -�Upon motion dul� made an'd seconded meeting• was �,dj ourned. .��.�; . S. .. _ - . . .. C - . . . - . . : �'*i' _ . ' 'e{' _ � _ . A� � xEcor�E � - = `s -Y - _�ttest.: �: , - . �a� or - = - � �.{,� ;;r:: -4- . . ; - ' , , - .. ' . - . . _ ' , - �is.` _ f .� � - .. `. . ` . - , . . . , ' _ - _ • _ %K;.� ',:` ' - . � - - - -c u�'; �.: 1 �. : � - � _ _ . - `�iti.= . '�_' - „1' � - . . ' ' � � "s r,. . � � ' �'" '.:4. ' - ' _ ` :'i' _ J,*' � � . . . . . � .:,(:' , ' _�;J� - _ _ . ' �`.S.y"� _\ - 1-� _ . -. ' - �. - � �-� . . . � . ' . � , � 4� , . . . . . ' - . . . - . . . . '-".�' ' . ' . � . . . �;:�_�. � � - . � , ' . "� � �.. - _ '. _ . . . ' . . _ ' _ _ la ' fr _; y� .; . _ , _ _ .: � J;,�;i _ � . . _ . � _- _ , � , Y ' _' , i �� - _ � ^t,}:`" -_ - , , ' . _ ' ' - '.j�. ; � . "' - � � i��.` ' . .. . . � � � ._f'_ . T i7 ' " . - � � ' J . f��, - � � . . . . - ..r ..� . . . . . ... :ti "_ ' � ' . . � ' . , ' _ ..y _ _ .. - . . . � � . . _ ._ ' .. y:K _ « � -. - . " ' . .. � . . . . . � . . . _ . , ' .'.S� � r �� _ ..� _ . - '. :r _ � � ._ -' . - ` . - -� �._ - _ ' . '.` ' . . - . . � �::t :1t' �- _ ._ �� . _.. _. ' _ . __ .�_ - . . . . - � . _... ._ �.._ .. . �.'�._ ,._..._ _ , .. ry . . �� �7 • - - N, PooT RelieP meeting of the �illag�e Council of the Vil]age of Hopki.ns was held on Nouember 9th, 1933 at 7:30 PM in the Council Room. �IembeTs present; G.4�.Moore president; Trustees �aps,�aertner and ��s.dden ReQorder Anderson. � r�?rs.Davis, A�2rs.l�Vhipple and A�Lrs Dit�hrick of the Henr�pin County t�elfare Board were p ��ese nt . The Pollowing persons appeared for aid; 1- Ci�us Rasmussen Groce ries Produce- Japperson milk 2- J.E.Nelson Groceries �lson Jaspe rson milk 3- �'za.nk Romportl " I�apiC 4- �i.E,Reuss Drngs (needs stove�j Produ�e Pederson milk 5- L.Nelson Groce-ries Produce Pedersoa milk 6- Victor Borgman " Produce Pdee�son " 7- �dalter Ro1P Flour �x ?�apie 8- E.Dodge Potatoes �� ;9- g.Betchart G ooeries gelley 10- Joe Kuchera " I�apic Pederson milk 11- Frank KasparPotato es " Zapic Jasperson " 12- b2rs.A.Kenney Denied � 13- Do ug 1€� s l�da it e " 14- A.O.Alberg " Prodace Pederson milk 15- A1Sanderson " Produce Pederson " 16- Ed. 4fei 11 " Herzan Pede rs on " 17- Z.Sohroers " l�ilbert P��otion dul� r.-�ade by ��adden, secorrl ed by Gaertner that a�e adopt the Resolu- tion for Federal sid, oarried. M�tion dal�r made b� l�adden, seccmded by Anderson, a�hat �ve purehase 30 barrel�� oY flour from the King Pdidas Co. 2 ton of 49 and ]. ton of 24�, Qarried. Upon motion d��1� made and seconded meeti ng was ad j ourned. Attest�°:��" y or - � � �/ - - � - --- . . � �' � ' :- _.�;.:;;<: ys,.t� -� ,. a� �� . ��� � - APPLICA�`ION OF COUNTY FOR SfiATE AND FEUERAI, EMERG�NCY RELIEF FUNDS �E # iE # 3E ifr iE # � � Resolution of t rd-ei County "// s oners / C�,� ��----_ " �ommissioner introduced the follo�ring resolution and moved its adoption. V6HEREAS, there are many needy persons in this coun�,� and its political subdivisions who are suffering many hardships resulting from unemployment and other causes, And Va:ir'�EAS� moneys novr available for the relief of the suffering of the needy and distressed, from all public funds, supplemented by private contributions are inadequate to meet such immediute needs, NOLti THEREF'ORE� Be I Resolved by the ard of b�C rs of � �� I Coun , State of Min��esota, convened at l �,- Minnesota this ��a;� of , 1933, that the requirements of the ' nty or relief of destitution for the balrince of the culendar year�in addition to all local funds applic�le to such purpose as sh �r ! j o� attached application blank will be v" , � � I And Be t F�zrther Resolved that the of rs of � County hereby requesi;s the Governor o�.�he State of J ' ,( innesota and t}ze Nlinnesota State Boa d of C ol to make available to �` � � � ' e � y the a�oresa d sum of V � �u" Dollars for � the purpose of furnishing direct reli�f and/or �rork relief to the needy reside��s� of thi� county for 11- �---- � ' f � � ' �" � ' z.n� mo�t,hsL � _ is year, r And Be It Further Resolved that this �e�-�gree�_for itself or any �v�--Y L.w►-�a.� agency which may be desi�nated by it that the funds requested hereunder or any part thereof which may be made available will be distributed and accounted for in conformance vrith such standards and procedures as may be prescri��d for administering direct relief and/or Kork relief, :\ l� ` �+� �" �, / ' And Be It F�axtHer Resolved that this ard agrees to create by formal reaolution at the request of the Minnesota State Board of Control, a���i�Emergency Relief Cbmniit�ee to be responsible for the administrat�on of any state or federal relief funds, the personnel of said committee to. be selected and determined in consultation wit;h the State Board of Control or its duly authorized representative, said committee to have authority to make application monthly to the State Board of Control for such suppiemental relief f'unds as may be needed for the remainder of this calendar year and for any succeeding period for which it may be necessary to make applic�tion for funds, — ��� � ��' ssioner '/` seconded thQ motion to adopt the resolution and upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. Dated this�day of , 1933 � �Auditor- �` �j SIGNED: - -- .s . ,� � APPLICAiION FOR FEDERAZ :�Il2ERGr,PdCY RELIEF FU1VD� VIZLAGE OF HOPSINS AENN.CO. �- Egpenditrues ior Poor t�elie� within the County and �11 Zooal political su8divisions, including cost oP administration, duri.ng each Qalendar month oP 1932 , and the .Pirst s ix months of 1933. JANUgRY F.EBRUg RY MARCH APRIL N!AY JUNE JUZY AUGIIST SEPTEI�.�BER OCT OBE R NOVFdb�BER DEC EP�IBER ��Estimated subdivisions J�TARY F�BRUg � bqARCH APRIL 11"AY JU�E JUI,Y 9UGUST SE�I'EI4�BER OCTOBL+'R rtOVEP�'BER DECEMBER 3-Lst ime,t ed J�NUARY D�BRU9 RY b��RCH APRIZ P �1Y JUidE JUZY AUGUST S�PTE�:IBER OCTOB�R Nov�r�ER DE�� LP.�BER 1+�PF�tDITiTRES FOR POOR REI,IEF. 1932 TOT9L COIINTY TOTAL r^,�cpe nd i t ure s P o r including cost 1933 TOTAL egpenditures 1934 s ubd. TOTAI, LOC9Z PRIVgTE P1gT'Z. FEDERAZ Rea .Cross �1447.94 1804.40 1652.85 605.9�3 728.78 392.30 201.32 274.90 663.56 390 .43 197.46 483.35 -���2 relief v�ithin the county and all 1 ocal political of adm�nistration during the LAST SIX B�ONT�S. �p 540.18 1014.10 1072.58 792.82 735.44 1320.42 583.54 500.93 377.09 481.25 725.54 950.00 ��?�3 � S5 for �lie� vaithin the count� and all Local political inel.cost oP adm. Ddring Each CAI�ND�R MONTH 1934 �1Z00.00 1100 . 00 1100.00 1100.00 900.00 90� .00 900.00 900.00 1000.00 � 1000�00 iioo.00 1100.00 �12200.00 4-�Iumber of Families and Number o P Single or non-�amily pe rsons receiving relieP drui.ng Esoh �alendar �Tonth oP 1932 and the lst Six r�onti�s oP I933 and cost oP such relieP. 1932 JANUgRY FEBRUgRY �ARCH APRIL BdAY �JIINE JUZY AUGUST SL+'PTIIt?BER OCTOBER NOVL+'�:'�BER DECr'��BER NO. OF FAN; ILIES 83 90 88 45 35 15 10 10 35 20 15 33 COST OF REZIEF �1447.94 1804.40 1652.85 60b.43 728.78 392.30 20�.22 274.90 663.b6 390.43. 197.46 483.35 TT? JAP3UARY F�BRUARY � NIARCH APRIZ I�;AY JUNE JU LY 6UGII91.' SEPT Ilt�IBER OCTO�ER NOVEI,rBER DECER�BER JgiNARY FEBRUARY 14�ARC H APR IL ��AY JUIdE JU LY AU�U ST SEFT Pb�BER OCTO�ER NOVEP�aBFR D�(�EMBER 1933 TOTAZ 1934 TOTAI, NUMBER FAR� IL IL' S b0 55 6 �) 66 59 47 20 33 23 42 60 80 125 125 12� 125 100 100 100 100 110 110 125 125 CO ST 0 F REL IEF � 540 .18 1014.10 1072.b8 792.82 735.44 1320.42 b83.54 500.93 377.09 481.25 725.00 950.00 ... �1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 1100.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 1000.00 1000.00 1100.00 _�1100 . 00 b-Out s tand ing o�ligat ions es o f Deaemb er 31st , 1933 1- Bonds outstanding (a) Total bonds outstanding (b) Sinkin g Pund ( c) Net bo nded ind ebtedne as 2- Outstanding warrants 3- 0ertificates of indebtedness 4- Other o utstanding obligations Net Total �82,968.31 8,906.80 74,061.51 2 , 250 .00 �76,311.51 6-�utsta.nding obligations as Ju1y ]�t, 1933 (or nearest possi�ble da.te Jul�r lst, 1933 1- Bonds outstanding (a) Total bonds outstanding ( b) 5 inkin g fund ( a ) Net bonded ir�debtedness 2- Outstanding warrants 3- Certificate9 o f inde ��tedness 4- Other outstanding obligations N�� Total .��71, 909 .67 8,9Q6.80 63 , 002 .87 2 ,250.00 �65,w52.87 7- Date oY last Uond issue Oct.l�>t, 19`�3 Interest re�te 5� . 8- Tag rate ( in mills ) lev3ed 1937., co]botible 1932 : .r' 1. State � Rate 2. Countyj �15 .78 ( a � Gene �,1 Ftind 8.95 � Tax �ate . �`con't.) ( b) Poad 8� Br idge .�fu.nd �C j Poor Pund ( d) Bonds Sc Intere st (e). Others � TotaT Village 4. 78 1.94 2.96 � 5.39 24.02 FINANC IAL C OI�TDIT IOTJ OF COUNTY �� �_orma on should be as oF �Yn.��r_ lst if possible , oth ezwise .for �vhich inFormation is av�,ilable. Be sure'to speciFy date iP otrier t��an as of J�l�r lst � 1933. , � 1. Cash on hand July ls t, . egclusiv e o.f s inking funds ; 1- G.eneral fund �1,,966.00 2- Road 8c Brid�;e Fund 1,376.83 3- Poo r Fund -� . 49 Other _Funds � � 2: Overdrafts, July lst, 19ee 1- Gene ral Fund 2-Road 8c �rid� e Fund- - , 3- Poo r �'und� �p , 2 : 4- Other�-Funds ` 3. Amo.unt levied in 1932, colTectible in 1933: � � 1-General I'und � 14,000.00 � 2- Roa d& Brid ge Fund ,. 6, 000 .00 3- Poor Fund 3 ,100.00 � 4- Bonds 8� Intexest 4,650..00 5- Other r�unds . 7,450.00 4--Amount eollected 1933; ' �etual Colleotions to . Da�e_ 1933 r . 1-General Fund -- � 9,547.66 29; Road 8c Bridge �'und 3,3?8.08 ` 39 Poor F,und $,704.85 4- Borxls & Interest 8.389.53 5- Other_F'unds 4,222.19 Est ima ted addi ti cmal Receipts Dec.37.st,193� �n 3,200.00 2,000,00 800.00 5,000.00 1,�000 . 00 �� � .��, ��� The Poor Relief ineetin� of the Villag�� Counc.il of the Village o.f 3�opkins was he ld Thrusday nigh t Nov .16th, 1933 , at 7:30 P�� in the Council Room. The following members were present : G.V�d.�Ioore,President; Trusteos, Japs ,��adden and Gaertne r, and Recorder Anderson. The Pollowing persons �,ppeared for aid: Julius Thielman Flour and evood Geo. Benson Groeeries - �lheo.I+�tine Potatoes,carrots 8c onions Anna Ro-�e Flour • Geo .xinkle . Groce ries ,coal,milk book � A��.Hartzel,Mrs . Groceries flour Fred Ki�ner Flour ` Chas,Lehmbecker Flour , � Chas. Velner Groceries 8c Plour g.Bettschart � Groceries, pot�.toes Joe Bacik � Groceries,flour,potatoes Howard Jurisch Claus Rasmussen Groceries, flour,potatoes,milk book Joe �uchera Groce ries , co al ,milk bo ok J.Cathers F1our,8c wood � Martin Maydle Flour F.�omportl Groce ries Val Georges Groceries,flour,milk book. `Fred .Eric�son Flour ,' �erman Reuss Groceries,Plour potatoes,carrots onions and milk book Victor Borgman Groceries, flour milk book FrFd Hromsdka coal Walter Rolf Groc e ries flour milk bo ok Zenoard Schroers Groceries milk book Eina.r Iselson Groceries John Paxkos Groceries,flour Herman Ortloff Groceries Douglas VVaits Froceries,flour potatoes E.Osterbe �� , potatoes 8c onion9,c�rrots John Brecka . Flour p�tatoes Jos .Vese ly, Sr. Floar Gus .Zemke �rIDceries ,�ilk bo ok �: Hoge Flour -2- V.C.Triden Grocerie�,milk book J.Shonka Flour,potatoes groceries Sg,O.ghlberg Grocerie s J .E.Nelson � �roc e rie s Albert SSnderso�� Groceries,milk book Frank �yaspar Flour, potatoes,groceries,milk book Ed.tiViell � Groceries�milk book Z.T�l.glb erg Groc e ries,milk book Chas.Knoss Groceries 1��s.Bennett Groceries,Plour, potatoes,milk book . Anton ` Shidla fl ou r, grocerie s Gus. , Zemke Groo e riea , �rank Nitz Groceries �iot i on duly made by Madde n, secon ded . by Geartne r th a t we grant the use o f theVillage Hall to tl� Farm I.abbr Ass'n. on the 2nd PJednesda� night eaeh month, carried. I16otion duly made and seeonded to adjourn. �t test ; . yor ; �� � :�..-:,a�, _- . ,- � � �pecial �eeting of the Vil]age �ouncil o� Hopkins was beld Tuesda�r night November 21st,1933, at 7:30 Plt� in the Council Room. Members p�sent ; Trustees ,��adden ,Japs an� Gaertne r, Re�o rder �nd e rs on. Absent G.���iuqoore,President. hqotion duly made by Gaertner, secor_ded by Anderson that Dr.Madden be :� appointed to act as Prosident� Pro Tem in the �absence of Dr.G.tiU��qoore, � and authorized to sign Village Vdarrants issued for the payment .of bills alloeved at this meetin�, carried. ' Mot ion duly ma�cle b�_ �nders on , sec onded b� Gaertner, that we �ake the necessar,y steps to submit the 5th Ave.project and De�d End Water �,ir� projeet �r� 6th 6ve.to 7th Ave. to the Civil �lorks Board, carried. �otion duly made b� Gaertner seconded by Japs that the iollow in� b ill:� be allowed, carrie:: . 11680 11681 11682 11683 11684 11685 11686 116887 11688 11689 11690 11691 1169 3 116 93 11694 11695 116°6 11675 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 238 6 2387 23 88 2389 5369 5370 Matt MeCauley C .��� Stothard �ton Pa�ek Carl Ols on Frank Stodola Frank Kaspar Fran� Kasp ar Fred Hromadka R.Tesarek R.Tes�,rek E.Doge E.Doge John 1Vovotne� J.Novotney t�darren Bens on b�Jar ren �enson Frank �to do la Villa�e GBn.Fund A. G,�amilton Lawrenee Schutz Adrs .Theo .Ext ine f or Mrs.Bloomie Benstad Frank Stodola Eleah B.Hosp Fr�nk Sitar Anne C.Borland F.J.Topka Calhonn Zdr�r.�erv King Rqidas �flill Co . Frar�k Ka�par A.E.Anderscm : John Novotney He zman Ols on E.Ost erbe r� 9hrs.C�40� �2 de�rs � 3,00-Sweepe r 26 hrs. � 40� 16 hrs. C� 50 � Tractor 63 hrs. � 75� team 51 hrs.. � 40 � On acc't. 24 h rs.. � 40 � On acc't. 23 hrs. � 40�� 50 hrs. �' 40� On acc't. - 29 hrs . C� 40¢ On acc't. 8 hrs l� 75�-tea� On a ec't. 78 hrs . � 50 ¢� To reimb.for Ck.�2320 Sal: to 11=15-33 - Sal , t o " J.R�I�hre Sa 1. t o 11-15-33 Sal. to 11-15-33 25 hrs. .� 50¢ 11 hrs .� 75¢ Elec.Jud�e � L1ec.Po.lice �;o �'lee .Judge � � Elec .Judge �aundr�i . Elour P.R. 21 hrs. C� 40�i St amps 2� hrs . Q 40� aal. to 11-15-33 1.3� hrs. � 40� Upon-motion dul� ma,de and seconded meeting adj�urned. gt'� 8St • ;� P1ta�or ✓ / ' ''r�l�i t���aR��T�:� 3.60 6 . 00 10.40 8.00 47.25 14.40 6.00 9.60 5.36 3.84 14.90 5110 2.86 8.74 2 .00 4.00 39.00 21.01 72:50 72.50 8.00 32.50 20.75 6.90 3.20 6.90 6.90 6.20 171.00 8.40 2,00 °.60 70 . 00 5.30 ' Special meeting oP the V'illage Cour�cil of tne Village oP Hopkins e�as held on Nov embe r 22nd, 1933 at 7: 30 PM . - &3embers preeent; Txustees l�dden, G�.ertner, and Japs. ReQorder gnderson. �bsent G.W,�ioore. This meetin� was called for the rurpose of passing a Resolution � to . acquire a�6 ( sigt�-six) foot right of way at 5th Ave. Hopkins so that work under the Federal Civil 6lorks Commission can be. started, Trustee,Japs moved the adoption of the Resolution and Trustee 14Tadden seconded same therefor the Resolutiori vaas adopted. Upon motion dul� made and seconded meeting was ad�j ournea. ecor e r � Attest: � � resi ent r� - : . , � �St�I,�TI9i�i Or� �iLAGk+ f1aUTxC�i� I�' ii0P8I�$� �I�3S�'1�,�0�A I%J �S OOi'35Ti�iJOTi0i3 0�' FIF'dre� �ii�;i� A'E ������1 smaet9.�a� oF �hv 8�.11��,*e C�u�c�9.� t� t�� 9��i�� Qouna�il o� �he vA]�1�� �P �op��n�, t�ic�r��oo�e, held on the �2e�& aast oS �da�vember, 1933„ a� 7 ag0 p�t���t �. m. �b a�ca��.y o�alivd m0e��ng �er�oP e"b Lha t�� , �ot9�n� �la�oe �n tha �Buna�l Oi�am�:e�e � t�o L�m�oa�� ��a�3din� 04 eciak� V��l��e„ s q�aopu�a a�n� p�esan�� 4�he �a�li,a�5a� roe�IuC4.� �aa�a vi'���d by Coa�raoll�� r�hm c�ve� 9�� adopti�: i�.CSOLV�: �ha� g� �� �xp��9.en� �� �g�n ead vonatr�aot ��d ��ade e����:��o� oP �t,� A�n�e r�orth �r�►.� ��e�e�o� a��� �o a���►��on� r��aa� �:��a �n soaa V�11�x�e �or �u'b!.l9ro u�a �d ta^av�7.a ��� �'horQaa �unA� horre a:eet� x�e a�a�il�i�io �hex�efar �rara �hho F�Bere�3, Cfw�� �o�k�� Cor�:a�:ea�ora �Ix�ou�h '�Y►e �e8�ua g� �he �avo�•n�ng a�ea►oY aF Iic�nne�a�,n Caun�y �r� aa�.d: S���s�. .. , L Zr T>�,`��Ii�� � tSUI:'U ��:: �t �iie V�11�� �P �op�a�.n� avqu3�v an �ran�e�� �n pa�e�v�� #`os i�i��r�a�� p�f•��aQ� a��ee ��d c3.esr of ��8 �..ncuz��ran�as � s �rig �6 �'ea� �:� �ri�3� �1�� ��h �%rr�ua � �x��aQa �na �a�ween �..�+oo�,��t�a� hver,uo ena r,��nnetrmlt� "4130 ��0&8 #'o� tite purpo�e o4 �,� o�►e�it�� �nr'! oone�r�sL�,�i Lh�reoP P�r �ub1�Ca u�Q �►rea t�a►�c�l wit� ��fver and ra�lec�e umf,o s�;id Vil���e i�,s �uaaee�eo� ana e�sa�a :x�cuu:: �ll Aie9lr� �o�r �ny ena all dem��a ��gt�l���� �v �ha 1�n�e ���o��h e�ad �car�a �J���A �he es�d. �a�sa�e�� is l�m��s� �� r�aea� o£ �ho ls3aa$io�/ �r�d���, ooru�tre�g�imn` e��.�ta�nenan� ��� uee o� a p�abl�o hQ�ay oae� end upop eagd ea�ern�a��� e�� �l�zc� a•smc�vm�, af �te�iQ3� ��o� �a ��f� prsmiev� �ea8 �rora �e u�e� in�3de�� �Eiara�o,� w�i� �he rg�t to uee ��8 '. r�� �l� �at�t,� �a�t3 ot,her �attag�a�e �v�n� �i�liS�ta said h��my easea�ont, �ae�8 f,�o ��gi�� ta Q���Cru�� �nc� �aic����,n uptan c�d�oinar�� lemde w a�o� �nov �Qn��$ ee �� me°,� �rom �E�e �a ��a deex� e�oe�sear� ��er� CY,� Snel��li�t�on o� eucph �eaasee do �o� inter�vre �i�.�e bhq uaa� c�S ���� proper�g by 4,he �ae�^ 'E�xr�c9v�• I '�i a^he ma�i� �ar $he aao � n v� tne �a�e�oing r�oolu��cm �q�e duly Qeocmae8 �y QAunm�lm� . ,�.�,.�... �; . m..�,.�,.o. �na �ain� pu� �o. a voE� �rev�iied• � � � �, r/ i`�%� •Y�O ���IIF��Y�����w�s�--•� �"`res�den�" A���e � a ��4��q�����1 ���iil�wl��A�w��/m�r��i� �.�8 0��8� � !3": � ; _, RESOLIITIqN OF PiLLA(� COUNOIL OF xOP$IftS� �dTN1�E30TA IN RB COIVSTRUQTION OF FIF�i �,V.�NU& ��- , '' At a�peo�al mest9.ng of the; ;V�T].age Couno37. of the 99,11��,re Oounc,fl oP the' V9,�.lsge oS Hopk9�na, ��nneeo;t,a, held an the 22na d,q�► oP l�ovembetr� i933�, at 7:3� ''v'o�o�t� �p. m. �.t � aa�,y agii�a maeting thereoP �t the ust�ai , me�t3.ng place ,�.n �:he aouno3l Ohsm�kiere oP the l�ngo.igal Bu�lding oP eueh i��Zl�ge,, a quorum ein preeent, the �oilae►!n6 reeoltat�.on wse o�£ered by °.�ouna9.lriu� who move8 �ts eaopt�on. SOLVED: �at �t 2e exped4ent to apen and oonsta�uot and grade extensicn oP 5th Avenue North �ram F�csls3ar Acenue to Minnetonka 1�di11$ Roe� in said V9.11a�e, tor pabl4c • uee �nd trave�, �nd v�ere�s +Pana� hace �een made e►va�sble theref4r From the..Federe�l Ofv5�..2 �Pork�s Coau�fssion throa�h. the .mediwn oY �he goavrni.ng �ge�oy o£ Hennap9.n Count,y in e�3.d State. • B£ IT FUR�R F{�SOZ,VED: That, tha V�lla�e of Iivpk9.ne ao�uiro e�e , gr�ntee an easement for 2�3.ghv2av purpose� free e�nd cleer of' �11 9.nou�n�rance j a s�rip 66.feet 9.n width along. StP� Avenue ae extende� an� be�reen �xoe�sfO�r Avenua.,and P�inneton�Ca �d�11� Road for the purpose of tihe 6penan� end oonstruot3.on thereoP for publ9.c use ar�d travel �Sih wa�ive� and �release nnto e�3.d Villa�e�. its suc�essor� ana �ae3.gna, £rom ali olsime .�or �.ny��a .sz� as��ee rssultfng to the lanae through ana eioroe� �hioh the eaia easement 9.e looated b,y reaeon of the looat9,on, grading, oor�e�ruction, �a.aintainanoe, . an8 use oP ei publ�o h5�gha�ay over and upota eefd e�sem�nt, and the removal of materisls. from th� ee,3d prem3see end from the usea in�ident thereto, w9.th the rfgh� to use ana remavre all earth ana ot�ier materfals azrim� AitAfn said h3gh�ray ease�nt� and the r:1�t �to conetrust ana cnainta3n upon a�join3ng land�, auoh snaw fercee ea it ri�y from t�.me to� t:lmme deem neoeseary and vrhere the, ine�EeiZ�.tiar►` of �uoh fenaee do no� �nter�ere �rith the use ef eaid proper�Ey by the ak�ns� there o�''. . t�e not9:on for the � o ion of, t,he €ore�oi.ng r�soluticm �rs� duly eecondec] by Councsilman_�� � .. ��_ and beS:ng pu� to e vo�e prevmmilec�. ,e�/ � �<�G.�ls�-�J l�.�,mT�,,, Pree�den��.�___.__.. _ �..._ e.._.., � Atteat: ���1 r�� � s � ��w.���s �..�� Reoord�r, ':� _ . _ Poor Relief ineeting oP the village Counc il of the Village .oP �opkins as held on Thnrad�y November 2�rd, Z933 at 7;30 Pm in - the Counci 1 Room. �lembers present; Trustees. Japs, Madden�and Gaertner. Recorder gndersnn. Absent �.�J.rvioore. - ' The :following persons appeared for aid: ' . <�, ��" Anna Rowe Groceries Jl E. Nelson " Joe I�uohera " Geo ,Benson " Produce Milk Pederson H.Narr " " Anton �hidla, . �r n . Chas.Vellner " +, . Frank Romportl " Lapia r=:" " g.O..Ahlberg tt Produce " " Al . Sanders ari n n , n rr Val Georges_ " Olson `' " " Douglas Wgite - �f BZ(1gm rr n Frank Y,a,gpar " Lapic " J�sperson Jahn Slavin �" Kelly " ". � Frank Ni tz �t Me21g " Pederson Ben Tesarek " " tT tt H.Reuss �" E.Anders n " " Z.Ahlberg � " Schatz � " " Chas. Ynovwv " He rzan Otto Vollrath � " Produce Jnlius Thielman Flour "- Henr3r Vita " Rqatt Blake " �4RZ'B.St@118 i�',OYIC�CQ7 �! . Ejnzr Nelson " --� '� Geo.�egleT " Frank Smajkl " n n Geo.Hinkel " " " Jasperson Potatoes V.Triden " �nions John Parkos TM Victor • Borgman " " �lers.an Potatoe s Ed. V`d@111 n n rr Tt �789 Shonka �� rr tt rr A.3ettsohardt " " Gus Zemke " '.' TM Jaspers an C�AB 1�'88II1Li38eI1 �r rr n Herman Ortloff �� n �T IT Z.Schroers " " " Ped erson Chas.Bennett " " Jasperson t�dalter Ro1P " V�ood � " Pederson Potatoes Rupoert �oper � " IIpon aqotion made and seconded meetin� adj ourned. J��� ecor er Attest; �resident �. �� . ��'_ L� Poor Relief ineeting of the village Council of the Village of Hopkins wras h eld on Dee.lst , 1933, at 7;30 Ph� in the � oi��cil Room. PrZemb ers present Trustees Jasp ,�,�fadden, Gaertne r. Reco�a�e r�nde rs on. Ab�ent, G. ��.�Ioore. Motion dul�r made by Anderson, seconded by �i"adden. that vae grant J.C.Campbell the use oP the Vill�,�e i3a11 for Farm Club meeting and a 4-H Dance on December 16th, 1933, carried. The Pollowing �i�rsons appeared for aid : Art Korbel Nels Nelson Hea�ry Herzan bqartin Idaydle Elmer Borgman Paul St�panek Edwin Be� Raymond ��spar Ray Passon � A1.f.Christenson Peter �VolY Joe Korbecki 9`�m.Schelitzscshe Fred Eriekson GroQeries �roduce �Flour Groceries denied Groeeries .�erze.n Flour Deni ed . Flour Denie d Denied � Groceries Eidaan Milk Yec� erso n n n Flour 8� Pork Den ie d - Denied Den ie d Flour 8� Pork Upon motion dul�.ma.de and seeonded meeting �adjourned. � �= Att83t ; res�den�' � � ����� _.�' _ _<<_� _. — . �. � . � n n � r: . i � I � ., Regular meeting oF the Villa��e Council of the Villa� oP Hopkins �vas held on T�esday December 5th, 1933, at 7:30 �4� i� the Council Room. . �lembers ��resent : G.Vd.Moore,President. Trustees IUIa.dden, <Japs and Gaertner. Recorder Anderson. 14�otion dulp made by Anderson, seconded by �ladden that Zieense Far Beer be .granted to L.F.Anderson� subjeet to Pavorable recommendations from referenoes given, carried. gttorney Hoep made s. vuritten report oP the Yaving refund, which was re ad and placed on Pi le . � Motion duly made by P�adden, seconded b�r �nderson that we ma�e applicat ion to the G.�T.Railway Co. for Permit For the Sewer and GVater mains now in at 112 Ave. Hopkins ,Carried. l�oti on d uly made b;� T-1adden � sec onded by Gaertner that minutes be accepted oP the last meeting, as read, carried. Motion d uly made b� Japs, seconded by 14�adden, th�.t the October 9th 1933 minutes be corrected to read �1480 instead of �I430 in the poor fund , ca rrie d. A�Zotion duly made by _Taps seconded by 1'�e.dden tYlat the 4Vm.Strobeck bill be allo�ved ,subject to approval oP the Reeorder, carried.. I��otion duly made and seconded that 4��ater report be accepted and pla.ced on file as read, carried. Motion dul� made by Japs, seconded by lt�adden that the Following bills be alloweci ; 2390 2391 23 �2 2393 2394 23 95 23 96 2397 2398 2 399 2400 2401 2402 24U3 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 �411 2412 2413 - 2414 2415 Bloomie Jenstad Sal. to D�a.1st;�Z9� Z.�chutz Sal. to 12-1-33 A.G.Hamilton Sal. to 12-1-33 NTrs .Theo ,Egti ne � Sal . J.L`iyhre to 12-1-33 g.L.,�r�derson Stamps Feudner-Davidson �gc�. Idov.rent Ed..t�Jeill Chas.t'J.rierzan Groceries PR ' Pederson �3ros. wlilk 33ooLs P�? D�lberg I3ros.Inc Fro.C.D.�1cR,gahon �opkins Produce Co. Groeeries PR. Jas .J .lv��g n �� Ant o n O ls o n �, T� Quist's �hoe Store Shoes �f Emil Anderson Groceries " Nelson's Shoe Store Re��.irs " F.H.I�ainert �Zedicine " Zen Milber�• Groceries " Pioneer Elev.Bc Lbr.Co.Coal " V. S�hutz 8c Son Groc e rie s" Japs-Olson �o. Supplies b2arti n J. Vanek Fire & Po.li ee 91�.rms Albert ��ps Sal. to 12-�-33 Trustee �� �'1.Elmquist Sal. to 12-31-33 Treas . J.Jasperson Rent 3-2 acres Comr�.Gardens J.V.Zapic 'Groceries PR Jos.�.I�osp Sal. �tty.to 12�31-33 8c 2416 Red�Ow 1 Stores, 24I7 L'Eidam 2418 The.Aenn.County 2419 Archie �elZy 2420 Bru�s Sandwich 2421 J .F. �^�at schke 2422 F.M.�iadde n 2423 H.F.rRoore 2424 B.J.Gaertner 2425 G.V`d..�:qoore . S��cial Fee Inc Groc e ries PR tt �r Re v . Shop Sup��lies & Publicat ions Groc erie s PR �geals Prisoners Rent s 3.famil ie s PR � Sal. t o 12-31-33 lrustee Sal. Fire Y�arden 12-31-33 Sal. to 12-31-�3 irustee Sal . to 12 �31-33 I'res . 32. 50 75 .00 75.00 8.00 5 .00 10.00 21.78� 50.00 9.05 52 .30 11.80 18.88 3.00 3.19 1.10 1.00 5.72 7.50 10. 70 9.25 25.00 7 5.. 00 50 . 00 8.00 24.89 12 5_: 00 --2.65 7.48. 48.55 9.07 2.85 19.00 7 5 .00 50 .00 75.00 105 .00 � � / � -2- Meeti.ng Deo .5th, T933 Bills-con't. 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 11697 11698 11699 1Z700 11701 11702 11703 117 04 11705 11706 I1707 117 08 5371 5372 5373 5374 537 5 5376 A.E.Anderson B�pls. en.Elec.Co. Bren �dwe.Co. Hopki�s Fi. -re Dept . Frank Sitar Pure 0il Co. �'daTter S.Booth � Son. �'V. S. Nott Co. . Jaeob Seheff 1er ' Mrs.E�il Pete-rsen St.Paul Boo� 8� Sta.Co. Accounting Systems Co. N.bY.Bell Tele.Co. Howard J�.risch b�att Beve rsdorff John Novotney Dahlberg Bros.Inc. Anto n Pavek S. H.&ic C onaughe y Frank Stodola Carl Ols on g`.H.�ensler Ge o.�T. l�i le s h2pls .Gen.Elec..Co. Standard Oi� Co. Herman Olson� Caren Co. g.P.Smith Mfg.Co. Nation�l R�eter Co. �Tp1s.Gen,r,lec.Co. Herman 01son Sal. to 12-31-33 Recorde r Zight 8c Power Supplies 1 a�l l& 22 phone s Extra 8� change Po li ce Gasoline Supplies eleation 4 prs..fireman boots Sal. to 12-1-33 Fire Steward Cleaning librar� Nov.8c Dec. Books l�ibrar�r Suppl ie s . Phones 16 hrs. � 40 20 hrs . �� 40� - 15hrs.Cw'40� Supplies 8c P.epairs 24 h rs . @ 40 � 24 hrs . C� 40� 49 hrs.. � 50� Supt . 15 hrs. � 50� Traotor Re apri s Caso 1 ine . T ight . & Poa�er Gas oline � Sal . t o 12 -1-33 - Supplie s - fl2eters P�, o kingg Zight �c Power Stamp� IIpon mot ion duly made an d s econ ded mee ting raas ad j ourne d. gttest• ���1� . , President. ' -1� , - - �� ���L . �- 150.00 427.94 4 . 69 72. 50 9.00 4. 52 2. 25 26.00 10.�0 6 .00 26.86 8.89 10.33 6 .40 8.00. 6.00 5.35 9.60 9.60 24.50 7.50 6.05 6.26 16.38 11.39 70 �.00 4.44 38.8� .57 154.52 1.00 --., of V111age Electlon MI1LT[N !. OOOTX � t01:� IMO.� NIMNG/ON� � � M�INUTES OF VILLA�E ELECTION (a) The line� following the letter (a) in thia blank are lett to write in the fnct, that "the electore p;esent at the time and place named tor opening the polle elected Lhe Judges'and Clerk 0596 90LC� because the counci] had neglected to make such appointment,' or "beca the persona so appointed,.or one or more of them, neglected or refused to serve;'; (if such wae the case.) ' /`��` I _ ^ � At e Annua,l ........... ..... .......................................��-�---. ection of the Village of................-�-----�---�-�--�---...... .........._................_........._.........---••- , � ui C f-� . .. ...............�--- .. ...------• ...... .... .................. .. nc� St,ate of DZinnesota, held at..-�---�-�--��---�------------�--...--�--................... -� .. ...................................� �-----��--�--.....-----�--..........-�------................. ............---�--- ......---...----........ eing the place where it was direc�to be held by the Uilla,ge ncil after giving due otice ereof as provided by law, on the .............v......._..-......................................... dayof . ..... .. ..........................�---��---. �...---..........19..... ....��....--��---------....---...............-�------..............................----......_.............------...----.......................................................---�- and..............�---..........--�---..................-------.....-------..................--------�-��------..............................................................................tw6 qualified voters of said Village, to act as Judgea of st�ch �lection, and one qualified voter of said Village to act as Clerk of such Election, each of �vhom had within twenty days before such time been designated and appointed by the Village Council to a,cot � Ju�ges�nd„C�grk r�p�ectively of such Election (a,) �--��-�--�-�----� .............�........�._.....----�-��-�---�-----�--------......A...............-�---------.... _ .y // . e .. .....--� -�-�� �- � . ... ........................................�..... :........... ...............:...............--�---............��:u-t��:..(../. . �. �..:. .. . ::.-�---�--�-----------=---------..........---.......:......... tivho, bei g pr ent; at the hour of.........�..:.:.......o'clock.../...�_...11., e�,ch of them ook and snbscribed an oath ..................._.....__............._.............................to fa,ithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Election; and the said • � Judges and Clerk beiz7g duly qualified, forth�ith opened the polls by proclamation, and the Electiou proceed- ed by ballot �vithout adjournment or intermission until close .� � � The subjects otecl o t such Election, as stated in the otice thereof, �ve •e :....................................................................... Toelect .... . . ....,,i�� --..._ ......................-----... �.................. .............---........... .--------...._ .... .........................------........---...----.................------..........--- ....:...--�� ....:........... ... ........:........ ............................................��-----...............................................----...........----..........-----...----.........................-�---....---.......................--�---��-----:.....--�-�----��--�------...... gt ............ ....................o'clock in the afternoon of said day the polls �vere closed, proclamation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previous thereto. The Judges then proceeded to publicly count and can�ass the votes, and a true sta,tement thereof was duly proclaimed to the voters by the Clerk, who recorded the same in the Village Minute Book. e STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS � a, true statement of the result of the o ti Ig ivass of vo es by ballot at the k'-_-..Eiection of the Villa,ge of ....................�---......................_.............---...., ...............---�---�--�-��----...........�.Count ; ......... ...... .............•-----...-•--......and �Ctate of DZinneso a, held.....- / -••---.............--••-' `•: � ✓ ... .............................19....� v � ���he C`lerk of Election : . . .. ..... . .... ... . . . _ .......... ......received...._� ...�,...^..�votes for President of Council /......received....`7..��votes for President of Council ...�.�.�.� ..............was declared elected President of Council (Continued on following pa,ge) 1 'r �votes for Trustee, term of..�.years .votes for Trustee, term of...�.years .votes for Trustee, term of..._�.years .votes for Trustee, term of...�..years ��. .. .....--•••••• ..................................._.--••----..............---........_...••-.....................................................received........................votes for Trustee, term of............years . _.. . .— .......-----�� ...... ...... ..._................_.,.............--------��- ---�-------------- ......received..........------........votes for Trustee, term of......_ ..years .................... .......................................... ......�--.... .-�---...._.............._..........----...................---.....---.............was declared elected Trustee, term of.�..3Tears ._ ..................... __........----........------ ---�-----------.................----....-------.............----...................._.....---..............was declared elected Trustee, term of--•�----�-��Years ........---�-�� ....................................................�--................................_....---..........----...........-�---��---�-----. _.......------was declared elected Trustee, term of............years ......................................................received..................votes for Treasurer .....................................................seceived..................votes for Treasurer .........................................................was declared elected Treasurer ........................................received..................votes for Village Clerk ..........................................received..................votes for Village C'lerk ......................................................was declared elected Village Clerk ..----------� ..............�---��----------...................--�--.......received..................votes for Assessor ....__.--- ................�-•--.....-------...------..................received..................votes for Assessor ................:........................................................_.....was declared elected Assessor ......................................�--•--........-�----......... -- - .. .. .. .-------.....----..................----..................--- .......................received....`.�.....�.%�otes for Justice of the Peace .....................received_�...............votes for Justice of the Peace votes for Justice of the Peace votes for Justice of the Peace �ed elected Justice of the Peace n was declareci electea Justice of tne reace ived.:�.��votes for Constable ived ..................votes for Constable - - votes for Constable ....................................ballots were cast for. _.ballots ��ere cast Attest : -Y�l,c�c- �� " _...��....... ,._��." . ...................... ................Clerk of Election °c_ m W �c m `o � 0 � � h votes for Constable d elected Constable d elected Constable 0 Judges ..................... ...... .......r._.--�•--�--•-•----�-�------�----.. ..._....----.._....--� -------�------� of ����'Y''���,' _ � Election � � 0 a � � Poor Relief ineeting of the Villa�e Council oF the Village of Hopkins + was � e�ld on Thursday December 7 tYi , 1933, at 7: 30 Pl4l in th e Cour.c i 1 Room. � �,�emb er s p ro s ent : ;azz*r� ��24�. •%.�a�-f� G� - G� ' � �. � The follotving persons applied for aid= Stella Oondon Flour� � rY g�� , Fl our and C o�,l �lice Fish Flour Groce ies R��ilk r'erm �ea�er C=-roceries,carrots �C onions Coal 8c t�ood �3� ����� -C�roc�ries r�d . Behm Flour t� �?artin N�,ydel Flour �� Paul ate�en�� �' . Peter ►�olf Flour T1 ���k ��.J.Schelitzche tt pr�il� Frank Lr ickson 4Jood Rupert Soper Flour " �ilk A�:otion duly made and seconded meetir� adjaarned. ecor er ' �ttest : . � � Mayor Poor Relief ineet in�� . of tne- Villa�e �ounc il o� the Villa�e of Hopkin s was held on Thursda�,December 14th, 1933 at the Vil]�.�e Hall at 7;30 P147. Ii�embers present : Trustees Gaertner and Japs. Recorder Anderson. Absent PresiderYt 1�oore,- and Trustee P.2adden. The .follovring .pe rsons appe�ared for aid ; Frank Kipp Groc e rie,s �an d wood . � I!��rs .�ern. Dea�er - � Groceries Ma�nard Rosengren Flour and York � • Jos.J.Culshaw Groceries and �iilk Ed . Behm Gr oc e rie s. and milk Ray Passon _ Flour Fra.nk Yriz � • Groceries �Iilk - P.Wolf . Groceries : - I�TeTs Nels � Flour and pork �lme r Borgman � denied � � 14�otion duly �,de and seeonded meeting adjourried. . � � eco e r � �tt e s t ; ��o-�-u.- liayor _ - Addi ti on al ai d: Chas .Ki zer `�-- � Rupert Soper Denied ��m.Sehl.itzche Frank uo se ngren ` , Flour and Milk , Flour Milk 0 Special meeting of tYie Villa�e �onncil of the Village of Hopkir.s was held on December 19th, 1933, Tuesda�, at 7?30 PP� in the Council F.00m. Pdembers present: President G.i�d.�oore; Trustees Gaertner, l�iadden and Japs. Recorder Anderson. Attorne� Hosp. �r.Bogarts from Interlachen P�rk �,ppeared requesting that the lights be l�_� turned on one-r,ald hour earlier at night, and that they reamin on one hour later in the mornings, the Recorder was instructed to communicate v��ith �4r.Norring �nd report baek to Conncil. �Z.P.adloff was granted one-halP cord wood. �lrs. Theo.Ext ine granted ton co�l. . Attorney Hsop reported on the Ra�r Passor� residenoe investigation, re_�ort re�d arid placed on f ile . Attorne� Hosp read an agreement with Augusta 14i.�wanson and the �Tilla�e oF Hopki-ns , said a�reement placed on f ile . �Iotion duly made b� Ja.ps, seconded by Gaertner, that the report from the Supreme Court in regards to assessor's Salary be accepted and placed on file, carried. R��otion duly made by Japs, secor�ded by Gaertner that the costs of �21.OG be charged against Joseph Vesel.y as Village �ssessor for the ,year 1932, v���ich amount was co urt . c ost s advanced by the Villa�e , oarried o n the followin � � vote : Ayes- r��ore ,�adden, Gaertne r an d Japs . PJo.-f�nd e rs on. � Motion dul� rnade by Japs� seeonded ��y i.��adden that the Assessor's checks 1;o Josepli Vesel� and. Thms.Kosanda be mailed , carried. n�Totion duly made by %Ra,dden, seconded by Ande�~son that the Village Atto me� send bill to the Twin Cit� Bus Co. , for the price o P a li�ht globe broken by their �us , carried. N�iotion duly made by �nderson, seconded by r�!adden, that an investi�at ing committee be appointed to investigate the Resolution offered l�y Trustee Japs � in re�ards t o a reFund due �t�.ndard Uil Co. on paving assessmont , carr. ��otion duly made by :Japs, secorded by ��"adden that u;�atschke be notified to oollect the December rent .from Val Georges and J.Thielman. The v illa�e will pa�r Voll.rath's December rent, but all fu.rther rent must be collected from all the parties direct. c�rried. l�Zotion dul� made by Gae�:.�tner, seaonded by Japs, that the follovring b ills be allovaed ; 2439 It�irs .Theo.Extine 2440 Bloomie Jenstad 2441 I,awrenc e Sc hut z 2442 g.G.Hamil�on 2443 P.:J.Caroline 2444 F.J.Topka 2445 Geo.P,P�:�iller 2446 IYIae C.Beckrnan 2447 Ros e Ve se ly 2448 Ann C.I3m�rland 2449 Frank Sitar 2450 ��m. St robeek 2451 Ire ne gnders on 2452 J.A.Hosp 11709 Christ Jensen 11710 Frank Kasper 11711 lom Seulle�r 11712 Frank Ericicson 11713 Tom �+ZoGannon 11714 YJ•. Fuxa 11'i15 t�J.R.suil�►oia 11716 Frank Stodola Sa]_ . J .tP�hre to 7.? -7.6 -33 Sal. to 12-16-33 Sal. to 12-16-33 Sal. to 12-16-33 Drugs PR Election Judge Ti IT n n Tf n n n " Police , Supplies 8c G.Bens on Fune ral Ste2o.services �lttorne�r Fees 172 hrs. � 40¢ 15 �► n rr 40 rr n n 43 " „ " 43 �r ►r �r 43 TT TT It 43 n ,f �; I�abor and Team 8.00 32.50 72 .50 72.50 10.00 6.75 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 3, 50 125.00 25.00 101.00 7 .00 6. 00 16.00 17.20 17.20 17.zo 17.20 65.25 Bills� eon't. Meeting Dec.l9th, 1933. . � -�� 11717 Geo .Klinkha.mmer 43 hrs .� 40�i 11718 Geo .K7.inkhamme r See vouch'er �11fi17 11719 Ma rt in �1ayd e 1 43 h rs .G 40 �- 15197 lst Nat .Bk.Hopkins Bond and Int . 5377 T�e rm�.n O1son Sa1. t o 12-16-33 5378 J�B.Miller - 7 hrs .. � 50� . ' i379 17� h�rs . C� 4 0� IVtat t. A�ia C�ul e,y _ � b380 Fred Erickson � 17� hrs. C� 40� - 5381 S_.E, Svec _ I,abor � 8� ���aterial � Motion duly made aa�d seconded tha.t meeting �adj ourn. . ecor er gttest ; � �2'�d"� . �or - �� � � � � � � � �� w= 11.58 5.62 17 .20 125.24 70.00 3.50 7.00 7 .00 8.91 !,�` '+ - I �� Poor relief inee�ing of the Village Council of the V:i�llage of Hopkins was held on Thursd.ay ,Deoember 21st, 1933 at th� Village Hall a t 7;,30 Pl�. MemUers present; President G.�J.�oore, Trustees Japs, �3adden and Gaertrler. Absent Recorder griderson. � � The follov�ing persons appeared forl aid; Mrs .Fern Dea�er Grocer �es � . . Alice Fish Groceries, onions and carrots � Frank K�pp ' Groceries Art Grochov� Flour , . � Fr�.nk Dud o Flour and Groc erie s � Nels Nelson _ Groceries, potatoes,onions Franl�.Kriz Groeeries,onions . N1a�n,�.rd Rosengren Groceries, Milk Rupert Z.Sope r � Groceries , �ilk � Elmer Borgman Flo�d VxJ. J ohns{� n John Bruchs Groc er ie ; ,milk Flour, �� onions Groceries. R�otion dul� made and seconded meeting adjourned. gttest : �� iay o r m s eco rde r Special meeting of tr�e Village. Council of the Viilage oP Hopkir,s wa� held on Tuesday, December. 26th, 1933 at 7:30 PM in the Village Hall. i� � � l��embers present; Trustees l�adden and Japs, Recorder �nderson. gbsent ;. Pres ident G. ��l �p�oore and Trustee Gae rtner. - Tp�e purpose oP the � meet ing be,ing to •c onside r a change in the grade of 5th �venue. �Totion dizl.y made by Japs, seaonded by Anderson #hat Trustee �a.dden be �appointed I�ayor Pro Tem, carried. �oti on d ul� made by Japs , seconded by I!�adden tha t�ve lo�re r the grade on 5th Avenue, subj ect to the approval oP the Hennepin Cottnty r�i�gineer, oarried. - �?oti on duly made and seconded to ad j ourn,carried. J,� � ecorder ��- gTTLST • ��!/���.�+�r.�¢ ' y�o r ro�e m: — '�, . � �� � Poor Relief ineeting o f the.V3.11age Council oi' the Village oP Hopkins was held on Thursday,Deoember 28th, 1933, at 7:.30 P�� in the Couneil Room. _ � � ldiembers present: President G.bV,Mppre; Trustees Japs,Ge,ertner and Nladden. gbsent Recorder Anderson. The Pollowin� per.sons appeared for aid; b�rs.F�rn Deaver Groceries ton coal Aliee Fish ton coal l�iilk �lmer Borgman � �`lour Groceries potatoes 14�i1k Frank Yriz Groceries Frank Kipp � G ro c e r ie s ' fl�aynard��osen�ren Groceries �� . �,H.Schaak Coal � Raymond I�aspar Groceries potatoes and carrots �_ C.tiJ.Pierce Flour Groceries Coal � Nels Nelson Groceries - Flo;,�d �I.Johnson Groceries Frank Spott Groceries Coa1 45J. J .His sam Co�l Rupert Soper Flour Groceries �has.l�2cCau.ley Flour Groceries potatoes -and carrots Chas.Sima Flour� Groceries Upon motion mad'e and seconded .meeting adjourned. �� � � � Recorder �w. Attest � � President �--