1934_Minute Book�� Regular meeting of the Village Council of the Villa.ge of Hop�ins was held .on Tuesday, Januar y 2 nd , 1934 , at 7 3 30 pt�ri in t h e C it y Hal l. Il�embers present � G.l�'J,�?oo-re, President; Trustees,Plflfadden, Jap� and Oltman. Recorder Anders on. ��ot ion duly made by Japs, secorxi ed b�r Iviadden, that the minuets of tl�e l�st meeting be approved as read, oarried. r�iotion duly made by Japs, seconded by Tti7oore, that Tom Kosanda's Salary fo assess ing for t he yea r of 1933 be �150 .00 , c�rried on the following � vote: Ayes, IVIoore,��ladden,Japs,011�man. No-�nderson. � �,�ot ion dul� made and carried that Jus tic's Report be placed on file, I�ot ion dul� made by Oltman, seoonded b� 1�nd e rson, that wate r report be placed on fi le , c arried . Mot ion dul� m�.de by Pdadden, seconded by gr�de rs o, that the communicat ion fram the Civil bVorks Administration be pla.ced on file, carried. P��otion dul�r rr�.de by Oltman, seconded by Japs, tY�at t;he e ommunication from Represent�.tive Johnson be placed on Pile, carried. r,�otion duly made b� Oltman, s�econded by Madden that the communication , fram the Citizens Leagu.e be answered-by the Recorder,carried. , : J � Motion duly made by r�`adden, seconded b�r��� that Fred Faltine �,ppli- '�`� cation far Milk liQense be granted, carried. �Fotion du],y made by Japs,�J seeonded by Oltma.n that the Feudner-Davidson communication be placed on file, carried. Trustee Japs oifered th e follo�ving Resolution and moved its adoption, �vhich was seconded by Trustee Madden, same being Qarried ; "Resolutiofl Por giving rebate and caneelling assessment; 4qH��EA� a paving assessment was ma,de egainst th e Standa rd Oil Compan�, Lot 6, Block 4, ti`Jestl�inneap olis � _ A�dD WHER.ilAS Standard Oil ompany, paid up balance of the assessment $�422.50 in Full on r• 16t$,1925 AND VVH�REAS through error asse ssment tivas again c e rtif ied to th e County Au�itor For years of 1928 to and inclusive of 1939 NO�V TH ,EREFORE be it resolved by the Village council tnat the iollo�ving assessments still remaining on the assessment roll be c�ncelled �.nd the Count� Auditor so notiPied: STANDAFD OII, C OPJlPANY L�T 6-Bl oc k 4,��Te st Pdtinne �poli s � 9IvN1YAL INST�IZLF�2ENTS 30.19 30.18: 30 .1� 30:18 30.19 30.19 IPdT r,RE ST 10.86 9.05 7.24 5;43 3,61 1.81 TOTgZ 41.05 39.23 37.43 35.61 33 .70 32.00 DATr� P�YABI,F 1-1-34 1-1-35 1-1-36 . 1-1-37 1-1-38 1=1-39 Motion duly �,de by �nderson, secorrl ed by Oltman that the Fire �tinguish ers be paid Por, carried on the f o1lo�in � vote ; ayes-b�Ioo re,1��,dden,Oltma.n �nd e rs on. No.���:ps : l�otion dul� made b� Oltman, seQonded b� gnderson, th�,t the sno�v be re- �oved fram the streets as it Palls, carried. The Folloeving committees were appointed bzT the Ma�or: Road and Bridge- It�adden , Japs , Oltman 1'ublie Utilit�- Japs,�ltman,Madden Public Safet�r-�oore,P�adden,�nde rson Public Gielfare, Lntire Council � I,icense �c Permits- A.E.Anderson Park Ba�.rd-r,�adden,Japs,Oltman l��ays and. �eans-J�ps,Oltman Anderson l�otion d�ly made by Oltman, seconded be �pproyed, earried. by l�.adden that the above Committees Trustee Oltman, oPPered the f c Resalution, not seconded : �� "i+V�EREAS this Villa>:e o:£ y .lns during the past iew �ears has been payin� mem'Qer� oP the Pillaba Council the following Salaries per �e a"Y' : � President o.f the Villa,ge Council �420.00. �Trustees per �ear each �300.00. Recorde r�600.00 pe r�ear. Treasurer �200.00 pe r year, AND V'PHEF��AS during the past three ye�.rs there has been a national wide .depression and many of our citizens are out oP r�ork and almost every person who is a wage earne� has had his salary or veages reduaed gT�TD WHERE2S it would be to the ben�fit of our citizens to reduce these salaries „ THEREFORE BE IT RESOI,V�;D t;riat we the Village qouncil of the Villa�e o.� Hopkins hereby order and set the salaries of the Village Couneil starting January 1 st, 1934 as Pollo�vs per year'; President of the Villa e Council �200.00; Trustees per member �100.0� Recorder �400.00. Treasurer �100.00. The Poregoing resolution is aP.�ered by Councilman Irving V�.Oltman who moges its adoption." Motion dul� made b� Anderson �econded b� �Zadden that the Trustees Salar,y� remain as the�r were, �300.00 p�4 year; carried on the following vote- gyes- Anderson, Moore,Japs,lVIadden. No-Dltm�n. ' R7otion dul made b� Tvioore, seconded by �aps that the Reoorder's Sal�ry v� be set at �65.00 per month. Carried on the follov�ing vote- Ayes-Moore, �a,dden ,Japs and Anders on. I�o-Gl tman �,io ti on duly made by Anderson , se cond ed b y Jap s, that the Na�ors salar�r �� remain same as before �420.00 per year. Ce,rried on the f ollo�vin� vote- Ayes-Moore�Madden,Japs,Andersoa�. No-Oltman. ��Iotion I�7adden, seconded b� Anderson that the Beeasurer's s�l�,r� remain �� same as uefore �200.00 per year; carried. T�otion duly made by Anderson, : econded b� ��oore, that t�e Salary o P the ,� Village Attorney be same a�t bePore, carried. - l�iotion duly made by P�adden, �conded b� Oltman tba,t the Assessor's Salary , be set at �'200.00 for the personal taz and �300.00 for the Real estate- `'� taz assessment, carried. Motion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by A!ladde3�, that the Fire l�larden sal- � ary be set at yp20U.00 per year, carried. �� �otion duly maae b�r �d�adden , seconded b�r Oltman that the Fire Steward. � salary be set at �10.00 per month, c�rried. Motion dul� made b�r 1Liadden, secorxled by Japs, that the Salar� of the Roadoverseer and tractor driven be set at 50� per hour, carried. rJlotion duly made by Oltma.n, seconded by Moore tha,t the labor wage scale be set at 45� per hour, carried on the follol�ving vote- Ayes,��oore,��a,dden Oltman,Anderson. Pdo-Japs. � . Motion duly made by Japs, seconded b�r A�adden, tha t the wa�e scale of man and team be set at 75¢� per hour, carried. �dotion duly made by r�iadden, seeonded by Japs that trucks be set at �1;00 per hour, carried. �,Totion dul� made b�r Anderson, seeonded b� Madden, that Utilit� man be paid �140.00 per month, c�rried. llaiotion dul� made b�r Anders�n, secon_�ed by �7adden that the aalax�r for police o.f�icers be �145.00 per month and phones, carried on the followir� vote- Ayes-Pqoore,Madden,Anderson. No-Japs and Oltmsn. &?otion duly ma,de by Oltman,seconded by �ders�n that �;ne salary of the .fire departmeni� be �1.50 for galse alarms and ahemical Qalls, and �2.50 �o r calls with water, plus phones. Carried on the Pollowing vote- -3- �eeting 1-2-34 9�es-Moore,Nladdden,Oltman,Anderson. No-Japs. 1��otion dul�r ffiade by Oltman,seconded by Anderson, �hat Jos.A.Hosp be appointed Vil7_age Attorney, carried. � �otion dul�r made bp Arxler�.n, seconded by �ladden that Herman Olson be appo inted IItility IIm,n and rlumbing Inspeator,carried . Recorder �nderson offered the follo�ving Resolution in rePerence to 1heo.Extine and moved its adoption, seconded by Trustee r�adden and c�.rrie d ; RESOLUTIO� SUSPENDING OZD �GE PENSIOPd TO THEODORE EXTItdE �ffiEF�EAS Theodore Extine of the Village of Hopkins, te�inn., evas heretofor granted an old age pension pursuant to the provisions oF Chapter 47, Zaws of 1929, and amendments thereto, and �'JHERF,AS the said Theodoro �xtine has received poor relief during the continuance of said pension surnished by the Village of HBp- gins,P�Iinn. , and � V`JHEREAS the said Theodore Egtine will receive the benefits of poor relief From the agenciesof the Federal Government, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Villa�e Council of the Tdillage of Hopkins, that irom now on and during the continuance of the �ranting of poor reliei from the a�enciee of the Federal.Government and from the said Village and until the rescindin� of the�s resolution, that the pa,yrnent� oF any more pensions to the said iheo.Extine be forth�vith suspended and that the �illage Reco�der of the said Villa�e at once Fumish a true copy of this resolutio3� to the Board o.f Co�ty Commissioners oP Hennepin County,�Iinnesota. gdopted &t a regul�r meeting of the Village Council o.f the Village o F Hopkins , on Janus, r� 2nd, 1934 ." COPY OF RESOZUTION FIXIPTG 5�1�1RIES OF E�FCTIVE AP3D APPOIRTTIVP VILZAGE OFFIC I�LS . 1-Preside� and Trustees-BE IT RESOZVED that the salary of t he president be and the s:�.me is hereb� fixedat �35.00 per month and the s�,lary of each oi the three trustees �e and the sar„e is hereby Fi�ed �,t �25.00 per month, ef.�ectige from the term beginning the first o f January,l9�4, and payable qu�,rterly the reaFter. 2-Reco rde r- BE T� R�SOZVED that the sa lary o.f th e Villa ge Recorde r be and the sarrs is hereby fixed at �65.00 per month, in full for all services and t�me spent For and in behalf of the villa�e business, � effective from January lst,1934 and p�,yable quarterly. 3-Villa�e gssessor- BE IT R�;SOZVED that the sal� r� oi the Villa�e assessor be and the same ia h�reby Pixed at a magimwn sum or �,200.00 per year in ocicl numbe�ed years as Full compensat ion for the �o�rforr,�ance of al l of the d u.t ies o f said o f� ic e p� ;7able by the �Tillage and vvh ich salary shall include the compensati on of any authorized deput� assessor; and a miximu.m o.f �300.00 per yea.r in even numbered ,yQars as full pa�rment for the per.formznce oF all d uties oF said office pa�rable by �;he Villa�e, and which salary shall ir,clude the conpensation o.f any autriorized deputy assessor, effective fram Jan��ary lst,1934. . 4-Village Treasurer--BE IT RESOLVED that the salar�r of the Villa�e Treasurer be and the same is nereb,y fixed �,t �200.00 per annum in full �o all services ar�d time spent sor and in behalf of the villa�e business and �as required by �,av�, efiective From Jan.lst,1934, pa��ble quarterl�r tnereafter. 5-Village gttorne�0- BE IT RESOLVED that the salary of the i�illa�e gt�orney an appoint ive ofFic er, be an d the same is hereby figed at ��00.0 per �ear in �ull For all services and time spent for and in behali L� of the village business, including atteYldance of the meet ings of i;he Villa�e Counc�l �vhen -requested, advice and opinions rendered to the Village Council or any of the Village officials, either elective or appointive, respec�:� ing villa� business, drafting of such ordinances and resolutions � c ontracts and other pape rs as requested b� the Council; .For special services such as liti�ation or matte-rs not inclwde.d vaithin the fo-regoing, he shall receive c ompensation for i .,� -4- �eeting 1-2-34 � � • serviees rendered; he. shall' also be re.imbursed for-expense incurred. The foregoir��• resolution was offered upon motion for its adop- 1;ion, ti�ri.tich motion was seconded, ancl ur 6n bein� put to a vote was adopted. Dat ed Janua ry 2 nd , 1934 . . R�otion d uly made and seconded-_ made by Japs , s ec onded �y An de rs �, that Frank Stodola be appointed road overseer, carried. P�iot ion duly r.�ad.e . and seconded that the app�intment oP Archie Hamilton and Lawrence Schutz as poliee o.fficers be �.ppmved, carried. � I��otion duly made by �nde rso n, seconded b� rl�adden that we appo int the Hennepin count� Review as o ff icial pape r, . carri ed. l�otion duly maae and seconded to ad�ourn until Thu.rsday,Januar� 4th, 193� at 7: 3 0 Pm, carried . � � �TTESTt 'IhYO:: � �- 0 � L 0 -5- RLeeting of Januar� 2nd,1934 Con't. I��otion dul� made by Japs, seconded b� Qltrr�a.n that the 'following bills be al lotved : � 2458 2459 �460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 �2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 24'7 6 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 11'� 20 11721 11722 11723 1I724 ��� c� � J� F. L"dat s ch ke r�nil gnderson L.J.i�iilbert V.Schutz R� Son J.R.Pavek Jas.L.Edel Hovande r Bros. Chas. V'V.�erzan � Jas .J.P;Zeng Red Owl Stores Inc. Pioneer Elev.8c - Zbr. Co. Anton A.Ol�ssn J.�.Hennessy - Hopkins Produce Jos.V.Zapie Z.Eideam Henn.County Revie1v To� Galv in . F rank Kas �, r Sec.National Bk. l�dal t e r Ols on Gustafson 8c Fuxa � P,�artin J.Vanek �'rar�k S it �,r Hopk�ns .�'ire Dept. Dahlberg Bro s. , Inc. VJ.&�p1s.Fuel 8c Ice Co. Jac ob �chePFler. Justus Zumber Co. Ed.Berry p�pls.Gen.Elee .Co. Hennepin County Home �ualter S.�ooth & �on?Inc. Alb e rt A, V al e sh Mp1s.Sub.G$s.Co. Ra� Petergo n Ydalter Kidde 8c Co.Inc. Fairbanks Pa7orse 8c �o.. B�p1s.Gen.Elec.Co. Jacobs ShePFle r Bren Hd�ve . Friehl Plbg. Sec.N�t.Bk. Mp1s.Gen.�lec.Co. Dahlberg Bros.Inc. John L.N�cYdally Standard Oil Co. VValker �ign T.�fg.Co. Dec.rent Vollrath Groceries PR Groceries PR Groceries PR 2 dr� cells Fi re Dept.. Kerosene PR Meat PR Groceries PR � Groc e .�.es PR Groceries PR C oa rI PR Groc erie s PR Coal PR , Groceries PR Gro ce rie s PR Groc e rie s PP Publications 8c B�.J.1ots 6�laok skat ing rink 22 hrs. � 40� Compensation Insurance V`dork skating rink Supp 1 ie s Fire 8c Po].ice ala rms & P� lic e c'�ange 3 calls & 22 phones For C. D.L�'cllRahon Coal PR Sal . t o 1-1-34 Fuel PR Skating rink Po6ver 8c Zight Board 3 mo.St.Peter 8c Supplies Suppl ie s City hall gas 11 hrs . � 50¢� 3 Fi-rs Extinguishers &7a.t e ri al Power �a�. � hrs�. n 50� Supplies ���at re ial Compensation Insurance Zight & Power Gasoline v`�elding Gasoline S i�n s - meals ��fdoldoske _� Relief ineetin� o� �he Villa�e Council o� the Villa�e oF xoplrins vras held on Thursday, Januar� 4th , 1934 at 7; 30 P�.? in the Counc il Room. The members presant were; G.Gg�.P��Ioore,President; Trustees Japs,��adden and Oltman. i�ecorder Anderson. The .follo�ving persons appeared fo r ai d; �'ran� �ri z Frank Smykal J oe Laue r Rupert Soper lyels Nelson Frank Spot Ar� Grochow � Gordon gllen Jan. rent allovaed Groceries and Nilk Groceries Flour and P��il ik Grocerie�s Potatoes Potatoes G roc er ie s A�iotion duly made b� Jans, seconded by Oltma.n tha� the petitior� a{�ainst granting a.licen•se to the Burns Place be placed on file, carried . �� t+�ot ion dul�r made by Japs � sec onded by Oltm�.n that the applicat ion for � "OPd Sale" of non-ini;oxicating malt liquor be denied Z.F.Anderson,carried . Motion duly made b� Anderson, seconded by Oltman that �1.O.Neider's appli- cati�n for licenses be granted, carried. Iv�o�Lion dul� �na,de by Oltman, seconded by b�iadden that the followi.ng bills be allo�ed; 15199 �ec.Y�at.Bk. 5389 John ifJ.ShafFer 2495 � John VV. ahaffer 11726 �.��.Peterson 11725 John 6��. Sharfer ��� Jos.I�F;.Cecska 2496 - 3 Coupons EngineQ r's fee �T rr 1 hr.team R.& B.�ngineer's fee 1�F�lk BooY.� 72.00 150.00 250.00 1.2C 100.00 1.9E Motion dul� made b�r Olt�man, secon�Il.ed %y ��adden t�iat Gor�on Allen's rent i�c� Februar�r 5th. be allo�ved- to the amo�znt of �10+.00, carried.__ F .� ? � P�Iotion duly made and seconded for meeting to ad:journ. att'.est : ' yor � ecor er � �� � Special meeting of the Villa�;e Counc il of the Village of Hopkins was held on Tuesda� Januar� 9th, 1934at the Village Hall at 7:3� PM. �embers present G.4V.Ivioore,President; Trustees Japs,Madden and Oltman. Recorder Ande-rs� n. � - � , P�otion duly made by Oltman, seconded b9 Japs, that the petition to grant a CaFe and So�t Drink Zicense to L.F.Anderson 8e.denied, carried. ��Iotion �dal� made by �qadden, seoonded by Oltman, that the Recorder � be instructed to draw a checl> in favor of Carl Reedeen Por �150.00 . to pu.rchase rite-Of-Uuay for lst St.T�1o. fron 6th Ave. to 5th 1�ve. , upon request of the Village Attorne�r, ca-rried. , . � l�2otion duly made and seconded th�e.t meetin.� ad j�:�urn. - Rec�:�rder � At�est: � _ l.+ra,�or ' , � Reg}�lar meetin� of tYie Villag�e �ouncil of the Vi7.lage of Hopkins was held on uesd�,� January 16th, 1934, at the Village Ha11 a t'7 ; 30 P�". Members present: G.ttJ.h�oore,President; �rustee� Japs, Oltman ivIadden. Recor- der Ande ��son; 6ttorney Hosp. �i.otion duly made b� Pti�adden, seconed by 9nderson that �-ae pa� �150.00 to Carl Redeen and-�,b150.00 to the heirs of the Fessler Estate to �aquire Highwap easement in the usual form For the extension of lst �t .tdo. bet�reen 5th. and 6th �lve.N. and also to proceed �vith the openin� of said street f or public use in poraeeding pursuant to Chapter 382- General Law 1903. Carried qn the Pollowing vote; Ayes- Moo:ce,�dadden,Olt[nan And ers�on. No- Japs. Motion duly.made by 01t�an, seconded bg �nderson, that the Villa�e 9�torne� be instructed to proeeed pursu�t to the foregoing motion, carried. R�otion daly made by Eiadden, seconded by Japs, that we purchase t�*ro tires Po r the Forda cm Trac.tor at eost o.� �58.30, carri ed . Triotion du7�p made b� hiadden, seconded b�Oltman that �r�e plow sno�r For AQinnetonka. Towmship at �4.00 per hour, recorde r to notiP� Board, carried. �iotion 8u�.�r made by Oltr�an, seconded b,y Anderson, that �olloiving bills � be allow�ed ; � � 11725 11726 11728 11729 11730 11731 �1732 11733 1i734 11735 11736 117�7 T1738 11'739 11740 11'741 11742 11743 11744 11745 11746 11747 11748 11749 11750 11751 5389 5390 24�J5 2496 2497 2498 2499 2501 2500 2502 25�3 15198 15199 15200 John V�,ShaF.fer C.IvI,Peterson ?�ay Iti�atchke Burt Zils Filip Hadac Frank Stodola. J.�illman Tom ���eGannon ZJels tlels on Nels Nels��n F.G�.Bennis Geo.B.Hinds Ra�mond Kasper Ea�rmond Kasper i:lme r �o rgman �;lmer �o rgman Chas.��cCauley Ch�s.rucCaule�- Fr�nk Kipp Frank Kipp, F.oy �chaak Ma�nard Rosen�ren R��aynar-d �osengren Chas.Sims Ch�,s. Sims Rupert Soper J ohn ��� . ShafPer Herman Olson John ti�V, ahaff er � Jos.��.Cecka A.G�H�milton P�Zrs. Theo .�:xtine I,a��rence Schutz l+'.G.Bennis Bloomis Jenstad. Ld. Barr�r - �. dd.Elmquist B�IDu-rit�r P1at.Bk. Sgc.Nat.Bk. �1irs t T�at . Bk. R.B,�hare �.�ineer's fee- lhrs; team�1.20 16� hrs. � 1.00 TruQk 16��- r�r s . � 1.00 '� 8�- hrs. E� 45¢ 44 hrs . n 50�1 82 �rs. � 45�. 3�- hrs. � 45� On acet. 16� hrs. C� 45� 16� h rs. C� 1.00 Truck 5 hrs . C� 50� Tractor On acc't. 16� hrs. � 45�1 on acet. 16 �- h rs . � 45 � On acct . 16-�- hrs. � 45� �On a e o t . 16�- h rs . �- 45 ¢� 16�- hrs. Q 45� 16�- hr s . � 45 � On acct. 16� hr s . �� 45 � On aect . 16� hrs. � 45�' �ngineer's fee Sal. to 1-15-34 En�ineers f ee L�ilk boots Sal . t o 1-15-34 Sa1.J.Myhre to 1-15-34 Sal. to 1-Z5-34 11 hrs , � 75¢ Sal. to �an.15-34 72 hrs. � 45� Safety� Deposit Bo� �94 Bond & Int. due 1-1-34 3 coup ons � 24 .00 �3ond. �.nd Int . du e 1-1-34 11�got ion duly mad e�,n d se co nded to ad j ourn . � _�0 _F, ��R ATTEST: . �?�YOR 100.00 1.20 16.50 16.50 3.83 Q2 .00 3.83 1,58 2 .08 5 .35 16.50 2 .50 1.05 5. 78 6. 79 .64 3.09 4 .34 7.05 .38 � 7 .43 4. 20 3 .23 5 :23 2 �20 7.43 150.00 70.00 250.00 1.98 72 .50 8.00 72 .50 8.25 32.50 32.40 2.20 641.92 72.00 1067.98 � .�1 �.. �.,,,� IJleeting of the Villa�e council of the Village oP Hopkins �vas held in th e Village Hall on Thursdaty , Jan .18th , 1933 at 7; 30 PM. Purpose o.f this meeting �eing to c anpare V�ork list oP t�omen working vuith the Hopkins C.6�Y.A, list of inen �vor�ing. _ It�embers_ present; G.4'd.l�oore President. Trustees, Oltman,Japs and �adden. Recorder Ande.rson. she Pollo�ving men were questioned� as to the incomein their families; � - Nic k�alkas J oe Pud il Joe Cllerma� To�n Fara Joe Jarett E.Haskins ,Vet. � John �dilbert Herm�,n bToss ,Vet. - -Tom Palecek John Klouda Wm. Drabenstad _ Gus Linda;�l 6'linsl o�v Fuxa. (Repo rt taken from the above in on fi�e ��ith Recorder. ) Upon motion duly made and seconded meeting adjourne�. At t es t : �.�2�fG�r��C_ . A�a. �ro r . eco. e r 0 Regular meeting of tUe VILLAGE OF Hopkins COuncil �as��.eld on February 6th, 1934,Tuesday, at 7:30 Pr� in the �ouncil Hoom. Members present �.V�.Moore,President; `j'rustees Oltman,J�ps;Madden. Hecorder Anderson. P�otion duly made by Oltman, seconded b� Japs ti�at the minutes o Y t:ae �� last meeting �e spproved subject to correction on Park �oard motion for meeting of January 2nd,1934,carried. `� � � �Iotion duly r��ade by P��iadden, bills be allowed. Carried O1 tman , gnd er so n. 1Vo- Jap s. 11752 11'7 53 117 54 11755 11756 11757 11758 11759 1176 2512 2510 2511 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 25 28 2529 2530 2531 25�2 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 5392 5393 5394 2541 seconded by �lnderson thst the following on the following vote- Ayes-�oore,P�adden P.H.Coyle Repairing TRactor - � Martin Holy Gasoline ' A.H.Hensler Repairs and Supplies Geo.M.Miles Gasoline J.E.Hennessy & C0. Supplies Frank Stodola 8 hrs. C° 50� The l+inde 9Ir Produots Co. Supplies Mp1s.Gen.Elec.CO. Zight � Yower 0 Kokesh �dwe.Co. Supplies Hopkins FIre Dept. Int.Phones � 2 calls �Ip1s.Gen.Elec.Co. Zight � �ower U.of �.�ospital llonald �eterson �R THE Pure Oil Co. Kerosen� & Gasoline Ed.�arry �kating Rink 41z hrs. Katherine Bowser Community Garden Land �ecurity l�at.Ins.�gc�.Fire Ins.CITY Hall � Jail Standard Oil C0. Gasoline Mp1s.SUB.Gss Co. City Hall Gas C9r1 K�oon 6 trips to �dpls. C.6V.A. F.H.Hsinert Supplies I�fpls.Sub.Gas Co. city Hall `�as �cDonald Trfs.Co. Flour �eld �81ter S.Booth.� SONS I�c. Supplies National GEog.�tag. 1 year �ub. T�trs.Emil �'etersen �leaning '�ibrary Milton �eer Travelling expense books dmerican Library �ssn'n. Booklist sub. St.Paul BOOk.& �rSts.Go. �ooks library �ayton Co. Books • I�artin J.Vanek rire ��olice Alarms to 2-1-34 �erman �ovander hento to 2-6-34 G.Allen �nton Olson Grocerie� PR Jas. J.�eng �roceries PR �I.W.Elmquist Postage A. E. gnderson 1'o stage Justus Lbr. Co. F'uel PR � Jacob Scheifler Sal.fire ste�v.to 2-1-34 Zeo �riest �otor Co. Suppl,es Frank SItar Police change WIlliamson �tamp Co. 100ridog tsgs John Koss Paint �ipls.Gen.Elec.Co. �ower and ligbt The vdaterous Cp. ti 1V.W.Tels�i�ione C0. City �3� p�ones �1.25 . I.78 22.10 2.86 l. 56 4.00 18. 29 8.16 4.99 334.25 431..62 2.15 3.12 1�.68 21.00 122.26 5.27 1.00 125 .85 2. 35 6.00 1. 45 3.00 1. 50 � 8.00 2 . 60 66.50 1. 25 25.00 10.00 2.04 2.17 2.65 3. 00 3.10 10.00 2.35 12. 75 3.65 1.00 158.51 79.15 19.80 B![otion dul� made by._Japs, seconded b�r i�:iadden that the 5 Bank and the First lrational bank be designsted as depositories l�$tion�l �or the VIllage funds, carried. _ , �otion duly made by Japs, seconded by �ltman thst the j'reasurer` s and the �ster reports be plsced on file, carried. �Ipt�pm di��.� r�de by Ttisd�en, seconded b;� Oltman that the �dolphi request �or sta� of license be granted, carried. �otion duly made by �Tadden, seconded by Anderson, that Atty.J.A.Ho$p�s oommunication be placed on file, carried. �otion puly nade by Oltman, seconded by Jsps, thst the Council approve Fire De srtment s appointment as recommended, carried. + � 1� �eeting of r�'eb.6th, 1834 -2- �otion duly made by TuYadden, seconded by �nderson that �stman license be granted, carried on the following vmte - AYes- �doore,Madden, gnder- son. No- Oltman Japs. �otion duly made b�Tadden, seeonded by Oltman that Fox license be granted, carried. �p'1.00 Motion duly made by Nladden, seconded by Oltman that Valesh license be granted when he pays �9.00 due Vllla�e, carried. Motion duly made by Oltman, seconded b� Madden that Huus license be grant ed , carri ed. �1.00 T��Zotion duly made by �iadden, seQarlded by Oltman tl�at FEltl Drive-ln �tation license be granted, carried. �25.00 • �otion duly made by �nderson, seconded by I�:Iadden, t'r�at B�irch milk license be granted, carried. �1.00 _ � plumbing �Iotion duly msde by �.adden, seconded by Oltman, that. Svec �%� license be granted, carried, �1.00. Motion duly made by �iadden, seconded by Oltman that Yhillips Petroleum vrive-in STation license by granted, carried. �w25.00. ��iotion duly made by Oltman, seconded by i�isdden, tbat rhillips Petroleum Bulk station license be grsnted, earried. �p50.00 . &Iotion duly made by ��isdden, seconded by Oltman jn station license be granted, carried, �25.00. �iotion duly �made by Oltman, seconded b�r �tadden, license be granted, carried, �25.00. r�otion duly made. b� T,iadden, seconded liy Oltman, 911ey license be granted, carried, �20.00. that Yure0il C0. Dri�e- th�t E1VGler �ros.�ovi e that Shonka Bowling j�otion duly made by Oltmsnd, seconded by �+ledden, that Shonka "On" snd "Of�" �ale non-intoxicating liquor license be granted, carried,�35.00. �otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by ��adden, tnat �ather milk licens be granted, carried, �1.00. - IuTotion duly made b�r r�adden., seconded by Oltm�n that ''tsnderd Dil Co. Bulk station license be �ranted, carried, �50.00. ^ I�otion duly made by Oltmsn, secoMded b� I�aiadden, t1�at ►�tandard Oil Co. Drive-In ststion license be granted, cdrried,�25.00. T�otion duly made by iuTadden, seconded by0ltman that �lson,bnton,milk license be g�ranted, carried,�1.00. Motion duly made by Oltman, seconded by T�iadden, tnat xed Owl Store milk license be grsnted, carried, �1.00. T�lotion duly made by I;�adden� seconded by Oltman that i3ilmer Olson dance hall licei7se be granted, carried,�2.00. . �otion duly made by I��adden, seconded by Oltman, that Len Milbert "On" and "Of�" sale non-intoxicating hiquor license be granted,carried.�36.00 Motion duly made by P�adden, seconded �y Oltman that �.Willian�s �rive- In STation license be graiited, carried,�25.00. � �iotion dul� made b� 1VIadden, secondeE:� b Oltman that �has.Hersman Drive- In 5tation lioense be �ranted, carried,�20.00. B�otion duly made b�r L�nderson, seconded b� T�adden tha t Sandberg milk license be gr�nted, c�rried, �1.00. I��otion duly made by Japs, seconded by l�adden that Damschen plumbing license be granted subject to bond, csrried,�1.00. i�otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by T�adden, that ���ersen milk license be granted, carried,�1.00. P,�otion duly made b� �riadden, seconded by Ai�Derson thst E�a.gene Olson "On�'and "Off" s�le non-intoxicating liquor license be granted, carried, ��6.00. '-'' �eetir�g of Feb.6�h,1934 -3- �Totion duly made by �rladden, seconded by Oltmsn that Schutz I�2ilk and "on" and O�f nontiin toxicating liquor licn�se be granted, carried,�36.00 on the follo��ing vote - aYES- T�.�oore-I�adden-Oltman-anderson. Tdo�Japs. �_ SOFT DRIzdK Motion duly made b� Oltman,seconded by,�;Iadden tl;at the �ngel milk li�en� be granted,carried,�1.00. �STotion duly made by ll&adden, seconded by Oltman that Ke11ey "On" and "Off" sale liquor license be granted, carried,�'35.00, �ollowing vote-gyes- Iuioore,%�iadden,Oltman,6nderson� No - Jsps. and So�t Drink T��Iotion dul� made b� &�adden, seconded by Japs, that �oran i:2ilk and "On and ���" sale non-intogicating liquor licenses be granted, carried,�36.00 So f t Dri�lk. %�Iotion du1�T made by ��adden, seconded by gnderson, that Rloraden "On ena 0��" sale non-intoxicating liquor license be granted,carried on the �ollowing vote- �yes-Lioore,�iadden,�� �nderson. T�o-Oltman and J�ps. Soft Drink. • I�iotion duly made b� Oltman, secoiid�d by I�;iadden t�at �roduce milk license be granted,carried,�1.00. T�otion duly made by I�adden,seconded by Oltmsri,that Skottegard mil� license be granted, carried,�1.�0. �� �otion dul� rnade by Oltman,seconded by I�iiadden that Holy DRive-zn �tation . , licnnse be granted,carried, ��0.00. �otion duly made by T�adden, seconded by Anderson that Niatt iNelden Bliilk "On and Of�" �on-i�:toxicating liquor lice�7se� be granted�carried,�36.00. So f t Drini�. �otion duly made by �Aadden, seconded by Oltman that Burns Milk, "On and Off" non-intoxicating licenses be grsnted,carried,�36.00�Soft drink, ,_ �Iotion dul� made by Oltman, seconded by I�adden that V9nek Milk,"On snd ~--� .,'O�f" non-intoxicsting liquor licenses be granted,c�rried,�36.00° Motion duly made by Msdden, seconded Oltman that Jas.Edel �rive-In station license be granted,carried,�25.00. - l�otion duly made by Oltman, �econded by �iadden that H�rrison SOft Drink snd '�ilk license be granted,carried,�6.00. �iotion dul� made by Tdladden, seconded by Oltmen that D�hlberg Drive-In Station license be granted,c�rried.y�25.00. (� l�otion duly msde by I�iadden, seconded by "nderson, tnat Anderson' s t�ilk Soft Drink, "On and O�f" sale non-intogicating liquor licenses be grsnted,carried, �36.00. � Motion duly made by Oltman,seconded by I�adden tnst L�pic t��ilk lieense �x�gx be grsnted,carried,�p1.�0,. Pdotion duly made by �Iadden, seconded by Oltman that Chas.Herzan j��ilk lioense be ,grsnted,carried,�1.�0. r�otion duly made by Oltman,seconded by ir�adden that VVerren �tore r�ilk license be granted, carried,�1.0�. I�otion duly' made by i��adden, seconded by Oltmsn tnst Jorgensen Bros.�ilk, �oft Drink,"On and Of�" sale non-intogicating liquor licenses be granted carried,�36:00. �totion duly msde by Oltmand, , seooiided by �isdden that �mil enderson �iilk license be granted, carried, �1.00. � Motion duly made by �Iadden, seconded by Oltman that J.J.l�enge �&ilk license be granted,carried,�1.00. �otion dul�r made by Oltman,seconded by ttadden thst IJsti onal Tea Co.�ilk license be granted,carried,��'`'1.00. I�otion duly made by I�Zadden,seconded by Oltman that �diem N�ilk and "Of�'r sale non-intogieating liquor license be granted,carried,�6.00. Meeting of Feb.6th,1934 -4- . Pdotion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by Madden that Jasperson t�ilk license be �rsnted,carried,�1.00. � Niotion duly made by I�Zadden9seconded by Oltman that Friehl I'lbgo license be granted,carried,�p1.00. Niotion duly made and seconded tnat meeting adjourn uiitil Thursday, aarrieda ecorder. Attest: - syor � , L- � �� � -. Special meet ing of the Village Council o� Hopkiris was held on February 21st , 1934, at 7:30 PM in the Counci 1 l�oo�. The purpose o� this meeting wss the settliilg o� the Village I,iquor question. PQembers pres=�nt, President G.V�1.PrToore; `lrustees, Japs, Oltman and �sdden. Recorder Anderson. �'rotion duly made by Japs, seconded by I�adden that �ttorney �osp draw up sn ordinance regulating the sale and licensing of ��h�o�.ieating liquor, csrried. Motion duly made by Japs, seco d.ed by Anderson that the "On Sale" license be �1000.00, carried. l�otion duly made by Jsps, seconded 'by Oltman that th@"O�f Sale" lic�nse be_�100.00, carried. � Motion duly made by �iadden, seconded by 9nderson tnat the "On Sale" Bond be �3000.00, carried. , P�otion duly made by �.+tadden:;��.-:seconded by �nderson that the "O�f Sale" Bond be �1000.00, carriecl. �47otion duly made b�� Jsps, seeonded by Oltman that the restric- tive provisions contained in the suggested NIunicipsl Ze�gv.e ordinence be incorporated iri the Village Ordinanc.e, carried, Ntotion duly made snd seconded that the meeting adjourn n.ntil Tuesdsy February 27th,1934 at 7:30� PI�, carri edo REC ORDER ATTEST: � Y� r � Special meeting �� the �illage Council of Hopkins ws� called Februar � 27t 1934, at the Vi llage Hall at 7:30 P�. The purpose of this meeting �as for the reading of the liquor ordinance. � �Ilembers present were President G.VY.D�oore; '�'rustees Japs, Madden and Oltman, �ecorder �nderson and B:��orne8 �osp. Nlotion duly made by Ja s, seconded by Oltman that the �ee for "ON Ssle" liquor license remain �1000.00, carried. Motion duly made by �I�dadden, seconded by Anderson tbst we make no limi- ta�ion as to the number of "O�f Sale" licenses to be grsnted-, csrried. Motion duly made by 0.ltrnsn 2nd, by Japs thst the panels in tbe booths in I,iquor Stores.not egceed iorty-eight (48) inches in height, carried. Motion duly made by Anderson, second'ed by T�adden that the second para- graph, section ,� � remain. as is, carried. Motion duly made by Japs, $econded by gnderson��hat the provisions of Section 8 of Chapter 46, 1933-34 be incorporated in the Ordinance,carried �otion duly made by Jsps, seconded b�r Oltman that we secept the Ziquor �rdinanee as corrected as a first reading, carried. , �otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Madden thst dve suspend with ru�es o� Procedure and have the second reading of the �rdinance, carried. R�otion dul� made by Oltman, seconded by %�iadden thst we sdopt the Liqnor Ordinance as read, carried. Motion duly .made by altmsn, seconded by iuiadden that tbe DIvision o� Soldier Welfare be furnished a letter noti�ying them that John Kosanda r'red Nelson arid Robert Kicker, disabled Veterans hsve been .removed from our C.W.9.project, carried. �otion duly made and carried � Attest: - yor � that_meetin� adjourn,carried. Re co rd e r. � . � � `�� Regular rneeting of-- the Villa� �ouncil of the Villa�e of Flopl�:ins vuas h eld on �Rarch 6th, 1934, Tuesd€��, at 7:30 PAI� in the Council Room. P�embers present G.1�l.Tt��ore ,President ; Trustees, b�adden , 7a�s �,nd �ltman. Recorder Anderson and Attorney Hosp. ���ot ion d ul� r��a.de b� Oltman that i;he Vill�.ge Att orne,y get � opinion f rom the Attorne� Gener�.l «s to the leg�.iit� of our zoneir� or��inance in the Interl�.chen district, carried. �.?ot ior. d uly made b� �nderson� seconded by r�adden for the proper gr�.aing o f I�,�ills �venue as r�corr�ended by Fiennepin County �n�ineer and also for the ����� installation of the necessar� culver�s required, and to �;quest the Cotinty d�B furnish the culverts, _carried. P��otion dul�r made by Olt�nan, secc�nd�d by r�adden th�,t tn� minutes be accepted as read, carried. l:�otior� dul� made b�r Japs, seconded by Oltman t�at �e pa� the Fire Truck c�rarrants amountin� to �42250.00 and interest, held U� the Hopkins T'ire De�artmen t, carried. � I��otion dul� ma.de by Japs, seconded by Ol�man th€�t �-he trafFic regulatinns be inforced., carr ied . � T4iotion duly made by Oltman, se� nd�d by ��adden that Frank Bennis milk license be granted, carried. r,'otion du1� made by Japs , secor ded b�r 011;man tha t DeL�rey �illmer milk licen7e be �;rarited, c�rried. r,Rotion duly r.iade b� r4Iadden, seconded b� 07.trnan t�aat Skelly t�il Stations license �e �ranted, c�.rried. hfotion duly Made b,� Japs, seconded i�� Oltman �iiat I!�r.Kroon's application fur license _for "Of�" s�,le liquox be referrec� to the Council �s a��hole for investigation , carriec� . 1�.Totion duly r,��deby Oltm�.n, seconder.3 by �1r,c�e���or_ th�.t I���Ir.T�eider's a�pli_ca- Liori sor "O�i" sale 1 iquor license be re +'erred to �i;�� e"our�c i7. as a v��hole for investi�;�ati_or�, c��rried. I'riotion duly made by Japs , secor.� ded by Oltrnan .�iia t�del licens e be �ranted , c€�rri_ed. T;rotion dul� r:ad.e by Japs�, seconded by ��adden, that t�ie Fire Dep�.Linar�cial repo rt be placed on iile , carried . luT0�;7_Orl CZll l�jl r�,ade n�T ,;'l_tman, second ea b� T:�"adden that l�later report be ac- cet?i;ed and placed on f ile , carried. _ I;�otion c�u).�r made l�J Oltman, seconc�ed �Oy Japs, tnat Police report be accepted and. placed on file, carried. r�`otion dul� rade by ?��adden, seconded by �nde r:�on, that 7ustice repo.-rt be accepted and placed on file, c�rried. . T,'otion duly r_.�ade b,� Japs , seconded by Oltman that ���e Treasurer's report be accepted and. placed on file, c<�,rried. l�:rotion duly mad�� by Oltman , seconded by �:�adden that the ti��'estern T��ietal Proc�ucts' Company cor�mun.i.cation be pl�.ced on file, carried. T�otion duly r:-;ade b,y Jans, seconded by Andersor� that the �3o,y �cout comrntu�ication be placed on file, ca,rried. T:Totion duly made by Olt n, seconded be� �r_derson tl.��.t the�?i11a�e Attorney `�� instruct the I�,��r�d �t.Louis Rail�vay to.inst�,7.1 a�rade crossing at 14th Ave.No. carried. Ia!otion duly rn�,de b�, It�?adden, seconcled b,y Oli;man th€�t �he iol7.owin�� r�ills be �llodved , carr ied : 2549 r��Trs . Lheo .�xt ine J.I�:��hre . sal. to 3-1-34 • 8. �0 � � \� -2- r�eeting r,�Tarch 6�h,1934 �i11s con't. 2546 �.G�xa�nilton 2547 T�awrence `3chutz 5396 Herman Olson 2548 Bloomie J ens t€�.d 2551 Acc't.Systems Co. 2552 Chemic�.l Sales & aafet� 2553 Z.�,idam- 2554 Frank Sitar 2555 �iennepin Fixit Shop 2556 Buck & Planque �557 Iti4pls.Gas. Sub.Co. 2558 Standard .Oil Company 2559 Jacob �cheffler 2560 �'�.��T�Tott Co: 2561 Henr�r Roehl 2562 I�?.�"J, Be11.Telec.Co. 2563 The Henn.Count� Review 2564 St..Paul Bk.8� Stat.Co. 2565 6aylord Bro s .Inc 2566 �.�rs..Emil Petersen 2567 �aahiel Fole� 2568 Hopkins Fire Dept. 256° ��Jilliamson Stamp Co. 2570 Japs Olson Co. 2571_l��artin J.Vanek 2572 H1F.Moo re - 257:5 A.V���lmquist 2574 J .A.i�iosp 2575 Irving Oltman 2576 F.T�i.l��dden 2577 9.lY�ert :J�.ps 2578 G. ��.Tyioore 2579 A.E.Anderson 2580 l��pls .Gen.Elec.Co. 11764 rrorpls.Gen.Elec.Co. 11'762 2'he �esler Estate 11763 Carl Redeen 11765 Frank Stodola 11766 Chas.Zehmbecker 11767 John Harinca r 11768 Dahlberg Bros.Inc. 5397 Void 5398 Herman Olso� 5398 B�±p1s.Gen.L�ec.Co. 5400 Frank Stodola 5401 C'r�as.I,ehmbecker 5402 A.Arness . 5404 National �ieter Co. 5403 T.he �i�terous Co. �aT. to 3-1-34 Sal . t o 3-1-34 Sa1. to 3-1-34 Sal. to 3-1-34 Supplies Co. Recharge �15 �.F. Grocer.ies PR Polic e chang�e 6 ke �rs Yerosene & Casoline Cit�r Nall �;as Gaso line Sa1.Fire Ste�r. L-o 3-1-�4 Supp ]_i es Yeros ene �PP. Fire & C ity Ha 11 phone s Suppl ie s Books library Suppl i es Zib rary Cleanin� Lib. t�vice Justice Fee 3 calls & 23 'phones St�nps Pap e r Po lice 8c F ire alarms t o 3-1-34 Sal. Fire 1�RJarden to 4-1-�4 Sal. to Treas. to 4-1-34 Sal. Att�r. to 4-1-34 � Sal. Trustee to 4-1-34 Sal. Trustee �0 4-1-34 Trus.Sal. to 4-1-34 Sal. as R�k,�or. to 4-1-34 Sal . to Recorde r 4-1-34 Zight & :�otiAie r Zi�;ht €c 1'ower I,�,nd ior lst St.No. Z�.nd for lst St.Ido. 35 hrs. C� 50� 13 hrs . r< 45�L 11. h rs . C� 45� Gasoline . � Stamps Power �C I,i�ht 1Fi ��rs . ��? 50� 4 �irs. �; 45� 4 hrs . � 45�.� Supplies- 1�1at e r hyd ran t Upon motion duly made and sec�nded meetir�g adjourned. Atte st : ' a �ror � ecIDr er 75.00 75.00 70.00 32.50 15 .O8 3.20 3,64 12 . 50 .75 2.66 2.20� 9.01 10.00 7.50 .67 11.35 16.50 31.6� 13.05 3.00 3. 00 107.50 1.50 2.20 25.00 50.00 50.00 75. 00 75.00 75.00 75.00 105. 00 195.00 43��.75 1.00 150.00 150.00 17.50 5.85 4.95 63.04 1.U0 151.86 8. 00 . 1.80 1.80 1.68 56.61 ,. Spec ial meeting of the village Council of the Villa€�e of Hopki•r�s �Nas held on Thursday,I�zarch Sth, 1934, at 7:30 PR;T in the �ouncil Room. �� ►� The members present; G.�'��.��oore ,President; Trustees, Japs r.�adden and Oltman. Reco rde r Anderson. IIpon a�otion dul� �.de by Cltman, seconded by �aps, twenty-nine men were rer�oved fr�m our C.W.x, project, ' in accordance «ith lette r received from Coun�y Auditor, carr ied. . T��Iot ion dul� made by T�:�Iadden, seconded b�T Oltman th�.t �re granl� �.n "OFf" sale Ziquor license i:o 7ohn ,f�ilbur Kroon subject to tne �.p��roval of tize Village Attorne� and State Zicense CoM-- m�ssion as to £orm _and all requiremer,Ls , earried . l.�Iot ion d;zl;T zr��.d.e by P,�'_adden, seco nded by -Japs, that �..OlTve ider bo grantet3 an "O.f�" sale Liquor License sub;ect to same approval as above, carried. h��ot ior� dul_� made by Olti7»,n, secor�ded by Anderson, that Z.Eidem �.nd Smith be �ranted an "Ogf" saJ.e Liguor License sub j ect to �.bove approval , carr ied . IJlotion duly r,�ade _by L�.a�dden, secora� ed b� Olt��.n, t'r�at an "On" sale Ziquor license be �ranted to I,.�idem and Smi�h, subjeet 'Lo same approval as a�bove appl icat ions, carried. Upon motion du1�r ma,ae and secorided._ nleeting adjourned. Attest : � y or . RECORDER � Special meeting o f the �i1lag�e Cour�:il of the Vil�age of �opki;�s was_ held�on. Tuesda�, P4Tarch 20th, 1934, at 7:30 Pl��. in the �ouncil Room. . � �Iembers present; President G.l��l.Moore; Trus�,ees �7aps, Oltman �.nd I�adcien, and Recorder Anderson. Ejnar Tkelson appeared and asked for Rent at 122�2 Excelsior .�ve. to A.O�sman, 1130 ��ash.St.�?.�.�ipls. tiaork is -to be furn��hed for the amount of or�e month's rent or �10.00. P;iot ion duly made by �2adden, seconded -by 0ltman t]lat twelve men be removed f rom our C�4y.g.pro jec�, as per �nstruc ��ons received from County �;uditor,� carried. 1�'Iotion, dul� made b�r Oltman, seconded b� NIadden th�.t t;he Insurance bills be � id as approved by the Village Attorne,y, and that �erman Olson's- bill 'oe paid, carried, Motion .duly rr�,de b;; Oltman, secorr3ed b� Anderson that the petition oF 5th Ave. be �ra��ted sub��ect to the approval of the �.ilroad adn l�arenot�se Comn�ission, At�Lorne,y bein� instructed to acquire s�.me , ca rri ec� . , ��otion dul,y .made py Oltman, seconded by Ar,derso� th� �t� ��e instruct the Village 1�ttorne�r to ne�otiate with t'ne I����"'an�l St.Zoa�s R.R. and the Railroad �:nd G'y'arehouse Commission to plaee an Automatic Si�nal at the �rossing at Egcelsior Ave.& Sixth, carried. P�otion duly made by dr�derson, seconded b� Oli,ma.n tnat �ve notify I�Zinnetonka rocvnship that v�e are to move - VJ.S.�issam at 302 13th gvel at once, carried. . - ffiotion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Anderson, that we write the County Co�unissioner c�o ti"J.��I.Heffelfinger in accordance to conversation with �r.PJfoore,Villa:re Council at meeting of March 20th, 1933 to remove Old A�e Pention of Theo.Extine, the Council guarantees that �;xtine Gvill lose nothing and t'�i�.t he �vill be taken •care of , carried �� ��o�i on duly made ar;d seconded, gttest: � Ma�r o r meetir�g adjourned. Recorde r . � Sp�cial meetin� of the Villa�e Council of the Village of �� Hopkins ���as held r��iarch 27th, 1934 at 7;30 Pll� at the Council Room. rti2embers present; G.if�1.R�oore ,President ; Trustees, Japs, T���,dden, anc� Oltn�an an d Rec orde r Andax•s on . ,��rotion dul� r�ade b� 1�Radden, seconded by Anderson �that Tohn J. Leah�r be authorized to issue Relief orc�.ers on the Villa�e of Hopkir.�s for T�arch 28 th , 1934 , carried. ia��otion duly made by �Radden, second.ed by :7aps, .that resi�nation rece ive d f rom �r�rs ;137.aneh Gro th f rom the Hopkins Zib rar� Board be accepted and Recorder �vrite her to that effect, carried. 1!�otion du].y r:ade b�l 'TL�adden, seconded b� Japs that the Relief Resoluti on be adopted , as ��r cop� a ttachec? herewi tl�, carrie�i . P�Iotion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by 11nd erson that G��e� adopt the 5th gve.Re�olution� as ner cop�T attached he re���ith, carried. ��otion duly made b�r Japs, seconded b� .Oltman that the correspondenee � read relatin� to zonin� ordinance be placed on file, c�.rried. Letter recei�ed from the �ount� Auditor's offi.ce reducing C.Gd�.A.quota to 41 men ar,d the Gouncil inst�ucted the Recorder to submit list of 14 men to �uditor to be taken off,. . Upon motion dul�r made and seconded meeting adjourned. 9tte st : May or L-� m �� Reoorder. -. , . • �J1��?M �L�� � ��Rr��n�{ lv SCRIPT ORDER N° 514 ,This is to certify _____________________________ --------------- whose signature is ____________________________________ will be entitled to receive merchandise from dealers in the village of Hopkins, Minnesota, to the extent of $______________ Dollars;� ugon � endorsement hereunder by the dealer furnishing said merchandise. �� Name of Dealer � Date � Mdse. Furnished � Amount � Balance This script order will be redeemed by the village of Hopkins, Min- nesota, upon being presented to the village council accompanied by certified bills of the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Dated ______________________; VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA BY-------------------------------- Attest ------------------------- President of village council. Village Recorder. IA1 THE DfIIATTER. OF THE 9DMINISTRATION OF COUN TY F�l[ERGF�1 CY RII,IEF F(TN DS IlV THE VILLAGE OF HOPKINS� HEI�INEPTN CODNTY� D�INNESOTA. ,� �PHEREAS, The Governor of the State of B6innesota and the State Board of Control have allotted to the County of Hennepin from f'unds made available- to the State of �Hi.nnesota by the Federal Relief Administrator under the - proviaiona of the Federal F�►ergency Relief�Act of�1933 a grant for carrying on direct relief and/or work relief Yor the relief of destitution the hardshipa resulting from unemployment and oth�r auch causes within said county, and V9HEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners at the �equest of the B�inneaota State Board of Control has established a County F�nergency RelieY Committee to administer in accordance �ith the rules and regulations of the Federal F�ergency Relief �dministration and the State Board of Control �' an� f�uida which have been or may be allotted to said county, and �HF�RF�AS, it is necessaxy to coordinate all relief activi.tiea wi.thin the county for the purposes of efficient adminiatration and inasmuch as Federal Funds are conaidered only as aupplemental to local funds� � NOW TAERF�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of Hopkina, �Iinnesota that it desires that its needy residenta sha11 benefi� from the administration of Federal Emergency Relief fluids and that it hereby�\authorizes 1;��-� the �ounty ftelief �Aorker of Hennepin �ou�nty to draw ordera on ita poor f�nd _� up to an amount not to exceed �/S5 — dollars, against which � the County Relief �Vorker will be authorized t,o make commitments for the purpose of providing food, flzel� clothing, shelter, medical a.nd dental care, and attention in the home. AND BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVED, that th'e Village Council of Hopkins� BHinnesota agrees to submit to the Board of �ounty Gommi�sioners not later than the fifth of each month a report of all poor reTief expenditures� excluding thoae ezpenditures by the County Relief V9orker referred to in the above paragraph, during the preceding month. � The for-egoing resolution was offered at e apecial meeting of the Village Council of Hopkins held on March 27, 19�4, by Councilman �ho moved its adoption� the motion.was seconded by Councilman and upon being put to a vote was unanimoualy adopted. Dated: �farch 27, 1934. Signed .- G. �. B�OORE, President oP Village �ouncil _���� Attest: ���� A. E. ANDERS010, Villsge Recorder. , SL�PORTING DETAIL FOR RESOLIITION IN THE B�ATTER OF THE ADB�INISTRATION OF COUNTY F�ERGIIVCY RELIEF FQNDS IN THE VILLiGE OF HOPKINS, flENNEPIN COUNTY� 1�INNESOTA. - - -- - ��--sZ 1. Balance oi overda�aft in Poor Ftiuid as of January 1, 1934 �� � . . _--=. � ` 2. Estima.ted Ta�cea to be collected in 1934 which m�r be a�, . 2 b used for poor relief � ��OD . � � � 3.. Total available for Poor Relief Year 1934 (1 2) �/�=� p, v o ��4 - 4. Eatima.ted amount needed for hospital expensea� D p � ��00 sanatorium expenaes, etc. � _ _ . _ Od � 5. Amouttt available for unemplayment relief ( 3 minus �) � 3 D D, �° � ' ' _ . -- ' � -_ , . Notez Thia will be the amount againat which.the � County Relief �orker. will be permitted to draw: � _��. �� Regular me eti ng of the Villag•e �ounci 1 of the Villa� e o f Hopkir_s v��as held on Tuesday, April 3rd, 1334, at 7:30 PI� in the Co.�ncil Room. ��embers present; G.��I.T,ioore, l�resident; Trustee9 Oltman, g:�Iadden and Japs. Recorder Ande���•son. A�:otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by P�xadden that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read, carried. �2otion d uly made b� Oltman, seeorrded b� Ma�dden that the follo��rin� bi lls be al lowed , carrie d; , 25J2 Schutz's Grocery 2593 Fr�,n k Edel 2594 I4iartin J.Vane� 2� 95 .6�I. r,�p 1 s. F ue 1 8� �c e C o. 2596 Emil Anderson 2597 -gnton Olson 2598 Z.Eidam 2599 - Standa rd Uil Co . 2600 Henn Dist.�oiler Insp. 2601 Hopkins Fiiro Dept. 2602 The Henn. Count �- Revie� 2603 _Jacob Scheffle r 2604 Hopkins Produce Co. 2605 1t�icDonald Transf.C,o. 2606 �=`rs .LmilPetersen 2607 St. Paul B�.o� 5tat. Co . 2608 Chas.��.A�rzan 260J.Mp1s.Sub.C.�as Co. 2610 PoGvers T,�erc .Co. 2611 FranY. Sitar 2612 1�p1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 2613 First Pdat'1.Ins.Agcy, 2614 Sec.Plational. Ins.A�c�r. 2615 Henn.Count� Home 2618 J�.s .J.T�leng 26I6 Calhoun I,dry �Serv. 2617 �i.�V.Bell Tele .Co. 2619 J.��Hennessy 117'7a �+�ranlz� �todola 117'72 G�o .6�I. ti�Valker 11773 Burt Z ila 11774 [=�7arren 'Benson 1I77 5 ��ranl�: 7�ehmbe cker 11776 Kenneth Shuberg 11777 Da,n I�opesky 117'79 Ejnar P3elson 11778 Enjar Nelson 11780 Dahlberg I3ro s. Inc. 11781 Harr3r `E:estling 11782 P.H.Co�tle 11783 1�Ip1s.General �lec .Go. 5407 I��ti onal 14�eter Co. 540Fs H�xy �'r.iehl 540�J Priest r�oto r Co. 5410 I:ipl s. Gen . r.lec . C o. 5411 Japs-Ols on Co. 5412 �_pecial �ss't.Fur_d 15204 lst T�fa t. �'�k.Hopkins Groceries PF Gasoline CI�aA Fire �C Police Alarms 'u'lood PF. Gro cerie s PR Groce ri es PR Gr�ce ries PR Gasoline Boiler Inspection Phones & calls I�iq.flrd.& Letterneads ,�a 1.Fi re. Ste��. 4-1-34 Groce��°ies PR Drayage 8c I'��ioving - C 1 ean in g L i b ra r,y �3ooYs library G r oc e rie s P? Ci'�y Hall Gas �ooks library Police chan�e Powe r &: Zight Prem iwn Ins . Po 1 icy Pre mium Ins . Boa rd 2 f lo r 3 mont�_�s Groe .PP Zaundry j a-i.1 Cit�r Hal]. & F i re Fue 1 PR 84 hrs. r� 50�� 53 hrs. 6� n rs . � 1.00 T ruck 6 i ,r ,r ,r n 2 4 " " 75z Team 6-2 " " 1. 00 'P ru c k 3 R �► �f �� 6� 62� n n er n � On acc.'t.see �]1778 29 hrs . � 45¢� Ca.�h Gaso 1 �ne �: F{epairs 6a hrs . f�. 1.U0 Truck F.e pa i r s 'i raff ic Si� .& Garag•e Supp�ie s b_abo r Pump packin�� Po�ver t�; Zi�ht F�tationer� :7pecial fund �onds �; Int . _ �' 75� � � 6.14 .90 25.OU 6. 28 2.68 J.65 4. 26 1.19 3.00 133.00 41.45 10.00 43.27 10.50 3.00 86.49 16.09 1.60 4. 65 1�50 427.30 51.6 4 14.26 90.00 10.92 �.51 10 .30 26.73 81.75 6.50 6.50 :� . 00 0.50 6 .50 6.50 3. 05 1U.00 9.3c . 6.50 8 . 50 12.58 3.79 6.50 • .�4 143.88 2.3U 15U0.00 4623.63 1����oi�ion dul� made by �,�adden, sec�nded by �n�� son ti�at wrQ authorize ry�I.r. I,eahe� �Lo vrrite Relie� orde rs .ior �'r�e �rill�.��e on hpril 4th, 1934,ca,rriec+. It�7otion du].y made by Japs, seconded b�r T:�adden t��at i+Jater report be �.�.cetited_ and blaced on file, carried. Tv:otio_r, dul� made by Anderson, seconded b�r P.1�,dden that Treasurer's rel�ort be accepted and placed on .filo carried. + I+:�otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Anclerson �hat Village Attornetr be •instr.ucted that i,he Counc il orde rs F,�r.�.: I���rs .�7ohn Skarolid tha-t .Lot 12 Bloc� 2 to made connect ion v�itll the Sev�er, c�.rried . -2- �:�eetin�; Apri� 3-rd.,1�4. Tv�ation du7.� made b:y -7aps, seconded by I`:�adden that the Recorder dra��v ��an assessment against 1�u�.Pie_�son at I2th Ave.So. to be paid in tsro � installments, lst pa,yment dae Jan.lst, T935� and 1 years interest from da�e paid unt.�.l tax paid, carried. Elnier�Bennett appe�.red in regard to rent. P,ent paid up until lOth of I�:Iarch at �10.00 per mon�:h to James Nicodym. Counc il will take this matter up for consideration. � b��otion duly ;nade b,y :Japs, secorx�ed by O7.tnlan that �he Curb Gasoline Pumps be removed from the Ye11ow�� Trail Cfara�•e ar�d that the Recordex• notif� �;he o�rner to �i�.ve sarre removed ,� carried . r�Iotion duly m�ade by Japs, seconded b� An�erson that Herman Olson be granted authority to purchase a necessary �1ise tor �,he 1�'ate r Department ar.d cha rgo s��,me to V��ate�-• Depa rtment , carriec� .. ��Totion dul� mado by Japs, seconded b�r Anderson th�.t we pa,y the necessar� paint for Villa�e Aall, Recorder to o�der sa�;e, carried. �,rotion duly made by :Taps, seconded by �,nderson tnat t;�e Do� Zicense Ordinance be enforced after the 20th of 9pri1, carried. �Fotion duly made b� Oltman, seconded b� P:�adden that � rnest Osterg�er� be given order for one cord of �vood, �4.00, carried. h,�otion ci.u7_y made meeting adjc�urnerJ. ATT�ST : �d-�.. 1"e 81 8ri ti �-. .ec or er 0 � Special meetin� of _the Village Council of the' Villa�;e oF Hop�ins �� . was .called Por the pu-rpose o.f a udi�ing tne. Village I3ooks on Tue.sday, April lOth, 1934 at 7:30, P11R. - Members present; G.1��1.142oore,President; Trustees,Japs,T,��dden ar�d Olt�a,n. Recorder bnderson. Village Attorney iiosp. �� I;Zotion duly rr�,de by Japs, seco:r!ded by Oltman th�,t v�e char�e the Brid��e Contractor on �12 �i�htla�,� 25�� per Tank load oi l�later,carried. l�Iotion duly made b-;T Anderson, seconded by Otlman, the the Villa�e Attorney be authorized to bririg I:�randamas acti.on against the High�i�a,y Commissioner to recover the ¢�'14,OU0.00 appropriated b�� the Legis- la,ture, carried. r�otion du]�y �made by Oltman, seconded b� Jap� that �rre �•rant and instruct the Village Troasizrer to . release the Bonds asked for by the Security TTati onal 3ank of Hopl�ins , arld tha t sa id Band furnish Governmend Bonds to offset said am,ount witndrav�m, carried. �"otion dul�,T made by Oltman, seconded by Anderson t'r�.t the street �omr.:issioner be authorized to take a crew of inen �and repair all �� places tha.t are bad and dangerous in the sider�alks in the Villa�e, WOY'� t0 start at once, c�rried. " �"otion duly made Uy Japs, seconded by P�;adden that the Recorder get pr.ia�s on moving toilet upstairs, and bnying a a�ew Iavator� and e��t opening in upstaire hall., carried. Upon motion dul� r:-�.de and seconded meetin.g �ras adjourned. - � ecor er Attest: Presi en t » 9 � . �t.Cltt�$ D# �D��triB HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Village Counci� Hopkins� �linnesota. l�arch 27� 1934 Gentlemen: In Rez Claim of the Village of Hopkins = �14,000 - � Improvement on Excelsior Avenne. For your records I am enclosing here�ith a duplicate of the Ntemorial and bill �shich vras verified by the Mayor , of Hopkina and certified to by the Village Recorder and alao certified to by Bdr. �. E. Duckett, Countg High�ay Iligineer of Hennepin County and approved by Mr. Fra.nk J. F�illiams� Assistant County Attorney and Attorney for the Hennepin County Commissioners, the original of �ehich ,together with the DQemorial and bill attached �ras by me left with gssistant Attorney General, 0. T. Bunc�lie, on �arch 15� 1934, with the request that he take the requisite steps to expedite payment to the Village. Yours truly, _ J. A. Hosp. L�� ' 1 1 3 4 S. d 7 �. f 10 . 11 1� . 13 14 15 16 17 18 J 19 20 21 ` � 22 23 24 � 2S ' 26 27 2P 29 30 31 , ,:l-1. A. HOS� A'``���'�7EY AT LAW H(5F;'KINS. MINN. � Pair]i�ESOTA ST�TE HIGI�F�AY DEPl�R7[�iA'IT STAT� OL' L�II�`kE50TA HT�NEPIN GCIL�NTY� �"TP�I�ES�TA« To 91z1a�e of Bopkiu�� Deb�or. STA�E �I' t�I?�h"�'�TA) � . COUPaiY 4F Fi�1N +, IN) G. �� -r.�oore of the Village �of Hopkina �nci �sid Coun-ty and State, �being du�y� sr�orn on oath, s�ys tYiat he is tY�e �yo� and �presi�.ent of t�:e V3.11age '�Counc3.1 oP �he �lil��.ge of f�o�kins az�d �Paat .he. �:�a per�ona3 knar�l�cl�s �nd �information .of a7.1 of' t�� �r�cts and circuz;astancee aet �'orth in tTie follow3ng statement �nd ii��t `the sam� i� true. o� his o� . kno�ledge �.nc? t!�.�i •hd m�kes . thi� �£�'id�vit �nd st.�,temen.t for and on belialf of the i�il�.�;e of Hopk3ne, in hie � ca�€���.�ty a�'�oresr�3�d' bes.�� ���r�ux3to �\dvly � acitYior�.zed, aad further •� t�!�es: . Th�;.t during t'r,e ye� J.9�n, . the; v33Za�;e of iio;�k�na., C�i�nesota, made a,permanent pavemeat 9.anrovement on Excelsior A'venv:e, be�G�reen Sixtla Avernte end T�els"th �.ve�u�� bein� �; ��rt og. High.�as�r nu�b�F 12 in and throu�h said Vi11��e� w�ich improvement �v�a,a done a.ra accordanCe �vi.th the p�ttns and �apecificat of �i�e �tate I��.ghw�,y Com�n.i.ssi.onery e�n.e� the coz�traet �nd� �t�e Frice for doirg thA WOP� aras approved by hitn� 8TAC� That the sai�i�fligh�ay nura�es 12 is one of ir�e State B�gliwaye �escribed in Artic�e T� oi the Gonstitution of the Sti�t� of P,linnesots, �nd Thai at tY�e ti�e a�hcar� �aid Ar�icle IC� of the Conatitu�ion xas proposed as an amee�dinent at the 19].� Sess�on o�' the Ze�ss3att�r�� tiae Le�i.s? at' aas cognis�nt of tha f�ct th�t the propos�d a��ndment eould not be ra�if�.ed by �he people until 1920� and bein�. dssir�ous of sg�eodin� �up tY�e sflad �iuilding proaram 3n th� �eantime �n.d tc� encoursge road bui2ding, incorpor�t�c� t�e reim�oursement pa�ovieioras in Sect.�on � o� t�e amenc�nent, tl�e m�r.:Zfest purpase boing �Lha� in tk�e evex�t of it� �ein� a�o,�tsd� iiaat �he �tat� oi �:�r..uesote sho� assume th�e coat o�'. the construc�ion of per�aanoni� imps°oveu�enta of all partions af t�e t�ig��r�y.S�stean cona�a�uGted €�fter Febru�ry �.st, 1919� and _� . That prior To" �k:e cans�cs�ictiar o�° -s� id p�r�z�r�t ��vet.�t �.�grove- men� of thn portion of ��ic� i�i�h�s�p in �g3�i �f�13r�gE of Hopkina� as afores�.id� th,e Vil:�soo Offici�.3.s secea:v�d encoa�ra,gemer.t fr�n ihe State gIigfie��r Cor�issionei to do "ana� perform sg�d �rc�rk and were e�aco�agsd to T�elieve th�t s'ei mbur�enent r�ould bs madn by t�e State for �one�r�, exven��cl �y the �Ti33.age tr� t�ie e�tent of the normal ��iidth (18 feat) of Sfi,ate Highv�ays �;�ie�e '�he s�me run �hrough villagee and, '_ ' thet -_ �.rr reiia.nce u�on., s�3 d engouru�emeat a,nd �.r. thQ b�l�.af tlt�t re3�bursement wouid be mad.e� t,he Village OfFic3.ale of the �fill�ge of Hopkine caused the �ork. to be do�ie� as afores�9.d� in �.CCOI'tiflTiCL' 1R7.'tI�1 jJ1.IIT1S �.nd speci�'i- cation� �pprovQd by the Sta�e f-i�:�bw�y Coaan�tssiozter' a� $ cost #,o t�ae Village of the sznn of ��O:5fl2.00, and r, TY�at a�'ter the �s�id ��rm�snt pa�v��.ent, improv�r�en� rr�s m�c�e a� si"�a�esaid� data an� spec3ficatibas �vere flixrciished �,o tk�e T�.nneaota i�ighway �2e��ertaaen�t� �ra�? from such d�t� and infoa�atian the said F�.�h��v Dear�rtaient s�cert,�inecf �nd daterrQinQd that �he �ill�ge of Hopkina wa� entitl.ed �u a�nd s}�ou1d receive �reo,nburs��at in tY�e suin ca� �''�0, � dS;sS, saic3 araQu�t b�ein�; t�ie an�ort3.on�:e�t oi tha costa of tl�e consts°uctivn af' 'sai� �ez�r.caner�t �,vea�h,t ampro�ement ior thc normal �;idth os s�ir� Hi,�h�sy number. �.2, �.s it r�ui�a through i�e V311.age oi i�o7kin�� and� �t�at �Ehe Vi1��ge of Ao�kin�, has neeer rec�i�et� reimburae�ent froffi the S�,�te of i4iinneeota' and' tl�t t;;a �e�.,��� as�zgned by tj�e ��nneaota. Stete Ai�l�say �egartanent for not makina rei�burseraEnt� altho�Ya ag��ro�cd �� a�ore�aid� .�a3 -�Ia�i t�e pe�nar_�n� locti.��.�n o�' i:•;�L�aag . m�ber 12 in the locali°ty of Flo-r;kina had no•t be�:n aef:�nitely decided, and 0 , Th�t the 5iinnesota Hi�hv�ag llep�.rtment has si�ce dec9.ded not to �ns t . 2 3 � f._ 6 7 8 f 10 11 1�, 13 14 " iS . i 16 � 17 � 18 � 19 20 � . 2t �� 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2F, ;� � 29 � " 30 31 ��-sH.. A. HOSP A13'' '*.�IEY AT LAW I HOPKINS. M�NN. i ►� :. utilize the portion of the p�rmanent pa�rement 3.mprovement� es aforesaid� as a p�rt of number 12� but has definitely c��cided upon s deviateci route�, 'Zhat the fol�.orring is a true and corr�ct co�y of a letter from John W, S4iaffer .�nd Compa�r d�a`�ed Septe�nber i., 1922� to • thca �anneso�t,a,a Hi��way Depar�ment �rittesn i.n �e�ponse t,a a.r�c�ue�� i'so� iT�e s�i.d De�artmen�. ' �JO��IN €�. SHl�.FI'�'.�R +� C0. F��ineer� , N�e� Yarl� Life Buildin� F,�innea,polis, �4in�esota. September I, 3922. � �1�.nnosata High�aa� D�gt. � . 1246 Un.iversity .�v,�mae, St� �'aul, c�Iinnesotaa � . Atten. �ir. D. 9�._ �eb�ter , De�r Sirs-. Thi.s wiZl cert3.f�� th�t t�e paroi:n�; rrark at k�op�ina� �innasota �as cvn8tructed in strict accordance w�th ihe appraved g�1�s ��a a�peificatians on f31e in ytour ofiice. The fol�.a�ing '' qua�f,iti:es. are ofi'ered� and �e bo3ive they are the true fl3gures � ua�on �ts� ch ra�l.mbure��ent ehaulc� be aaada to th.e V.'L1Ia�e of �opkins. 2014.9 ft ( 4fl29.6 sq! yd9. esti�ated at 18 ft. it� �v3dth) pave.ment � 4.29 per yel � �17�287.84 3.945.3 cu, yda I�cav�tion � 1.50 per cvl. yd. _ 2.917,95 �20s205.79 �hese fi�es are bas�d on the �ollowing total quantit�.ea s�91b eq.�*d� oi� PavsBent � 4.29 per s;�.� �rd. �.nd �,?G6 eu. yde of Excavatio�a � 1.�0 per cu. yd. � � Yours vert,� tx�.�i . � Jahn �1. �haffex Go.' � b,y Goe, D. Alexorcl�n" That the fo3.lo�ein; ia a irue �nd_ correct copy of a letter freim ! The . &iirinesotFa ���h�ray Departanent d.�ted .QctobeaC� _9�Y� �9���- ac�dr�ssed �o J. A. rn ttie �then and nov �illage . Attorney for the Dillag� of: iioplr�n�. "t�IP]A]��TA ki.�G_�E4Y DEPAR_��T 1246 Uniaersit�y Avenue ` St. Paul . , . . Oc�tober 9, 1923. Pdr. . Jotiepb �. fio�p ' , At�,orne�r at La�v � Hopkins' Hdi.nnesot,a. : Dear Sirs. � Res Rsimbursement. In rep].y to your letter of October 5th, 1923, kindiy �e ac�vi sed that we h�ve $1.3�;,the c3atfa nacess�.ry i:o p�y rei�-� bu�sement on the ;�:�va.n� �ror3� on Excelaior Avenue in your vi.11a.�e� bu� the permanent -�.c9:.�ation af Trunk Highway nwnber 12 in that Zocality h�s not been defiziitely deaided. Clntil �hn�t time it �i11 1 1 3 4 � ' f: . 6 7 8 s IO 11 1� 13 14 15 . 16. .; 17 18 � 19 -� 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 z� . ZP 29 � 30 � 31 , �H. A. HOSP A� cNEY AT LAW HOPKINS, MINN. � , be �pa,s�b1Q for this c�epartaent to ag�rava the reimbur�ement. ihere m$y be a chs.ne€� tc� eSiminate the �grac�e crossing� ��. your local�ty . by ciwoa�ng an.o�hei lo�a-�3c5n. Yours very �x�iz�y, . ;�INIJE�TA F12����Y DEP9RZT��ENT . D. N. �;ebster , . Asst. .Constructa.on E�'.ngineer. p ���.t �omet3me, dux�.ng. the month o� Ja�uary, 1933,: and while the Le�;i�l�ture �f �the Staie o� Minriesota �as in session a conf�rence tools plaee iri the affice €�i' the Co�zszssion,er of the State I�tgha�ay Departaneni� at ��zich co�afe:�ence the Com�a�ssionex �.r.d; th� �ffiant and officiala of the Higha�a;y De�oaac°tm�nt an3 ;c€��re��entativ,es of ��e Village af Hopi�ine� ineludiag the s�.d Village Attorr�,2y siid. �1ao, S�na�:.or �r�h�a H. �.I�.11er, were �sreaent, axid at nhich conference a11 of the £oregoing �►as t3a� sub�eat matter of discuasion and that in said conference�it �as a�reed tt�a� �be Vi].iage a� Ho�:.Lin� �� s�tit,led. to reimburssm�it b� virtue vf a�.l of the £o�egoin�� but tha�L ��in� �o t�ie eircum�t�.nEe �� t!�e d�vietion, t�mt se�.mburse�ent bQ made on �he b�aie of the rental value of �]..Q00.00 per year for a pe�.od oP �ourt,een (14) yea��, and . that a bs.3.1. be izitr�c��ac�d in tho Le�iala�ure by �he az��. Ser�a�Gor U�iller . accordingly, �hat� s8.id bill ara� intror3uced at �aid ee�sion of the Leg3alatvace . �:cti na,s pas's�d ��a�g�oy�d be�.ng Soctian 2 of �nt�.pter ��0� ���r� af 1933, appropsiat�.ng �1g,0�0,.40 as reimbursement -to i�1�e Vi1l.age of Ii�pkina� for the co�i r�f t�e a�aps�ovemea��C� co�.structian�4c �,a:ln����.nce o� �u�e.1.2 w�..thin the �sid Vil.lage liz€�ts` of Fiopl�,in8 �a.rin� t�:e year 192Q; that thex�o�f't�r. i� an op3:nion dated 3�e �� 1983� t�.e of�ice of th� Att�rney General by �saistant 0. .T. Bur�cll.ief heid th��. aaid enactment v�as �sneonati��it3.on.�], for the x°e�.son that . Sectic�n 1 of Artacle Ifi oi tt�� �t�te �'ons�it�.���+,�ti ��ress3.,p l�i�a r�a�►iaurse- c$ ment to � Count�y sr�d th�t uacie� the .st�id consti�nLion�.l. restr�ction th.e.t no re�.�:t�urscr�en� ccaule� b� ;.n��c� ,direc�i],�r f,o th.e V�13age oui of t'r�e Trunk �di�hwa,y �'t�rid; tha� ther�after s�nd �t the Extra S�ssion of the I,egisla'Cure of 1�in�e�ata of �933-398a � bi11 ��as :.r�troduces being.ChaptEs �(? �ox' s��d E�tr� Le�i�lative Seasic►n �he�e3n said Section 2 of �h�pter 390i ��ws �g 1�5�, �+as amended to read e�nd p�ovide for r��lliurse�ent �;�r, t�i� �%��an��, o:' ��enue�in as anri for the beraefi� of the Vi7.1.a�e of Ho�ki�s� for; coet8 ��f �;.m�ro�in�y c�nstructingt z�ental� �.n� .main'�,,a3.ning ��aute i2 ,��ith�.n tY�e corpar�,t� l:�z���� o�' s��id Vil�:�ga ,� . dur�.ng t.he ;�ears of 1920 �nd subseequent �eez�a in � tho eum of �14,Q�0.00; . That the �'oregoirf� ��at��►P�t af � .uts> aric� .; �.�c�z�s��.n.cPa i� �ade 1��upYsort of t�e cla:im neseby t�ac3e �r►a pre�entt-�: i� the Ca�nn�y of liennepia and to the �Ainne�ot�a Hi�hw�r popartment for the i.u�mec:iste payraent fi,o said Vill�.ge e.� I%p�.3na of the su�; �.foresaic3,; � . Subscribgd an�? ��7o Yr to be�'are me h � � � a G�� � t �s �� ..�._ . . ���,4� �' . �i• �• I'�OOlr°�.' . !ot�:x�y Pub�.c' f��nnep� n �c�'3ar�ty, �irrn, �8y com.�:i.esxoa expire� r'�� ��s� Nozary Public, �enne�t• (:6r�t�t�Y, �l.ie;r� • Z.4y �ninm'rssion ��cpixrs �?cb. Y�, .�93:; t Z a � 4 f: 6 7 �� .� f 10 ` ii 1� 13 14 • 1S I � � . 16 i 17 18 I 19' I 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 . 27 2F, 29 `30 31 . �H: A. HOSP A:, NEY AT LAW HOPKINS.. MINN. � - �- _ _.. STAT� 0�' i+,IN1JESOT6) . ' COUN�Y OF ff�NNF�IN}as. � � VI�LAGE OF fiO�itINS) . A. E. Anderaon� Village Hecorder for tl�e vill�x�e of fio�lsins� County of Hennepin� State of �linnesotas does�hereby certif� that,�ie has read the within foragoing st�tement, and checked the data.t�.erein cont�.ined from the records of 'th� said Vill.age� and does hereb� certif'q that all . of tre deta cont�ined ir. the�foregoing atet�ment is truc� r�nd, cox�r�ct. �_ y. . . - . ' . � . ` �, V311�ge Recorder, Villag� of f:��akins. STATE QF' A��NRESOTA) - . . COUI� TY �F I,'_�I�Y�I'Sl� ) �s . ' . fl. �.'Duckett, County Highway �igineer of the County of Hennepin� State of i�innesota� does. �hereby certii'�i that he h�s. reac3 over the atater�ents and d�,ta conta.ined in the v�i�,hin and :foregoing sta�ement, ,and thet �le has also cheeked the data therein cont�ined with �he dr�t� and records on file with Village Recorder oi tne -`�ill,a�e of Ho�i�ir.s' and does he�°eby c�rtify t:�at the infor�nstion contained in the vrltnin and f'ore�;oing statsr�ent is true �:�d correet. , , � ' County Ifigh�q��,y Engin�er�a Hennepin County� �'i�.i�l 4�' 'f.�1M �$���� �� ��i��t� � ��fp� ;_ ,, ; � ' �� ' �" �c�ta�#ry a� fienne��.�n, ��c�f ���',� �:wF:t]lB�' �7@��'��'�i�► ! ' R�i�b�r�a��� �or i.� ,��v�ctat t�� '.i���3�3or aVe�ae �urs�.c�� � . .Sc���ot� �#4, �Sfi.�a ���i�1���.vm �sssiQzt¢. �.��3—�.�: �. ki)�rave�a A�i�c��.�;�5 3.'�� �c:�::.�� �� �;�ss�r.a.us.r� ��,�3s �� �.4:.arn�;� C:r�a+���I `��l�:t�`-.'] i� ��fi3'�.I''�.,'�Ei"�� HoSP �LY ATTORNEY9G4T LAW BOO ANDRUB BUILDING � MINNEAPOLIB. MINNEBOTA _ . � .� .. . _ .. iT.' . . . - ��i>'� ' . , : . -q � :': . _ ; - . , - c. - . -. - i , � 1 � V � � _ ,�, . -. • 4 , _' � �_ - - _. .. � . i - 1 - �,� � � �: . - ;: .- _ . � ,; —� ' - k?. �. - -' . _ f . �: • ' � . _ S'. ' �. +. � � _ .: • - • 4 � . ' �:: . . _ .. . � � , � . t ,. . ;, . - ;,� . � .� ��� �� . ' f . i. i , .._ , . i � _ - a !" � �� 1 2 3 � 4 f, 6 7 � f lfl 1 i. �- 1Z. _, 13 14 1S 16 i7 18 19 20 • 21 r� 22 23 � 24 24 26 27 2P 29 30 � 31 JGSPg:;�t':�:�'A. HOSP ATTORf��Y P!T LAW HOPKINS. MINN. Y I �T{� Ii��TaXIC �he Council. of ti'ie Vill��;e_ vf H.opkins does oi�d�ina� ON Ti�I � 5ection I. D�'.�nxtion of Terme. The �orde�arid phrases end�defin5.t�ons of t�rms as usecl and defined i.n tne "Intoxic�ting Liquor Re�tatory Act" b�ing Chapter 46� Special Se�szon of 1933-1934'.in eo far as tk�e s�me are apnlicable to the Villa�e of I�io�kins� �re hereby applied �nd ad.opted by referencei and hereby declared and �ncor�or�ateci �.a p�r�t of, �this ordinance �ith the sa�e force and effect as thou6h h�rein bosily ir.serted in fli].1. � �Sc;:i:ie�;d . Licerise I3equired: No �erson aha.11.� directly or indirectZy, ugon any pretense or by ar�y device� .m�nufacture� iraport�' se:tl, �x�hange� ,barter� ..dispQee of? �r. lc�ep ior a�le� s�y intoxicating liqtior, �ri.thout fir�t�.iiaving obtained a license:therefor �s hereinafter pTovided.�Lioenses e��all be of t�o Kindas "on s�le" Qn� "nx"f sale". � � � "On �ale" � I.icens�es 's1�a11 'be �rant9d only to c�ualifieci apnlieants for an e��lusive'stora� and but four,(4) such licenses shall be issued. The license fee �or �n, "on sale" lic'ense, is hereby fixed at the aurn of $�1000..00 per year. � � "Off sale" iicenses shall be gr�nted to per►nit the sale.of liquor at ret�il or wholesale in tiie original pack��e %r consu�nption o£f �the pr=mises only. Such licens�� nay oe ;i�sued.'on].y� to proprietors of Drug Stores ,and excluaive Liquor 3torea subj ec � to ttae approval of tl�e I,iquor Contr�l Co�.seion ihe license fee far an poff saT�;n licen�e ia hereb�► fixed at the sum of �100.00 �er year. . r _ . Section �. Ap�lication for-License. �very person desiring a; license for either "on" or °off sal�s" shalt fi2e a verit�i�d applicatibn trerefor in �rriting �sith. the Village Recorder in t�he' iorm. io 'oe prescribe� by the Co;�.miasioner and �rith . Buch. ad�itional infox3nation �s the Villag;e C�uncil ma�• require. A surety� bond shall accompany eacti �.p��li:cation for a license�. In tl�e case o:f an �pplication far an "on saleA license, the application shall be accompaniec� by a corgor��e aurety b��d in=the -�um-of �y3�000 to-�e °a��rovad as to -lega�7. form 1o�r the r�t'torney for th4 Village� and�as to 8uf�'ioiency by.the Council; or in Zieu of such bond' casn� or bands o�' the IInited 5tates oi a r�arket value of "�3�Q00 �ay be posted. In th� case of an application for an "off sale" license 8 similar surety bond or:ca�h or Onited State�.bond ��uivalent shall be required� but the a,r�ount of sucM 1�ond sha11 be �1'A00. and 9t�a):1 e.lao �e �.p,proned by the' Commi.ssian�r. All auch bonds shall be condtitionec� as followsa ' . (a) Th�.t the licensee voil� o�ey the la�s relating to such Iicensed bu�iness. � .(b) That the lic�nsee vc�.11 pqy to the municipali-iy Hr;�en due all t�.xess Ilicense fees, penalties and oth�r charges provided by law. (c) fih�t in 'the event of any �violation -of the.�prvvisiona of any larv rel�tin� to t%e retail "of� s�le� and,retail "on s�.le".of intox9.cating liquor� such bonci shall be � forfeited� to the municipality :�.n e��ich such license was issued. . ' ' (d}That the 13c�nsee will pay to tl�ie e:ctent o.f �i:e nrincipal araount of � sucl7 bond any dauiagee for death or in,jury cau�ed by or resulting iror�s tn� violntion of any proeisiona of la� rela.ting t�iere�o� and in such c�ses recovery under this subdieision (d) may be hac3 fro� the surety on his bond. The amount specified in suc� bond ss declared to be a pen�lty�.the amaunt.recoverable to be me�surea by the actual damages; proeided� 1?owever� th�.t in no c�.se ahall sueh auretg be liabl� for any; amount' in .excess of the; penal amount.,Qi .�ire bori.�.- . . �' . . • .,- .. , , „ . -, � � r� � R, � . � , It� af�all be� unlawful to r��ake an;� false� statement in an sp�licetion. Section 4. Fees :•All appZications for�licena�s shall be acco�panied by a . � 1 3 � ; � !. d 7 � f 10 11 1� 13 14 15 16 C 17 18 19 � 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2F. 29 30 31 JOS1"��<s;, A. H03P 1TTOR9tiEY AT LAW NOPKINS,_ MINN. � _ . �« eceipt from the village tre€�surer for the reau:�red a.nnua.l. fee for the respecti icetYse. Al]. suc� feea aha11 ne p�id intd the general iund of the nninicip�lity. pon r�jection of any application.for a license, the,tr�asurer shr�11 refund he amount pai.d and the bond of �said applicant sha].1 be returned to him. All licenses sh�.].1 expire on the la9t day of Beee�ber in e�ch year. or licenses i�sued hereunder prior to December 31� of any ye�r, ihe fees shall e a pror�,ta share of the annual license fee. 5ection 5. �z°antin� oz" Licenses. Th� vi..li��e cour.cil shall amuse in4estiga.tion to be made of all r�preaentationa set forth in the a�plication. Opportunity shall be given at a regular or apecial me�ting of�the counci7. to�an� person to be heard for or agafnst the gsentin� of any licenae. After such investi�ation anc� apvroval of the requ�.red bond� the villa�;e council shall �rant or . refla.�e such license � ita discretion; provided that no "off sale" license shall become effective until it� together �t1z t�e bord� has. tr�e a�proval of the Lic�iuor Control Commissioner. All licensed premises.shall hsve the licenae poated in a conspicuous place therein at all times. No license ahall be tr�.nsferable either as to licenaee or prem3ses without the � nroval_of.the council and also the Liquor Control Co�misaioner in tl�� caae of �off sale° Iic�nees. Section 6. Conditions of Liceuse.�l.l licenses g�canted hereunder s1za7l be �r�ntei subject to tne fallowing condition8 of thie ardinance, �nd subject to ali other ordinances of the Village applicable thereto and to �11 re�ulations promul�ated by the Liquor Coritrol Cor�m.iasioner &�pplicable theretoa Ebery licenaee �hall be responsible for the cond.uct of his plsce of iness and the conditions of sobriety and order therein. No "off sale" licens� Shall be issued for an� place �here non-intoxica�- ing m�l� beverages shall be aold flo�,consun�tion on t..he premises. No intoxic�ting liquor �ha.11 be sold or furnished for any�pttroose wh�tever t,o �.ny person vnder the age of 21 y�ars� or to an habitus.l drunkard or to any person obvio�.sl� intoxicated ar -to-�ny of the persons to whom sale is prohibited oy statute, Nq license sha7.1 b� �r-�ntec� �,o a�int�r- ��: no minor shall�be em�loyed in ar�y rooms constitutin� the pl�.ce in w�ich intoxicat-. ing liquors are sold re'tail.at "on s�1e". � No pool or billiard table shall b� kept or used in any "on sale" premises. No licensee shall keep, posseas or operate or pez•mit the kee�ing� possessi.on or operation of� on tiie premises� or in arzy roo� adjoinin.g the liaenaed premises control�ed by him, any.slo+. ��chino, dicP or ather ga�bling device or apparatug, nor pez�it any ga�nbling Lherein� nor permit the licenaed premises or any room in ti�� same.or in any adjoinin� buildin�, d3.reetly or indirectly in nis control� to be used as a resort .for prostitutes or other disorderly peasons. -- Ro license sha1l be issued io any person not a, citizFn of the Unitwd 3tates s.nd veho ahril.l be of' �ood moral character �.nd repute, nor to any person mho shall here�ft�r be coneictEd of any wilful violation of g.riy..lats o� t1�e IInited St�tes or the 3tate of Minneaota or of any local ordinance �i.th reg�,rd to the manufacture� sale, di�trilaution or poasession ior s�.le or distri'oution of :ntoxicating Iiquor� no� to any per�on whose license und�r t'r�ie ordinanee sYiall be revokeci for any �vilflil viol�tion of �.ny suc�i la�s or ordinances. No licenae shall be �ranted to any m�nufacturer or distiller of int,oxicai in� liquor, nor to anyone intercatEd in the o�rnership or operation oi �ny- such pl�ce� not to a person onera.ting a liceneed pince o�ned by a manufacturer� distiller� or exclusive wholesale distributin� a�ent unl�aa sucl� int�eTeat ,was acquired at least six manths prior to Januai� l, 1934; and no equipment �J 1 2 3 4' � or iixture im m�y licen�ed place �ha11 be oraned in �no�.e or �rn part b�r tzny suah manufacturer or diati3ler. . � No license sh�l.l be issued in con junction �ri�;h a�y business�� untiZ such Ibusiness has baen in continued operation in tY�e ;�ar.emiaes proposed to be . � lieenaeii �'or at ? eas� six azonths imraeotia�ely �receding the d�,te of ap�la.c�.tion for such licer�se. � s P10 more than one license of �either class sha11 1�0 �;rati�t�d io one person or to on� manA�;E�e�t� except i� the cr�se of exclusive li.c�uor stores. 6 7. . � f 10 Ti 1� 1'3 14 15 16 17 YS 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 26 + 27 , . , � 2F, 29 ' • 3U � 31 �os, A. HO8P ATTORNEY AT LAW HOPKINS. MINN. . No license shall be �rant�d �'or operation on any pre;aises u�on wr?�.ich tax�� or assess�ents ar other �inancir�.l claina of the village �.re delinqu�nt and unpaid. . Ail premise� �a�ere �ny lacense her�under is �r�anted ahrill be o�en to inspect:ic�n b� any'police or he�It� officer or other �roperly desi�na�ed ofiicer or e;nplo�ee of the,villaG� �.t �y �ti�.e during �chicn the pl�ce ao ].icensea shsll ue opEn •to �-t�Yte �ublic ror b�zsiness. ' Section 7. flours o� Operation. No eale of i�toxic3tin�;.?ia»or sh�Il be �ade �n Su�us� Aor before �o'clock P:a2. on a�y .�tiienorial Day nor before 8-P.r2. on any Election D�y,in the vill�.ge. No "on aal�e� shal� be msde befare 8 o�clock A,F,Z. a or after 12 0' �lock midni�,ht of �c�y c1ay. No "off sa:Ln� shall be made before 8 o'.clock. A.i; . ar after �� o� clock P.t�Y. oa' any day excepi Saturday� �n cahich da�y "oif saleap m�.y be made until 10 o�clock P.&�. Ssction S. Restri�tions on �onsumptior�. In any� nlace licensed for tton sale" ti�e liqunr sold shell be served �,nd consu:ned at t�.blea equippeci �rith chaira �t arhic'.� customers must �i� t� be �ezved. Liquor ��ala not b� cons�smed or served �.� bars or counteFs. AlI. r��.ndd�s ir tr,e fron+ oi �ny such pl�.ee shr�l be. of r1e�r �laes� and the .vie�� of ti,�� �l�ol� interior sha11 be unol�structed by scr�ena� curtrzins or partitions. There shall be no pr�rtiticn, box� sta1.I� � screen� cnrt�in or otYzer device which shal� ob�truct the v5.e� of any part of said room f�om �Lh� general observaiion of �Sersons in s�.id room; nrovidec3, I��o�;�ee that partition�, su8d�.v3aions or �anele �re not tii����r �Iaa� �'or�y-ei.ght (�8� inclzes from �he f2oor �hra1.1 not b� conetrued as in conf`l�.c*� v�itiz the foregoin�. Pdo such 3nto�c:icat�.ng licauor �ha2i b� sold ar. ; erved ar consumed at or i.n an;� theatre� picture ahor�� public dance hall' or otlier nlace of vubZic gathering for� the pur�ose af entertFsinr�en:, ar am�asement� or. u�on any public� higkg�ra;y or in ar�. automobilej and it she.l.l be �ixilawful for any peraon or persons to mir, oa prepare� Iaqu3x• for conaur:►ption in any public �l�c,e vr pl�,c� of bus�neae where.no '�on a»1e" �icenae is Iield; or to cansume liquor in such places or in any place oper�teci under a non-antoxicatin� rn€1t 1�.:�aor license �ranted by �he Vil].e�ge Counc�:I, � ' Section �: kevocation. �ny licena� granted hereunder ma� be revoked by the council withaut noiice to tre gr�ntee �nd a he�rin� shaZl �ie f�irst h�ld by the councsl �nd �Y�e revocation then made for cause. �y vialation of an�r proqision or condition oP t�.is oadinance or the st�te� Ii�ens3ng law or en�' f��ficatiom of �n� statez�ent in the apl�lication si��ll be �round for revoca� Any.such license ahall be reeaked.auto�aiica].ly upon the conviction of the ilfi�ee of a`�felony. No �ortion of �h.e lieense fee paid unto the ei:ilag� _.��r�all be reiu.rned u�on revoca ioa. .�r •�, _ , � . . 5ectio���0 Repeal. 611 ordinances of this v�1.11�ge or any.�rovzsions �hereof in confl�ct vai.th this ordinance or any.oF ita provisionw are hereby repealed. �lo.pravision hereof sh�13. affect the ordinance licensing snd re�alating the sale of non-in�o� cating malt liquor �dopted t�ursuant to Che.p�ter 115� Laws 'of 6�innesot�,� 1933�.or any licanse granted th�reunder. �. � � n � �I� 1 Ssc'tion l+: Provisions Separablo,Every section,��.�rovis�on or Nart of this '. ordinan�e is declarEa' sepmr�b�.e, fron, ever�T other section� provision or_ �art; Z and iF any �ection_� proviaion or �ct hdreof shali be�declared invalid� it ahs].l not _af�ect, ar�,y other section, provision or part. ' , � 3 9ection 12. Penal . Any person violazin� any pr�vis2on of iile ordinane� shall .'��� be guilty of a m3sdemeanor and upon convictian �h�reof sha11 ba punishe� by a fine �f not more than one hundred dollars {�1U0.00), or in def�uJ.t of such . � payynent aYta11 b� impzisoned�in the villa�e lockup or cownty jail for nat to exes�d ninetr(90) d�ps� hilus the eosta o� pros�cution in any case• � . 6 � ;, � . Section I3.' Effect. T?�iis ordinQ.nce shall ��:ise effaet �.�nd be in iorce :�ron� � snd after its passa�e and pubiiaation. � , .. . '' P�s�ed' by the .Council thi� 271;h da� of �'et�ruary, 1�34. � 10 � . , .Approvedt � . . . . . li . . • � � �a: � �. �. r�±oaRE . �3. Pr�aident of dillage Council . 14 . Atteatt . . . � 1 S �. , �� 1�6 �i. E. Ai�D�RSON � � � Village.Recordex. 17 � . � lg Publi.shed in The Hennepin Couniy Review on Thursda,y, F{��.rch 8� 1934: 19 . ' 20 . 21 � , : . � . 22 � . 23 . . . 24 ' . _ .. � � 2S � . � . . 26 � . 27 . � ', 2F, . � �i 29 ` . � . . 30 • . �1. : ' . . � . JOS'"�"�?�.� A. HOSP� � ATTORIrJ�EY AT�� LAW HOPKINS. M�NN. ; V. �� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPRINS, MINN. �. �,_� � - - STATE OF MINNESOTA, {� COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 1 , .----- ,7 t- 1'� -Ma2'kY18m -------,being duly sworn, deposes and says that he now is arid during all the tunes hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher or printer in c,harge of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly' newspaper, printed and,published in the Village of Hopkins, !n said Fiennepin County, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he has lmowledge of the facts and knows personally that the pr�nrea ------- Not ice _ of Hearin�----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- hereto attached. cut from the columns of sa.id newspaper, was inserted, printed a.nd published in said newspaper once in each we�ek for______.�.____weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the Engllsh language. That said notice was Srst inserted, printed and published on Thurs- daY, tne__ 22nd ---�,y oY---Nov_ember -----------, ls_��.� � '------------- ------------------------� -That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualiiied as a rriedium of official and legal publications as requu�ed by Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 484, Session Laws of 112'innesota, 1921, and that it has compIIed with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That Por more than one year last past from the date of the f� pubHcation o1 said______________�__ ------------------------�Q �e�C@-------------------------- said newspaper has been: (1) Printed Yrom the place trom which it purports to be issued in the English lauguage, and in oolumn and sheet fonm equivalent in space to at least four pages, with flve columns to tha pa8e, each seven- teen and three-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once each week from a known office, established in such ep,ssaryfmater'�ialcfor prepari g and printing the same.�en and the nec- (3) Made up to contain general and local news, oomment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publicati,on, and not en- tirely made up of patents, plate matter or advertisem�nts, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place oi publicatioa to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that pnor w the aate oi the Srst publication of said Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the gublisher or printer in charge of sald newspaper having knowledge of the facts, Sled in the office of the countq auditor of said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the na.me and loca- tion of sa�d newspaper and the existence of conditions canstituting its 3 of�Cha.pter 484 a lSes�son Laws b�Iinnesota 9a , and set forth in Section That the following is a from A to Z both inciusive, composition, printing and p� unto attached, viz: / 8ubscribed and sworn to before Note y size and 9eind of t cese alphabet ype used in the n of said legal advertLsement here- My cammission ,C�C-�i�C� �� � ----- ----=---- Publisher. of__�OQ8��T19_.3� � NOTICE OF HEARING � On Petition to Vacate and� Discon- � tinue Part o4 Minnetonka I Mills Avenue. � State of Minnesota, County of Hen- � nepin, Village of �Hopkins—ss. Notice Is Hereby Given That on � the 4th day of December, 1934, at � 7:30 P. M. at the place of their usual meeting in the Council Cham- bers in the Municipal buildin•� at Hopkins, Minnesota, the Village Council of the Village-, of•�• ,Hopkins will meet to consider and g;ct upon the vacation and discontinuance of— That part of Minnetonka Mills Avenue �between 15th and 17th Avenue • in the Village of Hop- kins, �Hennepin County, Minne- � sota. as prayed for bY the Petitioners, Ben Souba and others, being a ma- jori�tv (alll owners of the lands frontin� upon a,nd abuttin� ; said pa•rt oi Minnetonka Mills Avenue. Da,ted this 20th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1934. G. W. Maore. President , of Village Council. A�ttest: A. E. Anderson, , ' Village R,ecorder., . ' J: A. Hosp. Attorney, • Hopkins, Minn. � , (Nov. 22, 1934) -r-..,-`---------------------- iePin CountY, Minnesota SYLVIA GUNDERSON expire��y�a�};r�;,r.��p1z, County, Minn. �tq Commiseion Expires July 29, 1937.- '� _ :.�- . STl�TE OF T�/fIN1�ES0iA) ) COI�iZY Oi�' fiLJi<1EP1N) ) VIi�LAGE OF HO?'Ii1��S} ) SS: Archie H. I-ia.�ilton, being first duly s�orn, says th�.t he is one of the duly appointecl acting ana qualified marshalls of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County,. Minnesota, and that on the 23rd day of November, 19�4, he duly posted three true and corr�ect co�oie� of tre ioregoing and annexed notice of hearing on petition for the vacation of that part of Pdinneton�a l�ills Avenue betv��een 15th and 17th Avenues in the Villa�e of Hopkins, Henne�in Coun �,�, Minnesota, ��hich said notices v�ere pos�t�d in a manner likely to attract atte.nti�n in each of three oi' the most publi;; pl.aces in t}ie Village of Hopkins, as follov�s: One on the Bulletin Bo�.rd in the Villa.ge 14tunicipa.l Bu.iiding. •.- .� �- : . :.: . . .- •. • - -._ One on the Bulletin Board of the Carol' nP Bla�' l d; ng r �Y � Subscribed and svv rn to before me this-%�_ da o , 1934. � �. �. xosp . Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minct. M9 ��issiou Expires Oct. 23, 1935. _ � J -,�.. �__ �:� RESOLUTION OF THF VILL�IGE COliNCIL, VILLAGT OF HOPKTNS, . P,ZIN�+ESOTA,- VACATING THAT PART OF I�IINn�ETONKA [4IILLS AV�UE . BE'� EE� FIFTE�NTH AND SEVL1`1TEENTH AVENUES I�? THE VILLAGE OF HOPKIAIS. �HEREAS, Ben Souba et al, (a majority a11.) of the o�ners of the lsnds fronting and abutting upon that part of �innetonka Mi11s Avenue bet�leen Fi.fteenth and Seventeenth Aven-�es in the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, have;petitioned the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, representing that seid I�iinnetonka ilills Avenue is of no �zse to the public as a high�ay b� reason. of the permanent location of Trunk High�ay No. 7, which takes the pl�ce of and serves the same purpose as that part of fl4ills Avenue aforesaid, and that the public interests,will be promoted by vacating and disconiiriuing the same. AND �4'HEREAS, the said petition �as duly presented to the Village Council. � AI�D YJHEREAS, the said petition �ra.s ordered to be filed for record � with the Village Recorder and a hearing thereon to be held by the Village Council on the 4tn day of Deeeniber, 1��4; a,t 7:30 o'c3ock at the place of the usual meeting of the Council in the Council Chambers in the I�Ilunicipal Building, Hopkins, �innesota, to investigate and hear ths testimony on the . part of the parties interested� and that the ��illage necolder ca.use a vgritten. or �qrinted notice to be posted in three public �laces in said Village at least one week before acting on said petition, and thkt the sause be published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, �'1innesota, the official ne�vspaper of said Village, at least one �eek before acting on said petition, notice of such hearing to be given as required by law. APdD VdHEREAS, the said petition evas duly filed in the .office of the { Recorder of the Village of.Hopkins, and �HEF�AS one v�eek�s published and pos�ed notice of hearing to be ha.d thereon.�vas given, as moie fu11y appears by the �ffidavits of Posting and publication of s�.id notice; �hich said �-_ --- Affidavits of posting and publication have been duly filed in the office <. of' the Recorder aforesaid. � � ' Ai�D F�dHEF�EkS, In pursuance to said notice of hearing on s� id petition the m�.tter came du],y up for hearing befor•e the Village Council on the 4th day of December, 1934 at 7:30 o�clock p.m. and �HEPEAS the Village Council has made investigation and has heard the testinony evidence on the part of the parties interested. A.ND VaHEREAS, upon motion duly made and carried further consideration of the matter was continued until the next meeting of the.Villa.ge Council held in the same place at the same time on December 18, 19�4 and after due consideration thereof, it a�pearing;that the said part of Minnetonka �IIills Av�nue as hereinbefore and hereafter describe� is of'no use to the public as a street or higheuay by reason of the permanent location of Tx�.ink Highe�ay No. 7, and that the public inter.est �:ill b:e promoted by vaca;;ir_g �.nd dis- continuing the same. - NO�, T�EREFORE, Be it resolved by the Village Cour_cil of Hopkins that that �ar� of - "14iinnetonxa P�Iills �.venue betv�reen FifteentY� and Seventeenth kvenues in the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, P�qinnesota" be and same is hereby ordered and declared vacated and disco�tinued, and that this resoTution be effective upon a certified copy hereof being filed for r.ecord in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, P�iinneaota, pursuant to lati� and statute in such c�.ses provided. �� Dated this 18th day of Decenber, 1934. �TTEST: ; Village ��ecorder y i President of the Village Council Villa�� of Hopkins, ��linnesota ��THF 6BQVE R�SOZUTION NJAS AD��TED BY TyI�; VILI,AGE COUIdCIZ OF-.-�T�E .yVIZI�AG� . OF. HOP�INS �AT TAs� 1�� �'�,T;I�dG, _OF . DEC�F�i��R . • 4th , :1934. - _ � . � ,� . . � , �! .- _.�..�. . ---- — --�_,_, . .' � : - ; ,� 5t�.te of 14�.innesota . R E S 0 L II T I 0 N ;j County of Henne�in - - : - _�_ `�: yillage of._ Hopkins . ._ � . i -- - - - . � , I herel3y . certify that I - h�.ve c�.refu7ly -- - , � ,_ - __ . _. .. �. ;�: exaanined anr� - compared tize �aithin a.nd fore- � : � {�' ' ' � � goin�� co�y of �.esolutian of —the Village �����i�-t�a.t pa-rt o£ NL-inn�tonka - � ,� CounCil o� Hopkins, ?^�ith the origiizal .� ';:, , :� ther 'of no� on fil� in ��- off'ice and i,hat •�1T�-s :�vernte $et�Teen Fifteeiz�Lh and �-"� �',�£he sarae is a true and correct copy of the Seventeenth Aeenues in the � :;.., ;_ .. - . . , . : . - ; originr�l �c� -the �hole thereof �ogether � " ._ , ,� �aith the fili�i� thereof. Villag� of Hopkir.s. , , � _ , � ,. - i Dated this da,p of - } - w . • ,; - _ . ;� A. �.193 . 1 :� - - a � ^ ;'�Village Clerk �nd Recorder -- �� Village of Ho�?kins, � S�:ate of Ti;�innesota � Hopk��ls, �innesota ,. : Covnty of Hennepin Gt . Village of Hoz�kins ,� , , --- � _. ;� � _ ___. , Filed a.nd de�osited in �y � ,:� . . � %': o��ice on the da.� of � .. � � � 197 � � 4 - • ,:}:� : . c�.� O � C.�.O Ci� r1I. , � �. , � : :,, � � . �' qk � . . - . � ; ;;; Vill�.ge Clerk � Recorder � '' �t � Village oi' Hox�kins, Hennepin Count r � , � `� , � . St�.te of Pdinnesotk � , . , , , .� � y � J. A. HOSP - `� ' • ATTORNEY AT LAW � F. � HOPKINS. MINN. � . . � i �� pILLAGE OF HOPKINS) COtJNTY OF HErJNEPIAI ) ss ST@TE OF MINNESOTA) NOTIGE In Re: Sewer.. Gonnections TO THE O�JNER� OR OCGIIP�NT OF THE PROPERTY 9ND PR�ISES HEREINAFTFI� DFSCRIBID: �GfiEREAS, Sewer and water service mains have been constructed in the atreet abutted by the following described property and _._.,,,,.,..... premisea, to-wit: �, � ' Lot T�elve (12) Block �so (2), �eat �Hinneapolis of which property and premiaes you are the o�ner or occupant; NO�P THEREFC)RE, By direction of the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, B�innesota, you are herebp notified to install a toilet -- or toilets-- and make se�er connectiona with the maine aerving said premises within thirty days after service of this notice. Your attention is also directed to an ordinance•.of the Village of Hopkins, passed and approved September 13, 1917� proeiding for the public health of the Village of Hopkins b� requiring sewer and water connections in all dwelli:ng and busineas houaes, and the inatalling of toilets therein, and the prohibiting of priviea on all propertg platted into�lota and blocks� and abutting upon streets in which have been�laid end constructed a municipal water and sewer system, and you are further notified that in the event of your failure to comp�y with this notice and said ordinance that you and the said premiaes �i11. be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. ` By order of the village �ouncil of the village of Hopkins. Dated: April 10, 1934. V lag Attorney. President of the Village Council � _ �,� �F � � J ' � i ;' � Special meetin� of the Village Council oF thQ Villa�°e of Hopkix�s uvas held on April 17ti1, 1934, at ths �illa�e Hall at 7:30 PP,". �. ' AReMbers p resent ; Pres ident G.6"�.t�?oore ; Trustees Oltman , Taps ,P,Radden. Recorder Ande rson . ��=otion dal�r made by ft�7adden, seconded b� Anderson that vae pay bill Prom Rual Hennepin R81ieP Office for e�pense, carrieci. l�otion d uly made b� l��adden, secon ed by Oltman that we hire Aleg Y•_asper to t ake care oP P�r .Ext ine at �4.00 pe r v�e �, carrie d. It�otion du1�r ma.de b� Oltman, seeon ded b� �;adden that the street sweeper's be paid 45¢� pe r hour, carr ied . h�otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Pr�adden tha,t the street ����� Commissioner`s pay be r�ised to_ 60y� per hour; carried on the following vote: Ayes-Oltman, h��adden,Anderson �ioor.e. ido- Japs. � ��otion duly �de b�r Ar�derson, seconded b� Oltman that the Team scale pF pay be raised to 80y� per hoar. carried on the Pollo�rin� vote: � Ayes- �:��oore,f�;�adden,Olt�an�,�r;der� n. No-Japs. Y���ot�on dul�% made b�J �:`adden, secordecl b;;r Oltman that �,heStreet Comreission er be noti�ied to cover Septic Tank with either planks or steel Yrom the Gas Plant, carried. F�otion dul�r made b,y Oltman, seconded by Japs th�,t the P,ecorder place �, notice for application for license, carried. � P�otion d� ul� made by dnde z-son, s conded by Oltman that I�1lr.Zeahe,y be authorized to write Relief Orders on the Villa�e of Hor.:kins,carried. Motion duly made bo adj ourn,carried . eeor e r Attest:.- . _ Presid ent Regalar meeting oP the �illage �ouncil o f the ��.11a�.e oF I�opkins v�as r,eld on Tuesda� ,�Ray Yst , I 934 , at 7; 30 Prd in t he Counc il Room. 1Lembers present , G,l��l.Ri�oore ,President; Japs , Oltman and ll�iadden Trustees F.ecorder 9nderson and Attorne� Hosp. �Zr. t�dm.n2aller� present ed a plan fo r the improvements at tne v7illage IIpstairs Iiall, 1¢e reported that donatior�s rad been received to practicall� pay all costs. lwoti on du1.;l made b�T Anderson, seconded by l�adden that �re �°ive I��r-r.Ib'�allery President o� tlie Hopyins Civic and Commeree, permission to ma}�e necessar�r imp-rovements in �,Ti1lag�e IIal1, c�,.�ried. Tom Yosa�da appeared to deterrnire wno is g�oing to purchase the .r,�ecessarp cards to make a ne�a surve�r, of assessments a s required b�,- rex Tax law. The Village dttorney v✓as instructed to eor�fer ��ith �ounty off ic i�.ls as to the puxc��,se of cards. ' ��r.�osanda al�_� o as�ed for the appoir�t�er_t of a deputy and th e C�,,_ricil in�tructed the �Iillage bttorne;y to determine iP there is to be enough additional bvorY. to �varrant the appointment of � Deputy. ��ot ion duly made by Oltman, �secor ded b,y P,��adden ��. be d rac^�m t o in stall sewer c onr�,ec� ion pursuant petition at Zot 12 Block 2�Vest A;!pls. carried gyes-�:�oore ,��fiadden,Oltraan,And� rso n. Pdo-Japs. that the proper resolation to previous no�iee and on the follo��ing vote; Get plumbers to i.r.�spect and s ubmit bids for connection and installation of one toilet fo-r sen�rer corinection as er plu�bing ordin�,nc . Recorder to notiPy all licensened. plumbers� ��-/a. /� 2- w�,',� �� T:�ot ion dul� made b� n�Tadden , sec onded b� Oltman that check �1477 be can- celled ar�d a ne�r check be drawn for sarr.e amount;namel�, �1.57 to Otto Vollrath, carried. Noti.f� all signers o� 5th Ave.Petition to be at Village Hall at 19 o'cloek on ���ay llth, 1934, to meet e�rith the F.ailro�,d commission. P<�otion duly made b� Otlman, seconded b�r r�adden that the Villa�re �ttorne� be instructed to notiF�r the A�p1s.Suburban Gas Co. in regards to the revision of Gas rates pursuant to Section 7 of the Franchise � carriec? . l�atior_ duly mad.e by Oltman, secorded by RSadden that we approve the peititon of property owmers on L�urray gve. at Interlaehen Park and t,i»- the Attorne�r draw up the necessar�r papers, carried. ;� Villa�e Recorder instructed to vurite Ziquor Stores in reg�ard to advertising products on tY�e str�ets of Village. T-:Totion dul� made b� l��iadden, sec onded by Ande rson trzat t�e o rd.e r 8 � rums oP Y>P Patchin� from the Barrett Co. ,carried. Recorder instructed to �et prices on street treati.n� material. �'`ot ion duly made by T;.'adder. , secon ded by Oltman that we �rant the 1 icense and transfers to Paul 01son, carried on the followir,� vote; Ayes,t�7oore, P��adden, Oltman and derson. Z;o- �7aps. New �iilk Zicense, Transfer On �C ofP �on-intosicatin� liquor and so�£ drink licers�. P�otion dul� �ade b�r Oltman, seconded b�r �Japs, tl�at the Drive-In �tatiorl Zicense transPered to Geo.��iles be �ranted, carried. Bids Por new plubmin� in the Village Hall ��er� �ened but due to mis- understanding oY specific�tions all +�ere re�jected and �the Recorde�r instructed to notiFy them to alter the ir bids and submit them at the mee ti ng oP B!!ay 15th , 1934. 1VIo tion dulg made b� Japs , se c onded b y Anders on that we move door f m rr� Zibrar� and seal up evall at Library, carried. I��otion duly m��e by Oltman, seconded b� ��adden, that minutes of last meetingbe appro4ed as read, carried . � ,� 7 -2- Py�otion dul� made. b� Japs , t'r�at an ammendment be drativn to the non� intogicating beer ordinance to close at �n ealier hour, there �vas m second to this motion. �:�ot i on d u1� made b� And e rson , seoond ed by ���'adden , t'riat th e Traff ic signals be turned on at once, carried. P:�iotion duly r�ade and �econded that the Pollo�aing bills be allov�ed, carr ied; 2620 Iti�rs .Theo .Egti ne 2621 Bloomie Je�gtad 2622 I.av��renee Schutz 2633 g.G.Hamilton 2624 Rural Henn RelieP 2625 Mrs .Theo . ��xtine 2626 �,frs.Theo.�,xtine 2627 A1.G.Hamilton 2628 I�a�rence Schutz 2629 Bloomie Jenstad 2630 Hopkir�s Fire Dept. 2631 6. G.Ha�nilt on 2632 Jos.V.I,apic 2633 N���d.Bell Tele.Co. 2634 b�pls.Gen. ;lec.Co. 2635 Hopkins Produee Co. 2636 I�idwest Fire App.Co. 2�37 J�cob Sche�fler 2638 Fran k Sitar 2639 Jens Clausen 2640 Bren HdVae.Co. 2641 Otto Vollrath 2642 Daniel E.roley 2643 Cher:ical 5ales & SaPet� 2644 John F.Yoss 2645 Albert Japs 2646 �:pkesh Hdt�e.Co. 2647 Pederson 3ro s. 2648 Leo Priest Notor Co. 2649 6°J.S.S�etana 2650 1Vlilbert's Grocer� 2651 Olson's Groeery _ 2652 Pure Oil Co. 2653 �llrs . +milPetersen 2654 St.Paul Bk.& Sta.Co. 15205x�f�g Void 20366 B�inn.Zoqn � Tr.Co. 11785 �.H.Hensler 11784 P.�Ip1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 11786 GustaPson & Fuxa 11787 Geo.1�I,��iles 11788 Standard Oil Co 11789 P.H.Coyle � 5�13 `Herman Olson 5414 Herman Olston 5415 �� ls. Gen.Elec.Co. 5416 BuF.falo I�eter Co. 5417 Fairbanks P4�ores Co. 5418 Hopkins Gas Fund J.�i�hre Sall to 4-8-34 Sal. to.�-15-�4 Sal. to 4�15-34 Sal. to 4-15-34 Share o f Of� ice Expense Sal. Ale�.Kaspe-r to 4-15-34 Sal . t o A1 eg Kaspe r t o 5-1-34 Sal. to 5-1-34 Sal . t o 5-1-34 Sal. to 5-1-34 C a]1 & Pho ne s Const�ble Pees � Groaeries PR Fire Police & C ity Ha.11 Powe r & Zi �ht Groceries PR Supplies Sal. Pire Stevr.5-1-3� Police cha.nge 39 hrs . � 45�1 Suprlies Replace Ck.�?1477 Justic� fee_ Co. Fe-charge Ext, Supplies Plate in boiler room floor Tin cups PR 20 P�ilk b oo�s Suppli es Drngs PR Groeeries PR - Groceries PR Gas olin e C 1 e�n ing :i� b ra r� Books Zib. In�.dne 5-1-34 Rep.supplies Power &. Zight Rep.traiPic signals Gaso line Gaso 1 ine � Gasoline Sa 1. t o 4-15-34 Sal . to 5 -1-34 Zight Sc Povre r Repair rr�teria7. �epiar m.aterial For loan to Gas Fund Upon motion dul�r made and seconded meeting ad�i ourned, Attest : Presi dent . � Reco �ier 4.00 32 .50 72.50 72 .50 27.50 4.00 8.00 75. 00 75 .00 32 .50 66.00 5.40 47 . 51 10.40 425.72 73.82 2.60 10.00 11.�0 17.55 7.33 1.57 3.25 3 . d� 119.90 .60 1.00 19.00 1.72 2.05 26.45 6�.11 2 .09 3.00 6.53 202 . 50 22.35 1.00 2. 50 3.48 3.76 7.00 70.00 70.00 154.25 13.78 1.13 2 02 . 50 � � __" _, .. � _ _ , _ , - _ r� ,.�_. �� Specialmeetin of the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins �as held on l�fay 15th, 1934, at BP�� in the Villa�e Hall. , P,�embers present; G.��1,�o�ooxe,Pres�cl ent� Trustees Japs, Oltman, ��• Absent A.E.Anderso n,F�ecorder, half ineeting. Trustee ���adden,absent. ��otion dul� made by Japs, seconded by P:Toore that Oltman be Recorder Pro Tem For this meeting until A�,derson arrived, carried. 1�2otion duly ma.de b� Oltman, secor�ed b�cres$fonc�ommunitytgardens�ance of t rack not to exceed �150.00 for 15 a carried. � l�otion duly made by Japs, seeonded by 1'tlooxe, tY�at Einar Nelso_n be given work so that hs can pay his rent for l�ay, carried Aiotian duly made by Oatmhns rentnPor �iay,acarried.�e F�nk Roseng�ren work so that he can p y. gpplication for license from I'=:r.���nk B�.rrett for 3.2 Beer receivec3. l�otion duly made by Japs, seconded �by Oltanan. tl�.t �.pplicat ion be referred to Council as a��vhole, carried. P�,Zot i on du 1� made by Otlman , s ec ond ed b�r Ande rs on that the Suburban CherviotCompari� be granted permit to vviden drive wa� 32 Peet on Excelsior and pa� the cost of lo�vering the Curb Box, carried. T�otion duly marle b� _Taps, secondedby Anderson that the plumbing ordi- nance be ammended to include the �'destern Shut-Off Curb Bog,carried. T'ne bids for plumbing at the Village Hall were opened and are as fol- l���s : � �ti Albert _Valesh ]3id ��123.00 �.E.Snec " 96.00 Friehl �lbg. Co ." ].10.00 Add �2.2 5 for ruobe r seat J.H.Da,�schen " 120.�0 PRo'�ion d uly made by Ja�s, seconded b� Oltman that S.�.Svec be given the con�ract �,t the..Village H�.11 for lavsator� �.t �9�.00, carried. Bids received for connecting sewer and installing toilet at the Skarolid residence werA as follo�rs; � S.E.Svec Bid �142.74 � Friehl Plbg. " 125.00 Mot ion duly �de b Oltman, se c onded by Ande rson that the h riehl Plb g. Co. be granted the bid .on the Skarolid residence, carried on the fol- lowing eo te ; Ayes- P�oo re, Oltman Anderson. No-J�ps Pt�Rotion du1� made by Ande son, seconded b� Oltnian t�1�t the new Kitchen and cloak room and thb enclosed mom in basement o.f y illa�e Ha7.1 be installed at once, c�,rried. � ��oti on duly ma.d e b� :7aps, se co nded b�r Oltman thtt we ask �o r as a relief projeet General Roads and Public Gr�unds, carried. 1�Iotion duly nade b�� Anderson, seconded b� Oltman tha t h�iss �Rex b e granted the Village yifater Supply and tY�.t tot��. cost oP same be paid b�; �liss Rex, 2" P�a in , and inst ruct �tt o rne y Ho_sp t o d r�.w up the nece ssar� agreerre nt that she will not p�otest iP �water gag8.].I1 is petitioned fo r at ���on�: Ave. South of _ Goodrioh, carried . �:�otion duly made b� Anderson, seconded by Oltman that FranY. Smykel,Jr. be appo inted Timekeeper and form.sn .Por t he Vi1]_a�e of Hopyin s on the RelieP �aork project at a price of 45�1 per hour eight hour day, carried A derson seconded b 4ltman t'r��'G th e follo�vin� l��ot i on du l� r�ad e by n , bi lls be pai d: (,' 2655 Henn.County RelieP Hopl�ins share office exp: � 2656 Zawrence Schu.tz Sal. to 5-15-34 „ „ 2657 A. G.Aamilt on �f �r 2658 Bloomie Jenstad T� �t ��,spar 2659 &irs .The o . Egt ine 2660 C.D�Tic��Aahon Hauling flour 2661 �rvin �Ienke 40 hrs . �• 50�L plov�ing � 26.75 72.50 �2.50 32.50 8.00 12 . 50 20.00 Bills -Con't. -2 - � � 2662 yilalter Rolf Dog catcher 6 dogs 6.00 2663 ��Varreri Benson 9 hrs .� 80� ploc�ing ?.20 2664 A.G.Hamilt.on, Constable Pee 2.20 11790 Carl Olson 242 hrs .� 50;� 12.25 �� 11791 Fran� Diedrich 24 " �' 45�1 10.80 11792 L'.Nelson 24 " " �t 10.80 11793 C,b�,Stothardt . 48: " " " " 21.60 11794 Frank tlunvar 72 '� " ^ 32.40 11795 Fran� Stodo la 200 �rrs .� 60� 140z hrs .� 80y� . team 232.40 11796 Geo.�egler 22 hrs. � 45¢ g.�p 11797 '�valter Nitz 2 hrs. ��1•.00 Truck 2.00 �� 5419 Herman Olson Sal. to 5-15-34 70.00 Upon motion dul� made and seconded meeting; adj ourned until Tuesday lt�fay 22 nd , 1934. _ � ecor er �ttest: ` re s i ent � 2 �, - D '�: oDl �ti L�l �� ��. �� � 9 ' 4 Reg�u7�e.r meeting of the Village Council of the Villa�e of Ho��iris ��ras held on Tuesday,June 5th` 1934, at 7�30 P�.� in �Lhe Couneil koo�. P,�embers present: G.bV��oore,President; Trustees,Japs,T.��.dden and Oltman. Recorder �ndersan. Attorney Hosp. l�.�ot ion duly made by Ol.tman, secon ded by T��adden tha �G minutes af the last meetin� be ,approved as read, carriec�. Cour�cilman �iadden oPfered the attached Resolution, seconded by Councilman� Ol trnan Yor the Wate r mai n at tRurray Ave . g petit ion for tvater main on 6th �ve.No. between 3rd and 4th St . was read �nd returne �? f or co rre c t ion s. ' . Iv?otion dul;g made by Oltm�n, seconded b�r Anderson tna t 4'lalter P�itz be given �vork at once fo� �►onth's rent, carried. D�Zotion dul� made b,y O�tman� seconded by. Anderson that the John Y�ilburn�lloore :E'ost .o� the American Legion,�320, and the Geo.R.GVo1.E post ��425 of the Veterans of Foreign �'dars be �ranted permission to sell Fireworks in the Villa�e of Hopl�ins, sub,ject to the approval of the Fir.e �'Iarden,�i.P.Moore, carried. Motion duly made b�r I��adden, seconded by Oltman that �re purchase m�.terial for the Skarolid job �,nd deduct amount from Friehl bid oP �125.00, carried. Nqotion duly made by Anderson, seconded by IiRadden, that 7oe Culshaw be given �rork �or month's ��vork, caxried. � lV�otion duly r�ade b:�T Oltm�n, secnded b� rz!adden tnat P�qr.l�Vexler be �iven work for one month's rent , carried. �Totion duly made by �9ndersor,, seconded by Oltman that Frank Rosen�ren be given work for one r,onth's rent , carried. Motion duly m�,de b� Japs, seconded by Oltman that the petition of D.Burns in regard: to granting a non-intozic�ting malt liquor license be placed on f il e, carried. �:�otion dul y made by Oltman, s econded b� I��oore that Attor�aey Hosp be in- structed to start ne otitiations at once with the l�iinneapolis Suburban Gas Compan� for a 33 1�3� reduction in �as �rates, carried. � �Zotion duly made by Anderson , second ed by Oltman that c��e ask For a 33 1�3� r�duction in light and power rate i'rom the Pdginn��apolis General Electric Compan�, carried. P��otion duly made �by A�derson, seccnded b� R�adden that bills be allotived as �0110 �rs : " � 5421 Herman Olson 5422 hZpls.Gen.Elec.Co. 5423 A.P.�mith 1�Ifg.Co. 15206 lst.l�'at.Bk.o.� Hopkins 15207 Sec.t�at.Bk.of Hopy�ins 15208 Hen�l.Count� RevieW 2669 Fran�; �m�rkal 2670 Radoata Garage 2671 A.L.Anderson 2672 Hopkin� Fi re Dept 2673 GU.s ta.�s ca1 Ec Fu,xa 1 2674 �iartin J.Vanek 2675 6lbert Japs 2676 F.P�T.P1ladden 2677 Irvin� Oltman 2678 G�i��.Moore 2679 A. �'J. r;lmquist 2680 H�F,�ioore 2681 J.g.Hosp 2682 Pedersen Bros. 2683 Sloeum-3ergren Co. (b�!eng) 2684 Henr� Japs 2685 J�Jasperson. , f � Sta�s b7ay power Repair mat erial Bond 8c int .due Bond 3c Int.du� Interl�,chen 4��ater R�Zain Pub; 11 days � 3.60 6�elding tennis court roller Sal.to 7-1-34 8c St�,mps 5 calls & 23 'phones S uppli es Fire &; police alarms to June 1.00 x�iZ� I76.04 38.70 319.00 735.53 13 .10 39.60 .50 198.98 159.00 17.70 lst b0.00 Sal. Trustee to 7-1-34 75.00 n n n rr ����� ir �r n n 7rj.0� " L!fs.yor " " 105.00 " Treasurer " " 50.00 " F i re y`1'ard e n" " 50 . 00 't Att orne� �r rr %5. 00 hTilk Boo�s PR 38.00 Groceries PF. 16.11 x�a���gPlowing PR 3.00 mi lk b ooks Pi� 2.62 r� L�- L�J- � �= - -2- �Ia�e 5th,19�4 moeting. Bills con't. 2686 ti�alter S�Booth & SonInc. 2687 Chas.W�Herzan 2688 Univer�it�r Hospital 2689 RRp�. Sub.Gas.Co. 2690 Vd.Npls.Fu�1 Sc Ice Co. �' 2691 Leo Priest P�otor Co, 2692 Dahlbe rg Bros. Inc . 2693 Ci t� Hall Fi re& Police phones 26y4 Z.�:idam 2695 JQns.Clausen 2696 Hans Swensen 2697 p��pls.Gen.�;lec.Co, 2698 �lartin Holy Oil Sta. 2699 Wal te r Ro1P 2700 Void 270� J.E.Heniiess�r Col � 2702 Jos.C�Vesel y 2703 Jacob Sahe�fler � 2704 Fran k Stodola 2705 Frank Sitar 2706 Fred Hol�sek 270? S.E�Svec 2708 Hennepin Count� Revi eva 2709 I47inn.Produc:ts Co. 11798 Republic Cresote Co. 11799 GQo.M.Miles 118 00 goke sh �ddae . eo s 11801 Farm Service Sto res 11802 T.C� Sand Sc G�avel Co. 11803 J.�;.IIenness� Co. 11804 Frank Rosengren 11805 John ��arinca r 11806 Frank Habeck 11807 Robt.Geh rke 11808 FrankX��r �� Kasper 11809 Dahlberg Bros.Inc. . 11810 Frank Stodola 11811 Robt.Gehrke � 11872. C . Stot�hard 1181� Mp1s.G n.Elec.Co. 11814 Erv�n �enke 11815 E.Oste rberg 11816 Ca rl Olso n 11817 Frank Nunvar 11818 A.Christensen 11819 L'dwar d Bean 11820 Nels Nelson 11821 Fr.Dittrich 11822 Frank Lehmbecker � 11823 Fr.Dittricll 11824 �Standard Oil Co. 11825 Zeonard Sch roers 11826 Zeon�.rd Schroers 11827 Einer 1Ve lson Sup�lies � Groceries PR ��u�s & Registration PR City h�ll �as Fuel PR Supplies Tennis Court Tape Td.6�.�3e11 T1e.Co. Groc erie s PR 121 hrs . � 4 5� 4 hrs . � 45¢ I,ight 8c Power GasOline PR catching 6 dogs Void Supplie s Prem:ium on bonds � �a1.Fi re Steuv. to 6-1-34 52 hrs . ploeving PR Police chan ge ' Community Garden rent �lbg.material & labor Dog notice � pad� Suppl ie s Cold p�,t ch oil Gas oline Shovel s Salt Grave 1 Supplies . 16hrs. n4 8hrs.C45� 8 hrs . � 45y� llhra. r45� 27 hrs . C?? 45¢� Supplies & Gas 201 hrs; (a; 60¢ 9 hrs . �r 45� . 48 hrs . � 45� Light 8c Power 4Q nrs. � 45¢ � 16 hrs. C� 45¢' 12 hrs. � 50� 70 hrs. � 45 4� hrs.Q 45 5� hrs .(�'"45� 24 hrs.C� 45� 65 hrs .� 45� 112 hrs .r� 1.00 Truck 8 hrs. n 45 � Gasoline On acc't.37 3�4 hrs. ; 45¢ See # 11825 24 hrs . r� 45¢ 3. ��l 61.74 3.80 1.67 5. 62 1.58 8.8Q 9.80 7. 50 54.45 1.80 423.54 19.75 6 .00 13.65 10.00 10.00 2.20 11.50 310.00 99.63 2.10 4. 50 80 . 00 2.30 5.40 .85 18.52 82.32 7.20 3.60 3.60 4.95 12.15 25.25 120.60 4.05 21.60 4.88 2.02 7.20 6.00 31.50 2.03 2.48 10.80 28.80 11. 50 3 .60 19.20 13.77 2.91 10.80 Motion 9nderson second�� Madden that the Justice Report, 4'�dater Report an Treasurer's report be placed on file, carried, also police report. Ii�otion �adden, seconded Oltman that we cancel the following checks and the Recorder add said amount to his balances, carriec3. GQneral Fund; 2-17-3 6 oy (�dill iams 8- 2-32 14'77 O.J.Vollrath 8- 3-32 �1483 Jos.Vese1� ROflD & B� IDGE FUI�TD 2-3-31 .. e rke 2-�-31 �10384 E.Doge 2-17-31 10392 R. b`�illiams 2-37-31 10467 H.Jurisch 8-6-31 10640 S.Olander �3.60 1.,57 255 .00 18.00 14.30 1.80 1.80 :5.00 !'%� i ��'— \ I� -"— _. -3- meeting of �une 5th, 1934 r:7ation duly made by I�.Radden, and seconded by Oltman. that the requ.est of the Securit;� National Bank Por the ��ithdrawal of Northern Pacif ia R.R.Co. bonds 4� due Jan.1s t, 1997, �3, OOO,and Allo.Ka,nses �C T R.R. 4�fo Borids due June lst, 1990 2,000, be approved and that we accept U.S.Treasur� notes series C-1938 3 o due l�arch 15th, 1938, �5,000, as substitutes, and notify Treasurer to release �ame to bank, car-riec�. Re�ublic Creso�e communication rea,d and placed on file PJlotion dul� made exsistin .���^�n Ti�.� �(2xrwK� b-; Oltroan, seconded by Pl�oore that the matter a� nusianee _�—�o ��'=`�� w' �^+.:�a , carried . Co�unieation from P,ual Hennepin RelieF office placed on file. Motion dul� made by ��adden, seconded by Oltman that Hovander milk license be granted, carried. Motion duly made by Nfadden, seconded b A�,deraon that the Arndt Bros. transfer For Filling Stat ion be grant ed, carried . 1�f�otiion du.ly made by Ja,ps, seconded .by B,nde�rson tnat Porkorney License for Plur.ibing be. granted su�,ject to the payment oP his aecount and the finishing of a bond. carried. ��_oti on du7,g nade by Japs, seconded by Oltman that the license applicat ion of F,H.Tiarrett oP Mpla .be den ied , carrie c�, �Zotion duly �a.dclen,seconded b� Oltman that the Joe Haupt application For Old ��e pension be denied, carried . .. Vie t or Redeen , Rose Ve sely, 7oe Culsha�v, gnne Borland , Jeanette Barr�, wit h. T+'rank Topka vuere appointed as Election Judges for June 18th,1934. The follo�ring ;elieP G`lork projects were approved; change water system in the Park so mo�e suitable for �looding purposes in the ,�Iinteri and to st�rt tLmmediately to finish up the 5th _�ve .I'roject, carried. P47otion duly made and secor�.ed to adjourn until 3une 12th, 1934,Ttzesday. gttest 'e�8 �0 Y' - Reco rde r 0 �tli��e of �II��,tx�s . HENNEPIN COUN�TV HOPKINS. MINNESOTA STATE OF MINNFSOTA) � � County of Hennepin) SS � Village of Hopkins) � � PdHEREAS pursuant to the request made by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins to the Minneapolis S�.iburban Gas Company as Stiiccessors to John K. �rson Grantee that certain Village Ordinance of the Village for the dis- ��°�ution and aale of gas in said Village has flirnished da.ta and information as required by Sections 5 and 6 of said Ordinance and �hereas said data is insufficient and incomplete but whereas it also appears therefrom that a substantial reduction ahou�d be made in the gas rates scheduled in and b,� said ordi.nance; therefore be it resolved b,y the Village Council that said Ordinance be amended to provide for a reduction of 33 1�3� of the rates scheduled in said ordinance; such ratea to become effectine July lst, 1934, unless and within ten days the said Minneapolis Suburban Gas Company show cause to the iiillage Council of the Village of Hopkins�why such ratea should not become effective as of the date above atated. The foregoing adoption which Moore and upon meeting of the ��,ltest �1-� resolution was offered�by Councilman Oltman who moved its motion was secondedby Preaident of the Village Council, G.V6. being put to a vote was unanimously caxried at a regalar Village Council held on Tuesday, June 5th, 1934. Village Recorder President, Village Council � ����� �� � i �� ��. �� ��� 0 Adjourned meeting oF the Village Council oP the Villag4 oF Hopkins wa held on Tuesda� June ]2 th, 1934, at the Village Hall at 7;30 PM. BJiesnbers p resent , Presid ent ��oore; Tr�stees L�adden and Oltman. �;Re- co rder �ndason, 6bsent Japs. �tion du�y m�,de by Anderson, seconded b�r hTadden th�t the Village -gttorne�r be instructed to`,,.sta.rt necessar� action Por the installa- tion oP eztention „oP Seever on 7th �ve.No. Prom 3rd St.Pdo. 80 Peet mo�� or less, or to the north� line of Zot 8, Block 101, owne� by Paul Zundquist , carried. j'. Motion duly made b� �l�man, secorrl ed by t�adden that Robert Ger�rke be granted work Por June rent��10.00, carried. r Books were sudited and motion duly made by Olt.rr,an, seconded by h�adden' the followin g bi lls be allo��ed , carri ed ; 2710 dVa.rren Be ns on 2711 Burns Sand.Shop 2712 �nergency rielieP Adm. 2713 �,G.Hamilton 27�14 Zawrence Schutz 2715 Bloomie Jenstad 2716 Mrs.Theo.F�tine 5424 He rman Olson 11828 C.Pd.St.P.RR Co. Plowing PR P,�Teals pr is one rs Share of OfPice expense Sal. to 6-15-34 Sal . t o . 6 -15-34 Sal. to 6-15-34 � Kasper Sal. to 6-15-34. Sal. to 6-15-34 Fr�i�it Motion duly made and seconded meeting adjourned. ecor er ¢Atte st • ayor 7.00 4.45 21.00'' 72.50 72.50 32 .50 8.00 70.00 .97 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPSINS. 11IINN. STATE OF DIINNESOTA, � COUNTY OF HENNEPIN � -------- J _- L,_ Nlarkham - ----------------------------d�eing duly sworn, deposes and says that he now is and during e11 the times hereinafter mentioned ha� been th� publisher or printer in charge oP The H�ennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and�published in the Village oP Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, on Thursday o! each week: That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the pr�� Notice for Bids for Iay_in�_Additional______ Water Nlains in the Village of HopYins ---------------------------------------- hereto attached, cut from the columns of sa.id newspaper, was lnserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each week for____ 1______weeks, ead that all of said publications were made in the EnBlish language. That said notice was �t inserted, printed and published on Thurs- daY, the----Tth---�Y of----June----------------. 193�-��[dC� �.. � :�• �•: .- � :�• • -.: :r :�.; `,,,. ...•� That during all the times aforesaid, said uewspaper was qualified as a mecglun of. official and legal publications as reqwred by 3ectioas 3 and 4'�of;�apter 484, Session Laws oY M�nnesota, 1921, and that it has compliefl �with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as deflned in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from the.date of the Srst publication o2 sai�_________________ N�tic� ------------------------------------------------------------------------ said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it p� rts to be i.ssued urpo ssu in the English language, and in oolumn and shee fonm equivalent in space to at least four pages, with flve columns to the pa+ge, each seven- teen and three-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once eacli week from a]mown office, esta.blished in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material 4or preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, �mment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not en- tirelq made up of patents, plate m�tter or advertlsements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent oP at lcast two hundred end forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prlor Lo the aate of the flrst publication of said Notice ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- the publisher or pririter in cherge oP said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, 81ed in the office of the oounty auditor of said county of Hennepin, sta,te of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and loca- tion of sa�d newspaper and the e�dstence of conditians constituting its qualiScations as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in Section 3 of Chapter 484, Sesson Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of thE lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, oP the size and �Cind of type used in the composition, printing publicatlon oY s�id legal advertisement here- unto atta,ched, vii: r� cdef o rstuvwxyz� � ---- -- --�: ------ �------------''�-- �- • ----- Publisher. / . Subscribed and sworn to befoi�e me this_�h y or___ J�e ____is_�� ------� - ' -�� -- - ------------- Notary •blic Hennepin County, Minnesota :.—� OFFICIAL PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR SID3 FOR LAYING ADDITIONAL WATER MAINS IN TIiE VII,LAGE OF HOPI{INS. �, Sealed bids will .be receive�d by the Village CouncYl oi bhe VilTage of � Hopkins, Hennepin CounLy, Minne- sota, ix� the Council �Chambers oi �� the Municipa.l Building af said' Vil- 1'age, up t'o 7;30 o'clack, p. m., June 19, 1934, at �w�hich time saune will be apened! for consideration for the , laying of water mains as ,follaws: On Murray avenue from in- ' terse�ion� thereoP witlh. Goodrich ` avenue in a sout�herly direc- tion aibout 320 feet, in Inter- � i lachen Park, in said Villag�. � �1Vlomk avenue betwee� �ood- � rich avenue, and intersection , with the rigYit af .way oi Min- nea�polis, St. Paul 8u�burban , Railroad Co., in s�aid Village: On 6bh avenue North be�traveen 2nd and 3rd Streets in said Village. ' LSizes of water m�ain to be laid to be four (4) inches, and the same � shall .be oonstructed in acoordance with pTans ,and speciflcations on flle � in the office oY the recorder oP said �Village of HopkYns, 1VIinnesoCa, and pursuant to Chapter 425 oi the Laws. oy Niinnesota„ for •t'he yeAa 1921. The� woYk to be done and the ms- terial to be furnished is to oonsist of the Y»*►+�shj*�g of 8ll 18�boT, ma- terial and equipmezvt necessary in ; and to entirely com�plete the aSore- sa,id improvemeni. Seiparate and' combined bids are requested fbr e�ah of the foregoin� extens3ons on, the basis of local h�,n�d la'bor axixi or' ma�chfne work. �Propasals therefore to be consid- � ered, ,must ,be uiade upon a basis of � cash pay�ment fbr the saitl� work ! and labor, and esLCh bid must be' sealed an,d fl1ecY a it'h the aforesaia ' R�ecorder and ar7com�anied by a, cash_de�posit or certifled �checac upon � a reliable ban�k, payable un�oondi- � �lonally to the Villa�e Treasurez as, payee of the Villa�e a° Aopldns, , Hennepin Cnun�ty, Minne�ota, 1or'�t , j)e�ast fLfteen pez cent (15%) at the � total aunounk of bid. � The succes9Pu1 bidder will �be re-� ;quired wpo� th�e acc�ptance oE hie � bid to execute a written �ontrsct� with the said Village, anrl to give a� bond, said bond and contract all to � be in striot accordan�ce. with Cha.p- I ter 425 o�f the I�aws o� �Minnes�ota i for't'he year 1921. The Village oP Aapkins reserve's j t'he right �Eo reject e,ny or all �bids. �Dated June 6, 1934. ! ,Art. E. Anderson, Village Fteoorder. AttQst: , G. W. Moore, Pre�sident of Village Council. � ,� i,j , .., ��.TT�FIYS� Mina . My Commisslon 'ei[pires-:=-:,-=;-=-C'.auPSY�--- . � , ., ........ ,.,n Lxpic_s July Z9. 193i Speeial meeting he�d by �he Village Council oP the Village o P Hopkin�s on- J�ne 19 th , 1934, at the Vill age Hall at 7; 30 PR�. A�embers present G.ti�J.1G�oore,President; Trustees, 3aps, hiadden and Oltman. Recorder Anderson. �~ Thiffi mee ti ng w�.s called Por th e purpos e of o penin� bi ds %r I��urray av e 6�/ater R2ain. Mr. Turnham irom Rural Hermepin Count� Re lie.P �.nd I�`r. Jor��ensen appeared to elplain the Sehool project and see if ar�y men eould be put to workt t.o , complete the school •grounds in and close to the Sehoo�,,. � C��,� �iotion dul�r m�de b� gnderson, seconded b� P�iadden that eve aceep �ax Sorrenson's bid oP �1.73 pe -r Pt. for r�u.rra� Ave .[��ater rda_in and e price apply to Monk �ve. Waterma in when same is approved, carri ed. Motion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by Japs, that Attorne� Hosp draw up Resolution advertising to propert� owners on 1�1Ionk Ave. for b�ater main hearing �o be held July 3rd� c�rried. hryotion duly made by Japs, seconded by Anderson, that the F.oad and Bridge Committee investigate the advisabilit� oF building depression in Good - rich Ave: with power to act, carrier'. ' RZotion dul� made b�t .P�Iadden, s econded by 0ltman that the V.F.V'J.Augiliary be granted pezmission to use tl�e Toevn Hall Saturday June 23rd �or an ice oream social if weat'r�er should not permit them to hold it in the Park, carried. I r��_ Recorder instruated to get bids Yrom all local sto.res on glass in gas house and also heavey � inch mesh screens Por all �rindows. R�ot ion dul�r me.de b� Anders on, secon ded b� Olt�,n that we sell all Gas House j unk to Frank I�hmbecker fro �p2.50 per ton, as per supervision of �'rank Stodola, carried. Permission �ras granted Frank Z�imbecker to sell the good b�iler Por �75:00 and th e poorer one f or �p50.00. Motion dul� made by Oltman, seconded by gnderson that the petition �r� 4Vater on 13th �ye. be gr�,nted and that Attorne� �,dvertize �'or hearing Ju1�r 3rd, earried. � Motion duly made b� Ultman, seconded b� Japs tl�s.t �he petition from � l�th Age.�iNo. b referred to Road and Bridge Committee, carried. >�-v'r Zi�h� - �iot i on dul� mad e by 0 tman , se conded b� Isiadden that E j ner 1Velson �nd Frank Kasper be grant.ed work ior June's rent , carried . Pvlotion dul� made by Olttr�n, seconded b�r �radden that the Yellow Tr�il Garage be notified to rep�,ir Sidewalk on 7th Aae.No.,carried, and Bren to �� take care of pipe sticking up out of �Sidewalk, carried. l�otify Sign Board ov�ners of dumping p�per at 6th �ve.& Lxceisi or. B�Iotion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by A.nderson that we purehase a nenv Flag, carried. . 14�otion dul�r �iade by gnderson, seconded by C)ltrr,an that fierman Ol�on get necessary repairs ior boiler,carrie�. r��xotion duly made bp Anders�n,seconded by Oltman that Herman Olson order roofir,g tar needed ior Village ��11 rooP, carried:. 1�Zotion duly made by P3add.en, seconded b� Anderson, that the following bi].ls be allowed,carried; 11829 Frank Ha�,eck 11830 Fr�nk Nunvar 11831 J. J . Culshaw 11832 �Valter Nitz 11833 Ca rl O ls on � ; ., ► 21 hrs . C� 45�1 � 9.45 16 h rs .� 45 � 7. 20 26� hrs. � �5�1 11.93 26Q hrs. �� 4b�i 11.93 24 hrs . n 50� Tr�ctor � 12.00 ; Bills eon't. � 11834 Fr�nk Stodola 11835 Thos.Far� 11836 G. ��. Stottard 11837 Robt.Gehrke 2717 Jas .4�. Berry 2718 J.J.Culshaw 2719 Vic tor Redeen 2720 Rose Vesely 2721 Jeanette Barry 2722 gnna C.Borland B'723 �lalte r Ro1.f 2724 Henr� ti9.Friehl • 2725 Frank Srr�,pkal 2�26 g.0.glberg 2727 dTb.Sanderson 2728.Ja.s.Cathers 2729 ��hn.Bro�rn � 2730 Arthur Grochov� 27314�1�m. Brown 2732 9rt Grochov� 2733 � Peter uVolf 2734 Frank Spott -2- 112 -hrs. C� 60g� Supt. 24 hrs. � 45� 48 hrs. � 45� ' 22� hrs . � 45¢ 36 hrs . n 25� Election Judge n n - Elect ion Jusige iT fl ,r „ _ Catch ing 4 do�s Bal. Skarolid job 16 days � 3.60 21 hrs..C' ,55� 36 hrs. n 55� 13 hrs. n 45� 124 hrs. � 55� 102�3 hrs . _ c 45¢ 1 3�4 hrs . � 55¢ 3 1�3 hrs. � 45� 32 hrs. � 25� for.horse _ 10� hrs.p 45� � Upon motion duly made and seconded meeting vras adj ourned. Att est : ��O�l� l�Zay o r 0 eco rde r 67.20 10.80 21. 60 10 .13 9.00 17.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.90 4. 00 75 .00 b7.60 11.55 19.8Q' 5.85 6.75 4.88 :95 1.42 8.00 4.75 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY g.EVIEW, HOPHINS, MINN. $TATE OF MINNESOTA, � ' COUNTY OF IiENNEPIN � eT L �:'IaY'�nl_________________�eing duly sworn, deposes ----------�---'----------- - and says that he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher or printer in charge of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and ublished in the Village of Hopkins, in said Hennepin County, 8tate o�Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the pr�� _ Notice to Prope-rtv_ O�mers_Ltc,________________ --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- hereto attached, cut [rom the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each we�k for___ 2_______weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was Srst inserted, printed aad published on Thurs- day, the__ 21St ---�y of-----June----------------, 18��'_, and was �_, printed and published in sain newspaper on each and every Thursday - thereafter until and including Thursday, the______���1i _______daq of ' ----------� ,�, ----------------------� 19��_. That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualifled ,as a medium of official and legal publications as reqiured by Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 484, 8ession Laws o2 M'innesota, 19Z1, and that it has complied with a11 the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as deflned in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from the date of the first publicatioa oi said___ ----------------------- ------�9 # �.4� -------------------------------- said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in oolumn and shee foran equivalent in space to atleast four pages; with Sve columns to the page, each seven- teen and three-qua.rters iaches long. (2) tssued once each week from a lmown office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparinB sad printing the sam�. (3) Ma.de up to contain general and local news, oomment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other pubHcation, and not en- tirely made up of patents, plate m�.tter or advertisements, or any or either oY them. (4) Circulated in and near its place ot publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that pr�or w ttie aate of the Srst pubHcation of said Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the gublisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, Sled in the office of the county auditor of said county of Hennepin, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and loca- tion oY sa�d newspaper and the e�dstence of conditions constituting its, 3 o�hapter 484, Ses�sonnLa saMi�nnesota 9 l.�d set forth in SecWon That the following is a printed copy oi tht lower case alphabet f r o m A t o Z both inclusive, of the size and �Cind o4 type used in the oomposition, printing a ublication of s�id legal a dver t i s emen t here- unW attached, viz: a cdef opqrstuvwxyz� �r� ---------- - �-----------------•�----------------- Publisher. 6ubscribed and sworn to before me this_�thda9 of��ul� -----19��'_ ------------------------------------------------• Notarg Public Hennepin County, Minnesota My cammission esPh'es---------------------- OFFICIAL PUBLICATYON � NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, WHOSE PROPERTY MAY BE ASSESSED THEREFOR, OF PROPQSED WATER MAIN EX- TENSION ON TIiIRTEENTH � AVI'sNUE NORTH BETWEEN ; RAILROAD RIGI3T-OF-WAY OF � lYID�TNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS i RAII.RUAD A N D FOURTH STREET NORTH, ON . �YIONK � � AVENUE BETWEEN GOODRICH � AVENUE AND INTERSECTION �OF STREET ,RAILWAY TRACHS ; VII.LAGE OF HQPKIIVS �Notice is hereby given, that the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minne- � sota, will meet in the Council Cham- � bers in the Municipa,l Building in the Village oP Hopkins,said county � and' state, at '7:3Q �P. M., on the 3rd �day of July, 1934, to determine the' necessity and� advisability of the ficonstruction of water mains on 13th Avenue North between Railroad right-of-way of Minneapolis and 3t. Louis �Railroad and Fburth Street- North, on Monk avenue between Goodrich avenue and intersection of � street raii�avay tre,cks, �in said village. � The size of the vuater mains so �proposed to be laid are proposed to i be four (4) inch �pipes and such as . � is usual and customary in such i cases. ' Notice is further gi�ven that it is , 'proposed that the expense incurredi by said proposed consiruc'tion of � ' water main shall be borne by the ' owners of the �property � abutting �thereon and sha,ll �e levied and as- isessed against said property in ac- cordance with �Chapte�r 425 oP the Laws of Minnesota for the yeas 1921, � and� said property owners are hereby � notified of said meeting and� aie ,re- ' quested to be �present and discuss the advisability and� necessity of said construction at said time and �place. This notice is given by� order of the Village Coun,cil and� in accord- ance with Chapter 425 of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1521. A. E. Anderson, Village �Recorder. J. A. Hosp, Village Atty., Hopkins, Minnesota. (June 21, 28, 1934) Ee�ular mesting of the Village� oP Hopkins Council was held on Tuesday night Jul� 3rd ,1934 , at 7:30 PRR at the Village �all . Members present; Tru.stees Oltman,Japs,Madden. Recorder Anderson. Atto:sne� Hosp. Absent President G.4�1.A�oore . ��~ Motion duly made by Oltman, second�� b� Anderson that John.Shubert be ranted g permission to tap on the hydrant at .Gas House and that Hennan Olson be instructed to`inst�,ll meter and bill Shubert Por same, carried. �� `�- �� bqotion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by Anderson. that we proceed to la�r LFd�ter �v��`ain on �,��nk �venue from Goodrieh Ave. to the �treet I�sil�vay Tracks pursuant to bid oP Chris.Jensen through �Iax Sorensen,carried. hlotion dul made by Oltman, seconded b�� Anderson that we advertise for bids for �h Ave Water N�ain from 12th Ave to 13th Ave.No. on 3rd St.ido. and Prom r�.allwa� right of �va� to 4th, St.N. on l��th Ave.rd. as L�er speci- fications, carried . Bids to be opened on Jul� 24th, 1934. Motion duly made bv Oltman, seconded by Anderson that we �dvertise Yor bids and hearirig for �th Ave.b��Jate�r main on 6th dve.�To.between 2nd and 3rd Stsr� No. bids to be opened on July 24th, 1934, carried. ffiotion duly made by Oltman� seconded b� -7aps that the IYZinneapolis Saburba� Gas report be plaeed on file , carried . Notion dul� made by Anderson, seconded by Oltman, that. the follow�ng bills be allo��ed : 5425 5426 11838 11839 11840 11841 11842 11c�43 11844 11845 2735 2736 273 7 2738 2738 27 40 27�1 2742 •2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 Herrm.n Olson Ma,g S o rens on Frank Nunvar Frank Rosengren 6'Valter Nitz Frank Dittrieh Otto Vollrath Gust Lemke Geo.V�exler _ Frank Stodola_ I�irs .Theo .Extine Bloomie Jenstad Za«rrence Schutz 9.G.hamilton �rai�k Sm�kal L�?rs.E�;ilPetersen �'�alter RolF Edti�ard �aei 11 �;jnar ilelson Frank �asper �'ranl� �todola Jens Clausen � Llmer Ber�nett Sal.to 7-1�34 �Iurry Ave . t�lat e-r l�7ain 8 hrs. � 45� 16 tT tT iT . ' 13 hrs. � 1.00 ��ruck 48 �� �r 45 �i - 1� 1T tl ti 8 �r n ►r 22 T► �� �� r!2 rr n 60¢ Supt,. �a�per Sal. to .7-1-34 Sal. to 7-1-34 Sal. to 7-1-34 Sal. to 7-1-34 10 days �.3.60 per Cleaning Lib rary 4 Catchin� 2 do�s 24� h-rs . .0 45�i 222 hrs. �' 45� 27 h��s . �' 45¢ 24 hrs. C� 45�, 99 h rs . �' 45 y� 22 hrs. � .45� da�r to 7-1-34 t ime s 70 . 00 600..00 3. 60" 7.20 13. 00 21.60 6.08 3.60 9.90 43.20 8.00 32.50 75 .AO 75.00 36 .00 6 .00 2.00 11.03 10.13 12.15 14.40 �4 .55 9.90 �otion duly made �,nd secc�nded th€�t meeting be adjourned until July lOth,1934 carried. Attest: v_a��o r ro T em Recorde r � The Vill�ge Council oF the Village oP Hopkins met Jul� lOth, 1934 at 7;30 PM in th e Council Room . b�embers present, President G.6�d�Moore; Trustees hadden, Japs, Oltman. Recorder A�de-rson and �lttorney Iiosp. Mr.Graber �.ppeared avith a report Por �vater main and under pass on 13th Ave . No. Dr.Denien Prom b1p1s.I�oline Company appeared For discussion oP the instal?s- tion of a uVater h2star at the N�p�s.Moline .Compan� �actor,y and ofiice. R�otion duly made b�r rriadden, sec onded by Oltman that a malt Beverage license be granted the Hennepin County Fair Board ��ith the priv iledge oP selling linense Yor 565.00 per place, earried . �qo t ion dul y made bs:� Oltman, se c onded by i�.adden that Tom Sheehan be given work so he can � y his Y�ater bill, carrie�. ��otion duly made by Oltmen, seconde� b� Anderson that �James Z�ke be �iven wo rL carried . Motion Oltman, seconded by Japs, that minutes of l�,st meeting be approve:�, carried . Recorder instructed to see about collectin� Por water used at the Bridge � and also b�r P�r.Berrnnish and report at the negt regul-ar meeting, carried. `�- c'�- R�otion duly made b.y Japs, seconded by Oltman, �hat the request oP tbe gmer ican Zegion Post o.� Hopkins to s erve. P:�ialt Bevera�es with t heir lunch at a dance at the Fair Grounds be denied. R4otion lost on the follo�v ing vote g�es-Oltman,Japs. No-�iadden,g�derson-R�oore. Corrnnunieat�ons read ancl placed on File. P�otion dul� made by Nadden, secor�d ed by Ande rson that the Pollo�v ing bills be allowed, carried�; 2748 Emil Anderson 2749 Eidam Grocery 2750 Hogkins Produee 2751 Crane Co. 2752 Dr.F�J.Kucer� 275.3 Killmer Dairy 2754 Chas.Herzan 2755 9nton Olson 2756 Zen _Milbe x� 2757 I�apia Groc er� 2758 Pedersen Bros. 2759 Jos.M.Cecka 2760 �darren Storces 2761 Hennepin County Home 2762 Carl Seden 2763 Japs.Olson Co. 2764 Jas.Edel 2765 T�Rp1s.Gen.�lec.Co.- 2766 Stand ard Oil Co. 2767 J.E,Hennessey Co. 276'8 H.EsHor�n 2'769 F.H.Ha ir�ert 2770 Red �ing Sewer Pipe Co. 27?1 N. W, Phone Co. 2772 Peter r'dolf _.. 2773 LeeP Bro s. I> c 2774 St.Paul Boo� 8� Sta.Co. 2775 Hennepin-I,ake Zibr�,r� 2776 M _1s. Star 2777 �pGU.Elmquist 2778 M.B,Hagen Co. 277' 9 Jac ob �chePPl er 2'780 Hopkins Fire Dept. 2781 Frank Sitar 2782 Anderso n �3ros 2783 Gustafson R� Fuxa 2�84 Vd.S.Nott Co 2�8g Map re lieP 1�4 n �f rr �ia� 8c June reliefli�4 Supplies �r7a�r re 1 ie.� 1 /4 „ ,► ,1 �� „ ,► ►r �r n rr �r �r n n n f� ,t �� n �t rr iT Ti TT iviarch,Apr.r�,ay Board 11 hrs. � 4,5¢ OPYice �upplies Gas June �,ght 8c Powe r Gasoline Lwnb e r Sc C eme nt Feath e r dust e r Drags & Supplies 2000 bricks June b ill 7 hrs . � 20 � Rags Fire Dept . Books Zib rary Books " Sub.Zibrar� Po st age Elec. Pan fo r Lib�e�r� Jt�ne Sal. � �hones �8� Calls- Special Police Flag Repairs & bulbs Roofing T��aterial 11.86 3.00 1b7.59 50.00 2.00 8.16 60.40 41. 83 27.96 29.71 40.26 1.26 16.40 102.50. 4 .95 2 . 20 2 . 51 421.49 14. 84 10.10 1.25 3.35 6.00 10.20 1.40 3.00 38.42 2.00 2.70 2 .06 12.95 10.00 118.00 14.00 4. 9 5 9.50 39.50 Bills con't. 2785 ��.J.V�ek 2786 Mp1s.Sub.Gas Co. 2787 Paulson Hdwe. 2 788 Mrs. The o. Ext ine 2789 Bloomie Jenstad 2790 A.G.Hamilton . 2791 I,awrenae S�hutz Jnne Bill June bill Cultivator Kasper Sal.to 7-15-34 Sal. to 7-15-34 Sal. t o 7-15-34 S� l. t o '7-15-34 � ' . 2 5 .00 1.00 6.40 8100 32.50 72.50 72.50 Moti on d uly. made b�r Ande rso n, se c ond ed b� Oltman tha t meet�h�g ad j ourn , aarri ed . ATT'r�ST : � . Mayor Addit ional bills allou�ed; �].846 Bre n Hdwe . 1184'7 Mp1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 11848 Geo. M.hZiles 11849 Jacob ScheYPle r. 11850 Republic Cresote Co. 11851 Pure Oil . 5427 b4pls.Gen.�lec .Co. 5428 National P:�eter Co. 5429 GuBt Iaemlre 5430 Dahlberg Bros. 5431 Henn.County Re�iew 5432 Herman Olson � Recorder Material June Bill Gaso li ne Repairing tires C o ld Pa.t ch Gasoline June Po�ver Re�airs Repairing water leak Pickup repair . Adv.6'aater ��ain Sal. t o 7-15-34 6.34 12.06 3 . 28 1.50 16 .00 6 .29 223.38 1.42 4.05 19.44 16.00 70.00 , Meeting oP the Villa�e Council o.f the Village of Hopkins was held on Tuesday July 17th, 1934, at 7:30 PI� in the Village Hall. �embers present: Presiderit G.'►�d.Ivioore; Trustees Oltman Japs. Recorder _ Arderson. Absent Trustee� 14�adden. bRo tion dul� made by Oltman; ' se c on ded by And e rs on tha t. E j nar Ne ls on be given work Por July Ren.t',,carried. � ' hotion_duly made b� Anderson, seconded� by Ja.ps, tha,t Pollowin� bills be allowed, carried: � 27 �2 Frank Smykal I,abor � 50 .40 2793 Peter Wolf � 36 hrs. p 20¢ �7,2p : 2794 UYa'1'ter Ro1P Catching, 2 dogs 2.00 .' 2795 Nels Nel son I,abor 7.50 5433 Chr is . J ense n �'Jat e r I��a in P�onk �ve . 1250. 90 ,= 11852 A�H Hensler Repairs • 23.30 11853 John Tauchen rabor g�qg 11854 W. N it z_ Labo r 18 . 00 11855 Robt. Gehrke � I.abor 10.13 11856 C.Olson � I�abor 8 00 11857 C.�d: S to ttliard Zabo r 21. 60 11858 Fra,nk St.odol� I�abor 52.80 11859 V.C.Triden •Labor 8.78 11860 John Harinca r Zabor 18. 00 11861 James .Z�kke 32 h rs . C�45 ; 1�.40 15209 Farne rs 8� T;�ech . Bk. Int . 371.25 I�Zotion dul� made by Anders on, se.conded b� Oltman tha t �,lner Bennett �be grant ed wo rk f o r Jul� rent , carried .. gtt est • ti�ayor y � a Re co rd�r Special rnee'tint� of t��e Villa�e C;our�cil of tn.e �lill�,�e oi �?opkins �-;ras - h��d on `�'uesda� �ul�r 24th, 1934, at '7;30 PI��� in the V"illa��e Nall. � RTembers ���esent G.kJ.R�oore �Presid.ent; Trus�Lees r'�.adden, =:aps and 0"ltm�n. Absent hecorder �,:�de �•sor�. � I��oi,ion duly made �by C)ltman, seconded by P.,�oc�re, that v�1�,te-r rr�ain be in9 stallea on ];3 th Ave.Td. on �rd St. nor�;h from Railroad ri�;�zt-of-tvay to 4th St.No. ori 131�h xve.I�T.,c�,rried on t�ie fo1loV�ing vote: A�les-Oltman,A,�adden, Moore, Tdo-Japs. Bids on the 31th �ve.4V�,te�� main �vere received from the follo��in� coru- panies: . �'a'�m.C.Fraser 8c Bon, St.Paul,r,�inn. �.T.CJebster, St.Paul,l!:Zinn. vd.v�Zovell,���inneapolis,l�,�inn. Chris Jensen� �Jinona,�iinn. PQot ion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Japs t}�aL Cl�ris Jensen's bid, throuch l��rax Sorensen be accepted, as stated below, carried ;-= �"� Bici : Item '�l- . I,�ing of. w��ter main b�r hand labor �rii�h. 6TT A��ono Cast pipe incltitding lead and j ute at ;�2.05 per lirieal foot . � "- 2- 6" Crosses �each 19.00 . " 3- 6" tees " � . 14.50 � " 4- 6" plugs " 1.25 " 5- 6" V�.lve & Boxes " 32.OU �� " 6- Hydrant length 7� ft. 66.50 '�-� � 'T ,`7- +L'xtension .for h�drant per lin.ft. 5.00 "�8- Over dep�Lh a�ter 72 t1; in deptx� per lin ft . .22 All local l�.bor ti�rith the exception of a seat setter and caulkei paping 50� per hour Yor c o��mon labo r, an c� hav e j ob c o�pleted on or before Sept.5th, 1934. TJot more that 12 0 of total amount of contract to be retained aPter contract in complefie. �iotion duly �ade by Oltman, seconded by I��adden th�.t the Cour.�cil const ruct water main on 6th Ave.No. bettiveen 2nd and 3rd kve.Tdo. 1��lotion lost on the folloti��ir�� vote; A�zes-Oltman,P�,2adden. Japs- T:�oore- rIo. �otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Japs,_ that the Villa�e Attorney dra� up a Resolution for hearing on the.l3th Xve. v�ater main, carried. h�ation duly made by Japs, seconded by Oltmea.n, that the Cour;cil find out amount of water used by Contr�,etor on Bridg�e and amount used by �emish carried. ' �7otion djl�r made b�r Oltman, seconded by Moore, tllat request of r'ire Dept. be grani;ed to adve rtise Po r�ids for 200 ft. o.� 12 in. Hose ,;�lag and Gum ;� treated_ , carried on the Po llowing vot e: A�es- ��Iore , Oltman,b7adden. T10-Japs. , �otion duly made by Japs seco,�ded by A;Iadden that Recorder made. out assess mBnts Por improvements Finished, P�otion lost on the Pollowing vote. No- �.�oore and Oltman. �1yes-Japs and p�.ladden. 147otion duly made by Japs, seconded by Oltman that Contractor be requested to give abutting.propert� owners preference on work, carried. This � refers to the 13th Ave.d�ater main _job. Motion du].y ma.de and secorded tY�at meeting adjourn. � / � / -�� �% --- - - Recorder �'ro Tem Attest • :�'gqpr � . � � Special meeting of the Villa� Couneil oP the Village of Hopkins was held on August 6th, 1934, e,t the To�n Hall at 7:30 P�I. . Members present; G.dJ.Iti�?oore,President; Tru.stees Oltman,Niadden and Japs. Recorder �nderson absent. Motian dul� made by Japs, seconded by Oltman, that 6" ��a�er PJlain be laid across T�orth 7th �ve.and 12th ��re.No.carried. Motion duly made b Japs, seco�ded b Oltman, move h�rdrant to location proposed bT= Highway Engineer on 12th AJe.i�o, a.nd �7, carried, L��ot i on duly ma.de by Japs, seconded by %��o ore that the � ounci 1 and the Vill�ge �ttorney meet I4�':r.�ipp in re�ard to service drive on �7, carried. l��otion duly made b� Japs, secor�ded by Oltman that Counci� and Village �lttorney meet with Pv�r. gipp in re�ard ta approaches, carrie�. ( to Villag of fiopkins from #7 ) Motion duly made by Japs, seconded b� I�iadden that Village � torr�ey be instructed to speed up zoning.ordinance so that Council can t upon it , carri ed. '�i P��otion dul� made by Oltman,- seconded by H�Ioore tY�at Council cal3 a Mass meeting to discu:ss installation o� a new v�rell and pump on August 17th, 15�34, Fridag, Qarried. � �� Moti on duly made by �ltman , second ed by Pt7adden that a Reso lution be adopt ed declairing a Holida� between 'r�rs, of l and 6 P14,�I on 4�ednesday August Sth, 1934, carried. Copy oP Proclamation attached herewith. b2otion duly ma.de and seconded that Recorder get estimates on deep well and pump from vari ous pump companies. R�otion duly m�,de and seconded that meeting adjourn,carried. �tt est - Mavor � �'1'�� ��I��� � -------- . -,� �'-.� , � STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HF�VNEPIN P R 0 C L A TII A T I 0 N 0 VILLAGE OF HOPKIA]S VP H E R E A S A voluntary committee of citizens acting in conjunc- tion with the Hopkins Civic and Commerce_,Association are sponsoring a Hopkins Home Cor�ing Celebration and Picnic in honor of Dr. G. P�. Moore on his birthday, August 8th, 1934, at.the Hennepin County Fair Grounds, in the Village of Hopkins and � �i H E R E A S The Hopkins Civic and Conunerce Association has re- � _ - , w - - + ! ° `__"'' quested the Village Council to Proclain a Legal Holiday in said Village, betv�reen _.:.y the hours of 1..P.I�i...�.nd 6 P.M., on said:date. N 0�J T H E R E F' 0 R E Be It Resolved by the Village Council Village of Hopkins, that August. .8th, 19.�, betvaeen the hours of 1 P.M. and 6 P.M. be and is hereby declared a Legal Holiday i.n said Village for the Hopkins Home Coming Celebration and Picnic and in honor of Dr. G. P�. DHoore�s birthday at the Hennepin �ounty Fair Grounds in the Village of Hopkins. � Passed and Approved at e.�.Special Meeting of the Village Council held on , 1934. Attest VILLAGE CORPORATION SEAL ��Q � President Village Councii, Pro Tem. . , / � �' N � 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 t� 15' 16 17 �s 19 20 zi 22 23 24 25 . 26 27 2S �� �9 30 31 . JOSEPH. A. HOSP 'ATTORNEY AT LAVJ . HOPKINS MINN. ' � ,t: _ 3 RESOLUTION� EXT�IDIPZG `EY.ISTI�IG SE�v`FR SYSTE�ih � PROJECT NUNIBER THREE'1934. � �i�hereas, the Village Council of the_Village of Hopkins, of Hennepin County, State of P�innesota, has heretofore.to wit, on November 7, 1916, passed and approved an ordinance .enti:tleds� . "An ordinance providing and establishing a sewer system and sewer districts for • the Village of Vtrest PJiinneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, said,sevrer system to , � be com�os.ed of nine districts, numbered � from one (1) to riine (9) inclusive, and definYng and limitin_g the boundaries of said districts." And whereas,� the property oavners abutting on 7th Avenue North .from, 3rd Street North for a distance of eighty (80) feet, more or less, to the , Dloti line of•lot eight (8) Block 101, West l�inneap�lis Subdivision have pe- titioned the Villa�e Council for the construction of sewer .extension, �vhich petition has received consideration. No�v therefore, be it resolved that.it-is expedient and necessary for the preservation of public health that the existing sevuer system be extended eighty (80) feet, more or less, on 7th Avenue North, from 3rd Street , North, to the North line of lot 8, block 101, West Minneapolis Second S�a.b- division in.joint district number , by the construction of an eight. (8) inch sewer extension and �:•� :' connecting with� the existing trunk �sev�er. . And vuhereas it appears from engineering.estimates furnished that the cost of the construction of said dewer main e:�tension �rill'not exceed the sum of.� ��v �� , be it resolved that the Village directly,purchase the material.s therefor a.nd cause the work to be done by day labor, under the supervision of the Village Street Commissioner. � And be it further resolved that the cost and expense of the construc- tion of said eight (8) inch se�ver main extension be especially assessed again each. and every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land abutting thereon, payable in ten (10) annual installments, all in accordance vrith the provi- sions of Chapter 35, General Lav�s of 1915, as amended. The foregoing resolution �vas offered by Councilman who moved its adoption, which motion was seconded by Councilman_ � and upon being put to a vote was unanimously.adopted. Adopted August 7th, 1934. � � �x� • �: �.�: ' � . . _'� � � -� �� Re�ular r�eeting of the Village Cour�:il of the Village oPHopkins was held on Tuesda�, August 7th� 1934, at the Village Hall at 7:30 Pb�. Members present; President G.VJ.�oore. Trustees, 1��adden,Japs,Oltman. Reoorder A�derson. Attorney Hosp. �iotion dul�r made b� Japs, seconded by Madden, t�iat the minuets oP the last meeting b�e approved as corrected , carried. ��otion dul;� n:ade and seconded fi�at Frank Rosengren and Geo.t�Yegl�er be given �vork for the amount of their gugust rent. �qotion duly made by Japs, seoonded by Anderson that the application for non-intoxicating malt liquor Zicense by Mr.Adams be denied. Carried on the Pollo�ving vote; 6yes-Japs, Anderson,R�iadden. Nfoore and Oltman.not voting. Motion duly made by.biadden,seconded by Anderson that petition oY Ben Souba and others For the vacatin� oP that part af �iills Ave.between 15th �ve.No and 17th Ave.No. as egtended, be placed on Pile and that the proper le�al notices be given Y'or a hearing thereon, c�,rried. • Motion duly made by Oltman, secondec� by A�adden that �,ve get resolution for Interlaehen watermain Prom Attorne�r Hosp and insert ,in minutes, earried. Motion duly m ade by Oltman, seconded b� Anderson that the Server Resolu- tion attached be adopted, carried. P�otion duly made b�r gnderson, seconded by Oltman th�,t Engineer Graber be instruct�d to la�; out the proposed Sewer on 7th Ave .No. ,carried. Motion duly made by Oltman, seconded by n��adden that �e enga�e the services oP Max Sorenson to supervise the laying oP same se�er,carried. Motion duly rade b Oltman, seconded b� Madden that we furnish 200 Pt. oP 1Q in.�vax and �um treated F.ocker lugs ,�abcock 'brand hose at 80¢ per �oot .Prom America Za France Co.,carried. Motion duly made b� Ol t�nan , secor�dea b� Madden t hat �loyd Eric kso n application Por an on-sale non-intoxieating ma,lt liquor license be granted carried on the Pollowing vote- Ayes-h��dden,Oltman,Anderson. No-J��s-�Yoore. 1t7otion dul�r made b� �"adden, seconded b�r Oltman that no Zong Distance calls be permitted on the Villa�e telephone,carried. P��otion dul� made b�r .Oltman, seconded b� Anderson that the 6th Ave.�'Vatezmain be installed as per petition rendered and placed on file� carried. B�2otion dul�r made by lUfadden, seccmdvd b� Oltman tllat Pollov�ing bills be allowed,carried.p 11862 �okesh...Hdwe. 11863 Frank �ittrich 11864 Gust Zemke 11865 C. i'd.Stotthard 11866Jas. Cathers 11867 Frank Kasper 11868 Frank Stodola 11869 V.C�Triden 11870 John Tauchen 1I871 Jas.Zykke 11872 Geo . ti�legle r 11873 Warren Benson 11874 Jos.Shon�a 11875 Void 11876 Carl Olson 11877 tiValter Nitz 11878 Otto Volrath 11879 Ejnar Nels o� 11880 4Jm.Soeaolsky 11881 Geo .1"�.BZiles 11882 RZp1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 11883 Republic Cresote Co. 11884 Ptxre Oil. �o. �I�terial I,abor Zabor ir �t rr n „ IT IT ,� Team I,�,bo r ,t Truck Zabor I,ab or „ Gasoline Jul� bi 11 Street Oil Gasoline 17.40 21.66 12.83 3. 60 7.2� 7.20 67.20 12 .38 1.58 ZO.00 9.90 12.80 10.80 18.25 48.00 7.20 12 .60 3.83 3,54 a2 .09 162.53 18.61 � �. �` � _�- Bills 11885 1188 6 11887 1188 8 1188 9 2800 2801 2802 28 03 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 u�317 2818 �� i 2820 � 82 ]: 2822 2823 2824 2 82 5 2826 282 7 28 2 8 2 82 9 28 30 28 31 28 32 2 833 28 34 2835 28 3 2837 28 38 28 3 284� 284 54B 543 543 COntt. -u- Chas.Bo�er Team Gust Zemke Labor _ � I,�,nders-Morrison Co. Sand & Gravel Ch�.s . Bo ye r T. eam Frank Rosengren Z�,bor Fran k Smyke,I 16 d a�s n 3. 60 t o 8-4-34 Standard 0 il C o. Gaso line Martin J.Vanek Fire & Police Alarm to 8-1-34 C.E,Gustafson Plants Comm.garder�s Nels Nels on 7 days � 1.50 Zeo Priest �Zotor. Co. Gasoline Justus Lbr.Co. �upplies �� i�alter Rolf Catching 2 dogs 1',2p1s.Gen.�lec.Co. Zight 8c Power Replub ic. Paint 8c Varnish �o.Supplie s C . D. �iTcl'.��Iahon Hau ling ��1s.Sub.Gas Co. City Hall �as to 8-1-34 John F.Loss Supplies Jens Clausen 83 ilrs. ��� 45� Jas.Edel • Gasoline Hopkins Fi re Dep t. Calls �: phones I,awrneee Rasmus Bepai rin� �o ile Y• Jacob Scheffler r7a1. to 8-1-34 8c repairs Frank Sitar Change �a.f po li c e � � radosta Garage. �eP��'s J.E�Hennessy �o. aup�lies Carl� Seden 11 hrs . C� 45� Jos.Klinkhammer - 40 hrs . �: 45� 23.��V.Be11 Tele.Co. Phones � Crane Co. Supplies Henn.County �i�lief July 8c Au�.oifice expense relief Ke11e�-Houv-Thomson Co. Screen 8c Glass Security Nat.Ins. Comp.Ins. to 6-1-:54. Hapk�ns Produce Groceries P�? ,► ►� Emi 1 An de rs� n �'�arrens Grocer� �tandard Oil Co. Red Owl Store s Pedersen Dairy `. Paul� Oilson Grocer.y Anton Olson G-rocery 6 I,en b�ilb ert Grocery Bapic Grocer � J�,spers on Dairy 9 Chas.Herzan 0 Eidam Grocer� 1 Caroline Drug Store 5 A.P.Smith rdfg.Co. 6 �:p1s.Gen.Elee .Co. 7 Chris.Jensen n rr fl tT iT Il „ rt �f �r i� tT ,r � �r �} IT „ „ T� „ It �T Relief V�'ater meters July power bill ma.terial for 13�th kv e. V�at e rma in L�Zotion aui� made _and seconded meeting ad�ourn,carried. & � 0 RDER ATTLST ayor ,---- � --�, Special meeting of the Villag;e Council o.f the Villa�e o.f Hopkins was �' held on August 15th, 1934 at 7:30 Pm in the Council F.00m. ��' . ll4embers ��resent G.4�.h�oore,President; Truste.es �aps and Oltman. Recorder �lnderson. Attorney Hosp. Absent Trustee r.qadden: This meeting was called for the purpose of ineeting �rith �ir.Sipp of the State Highway Dept. askin� the High�va� Dept. to erect a serviee drive Prom the Oakridge Golf Club road rvest to 17th Ave. , along the new High- c�ay �nd elso for an entra�e to the . new Highc�aay at 9th Ave.No. Motion duly made b� Anderso n, seconded b,y Oltman that .the Village Attorney draw a Resolution asking the_Highwa,y Dept. to erect a service drive Prom the �akrid�e Golf Club read west to 17th Ave. along the new Hi�h- w�y and also for sn entr�nce to the nev� �iighway at � 9th Ave.No. ,oarried . Motion dul�r made by Japs, seconded b� Oltman that the matter of Culberts at 7th Ave.tdo. and lst St. be referred to the Hoad argl B�ridge Committee, carried . , Llo�d. Lindell appeared befbre the Villag�e Council asking them to purchase material for the erection of bleacher stands at the neva gthletic Field. 'i' Pdotion duly made by Anderson, secorided by �ltman thn.t we purchase material for the Diamond Ball bdeachers at the new �ithletic Field, no�r to exceed `�45.00, in cost, carried. Mot ion du .l.y made by Oltman , seeonded by �nderson, that the applica tion oP the Hennepin Count�r Agriculture Society for a permit to sell non- intogication B�Talt Ziquor at the Hennepin County r�air Grounds be granted, oarrie d. Motion dul� made and seconded that the me�ting adjourn. , gttest : y �t � � � - -� %���� m Recorder Special meeting of the Village Cauneil oP .the Village o� Ho r�kins was � called on August 17th, 1934 for: the purpose oP discussing the advisability � and r.recessity for a seconded deep we11. � �embers pr�sent- G.ti�J,I�oo-re, �resident ; Trustees Oltman ar�d Japs. Reco rder Anderson. gbsent Trus tee 1Liadden : Motion tvas du.ly made by Oltman , seconded b� 7aps that the. Village Attorney.. be instructed to draw up a resolution calling.a �peeial Election to be held on Tuesday, September 4th, for tYie votin� of Bonds to construct a Degp t�Jell, carried. - Motion daly made and carried tt�at the meeting adjourn. ' � ' Recorc�er Attest • - yo r �. 0 ffieeting oP the Village Counci 1 of the Villa�e of Hopkins v�ras he ld on Au.gus t 2 ls t, 1934 at 7; 30 PI47 in the C ounc il F.00m. Members present; G.�'J.�Zoore, President; Trustees Japs,Oltman and P:�Tadden. `� Recorder Ar,derson absent. Motion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by Japs that the Sidet�alk and Curb warrants be taken up �1-2-3-4- of Nov.22nd,1929 issue, arid warrants �1-2-3-4 Dec.11th 1929 issue; and warrants �1-2-3-4 o.f Jul� 8th, 1930 issue ab ove warran ts being hel d b� i;he Gas Fund , carrie d. ` �! ��; ll�tion duly made b� Oltman, seconded by Japs, that the Gas �'und reim�urse the 4'later Fund to the amount of �1006.14, bo-rro���ed Prom the V�ater Fund �ctober 30th, 1933, carried. Motion duly rnade by Oltma.n, secor.;ded by Japs, that the follovrirg bills ba allo�ved , carrie d ; - 15210 20367 5438 5439 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 g1898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 1190� 11907 11908 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 28 47 2848 28 49 2850 28 51 2 852 2 853 2854 2855 28 5 6 2857 �opkins Gas rund Hopkins �dat er Fund Herman Olson Herman Ols on Llmer Bennett Dan Kopesk� John Harincar gug.Peters on Geo . �Vexler Frany Zehm�ecker Frank Erickson Chas.Boyer Frank E rickson t�darren Brnson Ld. bileill Frank Stodola i+�im. Kowalsky C.�d.Stotthard Frank Dittriok J�mes Lykke Otto Volrath Frank Rosengren Carl Olson g,G.Hamilton I,awrence S�hutz Bloomi� Jenstad I�rs .Theo .Extine� fl�pls .I��oline Pioneer �;lev .Co. Peter Ydolf Nels Nelson VJalter Rolf Clarence Thaemert Godfre� Gillman Yakesh Hdwe. P.�rs .The o . Egt ine A.G.Hamilton Lawrence Schutz Bloomie Jenstad Sidewalk 8c Curb warrants Pa� back loan V�arrant #5366 Sal. to 8-15-34 Sal. to 9-15-34 24 hrs . � 45 �i. 8 h rs . Q 1.00 T ruck 16 hrs. C 45� 16 hr s. �� 45¢ 22 hrs . �; 45 � 20 2 hrs . C� 1. 00 t ruek 16 hrs . C� 4�¢ 24 hrs. C� 80�i team 9 hr s. C� 45 � 38� hrs . C 80� team 25 lirs. (� 45¢ 124z hrs. C� 45 � 122 hrs . C� 45� 40 hrs. � 45� ' 24 h rs . � ; 45 ¢ 44 2 hrs Q �5� �16 hrs. �' 45g� 16 h rs . r 45 � 24 hrs. C� 50� Sal. to 8-15-84 - �T �� �► ,► �► Kaspe r Sal . to 8-15-34 Grandstand R�aterical Grandstand 4hrs.�'20¢ 8 da�s 0 1.50 catching 2 dogs 14days_�3.60 20 hrs . C� 20� P.2aterial For Gran�dstand Kasper Sal. to 9-1-34 Sal. to 9-1-34 Sal . t o 9-1-34 Sal. to 9-1-34 I�ot�bn dul� made and carried that the meeting �djourn. gttest: o �Iayor ecor e r R E S 0 L U T I 0 N. . Be it resolved by the Village Council, Village of:�Hopkins� at its regular meeting that the Council held in the usual meeting place on �uguat 21st, 1934, thRt the State Highvuag Department be and are hereby authorized and requ�eted to construct, establish and maintain a drive way approach paxelleling and within the limits of the_right of w��of State Trunk Highway Number Seven�(7), between Fifth Avenue and T�elfth Avenue, in the Village of Hopkins, and,for a highw�p approach with the intersection _ of Ninth Avenu� ina��aid Village �rith Trunk Iiighway, all i.n accordance vrith'� �.. plans and apecifications heretofore considered and approved and now on file� in the �ffice of the Commissioner of the State Highway Department. AdoPted August 21, 1934. % ��L: . � G. W. �Ioore, ��,.� President, Village Council, Vi�lage of Hopkins, Minnesota. Attest: A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder, Village of Hopkins, Nlinnesota. ;�:'. . . . � � _ _ _, _ : . __ :�...,,� S�ecial meeting oF the village Council of the Village of Hopkins was calle on .August 28th, 1934 , at 7:30 P1�R. -� R2embers present G��J,I�7:�ore,P�sident; Trustee Madden and Oltman. Recorder ��. Anderson. �bsent Trustee Japs; . : This meeting was called Por the purpose oP arranging Special Assessments for the Yo llow ing pro j ee ts : �. a2urrary Ave.ti'dater 1Lain IV� 02� A.f e n 1r � 13t11 AVe. �r •n 6th Ave . " « , 14th �ve . Tarvia" 7th Ave. S�rer " Skarolid Se�er commecti�n . The Village Recorder was instructed to secure tevo (2} elections judges from the rielief list .to assist Richard l�oore at the Special Election to be held on Tues.Sept..4th,1934. B�Sotion dul� made �.nd carried to adjourn meeting. - Atte st �ayor ' "- �- � Recorde r �� Regular meeting oF the Villa�e �ou:nc il of the Vi�llage oP Hopkins was held on Tuesday,Septffimber 4th, 1934 at 7:30 .PM in the Council Room. l�embers present : G.6J.&Ioore ,President; Trustees,Japs,Madden and Oltman. Recorder �nderson and Attorney Hosp. Mot ion duly made by Oltman, seeonded b�r 1'��iadden that the Fire Insurance on the Bandstand in the Park be reduced to ��1,000.00, carried. r�otion duly made by Ol.tman, seconded by T�iadden th�t tY�e minu.tes of the last meeting be approved as read, carried. Motion duly made by h�adden,seconded b� Oltman t�at the application oF Floyd . Erickson for a Soft Drink license be granted, carried on the Pollowing vote: Apes-P��oore,fl�7adden,Oltman and Anderson. P10-Japs. The �geasurer's xeport and the �"dater Report were accepted and placed on file. . �:otion du ,y mQde b17 Oltman, seconded by Anderson that the Standard .Oil Company's request for a refund on the duplications o� special assessment be referred to �he Vil].a.�e �ttorney to de�ermine if it is legal and correct to pay this amouni; and also to check up a.nd see if Bulk St�,tion License �or 1927 and 1928 v��as paid, carried. �otion duly made b� Ja�s, seconded by Ol�nan �Ll�at the request Por an "-� inc rease in the Assessor's Salary be d enied , Qarried on the f ollowing 4ote; A�es- N.00re,��Iadden,Japs,Olt�an. No-Anderson. 1Vlotion duly made by Oltman , seconded by Japs t��at the report oP the Special Llection held on September 4th, 1945 as rendered by t�e Election Jud�es be accepted and placed on file, carried. 114otion duly �:ade by Oltman, seconded b� l�adden that the Council advertize for bids ior the consat ruction and install�.; tion oP Deep G°dell and Yump and Pump-house, in accordance with the speciFications on Pile in the Hecor- der's O.�Pice, separate and or combined bids on each. Bids to be �,dvertised in the Hennepin County Revie�v and the Improvement �ulletin carried. _ lUlotion duly ?;=ade by Anderson, sec�ded by PFrtadden that �ve hire Mag Sorenson to install a Valve at 6th Ave, and Excelsior �ve. at �1.00 per hour .Por self and equip�uent,carried. Motion duly m�.de by Anderson, seconded by Oltman that we place 6f' 4`dater �ga,ia and 8" Sev�rer under the new �7 Hi��hway at 9th Ave. No. ,carried. PJ�otion dul� made by I.��adden,seconded by Oltman to adopt resolution to sell warrants on ���trs.John Skarolid a�d August tierson sewer connection�, carrie d . � Attorney Hosp report and check Por ��14,000.00 Prom Hi�itv�aaj- Department � for the rental on paving was submitted by �lttorney Hosp and �vas tabled until the meeting oi September l�th, 1934. ��otion duly made by Ultman, seconded by I.��adden that the Pollouaing bills be allowed ; ,carried ; 2865 H.�'.Moore 2864 9. tN.Elmquist 2859 A.E.gnderson 2863 J.A.Hosp 2858 G,�u.N:oore 2862 F.�;�.Madden 28 61 glbe rt Jsp s 2860 Irving Oltm�.n 2866 Dr. JaS .�l�.ke 2867 b`dalter RolP 2868 Bren Hd�e.Co. 2869 I�Irs .EmilPetersen 2870 Gaylord Bro s. Inc. 28 71 Hopkins Fi � e Dep t. 2872 NIpls .GBn.Elec .Co. 2873 Nels Nelsor� • 3 month s Sal . ,f �, �� as F i xE uda rden 'T Treasurer Recorde r Attorne� �era�or T rustee n rt I�►er�ency relief Catch ing 4 dogs Supplies Cleaning Zib.4 times Book library 2 c�alls and phones Z igh t 8c Po we r 5 days � 1.50 50.00 50.U0 195.00 75 .00 105.00 75 .00 75. 00 75.00 10.00 4.00 17.75 6.00 1.20 94.50 419.87 7 . 50 �l ... - - �,...��C C �1.Tc�.�.t�`�j�,o.�..�`,� ��(� " � _ , � � `� ..�} . F SCRIPT ORDER This is to certify ____ N° 1469 whose signature is ____________________________________ will be entitled to receive merchandise from dealers in the village of Hopkins, Minnesota, to the extent of $______________ Dollars, upon endorsement hereunder by the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Name of Desler � Date � Mdse. Furniahed � Amount � Balance This script order will be redeemed by the village of Hopkins, Min- nesota, upon being presented to the village council accompanied by certifled bills of the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Dated ______________________; VILI,AGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA BY-------------------------------- Attest --------------------- � President of village council. Village Recorder. �_ I 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 �''' 21 `� i `�;' ?? 23 2=4 zs 26 27 zs ?9 30 ` 31 .� . .Y JO! �y,'��{� !R:...'r10SP AT.TORNEY AT LA'.N HOPKINS MINN. RESOLUTION AJTHORIZING ISSUE AND r]EGOTIATION OF WATER N1AIN EXTENSION CERTIFICATrS OF INDEBT- EDNESS OF THE VILLAGE OF HOPKIN$, COUNTY OF HIIVNEPIN, STATE OF tflINTdESOTA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO D$F'RAY THE COST OF NECESSA.RY VPATER P11AIN EXTENSIONS ON n2URRAY AV�IUE FROb2 INTERSECTION THERFOF WITH GOODRICH AVENUE IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION ABOUT THREE HUNDRED A�]D TV9ENTY FEET IN INTERLACHII�I PARK IN SAID VILLAGE MONK AVENIIE BETWEEN GOODRICH AVIIVUE AND INTER. SECTION 9VITH THE RIGHT OF WAY OF PdINDIEAPOLIS ST. PAUL SUBURBAN RAILROAD CONIPANY IN SAID VILLAGE P�ROJECT #1-=1934. WHEREAS, the necess�.ry steps have been taken by the Vill�ge Council of the Vill�.ge of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, for the construction of avater mains in said Villa.ge pursuant to Chapter 425 of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1921. � , AND VuHEREAS, pursuant�to resolution of the Village Council of said Village adopted June Sth, 1934, it was deemed necessary and expedient.for the best interests of said Village to construct water mains in the Village,of Hopkins as follo�as: 4-inch pipe on Murray Avenue from intersection thereof with Goodrich Avenue in � southerly direction about three hundred and twenty feet in Interlachen Park in said Village . Monk Avenue betv�een Goodrich Avenue and intersection with the right of way of P�Iinneapolis, St. Paul Suburba.n ' Railroad �ompany in said Village. AND PdHEREAS, the Council has caused plans and specifications to be r:�ade for said work and im�rovements which are on file with the clerk. AND YdHEREAS, a contract for the sum of � �.�; plus additional expense of public:�ti_n s, eF zl �nd engine ring services, amounting in the aggregate,of �p �-1 , has been duly let for the construction .of said water mains on the stre ts:�foresaid. ' � � AND WHEREAS, it is deemed necess�ry a.nd expedient for .the,best intereats of said Uillage, to make s�,id necessary improvements and vrater extensions to and to maintain the existing water system in said Village. AND P�HEREAS, it�'is necess�ry to issue certificates of indebtedness to be. k:iotivn as water r►�.in extension certificates �f indebtedness and to negotiate the same in the amount of ��` V u � for the �urpose of providing funds to�fray the cost of said improvement and extensions to tiie maintenance of the existing water works system in said Village in anticipation of the collection of such special assessment. NOPd, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, Henne in Co `r�ty, State of Minr_esota, that the saici. Village issue �nd negotiate ��� pV -� in the amount of�wa.ter main extension certificates,of indebtedness of said Village in accordance with the authority given in Chapter 425 of the Lap�s of I�Iinnesota for the year 1921, for the � �vi ✓. -1- � I . 2 3 4 5 % 6 7 ' s 9 to 11 tz 13 ta 15 1G 17 �s 19 2i) {� 21 22 23 24 2� 26 27 2s ?q 30 r� 31 i, � y� �" � � �p��,,.,�HOSP ATTORNEV AT LAW � HOPKINS MINN.. purpose of �roviding funds to defray the cost of necess�ry improvements �,.nd extension to and maintenance of existing �ater aorks system in said Villa�e and that there be and there hereby are issued coupon certificates of indebtedness of the Village o Hop ins for the aggregate amount aforesaid, bearing intere�t at the rate of per cent per annum, payable annually, said certificate �y of .indebtedness be in denomination and to mature as follo�s: �u for ���� 1 each, to mature 3, 193J� and.each ye�r thereafter. That said Certificates of Indebtedness and interest coupons to be thereto attached, shall be the usual form in such cases made �.nd provided and in addition thereto shall contain the follo�ving endorser�ent, v�hich is hereby adopt- ed and made applicable.thereto: That said Village of Hopkins, Minnesota, and this Village Council, as such, do hereby pledge and bind themselves to seasonably c llect the assessments levied for the cost of the construc- tion of the water mains for which these.certif- icates of indebtedness are issued and to apply the same to the payment of the certificates of indebtedness issued in anticipation of the coll- ection of said assessments, and if any certifi- cate of i,ndebtedness or the interest thereon falls due v�hen there are no funds to �ay the same, fo effect a temporary loan for the �ayment thereof by the use of the Village's credit to the full extent �hat said Village and Council are now or ' may be authorized by laiv. - - �j1� -� . �� _ _ _ • �_ �� � .ti _ _ _ ]%r���' .iil�_ �_ - �.���Tai'� � - � .N��"�''�l��J� Tha.t the Village Recorder and the President of the Village �ouncil be and are hereby autYiorized and empo�vered and instructed to sign and execute said certificates of indebtedness Und s�id coupons a.ttached thereto, a.nd sell the same to the highest bidder for not less than par and that the proceeds thereof be used and are hereby appropriated for the payment of said improvement. Be It Resolved that the Village Recorder be and is her•eby directed to make and calcul�:te the amount proper and necessary to be especially assessed each lot, piece or parcel of land of the property abutting the streets in �ahich said water mains are laid on the basis�of the costs of said improvements and upon the basis of benefits v�ithout regnrd to cash v�luation a.nd file same in the Office of the Village Recorder for public inspection and to be laid before the Village Council for its a.pprov�l und that the Village Recorder be and is hereby directed to ca.use notice to be given as�rec�uired by Ch��pter 425 of the la�vs of 11Qinnesot 921, of the time and place vahen and where the Council wi11 meet and _ e such proposed assessr�ent and pass upon all objections if any or amend the same. � � Trustee a.nd Councilman . who offered the for�going.resol:ution, t'� eu seconded b�r�Councilman ' � � upon being put to a vote �as unanimously Council. Adopted August 7th, 19�34. ATTEST: �� � � �ti.e�L�.� d��"� President of Village Council. po�ed�5_�adontion, v:��ich was :�nd ado�ted_by all members of the Village� � Village C1,�rk Bills con't.-2- meeting 9-5-34 2874 F.H,Hainert Pencils .60 2�75 Jens.Clausen 77 hrs. C3 45¢ 34.65 28fi6 Henry Ro ehl Gas oline 1.13 � 2877 University of P:.�.Hospital D�u�;s 8c Regiatration PR 5.50 2878 Jacob SchePPler Sal.fire Ste�v.to 9-1-34 10.00 2879 JeiPre�r-Quest Fdry.Co. , Supplies 33.09 2880 Void �� 2881 A.A.$ettschart 8 hrs, C 40¢� 1 hr.50¢ Elec.Judge 2888 Frank Kaspar 8 hrs . C� 40� 1 hr.50� " " 2883 P,qa�tin Vanek . Fire Sc Police alarm 2884 Ca rl Seden 11 hrs. ��: 45¢' 2885 Crane Co. Supplies 2886 National lea Co. I�Zeat PR 2887 The League�of I��inn.�iunicipalities Du�s to_ 8-1-35 2888 N.d'd�Bell T le.Co. Phoi�es 2889 Frank 5itag Police change 2890 John Brecka Spec ial �'olice 2891 Anton Olson � Groceries PR 2892 Z.Eidam " rt 2893 V'�arren's Store ��oceries " 2894 Emil Anders � n ,f 2895 Petterscn Bros. l�7ilk - '� 28 96 F.6,Hainert Drugs " 2.89 7 Jaspe r son Dai r�r Adilk " `� 2898 Killmer Dairy �ilk " _ 2899 Joe V,��Zapic - Grocerie s'.' 2900 Zen.J.P�'ilbert '�roceries " �- 2901 Chas .Herzan _ � " 2902 N�ti0nal TeS C0. � " n" � 2903 St�.ndard Oil Co. Ga,soline 11909 Geo .I�i.�ile s " 11910 N�p1s.Gen.�lec.�o. Zi�ht � Power 11911 P.H.Coyle Repairs 11912 Tvi.Horner 56 hrs. �� 45¢ 11913 James CatYlers � 40 hrs. �� 45� 11914 John Tauchen 442 hr s.� 45 � R1915 Frank .Dittrick 24 hrs. rn 45� 11916 John :�arincar 32 hrs. C� 45� 11917 Clarence Tha.eme rt 11 days G�-� 3. 60 11919 Gust Lemke 44z hrs. r- 45¢. 11918 Jos.Shonka 31 hrs.� 45 ¢ 11920 Carl Olson 27 hrs.. r 50� 11921 Elmer Bennett 17 hrs .G� 45� ��922 I,e onard Schroers 24 hrs .:�� 45y,{ 11923 Geo.Hexler _ 19Q hrs . � 45� � ��11924 �'rank Rosengren 24 hrs . ��^ 45� _ 11925 -Chas.�totthard 16 hrs. � 45¢ _ 11926 Frank Ericksnn 32 hrs. C� 45¢ 4�1927 Au�. Peterson 32 hrs . C� 45¢ 1928 Fra:�k Fa�par 19 hrs . �r 45� 11929 tP�alter T��itz 202 hrs.C� 50� Truck 11930Jscob SchePfler Rep�airs 11931 Frank �todola 842 hrs. �� 60_;: Supt . 5440 R4p1� . �en.Elec .Co . Li�ht & Povuer 5441 Ch ris.Jensen V?ater mains 5442 S.E.Svec� Pepa.irs 5443 Hennepi:n ��ount� Roview �s�otices �ids on watermains �� r .. . 3. 70 3.70 25;c�0 4.95 .98 1.30 30.00 11.50 18�. 50 56. 00 24.21 7.53 . 6. 00 6 . 50 13.86 .39 1.26 2 .00 6 .00 2.31 31.90 72.85 3 .89 � . 62 11.34 8.55 25.20 38.00 20.03 10.80 14.40 39.60 20.06 13.95 13.50 7.65 10.80 8.78 10.80 7.20 14.40 � 14 .40 8.55 20.50 2.25 50.70 246.23 3645.05 �t 3.00 13.50 b2otion duly made and secorxled tl�a.t meeting adjourn until Tuesdsy,Sept. llth ,1934, � � �� ��d��� � Re co r e r. �ttest: r��iay or � ��; � `� :- F�,. , �-:. '�� RESOLUTION BY VILI,AGE COUNCIL TO ISSUE VILLAGE ORDERS By reason of installation of toilet facilities. WHEREAS, pursuant �,o the petition of Auguat J. Pea.rson for the inatallation of toilet facilities on �ot 23, Hlock 7, �eat �inneapolis, in the Vi1lr�ge of Hopkins, and pursuant to reaolution of the Village Council giving effect to said �etition,�o hleted atf t.~�e installation of said oi'et�aap�atby�the�Vi11 ge, and asseased e, cost iri the aum of �� �t � the ordinance of the to the above deacribed proper�; P�BU Vi�].age of Hopki-na, adopted September 10, 1917, pro�►i.ding for and requiring sewer and water connections� and R�HEREAS, pursuant to the petition of �rs. John Skerolid for the inatallation of toilet facilities on Block 12, Lot 2� �est Minneapolis, in the Village of Hopkins� �d Pursuant to resolution of the Village Council giving effect�to said petition, the �aork of the.installation of s'd,,�°i�let facilitiesthegVill ge,�ar�deassessed a cost in the sum of ��9�, and paid by to the abave deacribed property; pursuant to the ordinance of the Village of Hopkins, adopted September 10, 1917, providing for and requiring se�er and v�ater connectiona. � N0�9, TI�RFFORE, � Be it resolved by the Village Council that orders of the Village af Hopkins be and the 5ame axe hereby ordered to be issued on the Treasurer o£ $�determined andtasseased gregate amount of each of the benefits ��3' able in tbres annual as aforesaid, to vni.t: The sum of �:-,!� PaY installments, eaclz of v�hich sh�l.l be represented by aeparate order bearing interest not to exceed six (6} per cent per annum, unt�l turity; and that the President and the Recorder be t�.uthorized to �(Q ��€�t ths eaid order � negotiate and sell the same to the highest. bidder for not lesa than par a�d that �bursement to theege Qr�sed and or hereby appropriated to"the rei ftiind out of wilich aaid expenditurea were made. � Truatee and Councilman ��,�� offered the foregoing resolution, thereupon mo its adoption, w�-�h �a upOn being � by Councilman e.nd Trustee put to a vote �as unanimous],y a opted . Adopted September 4, 1934. Attest: � Jn��L��e�� �'�. [�-,. President of Qillage ouncil ,, � Village Recorder. < Spec ial'meeting of the Villa��e Council oF the Villa�e of Hopkins �Nas held on F'ridan,�e�t.21st,1934, at 7:3� PTr? in the Council Room. - lhis rr,eeting �as called �or the purpose o� opening bids on-the drilling of deep well and pump. Present , G.4�/.Tr oore; P�esident; 'Irustees ,1�Tadde�,Japs and Oltman. Recorder gnderson,�ttorne�r Hosp and �ngineer John �haffer. Bids we re opened f r om the .Po llo��ing : 1- 'v"J.S,Collinge, drillir�g of Dee� �Vell 2- Ke�s uYell C o, " " „ " 3- TdlcCarthey Co ., of �t. Paul ,Drilling De�p 1"well and c omple te j oU. 4- T�i�x Henner G'Jell Co. Drillin�.Deep dYe7.l �5- Layne IJ.V'�.Co.,drilling deep v�ell and furnishing pump 6- Friehl P1bg.8� Ht�.Co., Bid on pump 7- Robinson,Car� 8� Sar�ds,St.Pa.ul, Bid on pump � 8- b'Vo�rthin,�ton Pump Co ., St. Pau 1,Bid on Pump 9- Central Suppl� Co.,Nipls. Bid on pump 10- ��$irbanks �Iorse Co.,�ipls. ,Bid �n punp �Zotion Oltman,seconded by Iv=adden tnat we aceept the bid of theMcCarthy Well Compan� for the drilling of Deep. Nlell,installing pume and electrical fittings, wit� option to cnose any pump �vhose .bid t�as submitted,and ; building pump house, and connection of wat er to mains , a c omplete and finished j ob, �682�.00, using Hopkins labor for e l�etrieal e�aorl�,buil.ding o� pump house, and any labor possible for drillir� of �vell, carried. I�iotion dnly made by Oltr�an,second�d b� P>�adden that the Village Attorney draw ap a contract c�rit��. the T4�eCarth� �iell Company, carried. �iotion dul� nade b� Oltman,seconded by Japs tnat we accept the resignation oP Albert Japs , as Trustee , earried.. l�otion duly made_arxl seconded and carried to adjourn. `� ' �. Recorder i� �ttest• /��������^-- �ayo r � Speoial meetin� oE bhe Village Counc�l of the Vi1l.age of Hopkins � - was held on Tue sd.ay 5ept . llth , 1934, : at 7:30 P%� in tYie Council �oom. P�Iembe-��s present; G.Vd�r�Toore,President; Trust�es Madd�n,Japs, and Oltman. Absent Recorder 9nderson.. The purpose� of this meeting w�s for the auditing of the Village books. ��otion duly made b� Japs , seconded by Oltman that we ask fo r bids on 45. tons of Pochantas coal, egg size,carr-ied. - - �: ��o ti on dul � made arid se conded t��at me et in�; ad j�ourn. "� -• ecorder. �ttest :.1��/i�o/LG.��u�, pi4,�,.. ayo r E' �. � y Iuieeting of the Village � Q,unc il of the Vill€z�e o.f Hopkins was held on Tuesday Sept.�8 �h,1934, at 7:30 i'M in the Courici 1�oom. . �-;Tsfiembers b�sent, G.b�.�Ioore, President ; Trustees Japs,Oltm�an and Madden. �� Recorder Anderson and �lttorne� Hosp. . � �iotion duly made by I:�adden, seconded by Oltman that no assessments be made agains � lst St.I�Torth betw�en 5th and 6th xves. ,carried. �Zotion dul� rriade b�: niadden, secor,ded b� Oltman tnat we adopt the attached resolution for adption on the T���ionk�P:?urra�,and 13th Ave.TTorth cvaterrnai.ns, carri ed. T��otion d�l�r rnade b� Oltman, second::d by T„?adden ti�at tl;e President and the, Recorde-r be authorizeca to sell 'oonds for the.l3i,h A,, e.??.�': 3rcl ��t. water main, t}�e 6th A�e.water main, i�he 7th xve.Sevver and the 14th Ave.Tarvia proaec�s , car'r ied. �_ - R�ation dul�r made b�r I�2adden, seconded b� Oltman th�.t the Folloeving bills be allo�red : c�.rr ied : 5444 Herman Olson 54�5 Chris Jensen 15211 lst �,:at .B��. of Hopkins ,`�11932 C�,rl Olson 11933 �dv�ard i��; e i 11 11934 C .1'i. Stottha, rd 11935 e'dalter N itz T1936 Frank T�Tunvar 11937 Frank Dietri ch � 11938 John Harincar 11939 John Tauchen 11940 Frank Stodola 11941 Geo.V�exler 11942 Frank Kaspe r 11943 Frank Rosengren 11 J44 Leonard Sc hroers 11945 Jos.Shonka 2906 L.Schatz 2907 �.G��iamilton 2908 Bloomie Jenstad 2 909 �lrs . Theo . �:xt i ne 2910 Clarence T�iaemert 2911 idels.T��els on 2912 :`Jalter Rolf :� 2913 Henn.�o. helief 2914 ��hris Jensen � 2915 R�pls .%�T�line Co. 2916 Hopkins Produce. Salar�r to 9-15-34 6 th Ave . 9 th �lv e.8c i3 ond. and In t. - Z abo r 1T ►t Truck Zabo r „ �, n �► �r tt IT IT rf 12 th Ave . Sa1. to Sept.l5th , �t �, T► ►► n „ �,�r�.I,ig;nt� 5al.to 9-1�-34 12 d��s C 3.60 I�ab o r Catchine 2 dogs. �ept.ozfice expense '7th xve. Se��e r T�:-=aterial �or bleachers i'�elief Groc. �_ � 70.00 611. 34 80.76 24.75 11.25 14.40 8.00 14.40 10.80 7.65 2. 25 58 .20 11.93 12 . 83 5 .63 5.63 3.60 72.5� 72.50 32.50 8.00 43.20 �.00 2.00 20.00 113.25 2.65 26.05 hiot ion duly me.de by LTadden, secon ded by �Jltman that �he pavin� rental be disbursed on a basis of 5� to �he �.butting prope ��t� owners arid 4r�:% to the Village, carried. � . •� i�"otion duly made by �lnderso n, seconded by 1!�Iadden trla ��;:�e ���, yT the b i.11.o t J.1�.liosp .ior legal fees in connection �aith the High�Vay P�ental refund, carried on the follotvir� vote: Ayes-�nc�eis�n.,l�;iadden,F�Toore �.nd J�s. T�o-0ltman. rf�otion duly u�ade by -Japs,seconded b� Oltman that the proceeds oi the �14,000 eheck .fror� the Sta�;e iii�hT�zray De�a-rtment be placed in a specia]� paving f und, car�iod. lt�otion duly r�r�de ��y Japs, not seconded that �ve refund t he abuttin� �aropert� oUmer-s on the basis oF cancellir� future p�ving �ssessments, noi carried. h�?o �: ion d al� made b� IvFadden,secon ded b� Anders on tn -at a cash refund be made to ot�vners of abutting property upon �roduction of satisFactory evidence oF o�anership of pro�ert�r, carried on the Yollo��ing vote: A�es-Ande�son, Oltman,l�,20o re and 14�adden. No-Japs. Motion duly made by Anaerson, seconded b� Olt�an th�.t IIovaard Fland lOti� �ve .i?o. be given work fo r one month's rer_t �13.00. carried. : L?eeting Sept .18th ,1934 �2- i , �`� u�otion dul made b Oltman,seconded �by Anderson that �e a,ccept the P. y � bid ��F the Just;us Lum'oer and �'Jest r�!inneapolis Fuel Compnay for �p12.45 per ton for coal,carried. � _ � h2otion dul�r r,�ade and seconded for adjourni:ng of ineeting,.carriec9. Ri�;CORD ;R` �TTLST : � !��sc�-* d°�1� �a yo r �� � Adjoumed meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins was held, on September 25th,1934, at 7:30 P��7 in the �ouncil Room. rRembers present, G.�'V.�,2oore,President; Trastees,P,�adden,Oltman and Japs, Recorder Anderson. � - . John Frederickson appeaxed and was granted a cnecl: for �4.00 for rent due to i llness , same t o be �ro rked o.f f v��en well . � �otion duly made by Anderson, seconded b�r Japs. thatthe ivlcCarthey 4�Jell Co.be instructed to furnish� a Pomona pump;carri ed, on the Pollo�ring vot e: gyes-and er s on , Jap s,Oltma,n ,Moo re . i10- PLadden . r��otion duly made b Oltrr�.n,secorrled b� fl400re,that PJ�cCa,rthy u7ell Co. be instructed to Purnish a Pomona 550 gal-lon pump as per proposal 2-A in the Friehl Plb.� Htg.Co.bid,carried. �Iotion dul�r made by It�adden, seconded b� Oltmm�nn, tl�at the Treasurer ask the ��irst 1�Tational Ban� for additional� Securities to� meet the deposit oF tne paving refund, carried. � 1`�qotion duly made b:F� Oltman, seconded by Anderson that tne Village gttorney be instracteci to meet ti�ith P�Fr.3wanda to negotiate the ac- quirin� of suitable land for tYie e�-tension of -9th �ve.T�3ortri From ��ills AVe. to the ne�v ':Iightevay �7,carried. A.�otion du�y �ade ar�i seconded and carried Por�adjournment. At t e st • ��%% ��� %J-wZy.,,. yo r . 4 ! ��� — - - =`.«.r�:�. •- . �- �, �' Speci�l.-meetin�� •of -the- Vill�ge Council of the Villag�e of Hopkins c�as held on Priday .Sept.28th, 1934 at 7:30 PT:�� in the Council Room. . ��embers present; G.1"J,T�=oore,President; Trustees,rrla.dden =-.nd Oltman. Recorder Anderson. Absent Trustee Japs., b�Ioti on dul� made by �nders� n, seco nded b� I:�_adden that tlie Mo ti on adopt ed at the meeting of Se�tember 25th, 193�, which re�,ds as Pollows; "That t�le It2cCarthy 6'uell _Company be instructed to furnish a Pomona pump" is hereby eapon�ed and the subj ect matter thereof reconsidered, carri.ed on the follov�ring vo te : A�es-��oore ,T:�Iadden ,1�iaderson. I�o-Oltman. A,Zotion duly made by r,:adden, seconded by Anderson that «e instruct the I����cCarthy 'uJell Compan� to purchase a�„i'airbanks rviorse Pump, carried on the follo�ring vote: �yes-�ioore,I�.�adden,Anderson. Pdo -�Oltman. ��otion duly made,seconded and carried ti��at meeting adjounr,� � ecorder �`� � gttest: President � Regular meeting of the Hopkins Villa�e Council was �eld on Tuesday, Oc tober 2nd,1934 at 7; 30 PM in the Vil].� ge Hall . 1l�Tembe-rs present; `i'rustees It��adden and Oltman, Recorder Anderson. gbsent. G.VJ�Iti400re,President. , Motion duly made by gnderson, seconded by Oltman that ive appoint '1'rustee P.Zadclen, president pro tem, carried. � Iti7otion d uly made by Oltr�.an , se c on ded b� 9nde rs on that the minutes b e approved as read, carried. I42otion duly made by Oltmn, seconded by b�'adden that we pay one month's rent �or I4�iss ���innie Radlo.f.� at 20 8th �ve.No. to Jim Tdicodym,carried. PYlotion dul�r made by �nderson, seconded by O1tmEtn that the usual resolution con.Firmin� the spec ia7. assessments un the Pollowing improveme nts p�o ject b e d ravan up , c a rri e d� 14th k�e.��To.Tarvia 6th Ave.Ido.l���,ter P,Zain 7th Ave.tdo.Sewer. the resolution to be adopted and certi.fied t o the County Audi to r for c oll ec ti on as ze quire d by laca, ca rri ed . `1�" T42ot ion duly made b� Anders•�r� , sec onded by Oltrn�an that the f ollowing Election �� Board be appointed %r the General �,lection on IVovember Gth , 1934 , carr ied . : P�rs .Ed .Berry �ictor Redeen Ann Borland . Rose Vese]�y � �lphons Betschardt Di c k I�:�Zo o r e, N�otion daly m�.de by Oltman, seconded by Anderson that reports be �.ecepted as re�.d and placed on file , carriecl. P,��otion duly nm.�e by Oltrnan, seconded b� Anderson th�xt vue purchase 5 pairs of boots and 7 rubber coat�, carried. rJio�ion duly made by Oltman, seconded by P:iadden that couanunications be placed on f ile , carried. �Iotion duoy made by Olt�n, seconded by Anderson t'��.t the follo�ring bills be allo�ved: ,carried: 11946 Da:nlberg Broe.Inc. 11947 Fran�: Stodola 11948 Hotivard I3a.nd ��949 Franit Dittri:ck 11950 Anton Pavek 11951 Robert Gehrke 11952 Frank Rosengren 11953 �lialter TJit z 119�4 Carl Olson 11955 Thos.F�,ra 11956 Otto Vollrath 11957 Chas.Stotthard ].�958 Pepublic Creseoting Co. 11959 The Pure Oil Co. 11960 �Zp1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 11961 Geo .1b2.�iile s 11962 Texaco �tation 2922 Frank Stodo l� 2923 Clarence Thaemert 2924 N.�'•l.Bell Tele.Co. 2925 Zeo.Priest T,�Totor Co. 2926 Carl Seden 2927 Jens.Clausen 2928 Japs-Olsen �o. 29 29 He�a.ld i� ov�.k 2930 �t.Paul �k•w �t�t.Co. Re a irs 8� Gas 8 hrs. �z- �.00 '72 hrs .� 60� 282 hrs. � 45�� �� � � 24 hrs. �� 45� � � hrs . �--r� 45� � 8 hrs. � 45¢ 19� hrs. � 45� 16 l7rs. � l.00 Truck 63 hrs.. C� 50¢ Tractor 24 hrs. G� 45� 16 hr s. � 45 y� 24hrs.�� 45¢ Road tar Gas ol ine Light °: Power Gaso line - Gasoline 24 h�s. � 60¢ Sal.9-19-to 10-2-34 Phones 4�epairs 11 nrs . �� 45� 60 hr s. �:�� 4 5¢' Sup pl ie s Journal for Liba�ry Books f �:,r Zibrary � 25.01 51.2� 12 . 8:3 10 . 80 30.38 � 3.60 8.78 16.00 31. 50 10.80 7.20 10.80 16.00 13.11 12.54 5.65 2.55 14. 40 43. 20 10.20 1.39 4. 95 2'7.06 11.15 1.00 17.62 Bills con't. l;�?eeting Oct.�nd,1934. 2931 Radosta Gar�.�e 2932 ��Jalter �olf � , 2933 It��pls.Gen.Elec.�Co. � 2934 Hopk ins �' i re Dept . 2935 C.D.P�lcr-.ahon 2936 Chris Jensen 2937 Jacob �cheF�ler 2938 Dr.Herman E.Drill 2939 T�Tational �ea Co. 2940IYipls.Suburban �as.Co. 2941 Herman Ols cm 2942 J�.sperson ]�airy 2943 Red Ov��l �to re s 2944 �`�arren Stores 2945 Ch�s .He rzan 2946Paulson �3dti�e.Co. � 2947 �rchie I�elley 2948 J.J.ifeng 2949 Lapic Grocery 2950 Yillmer �air`v 2951 �idam Groce�Ty 2952 Justus I,br.Co. 295:3 ���l;�ic?.�ird_ Oil Co. 2954 i�Tels Tdelsan r 2g5� Gu�tafson w 1+'uxa 2956 Hern,Count� Revie�R� 2957 J.�.?�ennessy 2958 lst .T�at .13k. 26�9 ��l.l:�r ls.�'uel c� Ice.Co. 2960 Fra�ik Sit�.r 2961 glpert Graber 5447 �lbert Gr�i�er 544�3 � �ane C o . 5449 Publications 5460 rdTpls . Gen . Ele c. C o. 2962 Hennepin County Zome Repai rs c�t ch ing 2 d ogs Light � Po��e r 2 calls Del.�^�ood PR Seu�er pro jects Sal. �C repairs 3 c�.l 1 s Ext in e PP, Groceries PR City Hall �as Pos t ag e �ilk PR Groceries PR Groc e -��ie s PR ,r ,r Su�plies " Groceries " rr n „ T, i,�ii lk " Groceries " i�uel �aso line 6 da�s C�? Sup p1.i e s Supp lie s Lin�e Ins . �'uel; 1.50 per da1; &; Pub . Balice change Se�rrer en�^ineering eng.serviees . Suppli e s Improvement Bulletin Povrer and Light Boa.rd St. Pe�er,,�Joldoske,henieke Hromadka tp . 50 2.00 420.50 46.50 2.25 297.00 1�.00 6 .00 31.15 1.15 1.00 2 . 52 54 .67 31.17 55.85 .90 6.00 15 . 65 12.00 2 .10 47.95 281.1� 5. 76 9.00 2.25 59.98 .85 20.20 282.19 1G.50 30.00 74.G2 10.21 2. 60 199.38 160 . 50 I��otion duly n�ade by Olt�an, seconded by Anderson that �;he followin� Bu.c�t be adopted for the year oF 1935, �.s t'r�e 1934. �i11aCe tag levy, and the Recorder certiFy the sffime to tne County Auditor as reqa�red by law,carried �oad °k Brid.�e �7,OU0.00 Park y;450.00 6`Jater 3onds 1,950.00 ��ire 3,000.00 • Poor 2,960.00 Police 4,000.00 = Old dge Pens ion 1,017 .50 General ��,, , 14 ; 500.00 Zibrar�r 1,500.00 Total ' 36,3 7. P,�otion dul�r r�ade and secorgled �nat r,�eeting adjourn until Tues.Oct.9tii,1934. �, �f �$ecorder � t t e s t: ��✓���C:/ �r.� President proter,� The Sp�oial meeting of the Village �ouncil of the tiTillage of Hopkins wras �7 eld on `�'uesday, Oc�obe r�th , 1934, at 7;30 PPJZ in �;he �oanci 1, = Room. • � .� ltqembers present , President G.�'�.r,;oore ; Trustees ,I�;Iadden,Oltman. Recorder Anderscm. This meeting rras called ��r the purpose of auditing books. h�otion dul�r made by Anderson, seconded by I���adden that �re establish a Grade for 17th �.ve.I�To. jointly talit,h the Is��lnnetonka Township Board and proceed vrith the I���innetonka Doo�mship 1�o�rd to grade and gravel as soon as possible, carried. L+?oti on duly n�.de b�r Oltman, seconded b�r �adden that we urchase a 48 inch culvert From the J.L,gennessy Co. 20 feet lon� at �3.87 per Pt, to be plsced at llth 1�ve.So. over Creek at John �hubert's place, carried. 1'flotion duly made by Oltm�.n, seconded by ��oore, th�,t we pa`r the Assessor �3U0.00 in full payment for the ass:,ssin� f.or 1934 as per ordinance, carried on the Following vote; Ayes-Oltman,I���oore,Ivladden, No9Anderson. lt�`otion duly n;a��e b�- Oltman, seconded by I,�adden tl�a,t the. bill ol' Frank aitar For 4;s16.50 be allor��ed, carried. Motion duly made b;a Oltman, seconded by Anderson, that the �Recorder's �tamp bill for �2.50 be allowed,carried. 1'��ot ion duly made by �.nders on, sec onded by 0ltman , that ��e accept the bid of P;':arinus I�arson for ��112.10 Por the plastering of the ceiling on �� 2nd floor o� the Village,Hall,carr:�ed. l���otion duly r�ade by Oltme.n,seconded by I�.�a.dden that the proposed zoneing o rdinanee have its f irst reading , carr ied . ll�7otior� duly made, seconded and �arried that r�eeting adjourn. � Recorder. �; , , ` At t es t• ln1Co�-�, r�ayor �„:.^_-_-.- � Special r<ieeting of the Villa��e �ouncil of t'rie Villa�e of liopl:irls was held on ,October 16th, 1954, at 7;30 PP:�r in the Villa�e Hall. 1�Rembe rs present President CT. ���.��oore ; Trustees, Oltman,�`�a,dden. :., Rec orde.� r Arid e rs on. It�rotion duly r_�ade by Oltman, seecmded b� I:��adden tizat �ve adopt the proposed zonein� ordinance as read, carried. r;�otion du y made b�r P;�adden, seconded by. Oltman t���at we authorize the payment of �1,000.00 to Henry 6'V,Friehl for the 3�urchase of the b'dest 20 Peet of Tot 11 Block 66 :���est. Pti��inneapolis Second Division, �� sub j ect to the approval or the Village Attorney, carri ed . 1Lotion du7ty made b;i Pr!adden, secondea b Oltman t�-at Ure pay t7ie paving re- fund to the �ollovring parties, subject to he a�proval ot the Village Att orney � carri ed : First National Bank Dahlberg Bros. � Hilmer Olson IImil Souba. - Peter pou.gherty � ' • . b�otion du_I_y ma,de by Madden, seconded by 2nderson, that �he f01.�.0[tJlrl�' bills be allo��d: .. 2 960 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 � 970 2 971 2972 2973 2974 29 75 29 76 2977 11963 11964 11965 119G6 11967 119 68 11JVJ 11970 119'71 11°7� 119'7 3 1197� 11975 11976 11977 119'7 F3 119'7 9 119 £3 0 5457. 54�2 I5213 15214 Frank 5itar T�, os . J .,�osanda A.E.�nderson �qinna Radloff Bloomie Jenstad A.G.H�milton La�rrence achutz Taips .Theo .i,xti ne T�,��rs.g.G.Hamilt;on ��larence i11�,emert I�els �?els c�n Franl; 1�:�.nvar I'rank utod.o la Harry 1�7��tlin� ��lalt er Rolf D�'n_ll�erg �ros.Inc. Zeigle-r Co. �lias.::�tol;thard Geor�e lds��er_ Carl Qlson :�'r�n'-: Dittrick `-i'i�o� . �'ara �'ranY Rosengren Robert Ge}Zrl�e 4a`alt�r .T.3.I�ditz a,�iansen J am e s Ta yl�l�e Jos.ShonYa I+'r.-:.r]� I�as��ar Anton �a,vek �' i AT7�� I; 1,1T1V �.1' �� I"`d 27Y a.'� 0 CZ O 7.8 Harr� t"�esi;ling Herman Olson Henry V'l.Friehl ls t l�dat ional Bk . 1st Tdation€a.l 3k. Police change gssessor's �al. �tamps �ctober rent Sal. �0 10-15-34 Sal. to 10-15-34 Sal. to 10-15-34 h�Trs. Zi �ht ��al . t o 10-15-34 }'olice 1'�-atron 8 'r�rs . ��; 40�i 12 days C 3.60 to 10-16-34 6 da ys C� 1. 50 T2 hrs . <<� 45� 12 Yir s. �f� � 60 ¢ 6 hrs .��; 1.00 T ruck Catc hin� 1 do � ' i:eapirs � Suppl ies 24 hrs . �`: 45� 2 5 h rs . r� 45 � 282 hrs. �; 50y:` Tractor 24 hrs. .�; 45y� 35a hrs. C� 45� 8 hrs. C� 45�1 B " •`- �_5 r , �11 .� . 3� hrs. �t l.� Truck 19 � hi s, i�� 45 �r. 192 hrs . �� 45� � _ 24 hrs . C` 45¢ 2� hrs . C �5¢' 16 l�rs . � 45� �C}� hrs .���� 45� 12 2 h?'S . 1.00 �i Y'u.ek . 84 h1 S, r: 2 nrs .��� 1.00 2'ruck 41� h-rs. �� a�,l . �Lo 10-15 -34 _Lo t U'J.20 �t .I�otll T31k.66 Bond ' Ini� . Paving In �. due 10-6-34 ' �o� 45 y;` ;�16. 50 300;00 2.50 10.00 32.50 72. 50 72.50 12 . 00 3.20 43.20 9.00 5.40 7.20 6.00 1.00 35.27 33.14 10.80 11.25 14 .25 1 U . c30 15.98 3. 60 3. 60 30.50 8 .'7 S 8.78 10 . £30 10.80 7 . 20 18.23 62.90 20.68� 70.00 1000.00 504.00 589.28 i•«otion d.uly macle and seconded tnat rrieetin� adjourn,carried. - �� - � _ � F�EC PDL+'I? �TT�ST � ' , . ,_ r4?AYOR � Special meeting of the Village Council oF the Village of Hopkins was held on Tuesdap,�etober 23rd , at 7:30 PNI in the Counc il Hoom. Memloers present; G.V��112oore�President; Trustees Oltman and TvTadden Recorder Anderson. This meeting -was called Por the purpose of passing on paving re- P und cl a ims . Mo ti on d ul� m�,de by O1 tman , sec onded by I�Zadden, that the Follovu- ing claims for paving refunds be allouved, carried; �'��s��g- tid.B.and Frerlerick Anderson,I,ot 1,B1k.5 ����� �-Oe�ar Quist, Zot 10 B1k.67 �/S �-�-`� ^Albert Pike Zodge , Lot 11 8� 12 �B1k.68 �-/S�a-1 -Jos.Z.Lmpanger,Zot 11 B1k.70 � /� ��, p �obert Ze-rban,I,ot� 13 731Y..70 � r�'�,2� —�a.nda Rado�v,Zot 13,B1k.68 � /�-3��Hopkir� I.O.O.F.Zodge,I,o� 13, B1k.67 -� / 9-3 1Nm.Strobeck,Zot 6 Blk.6 �/S�,3a -tiVm.4�estberg,Zot lO,Blk.68 ��5�a s—Peter H.B� �iner Jorgensen,Lot 6,B1k.5 ..r ���2C��nna .�idam,Lot 4,Block 3 .� /5�.��- H.D.Truman,Lot 5,B1k.4 .� � L� J.E.Hennessy Co. ,Zot 3-4-5-6 Blk.2 -�-/��23 Chas.Shonka,Zot 3 Blk.4 � /�yy'�J�.s.F.Koblas,�ot 2,B1k.4 �-/5 �� � gug.Johnson,Zot 4,BIk.S �' �5 �- 3�— Abe and �o uis 1�ngler Lot 9 Bgk.67 �'/S�-3(P-C,L� �nd 1v_ar,y I.Sieivert,E.28 ft.Zot 3 Blk.5 94.01 106.20 2� .42 112.79 112 .7 9 104.17 118.23� 106.34 10� .1'7 120.56 105.87 106.22 461.68 106.22 106.22 104.18 106.20 64.84 Ther e be ing no furtY�er bus ine ss meet in g ad j ourne d upon moti on duly made,seconded and carried. • Recorder �� • At t est _p - �+t!'rt� �lta�or ��. 0 � _ ¢e �J r / /��' �a ef- � � � �/ // �^�� � tA��.'j � r � / 1 �/ �� ��� � , � �� - '� �_ rr`t �1` �`j�. � �/9�� , � .�, / � \ �' ; � ;� .. \-- _ % c1� ELK RIVER CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Harry T. Ca,llinan OFFICE: 650 Builders Exchange Res. 34 Park Lane Phone: FE. 6-2619 WAlnut 6�094 Plant: TUxedo 1-2615 FE. 6-5745 Minutes of the Council Nleeting of the Village of Hopkins, held November 1st, 1934 at 5:15 P.1�1. A special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins was called to order by the Village R.ecorder, A. E. Anderson, on - Novenlber lst, 1934 at 5:15 P.rv9. The iollor�ing members were �resent: Dr. G. VJ.. Moore, President of the Village Council, h. E. Anderson, Recorder, and Councilmen, Irving Oltman and Dr. F. iv�. Piiadden. Councilman Oltman prese:nted a proposec� ordina.nce entitled, "�1n Ordinance to amend an Ordinance licensing and regulating the sale `' of non-intoxicating nialt lic�uors, repeali.ng inconsistent ordinances, and providing a penalty for tne violation theereof", and moved the first . reading thereof, avhich motion v�as seconded by Recorder Anderson, and upon being put �o a vote was unanimously carried, and t�ereunon the Clerk proceeded to th� first reading of said proposed Ordinance. �4� Thereupon Recorder Anderson moved the delcaration of existence of urgency and for suspension of the rules and that said proposed ordinance be given the second readin.g,�,�hich motion was seconded by Councilman Oltm�n, and upon being put to a vote e�ras unanimously car�:ied. 'i'hereupon said proposed Ordinance received its second re�,ding. Councilm�n Oltman moved the adoption of said proposed Ordinance as read the second time, and the publication trereof in the officia.l peper of said Village, to �ait: The fiennepin County Revievr of Nopkins, Minn. on Noverr�er Bth, 1934, which motion v�as seconded by Recorder . Anderson, and up n being p.;.t to a vote was unanimously carried. There being no flzrther business before the meeting, it v�as on motion duly made, put and carried; adjourned. �'� A. D.Anderson, Village Recorder �`� Village of Hopkins, I�iinnesota Attest: G. 11v. Moore, Rresident Village.Council Village of fiopkins, l�innesota J � AN ORDINANCE TO AMIIVD AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: `" AN O�iDINANCE LICE�]i SIIVG AND R�GULATING THE SALE �� � OF y0N-INTOXICATING PAALT LIRUORS, B�EPEALING ` � INCOIVSISTF�IT ORDINANCES, AND PROVIDING A PE�Ii �LTY �`-. FOR THE VIOLATION THEREUF." �t , The Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin Count�y, Minnesota, do ordain as follows: That the Ordinance of said Village entitled "An ordinance Iicensing and regm.lating the sale of non-into�:icating malt liquors, repealing inconsistent ordinances, and providing a penelty for the violation hereof" Approved April 4th, 1933 be and the s�ne is hereby amended so as to read as follows, to �ait: Section 1. That Section 6 of said Ordinance be amended as follos�s: By striking and repealing the sixth paragraph of said Section�6 which reads as follovrs: "No "On Sale! license shall be granted for sales in connect'ion with any business or club tivhere such business or club �as not been in operation at that place°for at least six months immediate�y prededing such application." and hereby repealing the provisions of said paragraph and declaring and proclai.ming seme inoperative from and after the passage and publication of this o�"dinande• Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Passed and approved at a special meeting of the Village. Council held on November lst; 1934. � Attest: ���`'''a �. G. V'd. Moorel, President Village Council. .��¢��!�u,�,�E� A. E. Anderson, Recorder Village of Hopkins. �- Officially published November 8, 1934 in the Hennepin County Rev'iew, Hopki.ns, Minnesota. :� �� ��� �����l�,r ������i� �� �1� i���,��,��-� ����°�.-� �� �h� �i�.�r�� c� I�o����� ��v�,� �e�� o� Tde��mb�x� G�]� �.�,9��, �'�e�c�€��, mt 7:30 Pr,2 in �1�� C�����i.l R�om. T��embers present, G.��l�h�oore ,President, T�ustees , Oltman �.nd ��adden. Pec�rder 1�nd e rso n, a r�d �tto rne y Hosp. l�otion duly �.�,de by Oltman, seconded b�r I:"adden that the minutes be approved as read,carried. fl��otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Anderson tha.t the application of Farnham £or "On".and "O.CF" License to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor, be granted, and license be issu�d, carried. ftrIoti on duly made by ��Iadden, sec onded by Ol�Lm�.n that pavin�; ref und to paid on �ze foll wing propoerty, carried; Hans Hoy and Arthur Ilash F'ranY F�okesh John �oss IIen ry Fri ehl Villa�re o� Hopkir_s. �'Zotion c� ul�r �made by Oltm�.n, seconded Y��r T��adden tha.t 1;he folloc�ing bil7� be allowsd,carried: 2978 2979 2980 2981 29$2 29 £33 2984 2985 2986 2987 2 988 2989 2990 29 91 2992 2 99:� 299� 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 30 Ol 3002 3003 300 4 300 5 300 6 300 7 30 OS 300 9 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3�18 3019 30 20 30 21 3022 3023 15219 15215 15216 15217 ��. G.I�nilton Sal . t o 11-1-34 I�s,wr ebc e�chut z Sa.l. to 11-1-34 1!�zrs.Theo.Lxtine TyFrs.Zig��t's ,3a7.. to .11-1-34 3loomie Jenstad Sa1, �0 11-1-34 I��ia�t's Svreet ahop 1!�agazines for 1�ibrar� 'dT�I����ls.��uel �: Ice Co. Fuel �xtine r�,ni el ��1Foley Jus ti c e Fee �t. ��.ul Bk.oc Stat .Co. Books ol rI,ibrary � �,�rs. �,�il Petersen Cleaning Libxar� 2 months Ga�lord Bros.Inc aupplies Zib �. �J.�lmquist Postage i;arl �eden 11 hrs. ��: 45� � - Jacob Scheifler Sal. Fire �te.to 11-1-�4 ��'artin J.VaneY Fire and Police al�.x�as 9-1 to 11-1 ?ienn.Coun�by T�eview aupplies A�J.Varver Rent �potatoe dig�ger I'ranl� Sitar Police C��an�e I�iinr�.Products Co. Cleanser C:larence Thaer;�e;rt 13 d,,:�.�s �.? 3.60 to 11-1-34 lli�ls. �en.�;lec .Co. Zigh� 8c Pa�e � Rur�.l Henn.Co.i?elief Oct.share oFf ice expense John Brecka - 6 hrs. �;� 45� i+ tra Police I�lO�d Luridahl 6 hr'S , i r;;5r:'• " " Calhoun Zdry,Serv.Co. Jail laund ry r��6��.Bell.Tele.Co. Phor�s to 11-15-34 i`lalter Rol.f Catching 6 dogs G.,�1.i:�oore 2 �vheelbarrovds Joe Zapic Groceries PR C�las.Herz�.n " " .�idam's Gro cery " " � Anderson Bros. Clothing PR �rciiie �ell� Groceriaes PR Hainert's l�rug �tore Drugs 'T I;ational Tea Co. Groderi�e " Olson's Grocery " " �delson's Shoe Store ahoes " Red O���I Stores Groceries " Pe tersen 13ros .Dairy rn�il� " �varren's Grocer� Groceries �' Hovander's I�ieat " " Midvaest Fi re �p��.Co. Coats & Boots �iopkins Fi re Dept . 1 call & 22 'phones �tandard Oil Co. Gaso�line . Fienriepin Count� 5 Old �1�e lensions Paulson Hd�ve. Stove PR � Jens C7a u�en 25 hrs . C� 45 � Hilmer Olson Pa�ing Refund Daillberg I3ros.J.�'.� J.C.Feltl P�.ving Refund Peter Daugh�rt� &. J�Feltl " " lst I�Tat.Bk. P�.ving refund '75.00 75.�0 12.00 32. 50 70.75 14.55 3.00 7f3.25 6. 00 3. 40 2.U0 4.95 10 . 00 50150 50.70 8 . 00 13.00 12 . 5U 46.80 422.98 22.00 2.70 2 .70 5. 51 9.90 6.00 15.U0 6.00 7 . 20 18.40 19.65 3 .00 .39 -16.80 78.37 31.95 15.10 1�.64 32.15 6 .60 79.�5 7�.50 8.33 460.00 10.00 11.2 5 104.18 314.74 106 .33 60 . 21 ��7 � Bills -2- 15218 15220 15221 15222 15523 15224 1t522 5 15226 152 2'7 15228 15229 15830 15231 15232 15233 15234 15235 152:36 15237 15238 15239 20368 11981 11982 11983 11984 11985 11986 11987 11988 11989 11990 11991 17.992 11993 11�J94 1199 5 11996 11997 11998 11999 12000 12001 5452 5453 5454 5455 ;mil G.Souba �avin� �iefund Robert J.Zerban Paving Reftind Jos.I,.�;mp�nger " „ JQ, s.� .I�o�las 'T CY�as . �honka 'r H . D. T ruman ,► J1E.I�ernlessy � Co. " Anr�a �idam " �"t,.nd . RakovJ 8� S ec . N�,t . " �nder,son �ros. " " Albez�t Pike Lodge ;�237 " " �t � �T E"dm.:�alda �c AH l�lestberg Li11.Hetlie Hattie Burt Pav.Ref. Oscar �,ui st 8c Aug. Johnson Pav.�efund Hopkins IOQF Zodge 7�17 " " �be 8� Z.Engler C.S�enberg �ena & tJm.Strobeck Peter � �:inar Jor�ensen C.E.8c I�,tary I.Sievaert �a; A��.F� .�lida Johnson Anderson Bros. Sec.I�lat. Bk. n tt tf rf n n �� �, �f ,� n if R 1t IT.ti'T�PTat1Bk:�c Trustees Bond 8c Int. Standard Oil Co. Gasoline Republic Creosoting Co. Road Tar Albert Pv�aetzold G�.soline Geo.�.�T.rFiles Gasoline Dahlberg Bros. Gasoline Frank Stodo7a 120 hrs . C:� 60y� Harry dJestling 172 hrs. C� 1.00 Jacob SchePsler Re�p.irs - John ��redrickson 9 hrs. G 45� Edward b'leill 25 hrs. �F� 45�1 C.G�i.Stotthartl 32 hrs . Csa 45¢� Fran�: Dittricl� 24 hrs . C� 45� P7els ldelson '7 days C� 1.50 Fr�znk Pos en�ren 8 h rs . n 45 �` Carl Olson 112 hrs. Q 50� Frank �ricks on 8 hrs. � 45� P.H�Coyle I�epa.irs � 1'�.H.Hensler Rep�.irs �.ip1s. Gen.Elec Co. Light F� Pov�rer Pure Oil Company Gasoline Red 4�'ing Sewer i i�e Corp. 6 ft. Pipe �enr� Friehl t'1.20 ft.Blk.66 Herman Ols on �al. to 11-1-34 �he �.P.�ith DrCfg.Co. P:Zeters I4:pls. Gen.:�lec.Co. Li�ht S� Po�A�er Supt. �i ruc k Tractor Lot 11 Upon motion d ul,,r maae and seconded the meetin� adjourned. (�--- ecorder dt�e st : �. ,Za� or �� 62.96 112.79 112.79 106.22 106 .22 1U6.2� 461.68 1U5.87 104.17 94.01 208.42 10�.17 106.20 118.23 106.20 106.34 120.56 64.84 104 .18 45.°4 9�.46 3202.50 2.'71 32.00 1.39 1.54 2.45 72.00 17.50 1.75 4.05 11.25 14.40 10 . 80 10.50 3.60 5.�5 3.60 3.00 42.20 11.49 11.94 1.08 100m.00 70.00 37.50 155.25 ��ecial n�ee�in� of =�;he Village Council o� i,�ie Y illa.t,•e� oS Hopl=ins ��ras ' held on `I'ues�a� Nov.l3i,h, .1J�4 a�; '7:�U pT���� in tne Council Room. `�, . _ Is�embers �present�; G.'�I.It.`oore,��resident; '�rus�;ees Tviadden and Qltnlan. I?ecorder �nderson ana �ttorriey Hosp.� � Tr��is rr�eetin€f u�as called lor the p�zrpose of auditin� the [Tilla�e Booli.s. l�Iotion du1J r��ade by Ol�Lman, seconded b�r Anderson tt^lat the folloU��ing Pavir� � Refund :;'laims be allotired ; carried : .. � :Vm.Smetar,a, L.2� ft Zot 2 31Y>.5 53.30 t�'i . l'7 f t Zo t��31 k 5 3 9. 31 J.�,.I+�Zarkham,Jeo.'�rl. and John I��.lasek 1� � Zot 12 B1k.69 l�:?.B.Ha�en, L.-2 Lot 12 .31k.69 r�nton �ensler, Lot 8 �31k.66 P,�a �t in J; Va,n ek and Arina I�urt z I,ot 10 �lk . 66 I,�I.B,Ha�en �: C�ril I�'e1t1,I�ots 2 8c 3�1k.6 NI.B:Ha�en 8c t`�I�.Iti7.l���rig�ht Zog 11 B1k.67 _ Thor�Jaold r�.r� �ose Skottegard Lot ]:2 B1k.67 ��92.61.� 53.16'� 53.16'� 105.87 `' 105.87'� 212 .68 � 106.20 ✓ 106.20 � � Upon motion dul� rr�de <and secor�ded the Follov�ring persons �+�ere appointed t;o serve on the Election '?oar� For Villa�e Llection to be held on Decemb er 4t;h ,1934 : Alphonse Bettschardt Rose Vesely Ann Borland .c rank ��asper Bill �iv�hes 'Jpon a mo�Lion �.uly made and seconded �haL meetin� adjourn. �� A t t e s t: �;��%;;�r-e T��ayor �� - � ' Recordnr � �, Speaial meeting �oP the �illage Council o.f the Villa�e of '. Hopkins, was held on Tuesday, IJ�vember 20th, 1934, et _ 7 t 30 P�4 in the C oune i 1 Roo m. - Adembers present, G.I�J.���oore,President; Trustees, �adden and Oltman. Recorder Eir�ders on. �otion duly made b�r Oltman, sec� r�ded by �Zadden that the fo llowing bills be ailowed ; 15240 H.Friehl 1�rlarg.Feltl,Robt.Hamilton-Pav.ReP � 47;04 15241 Village o� Hopkin.s " '� 15242 JOhri KpBS n n 223.12 15243 Frank gokesh . " " 94.52 15244 Hans.C��o� & Arthur 1Vash " " 209.09 15245 Sec .r�atl.Bk. Int. Coup.due 2.66 1 �-:-6-8-r^ 1�i24 . . . 1 � . . 1 ' • _. � . . 1 ' . 1 d�lr����+t7 �� i2' e„n. n v, T1 - iT . 4�, r!. l� r 15 r L1 T T iFf n T - TT ��n • � � � a.Ll W V • • w 1 . �, � � • � 5456 He rman Olson � SaI .To 11-15-34 70 .00 5457 h2cCarthy 4�e11 �o. lst Paym.ne�r well 1691.50 12002 F ra nk �%r i ek s can . 24 hr s.. C 4 5� 10 . 8 0 12003 Frarik Dittrich 48 " " " 21.60 12004 E1mG'Y' �ennett 24 " " ". 10.80 12005 C.1�,Stotthard 16 " "_ " � 7.20 12006 Carl O7.so n g " " 50� 4.00 12007 Frank �to do la 120 " " 45 � 72 .50 12008 �'1^a.Tlk KsBper' � g n n n 3.60 12009 Otto Vollrath g" "" 3.60 3 0 2 4 i�2 rs .T heo.Extine R7rs .Zight Sal.11-15-34 � 12 .00 8025 Bloomie Jenstad �al. to 11-15-34 3 2. 5 0 3026 �.G,Hamilton Sa1. to 11-15-34 72_.50 3�27 Zawrence S�hutz Sal. t o 11-15-34 ?2.50 3028 Mp1s .Sub .G_, s Co . Oc t.8� Nov. Bil l 2• 90 302g Hopkins P�duce Relie.� orde Ys 11.50 3030 Clarenoe Thamert Sa1.17 das.8 3.60 61.20 3 032 Nels Ne 1 son 8 d ays G 1.50 12 . 00 3031 biarinus I,arson Plastering Bill CH. 112.10 3033. Norma Redeen Elec.Judge 21.40 3034 H.C.Kiester . " " � 17.00 3035 C.D.l�2et�ahon Ha�vling 1 cd .wo od .75 3036 Ed .Shimot�. Elec .Judge 17.00 3037 Anne C.Borland " " 21.40 3038 Bessie Peterson TT " 16.50 30 39 �Jalt er Rol f Cat eh ing 3 do gs 3.00 3040 Olga Kelly �lec. Judge 17 .00 3041 1�rs.E.Barry " " 21.40 3042 Rose Vesely " " 21.40 3043 Fz'B.Ylk �l �T - « POliCe 9.00 3044 R.W.N-oore " Judge 24.40 �iotion duly mdde, seconded and earried that meeting adjourn. eco er �tte st : R��a �o r 0 \�� � . � . ' .�.` .: .. .- • � . �. � � � - _�.. ��• Spec,ial meet ing of t he Villa��e Co une.il of the 5�ill�.� e oP Hopkins vaas held on nridey, Tdovember 23rd, 1934� at the Villa�e Hall , 7 ; 30 PM. - • �emb.ers present; G.bN.bToore,President; Trustees Oltman and b�iadden.� �ecordQr Anderson, Attorney Hosp, and Engineer Schafer. This meeting was called Por the purpose oP meeting avith the �icCarthy Well. Compan� to araange Por the chm�ge in plans of Pnt�p House and oP the new conneetion to the Excels ior Ave.water r;:ain. Also to meet vaith the Attorne� oP the M.8c St.L.Railway Company in regards t o the new c ross ing on �5th �v e.N. and t he Unde r pass at 13th Ave.No. Motion dul� made by Ol,tm�n, seconded by Anderson that we proceed vrith the Rail�road and �Vaxehouse 'r�earing at 11 o'clock on Idovember 26th �1934, carried. �iotion dul� made b� Oltmari � seeonded by Anderson that we allow , the Pirst pQ�ment as per eontract �o the r+�4cCa-rthy 6�de11 �ompany o� �1691.50,carried. I�otion dul�r made,seconded,and carried to adjourn. � a,.�,���.. Reco rde r Attes� : , � Presi ent � � .� � . � , � � �� j � � - � ; � . 1 I: , ''_. „ - � . - � _. _ _ . ; _- - � . � � - -� , _ � Special meeting of the Village Council-of trie Village o� Hopkins uvas held on R�onday, ITo�ember 26th, 1934 at 11 o'clock � AM, in the Council Room. i { lUfemb ers present ; G.W.�,�oo re, President; Trustees Oltman and I��adden . � Recorder 9nderson and �ttorne�r Hosp. , ' Th is r�e et ing was calle d for th e�ur pos e oP a h ear ing �► ith th e ' B�innesota Railroad and ��arehouse C:o�ission, on the �ollowin�, Ope�hng oP 5th Ave, 5ignals on 6th Aee and 14th �ive. G�e.de j crossing and underpass on 13th Ave. I The Village �ttorney will report Pindings of the Railroad i and 4V�,rehouse commission. � Motion d uly made,seconded and oarried that meeting ad journ. ; � ; ; La���e�a��� i eco er Attest • resi ea . �� � � C' `Q,:�:ria=;�'�� �r %-��i � �'}���_�/�,C�\' .�3 �'-� � 5 - � °� 3 L1 �' �� .. � . �y: ..Qs.�c.:y �a::,50- �.'.,r� :� •� 1 SCRIPT ORDER. N° 1468 This is to certify --------------------------------------- whose signature is ----------------------------------------------�-- will be entitled to receive merchandise from dealers in the village oi Hopkins, Minnesota, to the extent of $______________ Dollars, upon endorsement hereunder by the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Name of Desler � Dste � Mdse. Furniehed I Amount I Balance This script order will be redeemed by the village of Hopkins, Min- - . nesota, upon being presented to the village council accompanied by certifled bills of the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Dated ______________________; VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA BY-------------------------------- Attest:;�--------------------------- j President of village council. ,�:\ Village Recorder. — -- �-- - t `. ^� -?� _ � ''. . �� i }��� � I RFSOLUTION AIITHORIZING ASSESSRi�IT F'�R I�IfPROV�IJEi+1T, TARVIA TREATt1iE1VT, Y�ATER �QAIN EXTF�ISIONS, AND SEV�ER MAIN EXTEiVSI0N5, AND AUTHORIZTNG ISSIIE AND NEGOTIATION OF CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS TO PAY THE COSTS THEkEOF. P R 0 J E C T S#3, #4, #5 -- 1934. The Village Council of the Village of Hopkins met at regular session;�_on October 2, 1934 at the Village CounciZ Chambers in the Municipal Building of sa.id Village at 7:30 P.�I., bein� the time and place appointed in a duly published notice of hearing pursuent to Resolution duly adop�ed for the purpose of ascertaining and assessing benefits to property within said Village conferred by herei.nafter mentioned �:mprovements on streets hereinafter named; and after hearing all the testimor�y by or on behalf of the persons or parties interested, or whose property is affected by said improvements, and desiring to be heard and being fully advised in the premises, the follovPing resolution was adopted, viz: AND VJHEREpS, purauant to resolutions of the Village Council, the heretofore duly adopted contracts were du.].y let for the follovaing improvements, to-�it: . Application of Tarvi.a Treatment on Fourteenth Avenue between Excelsior Avenue and First Street North. � - BVa�er �dain Extension on Sixth Avenue North, betv�een Second and Third Streets North. Sewer �:ain �tension on Seventh Avenue North from Third Street North for a distance of eighty (80) feet. And the work thereof has been don.e and completed. AND WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of Village Council adopted September 20, 1934, the proposed assessmenip of the amount proper and necessary to be especially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected by auch improvement, on the basis of benefits �ithout regard to cash veluation in accordance Yrith the statutes in such cases made and provided, which has been made and is on file, with the Village Clerk for public inspection, and has been duly submitted to the VilTage Council for consideration, and whereas due notice has been given of the time and.place when and �vhere the Council �:ill meet and pass upon the said proposed assessment and hear and pass upon a11 objections, if a�y, or amend the same. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolveci by the Village Council of the Village �.; of Hopkins, that the aforesaid proposed asseasmen�° be and the same is hereby adopted, made and constituted the specia.l. asse.ssment against the 1Qts, pieces and parcels of land therein described a.nd shall be�a lien upon the property described therein and a11 thereof, which lien sha11 be concurrent �ith the general ta�es asaessed against said property, and the Clerk is hereby directed to immediately transm:i.t a certified duplicate thereof to the County Auditor thereof ior collection in the manner and as required by law, and be it further resolved that the proceeds of assessments levied against the.property benefited by said improvement be and are hereb,y appropriated and set aside as a separate specie.l assessment fund for the payment of warrants� isaued by the Village of Hopkina to cover the cost e.nd expense of said improvements, a11 in accordance with the statutes in such case made and provided. AN D BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, that said Village issue and negotiate d,Q1535.00 in the amount of Water B�ain E�tension Certificates of Indebtedness in accordance with authority given.by Chapter 425 of the Laws of Nlinnesota for the year 1921 for the purpose of providing funds to defray coats of necessa.ry improvements and maintenance of the existing �ater work sy stem in said Village, and that ,7. '�. � . . :_.._�. there be issued coupbn certifi,cates of indebtedness of said Village for the aggregate amount aforesaid, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent (4�) per annww�, pa,pable annually, said Certificates of Indebtedness to be in denomi.nation and to mature as follows: � �,� ,�0�0 Five for ���a'i'� each to mature October 1, 1935, and each year thereafter. Said Certificates of.Indebtedness and interest coupons thereto attached shall be in the usual form in such cases, and payable from flznds collected from the assessment of the cost of the water main extension i.mprovement on sixth avenue north between second and third streets north. ' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Certificates�of Indebtedness of said Village be issued in the sum of �121.50, and negotitated for the purpose of providing funds to defray the cost of the application of tarvia treatment on fourteenth avenue bet�een Excelsior Avenue and first street north, bearing.� interest at the rate not to exceed six per cent (6f) per a.nnum, said Certi- ficates of Indebtedness to be in denomination and to mature as follows: Three for �40.50 each and to mature October 1, 1935 and each year thereafter and to be issued in the usual form of such , cases made and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Village issue and negotiate another �126.00 in the amount of Certific�tes of Indebtedness of said Village for the purpose of providi.ng funds to defray the cost of ser�er main extension on seventh avenue north from third street north, for a distance of eighty (80) feet, beaxing interest at the rate not to exceed six per cent (6�) per anrium, payable annually, said Certificate is to.be in denomination and to mature as follows: Three for �42.00 each, to mature October 1, 1935 and each year thereafter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the�Village Recorder and President of the Dillage Council be.end are hereby authorized, empowered and instructed to sign end execute said Certificates of Indebtedness, and sell same to the highest bidder for not less �an par, and that the proceeds thereof be used a.nd are hereby appropriated for the payment�of each of the daid and respective improvements. • Trustee and Councilman , who \offered the foregoing resolution, thereupon moved its adoption, �vhich was � seeonded by Councilman and upon being put to a vote was unanimously adopted by a11 members of the , Village Council. Adopted October 2nd, 1934. Village Cler ATTEST: � President of Village Council. ; .' ; z• , Z --` • IN TERIPdi ZON IN G ORDIN AN C E �• AN ORDINANCE RII,ATING TO THE LOCATION, SIZE, USE AND HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS, THE ARRANGE'Nt�]T OF BUILDINGS ON LOTS AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION IN THE VILLAGE OF AOPKINS, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROPdIOTING THE PUBLIC HEAI,TH, SAFETY, OF�DER,; CONVIIVIFNCE, PROSPERITY AND GENERAL l'dELFARE IlV SAID VILLAGE. The Village Council of Hopkins does�ordain as follo�vs: Section 1, �Pending the adoption of a zoning ordinance as provided under Chapter 176, Session Laa�s of �innesota for 1929, and as approved.�by the electors of the Village at a special election held for that purpose on the 5th d�► of July 1929, for the purpose of regulating the location, size, use and height of buildings, the a.rrangement of buildings on lots and the densit�y of population in the Village, and to provide separate districts ior thc Qurpose of .carrying out the aforesaid regulations, no permit shall be issued for the construction, building, moving, or extension of the outaide d�rnensions of ar�y building upon ar�y �:.and in the clistriet her�s�iaiter d.es.c'ribed in_::the .VilTage,: except��u�onr-�unanimous approval of the Village Council. � Section 2. Pending the adoption of the aforesaid ordi,nance,.no permi.t shall be issued for the construction, moving or e�tension of the outside dimensions of any building on ar�y land vvithin the'.limi.ts of this municipality for others than a residential iourpose, in the follo�ring hzreby designated reaidential district, to-��it: Three Hundred (300) feet on either side of the center line of State Trunk Highw�y �7 for the full distance of the course thereof As now laid out through �nd tivithin the Village Limi.ts of the Village of Hopkins. Section �. In the said residence district, unless other�i.se provided in this ordinance, no building_or premises shall be used and no buildings shall be extended as to its outside dimensiona except for one or more of the follotivi.ng uses: 1. Single detached houses used as a reaidence by not more than one family. 2. Single detached houses used as residence b� not more than two families. 3. Churches and schools accessory thereto, including name plates and bulletin board, (provided such plates or boards are attached flat on the building or are not ;' placed ahead of the setback line.) 4. Public schools and other educational institutions, libraries, musewns, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and communit�r buildings owaned and controlled by the Municipality. 5. Truck gardening and farming. 6. Nurseries and greenhousea for the propogation, cultivation, and gro�ving of plants only, but no green- house equipment will be permitted closer than fifty feet to ax�y front or rear lot line. 7,l Accessory buildings including one private garage or private stable eahen located not less than fifty (50) feet from the front lot line axid not less than five (5) feet from at�y side stree-t line, unless designed and constrticted as a part of the main building a.nd one builcli.ng to be used as a dvaelling for servants; providing the aggregate ground this covers shall -1- ,� not exceed fifteen per cent (15�) of the.total lot area. 8. Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of a business, but lncluding house occupations such as dreasm€�ki.ng, millinery, hair dressing, manic�.iring and home cooki.ng, providing that.such occupation sha11 be conducted solely by resident occupants of the buildings that no more than the equivalent of fifty per cent of the area of the first floor sha11 be used for such purposes, that.no display of products shall be visible from the street and that no name pla�e exceeding one square foot sha11 be permitted in a residence district and such name plate shall contain only the name and occupation of an occupant of the premises. 9. I residence containing the professional office of its resident. 10. Signs not exceeding twelve square feet in area � pertaining to the lease, hire or sale of the building. or premises. Section 4. In said Density District the size of buildings, the aFrange- ment of buildings on lots and the minimum lot area per famiJ,y shall be as follows: _ Rear Yards and Side Yards:. There shall be a rear yard,and tero aide yards provided for all dwellings in this district, and the same yard regulations sha11 apply to all buildings other then dv�ellings hereafter erected in this density district. Setback. 1. 4�here twenty-five per cent or more of all the property according to front feet on one side of a street between t�vo intersecting streets at the time of passage of this ordinance, is built up i�.th buildings, a majority of which are set back from the front property line �rith a variation not exceeding five feet, no building shall hereafter be erected or extended as to outside dimensions so as to project beyond the minimum setback line of any building on that part of the street. 2. Where twenty-five per cent or more of all the property according to front feet on one side of'a street bet�een tv�o intersecting streets at the time of passage of this ordinance, is built up �vith buildings, a majority of which are set b.ack from the front property line with a variation greater than five feet, but not exceeding twelve feet, no building shall hereafter be erected or extended as to outside dimensions so as to project beyond: (a) The setback of the first adjacent building where there axe buildings on one side only. (b) A line dra�n between the nearest setback of the first adjacent building on each side. 3: In a11 other instances not provided for by the preceding regulation there shall be a setback line of not less than fifteen feet except that buildings on corner lots shall only observe the setback line above established on those sides of a block upon �ehich interior lots have been platted and are of record, provided this regulation sha11 not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot to less than thirty-five feet nor the buildable depth to less than ninety feet. P 4. These regulations shall not be so interpreted as to require a setback line of more than fifteen feet in ar�y instance. Lot area per family: E�exy d�elling in this district shall provide a lot area per iamily not less than the unit obta.ined by dividing 1,200 square feet by the number of stories of the height in the building. -2- Section 5. If at the time of ,the enactment of this ordinance any building is being used or ar�p building is being conatructed, moved or altered under the autnority of a building permit issued by the Village of Hopkins in a manner or for a p�rpose �rhich does not conform with the requirements of this ordina,nc�, but �vhich is not prohibited by aqy other existing ordinance of the Village of Hopkins �' such use, manner or purpoae may be continued. (a) A�y builcling located in any district �hich is partia].l,y destroyed by fire, wind, earthquake, or explosion m� be restored to its former use, and pY�ysical dimensions, provided that no building �rhich does not conform to the use in which it is located and is thus destroyed, according to the eatiuiate of the Village Council or some official designated by it, to the extent of fifty per cent or more, shall be rebuilt or reconstructed. Section 6. No change sh�.11 be made in the provisions of this ordinance except after a public hearing �nd upon the unanimous vote of the Council. The Council magr or upon a petition of ten per cent b.y number of the property o�vners in any district to be affected by the proposed change shall fix a date which sha11 not be less than ten days or more than thirty days away,for a hearing upon the subject of such change. Notice of such meeting and proposed change shall be posted in at least three conspicuous public places in the Village of Hopkina. At the time and place fixed in the published notice the Council sh€sll hear all objections and recommendations relative to such amendment, supplement, change or repeal of the existing provision. Section 7. It shall be the'duty of the Village Council to see that the provisions of this ordinance are enforced through the proper legal channels, but they may deleg�.te the duty of administering it to any employee.as they may deem proper. It sha11 be administer�d in conjunction with the building code ofthe Village. Any person objecting to the ruling of any official on the administration of the provisions of this ordinance sha11 have the right to appeal to.the Council at any regular meeting. Section 8. The owner of a building or premises in or upon which a viol— ation of�any provision of this ordinance has been committed or sha11 exist; or the lessee of entire building or entire premises in or upon �vhich violation has been committed or shall exist; or the owner, lessee of any �art of the building or premises in or upon �hich such violation has been committed or shall exist, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable b,y a fine of not less than $�10.00 and not more than �100.00, each day such violation or failure to comply is permitted to e�dst after notification thereof, shall constitute a separate offense. Section 9. If aqy section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision sha11 not affect the validity of the remPining portions of this ordinance. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication passed, approved and ordered published this 16th day of October, 1934. Attest: /i�� G. �f. �[oore, President of Village Council. A. E. Anderson, Village Clerk. � Official� published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, �tinneaota on the 2 th day of October, 1934. �,,��`�'.h'"�v`�..�-,, `�',1�� `'`�'`�' — � °� 3'-�; ._. _.." .:;���`. � , _ r ,s� SCRIPT ORDER This is to certiPy -------------------- N° 14 6'7 whose signature is ------------------------------------------------ will be entitled to receive merchandise from dealers in the village of Hopkins, Minnesota, to the extent of $______________ Dollars, upon endorsement hereunder by the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Name of Dealer � Date � Mdse. Furnished I Amount I Balance This script order will be redeemed by the village of Hopkins, Min- nesota, upon being presented to the village council accompariied by certified bills of the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Dated ______________________; VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA BY-------------------------------- Attest ------------------------- President oP v�liage.,councfl. Village Recorder. '� ' '�.`� . ' �_ � r__ . ��:;� RFSOLIITION AIITHORIZING ISSUE AND NEGOTIATION OF �1ATER MAIN EXTENSION CERTIFICATFS OF INDEBTEDNESS ^ OF THE VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, COUNTY OF HIIVNEPIN; STATE OF I�INNESOTA, BOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDIlVG FUNDS TO DEFRAY THE COST OF NECESSARY V�TATER �IAIN EXTIIVSIONS FROM TWII,FTfi AVIIVUE NORTH TO THIRTEE�ITH AV�]IIE ON . THIRD STREET NORTH A�D FRO�t THE RAILROAD RIGHT OF �PAY TO FOURTH STREET NORTH ON THIRTEE�ITH AVIIVIIE NORTH. PROJECT #2--1934 6VHEREAS, the necessary steps have been taken by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, State of DR.innesota, for the construction of water mains in said Village pursuant to Chapter 425 of the Lawa of Ddinnesota for the year 1921. AA1D VU�iEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Village Council of said Village adopted July 24, 1934, it wes deemed necessary and expedient for the best interests of said Village to constuct water mains in the Village of Hopkins as follows:� 6-inch pipe from twelfth avenue north to thirteenth. avenue on third atreet north, and from the railroad right of way to fourth street north on thirteenth avenue north. � AND Pi'HEREAS, The.Council has caused p1Ans and specifications to be made for said work and improvements which are on file with the clerk� AND WHEREAS, s contract for the sumr��of �3365.00 plus additional expense of publications, legal and engineering services, amounting in the aggregate of �197.00, has been dul� let for the construction of said water mains on the streets aforesaid. AiVD WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and expedient for the best interests of said Village, to make said neceasaxy i.mprovements and �rater extensiogs to and to maintain�the existing water system in said Qillage. AND F�AEREAS, it is necessary to issue certificates of indebtedness to be knozvn as water main extension certificates of indebtedness and to negotiate the same in the amount of �3565.00 for the p�rpose of providing funds to defray the cost of said improvement and extensions to the maintenance of the existing water works system in said Village.in anticipation of the collection of such special assessment. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the VillageCouncil of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, State of Pdi.nnesota, that the sai.d Village issue and negotiate $�3565.00 in the amount of water ma.in extension certificates of indebtedness of said Village in accordance arith the authority given in Chapter 425 of the Laws mf Minnesota for the year 1921, for the purpose of providing funds to defray the cost of necessary improvements and extension to and maintenance of existing zvater works system in said Village and that there be and there hereby are issued coupon certificates of indebtedr�ess of the Village of Hopkins for the aggregate amount aforesaid, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent (4�) per annnm, payable annually, saici certificate of indebtedn�ss to be in denomination and to mature as follows: Ten for �356.50 each, to mature September 1, 1935 and each year thereafter. That said Certificates o£ Indebtedneas and interest coupon� to be thereto attached, shall be the usual form in such cases made and provided and in addition thereto shall contain the follo�ving endorsements, �hich is heEeby adopted and made applicable thereto: That said Village of Hopkins, Minnesota, and this Village Council, as such, do hereby pledge and bind themselves to seasonabl� collect the assessments levied for the cost of the const�uction of the water_ma'ins for �rhich these certificates of indebtedness axe issued and to app],y the same to the payment of the certificates of indebtedness��issued in anticipation of the collection of said assessments, and'if ar�y certicate of indebtedness or the iriterest thereon falls due vrhen there are no flinds to p�y the same, to effect a temporary loan for the pa�yment thereof by the use of the Village�s credit to the f�1T extent that said Village and Council are now or may be authorized by law. ' That the Village Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids therefor,,in accordance with law. That the Village Recorder and the President of the Villege Council be and are hereby authorized and empowere� and instructed to sign and execute said certificates of indebtedness and said coupons atta.ched thereto, and sell the same to the highest bidder for not less than pax and that the proceeds thereof be used and are hereby appropriated for the pa�ment of said improvement. Be it Resolved that the Village Recorder be and is hereby directed to make andr?calculate the amount pPoper and necesss.zg to be especially assessed each lot, piece or parcel of land of the property abutting the streets in v�hich said eater mains axe �aid on the basis of the costs of said improvements and _ upon the basis of benefits without regard to cash valuation and'file same in the OFfice of the Village Recorder for public inspection and to be laid before the Village Council for its approval and that the Village Recorder be and is hereby directed to cause notice to be gigen as required by Chapter 425 of the laws of �flinnesota, 1921, of the time and place when and where the Council will meet and consider such proposed assessment and pass upon all objections if a.� or amend the same. � Trustee an.d Councilman , who offered the foregoing resolution, thereupon moved its adoption,.which was seconded by Councilman and upon being put to a vote was unanimously adopted by all members of the Village Council. Adopted October 2nd, 1934 Village Clerk ATTEST• Preaident of Village Council. �� � Spea ial me e tin� oP th e Village .0 ounckl oP the Village o� Hopkir.� s was he 1ri on �'9ednesday Novembe r 28 th , 1934 , at �%�0 PM at the Vill.��e Iiall. This meeting was �called Por the p.urpose oP determining where to place dirt that is to be moved from the School graunds and to discuss the advisability of chang�ng street grade at 13th gge.No .and lst St.No. �embers present President G.6'V.��oore; Trustees ��.addena� nd Oltman. Reeorder Anderson. The Counc il avas unanimously in favor oP chang�ing grade oP lst St.�to. and arrangements were to be made to investig�.te the owners oP the pmpe ty Pronting on 13th Ave.No. between lst �iae.No. . and the Railway crossing to get permission to Y�a�l. filling Prom the �chool projeet on thetr lots. hr.I��oore and �nderson reported.t-Y�at the Hopkins Schhol Board District �19, vaere in favof,-o.F� clianging tne grade of 13th �1Qe.rdo. and lst St .No. and that the r_atter wi11 be brougnt up again at the regular meeting on Tuesda�r,December 4th, 1934. � At t e st : LL�-�„ �- resi en . e,co e r. The Regu.lar meeting of the Villag:e couneil o.f the Village of Hopkirs was held on `i'uesday,December 4th,1934, at 7:�0 PP� in the �ouncil Roon. �iembers present: G.4V�Moore,President; Trustees �7adden,Oltman. Recorder Anderson. . ` P�iotion duly me�de by hgadden,seconded b� Oltman, that minutes o f]ast , meeting be approved as read, carried. �Zotion dul�r made by gnderson,seconded b�r Oltm�.n that we approve 1;he State Emergency Com�orter Project,carried. l��otion duly made by Oltman, -seconded b� T�Tadden t,1at the petition �rotesting the opening oP 9th gve.No. as �n approach to the new 13ighvray 7 be placed on File and said pet��ioners be notified when hearirig on s�.me is to be held ,carried . Rqotion duly made by ���adden,seconded by Oltman that John Frederickson be allowed �4.00 to apply oa rent �nd to evork it out later when able, carried. �2otion duly made bv Anderson, seconded b� A�I�dden th�,t we ploc� the snow. at Intexlachen Park Por the Town of A��innetonka�,s usual at �4.00 per hoar, �arried . b�otion duly rrade by Anderson, seconded by �adder , tha,t the pmposal o.� vacating that part oF rd�innetonka i�nills �ve. bet�aeen 15th and 17th Aves. �fter hea-ring p ursuant to due notice be laid on talbe until next regal�a r �" meetin� of tne Villa�e Council for further consideration, carried. 1lRotion duly made by Ariderson, seconded b� Oltman that building permit o� th e�Zinneapolis PToline Compan� be granted , carried . genneth 1�alton requested to rep�rt to Frank Stodola. .for work for the amount oY �10.00 due on month's rent, also Ervin Henke and �a.vid Rin�:stad. RRotion dul� made by R�adden, seconded by Oltrnan tn�.t we �,llow the request oF Fire Department Por three coats and one pair of boots,carried. A�otion .dul�r r�ade b� Madden, seconded by Oltman that the report For tY� :� 1Nater Dept . and The Treasurer be aecepted and placed on fil,e , t]Zese � � are the Tdovember reports, carried. Recorder instructed to write Blak� School,attention o.f �qr.glder, that they pay their ta.ges with penalty and tnat the Village wi 11 refund Blake School the amount oP the penalty and tevelve month's inte rest upon presentation of receipted tag statement, fl�tion duly made by Oltman, seconded b9 l�adden th�t the Pirst reading ��1 was i�ad of an ordinance to ammend the Park Board o r3in�.nce relating to hovr the Board ��all be cons$ttuted and appointed, carried. NMoti on dul� made by Iula.dden, se co nded by Oltrr�an that th e Pirst read ing was ]�ad o.f an orc'�.ance to provide that the minumun water. char�;� of `�4.00 per annun :�nd a minimun charge oY �3.00 per quarter where there is no meter, or where meter is out oi' repair,carried. �Iotion d ul�t made b� Oltman, seoo nded by �Zadden that the bill a� J:�.Hosp for attorne� Pees on the following be paid, carried ; - Mch127th,1934,Preparation and dra�ring filin� petition to RR and tiJalehouse Corrnn,in regard to 5th dve.Crossing�--- �25.00 Apr.l9th,1934,Renewal of petition to RP and 1'9arehouse Comm.. � for installat ion o.f safety signals at 6th Ave.and Egcelsior Grossing of I:?inneapolis St.L.RR. .......................... 10-.00 Apr.l6th,1934-Tnree add itional copies of ;„-etition for Co�n.-- ,.�-._. ..Apr.lOth,1934,Renetival of petition by Vi1Za�e to RR 8c V7'are.�omm. ��� - ior 14th Ave.Crossing with Tt�..Bc St.Z.RR.------------------- 1.00 ��r.11th,1934,Hearing on saiety signal continued. Hearing Vil].�.ge side on 5th AQe. �,t Village Hali. Defense continues------- £5.00 Sep t.4th ,1934. -�rep�r�.� ion dra.ft in and f ilin _ �' � petition to �egulsr r�eetinf �t ��ie � � . . . . . . ,:_. _ _ ..._.- - . - . J . . . -. . . . . . . . . . � � . . . . . . . .• . ./ , � . .2 � P�eeting-12-4-34 RR and adare .Comm. in reggrd to th e 13th Av e. Brid�e- ---- �$25 .00 PJov. lst io 1�ov.26th,1934,Preparation fo r hearing o F 6th Ave 8c Exeelsior safet� signals,5th �ve.cPossing, 14th �ve. crossing 13th Ave.Bridge-------------------------------- 50.00 _ -a�5.� p�otion duly �.de by Oltman,secor�led b� P�Iadden that the following b ills b e al lotivec� ; 15254 Chas,$� Millie Aulten 8c Sec.Nat.Bk. 15255 �:O.�deider 8c Fred Holasek 15256 N..1J,Bel1 Tele.Co. 5458 A er r�n Ols on 5459 Mpls.Ge.Elec .Co. 5460 A.P�.Smith P�GPg. Co. 3046 Z,��hutz 3047 r�:rs. Bloomie Jenst�d 3048 I�Irs.'�heo .Egtine ' 3049 A.E.gnderson 305U G.t�.�ioore 3051 Irving �ltman ' 3052 F.�Z,t�adden 3053 J.g�Hosp 30�4 A,��,Elmquist 3055 H.F.Pl�oor'e 3056 1��.La,Fr�.nce & Foamite Indus.Inc. 3057 Jos.Shonka. 3058 Henry tiV.�'riehl 3059 Albe rt Graber � 3060 Clarence Thaeinert 2061 NEls Z�els cm 3062 Ge o. �Jexl er 3063 Robert Gehrke 3064 Fra,nk Stodola 3065 Emergenc�r Relief Adm. 3066 Henn. C ount� ��vi ew 3067 A�Zartin J. Va,nek 3068 P.H.Coylo 3A69 Burns S�nd.Shop 3070 Standa rd Oil Co . 3071 A.E.Anderson _ 3072 C.D,�Ica4ahon "-'3073 Frank Sitar 3074 HoPki� Fire bept . 3075 Jaoo b��he.ff le r - 3076 Bren Hdi��e .Co. 3077 b"Jalter �to1P 3078 N.6��Be11 Tele .Co. 3079 Zeo Preist Motor Co. 3080 P�hpls. G n.Elec .Co. 3081 Tho rwo �d Sko tt egard 3082 Red �wl Stores 3083 Quiet Sho e Sto re 3084 Peders� n Bros, 3085 Pi oneer Llev .Co. � 3086 Hopkins . Transfer 3087 F��arrens Store 3088 Quist Shoe Store 3089 Mrs .Emil Pe ters en 3090 �rhe P�rpls . Star 3091 And erson Bros . 3092 Cha.s.Herzan , . � 3093 Justus Lbr.Co. : _ 3094 Zen Milbert , . ,_�_ _ 3095 Natinnal Tea Co. � 3096 Nelson Shoe Store 3097 Ant on Olso n � 3U99 Geographical Pub. Go . 3098 6V.��pls .Fuel Co. 3100 �r�G Pav .ReP. tr n �► ►, Sal.to 12-1-34 Nov .bill Egp.on 5 meters Sal . t o 12-1-34 rt rt tr �"rs.I,ights Sal. Sal. to 18-31-34 Sal. to 12-31-34 Sal. t o 12-31-34 Sa,l . t o 12 -31-34 Sal . t o 12-31-34 Sal . t o 12- 31-34 Sal. to 12-31-34 Hose 20� hr s. 0 45 y� Supp.lies & Labor Eng. Se rv ices Sal. to 12-1-34 5 days C� 1.50 20� hrs. n 45�C 202 hrs. C� 45¢� 202 hrsl � 45� �opkins share exp. Publi cat ion s Fire & Police Ala rsm 25.00 Reap i rs Repa,irs Gasoline 4 keys Hauling wood P? Police change 3 fire calls 8c 22 Sal. t o ]2-1-34 Supplies_ catching 3 dogs Cit� Hall phones Suppl ie s Li gh t 8c Po v�rer Rent PR Sc Groceries PR �hoe9 �iilk books Fuel Hauling wood Groce'ries Shoes Cleaning Lib.2- Sub.for Lib;. Supplies Groceries - � Supplies' Groc erie s Groceries Suppl i.es G�roceries 1 Ifdork Atlas Zib. Fuel �117.68 105.87 112.74 70.00 160.24 � 1.10 7 5. 00 32. 50 12 . 00 195 .00 105 .00 75.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50 . 00 1�0.00 9.23 33. 45 12.00 28.80 7.50 9.23 9.23 12 .30 30 . 00 41.15 3.75 5.90 7.54 .80 .7b 13.00 phones123.50 10.00 8 �.10 3.00 9.45 1.61 425.63 10.00 29 .27 9.42 16.10 9.35 1.50 7.19 2 .00 3 .00 2. 70 6 .80 6 .30 8145. 3. 30 47.98 2.45 27 .26 $ .90 2? .20 3100 3101. .. 12010 12011 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12018 12A19 12020 120 21 12022 12023 12024 12025 A- -3- I�7eeting 12-4-34 Carl Sede�l J ._A.�osp Albert IVlaetzold R�p1s.Gen.�lec .Co. Standard Oil Co. Consolidated b�aterial Co. Dahlberg Bros.Co. J.L.Henness� Co. Pure Oil.�o. Geo .�Vexle � Ejnar Nelson Erny Dodge C,V'�,atotthard C�rl Olson Otto Vollrath Frank Stodola. Rob t Gehrke Val Georges ` ,�/� Jit�/�'�r� � —�, �� s llhrs�45� Attorne� Fee Gaso line P�ov.bill Gas ol ine 5 yds.sand Gas.Bc Rep. Bldg. material Gasoline 42 hrs. t? 4b� 24 hrs. C�� 4 5� 27 hrs. r� 4 5� 32 hrs . � 45¢ 24 hrs. n 50 � 8 hrs. � 45¢� 5.92 hrs. �^? 60� 42 hrs . ��1 45� 15 hrs. � 45� I � 4.95 145 .00 5. �1 11.76 1.21 5.05 14.98 84.37 6.76 2 .03 10.80 12.15 14.40 12.00 3.60 35.70 2 .03 6.75 � � , ' STATE C1F B�INTdESOTA ) -- COUIV�l'Y OF Hr�TNEPIN )_ - �IZL9GE �F HOPKITIS ) � � `�r -� . � RES OLUTION BY TIiE a I'LZAGE COUI'�TCIL OF THE VILLAGE . OF HOPYINS �RESOLVED b� t he ��illage �ounc il, Village oP Hopkins , that th e Po regoing pe t iti on oY the lo ;al _ employees o f the �in�eaPol is 8c St. Zoui s�ilwa� C,ompan�r t o the. Inner Stat e �o�nerce Commiss iam, together w ith the petiti ons attached thereto protesting the dismemberment and eliminatinn o.� said R� lroad , and urging and approving a reorganizati on or of the sale oP the said Ra ilroad a s a s�st em, be and the same is hereby endorsed for reasons therein stated adqoted at a regula.r mee.ting oP the Village Council held on Decembe� 18th,193�. �'� , �nd.e rs on . �t�.11age Reco rder: � .6� . �oore, res� en i �e �ouneil � Special meetin�; of the Village oP Hopkins was h eld on Thursday 7:45 Pb? December 6th, 1934 in the Council Room. Members present President G.W.R��oore; Trustees Oltman,Madden. Reco rde r gnderso n. 'a�otion duly made b�r I�adden, seeonded by Oltman that the Recorder be inst5ucted to notiPy the high man in each office elected, with the egeeption of the ofPice of Village Recorde r. Aiotion duly made b� Oltman, secon�ed by �adden, that the Hoard proceed. to determine b� Zot result of a Tie between A.E. Anderson, ar� Chas.I�apic Por the oPfice oY Vi.11ag�e Reoorder, carried . • -- MQtion dul� made b� Affderson be decle,red , in a tie, carried. � Oltman, seconded b� I��adden tha.t A.E. Village Recorc�er, a s determined b� I,ot _,. The RePort oP the Election Board was placed and sealed with the Ballots and in� order Por the �il]age Council to receive said report it was necessary for the Vill�ge Couneil and Peter biiller member of the i:leetion Boa.rd, to break the seal of package containin� ballots to get said report, bdt in no way were the ballots inspected or disturbed by the Coucil or Mr.�Iiller, and. a.£ter repo�rt was obtained the Counail and �Rr.�Iille-r re-sealed the Ballot Box in the p resence o f all � in theCouncil Room. Motion duly made by O.ltman, seconded b� Madden, that the followin� bills be allowed; carried: 3102 Frank 5itar 3103 Frank Kaspar 3104 G.Peter b�iller 3105 dnne C.Borland 3106 t�Im.Hughes 31Q7 F.J.Topka Elec.Poliee Elec.Judge n n. n n rr it it n P�otion duly made �nd ieconded,.�hat meeting ad journ. gttest: es ent � ec orde r �5:60 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.8� N�eet ing of the Village �ouno il of the Village o f Hopkins was he ld on iuesday, Deeember 18th,_ 1934, .at 7:30 Pb� in the Council Room. _ R�embers present; G,W.B�oore,Preeident; Trcxstees,Madden and Oltman. Reoorder bnderson. � I�otion dul� made by Oltman, seconded b� Anderson that eae draw up a Resolution protestir� e.gainst the sale or splitting up of the M._ & St.Z. R�ilroad and instruct the Villa�e �ttorney to dr�w up s�me, aarried. �otion du],q made by Oltman, seconded b�r Anders.on tha.t Valentine Johnson be �ranted three da9s eaork to apply on rent, carried. ��otion dul� made by �nderson, secanded b� 14Radden that the adoption oP resolution vacat_ing that part oP Minnetonka bqills 9ae. , between 15th and 17th g�e be adopted on Pollowing vote, ���s-l�oore,R�7adden and gnderson. No-Oltman. �� r tion dnly n�ade b� Oltman, seconded b� gnderson that a Skating Rink be 3e at Henke's p18,ee on 7i,h and 8th dve.on 2nd St., carried.. ion du7,y made by 011anan, seconded bg b�adden.tha.t we accept the second ding oP an ordisa�ace to �mend en ordiancee entitled "�n Ordinance to ulate the Use oP ti"e'ater Prom the I�later 6�orks oP the Village oP Hopkins, oved gpril 18th,1911, and Por the adoption thereoP,earried. ion duly ff,ade .by Oltman, seconded b� Nladden tha.t we accept the second ding of an ordinance to Amend an Ordinanee Entitled "An Ordinance e.blishing and Creatin� a Park Board � Approved BIIa� 15th, 1988 and � the adopti on thereoP, carried . ion duly made by Oltma�n, �eeondad b� &�adden th�t l�im.Odell be appointed Village Trustee to Pill the anexpired term oP Albert Japs, carried. i on dul� made by �'�adden, Secon ded b� Oltman, that the follovr ing bills allo�red; carried; 15257 lst Nat.Bk.oP Hopkirs 15258 John Svihel �2026 Frank Erickson _ 12027 I,eonard S�hroers 12088 George Bennis 12029 I,ouis Duda 12030 John ►�illiaffis 12�31 Viotor R.Johnson. 12032 Frank goehnen 12033 Dan Kopesky 12034 Albert' Skranka ��03b Hopkins TransPer 12036 �aalter Nitz 12037 Frank, Lerimbecker 1203� Harry �9estling 12039 De,vid Rin�stad 12040 Ervin Henke 12041 Joe Sm�kal 21042 C. D��Fo�qahon 12048 _Bert Benson 12044 George Korbel 12045 ti�arren Benson 12A46 Frank Ro sengren 12�47 John Pass 120�48 Dou�las Waite 120;49 Edward wJeill 12050 Peter 1No1P 12051 E.4V:Bren 12052 A1Pred Feltl 12053 N.R.Kalkes 12054 genne th bY81t on 12055 John Taachen 12056 Richard E.Kocourek 12057 Thomas Sp�eehaa 12058_8nton Pa�ek Bond and Int. Spee.Pav.Ref. 24 hrs . Q 45� 24 n n n 18 t, n 80¢ 1� rr n 4rJ� 24 " "_ �' 24 n r► n 24 rr n. �t 31 " " 1.00 24 rr n n �2 „ �r ►, 2�, n n n 32 n er n 6 n n rr 24 ir �, 45� 24 rr rr n 27 " " 1.00 y� n n n ., � ¢ 12 " " 45 8 �� „ _ . �t 168� Tr��ck n n � ►, n R rr 18 " " 80� Tesm � n �, n 45 20 ►r ,r rr 2 0 rr n n 25 er �r , n 20� 'r R 1. 00 T T�z Ck 2 n n tt n 16 " " " 24 �t n -. 45¢ 16 n �� n 20 n n n 24 " " 1.00 24 ,r rr 45� 24 n n n n. T rack �g19.18 112.79 10.80 10.80 14.40 7 .20 10.80 10.80 10 .80 3]. . 00 24.00 32 . 00 24 .50 32.00 6.00 10.80 10.80 27.00 8.50 5.40 3. 60 14. 4Q 5.40 9.00 9.00 11.25 20.50 2.50 16.00 10.80 7.20 9.00 24.00 10.80 10.80 -- _- __ . -: - --- - - - - - /_ =2- nieeting Dec.l8th,1934.- Bil-ls con't . 12059._Carl Ols on 12� 60 �Iike 16iathe r .- 12061 gleg Kaspar 12062 Ra� Kaspar 12063 Robert Feltl 12064 Frank Stodola 12065 Sec.rdatl.Ins.Ago�r. 5461 Herman Olson 5462 Sec.i�lat.Ins.6gey. 3109 B�rs .Theo .Ext ine 3110 Bloomie Jenstad 3111 I,a�ar eri c e S a hut z 3112 �.G,Hamilton� 3113 Sec.Natl.Ins,ggcy. �3114 V�7alter Ro]:f 3115 Tdels Nels on 3116 Frank. Stodola � ��. 42. hrs . C� 50� Traetor 26 ►t ". 45¢ . � 32 n n n 2 rr n n 1 " n: l. 00 T rnck g n. n 85� Supt R.& B.Shhre Comp.Ins. Sal. to I2-15-34 � 6�later share Comp.Ins. Mrs.Light' e 5�,1. to 12-1b-34 Sal. ta 12-15-34 If R IT n n n. Gen.s��re Comp.Ins. Catching 5 dogs 2 daps � 1.50 13 hrs� c� 60� Supt . �otion duly made and seconded that meeting adj ourn, carried. A t t e s t. :�i���`"1''�-�-aze, �esident. s eco� rde r 21. 00 � 9.U0 14 .40 12 .83 19.50 51.80 224.00 70.00 112 .50 12 .00 32 .60 72 .50 72.50 112.50 5.00 3.00 7.80 � � n2? i'iii'tl:?:'�j�'; � �'.:3 .�ti,�'i9u :�.'; )k�].i?`�,�: !: ;�Y:'G� ��..�.,"ia; st�Z2 i�a'�C�iYitZ�'??fi�' `_.��c':F.ib��>-i�i�: :.??� t:3`F':^.'�,�Y:�' - ��.�'ir �o::�rc�3�a r4�.ra��:;� ���y 1��:.}, :�f;��?. `�lG `t( i.� sn��.' ..�",t?i6C2s;:l�. C?:.' 'c����, �'i�.t.� S:`.k?<? Cir ?�O�?iC�k`i`6�y dfETlr+�;'r:Je�°E vL1�.%lii�%g ''r',r",1T.i1F',�Ois�i� ri',7� 537.°S]�::t�.:'i fl� �"�%.�.!`�:°ai's . 7�'lS,i i'�11�? `�Y.'C��.1��:1"!C�-.' e'�'s' i,{3:i.fd �dl.��.:��'^ i-�:3�:�. i�i�'!G'. '�1G?1 3.: i71L7:�.,!�?.l`1C:E'i �»�`3$.u�1{1,5y'3.i1�? cif:� v'i-G>�1�:5�i F' 1: �i:a5"=,'. I�J'?iP"C:q�� ^i�).M1Y'PJS�',u(� ...:��I �::3i,;':p 1.':�i:i"."'.� �C,-: �,$1� vil^, ;:`.'__?':^.. :�.:: t::'i''�'u'��r ?i;i!'i�s•`.;�` i�f �f.� �?r ; `C,.^A i�'!Ci `c::'s ..���,�..'..C?�:� t3 �r'r.4:-e v2�� �i+7!3 .�.e �' �"_t. i'3L't.'T:�.'�;: .`',' (1�€� 63b3i� n2'{�*`.3,.31t�r{;=, bgn n„'.g�?�3C."..� �aii` ?'E3'�C�`. '::� �".Oa,.l�`s��� �.i:...., :.:r *.� sF,`:°y'a °°5e.:r�:,�^�1 �. �i7:ar11 iiv�� v�}?',�'::'`:i'T���.F: ,;;?, ; Ja�}'.":'�-" __ ,y, . C ' . �: % l.5 . - .. ''L e7� . ".�-Y. ' �i ,�pa�"4'i J{.� ���""+�� a!i?F ;i � �C^ �! i 6 B� �{. �}° A ' .4 ,tr . �:Cri ..t'� . Zdl.�.... :,3-. OS �f3i:?tii_�a :.°�'1.`. .e C..:'Y'la� .. L) :F}:i'�°^�: fvE"!4'i'T'a tii �4:i� � Eiu.�.i.?.,�vt`-. �QLXP-.^,I,�_9 aw.{:f o°�'i:rCa� ti }i�r.' =l.�'iK�J�:�'��f`�i �'S:F �.:.�'e� :�.Z'i:�:tf�.f,'�i.s�.• �e.� ��!`;F' tsl��.Lw'��c� �.a;�i;.`i.G:1 ' ?.S� C: .. ,' � ? .i ? a , pj r� �i r, . n i�a a nwa� - . ...� ... � . ;.e ��j" �`,i.l � _. .E.,t? :..ef.k�l:�il j . _.. �_tf F`...t3;3{, �-�.a ,:� :J i �.L...6.-;_' ai�3�`'.lZ - }� , '� ' `�`'F'Ci:;2C'•i� ic� Y s, t�� `4=;^.�G]`i�..�� �� , iE:aP1�,;`. .r.'L"..:t7�.�.�y .�u:.t• _ . ' iJ.. i.$ �?i�t��t':7. a�fi. �� �_t 4: r ��';'�;; ei z i �'+ i7 .� ' IT ♦ aafi?t���.ti?? `�.. ' :�'0"'i.1. a �='Cii'":;'�r%`E.,'�' S<_ ., k s �.':.:�: £*:�'v'GiC'�. ..FA?S�. �1�� :'.?3 .�Ci�"4+: �3':.t:7:1.',sl!1C� :.', r.�S' 1'�.. :3i;�1i�.C:L�h:.�-.^,.:a• . , `Z'7.`wv.g`e�'C�' 2!.!1Gi tS��'JI't]'�I<,°.4` '�::::,i.E'i �C3''`�;1 {�€:':x� >... i�F,:i.'L:l.:l:��' 1CR-•�es . j .AC.:.,�.�,..._.���.o..� , . . �5e r£n i�O�JT'C'� �;'e:u1_C�c�c'T.'' � ���.�c`f�y/,-'' C.�•'JJ2'1:,_ L t� �F.�F�3 i;> � o� .�`So ri2ili'�°�'.c+soi� � i"i?���`C%v°1" .���.�.�.�1F/� �a �d�s;"r�;.18:5 Ofiici�lly published in the �ennepin Couniy Revie�r �his 20th d� of Deceiuber, 1934 ' � !�n Ordinanc� to Anend an Ordinence �titled � "An OrdinancP ta �egulate the Use of �eter froiR the �ater �'orks of the Village of Ao�kins" � ap�rov�d. April 1�; 1911. The Village Counci? of thF Va11aUe of Ho�kin� �o orc�.in as follo�s: � . . - T;.��t an Ordina.nce of said Village entitled "An Ordin�nce to P�egul�.�e the Use of i�Pter froul the ���Pr r�orks o.f �t!P �illa.�P of Hopkins and to �stablish fiules �.�d ?eg,zl�tiotas for th� Government of' E��oioy� s pnd I��tes Pert�ining .to t�ie sa�se, R approved A�ril �8, ].��.1, be and t�:e s�m� is hereby anended �s £olZo�s: � That #,he third par�.graph of Sect�ion 11 of a�id Ordinance be �.mended c�nd t,o provJ.de �eg folla�s: Tia�t no 4erviee pipe stiall be as�esse� to yield $ rev�>nue of less �llan four. dollars -per annum, ho��ev�r s��i1 the quentity o�' v�&ter required. In €�ny cG�se s�h�rp t�e water service is .not m�i�ered, or ti�e meter is out o� rP�;air, th�.t tho mini.�uc� ch^r�e for c�ater- f'urnished st^.n:�l be �3.00 �er qu�a�ier, hor�Ever �mell th� qut�nti+.,y of vcatAr rec�u�red. T�is Ordinance shall take e�fect �nd be in force fro.� a�d �ftEr its �ubsic�tion. Pessed and �.pproved. this 18th d�g of :Decenber, 1934 . � G. �d. P�Zoore, . Preside�t of Village Gount�i.l AttEst: k. r. � �aQ�san, � � ' Villr�ge IiEcorder. Officially gublished in the I3ennepin County Review �his 20�h day oF December, 19�4 ,� r , �`.�� � � � .. ; ' J,. F.. . . . _ . i ��� , . .' . . . _ �4� � r j . � - . . '/:�� . ', l.i� � ' . �F° r�� � ,1 / � q � /�� � ' - . . �� � :y i' F t � . �, ��� � / . il ' . . � _ - . � � � r jJ ; _ �� ; �-. �i' �f � _ ,. ; �"`i� ,�. � :;: :; Speaial meeting of the �illa�e Couneil of the Vi118ge oP Hopkins was he ld on Thurs da� De c e mb e r 2 7th , 19 34 . Tnis meeting �sas called for the purpose o.f .passir�g on licen$e applic�tions Por the, year of 1935. , � I�embers present: President G.V�.�oore;_Trustees"OTtman,Rrladden,Odell. Record.er Anderson. ►, � � ��otion duly made b� Oltman, seconded b� I��l�dden that the follov✓ing license applications be grgnted,carried; 1- Eidam and Smith "ON_ 8c Of�" Liquor 2- A.O.Neider. '..'OfP" _ " 3- t�rchie Kelley "Ori �& OPf" 3.2 .Beer & Soft Dr. 4- �.O.NeideY' Pl:ilk 8c_ " » n n iT n 5- John tN,gro on "Off" Ziqu or .. . � 6- R,O.Riordan "On & OPf" 3.2 Beor& SoPt Dr. 7-.John Mather ' �Iilk S- Ske lley Oi1.Co. 1 Bu1k St. Driv.e-In 2 pumps 9- John J.Moran �On R� OPP" 3.2 ,Soft Dr.& Milk• 10- Hopkins �roduee Co. . �Iilk � 11- Chas .Herzan " 12- Martin J.Vanek "On & Off" 3.2 SoPt Dr.8c hilk 13- rre d Fal t in I,Hi lk 14- Zloyd Lindell -. " 15- Eugene Olson "On 8c OPP" 3.2,SoFt Dri nk 16- Nina M.Burns " " " " " Mil 17- Helen Farnham 8� Ed. Lee „ " " " "- 18- Jorgen sen Bros, " " " " " R 19- Martin Holy 3-pump Driv e-In �ta. � 1100.00 100.00 36.00 36.00 100.00 35. 00 1.00 90.00 � 36 .00 1.00 1.00 36.00 �.00 1.00 35 .00 k 36.00 35.00 36.00 25.00 b2otion d u19 made and seeonded, Oltm�n and ���adden, tha�� the Pollowing bills be allowed,carried; 3118 9.E.�nderson 3119 t�1m.Odel1 3120 �Zike Zarso n 3121 Law�rence Schutz 3122 A. G .�amilt on 3123 Bl�omie Jenstad 312.4 Mrs.Theo. 4L'xtine . 5263 Hgrm�n Olson Stamps � Deo.�a1.1934 Ba1.Plasterin� bill Sal. to 12-31-34 Sa,l. to 12=31-34 Sal. to 12-31-34 Sal. to 12-31-34 R2�Lights Sa1. to 12-31-34 2.99 12. 50 45.00 7 5 .00 75.00 ��. 50 12 .00 70.00 r�;Fotion dul� rr�de and seconded tti�at �eeting adj ourn,carried.. Attest• � Presi en 9 � � Recor er �-- �:. c{�,rr�R�z `�r� B�,1. on hand 12-31-33_ .. 53'7:96 1934 �'eceipts � - _ 25928:96 TOTAZ . - . r 1934 Disbursement s . � ° � �. Bal . on hand 12- 31-34 = �� - , ��i1ER�L�=FUPTD BY� FUNDS : �r� . . Bal. on hand 1933 -� 4995.01 1934 Receipts ' � 10401.31 TOTAL � - 1934 Dis'oursemen�s - �� Bal . or.i hand 12-31-34 . POLIC�, DePicii; 1933 ��°�"�Z- Disb�rsements 1934 3983.74 TOTAZ Receipts 1934 '. . � I�o b�l.on lzand 1934: PARY Bal. on hand I933 213.37 � 1934 �?eceipts 35G.78 �OTgL 193� Disb�zrsements 1934 �alance Bal. on h�nd 1933 1934 Receip ts Bal. on hand 1934 Deficit on hand 1933 1934 Disbursements 1934 Receipts l�o bal.on hand 1934 MUS IC F IRE 2�33 . � �2784.04 TOTAL Deficit on h�.nd 1933 ���G� � � • 1934 Disbursemen ts �4962.55 , _ T(�TAI, 1934 Recei�ts ,�Deficit on h€�nd 1J34 1�.�33 Bal. on ?�and 1934 F.eceipt s TOT�Z 1934 Disb�xrsements Ba1.1934 Deficit on hand 1933 � 19 34 Di sb urse;�ent s � � 1934 �ece ipt s 1934 Deficit G�Td��1Z COLUPv'�T BAZ . P6r'3K " b�i7SIC " �BRARY " '' �� . ' Tf Z IB?�RY �406.63 1062.98 _ - �26466.92 � - 26104.15 � � .� MISCZ. OLD AGE PL1�SI�T3 �557.50 � 17.32 �338�.10 201.62 1207.64 37.04 � 15396.32 12015.22 �� 8�i .� .�6490.06 6490.06 570.15 368.53 ,� 201_.62 _� � 119i.31 16:33 � 1 7.6 �5017.48 5017.48 ��6418.56 2566.70 �f3 �' �l� �fo �1469.61 1432.57 �� �� � S"y�d . l � � 4827 .40 �rr't`2* rr�` BAZ.Broa�ht .for�rrard--=- . POOR BA�. �� .. P�IISC «- OL� AGP PLPdSIOTd FLTND BAZg11TC�-- _3gsl, 6�� 7� � �9 �5�. /g � 6�lATER FUND 1933 & 1933_ 6dater fund reoo ipts n rt n �T Disbursements Bal.on Y�.nd12A31-34 ROAD P� BPIDGE FIIT�TD 1934 Road & Bridge �'und 1�eQeipts -' 1934 " " " Disbursements - De.fic it . on haud _ 12-31-3� � SPLC IAL g SS�SSI�C' T. FUrTD 1934 Spec.Assmt.Receipts .. 19�4 " " Disbursements Bal . on ]�an d 12 -31-34 � GAS FUND 1934 Gas �'und Receipts , 1934 " " Disbursements Bal , on l�and 12 -31-34 �4827:40 �'% !O � {� b� �� 62 . � r, � � 26277.55 � 22047.29 4i • � 6111.66 6342.90 � �� I . ��� �28896.98 21422.51 7 . 7 �5102.93 4411.14 yD6 1�%9