1935_Minute Book� �e��lar meeting of the Villag�e cour;ci�.� oP the Village oP Hopkins �vas e on Tuesd�.�r Januar� 8th,1935 at 7:3o PBP! in the Council Room. raembers .present G.L�I�I�`oore,President; Trustees T��adden,Oltman and OTDell. Fecorder Arderson. . _. State Voucher �24331� for �85.00 received Jan.Zth,1935, endorsed Villa�e �ecorder payable to A�iax Sorenson Contractor, �^r��o. did the ���ork �or the� H�f�,h�a.� Depaitment dir,�et �rrith the approval oP the Village Council for th e moving oP ti�`ate r I3�drant at 12th �ve.Tdo. r�ills Ave. by and Geo.�orbel asked .Yor arork for rent to txie. �mount oP �10.00,granted. J_ohn Frederi:akson �4,00 advancement on rent ��ras allowed to be crorked out when he is able. Nlotion dul�r made b�r Oltman, seconded by 0'Dell that the minutes be appro� ed as read,carried. . . Motion dul� made by ��adden, �econded by Anderson that Albert Japs com- muncation be placed on file, carried: Motion daly r,ade b;� Anderson, seconded _ of the Hopkins F'i re Department dfPicers hy the Fi re Depmrtment ,, carri ed. � _ `, b� A�adden that the a.ppointments be approved as recommended ll�otion dul,y made h� Oltman, s ec onded by Anderson tnat the I,eague oP �qunic ipalities vol-entary assbssr�ent oP �p6.00 be paid,carried . &Iotion dal�r made b� P�adden, seconded b� Oltmanthat we approve the � recornmendation of the Fire Departrr�ent appointment of Ja.ke Seheffler a� Fire ti�arden ati:�_a Salary oP �10.00 per month, carried. • �iot� on dul� made by Oltnan , se cond ed b� Ode ll tr�at J�A.Hosp be appo in ted as Village At�orne� at the sane Cor.npensation as previouslV, carried. I��otion duly ma,de by Oltman, seoonded b� l�adden �hat Herman Olsor� be �,ppointec� Utillity L�1an at a salar�r of �140.00 per month carried. N�a�or �Roore recommended the anpointment o.f A.G.riamilton and I,awrence Schatz �,s Poliee O�ficers and� pla,cing the communic�tion oP F.O.Peters� on the table. ��otion dulp made by Odell,seco�ed b�r ll�adden that the appoints oY the �syor �or Poliee officers be approved �nd tne s lar� to be the same as previous,carried. P�7otion dul,y made by Oltman,seconded by I��adden that v�e appoint Frank Stodola as Road Supt. at 60.¢ per hour, carried. �iot i on d ul�r �e,de b� �,�adden , seco nd ed by Olt man �ha t the Village labor scale oP v�ages be 45g� �ier hr. ,carried on the Pollo�ving vote: Ayes- Anderson,b�adden,Oltman and P,�oore. tdo- Odell. h�oti on duly made by Ode 11 that the wage scale be set at 50¢ per house � this motion received no seoonded. ��otion du]Yp.made by Oltman,seconded b� Odel-1 that the reAort oP the Treasurer, the �°�ater Dept. ,�nd the Police we accepted and placed on fil e, carried ��Ot2OII $AZV made by 01tm�.n ,sec ond ed by Odell t}�a� communicati ons read be p7.aced on .file,carried. �:Rotion duly m�.de b� 14Raddan ,seconded by_ Oltman that the folloc�ing Zieense applia�,t ion be granted ,carr.ied; Robt . Johnson Gas ��;ati on J,Ii, Damsc hen P1� g. Lic . Dahblerg Bros;Gas �ta. Geo .l'liles Gas Sta. J.Jasperson,�}.iilk r�8tt's Sweet �p Soft Drink,P�il� On o� pp� �.2 � 20.U0 1. �70 25 .0� 20.�0 1.00 36.00 =2- Zicenses Granted con't.. Z.I�;Engell & Co. ,Pi ilk Gilbert P.Johnson,P.�iilk Albe rt V$lesYiPlbg. Lic . Joe Zap ic ,IFRilk Red Owl ,l�dilk Pnillips Petrole u.m �o.Drive-In Sta. �r �r n BLilk Verner l��illiams Drive-In Sta. Paul Olson,aoft Drink,�ilk,OZd & OFF Chas.Iiersman Drive -In Sta. �dolph gnderson,Milk�Soft Drink,On8o Fure Oil �o.,Drive-.In sta. Jas . r,de1 , Gas �ta. 3.2 O�P 3.2 Zen R�ilbert,A�Ii1k,5oPt Drink On � O.ff 3.2 �ngl er Bro s.�4oe ie Zic . Anton O1son,I�i1k , J�J.��eng R�ilk . Standard Oil Co.,�ulk and Drive-In Sta. Northland �::ilk Co. ,�iilk FPank Bennis,Milk Chas.Shonka,On & O�f 3.2 Soft Drink Chas.Shonka Bov�ling glleys 1.00 I.Ob 1.00 1.00 1.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 36 .00 25.00. 36 .00 25 .00 25,00 36.00 25.00 1.00 1.00 75.00 1.00 1.00 35.00 20.00 �fotion duly made by Oltman,seconded b� Odell that the Relief Truck be noti- fied that �ve haven't su.f�icient room �or the stora�e oP same, e�.rried. � Motion duly ma.de by �Zadden , seconded b� Oltr�an t:r�t we prachase paint .�or the IJpstairs Hall, vaork to be p�ovided by Relief labor,carried. The Pollo��ring. �esolution wa� oPPered by Trustee Oltman; RESOLV�;�� WHEREAS, th�s Village of Hopkins during the past .�ew years has beeri p��in� the members of the Village �ounc zl the Pollo��i.ng salaries� -_President of the Villa�e Counci1,�420.00 per �ear Recorder �780.00 � r �ear Trustee �300.00 per pear each Treasurer �200.00 per �ear A��dD ]�I�Rr.AS during the ,past Pour years there h�s been a Plation wide depression and many of our citizens of Hopkins are out of �+ork and almost ever�r pers on w o is a�r��e earner has had hi s o r her salary or wa�es reduced, �P�� 6�iEF.EAS iP this Resolution was adop�ed by the Villa�e Council it would sa� the Taxpayers. of Hopkins �1300.00 each year ArdD 6'VHEn,�7A5, It ��ould be tothe benefit of our Ciiizens to reduce �h�se salaries _ �'H.�REFORE B� IT RESO�V�;D that we, the Village Counc:il of tne �illage oP Hopkins hereb�r order and set the salaries of the �ills�e Council s t€�,r ;: ir� Jan . ls t,1935 , per ,year as Fo llows : President of the Council �200.00 per year Recorde r �400.00 Truetees ��100.00 each T reasnrer �100.00. Motion duly made by Odell,secorxled by Anderson that The Resolution be placed on file and spread on the r�inutes oP said meetin�,carried on the followin�; vote: A�es-�lnders�n,Ode11,�?adden. No-Oltman. Liotion duly �ade by ���rson,seoonded b.y Odell tnat the Salary of the elective oPf icers rem�.in the same as last �ear, carried on the follo�ving vote : A� s- 1�ladden , Ode 11 and 9nders on. No-0ltman . �Totion du�y nade by An�er�on, seconded by Oltman that the Tractor man c��.�e scale be 50� per �oar,carried on the following� vote: Ayes-�nderson,Oltman Madden. t�o-Odell �-�; Motion dul� made b�r r;?adden ,seconded by Ol-�:r.:an � that the jeam scal e oP ��a�e be set at � 80� per hour,carried on the followin� vote- A�es-I�adden,0a��n �nderson. PIo-Odell. - � l��ot ion duly made by Pr�adden,se��c�ed by Oltman that the v�age scale Por tnzcks be �'1.00 per hoar,carried . �..�.-"� � -3= I�otion duly made b� %yaddef,seconded b� Oltman that the Hennepin Coanty Revies be designated as the OfFicial paper,carried on the followin� vote;. A� es-�nderso n,�'adden,Oltman. g10-0de11. R��otion duly made by Odell,seconded b� 1�ooYe that if �he Hennepin Coanty revietiv �vil]. p�int the minutes Pree o.Y charge as new that ��e publish the minutes, carried on the follovri.ng vote :�iyes-Moore ,Odell and �a,dden. No-Oltman and And e rs on . �- The follo��ing committees for tne coming year uvere appointed b��:� the l�ayor: ROAD Sc, BRIDG.� CHAIRr�.AN - Dr.l�adden O l tmau Odell PUI3ZIC T.PI' ILITY CO1�7M CH.�IR14iAT1 - 'Odell��� , ' �O 1 tman ��adden PUBLIC SAF�TY CHAI�;�3I- Dr.Moore R2adden Anderso n .�'�19Y5 & �t�EA21S CHA IR1tt�AN - O1 tanan Pa�adden Odell � PUBZIC cdEI�+'��E ENT I + COIIPdC IZ ZICLfi?SE & P�RI�iITS g�lerson � PARK BO�1RD As pe r _ordinance I�rTouion duly r�a.de b� b4adden, seconded b� Odell that the follo.�ain� bills be allo��ed ;. 312� Bloomie Jenstad Sal. _to. ]2-31-34 _� 32.50 3124 b2rs.Theo..�xt�bne. . ��rs.Light Sal. 12-31-34 �� ' T2;., 00 3125- Ze�gu.e o� P�1inr�.t`��zni. Voluntar� gss'mt. 6:QO 3I26 John Fred e rickso n �llotivance on rent 4.00 3127 -Ivipls. Gas Sub.Co. Cit� Ha11 �as 1.30 3128 �'ipls.Sub.Gas Go. Gas to 11-30-34 2..20 3I29 Henr_� .County Home Board 4,3 months 182.00 313.0 Herman Olson Stampa 1.00 31�1 Pio�eer Elev,8c Zbr.Co. 10 sacks o.� cement 6.50 3133 J.�.xennessy Co. • Supplies 43.96 3134 Ho�kins Fire Dept. Calls & tele .c 103.00 3135 FySc�onald Trfs.Co. Delivery 2.25 3136 Fe "dner-Davidson �igc,y. , Premium. on bo�ds 294.50 3137 Frank St.odola 53 Yirs. � 60� Supt. 31,80 3138 Ne ls Nel s on 6 da�Ts Cn` l.50 9. 00 31�9 Bren Hdwe.Co: SuppTies PF 3.33 3140 �,SJalter S.Booth &: �on,Inc. Treas.�ce� pt book 1.60 3141 �.b^i,Elmquiet � �tamps & Dep.box rent 3.62 3142 b2artin J.Vanek Fire Sc Police alarm.l--1-35 25.00 3143 Ko�e sh �dvue . � o. Su.ppl ie s 1.3 .44 3144- Zeo Priest P���tor Co. �upplies .38 3�4 -4- Bills con't. 3145 Gust�fson 8c Buga Rep�irs 3146 b7. S, T�ot t Go . Re-charging 137 CDC 314'T .�Iinn .�'roduets Co. Supplies 3148 �nergency kelie.f Ad;n. Hopkins Share Exepnse 3149 �ierman �loss 7Q hrs. �� 60� 3150 6hl�.lter i�olf � Catching 3 do�s 3151 Se c.I�at . Ins . Agcy . Ins . on F�tr e T rucks 3152 Carl E.Sie�ert Rep.Pttrs..�tine's gl�.sses 3153 C,D.�cP�ahon Del.�rood PR 3154 Dan �opesk�r Del. " " 3155 Lo�+is �idam Salt. 3156 Carl �eden 11 hrs . C� _ 45 � 3157 �t.Paul Bk.& Stat.Co. Books� Librar� �158 �m. I+i p.Ass' n. Bookl ist 1935 3159 ��Irs . ;mil Petersen Cleanin.g Lib.t�ice 3160 IJ.b^J.Bill Tele.Co. �it� ��ll & Fire Dept._ 3161 Justus T�br. Co . Roo Ping 3162 Smetana'sDrug Dru�s PR 3163 Skottegard nent " 3164 F.ed Owl Stores Grooerie.s PR 3165 Killmer Dairy, �2ilk " 3167 A. B. Harris Rent t' 3166 Tdat i anal_ �3ea Co. Groc erie s PR 3168 Jerry Graupmen Rent " 3169 Hainerts Drug Drugs " 3170 ti�larren Benson - 4 hrs .�. 80¢ Team 3171 6nton Johnson 8 hrs .� .45¢ 3172 1�lalle nt in J ohnson 8 hrs _ C� 45� 3173 �;rnie Doge , 8 hrs. L� 45� 3174 �2p1s.Gen.�;lec.Co. I,i�ht- & Povier 3175 John V�.groon �ef.On Lic .�98 3-15-34 3176. g�J.Vavra To replace ck.�2993 lost 12066 T.Sheehan Jr. 5� �rs�� 45�' 12067 Au.gust Yet erson 5_g " ". " 12068 Ge o. Shidla � ''� " "- 12069 �Jarren Benson 23 " " 80� Team 120'10 RObt.GBhTke 26 rr '.' 45¢ 12071 Pure Oil Co. Gasoline 12072 Gilbert I�auman 5� hrs. .9 45¢. 12073 Anton John�on " "� " �' 12074 Frank Stodola 36 hrs., � 60¢� 12075 Carl Olso n 10 hrs. � 50� 12076�oe Shidla 5Q hrs.@ �1.00 Tr. 12077.Otto Vollrath 8 hrs. � 45� 12078 A.H.Hensler Repairs - 12079 Jacob �chefiler Sal.& -�ep. 12080 Radosta Garage. Repairs 12081 12081 I?s.hlberg Bros.Inc. Gas &�'►epairs 12082 Albert T��aetzold_ Gasoline 12Q83 Geo.B�,��iles Ga�oline 12084 Henr� J�,ps 52 hrs. � 1.00 Truck 12085 1��i.Horner 13� i4rs. �3 45� 12086 Jos..Shonka 8i �.rs�C� 45r�' 12087 Kieran. PSgcCormick � hrs. r 45¢� 12088 Harr� �lexler � �rs.� 45¢ 12089 .II.R.Kalkes 5� hrs . � 45� 12090_ Jo�n Harincar 13Q. " "� " 12091 Oliver �schimperle 5� " " " 12092- Joe Pudyl � `T " " 12093 John Tauchen 8 hrs. 0.45 � 12094 �IcDonald `�'�ransPer �o. _ lr2 hrs. � 1.00 1 ruc k 12095 P,�p1�s..Gen.Ele c 00: I,ight 8c Power - 15259 lst Nat.Bk. Bond. & Int.. 15260 See.Iuat.Bk.� Bond �k Int. 15261 lst Aiat.Bk. �� Bond & Int.. � 15262 N.H.ITelson - Pav.ReP.Lot 14 B1k.68 15263 Harry &: Freda ZeatYiers Pave �eP." 4� 5 15264 �Pd.F.Bren Pav.F.ef.Zot 3..�1k.3. 5464 Stand.0i1 Co. , Gasoline . 5465 hqpls.Gen.L'lec.Co. Zight 8�� Po�er � 8.97 3.50 17.50 31.00 4.50 3.00 43 .06 2.00 .75 .75 .57 4.�5 66.81 2.50 3.00 10.40 8.00 .90 10.00 22.5Q 1.00 10.��0 16.00 6.00 .39 3 .20 3.60 3.60 3 .60 425.76 1.86 8 . 00 2 .48 2 . 48 5.50 1Q40 11.70 5.86 2.48 2.48 21. 60 5 . 00 5.50 3 . 6Q 10.80 12 .2 5. 1.60 25.35 6 .68 11.88 5. 50 6.08 3.83 2 .48 2 .48 �. 2.48 6.08 2.48 2 .48 3., 60 � 13 .50 _ 10 . mm_ 207.20 581.44 761.51 69.48 212 .68 105.87 3.10 153.85 Upon motion uly made and secor�ded meeting adj �nrned unt il next Tues . .O�' �"'•''r_ _ _ � � 7�Minutes of Villago Electioa lvlINUTES OF VILL�GE ELECTION w��t�� �. acon� � �on, �no., r�xMurow (a) The lines following the letter (a) in thie blank are left to write in the fact, t6at "the electore preeeat at the time and place named for opening tLe polla elected the Judgee aad Clerk civa oote, bee0uee the eouncil had neglected to make euch appoiatment.' or "beeauee t6e persoae so appointed, or one or mOre of them, negleeted or refuaed to eerva; '(if euah wes the eene.) O p Atthe Aunual ................... .................... ...... .. ...............Election of the Villaoe of....--� --•�- .... ---..............�----........ -----�--.....-- �--.....--..........-�---� + -. ' ,�,/ o i e Couuty �of.:....;...� .......... ...... .......... ...........�. ... .......................ancl State of 117innesota, held a,t..l............ ._. ...- ---.....- ....--- --��- . /� . .- -..---��.---..,,�l�--A...� ..................... ..............:...........................................being the place �vhere it was directe to be held by the Viilag ,Council after giving due notice thereof as providcd by law, on the ................1..}.�......�.............._._........................ . � cla.y of.. .. .... � .... ...... ... ................ .............19.�.../.., ............ ....................... • and............ ............:................�--�-----------..:.:.:.................:..........................................................................................._..:.......two qualified �oters of said Village, to act as Judges of such Election, and one qtialified voter of saicl 1%illage to act as Clerk of such Election, each of «�hom had within twenty days before S11CIl time been designated and appointed b5r the Villabe Council to act as Judges �,nd Clerk respectively of such Election (a) ......................................... _ , , who, bein� present, at the hour of..�,t :v.�.,t........o'clock..C�...D7., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath ..................................:....................:................to faithfully dischnrbe the duties required of them a,t such Election; and the said Judges and �Clerk being duly qualified, forthwith opened tl�e polls by proclamation, and the Election procced- eu. by ballot �vithout adjournment or interinission mitil closed. The snbjects voted on at such �E'lection, as stated in the Notice thereof, lvere :............:.... T'� lect .......................�'�---........... ............. .......t................. ................:............ ..............................:....... ..................... ........... ........ ° � .��-�.,�.,.��..� .....:.....:..............:�........ .. ..� ...:................................... ...................�........................... ... ..... ......_. ^ ... ..... .......... . . ....................... ....................................... :.................................. ................................. ... ....... ...... . __ �. . _. . � ........... - . ...... .. ..... . ............. ..........................................................:..................................................................................................2...... ..... , V ^ F ....................................... ...........�... � ..................... At ............... ................o'clock in the afternoon of said..day..the polls were..:....................--�--�-��-�---............---�-�----�-�---...---�-�--.......... •--� ......... .............. . . closed, proclamation thereof ha,ving been made by one of the Judges thirtq minutes previous thereto. The Jttdges then proceeded .to publicly count and canvass the votes, and a true statement thereof w1s duly proclaimed to the voters by the Clerk, �ti•ho recorded the same in the Village Minute Book. STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS The �q2lowi b is a true statement of the result of t cou in and canvlss of votes by ballot at the // ' � ...............2.c�c.��o gmival....(! . ............. __ ___...Election of the Villa�e of........ .... .......... . . ..... ......................�....e.County .2.f�......... ................. of ................ ...�------...... .-�-�- -.... ......... .. � .: .........................and State of 11Tinnesota, held. ................. ................. ......... ....'�]!�.1......19.3.� as �oclaimed,tP the �6ters_by the Clerk of Election: ..................received.�b..�.....��otes for President of Council ..................received.��S...votes for President of Conncil was declared elected President of Council (Continued on following page) � .. .. �%_..-�--� --� �---..�.... .._...... ... ......... -�-�-�--- ...................�--------_....... ..... -- -�- � �- - --� �-�----..._._ ..........:..... .................................�--....... .........received..��.�...votes for Trustee, term of.._3...years ....._.._received....�.�....1�.�......votes for Trustee, term of._�...years ......__received...��...c.�.,� votes for Trustee, term of... �...years ......_..received......�+�....._..votes for Trustee, term of.._�....years .........receivecl..I..�.�.......votes for Trustee, term of...�...years � ......receiv��..�.......votes for Trustee, term of....�....years .3��' � , • .....................was decl�red elected Trustee, term of............3�ears .....................tivas declared elected Trustee, term of..�...years ............ .�- - . .. . .. .. ....---........................ �� � ived..... _._�'._.v�tes for Treasurer i�-ed ........................votes for Trcasurer �as cleclared elected Treasurer - ..(,,.�!l ...�- . � . p .. - . .............. ........ ......................., .... .- -'"�-----.................:........................._.............received__�3..Q......votes for Village Clerk .:..`..�Q'.�i__ .�. -�.�......So............ - .......... . ...... ��---.. ........--�---....----.....---................:..... � -- -- � ' ---.......received.... � 3..�.,.....trote's for Villa�e Clerl: . .. ............ ........................:................... ... . ................:�----�--�--�------�-- � ��- �--.......----�-- -�---.......................-----........:.......................was declared elected Village Clerl: ._...... . - -� .......... ................./ ...:..........................---�--.. .... � -� -.................... _.... - ._................... -�� ��-- - --........ ............_�..........-�---..........................................._.....----� -�� .. ....... ...... ... . ............. .... ................�--�--��--••- -� ...... .................. �� .................... �� � -..recei��ed....�00 -..votes for gssessor ... . ..... ..... ....... ..'--��---- �- ' votes for Assessor -.y.. � ............................................................�-•--.... .................. � ....................----received...�..7"�t.... ��- --.�- _.,.. . .... � ........ .. ....._/.....----...................._.........._.... . ................._��� ._...............- .... �- ---- ..................was declared elected Assessor ........� ..............._..o........r,-...... . -- -- . .. .. ............. . ....... . ..... . ........ .� ---............ � ...c,�/��_....o..x ... .....................................�--�--.......--��---.............. ......... - ................................. -� -...... - ......_................_........----��- - --- - - � � b -...... � - - � ... ........... ............. � . . .. ..................-----.............................----.....--------- � . . ..........................received........_�J__..votes for Justice of the Pe1.cc ..........................received........_...............votes for Justice of ihe Pe�ce ........ �- � ................................_....................... ---.....V ..............---� -............................................ � � .....- � .................................................. ... .. - �---........................ .... .... . . ..... ....... .......... .... ..... .�... -----..............................---�- ---..........--� � ..... � � � . c.... c ................... . .-.....-- - .. . ... ... ............................_............ .............._...... .. ..�-:li�,...i/...�...,.._....._..... � .............................-�-��----�--�--.....................-� ........... __....received ........................votes for Justice of the Pe�,ce received ................_..._..votes for Justice of the Peace .�—j..ivas declared elected Justice of the Peace ........................was decl�red elected Justice of the Peace ................ � ..........................................................--------........................................._..._... ..........................received..�..�.�...Q.....votes for Constable .......................................received.../...5....P........votes for Constablc � . � � ...--.--.- ........................received..I-�c--�._--.--.votes for Constable ....... .........:...:....................-......._--... .. ._. . ................ ......... - .............. ..................received votes for Constable � ........................ :....... . . ............ ...._...........�Q�-.........._c...... .............-----�----......................... ............. � ..:........................... ............. -..�vas declared elected Coustable � ...............:........... .....................:. .�=-- � ................:.....--........._................. ............... ...... ........ ..�vas � declared elected Constable ....................................ballots �vere cast for.... ................._.................ballots ���cre cast for.... t�ttest : � a� U ............................................./�`� ....... .. ....................--�--................................................-�- .. ................... .. ........... . , o .... .�. .`'`�'�..... .�.�. ' ....... .......................................................................1 Judges of �/%i��-��',:..�iS `Ele cti on 1: of Election . .... . ...............................- � - ........................................_.._................ � � � � / � � S�ecial meeting of the Ville.ge Council of the Village of Hopkins evas held on ^uesda�r,:Januar� 15th, 1935, at 8PI7� in the Village Hall. �2embers� present; G.a1.P�,�oore,President; Trustees,P�e.dden,Oltman and �dell. Recorder �nde rso n. . �,�ol�ion dul� made by Anderson, seconded by r���dden that we accept the bid oF the L��TcCarthy_ ��ell Company Por �90.00 For the ir;c rease fo r change in spec ifications on contract on the De�p Glell. Carried on the Follow- ing vote: �yes-�,nderson,l�Iadden,lUloore,Odell. tdo-�ltman. Rqotion duly msde b� gnderson, seconded by Oltman that the recomr�endation � of the Hopkins Fire Department appointing Glarenee Grover Fire l^Jarden be �pproved, aarried. ' ��otion dul�r made b�r Andersnn,seconded b Oltman that the Fire ��larden's 5�.1- ar� be the same as previousl�; namely, �200.00 per year, carriec�. .. i�Fotion dul� me,de by Oltman, seconded b�,�dell that Hennan Olson be app��nied �lumber Inspector as appointed by the r;`ayor,, carried. G,�J.��oore,�.L.Andersor�,H.O1son,Chas.b�lilkins be trle Hopkins Plbg.�3oard �,s per �ppointment of the Iy1iayor,carried. r����tion d uly made b� I�'sdden, sec onded Odell tha,t the gollou�ing� license applications be �rantecl : carried ; Albe���t F.I3ursch� llTilk �1.()0 tirJarren Stores " 1.00 Killmer,Dairy " 1.00 �otio.n duly made by O1t�nan, seconded b� ��adden that t;he application of �d. I,arson Por �'lumber�' I,icense be re.ferred to the Plumbing Board.,carrie�d. �:�ot ion duly made_ by 03tman, seeonded by Odell tllat the Following bills be alloeved ; 3183 Frank Sitar 15267 Blake School 15268 Blance Groth 5466Hern�an Olson 3178 g.G.Hamilton 3177 N1rs .Theo.Extine 3179 Bloomie Jenstad 3180 I,�wren e e.� c hut z 15266 A�lison �Jilli�ms Co, 12096 John Harincar 12097 John Harincar 12098 Valentine 7ohnson 12099 11�.Horner 12100 �Z�Horner �2101 L.Osterberg 12102.�.Osteroerg �2103 rd.B I�lkes , 12104 Ernie Do�e �2�105 Ernie Doge 12106 Fians Sni th 12107 Hans Smith 121U8 glex Ka,sper 12109 Robert Gehrke 18110 Ro��ert Gehrke. 12111 Jas.Lykke 12112 Jas.Z�kee 12113 V.C.Triden 12114 �t,. C, T r id.e n 12115 �d�fir�,rd 4'deill 12116 Ldwa rd i�dei l l 12117 John Tauchen 12118 John Tauchen 32119 Aug.Peterson 12120 buu�.Peterson � 12121 Chas .Lehmbecker 12122 Erwiri �enke 1212 3 E rg¢ in gen ke Spec ial Polic e Int .& Penal t� RePund� Refund & Int , overcha rge Sal, to 1-15-3� tf R q P��rs.�ight's Sal. to 1-15-35 Sal �. t o 1-15-35 �al. to 1-15-35 Bond 8c Tnt . O11 8CC � t . o -22 hrs. C� 45y� 23 lirs. C� 50� Tractor 14 hrs. ,r 45�,� bidater Bil1 14 hrs. C� 45y� O11 B,CC�t.. 14 h rs .� 45 y� 14 hrs. � 45� ��dat'e r � i 11 14 hr-s_. C` 45 Y G4dater Bill �4 hrs C� 45� 29 hrs. r�? 45¢ On Acc ' t ( r^�as �r: id ) 14 hrs. C�.45¢� e'Jater Bil�l 14 hrs . � 45¢ ��at er Bi1-1 14 hrs. �"45¢ On wat e r b i 11 14 hrs ,�; 45 yi -�Vat er @n� aoc't 14 hrs':. � 45yC l`laterBill �a sh 9 Q hrs. �� 45� 14 hrs. C 45� On. :�cc�� . (�-�J 23.00 124.89 1.�3 70.00 � 72.50 12 . �0 32 .50 �72.50 1371.25 , 4v75 5 .15 11.50 4.95 1.35 3.41 2.89 6 .30 3. 69 2.61 4 .4 5 1.85 6.�0 9.05 4.00 4.95 1,35 3 .43 2.87 5. 55 .75 5.70 .60 5.77 .53 4.28 4.30 2.�� Bills con't.- 12124 J.Cathers 12325 J.Cathers 123z5 ��lalter Nitz 12127 V�alter N it z 12128 Frank Ericks on 12129 Frank �ri cks on 12130 Otto Vollrath 12131 Otto Vollrath 12132 AlF red The ilmau 12133 Edwin Behm 12134 Edw�i n Be Yim 12135 Elmer Bennett 1213 6 H en r� I�auman 12137 �Im. Graper 12 138 Leonard Schroers 12139 �John r'redrickson 12140 F.a�rmond Sasper 12141 Harr� �+estling 12142 Geo .4�d.ti���lker 12143 Geo.6V.t°Jalker 12144 Peter Wolf 12145 Peter U`Jolf 12146 -Jos.ahonks 12147 .�d .I,e hmke 12148 Geo.�orbel 12149 `Geo .t�lexler 12150 Joe Joret 12151 Hopkins Transfer 12152 Ch as .Vasko . 12153 Frank J.R�hn 12154 FranY Lehmbecker 12155 «arren Benson 12156 Fra.nk atodola 12157 Al�rin Plehal 12158 Kenne th �Jalt on ]2159 Anton Pavek 12150 Tom Sculley 12161 Richard Kocourel� 12162 Geo .Bennis 12163 Kenneth Shubert 12164 Gea .Shicla 12165 Henr� -J,aps 12166 Fr�nk Nunvar� �.2I67 Thos.�ara 12.168; Daniel Fopesky 12169 Vdinslow Fuxa 12170 Thos. Paleohek 12171 Anton Johnson 1217 2 Ca rl O ls on 12173 Herman Dickman° 12174J oe Ha upt 12175.Joe Snidla 3181 Ne1s Nels on 3182 Frank Stodola 15265 Sec.Nat.Bk: -2- 12Q hrs. � 45r ��ater Bill 14 hrs. � 1.00 Truck �n acc't. 20 hrs. C� 45� On acc't. 14 hrs � 45� On �cc't. 14 hrs. C�'45� 9� hr s . � 45 :� On a cc' t. 12 hrs. � 45� 12Q hrs . t:� 45Y' 14 hrs. � 45� 14 hrs . � 45g� 14 hrs . � 45� 14 h rs .�% 45 c� 14 Yirs. � 1.00 Truc� 14 hrs. � 45y� On acc' t.. 14 hrs . � On acc',t. 14 hrs . � 14 hr s . C� 14 hrs. �' 16 h rs . � 33 hrs . � 14 h rs . r 14 hrs. �� 11 hrs ; � 14 hr s . �C� 16hrs.C� 60 hrs. � 14 hrs . � 14 hr s . � 14 hrs. ��� 14 h rs . C� 14 hrs. n. 6hrs.� 14 hrs. � 12 hrs . � 14 hrs. � 14 hrs . C� 14 h rs . � 14hrs.C� 8hrs.�' 14 h rs . (:� 13hrs.� 19hrs.� 122 hru. 12 hrs. a 12 Q hr s . 4 days � 282 hxs«.� Bond int . 1.00 T ruck 4 5� 45� 45 �' - 45� 45� 1.00 `lruck 1. 00" �i r uc k 1.00 Truck 1.00 Truck 80�. Team C 60¢- 4 5Sl 4 5� 45 � 45� l. 00 T ru ek 80� Team 1.00 Traek 1.00 Truck 1� , 00 T r ucY. 45� 45� 1. 00 T ru ck 45r,c' 4 5g� 45 � �0� Tr�.etor � 45�. 45� C� 1.00 T ruek �.50. c 60� 4 .20 1.43 10.00� 4.00 4.30 4.70 4.44 1.86 6.30 1.63 2. 65 5 .40 5.63 6.�0 6.�0 6.30 6.30 14 .00 2 .30. 4.00 9.69 4 .31 6.30 6 . 30 6.30 6.30 14.85 14.00 14.00 11.00 14.00 12. 80 36.00 6 .30 6.30 G.30 6 . 30 14.00 4.80 14 .00 12.00 14.00 6 .30 6 .30 14. 00 3 .6}0 6.30 5.85 9.50 5.�63 5 . 40 12.50 6.00 l�.io. .72. 00 I��otion dul� made b� P:Tadden,seconded by Odell that 1'�r.1r�m.Strobeck �.nd Archie Hamilton be rea�pointed to tkze Board of Health as pe r the T�'Tayor appoi:•�,tment, carried. Motion dul� made by Oltman,seconded by �"adden that the lst i�at1.B�. ana- the Sec.ITatl��k. q.f Hopkins b��3 s� a�te�� th e�7_ ill�.ge d��itories , carried. � > "`�` �'��`' 149otion duly made b� Oltman,seconded by ta�adden that i;he deFicit shoevn in Recorders record Dee.�1,1934 in the r�olice and fire fund be taken up grom the general column of general fund,carried. -- - h�atioM du1�r made and c�rried meeting adjourn. � �_ -��ecor er Attest; PRES. �Zeeting of the Villa�e �ouncil oF the Villa�e oF Hopkins r�as �eld on Teusda� Janua,ry.22nd at 7;30 PR� in 1;he Village Hall. lt�emi�ers pre�ent; G.;�l.�Roore,President; Trustees Odell and Oltman. Recorder �rderson, gbsent Trustee b?adden. The meeting was called for e�arpose �i �uditing Books and considering the bills For Snova �.. c I���otion duly made �y Oltm�.n, seconded by Odell that we purchase four s000�. s�ovels �or the �'ire Deuartment�carried. b�otion daly roade b� Oltman, seconded b� �dell that the .�ollowing� bills be al lo�ed , carried : ' 12176 Anton Pavek _ �2177 �.B.K�..l�es 1217 8 F, ra n�: �%ri ck s on 12179 � Pob er-t Gehrke 12180 �'om Schulle�r 12I81 John N�gel 12182 I,eonard.� Hlavac�k 12183 Saourity Na.t1.Bk. 12184 tJalentine Johnson 12185 Joe 9hidla. 12186 George Bennia 12187 Tom Palechek 12188 Gerald Fe�ereisen 12189 Victor a.Johnson 12190� C i�. S. KTl O�x1la1 12191 Joe Pudil 12192 glfred Crlristiansen 12193 John Harincar 12194 �,'lm er A. B nne t t 12195 James Cat�iers Z219� Alex F►aspar 12197 Geo . VJ. Efi�alker 12198 Hans Smith 1219 9 Ra,ymond Kas par 12200 Thos.Fara 12201 b�.Horner 12202 David Ri�stad 12203 Chas.B�nnett 12204 John Tauchen 12205 �drr..Graper 12206 Ernie Doge 12207 F�,nk Nunvar 12208 1�4at P�1cCaule� 12209 �dward Plehal 12210 Frank �osengren 12211 Ii�rold Aldrich 12212 George L��iexler 12213 Au�ust Lopesky 12214 Chas.Vask.a 12215 Frank Poehnen 12216 John Harris 12217 Daniel Yope�ky �.2218 Hopkins. �ransfer Co. 12219 Car.l Olson 12220 gnton Johnson 12221 �����lter,Ni.tz. 12222 �ia;r� V�Jestling 12223 Henry Japs 12224 Geo rge , Shidla _ 12225 Kenneth Shubert 12226 Richard Kocourek 12227 Peter �'Jo1F 122�5 Frank J.Ryba 12229 � G.D�Gilu�.n 12280.Joe Joret $2231 �lfred Thielman2 122232 �'ohn � recxerickson 12233 John Frederickso n 15269 See.�datl.�k. 14 hrs . .J 45y' 22 h rs. �� 45¢' 14 hrs . �, 45�1 6�- hrs. n 45g� 22 hrs . � 45� 20 hrs . C 45� $ hrs. � 45� Int. 62 hrs .� 50�1 � racto r 14 hrs . � 45¢ 11 hrs. � 80� Tea.m 22 hrs. ^ 45¢ 8 hrs. C� 45� 14 hrs. 0 45� . 22 hrs . � 45� 22 hr s. C� 45¢� 14 hrs. � 45�� 29 hrs. �-45� 14 hrs . �' 45� 112 hrs_. ^ 45� 14 hrs. � 45r 112 hrs. @ 45' 20.hrs. � 45y� 14 h rs . Q 45� 14hrs.�45¢ 22 hrs.�> 45� 8 hrs.C�45�" 14 hrs. � 45 ¢ 22 hrs. � 45� 22 Y�r s . %� 45¢� 14 hrs. �° 45y� 22 hrs. � �5� ].2� hrs . Q 45� 22 hrs . C� 45¢ 14 hrs . � 45 � 14hrs_.C�45�1 8 hrs. �' 45¢� 40 hrs. C� 45Y 7�- hrs .� 1.00 T ruc k 14 h rs . � 45 � 14 hrs. C? 1100 T ruc k 192 hrs.n 1.00 Truak 14 Yirs. C� 1.00 Track 38 hrs. .� 50;'.' Tractor 8 h-rs, r_� 45 � 8 hrs. �� 1.00 Truck 19� hrs .� 1.0,0 T ruck 21Yirs. C� 1.00 Truck 8 hrs, � 1.00 T ruck 14 hr�. �? 1.00 1 ruc k 21�- n rs . �.%r 1.00 " 21�� hre . � 1.00 " 13-2 hrs. G 1.�9 .." 212 hrs .�. 1. 00 n 6 5.h rs . C� 4 5� .. 32 �irs . .n 45� 25Q hrs . � 45� On acc't. � Bond 8c int . t�o'� ion duly made snd seeonded tha.t meeting ad journ. �ttest_ - Racarder � 6.3Q 9.90 6.30 2.98 9.90 9.00 1.35 1.17 31.00 6.30 8.80 9.90 3.60 6.30 9.90 9.90 6.30 13.05 6.30 5.18 6. 30 5.18. 9.00 6.30 6.30 9.90 3,60 6.30 9.�Q 9.90 6. 30 9.90 5.63 9 . 90 6 . 30 6.30 3.60 18.00 7.50 6. 30 14.00 19.50 14.00. 19.00 3.60 8.p0 19.50 27.50 8.00 14 .00 21. 50 21.50 13.50 21. 50 29.25 14 . 40 7.48 4.00 256.50 1�' � ,�',,,,,,,�.,o _ . 'J�,,-- SCRIPT ORDER This is to certify ______________ N° 1465 � whose signature is _____________________ --------------------------- will be entitled to receive merchandise from dealers in the village of Hopkins, Minnesota, to the extent of $______________ Dollars, upon endorsement hereunder by the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Name of Dealer � Date � Mdse. Furaiehed � Amount � Balance This script order will be redeemed by the village of Hopkins, Min- nesota, upon being presented to the village council accompanied by certified bills of the dealer furnishing said merchandise. Dated ______________________; VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA BY-------------------------------- Attest ------�---------------------- President of village council. Village Recorder. Regular meet ing oP the Village Counc il o f the Vills.�-e of Hopkins was held on Tuesday F�bruary_5th,1935 in the Council Rooms at 7:30 PM. Rdembers present; G.l�� T,Aoore,,Presiden�; Trustees �:Zadden,Oltman Odell. Recorder Anderson. � 1lFotion du].y made by Oltman, seconded by Odell that the minutes oP the last �eet ing be approved as read, carried. h�otion dul� m�de b� r;�adden, seconcied b� Anderson that we pay �1.00 to the Great Northern Railway Por permit to eross tracks with the �rater and se�>>e �ains, carried. P�otion duly ma,de by ��oore, seconded by Odell that Bllrs.Anna Borland, Pdrs. Clara Zajicek �.nd I�Srs.F.ita Elmquist �ue appointed Por a term of three ��ars to Fill vacancies on Zibrar� Board, c�rried. . �Iotio3� dul� made b� t�2e,dden, seaonded by Oltman that the orr�amental street light certifioate Por �1863.50 Bond and Interest of �223.62 due Dec.lst, 1932, be paid to the ge.s fund f rom spec ial �utid, carried . biotion dul� �,de by Ultman, seao nded by Odell that we transPer �1000.00 Pzvm the �peeial r'und as a loan to the noad �nd Bridge. Fund money to be returned when avail�ble irom tag reoeipts, carried. �otion ses be duly made by Oltman, seconded b� gnderson that the Following� licen granted, carried; ' Hovander Bros. �A�ilk ��1.�=�0 Frank Ede� , Serv ic e St a 20.00 Hilmer O1son,Dance H�11 2.00 �,mil gnde rsori,F�iilk 1.00 b2ation duly made b� Oltman� secondeo� by Anderson that tlle proposal c�oritained in commun�cation from �ec.N�tl.Bk.dated �eb.4th,1935, read and approved that upon condition that t�e additional �5,000.00 U.S,Treasury _notes referred to tberein be pledged as a part of the depository and referred to the villag�e Attorney and 2reasurer Por attention, carried.. 162oti on da7.� made by Oltman, seconded b� Od•ell that the follaving bills be allowed; - . 12234 1�lbert ��aetzold 12235 Bren Hduve. Co. . , 12236 Pure Oil Co. 12237 Japs-�lson Co. 12238 Frank Stodola � 12239 Clarence H�dtke 12240 '�;.J..Shimota 12241 Joe Jaret 12242 Ed. Behm 12243 Harr�r ��Vestling� 12244 Phill ips �Stat ion 12245 Sinclair Serviee Station 1224� P.H.Co�rle 12247 Geo.l��Miles 12248 Hapkins Trans.Co. 12249 Dat�lberg Bros.Inc 12250 Radosta Garage 12251 �ipls.Gen.Elee Co.. 15270 John J.Docou.rek 152'71 John �Pihel 3185 Bloomie J�nstad :�186 Zavrrence Schutz 3187 1!�rs. �heo.Extine 3188 Emergenc� Relief Adm. 3189 Anderson Bros. 3190 HopYins �ire Dep�r. 3191 St.Paul Bg.& Stat. 3192 Harr,y pd� st 1 in� 3193 P�i r� t in J. V� ek 3194 Fr�,nk Sitar 3195 t�7illiamson Stamp Co. 3197 Ca,rl Seden � 3197 Pd.VU�Bell `rele .Co. 3198 Jos.V�Zapic 3199 David C.Bell Igvst.Co. Gasoline Suppl ie s Gaso line Suppl ie s 120 hre. � 60g� 8 hrs. Q 45� 22 hrs. �k 50� 9 hrs . Q 45¢� 8 hrs . � 45� 112 hrs. (� 1.00 Truck Gasoline 2 Gasoline Rep� irs Gasoline Haul ing PR a Gasoline 8c Repairs Reap irs Lig'r�t .8c Power Ref.Pav. . To Replace �hk.lost �� Sal . t o 2-1-35 rr tt tt Ta°rs .Light s Sa 1. t o 2-1-3 5 Ow ice Exp. Supp.PR. 22 phone s Books Hauling PR � Fire � Police Alanns Police change & ext5a Dog t ggs 11 hrs, C� 45¢ C ity Hall Sc Fire Grov. PR �ent Tv�arfel � 9.01 3.15 10.15 2 .30 72.00 3.80 ��.00 4.05 3.60 .11.50 2.89 6.80 5.25� 5.27 35 .UO 68 .82 1F3.60 4.86 10G .20 112.79 32.50 75 .00 12 .00 36 .00 35.21 44.00 16.96 1.50 25.50 13 .00 3. 65 4. 95 10.60 6 ,20 10.00 -2- Bills con't. 3200 P��erson Bros. 3201 Anton Ols on Groc . 3202 i�larren Gro cery 3203 Aenn. County ReYiev�r 3204 Accounting Syst.Co. 3205 Emil 4�, Pahl 320 6 P.. V7,1`�0o re 3207 Clarence Thaemert 3208 F.H.Iiainert 3209 Nels Iaelson 3210 �Tat .Tea Co. . 3211 Pfirs.Emil Petersea� 3212� Zeo Priest rsfotor Co. 3213 Jacob S�hePFler 3214 P,��1s.Genl�ec.Co. 3215 h4yls.Sub.Gas Qo., 3216 `3iand.0i1 Co. 3217 Nerthland b�ilk Co . 3218 Red Oil �tore 3219 g,�.��milton 3220 Lawrence Sc hut z 3221 Bloomie Jenstad - 3222 P��rs .Theo.Extine � 5467 Herman Olso r 5468 Great �iorthern Ry.Co. 5469 Mp1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 5470 J�.9.Hosp ' 5471 Herman Olson 15272 Hopkins GasFund 15273 Village of Hopkins RBcB _ I;�}1�. PR � - Groceries PR - � Groceries PR St9gp1 ie s R 15 hrs . C 65� PR 15 hrs . � 65� PR 15 hrs . Q 65� PR Supp1 ie 8 4 da�s � 1.50 Groc.PR Cleaning Zib: tweice Rep.8c 5upplies aal. to 2-1-35 Fi�: e Steti�r. Zig7it R� Potiver City HalZ to 2-1-35 Gasoline P��i lk PR Gro c. PR 5�.1. to 2-15-35 Sal . to 2-15-35 S�,l. to 2-15-35 h7rs.Lignt �al. to 2-15-35 Sal. to 2-1-35 Pe rm�t Ligh t 8c 1?otiver Lxp en s e s 1 5��,1. to 2-16-35 Bor�d 8c int . Laam ��otion dul� rr�ade and seconded meetiri� adjourn.carried. � �co rde r Attest: Presi ent �rleeting• oY the Qillag�e �ouncil of the Village oi ftQpl•:ir�s w�,s held on Tuesday r ebrua l-p 19 th ,1935 a t 7: 30 PI;�T in the Co unci 1?�o om. ��iembers�,-�resent; G��V.P�1�oore,President;: irustees Odell T>:adden and �ltman. _ Recorder Ar,derson. I�"otion �duly made b� ��adden, 's,e,conded b� Odell that the folloa���.ng bills be allowed: earr�ed; ' � '� 3223 1�?els l�Tels on 3224 Ernie Do�e 3225 t�s,lt er �tolf 322b �Ejner i;elson 3227 Frank Stodola �228 Valentine Johnson 12252 Otto Volrath 12253 Frank � ri z 12254 Robt.Gehrke 12255 Ejnar l�ielson 12256 Ca rl Ols c�n 1225'7 Enie Doge 12258.Frank Stodola 12259 Valentine �ohnsan Zabor Labo r �stching dogs I.abor - �a,bor Lab o r Is�,b o r Zabor I,ab o r Zabo r I.abo r Zabo r Zabor Zabor 9.00 7 .2U 4. 00 7 . �� 7�50 7.20 7.20 8.78 11.25 3.60 3.50 5. 63 59.70 9.90 �Fot.ion dul� ��ade by Anderson, seconded by T�iadden that the policeman be noti �ied to notify the o��aner of truck body p�,rked on lst St.So.bet�een Sth and 9th Aves. to remove same at once, c�rried. L���otion duly made by �ndersnn,seconded by Oltman that �se purchase a door- check for Villa�e Hall door,carried. 14�otion dulg made by Anderson, seconded TE�I�.dden that tve have the ��riehl Plb�.3c H��.Co. install drain and. heat in net�a Pu�p House at cost oY �37.50 carried . P�otion dul� made by Odell, seconded by �Jltman,to instruct Attorne� Hosp to investi�ate and ammend Pool '3a11 Ordinance to prohi�bit sa�e. �!otion duly made by �ltman, seconded b� Odell 1�1�,t the followin� license applications be allov�ed , subjec't to the approval �� the Bond by �v illa�e Attorne�, carried ; . Henry uJ,T+'riehl,Plb�, y 1.00 National �ea Col Biill� 1.00 I,�otion dul�r made and �ecor1ded that �eeting adjourn,carried. 6 ecor e r A t te st : .e��Ll�✓f.��t�,. Pre sid ent Regular �eeting oY the Villa�e Council oF the Vi,lla�e of Hopkins �va� held on Tue�day, �.rarch 5th, 1935 at the City Hall. Members present : G.ti�:l�?oore, �'res'ident : Trustees,I+�adden,Oltman� and Odell. Recorder 4nderson. At�orne� I�osp. Mot ion d u1�r r�a. de by Oltman , seco nd ed by Odell that th e minutes of the last meetin� be a��proved as read, carried. �io �ion duly made by Oltman, seconded by knderson t'r�at the following bills be allowed��, carried; 3229 A.G.Har:�ilton 3230 Lawrence Schutz 3231 Bloomie Jenstad 3232 �irs .Theo . r'�ti ne 3233 J�A�Hosp 3234 A.IaJ.El�quist 3235 V�m.Odell 3236 F�,F6�,Pd�dden 3237 Irv ing 011:man 3238 G. ��.��oore 3239 g, :.gnderson 3240 Cl�.rence Grover 3241 GustaPson 8c Fia.ga 3242 John F,Yoss 3243 Fi rst r�atl.Ins .A�cy. 3244 West 1�"pls.Fuel Co. 3245 Chas .Iierzan 3246 P.J,Caroline 3247 Hennessy Lbr.Co. 3248 I:�rs .Anna Ariderson 3249 J�F.��Iatsche 3250 Pioneer E1ev.Co. 3251 �1layzata State Bk. 3252 Fiopkins Produce 'r:xch. 3253 I�illmer Dairy 3254 Havander.Bros. � 3255 VJarren Store 3256 rdatianal �Tea Co. 3257 Anton Olson ;25� Pederson Bros. 3259 Standard_Oil Co. 3260 Red Owl Store 3261 Justus Zbr.Co. 3262 V`J.�p1s.Fuel 8c Ioe Co.-2 3263 John Freaerickson 3264 Emergency �elief Adm. 3265 Pa.ulson Hdwe. 3266 Hennessy Zbr.Co. 3267 George �Vexler 3268 Nels I�elson 3269 Val�ntine Johnson 3270 Valentine Johnson 3271 Frank Rosengren 3272 Frank Kriz 3273 Gaylord �3ros . Inc . 3274 B,h.rs.Emil Petersen 3275 VY.S.Nott Co. 3276 dValter RoTP 3277 Jac ob �ehefPler 327£3 A.�:.Ariderson 3279 I4lpls. Sub .Gas Qo. 3280 Hennepin ��ounty Revie�l 32�31 Japs-�lson Co. 3282 Carl Seden 3263 Frank Sitar 3284 Stand�rd Oil Co. 3285 Henry Friehl 3286 1�.��.Be11 Telephone Co. 3287 Herman-Olson 3288 Ivlpls. GPn. F'lec.Co. 3289 Sol:e sh i�d�ve�. � o. Sal. to 2-28-35 „ ,� f� n „ ��rs .Light's . Sal. to 2-28-35 Sal. to 3-31-35 n n n .� ,T R fi iT I1 n n �� ti Ii tT n n n n rt rt Supplies 8c Zai�or Dec orat ing C it� Ha 11 Insurance Fuel PR Groceries PR Dru�s PR Supplies PR Ren t PR P en t PF. Fuel PR Ren t PR �roce -rie s b�ilk PP. Groceries Groceries Groceries �5�oce ri es Groceries Gasoline Gro ce rie s Fue� PR Fuel PR .. .. .. .. .. s • Rent for Feb.Jorgensen Hopkins Share offic e exp . S uppli es PR IT TT I,abo r � - �,abor L€�bo r La.b o r Labo r Labor Supplies Librar,y Cleanin� Zib.t�wice Supplies Catching 4 dogs Sal. fire ste.3-1-35 Stamps Gas City Hall 3-1-35 Supplies. Supplies ]Lab or Police cl�an�e G�,soline La,bo r C ity �Iall Stamps R� Fire phones Li�ht 8c Power Sup�lies � 75.00 75.00 32.50 12. 00 75 .00 5Q.U0 75.00 75.00 75.00 105.00 395 .00 50.00 1.92 63.44 73.00 24.44 8.00 �.75 72 .22 10.00 'i . 00 18.83 10.00 2. 00 2 . 70 14.50 17. 30 34.00 15.50 8.85 .84 18.00 4.85 44 .7 5 8.00 39.00 6.90 40.98 12.83 6.00 5.00 3.50 '7 .20 6.30 12.35 3.00 5.16 4.00 10.00 3.00 1.60 1.40 4.05 �, 95 13 .00 ..89 5.25 9.55 1.00 429.12 9.58 _2_ Bills con't. 3290 C�H. '8c E. ��.�g. Co.Inc 3291 Hopkins Fi ro Dept . 12260 A�p1s.Gen.Elee .Co. 12261 6.H.�ensler 12262 Frank �todol� 12263 Zeo: Priest ll�?otor Co. 12264 Albert O.IL�'�.etzold 12265 aren xawe. 12266 Pure `Oil� Co. 12267 Vdm.H.Ziegler Co.Inc. 12268 Dahlber� Bros .Inc . 12269 T.C., Sand �: Gravel Co. 12270 ��p1s-Moline P��r.Impl.Co. 12271 S�limota Garage 15274 Ben Souba,�3lanche 8c Stella 5472 Herman Olson 5473 A,F.Smith Co. 5474 P�p1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 5475 �.E.Iiennessy Go. 5476 H.Priehl 5477 C rane Sc C o. Suppl:ies 2 calls 8� 'phones Light. Sc Po��:��er Supplies 8� Lbr . Labo r Suppl ie s Gaso 1 ine Supp2ies Gaso line Supplies R e up .8c Su.p . Grave�. S,upplies Repairs � Pavin g Refund Sal .. to 2-2 5-35 5 -me ters Feb.potiver � RZachir� Vise Labor & Pump House. ?-Taterial � Pump house 7.27 76.50 5.23 18.15 43. 20 1.78 2.51 9.40 17.91 2 .34 42.13 5,64 8.05 10.�� 338.32 70.00 38.75 161.64 16.50 _ 10.75 12.04 �Iotion duly made b�r dnderson, seconded by Oltman that the �etition for �dater ��sin on 9th Ave.I�o. l�etuveen 3rd and 4th Sts.No. be received and he�ring ordered,carried. �?otion duly made by Oltznan, seconded by I�a,dden th�.t the bill of Tti�.& St.L. RR.Co. sor our one-fourth sh�.re of egpense for S�,fety Si�nals in9talled on 17th Ave.T�o, be tabled, c�rried. I�he following �esolution cva �.dopted f or �3th �ve.eni;ranee as pe reopy attached. I�otion duly ma,de b�r Oltman, seconded bs7 Odell that the l�ater, Treasurers, and Recorders reports be placed on File, carried .. P:�otion duly ��ade by Oltma.n, secor.�ded b� gnderson that we �ra�e Boyc.e ,�v�. south of Interlachen �t tYse Holcombe lots, carried. ��otion duly made and s�cor�ded. t'r�a,t meeting a.dj ourn,carried. ` � _ /� i. � �«t� r �` • .�ttest : resi ent. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEW, HOPHINS, lYIINN. ATE OF MINNESOTA, i� v `UNTY OF HENNEPIN ( ______ J,�_�±a_ �r� __ _____befng duly sworn, deposes and says that he now is and during a11 the times hereinafter mentioned has been t�he publisher or printer in charge of The Hennepin County Review, a weekly newspaper, printed and published in the Village of Hopkins, in said Aennepin County, State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: That he hes knowledge of the facts and knows personally tkiat the pr�� Resolntion_for_Meeting_ of _Council _to_ Con- eider Improvement Extension of Nin�h �venne North frOn1 M9.nn9t021k8 Mills A_v_enue_ to _an___Connectin�_ W].th St&t8 Hg97s. �0. %______ hereto attached, cut from the ---------------------------------- wlumns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper once in each we�ek for_____�_____weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That sald notice was Srst inserted, printed and published on Thurs- aay, tne---7th ----�y �f-----�rch--------------� is_�' � ana Was printed and published in sain newspaper on each and every Thursday thereafter until and including Thursday, thE_____l4th_________day of �aTC�l -------------------� 19__�� �-- ------------- That during a11 the tunes aforesaid, said uewspaper was qualifled as a mediu� of official and legal publications es requu�ed by Sections 3 an� 4 of Chapter 484, Session Laws oi ATinnesota, 1921�, and that it has co�plied with a11 the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as deSned in said sections 3 and 4 to-wit: That for more than one year last past from tlie date of the flrst pubHcation oi said__________________ --------------------------$@k0�1��e1.QA.------------------------------ said newspaper has been: (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be fssued in the English language, and in column and shee for�► equivalent in space to at least four pages, with Sve columns to tha page, each seven- teen and three-quarters inches long. (2) Issued once each week from a lmown office, eatablished in such place for publica.tion and equipped with skilled workmen and the nec- essary material for preparing and printing the same. • (3) Made up to contain general and lceal news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not en- tirely made up of patents, plate ma.tter or advertiseai�nts, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place oi publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regulariy delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior w the aate o! the Srst pubHca.tion of said 8esolutioa ------------------------------------------------------------------------ e gublisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having kaowledge the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor oY said county of ennepin,. state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and loca- tion of sa}d newspaper and Lhe existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set Porth in Sectiori 3 of Chapter 484, Ses9on Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy oi the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and �Cind of type used in the composition, printing and blication of seid legal advertisement here- unto attached, viz: abc efgh n rstuvwaqz ���'v✓� v— � --------- --�--- -------------------' ------------ Publisher. Subscribed and swo to be or�'me th151��da.y o�rCh_____19�� - ---- - --� ---"��r1.E����v1u►n--------- otary blic iiennepin County esota My cammfssion eapires� ^ � ���---- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION RESOLUTION F,OR MEETING OF; COUNCII. TO CONSIDER IM- . PROVEMENT EXTENSION OF'� 11TINTH AVENUE NORTH FROM ; 1VIINNETONKA MILLS AVENUE i TO AND CONNECTING WITH I STATE HIGHWAY NO. 7. Be It R,esolved bY the Vi1la,ge Council af tne Villa�e of- Hopkins in the �CountY of Henne�pin. State af Minnesota; �th'aiE it is necessary and expedient �to apen, extend and gra,de, �'or pu�blic use and travel, extension o��Ninth Ayenue from Minnet�onka Mills Avenue to and:� conn,ecting �with �State HightivaY No. j 7, �nd t7iat in case 5aid im,Urove-; ment shall �be made. �the �tota�l cost; thereof, or so much thereaf as rep- resents the �benefits rec.eived, as de-' termin�ed �bY tne said co�unci3 e�fter; considerabion and determination of � �aid �henefits, will be flnaLl.y assessed I a�ainst �the lots, �ants of dots, or! parcels of ground benefltted, bY said � urvprovement, ratably, and in �pro- � poxtian to the sUecial ibenefLt so con-; Perred u�p�xi it b.y said i¢nvravement, and wibhout regard to cash vlalua- I iion. j Further resolved tliat at the Caun�cil �Chaanibers in the Municipal i Buildix� in �the Village of Hapkins on t2ie 26th day af March. 1935, at � 7:30 o'clock P. M., �the said council � wi�11 meet and hear all �Aersons or parties interested for and against , said im�provement, and at said time ' and place �vvill, i�f sa,id improvement is decided wAon, determane whether' the same sha11 �be made bY the vil- Pa�e, or 'b.v cor�tract let to �the 1aw-' est responsible �bidder. And that , natice to all concerned in said mat- ter shall �be �iven bY �ublication � hereaP at least twice in �the o�cial; pa,Uer of said vi�lla�e. � Datetl 1Vnarch 5, 1335. � Dr. G. 'W. Moore,. � Pres. Vil�la,ge Council. Attest: , ' A. E. Anderson. ' Villa�e R,ecorder. J. A. Hosp, Village Attorney, ' Hopkins, Minnesot&. Pu'�blished in The Hennepin Coun- � t.y �Review aVlarch 7 and 14. Speci�l meeting o� the Villa�e �ouncil of the Villa� of Hopkins was held on �.'uesday�biarch 19th,1935, at 7:30 P��: in the City Hall. r - I:�embers present; G.4�Y.Z�oo��e,President; Trustees,Oltm�.n,�:iadden and Odell. Recorder Anderson. This meetin�^ �ras ca7_led for tl�e purpose o� a he��,rir� on 4�later. A�Zain extension on 9th Ave .lbo.from 3rd to 4t�i St.as advertised in the Hennepin County Review.of �Iarch 14th, 1935. � Jim 1��atcrir�e,Ee�resenting P�rs,�_atchke and John Yickal appeared and opposed tiie �vater main on the stren�th �hat it would not improse t��e p.�roperty suPficient to �varrant bhe expense, but su�g�ested that is the other pro- pert� ov��ners on 9th Avel would. agreed�o have all improvements; na,mel�, se�ver,and sidewalk as �rell,' th�,t they ti�ould then be in favor oP tne impro�ement, �.nc� apetition ti��as then dra�m_ up and received the signatures o� tne r;ajority of the propert� ov�ners for side�valk,ser•aer and v�ater in said i�lock. �Rotion d�zly made by Oltman, seconded by Odell that t;r�e ti5�ater be installed on 9th Ave.Ido. between 3rd and 4th Sts.l�o. ,carried. ��Iotion duly made b� Oltman , sec anded b� Odell that thepetit ion for Sid e- tiralY and sewer ext�ntion, on 9th Ave.ilo, between 3rd and 4th �ts be accepted, carried. t�otion dul� made b� Oltman, seconded b� Odell that we accept the Pirst reading o.� the prop�sed Pool Hall ordinance, oarried. P��iotion duly made by Oltman,seconded by Odell t}�at c�e suspend rales and Procedare due to an emergency exist ing ax�d rnove fo r the second read ir�g of Pool Hall ordinance,carried. ��otion dul� �:ade by Oltman, seconded by Odell for the adoption of the Pool Hal1. ordinance, carried. Copy �,ttached herewith. Riotion dul�r rnade by Oltman, seconded by Odell tha,t the reports from the �ailroa.d Commission g:ranti�g Hopkins �u�omatic SaFety 'rraPfic 5ignals on 6tn Ave. 8c �celsion, �lso �rade crossin� on 14th Aee.no�, the Commissio refused to grant a�rade cross in� at 5th tive.So. , also refused an underpass at 13th �ve.Abo., be ?�laced on file in the Village Attorne�r's office,carriec�. I��otion dul�r made b,y Il�`adden,�econded by Odell tnat t:ne following bills be pa id , carr iec? : 12274 12272 12273 112'7 5 3396 3297 3298 3F 99 33 00 330m 3302 830 3 330� 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3292 3293 3294 3295 �J4r%S Hopl��ins Dray Co. �e nr�r Jap s Fr�,nk. 5todola Th os . �'ara �rnie Doge John 'ranchen Lrnio� Doge Ne ls Nels on Otto Vollrath George PJegler G. D, Gilman F'rank Rosengren Gerald Feyereisen Frank Nurrvar J o � �� il lman Rot3ert GehrLe Pete r V7olP Harr� b'�est,ling �.G,Hamilton Lawrenee Schutz B1ooMie Jenstad r�Ijis.Theo.!gtine He���an Ol�on lOhrs.Q 10 hrs . ��, 1102., h rs. 18 hr.s . C� I�.bor n �� n �► n �,abor ►� /T ir �� „ 1.00 Truc k 1000 " C�; 60� 45 �.f ff n Sall, to 3-15-35 TT T1 �f ,► L�rs .Zi�ht� Sal.tQ 3-15-35 Sr�l . t o �-15 -35 P,rotion duly �:ade and secorded meetin� adjourn. .�ttest ; � Pi�.�SID�?��T , � F:ECOrPJT 10.00 10 . �0� 66 .30 8.10 8.10 3.60 3.60 6.00 8.10 4.50 36 .00 3.60 4.50 8 • @� 4. 50 4.50 1U.00 1U.00 72.50 72 . 5 0 32. 50 12. 00 70.U0 �:._ _ . . . . _ , . _` . : AN ORDINANCE PROHTBITiI�G BILLIAR.D. A[dD P00�, HALLS . CONDIICTFD AS . A PI3BLIC . PI,ACE i�F BUSiN FSS F�R FROrIT � � � � OR I��'Pi FOR f�TRE, AidD �R�'SGRIBING �PII.�'.P.�""' FOR .. . � VIOLATIOAI THEREOF.. - � , ` The Villa�e Counc:�I: of the Vi�la�'e� of Hopkir,S,� Hennepin County, �iinnesota . . do orc�ain as ioiloms: . . _ . - � Section l. --No billiard or �ool ha11 of a:ny descri�t'ion in iF:iiich billiards � pocket b�.�lirzrds,. or noQl a.r�`•p�.c�,yed or Pr:ich includes any a�para.tus or � par�.phernalia �or th� pl.ayin� of billi�rcls, nocket billiards:or pool a�d . �. which is conducted a��� public place of business for p'ro��t sh4t11 be aarried on or niai.ntained. T�ie te-rm billi�rd hall .sh�].1 ernbrr�Ce bi�liax�d . rooms anc� pQol roons ar�d exiy roon or ���ace r.here one or r�ore billiard or - pool tabies are kept for hire �.nci or �a a puhlic ��.�.ce of busi:nes's for - , ; ` nrofit. , . Section 2. --Penalty'--�y person;.fir� or corpora.tion violating any�of the �rvvisions of this ordir��.nee s�iall be deemsd gui1�� o� a misc.eme�nor and u�on conviction be punished by a fine.of not less than five�dollars nor �tore than one hundred dollars ana costs, �'�'henever tfie i'i:�e and costs � -"� �.r.�posed for the violation of tt�is ordina.nce are not paid, the person �onvicted may be coinmittec3.to the village or county jail-until such fine �-and cost�, ar� paid, not to e�rceed ninety days. � .� �eCtion �.=-Conflicting Ordinance Rep�aled--All ordinances and parts. o�' . " ` ordina,nce� in confl.ict here��ith are hereby re�eaZed. . . ' . 5ection 4.=-Ef'fect�ve—This orcliriance sh.al2 be in fvrc� t.na effect f'rom � and �fter �,ts passage .and r�uuliCation as��irovided by� lar�. _ � � Pasaed the Vill��e GounciT �t}�is . J.9th da�,r of i�:aach� 1935 � . - . : � � � � � , Presio.ent � , . ��TTEST: _ . . . - _ - . _ . � Recorder ' ; ' - Pubiished in tho Henne�in Coun�L Pevie�_, l��.rch £l, 1°35. � , _ .. y : � � �. : NOTICE TO P?OPERTY �C!����IT�.C;�?S t�;�iOSl+; �ROPEI:i Y R�AY BE 11SSi+�SS�D . `�H�,REFOR OF P'_?OPOSED t�yAT �P �IEiIN E3�T�T�SIOt1 ON I�TINTH AV'�,:NUE ISOF,TH BET;��' ;Lii THIRD STRLLT. At3D FOUP�'�i STP, ;�T VILI��1CrE OF H�P��IP?S. Ilotice is T7ereby Given that the Villa�*e �oureil of the Villa�e of Hopkins, Hennepin Countp, �a�innesot�,, will meet in the Council _Chambers in the Md�nt�cipal Bldg. in theVilla�e of Hopkins, said count� and state, at 7:30 PP�7 on the l�th d�.y oP Al:arch, 1�35, to deterrriine the necessity and advisability oF the ccrostraction of vrater r�s.:ains on Ninth �ve. I�Torth bet�een Third Street and Fourth S�reet , in said Villa �e . The size of the �vater me,ins so proposed to be laid are in accordance d�ii:h the pla�s and specifications on file in the o fFic e oP the Villag�e Recorde �_ . Notice� is Further given th�,t it is pmposed _that the expense incurred b� said proposed construet ion �i water main shall b��e borne by the oG�ners o.f the propert�r abuttin� thereon and sh�ll be l evied an assessecl a�ainst said propert�r in accordance ��ith Chapter 425 oF the Zaws of t_Tinnesota;for the �ear 1921, and said propert� orvners are hereby not ified of said meeting and are reque ted to be present and discuss the advisaUility and necessity of said construction at time and place aPoresaid. This notice is given by order of the Village Couneil and in accordance with Chapter 425 of the Zaa�rs of R��innesota Po r the �ear 1921. � Signed- A.�.Ande-r•son, Village Recorde r. J.A.Hoap ,Villa�e Atto_rney � Hopkins,Tx�innesota Published i� the ?�e}��epin County Review r:�arch 7th and 14th,1935. � Special meetin� of the Villa�e Council �as held on 14aarcla 26tn, 1935 , at 7;30 P11� in the Counc il �'oom. r��embers present; G.�;�.R�ioore,President; �rustees n��a.dden,Oltman and Odell. i�Recorder A�derson and Attorney Hosp. TY�is r��eeting uvas called Por the purpose oP a he�ring on the proposed extention of 9th �ve.�To. from rti�ills �ve. to #7. Jos.Zajicek appeared and talked against the nr opsed e�ctension due to lack o� necessit�, depreciation in value of property and creatior� of speedwa�. Fred r�rickso� appeared stated 9th l�Pe.ldo too narro�� and t'nat w�- . and 9th Ave.Ido. is not needed. R�� r. John Holasek opposed the opene ing oP 9th 9ve. RTo. , and s u��ested some other 9vuenue. � - P�ul Sehmidt oppos ed the pro j ect d ue t o the deteri orat i on of Tarvia. - � Dr.�lake spol�e in favor oP the project as an incentive-to boom_a.nd improve Hopkins . A letter was read VrY:ieh had been receoved Pra�!� the Hopkins Ci�ic and.--Commerce Assn'. endorsing and urging_the Village �ouncil to open 9th gve.Tdo. from h��inrieton�;a R�ills Ave. to and connecting with t}le State `hi�hevay_ �7. ` �iotion dul�r made b� Odell and seconded b�r 1!�adden that the discussion on t9h Ave.No. be ,closed, earried. Con¢�cilman ODell ofPered the iollo��in� resolut ion, c opy attached, which was seconded b� P�adden and carried. �"otion du1.� made b� Anderson, seconded b�t Oltman that v�e i�t�ruct the Village At,torne� to proceed ��ith the aquirin� of the right-oY- evay on 9th Ave.No. from R�ills ��ve. to the nevu �7 Highv�av, carried . P�Yotion duly made and seeonded th�.t meeting ad jo�arn. Attest• re s i e nt Recorder � � Re��zlar meetin� af the Villa�e Council of the Villag-e og Hopkins v�as held on Tuesday,Apri1 2rd, 1935, at 7;30 pm in tne Counc il Chambe�s. Nie�bers ��resent; G.6u.�:�oo;�,President; �rustees,Oltu�a.n,P�adden and Odell. Recorder And e�son and Attorney Hosp. I�Aotion dFzl� made by Odel1, secordcd �y �ltman, that the minutes of �the Iast meetin� be �.pproved as read, c�,rried; I��t ion du.l� made b� Oltman , secon ded b� A�,d ers on that we t ransfer Pro�, tne General Fund to reimburse ,the ���ater Fund for the purchase of land fo r the nev� Pump s ite , carried. R�oi;ion duly rnade by Anderson, seconded b� Odell t�at €�, :'riearin� be called ior d�Iater ��ain extension on lOth :�ve.Iao. ,bet��aeen 3rd and 4t�1 Sts._,carried. Mr.�ord�rce in ch�,r�e oi the 5.,�.??.�.. in IIopkins the Council approve the folloyruin� pro�ects; E�tension of Race Tracl: at �'air�rounds to a Skat ir�a r inl� and Swi�in� pool. ,� appe€�red to have full 1�4 mile. The Counc�l agreea �o take the above :r:a�ters up �ritli Cour,ty Corunissi.oner. ��ot ion dal� made b,sT Oltman, seconded 'oy f�adden t��at the applica- tion For I�f�ilk licenses be allou�e� F.��Bchroeder a,nd Ohleen Dairy C&.Pil@C�.. r;"otion dul�r made b� �ltman,secor�ded '�y I�.Fadden that the t�later Report be aecepted and placed on file, carried. fl�otion dulp r��.de b� gyladden, second.ed by 07_tman that the follc�t�ring bi7_ls be allowed,carried; 33I0 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 33�17 3318 3319 3320 3:52T 3322 3323 3324 3325 332� 3327 3328 3329 3330 33 31 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 333 9 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 �3�7 3348 b�ps .�h eo.:Egt ine Blooc�ie � Jen�'�ad I,awrer�ce 5chutz A.G Hamilton John g.Crane P��pls. G'�n.�;'lec .Co. �J,����eY�nessy & ��o. Emergency F;el ie f Adm. Gastafson & Fu�:a �he P,"inn.Ile�rs Co, 4�alter S.I3ooth � �on Henn.Count� Home Hopkirs Fl �.�e Dept . Radosta Garage Void - '�J,S,Natt Co. Clarence Thaer�,ert R. t��. � IY� oo re %qrs.�mil Petersen �lbe-rt A.jTale�h The Stebis Cor,p�,ny 5tandard 0i1 Co. i�.'r�`.Bell 1'ele.Co. Hen ry �y�1. Frie&1 Dr. H. E, Dri ll Ho�'ander Bros. Pede:_sen Bros. Carl Seden i,�'inn.troducts Co. Jos.V.Bapic . �illmer �airy 6�Jarren ::t ores ti�1.L�p1s.Fue1 Co. Dr. Jas .Blake Dan Yopeskp Nels T�.elson Pe ter �`Jolf John Tauchen Joe Pudil r�; rs. Li�ht ��.1 . to 4 Sal. tF� 4-1-35 Sal . t o 4-1-35 Sal. to 4-1-35 Supp�ie s Fi re Dept . Zi�ht �; Power P.p.Fuel & Lbr.F.D. �opkins 5liare JF.fice Suppl ie s Books for L•ibr�r� Inc, Supplies 13or�,d 4 Phones & 4 calls P�leldin� Void Supplies Bal.Sal. ��.I�:1ch.28th �T ' iT � Il Tl. R Cleaning� I,ib�rar,p t � Repairs Suppl ie s Ga � 01 ine Phone s Re�ai_rs & �upplies Call ��tine PR Groceriee PR 1��7i 1 k �R 11 hrs . �' 45� S a�p� ie s Groceries PR It�� ilk P� Groceries PR Fuel PR Pent PR �45� hrs. � 1.00 Tr 5 days � 1.50 42 hrs.� 1.00 Truc 24 hrs. .� 45y� Z4 hrs. �, 45� -1-3� , �xp. wice � uck k 12.00 32.50 75.00 75.00 30 . 00 425. 92 4.11 39.�0 14.20 105.98 8.10 152,00 123.50 4.50 10. �,6 3.25 3.25 3.00 6.25 4.00 6.7� 9.60 5. 00 3, c�0 7 ,00 6. 80 4.95 6.OU 6.60 4.00 l� . O1 12 .10 7 ,00 45.50 7.50 4. 50 1U.80 1U.80 Bills con'tl. 3349 Fr�n� Posen�ren 3350 Jos.Shonka 3351 Anton Jasek � 3352 Clarence Hedt�:e 3353 Dav id Rin�stad 3354 Thos.Fa�ra 3355 V�alt�er Ro1F 3356 George i��egler 3357 Henn.Dist.Boiler 3358 A,E.Anderso�n 3359 Jacob 5cheff ler 3360 Frank :�itar 3361 �iiartin J .�lan ek 3362 Red.Ow l Stores 3363 Ande.rs on Bros . 3364 Hopkins 4;ater Fun 12276. E.J,Pr9cDonalc� 12277 Frank Stodola 12278 C�,rl Olson 12279 9lbert .O.T��aetzold 12280 Dahlberg Bros .Inc 12281 �1p1s.Gen.Elec.Co. 12282 Hen r�r Ro ehl 12283 Radosta Gara�e. 12284 Geo.�ri.Rqiles 5479 Herman Olson 5480 ��?cCarthy N���`ell Co. 5481 11Tati onal T��eter Co 5482 �ipls.Gen.Elec.Co. 5483 3uf�'alo p."eter Co: 5484 L.Zundquist & 5on =2- TE�eeting �.�=c-35 24 hrs. �' 45� 24hrs.C?45¢� . 16 hrs. � 45�„,� 10. hr s. � 45 �e 12-� h rs ...7, 4� y� 6 hrs. � 45� , Catch ine 5 dogs 16 hrs.. � 45y� Insp.Boiler Insp. �1dv.to �Y4rs .Dodds P�? Sa).. to 4-1-35 Pi re Ste��. Police change T'i re 8c Police Ala.�:°cr .� Apr. Groceries, P�? (w lmeal Supplies PR d Loan Oct,16-1934 36� hrs . � 1.00 T ru ck 96 hrs. n 60r 742 hrs . � 50g� Tractor Gaso line . Repairs �C Gasoline Li�ht 8� Po�ver Gaso 1 ine _ Supp7.ies G�,so 7_ine Sal. to 4-1-35 Installir�� Pump . Supplies Zi Qht �: Powe r Supplies Supplies �or Pump House �A�otion duly made,secondPcl and c�.rrie� ineetir�� adiourn. A t t e s t• „��tl�'�rl, v+��� resi ent � ecor er 10.80 10.80 7.20 4.50 5. 63 2.70 5.00 7.20 3.00 3.25 10.00 18.50 50:50 5.07 8.75 T000.00 36.50 57.60 37.25 � 3. 51 5.85 4. 92 1.67 2.10 1._70 70.00 4�00.00 5.19 145.28 1.52 22.00 � ,-, Special meetin� oF the Villa�e Council of the jiilla�e of Popl�_it-�s �-��as held on Tuesday,April 1Gth, 1935 at 7;30 PI�� in the Cour�tcil Poom. P,�err�ers present, President G.1N.l�oore, Trustees, �adden,Oltman and Odell, Recorder Ar:derson. °142otion du�.y made b.y Odell seconded i�y Anderson that l�e �rant the Civie and Commerce Club of uopkins the permission to close �gcelsior �Ve. to traffic Prom 2 Pl'�2 to 11 PrJI Saturda,p April 27th,1935, su'o�ect to the approval o.� the State I�i,ghwa'�- Department, carrie�� . bqotion dul� made b,y �ltman, seconded by Anderson that �r�e advertize for 10,f�00 g�allons � mo �re , or lesg, for Road Oil �nl�r, applied on Hopkins streets, the Village to suppl,p the sand, carried. Recorder instructed to order threo signs for "1�0 Dumpi27�>.'" on 72 tY`� �ve So and one on Old Gas Plant. 1 ) r4fotion duly made by 0 dell, seconded by Oltman, t_rat report of Fire LVarden be accepted and pla,ced on File, carried. i�otion dul,y made by Oltm�.n, secox�ded b� ndell that a resolution askir� for �, hearing with th� F.a,ilro�.d a�,d �b�,rehouse Commission for a chan�e in rates and toll charges to drav�n up, carried. Rqotion du�� madeb� Oltman, seconded b� i;°�,dden tl�at the follo�vin� bills be allowed , ca rried ; - 3370 Nat i onal `.P Fa Co . 3371 C,H.Hamilton Store 3372 Pioneer Elev.Co. 3�73 Ohleen Dairy 3374 1�� G��.�'lmqa ist 3375 Herr,,an Olson :�376 Frar� Rosengren 3377 Lrn ie Doge 3378 Frank I�a.sper 3379 John Frederickson 3380 R.�"l,rLoore 3381 Clarence Traemert 3382 C �':�J. Stotthardt - 3383 Nels rdelson 3384 Jame s Z�kI.e 12285 Carl Olson 12286 Frank Stodola 12287 John H�rincar 12288 Fran� -Idunvar 12289 C.J.1bi�Donald Relief Groc e ries Groceries PP. Ii Tf 1"�i lk " Postage Postage Labo r PR �r �► n ►T IT tt - �� �� n �� Tl /T f, T, rr tt I�abo r n n T► n 5486 J.L.Hennessy Co. A�2aterial 3385 �Adalter Rol:f Catching 8 do�s 15275 lst Tdat.Bk. of �3op. Pav.Bond 8- Int.due 4-6-35 116ation du7.� n���.de and secord ed that meet ing ad.journ �carried•. 9TTEST : P :,S ID.��' �:T _:i... ......-.. �; rr ��• � _ 27.54 2 7. 00 21.12 4.05 2.44 1.00 2.93 12.38 13 .05 20.03 7.80 '%.8� 14.40 12. 00 6. 53 22.25 60.30 6.53 18..45 36. 00 44. 66 8.00 4506.12 SPecial meeting of the Villa�e Counc il of the Villa�e of HopYir�s �as held on T��esc�ay April 23rd,19�;5, in the Council room at 7:30 P�,r� r�b��embers pr esent� G.6�'�It'oo �.�e , Pres ident ; Trustees I��i�.dden ,Oltman and Odoll. Record�r �nderson, and &ttorney Hosp. This meeting �a,s called for the purpose oF hea:ring on 10�h dve.Slo. between Third snd Fourt:n �ts.. for �°�7ater r,Tain and also Por t��e pur�aase of opening bids on �'?ater and Se�rer Projects on 9th and lOth ave:P�o. TUotice read_ ot hearing on 1Qth Ave.T�o. waterm�n extension bet��een 3rd aa�d 4t�� Sts. Hear ir,g no ob j ections the pro j ect ��a� allow�ed and. the �ollv�rmng bids opened : Wm.C.Fraser Sc Son,St.Paul with check For �p500.00 Chris.Jensen by ��7�.x �Sorensen,check for ?�650.�`)0 �,,T.6;�ebster,c:i�eck For �500.00 Bids were as �ollot�vin� f:i�u.res for 1'�later and on 9th Ave.��o.bett�veen third and fourth sts. �.T.�J �'B�TER C0. � S�n►e r �1300.00 . ti`dater �1400.00. cx�zs 1��,�s;rT Se�nie r 1233. 00 4Vate r 1318.00 VJm. Frazer ��dat er 1480. 00 Se�rrer 1382.00 Sewer IlF�.in extension �2700.00 �2551.00 �2862.�0 ��otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Odell tlzat we adopt tne Resolu-. tion for [��ate� It�Tain egtension on lOth Ave.T1�.,between 3rd.and 4th �ts., as per caopv att�ched,carrie�. ��otion da7_y m�,de by Oltman, seconded by 08e11, ttiat we av�ard the contr�,ct to C%hris Jensen,b� r�i"ax Sorensen, the. lo�r. bidder, -for . Contract of Se�rer and . �'�ater m�.in extension on 9th and lOth A�e.Tlo.bet�veen Third and ��ourth Sts . , c�,rried. ' Niotion dul� made by And.e-rson, seconded b� Oltman that the Resolution, as ��e r copy attached , f or Seever on. lOth .�r• e.No: , bet�veen 3rd and 4th Sts , ,be adopted , carried . ` YaZotion duly made b�r Oltman, seconded by P��adden tnat the �'esolution, as per copy attached., on projeot �5, for Side�valk and Curbs, on 9th Ave., No.be adopted, carried. . r7otion duly made by I�`adder�, seconded by Odell, that Villa�e advertise. for bids for Jidew�,lk,Curb, and Repairs for the ensuin� year, as per cop� attached, c�rried. Py�otion duly rnade by Tt�adden, seconded by O1tMan, th�.t vue �.dvei�tise for bids ior Road Tar, as pe � cop�_ attached, carried. R�4otion duly made by Oltman, seconded by Odel.l that the Resalntion, sor Calculati on, cop�,T atl;ached ,�or j���ate rrnain on 9th Atile.No.be adopted, Project �1,1935,carried. L�otion duly r,�ade by �ltman,secorlded by �de�l i:h��t the resolution for Calculation cost,projecl; ��3,1935, copy attached, for �s�rer on10tY� �ve.N. be adopted,carried. L�otion dul� made b� Anderson, seconded by Oltr�an that the ResoTution For the �alcul�tion cost, copy �ttached, for Sesuer on 9th ��e.�1o., p�o,ject _;',��2,1935, be adopted, carriecl. llTotion_ du.l,y �r�.de by Anderson, seconded b� Oltman that we speciPy ta�o ( 2) l�Ja,t rous_ Aydrants., ca rrie d. . r��otion duly made by Anderson, seconded b� Oltman,that the ornamental lightS be turned on for April 27th �nd I`r��y 25th,carried. r�io t ion du��f -2-1�4e�ting April_ 23rd,1935_. � �°otion c�uly made by Madden,seconded by Odell th�t the Villa�e Atto_rne� Contact owners of building partl�r burned on Edel, propert� to see if same c�,nnot be removed,carried. R�o�tion dal� made b� Anderson,seconded by It•�a,dden tl��at ti�e release ��4000.00 Bonds held for Secu,rity be released subieet to the approval of the �Tilla�e Attorne�r,c8.rriec?_. _ �:oti on du 1� rPad.e by Oltman, seconded b� Anders on t hat a che c k be drawn_ for �660.00 to Ann� R.and JosePh Svanda and th� Treasurer h��d same until instructed b� �rillage Attorne� to re�e�,se,carried. �:"oti on_ du�i made by Oltman,sec onded b� Ode ll that J.A.iiosp's b ill Por �125.00 Por legal services on_ 9th Ave.Pdo.edtension be paid,ca.rried. �otion duly m�de b� Andersota,seconded by �qadden that uve Purnish Bond and si�n agreerrent �or Fire Protection with the ��iruzeapolis Fire. Depa;�t�ent, carr ied . Motion du�ly made and seconded meetin� adjourn. Vil age Recor er. ATT�ST; .,���� �-•�-�- Presi en o_ the Village Council The follovaing bi lls al lowed a.t the r:.�e etin�; of April 23rd ,1935 3387 Anna &c Jos.Svanda 3388 L.'�, Dow 3389 Fr€�n� Shimota , S r. 3390 Otto Cermak 3391 Frank.�efcik 3392 P.O.Swenson 3393 James Te�ro 3394 Zouis Eidam 3395 E. S; Bro��m 3396 E.R,l��oore 339 7 1`dilliam Vic kermari 3398 Henr� Friehl 3399 Pete r Daugherty 3400 Jas Cathers 3401 Jas,Berr� 3402 Tom Sheeham 3403. Le on Iias ki� s 3404 John I3urns 3405 ��.J.t�JeTdon,Sr. 3406 Osca r Stro beck 34�7 I,en r,,�ilberg 3408 Pau1 Oj.son • 3409 Leo t rie s t 3410 Ra� Peterson 3411 Stanle� Pivec 3412 Ed . I,ee 3413 Pe ter Jorgensen, 3414 Harry �lunt 3415 P.�att Bongard 3416 John UJell er , 3417 Ed .Zars;�n 3418 Frank J���okesh,Sr. 3419 J�hn Brecka Pr operty - Jury aervice 9th Ave.T�o. . �� - �r . ►� . n �f ,� n n rr � fi n tT il ►� ,► . �� ►, _ �r . ,,. „ ►f ,r T�, f, ,� ►r „ rr VOID 1T �T I'� j ect T10 .1,1935. FESOLUTION ORDERII�G COi?STRUCTION OF ti�JAT��R ���AI�T �XT�,ITSION Ol� NISJTft AV;.FROr,�F `.1�iIRD ST TO F;�IIRTH �T.tdO.VILLAC�.; 0F I�O�'�INS. ��I3EFI;AS, the Village Council of the Village of. Iiop��s. �.2innesota, h<:.s caused due notice to be given to property o�ners affected by the proposed construction of six inch size ��ater main peipes on Ninth Ave. between Third S+.and ��ourth St.No. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 425, of the �auus of I��'inn. �ear 1921, and of a public hea ring theron at 7;30 Pr� on ;;he 26th da� of T:"arch, 1935, in the Couneil Ohambers of the Puiunicipal Buildin� of said VilJ.a�e, AND WH�� �t'gS, at said time and place the ma.tter c�,me on sor con- sider�,tion , and all property o wners af fected by tY�e proposed const �'uc- tion of said .«ater mains wer� heard, ��;pd`V THLL.i�FO'�.� BE IT P�ESOZV�D, tl��at it �e riecessar,y and expec� ient to construct size six inch pipes on I'inth Ave.bettveen Third St. ar�d �'ourth St.No. in accordance vuith plans and specifications thereiore on Pile, and as part of the exist ing vu� ter s,ystem of said Villa�e , �TD B� Ii ��URTH�R �SOI,�'ED, tt�at the Villa�e F.ecorder be, and is Yiereby directed to adver�ise for bids for the construction of said improvement in the Hennepin Count� Re'fie�l � the oFficial r�r�spaper of said Village, for � period of ten days, such �dvertisement shall specify 1;he work to. be done and call for bid s or, the basis oP cash paymer� t ofr the �vork and rriaterial, includin� one Columbia Hydr�,nt, andilla e Coui��cil the time �rhen bids shall be opened and considered b�r the � a1T in accordance «ith providions of said statute and that no bid � shall be received unless sealed and f iled with the Village Kecorder, ac- comX�ained by a certified check payable to the �illa�:e Treasurer of Hop�ins Yor fifteen f 15�%.). percent oP the amount of bid. A�?� B� 1T FURTHER RESOZVED, thfl, t sealed bids will be received �� tne Village Counc il at the Co�cil Chambe-rs, in the �Jillage of Hopkins up to� 7:30 o'clock PIti�? April 23rd,1935, at wh_ich time and place the sarr�e will be opened and considered. A�bD BE IT FURTHER R�SOZ� �D, that the cost and expe nse o f c onst ruc- tion of said �rater main e�pension be assessed against the p�perty a- ubutting thereon, on the basis of benefits to said propert� and in Aceordance ��ith t��.e pro�risions of Chapter 425 La�s of i�!innesota 1921 n and amendments thereto. � vrh o '�he For��oing resolution �^�as offered by �ouncil and moved its adoption w]�ich was seconded by.Cour.czlman which upon being put to a vote was unanimously adopte by a 1 r�;enbers of the �illage Council. Passed �iarch 26t�,1935. G.�'�. �oores , re siden Villa�e �o unc il �ttest: �.E.An erson,Vil age Recorder. �ro j�at i�o. 1 1935. R.��;S�S,�JTI�)17 �►RL��rIivC C��L�i3��'I�Is OP ?'t4Cl�'9SJn . � c+ � r c;�:. s�e r *e� r� t•� '�..re1 i. S.• ��t SA�- � �.;�� �a�.e����,?' ���: I,�� � i�Otr��:.:��'�'i � �. � A.�� �; s .�A� ur;.�� �:`t1Tliti� U�3 TTINTH� 9V�� T=O�?�'�� : i3 �" ��:�I3 � {°�~'II? ;y� � �'0 � a.'�I. irca.steQ �.r� Couri�i]ff�K��t�ar� oiie�e� t�se Po�lrn.vi.n�;, ro�ol�atic�r�`;, .�i�?.��1�3, p_�ir�u€��� t;o � :�e�olu��:or, �,dQp�ed �:a�rch 2�tY�, I9�5.,: ' b� �i�Q V:ill�x�� Coun ��. oP '���e_'Jfll��e oP �IoP�in� o S�or L�za ca�struction o� a t�ti��.�er ex'�en�ior� in �:n� Ui:l2��� oi' �op2,i�� �� Po3lo�rs.: � `�6 inc%. ��.gv on �TIT�TH Ati,e.2'so,be- t�;re�n ��i3.�d .St. �.nd �'a�u �l� St, " A cor�tr�ct �or ��:e ��o�k �z�� been Ieto �'�I�� t���;��;AS, t�:�� docat�e31 ha�.� causec� pla,rs �nd �o be ��.de �or �lae �aic�-��ro�l� �r.4� ir��=,:rozse�±en:t ;�i:ic�� a-re t}ie Clerl�. s p� c i�i �€�t io r:s on �.{ l.e ��i��� B'� ZT ��: ;?;;:�'�':`�: �;t��L;F.��� b� ���e ti'i11��e C�uricf 1 or t�ao �'ill�.kx� - o.� �op�ir��,, �%.t 1�i�,�l�ert ��at�or, �ai th the �.ssist��ee �F t�;e iIi11��Q L��.�or, �up�r�riso� oP tr:fca c�orkQ ard ���o�oPo��e de�i�Y�'cec? a^, �u�b �� tY?e Vi7.la- a Coarreil, be �n� as°e hQxeby direc�e�3 Lo �orth�:�itl: c�lcul€�te t�s amo�nt �ro�er an�. �eco��.s�.:.� to be ��peci�7.ly9 �.� �es�3Qd �c�.r s;aci� ir;- �r��e�:ent. a�ains� ev�;�� ��osable lot o��r�ol o� 1�d a�.�ected.� upo�-� th�: �a�is o.f t�e �oneP:�ts rece:i�,ref? ,rr��.thout ��e-=����i �o e�sh� 8�i uaG ion �d in . �cco�d�r�ce ��:�th t}7e �rovi�ion� oP C�i��t.e�r _35-�� 1916.��:d �.r�er�dr:,en�� ���re- �o-� �r� �ro��ded tl`�at Lhe ar�,o:�r�t oP tl�e aNses�rx.en� �d �ocred interest .�o� sa i.d irf:p�o �,��en'� si3€a11 b�fl p�,��ble in �tverat� e_qu��l �.nnu�l instaTlo�t na ���,t ���Q ��og�:��ecl asses�emt� cRt.�n r�de _"s���3 be .�31c�d ��3.��r. tY�e �1Q�1� Yo� �ut�lie i�,sp�=c�ion �.nd la3d ���ore t}se ��i3.1�-sge Counc�l� ��r ?ts �;�pr�v�la i'r_at ��e v1Q�k ba e,n� is ���reb;� dirEcter� to cause notico �o be �iven �s ��equire�i, %� ��.p�er �5 GL 1,915 a�d a��nd�ents the�to., o.£ ��Q �aa�e ��d place, �a�;en arrl ��� r� t��e �o�re il L�� .i.11 r�eet u�an �ae�_ pro��secl ass�� ss�nert. �nd h���� �.nd pasg �� al1 ob,�ectiong, ig ar�4 or ar�end �;,o smm:e. �our��ilm� `�ltma�i, ��lo o:PPered t%e P_o�o�ois� _Re�olation_.�herezipon mo�red i�s- �do��ion, �.r�,icl� ��s secondad b� Cot�nc�lnan Odell� �r�3. #pon bein� put to a vo�e c��a� u��r�imua:�2y a�o�t�d b� �7:1 ma�b��� o�' t'�ae �i7:1a� �ou��:±� i�j Datad ��i� .���il 23rd *I�3:�. . - __� . • ,' .e T A.:�;:.� e rs�ax:3 , i_�� �.eep�dero Attest• .e;t,�^.00re, rea�. en o� �' 1�� Co�ncil Project No.2 1935. RESOZUTI02d EX7i'EP3DIP��G EXIST ING � SE��ER SYSTIIt�i d'�ereas, the �illage Council of the Villa�e of �iop��ins, oF Hennepin Co unt �r, State o� T��innesota , has he retof ore 1;oe�it : on t�1ov.7th,1916, passed and approved an ordinance entitled; "An ord inance p mv idi�g �,ne establishing additionaT sewer mains on Pdinth Ave.Tuo.between Third St and I'ourth St.I�o. in the 'J17.lage of nopkins, i;ount,y of �Ienn. ,State of ��fnn.". And t�lhereas, the property o��ners abuttin� on 1VTinth �v e. bet�preen Third St, and Fourth St.T1o. have pe�itioned the Vill�.ge �ouncil for the construction of sevaer extensio�-= ����ich petition has recei_ved consideration, I�ovr therePo x•e, be it resolv ed, and it i s expedient and necessa r� for the preservation oP th,e public health tF�at the ezist9n� sewer syst;em be �xtended in joint district num,ber and be constructed as follo�vs,_ to-�vit ; An eig�ht inch in diameter c�'istrict sewer on �rinth Ave.betv�reen Third St.and Fourth St.I1o. and connecting �ri�h the existing trunk sewer in �xcelsior hge.which said sewer extension shall be clas�ified as District Sev�er Tdo. . I3e it further resolved that �he Village C1er�,be, and he is herebp directed to cause proposals for bids fo r sueh work to be advertised in the o.fPicial:. paper of the Village, .�nd also intrade pe.pers; pursuant to Section 11, �hapter 35 , G.Z.1915, as �mended, and tha t sa id proposals and bids _be received � the 'dillag�e �ounc il oP the Village of Hopkins , up to 7:30 o'clock on the 23rd da� of April, 1935, at �R�hich.tirrie the same ��vill be open for consideration. BE_ .IT FURT3i�R I��SOLVED, that the cost and expense of the const ruc- tion oP said eigrlt inch district se��er nu.r1b er be especiall�r assessed �against every assess�,ble lot , p iece , or pa rcel of land w ithin said sewer d is tri ct number payable in t hree annual inst allment s, �a,nd that the cost and egpense o� the construction of said lateral sev�er number be assessed a�ainst every lo�;, piece, or parcel of -�lnd abutting the reon, payable in t en annual installments , all in accordance with Section, 7,8, 9 and 13 of Chap�;er 35 G1 1 915 as amen ded . The foregoing resolution was .of.fered by who moved its adoption, wr.ich motion was seconded b� �ouri ilr:�an and� upon puttin� it to a vote was ur�animousl,y adop�ed, Dated ��arch 26th, 1935. A.L�,�nderson , �i age .e�`corcie r. Attest: •-M-`- .6�d.P�ioore, residen i lage �ouncil. Project Z��o.2 1935. RESOLUTIOiT ORDE?�ING .C9ZCUZAT-I�N OF PROPOSr�D �S�ES�"I�NT �OR II���PROV�r.�I1 T EXTLTd�3I0ld OF � S���JER r�9IT1S OP? 1`, IS��H 9V� .T�O . BLT��E�i� TH IF.D �lldD FOURTi� ST . _ Thrustee and Recorder Ard. erso n ofPered the Pollowing �esolution: �d�-iER�;AS� pursuant to a.Resolution adopted It��ta�h 26th,1935, by �he Villa�e Council of the Vill�� e of_ Hopkins, for the con�� tructions of a se�rer extension in the Village of Hopkins as follows; �8 in.se!��er niain on iJinth Ave.T?o. bet�reen Third ��;.and Fou.rth 5t." a_ )�'. A con��a�a;t for the work has been let. ,..,_�,_,. AND V`1HER4� S, the Council has .caused plans and specifications to. �e made �'f or the said wo rk and improvement whi ch are on file �ith the Cle rk. � BL+' IT THER��Op.E R�SOLf�D b� the Village Council of the Village. oi Hopkins, tYiat A1be.rt.;Graber, �rith the €� ;sistance of the Villa�e l�iayor, supervisors of the �rork, and heretoforP designated as such 1�� th e Villa�e �ounci 1, be and are lze re by__d irect ed to Yo rth�ri- th calcula�e the amount pmoper a�. aecessar� to be especially assessed For such� improve�ent against ever� assessable lot or parcel of land s,ffected upon the basis of beneFits �vithout regard to cash valuation, and in accordance ��ith the provisions of Chapter 35, �.L.1915, and ammendments thereto, anc� praazded that the amount of the assessment and accrued interest �or said �improvement s�all be payable i.n ten equal annual installments. That the proposed assessment ��vhen made shall be filed ��ith tlie Clerk for public inspection, and laid. before the Village_ Coixnei for its approval. T��at the Cle� be and is hereby_directed"to cause notice to be given as required by Chapter 35�� �Z•1Co�ncnl �illdmeets the re to., of the time anc�place when and wher.., the __ . upon such proposed ass�,ssment and hear and pass on aIl objections, ._ if any, _ or arnend the same. -Resolut ion ofPered b� Recorder Ande xson, who moved its adoption v��hich was secor,ded by �%ounci�man Oltman, and upon being put to s vote �ras unanimously ado��ted b�r all members of the Village Council. P�,sses April 23rd,1935. � A.E.Anc�erson,�il5.a�e ecorder. Attest ; 1'� l � .,i1.1t��oore,President o.f illa�e Council. _ Pro j ect Tdo . 3 1935 RLSOLU`�' IOT�T 0 P,���? ING �Oi�ST pUC GT I01� OF t",'AT:�,R I��IA IT� EYT�T;S IOPd O1V T�T�TH AV'��;T3UE �'PO�F �i''�iIP,D ST. TO FOffRT'_� ST. �rILLt�G�; OF �IOPr INS� �n�IER;�15, the Villa�e Council of the Village of Hopliins, iWinnesota, has caused due no'�ice to ve �i�en to propert�,� o��ners affected by the proposed construction of 6 inch size ��;ater �:�in pipes on Tenth Ave. , between Third �t. and Fourth �t. in accord�.nce ��ith the provisions of �hapter 425 �of the La�rs of r,�innesota for the yTear 1921, and o� a public hearing �Y�ereon �.t 7;30 P�� on the 23rd o�' A�ril 1935, in the �ouncil Char�bers of the i=lunicipal Buildin€ of said Villa�e , � A�dD ��JFi�;RL1�S , cons ideratior, and struction ol said �t s�id time and place the ruaLter c�.�e on for �11 propert�- oc��rlers af�ec�ed bV the �roposed con- r�at�r mains �ere neard, I�?O�RI lII�;�?EFO'ti, I3L Im F�L�UL�TED,,-t'r��.t; i� is ��Rcessar� and e�pedient t,0 C 021G�I'UC� _:�? LE3 �i lY]CP ,i�].�Gt� GI1 .�l e?l;l".11 i1V�2 • �JE�iV�IE.'G-'i1 �iY11I'CZ .:�ji .. c.�.,l:(:4 Fourth St.rtol in accordance with plari�"s:�-and specific€�tions therefore on file and as a p�,rt oP the _existing v�ater system of said Villa�e. AZ;D B� IT FU�'TR�R R�SOZVED, t��a,� the �illa,�e �?ecorder be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said imp o rvement in the He rmep in C�oui�ty Rev i e�r , th e o Ffi c ial ne��spaper of said Villag�e, ior a period of ten days such �.dvertisements shal-1 specify the �rork to be done and call Por bids on the basis of cash pa,yment for th e work and mat erial including one Columbia �ydrant and shall state the time v�en bids shall be open�d and considered b� the Village Council, all in accordance with the provisions oF said statute and tri�t no bids shall be received unles�� sealed �,nd filed with the Village Recordes•, accomp�nied_ by � certified check pa�rable to the Villa�;e Treasurer of Ropkins for fifteen(15�')percent of the amount of bid. . AND BL IT FU��THER P�SOZVED, th�t sealed bids ��ill be received by the Village Couneil at tne Council Cham�bers, in� the �iill�.ge of Ropkins up to 7:30 o'clock P�I April 23rd, 1935, at «hich ti�r:e and place same • will be opened and considered. AT�P I3�; IT FURT�R RLSOL�TED, that the cost a�fid expense of construc- tion of said water rr�ain ex�ension be assessed a�ainst the propert� a- butting thereon, or the basis of benefits to said propert�T �nd ir_� acco rdance �rith the p rovi� ions of Chapter 425 , Lativs oF i:�inn.1921 and amendments thereto. The foregoin� resolution w�s its adoption w��ich. was secor�ded by bein� put to a vote v�as unanimouslp �illa��e Council. PaSsed April 23rd,1935. Attest: g�,,. n e rson ,Villa�e eco rde� o ffe r.e d l�,y Counc i 1 Oltman who move d Courc. ilman Odell , and -wh ich upon ado�ted b� all menbers of the G.� :Roore ,Pres'"cT-"e'n� og�°�iT�age Counc Project No. 3 1935. .. , R�SOZUT IOI�T ORD�RITJG CAZCGTLATIOT4 OF PROPDS.�P � ASS ;SSR.iET�T FOR I�r�ROVEI,RLNT� E�TT!';I��SION 0£+F . �iJgT�,R Ti:�IItS OI�T Tr�NTH AV� Z�TORTH � .__ . BLT�,�EI�T T�iRID �T At�D FOUpTH. Trustee and Council/1/H�/Oltman offered the Folloi,vin� resolution� _ �;�IEREAS, pursuant. to a Resolution adopted I�:��arch 26th, 1935, b�r_the Villag�.,_Coun,il o� trie Village of Aopkins, Por the construction�� of _ a_ VVater extension in . the Village oF Hopkins as Po llows : . "6 inch pipe on Tenth gve.l'do.be- tvreen Third St._ and Fou:rtYi_ St. _'r � constract i'or the �1ork has _been let. AtdD tiSJuLR.JJAS , t ne Go.unci 1 h as caused _plans and s pec ificatio ns to be made for the said �vorl� ar�d imr�roTrement which are on file evit,i� the Clerk,._ � BE IT T�-,EREFOF�� P�;SOL`:� �D, by the Villa�e �ouncil of the Village of Hopkins, tnat Rgr.Albert Graber, with the assistance of tl-�e Villa�e - Mayor, supervisors of tLie ��ork, �.nd� h��etofore aesignated as such by the Villa��e �our,cil, be and are hereby direc�;ec� to forth��ith calcula�r� the arnount proper and nece�;sary to be �speciall,y assessed for such im- proven.ent against every �,ssesable lot o-rpa.rcel of land �,Yfec_ted, upon th basis. o� the �enefits _receive�,without re_�gard to cash va)_uation_ and in aeco rdance �vith the p�ovisions of Chapter 35 GL 1915,and amendments there- to., _and prov�ded that the amount oP the assessment and accred interest for said improv��ment shall b�b payable in twent� equal annual installemtns That the proposed assessemt� ��rhen made shall be filed with the Clerk �or publie inspeetion and laid befo re the Village Council oYr its a�proval. That the �lerk be and is hereby directed to cause notice to be given as required by Chapter 35 GL 1915 and amendments thereto, of the time and place ,_when and v�he re the Counc il w ill meet upon such proposed assessment and heaR and pass c�n all objections, if an,y, or amend t�ze same. Councilman 07.tman, who offered the foregoing Resolution,thereupon ' moved_;its adoption, ��hich va�s seconded by Councilman Odell, and �zpon bein� put - to `a vote was unanimously adonted by all members oF the Villa�e Counc i1: Dat ed � gpri 1 23rd ,1935 . �:���. A.E�.An ersor�,Vi a�e Recprder. �, t t e s.t • _ ...�.��� .1�.�Roore , residen o Villa�e Counc il. - Project Z�o.4.1935. � R�SOLUi IO�d EXTE�dDII�TG EXISTIT�TG Si�l�`lER �YaT'� ,a 4'Vhereas, the Village Council ot the Villa�e of �?opYirs, of ;ie nepin :%ount y, �t�t e o P P:7innesota, has he re t ofo re t o wi t on i1ov.7th; 1916, passed and approved an ordin�.nce entitled: "gn c.rdinance providin� and est;ablishi-?:� ad.itional sewex- cr�irns on Tenth� �'�ve. !:o. - k�etv��een "�� ird.. 5t �ee � and. Fou rt� Street `in t he Village oP � Hopkins,Cour_ty oi �er:n.S,tate of hinn." And ��ll�ierc,�,;;, tne property a�rners abutting on Tenth Ave. , be�ween Th3�xd S�reet and �'ourtri Street iTortli Y�ave �e�titioned the Villa�e .Council for the c onstruction oF sewer e�ter,sion �a ���-ii.ch petition has received consideration, Now, , therefore, be it zesolved, and it i5 expodi.ent and necessary for the preserv�t ion of the public health that the egisting se��er system be e��tended in ,j oint dist ri ct number and be constru:�ted_ as folloUrs, towit: _An eight inch in diame�er district seever on menth Ave.betrreen third St. and Fourth St...N_o. and,-�connecting v�ith the exist ing trunk secver ir� Fxcelsior Ave_ �vhich said sewer extension shall be classified as District Sewer Numl� er . Be it further resolved, that the Villa�e Clerk be, and h �is hereb� directe ,.to cause proposals. for bids Yor such work to be advertised in the official paPer of the �illa�e, ard a�so in trade papers , purs uant to Sec tion 11, Chapte r� 35 , G. L.1915 as amended and that �,:raid porposals and hids be received by tne Village �our�cil of _ the Villa�e oF HopY.ins , up to, 7;30 0'clock on the 23rd day of April, 1935, at vunich tirre the same ��vill be open for c ons ide rat :io n. Be it furtner resolved tiiat the cost and expense oF the cor�struction oF said eight inch dist rict se�re r number be especially_ assessed a�ainst every assessable lot , piecT e or parcel of land within said savrer. distriet P1uMber ,pa,ya�]e in three annual installrnen ts and tnat tY�e cost an� expense of the construction oP said lateral sewer number be assessed a���,inst every lot, piece, or parcel of land abuttin� the reon, p�,pable in ten annual install�en ts, all in accordance �rith Section 7,8,9 and 13 of C��apter 35 GI, 1915 as arrended. T�-,e foregoir,g resolution was ofPered by ���e-�� h ����io mov d i ts ado�>t ion, ��}i ich r��tion was secorded b� Cour�eilman and upon �u.ttin� it to a vote, cvas unani�nous- y -a d op . — A.�Anders�, i la,�e ?�ecor�er �(t te st : .�s-u-, �V'J.�.�oore, resic%n� o Ti a.� �ourc il --� �' Projec� I�to�'4,1935. RESOt;U�� iOTd O-;D�RIIdG C;AZCJLI�T IOI� OF PROPOS�D ASS i'SSM+l�TT FOR IIyiP��:V����EP?T EFT�:IdSIOT� �� � OF SE4V�R T��?gII•pS ON .T�idTH A�E NO BvT63d�EN THIRD ST �PTD FOU?3TH �T . Trustees and C}e�sr�n offered th e Poll��v�in� resolution: � V�IE�;gS pursuant to a Resolatio� adopted I:"arch 26th, 1935, by the Villa.ge �ourcil of the Villa�e of Hopkins, for the constructions of a sewer extension in the ��Tilla�e oP Hopkin5 as Po�lov�s: "8 lri.sewer main on ienth Ave.T�o.between Third and Four Streets." A c�tract for the work hy s been let. AIdD 6£1HER�AS the �%ouncil has caused plans and speciricatior;s to be made for tY:�e said work �nd improverr�ent �rhich are onfile �rith the Clerk, BE TI TFrt�RL��RL �?ESOL`J�,'D, By the ':jillage Cou��cil of the Villag�e of Hopkins` that with the assistance of the Villa�e P:�laz-or, supervisors o he �r , and heretoiore c�isignated as such by tiie Villa�e Council, be and re hereby direeted to forthwith calculate the amount _proper and necessary to be e�pecial�l� assessed for suc� improvenent ag�,inst every assessable lot or Loarcel oP land af�ected upon the basis of benefits �i-thout regard to cash valuation, ar�d in accordance ���ith the pmvisions of Chap.ter 35, G.Z.1915,. and ammendments ti�ereto , and p ro��id d that the amount of the assessment ancl a.ccrued interest For said improvement shall be pa�able in ten equal �nnual_ in- stallm�nts. T�at the proposed sseessment vahen made shall be filed �uith the Clerk Por public inspeetion, and laid befo::�e the Villa.ge �ouncil for its approval. That" the �1Qrk be �.nd is hereby directed to cause notice to -be given as required by Chapter 35, GL.1915 and ammendments thereto , of tYie time. and place , when and where the Con�c il �rri ll meet upon such pro pos ed assessment and hear and pa ss on � all ob j ect ions , if any, o amend the same . ��� ,�vho� offered the fora�oing Resolu- tion h eupon move s ts .a option_, ��vnich wa�s seconded by Councilr,�an , and upon its bein� put to a vote ��as unanimously a op ed y a em e rs oY tlle Villa�,e �ouncil. A�L.An erson,ViS.Ta�-e ecorder Attest� ...�+-�. . . G,VjI� �7oore, resident of Village -Counc il. Pro ject �5,1935. RESOLUTIOTd OrDERIY�G COi1STpUCT IOTd � OF SI�E,tJAL�S. ; l��INERE�IS, a_ .maj orit�r oF the oti�ners front i.�g on both s ides of T�inth �lve=.ido.between Third _ St.and Fourth St. , in--the Villa�e oF Hop�ins have pet-�tioned the Vlll�e Co�cil of the Said Villa�e to order a sidewalk arid �urb constructed. on both sides of said Street in accorc�ance with approved ar�d adopted spec ifications Por said walk on file i.n theoffice of the F.ecorder of said Village, B� i'I' P,FSOZV�D, b� the Villa�e Council of the Vil]:a�e oP_Hopki�!s that a sideav�,lk and curU be and is hereby ordered to be c onstructed on 1�inth �;e.Tdo.between Third and �'ourth 5treets in accordane� with approved and a�opted specifications on Fi.le in the Office oP the Village Recorder, and to conform to the �rading line established by the Village �ouncil for the purpose , AND B� IT FURTHER P.ESOLVED, that the worL of s€�,id improvement s be done by contract to be let in the lo�vest responsible bidder as required b� lacv and that. ti� P entire expense and c osts "�of th e c onst ructio n thereof be assessed and levied aga.inst all lots and parcels oY ground fror�t ing on both sides of said �treet so improved, on the b�sis of benei'its to said propert�r and in accordarce with provis ions of Section 1205,1206,1207 P��2asons �finnesota Statutes,192'7,payable in Five equal annual insta� lments and t;:.at the proposed assessment when made shall-be filed ��ith the F.ecorde Por public inspection and. rendered befored the Villa�e Council .�or its approval and the ��tillage �ecorder be and is ��.�ereb� directed t o cause not ice to be g�iuen,as required by law of the time and place �vl�en and vrhe e the Council :�aill meet and act upon such proposed assesement and i�ar and pass on all obiections, iP any, or amend the same . Dated gp-ril 23rd,1935. - _ ��- G.�•?;��oore,Presi�e�of `Tilla�e �ouncil. Ati�est : A.E.Ande rson ,Village F�ecorde r. �!�� NOT I��:� FOR BI�S ROAD TAR ' . _ . . '.. ' � . NOT IC� IS H�; i��BY G IV�'t1, that the Villa�e Counc il of Lhe TTillag•e of Ho pkina , I4Tinnesota , wi 11 ori the 7th da�y - of Na�, 19�5. at the hour of 7:30 PM �t the Council Chamber � in the L�unic�pal Buildi�g o� said Village of Hop�ins, f Hopkins PO j open bids for ten thousar,d (10,000) gallons � more o r le ss oP road t ar grade TH-1 and � or TH-2 � applied on streets in the Village of Hopkins as direct�d � in accordance witn �.Iinnesota State Iiigh�vay r,tandard Specifieation there�ore on file for record in the Office of the Villa�e Recorder of said Village. � Se�led bi�s w5.11 be received b,p the urdersi�ned Recorder 'up to tne hour of 7:00 P�I ��a,p 7�h,1935. �he right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated April 23rd,1935 A.E.�nd^-rson, :Tillace r•,ecorder. _ _ _ __ _ � �...�.. . 4 _ �. � Special P�eetinf of the Villa�e �ouncil of the Villa�e of Hopkins �r�a�s . held on April 31st,19��5, at the Council.F.00m at 7t30 �'T.1. �rembers present; Prosident G.l'�I.Moore; Trustees_,II�.�uhan",and Odell. Pecorde r�nderson, Attorney Hosp. Absent Trustee l��dden. This meetin� was called for trie purpose of near,is� P��`r.Swanson of the North��estern_Be11 Telephone Compan� diacuss the possi"�ility of elimina- _ ting a toll c�iarge GJest of Fr�nce Avenue to Hopkins. as I��Ir.Joseph Vesel�,���c��artny,� �d re�resentati�es oF the Civic and Co�merce spoke in favor of the Resolution. Several other citizens of Hopkir.s v�e re at th e,n ear in g. T� e Coux�ci l gr�.nt ed the re que st oY ��r. Swans on of ineeting �� ith t he _ Counc il on� 2'uesday ?,ray 14tn,1935. �o�ti on dnly made and secor:ded me et ing ad ; ourn. � _ ecorde r 6tte st : ��- resident of ti-le Village �oiznc il � Re�:�lar meeting of the Villa�e. Council oF the Villa�e of Hopkir1s vra� held on Tizesd�.y ,i��a� 7th,1935 , at the �Tilla�e Rall �.t 7?30 P���. 1�Zembers p�esent, PrFsident G�l��.�rloore; Tru�tees l�?adden,�ltnlan and Odel1. Recorder �l�derson.� � I�he follo�ving bids on Road Tar were opened : The Barrett Co., Tar ��. .1109 per gal. Republic Creosoting Co. Tar C� .1085 per gal. 14qotion dul� made b� �ltman, not secorided that we a.ccept the bid oP the Barrett Co�. ,not carried . 14rotion dal,y made b� Anderson, seconded b9 Ode�l that �je purchase the tar From the Republic Creosotirlg Co.,carried on the �ollo«in� vote; A�ea-�qo�re,P�a,dden,Odell and Anderson. No-Oltman. The Follo��ing bids were o�ened on Side�valk and Curb: I,.Lundquist 8c Son; Side���alk 85� per sq.yd. Drivea�a� 1-.35 " " " Curb 37¢ per 1in.Pt.strai�ht ffir curve. Jos.Zcajicek, Sidewalk �1.05 per sq.Ft. Curb per lin.ft.43� g,�otion duly made by Oltm�n, seconded b� I�adden th�t we aecept the bid of.I,.Zu.�dquist i� Son ior Side��alk and Curbs for the year 1935,carried. $�otion dnly m�e,de b� Udell, seconded by 9nderson that the petitioners who. appeared in regard to 1;he 5th Ave.'31u1> Station be g�iven a eveek's time to consider the cnan�e in plans of subMer�ing the suppl� tanks,carried. I�Iotion du�y made b� �1'�nan, seconded by l.Fadden ths,t the P:osco tra,ns�er be allov�ed, carri ed . �,�otion duly made tion fo r license �ranted, carried. T�"'� by O�tman, seconded b� L"adden that Ra,pAShonka applica- oP sale of �.2 non-intoxicatin� r,��.lt I,iquo r be T��otion duly made by Oltman, seconded t�y T�'adden th�.t i;he petition of �cl�T�lly, r,�eGannon and Frank Pavek be rePe rred to the ��il].a��e �ttorne� evith pov�rer to act, carried. �?otion du1_y made b�r I�:�:adden, se�conded b�r O�l�ir�,n th�t the application - oP ShePfl er and I�F�ller be placed on tab�e ,carrie d. I�Zotion duly made b� Oltman, seconded b� r?adden th�,t re�?orts be accepted as read and placod on file, carried. Treas.G�latex and �7ustice of Pe��.ce. �l+�otion duly made b� Odell, seconded a� Oltr��an, that i��he Final ��yment to P�rcCarth� I�d�ll Co. be held up sixty d�,ys, carried Tvlotion dul_� „ad� by Anderson, seconde�v_ byT::adden t�lat w�e purcnase, three len�ths of 22" hose,carried. � � 142ot ion d u l� made b� Odel l, s econd ed by Ol ��an , t i�.1; be pa id : carr ied : the folJ. �din��bills � 3420 g. G�Hamilt on Sa,l . to 5-1-35 �- 75. �)0 3421; Za�vrence 5chut z " " " 75.00 3422 Bloomie Jenstad " " " 32.50 342� Pr�rs.. Theo.E$tine " ►' " r�irs.I,i��ht 12.00 3484 b�p].s.GBn.:�lec.Co. Li�ht � Poever 423.96 3425 Clarenee �haemert Labor FR 29.90 3426 R. TJa��R:ioo re I�.bo r PR 29. S'0 3427 Jos.Shonka Labor PR - 5.18 3428 Joe Pudgil " T' 17.10 3429 Frank Lri ckson " " 23.85 3430 Thos. Fara " 3.60 3431 Lrnie �Do�:e " " 3.60 3432 P1e ls iSelson " �8. S0 3433 C. 6V. Stot tnard " 'T 25.20 3434 Emergenc� �elieF Adm, Hopkins share OfPice Expense 35.00 3435 Yokes:�� T�idwe. Co. Rope k'.D. 2. 25 3436 Zeo Priest l!�tor Co. Soap n`• . .34 3437 Hovander Bros. Gr�oeriea PR 9,50 3438 Dr P��eet; ing r�a� 7 th ,1935. -2- Bills �con't. � _ 3438 Dr.F.J.Kic_era - r�"edic�.l care PF. �3439 Dr.Jas .Blake . Glasses PR �. 3440 John I,fctd�ally '. i='ent PR 3441 Dr. R.�3.�'icha R�Sed ical care PR 3442 Jos. Riley Stove PR 3443 Hopkins Produce Gmceries PR 3444 U.OP ��.School of Dentist.r.y PF. 3445 Dr,��E.Smetana Dental PR 3446 P.J.�ariline Dru�s PR 3447 P�elson �hoe Store Shoes PR 3448 t�`J�;rren St o res Gro c. P?� 3449 �ike Zarsen �a.stering City Hall - 3450 Justus Zbr. Co. Coa� PR 3451 P�one er Elec .& Zb r.Co. Strav� - - �'�"�-'3452 Math Blake. Zabor 3454 O.B.r62cClintock Clock ��?ov , ` 3455 Bren Rdwe.Co. Supplies 3456 F'rank Lrickson _ Labor PP 3457 Carl �eden I,ab or PR ` 3458 lst T�lat: Ins. �gc,�. _ Ins . Premium , 3459 Anderson Bros. Supplies PR � 3460 F.H.`�lainert . Sapplies . 3461 Ge o.rvi.R�ile s Gas ol ine 3461 Stora�e Batte�°y aerv.Co. Pepairs 3463 �ec .N�,tl . Ins. A�cy. Ins . 3464 Hen ry Roehl Gas - 3465 Minn.News Co. Books � 3466 1��eDonald Trs�s.Co. Draya�e � 3467 Otto Voll rath I.ab oi� _ , 3468 b�1pls.Sab.Gas Co. City :�a,ll uas 3469 F.H.nair� rt �rugs 3470 Stand�.rd Oil �o. �as 3471 Aug.�eterson Zabor PR 3472 Frank at odo 18; Labo r 3473 �'rar,k �osengren Z�.bor PR 3474 TZ,V�.Be11.Tele.Co. Phones � 347� J.P=�. Fredri ck son Z�bo r PR 3476 �lu�. Pet erso n Zabor PP, 3477 VJ.PE�,pls. Fuel &: Ice _Co. Fuel PR 3478 P�Zartiri .J.Tdanek Fire 8� Police 8479 T�ips .E�ilPeters� Cleaning Lib. 3480 iy�lpls. St�r Sub .Zib.. to 5-1-35 A la rms 3481 �lalter F.olf Catching 4 do�s 3482 Dari ie 1 E.Foley Jus ti ce .Fee . 3483 A. L. And er.s on _ Starnps 3484 Jacob �cheffler Sal. to 5-1-35 3485 Frank Sitar Police chan�e 3486 Hopkir,s Fire Dept. 21 phones ������ �r��z��s 348$� R�dosta Garage Repai rs 3489: Justus Lbr.�o. ��uel PR 3488 Hennessy Lbr.Co. Fuel P� 3490 Jaspers on Dair,y rYlilk PT� 3491 �uist Shoe Store Shoes PR 3492 Red Owl Stores Groc..PR 12290 Zabo r � Frank �to do la 12291 E. J.I4�?cDonald La.b or T r�zck 12292 Geo.i�`lehler Labor 12293 Thos.Fara L�.bor 12294 Pure Oil Co. Gas �.2295 P.H.Covle Repairs 12296 Standard Oi� Co. Gas � 12297 Dahl�berg BY�os.Inc. Repairs � Gas 12298 I��,�pls. Gen.f�lea.Co. Zight �� Po�rer 12299 John Tauchen I,9.�bor � 12300 Carl Olson Zabor 12301 Frank iJanvar I,a.bor 12302 Albe�rt ��aetzold Gas 12303 A�H.�ensler Repairs 12304 Consolidated Pe7aterials �upplies 12305 Republic Creo.Co. � . Sup�lies 12306 1.80 6.50 10.00 11.00 6.00 5.20 17.00 11.00 1.85 6 .50 3.09 18.60 9.60 1.30 40.05 5.00 9.90 3.60 4.95 7.50 18.74 _. 50 7.40 18.50 122.04 .59 120.58 .50 1�J.80 4.2 5 .25 4.40 17.10 4.80 17.10 5.10 12. 88 2. 03 44. 90 25.00 3. 00 2. 70 4 .00 10.00 ✓- 2.00 10.00 17.00 42: �0 x�� :.. 1.00 36.5� . � 12.�2 1.80 2 . 48 . 7 .20 72.60 38.00 � 13 . 5 � 16.65 12.17 9.75 3.�5 10.88 4.86 17.10 20.50 23.63 6.16 14. 35 18.78 48.00 Pt�ie e t i ng I�:1a� 7 th ,1 �' 35 -3- Bills con't. 12306 The Barrett Co. Supplies 12307 Red l�Jing Sewer PiPe . Supplies 5487 Herman �lson Sal. to 5-1-35 5488 Buffalo h�Teter Co. �?e�er repairs 5489 ?1�Ipls. Gen.Elec .Co. i:�.rch povrer 5490 F;�art in Holey _ G�.soline , 20369 Int.Du.e Gas� �3onds 5-1-3-5 �j:��Ai•�Ll�' `�� 4J R�ot ion duly made,seco nded and carri ed that m eeting ad journ. �_� �.•��. -• - . �� �ttest• � � Presi en � Vi la�e ouncil ,. ' 92 .50 2. 70 70.00 6. 82 �165.41 4 .61 135. 00 � 1 A spec ial ad j ourned m�e tir, �� of the Villa� C ound�l of th e Vil lage of Hopkins was called to ordeY� by the Village �Zecorder,A..�.Anderson on 1�'ay 9th ,19� 5, at 7;�0 PP�1�. The fo llov4jin g m emb ers ��� ere p re se nt : Dr.�.Vd.�+�Toore,President,President o.f the Villa�e Council., A.�.Ariderson Villa�e � corder, and Councilmem, Irving Olt r�,�,n ,Dr. �'.=-r". rd�a d den a n d t�illiam Odell. Council P�"adden presented �. pr�pased oridnance entitled,T'An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled,'An ordi�nnce.�ra.ntin� to John K.S���nson his sucessors and assi�ns,cert�,in ri�'r��as tivith referej�ce to the streets, alleys and public pl�ces of the �Tillag�e of �3op]c.ins,L'inr. for the con- struction,o�eration,mainter�anee and alteration of a plant and distri- buting system For the r�anufacture and� for,distribution and sale of gas'" and moved the f irst readirg ther�oP,w��ich�motion was seonded b� Counc il- manQlt�an,and upon being.put to � vote c�ras unanir�ousl� carri.e.�, and t�iereupon the Recorder proceeded to the _first readir.�g c�f said proposed ozdinance. Thereupor� �ouncil Odell moved t�'r_e declaration o f existence of urgenc� and for suspension of the rules and that said proposed orddnance be �iven the secorded reading, wr�ich motion i�as seconded b� Council ltman, ar�d upon being put to a vot e vras u nan imously carried . The re- upon said porposed Ord�nance v�ras given its second reading. Recorder Anderson moved t7�e adoption oP said proposed Ordinanee,as read the second time, and the publicat ion thereof in the oPficial paper of said �Till�,ge, to vvit: �'he 1-ienrepin �oun�y �eviev� oF Hopkins,�,��in�., be suspended until further m:�t ion o xderirg time for publicat ion, �vlz ich motion was seon�ded b�r ::ouYlcilman riadden ,ana upon being put to a vote was unanimousl� carried. There being no further business befo-re t�ie meetin� it vaas on motion duly n;ade,put ar�d c�rrie�j,ad.journed. ' ll�.ge =��ecorcler Attest :�/ � D�.G.1'�J. �oore,President of '�'ill �,�•�:� Council _ � Special P:"eetin� o.f the Vill�ge. �ouricil of the yTilla�e of iiopl:_.in_s;i���inn.., �': -was tield�. on Tuesday.Piay.l4th,193�,.at 7;30 Pl�;" in the Council Poom.=� `' ' . �; . _ l��embers present; G.4�I,Y,7oore,�'r�;sident; Lrustees,I:ia��en,�Jltma.n and Odell. ' Redorder Anderson. � I;Totion du].y made by Ander.son, seconded by Ultr�an ti�at 1;he applicat ions For Drive-In `�tation of the Qualit�T Gas and Oi1 .Co. be a�epted,carri ed. Pv�otion duly made b� �dell,seconded by Ande�rson ti�at �he perm it fo r a?�ull� . Station be denied the Quality Gas �'�; Oil Co .; lo�t or, the fo llowrin� v ot e; � A�Tes-Anderson and Odell. Pro-h��oore, i�,S.adden a.nd � Oltman. ?:?otion du7.� r��,de b� 41t�a�a,seco�ra�ed b� �too� th�.t we granit �the a�plica- ti�n ti� t�i� Quslit� G�s 8c Oil Co..�or a I3ulk �tation,carr��ed_ ��n the follov✓i�g v�o�e: A�es-Oltmar�,P�oor��e,riad�en. No-A�erson-and' Odell. No f��her business appearin�,meetin� adjourned upon motion dul� made_,seconded and carried. � _ g;'L+: A erson, ecor e. �ttest ' _ r. .;`a.P�oore,President.. -; a Re�ular rneet in g of the Villa�e Counci l of the Vill��e of Hop�Lin s���ras held on TuesdajT,P�ay_ 21s�;,1935, at 7;30 Pi,�i in t}ie Council �%ham�ers. P,�embers :�resent: G�'ru'.r:�oore,President; Trustees,P�,7�dden,0ltraan,Ode11. Recorder �nd.erson, Attorney Iiosp. r"r.Ze��is .from the I+'.at.Z.FR.�o. anpeared asking� that the Trillage Attorne�r meet with their I,egal �epa,rtrr,ent. l��otion duly n�ade by Ande son, secorxT ed b� �dell that ���e allo�r� a p� �ment of �50.00 to i�dr.+._Strobeck fo-r a��a.rt� pa��r,ent on t"�ie F�eral expense of the John I.Johnson bill and �;'r.Johnson be notiPied t'r�at '��is account has been charged Por the amount of ��50.00, a.nd that he is to m.a.ke �rrangements for paqment either b� c�,sh or avork, passed subiect to the approval of the Village I�egal Dept.check to b� held ur, for payment for 10 da�s, carried. on ��illov�ing vote: Ayes-h�oore ,��adden,Odell Anderson. rdo-Oltman. � ,. &lr1PJlason represent�ng the Telephor.e Co.appeared and outlined their propossl in connection �ritr� the tel.ephone orddnance. Recorder to notif� Electric Co. to mve t�vo poles in alle,y between 2nd 8c 3rd Sts. and llth 8� LOth Ave.T�o. Recorder to noti.�y Fuxa that lila,n bushes and shed protrude into alle�. Recorder to notiPy Herm�.n Olson to repair H�drant at lOth ��e.PJ.& 3rd St; lo�vered. lt�otion duly �,de b� Ol�tan,secorded bp Anderso� tnat ��e �vrite the Poor Farm a letter favoring t��e admzttar�ce to t'�e Court� Horr�e of iTels Strobeck, he (Nels atrobeok� to �ay t�is o�Arn expense to villa�e 50y� per day, carried . Recorder to call nusery on movin� tree in park. Motion dixly made by I��a.dden, seconded b�r Oltman �hat �,Tre purchase Pour coats and three p�,irs of _boots for Fire Dept.,carried. �Pa7otion duly r�:�ade by �ltm�n,secorded b,�� Odell that the applic�.t ions tor milk . license be granted Jerry Vanek,carried. 1'�Zotion duly made b� l��adden, seconded by Odell t?�at follocfin� 'oills be allowed, c�rried : 12308 Frank St odo la 12309 Joe Pud�il 12310 C.l�l. �totthard 12311 �.F.Sheehan 12312 Jas.Z�Tkke 12313 Au�; .�-'eterson 12314 Jas .Cathers 123I5 Pet er 't�'olf 12316 �iJalt er IT it z 12317 Ernil Iz���nick 12318 Fr€�nk i�osengren 12319 A, Arn ess 12320 :. J ,Td�cDona ld �.2321 Thos .Fara 1232 Anton �avel 12323 Car1 Olson 12324 Iml�roveme nt Bulle t in 12325 L".& �t.Z.�R Co. 3483 g. G. �Iamilt on 3495 Bloor�ie Jenstad 3494 Lawren c e Sch ut z 3496 b�'rs.m'r.eo.Extir�e 3498 Improvemet;t Bulletin 3499 T. F. Sh eeham Zabor I,abor n �► rr n : TT „ „ ►, �r. �r ►r rr ,► �, Ad�.on hoad Tar bids Share Si�nal Esperse Sal. t� 5-1�-35 1► TI IT ,► ►►. „ TI IT 1/ Adv.on bids ior �idewaalk 8 hrs , n 45� 69.00 22.. 05 28.80 36.00 14.40 3.60 20.70 32 .00 43 . 00 14.40 14.40 3.60 b.UO 28.80 :�6.00 27.50 4.80 513.86 72.50 32.50 72.50 12 .00 4.80 3.6.0 R�eetin� P�°'a� 21st,1935,-2- Bi11s con't. 3500� P�fip1s. Gen.Elec.Co. Repair �Jrna.r:_ental I�i��ht 3501 An�on Pavek Labo� 3502 Ha rry Y�J . Sm ith C o.. AmbulaT � c e PR 3503 Hopkins Fire Dept. 4 calls 3504 Jos.Shonka �abor�ER -� 3505 IJe ls l3el son 11 da� s � 1. 50 350g Frank �t odo la 8 hrs . C� 60�' 3507 l�`alter RolP ' Catc'rling 2 do�s 3508.Litel Hospitad Services PR 3509 R.��'J.l�`oore Bal.�al.5-�-35 3510 t�V�,.Strobeck Paym.on Johnson Puneral 5491 Hern�an Olson Sal., 5-1�-35 1527_6 Chris Jensen ���ate�main 15277 Chris Jensen " N�otion dul� made,seconded and c�rried= tY�.t •meetir,� ad,iourn. ecorder�' �.ttest : Presiden il �.ge ouncil 2 .48 3.60 6. GO 75.00 23.18 16.50 4.80 2.U0 56:55 13.00 50.00 70.00 1144.00 10@0.00 Specialmeeting �P the Villa�e Counci.l of the Villa,�e of Hopkins was held on Tuesday P:iay 28th,1935, at 7:30 �'P,� in the Cour�cil Chambers. T�embers ��sent, fi7.uJ,T�oo�,President; Trustees Oltman,Odel1,A�`adden. Recorder Anderson. r I��otion duly made by Ol�man,seconded by Odell that v��e g�rant the peti t ion for Tarvia From 2nd St.to r:'ills ave on 7th �velN.cost to be spread over a three �ea-r assessment ,carried. RL�otion dul,y made by C�dell,sec.onded by Oltman that we gra,nt the petition for curb on 7th AQe.Ido.from 2nd St, t o Ia��ills Ave. cost to be spread over a five yoar assessment �carried. � �;�otion daly m=�de by I,�"adden,secor�ded b� �nderson that the following bills be allov�ed,earried; 3511 Fred Holasek 8elieP Garden i��t �150.00 3512 Aleg .Kasper Dra�ging Relief Garaen 34.85 12326 Jame s C�,thers I�abor � . j.�.pp I�7r.:?. D.�ustin and Ps_r.R. �?�Furber apbeared befo re th e �ounc il in c onnec- tion wi th the gross earnin�s �lax Ordinance of the l�ort}ierri States Pv�aer Company,asking �or a t�vo.dveeks delav in passing of said; ordinance, or until their �ttorney returns,��anted. 14�otion duly made by .Anderson,seconded by Oltman that we allouv a Cont ract to the Band Fo r�500.00,carieied . ��oti on duly rra.de and sec onded t Y�.t r� eet ing ad,j ,�u rn. Recor er Atte�t ; re s i den t Regul�r meeting of the Villare �ouncil of the Village of Hopkins,�r�inn., was held on Tuesday,.Tune 4th,1935, at 7:30 P��.' in the Council chambers. 11�emti�ers present; G.I��d.T:�oore ,President; Trustees �ltman,Odel1 and T:radden. Recorder Anderson. l�otion duly rr:ade by I4�adden,seconded by Oltr�an t}�at the rrinutes be a�proved as read,carried. Prices on Sand as per quot�.tions received b�r Vi11a�e ??ecorder over telephone �aere as Polloti�vs : ��. Consoli:�ated Is��aterials Co. , 20�,� per �.less 5;�; plus 20yi ;per _s�.�-�o�- For �auling. Hedber� & Friedheim,60� per Ton,lF,ss 15-5;? Landers-�,'orrison Co., 60¢ per Ton F.ice �and. & Gr�vel Co. , 60� per Ton , . Centur� Sand & Grave 1 Co ., 84� per yd . p¢�totion duly made by 011a��aa� ,seconded b� l:��adden,th�.t «e purchase vrave 1 Prom Consolidated T:Raterials Company,ca�ried. � T,,otion duly r_rade by Ul'tm��n,second d by Udell that the� side�vlak contr�,cts be drarJn up as . per old spec ifications on file,carried. r�`otion dul�r r, ade b� Ultman,seconded by Odell that �ve purclaase a Slide and3�group swing i�or the Park,carried . fl��otion du7,p made b�r Anderson,seconded b� Oltman that the American Legi:�n �.nd the Veterans of Forei�n }.-�ars be granted permi.s_sion to s ell Fire��orks subj ect to the approval of the site b� the r ire ���a-rden,carried. ll2�tion duly made by I��iadc�en,seconded by 9nderson th�,t the Hopkins Comrnu�it�r Canner� be granted perm�ssion to cor_�nect the ir water line to �ydrant by pl plant,c�,rried. l�otion duly n-�ade b� Anderson,seconded by Oltman that we hire J.B.IVliller, to assist H.Olson at tbe regular wa��e scale,carried. R�otion duly made by t.�;adden,seconded by Anderson that �we �rant the request o� I�;'rs.Extine ior rubber cushion and some potatoes,carried. Itriotion duly made by T�;`adder,, seconded by �r�derson that t�se Fire �esolution as per c orov ati;ac �ec� be ad.�o.i�'c ecl ,cu �•7�i. e�_ , Notion duly made b�r Ander.son,seconded by Oltman that the ��'�ater ard Trea- surer's report be placed-on file, carr.ied. P:�otion dul.� made b� Ol�ar� ,seconded by Pa2adden that the lolloti9�in� bills be allotved; carried; � 12327 12�28 12329 12 330 12331 12332 12333 12334 12 3B5 12336 12337 12338 123�9 12340 12341 12342 12343 12344 12345 12346 12347 12348 12349 12350 L.J.P�:eDonald �-�auling 8c Labor Frank atodo 18 I�abor �u�'.Peter� n " T�os.Fara " Carl Olson _ " Tractor '�has .Behrns " '-�nil Honick " Frank L ri c]� on " �.�lrness " �� C, tlE1, Stbtthal'd rr Joe Pudgil " 1V.irombley " Jas. Zykl�e " C ons olid�.t ed F��at er iala Co . Farm Service 5tore '�alt Geo.P,�.rRiles Gas The I'ure Oil Co. Gas It7pls.Gen.Elec.Co. Light p� P.H.Coyle Repai rs Albert Maetzold Gasoline Ve rnon i'dill iar,s Gas ol ir,e Standard Oil Co. Gasoline Dahlberg Bros .Inc . Gaso:Line Tdels on's Shoe Store�oot s Gravel Povaer 16. 25 48.00 3. 60 2.93 35. 75 2.70 19.58 28.80 4 .00 21.60 28.80 8.78 15. �8 10,05 1.95 1.58 8.69 4. 8 6 9.50 1.76 3.12 8.31 20.35 7.29 �,"eeting June 4th,19�5. Bills con't. 3513 A.G.tiamilton �al.to 6-1-35 3514 Z�wrence ��hutz " " 3515 Bloomie Jenstad " " 3516 �Irs.Theo .Lxtire " '� ��irs .Light 3517 Jos1A..�iosp " 7-1-35 gttorney _ 3518 9.G`1,ElIDquist " " Treas. 3520 G�UxJ.T:"�ore " " President 3519 Clarence Grover " " ���ire 1'�tarden 3521 �Jm. Ode 11 "" '► T rus tee 3522 F.?°;�.l�radden " " . " 3523 Irving Oltman " " " 3524 r�.L.Anders cm " :'. Recorder 3525 J.L�Henness� F� Co. Fu�l PR 3526 ��r, d`J. Drehenstedt A�Zilk PR 3527 The Transit Sup.Co. Txa.nsporta,tion P<< 3528 A1f3�2�nderson Shoe Repairs PR 3529 �'.H.rla inert Drugs PP 3830 Tdorthland rziilk Co. Nilk pr 3531 U.oF �Z.HoSPita1 Re�.�c T�ab.PR 3532 Hopkins �'ire Dept. 1 call & 21 'priones 3533 Pederson LairSr - �,�ilk PR 3534 Clarence Thaemert Sal . t o 5-16-35 3535 1�1p1s. �en.Elec. Co. Zi�ht & Powier . 3536 ��Ja lter Ro1P Catching 2 d ogs 3537 _The Hennepin County Retiriet�� Fublicat ions 3538 Dahlberg Bros.Inc. Tennis �ourt Tape 3539. N.1`J.Be11.Tele.co. Fire 8c �%ity Ha11 'phones 3540 �:�inn.Products Co. Supplies 3541 I�Rartin Holy Gas 3542 Fr�nk.Sitar Police change 3543 Jac ob Schef�ler Sal , to 6-1-35 3544 Ge o. brJegler Labo r 3545 Pe ter �lolf Zabo r 3546 Jens Clausen Labor 3547 Carl Seden I,abor 3548 1k7idwest Pire �1pp.Co.Supplic�s 3549 �7artin J.Vanek Fi _�e. 8� Polic e g]arms R� T�2eals 3550 Ot to Vo llrath Labo r 3551 John Tauchen Za.bo x � 3552 Nels T4el son Zabor 3553 �rergency �elief Adm. �hare ofFice expense 5492 Herr.�an-01son �a1.6-1-35 8�93 I�Tp1s.Gen.Elec.Co. Light & Pouver 5494 John F.Koss Supplies Pump Housg 15278 Sec.Natl.Bk.Hop. Certi.�icate due �d Int. 15279 Albert Graber �ig.Serti�ices ' 15280 The Hennepin Co�y Review-Publications 15281 Improvement Bulletin Advertising 152f�2 Chris Jensen V�latermains & se��er Upon a motion dul� m�de,sec�n�ed and carried r_�eeting adj ourned . .�-Q� ecor er Attest : ��L. President 7 5. 00 75.00 32.50. 12.00 75.00 50.00 105.00 50.00 75.00 75.00 75. 00 195.00 6.61 4.00 3.00 1.75 1.15 1.71 2 ,00_ 55 .50 9:36 22 .10 428.53 2•. 00 15 .60 10.90 11.05 17.25 7 .79 16.50 10,00 10.80 59.50 49.05 4.95 1. ,70 26.10 3.60 18.00 12 .00 30.00 70.00 258-.40 23.70 577.71 157.75 69.26 34.20 105�.00 F�S07,T�� IOI`�. ,., B� TT ����St!�� ;3Y �T3 : �II ' &1�� �: i3F �4�'Y:.I�s � , T���� ,. t�Ai���.�'Ad� ti�e V�l,la�e �:ounc il o�i t� e ViI3��� r�€ �io��i:�s,= �inne�c�t.€� on Jane 4t�,1935 f d fd ��? ii��t�lu�ian, c�a1� �d-���oci',. a���o�^i ze 8nd di�°eet ���,e �rope� �:i��r Q��icial� ta Q�aca'�e �- �prd in tYEe �en�.l €�Qoc�t c�P � l,ClU0,40 i� favor- o�' t.,� ��:it� c� P I`i�����z�Ii� t0 �;��,r�rto� t�e ps�m�t b�r t�1� 'tri3.la�@ oP �Opk��� ��:?3r��eot� tv t�e �%�tt� o:� 'r:i3r��ag�o?is oP_ a1Z pavp�r biL].s rende�c� i�.;- s�id Cit� crf ��.nne�po lis Por �i �+e ��otac� �.0n, inaludi�-:� ��b��• ��d Z�a e a�� of �'ire Appar��ue o� ��e �i��' of ��inn��p�lis .��r ���e ye�r endi�� aune 4t� 91936, anc� E��_,?E:���',d�, '�}�� �ropQr Vill�� oPPic�.als a�ve ��Qested e�id bo�d in Psvo � oP tl:e c 9. ty v.� I� in.cie � g�a 1�.� ., �zd �'d��::;3�.�AS,. �a id �o't;d i�� beo� �[e:�iv� 7tec� t(i '�Ize �'i Te De�e,i'�tr�e�t �g �i�Y 8 v�.fi� of ��tiz�ie �p� i�,, �1�E�,Tii�:�.��'0�?�:, �3: I� �'`��OZ:��.`:, ���� sa�id ?�o�ci so F�r�iah��. a�!d de1.�:�eFed be and t�;e s�� ��reb�* is �app�ovoc� ! � I��-R•�+0 !�'�� :�4 �.�T ���- � ' . • C'%ol�_. 6`i.a�A{.�=�.J?i�. L_ ��� ea—Ju�e 4�h ,19�5 0..�.E'e I'E d b� �° � r�i ��:'_3dd �,+Y1 a :�e���s�ed b�t �=�.�nder�on 't''�07.1C� ' 1. ��c y°e a.��r t o�he c,ounc il. n :�t��o of �°i�nesot� �o;�mi� oP ;3err�ae�in I. A,.�oAncler�on, bei�� the c�u1� ap;�oini:ec� �.��. qt�.ali.iiod C7.eri� o.f �t:e V�.1i�e oP ilopkins,�:�f�ne�ota, �da �ereb . Qe�'tiEy ���i�'t ���e .�o�o�o�.��; is €� t�e and co �ect a� p�� oF the �Q�olu�3on dul� p� sad b� th o�'il�.�e �oanc�.l o� t�:� �Till€�e �g F�opl�ins,L�f�.nesatas�.� its re�ul�.r �Q��ir�� on June ���7,1�33�. ��'�-K €�� e �. � r DA��d�tan� 4t���,Z9�a, Special meeting o P the Village Council of the Vil].a.ge oF Hopkins was held on Ju,ne llth,l935, at 7;30 Pty7 in the Cou:r!cil Room. 1lSembers pre sent ; G.IV.A�oore, Pre s id ent ;`.i rustees, Otl�an and P��iadden . Recorder gnderson. Absent Trustee Odell. This meeting was c��lled for the purpose oP meeting vaith the Subur- ban Gas Compan�r. &lotion daly r�ade b� Olt�an,sec� nded .by ��adden that the Vil]a�e 9ttorney communicate �r�ith the I�:.�pls-�1�7oline ofiicials in regard to the approval o` the ?�erse�r I��".eter, and if approved same vaill be installed Por �792.00,carried. P�Totion dulg made b� Oltman,seconded ��r I�;:adden that Frank Stodola be appointed evee� inspector Por the ,illage oP Hopkins,carried._ 1�r.H.C�Carlson and J.T.�.Johnson,appeared Por the ��p1s.�ub.Gas Co., and �,fter presenting their financial s�atementshowing �oss in oper�tion in the Villa�e of �iopkins stated that it would be impossible to make a reduation in the gas rate for the Villa�e oP Hopitins. ��'otion d uly ��ade by Oltman,seconded by Anderson that v�ae instruct the TTarthern �tates Power Con7pr�.ny to inst�ll street light a t 8th Ave.No and IiRills 9ye. ,and also a R.P.Cross ing at 15th �ve . carried . l;�otion duly made by Anderso n,sec onded b� Oltnan that we purchase a drin�in� Pountain,carried . lt��otion du7.y riade h� �nderson,secorlded by P4"adden that the follocving b ills be allowed : 3569 A.G,Hamilton Sal. to 7-1035 3570 Lavarence Schutz " " 3571 Bloomie Jenstad " " 3572 ��rS.Theo .Extine ��irs .Light �al.�to td31035 5495 Herman Olson Sal. to '7-1-3� 15284 lst %dat.Bk. of Hopkins Bond & Int. �Zo�Lion duly made and seconded that meet ing ad j ourn,carried. �TTEST: Presi en� 0 72.50 72. 50 32.50 12.00 70.00 302.39 P��eet ing of the Vi11a g e Counc il of t e Villa�e of Hopkir s was held on luesday,June lSth,l9�5, in the Council Roon1 at 7:30 P��i. �embers present;. G�VJ.PJ�oore ,President; Trustees,R�Zadden,�ltman,Odel1. Reaorder Ard'erson. Attorney Hosp. I�:r.A.N.�aueher, telephone expert from the =�ailroad and e�aPehouse Cor�nission prepared a sumrnary in booklet gorm and left same ��ith the Villa�e Council. Mr.C.g.S�vanson oP the �Tll�. Telephone Company appeared and a.fter sho�in� a Pinanc.i�,l statement wnich is attached,showin� a loss in operation said in all probab.ilit� there could not be any reduction in rat es for th e Village oF Hopkins and tha t it wo �.ld pract ic�,ll,y be impossible to make the `��lalnut Egchange a neutral zone v�ithout increasing the Hopk$ns ra.tes to �a.ke care o.f the egpense. ��otion du.l� made b� I��qadden,seconded by Oltman that we purchase _-•---. a Tro�an Ace sl ide 8 ft high an8 16 Pt long ior �98.00 a� d also : a Tro�an 3 attachment_ s�raing �100 for �75.00 carried. L+�otion daly made by Odell,seconded b� Oltman tr�at the applicati on Po�i license for a Root-Beer,So.ft Drink and �and�,�ich curb service stand oP Fred �iolzahn,Hop�:ins R�2 be denied,carried . P�:Zation duly made by Oltman,seconded b� Odell th�,t the Pollovring bills be allowed; carried; 3573 Clarence Thaemert 3574 Frank Stodola 3575 Otto Vollrath 3576 N.Trombley 3577 Ueo.GJexler 3578 TTels I�elson 12351 Frank Stodola 12352 Au�.Peterson 12353 Thos.Fara 12354 Jas .Lykke 12355 Ant on Pavel 12356 Frank I�unvar 12357 Peter �`�lo1f 12358 �;.J.McDonald 12359 Carl �lson 12360 C.W.Stottha rd 123 61 Chas.B�h rns Sal. to I,ab o r �, n n n 89a hrs. Za bo r rt ►� „ �t 6-13-3�� � 60 y.� 12 hrs . Truck 12 hrs. � 1.00 Tr. 94 hrs. � 50� Tractor 48 hrs. Q 45� 4 hrs. � 45�e Motion duly made,secor�ded and carried that -rneetinE� adjourn. Attest : '� �u- Pre s id en .— � m Recor er 5.25 6.90 11.03 5.40 11.70 12 . 00 53.70 1.80 36.00 21.60 19.58 19.58 1.50 12 .00 47.00 21.60 1�.80 Special meeting oP the Village Council of the Vi].lag�e oP Hopkins was held on Tuesday June 25th,1935 at 7:30 Pm in the Village Hall. .. g��embe r-s present G,titi.N?oore,President; Trust�es I�adden,Oltman, and �dell. �?eco rder Anderson. Tnis meeting �as held For the purpose of auditing the Village books. rp�ot ion duly m�de. b�r Ol�m�.n , sec onded b�r I�adden th�,t �ve ma.ke an application for �, Government grant for a I�unicipal �Power Plant, 147unicip=�1, Disposal Plant and Storm-set;�ers,carried. �bZotion da7.y made and seoonded meeting adjourn. .,� Attest: �6�'�'UJ� � � L �� .� �.�-: � � The regalar meeting oP the village Council of the Villa�e oP Hopkir, s w�,s he ld on Tuesday July 2nd ,1935 at 7 i 30 Prv4 in t�e �. Council Room. . . = B�Iember$ pre'sent,:. G.4V.�oore,President; Trustees P�adden,Odell and Oltm�n. Recorde� Ai�derson,Attorney Hosp. Mr.M.A.Fitchgerald,Area Engineer .�or the E.R.g.,and 1�r.Turnham o.f the� Rural �ennepin OP.�ice appeared beYore the Council to diseuss the proposed p�►c�j ects in the Villa.ge and aPter submit ting to them our thoughts in conneetion ��ith t'rle pro,jects the� inPormed us that in all p�obability the Storm Sev�rer v�ras an ideal project Por. E.�.9. relieP but they did not have e.n�r inPormation �s to the 45� �rant From the Government for either the Sevaerage disposal plant or the municipal po«er p7.ant but as soon as in%rmation 47&,S available in rePererce to these projeots the�r would notiPy us. Motion duly rnacle bg Oltman,seconded b� Odell that we appoint Dr. �adden Ma�o-r pro tem in the absence of Dr.�'oore ,carried . Motion du� made b� Anderson,seconded by Odell that we adopt the Resolution to execute a.Bond for �1000.00 for the Yire protection fr� the Minneapolis ��ire Department , carried . rr7otion dul� r�ade by Oltraan,seconded by _Odell that vue rafund Henr� J�I,orance �1.00 Por building permit #30,carried. �.�iotion duly ma.de by Oltman,seconded b� Oddll that the minutes �b.e approved as.read,Qarried. ltnotion dul�r m�,de,seconded and carried that reports be placed on gile. b�ot ion dul� ma.de b�r Olt man , seo anded b� Anderson that the .Herzan and I�e,�ic license be granted,carried. _ �Ioti��n duly r�ade by Ode.11,seconded b�r Ariders� n that the petition For taring alle�s between lOth and llth gve.So.be allov��ed,carried. ��otion du'ly m�de b� �dell,seconded b� Oltman that the communication .�rom �ennepin Count� Fair Board be �aid on the table ,earried . rY2ot ion dul� made b�r Odell_,seconc�ed b� Oltman that the communications be placed on Pile. I��Iotion duly made by Udell,seconde�� ��y 1'e�Iadden t�za.t the following bills be allotired ; • 3583 Hopl�ins Fire D�pt. 3584 T��7artin J.Vanek 3585 J.E.3iennessy Co. _ 3586 �pls .Gen.eElea .Co. 3587 Ne ls I3 el s on 3588 �e ns _ C la usen 3589 Paulson �d�re. 3590 Frank Sitar 3591 Henry J.Zorance 3592 J.Jasperson 3593 T�ational Tea Co. 3594 Sears Roebuck & Co.. 3595 U oP I��.Hospital 3596 6'J.r,�pls.�ta.esl Co. 3597 G.L�l..A2oore ' � 3598 Henr�r Roehl 3599 Red Owl Stores 3600 4�alter Ro1P 3601 Jacob �che�iler 3602 St.Paul Bk.� Stat.Co. 3603 Pure Oil Co. 3604 A.H.Hensler 3605 641. S,Darley 8c Co. 3606 Hopkin� Transter Co.-= 2607 Feudner Davidson ggcy. 3608 Carl Seden 3609 t��.�.Smetana 22 phones Yolice � Fire Alarms Supp.lie s Zigllt �: Power Laobr Z�'uor Supp7_ies Police change Re.fund permit l��ilk PR Groc.PR Olothing PR Med. care PR Fue 1 PR PR Ezt ine Gas Groc.PR Cat ch ing 4 do�s Sal . 7-1-35 8c repa.i r Pla�ground Equip. Ke r os ene PR S uppl ie s Fountain Drayage Fire Bond �b or Supplies 8c meal 42 . 00 25.25 35 ,75 419.26 12.00 �5.45 11.50 20.00 1.00 2 . 00 2.00 4.40 .75 2i.29 2.70 2.19 9.70 4.00 27.50 173.00 .65 .75 22.35 2.88 20 .00 4.85 2.39 11�eeting 7-2-35 -2- Bills con't. 3610 `r;mergency RelieP Adm. 3611 idW Bell Telephone Co. 3612 �3�.nepin �ounty $ome 3613 5tand�rd OiT Co. 3614 Mp1s.Sub Gas Co. 361b r;iinnesota News Co. 3616 T��rs ."�mil Pe t er�en Shaze egpense F ire F� C ity �ial l phone s Bd. 3 Por 3 morit hs Gas City Hall gas ...Boo� I,ibrary Cleaning Zibrary 3617 The Heruzepin Count� Review Sub.Zib. 3618 Bren �ddve . ''up • 3619 Clarenoe Thaemert Ba1.S�l. 3620 Dahlberg Bro s. Inc . � Sup.8� Reg . 3621 Fog Da.iry � P?�ilk PR 3622 Nelson Shoe Store Shoes PR 3623 �1ans Svensen Imbor 12364 Jos.Shonkg Zabor 12365 Fr�.nk Stodola " � 12366 t�Varren �e�on 12367 Pe t.er ��Jo1P 12368.John Tauchen 12369 Fra,nk �:rickson 12370 �oe Pudgil 123'71 Carl Olson 12372 Aug.Peterson 12373 C.`�V�Stotthard 12374 �,mil Honcik 12375 Frank l�unvar �376 Chas .Zehmbecl�er �2�377 Albe rt 0.�Zaet z old 12378 A.H.x�aler 12379� Piers on- dWilcox Elec. Co. 12380 Da,hlberg Bros.Ine. 12381 Pure Oil Co. 12382 Geo .1�'.PMfiles 12383 �p1s.Gen.Eleo.Co. 5497 A.Pl�mith Co. 5498 J �B.R�iiller 5499 h�p1s.Gen.Elec Co. 5500 Hg �nan Olso n 5501 Iaatic�nal T:�e te r Co . 550� Bu�.falo T4�ete:r eo. 5503 �"�aterous co. 5504 ttiTueller Co. _ 15285 S.E.Svec 15286 Chris Jensen Trucic Ie,bor L�bo� IT Gas Repair s Supplies Sup . 8� Rep . Gas Gas Rep.8c Light � Po�ve r Supplies Zab or Power Stamps Supplie s n iT T� SuPP •8c Rep . S�ver 8c ��at ermai n 28.00 8.85 138.00 15 .41 1.15 47 . 70 3.00 2 .00 5.08 10.70 21.79 5.40 6.60 1.58 18.00 57 .30 20.40 49.00 21.60 32.40 32.40 9.00 21.60 21.60 33.98 39.60 23.63 1.'l6 7.15 15.70 35.46 9.28 4.22 24.80 76.85 64.�0 1.00 1.00 3.63 14.77 39 . 50 9.82 48.00 2009.23 Motion dulg made,aeconded and carried that meeting adjourn. �t te st : re s en /C�� R aor�.e r � Special meeting of �h� Vill�ge Council of the Village oP Hopkins , was h e ld on Jul� 9th ,1935 at 7,: 30 PI+,R in th:e Co unci 1�o om. ' I�7embers present; G.I��.Moore,President; � Trustees,Oltman,Ode1T and � ��7adden. Recorde r dnderson. 1`y�otion duly made by, Oltrr,an,seconded by Odell, th�t we pay the �icCarthy bill. for ;692.75, carried. Dr.R�cHale,Jos.Lapic,Jas.l:�?eng and Zeo Priest, the Civic and Comi,�erce comLzittee on Raspberr�r Da� met ;�ith the �ouncil asking for perm�ssion to c lo�e of.� +' celsior Ave.From '7th Ave, to llth Ave From 1� to 9 pr.r on Jul�r 2]�st. .-. �:otion� duly �ade b.y �."adden,secanded b� Andersan that we grant the request oP the �ivic and Commerce comr��ittee to. close �xcelsior Ave. subject to the approeal o.P the Hennepin County Board o� Comn_issioners, and the T�vin Cit�r Bus Com��ny,carried . I;?otion dul�r made by P°adden,seconded by Oltman, tiat v�e aecept this as a seconded reading oP the Oil Burner Ordinance,carried. I��otion duly made b� �ltrnan,seccmded by r2adden that we adopt the mil �rner ordinan�e,ca�rried. b:oti�n dul� made by Oltrnan,seconded b�r Odell that petition to oil Alleys :�outh oP Lgcelsior between 9th and lOth Aves.be granted ,carried. ��otion dul� made b� b��adden,seconded b� Ultman tY�at the pet ition to oil Alleys betdveen llth 8c 12th Aves.be �;ranted,carried. N?otion duly rnade b� �dell, seconded by Tb"adden that petition Por oiling of glley north of :�gcelsior bet�aeen 12th and 13th Ave. Ue granted, carried. I�ot ion duly made by Anders �, seconded by b�Iadden tha,t the pe�it ion Por iarvia on ls.t St .I�1o.betvaeen 6th and 7th �Qes. be granted and recorrnmend tnat a curb be plaeed ,carried. �otion duly made b�r Odell, seconded by Oltman, that the Recorder notify Joe Holasek that the sidev�ral.k be repaired on or before the lOth at 12th• ana� Excel.Ave.and 7th �lve.and Lxcel. Village Attorneg to w�ite said letter,carried. I��Iotion duly made,seconded and carried meeting ad�ourn. _ �� Recorde r \ Attest• _ . � .- - Pre s i de rrt ��,. _ ,.. r �' 6 T� � ,,,: ° , J=�� ., _ _ _ ,-��,/ \ C City of Minneapolis � " Fire Department � � . Fire Prevention Bureau " �-=�� '4 ,�, Al�`�ORDINANCE (� Relating to and Reg�ilatirrg the u Co�struction and In.stallation of 0' Oil Burning De�ices n� �- � and �Equipmen�s for b� `� � Heating Purposes O and the • Storage arzd Use of � Oal Fuels � in Connection therewith in the City of Minneapolis, and Providing for (� the Licensing of All Persons In- IF, � stalling Sucli Devices and = Equipments in Said' City. � ^ .V \, Passed Jari:' 30, 1931 �� Amepcled Mar. 13, 1931 (� �V ��±�O�tlO11CO��UQn0l000< � .. hJif�i���. ���1�? - - � holder of the permit. Every applicant for such a permit shall de- posit with the City Treasurer such a eum of money as the City Council may require, which amount ahall be uaed to pay the coet of the inapection of the tank when inatalled, the making of 8eld notes with regard to the lo- cation of said tank, and the restoration o1 the atreet to proper condition after the tank ia inatalted. The balance of said deposit ehall, after the payment oP all said itema, be re- turned to the person making the deposit. Section 16. Any person, flrm or corpora- tfon who ehall violate any provision of th3s ordinance or who ehall fail to comply with any oP ite requirements shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a.8ne or not less than Twenty-8ve Dollara ($25.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollare ($100.00), Yor each o1- fense, or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety ( 90 ) days, and every such person, flrm or corporation ehall be deemed guilty oi • a� separate o8ense for every day on which auch violation or failure to comply shall continue. Previona Ordinance Repealed: Section 17. An ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance. Relating to and Regulating the Construction �and Inetallation of Oil Burning Devices and Equipmente for Heating Pur- poses and the Storage and Use o4 Oil Fuels in Connection Therewith in the City oY Minne- apolis, and Provicling Por the Licensing of all Peraons Inatalling such Devicea and Equip- menta in Sald City," approved September 9, 1924, and all subsequent ordinances amenda- � tory of eaid ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 18. Thie ordinance shall take ef- Pect and be in force from snd after thirty ( 30 ) daye after ite publication. Passed January 30, 1931. ' Publiehed February 5, 1931. As amended March 13, 1931. Published March 18, 1931. _ 20 City of Minneapolis Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau AN ORDINANCE Relating to and Regulating the Construction and Inatallation of Oil Burning Devices and Equipments for Heating Purposes ' and the Storage and Use of Oil . Fuels in Connection therewith in the City of Minneapolis, and Providing for the Licensing of All Peraons In- stalling Such Devicea and Equipments in Said City. Pasaed Jan. 30� 1931 Amended Mar. 13, 1931 - � , �. . ' )� _ . a 4 � e spected by the fire Prevention Bureau and • approved. � PROTECTION TO PUBLIC AND CITY No permit to occupy any public place for the storage oY crude petroleum, or any of its products, shall be issued until the owner or lessee of the premises in connection with which such public place is to be used shell have fui•nished a good and sufficient suret�� company bond ,in�a sum required by the City Council, to be approved by the Mayor and City Comptroller, and approved as to Yorm Uy tl�e City Attorney, which bond shall contain a legal description of the premises and shall be conditioned to save harmless and indem- nify the City of Minneapolis from any �nd all damages, actions and claims of any kind, or character, which may accrue to, or be suf- fered by, any peraon by reason oP the con- struction, esistence, maintenance, erection or use of any tank for the storage oP crude pe- troleum, or any oY its produCts, beneath auch public place, and shall also be. conditioned to pay the cost of the removal. of each tank if removed by the City and the cost of the restoration of the street, or public place, to a proper condition, upon the removal of such tank whenever the same may be, and by whomsoever removed. , PUBLIC PERMIT IS TEMPORARY ONLY Any such permit shall be wholly of a tem- porary nature and ahall vest no permanent rights whatever in the grantee of the permit, and shall be subject to revocation by the City Council, in its discretion, upon ten (10 ) days' notice, and if, after the eapiration oY ten (10 ) days' notice, the grantee of the permit shall Pail to remove the tank, then the City of Minneapolis shall have the right to remove the same at the cost and eapense of, and without any liability for damages to, the 19 r- 1Vo oil shall be' used in any oil burner heatiug system which has a flash _ point lo�ver than one hundred and ten (110)'degrees Fahren- heit. ' � , Section 14. . A printed copy of the rules and instructions of the manufacturer shall be conspicuously posted near each oil burner. It shall specify the grade of oil required for the buruer. OIL STORAGE IN PUBLIC PLACES - Section 15. No person shall locate, con� struct, maintain, or erect any storage tank for crude petroleum or,any of.its products, in any street, alley, or public place without first obtaining a permit therefoi• from the City Council. In order to obtain srich permit, the owner or lessee of the premises abutting upon.any such public place, shall file with the City Engineer an application in writing there- for, showing the portion of the public : place desired to be occupied and the plans and specifications in accordance �vith which it is proposed to construct, maintain or erect the same, and the City Engineer shall, after having secured thereon the recommendations of the Fire Prevention Bureau, transmit the same to the City Council, and the City Coun- cil may, in its discretion, grant the permit, if it finds that such tank can be constructed, maintained, or erected without unduly inter- fering with or obstructing the use of such public place. The subsequent work of install- ing such tank shall be under the supervisidn of the City Engineer. Backfilling of excava- tion and replacing of foundation and pave- ment shall be under the supervision of 'the City Engineer at the expense of the owner of such tank, device or apparatus; provided, that in no case shall any earth or backfilling be thrown upon such tank or piping thereof, until the same has been eaamined and in- 18 AN ORDI�Tr�\'CE , � �Relating to and Regulating the Construction and Installation of Oil Burning Devices and Equipments for Heating. Purposes and the Storage and Use of Oil Fuels in Connection therewith in the City of bIinneapolis,- and Providing for the Licensing of All Persons �j� Iiistalling Such Devices and �quipments in Said - City. , ' The City Council of tlie City of :�Iinueapolis � do ordain as follows: ' � LICENSE REQUIRED _�1VD COST THEREOF Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall install in the City of ➢Zinneapolis any oil bur.ning device or equipment connected therewith for heating purposes without first paying the license fee hereby established and obtaining a licerise so to do fi•om the City Council of the City of Minneapolis and no person, firm .or, corpoTation shall install any such oil burning device or equipment in the City of Minneapolis without first ob- taining a permit therefor from the Fire Pre- vention Bureau of� said '.City. � Each such license shall expire on the first Monday of May next following the date of the issuance of the license. The annual license fee for each such license is hereby fixed and established at T�'venty-five Dollars ($25.00) per annum, and such license Yee shall be paid into the = City Treasury before the issuance of the li- cense. In case any such licenses shall be applied for and issued subsequent to the first Monday in May oP any year, the license fee to be paid therefor shall be such pro rata part of Twenty-five Dollars. as shall corre- spond to the fractional portion of the license year for which such license is issued. Before the iseuance of any such license the applicant therefor shall furnish a satisfactory bond to the City oY Miuneapolis, with proper' aureties thereon, in the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), to be, approved by the City Council, such . bond to be conditioned that the licensee shall furnish and inatall all such oil burning devices and equipments by him furnished and installed in strict con- formity �vith" the requirements and regula- tions of this ordinance. PERD4IT REQUIRED AND COST THEREOF Section 2. Before the issuance of any per- mit for the installation of any oil burning device or of the equipment connected:there- with, the applicant therefor shall pay to the Fire Prevention Bureau a permit fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) for each. such installation, and shall furnish and flle with the Fire Pre- vention Bureau plaus and specifications for such device and equipment and shall secure the approval by said Bureau of such plaus and specifications. No such permit shall be issued unless such plans and specifications shall comply with the provisions oE this ordi- nance. The permit fees so collected by the Fire Prevention Bureau shall be paid by them to the City Treasurer daily or as soon after collection as possible. • Should any person, firm or corporation begin work of any kind such as hereinbefore set forth, and Yor which a permit from the Fire Prevention Bureau is required by this ordinance, without.having aecured the neces- sary permit therefor from said Bureau either previous to or during the day oP the com- mencement of any such work, or on the next succeeding day where such work is com- menced on a Saturday afternoon or ou a Sunday or a holiday, he shall, when subse- quently securing such permit, be required � Pour (4) feet beyond the front thereof shall� be constructed of plaster�board covered with sheet metal, or of cement plaster on metal . lath, or oP other fire-resistive material of at least equal insulation value. • Smokepipes shall be located with minimum clearances to ceilings, partitions, etc., in ac- ��+; cordance with the Yollowing table: �ilntmum Minimum Clearance Clearance [ ' If Unprotected I[ Protected Woodwork .. 24 in. 12 in.' '. Plaster on wood lath. . 18 in. 9 in. Plaster on incombusti- ble lath, on wooden beams or studs..... 9 in. 6 in.•. The protection required by the above table ahall conaist of a sheet metal or equivalent covering placed at least one inch from the aurface to be protected, eatending lengthwiae of the smokepipe and at least twelve (12 )' inches�beyond the smokepipe and/or the sur- face to be, protected, on both sides. Section 13. It shall. be the duty oP the Fire Prevention Bureau to interpret these rules in a manner that is consistent with saPety and good practice. � ti FUEL OIL STANDARDS Section 13�. The commercial standards (grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) Por domestic and industrial Puel oils, set up by the U. S. Fed- eral Government, Department of Commerce, __ Bureau of Standards Bulletin CS 12-29 (is- sued November 7, 1929) shall constitute standard grades for fuel oil sold or delivered to oil burning plants within the City oY , Minneapolis, and it is hereby declared.a vio- • �. lation of this ordinance for any person, Srm or corporation to deliver or putinto the stor- age tank oP an oil burning plant a grade•oP oil inferior to that ordered by the purchaser. -17 �.- (b) �Electrical Installations: . Electrical insfallations used in connection � with oil heating equipment shall be inatalled in accordance with the requirementa of the � ordinances of the City of Minneapolia regu- lating the installation of electric wirea and apparatus. � .a (c) Chimney: '���' No oil burner shall be installed in any boiler or heater unless said boiler or heater . is connected with a chimney having sufRcient � draft at all times to insure the safe opera- tion of the burner. - (d) Pipe Dampers: Pipe dampers shall be removed or locked in the desired position, and no damper clos- ing off more than eighty ( 80 ) per cent of the , pipe area shall be allowed. ' VENTILATION Section 11. All boiler or furnace rooms shall be provided with adequate ventilation to secure continuous complete combustion. Section 12. Any woodwork, wooden lath and plaster partition or other combustible material within three (3) feet of the sides or back or six (6) feet from the front oY the furnace shall be covered with plaster board not less than one-quarter ( 1/4 ) inch in thick- ness or with other incombustible material oY at least equal insulation value. No combusti- ble material shall be stored within ten (i0j feet of Yurnace door. � ° 4 If �the furnace room ceiling is less than three ( 3) feet above the highest clean-out opening of the'furnace or boiler, that portion oP said ceiling which is immediately over such furnace or boiler and.extending a distance of two (2) feet beyond the sides and back and 16 . . a to pay 'double the ,4ee hereinbefore provided 'Yor for' such permit, and shall Jie subject to all the penal proviaions of this ordinance. - ORDINANCE TO BE COMPLIED � WITH $ection 3. All : devices and equipments hereafter installed in the Cfty of Minneapolis using oil fuels Yor the � heating. of buildings ahall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the following provisions of this ordinance: FUEL OIL DEFINED Section 4. For the purpose of this ordi- nance "Fuel Oil" shall mean any liquid used as fuel and having a flash point not less than 110 degrees Fahrenheit.- ' For the purpose of determining such flash point, the Pensky-Martens closed� cup tester . shall be authoritative. OIL BURNERS DEFINED Section 5. For the purpose of this ordi- nance, "Oil Burner" ahall mean any device designed and arranged for the purpose of burning "Fuel Oil" as de&ned in Section 4 of this ordinance, or preparing such oil Yor burning, and having a tank or container with a capacity for more than ten (10 ) gallons connected thereto. APPROVAL OF OIL BURNERS Section 6. (a) It ahall be unlawful for any person, 8rm, corporation or their agents governed by this ordinance to install any "Oil Burner" until an application Por ap- proval oP such make or type oY burner, on a form such ae set forth immediately hereaYter, ehall have been filed with the Fire Prevention Bureau and a"Certificate of Approval" of b9 such burner issued by said Bureau. Said Bureau shall issue a Certificate of Approval or of Disapproval within thirty (30) days after the flling of any such application. Application for Certificate oY Approval The undersigned hereby requests that a Certificate of Approval be issued for the oil burner described below: 1. Name of Burner ........ ................. - - � - - -- 2. Name oY Manufacturer ____________________ 3. Address of Manufacturer ............................ 4. Kind of Fuel recommended for Burner ..........---�- ._....._ 5. Length of time Burner has been on market 6. List approvals by States, Cities or recognized Laboratories: Name - -... �--�--- - -�--- - ---- - Date .............. � -- -- - ---------- --- _....._...._......--�-- - ----...--------- .... 7. Attach bluepriut of assembly drawing showing construction of device, indi- cating moving parts, oil paesages and air passages. Application filed by ...................................... At.._....--�-- -�---this-�--�---day of- -�----19- (b) The Fire Prevention Bureau shall ap- prove any oil burner listed by the Under- writers Laboratory or any other nationally recognized inspection board or laboratory. Oil burners not listed by the Underwriters Laboratory or any other nationally recog- nized board or laboratory shall not be ap- and protected from injury, in a manner that is consistent with good practice. � (h) Pumps: (1) All auxiliary pumps used for pump-' ing oil from the storage tank to auxiliary tanks shall be of approved type. They shall �� be rigidly mounted. f ( 2) Automatic pumps not an integral part of the oil burner shall be of approved type, provided with automatic means for pre- ' venting a continuous discharge of oil in case of ' pipe breaking. They shall be rigidly mounted. INSTALLATION OF OIL BURNERS Section 10. (a) Oil Burner Controls: (1) Each oil burner shall be equipped with a device, mechanical or electrical, which will automatically prevent an abnormal flow of oil.' � (2) Each oil burner shall be provided with a permanent automatic device, so de- signed that oil, upon being turned into the combustion chamber, will immediately be- come ignited or shut off. ( 3) Each oil burner used in connection with a hot water, steam, vapor or warm air heating system, shall be equipped with an automatic device to reduce or extinguish the fire in event oP undue pressure or overheat- � ing within the boiler or furnace. (4) A haud operated gate valve shall be installed in each feed pipe line as near tank as practicable. (5) The preceding paragraphs (1), (2) and ( 3) shall not apply to industrial or com- mercial installations where an attendant is in constant charge. 6 15 ' , t. _ . . � . * . �� . � . . `- ' ' .a . , . . _ � . ' � building and shall be provided with a metal cover or cap which shall be closed tight when not in use. It shall be unlawful to use a screwed or other tight connection on the fill —, pipe of am exposed domestic fuel oil tank for the purpose of filling said tank with oil. Where tanks are buried •underground, such 'screwed or tight connections sliall be permit- � ted.: . (e) Tank Gauges and Test Wells: (1) No oil tank used in connection with oil heating equipment shall be equipped• w�th a glass gauge, or with any gauge the break- ing 'of which �vilI permit the oil to escape from the tank. ( 2) Test wells ahall not be located within buildings: Test wells located outside of build- ings shall be locked. , � (P) Scavenging Line: , A scavenging line, installed in connection with a tank located within a building, may be used and shall terminate outside the building. It shall be- capped oil tight when not in use. (g) Piping: (1) Standard full weight wrouglit iron, steel or brase pipe with.substantial fittings or approved brass or copper tubing with .ap- proved fittings, shall be used and shall be carefully protected against mechanicalinjury. • In� all piping systems proper allowance shall be made for expansion and contraction, jarr= ing and vibration. Flexible metallic, tubing � may be used to reduce the efPect of jarring and vibration. ( 2) All threaded joints shall be tight and ehall be made up with litharge and glycerine, shellao or suitable pipe compound. ( 3) All piping shall be secur.ed rigidly 14 ' � prdved until they have been inspected . and • tested by the Fire Prevention Bureau. This inspection and test shall cover arrangement ., of parts, suitability of material, strength of , parts, electrical control, � thermostatic ar- rangement, reliability of automatic features; , positiveness of ignition and safeguards a. against flooding. In case the Fire Preventioii �, Bureau does not feel that it is competent:.to make the above inspection and test they are hereby authorized to require that the appli- ' cant submit a report of such an inspection '- and test from a recognized laboratory: � � � (c) With a Certificate of Disapproval the Fire Prevention Bureau shall issue to the ap- plicant and to the manufacturer of the device a clear and concise statement as to the rea- son or reasone for disapproval. (d) New application made after the is-' suance of a Certificate of Disapproval shall , not be made until thirty (30) days from date of issue of said certificate. (e) New application shall be accom- panied by a clear and concise statement giv- ing reasons for reconsideration based on in- formation received with Certificate of . Dis- � approval. (f) The Fire Prevention Bureau shall act on new application as specified in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section. (g) . W'hen making an applicatiou to tha . Fire Prevention Bureau for a Certificate of Approval such as above provided for, or a . re-application for such a certificate after a previous issuance of a Certificate of Disap- ,; proval of the .same make or type of burner, the applicant shall be required to pay'to the City Treasurer, in connection with each such application or re-application, a filing fee in the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00), and .r: _ . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ' ..� " . ' . � .� . .. � when Sling such application or.re-applieation ,r with the Fire Prevention Bureau shall accom- �" pany same with a receipt from said City ':R Treasurer for the payment oY such Yeer . OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT DEFINED Section 7. For the purpoaes of this ordi- nance; the term, "Oil Heating Equipment," , shall be taken to mean and include all equip- ment or appurtenances connected to and con-. tributing to the operation of an oil burner, as such, and located within . the same build- ing, including internal and external supply or storage tanke � and provisions for Slling and venting same, piping, wiring and all acces- sories. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL REQUIRED Section 8. Any person, firm, corporation or their agents having a"Certificate of Ap- proval," may install "Oil Heating Equip- ment," in connection with the make or type of oil burner approved by such certificate in accordance with the provisions of this ordi- . nance. INSTALLATION OF STORAGE TANKS FOR OIL FUEL Section 9. (a) Material and Construc- tion of Tanka. (1) • Tanks shall be constructed of gal- vanized steel, open hearth steel or wrought iron of a minimum gauge (U. S. Standard) - depending on the capacity as given below. 1 to 285 gallons.........16 gauge 286 to 560 gallona........:14 gauge 561 to. 1,100 gallona.........12 gauge 1,101 to° 4,000 gallona.:....... 7 gauge � 4,001 to 12,000 gallona....'.:....1/� inch 12,001 to 20,000 gallons......... f� inch 20,001 to 30,000 gallons. . . . . . . . . � inch 8 3�. ` . ` —• . . . ,,� .� y cover shall eatend at least twelve (12 ) inches on all sides of the tank. (8) Where tanks are located so that the top of the tank is above the level oY the auc- . tion inlet oY- the pump supplying oil to the burner or burner assembly, a siphon-breaking device consisting of an anti-siphon valve, a vacuum tank, underwriters vacuum siphon breaker, eiphon breaking pump set or equiva- lent devices to prevent aiphoning shall be in- stalled. (9) No sand or earth shall be filled in around any newly installed tank until such tank ahall have been inspected and accepted by the Fire Prevention Bureau. � (c) VENTING OF TANKS: (1) All storage tanks shall have an open or automatically operated "Vent Pipe" of am- ple size to prevent abnormal pressures in cases of Sre or when filling. In no case ehall any . euch vent pipe be less than one and one-. quarter (11/4 ) inch iron pipe eize, and on any such tank "eaceeding fifteen hundred (1,600 ) gallons in capacity, the vent pipe shall be not amaller than the flll pipe. ( 2) The lower end of the vent pipe shall eatend through the top of the tank for a dis- tance of not more than one inch. ( 3) The vent pipe shall extend from the tank to the outside air, terminating at a point outside of the building two (2) Yeet above the level of the cap on the fill pipe and preferably not leas than two feet, measured vertically or horizontally from any window or other building opening. The outer end oY the vent shall be provided with a return bend or a weatherproof hood. (d) Fill Pipes: All filling pipes shall terminate outside oP � 13 �A � . -'"�'{'�r � • , , :, place, and the floor immediately above the tank shall be oY reinforced concrete at least four (4) inches in thickness, capalile oP with- standing a uniPormly distributed load oY two hundred and flPty (250) pounds per square foot, reinforcement to eatend at least twelve (12 ) inches on all sides of the tank. Where' the capacity of�any such tank exceeds 1,500 gallone, it shall be installed in accordance � with the provisions of the preced9ng para- graph oY thia ordinance. (5) Tanka of 275 gallons capacity and lesa may be used to supply oil to the burner by gravity, provided that there is a suitable automatic safeguard to prevent abnormal dis- charge of oil at the burner. When more than one such gravity tank�is installed, such tanks shall be connected with the main pipe line leading to the burner, through a manually- operated approved three-way valve, so that not more than one tank can in any way dis- .-charge its .contents at one time: ( 6) Tanke oP sixty ( 6 0) gallons capacity and less may be used under pressure,•provid- ed they ahall be designed for eix times the maaimum working preseure, which maaimum working preasure.shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds per square inch. Such tanks shall be proved tight at twice such maximum work- ing pressure. Pressure tanks shall be equipped with a reliable pressure gauge and an automatic relief valve piped to discharge by gravity to the etorage tank. ( 7) Tanks located outside of the building underground shall be so placed that the top oY the tank is not less than two feet below the surface oY the ground, egcept that, in lieu of the two feet cover, tank may be buried under twelve inches of earth and a cover of concrete at least three inches in thicknesa; provided, reinPorcement in such concrete 12 • provided, ho�vever, that iY adequate internal 4 bracing is �provided, tanks from 12,001 to 30,000 gallons capacity may be built of one- quarter'(1/4 ) inch plate. (2) For tanks of 1,100 gallons and more, a tolerance of ten per cent (10 %) in capacity may be allowed. ( 3) All jointa shall be riveted �and caulked, brazed, welded or made tight by some equally satisfactory process. Tanks shall be tight and sufficiently strong to bear without injury the moat severe strains to whictf they may be subjected in practice. Shells of tanks shall be properly reinforced where connec- tions are made. All connections shall be made thru the top of the tank above the liquid level, except in tanks having a capacity of 275 gallons and less where. one connection may be made, not larger than one inch iron pipe size, in the bottom of the tank. Unen-- closed insicle storage or gravity�tanks oY 275 gallona capacity and less may be provided with an additional one-inch opening in the bottom of the tank for an approved key stem valve to aid in the cleaning of the tanks. (4) Underground tanks shall be thor- oughly coated on the outside with tar, as- phaltum, or other suitable rust-resisting ma- terial, dependent upon the condition of the soil in which they are placed. (5) Inside and above ground tanks and auxiliary tanks shall be coated �vith a good quality rust-resisting paint. (b) Location of Tanks: (1) Inside storage; gravity, and auxiliary ' pressure tanks, not enclosed in masonry or concrete, shall be provided �vith securely at- tached substantial incombustible supports, and be securely bolted to basement Roor or otherwise secured to avoid strains on.piping, + and shall uot be located �vithinpten�E-l�i feet, measured horizontally, from any fire or source of ftame, unless an incombustibla.bar- rier is interposed providing equivalent pro- tection. (2) The aggregate capacity.of exposed storage tanks installed in any domestic cellar or 6asement shall not exceed 550 gallons. The maximum capacity of any one exposed tank shall not exceed 275 gallons. For the pur- poses of this ordinance, the word "domestic," �vhere it occurs iri such phrases as "domestic cellar or basemeut," or "domestic installa- tion," shall be taken as referring to or indi-. cating installations in one or two family dwellings only. (3) Storage tanks of over 275 gallous capacity and not exceeding 550 gallons shall be placed in au enclosure of inside dimen- sions six ( 6) inches greater on all sides thau the outside dimensions oY�the tank. The walls of the.enclosure shall be constructed of rein= forced concrete not less than six �(6) inches in thickness or oP eight ( 8) inches of mason- ry. The walls shall be properly bonded to the floor and carried iip to a height of not less than one (1) foot.;above the tank and the space between the tank arid the walls and the top of the euclosure shall be completely filled with sand or well tamped earth. For" atich tanks of over 550 gallons capacity, :which shall not, except as hereivafter provided for, eaceed a gross capacity of 5,000 gallons in buildings of "ordinary" construction nor 10,000 gallous:,in buildiugs of fireproof con- struction, tl�e walls of the enclosure shall be construc'ted of reiuforced concrete not less than eight (8) inches in thickness or of:ina- sonry not less than twelve (12 ) inches. in thickness. Such walls shall be Uonded to the floor and carried to a height of not less than one (1) foot aUove the tauk and the space 10 bet«-een the tank aud the �valls and roof of . the enclosure shall be filled with sand or well tamped earth. Provided, however, that in any building, if located in a fire resistive room cut off vertically and horizontally, in an approved manner, from other portions of the building, tlie gross capacity of such tanks � may be greater than as above proyided for, but in �no case in excess of 50,000 gallons, ? with an individual tank capacity of not to ex- tF' ceed 25,000 gallons, provided the insulating �t sand or earth is increased, in each such case, � to twelve (12 ) inches on the sides and eighteen (18) inches on the top. Each such enclosure, irrespective of the size of the tank enclosed, shall be tightly roofed,over with a � slab oP reinforced concrete with a safe carry- ing capacity of not less than two hundred and fifty (250) pounds per square foot aud not less than four ( 4) inches in thickness, or .�vith other . fire resistive construction of equivalent strength. _` 4,' ( 4) When located underneath a building, tanks used for such storage of fuel oil shall be buried with top of tanks not less than eighteen' (1 S) inches below the level of the floor. The floor immediately above each such tank shall be of reinforced concrete at least six (6) inches in thickness, capable of with- standing a uniformly distributed load of two hundred and fifty (250) pounds per`square foot; :or some other type of construction of ecjuivalent strength and fire resistance, ex- tending at least one (1) foot beyond the out- line of tauks in .all directions, and provided �v,ith ample meaus of support independent• oY any tauk. - Any such tank used iu connection with a domestic installation only and having a ca- pacity of not to exceed 1,500 gallons, when installed under a building, shall be surround- ed ,with soft e�rtl� or sand �vell tamped in 11 � l R��eeting of the Village Council oF the Village�o� �opkins was held on Tuesda�,Jul� 16th,1935, at 7;30 Pr,� in the Counc� 1 Hoom. Nlembers present; G.�J�n�ioore,President; Trustees,I�,adden,Oltman and �dell. Recorder A�derson. ��otion dul� made by Anderson, seconded by Odell t'rlat the ornamental street lights be turned on Por Su3�da�,Ju1� 21st,1935, as per previous arrangements, carried. l�Iotion dul� made b� �nderson, seconded by Oltr.aan triat Lovens application Por transPer o.f Drive-In �tation, license at 13th and Excelsior be granted, carried. biotion duly made b� Anders on, s econded b� Ol tman that �re Oil t reat the alle,ys on the South oF F�xcelsior �ve.From 6th Ave. to 12thand on l�orth side of Excelsior Prom 7th to 13th Aves, carried. I��iotion dul� made b� lG�adden, seconded by Oltman that we oil 3rd St.Tdo. between 6th arid 8th �ve.T�o., carried. � Petition fo-r sewer on Excels ior Ave.between 16th and 17th Aves.Ilo. and 16th �ve.No. one bloek north Prom Egcelsior Ave. to lst �t.Tdo.,tabled for the reas� n that no petition for eewer had been presented Por sewer on �gcelsior 6ve.between 15th and 16th �1ves. Motion dul�r made by Oltm�.ri,seeonded by Odell that we grant tr:e request �� of the �'armers-Zabor Club , asking that the Res olution, as pe r c op� ' attached be adopted, carried. Mr.Bu ns appeared asl�ng that sc�ething be done to stop a nusiance t;;at do�s ase creating on llth Ave.No. �iotion dul� ma.de b� Odell, sec��nded by gnderson that cae draw up a F.esolation to the �ommittee in charge oP Raspberry Da�,celebrat ion as �ounail being in .�avor of said celebra,ti.on� carried. T]ie gbove mentioned Resolution duly drawn up and adopted �s per copy at tach ed. • Motion dul� made b� �ltman, seconded by Odell that we grant the request of Eleah B.Hosp Yor curb, c�rried. �Zoti �n dul� made by Odell, seconded. by Otla�a.n that the Pollov�in� b ills be allowed : carried ; - 12384 David �ingstad 12385 J�.s .Zykke 12386 Frank Nunvar 12387 N.Tromble� 12388 i;.J.�levonald 12389 Anton Pavek 12390 C.6V.Stotthard 12391 Jos.Shonka 12392 r�rank i�os en gren 12393 �+mil rancik 12394 Ce,rl 0].son 12395 Thos.Fara 12�96 Otto �iollr�,th 12397 John T�,uchen 12398 Pet er ti7oli 12399 Frank �todola 3629 Clarence Thaemert 3630I��els lyelson 3631 Geo . Zauman 3632 Walter Rolf 3633 �.��Andereon 5507 J.B.14"iller 15288 Z.Lundqui st 8� Son I�,bor I.ab or La, bo r Zabor I�abor I,abor I�ab o r I�abor �,bor Zabor Zabo r - Zabor Zab�r I,a b or Zabor Labo r �al.�al.wk.7-4-35 Zab or La.b o r Catch ing 2 d o��s ''t amps �a1.7-1-�5 to 7-15-35 Curb �otion dul� made,seconded and carried- ineeting �,djourn. Recorder gttest- A PRES. �� 28.80 18.00 40.50 2.70 8.00 21.60 21.60 14.40 7.20 22.50 23.75 38.48 15.98 3.15 64. 00 54. 00 2.10 12.00 10.20 2.00 , 2.00 43.20 95.46 To the Honor�.ble Coizncil of the Village oP Hopkins; gt the 1 ast re gula r m.e et ing oi t he Hopkins ' Farm-Za%o r Club, held �uly lOth, 1935, the Pollowing resolution was �.eserited and unanimously adopted; yVE BEZIEVE tha,t the interests of the tag payers can best be served by mnnicip�,l ownership oP public utilities and . V�IiEP,EAS : the Franchise of - the j�orthe rn 5tates Power Compan� egp i�es in 1937 and ViJHER�;A�: �`�e belie�e it would be to the best interests of the tax pe�,�rers oP the �illage�. oP Hopl�ins to ov�r� their power � and lighting equipment , and �dHE�EAS: AT this time governmental assistance ena be procu�d for building such plants, be i t RESOI,VED THERE�ORE ; tha t the me�tter oP build ing s uch municipal poAer and lighting p3�ant �n the Village oP IIopkins be brou;�•ht to the atterrtion of the Village Council and that we demand the same to be submitted to a� referendum vote at the �illage j'%leetion to be he la ne$t fa.11. Dated this lOth day oP Jul.y 1935 , �t the Villa,ge oY Hopkins State of hiinnesota m Signed- C.P.Eastman Committee; Bu rt Z i la a rl Jensen . J.J.Barry,Sec'y. /1 T��! � �- APPLICATION RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Hopisina, Hennepin County, �innesota.: . SECTION 1. That Dr. G. W. Moore, President of the Village Council __�-�,-� and J. A. Hosp, Village Attorney, be and.th�r are authorized t,o exec- �� � ute and file an ap�lication on behalf of the Village of Hopkins, Henn- eipin County, �iinneaota to th� IInited States of America. Por.a loan and grsnt to aid in financing the contruction of f,lunicipal Light and Pocrer Plant, Sewage Disposal, and Storm Sewer Drainage. SECTION 2. That Dr. G. YD. Moore, Preaident of th� Village Council and J. A. Hosp, Village Attorney, be.they are hereby authorized and directed to t'urnish such informa.tion as the IInited States of 9merica through the Federal-Emergency Adm�niatration of Public �Borks may reasonab]� request in connection �rith the appLication which is herein authorized to be filed. 1 �� ���y, \, � An: OF�iiI�.-'tNC� 'I� vF�+Vil)� i_ T,1_'C.�3.'i�E �'''� 1"�� T:i;�' U�E A�iI� ���'RCISF Q�' �tll' GP'tiT f?�. s�f �VIT�FGE I�r � i?-ir, �EJ��,IG aTRI'_�:'TSi �LACI:� '�t� PRt?P�R'I`X F�' TE?� . VIs ��iG� C3I' �::3���IhS. � �he Vill�.g� Gouncil o.f' �'r ^'�ii �._lae o£ �'o�kins in the Co�n�y of H�nnepin, Sta�e of �inr��aoi�, ,do ord�i�� a� �ol.Ya:-s: �EC�IOI3 I.--The t,c�rm ";��iscn" or "�xantee" �s us�d in this �Jrdin?nec�, s�.el2 br> cor.str�ec� 3� inc�.ur?.ing ir��i�i�iur.�ls, co-�$rtnershi�a, s.as ;cir�ti�ns, and cor�ore.tions. SECi�31� I1.--Nd�'p�rson, as s.�i� t�r� defir�ed in �his Ordir�nce;. sM�ll occ�py �r �ve ax�y s�aci^:i ri.�hta or �r�.v{:���cg, ir�, ovs�r, u�on, ar und�r �ny street, hi�hw�y, a.�lay, Public grou�tl� or ot,:�.er nro�er�y of th� �ill�ge of "�o��tir�s, Fienne�i.n Cou�t�p., �innP,sotf unlass a�:.�d r:� ��� � is c�u�:� Er�nted� �n t�.� manm�r �n� �±�on the c��s33.����n�. hercin�fter �arr�vi.dea. : SECTIJfl I�I.--r,yery � cr�o�e c�r �r�nt+�� :3: s�aid trrm� �re �:s�� i� this . Ord3�anqe, �:�er�is.in� �ry ;rr.nt �r �r�v-il,oge, �.n,. o�r�r, u��er� or. u�an Any oi �he str�e�s or �u��.ic ��.�c�s �r �is�,4x�er� i� �ts�: Vi�Z�.�� c�f Ao��:i:�s, �c�n�€�pin Gouni,y, 5iinnca�ta sh�^.�.1 �ax �,r �� tE�c� �r-��ar� of s:ic= �i3 �3n.���, .�.nnu�l],Y, oa or before �h� i'irst �&onc3�:� ira :t`n.rek�, ��.�.c:en�e f�e i� n�zr� �1u�I �o r� �ive pc�rco�t (S�j of th�.ir �;ro�s ��rn�.ravf� d.�riv���i. ��ck'�.e��lelrg fz'O� tkze exercise or en�joy����t :�i.t�i.n s�i.d Vi�.3�.�c o� ,�.cy �r�nt �r. �rivile�c: during t2:�, �re�ous c��.end�.r ye�r. 1�� �ro�si�:�� o? t?�' ���cti�� sh�l 4��1y ::0 3IZ . gr�nts or �ri.vi2e�Es �r�..ni��d �rior uo the ���onti-� c�i t�i� �rdin�nc�.anc�. ta . t�31 oth�r �;r�.nt� ar p�i�i�.e�es u:n� ��� -Ci�c� �Jre��rr�nc€�� �;r�:rs}in� �s.� d�ra�a us or privilegew �h�l.l. ������ f�h� sa�id �;;rs�n ar �rwr�t�r� Q�ci o�.�:ers ha�.�ing through und�r theia iror� �sid �La� � � � . • S�:C�IGN TV.--�very �ersr�n or t;r�:nt�es ��a t:�� s�.id ter.r.� 9re� tts�d. in t,3iia Ordi€��nce shell, frfl� and ^fter. th ���ss�g� o� ..t�.c� Qrc:��:r�nc�, At ��1. �i^Qs keep �r4��r and �ccur��� :bc�o�w O� , e•G'C:Qi2i1* , i nc�r :� sri�i . � �uchez��, �hia� sh-:�ll, �.t a�l t,�meq, �h�s� eorrF c�i� ^�d i� �1et�.i ;�� ]. �rsn.tee's finenci�I trAng�c#3o�, iac�.uc�3.n� �3� .of �r^xit�e' � r�cel�`=s anc� d�.��ursp�n�t:�, ��d t��z� �nzt eu?-�+r9 � th�r�s�f, end a3.1� c�a��� n��d.�ul, .iot fi,��_ .�x�ep:�re ��en hy cor��et�nt. �.cco�.t�t,ants of t,h� st�te�e�►ts I�er�i�a�:f��i� �rac3ded f'os. - � . T}�at t::� �r�ntt�e s6�.1.i_, i� .!;hQ �son�,i: of J3�u^ryy �x ���c:� �n� eve,r9 ye�r, . Co�,�encin.�; ��.+�. :.�i� y��:�.13��9 =r`�:r� ^r�c :."'�w�;; t.�x�:?�r o;�i'i, ��i�.� tfi e hecorder cf the Vi12�;� �I��� ?'v' 3.o:��i��, �o-�it: � � � (aj.- A s}.,�t,c�en� �f 7i1, �:sse�� �nd �ii-��ili#ies uf t'_?e Gr��ttee, coxi�- titu �ing c.�ia.t xa u�a.:��.� knntm: �s t�� baxl.�noe s�eet of �ecouat�n�Gs, ir�elud�ng ther�in a� �ccvr�t� st�LP�en� �f 3?1 4��i�:,�1 i�v�s'��cra+., o" tuF Gr:�ate.e �zt ihe ����e �utdt�diP'�;; but t�o� incl=�c:ir� t:r�rein =any .su:;e °�s ��� val�e o: ��n� �rsn� � of. �;i�s� GT��tee, tn �xc�=s� o� t�� �e �u°�,l' �as.�. �� t'�� �Tme; �nd a1so, _ . {b).-A �t�.t��a��� biv�.�g for the previ�vs c;�? End�P y8�.r t�.� gross r�ceipts � of �,���. Gr�ntc�o €rc��. aZl. ��c�c�� of �.r�ca�e, � tem E� i �•e�; -;33a� e11 exp�n�itur�� • af th� Gr�int�e cie�si-��; said. ye�r, :i.�aC`ud��� iv� by itecs, a7.1 di�.de�ds �nd in�erest �aid, t�ie c��t�o� �l� material,. a�.1 o�er�..tir� e�:c�:n�es; ��+i�ries, t�� cost o£ � c��I repa���, ir�; row<��flr�t�, b�itezr:�n�nts a�d e�trens�.o�:s �ne� of �lI �iroperty . � rea3.� or pars�an�, by Gr�.0 �e� purei��^rs��,; s�i� � ���4: {�*:: �s �.,� b'c �ti �rep�:,�d a� to ehoe tYie n�� earnin�s of th� Gre�ta� ti�:rir.g ��cti� c��eadar ye�r, fro� Gr�anteei � xe�,u�.a� �usiness �.�ca . from a�.l n�h�r spux�ces. - � . . 1` � . . . . � � � � -2- . : Th�t i�e Grantee shall, �t t�il times, �rez��.t any �officer ar othsr . p�r�oza de&igna�ec3 by the ��.�1���� Cotuzci� �ar �a�t p�r,-�o�e, to in$pect � �rantee� s�1.�nt aY.d aIl a �her propei�t�- a�ned by �v�e grar�tee, and s�►��.3, �� e,ll re�sanabl� tie�es, �l�c��r ,':�: V�I:���� �ot�neii, or �r�y �.ccou�'te�nt or � eag,sr� �s�sctud .by tl�� Vilsa�� t� .iuspec:t al.l �,h� baok�a recard� �tnci " vo�cher� a�' t,he: Granf.e� ::a�d o�bt���r� iher��x�ara r�ny ir�ora�ati+an ar dat� �v�2ich th� `���I�gr; C�uacil ��,y� ��r r�s�:iu�i.c�m, rec�t�ire. Artr� th ,`Ji��a.ge Counc:i? . �a,y, 2�y resa�.ut�on; r�:q�i.r�, ��d �.� i� so �iect, P�eh $ny �ve�r �eer. �o�me��in� rri.th t�r� ye�„r 1� �f; a��.oy one �� nore �.cco�nt�nts, �ho, o�h�� aa e�p�r�d �hr� ba g�,vc� b� ��s;: �r�n�e� f1ii1 qnd ca�? ete �cce�s ta - ai.l o�' gr�t�t�e� s saic� baoks, recards ?�d vouchers; aad �ho� shc�li prepaxe �.&ere- from and fi�.� -xi�h th� Hil'_�v�: �ecorci�� ;:�thi� ai�et� d"-y.Y st�temen�s in tha f�r:� d�si�nated in �aa.ragr€�p�a �a" �nd '�b" oi t;n�s �ee�io�a. - Th�t t�ci �rrsnt�� �k���l �.Iso, i'ro:� t��e �ta t�H �izrtzY�i? such other iay�carmat�.on rogar�c�ing �hr . prc�p'rt�y co�sl�z•:.si�g grnxa-t�e4 s. �1��� :�nc: bu9iness, an.d ��a. cAaduct therev�', as -�he Vil3.:�g�e t�r�uncil m�,ys b�' �es41u�:,on, ro�uire. . �d. �31 i�Yflra�a�ic�n �r�:�.�h�:c? to _��ie. t�z�la�,e �%aunG��. b� �i�� Gra�t�e, under . . �� �� prvv�aions of thi� Cirdi��nee, �i:�ll b�-: in e'r�,t��g an�' s����. be certiPied ' tcs �.n�ler oat�� 2ry . t.i� . * - � Gr�_n,.e�. : SE�TTti�V 'V.--T}�is �rdiraa.�ce shai� t�'�e �f��ct �nc�. ba �.n .�orce f'�o�t a�ci. �u�ter �u�licatio�� - � - _ Passed ;�n� �:pproved thi ��c;.�,y c�f ��y, 13 ;:�. . - Aii1:: .i.: . G. �+�. 5ioore, Presid�t ca`.' V�li�ge Co�ancil ----�__.__. � �. �:. �ucierso� 5�3:13..�z�e Rec�r,ler . . , iiopkias� �inne�ot3 . • '� . � � ' Meetin g o P the Pillage �ounc il of the Village oP Hopkin s t��s held on �y 23rd,1935, Tuesday, at 7;30 PPR in the Council Room. a Members present G.�J�ItToore,President; Trustees, Odell, Oltman and A�Iadden. Rec order Anderson. P�Zoti on duly made by Ode11, sec onded b�r Ol trnan , that th e applic:�tion of g.�i.Bettcilardt Por a P�.umbers' license be gra��ted su�ject to the approval oP a Bond b�r the Villa� Attorney, carried. �4otion di�l.y �a.de by Oltman, seco�ded b�,= Odell that the . petition_fo r Sewer on �celsior Ave.bet�ueen 15th and l�th Aves . be granted and that the �Village gttorney be instructed to advertize Por bids at� once,oarried. Ilqot ion d Lil.y made by Oltman , s eco nded by Ode ll tha t the petition Por Sewer on 16th Ave.no. Prom L$oelsior Ave. to lst St.l�o. be granted and that the Vil]..a,�eAttorne� be instruoted to advertize For bids on same at orice,carried. Motion dul� maee by Anderson, seconded by �ltman that the peitition Por oil on 12th �ve.No. From 3rd St.rdo. to �Zin�etonl�. Mills Ave . and .from is t St . No . to 150 Ft . be grant ed , carried . Motion dul� madeby �nderson, seconded by �ltman that the balance o f 12t'ri AP e.No ., �.nd south o f Railroad tracks be pi_led b� necessity subjeet to the approval oP the �illage Attorney. Upon motion dul� made, seconded and Qarried the following b ills we re �.11owed : 12400 Hopkins Spec.9ssn't.Fund Pd,in error �fi40.00 152�90 lst I�at.:Bk.b'Lpls. In�t.due 343.75 15289 0onsolid�ted �:Iatl.Co. Sand & Gravel 154.02 Upon motion duly made, secon ded and carried ma et ing ad- journed. Attest : President. Rec der. � I�"'""�""""'._____ ___.. �. . __ _ ___, _ Special meet r�g oP the Village Counc il of the Village of - Hopkins , was he ld on Tuesda�, Jul� 30th,1935, at 7:30 PP1� in the Counc il Ro om. Membe rs present ; G.W.Moore , Presid ent ; T�ustees ,Madderi, Oltma.n,and Odell. Rec order �nderson. Atto rney Hoap. This meeting was called for the purpose of checking assess- ments on Sewer a�l . UPater_ pro j ects on 9th and lOth gv e. No . Motion dul�r made b� P,�adden, seconded b�. Odell that �ve puri . chase the Do�v Homestead �cY Por P�rk purposes and an order be drawn on t,he gillage Traasur�_ for �a1300.09 to the Count�r Treasurer oi Hennepin Count�r, and .for �fi99.91 to L.E.Dow,. carried. Resolution covering the above �ttached herewith. - Motio3� duly r;iade bv Anderso n, seoo nded b� Madden that the �icsense applicatiori o P F..V�. Zon�g for non-intogioat in� Malt Ziquor both ''.On'T and "O.fF" Sale be granted, carried. Upon mot ion duly uiade , s ec onded and carrie d, meet ing ad j ourne d. Att es t : res�i ent. � �ea.or er �.� ;�_ ... .d �-- �'"'^' S '`""��.RESOLIITIO�I EXTIIVDING EXISTING .. � SE�PER SYST�d � '. � : � ,"_' ' �GHERE�S, the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, of Hennepin County, State of 1�innesota, has heretofore to-v�it, one November 7th, 1916, passed and approved:,ari ordinance providing and establishing sewer system in the 9illage of HopkSns", County of Hennepin, State of.Minnesota; NO�V, : THEREF'ORE, be it resolved, and it is expedient And neceasary for the preservation of the public health that �the existing sewer sy stem be extended as.follows, to-wit: Ten (10) inch in dia.meter district sewer on Excelsior Avenue from Fiiteenth Avenue to Seventeenth Aeenue and connecting with the existing trunk se�er in Excelsior Avenue and also an eight (8) inch in diameter district sewer on Sixteenth Avenue North from Excelsior �venue to Firat Street North, in accordance��eaith plans snd specifications on file in the office of the Recorder of said Village; B E IT FURTHER RESOLV�D, that the Village Clerk be, and he is hereby �� directed, to cause proposals for bids for such work to be advertised in the official_paper of thw 9illage, and also in trade papers, pursuant to Section 11, Chapter 35, G. L. 1915, a� amended, and that said proposals end bids be received by the Village Council of the Billage of Hopkins, up to 7:30 o�clock on the 27th da,y of August, 1935, at which ti.me the same will be open for consideration. � BE IT FURTHER R�'SOLVED, thAt the cost and�expense of the canstruction of said district sewer extension be assessed against eeery lot, piece or parcel of land abutting thereon, payable in ten annual installmenta, all in accordance with Chapter 35 of G. L. 1915 as amended. _ The foregoing resolution was offered bg Councilman �vho moved its adoption,: which motion was seconded by Councilman � end upon being put,_ to -a- vote, � was unanimously adopted.q;: Dated July 30th, 1935: �!� �� -�-�-• ' A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder. � ., , . �- � �, ATTEST: � � ' _...-� ✓ , G. 99. �Hoore, President�, oF Village. Council. . i a , w � �'s ' � . _. +•-�-�"� - R�SOLUTION OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HOPKINS, M�NN ESOTA,.. TO ACQUIRE LAND FOR PARK PIIRPOSES . . � �At a special meeting of the Village Council of��he ViTl?,ge of. Hopkins, t�innesota, held_on the 30th day of July, 1935, a.t 7:u0 o�clock � B. Gl., at a duly called meeting .t,hereof. �t the usu�il. �la.ce of ineeting �in � th� CounCil' Chamt�ers �of the iY:unic�p�l Building of such Village, a quornm .b�ing �resent, the�following resolution was offere�.by Caun�ilman Oltm�n who moved � it's a@op�ion: : �iHEREAS; ,L.. E: .Dow �nd his, representative, t ppeared before the � Vill$ge . Council and inade representation that� he und his Rvife were the owners �of the • following described property.and appurtenances thereunt.o,�to=wit: � , . , That 'part . o.f lot 1 lying N. of �, line drawn p�.rallel v�ith S. _' .'line of lst Street S.'from �, po�nt on E. Iine of s�id lot dist�nt � � 319 8�10 ft. S. of N.'�'. �o'rner of�said lot tb �. line thereof � Lot 1 in Dows �iomestead �Pest. �linrieapolis, situ�ted in the County : of Hennepin, State. of hlinnesota. . and that said property h�d been sold. a.t ta�c sale for .1928 �nd 1929 ta�ces, a.nd . that the 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933; and 1934 taxes in�lusive were �.lso delinquen.t, amounting in the�aggregate to.the`sum of.�3,879.24, �na #�ha.t the redemption from. . said tax.s�.le.expires on July 31, 1935, and offered to sell his enuity in said property cle�r of encumbr+�.n.c� .except the ��.xes �aforesaid. for the sum;.o� �3,0OO..pO, exclusive of taxes�due �nd de�.inc�uent, and also the property hereinPfter described for.park pur�oses,.the.other property being described �s iollows, to-wit: � , . �,ots 3, 4, 5, and 6, B_3�ock .11 �n �est PJiinneapolis, �, against which' there are delinquent ta�res, for the years 19�8, 1929, �193U, 1931, � I932, 1933,. a.zid '1934 inclusive, amountirig in the �.�gregate to th� sum of � . and whereas.upon advise by �he Vi�.l�ge �ttorney the Village Council was informed � that under Cha.pter 197, L�.ws of 1919,.a.nd.ruling of the Attorney General+s Office tY�at the Village Council was, limited on its ov�n_ motibn to. a sum oi .not exceed.ing �2000.00, in �ppropri�.tipns from ,the .general rev�nue f�.ind •for acquir-ing land for park purposes, and �that-if � l�xger sum were required to �ffec� the acquirement of land for park`purposes, tha.t �,n Amount in excess of �2D00.00, involving e bond issue �ould ha,ve to be submitted to'the �rote of the eleCtors of,said Village for approval, and whereas the Village Attorney.�lso informed the Village Council th�.t the amount necess�.ry to �edeem the Property first above described from the. said tax sale for the sum of �Y300.OJ., � if redeemect by the Villa�e as ov?ner of � ttie property :for•.public use nnd that a�l subsec�uent taxes: -including the delinquemt taxes against the other property above described v�ould �be car�celled upon the applir�,tion of. the Village, and wher�as .the said L. E. Dor�, then present ,�nd also being so .informed o�f all of the foregoing, offer.ed to execute snd c�eliver � proper.c�eedS and. conveyances o�f ail of the above descritied property for pexk . pur�oses with the understand�ng that a proposal be submitted to the elec�ors of said Viliage �t a special election to be called to �a�ptove�a bond issue in � the sum of �4$00.00, the proceeds of �hich to be used to ��.cquire all �of the � property above described, for . park ,�urposes, and �rith the .underst�nding th�.t in the event of said pro�s� lfi�eing r.ej ected at �said s�ecia.].� elec��on •that. then and in that event that he, the s,aid I�. �. Dow,and his wi�e receive �s the con- sideration #`or their convey�nce,of P11 said pro;�erty to the Village for p�.rk , � pu.rposes of the swn.of �699.91,. and the Village to pay out the sum.of �1300.09, - to redeem from the ta.x sale �foresaid, being z total expenditure of �2000.00. � BE IT R�SO�VED, th,t it.is expedient that �the prope�ty above described be purchased .for�p�rk �urposes"and th�t the ��roposals a-nd offers-of L. E. Do� and_ his wife �.s aboue set iorth be �nd the� same �,re hereby accepted, and that . an order be drawii. on t�e Village '�reasury in the,- sum of �1300.G9, p�able •to the c0ounty Treasurer of Hennepin County, for the purpose of a�edeeming the prop- �. .'�r� abo�e described from the said tax sale and that an order be arawn on the. • i age reasury for the sum of.�699.�1, paya.ble to L. E. Dow, to be delivered� , {� „ _-. . ,,. �� to him upoii the executi,or� ^t�d deliv�ry to the Villcge of the pro�er deeds of �' . ,.conveyance o�' ^11 the ^.bove described .pro��erty, �nd ` BE IT'I'URTHF�R RES�LVED, that the Village � ttornc-y be ;:nd. is hereby a�thorized to tske all pror,er E�nd neeesss.ry steps to give ef.f.�et to thia res- � olution �n.d . H� IT �RTHER RESQLOED, that the follov�ring notiee of �,�s�ecial election be givzn as require� by law submitting to the el�ctors of said Vi333ge for approv:;1 by � m�jority oi five eighths of thea9e voting on the questi.on, of the , proposition that �he Vill�.ce issuE.its bonds.for the sum of ?�4300.OQ, p^y�ble seric}Zly in annu��1 inst...11ments a� m�y be determir_ed by the Vi11��e Couneil, the p�oaeeds of which to be used for the �cruiring o�_•�.11 t�e •^'nove described property for.p�rk purposes, �.nd th.t said notice of speci�.l election.be given ^s required by law by posting`thereof in five or more bublic pl�ces in sa.id Village ten (10) d�s before .the election: � SP�CIAL VILLtiGE ELECTION N4TICE Notice is . hereby given that .� speciz.l. election e�,Till be held in the Village � of Hopkiz�s, County of Hennepin, .St..�te of L�innesot�.1 ��t the usu`1 zrOt,�rig �;:. place in the i�iunicipal Building of said Village on the 27th day. of August, . 19�5, between the hours of.six o�cYock in the forenoon �nd eigrt otclock in the afternoon of the sr:me d�y, nt vrhic� time :�nd place �he resident and qualified electors thereof p�ill vote for or aga�nst the foilowing proposi�ion pursuant ta reaolutions.of the Vill�.ge Council of said Vill�ge, � ado�ted �t a s,oeci�rl meeting held on the 30th ct�.y of Jt�ly, 1935, pnd on , fiTe and of record in the offic� o�' the Village Recorder of s�id Vill�ge, �..ad for the isau�.nce �nc negoti.ation of bonds of the s�id Vi1L ge, the gr4CeP.da tY�ereof to be used for , the purpose of defr:�yir� the cost of �cqizixing �he rewl properiy�.describFd in the followin� pro�osa.l: Shall the bonds of ihe V�11age of Honkins, County of ftennepin, St«te � ' oi :Jiinnes�ta, b� issued and� negoti�ted for the ^���re��te sum�of �4300.00, be�^ring interest �t the la�;ful r^te, the �raceeds to b� used to defr�•y .. the cos�s of �cc�uiring tl�e follo�in� describea re�i�pronerty: Th�.t pa.rt of lot 1 3.ying N, of .� line drawn par�.11el auith S. line of lst Street S. from a �oint on E, line of s�id lot distant. 319 8/10 ft. S. of N. E. corner of said lot to w.. line thereof Lot 1 in Dox�s� Homestead V:est���inneapolis, situ�.ted in the Couni,y oi � HennE�sin, State, of Pdinnesota, and Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, 81ock 11 R�_ in 4Fest I�inneapolis, - � - �= �. , �Co be used for park purposes �t.a cost not to exceed =•- -----�4300.00. f.or which pu'rpose the said Vill.^ge may issue and negotiate its bonds therefor maturing and p�y�,ble se.riallg in annual instal]ments as may be determined by the Village Council of said Village. � $y direction oi the Vill�,ge.Council, A. E. Anderson, Recorder, iTillage of Hopki.ns. BE IT F'URTHER RESOLVED: That the.following form of ballot be used at said special election: � � :�--�.. � � Official Bnllot SP�CIAI; EZECTION VILLIG�' aF HOPKINS H��I'VN�IN COUNTY, MINNESOTA AUGUST 27, 1935 Shall the bonds of tlie Vi11.^ge o� Hopkins, County of .Hennepin, State o� biinnesota, be issued w.n� negotiated for the �ggreg�.te sum of ��300.00, bearing inter��t at the la�ful rate, the proceeds to be used to defray the cos'ts of � aca�ziring the following described real property: � � �'hat part of lot 1],y�ing N. of a line cir�.�n paraTlel vrith S. line . ' of lst Street 5. fr.om a�oint d�'/E. line af $aid lot distant 319 8/l0 ft. S..of N. E. corner of said lot to �Tr'. line thereof Lot 1 in Dows Homestead F+est i�Iinneanolis, situa�ed in the County of Aennepin, State bf blinnesota, and Lots 3, 4, 5, 2nd 6, Block 11 in �est Plinneapolis, � � to be used for park purposes at a cost not to exceed ----=------�4300.00. <. Yes�� No � .� Tb vote for approval of the a.foresaid proposition place ? cross (X) in the square opnosite the vro�d "yes".' , To vote against the afores�id proposition place a cross (X) in the s�uare opposite the �vord "No". � � The ti f the adoption of the foregoing resolution v�as duly seconded by Councilman d upon being out�to a vote prevailed. The motion for the ad tion of the foregoing resolution �as duly seconded by Councilman �f�b��upon being nut to a. vote prevailed. Yeas Nays � � . , , _ G. F�a. hioore, President. ATTEST: � A. E. Anderson, Recorde . Re�ular m�eting of the Villa�,e Council of the Village oP Hopkins _._ was held on Tuesday August 6th,1935, '7:30 Pll�? in the Council Rooms. ll�enbers present ; President G.I�J.lI'Ioore ; Trustees Oltman,OdeJ.l and . ��adden. Absent Recorder Anderson. Allotion dul�r -made by Oltman , sec onded by P.�adden tlzat Justic_e Foley's Report be aceepted a.nd pla.ced on file and that the Police report be accepted and pl,acec� on Pile, carried. ��otion duly �ade by Oltman, sec onded b� Odell thst the l�later Report and the 'lreasurer.'s Repc�t be accepted and placed on Pile,carried. 1��Iotion duly made by Odell, seconded by Oltman tl�at we notiYy I,izndquist to r epair s idewalk on Joe Holasek propert�r,carried. �Zotion duly made by Oltman,.seconded by D�ell that the Following bills be allo�Jed, carried : � 15291 15292 15293 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5 514 12402 12�03 12 404 12405 12406 12407 12408 12409 124@0 12 411 12 412 12413 12414 12 415 12 416 12417 12418 12 419 12420 1=��21 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 12427 12428 1242� 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 Chris Jenson Ba1.Contract Albert Graber Eng.�er. Z.Zundquist �c �on Bond 8c Int. J.B.��iller ��Jater, H.�lson bIpls .Gen.Elec .Co. Light 8c Po��er tiV.S.Nott C.o. Supp. He�e�in Co.Re�. �u�i�ii;es J.�.Henness4 & Co. " BuPPalo PdTetc�r �o. Supplies Peter Vdolf Zabor Frank Erickson " ��rank Stodola " E rnie Doge � Chas .Zehmbecker " Frsnk atodola " Jpe.Pudgil 'r C� 1�7. Sto tt�18.Z'd rr Aug.Peterson ." Frank �unvar " Otto Vollrath " Andrew Arne s s 'r Geo .6Vealer " J.Cath ers " K.V�J.Dodds " David Rin�stead " John Shonka " An-ton Pavek " Emil Honcik " John Tauchen - " Pure Oil C0. " E.J.�c'�onald " Sinclair Oil Co. Gasoline =, A,Ii.�iensler - Repa.irs 1�.H.l��aetzo.ld Gas oline - � Rodosta Gar�.�e Repairs h�pls.Gen.Elec .Co. Li�ht 8c rower U�7arren ;E:3enson Zabor John Harinc�r I,abo r Frank �itar Police Change Ass't. Nels Nelson I�a,bo r Carl Seden I�abor Hopkins ��ire Dept. 21 'Phones Jens Clausen Zabor Walter Rolf Catchin� 2 do��s Jacob Scheffler �a1. 8-1-35 Hopkins Fi re vept.2 calls Cla renc e Thaeme rt �;RA Wa�e s 6�V. S.T3ott Fire Hose Chas.Hersman Gasoline gnderson Bros. `'upplies PR Justus Lbro.Co. Fuel PR Jos.V.7�apic Groc.PR Nat:l.Tea.Col " „ Tlelson Shoe 5t ore Sho es PR Paulson Hdwe. Supp. 'r 96.43 71.25. 964.04 50 .40 184. 41 1.75 30.95 9.64� 1,80 90.00 10.80 5.50 7.20 7.20 72.00 10.80 36.00 21. 60 54.45 7.20 9.00 15.98 19.58 30.38 22.05 22.05 22.05 22 .05 43.65 15.65 25.00 8.33 9.00 2.54 ��35 12.75 6.40 4.50 25.50 16.50 4.85 42.00 61.20 2.00 10.00 25.50 - 19.30 200.00 2.11 7.06 6.49 6.51 8..2 5 2. 75 2.80 -2- �eeting 8-6-35 .� Bills con't. � 3658 Pure Oil Col. Fuel PR 3659 Red OaYT Store Groc.PR 3660 Teaaco Oil Co. F�el PR 3661 U. oP ��l.Hospital Re.g.PR 3662 John �'.I�oss Supplies 3663 r��pls . Ga,s Co . C it� Hall gas 7-15-35 3664 Leo .Priest raotor Co. Repairs 3665 IT.��V,.telephone Co. �ity Hall 8� Police 8c Fire 3667 Sec .Idatl.Bk. Prem.Compl.Ins . 3666 Emergency Helief Adm. S�e OP�'ice Exp. 3668 �!, S �D�,rle� Co . Fountain 3669 I�-.J.Vanek Fire & Police Alarms 8-1-35 3670 g.W.Elmquist Stamps _ 3671 Emil Brokl Dra�rage 3672 DanieT E.Foley Jast ice Fees 36'73 Jecob �cheffler Repairs 3674 ��p1s.G8n.�lec.Co. T�ight � Po�rer 3675 G.W.Lauman Cultivating ER.A garden PR �65 21. 81 2. 00 .50 9.00 1.19 10.82 9.50 354.00 26.00 22.35 25.00 2.39 2.48 6.00 .75 424.16 4.80 Upon� a motion dul� made by Odell and seconded by �6adden meeting adjourned, same being carried_. ecor er ro em gtt est : o Pr�sident Villag� Council of the Village o� Hopkins met on August ]3 th,1935, Tuesda�, at 7:30 PM at the Council Room. Members present G[�d.Moore President; Trustees,Oltman,Odel1 and I4qadden. Absent Reco rder �lnderson . P�-ir.�riz appeazed beFore the Village �ounci� with plan Por ehan�•ir,g Gra�de on lst St.ldortn and 13th Ave. and .for oiling same. ��iotion duly made b� Oltman,seconded by Odell that a Resolution be adopted to construct curb and oil 12th Ave.So.betv�ieen lst arxl 2nd St.South,carried. 0opy oF resolution attached. Following b ills ��ere allowed : 5515 Herr.�an Olson Sal. to- � 8-15-35 � 3677 11�7rs.Theo.Lxtine Tuirs.Light Sal. to `�8-15-35 3678 Bloomie Jenst�,d Sal, to 8-15-35 3679 Z.Schu�z Sal: to 8-15.-35 - 3680 g.G.Hamilton S�l, to 8-15-35 Upon Motion duly made b� I��adden, seconded b�� Odell meetir_�g adjourned,sa�e bei�g carried. � e� corcier pro tem �t te�t : Pre s id ent 70.00 �.12 . 00 32.50 72.50 78.50 y Re��ular meeting of the Villa>Te Counci.l o.f the Village oF Hopkins v�as h eld on iuesda� ,�u�u��; 2 O,.,h ,1�35 , at 7:30 PT��T in �ounc il R00 R1S . 1!!lemners present; G.ru.�t7oore,Presi�nt; ':"ru,�tees,149a.dc1en,0)_tman �,nd Odell. Reco-rd.er Anderson �nd �,ttorney HoSp. I�iotion dul� r��de by �lnderson, seconded b� 011:man that thepetitions f��r oiling� on 13tYi ��re.T�o, from �xcels, or :`�ve. to lst :�t.�so. , and lst :�t.Tdo.be�LUreen the ls�;. a11ey 6Jest of 72th �1ve.Tdorth to 14th �ve. r1o. Be �ranted,carried. ' I���otion du�y made �y Odell, seconded b� T���ddon that"no,p�,rl�ing�.�%�� si�ns be pl�ced from l�th �.ve. to 17tY� Ave., carried. Qf'�� � It��otion dul� made by �lnderson,second�d by Odell that we grant permission for the xennepin �ounty �griculture ;�ociety the use of our ParY benehes during t�ie Cou2ity F�ir,le�3.vin�� 20 for parl; u�e , carrie d. n��tion duly made by Anderson, seconded by Oltman ti:at �xae gr�.nt the Hennepin Cour�ty Agriculture �ociet,y an "0� :�ale� non-intoxi- catir�g P,�.lt Liquor license for the fee of �; 5.00,carried. I�.��tion duly made b� �,�adden ,seconded b�r And e�on th�,t the �iayor dec lare a��roclamat i on .fo r"Hopkin s Day" a� i;h e��e nne pin County I�'air on Thursday aFternoon,gu�ust 22nd,19�5, carried. �iotion dul.y m�.de by Odell,seconcled b� Olt*�;an �hat a suFficient v�alk����a� be graded to meet requirements oF United atates Govern- ment for I�.1ai 1 service at �12th,l3tth and 14th AQes.No. ,carried. �Iot ion duly made b� OTtman, sec onded bv Odell that a Resoluti on be drav�m to the Hop�ins Po�.tLm.ster askin� fo-r Hopkins i��'�ail service at Cotta�eville,carried. I��?otion dul�r made by 0ltrnan,seconded by Ode7.1 that the a�pplication oP i�ay �.0'Dell be gr�.nted for a"On .�.nd Oft Sale" non-intoxicatirg lv�lt Ziquor licen se , carried. � '1'he folloVvir_� jud��s ior S�ecial Llection August 27th,1935, �-:ere appointed ; hose �esely Ann Borl€�nd Frank Topk�, tFdm.Odell,Jr. ll�iot ion duly m�.de by �ltman,seconded b.y Odell that the street li,�hts be turned on during the Count�r Fair,carried . ��otion duly rnade by l.iadden,seconded b�t Odell tha t follov�rinr bills be allo��ed,carried; 12430 12 431 12432 1�433 12 434 12435 12436 1�437 12438 12439 12440 12441 12442 12443 12444 12445 -12446 15294 3681 Geo.bilexler Carl Olson J�s. Shonka Thos. �'ara Pet er 'uvolf Jee Pud�;il C. �i ,$��ttha �i F rank �� unv a r FranL Stodola ��ra.nk Eric�son Otto Vollrath Frark Rosengren Chas.Lehmbecker Davi d Rings�;ad Ernie �Do�e Anton Pavek 'u�larren 3enson lst laa t. Bk. Thos .Fara I,abo r 14 . 40 " 21.00 " 21.60 „ 2�.77 �r 1� 1 . (�� " 43. 20 " 21. 60 " 54.00 ,T 72 . 00 �� , 33.97 " �1.60 " 19.51 'r 23.18 " 21.60 "=`-- 10 . 80 "` 18.00 " 15.60 Bond R int. 525.00 I,�.bor - 9,23 � � , , -2- �eeting 8-20-35 - _ :; Bills co�n't.. .- . �� _ , � 3682 Ive ls �P1e ls on Zabo r 13. 50 36f33 Frank Ros�er�gren " . � 9.23 . 3684 ��ran� Ericl�son " 9:23 3685 t`Jalter �o1P 2 do�s . . _ 2.00 3686 F�PrZ.Ptadden Cod. Park sv�ir� g�93 �3687 Iuiartin Vanel� I�,�eal�s �or Pri,�oner 2.95 � 3688 Thos.J.�_osanda 1935 -Assessing 190.00 - 3689 Ger.trude Kosanda Depu�ty �ssessor1935 55.00 5516 J.B.fl:�iller ?�abor � 53.10 5517 Jacob Shef.fler ". � 3;50 55.18 J�9;t�osp Legal fees 75.00 Upon motion dul�r.r�ade,second�d and carried meetin� adjourned. - . �?ec or .e y gttest : . . re s i e n. _ Special meeting ��P the Village �ouncil os .Hop]�ins l�r�,s held on �i'uesday,August 27th,1935, at '7:::D Pm in the Council Rooms. I�ie:nbers present; G.V�J.l��ioore,President ; Truste�;� O1tn�an,Ode11 and r��adden. Attorne� Hosp �.nd l�ecorder �t�de�on. , This rneeting t�€�s called for the �urpose oF openin� bids For the extension oF ��celsior Avenue Se���er f rom 15th !��re .No. to 17th Ave.ilo„ and from �;xcelsior xveai�e on 16tY'i tive.Tlo. to l5t at.T�o. The followin� bids v�ere o��ened : Ch�is Jensen y;�4182.00 Or�er 8c T�:�ari�.ni , Inc . 4558.OQ � +'.T.Plebster 4769.00 Motion dul� made by �lnderson,seconded by Odell tl��,t -�the Contr�.ct be a��va�ded Chris Jensen to build se��re �� from 15th �ive.T�fo, to 17th hve.I�o. on Exc�:lsior �ve. ,�.nd Prom '`xcelsior Ave. to lst �t.I�o. on 1Gth �1ve.I��o. for a price o.f ��4182.OU,carried. The cYieck oi Orfer ard T:��ariani,Inc. for w20G.00 �v�:�s returried to �ir.Orrer and t}�e check Of I'�rI'. �'.T.ti'�,}eb�ter for ���500.00 cnras returned t o �:Ir. �'debster. �'`otion dul� made b� �ltm€�n; seconded by Ode11 t'riat v�e r�dvertize ior b ids for �. co�l. stoker f�r the Jillr��e `�all, carri.ed. ry'�oti on d uly ma.de by ()ltman ,s econ ded by Tti?adden tY�at the f'0110['Jl ��' bills be allowed; 15295 Z.Lunqu�st Sc �on Side�ralk � Curb 3G93 Jame s ��rkke Labor 3694 Cl�,rence �haerne rt " ��1034 .82 .90 23.05 P,Zoti on duly rr,�,de by h�adden, seco��de,d by Oltman t'r} �,t �the repo rt oF the Clerk ar�d Jud�;es �� apecial �lection.be receivec� and ordered p7_aced on iile and that bills for sa�e be allov�ed, carried; 3690 T, J.Topke. � ud �e o f Ll�ction 36�=1 V�dm.H.Udell ;7r " " " 3692 Rose `;'esel� " " ►' 6.35 6 .35 6.25 Upon motion duly,made,seconded �,nd carried meeting �.dj ournec?. � ?��O�fDL� l�ttest : � Presiden ; \ �� . .. 3���: � .c:.i'�. . , i . -- . . Official �'Ballot SPECIAL ELECTION VILLAGE OF HOPKINS H�NNEPIN COUNTY, MINI'QESOTA August 27, 1935 o- Shall the bond�s of the Vill�age of H�opkins, Couniy of Hennepin, State of Minnesota,, be i�ssued �,nd nego- tia�ted for t�he aggregat� sum oi $4300.00, bearing interest a�t the lawful rate, �the proceeds �o be used to defray �he c�o� .ef acquixing the iol�lowing de- scribed real property: °� ;; That part of lbt 1 ly3ng N. of a lin�e drawn parallel w�ith S. line of lst SCreet S. from a point on E. line of sa,i�d lot dista,nt 319 8-10 feet S. of N. E. �corner �oi sa,id lot �to W. line thereof, lot 1 in Dow's Aomeste�ad, WeSt Min- neapolis, situa�ted in �the County of Hennepin, State of MYnnesat�a, and lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, block 11, in West Minne�apol3s, to be used for park purposes at a cos`t not to e�rceed.----------------------------.--.$4300.00 YES � N.O � To vote for approval of t�he aforesa�id proposition place a cross (X) in �the square opposite the word "Yes.,' To vote against �the aforesai�d proposi�t�ion place a cross (X) in the squ�are opposite th�e word "No." 7�—Minutes of Village Election. � M�Nl1TES OF VILL�GE ELECTION w�LTFF S. BOOTX 6=CN� INL.� MIN (a) The lines tolloaring the letter (a) in this biank are left to write in tha fact, that "the electora present at the time and place named for opening t'�e polls elected the Judges and Clerk viva vorr, because the council had neglected to make auch appointment,' or "because the persons eo � appointed, or one or more of them, neglectei or refused to serve,' (if such was the cave.) 1 Atthe � ..-�---...-�-----�--- .....---� ...............:.... ....... ..Election of the Village of..._......._......--�------.. . ...... . ...... ... .........------�---......:.--�--�--..... in the Count of-------�- _. - . - -------...._ ........................and State of 112innesota, hel at`����C`""�% ........--�-��� ..............................•-�----�-��-�----��-�---'�--�------ ........_............................._..--�--........................being the place where it �vas directed to be held by the Village Council after bivir,b due notice tlzereof as provided by law, on the .............. .. ..... .. .._...._____...................... clayof .............�._ �............------��------ -19._� S, ...............-�-�-�--- � �--- --------�-----��----� �- -- - --- �--........ ---- �� �--...............-�--�--..........-�---------.....................---...............................----.. ai�d .--�--�-�-�� . ...........................�--�-��----.............-- .....-�---...................- ��------� �-� --......---- --............. ---�--�� ....... - - - - -----......two qualified voters of said y illa ;e, to act as Judges of such Election, and one qualified voter of said Villa�e to act as Clerl� of such �lection, each of. �vhom had �vithin twenty days before such time been designated and appointed by the Villaoe Council to act as Juclees and Gler;� respectively of such election (a; ............................................................. .................................�--------......--��--�--....... � ................. ......................................�------- - ............................. -� - -- ..... � .............. - ... � -... - .......... ............................ --- �--� .............................._... -�---...-�--�-��----.............. wlio, beii�; present, at the hour of.........�......__._._..o'c1oc1,...f�...:l�I, each of them duly tool� and snbscribec� an oath ................................................................._._...to faithfully disci�a.r�e the duties req�;ired of them at snch Election; and the said Judges a.ud Clerk being duly qualified, forth�vith o��ened the �,�olls b3- proclamation, and the �lection proceed- ed by ballot without ac�journment or interinission until closed. The subjects vo�ed on at such Election, as st.ated in the \Totice thereof, were :...........................................____.:......_.................... Toeleet .................. .. ................ -� - - -- -_.........................-� - - ----- --_............ ...............................------ --..............- - - --- ......................:..........:...................... ............................... . . .............................. �� ----- --------�----�--.........--�-�-------------�--��-�------- � ----� .......... ---_. ......... --- ............. - -....... -- -... 0 .. • - -- -- - ---------- -- - .."--' ------� � ---------------------'...... .....................-----........... _.... -' -------------------------------------------------------...... _----------------------...... ------------- � -----.... ----'------......-----------------."..... At....0.�..1-.....1'-.1..•....o'clocl� in the afiernoon of said day the poils �vere closecl, proclamation thereof having been made by o:�c of the Jnd�es thirty minutes P:evious thereto. The Judges then proceeded to publicly count and can��ass the votes, and a true statement thereof nras duly proclaimed to the voters by the Clerl., who recorueci the same in the Village llinu�e Bool.. STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS The follo�vin� is a true state�}ient of the result of the COl:lltlll^' and canvass of votes by ballot at the �rrrt�rl-.� I���--....-�-------- Electioi7 of the Vil�age of..... •-�--� .................... ................................��-------....--�--------....._.....................---�- County of._....� �,�,..�----------------------�---..................and State of _lliunesota, ield ...Q�ti... ..-----------......._�1 ................�� -......._.......19.�5. as proclaime�� tA� voter by the Clerk of Election : ... .. . . ......- � ....... .................................. .............................................. .received. ..�1l.�...1._..votes � unci ------�- ---� .. ...............................��---........_...--........--��---...................received.......1'�....�..votes f�� „�: ��;.� ,.� r ,,,-�;i .................�---........--........-----.............---�-------�--......--�-----.......---...�--.......-�---........._.......--..........----�------............. ��---..�vas declared elected Presidei7t of �ouncil (Continued on following page) ....... ........ .. �� .......... -....... - .._ .. ................... .......... �� ... ............ � ................... .........��- .. ........ ........... . .. � � ��--- -.. � 1�-......... � � � ........... ................... -- .......... .. ..... � � � � ........... ............ . . ..... ......... . .... .... ...... ... .. � - � -.......... ................. ...... � ... ............. .. � - • -- --�- .............. . �-� � �� .......... ............ . .. .... ................. ...... ................. . ... ........... - ----�� ................__ .............. .................. . .......... . ... ........... -------� .... ............. - ... .. .......... � � ............. .............. -------------------.-.---------....received--------.....--..----.�-otes for Trustee, term of---------.3'ears -----.-------------------------------.-----recei��ecl-------.--------.---.votes for Trustee, term of------.---3'ears ............_ ..........................recei��ed _....votes for Trustee, term of............years - .......................----.....-.---.--....received.........-.--------.....��otes for Trustee, term of............yea,rs -----------------------------------------_.....recei�-ed-------------..........votes for Trustee, term of---.--....years --------------------------------------------reeei�-ed......------...---......�rotes for Trustee, term of............years _ ........................................_..__............�vas declared clected Trustee, term of..._........3�ears .---.-... _.._._ ....................�ti•as decla. ecl elected Trustee, term of............years ..................--------------- ......-----.---ti��as c.eclared elected Trnstee, terli� of............years - ............. . - �� - ............rccei�-ed ._.....--..votes for Treasurer --..--... ....- ----� ....... --reeeivecl..-__... -� .votes for Treasurer --� .....--- .. -- ........ .............. ---� -- -.....- .�vas declared elected Treastu�er ..... --- .....-�-.....--- .......... ...... - �i'eceived----� ........�-otes for j�illage Clerk -�� - -� � -..... - __.. -- I'ecei�-ed .........._ .......�-otes fcr �%illaae Clerl� ..... ----.---...-- ..............---------.------...------...n�as declared clected j'illage Clerl: ....... � �� -- - .. .- �- - ..__........- - - ........................ � �---- � ..._......... --- �� � - ............... � - - - -..._ -___........recei�-ed. _.............. ��otes for �lssessor .... . �- - ..._ _-- - .... � --- ............recei�-ed . - ............votes for �ssessor ------. ---------._----------------_......�vas cleclared elected Assessor ------------------------------------- .-.-----------recei��ed-----.........----vo±es for Justice of the Peace .................-'------......_..--.---------.....----..recei��ed------.--.--.--.-.----votes for Justice of tlie Peace ....-.--.-------------------- -----. --.--recei�-ed-----------------. --�-otes for Justic� of tlie Peace � _ ..................................----. ..-------......recciecd------.---.---------t otes for Justice of the Peace ...._ .................... ___............was clecla��ecl electecl Jnstice cf tlle Peace ......._......_........._.__...... __.__��•as declared elected Justice of the Peace - - - -- .. _- --... - .. - - -� ---- - . ................. .. .. � - - -�- - ........... ........ ..__... - - -_ - - - - - ......_.._......recei�-ed. - -- - ....��ot.es for Ccnstable � � � ................. - - � - ...... -- - - recei��ecd....... ..............�-otes for Constable - ..... --- .... --- -- � - - - � � - - _. recei�-ed-- -..... - - -�-otes for Constable ......- ............. ......-�--......-- ......._ -� ......----...-- ......... -- -- .....- .... ---- - .receiaed- ...................��otes for Constable ..... ............... .. . � ................_._....- - -............ ...... � � �- � -� -....... . -. �a�s declarecl elect,ecl Constable �- .... - � .......... ---- .-- .... ........... - -.........--�- -- �-.._.. - - ._............ «-�s declared elected Coustable .....-- �� /..�._.. - . ..... - �� � � - - ......... - ... -� .. .... .. - ... - ... ... - ... � - - - ..... .. _f,�..1 .................ballots �vere cast for ..___ ._ - - -- -- -- ....... -......- -� ...._......... � ............:../.._/.......ballots were cast for.. - - ..... //�. � --.._. .- -...- -- �� � � -- - ........ / Attest : � � %' n C O a:. V d � . W ` U` ` Ghi � � � Orf �O � � �.L. : : 0 p N � �1 � C � g � : y V � � � � eilc of Election .._........ c 0 V i:i ao R � O C) 0 � I � � ......... ............ � ------- ....... JudaeS of Election Regular r:�eet ir�g of the Villag�e �ouncil of the Villa�e of HopYir�s was held on Tuesday,September 3�d,1935, at 7;30 F�9 in tY�e Council Room. 1��Iembers present G.i'���Yoore,President; rr�zstees Oltman,Odell and �ladden. Recorder Anderscm and gttorney Hosp. I4fr.Holn� from the r��inneapolis-Moline Company was present and asked the Villa�e to set a rate for tile �rater supplied to tY�e Itiinneapolis- Woline Cor�pany, arxl v�hen tY�rate has been established the bill for the installation of the �'�Jater t�rete�s will also be taken up. I��ioti on dul� made b� Oltma.n, seco nd ��d b� Jdell that we have a fu.11 �urvey and report by tne Power Lngineering (%o�:pany that i�e accept their agreement �or �600.00, carried . Niotion duly made by 4ltanan, seconded by Odell that we move the adoption of the �,ttached nesolution, carried. P,�otion daly i�ade b� Oltman,soconded b�r ��'adden that the minutes of the last meeting be �pproved as read, carried . I�'iotion dul� made by Oltman,seconded by I.`adden that the 1`�orthern al;ates Potiver Compan� move pole on alle� at I,apic's to eas side oP alley, carried. � l�otion duly made by xnderson , sdconded by Odell that �re get two new style h�rdrasi ts, carried. I��Iotion duly made by I��adden,seconded b�r C�dell tl�,t the follovving bi11s be allocved; carried; �.2447 P.H.Covle 12448 +l�il Hancik 12449 VJar ren �enson 12�50AE. J .R�Ic Donald 12451 Vendell Triden 12452 C�,rl Olson 12453 Void 12454 Frank I�Tunvar 12455 F'�.nk Stodola 12456 August Pet erson 12457 Frank �rickson 12458 Peter �^�olF 12459 Da;nlberg Bros.Inc 12460 David :.ingstad 12461 Ch as .Behrns 12462 Ant on Pave k 12463 Thos.Fara 12464 Ivels Pdelson 12465 C,l��� Stotthard 12466 l�pl�. G'�n.Ele c. Co. 12467 �"Jm.H.7ie�ler �o.Inc 12468 Pure 0 il �o . �� 3695 tr�rs. Theo .Lxtine 36�6 Bloomie Jenstad 3697 g. G.Ha�lt on 3698 Za,��rence Sc �iut z � 3699 Jos .9. Hosp 3'700 Clarence Grover �701 �. [��. El�qui s� �7G2 G.��V.T�Ioore 3703 'vVm.Odell 3704 Irving Oltr„an 3705 F .1�.�. T�,=add en - 3706 6.L.Andersor� 3707 Hopkins �'ire Dept. 3708 i:2inn.IJews Co. 3709 h7rs .i�mil 1'et�er�en �710 � . td .T:7oo re� 3711 Frar�k Sitar 3'712 Carl Seden Bla c�� s m i th in g Labor Team Labo r 'r ruc k .Labo r I,abor Track Suppl ie s I,abo r ,r tT tT „ ,f Zight 8c Povver �upplies Gas rt�Trs . Li�ht s S�,l .9-1-35 Sal. to 9-1-35 Sal.to 9-1-35 5�,1. to 9-1-35 ��.1. to 10-1-35 ��,1. to 10-1-��5 IT �T �r �1 �r �r rt n IT iT rl -- - It 22 Ph or�e s � Books Zib. C1ean.Lib.Jul� Sc Rebat e onDo� �ax Police Ch�n�e L�,b o r Aug. Meet in� o� Sept, 3rd,1935- Bills con't. -2- 3713 N.VJ.Bill Tele.Co. Phones 3 714 l�'dal t er j� Booth � Son Supp li es 3715 P.:7.Caroline First �id Supplies 3'716 Fotivler Llec. Co. Repairs 3717 F.H.xainert Supplies 3718 �'J. S, lv ot t C o. " 3719 ��opkins Dray Line I�i?oving PR 3720 l'd�S.D�,rley � Co. Supplies Pk. 3721 lst I;atl.Ins.Agc� Polices Ba.nk �tand 3'722 DaYilberg Bros.Inc. Oil 3723� P,,pls. Sub. Gas Co. Gas 8-6-35 3724 I,ea�ue oP P;inn.P,F.unicipalities Dues to 8-1-36 3725 .�nergency �elieP �dr�. �bOID. 3726 Hennepin Count�r 0].�. age Pens ion 3727 I3e rrr�.n �Ol s on � tamps 3728 �pls. G n.Elec. Co. Zight �: Power 3729 Ray Pe�ersari T�penses �'ire School 3730 Leo Priest 11�rotor Co. Supplies 3'731 4V�.lt er Rolf Catch ine 3 do gs 3732 Jens Claasen Pk.labor 3733 �a�mond Tesarek �+,xp.Fire School 3734 Clarence T�taemert E�.A wa�:es 8-29-35 3735 l�rartin J.Vanek 1 lunch relie� 3736 Jacob achef.fler �al. 9-1-35 37�7 �4artin J.Vanek �'ire 8c Police alarrns 3738 Otto Vollrath Labor 3739 Joe Pudgil Labor 3740 Id7atthew J.SchefFler Exp.Fire �chool 37�1 Eff�ergency �elief iidm. OfFice Lxpense 3742 Emergency �elie� Ad�. Comp.Assm't. 5519 Iierrrian Olson Sal. to 9-1-35 5520 J�B.�iiller Labor 5521 GustaFson & ��uxa �=cep.�C Sup. 5522 T��p1s.G n.Elec.Co. Poyrer 5523 Japs-O�scm Co. Supplies 5524 Pioneer �lev.E� Zbr.�o.Supplies 5525 Minr�,San.dS� Gravel �%o.�':�Iaterial 5526 South Pk.Fdr�.8� D;�ch.Co.Supplies 5527 hmerican Cast Iorn Pipe Co.Valves 5528 Koke sh �dwe . . Suppli es 5529 L�p1s.Ea�Ltip.Co. " 5530 I�riax Sorensen .core�an 5531 Fred �ansen Labor 5532 I��a�rnard Rosen�ren T' 5533 �erbert Dodds " � 5534 Aug. Pet erso n . " 5535 John �Jeller " 5536 Otto Vollrath " 5537 Lrnie Doge " 5538 �'larren Benson Team 5539 ��cDona,ld Tr�s.Co. Fgt.Bc fittings 5540 Albert SRnd ers � I,abor 5541 I� ic k I�alkes � " Upon motion du�y ma,de,seconded and carried meet ing adj ou rned. <� Recorde r 9ttest : � . . __ _. President.. , � . 10.00 5.55 2 .00 12.00 1.65 1.63 12.00 1.40 20 . 00 42 .12 1.20 30 .00 546.00 1.00 423.27 3.71 .53 3.U0 44 .10 .50 21. 00 .30 10.00 25.00 14.40 14.40 2. 50 24 .00 12. 75 70.00 50 .40 9.92 1.00 3.75 60 .16 65.25 126.43 �4.00 1.09 8.50 80 . 7 5 47.40 4.28' 3.38 22.95 5. 96 6.18 3.38 2 . 80. .75 11.05 33.75 :. CERTIFICATE -- MINIITES A. E. Ande�S.on;..Village Recorder of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, State of Minneaota, does hereby certify that the following are-so much of the minute�,Qf;,a regular meeting of the Village Co�.ncil of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin_Count�y;-B�innesota, held at the l�unicipal Building of said Village on Septeinber 3, 1935, at the hour of 7:30 P. Pfl. The follovaing members of the Village Council were present: G. B9. Moore, President of the Village Council. A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder. F. &�. Madderi; Councilman. Irving Olson;` Councilman. . �ill'iam O-�D"eIT, Councilman. �r � _ , . constituting,a quorum (all),of the board. The neeting �as called to order by G. �P. �Boore, President oi the Villsge Council, and A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder, being present, recorded the minutes of the meeting. :. _ The Recorder read the ninutes of the meeting of the Village Council held on�July 30, 1935, �hich include the resolution.adopted at said meeting to acquire land for„public park purposes, end calling for a special Village election to be held on August 27, 1935, to vote upon the proposition of issuing and negotiating �4300 in bonds of said'Village, the proceeds thereof to be used to defr�y the costs of acquiring the l�.nd describ ed in said resolution for �pu'olic pa�rk ,purposes, arid the certificate amdreturn of the election board, and the certificate'�of the�Village,Recorder�of the posting of the election notices for�.s.aid,,.election, and the Village Recorder reporting the results of s�id election were'a�l.l read and on motion duly made and seconded, the said minutes and the said certificates and returris r�ere duly approved, rat- ified and confirmed. Thereupon, the follo�ing resolution evas offered by_Councilman who moved its adoption: B�HEREAS, a special election �as du�y held in the Village of Aopkins, Hennepin County, �innesota, on the 27th da� of August, 1935, pursuan t to f 1� a resolution oi this governing boc7,p adopted July 3�, 1935, �t which election �� ✓ the propoaitior� of issuing a.nd negotiating the bonds of said Village in the aggregate aum of �4,300 vTith interest at a laevful rate, the proceeds thereof ' to be used for acquiring the landa described in said resolution for public park purposes, aaas�dul,y submitted to the qulified electors of said Village �nd more than a fiue-eighths majority of the electora voting thereat voted in_favorof said proposition; NO�, THERE�',ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village _...Qf Hopkins, Hennepii� Count�y, l�innesota, at a regul.ar meeting thereof legally held on the 3�d day of. September, 1935, a quorum (a11) being l�resent, that t,h.e saic3 Village of Hopkins, issue and negotiate �4, 300 in amount of Village boncls�in the form of..certificates of indebtedneas a11 in accordance �eith and pursuant to the appli:cable sections of the State Constitution and of Chapter 10, �ason�s Pdinn. Statutes, 1927, and Amendments thereto, including also �he Charte f the..Village of Hopkins, the same to bear interest at the rate of �- °�� �r cent per annum, principal and interest payable serially in�ual L Z� � :. -.-_- -•- installments and to be in denominations and to mature As folloWs: 1. One Certificate of 1ndebtedness 1937. " 2. One Certific�.te of Indebtedness 1938. � 3. One Certificate of Indebtedness 1939. 4. �n e Certificate of Indebtedness 1940. 5. One Certificate of Indebtedness 1941. for the sum of �1,000.00 payable September 1, for the sum of �1,,�00.00 payable September 1, for the sum of �1,000.00 p�rable September 1, for the sum of �1,000.00 payable September 1, for the sum:of �300.00 payable September 1, that the Certificates of Indebtedness attached to be in the form as follows: ., with i.nterest. coupons . to be thereto CERTIFICATE OF INDF� TEDNESS of the� VTLLAGE OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota�- , , . _. ��Date .: � e (K',� ,� . .. _ ......,:.. .. . _ . For Acquiring Lands for Public Park. e.� ..��- -_. F�R V9LD'E RECEIV-ED, the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin County, �tinnesota� hereby promises to p�y t,o. bearer � on the first day of Setpember, 19�, � Dollars in l��ful mone,y of the United States•of America of the present lega.l tender, and to pa,y interest thereon �t the rate of f r er nt (.�) per annum in like funds on the�d� of � ;19�, E.nd each year thereafter, upon presentation and sur- rende o the annexed coupons �s they severall� b ecome due and payable. Both principal and interest hereof are pay�ble at the Bflur►icip�.l Building in the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin Count,�,��Pdinnesota. And for the prompt payment of this Certific�.te of Indebtedness, both principal and interest at maturity, the full faith, credit and resources of sai.d Village are hereby irrevocxbly pledged. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INDIDTEDNESS is issued under and pursuant to, and in strict conformity with the provisions of the oonstitution and statutes of the State of 119innesota, including the Charter of the said Village, for the purchase of real estate for public park purposes, and is further authorised by an election du],y called and held in said Village on the 27th day of August, 1935, and in conformity �i.th �resolu.ii�ot� duly passed by the Village Council. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, recited and declared that a1i acts, cond- itions and_things required to__.b� done,.happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate of Indebtedness have been done, happened and been perform��d in regular and due �form a.nd manner as required by la�a, and that �ia Certificate of Indebtedness, together with €�.11 of the other indebtedness of the said Vill�g�does not exceed ar{�► limitations pre- scribed by the Constitution or Statutes of the `State-of DHinnesota.. TId �PITNESS 9�AFREOF, The said �illage-of �opkins has caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be sealed oaith its corporate sea1, and this Certificate of Indebtedness and the coupons hereto attached to be signed by the President of its Vil�age Council, attest�ed by its V' age Recorder and countersigned by its Village Treasurer this,�� -d�,y of �� 1935. ATTESTED: -� � . President of Village Council. � Vil�.�ge Recor�er. . . � .. , ., , . , � ___ � � -TiJ�i 1..�.�... T�.�...a...�..... � :� .... . _•r- �� (FORll4 OF COUP,ON) Plo ............... � .................. _On the lst de� of September, 1937, the Village of Hopkins, Nlinnesota, promises t,fl p� to bearer dollars at the Municipa�.Building of the Village of Hopkins, �i.nnesota, being months' interest then due on its,public park Certificate o%...Indeb.teclness, dated �„ " �` ,1935. President of Village Council. . ATTE�TED:' .,:::_ . . Vi�ll�.ge Recorder. ' . COIINTERSICN EU: Village Treasurer. ; ; BE IT FURTHER'AESOL`IED, That each of sa.id Certificates of Indebted- �- ness and the coupons-��tYiereto a.tt�ched shall be signed by the President of #�e Village Council;.�coutersigned by the Vill�ge Treasurer and attestEd by the Village Recorder-urider the corporate se�ll of the said Village, and said officers are hereby autYiorized and �directed to cause said bonds and the int- erest coupons to be prepared substantially in the forms above set forth, and to execute the same for and on behalf of said Village as aforesaid; that � thd Village Recorder��is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids therefor in accordancec�' �vith law or the said Village officers are herebg auth- orized and empowered,to negoti�.te and sell the-same to the highest bidder for not less that the�price e.iid the proceeds thereof to be used and are hereby appropriatedfor the p�yment of the cost of acquiring title to the lfznds des- cribed in said resolution of the Vi,llage Council, adopted July 30, 1935, and to reimburse the general fund of the Village for flinds.heretofore approp- riated and e�ended in acquiring title to ae.i.d property pursuant to said resolution. � , Trustee and Councilman Oltman �ho resolution thereupon_moved its adoption v�hich was Odell and upon being put to a vote the llage Council. Adopted September 3, 1935. ATTFST: offered the foregoing seconded by Councilman was unanimously adopted by A. E. gnderson, Village Recorder. c���'r-e-•ru_ G. P1. Moore, President of the Village Council. . �( ! � CERTTFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE � � OF SPECIAL ¢ECTION--VILLAGE OF HOPhINS, AIIGIIST 27,�1935,.VILLAGE -� BOND ISSIIE OF �4,300 TO ACQUIRE � . LAND FOR PUBLIC PARK PURPOSES ,. ,, - _ � , . ' - -, � %, �. E. Andersori; Village Recorder of the Village of Hopkina, Henn- epin County, Minnesota; does hereby certify that on the �;�,day of August, � 1935; he�.duly posted�the Notice of Special Election as, set forth in the ._ ,.�.., -.. r�asolution of the Village Gouncil of said Village adopted Jul� �30, 1935, at fiqe public places in said Villages as follows: One One One One One which was.at least ten days before the election held thereunder. A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder of the Village of Hopkins, Hennegin County, State of Minne�ta: 0 � CERTIFICATE OF SPECIAL ELECTION AUGIIST 27, 1935, TO VOTE �4,300� IA] BONI?S �0 ACQUIRE LAND FOR PARK PIIRPOSES � - A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder of.the Vill�ge of Hopkins,,flenn- egin County, State of l�innesota, does hereby .certif`y that pnrsuant� to ths reaolution of the Village Coi:ncil of Hopkins.•adopted at a special meeting of the Village Council held on Ju�y 30, 1935,,at 7:00 o�clock P:Bd., to ��quire.the land described in said resolution�_from L. E. Dovr and �eife for park pur�oses;� that a special.election was duly.:.held pursuant to said res- olution in'the Village of Hopkins, Henttepin Couiity,_ State of Minnesota, on . �ugust 27,, 1935, at which elec�ion the proposition�of"issuing and negotiating bonds of said Village of flopkins for the aggregate sum of �4,300, the proceeds thF;reof to be used to defr� the costs of acquiring the land d�scrib-ed in said resolution for public ptirposes,a�as du�y submitted to the qualified voters of said Hillage•, The vote �sas by ballot, in the for�u designated in said resolution, Rnd was cast�in a special ballot box. The:election was legally conducted and after the cloae thereof, the ballots cast thereat were duly counted and canvassed =�wl�ereu�ion Yt appeared and was duly certified that there Yiad . been _;�/� t�allbts c».st at said election of which .2/3�" � �vere in favor of eaid proposition, and �'� � opposed thereto; and that more than a five-eighths majoritq of those voting on the propositiom were in favor thereof, and such result was thereupon du],y declaxed. - . r.r�Q , , , A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder �-.A,.,.� of the Village of Hopkins, County - of Hennepin, State of �6innesota. ;� No. 1273—M. T. C. B. No. 7. • Poucher. Minneapoli�, — - �� ---- — -- --- — --- — ----- - �� � APPLICA�ION FOR RELIEF—GENERAL FOKI�I � To the County Board and County Auditor of.....� .......::.........County, and to the Minnesota . Tax Commission : � �t�te of ,�it�r�e�ot�, 1 , countz� of ......:��lwa� .......................................... ( ss. d4ssessm,ent District O�:.i�R9��r ...................... . � . � . . _..,,...; :. -_ � -- ' ......'.....��....f'�.e...�'`w...9�0�l�?. ��..�t...��...�.�...$�Leirzs' ditl j.�sicn��ri ..:.....' ....................:.. -.. . _....................._..:......... :- � ;. , . .......... . . .i , ' dcpascs and scci�s . that,....'�lf�...i3,1`F3'� ��-'O►�...�.:���4'�3$..�0�' �. � . .. _ �..� � lit��gv �elCAr�Br �� #h@ V�3�� ��' ��� �+�� ��t�+t'� &�`►��e- 4� �t@�Q'�aAr � ��d �sv t��Ee ap���rat�� �'�a� �.r� a�s ��;f �P aEeit3 ff$�,),Qg�� atad �tst�e� �^.�e �a� ,� �reus�ti �sa �a s�3a��vn Qf ��i.e l��2� C�C�� �£ ��i� ��,g� rfiz�g �dop'l.�9I ��' i� �fi� of �h� v�1�ge �� a� �d v� r� cd� av$g �o, �$�� c,�a e�ld 9 ����3 �. �e ��'� ���� �'�r ����:��d �itaa_�� � � a�� V'ii�ag�,� � �,:: ��: �. �� �xt� i�' �r II��r� . �,�t�$�e� P��r p�rl�� �s, g�4�a9t�8; ta�-�.�s �r�^t'�,r i3�d ' 8�t� �t��y 3t�, ���, :�9.��ci � �c��- �� �,ri �z� ��`�c� �� tY� :�s��'�e� v� � �e� ot �e�d ' ��� .c� �'u'� �%� 193�, r��� 9��iifi�1 o#o9�vt� �.-.-�, an�t ���rde�d � Bmc,k �.�8� of ��,. ;� �3&�'s '+�$p �AL'i��.'T'�v i$� ��S±��b� � 4i�Pl�"'�A3D Q� �a'�;,A��'� [;� ���"i '! • ; �l�b �9�;7� ��" �� �. �y'�; �s Q�` � a$�I� .r��t! t�Y'�6� i�'�i �• , ' � o� ��� ���fi+ .�. f� �a �o:L:�� t� � l�.�ac� o�' a�a� �d�G �dl:at�u � � , � �f1�'� �. �r� •��' I�. a.. �� �« �1 :►��� �' �:. �� �fi�iez�o� , 8,�� l � ��A i�aia'� .�►�: ��xrsca].��� l�.���vt� � �� �i�q�tr O$ �l�i��F ►�'�0 4� =-"a�Q��3� c�c�' �ii�'��g ��d d:? � �u'�y' �€3� �9��� �'$:L+r�i €Os' Z`�� �a '�ti O�'�`it:c� Clf� 'A�t'i� �'x�p'�� �� De� �f �� c�oun�y � � ,�1.� i833' a�t 1�(3ii a��cl�c�c �a. �.,�nc� ��rc�4 9�n �001� �1��" � �ds�, F-'�B� �C, -Ii���� i��� 3���+��- �����.ott oi p�ielr�p s� '' , fo��s � � . � T.s#.� �� ��:,�i� r.��t �� ��k 1� �t1 �:�L ���. � , � � Ti���.f� oai Ju� 3�i �3a� �a ��3d V��gs x�c3eem�' �he� �ra�� ��r�t �v� t��ser�b� ' • � t:�:� `� �!�le '�� P�s #�3i� 3.�� �� �fl�8 �ea � �� ��8�,��res'!�� C�ap� ta� ��� bg �'�' ��'�Q �8�p�i ��925.-"� i� , _ "��� � d.9",d . ��ses� �t���ro� � t��t��.,.:� t�lt�t�� :a�ga��t' #,��"i?�o��"'�i�� , d�s�9Cb�d,� � cn�3 t�us . �,8� �0 15�9 � . �e . a��ie's � ae3.���na �� �e . pxo� 3��'� d�• �. ' ��c��a ��c�t,�t�� �� � �� ��`�� �� ��e � e�► vlr* �o�e �ccu,n�xc:�� ;,.. ..� ... ..... .. . .... .:.�..... . . . . �� .��� n.... .... �t ��7�' ` ��f .. #.� � `�at�' ��0.��,. w��3m �.i�i3rt"Q��. �ta011id�ei ��►�� �td � m� ..'� '��R�� �a;�L�1�.�L �x'�'�i td�a�...z� o�. t�aa. ���°"'� d��:��e�� t�Y�� �� 't�it� ' ���aY .�a+� da��b� t�e �t�L� � � �a��,r � � � 8;1� oAP�ip F! i7F �aNFi1��� ei -- � �1i„ !�� SkiCaZ"Q� 3'�83t��% a� 'i�t4 St . �e �lC�, , w�:�..r�.� r.rer+nrr� w��e�� �i� �S .�i��'�* � f,�q ��ffi�� .....................:...............................................:.............................:.......................... �1 pplicant. Subscribed and sworri to before �iae tliis ..............._,.,.........:......da.� nf..............:.....::.........:.......::...:............, .R. D. I9.......:.... , .............................................................................................................................. ....................... ...................................................................................................... i FORM B N0. 7 Minnesota Tax Commission Ta.� Commissi�n No .............................................. Cnz�nEy �luditor's No.. ............................................ ............................................................................. Cozc n t J. APPLICA.TION OF APPLICATION FOR RELIEF (General Form) Section 8818, General Statutes, 1913. Falae Statement Regurding Taxea. — Every person who, in making any statement, oral or written, �vhich is required or authorized by law to be made as a basis of imposing or reducing an�• tax or assesament, who shall wilfully make any statement as to any material matter which he knows to be false, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. ".�:.`. a5.1 06ce of Minnesota Tax Commission St. Paul, Minn .. ........................................................::..;:�:. Upon due consideration of the within applica- tion it is ordered that- the same be and it is hereby rejected. MINNESOTA TAX COMMISSION ........................................................................... Chairman Attest: .......... ...................................................................... Secretary. Office of NTinnesota Tax Commission St. Paul, Minn., ......................... ........................................ Upon due consideration of the �vithin applica- tion it is ordered that the same be and it is hereby granted. The auditor and treasurer of said county are hereby suthorized and directed to make such changes and entries in the books and records of their respective offices as may be necessary to carry out this order. MINNESOTA TAX COMMISSION ........................................................................... Chairman Attes t : ... ...... .......................... . ........ .......... .... . . .. ..... . ... ........ Secretary. OH'ice of Minnesota Tax Commission St. Paul, Minn., ........................... ..................................... lipon due consideration of the within applica- tion it is ordered that the ............................................. ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................. . ................................................... ..... ........................................ The auditor and treasurer of the within name�l couiity are therefore hereby authorized and di- rected to make such changes and entries in the books and records of their respective offices as may be r.ecessary tu carry out this order. MINNESOTA TAX COMMISSION ......................................................................... , Chairman Attest : ..:............ ... . . .... ...........�.... _.. ........ ......,......._..... ' Secretarp. JA t �: o: �: � : �: �: o: �: �: o: �: A� r.: R: n: �: c� ; �� �: o: �: �: � : �: �: �: r. : 0 �: o: �: �: A: �, : n: �� �: L No. 2730—M9nnesota Taa Commiasion Form No. 31. Annaal May Sale to Actnal Purchaser. 9ecs. 2116-2119 Mnson'e Minnesotu Stutntes of 19Z7. As Amended. Revieed J 5, 1933. Miller-Davis Co., Minneapolis 1 "� .� � (�ffirr nf f�uunt� ,����fux, � Cert, i�io� � NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OF TIME Countz� of Hennepin ss. ` OF REDEMPTION STATE OF MINNESOTA J , '� 1 �y�' � . , � ...... ' 1 ,. i y, ,� i � �° � /.l2 � � `�-�: �r;,.,� � � .� . TO ............ ..:....... �(�..-:.............. ,.... .. ... ;�.i............................................�..�.r.......,.. .... ......... .......................................... � . � , ._. (I) Y'ou c�re hereby notified thc�t the follozvin�' piece...... bnroarcel...... af land situc�ted i�z the Cozwzt� o ennepin, State of ✓1Tinnesota, arcd known and described as follows, to-wit: .......Tha�.... p�.rt ... of....].a.�...1....l�ting... N.:....o�... a....l.�,ne... d�s�... pa,��.].�,Ql... �i�k�....�..line ............... � ', of lst Stree� �. �rom � point on �„ line of �aid lc�t d�.stant 319 8�10 .....................................:..................................... .................................. ..................................................................................................................... ft. S. of �T.E. corner of �aid lot to i�. l�ne thereoP Lo� i in .Dows ..................... ................................:..... .............................. .............................................:........................................................................................ ................... ... . iiomestesd �Vest Minne�polis,. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... IS .N'OT�' .9SSESSF,D IJI� Y'OUI� N�1.ME. , (�) That orz tTze......�`,rt�....day of �Alc�y, 19....30, c�t a sc�le of larcd pursuarct to the rec�l estate ta� juds�nent dzcl�� �izen and made in and by the District Caurt in and fo�� sc�id Count�� of Hennepi�aon the .......2�8'� .............................dc� o April.s.............................., 19....?0., in proceedin�s to enforce the payment �J f ........................ of tares deiinquent upon real estate for� the yecar 19...�.g., fo�• sc�itl Cozcnty of Hennepin the c�bove described piece...... o�� parcel...... of lc�nd was sold for the sum of....`�1[(J...A�X1.C���.C�;....S�Q��i,�y-.t�.�.�e....ana...e�f io.o — �.....-.....-.... �.....-... �......Doaa��•s � ........-...:.-.....-.....-....-............ � ..................................................... � ............ .......... ................ ................... ..................... ...................... .......... ......... .................................................................................................................................................. . ; ..... . .......................................................... ..........................:.......................................................................................................................................................... : �.. (3) �4nd that the c�mount reguired to redeenz said piece...... or pai•cel...... of land frnm sai,d tcc.:i; sale �.�cluszae o the costs to accrue u or� this notice is the sz�m o T�u.e.nt ane...hnndx.ed.....s ixtee�},lla,.s ,T . � f P f .. jr.... and ....�..1�.t�y....f.l.VBcents, c�nd interest at tlze rc�te of............]_2 ...............................................per cent pe�' CL72YLZG772 07L �..273.8.5....._...... _ ........................ thcreof from sai,cl 12tY�:.day of...............j41�,.�T..........._.................... ...........79 30..., to the da,y sTach �•edemptiorz is mQde, c��ad interest on �.5.4$..:46.......... thereof a,t tTze i•c�te of.......1.2......... per ce:zt ne;• annz�i;2, from the...........1..9th .............day of....Je.1�u<<.x'3i..':..............19....31., to the da� saceh redemption is inade, ana i��on �430.�.p..5....$.s....prav��ded....b.�...��i�� °�1�4....9e.o.......p�������?� ed by Hennepin County . ...........................................................��x�...................................................... ............ .�g�����������'���'� c�nd L�ite�•est cn �...44.1...75...as....p.�'.QYid.e.d...bya�,�a�mf.4.1,4....Se.o....$e�'I��Kepe�9t$,SuBuef���.cY�.pted by He nnep in C on.nty .................... .... .. ............. ................. �x� .................................................................. ..��$.�$�x�xa�g,�as��r���r,���s��� ccred interest on �`..4.22.•44 ..... ... .... ................at the rate of...........8...............per ee�zt per annum from the ..................$y d...,....... ...................day of............�Ei�Tllii3�.jz............................._..19.�4.... to the day such redenzptio�z is nzacZe. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (!y) That the tax certifiec�te of sale issued to said pu�•ehaser has been pre�sented to me by the holde�• th.ereo f arcd this rzotice requested. (5) That the time for the redemption of said piece...... or parcel...... of land fro��i sc�id ta�t: sale zvill twelve �12j months� expire ....................................................................................................after the service of this notice, cLnd� the filins of proof of sz�ch scrvice in my office. T�'ITNESS my Izand c�3zd o fficial seal this..........2rid ............................da� o f.............. Jll�'ST........................., 19. � a (Official S� � � "�� � . ,� �� ��� ,c �� �' � i` Form approved by Attorney General. Al.. P. Erickson .................................................................................................................... .IZ�ditor Heianepin Count�, Jblinnesota. Br� ..............................................J�.�D�.�lluz'p,Y;y......:..., De7�utJ � �' . ., . i . _ . � - � l �� ( �� i,/,y . . � ` . � . - . .. . . . � � � . , � ` , � . 'lJe b �r�`�7 � . . � . , . ° _ ^ , _ � � . . � ..� : r , � . , f � ., - . - : . � . � . �; � . :� ' �� �� _. , �. . � " � � -- .. ' , � . � . , � � �� . . . �� . r �. - - . � , . . . �' '�...; � �. . 11✓ ; . � ` -. 1 `� � •. � � � ! ' r . `d �, . . �� � -- -��4• - - .; � � � a ; � ,� . . �� , b��� , � ._ � �" . - - . -, ,J . _ . '1 . x . •,..,.:�.,,q,.��.-.,�•.T` . : ti:,.,..-� 1 ^/ � 7J' t / • , • � . � ,'� , " , , y � � , , � �% � . � . . f . . •� - . cl Gl , ;. . . , � ! ,. `/I � ` ,.`` { _ �) ;�_! 3 y v ° < < .,� , z 3 � , y � . . �-� . . . ' � , . , , � � �-,;�� . � . . , . � . . ' .� � . . .� ' , � � , . � , . \ s . � `'� �, ,� , -, � �'' .iY � ��' '�' • , , T� .. . . v � � �'/1 � ^ ��^ . I �i . . � � .. } ' • , . `Y � �. � y� � .� " , y . �� `� . ; �: . . . �. . � � � � � ,. � - -�.. -� -J -.. : � � � � .. . . . �.. " � , , � - � t ' . . S'+JR�TEY--FtE:'JRT.� _ . . � From . � � . 'p0�,'ER EI�TGI^TEEF�T�JG CJ:.�''AI�Y . . - . .. . � F�or � . . � . Tne City of Ho�kin.s Iainn. � � .. �ate Submit_ted � � � , _ -S ^ _.��� �9..�� � � `- . . . � �'� . . . . �Yie nature'',_an�. ex��ent� o� th�.s .survey, as ooritemplated . wi1T be�--'laying �out �� tenta�ive clistri�uting s�stea�, -'suffia-_ .. � iant f.or : det�rminin.� tYie` a�.�ro��i:r,at,e' cost of n�w 1�ines. fvr � independant �ist�i}aution� of �elec��ric �pov�er. Sket�ri up pre— . �� � � limina�y plan oi ;pov��ex. hQuea fb.r� �ppx�ximating i.ts�� cost. . The�'engin�ers ��tb` .make �` study 4f -pr�ser�t �nd`'i�zture_ . . � �povuer requireraents, o� the .city, de�termina the .numbar azid : capacity of �ie�e7.�;oil .er��ginss r�quired to carry t�e load .� , eff.iciently� worl�in�� ou� the total c�st, of � complete plan� � and�.dietributi,on ��ystem. . . � � , � Tr.e K.��. hour cost �enerate� witr� a new `modern plant �ox comparis;on `,�ri�th your �res�nt cos� un�.e 'r present aervics. � ' � Get out a Rept�rt covering: our fina,l figures, ti�ith oux aavice . and reco�n�ndat�o�s for� c�fiicial actian by the council.. ��� For thi,s fu11 survey .and Report the city axt. ta pay the s '�' iu dred ' 60C1.00 �.ollars. One Hunar�d and . engineer Si � �3 �� . �. � , . Fii'ty (I5�-.00) doilars when aurvey is starteri. One Hur�dred Fifty_ (I54.OQ) ��hen tlie ii:���t set—u� of,.these. fig�ures and .. sk�i�ches are submit�ed �o tYie P.UJ.A. Gov't� engi.n�eer .ir� St � �. Pau1 :�;�inn. The balan�e to .be paid �hen the engineers have had` tim�. t� incorpor��a a� .complete, r�fin�ment of figures and deliv�r sarne �o .�he .��uncil:.,� �, �ept.- 3d,I93a . . Po�ver Eng�naering CGYripat�r . � . Consul. � Enginee�cs �!��� T:iay ox ;. . ��� P re g ci ty. ,Cl crk. : Sec. T�aea�. - � ' . . Special meeting oP the Village Lounc il of the Villa�-.�e of Hopkins was lield �n `raesday,September lOth,l935, at 7:�0 PL�I in the Council Room. l�qemb::rs presentG.i��.1t�Roore,Yre.sident ; Trustees,l��adden,Oltman and Udell. Rec order Anders on. T!� tion duly made by :)ltman,seconded �b�; �dell that tive t�e out ;�5,000 Pire Insurance a�l �;'2,000 t�Vind a.nd hail Insurance or the Do�v prope rt�r,car-ried . �� � i�:�otion dul� made b� ndell,seconded bv rJltman that the report of Attorney J.A:Hosp on the purc�ase of tr�e �ow pro�ert� be accepted and his bill be paid,carried. . �TuTotion duly rr+ade by �,�adden,sec�onded b�r Udell that the �.pplication� fo �.i�i.Tr'oo�e for Bo��ling Alley license, be granted,carried. I4�oti�n duly made byTkadden,seconded vy Gdell that application oi Albert Valesh for Oil �urner �i:icense be laid on the table until the meeting of ,�I'uesday,:�e�t.l7th,1J35. � �=otion dul� made by �ltmari,seconded by �dell that a netiv steam pipe be placed in the City Jail,c�rried. l�otion duly rnade by �-'ltman,seconded by ^:=adden that the follo��ing bills be allowed; carried : 3743 Jos.A.$osp 3744 A.r;.6nderson 3745 Poever Lng.Co. Fee Do�v PurcYiase Stamps Service T�mp.�ng. Upon. motion duly made,carried meetir,g adj�zrr�ed. RCCORD�R gttest: - Pres. e �'127.00 3 .00 300.00 �r ' �� � �� �� RESOLUTION ORDFRING CIIRB CONSTRIICTION AND ASPHALT OIL OR TAR TREATMIIVT BE IT RESOLVED by the �lillage Council of the Village of Hopkins, Hopkins, Mirinesota, that is necessasy and expedient to improne Twelfth Avenue South b etween First and Second Streets by the constraction oY a curb on the YPest side thereoP, in accordence with approved and adopted apecificatione on file in the office of the Village Recxi�der, and tfl conform to the grading line establiahed by the Vi11�ge Council for the purpose, and also by the application of asphalt oil or tar treatment in accordance �vi.th specifications on file. BE IT F(TRTHER RFS�TED that the work of said impro�emBnts be done by contract previous7,� let for the perform�nce of all said work during the year 1935, and that the entire expense and costs of said improvements be assessed and levied against all the lots and parcels of ground fronting on the street so improved on the basis of said benefite to said property end in accordance with ss.id provisions with the statutBs in suCh cases made and provided end payable in three equal annual i�astallments and that the proposed assessment vrhen made be filed with the recorder for pubiic inapection and rendered.before the 0111age Council, for its approval, and the Village Recorder is hereby directed to cause notice to be gl.ven as required by law �f the time and place when and where the Council will meet and act upon such proposed assesament, and hear and pass npon al.l ob j ections, if a�, Adopted at an adjourned meeting of the Village Council held on August 13, 1935. JA. Hosp, Village Attorney. -, ._ . f�.'�. Moore, President of Village Council. Attest:� . A. E.�Anderson, Vi]lage aedorder. �-• � � �• Meeting oF the Village Council af the Villa�e of Hopkins uvas held on TueSday,September 17th,1935, at 7;30 Ffi�I in the Council Room. l�embors ;present; G.W.Proore,President. Trustees,I,�adden,Odell and Oltman. Reco rder �'indersorl. Bids were opened for Stoker Equipment as adve tized in the Improve- ment Bull.etin. The followirg �3ids were received; �'IIm.Bros. ,Boiler 11�fg.Co. ,hlinne:apolis Crown Iron 6"Jorks,Minneapolis , E.Z.Ridler,Ryan B1d�;.,St.Pau1,P�Tinn. Crane � Co. ,14�inn�;apolis Beecher-Cumming,Minneapolis �72 �401.00 Slortihwestern Fuel Co. ,hIinneapolis Bren Hdwe. ,Hopkins,W_inn. _ :���523. UO � 546.00 550,00 550.00 �10 543.00 570.00 445.00 iJir.:.J.1lReCubrey, oF the Ninnesota �tate Highwa� Dept.appe�red in regard to 9th Ave.Tdo.approach, and Service drive, ard after hearing he �sked if the Council would consider having the Service Drive put in even though the 9tn A4e.entrance was. not allowed by the Highway Department, but the Council held that the original plans submitted b� tYie Hi�hway �epartment called for en�xances from the new hi�hway on 5th, 9th, � 12th and 17th Aves. and tY!is was the plan that the Council wo��ld prefer and strenuously recommend that the Highway Department adopt. Motion dul�r made by Anderson, seconded b� Ultman .that �ve bu� a#10 Stokol Stoker from the Bren Hdwe. Co. , of Hopkins,l�inn. , carried. PY�otion duly made by 9nderson, ssconded b,y ll�=�dden that vve have Nir. Her��an Bernhagen and fl�irs.Anna Bernhagen moved to their resi dence in �and iyohi Countg,carried. ��otion duly made by ry?adden, secor�led by Oltrr,an that the Fair Board Qommur�ica tion be laid on table u�nt il the negt regular meeting, carried. ��otion du7�y made by ��9adden, seconded by Oltman that the follotivirlg bills be allowed; carried : 12469 Peter bdolf 12470 A.grness 12471 C.Stotthard 12472 Jos.Shonka 12473 Frank �:'rickson 12474 Joe Pudil 12475 'uuill l�ocher 12476 Cha.s. Lehmbecker 12477 Carl Olson 12478 George 'JVexler 3746 Void 3747 Z�.8�I,i11 ian �ow 3748 Bloornie Je ns tad 3749 g.G.namilton 3750 Lav�rrence �chutz 3��1 IVIrs . Theo . Egt ine 3752 Justus Lbr.Co. 3753 Aopkins produce Co. 3754 %Tels tdelson 3755 Clarence Thaemert 3756 Feudner-Daviclson 15296 Fiop�lins Fire Dept. 1529'7 Chris Jensen 5543 J. B. hRi 11 er T ruck labo r Zabor traetor Zabor n " Tractor n Acquiring Dow Propert� Sal. 9-15-35 it rt n t, " " P�i rs . Z ight Fu.el Order �401 & Bal.Acc't. Gro.PR I�.bor ERA e`�ager 9-12-�5 Ins.Dow Property B o nd 8c In t. wat e rma in Sewer on Exc�l�ior �ve. Lab o r 8.00 16.5Q 21.60 14.40 2.03 2.03 29.25 12 .83 11.00 14.85 2260.00 32 . 50 72.50 72.50 12.00 21.21 30.85 12.00 21.45 30.00 499.10 1100.00 38.60 Upon motion duly made,secor�led and carried meeting adjourned. Attest : President recorder � � SPEC IFICAT IOtdS FOP. STOY�ER � "`ln=e Villa�e oP Hopkins �ouncil will receive bids for the �iristallat ion in the �illage �all_ oF � mechanical stoker equipped with the following h�inneapolis-�-?one�vell or equal controls : 1-�T11 jhe rmostat , 1-#L404-2 PressurQtrol,l-�R153 Ti�erelay, 1-�646 Low ��later Cut- off. 5toker must have suffic ient cap�city to develope 100� oP boiler rating ��hen using stoker fuel oP 13,500 �.T.U. Bids to be opened �epte�be r 1935 at 8 P .I�i . The .�illa�e Conncil reserves the right to rejeet a.ny OY' all bids." i''- �] 0 I �r r �tllttgE of �v��ix�s HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA � m � A meeting of the Villa.�e Council of th e Village of Hopkins Minnesota vuas held on ,Monday night September 23rd.,1934, at 7:30.PA� in the Council l:oom. � Members present,Pre�sident G.L��I.�Moore.; Trustees O1tma.n,Ode11 .arid �riadden. �.ec o rder Anderson. . This meeting v�as called Fo r the purpose of �iguring assessments. Motion dul� made by Oltman, seconded b� Anderson that we instruct the Northern States Pov�er Compan� to install a li�ht at the n ew �7 Highway and _ 5th Ave. No. , ca rried. �Fotion dal�r made,seconded and carried that meeting adjourn until T ue �day, Sept .24th ,].935, at 8 PNT � , �.. _ . � � � - Reco rde r attest ; � resident. � � ,' Re�ular �:�eetin�: of the Villa�e Council of .tne Vill�,ge of Hopkins b•ras held on 1 uesda�,Oc to . lst ,1935 , at 7: 30 FI�;i in the �%ounc i 1�oom. T�iembers present !�resideni; G.i�v.�:'�oore; `l'rustees Odell,!!:adden ar,d ,Ultsr�.n. Recorder A��derson. Attorney Hosp. , . - r�ot ion duly made b� Oc3ell , sec orided �b� ��lt��an that - t�ie F:ec orde-"r �et- bids f-rom all coal dealers in I3op�3'cns for tne proper Stoker Coal,car��ied. , P,��otion dul� .?�Iade by T�,�adden, seconded b� �:�1Ln;an, that rninutes of ].a.st me�tings be approved as read, carried. P.`otion duly rnade by Ult;man, secnnded by Odell that �re notifJ the Bosa�d of County C.omr�issions tliat in view of tise fact that the �ouacil saw fit to refuse l:�x.t�'Ja].ker's Old 1;�e Pension and they passed same th�.�L they make arrangements i;o pa�r said pension, carried. T�;iotion dul�r n�ade by 1�ndersoxi, seconc�ed b�J �=)ltn��an 1;liat �ve, purch�.�e ti7e ne��r 1935 Ye�.r �ook of ��;a�Le of LTinnesota,carried. Palotion aul�r r�lade by Oltr�an,seconded by Qdell tria,� the follo��vir�g .bills be paid: 37 98 L�r. �ller F1i� ite Fiael � 5.00 3797 ��rs .�ielen ;�-J�si�e Rent 5.00 3799 �'ure Uil �o. Kerosene 2.50. 3800 Saunders °: Tosto Groceries � n.illL 9.00 � 3801 Anton Olson " 31.36 3802 Red Oevl �t ore " 5.00 3804 �lbert ll5aetzold Fu�l Oil 2.2� 3803 Pederson Dair�r �,iilk 13.14 3�307 Tdational iea Co. Groceries 1.00 3805 :�opkins. �roduce " �10100 3806 1'ederson �ros. ly��ill> 4.75 3808 b�ox I�a i ry ffii ].k 5. 40 3809 Red OtAvl Groceries 21.10 381U I��orthland I,��ill� Co. T:iilk � 14.85 3811 �`�arrens Grocery Groeeries 16.12 3E�12 Joe Zajicek Rent 1E3.00 �-- 6��6� 3776 �:3tarid�rd C)il �o.. Lerosene 5.E33 3775 �taridard 0i1 Co. iierosene , 2.35 3777L'��erger�c� ��elief �ldm. OFii�e Overhead 24._00 3778 U. of T��.Hospital ��1�ed. ca re � 6.25 3779 Jasperson Dairy � Is�ilk 8.00 3780 Herzah's Groceary CTroceries 5.00 3781 iyational Tea Co. " 16.02 37�2 Herzan' � Gro cer� " 3'7.96 �7�33.r�rai�1� aitar Police Uhan�:e 17.75 �760 T,;Trs.','rieo. �xtine t�:lrs.Li�Y�t's Sa1.10-1-35 . 12.00 �'759 �?�loornie Jer�stad � ,3a1. to l�i-1-�5 32.50 J"IJ� I,a.�rer�ce ��chutz " " • 75.GO 3757 x.G.?3amiltor " `f " 75.00 37 �4 I�a � ne rt Drug � o. �9ru�;s PR 2. �� 3'7£35 Henr,y �6`i,r'irehl �up�^15.es 1.50 3786 =�kel1� 'Oil i;o . Gasoliae 1.50 37�37 t�,�all:er �i��n l4:sg.Co. Si�ns 7.50 3'788 ?:��ls. uen. �lec .Co. Zi�ht F�Pov�e-r 424.75 37f�9 Sr�etar�a'� ��harn,a.c�r Drugs P:': 1.75 3790 Za�arence �tasmus Rspairing boiler 4.95 3791 ��.�.T:ot�L Co. Supplies 5�J.15 3792 J��s-Olson Ca. �3uroz�lies 2.50 3'79� Bla�te �lin�� I��ied.Ca-��e ' 2.00 3794 J.H.P��e�chers Rep.t�rpewriter 10.00 3795 Henne.Cuurty horne Board 3-� r�os. 121.�0 3'7�36 Tt�ipls. Sub.G�.s Cit� :rall G�s. 1.19 37G6 +�oid 124E30 J. Ca1;h ers Zabo r 27- . 6Q 12�80 J.Underle I,a bor 2�. 6� 12481 �rank Cor1•v9ra.�r " ' - 21.60 124�i2 ��.StOti;h�Y'd " ' 21.60 . 21483 Carl Olson " 14.00 12484 Anton Pavek " 14.40 12485 Jo�ln Len � " 21.60 12�86 Jas.Z�kke " 12.83 12487 .r�ran� Erickson " �1.60 1248F3 xug Fetei sen " 12.83 12489 �� � -2- Bills con't. 12489 Douglas ���laite I,abor �.2490 Geo . ���/eyler " 12491 Joe Pudil " 12492 Thos.Palechel� " 12493 John �'auchen. " 12494 Jor�n H�,rincar " 12�95 Harry �+iestlir� " 1�496 Frank 5todola " 12497 �um.�rickso� " 12498 Albert �anders on " 3761 T�e Dar�ile�� PTursery ��ov ing �ree in Park 3762 2;�els TZelson 8 days 1.50 r�er day 3763 i�rTartin J.�ti%ar�ek Fire 8� Police alarms 10-1-35 3764 I:"rs .Lmi1 P�tersen Cleaning Zib. 3765 Ga�Tlord Bros.Inc Sup��llib. 3767 Jecob Schef�ler ��a1.10-1-35 3768 Bren Hdv�e . 1�10 Stol:ol :�toker 3769 �eudner-T�avidson A�cy.P-reniinurn Ins. 37.70 Jens Clausen Park labor 3771 Clarer,ce Tr:aer.��ez•t Bal.E.?�.g.��ag;er 9-26-35 3'77 2 11. i1u. Be11 �ele . C o. ' Phor�e s 3773 �has.�.hersman . Gas 3774 Il�r.�Carl Seden Zauo-r 12499 t'I.H.Her�sler Repairs 12500 Pat CO,,�le � " T2501 Sinclair 0il Co. Gas I2502 Republic Creosating Co. �oad i�ar 15298 lst I�iat .�k.of I�o�l�ins Bond � i.nt: 15299 ls � I1a1� .�31:. of Hop�ir;s �'av.l:varrants 1530C C;hris Jer,sen Sev�er L:�.cel.gve. 5546 �`Jaterous Co�r,pany? Suppl fes 15302 Rej�ublic Creosoting Co. F3ituvia 15303 Consolidai;ed I���ai:erials n:oad r,�i�ture 15301 Ra� Peterson 13ond 8� Int. 15304 Republic Creosoting Co. Bituvia 15305 Consolidated T:`aterials Gravel 5547 ?�;�ipls . General Ele c.0 o. Zigh t�, Po�a er r� .�..� !t 1T 11 �, 16th Ave.I�io.lst . 1250� ��!;�ls. General �lec. o. 12507 A.H.Hensler Rep$i-rs 12506 I+'ranY Stodola I�abor 125U5 Red ��ing Sev�er Fipe ��e+�er Fipe � 12504 F�ure Oi.l Co . Gaso 1 ine 15306 lst Nat.Bk.= Int. oi�ss't.Bd. 5544 He .�'man Olson Herman . Sal .10-1-3 5 5545 J.B.It�iller Zabor 5548 A.F.Smitn I��`fg.Co. I��?eters 554y Henn.County �evie�v �upplies 5550 Crar�e Co. Su���lies 5551 Tlational I�;eter Co. �upp7.i es 5552 l'�al;erour Co. ��up�lies 2J.b0 7.2Q. 5.18 21._60 21.60 23.20 36.00 62 . 40 76.50 25.20 12. 00 12.00 25.00 3.00 16.20 10.00 551.50 8.U0 29_.25 @0.50 1U.20 2.07 4.95 3. 45 2.7U 7.80 32.00 479.03 471.'78 lioo.00 13.50 4317.04 527.93 343.84 267.56 54. `75 1.00 13.02 9.35 , 52.80 12.75 14.01 5.36 70.00 43.20 77.17 39.20 11.00 2.39 '7. 90 T�,�otion dul� rr�a,de,seconded and carreid meetir.g adiourn until T'nrusda�. Attesl; : President . �2�ord e r a apecial naeetirl;; ot tlie Village Council of �;11e �7illa�e of ��iopkin� .�4ras held on Thn�sd�.�,Oci;ober,3rd,1935, at the Vil la� e Ha 11 at 7;:�0 P1�.T. -�1.� %'yL`w►�A-- G��✓'��t ' ° Ti7is meeting �-�as called for the purpose of figurin� ass�ss- r�e3�ts, ard openir_�g bids on coal. Follotiving bids on coal �rere read: � ` � J. ;,F�ennessy LUro.Co. ��7.55 Justus ,Zbr. Co. 7.55 ' Pioneer Zbr.Co, 7.55 4`J.Is�-r�ls .Fuel Co, n��el7tuCli�rrr '7.55 " " " „ �'Vir�ini�" 7.30 ll�otion dul�r ��ade by Oltr_�;an,seconded by �dell that t�ve table the coal �bids to determine qu�,lit,y of' '�ir��inia ar,d i��entucky,c�.rried.. I�;`oti on dul� L,ade by ��nd ers or�, seconded b�r �"adden �:tzat �rie r�i re Dept , �bill be allo�ved , ca rried : _ 3813 Hopl� ins �'ire� Dept. :t'hones $� calls � 69.50 '11�:otiorl dhl�,riade,5econded and ar�rried that me�,ting ad.journ. , � ��i . � _ � � .. ..i�.� ''' • w Al���Ls�r : PnL � I D:: ;TT `l` . �� ;� � 9 Spec ial r�eetin � ot �he �'illag�e Councdl oi tl�e Uillag�e of „ Ho�l�ins ��as �i� eld on iuesda�,October 8t�.,1935, at 7t30 �'IvT in the Vi1J.�,g�e Hall. ` T+i7embc:rs present �'resident G.i��.T�`oore ; irustees,Oltman,P�Tadden, and Odell. t:.ecorc�er �nc�erson. This meeti.ng �ras c��lled for the purpo.�e oF approving a�sessmer�ts ar.d also to set up the Villa�e �3ud�et �or 1936. T;�:otion dul� r�ade �� �lr.idersor.i, seconded by JltY�,�.n that the Follo�virig bill be paid,carried: � , 5553 I��Ipls_.Gen.Llec.Co. Spe�.& Oct.po�ver ;�59�:85 - BUDGL+'T FOF, 1936 ' G�T�IE:=�AL FiJT1D :k�OZ ICE T IRE PAF.Y ZIBF'ARY YOOR VJ�T��'. BOI�DS RO.r�1D Sc BR IDG E �14 , 500 .00 4,500.00 3 , 000.00 1,OOO.UO 1,500.00 4, �00.00 1,.66C .00 '7 , 000 .00 fi� 37 , 660 .00 I�:io�ion duly r��ade p� �lnderson, seconded b�T Olt�ian �h�,t :^�e aciopt L:ie .foregoing Bud�et for 19v6 ar7d t:rie Recorder and the �'resident o� tize Villag•e �ouncil certmfy �ar�e to the Coun�Ly Additor,c�rried. . �Potion duiy made by Olt?r�an,secorded b;� �dell �i�ati the �assessments i'or the �il Treatmer�t of ti�e st-reets, be approved ar_�d the �?ecorder a���d tlie President o� �he v�ill��:e �oai�cit� certiFy same to the CounLy Audi�Lor a�ld for rrim to s�read san�e or_ tax roll, carried. I:.o�ion dizly rriade,seconded and carried t���,t ?��eeting ad,;ourn. Attest: Pre s i en t � 1.. . . . , . . � ` _- . Recor e I4��eeting oF the i�illa�e Council, of the Jilla.�e of hopkins,IVlinr�esota, was neld on ��uesday,October 15th,1935, at 7:30 P�� ir� t�ne Council �oom. ll7embers present; G.4U,�oore,President; Trustees,Oltrr�an,Odel�. ancl T�`adden. Recorder Anderson. iu'otion dul�r made by baadden,seconded by Oltma,n t7ia,t we buy a c�.r of Lastern �ent�zc��r Stoker Coal at 4�7.15 per ton delivered to the Village Hall from the Pioneer Lu�iber Co. �rd J.:+�.Hennessy Lb�. Co.. jointly,carried. � 1Vloti on dul� rnade b�r Oltmsn, seconded b� Odell that Joe i�ovak be reco�mended for temporary �elieF,carried. I�,�7oti on duly made b�r Oltma� ,seco��ded by OdeJ_1 that �he pri ce for rent�.l oF �l'ractor onl�r be `�4.00 per hour, Tractor F� 5r�o�v Plow y;>6:00 �er hr; - Tractor Ec Grader. 5?5.00 per hour; �ordson Unit �2.50 per hour,carried. �Qtdmn duly n�ade by -O�tm�,n�seconded by Odell that the follov�rin� b ills be alloWed; c�.rried. . 12508 Carl Olson Lab or 12509 Chas I,ehmbecl:er " 12510 rPank �todola " 12511 Anton Pavek " 12512 I�rank Lrickson " 12513 Frar�� I�unvar '' 12514 L�nil Horicik � " 12515 Au�;ust Peterson " 3814 Bloomie Jenstad S�.l. to 10-15-3� 3815 ��Irs,.Theo.Extine " " Pv�rs.Zight 3816 g.G,�Iamilton " " 3817 Zawrence �chutz " " 3818 Power En �.Co. i;ngineering �ervices 3819 Jas.Zykke Zabor 382�) Au�;. Pe ters on " 3821 Iaels T]elson " :�£322 �+'r�nk �todola " 3823 Chas.I,ehmbecker " 3824 V.C.Triden T' 3825 �lbert 5anderson " 3826 Franli Con��ay " 3827 Clarence Thaemort " 3829 Walter Rolf Catching 3 do��s 5554 ��erm�,n Olson Sal. to 10 -15-35 5555 ?.Il.b�iller " " „ r�otion duly made,seconded and carried �TTEST; PRE S ID ���: T � 17.00 7.20 43.20 3.60 3.60 14.40 18.00 7.20 32.50 12. 00 72.50 72.50 300.00 6.75 13.05 15. 00 19 .20 13.05 6.30 26.10 26.10 14.00 3.00 70.00 46.80 tha t L�eeting adjourn. 2-i� F:E OPD� �� Tu�Qetirig of the Villa��e Co�zncil of the Villa���e af Hopl:ins �rr�.s he ld on Thursdav , Oc tob er 17 �;h ,1935 , at 7: 30 Pl�i inthe Council �oom. I4�?embers �resen�; ; G. �^J.T�'!oore ,president ; Trustees Oltman and P��7adden . F.ecorder An de rson. T�rustee Odell aclUsen� . This meetin� ��Jas ca]1ed pursuant i;o the .Collo;�=ring notice "Resolution c:>nfi-rming a�ti�sessr.�ent for impro�er�ent of Se��aer I�:+iain ex+,�nsion,�sph€�,lt fo -r Tar tre�.tment street;s and aidet.ralk�ar�d �urb cor�ruction and authorizin� issue �,nd r�egotiation of certisica1;es of indebtedness tiv�,rrants for the ��urpose of pffiovidin� funds i;o defra� t'ne costs of said irnp-ro�rements.". Upon motion du7_y n��,de b� 07_t.ran ar�d �econded b� I�ladden tne attached reso lu �i on co �= e._�rin� imp��ve��a��s was adopted . T����tior� dul�t r�:ade by� �lnderson,secor�ded b-yI;�adden ti��at the. .fo7_lowing bi1J_s be allo��ecl: ca_rried; � 15308 Albert CTr��er �ng.servies y�120.U0 382� John ��.rincar I,abor � 17.60 �� T�;Tr,�lbert Japs apne�,red be ~ore the Villa�e �3oax�d �,nd :3�ished , t�o �egis�er ob.jections �ti�,inst i;;�ze c'�.�.rge of 4� interest on the SF.�ec.ial ��ssessments. T�_r.Japs appeared before the �Ti7.1�,Y_•e ��oard and. �i�iesi;ed to regis�Ler ob�ections a�ainst the Villa�e levy lor 1936. L��oi�ion dul,y madc,secorded ard carried n�e� tin; �.dj o�.Arn. G���C�.� �Recorde r. A t t e s t: . va-�. _ ;�re-s i�en�; ; _ .� 4� 5 � . . , , , . ' " - ` ���eetia.n� ��f the 1�i17.a�=.� �oanc 1 of t;he �;,illa� e of yKoplrir��� ia�ras r�eld on 'ruesday,October 22nc ,1935, at .'7:30 PI�g in the Council Hoom. � Tv'�en.bers present; G.l����.I�,�7oore ,Pres:i.dert; Trustees,Odell,�dden and Olt man. Recorder Anderson. Attor•ney Hosp. T�Zotion dul� made by Oltman,seconded b�r Ande-rson that the a-pplica�Lion of Albert V�,lesh �for Oil �urner license,� ap-� roved b� �;he �'ire VVarden, be gr�.nted su•bject to the appr.oval of �ond b,y the Villap�e Attorney,aarried. IIIn�ion dul� made by Odell, seconded b�r Iv"adden tl�iat the follo�vin� ' b ills b e al lo��red, carried`; 5556 P2�,x So renson Za'o o r� I�.iaterial �67. 96 . 5557. L��Cick ��alkes 25 hrs. .(^� 45� 11.25 , 5558 l�ratt PTelson 37 'T „ r' 2� .2U 55�9 Herbe -rt Johnson 36 " "" 16.20 iy'lotion duly rnade,secor:�ded and carried t'nat meetit�� ad�::�arn. . Reco rder �lttest : �� Presidert. _ ..>�;s-- : � . ����� d� .������� OlZil'�y ` i�f' #��1:�8p�11 9`�. `'`��il�.ag� ' oP Aepking �i�tl�E II� �O�J�titt$ � HENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Q��'�'i�`IOA`�':�� 4�' 'PA$ L�Ti �'o �1 �riokson� �ounty AudiLo� �f $ennep�n flvu�tg, �int�e�ot�; - - - ^C. . �e �ill�e Oouno�l�"oS �he �tiY���ge cf �op�i�►s ,�0 h�r�bp m�&e ��ad certify �i _�tateme�t th�t t�,� follo�r9.� ��se� we�e . levied �d ��ees�ed upon th� t�:aabl�, pro�esc�y 9.n g�id Vi�.i�g� Qf: I3op�ino. for the foile►wi� `p��pose�, Por the cvrr�nt yre�ar, �2936�, �t s speci al meetin� � of said Qouavil, held o� Ootaber 8t�h R 19a�� , �M� 4e�er�1 � l��;fi40.40 � . Po19:o8 #, 544, 00 `�- �'ire Department - 3,400:dd � �k - l, 0�Q• �t�0 � . Library 3�� 504. �0 �^ . Poor � ' 4 � 500. 00 `.. ��te.ar Bond .�aed Intieaes� �.,660.04 �- RQa� aa�� �r�.8��� � � �.Q • �� �-- � ,...�.. ,� i � �.....* . , : � 37, ; BBQ, 0� Qiven under� oitr h�.nd� thig 10tb d�y o�f October� 1938, .--a-Lc_:. � , �. �oore Pre�ideA� of t�e.Vill��e �o�nmil At�B�� , ,�.;�. Anderson, V�11 @�e Repor�er � �� �_ _, �--�, �' ,� ��� � ��., +� ?V � Mfi'tr t, � �y` . �?, � AiOTItJE OF �t�RI� A�S�9S�I�N'T �OR Ib�PROV�t���� s���R �i��� �XT��s��pN�, ASPHI�LT 0� T�R TREA'�MEI�T TQ STREET�, Ai�ri ETDE�iAL� A�dn CU�B Cp1��TRU�7TI0Pd. � �. '�EREA9, contracts e�ere du1.y �et. pur�ue�nt, to , Resolutione of ths �9�11a�e �Caunai�l oY the t�9.11age of kiapl��n�; fa"r. th� oo�etruction o� eewer m�,3n �'�teneione a� follo�s s' ,�ea '(1Q") in�h in dia�eter di�triot ae�er on . �zcel�ior Aoenue from �i�te�nth Avenue to �eeente�nth A�anue �nd .'oonneotion, �aith the exi.s.�in� trun� ee�er in Egcelelor l�venue and� �: al�o ��n. eight 6s") inoh in i�ia���ter distrio'� eewer on �i�te.enth Av�nue No�th : f.ram �xoelsior Avehue,to F9,r�t Stree� North, � ari8 ai�o, for aidewalk� �nd ourb 6on��ruation on the fo�.lo�ving` ., atr�e�e: � , - Seventh Anenue betc�een �econd �t.r�e� No�th and M�13s Roac��. � � �eoond Street �orth between 9ixth and' Eigh'�h Av�nue�, " I�inth str�et No.rth between Third and Fouz�th �tr�ete, i'en�h Aeenue betw�en `�hirc� and Fourth Str�+eta North, ��venth 4venue b���ween ��o�laior .A�enue �a�d First Btreet rdoxth, i�inth Avenue �outh, wideming and ne��aurbin�, Twelfth' �4venus bet�ee�a First �nd �eaond, 8treets �outli, curb only, � and �s�halt , 011 or, t�r. ,t�e�tmei�t cin` the followin� �ir�ete s AYieys on eaah. side of Exceleior A�enue bet�+ee� seventh. Aeenue �nd Thf�t�ent2� Av�nue �torth �nd . �3eventta ,�venue and 'Pwolfth �vanue, , , . . , . ��xtP� �eenue fram Seoond �treet south to �ec�ond �treet NQz�th, ��ve.nth i#e�nu� irar� 8�cond ��re�t �outh to i�i�.1g Raad, �i�hth Aeenue from ��ennd �tre�t Sauth to �ii11e Ro�ct� �inth �veau� from �3econd �treet �3out� to Third �treet � 1Jo rth, ' . Tenth Avenue. frc�m F�rat �tre�t �uth to �'irat S�reet Moxth, , �_-� _•= :. , �lev�nt'h Avenue from �eeond ��s���E �outh to Mills i�oad, Twelfth �venue from �eoond Street 9auth to Mill� Ro�d, ' S�aond �treet South, �9.ghth Avenue to Ninth Avenue, Firet �3treet 8outh, �even�h Avenue tv Thirte�nth Av�nue, Fiaet St=eet I�osth� �i�th .Anerlue to Ninth . Aeenue, �'i��t fitae�t Nort�, Tanth Avenue t�► ��� �venue, � �eaond Stre�t North, Sixtb Avenue to trintb Avenue, Third; �tr�et Nor�b} �ixtF� �venu� �o� Ei�iath l�venue. � A�D, �I�EREA�, pureusnt to the �esalutian� of the villa� - Council of the Villa�s of Hppkine, �tnneeot�, the propoeed as��ss��nt of the proper s�ount �,nd ��oesearq to be e�pevially . asae�sed for suoh i�aprov�ffien� ���.in�t� everp seeee8abie lot, � pieoe, or naraei of land �ff'efot�ed by auch �mproeem�nte, on the basle of beneYite �gt �t reg�rd o a ah v�la�e �d in �000rd- an0e with law� a:, � �� �' �o� � �iOTICE I� H� AY �IV�P�, .'�h��C the Vill�,ge; Counail of the Villa.ge of� Hopkl�ne, Minneeot�� wi,ll me�t on the 17th .day .of �ctober� 19�5, at the�Villa�e Counoi� Chamb�rs in the l��niaip�l Building of g�,id Vill�e at 7 t 34 c► � olook P.�. a�nd p�►�� upon �ll �bj�ot3ons, i� anp►, �nd n�q amend the proposed �sse�sment aa . to s�y lots, pieoee, or ��.rcel� of land� �.ns� teill �rooe��! �to rnake an as�eB�eme�t a�s afore� id for e��d improvemen�e in �o 0o rdar�o � �ri tb ��- �ated Ootober 1,.19�5. J. �. �ioep Vill�,ge Attorney � A. E. An �r�o�,� Vil age ark � � A meeting of the Vill€�.�e Council of the T+�illa��e of Hopkir�s was held on Tuesday,October 29th,1935, at the Village I�all. TJtembers present, G.�1.�;�oo-re ,Presid ent; Tru stees O1tr�an,NTadden and Odell, Recorder Anderson and Attorne�y Hosp. L�lotion dul� ffade by Anderson, seconded by I:�"adden that the follo�vi.r..�g �ills be allovred, carried: 3830 Count� Auditor To clear Tages Do�r 30.69 20370 3�.1���.1`ratl.Bk.& Tr.Co. Gas Bonds 3135.00 15309 Gas .�'ur�d � Bond � Int. , 3340.46 15310 Hopkins Pire Dept. Bor�l & Int. 166.96 I���otion dul�r rr�a.de by gndersorl,seconded by �dell that ti�e application of Garnet ��'.N�e for 3.2 }3e�r "0��� and OFf" sale license be approved subject .to favorable re��ort from reiererices and the ir�stallation of a laboratory for �en and tiv�men,- ca-rried. P�otion duly made by Oltman, secondeclj�by ll��oore that �ie acceptl;he �irs� reading o.f ���e proposed ordinance "A Ordinance to provide a license fee .for• ti�e use and' exercise of any ��rant or privileg�e in the public s�reets, pl�ces or pmoperty in the Vil].age of HOp1iiYls`r, copy attached,carried. �,o�;i�n dui� rr,ade b� Oltman,secorded by Odell tha.t a street li�ht be installed at 13th �ve.So. ard lst �1;. ,ca:,ried. � l�o�ion du �.y made b� Oltn�an,seco�ided by Odell 1:l,at a rate of 12¢' per 1000 gal. be charnged for �vater when consu.mption exceeds 500,U00 �al. per mnnth, Villa�e httorney to noti.iy T��pls-rv7oline,carried. T:'.:otion du,l�r riiade by I`adden, seco;:a ea b� Anderaor, that T��e get a report from tiie Lngineer on Boyce �ve. ,carried. �iotion dul� made,seco?�ded and carried tna� meetin� adjourn. RECO�D�;� ATTEST : �z-� PF,���I E'�T . 0 . , � ,�• � � - . _ ._R , . . . � ,. �AN ORDIAIANCE TO.PRaVIDE 9 LICENSE FEE FOR THE � . �. USE AND EXERCISE 0�' ANY GRANT OR PRIVILEGE IN , . � THE PIIBLIC STREETS,�PLACES OR PROPERTY�IN THE � . . VILLAGr OF HOPKII�S. . � � . ' '" . The�V311age Council of the Qillage of Aopkins in the County of.Hennepin, Sta.te of Minnesota, do • orclain as folloe�s: '.� ' " - SECTION I.--The terin °person" or "grantee� as used in this Ordinance, � shall be conatrued as including�individuals, co-partnersYiipsy sasociations, and corporations. . . ' SECTION II.-;1�o person;_ as said term defi�ied in this Ordinance, ahall occupy or ha.ve ar{y special rights. or privileges, "i.q, over, upon, or under any - street, high�!�ey, a11ey, public ground, or other• property of.the Village of. � Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota unlesa said right'.is du].y granted in ti�e manner and upon the conditions hereinafter provided. - . SECTIOAI I�I.--Every person or gr�uitee as said terms are used in this �- Ordinance,_exercising ar�y grant or privi].ege, in, over, under, or upon any of � the strsets or.public p�e�ces or elsewhere in the �illage.of Hopkins, �ennepin � Co�ttip, �innesota. �sk�a�l pay into the treasury of saic� Village, .annually, on or be�ore the first Monday in March, a licenae fee in a sum equal to � �� � five percent (5�} of their gross earnings.derived and accrueing fr_om the .exerciae or enjoyment.within said Village of auy grarit or pricilege during - t,he previous calendar�year. �The grovisions of this Section sha11 apply to all grants or pri.vileges granted prior to the adoption of this Ordinance and to � " .ell other granta or privi:ieges unless the�Ordinances granting said grants or privileges shall exempt the s�id person or grantee and�o�hers holding through . under them, from said tax. " �. � SECTION IV.--Every person or.grantee, as the said terms_are used in this Ordinance=shall, from and after th� passage of this OTdinance, at�all times keep. :proper and accurate books of accoun�,=records�and vouchera, which_shall� at . all times, shovr.correctiy and in det�iZ'all grenteeta financial tre,nsaction, including a11 of g�antee's receipts.and disbur$ements, and the p�.rt�culs.rs thereof, and all dat� needful for the preparetion by competent accountants o� � the statements hereinafter provide8 for. " �� � That the grantee�ahall; in the month of January_of each and every year, comraencing with the year �1936; prep�.re and fi1e, under oath, �vith the Recorder .. _of the Villege the followiag, to-�iit: _ • {a).- A atatement of all assets and liabilities of �he Grantee, cons- tituting what.is.uaually kno�n as the bal�.nce sheet of s.ccountants, including - therein an accurate statement of a11 capital investment of the.Grantee at the tiae �outstanding; tiut not includ$.ng therein a�y :sum as the value of any grant oi.�the Grantee in excesg of the actual cost of the same; and a1so, (b}.-A statement giving for the previous calendar year the gross receipts .. of�the Grantee from ell sources of income,._item by item; also e.11. expenditures - � of the Grantee during said year, inciuding�item by"item, aIl dividends and interest ` paid,'the_coet.of aIl material, all operating expenses, aalaxies, the`cos� of e.1l.repairs, improvements, betterments and e�tensiona end oP all�property real or personal,.i�y Grantee purchased; said statemente to be so prepared. -as ta show the net eernings of the Grantee during such c�lendar year, Prnm Grant�e's'�regular bnsiness and from all other sourcea. � �. � -,. . . � . " , -2- That the Grantee sha11� at all times, permit ar� officer or ot�her person designated by the Village Council for that purpose� to inspect Grantee's plant and a11 other property osrmmed b�r the grantee, and shall at a11 reasonable times� allorr the Village Council� or ar� accountant or expert aelected by the Village to inspect all the books, records and vouchera of the Grantee and obta.in therefrom any information or data which the Village Council ma�� by resolution, require. And the Village Couneil may, if it so elect, each and every year, commoncing with the year 1936� emp].oy one or more �.ccountants, who� �hen so employed sha11 be given by the Grantee flill and complete acceas to all of grantee�s eaid books� records and vouchers; and who sh�ll prepare therefrom and file witlz the Village Recorder vPi.thin ninety days, statementa in the form designated in paragraphs "a" and "b" of this Section. � That the Grantee shall also, from time to time furnish such other information regarding the property co�;�r�aing grantee�s plant and busineaa, snd all information fhrnished to the Village Council by t:�ie Grantee, under the proviaions of this Ordinance, shall be in writing and shall be certified to under oath by the Grantee. SECTION V.--Thia Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after publication. � Passed and approved this � d�y of �� 1935. ATTEST: G. W. Moore, President of Village Council A. E. Anderaon Village Recorder Hopkins, Minnesota Rec�ular ��ee�;irlg of t:rie ViJ_l�,�e Counc:i.l o� t�:�e Vill�.�e of ;�TopYin� �:�r�s lield. on Tuesday,Tro+�e�be � �th,7.935, at '7:30 l']�;�:``,in t;�1e Coar7cil Room. � I�,Tem%ers ��resent; G.���'.T��toore, Y-resi�ent; Trustees T�radd�n,Oltman anc� Od.ell. Recoraer �nd ers on. T�:"rs.�hedd ancl I,`rs.Drel�v of In�erlacxzen Park appcaz�ed ir� re.terence to chang�ing the narnes o� t�:e stt�eetQ in Interlac�ien ��,rk; tYie� preser�ted a petitior� �or t�ti:ro cl7anges a,nd ��rill preser�t o�hers a� r,ext Council meeting, at vrhich aci;ion will Ue taken. l���otion du7_y m�,de by �dell, seconded by I,'adder,, that �;he license be grar.ted G.��.i?�re ior On a-r.•c� OiF '�ale 3.2 beer and also 5oft DrinY license,carried. P,�fot ion e�ul�r rrade by �inde rson, seconded by �_:adder�, that a Iviill� license be granted Art PlanYers.,carried. P,Iot iori duly r�ade by �nderson,seconded by vltman that ��.e purQhase a set of maps and tracir�s fror�; i:��r.�llden for y�200.00,carried. 1,�o�ior dul� miade by Oltma��,seco�sded b� Odell tl�at the ro11oU��ing be appointed as Llection Judg;es,ca-r-ried: T+��rs,.Bertha I�Iieman Nliss r;ose �lesely Ti:-rs. �;d. ?3err.y Prank Topka Geo.P.i:2iller Tv'Iol;ion dul� rna.de �b,y Oltman,seconded b,�� i��Tadden that .lve ado�t tr�e readin� of t��e ;oroposed ord�r�ance as our 2rid re�,din� and adopt same,T'An ordinar�ce to pro� ide a license �ee tor ir:�e u se ar,d excerc ise of any grant or purchase ir� the public street ar_�d places" carried. Iti�otion duly made p� Oltn�an,seconded by ��iadden thqt the minutes be approved as read,carried; 11�ati o�i d ul,y r��ade b� ���-adden ,seconded b�r Olt_,;�.n t i�at the. i ollo��in � bil7.s be allo�nied : 38 35 �8 36 38 �57 3838 �839 38 40 3 841 38 42 3 £343 3844 38 45 38�6 3847 38 �8 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 38 54 3855 3856 38 5 7 �n 5a 3859 38 60 3861 38 62 a`� 63 38 64 �� 6� 3B 66 :�867 3�3 68 Justus I,br.Co. Coal J.�;.:r�enness� Sc Co. Supplies J.H.Damscnen���� I�abor �r material Tom Harinc�.r Rep�ir pow Pk. T�;Iinn.Products Co. Sup�lies G`h€�s .Lehmbecker Zabor l`uheeling Corrug.Co. NTaterial Henry �i.I'riehl Z�.bor & material Emer�ency �?el ief �dm. Emer�enc� t,e lieF �xpense i1� ls I��e 1 son Z�.b.or T�"inn .�1e�Js C o. T3o oks �'r�,nY ��itar Police change I�,`rs .:�mil Pe�ersen Clean ing lib. Jacob �chefiler Sal. to 11-1-35 �rank Stodola Labor Ko ke sh H d��e . >7 �zpp 1 i e s Anclerson Bros. ;��u�ples i3opkins T�iunicipal B�.nk �ervices 1935 Herrnan U1sor1 5tar�ps Leo Fri es t T�io tor co . �uppli es r;�pls.Sub.Gas Co. City Hall Gas 9lbert aaxidersor, I�ai�or Fra nk C on6Ja.y �-�,b o r Carl �eden Labor � Japs-Ulson Co. �.;upplies Paulson Hdv��e. Supplies Td.t��.?3ell Tele.Co. City l�all.phones Hopkiris rroduce Co. Groc eri es PR Pionecr �lea�.Lbr.Co. Coal :�_ 4��alter Rolf ���t�hin� 3 clo�s Jens Clausen � Parl� Z��bor lst Tiatl.Ins.A�c�r. PR .i;�tine's Ins. �1lbert Gr�.�ier �ngineer Uerv. Jorg�ensen �ros. I��Iag.:�uo. Zib. 3i369 I;.artin J.ilaneL�,- ,• �'�larms Ilre �; Po7.ice 3.00 2,79.65 °5.14 15.00 4.80 6.75 45 .04 5�J.39 61.00 15.00 48.83 1'7 . 00 3. 00 10.00 4. 80 41 .27 6. 55 500.00 1.00 .�7 1.37 32.40 32.40 4. 95 2.35 10.41 11.30 2 8 . �70 146.61 3. 00 6.7 5 8.60 39.U0 64.85 25.00 -2- �:eetin� 11-�-35 Bills con'�. 38'70 Hennepin �ourl;�r Reviee� 3n71 i��.S.Nott Co. 3872 1�7p1s.Gen.Llec.Co. 387� Leef '3ros.Inc. 3�374 Hopkins Fire Dept. 3875 V�da--�ren �itore 3876. St€�ndard Oil Co. 3�377 l�nd ers on I3ros . 3878 Jasperson Dair�r Co 3879 Jo1� P.Dwyer . :3E360 Cha s .Ner zan 3881 I'.H.Hainert 3882 Jos.`:�.Ea�nic 3883 '��i.;:�pls.�tuel �: Ice Co. 3884 I�orthl�,nd T��ill� Co. 38E�5 Univer� it�7 �-�ospital 38 f36 J. F.���at s c hke 38 87 taipls . ;�hoe Co . 3888 L'�rs.3elen l��:rnite 388� Ant on Ols on 3890 1Jatl.Tea Co. 3891 �:ed O�vl �i;ores 20371 Hopkins R,�; I3.Fund 5561 J.B.T+��iller _ 5662 i�l�a'Lerous Co. 5563 �r�erican Cast Ixvn Pipe Co. 5564 Buffalo �;�eter Co. 5565 I�dat1.P'��;er Co. 5566 T:�pls .�Qn . El ec .0 o. 15313 �enne�iin Count�� Fcevie�r 1531� Secur i t� IVa tl. �3�i. 15315 ls 1; T�Ta�l . ��=. 12 517 �� ra.n Y� t odo la 1t2518 r�i��ls. Gen.Llec. Co. 12519 Repu.blic Creo.Co. 12520 J.E.�Iennessy � �o. 12621 lhe 1'ure_Oil Co. 1z 522 Th os . F'ara 12523 �nton ���veY 12524 Jas .L�kke 12�25 �obt . J � °r'ud�il _ 12526 4�,�m.Erickson 12527 :�. J .r,�cConald 12528 Hopkkins �ray 12529 �'ra�k Lric�son 12530 �mil Honcik 12 531 C. d:� . St ot thard 12532 Carl Olson 12533 Gustafson �c Fuxa 12534 Dahlberg Bros.Inc 12535 Chas. �.?3ersman 12536 P.H.Co�le 12537 g.H.A-iensler Supplies Fire Supplies L i Q�h�; Px; =� ow� e r Fire 7upplies Calls � Phones Groc.P� Kerosene PR Supp1�R I!,�ilk PR 1U.00 Rent Groc.PR Drugs PF. � roc . PR Fuel I'R P:��il�� PR Re�.YR Tae nt; PR . Shoes PF� Ren t PR C�roc.PR. C�roc . FR � Ctro c . ''R _ Zoa n Tabor Sup�I ie s �upplies � upp ]_ ie s ,�u�pl�_ ns - Li�ht �: Pot��e r - %�otices �e��rer I nt . In1;. Za;b o r T_�it ht �r Po�er t�,p ad i �r Supplies Gas T�. po r ��_a b o r Lab or I,ao or Labo r T ru ck T ruck g��. Lab o r Labo r Z��bo r Labo � t r�.c �; or La,mps neqnr�irs � �upp. Gas � epairs Re��.i.rs I,�TotioYl du7.y rr�,de,seconded and ca:iried t�iat �eetin� adjourn � Zecorder At �;e st ; Presi ent 39.00 2.80 29 .05 5 .37 5.75 5.8� Blleetin� of tne Village �oar��il oF the Villag�e oP Hopkins was held on Tuesda�, November 12th,1935, st 7:30 P� - in the Couneil Room. Members present : G.W.P�oore,President ; Trustees �adden, Oltman ,Odell. Reeo rder Anders on. ��otion duly made b�r l�adden,seconded b� Oltman that the permission be granted the �tate Highwa� De�rtment to eonstruct a setiver on VVashin�ton �lvenue and connecting to Village Seyver at VJashington Ave. a.nd ii,xcels ior �ve. ,carried. A Committee Prom the Civic and Commerce. appeared before the Council to describe a neti� setap on a Commnnit�r Bldg. ,a V�.P.�. pro j ect. Motion dul� made by ��adden,seconded b�r Anderson that �ve take steps i�edi�,tely to make application for a ��JPA grant for the remodling oP the Dow propert� and also tho building oP a swiming pool, carried. Motion dul� made b� Oltman, seconded fi� Anderson that the Fol]_ov�ing streets in Interlachen Park be renamed �s Pollo�as; carried. � . oZ.��r�i�.aJ A'f-- � Inte rlaehen _St. to Interlachen� Road �tonk �1ve�. " to Blake Road � � Boycz e Ave . to Ash le� Road Pur�d� gv,e. to Oakv�ood Road Good rich � 5t . to Goodrich Ave . Murr�y Ave . to Hti11� Road ��_�� ; �/,�__; I P�Iotion dul�r �de b� Oltman,seeonded by Odell thst the nusiance oP an outside toilet on the propert�r oP l�els Nelson, 9th �ve.No., complained of be abated, carried. h�otion du�y made, seoonded and Qarried that meeting adjourn � � /. � . �.� . ATT�;ST : �.L �1T / �/ � � '1 � �.r• : :� RL��LUTIOA CANFIRMIATa ASSESSMI�NT 1�OR IB�R4fi�d�A1T OB SEOPF�R BdAI�T EBTENSION �SPHALT FOR TAR � 3TEEETS AND SID�P� A�D C�BB CONSTRUCTIO� A�1D �tJ'1'HORIZINa ISSITE AND &EQ4TI�TION OIP CEflTIFICATES � OF IND�BTEDNESS �ARR9�TS FOR THE PIIRPOSE OB . PR09IDING P'tJ�DS TO D�'R.AY TSE COSTS OF SAID IM:� � P�P�1'!'S. _ . W�'��'e�, purs�uant to notice by the Villege �ouacil of the Village of Hopkina, Coumty of Hennepin, State of �dinnesota, da.ted October 1� 1935� aad dnly pablished a.s required by law of a hearing for the confirmation of aesessments for improvements by seeer main egtenaiona, asphalt or ter treatment to streets aad aidewalk and cnrb conetractions on �nd in the etreets and aveaues deacribed in said notice, aad came oa Por hearing at a meeting of the 9illage Council of eaid �illage, held on the seventeenth day of October, ninteea lmadred and thirtyi-fiee at eeven•thirty o�clock P. M.� at the Yillage Council Ch�mbers, ia the Municipal Building of said Qilla�e to hear and pasa t�on all objection�, if an�y, and hear all testimony ?�� or on beh�lf of all of the peraoae and parties interested, or whoee property is efYected by eaid improve�nnenie, and desiring to be heard, and being f`�l.ly adviaed in the premisea; A�D Fe., pursueat previous reaolntions of the Vtllage Council contracta for the constrnction of sev+er maia esteaeione, asphalt or tar treatment to atreete, aad aide�alk ead.cnrb constt�uction on or r in etreet� and avenues described in said noticee were duly let and the �� work thereof done ead completed, AI� �HEREAS, the schedrotlee of the proposed asseesmeats oa accouati of benefite to abutting property bp reason of aaid innprovemea�e hae been on file in the office of the Village Becorder for pnbliE inspection ae required by lsw. N0� TS�BEFORE� Be It Eeeolved by the Pillage Cona�cil of the Villege of Hopki.na, CountB of Hennepin, Ste.te of Minnesota, that the aforesaid propoeed aseeasments be aud the same are hereby ad.opted� made sud co�• atituted the special asseaemeats against the lots, pieces aad paro�s of' laad de�cribed in said assesament achedules an�d sha11 8e a lien v�wn the pro�erty deecribed thereia, and all thereof which eisall be �a�- current �ith the general te.ges assessed against said propertp, and the 8ecorder ie hereb,q directed to i�ediately tran�nit certified duplicatee thereoi to the Couaty �nditor for collection ae required by law. AND BE IT FtTRTH� BESOL4ID, that the proceeds of the asses�ents leoied against the property, beaefited by eaid improvemeats, be aad are .� hereby aq�prcrpriated �nci ee� aside a esparate, special asae�mnent funda %�� for the p�ment of a aewer avarran��ud certificate oY in�d�'btedneee to be �--� - i a sned and n egotiated, to cover the coets aad. expense of eaid improvements, all in accorctance with the statutea in eu:ch casee may be provided. AND �HEAEAS, the coat and expenae for the conetruction eewer main eatension oat Ten inch dietrict sewer ext�asion on3 Exceleior Avenue from Fifteenth �venne to Seventeenth Avenue anS connection Rl.th the existirig tru�nk se�rer ia E�celeior lvenue ead aleo and eight (8) inch in diameter district sewer on ei$teenth Aveaue �or'th Prom Excelelor Avenue to Firet 5treet North, iaclnsive for publfcation, legal and engiaeering eervicea, amowated�to the amount of �bur Thousand Four Hundred and �ighty Dolla rs A10D P�HEREA.S, the cost aad eapense for the constra,etion of the eidewalk aud curbs on the following etreetat \ .__ • Seventh Avenue betv�een Second Street Aorth aa8 Mille 8oad, Second Street l�orth betaeen Sixth and Eig}ith �vemiee, �inth Street Alorth between Third and P'ourth.Streete, Tenth Avenue'�etween Third and Fourth Streets aorth� Seventh Avenv.e between Excelsior �venns anii Firet Street DTorth. ftiath Aeeuue South, Aidening eud new curbing, Te�elYth Avenue between first arid Secoad Streets South, curb oalY� � amouated to the s�m of �o 'Fb,ousaad Fovr Hun�dred Dollars inclneive of publlcatioa leg� aud eng�neeririg services; AND �9HERF,L3, coet and e$pease of the asphalt oil and tar � . ' treatment on the follocving etreetet Alleys on each eide oY Ex�elaior Aoeaue betweea Sevent� A,�enns and Thirteanth gvenue �orth aad Seventh Avenue and Twelfth Aeem�e, ' Sixth Aveane from Second Street 3outh to Second Street �orth, �. Seveath Aeenue from Second Street South to Mills 8oad, Eighth Aveaue Prom Second Street South to �Hille RoaB, Niath Avenue From Secoad Street Sonth to Third Street , 8orth, . . Tenth Aveaue From Firet Street South to �'iret Street North, � Elee�eath lvenne from Second Street South to Mille Eoad, 'Pwelfth Aeenue From Second.Street South to Mills Road, Second Street Sonth, Ei�th Ayenue to �Tinth Aveaus, Birst Street South, Seeenth Avenue to Thirteenth lvenn�e, �: . , [�. � Biret Street �orth, Siath gvenue to 1Piatla.�gvemie, Firat Street �orth, Tenth Avenue to 12'� Aveaue, Second. Street �orth, Siath Aeeavs to �inth Avenne, Third Street North, Sixth Aveaue to Eighth lveane. , , amova��; to the eum of �Yve Thaueaaci Two Hundred and Forty.��'���Zlare inclueive of-pt�iil��etion, legel:and engineering services� .�. � _-�� AlQD �A.S, it is neceseaig to isene sewer extension �arrants and certificates oP indebtednees for the respective �ounte aforesaid to , provide funds to defray coets aad e$penses o� said improvemeate. �0� THEBEFORE BE I'� RESOL�F� by the 9illage Council of the oillage of Hopkina, County of Hennep3n,,S�ate of Minaeeota, that.the Village iesnue �d negotiate Four Thoussad Tour Hnudred aad Eig�ty Dollare, ia tha ��$ of se�rer �axraate of said 9illage � the same to bear interest at the rate of fonr percent (4�+) per�aunum, payable aann�lly, an�d the same to be all dated September l, 19.3b, �nd to be in d enomination aad to mature as fallowet Ten eewer ma3a esteneioa avarrants for Four HvAdred �d P'orty—Eig�it Dolla�s each to matvre Jaauary l, 193?', ead each year thereafter. . �TD TE�T TSE VILLAGE I S StTE AND 10E('i0T IATE ,. TaPo Thousand Fovr Hnadred. Dollars in the am�ount of certificates of indebtedness, and the same to bear iaterest at the rate of fonr percent (4'�) per aaaam, psyable aaaual�r, and the same all to be dated September 1,�1935, and to be in denomination aad to mature as followas �-� �'ive Certificatee of indebtedneea for� eaid sidewalk ead curb conatx�action for �'onr Hwndred and Eighty Dollars each to mature Jantiar�l** 1, 1937 � and eeich year thereafter, . � A1VD TSAT THE VILI.�GE ISSQE AND NF.GOTIAT]�, Fi�e Thousand Two �,� Hundred aad �'orty—One Dollare i.n the. amount Jof certificate� of inr• debtedaese oP said village, and the same toJbear intereat at the rs,te of four percent (4�,) per anamn, p�able annually, aad the seme a11 to be �ted September 1, 1935, end to be in dsnomination and to mature as follo�veE Three certificates oP indebtedness for said asphalt � or tar treatment for 0na Thoueand Seven Hnadred-ead �''"� Dollare each to mature Jaau�asy l, 1937,. ead each year thereafier. . � .A�'D TH�T ALL SAID WARt�ANTS AND CEETIFICATES, with in�erest,co�ons to be thereto attached, be in the u;sual form ia snch cases that m�y be provided, aad that all be issued in a.ccordance aad pureuaat to the authotity contaiaed in the statuee in such cases may be prov�ded. �IdD TO BE IT �TRTSER BESOLVID, that the said Village o� $opkine, Covaty of Hennepin, State of Minneeota, and thie Village Cauacil', as euch, do hereby pledge ead bind themselvc� �to seasonably collect the aeeessmente levied for the coets of the co���ctioa of eaid sewer main ea�teasions, aide�alk -aad cnrb constrwction, a�phalt oil or tar - treatment improvemente Yor which the said warrants and certificatee � of indebtedneea are isaued aad to a�ply the eame to the pa�meat ot uTa,�raat � � . "�,certificate of indebtedaesa isened in aaticipation of the collection o$ eaid assea�meats and if sr�y warr�.nt or certificate of indebtedaese or the interest thereoa falle due ahea there are no,f'unds to pq�� he � same, to effect a Le�porarg loan for the pa�meant tbereof b� tbe;�0� the Village�e credit to the iull eatent that the said..Village and Coi�acil are now or may be authorize8 by la�v�anQ' , � , . � THAT TSE VILLAGE RECORDEB A�D T� PRESIDENT, of the iillage Gouncll axe hereby anthoriaedand flmpowered aad instrncted to.aign aad exe%ute said waxraate and certificates of indebteduess aad said corog�ons_ettached thereto, and deliver to the higheet bidder for not less thau par and that the proceed.e thereof be used aud axe hereby a�propriated for the payment of eaid respective ii�provemente. ��. . _ ^"� •=�� . fr . � •t'-� . . . . . �� BE IT FURTHEE RESOLPID, thet the �9corder and Preeident of' the Village Couacil be hereb� �cn.thorized. to at their diecretion to e,dvertiae for bida Por the sale of sa.id �arrants asid certificatee of in8ebtedaeae, ' in form and manner authoriaed by lawa - . � � �'rnstes and Conncilmaa � �� offered the foregoing resolntion ereapon moved its A�Oj�t�OSI� which wae � seconded by Councilmaa arid upoa 'being put to a vote �ras tmeuimously adopted by a11 membera of the oillage Colmcil. Adopted Oc�ober 17, 1936 • . _ �� �. . A'�'FEST: Yillege Clerk „�'(�%�� Pre�ident oP the Village Conncil. � fl�Iee t in� oF t he Vi lla�e �ounc i l of th e Vil la�e_ o Y Hop�ir� s was he ld on Tuesda,p,�?ov.l9th,lC35, at 7:3� PI�� ir� the Couneil roo�. L���emb er•s �resent ; G. �-e'.1��'00 l�e, Pres ident ; TrU.atees,T��adden ,Oltman and Oael l. Recorder �r�derson. This meet ing �ras held For the purp ose of Auditing books. t��iotion duly m.ade by Oltman,seconded by Odell that the Vill�ge Attorney notiPy Tom E,Il"otzko,4170 Vernon �ve, �t.I:ouis �ar�, and G�I+m.Tv7itchie , 208 S.3rd �t.F�ipls. ,�hat the� must take out license and f carnish Bond and ir_�stallation fee as per requirements of Village Ordinance For the inst�llation oF oil burners, carried. Permission �as granted ���m.Snable and l�Jm.Bren to open �street and remove g�.s tan Ls . 1�;otior duly n�,de by Oltman �seconded by �F�adden that permission be �ranted the T3elson. �hoe Store to place a.n advertisir�g clock in the �ri1l.a�e Hall, car r ie d. ��� �Ioti�on dul�r made b�r Ode11, seconded b� Oltm�,n t�iat bill be sent to Py�rs.ldick Paaley For repairing wF�.ter pipe,carried. P��otior� dul� n:�de b� Odell,seconded by Oltm.an that the follo�ving bills be allov�ed : � 12538 Frank Lri c kson 12539 James Lykke 1254Q Thos.Fara 12541 Chas. Lehinbecker 12542 Frank Stodo 1a 1�543 Peter 4yolf 12544 Einil Brokl 12545 H��hemel 12546 F.J.Shimota 3892 Pt�rs,.Theo.�tine 3893 �.G.Hamilton 3894 La.wrenee Sehutz 3895 B�irs.Bloomie Jenstad 3896 Frank Lricl�son ' 3897 Ne ls i�elso�. 3898 Jas.. Zykke. .�-3��J9 Thos . r a ra � �3900 Chas .Ze Y�beeker 3901 Frank St odo la 3902 t�.Yd.ij;lmquist 3903 auoman' Improvement Le�gue 5567 �ie rinan Olso n 5568 Joe Joret 5569 - J.B.I�.�iller �otion duly made ,aeconded and ATT � ST : ��. � Zab or ,►. �- n T, n ,� n � �T. „ IT „ n n ►� �, ►r �� r� - rr Pos tage Poor approp. Sal. 11-15-35 Zabo.r n carried tl�a;t meeting adjourn. E�0 , _. .J F.'L'.-. 2.02 2.02 27.23 ���V 36.30 1.OQ 3.50 3.60 6.00 1�2 . 00 72.50 72 .50 32.50 8.78 12 . 00 8.78 8.77 10.35 26.70 2.79 100.00 70.00 6.30 46.80 l�� ;\ �— \� � ;� '`'� I �.,.. ,,�.:. � RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN G ISSUE AND N EGOTI�TION OF WATEP� 1�9AIN EXTENSION CERTIFICATES OF INDIDTEDNESS 9ND ALSO SE9GER I�AIN EXTIIVSION ��'ARRANTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FIINDB TO DEFRAY THE COST OF NECESSARY VPATER i�9AIN AND SE�VER EXTF�ISIONS ON NINTH AV�IUE NORTH BET9GEF�] THIRD STREET AND FOIIRTH STREET At�]D ALSO ON TIIVTH AVIIVIIE NORTH BETVJJEEN THIRD STREET AND FOIIRTH STREET. Projects 1, 2, 3, and 4--1935. VPHEREAS, the necessary steps have been taken by the Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, �ounty of Hennepin,.State of Minriesota �or the construction of water main`extensiona pursuarit to Chapter 425 of the Laws of 1921, and for the conatruction of sewer main extensions pursuant to Chapter 35, of the Laws of 1915, and also pursuari t to a resolution of the Village Council adopted �arch 26, 1935, and a.lso a resolution adopted April 23, 1935, deeming it necessary and expedient for the construction of eigh.t inch sewer mains on Ninth and Tenth Avenues between Third and Fourth Streets; AND �DHEREAS, contracts were du�y let for the construction of said �vater and se�ver main extensions, the .expense of the sev�er ma.i.n extension being the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Four and Fifty One Hundxedths Dollars, inclusive of publication, legal and engineering services, and the expense of the �aater mairi extenaion being the sum of Three Thousand Forty- T�o Dollars, inclusive of publication, legal and engineering services; AND �HEREAS, it is necessax3• to issue vaater main certificates of indebtedness and sewer extension waxrants for the respective amounts afore- said to provide funds to clefray the costs of said improvements; - NOr�, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the Vi.11age Council, of the Village of Hopkins, County of Hennepin, 5tate of �Iinnesota, that the Village issue and negotiate Three Thousand �+orty-T�o Dollars, in the amot�nt of the water main extension certificates of indebtedneas, in said Village, and also Two Thousand Seven Hundred Four end Fifty One Hundredths Dollars, in the amount of the sewer v�arranta, all in &ccordance �vith and pursuant to the authority contairied�in the Statutes aforesaid, the same to b ear interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, pqyable anrivally, and the same to be a11 dated August'1, 1935, end to b e in denomination and to mature as folloc�s: Ten water main certificates of indebtedness for $�304.20, each, to matuxe Januaxg l, 1937, and each year thereafter. Ten sewer v�arrants for �270.60, each, to mature January 1, 1937, and each year thereaft�r. The said certific�.tes.and warrants �rith interest coupons to be thereto attached to be in the usual form in such cases made and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Village of Hopkins, �I.innesota, and this Village Council, as such, do hereby pledge and bind themselves to seasonably collect the assessments levied for the coat of the construction of the �ater and sewer mains for vahich these certificates of indebtednesa are issued and to apply the same to the p�yment.of the certificates of in- ddbtedness issued in anticipation of the collection of said.asseasments, and if ar�y certificate of indebtedness or the interest thereon falls due when there are no funds to pay the same, to effect a tempora.r,y loan for the p�yment thereof by the use of the Village�s credit to the full extent that said Village arid Council are no�r or may be authorized by law. � That the Village Recore�er and the President of the Village Council ��, --`-� : � �. � _��� --�,,� ^__. , - •., - be and are hereby authorized a.nd empowered and instructed to sign and exec- _ ute said certificates and warrants of indebtedness and said coupons attached thereto, arid sell the.same to the highest bidder for not less than par and th.at the proceeds thereof be used and are hereby appropriated for the payment of said i,mprovements.. ,Trustee and Councilman ,� , wYio offered the foregoing resol ti• , erenipon moved its adoption, which was seconded by Councilman��i�� _ �.._ r�, . and upon being put to a vr�te was unanimous�y adopted by all"members •of the Village Council. , Adopted August 20th, 1935. � ATTEST: � Vill�lerk. . �� ' . President of the Village Co�zncil. �. RESOLUTION ORDERING ASPHALT OIL OR TAR TREATi�IIVT WHEREAS, at�jority of the owners of property fronting on Thirteenth Aven�e North between Excelsior Avenue and First Street North and on First Street North between the first all.ey west from T�elfth Avenue and Fourteenth Avenue in the Village of fiopkina have petitioned the Village CounciZ of said Village for the improvement of s�i.d streeta by the application of asphalt oil or tar treatment in accordance with specification on file and to conform to the grading line established by the Village Council for the purposes. AND fi�iHEREAS, it appears to the Village Coiincil that it is necessary and expedient to make said improvement HE IT RESOLVED .that the work of said improvenents be done by contract �• previously let for the performance of all said work during the year I935, end that the entire exglense.and costs of said improvements b e assesaed and levied against all the lots and parcels of ground fronting on the street so improved on the basis of said benefits to said property and in accordance w3.th said provisions with the statutes in such cases made and provided and p�a�le in three equal annue.l insta.11ments and that the proposed assessment when made be filed vPith the recorder for public inspection and rendered before the Villsge Council; for its approvel, and the Village Record.er is herebg directed to cauae notice to be give.n as required by law of the time and place when and where the Council �vill meet and act upon such proposed asaessment, and heax and pass upon all objection�s, if any, .. Adopted at an adjourned meeting of the Village Council held on August 13 ,1935. G. P1. Moore, President of the Village Council. Attest:� A. E. Anderson, Village Recorder. "��+ J. A. Aosp, Village Attornqr. � � Re�ular meeting of theVillage oP HopYins� Council +�as held on Tuesda�,Decen�b er 3rd, 1935 at '7 ;30 PI��? in tne �lilla�e Hall. P�embers present; G,�"d:�a"oore President; Trastees,T�ladden,Oltrnan,Ode11. Recorder 6nde-rson,�ttorne� Hosp. F_� Pfotion duly rriade by h4adden,seconded by Oltr�an that the minutes �e approved as read. ��otion duly made by Odell, seconded b�r �,�adden that we purchase 150 ft. 1 2 in.hose and three fittin�s from the 6`J�;��T�ott Co. Por ��105.00 .for hose plue couplings,carried. Mo ti or du 1� rr�ad e by Ariderson, see orded by Oltmqn tl.at �re extend the Fire Zone From 17th Ave. and Excelsior Ave. to 5th �lve. and Excelsior, and ch€3.nge ordinanee aecordingly,carried. l��qotion made that Rec order notify the Cemetery Assn' .not to use an� o:f the graves in the lots set aside for �7onens Improvement Lea�ue, �vithoUt perr:iit. for di�ging _gr�,ves issued by Village Recorder, Recorder also to notif�r Improvemer_�t League. � license 1�otior� dul� made b� �1trr.��.n,seconded b,q r'adden th�t the liquo- �for "on and OFf Sa.le" of Eidam and �mith, and the "Off 5ale" of T��hn �roon license be granted,carried. - ' �� P.�otion daly made b�r �lnderson, seconded by r�adc]era that the VJater �eport be accepted a,s read ard placed or fi_le,carried. T�1�otion dul� made bp Odell and seconded b�r Oltman t�at v�e purchase twe)_ve (12) pair of rubber mittens for the Fire Dep�.,carri.ed. %J:otion du:.� made bv Odell,seconded by Tt�adden that the foll�rwing bills be allowed ; , carried : , 3904 I�a.wrenc e Schutz 3905 �l�G �:�iam i lton 3906 Bloomie Jenstad 3907 F#�rs.Theo:.Extine 3908 Dr.G��'���'oore 39�9 Irving Oltman 3910 V`dm.Odell 3912 �.V�I�Elmquist 3911 F,I�.I��a,dden. 3913 A:E.gnd ers on 3914 Jos.:�.Hosp 3915 Clarence �ro��er 3916 Zeat�ge of ��inn. �uncipalities 3917 The lmrpove�en t Bulletin 3.918 Flopkins Fire Dept. 3919 The 1�,:inne so ta Pie�rs 3920 Dr.R.Fi.Pieha ' 3921 �'rank �to do la 3922 �eTs Nelson 3923 Jas. Lykke � 3924 Otto Vollrath 3925 � rank Sitar • 392 6 Emi � Brokl 3927 1�Jalter Rolf 3928 Herman Qlson 3929 J;SchePfler 3980 �,'.�'��Tele .Co. 3931 V'�alter S�Boo�h Rc Son,Inc. 3932 P�,4rs .�;mil �etersen 3933 Carl �eden 39 34 Vo id 3935 Void 3936 Void 3937 Funk �C b�Jagnalls 3938 1:J.I!�pls. Fuel R� Ice Co. 3939 St.Paul Bk.p4 Stat.Co. 3940 F.H.Hainert 3941 S�netana's pharmacy 3942 1:����1s.Gen.�,l.ec Co. 3943 Ja. �. ��osp 3944 Sal. to 12-1�35 tl rr n �, " " ly� rs . L i�h t rr rr 12-31-35 1��ZayOY' . Tr n n Truetee rr n n n ,�►,. �► „ Treas. "�- " ". Trastee " " '► Recorder rr n tt gt.t� " " " Fire ��Am'ar. �inn.Year Book �dv. � Calls F� phones Boo�s Calls �xtine Lab o r I,a b or ti iT n �:� ov ing P?? 10 do�s Stamps � Sal . 12-1-35 DYi o ne s Suppl ip s Lib.Cleaning Lab or I,ib.Int.Year Book Fuel PR Books Supplies R �IL�;ed.PR Supp 1 i.e s Zi���it 8� �o�rer For �t.eno. - -2� �'�eetin� 12-3-35 Bills con't. 3944 Pit ts+burgh Plate Glass Co. Snpplies 3945 ��rs.A,�.gnderson . Steno. 3946 I3.C.Alden Apply on new I:�ps .. 3�47 C.H.koepke Zabor for b�dater Bill 3948 C .H.Poepke I,abor 5571 J.B�P�iller �.bor 5572 1�?p1s.Gen.Elec.Co. ]�i�ht 8c P�wer 5573 Fairbank�s �"orse &� Co. Supplies 5574 �.P.Smitb� b��g.Co. " 12�47 Frank �t•od'oIa �b o r 12648 FrariKk ��unzrar� " 12549 �Ohas.Lehmbecker " 12550 Jas .Z�k.ke� � " 32551 Peter Vdolf " 12552 H.E..Chmel " 12553-F.J,�himota � " � 12554 Otto� Vollra.th " 12555 Albert .Graber Eng.Services 12556 Consolidated I�`ateri�,ls Co. Grav�el 125578�':p1s.P,`oline Pwr . Imp1 t. C o. Supplie s 12558 Dahlber� $.ros. = " & Gas 12559 Radosta. Gara�e �?epairs - 12560 b�m.H.Z iegler. c0. Supplies 12561 l�qpls.Gen.Elec.C.o. Zighi; E� Power 12.562 Pure. Oil,Co. Gas 12563 Justus Lbr. Co. Fuel 12564 Lyle Si�ns Ine. �ig;ns I��otion du1,y made,secor.�ed and aarried that meeting adjourn. eco er Attest : `- resi ent �� i Special meeting of the Villa�e Council of the Villa�e o� Hopkins was held on �.rsd��,December 4th, 1935 , at 7:30 PL� In the Village Hall. This meeting was called �or the purpose of certifying the Annua.l Vi-llage Elect ion,held December 3rd ,1935. PuZembers .present; G.4�d.Moore ,President: Trustees,Odell,Oltman ' l��addenl i,ecorder �nderson. � 14�otion dul� made by Oltman,seconded by Odell, that c�e accept the report of the ?�illage ��lection BoardoF the ylection he].d December 3rd,193_5 , said report att�ched and that the Pecorder notify each successful candid�.te of his eleetion, and send certified copy of said report to the County Auditor,carried. R�Totion du=� madeb� r��adden, seconded by Oltman, that the attached report irom the Llection Board of the Re�erendum Vote as per ballot, be acaepted,carr�ied. l�otion du7_y made,seconded and carried that meeting ad,journ. . _ ecor�.er Attest: resi ent U 9 � �� _ i, l \ � .Y% � . �� REF�ERENDU�1V'I VOTE BALLOZ` MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER P�ANT �Arinual i�illage �lection �� VILLAGE O� HOPi�INS H�NNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA DE�CEI�BER 3; 1935 TO 'rFIE VO:CFRS : . The following ballot is intended only for the purposea of referendum vote to obtain an expression of the voters for or againet the proposed project. 0 Shall the Village of Hopkins acquire, own, and oper- ate a Village electric light and power plant at an, estimated cost of $217,530.00? lt is estimated that this project will produce net an- uual.earnings of �24,619.00 after paying for all egpenses, including interest on and bonds for cost of the project � an.d which estimate does not include Federal Government aid grant for which application has been made, and which, if obtained, will amount to additional net annual earnings of �4,644.00. YES Q NO � To ��ote for approval of the aforesaid proposition place � a croes ( X) in the square opposite the worcl "Yes." ; .:, f�� To vote against the �,foresaid propoeition place a cross '� .. `�<Y ) in the square opposite the word "No." �'=r- `� Dec embe r 3rd. I935 . � d�e the undersigi�ed Judges and Clerks of Election held this ��' date do hereb� eertil� that the ballots oounted by us � is a correct aount,with referenoe to the RePerendnm Vote . as per ballot attached hereto, _ � =� =` Number oP ballots cast %3 S� �y� - � YES :NO S�I Attest ; � � . �,Q �,� � 3 . `=� . J �� �-cm:c; �% ��- ���--� ETp ITIOg WHEREAS, the undereigned, Mre. �ary Bnott, ie the owner of the following described property, to—�it: I,ot 8ae (1), Block Ten (10), West Minaeapolis. AND �PBII�E�iB, no toilet facilities have been inatalled in esid premieea which are served by aewer and water mains in the �treet abutted b� eaid premisee; and �REAS, by direction of the 9illage Council of Hopkins, a aotice wae aervad n�on the nadersigaed notifying her to install toilets and make seeer con.nections with the main eerving siad premisea within tbfrty (30) d�ys after service of eaid notice, aad, . WSERFAS� the underaigned is uaable to p�y the costs sad e$penae of inatall ation of said toileta, 1d09i T�'ORE, the uadereigned. does hereby petition the Village Couacil of the Village of Hopkina to install toilet facilities aad connections with aewer system aad to pay the coste aad expenae of the inetellatioa thereof out of the general revenue fund aad assess the cost and expense thereof against said property beneYited by the inetallatioa of sa� d , toilet connections, all pureuant to an order of the 9illage of Hopkine a,dopted September 10, 1917, end doea hereby waive at�q aad all,notices provided for in eaid ordinance and reqneats the adoption of a resolntion �asaessing the amount of the �penee of said inatallation in three annu�,7. installments, and tha.t said assesament be certified to the Count� Avditor for collectioa as other assessments are made and certified pursuaat to said ord.inance. Dated October 16, 1935. - � � �rs, B�ary gnott. -:a . `� ' �+ :.__+� 6iHE��EAS, the va8ersigned; �ire. Ddar�r %a@tt.� ie �the oatner oF the �oll�w�ag des�r�bed p�operty, �vri,t: , , . � LG�C �aa6 {1), �31oCk Te� (IOj o We�t� Pdinne�polis. AND �EA.�, �o to3let tacilit9,e� have been inatalled in said pr�miaes �h�.ch are -�erved b� se�rer aad .�ater ma�ins in the etreet abutted b� sa� �Z'emiee8, e�,d �REAS � b8 dl,reatfon of the '�4.11ege .Couacfl aP Hop�iae, a aotice w�� seraed-vpon the va�ersi�ed nc�t�f'�it�g her to iastall toilets and mak� sewer connec�fona m�t,h the ma3n servir�g aiad premiseg wi�hin tb3rt�r (30) de�s�a�ter Eervice of �aid notice; aa8, WH�iE1l5, t,he �derei�ed �s vtaa.bie to p�p the cos�s �nd eapense o� qne�a].1-at�oa oS eald tc�l.ets, ��V� TSr.,RE�ORE� the uaderaSgaed does here�y petition the �illa�e Conaoil oY� the 9illage of Hop'�in� Lo fnet�ll toilet Yac�lfties and co�anect�oae wilth eewer eyetem and Zo pa,y the oaste aad a$pense of Lhe inetallatloa thereof orot�":oP �Ehe genex�al, revenue f�aafl and as�eas the cost ax►d e�peas� therr�o� s�ga9laat safd �rope�t�r benef'lt�d b�r the �.aetallation of e�d toilet- coaneotfons, �7.1 pn�reasat to an orfler oY the 9ill�ge of Hopkiae ad�ot�c3 Sept�xnber I0 � 19�7, :€�nd doee mereb� �aice en,� and a31 notioe�. prr>oided Yor ia safd ordinaince and reqae�$a the adoption of a reeoln�ion �see�eis� the amotmL of the �peaee oY esid instaliatioa in three ann�aal install�nta, aa8 th�t s�d asgeaeament be certiffed to the Coutit8 Anrlltox for colle�aoS-ae other ass�sameats are made ead eer�ified pursna�nt,to eaid.-ord�n�ace. Da�e� Octobeg ls, 193b. _.... �. �...... .. _.... �, �rs..mar� Bno�t.� ' �1 7�/�—Minutea of Villoge Elecrion. M[NUTES OF V{LL�eGE ELECTI��9 (n) The lines following the letter (a) in elected the Judges and Clg At the Annual.: �-311 •t WPLTEP 5. BOOTM 6.`,Orv, IIIC.. MINI�E�VOLIS blank are left to write in tha fact; that "the electors present at the time and lace na:ned For oaeuing the polls a cocr, because the council had neglected to make euch appointment," or " cause the persons so or one or more of them, neglectei or refused to serve," (if auch was the se.) ' ttis-[./d� � • �; - - --.....Election of the Villa�e of.- -......._... �� - . .............. - -� � .....- .......:...:....----�- . t , r -- - - ....... - --�-..anc1 �tate of Nlinnesota, held at ............ . ..----- -.............----------= .. -� � � - --� - ............._ �..- ... - �� ........._-� - _....._...---- - - - -..i�ein�r the place �vhere it �vas directed to be held by the Villag C�ncil after bi�-ina due notic^ therec;f' as �rov�ded hy la�v, on the...._..._..��`�'�- ____...:._... day of ..-� -- : ...... --'..... � � -- 19 � �---�-........ � � ... . ............. . . . ............ .. � � �.... ----...-� --- -..................... and ......:....-- - -� .............�---... ....... - ..............---- ......-- - ...... - - - - . - --...t�vo qualified ��ote�s of saicl Village, � to act as Judges of such Election, and one quzlified votcr of said Villaae to act as Clerl, of such Election; each ef. �ti-honi liad ;vithin t�s-en�y days before such time been desi� ted and a�ited by the �'illa�e Council to a as Judges a C].e � - respec '�-ely of such elec ' n �') - ........-- --- - .... ...... ......_..... ....�.... -- .........--- -.... , � /� ^ - .._.. . ......... -- .. ..... � .... ..... �%�.�.-�.� . D d__ _.... . -- ....... - --� -- .......... .. ..::.....� ........... - � - � --...:-- -- --..... .. ....... ---�-�� ..... f. . � - _ - .. -�-,.. ._ ..... .. . .... ............... . �� :- _ .. . . . .. .... _ . _ _ . . _ .... _ _ ___ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ . ._ .... . . . . __ . . ....... . ...... . who, bein� pr . ent, at the hour of ........ .........._.....o'clocl�..A...112., eZch of thein dnly tool: and subscribed �n oath ------.-.: .' ......................... .....__......._...._._.to faithfully diseLs,r�e tLe c��3ties required af t,hei�i at sneh Fleetion; �i,cl the saicl � Juclbes and-Gler1� beinb duly qualified, forth�vith o�enecl the po]]s Ly p�°oclai:lation, and thc I;lection procced- ed by ballot «-itliout adjeurnmcut or inte��nissic�n until closed. The sabjeets voted on at such Electio;�, as stated i:� t1��� Notice ther�of, were:......_...__...._ ......................___.............................. To elect .__---- ��~' ` - .. ... ......... ......... ..... ....... -- .... .........- - - � . .......... . .� -- � -- i ,- � . � � �� �� .. .. . .... :. .. .... .............. . r ' - .- ......... . ... , ��. - . . .... -� _ � - -� . _ � - .-.- - - - - _ � .� - .. -- - -.= °. . . . .-v . - -.- - - - - -- - - - _ -_ _ - -- - - -- . At. - �. --- _..o'clocl: in the afternoon of said day the polis were cic�sed, pr�oclamation thereof having l�een made by o�ic ef tlie Judaes +hii•ty. ni;��i�tes p�e�ious thei•eto. Tiie Jud�es the�1 pi•occeded to puUlicly cowit ancl can�-ass the votes, and a true stateznent thereof �vas cluly preclaimed to the �-oters by the Clerl., �vho'reeo��cled tl�;, s�me in the �';llage llinntc L'oolc. -- � STATEPAEP9T OF RESULT OF CANVASS Tlie, o�vin is a truElstal ctnen of the resi�lt of t euntinm a�:cl canvass oi votes Ly ballot at the g t Annu 1._ ... .. ........__.......... .. ect on of the Villa�Pe of........... __ __. • Count . ......... ..... . ....... �� - � ..........--�� � of- . ..---......... . and State of i�iinnesota, held ....._� ... - ..... ........._,�'�'Q � ......................... . . -�...19..�.... as proclairned t, v��� by Clcrl: of Election : , ' J"J� . .;.:.: � ----- ......-- � - .......................... _:.... ..._.....� ..__ ..:.. -- --..._.received= - -�votes for President of Couiicil � - -- � - =� - - ...... ..-,....... --- - .......... . ......_ - - - ............................._.....xeceived..._��.�otes for President of Council ..... --... .....- -....- -- - -....`.......:-�;� .............�-...... - - -� ----=� --- -�-= ......... �'��s declared elected President of Council ... . .. ............ ............ -- ..- - ...._.,-.......... ---- .........- - ; ; - .... - .... .........._...... - ._.........._..- -�-��- ......--- ------- ..._.. � - - ... ... - -_ - ... ...... - ..... • (Continued oii follo�ving page) . . . � � . a � . /I!�f[�cT�-�/ .......... ..............recei��ed���(a..votes for Trustee, ter:n of....J..years ................................----..------.......----.......received.-(--- ---l.�.votes for Trustee, term of..�_.-years � ....received�.... ..votes for Trustee, terin of.�....years -� . ......... ...... ... .. - -....._. � � ..--.------.------- ................................._.....received--_---.--.......-.---votes for Trustee, term of----...---._Years � � ............ - ......................................� --........ -� -- ........................-�--� ........... -.received. ---- -_........votes for Trustee, term of..........--Years .................... .... ...__ .... ...--- ......... .. ....... ... ...._...... � ---....._............-.--.._......... . ieceived...... -... � �- �'otes for Trustee, terui of............3�ears . �_----...-.��..�� F- `���..�-���...-------.--....�vas declared elected Trustee, term of..�..3�ears -� ..... .... _ E ..... .......... . .................. ............. � -. . . ....� ------�� -............ - �� ....--- �----�--- � �� --�vas declarecl elected Trustee, term of............��ears - - ............ .. �--_... �� � ....---- ..........._........._.... - ........... -- - - .......... .�vas declared elected Trustee, term of............3-ears -- �� �� ............... � - � .._.....--� -...... ..... ..... - - - - - ...- -....... .... - ....................................-�-- - �� � � • -............. ......... -- .........--� ... ............ ....... ................receivecl - �----------...��otes for Treasurer - - ....... ........ �� ..................-�-- �� � �- --. ...recei�-ed....... � -...z�otes for Treasurer .........- --� --......._- � ..............�-.............. - -- � ........._.. ....was deelarecl eleetecl Treasurer .......... -� � ..................... .. . ��--�� - - - � .....- - -.... ....... -.....--... .._.... .._....- - - - - .............. � ................--� ....__.._.........--��--��- ..................... - - �1'eceived - ....... --...�-otes for ��illabc Clerk . ��--- .......................� --... ................... - -- 1'ecei�-ed-� ._.......--�-otes for ti�illabe Clerk .......- ....... -� ............ .. . ..................1s-as declared clected j'illage Clerl� ---- - -�� ...... .. - -_.......- .receir�ec.. - --�-o�es for Assessor ..........- � �� -- - --� ----- - recei�•ecl... - ---� -� -�-otes for Assessor - --- --..._....--- - ... ... --- ._ -- �vas declarecl elected 1lssessor �- - � ._... -- -�� -- � �. ...... � � .... .... ....... ...........----- --- -- .......... .. ....... -- . . . .. . � - - - � � - - � .................- -----•--�- ... . -�� � . .... . .... ....�-- ...._... -.......... _...... .. ......_.......-- ---�-��- ............----- --- -- .......... .. - __received. . � �'oYes for Just�ce of the Peace ......................_ � - ........................... - ......... �- .... � ..._.... --� ... - - ................ ..received............- - ...eotes foi' eTll"tice of the Peace ............. - ........ ---� --��--._.._..-- - -� -- ............ �� -- .......................-�----� -.......recei�-ed...... � - ...�-otes fo� Justice of the Peace , ..............._.. ._....- � �- ................ -- .. .. � - -..... _.... - -� - -� ....... .- .........receil-ed - -- votes for Justice of tt.e Peace � -� . ..... ...... .... .... ..:. . ....... �� ..--. ........--- -� .... �� - - � ......-.....�vas declared elected J�stiee of the Peaee �- ........ � .......... ... .............._.....--- - ..__.......� -- .......... ..... ----...... ................----... -- - - -- �vas declared elected Jt.stiee of the Peaee ., -- '---.. _._. _ .._. . . -- - - _ _ - - - _ _. - - -- -- - .............. . . ............... .. . �- � � ... - - -..... - � ...--��--._.._............... - - -..._...........-� -................. ---................. - - � ...- .._... ...................- ........ � . .....1 ./.....f.r ..... ........:...'-- ...�....-- �- -- -..................--� - ...... -...........--- --�-- ........---....._--- ..... --recei�•ed..�.�_d�-otes for Constable ............. ..�--�- - ....................... � -.................. - � ............. - �� �� --..........- � -- � -....--�- -- ---� - ..- -received.._...--- --- � - ...�-otes for Constable ..............�-� �-��---- - ............ ���-� � ........... � .............. � - ........ ....... - ..received.... ------- ��>otes for Constnble ' ,� ... .................. . . . .. .. . .. .. . _ i ecei� ed � -- -- ---�-�-ot.es for Constable .. - ---- - .. . - - ............ -� ---- -- ��- - .... • ' � .............................�' ._. .--.�......... .-.... .............. � ----.............................. .... -� - - ---- --....«•as c:eclarecl e?ected Constable ....... � ...- ....................... -- ..... - ... -..... � - ......... ..... - - - ..... ................---.._ .... � -- - - - - -- -..._.�vas declared elected Gonstable .................. . .. ........ -..... .. -...... � � ...... --- ........_..... ...................................ballots �vere cast for........_. ...................................ballots �;�cre cast for.---.----- Attest : C.�i-�-►'+.-�.:.....�__..��•�-�i.'�-Gt.�-rd�4'erk of Election ` . �� - ..... ... ��lJ �--� �_ � � _ ... ............. ......... ...._.. Judges of Elect.ion 1:1 AN ORDINANCE TO A66IIJD AN ORDINANCE EIJTITLED: {�AN ORDIPiAATCE LICENSING AA1D REGI�LATING THT 9ALE OF NON- INT�XTCATING MALT LIQUORS,. R�PEALIN4 ITJCOAtSI�T�IiiT 4RDINAAICE3, A1VD PROVII}- INQ . A PEATALTY FOR THE VIOLATIOAT TH�REOF.�' . � The Yiliage Council of.the Village of Ho�►kina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, do orda�in ae follows; Th�t the Ordfnance of sald Village entitled "An ordinance licen�ing and regulatin� the sale of non-9.ntoxicatin� malt liquors,_ repealing inconaistent ordine.naes, and providin� a pena.lty for the violation hereof," approved April 4th, 1933, be and the eame is hereby amended so as to read as follows,' � to-wit: , : . .. �� Section 1. That Seetion 4 of eaid.Ordinance be amended ae followe: By striking and repealing the last provislon of. � the fourth p�.ragraph of eaid �ection 4 whiah reads �s fo2low�: "Provfded that if any p�:rt of �,ny licensin� year has elapsed �rhen the ap�alioation is made a pro rata Pee sh all be aharged", �nd he�cebq repealing the �aid provision of $aid paragraph and declaring adnd procl�iming aarne inope:rative Prom a�nd after the passage and public�tion of this Ordinanoe. Section �. That the �econd and third paragraphs of Section 4 of said Ordinance be eanended as follow�; The annual fee 'for an �lOn Sale" license �hall be � J d• °� . The �nnual fee for an "Off Sale" lioen�e shall be fo.�� . - S�otion 3. Thie Ordinance ahall take e�feet•and be in fo�ce from �nd after its publication. Pas�ed and approved �t:an adjourned meeting of the �illage Council hela on November a6� 1935. Atteet�� � � A; E, Anderson, Recorder� Village of Hopkins. G. �P. Moore Preeident, Village i Council �.OffiQially publish�ed November , 1935, in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Min�egota. (�.� �1 , 1935) \ AN ORDINANCE.TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE �. ENTITLED: "AN OADINSNCE LICENSING . �� , AND REGULATING THE BALE OF INTOXI-. . . � � � . CATING LIQUOR, REPEALING INCON9ISTENT : - . ORDINANCES, AND PROVIDING.A PENALTY � FOR�THE VIOLATION THEREOF." . � The Village Council of the Village of Hopkins, Hennepin , County, Minnesota, _ do . ordain as follows: � � � � � • That the Ordinance of.�said Village entitled "An � ordinance licensing and regulating the sale.of intoxica.ting liquors, repealing, inconsistent �ordinances, and provi�3ing a � penalty for the v.iolation thereof��,: approved .February 27, 1934, b� and the eame is hereby amended so as to�read as follo�s, to- wit : : - Bection 1. That the second paragraph of Section 4 of � said Ordinance be amended to read as .follows: "All licenses �, shall expire on the last day of December in each year. Provided that if any part of the license year has elapsed when the ap- plication is�made, then the license fee shall be.one-fourth of the fee for each three months or part thereof for the.r�mainder of the license year." ; . . Section 2. This �Ordinance ehall take effect and be ir� - force from and after its publication. .� Passed and approved at an adjourned meeting.of the Village Council held on December lOth, 1935. _ . G.�W. Moore. " - _ President, Villa�e Council , � :. Attest: � �� � � - . � � A. E. Anderson, Recorder, � Village of Hopkins, . � . Officially published December , ,, 1935,.� in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, B�innesota � � . � . �Dec..�, 1935) � RESOLUTION BY VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF HOPKINS, MINNESOTA At� a Special Meeting of the Village Council, duly c�,ll�d and held at the usual meeting place of the Village Council, all members being present, the following resolu�tion r�as offered, and on motion duly seconded, �as unanimously adopted, F. M. B�adden not voting: � WHEREAS, at the Annual Village Eleation held in the : Village of Hopkins, Minnesota, on December 3,, 1935, pursuant to law, the following na,�ed, to-mrit: Jasper Jasperson, John T. Konsanda, and F. M. Madden, as incumbent, were candidates for the election to the office of Trustee and Councilma.n of the Village Council of said.Village; and that at said election Anton A„Olson - and Dr. Geor�e W. DQoore, incumbent, were . candidates for tre office of President of the Village Council or Mayor of said Village; and VPHEREA3, the results of said election as return�d by the E lection Board to the Village Clerk or Recorder and duly returned to the Village Council of said Village, acting as the Canvassing Board which met pursua,nt to law on December 5, 1935, at the usual time and place for r.�!eetings of the Villa�e Council to canvass the returns of said election and declare the results as appears from said returns; and j�JHEREAS, it, appears from sa d returns that th� incumbent candi3ate, F. M. Pdadden, received 57� votes, and that the candi- date Jasper Jasperson received 576 votes, and that the candidate John T. Konsanda received l71 votes; and it appeare from said returns that the candidate Anton A, Olson received '�� 2 votes, and that the incumbent c andidate, Dr. George �V. M oore, received �_vot�s; and � �PHEREAS, the Village Council meeting as such Canvassing Board declared that it appeared frorri the said returns of said Election�Board that the incumbent F.H�.Madden was declared to be elected to the office of Trustee and Village Councilman of the }� Village of Hopkins for the ensuing term of three years commencing January 1, 1936; and the Village Council meeting as such Canvas- sing Board declared that it appeared from the said returns of said Election Board that Anton A. Olson was declared to be elected to the office of President of the Villa�e Council or Mayor of the Village of Hopkins for the ensuing term of one year c ommenci ng January 1, 19 36; and �PHEREAS, as provide ,under Section 16 of Chapter 145 of the Laws.of 1885 as amended �he Village Charter of said Village of Hopkins, that the Village Council are constituted as the Canvassing Board.and authorized and empovaered to declare the election results as appears from the returns of the Election Board, and having so done as aforesaid;.and �'PHEREAS, it is also provided under Section 54 of said 8tatute and Charter of the Villa�e aforesaid that the Village Council "sh�,ll be the judge of the election and. qualifications of its members": .. �. _-.. -.. •-. . . �'7-� �, ' : ` �. NO'N, THEI�EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council tha.t it is hereby adjudg�3 and declared that the said incumbent candidate, F. M. �iadden, was duly.elected at the Annual Village . Election of said Village held on December 3, 1935, as Trustee � and Councilman of this Village Council for the term of .tnree years_ commencing January lst, 1936, and tYiat he is qualified . for. said office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Village Council that it is h�reby acijudged and declared that tYie said candidate, Anton A. Olson was duly elected at the Annual Villag� Election of said Village held on.December 3, 1935; as President of the Village C�uncil or �ayor of the Village of Hopkins for the term of one year commencing January lst, 1936, and that he is qualified f or said of fi ce. .. � Ac�opted at,a Meeting of the Villa�e Council � called and held`as aforesaid on December 5th, 1935. �', �, Attest: ��/L/.�iL/.�a�fiY�1 /1 A.E.An e son, Village Recorder � ��,:,--- - ���Z��'�2 �r�r-Z G, �P, Moore Fresident, Village Council t � Speci al me e ti r� o f� he Vil lage �ounc i 1 o f the Village of Hopkins ��as held -on Tuesday,December 10�h,1935,at 7:30 P&� in �;he Council F.00�. te�embers present; G.4�u.Iti'oore,President; Trustees Nadden,Oltman and Odell. Recorder Anderson, Attorne� Hosp. This meeting �vas c�,lled for the purpose of varif�in� changes in V illage Stre��ts and Pro�erties, �aid inFormation to �e sent C.Alden for new platts he is to make for the Villa��e. �,o� ion d uly �rsade by .Oltman , sec onded by Odell tY�at c�e accept this as second readin� of an ordirance to amend an ordinance entitled: ".An .Ordir.ance Licensin� �nd Regulatib� The Sale Of Non-Intogicatin� l�fialt Liquors,�?epealir�g Inconsietent Ordinances �nd Frovidin� a Penalty r�or The Viol�,t�.on �hereof." carried. I�otion du:i.� r�ade by Ol�Lman secarlded b� Jdell th�,t ti�ve adopt the ai�tached ordir�ance and th�.t it be publisp�ed on Decer�ber 26th,1935,carriE Recorder instructed to send varific�ti_ons of plates to b�ir.Alden. I�Potion du1.� made,Beconded and carried that me�ting adjoarn. Attest : Pre s i en � ecorde � .. " - � ' . � � - . ! . - . - .. , . . C �r.�:., ' r7 , . . ' . ' . .F . . �� . , � ' . ,' ' , , _ ' '7 - . � � � � . . .. . ' i � . � . . .� . . � , . ' . ., .. � . 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',�oa :��� �.1� ��.�eo�:���th, o.� Ca�at ic��t�a�.�� g:i:�;�t—o.�-��aa�. _ , , ��ouid i�oor �';�x��► ��o�Qr'��p �� .�����;�oi��. �x� �h�a1� .�.� ;�f��E� .i:o�a�t�: p�r�;n���q �- � � ' �7: �A`� x: .�� - 6 , . ' . � ' . no c� ��a . ' ", , . . . �.�� �n,�'e ��.at:i 4� ���t� .,r�n� �� �o .��rn3�h �.n g•o�r�rd �o ��� 5:� Ze��ox ����.�€a�� � '1�� .�.s. ki�o�x�, _ � .1 , . . � . \ . , . - _ . . . , � ° �03iY'� � YUI�,:� t. , � • . • , . . - . �� - ', , � _ ' �t^C:4�'i���'. . , ' �' , � , . � ' • •. '; , , a _, . . i � . . – ' � � , , � r ' � ' � , . {: - � . . ' , � . , . , � �, � � � 3 / ' , � , , —. � � ' / - � � ' ' � ' _.. ' � , �' �� � - . , . � � . _ , . , .,\ . . .�. . ., , . ��eet ing oF the Viila�e Council of the Vi].la�e of Nopkins v�ras held on Tuesday,�ecember 17th,1935, at 7;30 ��� in the Council �?oom. 1•�rembers present; G.V�J.T��oore,Fresident; Trustees ���,dden,Odell and Oltrr,an. F.ecorder Ar;derson. ��ot ion duly made by Odell, seconded bv Oltman t'riat the . Compensat ion insurance be renewed ��ith the Security I�ational Bank,carried. ��otion du7.� nade b� �lnderso�_,secorded b� Oltn�an tnat �ae purchase fillir� fro�n �;�:7.�I��cDonald for 6� per yard delivered, on lst St.�do. between 14th and 12th �ve.�do.,and l:�th �ve-.i?o. betl�een Egcelsior �ve. �nd PR tracks �nd alle�s on both s ides of 13th �ve ; No. ,carri ed . h�oti or, dul� made b�� Odell ,sec or?d ed by R�adden t}�.t the fo llo�ring bills be alloti�ed: c�rried; � �.2565 12566 12�567 12568 12569 1257Q 12571 12572 12573 12574 12575 12576 12577 12578 5575 5576 5 5'7'7 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3956 3960 3961 39 62 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3°68 15316 Sec.I��t l. Bk. Fra.nk Stodola Jas. L�rkke :Cmil B�rokl Harr� a'�estlin� Joe Joret ��r=,nk Lrickson Peter 4`�olf Vendell Triden �'r�r�k x�a.s:;ar �nil Honcik Frank Nunvar Lenander r��ason Shimota Garage Hernan Olson Sec.I3at1,Bk. J.D.�iiller Bloomie Jeristad A.G.Ha.milton Lava re rc e Sch ut z �ylrs .Theo .�gt ine See .��!atl.Bk. A.E.Anderson Frank� Stodol�. i��e,rren Bens on Otto gollrath � VendeTl Triden 4ualter RolF F. J. S�Zimota 9ugust �ope sky Nels Nels on Jas .L�rkke lst l�atl.Bk.of Hopl;ins Co�p.Ins. La b or Zabor Za�or Labor Lab o r La.b o r I,abor Zab or Lab or L� bo r Lab or Zab or Repairs Sal. to 12-15-35 �omp. Ins . Labo r Sal. to 12-15-35 Sal. to " S� l. to Sal. to Comp.Ins. Posta�e �b or �ab o r rr � ,► Catcn ing Z�bor Zabor Zabor , I,ab o r " I,i�lzt 6 do�s Bo��d & Ir,t . Upon motion daly made,secor.�ded and carried meetin� adjoumed. ,LCO � ;R ATTi+;�T : PR.�'S IL' ��.T� T 188.00 17.40 8.55 7. 00 6 . 00 3.15 33.60 5.00 3.15 3.15 3.15 3;15 3.15 1.95 '70.00 94.00 43.20 32 .50 '72.50 72.50 12 .00. 18�3 . 00 1.00 2�.4U 6.40 14 . 40 3. 60 6.G0 19.58 14. 40 6 .00 14.40 107.66 Special rr,eetir�g o P the Vil).a�e �ouncil of the Villa�e oi _ Hopkins ��vas held l��onda�, Lec,30th,1935 in the Council poom. �l�embers nresen t; G.�U.�I�k��oore , President ; Trustees .Oltman , R�adden and Odell. Recorder Anderson. Att_orne� Hosp. This meetin� a��as ealled for the purpose of auditin� books. r"otion duly made b� Odell, seconded b� Oltman that all deale rs in Hopkins o� non-irtoxicatirl� h�alt .Liquor and intoxicatir.�� liquors be served tne legal notice denying lohn Hal�ren service,carried. � �iotion dul�r made b�r Andersnn,seeor�ded b� Odell that ��e purchase material for a Rocke�r Rink, carried. 'Jpon motion du7 � m�,de,seconded and carr.�_ed,maetin� adiourned. �tte st : � Presi en e .ecor er