1949_Minute BookI '� rr � A regular meeting of th e council of the City of Hopkin.s, 11rlinnesota , was held at 1� e city hall at 7:30 P.b�T. on Tuesday, January 4, 1949 . The following were present ; I�Zayor Joseph C. Vesely, Councilmen J'osePh T. �.nderla, Stuart E. Beclflnan and John Ziegler; councilman Len �+iilbert being absent . City �lianager, Claire C. Congdon was also present . BeclQnan moved, Ziegler seconded, that tY�e follovJing bills b e paid . Carried. 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 12A 121 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 5 6 Bennett Co. Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Larane Dodge Louis G. Faucher 'r�T. J. Hissam Hopkins Fire Dep't. Joe J'oret Thos. Lapic J'r. Fred ,d. Long rilaedert s D. �. Oil �tanagement Info. Serv. N.j.'d. Bell Tel. co. Anton A. Olson Post Off ice �7m. �;uinn Lawrenc e Ridg�rray Road & Bridge Fund H. A. Rogers Co. Frank �todola Suburban Henn. Co. Suburban Fress Inc. Dahlberg Bros. Inc. I�lorton Salt Co. �nton A. Olson Geo. T. Ryan Co. �dolph Svoboda GELVERAL FUND steam pipe repairs sal ary rr tr fire calls labor ,� covering f � bo il�r license fee refund seal bea.m for police car subscription, 1 yr. labor envelopes labor „ temp. transfer 12 plats 1 abo r Relief Bd.,December relief pr inti n g ROAD & BRIDGE FUND repair s ro ck s alt labo r cutting edges fo r sno�v plow 1 abo r �dATER FUND Addressograph Corptn. ribbon Brookside Serv. oil for truck Flox Co. Inc. for water treat�n t Herm�n Olson stam�s :�Jallace & Tiernan Dec. rental of chlorina.tors tidestern Me�al Prod. rep. tops for curb b oxes SP�CI� �SSi�SST�oTr�I' FUND lst Pdat'l. Bk. of Hopkins bonds S�'3,�iGE DISPOS�I.I. -�� UN� I. J'. Donnelly Const. , estimate ,t5 Orf ei & IvIarianni est i.ma te ;�2 RL+�TOLV2I�G FUN17 Spec ial Ass.es:sment Fund temp. transf er � 25.23 26.80 11. 52 88.96 10.93 150.00 131 .15 77.01 78.00 1. 30 20 .00 46 .65 85 .16 36 . 00 148.85 102.13 1000�.00 5.76 118.40 551.27 27.00 13 . 75 51.50 1.15 24.49 53.00 1.25 1.75 359.56 15 . 03 270.00 71.10 6690.00 3345.41 4134.41 8415 .20 Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that resolution �66, nA RESOLUTION �UTHQR- IZING THE FAYl�ZII�1T 0� TH� COSTS OF 7�iE HOBBY ACR� ,:��TER �'I'IIVSION PROJECT FROM TI�+ PE�ENl' IL��ROV +��i�TT RL+�TOLVING FUND .�1N'D THE REIIl2BURSE�II�TT OF �AID FUND �ROM �PECII�I, ASS�SSR��TTS COLL�CTED �OR SUCH Il�+�'ROVIltiIF�TT" marked Fxhibi't A, be adopted. Carried. ,� Anderla presented the follovoing resolution and moved its adoption: �.��EAS THE CITY C OU1�iCIL OF `T�; C itgr of Hopkins is in receipt of estima.tes in writing by Ralph �. Thmmas 8c Associates, �ngineers, that the value af improvements �nd addit ions completed, in connection vvith the Sewer Pro je�t being financed by the �247,000 �ewer Revenue Bonds, dated Dec. 1, 1945, is in excees of �4.�134.41 � N�O��J, THERII'ORE, BE IT RFSOLV� THAT the Mayor and City Clerk c� t�he City of Hopkins are authorized and instructed to deliver to the Northwestern Nattl. Bank, I��inneapolis , Depositary, instructions to release �4,134.41 to the City of Hopkins, for the purpose of paying for said completed portion of the improvements and additions in accordance with the engineer'� estimates. BE IT FURTHER R�'SOLV�D that said �7epositary is authorized to liquidate such U.S. Treasury securities in which said funds are investe� in an amount suf- ficient to make said w4134.41 payment. � Beckman seconded the mot�on an d upon vote it was declared duly adopted. Vesely, Anderla, Beckman and �ie�ler voting in the affirmative; and no'one. voting in the negative. � Beckman moved, Anderla seconded, that resolution ;�69, °f�OLUTION DESIG- N�I.TING NOR1�-T�f�IEST�N NATIONAL Br�Tv'Yi OF HOPKINS, IIrIINi�IESOT�1, 1�1tu� .FIr�ST NATIOi�T,4L B�TK QF . HOI'k2N� , N.��iT•�ESOT.�, �._ CON7'ITv-UING DE`Fa5ITORI-.NxS i'0R HOIKIlVS_ CITY. FUIVTDS'�_ marked r�hibit _B, .be adopted. Carried. _. Beckman moved, �nderla seconded, that t�ie followin� license applications be granted. Carried. 8tandard $eating Co. , install gas and oil burners �2.00." � Hopkins Bowlin� Ce�.ter, soft drinks ;�5.00 and operate 6 bowling alleys �30.00. T��vin Cit � Gas Heat Eng. Co. , install gas burners �1.00 . � �parkyts, on and off sale malt liquor �60.00; soft drinks �5.00 and milk �1.Oi East End Grocery, off salt malt liquor t��10.00; soft drinks .:�5..00; mi-lk �1.00 and cigarett es `�12.00. -- . Dewey �iderson., operate one trailer camp of 20 trailers �30.00. Art Plankers , miTk �1.00 and c ig arettes �l �.00 . Standard Oil Bulk Station, operate one �asoline bulk storage ;�tat�on �50.00. Clarence J. Skogh, ._sof t drinks ;�5.00; milk 5ip1.00 and ci�arettes �12.00 .� Nelson Natchke, sell soz"t drinks �5.00 and operate 2 gasoli.ne pumps ;�20.00. Merle's �kelly Serv. , operate two gasoline pumps �20.00 . � zt"Tm. I�. 1lrallery, .Install gas burners �1.00 and do plumbi ng �1.00. Olson-Pfeiffer, cigarettes :�12.00. S'�1�;ieen Bros . �airy Farms Inc ., two milk t ruc ks �11.00 . Hopkins Plbg:, & Htg. Co., install gas burners �1.00 and c� plumbing �1.00. .Hopkins �rug, cigarettes w12.00. Justin. Lund, operate three gaso�ine pumps �25.00. C]:ub Cafe, operate one 1-ball mechanical amuse�nt device; sell off sale malt liquors �60.00; soft drinks `�5.00; milk :�1.00 cigarettes �12.00. Herzan 8c Bastyr, off sale mal.t liquor w10.00; soft drinks �5.00; milk '�1.00 and cigarettes ';�12.00.. on and an d G. H. Cassel, operate three gasolise pumps �25.00. Ed Viska ,�oft dr inks �5.00 ; milk �l .00 and ci garettes .�12.00 . Henry Pokorny, install . ga.s and oil .b,urners �2.00 ar� do plumbi rag `w1.00 . Jor�ensen Bros., operate one 1-ball and one.5-ball mechanical amusement devices ':�60.00. Robert Ni. Jacobs, operate three gasoline pumps �25.00. ' ;idil�� M. Schneider, soft drinks �5.00. A. F. Shonka, on and off sa1� malt liquor �60.00; soft drinks `�5.00 and . and cigarettes �12.00. 1Vlaederts Direct Serv. Sta., operate five gasoline pumps •�35.00; sell soft .drin�Cs_�5.00 and cigarettes �12. 00. Danial A. Sopesky, install gas and oil:burners �2.00. Blue Bird Grill, sell cigarettes �p12.00. Smetana Drug, °} " �12.00. � F. 5. Lamson Co., do.plumbing �1.00. Nutch�nson & Carlson, do plumbing `�1.00. S�}oppe Plbg. , . rr n �1.00. Pentel-Horwitz " '_' ' �1.00. Clover Leaf Creamer y Co. , one._milk . truck �10.00. � Sparky's,�afe, cigarettes �12.00. Gordon_E. Noleen, operate two gasoline pum�s :�20.00. J h Eide o e rate t hr ee gasoline pursps :�25.00 and sel 1 sof t drinks �5. 00. osep , p Bruce R. Shonka, operate one 1�-ball mechanical amuse�nt device y�50.00. Len Nlilbert, +r tr 9r �r �r �+ " �50.00. Blue Ribb on Baz' 'r '.! 5_ball '.'. '! '-' .�10.00 . 908 BAR '? " 5-ball " '" '! �10.00. Real�der's n rt 5-ba.11 '_t ++ rt 4i10.00. �+ '? 5-ball " " " �10.00: �rchie f s ` +► �''10.00 . Blue Bird Gri7�1 t' '_' 5-ba11 � " - ti� Bursch's Cafe & Bar '.' two 5-ball '.! " '' • �20.00. Bob t s Gril l �' two 5-ball TM' « !' �20 .00 . Matt's Sweet �hop " one 1-ball arrl one 5-ball me�hanical_. amusement: devices..`�60.00. Ray &, Tony'�:;� operate one � 1-ba11 and amusement 'devices :#�60.00. Ronnyt s Cafe, operate one 1-ball and amusement devices ��70.00. one 5-ball mechanical two 5-ball mechanical `�_Ziegler moved, Bedl�nan seconded, that the city council of � Cit;y of Hopkins go on r�ecord as being opposed to tY�e proposed inc°rease in telephone r�tes and that I�Tayor Vesely represent the City at the hearing to be held on � January 12, 1949. Carried. � � \ \ � BeclQnan moved, Zie�ler seconded,, that �1000�.00 be transferred from t�e , � General to the Road & Bridge Fund. Carried. Beclflnan- moved, Anderla s econded, that- resolution ��'` 67, "RESOLUTION ORDER- ING . A�ING ON Il�TGINE�S' _ REFORTS F0� IlVSTr�LI�TION OF s��IATER . biAINS ON A FORTION OF FIFTh .l�VI�UE NORT13 �ND FOR TAR OIL_TRE.�'I'1V�I.31 ON.A PO�TION„OF . S�,'�'E�'T BhIAR I�TEf' marked Exhibit C,. be.:adopted. Carrie d. ' _ . � Becla�an moved, Ziegler seconded, that the Knights of Columbus, Council �2232, be granted permission to hold bingo. games during the month of , February, 1949. Carried. ` Beckman moved, . Ziegler seconded, that a transfer of �off sale liquor license.from John '�y�. Kroon to ;��ilford M. Schneider be granted. Carried. Heckman moved, Anderla seconded, that. Alber.t E. Larsen be hired to audit the` cit:y..,..books for the year 1948 at a cost of .:�225.00. Carried. Beckman moved, Ziegler s econded, that t Y�e" appointment by C. C. Congdon, City P�Ianager, of A. V�f. , Elmquist,` City Clerk, be confirmed. Carried. ,�nderla moved, Zie�ler seconded, tha�t the' appoint�r�t bST; C. C. Congdon, City Manager, of A. Vr. Elmqu�ist,:as�_assessor_;.be confizmed. carried. Beckmml moved, Ziegler seconded, �th�t. ti�e treasurer's �ond. be set at `�15,,000.00. Carried. �._ _ Beckman moved, A,nderla seconded, that the assessor's bond be set at � �` '�1,000.00. Carried. � , �: Ziegle r moved;, And erla s e cond ed , that t he C it y pay t he premiums on all bonds furnished by offic�t�zls and employees. Carried. Becl�'nan moved, Anderla seconded, tYat resolution �70, nA R-�:SOLUTIGI�� R��RING TO �iE CITY �tGINEERS T�E MATTEI� OF 1�..INSTriLL�TIOi: OF �i�1�`I'�� NI�II�TS ON k. P�RTIOT,:. 0�' �r^r�,,SHINuTON �=V�S(T�"_marked Exhibit. D, be adopt,ed. Carried. .. . . Becxinan moved, �Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. ATTEST : ��GcT��.. . �. �;`;r., Elmqu' t, Secretary to the Council a � I � �, i+ CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLUTION N0. 66. A RESOLIITION giTTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS OF THE HUBBY ACBES WATER EXTENSION PR(JJECT FRUM THE PERi►�,ANENT IMPROVEMENT REPOLVING FtTND AND THE &EIMBIIRSE- MENT OF SAID FIJND FEOM SPECIAL ASSESSI�NTS COLLECTED FOR SIICH IMPROVII�iENP. WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has recently iesued and received the proceeds from the eale of Permanent Improvement Revolving �ind bonds in the amount of $100�000.00� which funds are to be uaed solely to finance local improvements and conatitute a revolving fund to provide monies for epecial improvement� a,nd WHEREAS. ther�is now under co natruction an extenaion/of the water aystem into and throughout a portion of the plat of Hobby Acrea in the speci�ic locations deacribed in Reeolution No. lj2 adopted by the council of the city of Hopkins oa May �+� 1948 � and WHE�BEAS, there ha.s been paid from the Special Asseesment l�nd of the City of Hopkins the amount of $8��+15.zQ ae a portion of the costs of the inatallation of the extension of said Hobby Acres water system, and WI�REAS� there will be furth.er and additional coats to pay in connection with such installation: NOW, THEREF'ORE� BE IT RESOLVED that said eateneion of the water system into aad throughout a portion of Hobby Acrea shall be fina,nced f rom said Permanent Improvemeat 8evolving P4�nd, and that said 9pecial Aasesement Ihnd ehall be reimbursed from said Permanent ;mprovement 8evolving F1ind in the a�nount of �,�+15•2� , and that all additional payments of the coste of installing said Hobby Acrea water syetem ea�teneion be paid out of sa3d Permanent Improvement 8evolving Ftind, and BE IT �4TRTF�R RESOLVED that as apecial aesessments for the installation of said water into and throughout a portion of Hobby Acrea are collected Prom benefited property owners and paid into the tresaury of the City of Hopkins, all monies advanced from eaid Permanent Improvement Eevolving F1ind for the purposee of payi'�g the coeta of installing said Hobby Acres water syatem eatenaion be repaid into eaid Permanent Improvement Revolving F�nd� �rith intereat�thereon � om the datee of the pa3rmente from said fund. to the datea of reimbursements into eaid fund at the rate of four per ceat per annum. A�PTED �t a regalar meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins held thie 4th day of January� 19�+9. A. W. Elmquiet� Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whi tney, City Attorney JOSEpH C. VESELY, MAYOR �� CITY OF HOPgINS `� �� RESOLIITIODT N0. 69. SESOLIITIOId DE3IGNATIVG gORTH�+TESTERN NATmONAL BANK OF HOPgINS, HOPgINS� MINNESOTA, AND FIRST NATIONAZ BAIII� OF HOPgINS, HOPgINS� MI�TESOTA� AS CONTI�I[TING DEpOSITORIES FOE HOPgINS CITY �iTTDTDS. WSEREAS, the Northwestern DTatioaal Baak of Hopkina, Hopkins, Minnesota, a ba.nk authorized to do a banking businese in the state of Minnesota� hae made application to the city council of the city of gopkins to be designated as a depoaito ry of Hopkins city funds, and ha,s offered and pledged as seeurity for euch ilinds, the following: U.S. Treasary Bonda as evidenced . . by Federal 8eserve ba.nk receipt No. �639g $20�,OAO.,AO _ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, . �ns�raz�c� ' Total face value � , . WHEaE6S, the �.rst National Bank of Ha�kins. Minnesota, a ba.nk authorized to do a banking business in the atate of Minneeota� he.s likevui.ee made application to the city council of Hopkins to be deaignated ae a continuing depoeitory of Hopkins city flinds� and ha,s offered the pledged ae security for said funde� the following: U. S. Treaseuxy Bonde as evidenced . .- by Federal Reeerve bank receipt No. �63go $�{b,00Q..0.Q Federal Depo si t I nsurance Co rpo rati on� I nsuranep , �,�000 .00 Total face value ��+5,000.00 AND WF�REAS, both of said herein and before-mentioned ba.nks have asaigned and pledged to the city of Hopkina the above deacribed respective collateral eecarity, as above set forth� pursua.nt to Minnesota Statutea �9�5, Sectione 11g.01 to 118.03 inclueive� in lieu of corporate or pereonal surety bond, a.nd �,dzich pledges a.nd asaignments thereof to the c3.ty of Hopkins� recite the condition that said North- western National Bank of Hopkins, and F'irat Idational Bank of Hopkins� aforesaid, as respective depo�itories, ahall p�p over to tha city treasurer oP the city of Hopkins� or his order on demand, or ae a time deposit when due, free of excha,rige or a�y other charges, a7.1 money deposited therein at az�y time during the period such collateral be so depoaited; and that ia case of an,� default upon $�.e part of the depositories� or either of them� the city council of the city of Hopkine sha11 have f'u7.1 porver and. atithroity to sell euch collateral of the bank or ba,ngs which shall have eo defaulted, or so much thereof as may be nece�s�ry to realize the full amount due the city� and pay over any sarpins to the respective depoaitory or its assigna; said collateral to be d�posited in trast a�ith the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota, purauant to said truet agreement; and WHERF,A,S, the eaid Northwestern National Bank of Hopkins hae heretofore asaigned and pledged the a.bove deecribed certain securities, all ae more particularly acheduled in its pledges a.nd aasignments� and depository receipta therefor exeeuted by Federal Reeerve Bank of Minneapolis; aad ' WHE�EAS� the eaid First Nat3onal Ba,nk of Hopkias has heretofore aseigned and pledged the above deacribed certain aecaritiea, all as more partica].arly scheduled in its pledgee and assignments, aad depository receipta therefor esecuted by Federal Hsserve Bank of Minneapolis; and �T''AS� the aecurities above.scheduled are oPfered by each of said depositories reepectively� as above set forth in lieu of and in sabetitutioa for the aecuritiee pledged and aseigned in previoua asaignments. NOW, THERF�F'OEE, BE IT RESOLYED by the city council of the city of Hopkias, tha.t the application, offer and depoait of the securities echeduled as aforeeaid by North- western Idational Ba,nk of Hopkins, Hopkina� Minneaota. be accepted� and that the aaid Northwestern DTational Baak of 3%pkins� Hopkine. M�nnesota, is deeignated as a continuing depository of the city fanda of the city of Hopkins� said deposits not to egceed at any time in the aggregate of Twenty-five Thoueand ($25,000.00) Dollars. (1) A�D BE IT FURT�R RESOZYED by the cit� council of the city of Hapkine� that the application, oPfer and depoeit of the aecuritiea scheduled as aforesaid by the First Idational Bank o_f Hopkina, Hopkins, Minaeaota� be accepted, and that the �id First National Ba.nk of Hopkina, Hopkins, Minnesota is hereby deeignated ae a contimting depository of the city f'unds of the cfty of Hopkina, eaid depoeite not to esceed at an,,y time in �he aggregate of Forty-five Thousand ($�5,000.00) Dollars. ADOPTED at a regilar meeting of the citp council of the city of gopkina, Hennepin Connty, Minneaota. held on Tuesd.ay, Janua.ry �. 19�+9- JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAYOR AT TEST : A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary of the Cogncil Fra.nk DT. Wh�tney, City lttorney � 2) � CITY OF HOPKIDTS RESOLIITION I�O. 67 RESOLUTIO� ORDERING A HEA.RING OA ENGINEEfiS' REPORTS FOR � INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS ON A PORTION OF FIFI'H AVENITE NORTH AND FOR TAR OIL TREATMENT ON A PORTION OF SWEEl' BRIAB LANE. S�BEAS, the council of the city of Hopkina on Dec. 7, 1948, adopted a resolution referring the matter of installation of water mains on a portion of Fifth Avenue North (County 8oad No. 1�2) as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Fif th Avenue North and Wqpside Road and running northerly along Fifth gvenue North acroes State Highway No. 7 aad continuing northerly along eaid Fifth Ave�e North to a point where a water hydrant could be installed to protect the buildings of the Oak Ridge Country Club to Lee McNally and Associates� city engineers, for their investigation and repo rt, and WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on November 2, 19�8, adopted a resolution referri ng the matt�r of trea.ting the following street with tar oil: Sweet Briar Lane bet�aeen Minnetanka Milla Road and the north line of Bloss Firet Addition to Lee McNally and Aeaociates, city engineers� for their investig�.tion and report, and tn1HEREAS, said engineers have investigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvements and on January 4, 19�9 reported thereon to the council and filed their written reporte with the secretary of the council; NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED that said engineers' reports will be considered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of �,id council to be held on Tuesdsrp, the lst day of Febraary, �9�+9� at 7=30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT FURTHER Rr,SOLVED that the secretar9 of the council glve notice of euch hearing by pnblishing a notice once in each weelc for two succ�esive weeks in the official aewepaper of the city, said notice to describe in general langaage the imp roeemeats recommended in the engineere' reports and the estimated coet thereof. ADOP�ED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held thie �+th day of Ja�uary, 19�+9. JOSEPH C . VESII,Y, MAYOR g. W. Elmquiat, Secretar� of the Council Frank N. Whitney, City gttorney NOTICE OF HEARING ON FIF!'H AVENUE P10RTH WATER MAIN INSTALLATION AND SWEET BRIAR LAPIC TAR OIL TREATMENT . NOTICE IS �REBY GIVEAi that the city engineere of Hopkins did on the �+th day of Janua.ry, 19�9� file reporta r�ith the city council relating to the follo�ving improvements: Improvement bTo. 1. Installation of water mains on a portion of Fifth Avenue DTorth (County Hoad No. 1�+2) as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Fifth Avenue DTorth and Wayside Road and ranning northerly along Fifth Avernie North across State Higk�way No. 7 and continuing northerly along said Fif th Avernie North to a point where a water hydrant could be inatalled to protect the buildings of the Oak Ridg���Country Club, Improvement No. 2. Treating the following atreet with tar oil: Sxeet Briar Lane bQtween Minnetonka Mills Road and the north iine of gloss First Addition, and that the city council has by resolution fixed To.eaday� the lst day of February, �9�+9, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the conncil chambere in the city hall ae the time and place at which the council will hear �uch . peraone ae care to be heard in reference thereto and will conaider said engineere' repo rts and act thereo n. The estimated cost oP Improvement No. 1 is Six Thousand One Hundred Sixty-eig�t Dollara ($6.16g.00). and the eetima.ted coat of Improvement No. 2 ie One Thouea.nd and. Forty Dollars ($1,0�0.00). Dated at Hopkias, Minneaota� thia ith day of January, 19�9• Claire C. Congdon, City Manager Frank N. Whitney. City �Attorney Published in the Hennepin County Review January ljth and 20th, �9�+9 ►� N iC�r �F� CITY OF HOPxIPTB &ESOZIITION N0. 70. A RESOLUTION REFEiiRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTER OF TIiE INSTAI,I,ATION OF WATER MAINS OId A PORTION OF WASHINC�OV AYENUE WHEREAS, the conncil of the city of Hopkins deema it neceasary for the health, welfare and. conveaience of the city a.nd , its inha.bitants, to install water mains on Washington gvenue South from Exceleior Ave�e to approaimately the south line of Lot Sixteen (16), Block Thirty (j0), West Minneapolis, Second Division, thereby connecting the water ma.ins on Exceleior Avernie with the existing water maina on Wash,ington Averiue South, and WEEHEAS, the cost thereof ehould be asaesaed againet any property found benefited thereby, NOW� THEREFO�, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkine that the matter of the installation of vrater ma.ine in said location be referred to Lee McNa11y and Associatea� city engineers, to investigate the necesaity and fea�ibility of such improeement and report to � he council with a11 convenient epeed. � 9DOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held thie �+th da,y o f January, 1g�+9. JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAY`OR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the Council � Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney Lee bicNally A special meeting oP the council of the city of Hopkins, Minne sota, was� held at t he city hall at 7:30 P.Tul. on �,riday, lanuary 7, 1949. The fol- lowing were present ; N�syor Joseph C. Uesely and couucilmea Joseph T. � .�lnderla, Len Ntil�ert and J'ohn Ziegler.. City l�2anager, Claire .C. Congdon was also present. Stuart E. Beckman was absent. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that request of Great IvTorthern Ry. Co. _;' to make t h e ri ght -of -way jus t south of Exc els i�o� Avenue at ;�lashingt on � industri�l instead of commercial be granted. Carried. �iderla moved, P�iilbert seconded, that request of the T�1&ST.L. Ry. Co. to make property betv�reen 5th and 6th �ivenues south of Excelsio r Avenue industrial be denied. Carried. Ziegler moved, ��ilbert seconded, that request of Pioneer Lumber Company to �ake area on 6th St. So. to alley line comm�rcial be �ranted, Carried: ,�.nderla moved, Zi:e�ler seconded, that reo�uest of Pioneer Lumb�r to make their property on 6th livenue �outh industrial be denied. Company Carried.� Ziegler mov ed, Anderla seconded, that request of Lamper't Yards, General Mills and Gerard I�dotors to m�ke their property on. Excelsior �venue industrial be denied. Carried. .�iderla noved, �7ilbert �second ed;� that t be area lying b et�veen ,�7 Highway and north line of Se�ction .24 from 17th �ve. to 5th Ave. be zoned fcm multiple dwelling with the exception of the east 300' and t�, e west 300' which wi �l b e zoned c ommerci al . Carried. _ �iegler moved, Milbert seconded, th�t the commercial zone at tlle south- west corne r oi intersection of �7 High�vay and 5th l�ve. No.. be egtended south to a distance of 300f from south �ine of Hi�.�vay �7 and that area lying west of this zone to the east �line of 8th �ve. No. extended be zoned multiple dwelling. Carried. � Zi�egler moved, Anraerla seconded, that request of J. Russell Carroll to �ke property at southeast corner of nor�;hz�vest quarter of_ northeast quarter of Section 19 residential be denied. Carried. A�iderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that property on south side of Excelsior Avenue b etween Blake i�oad and Ashley �venue for a depth of , 250' be zoned co�nercial. Carried. _. Ziegler moved, ,�r�.derla seconded, that re�uest of F. 0. Peterson:� and Art Miller to rezone area lying between b�onroe Avenue .and Great Northern right -af.-tivay and between 2nd �t. No. and 4th 3t. No. be denied: Carried. �nd.erla mav ed, Ziegler s econded, tkiat r eque st of George Jasp�r son to zone his property in_lot 93 industrial be denied. Carried. ` �,,.nderla moved, �Iilbert seconded, that area north of east and west alley ' in Blocks 16, 17 and 18, '��est 1�Mi.nn-�eapolis Center, be zoned industaial. Carried. Niilbert moved, Ziegler seconcled, that all area between llth Ave. So. to west eity Timits lyi�rig b�gtween 1�T8cST.L. and Milwaukee Ry. right-of-way be zoned industrial. Carried. - Mr. �eclQnan entered and took hi5 seat. Ziegler noved, �nderl.a seconded, that the north end c� theatre parking lot on e as�. side of 5th Ave . remain c omme rcial due to a�reement between abutting,. �. property owne rs and t heatre awne rs . Carri e d. � BeclQn.a� moved; Ziegler seconded, that a 10' setback line be established on the .north and sbuth sides of Excelsior Avenue between 7th �ve. and east cit.y��lim.its. Carried. , �nderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that a lOf setback line be established on ; _ the north and south s ides of Excelsior Avenue b etween the . east and w est City - limits, on the vote �,nderla snd Ziegler_.voting, yes; Beckman, Tviilbert and Vesel voting no. Motion lost. Liegler moved., PJLilbert seconcled, that �Y� meeting be adjourned. Carried. ATTEST: o,��ph C . V esely, . ��1. Elmquis� r'� � ~��? ,� � �: J�,a„'+�ao .r^'S�f-"��, � �� - . �- . � , � ��'..` � � � i ��e�,�! � _.:.� _�! �.. � A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins v�as held at the council charilbers in the city hall on Tuesda_y, �January 11, _1949, at 7:30 0' clock p.P�I. The f olloz�ring members ��vere present ; �layor Joseph C. Vesely, Councilmen Joseph.T. 4nderla, Stua.rt E. geclQnan, _Een �. Nlilbert and John Ziegler. ' The follo�ving members �vere absent: none. City NIanager, Claire C. Congdon, ��va� also present. , Present at tXie meeting were the follo�ving m�nbers of tb.e zoning commission: A. G. Larson, h�7. B. Hagen a rrl Edward I,. Kokesh and numerous ci ti zens of , Hopkins who ha� been invited to at tend the me eting a rui di scuss t he pro- posed zoning ordinance tArith t,he council and the zoning commission . The terms oi the c� dinance and the d if f erent zones a.s they appear ed on the zoning map tivere dis cussed at some len�th . Anderla moved Ziegler seconded, that the motion of Sept�ber 21, 1948, that 17th riveBezoned residential fro� the ��cSt.L. Ry. tracks to north boundary line�be reconsidered. Zieg�er, Anderla and Beckman voted in favor of the motion, Milbert not. voting, and the b2ayor declared the mot ion c arried. The Mayor then put the previous motion of �eptember 21, 1948, that 17th Ave. be zoned residential fro� ��c.St.L. Ry. ' tracks to _ n� th boundary lins . Ziegler, �nde�la and Bec�nan voted against the previous motion, �4ilbert not vot i ng , and the 1Viayor declared t 1� previous moti on los t. ,`�nderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that lots 7 to 11 inclusive, Block l, Souba's 1'�ddition , and lots T4 -to 18 inclu.sive, Block 2, Gibb's- First ' Addition, be zoned commercial.' Ziegler, �nderla arrl Beckman_ voted in favor of the raoti on , Milbert not .voting , and th e�Tayor declared t he moti on carried. Anderla moved, �Jlilbert seconded, t Y�at the motion of Janua xy .7, 1949 , that a ten-foot setback line b e established on the north and south sides c�' ��celsior Aiaenue between 7th �ve. east and the city limits, be reconsidered. �iot ion carrie d unanimously. Councilman Bec�nan V�o made said motic¢� of Sanuary 7, 1949 , c�nd councilman �iegler who seconded the same, thereupon Z�Jithdrew said motion. �nderla moved , Ziegler seconded, thg t the zoning ordinan c e provide for a ten-foot �setback in the commercial district fronting on Egcelsior �venue and lying east of ';'�ashington Avenue and west of 13th Avenue. T�Iotion casrie d unanimously. The necessary changes in the zoning map to c omply v�r ith the motions adopted at thi s meeting and at previou s meetings of the oounci 1, arrl the necessary changes in the zoning ordinance to comply with t he moticm as to the setback line on Excelsior 1�venue were then made, �d tl� cctrrected ordinan.ce �H�as then read to the council. Beckman moved A.nderl� seconded that said reading be accepted as the first reading�of City of Hopkins Ordinance Pdd. 8 being "AN ORDIN�'CE rOR 1� PURPOSE OF 1�R011�i0TTi'dG HE�iL'I'�i, SAl� ^:TY, Oi�D�, COTNLNIEf10E AND .G�1'ER+�T• ;�`�'�'.��'��:, _.�Y R� UI�ATI�TG �l'HE U�� QF+ ..L,t�'�D,. TI�...LOC�.TIQN AND USL OF BUI�.UII�IGS AI�'D T!� AR1-ZANG +�;T�T . OF BliILD�1VGS _ Or� . LO�iS ,�ND 'gi E_ DEI�TSI`iTi' OF P'OFUI���rIt7N „ Il� . T� CI`I�Y . 0� .. HGPKIIv S , %��Tiv'�'r.,SOT� , �TD . ���P� �.LI��G Cj,y"RT �IN ORDT1vAIv CES . " . Motion carrie d unanimousl y. _-- � Upon moti� duly m.ade and seconded, the �eeting adjourned. . ',�� hitney , y ntto rney v �, > � �r� �✓` �� ��_ ..i?�`—' �`�"'�..�C,q.o ...m^��.r19�'�n'ef� �',� �.,�•' 6r _ . � �� � �+ , ' / _� � g regular meeting of the city council-of-Hopkins� Minaesota, oras held this l8th day of Januar,y, 194�9� at the city hall at 7E30 P.M. The followi�ag members were ' present: Mayor Joaeph�C. Yesely, Connai].enea Joseph T. And.erla� Stuaxt E, Becl�oaa, Len J. Milbe`rt aad John Ziegler. The folloaing mere,absent: nonee Bee3mian �moved, .Anderla seconded, that the follos�ing billa be �paid. Carrieda 132 Rmerican Lisen Coo 133 Carl Ao Aadsrson 134 �oid � P 135 L, H. �o�ning 136. Mrs. Leoaa Carlson 137 Dahlberg Bros.'Inc, 138 �iacan Meter Corpin, 139 Fendaer-Davidson 144 lst �at'�1. Iae. Agency 141 Void .142 Gaylord Bros, Inco 143 .Void � 14� Hean. Co. 8eview 145 M+ike Holm � �-: ; 146 Hopkin§ Drug 147 �oid ' � 148 u 11�g,: ��:,, do8 �: �Jo� e t : 15q Yoia �].51...,Jean �Sarr & Coa �l'S2. `.gokssh Hd�r. 153 F. J.�gucera; M. D. 154 Thos. W. Iapic Jr. 1�5 Zunclie Sinclair Serv. 156 �I�clurg &"coo. 157 Minn. DTews Coo 156 Northern States Power 159 Anton A. Olson 160 Pioneer Elec. & Lbro 161 Wm. Quinn . . lb2 Skelly Oi1 Co, i63 stanaara oii coo 164 State Y'reasurer 1b5 F'rank Stodola � 166 Suburban Press Inc. lb7 Donna May Svihel 168 Underwood C�rp4n. 169 doseph C, Vesely 170 Brank DT. Whitney 9 Gunner Berglnnd 10 Gamble Store 11 Glacier Sand & Gravel 12 Johason �80 .Hemza 13 C. Jorgeri9on 14 goke9h Hdw, 1$ DTorthern States Power 16 Eepublic Creosoting 17 Lavurence xidgaay 18 Joe Stepanek 19 Ad.olph Svoboda 10 Japa-Olson Co, 11 Northern States Power 12 N...W. Bell Telo Coa � 13 Herman Olaon (�D�BAI' b'IJDTD �. December service Zabor aad material building manholes & rep�go aidswalk ;: Labar ' Salary � Hepairs Parking Meters Treas. & Asaessor Bonds Add�l. prem. on,garbage truck Siippliea Por librar� Printing I,icense plate for gaxbage truck A4agaziae sub. for library Iabor Books for library S�.ppl ie s, Health.Officer Police".duty Tire work Books.for library i� a u daaitor work & painting jail Coal for o�arming house I,abor Notary Pnblic fee Labor Printing. 5alary Hep�irs to typewriter A4eeting ezpense ` Hegiater of Deeds fee HOAD 9�D BHIDGE FQ�D ; . ;. , . . 7�abor _ 9uppliss , Supplies I�abor S'upplies Tar 8� 011 Labor Labor Iabor WATER FUNlZ - ' S�tpplies Stampa�bond,��gp, chga, � 1.65 279.06 32000 24,12 52078 5o3.2b 12�.075 14037 32036 134, 20 .35 62,70 98m90 3.?0 14,21 �.�5e 0� 58013. 70 25 32.11. 940 34 684.99 97060 24, 97 90.85 11�80 _ 47�5$ 3000 110.�►U 95073 1io5o �0 50 5.00, l0 25 17a11 095 62,68 95. � 18a40 12,00 i�o43 17e� as.as 9078 53000 70� 664030 8013 26,36 �ilbert moveds Becl�oan seconded, that the following licease applications be graated. Carried.o 1Joble-Jsnsen Co. Inc., install�tion of gas buraers $1000. W. M. Engler�d�b�a Ceatre I,iquor Store, cigarette licen�e $12oU0. �3eclffian moved, Ziegler seconded, ti�at resolntioa �72, �l RESOLiTTION BEPEHBITdG THE MATTER OF I1dST9I,I,ING CURBING AND SIDEWALK ON A POHTIOId _OF THE EAST SII�E OB TWELFTH A9ENUE NO$TH TO THE CITY FNGINEESSp marked Eshibit B, be adopted. Carried, Becl�an moved, Milbert secondedethat the �Torthern Statea Power Compar�q be greated permission to place three polea oa Washington Avenne between P'irat and Third S$reets Sotith. Carried, Ziegler moved� Beclm�an �econdsd, that the City Conncil of Hopkine go on record as being�oppoaed to the proposed increase in bua rates and that the A�yor or City Attoraey represent the City at the hearing to be held on January 26th, 1949, at 10E00 i�clock A.A�o Caxriedo Bealmnan moved, �aderla second.ed, t.hat the requeat of Yirginia And.er�on and Hichard Holmquiat�;for the use of the anditorivm aa a game room for young children,between „ the ages of 6 to 14� be referred to the recreation c�mmitteeo Carried, Ziegler moved� Becl�ua.n second.ed, that the request of 9eterans af Foreign Wars� Post #425, for permission to conduct bingo games at the Club Cafe be granted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�ian'seconded, t.hat report as submitted by Dr, B, J. gncera oa '' health conditions be placed on fileo ;Carrisd. , Anderla moved, Ziegler aecond.ed� that Bec�an or Milbert, together with the Fire Chief aad City Attorney, attend the meetin� om m�tual aid fire service to be held at Edina 9illage Ha.11 on Eebru,ary 3, 194�9� at 8E00 Osclock P.M. Carriedo Milbert moved� Anderla seconded, that the bonde of Herman Olson� A. W, Elmqnis� and Claire C. Congdon be accepted subject to approval by the City Attorney. Carried. Ziegler moved� Milbert secondsd, that resolution ��A EESOLUTION SU5PENDID1a THE ISSIIING OB PERMITS FaR TEE INST�LLLATION OF CERTAIAi TYPES OF OIL BUHBTII�G DEHICESu be repealed. Carried, „ . �nderla moved� Ziegler secondsd, that:Ralph D. 'l�omas 8e gssociate� be instructed to draw up plans and specifications a.adVbid forms for the aew trunk sewer, bids to be advertised for February 15, 1949a Carriedo ., The matter of zoning ordinance �oe_.8 �aae thea bro�t up for�discusaio�. Dlumerous citizea� of Hopki�a roere preseat, among them being Dr. and Mrs. W..W.�1� �aeen, J. Russell C�rroll and 8. Pa Read representing Ear1 Geraxd, F, Oo Peterson aad S�illard B. Peterson and others. d. fivasell Carroll also�protested againat the . commercial zoning of property on Monk 9venue North of Second Street to the creeka Ziegler moved, Bec�n secondsd, tha.t the area along the east`�si`ds oP'17th Avenue �. North and lying nort� of State Trnak H�ghway �'7, �hich wae zoned commercial by a �,` '� motion at the meeting held Jenuary 7, 19w9, be zoned multiple dwelling, with the exception of that portion lying �outh of a line 30U° north of and parallel with the ceater line of Highwa�r �''ja ; Carried. Anderla.moved, Becl�aa secondsd, that the follo�ring portion in the aonthwest quarter af aorthi�est quarter of aection 19 which �aas proposed to be zoned industrial be zoned resideatial; lying north of the south liae of Third Street eztendsd aad that portion lying between I�onroe Avenue as now laid out aad a line 150t west oP atid parallel with present rooest line of Monroe Avenue. Carried. , �aderla moved that the propertg of Earl Gerard aad Dr. W. W. NlacQneen be zoned commercial. As there was no second to motion� motion lost, Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the reading of Ordiaance No1 8`1°AN 08DIBTA�TCE rOfi �'� PIIEPOSE OF PR0�40TIIdG I�ALTH, S�FETY, aRDiDR, CONPENIE�CE �9BTD GF,�TER9,L WELBAi�E, BY REQUI�ATING THE USE OF LA�1T), THE I+OCATION �„USE OF BUILDING� AND T� ARRANGEN�TT A�TD BEPEAI�ING CERTAIi1 OHDIN9NCE p ked PEshPib tICN be a$eEcept d as the �econdIr�ea�di�� OF BUI LDI NGS' ON LOTS A�'D TffE �ld$ I TY thereof a.nd that the ordinaace` �e ado � pted aad publiahed according to law. Mo t ion carried unanimously, � � '. Prior to the meeting the proposed zoning ma.p of Hopkias had been corrected to ahow all chan�es thereon up to the date of thia meeting.� Ziegler moved� 9nderla secondsd� that said zoning ma,p with the chaa�es thereoa made by previou� motione a� thi� meeting be accepted a,nd adopted as (TSE ZONING MAP O��J�a MINNESOTA) and that it be mads a part of eaid ordiaance �8 and b ong with said ordinance. 9esely, Milbert, 9ndsrla and Ziegler voting in favor of the motion, Bec�aa voting against. Moti�a carried.� Zie�r moeed, And.erla aeconded� that resolntion �71 a� HESOLtJTIODT DETERMIDTIBTQ TSE NECESSITY 9ND E�'EDIEDTCY OF BOEROWING MONEY FOB T� CONSTRUCTION OF STOiBM SEWERS �. ISSUA�TCE OF BONDS TO PAY FOfi THE S9ME 9ND CAI,LING 9Ai EI�ECTION� maxked Eahibit A, be aclopted. Kotion carried unaaimously. . Becl�an moved, Andsrla eecondsd, that appointment by C. C. Congdon o� �Imil Brokl as S�eed In�peator bs approved. Caxried. Becl�a,n moved, Ziegler seconded, tba.t appointment by C. C. Congdon of C. W. Grover aa Fire Chief be approved. Carried. And,srla moved, Ziegler seconded� that City Fngineers bs anthorized to m�ke a survey of inatallatioa of water metere on the three. city pumps. Caxrie�. Milbert muved, Anderl� seconded, that resolution �'j3 aA BESOLUTIODT �ELATIHa '!'O PUBLIC SAFETY ON STATE TRUNK HIGHW9Y NUMBEB 7° marked Eahibit D, be aclopted. Carr ie d. ' Milbert moved� Becl�a.n seconded, that meeting be ac�journed. Carried. ATTEST: -..._ Q. W. Elmquiat 3ecretary to the Council � / . ,,� _ -�,� / / I � .� � �': / � " � .s - � ♦ � i'. Exhibit °A" City of Hopkins xeaolution No. 71 .� � A SESOLIITIUId DETERMIIQING THE IJECESSITY AND EXPEDIENCY OF BORROWING MONEY FOR THE OOIVSTR[TCTION OF STORM SEWE&S� I SSIIAIdCE OF BO1�S TO PAY FOR THE SAME AND CALLING AN ELECTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the City of Hopkine, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is deemed neceasary and expedient to borrow money by issuing.; the O6 negotiable coupon bonds of the city in the total amount of �BQ� U 00, _ � which bonds will not increase its net indebtedness beyond the limit fixed by la�a, for the puip ose of defray�ng the eapenees incurred and to be incurred in the co natraction of storm sewers, to mature eerially. to be of euch da,te� fo rm� denomination and in such other details ae shall be hereafter determined by the council. 2. The queation of approving the issuence of bonde to provide money for euch purpose ehall be submitted to the legal voters of the city at a apecial electioa� which ie hereby called, to be held at the regular polling places in the city on �,�� , the �° ,� � day of �,�,,���� � 19�+9. 3. At said election there aha.11 be submitted to the legal voters of the city the following propoaition: Sha,ll the City of Hopkine issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to e$ceed $�0, DDO..°�G for the purpose of defraying the e�cpensee incurred and. to be incurred in the conetr�ction of storm sewers? �F. Said election ahall be conducted i n the regular polling places ae here- inafter set forth. The polls shall be opened at 7:00 o'clock A.M, and ahall be closed at 5:00 o'clock P.h1. The following persone are appointed the judges and clerks of eaid election, and the polling placea shall be as follows: Potine Dietrict District Number 1 Diatrict DTumber 2 (1) PO11 i n Pl .ce �cgsh School Haxley Hopkins City Hall � • � . ��7='I Qlaciya Eacher � Selma Pahl Elizabeth�Slavin ����� olg� gelley S' � ;' ;i Elizabeth Lemke Lonise iussier "t�;- ( contirn�ed to page 2) �; � Votin� Diatrict District Number j District Number �F Pollin� Place City Hall �� School Junior High Jud�es and Clerka � �. Aana. C. Borland � � �. kd.e B. Good �( '� S � Marga"ret�C....Owene � 0 3'' Alice M. 6.nderson � �->' b Chai�ea Herzan Bridget Larkin 73 �� r 5. Notice of said election shall be given by publication in the official newspaper at least once, not less than one week prior to the date of said election, a.nd by poating notice thereof in three of the most public and conspicuous places in eaid cfty not lese than five days before such election� which notice ahall be in sub�taatially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OF HOPKIRS, MINNESOTA� �'�tia�.ri�/ �. � � , 19�9 , NOTICE is hereby given that a special election ha,s been c�lled and will be held in and for the City of Hopkins, Minnesota� on L , the � d�r of , �g�+g, for the purpose of voting upon the following queation: Shall the City of Hopkine issue ite negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to eaceed $$O�DoO•°� for the purpoae of defraying the expensea incurred and to be incurred in the construction of atorm sewers? Said election will be conducted in the regular polling placea for said city, as follows: Diatrict Number 1, Diatrict Number 2� District Number j, Earley Hopkins �¢��,i School � City Hall� City Ha11� Dietrict Number �+, ����� School� 7uiii�or High The polls for said election will be open at 7:00 o'clock A.M, and will close at 8:00 o'clock P.M. All of the qualified electors of said city are entitled to vote at said election. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL, Clai•re C. Congdon, City Manager (2) (continued to pa,ge 3) � , � 6. The ballots for said election ahall contain the propoeition sub- etantially as above aet forth and the city manager ie authorized and directed to cauee suitable ballote to be printed for the use of the voters at eaid election in subatantially the following form, and eaid ballots shall be posted and published with the notice of election. _ OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION 6 �X OF HOPgIRS� MIHNESOTA �.� � �. '� , 19�9 Shall the City of Hopkins issue ite negotiable caupon bonda in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed +��D, pDO, �- for the purpoae of defraying the eapenses incu rred and to be incurred in the co nstruction of etorm aewers� YE9 (� DTO �—) Instractions to Votere: IP you wieh to vote in favor of isauing the above bonds, mark a crosa (x) in the square opposite the word YES. If you wish to vote againat issaing the bonda, mark a cross (a) in the square oppoeite the word N0. 7. All of the provieions of the at�tutee of the State of Minneeota relating thereto ehall govern eaid election and the council ahall meet on , �� the 3-- day of �[]Q��, 19�+9, for the purpose of canvasaing the vote the reat and determining the results of said election� and taking further action rel8,ting to the issuance of said bonda. ; Adopted at a regular meeting of the city council of Hopkins, Aennepin County, Minnesota, held on .Tueaday, Jarnuary lg, i9�+9. A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney ( 3) JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAYOR CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLIITION N0. 72. A RE80LUTION 8EP'ERRING THE MATTER OF INSTALLING CURBING �ND SIDEWAI,K ON A PORTION OF THE EAST SIDE OF TSt�ELFTH AVEN[JE NORTH TO THE CITY ENGINEEHS. WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins deema it nec�saary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and ita inhabitants, to install curbing a.nd aidewalk on the Eaet eide of Twelfth Avenue North from Second to Third Street, and Wf�EREAS� the costa thereof should be aeaessed againat aziy property found benefited thereby� �nd WI�HEAS� the ownera of a portion of the property aga.inet which said costa would be assessed have petitioned the council for sach local improvement; NOW� T�1�E'ORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the council.of the city of Hopkins that the matter of making the local improvement hereinbefore mentioned be referred to Lee McNally and Aesociatea� city engineere, to inveatigate the necessity and feasibility of�such,improvement a.nd repo rt to th e council wi th all co nveni ent spe ed. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this lgth day of January, �9�9• A.. W. Elmquiat, JO SEPH C. VESII,Y � MAYOR Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney Lee McN�ly ✓ CITY OF HOPgINS RESOZUTION �0. 73 g Sesolntion Selating to Pablic Safety on State ''1'ruak Highway Nvmber 7. r m WEEEEAS, state hightiray number seven runa tbrough the major portion of the city oi Hopkins in an easterly and westerly direction, and WEEREAS, two county higk��r�ays cross atate highwa�y mzmber sevea in the city of Hopkins, namely= County xoad number 18 which croases at Bifth Avenue� and Count� Hoad nvmber 73� which croeses at Seveateenth Avenue� and V�EREA�S�,it is egtremely dangerous for either automobilee or pedsstriana to croas as,id highw�r number seven at either of said pointa of crosaing, aad LiR'F:RT+tAS � the terri.�ory north of Hopkins which ia served by aaid two conaty highweys is very thickly populated and highly d,eveloped a.nd consequent� the traffic on both of said highways is heavy, aad W�RE,AS� a great mas�y achool children crose eaid highway nnmber eeven at both of �aid crossings to attend schools in Hopkina, and OPRfi'.RF.AS� said croesings conetitnte two of the main estrances aad exits to and from the city of Hopkine and a�,id state highway number seven, and WRF•RF.AS� � eaamination of the records of accidsnta occurring at said croasings will ehow tha.t over a period of yeara numerous accidents have occurred, particnlarly at eaid seventeenth aveane crossing, ead W�BEAS, the cara being cirivea on atate trnnk highway number sev'en travel at hig� apeeds and aith utter diaregard for car� or ped.estri�na attempting to croas said highway at th�se poiats, a.nd Wffii'.SEAS, Twelfth Avenne 8orth in the city of Hopkina is also coanected with atate highwag anmber aePen on the south aad is a poiat at which car� going from or to Hopkins enter or depart from said high�aay nt�mber se4ea and is aleo a point at which ped.estrians cross said hig�way, and W�REAS, it ia contemplated by the city of Hopkins that Ninth Avenne North v�ill be opened ao as to connect with highw�y number seven oa the south; NOW� 7�REF'QRE` BE IT BESOLY�D by the city coroncil of Hopkina tha,t the highway department oP the St�te of Minnesot� be requeeted to constrnct ialands in the ceater of state hig��ray number setrea from the poiat of intersection oY Qaid high�ray with Sweet Briaar Lane a.nd continuing westerly through the city of Hopkins and into Minnetonk�. Towa« ship to the poiat of intersection of said highway and Eighteenth Avenue DTorth� with brea.kg in said islaads at �'ifth Avenue ATorth, Ninth Avenue North, Twelfth lvonue � North aad Seventeeath gvenne �orth, and B� IT �iJBTHER SESOL4ED that the city of Hopkina reqnest the state highway department to constrnct said ialand� aufficiently high �nd wicle so that no motor vehiclea could pass acroes them and so that anto� mobiles gOing on to or off of or croasing said highwa44 number seven at these poiate could atop in the center of said highv�ays to vaait for traffic aad be protected by such ialands, aad � BE; IT�F�TBTHFR EESOLPED that �aid highway dspartment be requested to conatruct said ialande as rspidly as possible aad prior to the snm�er eeason of 194Q whea the heavy s�mmer tre.Pfic running ea�terly aad westerly will commence upon said highwa�y avmber seven. ADOPTED at a regalar meet3ng of the citg counail of the city oP Hopkins held on the 1.8th of Jan�ary, 19�1�9. JOSEPH C. V�'SELY, MAYOH d. W. Elmquist� Secretary of the Council. Frank DT. Whitney� City Attorney. Y A regalar meeting of tdie council of the City of Hopkins, �esota, was held at the city hall at 7=30 P.M. on Tuesday, February l� 1949. The follo�ing were present¢ Mayor Joseph C. Vesely� Coqncilmen Stuart E. Beclanan, Len Milbert and John Ziegler. Counci�nan Joseph T. Anderla wa,s absent. Cit�r �danageri C].aire C. Congdon, was also �esent. . ' Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded� tha� the follo�ri.ng bills be paid. Carried. �.71 z85 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 Mike Holm, Sec�y. of State Am.-I�aFrance-Foam:i.te Q�rp�n. Beckley Caxdy Co. _ Mrs. Theo. Cafslson Laran� Dodge Louis G. Faucher Feudner-Davidson 9gency Eirst Nat�l. �ns. Agency �ike Holm, Sec ��r. of State Hopkins Fire Dep�t. �TOe Joret _ - �1'hos. W. Lapic Jr. Ypls. Gas Co. . N. �. Bel1 Tel. Co. �nton A, olson �tm. Qulnn H. A. Rogers Co. Doruia �ae Svi�iel Geo. H. Winter 23 Gunner Berglund 2!� Frank Trickson 25 Chester Jorgenson 26 Justus Lbr. Co. 27 �,eo Lahti 28 Lawrence RidgvPay 29 Fra1k Rosengren 30 Ver].yn Sletten 31 Joe Stepanek 32 Adolph Svoboda 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 2i� 25 2 Benjamin Brash Co. �jnnetonka Motor Express Monarch Soap & Chemical Co. Neptane Meter.Co• Herman Olson &ockwell Mfg. Co. Skasol Corporation �'iiallace & Tiernan Co. Inc. TiPaterous O�mpany . r=Ft�:Rn1r• Fi1I�ID License plate for nev�r police car Distr. cap for fire dep�t. Books for library - Salary • n n Bonc�s for police�aam & �otary Public Bond fvr judge Car registration information Labor a n n �aps Salary n ROAD & BRIUGE FIIND ; Labor n n COa1 Bal. due on contract for in Campbell sand pit Labor a a a : n WATEH FIIPID gubber apron Frei�at on scales chlorinP s��ps , Gaskets Nu-coil Chlorinator rental Hydraat parts SPECIAL .ASS�SI�TT �FUND First Nat�l. Bk. of Hopkins interest on 3 coupons, - watermain i.mprovement SEGPAGE DISPQSAL � .35 � ?.!s!t 37.28 38.78 16.80 77•ZO I�2.C�0 7.5� 2.30 177.eo 122•00 37.74 12?•?7 69.57 76.40 97.75 9.07 13.68 �.1s2 crushing rock 52.99 2? .60 34.83 69.88 lt00•00 io6.54 27•60 69.58 . 41.98 53.00 3.50 3.73 58.50 249.60 15.03 9.1:8 8.00 270.00 54.57 3��00 3 American Cast Iron Pipe Cb;� Pipe 3l�j.0•64 4 I. J. Donnelly.Construction Co. Trn.nk Sexer 1083.39 5 Orfei & Mariani � �� n n 5940.66 BeclIDnan noved, Milberi-seconded, that resolution �68, pHESOLUTION ORDESING ERTEDTSIO�T OF WgTEB MAIDTS ODT A PORTION OF FIFTH AYENUE N08TH 9�TD TAR OIL THF'�AT�IEN'i' ON g PORTION OF SWEET BHIAE I�EI�E" �arked F,ghibi$ A, be adopted. Carried, � � . . , Ziegler mo�ed� Becl�an seconded, tihat the bonds of Thomas W, I�apic, Jro, I,o�is G, Faucher, George Hopkina Winter as special po�ice aad �lae T, Audsrson as clerk of mmnicipal court and.J. Huasell Carroll as mnnicipal judge be accepted eubject to approv�.l by the Gity 9ttoraey. Caxried. � Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that letter by Mnnicipal Judge, J. Hussell Carroll, dated Ja.nuary 26, 19�9, apPointing �ae T. 9nderson, as clerk of the mnaicipal conrt� be placed on file. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�,n aecond.ed, that 10lnatallation: of gas burne� license be granted to Francia J, Foz, d/b�a (�ae Heat F�ngineering Company, for the year 19�9• Cexrfed, BecI�na.� moved� Hilbert eeconded, that gorthern States Power Company be granted permi�aion to place three poles on 16th 9veaus, south of F�xceleior Avenue. Caxried. Milbert moved, Becl�aa seconded, that the balance of $400.00 d� Leo Lahti an contract for crushing rock be now paid on recommendation by the cit� engineer. Carried, Ziegler presented the Yolloming reaolution aad moved its adoptions � THE.CIZ'Y COUDTCII, OF TSE City of Hopkiaa ie in reeeipt- oi estimates in writing by Fi�.lph De Thoma.s _ �& Aasociatea, Engineers, that the value of improvemeats and additioas completed,in con- ... aoction with the Sewer Project being financed by the $247,000 Sewer 8eveaue Bonds� dated Dec. 1, 19�5,-is in egcess of $5,940e66 DTO��d, �FOSE, BE IT RESOLVED �HAT the &la�yoT and City Cleric of the 8ity of Hopkia� are anthorized and instructed to d.eliver to the North�restern DTational Bank, Minneapolis, nepo�itaxy, inatructione to relea�e $5s9�0.66 to the Citg of Hopkina, for the pnrpose of p�ying for said campleted portion.of the improvement$ and additiona in accordance with the engiaeerea eatimates. , � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate at�ch II. S, Treaenry securities fn which aaid fuads are invested in.an�amonnt auiiicient�to mal� Becl�an9sec nded the�motion and npon 40� Paym ,vota -: it �ras �declared duly adopted. Qesely, Becl�oan, Milbert and Ziegler voting in the affirmative and n��;�oYe voting in the negati'�e. . ,��= Becl�naa moved, l�ilbert seconded, that�the City accept the Gaterpillar #112 motor grader ordered February 3rd°,:1948� at a.n iaareased price of $1601050 aver bid prfce of $9207o50e Carried. . Becl�aa moved� I�ilbert seconded, that Ea1ph D. Thomas & Associatea be iastructed in writing to h�.�e plane a,nd specificatione ��bid forms for the neo� trunk seaer dravrn up so that bids �ill be advertiaed for on February 24� 1949 and March 3, 19�9 and opeaed March 1�, 19�9. Carried. Becl�an moved, Ziegler seconded, that house trailers aow parked on the L. J. Ellswor�h property at Egcelaior and 5th Avenue be moved on or before April 1, 19�'9• Carried. Milbert moved, Ziegler aeconded� that the City underwrfte the sum oi $12$e00 toward the cost of city survey on recreation to be made by G. B. Fitzgerald,,Director of Hecreation Training. Carried. .. Bec�an moved, Ziegler seconded, that Mayor Veaely be appointed a second member to represent the City oa the reareation board. Carried: Bec�an moved� Milbert eeconded� that the City adeertise for bids for tar oil, ready mig, aid.ewalk and cnrb, and sidewalk repaira. Carried, Ziegler moved� Becl�an seaonded� that the meeting be ac� ourned. Carriedo A. W. Elmquist, �retary to the Conncil s�- , � - a, M ,�J ;OI CIT Y OF HOPKINS RESOLIITION N0. �8 RESOLIITIOTi? ORDERING �TENSION OF WATER MAINS ON A PORTION OF FIFt'H AYENITE NORTH AbID TAR OIL TREATP�tEI� ON A PORTION OF SWFET BRIAR LANE. WF�1�AS, on December 7, 1948, the city council of Hopkina referred to the city engineers the matter of propoaed installation of w�ter maine on a portion of fifth avenue north (County Eoad No. 1�F2) as followe: Commencing at the intereectio n of Fif th AvemLe North and WayBide Hoad and running Northerly along Fifth Avenue North acroes State Hig�iwa�y No. 7 and continuing northerly along said F'ifth Avernie I�orth to a point where � water k�qdrant could be iastalled to protect the buildings of the Oa1t &idge Gountry C].ub� and WI�REAS, on IJovember 2, 194g, the city council of Hopkine referred to the city engineer� the matter of treating the following street with tar oil: Sareet Briar Lane between Minaetonka Mille Road a.ad the aorth liae of glose Frst 9ddition, a.nd Wi�REAS, said engineers iaveatigated the neceseity and feasibility of eaid improvementa and on Ja,nuary �F, 19� reported thereon to the council a,nd filed thei r written reports with the aecretary of the council and WHERF�AS� on January 4� �9�+g � the city council of Hopkine adopted a resolution aetting Tuesd�p, the first day of February, �9�9, at %:j0 o'clock P.M. at the conncil chambera in the city hall as the time and place for conaidering said reports and WHEHEAS, a notice of said hearing haa been publiahed in the Hennepin County Review in ite issues of January l3th and 2pth, �g�+g� and, the affidavit of publication o-f said notice has been filed with the secretary of the council and WSERF�IS� ao petitions setting forth oppoeition to eaid improvements have besn filed with the council, aud Z4IiEBEAS� no one appeared in peraon or by attorney to object to said petitio ns; NOW, THEBEFORE� BE IT BESOLYED by the city council of the city of Fiopkine that said improviemeata and each of them are neceseary for the health, welfare and co nvenience of the city and ita inhabitants and that it is hereb� determined andca�dered that said improvements be made as set forth in the engineere' reporta and that the (1) coete thereof be aesessed against ax�y property benefited thereby. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held this firat day of Februaxg, �9�9• A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney Lee McNB,l,ly � Anton Olson � i2) JOSEPH C. VESII,Y� MAYOx � CITY OF HOPgINS HESNEPIDT COIIDiTY, MINNESOTA. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUC�'ION AND REp6IH OF SIDEWALgS AND CIIRBS BTOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the Ctty Clerk of Hopkins will receive eealed bide until 2:00 o�clock P.M. on Tuesda.y� March lst� 1949� at the city hall for the conetruction and repair of sidewalks and curb� for the 1949 season. Said bide to be opened and read in Council Meeting at 8:00 o�clock P.M., March let� 19�9. The ancceasful bidder mnst enter into a contract with the City in euch form as will be �pproved by the city sttorney, which contract will include a provision that the contractor muat commence the conetructioa and repair of the sidswalks or curbe within fifteen daya after beiag notified by the City Hanager to proceed with aay deaignated work. The succesaful biddsr must also furnish a contractor�e bond in the sum of $5�000.00. The right ia reserved to aecept or reject ar�y or all bids. C. C. Congdon, City Manager To be published in the Heanepin County Eeview on February lOth and 17th, 1949. CITY OF HOPgIVS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR EOAD MIX� HOAD TAR, AND EOAD OIL NOTICE IS �REBY (3IVEg that the City Clerk of Hopkin� will receive sealed bids until 2:00 o�clock P.�I. on Tnesciay� Ma.rch lst, 1949, at the city hall for furaishing Hoad Mis, Tar� or Oil for the year 1949. Said bids to be opened and read in Council Meetiag at 8:00 0� cloek P.M. , 1�4arch lst � 19�9. Bidders on Hoad Mix to submit apecifications and prices for material either at the plant or delivered in truck loads on the etreets of Hopkins aa required. Bidders on $oad Tar and 011 to submit specifications and prices for materials to be delivered ia tank truck lots, dietributed on the streets of Hopkina in qnantity and at locationa as required. 2'he righ� is reserved to accept or reject any or all bid.s. C. C. Congdon� City Manager To be publiahed in the Hennepin County Heview February lOth and 17th� 1949. 0 � A regular meeting of the conncil of the City of Hopkins, B�innesota� n�as held at the city hall at 7:30 P.B�. on Tuesday, Febr�iiary 15� 19�t9. The following were present: �ayor Joseph C. Qesely, Councilmen Stuax�t E. Becl�►azi, Joseph� T. Anderla, Len Milbert,. John Ziegler and_City ffianager, C.�C. Congdon, _ None wer� absent., . � BeclQnan-moved� Ziegler seconded, tYiat the follovring bills be paid. Carried. � ' GENERAL�, FtTAID 203 Frank Stodola Labor 27.It American Linen Coo January ser�ice 215 Andes, Inc. Pairit 216 Bren HdaP. Supplies 217 Dickey & B�ilbert Gasoline 2T8 Duncan �eter Corp+n. Parking meters � 219 Feudner Davidson _ Bond, clerk of court 220 First Natianal Bank January �rithholding tax 221 First National Ins.� �gency ins. on new police ¢ar 222� Gustafson & Fuxa Supplies 223 Hennepin County Revie�� printing 22l� Herzan & Bastyr Supplies 225 �. J. Aissaia Labor 226 Hopltins Fire Dep't. 228., Justus Lbr. Co0 _ , Do� House 229 Kokes�i HdW, Supplies 231 �Pilbur Locke Piekup 2 do�s 232 B�iller Davis Co. De�k-chair-supplies 233, Minn. Fire Equip. � Siren 23�t B6i:nn. Fire Extinguish� Co. Recharging & repairs 235 Nelson�s Inc. Mittens 237 Park BQachine, Inc. Red lamps for police car 238 Paulson �dw, Supplies 239 Pioneer Lbr. Fuel - sk ating rink 2l�0 Fokorn�y Plbg. Material & labor 2lt2 Skelly Oil Co. Gasoline & oil 21�l� Standard Oil Co. n 2ltd Suburban �hev. �''os ' TO�P].rig autos for snovr remoeal 2�? Suburban.Henn. �o. Relief Board 21t8 Treas., State of B�inn. Jan. retirement deductions 2l�9 Frank N. �9hitnep Attorney fees, Lahti garnishment Salaries from 2�1/1�9 to 2/�5/49 Ho�rly pa,yroll for period enc�ing 2/15/�9 37 -39 1�0 �1 43 � 1�7 29 30 31 32 33 3!� 35 36 37 38 �.0 l�.1. � 2 � ROAD & BRIDGE F'UI�ID Borehert-Ingersoll, Inc. Repair parts Bren HdW. Supplies Frank nuaa n First ldational Bank Jan. �ithholding tax Johnson & Hemza Supplies, Kokesh Hdw, n T�n. H. McCoy Diesel oil Morton Sa1t Coe Rock salt Treas.� State oi �inn. Jan. retixement..deductions Salaries from 2/1/t�9 to 2/15/49 Honrly payroll for period ending 2/15/lt9 Addressograph Corp�n. Bren Hd�, . First National Bank Gamble Store � Gustafson �e �ixa A. W. Hammerlund Henn. �o. Review Hopkins Drug Inc. Howe Scale �,Co. Kokesh �d�v. ' , Pokorny Plbg. Skelly Oil Coe T�eas., State of Bdinn. Sa1a'ries from 2/1/1�9 to 2� 15/1�9 First National Bank Hezm. C o o Review wATER FUAID Plates Supplies Jan. withholding tax Supplies n � Printing Supplies 3 portable scaTes S$pplies � bdaterial & la,bor Gasoline & Qil Jan. retix°ement deductions S�c� �sEss�Nr. 3 coupons 8't y�je60 REVOLVING FtT1�ID - , .. Frin�ing , � 118.l�0 . , 1065 ?e05 5.:75 20l�000 401.38 7.50 152e90 22090 18.90 402.35 .98 8.05. 286.5$ 106.65�. 26,75 6s00 �-77e %� b5000 21a10 6e4� � 5.40 34.75 13000 13470 101.00 30,30 - ]1�,00 602.11 72.81� 25.00 a., 093:25 - 546.73 12e80 17�85 7050 35s�1� 630l�0 8m58 �s �6 52.50 18,01 317. ?0 198.60 2 a2l� ��� 38s20 !iel�7 116083; 1.50 12. 00 leQ� 1990]1 l0a 74 17.00 1.31� 9.00 3260l�0 13080 9e°0 BeclQnan mo�ed, Ziegler seconded, that the reqnest of the �6inneapolis �as Compa�y for main egteusions on �onroe Ave. South azd on Sweet Briar Lane be granted. Carried. Ziegler maved, Becltma� seconded, tha � the request of Hopkins Council ,�?232 Knig�ts Of Columbus to hold bingo games i.n the church auditorium.during the months of March, April, Mag and June� 19�t9, be granted� Carried. Zieoler moved, Mi.lbert seconded� th�.the request of John Wilbur B�oore Post #320, American Legion, for a club liquor license be granted. Carried. _ �dayor gesely reported that he had appeared in court this morning as council for the City of Hopki.ns regarding the restrai.rii.ng order issued in befialf of Gerard�s Inc. �hich w�u7yd restrain the City from puttir� ir�to effect zonin� ordinance #8_which was passed on January 18, 19�9. �he Mayor reported that Judge Rue advised Geraxd�s Inc. council that the complaint vras too indefinite and sauae wovld have to be amended before he could perm:i.t a hearing on the matter. �iegler moved, BeciQnan seconded, that a�ote of thanks be sent to the H�nnepin County Review, the First National Bank and the N. W. DTational Bank for the three electric Telechxon Clocks donated to the �ity Hall� one having been installed in the council room, one in the city office and one in the aiditorium of the cit� hall. Carried. Ziegler maved, Milbert seoonded� that the two bi71s of Jay �P. Craig �o�any, dated June 25, 191�8, Nos. l�03 and 1�03A in the amount oP �].66•98 and �8l�l�.69, be disallo�red and t1�at the amount of �50•00 be allowed the ged Owl Stores for the normal constrac- �ti ��e�nse of gradi.�; Adams Avenue. Carried. �".,'�.". . Mi].bert moved, Anderla seconded, that the schedule of pay rates, marked F�thibit A, covering job classifications as listed, be adopted. Carried. � erd la moved, �:ilbert seconded, that when VPe7.7. No. 1 has been c omplete�y overhauled and put into operation, the Fire Insurance IInderwriters be instracted to come to Hopkins a�d m�ke a survey with the.express purpose of reducing fire insurance rates. �arried. Beckman moved� Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjonrned. �arried. r, A. W. Flmquist, retary to the oun.cil / � x s_ �`'L � ' �— �. ,�� � � . .�' - . _ �� ��'�'� � � > � �. 2. ,3• �� G�.���'iaat3�, � �' {'r�'$E �D���'i �� . a'�r�$[ �r6Tk �: S ��� I3) 4�) t5? tb) ���s �a��e �t,�es �.t�tt��tem�� �t��:es'��d � �e� . ,�� �e� �A� s� Y�g� A.�.�, �.zut� �,c9jr�t��at �:;�� ��n �'�r�ry► ��. ���r ��i,�Z, �9�9� �i�e���� �9� ,,,,,, �9�„�„�, 19�t�� ave�r �ra.1,L_b. �"e�x�ar�► i,3�ilt9 �stsri�er3.t�Le��»� �i2�C3 $2� - ° lietar xeadez�i 1i� 19�.�D ��� , � � �. �� U�LI,i'k�q"' �, 17� 1����4 �2� 2lr� E50 �i,�.c� Fu���a�. � ��aa���i��te�3e� �� 2�3,� �� 253 �5 �r�i�r c�r�.�r � 22� �� �+9 ��t3 �a� ��er��oar _ . 220 �5 � .9� �.4� , �.15 � . 74.2� 3.2� �i� �aqtr G��g�, ��a�Ar /t�i�at� � t�ndar r�ox � l� ��83,�p .95 : a.o5 � _ ��'r�. �� � .95 ��• �A�' C�' �@Y1�Q1" (�'��t�1�i � 34. Ju�.ar ��� �ce�c� 3SKi b. Fa��rai�m►e�, __ -- - . �►. l7� f�t�rk Iab�► . 38. 11�.�ra� �rAV� � �96 •95p]�ur 1.]6,� 95 xop.5v �,��.SQ �.9+ �`ir� �,s�rr�d �� �a�rk�� �ze�er r�; ��s ���� 38.5�► ?� �� � � �epsrfi.n�nL +�Y Y,�bor �+�. �. �e�c o� �� Go� �ra� 3� �,a o;� �ec�er a�i 2��6� �d 19� r�s �t' Jar�a�r �� 19��. �ed c�a �. labor r��� �t 95 �xt� �::.ar ha�► Qn �cr�t�ar�c �.�� �1sEa,, �he .�a�,q ��eau� � �u� �3 ��� �+� � c� 7�b��» '� Ia�v� c��ci �► �s�.o��.v'�g i�r�a o� �b au� �i� per �nc�th �r� �r�1�c� � ��a���u4 ���c�y�s,� +a�ra� t� p���,od. fil� ,�r�uur� �er ah� �.�. ac>lt�mzi ��. `F�ta t�al c��' th� iot�� t��u�.t;� o�g��c�'� ����,a �413.c�z de���nt 8� �hc�m �.a �oluean (t�) �rr�]�d +r��punt t0 �a �ntiva]. c�� Q� i�,���gQs �� �► a�botr� thg bu�t��at a11c�r�scs. It �a pztipo�,, ��►$ �r ���C��t a� p�y r�t�a �hc��.4 bs e�'��ti� a� c� �'��r�r �a► 8�1 caaa�xa�ua �� ,� �c���a, T��►� �r �iu�� ��� eit�t� t�p �x �a�ar �1t3 � d��,��t � t� �� � �P +iu� la�'�j �d �C�. ����� , Fe3� �.�r�9�.� . � NOTICE �' SPECI�II, II,ECTION CITY OF HOPKINS, D�IdNF�OT9 March 22, 19�9 NOTICE is hereby givea that a special election has been called and will be held in and for the City of Hopkins, ��i.nnesota, on �esday, the 22nd day of D�arch� 19�19� for the pnrpose of voting upon the follawin� question; Shall the City of Hopkins issue its nego- tiable coupon bonds in the aggregate prin- cipal amount of not to exceed �80,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred and to be incurred in the con- struction of storm sewers? Sa:i.d election wil.l be co�ducted in the regular polling places for said city, as follows: District Number 1, District Number 2, District Number 3, District Number !�, Harley Hopkins School City Ha]1 City Hall Junior High School The polls for said election will be open at 7:00 o�clock A.�. and �rill close at 8s00 o�clock P.M. All of the qualified electors of said city are entitled to vote at said election. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL, 1��� r Claire �. Cong � City Malager Published in Hennepin County Review March 3 and 10, 19�19 � �� � s �_ _ � .� ! ..s.� _ ;�� -. STATE OF h�IIBT'i�'SOTA) ) COUIv�Y OF HF�IVEPIN) deposes a.nd say�: ��� . * (Official Publication) . - � ��l . NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION � CITY OF IiOPKINS, MINNESOTA - � March 22, 1949 ' � i NOTICE is hereby given that a special. �_�'� � election has been called . and will be �held in and for the City , of Hopklns, Minnesota; on Tuesday the 22nd'day of- March, 1949, for the purpose of .yoting ;upon the following questlon: . ' Shall the City oi Hopkins issue its negotiable coupon bonds in-the ag- gregate principal amount oP not to Iexceed $80,000.00 for the purpose oi. defraying the expenses Sncurred and Ito be incurred in the construction of storm sewers? ' �Said election will be conducted in the regular polling places Yor-said city; as followe: {District Number 1, Harle9 Hopkins School. - Distrlet Number 2, City Hall. , District Number 3, City Hall. ; D1strlet Number 4, Junior High School. • The polls for said election will be open at 7:p0 o'clock A.M. and will close , at 8:00 o'clock P.M. All of the qualified � electora of said city are entitled to vote st eaia election. . $Y ORDER OF THE COUNCIL, Claire C. Congdon, City Manager i March 3, 10) � -- � , Engner A. Johnaon, being first dul� sworn, Tha,t on the 15th day of March� 19�+9,he posted' copiea of the NOTICE �F SPECIAL ELECTION for the City of Hopkins, Minrfsota, to be held March 22, i9�+9� for the purpose of voting upon the question as to whether or not to issue bonds in the principal sum of not to exceed Ei�hty Thousand Dolla.rs ($g0,000.00) for storm sewers, which notice,was posted in four of the most public and conspicuous paces in sa.id city, '_to-wi.t:- ''. . One on the bulletin board on the southweat corner of the city hall at the intersection of Excelsior Averiue and Eighth Avenue in said city; One on the bulletin board at the Junior high achool at the intersection of Excelsior Avenue and l;th. Avenue in said city; One on the bulletin board at the plant of the Minneapolis-Moline Compar�y in.said city, and One on the telephone pole in front of the Harley Hopkina school building on Monroe Avenue South, and that each of the copiea so posted was a tru.e and correct copy of said notice, which ia marked Exhibit A and hereto attached, and uiade a part her.eof. 7' �. �' ii "�'Y~ Subsc ' bed and se�orn to before me � th lst day f ch, g�q _ ,... ,/ �v ��� _ �. Frank iV�. Whitney, Notary Hennepin County, Niinneso My commission expires Ja L 9, 1g55 0 � � - A regular meeting of tkie council� of the �ity of `Hopkins' �IIinnesota; i�as held at the city hall at 7:30 P.�d.: on Tuesday, B�arch 1, 19�9�o Tlie folloz�ring were present: - - - Mayor Joseph C. Vesely, Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart�E. Beclanai, John Ziegler and City Manager, C. C. �ongdon. Councilman Len B�ilbert was absent. Ziegler moved� Anderla seconded, that the following bills be pa.id�. Carried. GII�TEEiAL FiTIJD 250 Mpls. - G as Coo , . , __ _ . . _ _ . _ 251 Northern 5tates Po�er 266..F. A. Bemis - - Overhauling sewirig machines 267 C�rl Bolander & Sons� � Pile driving at beach 268 Walter S. Booth & Son Treasiirer receipt book 269 Bowker com Subscriptions� � 271 Dahlberg Bros. Police car & repairs 272 Charles Devr Meals f'or prisoners _ . � _ ..: . ..._ . . . -- - 274 Donoean Furn. �o. For libr 275 Fairbanks, �Horse Coe 3 elec. mtrs, for sewage pump 277 R. H. Gardner � Parkiiig .meters . 278 He,i�i. Co.,� �pls. � Police radio serv3.ce 279 ,Hopkins Fire Dep�t. Phone & iire oalls 281 La�pert Yards Lbr.� nails, paint 283 Robert B�ajyo Stamps .. _. _._ _. _. .. 28l� Qirgil l�iller Sand for beach 285 �Qa.11er D�eters Inc. Parking - meter� parts 286 B�inn. Nev� Co; � Books for library 287 N. W. Bell-Tel. Co. _..._... 289 Pariama Ca"rbon C.o. �.. . . _ - - -.... _ . . Carbon paper 290 P'iorieer Lbr. Coal�`for D6u�r hoiise & skating ririk 291 RPm-? ��ton Rancl Inc o 2�high siRivel chairs io r library 293 Security� Nat�l. Ins. Ixisurance on city property _ - -.. _._..._.. 291� Skel]:y Oil_ Co. Gas 296 Robert Soper � � Star-Jouriial for library 297 Su.burbari Cheva Co, Garb e truck 298 Suburban Henn. Co0 Relief board -- 300 Fred Swanson Use of shovel & sand for beach , . _ . .. _.. 301 JosepYi C. Vesely -- ` Court costs and rrieeting � Salaries from 2�16/t�9 to 2�28/!�9 & ad,justing first half of February Hourly payroll fon period ending 2/28/49 , 48 52 Northern States P�er F]ni.l Brokt RQAD & BRIDGE FUND Allo�rance on tel. bills from) ?/1/i�8 to 12/31/1�8 , . � 53 First Nat+l. Ins: Agency Insurance on tractor 54 Justus Iaimber Co. . coal _.� _. _ _.. ,.. ._ __ - _ __ 55 N. 1�. Bell Tel. Co• - 58 Ziegler Co. Inc. Parts for Lull hydraulic Ioader � Salaries from 2/16/1�9 to 2�28/1�9 &-adjusting first half of gebruary Hourly payroll for period ending 2�28/!�9 VYATER FUND _ . _.. 1�2 Northern States Power !�6 �omelite 'Corporation 1�7 Jos h Hromadko _ _eA,. . _ _ . !�8 �il:ler«�Davis Co: � !�9 �unicipal Equip. Coo 50 N. .VP. Bell Tel, Co. 51 Herman Olson 52 il�alla.ce & Tiernan Co. Salaries from 2rJ.6/49 to 2�28/49 & � 3 First National B� Gilbert S�anson �.. ___. ___, -___. . - A1lowance on tel. bills from) 9/�48. to 12/3�48 ) Supplies' � " Suction hose Allowance on tel. bills from) 7/1'/!�8 to I2%31/48 ) Chlorinator rental . -_... _ ...__. . _ _.. adjusting first half of Feb. SPDCIAL ASSESSMiNT FUND. Woodrich Construction Co. 32 coupons SE@ITAGE DISPQSAL FIIND Crane rental REPOLVING FUND Crane rental �i39m78, ?1.�3�91 52:50. 210.00 2m71 ` 8:00 1777e60 �m85 !�2 e 25 342:90 �l�:00 56.00 v:7:5o 11�92 :84 25e00 21�057 21l�:98 55e75 _23:38 13305? 69.8�. 575035 1.�1.w0� 4:� 5286:60 510a11� 100000 - 5s00 1603085 lu�6o91 6.90 12;00 1305�2 75e66 16083 208.29. 376:90 120.60 516:55 3Lt7.e05 8000 120.80 � 59a?5 8a13 �.2s�0. 270000 389s00 110s00 � 36.00 28000 Ziegler�moved, Anderla seconded, that the following license applications be grantedo �arried. ._ .,,. ,,. L. J.- F1lswortYi,'d/b a Select Service Qil Co., cigarettes �1�,00. - � Godfrey Totushek, d b/a C1ub Cafe, on and off�sale non-intoxicating"malt liquors �60m00; soft clrinks �5e00;�milk �1e00; mechanical amusement device 4�50a00 _.... . . - _.. ... . and cigarettes �12. (J0. Heliner A. Nordby, d/b/a Nordby Heating Co., installation of gas and oil burners �2e00. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded; that the Hopkins Fire Department request to hmld bingo games at Mattts Sweet Shop be granted. Carried. - � $ecl�ian raoved, .Anderla seconded, that the request of Leonard S. sage for a popcorn ' trailer license be,denied. Carried. 0 Pursuant to call�for bids for the furnishing of tar oil, read�-mix and asphalt for the year 191.�9, the follovarig were received: J. V. Gleason - Plarit �ii�c material, �?�a70 per ton� Fe o. b. our plant loaded in your t rucks. �This refers to the occasional load pickups for emer- gency patchi.ng purposes. In the event you`desire the plant`miX material for street surfacing, v�hich I thirik �rould � be advantageous to you� - I submit � a figure of � _. .... .. - _ _. _.. _ _._ ... .. ..... �l�e 0 per ton fsoob. our plant loaded in your trucks. In- t�ie eveat � you desi.re tYiat we deliver the�material to you on a project, the cost of hauling will be 30¢ per ton. - -. - _ , . . in coiinectiori with�yoiir advertisement, I iiote that you are calling for prices for bitumi.nous ma.terial furriished and �applied. In refer- e�ice to this � I subinit a price on tar; r»nn� ng from RT l�-to RT 8, of ... .. _ .. . _ _ _ . _... 19¢ per gallon. In reference to'asphalt'materials I submtt the ° following: SC - oll.�¢ Per gallons B� -.35� Per gal. � RC - a7,55¢ Per gal. Glenn Johnson Coritr. �o. -� . �� - -mix blackto loaded�in- our trncks at �1� 30 a ton for reac�y- p y our plant located at the-Republic Creosoting Co,, St. Louis Park, Minn. Bury & Carlson, Inc. - ftedi-BGix �5.00 per ton f,o:bs �+1X;Ty�:plant . _ _ ._ ..__.. n _° . 5e50 �� . f� O�bs Hopkitls Roaci Tars; RT3 to RT9; �OaT89 per gal. delv�do & applied Road Oils� SCl to.SC2� �0.158 n n " n n Republic Creosoting Co. - Road Tar, �•187 per gallon. Ziegler moved, Beckmaz seconded� that the follovring bids be accepted. Carried. Republic Creosoting Company for tar oil, � Glenri JoYinso ii Coritractirig � Co, for reac�y-mix, J. V. Gleason for asphalt. Bids were also opened for side�ralk and curb for the year 191�9 and tdie follo�.ng received: Ho B. Pederson - Curb, strai;ht, �1m25 per running foot. �� returris $1:.27 " u n _ .__. _.. . __ - _. _ .. . n Cur'Ped� �1e27 n_ ;. tt n _ All streets must� be graded Y�efore curb go in aud�also side�alks graded. Side�ralks` and drive�ays; "'; �0�.�2 per square foote Repair �ork twenty�perceat-higher. �ansions, 6x18�� �0:16 each. -- • �ans'ions�..6�..x 32n� �Oo07..per foot.: - _. -� - - -. ,.. _. curbs under forty� runrii.n� feet� considered repair v�rk. AL1 sidwalks under one hundred sqare feet considered repair work. Carl A. A.nder�on - Curb, straight, �1037 per lineal foot. '.n • _. curved �1040 n _ _ - n. .. �� _ .. . Dri�e��r s 6'� �0:46 �� square foot. -. . _ . . _ .. . . . Sidewalks 32�r . -�60.3� "' u n _. _ � . Expansion jointsy !�", �0.08 per lineal ioo�. bcpansiori joints, 6'� x I8"; �Oe16 per unit. Repair work, cost plus 10�. Ziegl:er inovecl, Becl�an seconded, that � the two bids be laid. on the table and considered at the next regular meeting. Carried• gnderla moved��Ziegler seconded� that the City Mariager authorize city employees to attend municipal�short�courses to be held March lOth,-llth and 12�h and � Maxch 17th, 18th and 19th, at t he IIniversity �i al so to pay expenses. Carried. 2iegler moved� Anderla seconded, that the City Manager be authorized to sell the s even se�ing machines owned by the City. Carried. Ziegler mo�ved, Aiiderla secorided, that the City Attorn�y �dra� up ari orc�inance prohibiting the nsing of vrood shingles in the fire district. Carried. Anderla moved, BeclQnan secorided; that B�rr. an.d Bdrs, Ha�ry'Leathers tie notified to vacate the premises now occupied by them by June 1� 191�9. Carried. Bec�a.n � inoved, Arideria s ecorided, that t�ie s�lary of Mae � T. Anderson be s et at �175.00 per month, effective March l, 19�9. Carried. Becl�ari moved� Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be ac�journed. Carried. �,TTEST: . � � �V Joseph C. Dese�y, �da.yor . . . � A. W. Elmquist, S cretary to the Council � 0 � I, ; �'� � . . � . ; ` " . - .. � . - f. _ � , � , , � ' r.;. � . � ; � .. , „ ... . � • � � . . � ., � . ° �� � �. ��#� . . ' ' >: . �aa �rr�►. ����h��� i� �fl� ��d�e'r.�,. h�rr ���:. . . - � ; . .. . : ,, . _ ',��� � �. �� ; . . . �Y�a• _t�lll ;gx�aelr tie�Ce. �� . ����:�� 'E�8 �u � t� �et��� � �aid��e ta�� o.G��� . , , , _ '� �*�� � � D�Xp�n� W �� �i.� o�f ;�o��t�� o� �r �b�fo� � .: ,, , .. . . : � - , .. . . - +�a� �, �].9. �. .: ,, , ;;; � � �� i�1� �a���e, �li3nneed�a, _ :. : ; ��i� 1o�.��i�r`ei� ��, s��+ ; , , /� � f, . `- ��� r+� �3. . Qo ea, �►- . ,�i6,y o�'_ `Y ��s��,. � �'' , � � , �eta�e��tt ���,"�t��, t�����t,� � - ; ' . ,. , . � , . . . , i, , . •., j ' ... , , � ; , , � � ;� . ����� A regular meeting of the council of e Ci�v of Hopkins, Ma.nnesota; was Yield at the �-° _.... _. _ _. City Hall at 7;30 o+clock P.�d,.on Tuesday, March 1�;�1949.. The follawing were present;r �dayi�r JosepYi C. Vesely, Councilmen Stuart E. Becl�an; Len Milbert, Jotul Ziegler and �, " ��ity Manager, Co Co Cor�done. Councilman Joseph T. Anderla was absent. - :� Ziegler moved� Bdi.lbert seconded� that the minutes from Jarivary 1, 1947, to date�be ,. approved. �arried.. -Ziegler moved� Beclffia,n seconded, that the following bills be paid. � 302 303 315 316 31? 321 322 323 :24 ��7 329 330 331 333 334 336 3�.0 342 34l�. GENER.AL FUND IIniversity of Minriesota Lee McNaIIy & Assoeiates First Natiorial Bank Treas:� State of Minn. Americ�i Lirien Cos C. C• Congdon, Treasu.rer Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Durican �Qeter Corp � n. Essi��Bros. & Soris Gustafson�& Fuxa B�ke Holm, Secy. of State I�.ttle City 1Vagrs. Ass�no Johnson & Vogt Kokesh Hdw. � I�ert Yards, Inc. Wm. H. �cCoy Royal Type�iriter Co. sta.ndard Dil co. Suburban. Cliev. Co. Suburban Press, Inc. Salaries _ .. _ .... . Hourly payroll for peri:od ending � Carried. Registratiori fees mgineer f ees Feb. �a-thholdirig-taxes -- Febe retirement�fund deductions February service � Petty Cash . - Police car repairs . parking meters �anhole covers . .. Electrical work Registratiori info. Subscriptions � Snow tires for police car Supplies �� Cement & Lumber _ . ...._ _.... ___. Gas. Royal type�iter Gas and oil Oil for garbage truck Envelopes First half of 1�arch 3/15/�.9 � __ _ RQAD & BRIDGE'FUND � Hourly payrolT for period en g - 62 First �ational Bank - Feb. withholding taxes 63 Treas., State�of Minn. Feb. retirement fland deductions 6!� Ancierson Bros. Tractor repairs .._ ._.._ . _ 65 Johnson &-Vogt Diesel�oil 66 Landers=Norblom-Christenson Co. Rock gravel ._. . __. 67 Republic Creosoting Road tar 69 Service Parts Co. Spark pliigs for truck Salaries First iialf of March �fiATER F'UND �3 Postmaster 58 First�National Bank � 59 Treas.� State of M_inn. 60 Bergerson-Cas�rell Iric. 61 C. C. Congdon, Treasurer 62' _, Hoinelite Corp �n. 63 Hopkiris Plbg. 6!� Monarch Soap &��hem. 65 N. V,T. Bell Tel. Coe 6:6 Staridard Oil Co. � 67 �Pallace & Tierna.n Co. Salaries 5 6 8 5 6 . - - _. 1¢ postcards for water biLl.s .. _ Feb. v�ithholdirig taxes Feti. retirement fund deductioris Repairs at #1 Well Petty Cash Pump repairs Repairs & supplies Liquicl chlora.ne Repe. irs Gas 8c oil Class tubes First half of B�arch SPDCIAL ASSESSMIlVT FUND First Natiorial Bank of Hoplcins N. 1pJ• National B� of B�ls e Ihterest coupons n o SE�iTAGE DISPOSAL _ FUND I. J. Donrielly Construction Co. Est. #7; trunk sewer Orf ei & B�ariani Est. #!�, � trunk s ewer REVOLVING FUND _ . Lee McNal�y & Associates Erigineer f ees _._. _... Am. Cast Iron Pipe Co, " Pipe - First National Bank of Mpls. Interest Coupons � 25.00 275000 175,000 71�:19 �10�5 �i2:51, .148:03 299.61� 51Q00 81e89 2. �5 3:50 29m28 6.6� 19:�3 101@00 131.75 9s58 . 1.75 �2a65 1230,50 393.20 �.7�s�� 1�6e80� 27013 19sZ2 58.75 1�7.52 20.00 2e70 3�.7.30 20000 L�C�e60 �10,00 4917 e �l�. ioe59 23091 i5.59 78000 8:13 3s�0 9:15 37ap2o 109.20 5001,.1� 652:�3 553os88 �.Vs� 3010.56 _ Lt53.00 Becl�an moved, Ziegler seconded� that the application of �erle Va Sipprell for a soft drink license be granted. Carried. . Beclunan moved, Blliilbert seoanded, that the two requests of�the Minrieapolis Gas Company for inain e�terisions-Noso 68 and 72 on Bdonroe Avenue South aiid on� Farmdale R,oad be granted subject to approval by City �gineers. Carried. Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that letter dated March 9� 19�.9, from Harley Hopkins School�District #135 pertaining to flood tivater conditions be placed on file. �arried. Beclffian moved, Ziegler seconded, that tYie bid� of�Carl Andersori for side�alk arid curb construction �or 1949 be accepted subject to execution of a contract and furnishing of bond. Carri.ed. _ . - Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, ttiat� 1f�rs. �6ary Kaspar and-family be notiiied' to vacate the premises now occupied by them at 926.1st Street South by June 1� 191�9. Carried. �Ziegler moeed� BeclQnan seconded, that storm�sewer ads be authorized for publi- cation in both Hopk�ns� paperso Garried. , _ _ . �ilbert moved� Ziegler'seconded, tYiat the City Council meet at 5:00 otclock P.M. on Wedne�day, BQarch 23, 1949, for tkie purpose�of canvassing the ballots .on the s ecial election �bein held on B�arch 22 19�i9. Carried. A g � Pursuant to cal 1 for bids for the trunk se�er and sewer lift stations, the fol- lowing were received: ' BIDDER DeGraff VPolff PYielps-Drake Bart-Carlone Da.re-Boore Qrf ei-�ariani Lametti-Lametti BASE -_ �141�,789:�6 �65;5�!�•85 �5;392:55 188,373.25 162,219076 � - LIF`P STA. " #1 Stahr Co. � $�3Lt,666:00 Plielps-Drake 3J ; 260.00 Bona.nder 22 � 631�.00 Walter D. Giersten -" Lametti-Lametti 22,300.00 TRUNK $EWER. T TE ` �llat�789.1�6 .✓ i65;521�:85 211;l�22.].5 isz;l�o5.00 i56;2s1:58 163,532085 LIFT STATION L1F� STA. #2 TOT�L" . . �42;i89:oo ' �76,a55:oo 21�,�o0mo0 1�l:�;660.00 �"� 26,632.00 1�9,266:00 , , . - _ . 5j��130e00 23,159 e 1�9 1S, 459. �.9 �: _ Beckman moved, BBilbert seconded, that all bids listed.above be referred to Ralph D. Thomas & Associates, F�gineers, for revaluation. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that resolut'ion #7�;-uA RF�OLUTION OPPQSING ENACTM�3VT OF SENATE FILE #99 AND HOUSE FILE #357 �rked Exhibit A, be adopted. �arried. Ziegler moved, B�ilbert seconded, ttiat resolutiori #75, "A RE�OLUTION OPPOSING ENACTMFdJT OF SEIVATE FII,E #98 ANU HOiTSE FILE #�67 marked E�chibit ��� be adoptedo Carried. Ziegler moved� Becl�n�an seconded, that meeting be adjourned. �arriede ATTF�T = Joseph C. �esely, Biiaayor � _ _.._ ,_. . ,_ . A. W. El:inqui , Secretary to +t,� �,,,,�,,,; � i�l'C�l �� �zIP C .'' �G i� �i48E?�* � ��y� . i . � . . '. � � , , . . '�Ol1� �t1d . 88C?t f3� �� 1N%� �i�.�l8 _ �� t�D$i�Qr� �!e �a'al a�r t0 �rBCt�t�� 't�9 �8�id�t6 _ aorr vo��� t�y � eriA 'be�o�in� t� bl� Q�ty of ' . Bo�tinu on ar t�t�z� � 1t .�SiI�t9• � �; . � �tLed �►t �mp�.n� � &�aee�o#�, � . . id�i� �.�h d�r c��' �� 19l�9. - �I , 1 /' ,' � � � Q. C. ,aos� , , �e�� ' �3�t� �f �o#� � � � . Hc�terp�ri Ce} ty, �Tiou�ota CITY OF HOPKIIVS RF50LUTION N0. 71� 9� R.ESOLUTION �PPOSINJ ENACT�iT OF SIIdATE FILE #�99 AND H�USE FILE #357 �YHEREAS, the City of Hopkins is located in Hennepin County, �ich county administers relief a.nd related services on the township s9stem, and WHEREAS, Hennepin County contains a City of the first class, and yQIiEREAS, any City the size of Minneapolis, in times of economic stress� has relief problems caused by transients and by the size of suah municipality which will increase costs greatly, a nd 1NHEREAS, the City of Minneapolis in its Welfare Department has a General Hospital and other buildings and employees in excess�of 850 people, while Hennepin County has no such hospital and no fixed welfare bnildings for rural Hennepin County, and .. WHE.�AS, the City of Minneapolis has civil service for all such employees whereas rural Hennepin �ounty does not, and _ ,_ WHEREAS, t he City of Hopkins and most of rural Hennepin County does , and for ma�y years has administered its relief on a State approved budget and in a humanitarian manner: N�, THEREFORE, the city council of the City of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof does hereby RESOLVE that it is opposed to the en.actment of Senate File #99 �d House File #357 or ar�y other legislation of similar content seeking to place the administration of relief and related problems on a county basis. PASSID AND ADOPTID Bdarch 15, 19�9. ATTF�T : JOSEPH C. VE�F.LY, MAYOR A. �. Flmquist, Secretary of the Council CC; Senator Archie H. �iller Rep. Geo. R. Matchan � Att. Frank N. VVhitney crr� c� xoPxars RF�QLUTION N0. ?5 A RF�OLUTION OPPOSING ENACTD�TT OF SENATE FILE ,�98 AND HOUSE FILE #167 �HEREAS, for ma.ny years the State of �iruiesota has appropriated and disbursed certain moneys to the counties and mvn.icipalities of the State by way of state aid in the administration of relief.and other related prob- lems, and _ _ _ _. WHERF�/�SS Hennepin County �as al�ays shared in such state aid money �hich in 1948 �ounted to ap proximately �4200.00 for rural Hennepin County � which the City of Hopkins received its proportiona.te share� and WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins, as well as rural Hennepin County, still has a relief problem which now seems to be rising, � d �iEREAS, there can be no valid reason why Hennepin Count� should not share in any state aid funds allotted for such purposes, and WHEREAS� it appears to be the intent of Sena.te File #98 and House File #167 to eliminate Hennepin �ounty from any share in su ch state aid funds: IdOW, THEREFORE, . I'� IS HEREBY RESQLVED by the city council of the City of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof that the City of Hopkins is opposed to the enactment of S.en.ate File #98 and House File #167 or any other legislation of simila.r content a.nd import. PASSID AND ADOPTID BBarch 15, 191�9. J�EPH C. VF�SELY, MAYOR ATTFST: A. W. F�.mqui.st, Secretary of the Council CC: Senator Archie H. Miller Rep. Geo. g. �atchan � Att. Frank N. VPhitney Minutes of Meeting of the Council of the City of Hopkins, Henn.epin Count�r, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was duly held at the council rooms in the city hall in said city on the 2jrd day of March, 19�+9, at 5:00 o'clock P.M. The follo�ring members were present: I+�ayor Joseph C. Veaely, and councilmen Leonard Milbert and John Ziegler, and the following were absent: Councilman Stuart E. Beckman anc�. Joseph T. Anderla. The mayor announced that the meeting was convened for the purpose of considering the resulta of the apecial election held in a.nd for the city on March 22, �949, oa ' the question of issuing bonds for the purpose of defraying the egpenaes incurred and to be incurred in the construction of atorm aewers in the amount of �g0�000.00. The city manager presented an affidavit ehowing posting of notie�e of the anecial election in one public place in each of the four precincts of the city, and an affidavit of the publisher showing publication of said notice in the official news- paper� which affidavite were eaamined and f ound satisfactory and ordered place on file. The city manager then preeented the official returna of the election officials ahowing the vote on the following queation: SHALI, THE CITY OF HOPKINS ISSITE ITS NEGOTIABI,E COIIPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAI, AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $g0�000 FOR THE FURPOSE OF DEFRAYING TIiE EXPENSES INCUBRED AND �IfO BE INCIIRRED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SE�"TERS1 • The eaid returns showed the vote ae follows: epoiled or total Precinct Votes'YES Votea NO blank ballote ballota 1 79 2 2� �+ 92 � Total 2�+g �{S �5 35 � 129 0 Z27 35 �32 � 377 After due considertaion of said,returna and canvass thereof, Councilman Ziegler introduced the following resolution and moved ite adoption: A RESOLIITION CAIWASSING THE ELECTION ON THE ISSTJA.NCE OF STORAR SEWER BONDS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS. BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the City of Hopkins� Minr�sota, that at.the special election held in and for the city on March 22, 19�9, to vote on the question of the issuance of storm sewer bonda, there were caet a total of 377 ballots, of which 2� votes were in favor thereof and 129 votes were a.gainat the same� and eaid proposi- tion carried by more than the requisite majority vote. . The motion for the adoption of said resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Milbert aad upon vote being taken thereon wa,s carried unanimously� �hereizpon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. _ Milbert moved, Zie;ler seoo nded, that the election clerks, judges and election police be paid at the rate of �1.15 per ho� . Carried. . Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the �ity IIlgineers be instructed to draw ��p plans and specifications for the construction of Storm Sewers as voted in the special election held March 22nd, 1949. Carried. Milbert moved, �iegler seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. ATTFST: . A. W. Elmquist, ecretaxy to the Council COUNCI: Joseph C. Vesely, Mayo 1 A special neeting of tYie �council of the �ity of Hopkins, Minriesota, was held�at the city hall at 7s00 o�clock P.1�.,:on Tuesday, �qarch .. _ .: . , _. _ .... 29, 19 o The follo�ing were present: �4a�or Joseph C. Vesely,� City B�anager Claire C. Corigdon and couricilmen Stuart E. BeclQnari, Len fln.ilbert and i�ohn Ziegler._ �ouncilmaz Joseph T. Anderla was absent. Ziegler moved, Beclari�� seconded, that the -�.�ternate �bid of � DeGraff �dolff in the amount of �1l�l�,789e46'ior the coristruction of the new trunk s�er from llth Avenue South and Second street to the �inn�haha �reek at Excelsior Avenue,� and"the,bid of�� Phelps-Drake Compar�y in tfie amount of �la.l��660.00 for the two _ . szwer lift statioris tie accepted tipon. recommendation of R. R: � Hagglund, representativPe of 'R.� D. Thomas & Associates, eiigineers, who in turri w�ll draw u contracts to be executed by contractors and the �ity of Hopkins. Carried. Beckman moved, Pti.lbert seconded, t�at the meeting be adjourned. Carried. aTTFST: � � 3�¢�V � v Joseph C. , Mayor A. �. Elmqui , Seoretary to the Council CQUNCII.MEN: � � �'. . � •� �� � A regular r�eeting of the council of the City-of Hopkins; Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.M. on Tuesday, April 5th, 191�9• • The follov�ing were present: Mayor Joseph C. Veseltp, Councilmen Stuart E. Becl�an; Len Milbert, John Ziegler and City Manager, C. C. Congdon. Councilman Joseph_T. Anderla was absent. � � Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the follo�d ng bills be paid. Carried. 36o Mi-ineapolis Gas Co. 361 American Library Ass+n. 366 Dahlberg Bros. 367 Dickey & Milbert �69' Doubleday & Coe 371 Fairbanks, �horse 373 Feudner,=Davidson 374 �'irst National Bank 375 G• B. Fitzgerald 376 Fowler Elec. . 378 Henn. Co., Treasurer 379 Henn: Co,- District 381 Hopkins Fire Dept. 382 Dduriicipal Administration 385 Koke�h Hardware 389 Wilbur Locke 392 VPm. H. McCoy 393 Lee B�cNa,lly & Associates 39� Miller �avis �o. 395 Northern States Power � 39b N. W. Bell Tel. Co. l�Ol Rogers Coe i�06 Suburban Heriri. Co. 408 Tropical Pairit Lt09 iNilcox & Follett 1�ages; judges & clerks i�Ta�es, hourly Salaries 79 Kokesh Harcivvare 80 VPm. H. McC oy - 81 Mirie Saf ety Appl. 82 Northern States Power 83 N. W. Bell Tel. Co. 85 Republic Creosoting 88 Ziegler Co. Wages,.hourly Salaries 72 Bergerson-Caswell Inc. 73 Buifalo Meter Co. 71� KokesYi Hdw. 75 �.ti.11er-Davis Co. 76 Nev� �gland l�eter 77 Northern States Power 78 Rockv�ell �fg. Co. • ?9 TNal]�ce & Tiernan Co. �alaries 9 Constructi� n Bulletin 7 Cronin Bros. [t��ii �.7:�i1\�I, Gas Booklist Police car dama.ge _... . .. . Gas Library subscriptions 2 mtrs. & impeller Premium, VPorinnen � s Co�pensation Insuranc:e, on all equipruent -- City survey on recreation Alternator & f an�belt ior pol.car Board at County Farm Boiler Inspector ' . � Fire calls & phones Textbooks Supplies � _ Dog pickup ��� gas Tovun survey Suppl,ies phories _ Traciiigs & blue prints Relief Board Street marking paint Books ior libraiy Special election Period ending 3/3I/1�9 Last h�l.f of March RQAD & BRIDGE FUND Supplies Diese]. Oil � 3 10-unit lst aid kits Phones Road tar - Catex�pillar motor grader ' Peri od ending 3/31/!�9 Last half of Ddarch WATEft FUND Supplies for #1 �ell Sizpplies for water meter Supplies Suppl'ies Repair parts parts for F�pire meter Chlori:nator rental Last half of March S�ITAGE DISPOSAL FUND Advertisi�ng REVOLVIATG :FUND Labor locating sewer coniiection at 501 Hazel Lane, Hopkins 0 129:56 10;00 165e3� 102,00 92.00 27i.60 1�31.94 1008:29 � i25:oo i5se5o 1,5:00 So00 252.50 15a00 7062 �3:00 202,00 170.00 66:20 703•23 55.68 2.1�2 3L�9.89 2�1s 45 8.08 255.33 553:02 153'��•90 - -1.l�1a. 12e62 18075 11.1�3 11.00 ZU e L{,7 10809000 260:7l� 3l�7•30 36:80 9.90 5.28 l�.TO : 36: !�3 657020 12.83 270.00 � 370.20 , 45 060 40400 0 Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the application of.Roy W. �rre Sr. and Frieda �rre for.a soft drink, milk and cigarette license be granted. Carried. , �il:bert moved, Bec�a.n secozzded, that the City'appropriate �100.00 to .the Hennepin County Agricultural Society to the support of the 1949 Fair. Carriedo Beclanan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the reque'st for permi.ssion by tYie Interlachen Park � Guild arid the Veterans of Foreign Nars Post #l�25 to hold bingo games be granted. Carriedo Beclanan moved, Giegler secorided, that the request of the �inneapolis Gas Company for a main extension on 8t1i Averiue North; from 2nd Street North to alley nortYi of �celsior Avenue be granted� pTn�ided main is laced on west side of street for entire]ength of project. Carried. (� '�`� � �'�g��,�.�j � '�,d � �L �'`�`� BeclQnan moved, B6ilbert seconded, that the two"requests of the N. W. Bell Telephone Co. for the placing of buried cable, their J...O. 3269, be granted. Carried.- �Bec�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that t he letter �roin Earl D. Halleck pertaining to sewer assessments on 6th Avenue North and on NLirinetonka NLills Road be referred to the City Ea�ineer for further study and report. C;arried. Becl�an moved, Milbert secoriaed, that resolution #7b ��A RESOLUTIOiV R�ATING TO APPROVAL " OF MIIWTF� Or L�E'TINGS�� marked �hibit A, be adopted. Carried. Milbert moned, Ziegler seconded, that the contracts for the riew.trunk sewer and tvPo sewer lift statioiis be accepted and that t1�e proper city ofiicials be authorized to sign same, subject to approval of the city attorney. �arried. Becl�an moged, �.ilbert seconded, that resolution #77 ��A RF�SOLUTION R.EE'FRRIN�s THE MATTER OF Tt�EATIIdG WITH TAR OIL AND INSTALLING CURB ON BOTH SIDES OF Tl�ASHINGTON A[T�iUE NORTH BET4VEEN E�CIISIOR BOUI,EVARD AI�TD S��'COND STR.E�,'T NORTH TO �iE C IPY ENGINFERS" marked �chibit B, be adopted. Carried. � ___. _..._ � � _ _ _ Siegler presented the follovding resoTution and moved 'its adoption: VYHEREAS THE CITY , _ ._. .. CQUNCII, OF THE City�of Hopkiris is in receipt of estim,ates iri writing.by Ralph D.. � Tho�aas & Associates, F�gineers, that the value of improvements and additions co�pleted, in connect'ion with the Se�er Project being�financed tiy tYie �21�7,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, _ _. _ ...._ . dated December 1, 1945, is in excess of �l�,52�:.82, and �3�.1�3 NCPJ�, THE�tEFORE, BE IT RFSOLVID THAT the Mayor and City Clerk of the C it y of Hopkins - are authorized� and instructed to deliver to tYie Northwestem" National Bank, !Ulinneapolis, ,. . _ , ,.. -.. . _ Depositary, instruct�onssto release �,l�,524.82, and '�3�.1�3 to the �ity of Hopkins, for tlie purpose of paying for saici completed portion of the i.mprovements and additions in _ .. � - adcordance with the engineer�s estimates. _ BE IT FURTH�Z RESQLVID that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate such �U. .S. - Treasury securities in which said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make saia �4,52�.:82 _ ana �3�•43 P�ments. . _ _ .. .. . _ _- . ... Bec�nan secorided tfle motiori and upon vote it was declared du�y adopted. ' Vese].y; Becl�an, Milbert and Ziegler voting in.the affirmative.and no one voting in the negative. Bec�nan moved, Bdi.lbert seconded, that Mike Zipoy be appointed Deputy Assessor. Carried. Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, that �ronin�Bros. be paid �1�Oe00 for work done locating sewer connection at 501 Ha.zel Lane. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that notice for bids f or storm sewer construction be published April 21, 19�9, a� bids to be opened May 10� 19�G9. Carried. Bec?�an moved, Milbert seconded, that resolution #78 "RESOLUTION ORDE�ING A HEA�1G ON ENGINE�S� REPORT FOR INSTALLATION OF WATER �AINS ON A PORTTCIV OF WASHINGTON �AVENUE � SOUTH" marked bshibit C, be adopted arsi that bids be called for May 10� 19�9. Carried. Beckman moved; Milbert seconded, that City �a.riager; C.-C. Cori;don, get in touch with St. Louis Park with reference to fixing up Texas Aven�.e. Carriede Ziegler moved, Beclunan seconded, that the meetir� he adjourned. Carried. ATTEST: Joseph . Vese]y, Mayor g. W. Elmquist, ecretary to the Counci:l C0� CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLIITION N0. 76 RESOI�IITION RII,ATING TO APPROVAL OF MIi�1UTE5 OF MEETINGS. BE IT RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Hopkins: 1. That within one week after each regular and epecial meeting of the council� the city manager cauae to be typed a,nd mailed to each member of the council, a copy of the minutes of the meeting. 2. That unless some member of the council raises an objection to a11 or some portion of said minutes at the next meeting of the council held after the ma.iling of the minutes to the membere of the council, said minutes may be, and hereby are, approved as written. j. That the absence of ar�y reference in the minutes of axx��yy meeting of the council to an objection to minutes of prev'ious meetinga, is conclusive proof that no such objections were made. Adopted at a regula� meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins held on the 5tr. datip of April, �9�+9. JOSEPH C. VESII,Y� MAYOR A. W. .Elmquist, Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney CI TY OF HOPKINS RESO LUTION N0. 77. , A RESOLIITION REF'ERRING THE MATTER OF TREATZI�G WITH TAR OIL AND INSTALLING CURB ON EO.TH SIDES OF WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN E�CELSIOR BOULEVARD AND SECOND STREET NORTIi TO THE CITY ENGINEERS. WH�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkins deema it neceasary f or the health, �uelfare and convenience of the city and ite inhabitants, to treat with tar oil and install curb on both sidea oP Washin�{ton Avenue North between Exceleior Boulevard and Second Street I�ort�i, and WH�R�AS, the costs thereof should be asaeseed against any property found benePited thereby, and �iH�R�AS, the owners of a portion of the property against which said costs wou.ld be assessed have petitioned the council for such local improvement; NOW, THERE FORE, BE IT R�SOLV�D by the council of the city oP Hopkina that the matter of makin g the local improvement hereinbefore mentioned be referred to Lee R'lcNally and Associates, city en— gineers; to investigate the neceasity and feasibility oP su ch improvement and report to the council with all convenient speed. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a re�ular meeting thereof held this 5th day of April, 1949. JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAYOR A. W. �lmquist, Secretary of the Couacil Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney w �J CITY OF HOPKINS ?�SOLUTION N0. 78 RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENGIAI�:ERS� REPORT FOR INSTALLATION OF WA'I'FR MAINS ON A PORTION OF VPASHINGTON AVENIIE SOUTH. WhEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkina on January 4, 1949, adoptec� a resolution referring the matter of installation oP water maina starting at Excelsior and Washington Avenues, thence runnin� southerly.along Washington Avenue to the south line of Lot 16, Block 30, West Minneapolis Center, to Lee McNally and As�ociatea, City En- �ineers, f or their investigation and report, and WI�REAS, said engineer9 have investigated the necesait� and feasibility of said improvements, and o7 April 5, 1949, reported the"reon to the council and filed their �uritten report with the secre- ta_ry of the council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said engineers� report will be con�idered by the council and action taken thereon at a special- �eeting of the council to be held on Tuesday, the lOth day oP May, 1949, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., and BE IT FURTFi�R RESOLUED that the city mana�er give notice �f such hearing by pu�liahing e notice once ia each week Por two succes- sive weeka in the official new4paper of the city, said notice to , describe in general language the improvement recommended in the en- gineera� report, the estimated cost thereof, and a description of the property liable to be asseased therefor. ADOPTr.D by the council of the cit� of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereoP held this 5th day of April, 1949. JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAYOR 1�. W. �lmquiat, Secretary of the �ouncil F'rank N. Whitney, City Attorneg • NOTICE OF HEARING ON i�ASI3INGTON AV-�I�TL�' �OUTH WATER MAIN INSTALLATION � ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city en�ineers of Hopkins did• _ on the 5th d ay of Apri1, 1949, file a written report with the city council relating to the �installation of water maina starting at Excel- - aior and Washington Avenues, thence.running southerly along Washin�ton Avenue to the south line� of Lot 16, Block 30, iNeet Minneapolis Center, and that the city,council ha;s by reaolution fixed Tuesday, the lOth day of Nay, 1949, at 7:30 o�clock P. M., at the council chambere in, . . the City Hall, as the time �and .place tbe council will hear such per- sons a.e care to be heard in reference thereto, and will consider eaid � engineera� report and act thereon. The eatimated.cost of said improvement ia �6,200. A descriptior� of the propertieQ liable to be assessed therefor , ie All oP Blocks 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 and 32, ydeat Minneapolis Center, and the westerly one-half of Blocks 23 and 33, West Minneapol'ia Center, and Lot 25, Auditor� s Subdivision No. 242, Hennepin County, Minneaota, and rights of wray of the B�inneapolia and St. Louis Railway ,Company, and the .� Chicago, N:ilwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railwa� Company. Dated at Hopkin�, P�innesota, this 6th day of April, 19494 Claire C. Congdon, Ci ty :Manager Frank N. _Whi tney, City Attorney Published in Hennepin County Review, April 14th and 21st, 1949. e!� CALL FOR BIDS The City Council of Hopkins v¢L11 receive sealed bids until 8 P.M., Tuesday, May 17, 19�.9, at the City Hall, Hopkins, �innesota, for the furnishin� of all tools, labor, equipment and materials necessary for the installation of certain storm sewers in the City of Hopkins. Plans, speci- fications and bid forms may be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Hopkins, ?dinnesots. CITY OF HQPKINS BY C. C. Con�don, City Manager To be published in the Hennepin County Review April 28th and May 5th 1949. 0 A regulax meeting of the council of t he Citg.of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the city hall at�7�30 o1clock P.Bi. on Tuesday, April 19� 191i9. The following were present: Councilmen Joseph T. .An.derla��Stuart E•�Becl�an, Len Milbert, John Ziegler and City ` Man ager, �. C. Congdon. Mayor Joseph C. Fesely was absent. Becl� moved, Milbert seconded, that John Ziegler be appointed Mayor pro t em. Carried. i • :. Becl�uan moved, PJiilbert seconded, that the followir� bills be paid. Carried. I�21 l�22 l�23 !�2l� l�26 �27 1�28 1�29 1�3a 431 432 433 Am.erican Linen Coo First National Bank State of a2innesota, Treasurer Andex, Inco Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Durican Meter CQrp�n. Feudner-Davidson Gustafson & Fuxa �enn..'Co. Review �ike.Holm, Sec�y. of State Hopkins Cleaners Hopkiris Fire Dep�t. Johnson & Vogt Inc.. 1�35 xinri serv. l�36 Kokesh Hdw. 1�37 Laiapert. Yards 1�39 Lundt s S�clair Serv. 1�0 Bdiller Davis Co, 92 93 95 97 98 99 100 102 10l� io5 : : :. : GE[�1ERAL FUND IV�arch service March withYiolding tax , March retirement fund,deductions Paint and varnish � -. _ . . ;Supplies� Meter receipts & disbursements Bond to county auditor Supplies arid ].abor on ��Stop & C�o�� sign , Publications arid pri.nting Registration inforination J Dry clean 3 blankets for,jail Fire ca11s pil-grease- parts & batteries for ) fire trucks ) Mpls. Gas Co. Northern States Power pau]:s on � s Hdw. Ske11y 0il Coo Staniiard Oil Co. Suburban Press Inc. Salaries, first half of April � Hourly wages, period ending 1��15/1t9 Tire chains rr n Na ils Supplies � Repair tube & 1 boot installed -) old garbage truck ) Supplies - genera7. �15.00) court 165070) Gas paint and brush Gas n Publication and printi.ng RQAD & BRIDGE FUND First Nationa]_ Bank Treasurer; State of Minn. Glacier Sand & Gravel Johnson & Vogt Inc. Lampert Yards Wm. H. �cCoy Northern States Power Republic Creosoting Rosenwald-Cooper, Inc. Standard Oil Co. Salaries, f�rst lialf of ApriT Hourly wages, period ending l��17/49 First National Bank Treaso, State of Minn. Lawrence Browriing ' Gustafson & Fuxa 88 �iopkins �gine Ret�uilding 89 Justus Lbr. Co. 90 I,ampert Yarcls 91 Neptune Meter Co. 92 Northern' States Paover 93 N. �. Bell Tel. Co. 9�! Starida.rd Oil Coa 95 Suburban Press Inc. 96 Wallace & Tiernan Co. �alaries, first. hali of april 10 I."J. DonnelTy Coo 11 Orfei & bllariani , �arch witYiYiolding ta.x March retirement fund deductions Sand Tire repairs Cement and lime Diesel oil Road tar ?�ailroad picks & pick handles Gas lRATER. FUND March iivi.thholding tax March retirement fund dedizcti� s p�ttting in pump at #1 pump house Parts & labor, i.nstalling starter #1 ll�ell - �uses - grease � ,'pil & repairs - utilit� truck Cesspwl. top & blocks , Ceinent, �eters & connections Gas _.. _._ _. Publicaticr� anci pririting Rental on chlorinators SENAGE D ISPOSAL FUND Trunk sev�er, Estimate #8 „ �� �� #5 i:65 �.Sle3� 71�0 07 isa95 31s92 356.78 5.00 19e92 273.00 10�0 3075 348050 24Z.�8ti' 20.00 1e20 13e19 2e7� 18ov70 116.59 712:84 15.80 2.57 10.29 36.00 i280.50 532.07 ?� 01�0 22:28 36:56 1L�o10 3000 13:66 8;61 560�� 21�.00 6000 347•30 1�52.00 y.c�. s 6� 10,00 70.00 193.52 62.50 37:00 2oI0 862.T8'� 701.05 8,t13 1:00 19:3� � 1�05 000 3?0.20 31.�4• �.3 t;52�..82 ;� Bec�an moved, Anderla.seconded, that the following be appointed clerks, judges and counters for the city election to be held on �iay 17,-1949• Carried. ' DISTRICT N0. 1 Gladys Escher Rose Nickodym Selm,a Pahl Elizabeth Sl�.vin Ardis Patterson DISTRICT N0. 2. �arian Stepanek Olga `'elley Elizabeth Lemke Nona Sundquist Louise Lussier DISTRICT N0. !� Alice M. Anclerson Ida Ke Olson Charles Herzan Bridget Larkin Adeline Sedesky DISTRICT N0. 3 Anna C. Borland �ae B. Good Esther �. Koss Margaret C• Ouvens Lola M. Yackel BALLOT COUNTERS _ Carl K. Towley, Director of Count �illiam J. Cermak Frarik F'. Sefcik � Clinton K. Blomquist Otto G. Cermak Anderla moved, Beclanan secor�ded, that resolution #81 "A RESOLUTIO� REFE�R.RSIdG TO THE CITY ENGIIdEERS THF It2ATTER OF INSTALLING SIDE�'IALK ANi� CURB T1V CER.TAIN I�QCATION5" marked Exhibit A, be adopted. �arried. Beckman moved, P�.lbert seconded, that the request of the Northv�restern Bell Telephone Coim�any for the placing of buried cable at following locations be granted subject to approval of City Engineer. Carried. ' Iri tre east side of Fifth Avenue from Excelsior Boule�iard to Wilshire 1l��lk; in �ccelsior Boulevard and south into the alleys adjacent to Monro e Avenue; in �ccelsior Boulevard arid Vari Buren Avenue and into the adjacerit alleys; in F�celsior B oulev�rd and north ori Jackson gvenue; and in. -�ccelsior Boulevarci and tYie east side of �ashinoton Avenue to the guverior Separator �ompany as shown in detail on the attached sketches. Anderla moved, Beclanan seconded, that the request of Rolee Auction Sales for to concluct auct� on sales be referrecl to the city attorney for .the purpose of the ordinance �vering sa.me. Carried. . a license stud,7ing Bec�an moved, �ilbert seconded, that the application of Appliance & Gas Heating Co. for an oil bu.rner'install_ation license be granted subject to approval of the bond of the city attorney. �arried. :�filbert moved, Anderla seconded, that resolution #80 ��RES�LUTION AUTHORIZI�TG CITY NfANAGER TO EKFI�UTE ACCEPR'ANCE OF CONSENT OF CH:CCAGO, I�dIL1NAUKEE, ST PAUL AND PACIFIC RAIL�TAY COI�2PANY T0 PER�IT CRANTID BY THE 11�INNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL SL?BU�tBAN RAILRQAD COMPANY" marked E�chibit B, be adopted. Carried. 'di.ltiert moved, Anderla seconded, that the City accept the agreement with the llLLinneapolis and St. �au1 Suburban Railroad �ompany to lo�rer the level of Second Street between Central and Nradison A�enues and that the �ity Manager be authorized to execute same, marked �hibit C. Carried. Beclflnari moved, Milbert seconded, that the Northern States Potiver Company be instructed to install a l�000 lumen street light at Van Ruren and St. Loui.s gtreet. Carried. P�ilbert moved, Eeclana.n secorided, that old uncollectable water bills totalling �20.09 be cancelled, marked ESchibit D. Carried. Beckman moved, Milbert seconded, that the motion passed on. Apri1� 5, 1949, pPx'tai.ning to the calling of storm sev�er bids for b2ay 10, 1949, be rescinded. Carried. An�erla moved, Milbert seconded; that notice for bids for storni sewer construction be published April 28 and �ay 5, 19�9, �d bids to be opened May 17, 1949. Carried. P�Zilbert moved, Anderla seconded, th�.t the meeting be adjourned. �arriede ATTEST : John Zi er ayor pro tem . - _.. • A. y�, quis Secre ary to he ouncil COUNC II�1: � � � � ,.... ,..�_-- °� �a CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLtTTION 1Q0. gl N A RESOI,IITIO� REFEERING TO THE CITY ENGII�ERS T� MATTEE OF INSTALLING SIDE- � WALg AND CQRB IN CERTAIIQ LOCATIONS. W�RF�S, the council of the cit� of Hopkine deeme it necesear� for the health, welfare a.nd coavenience of the city and ita inhabitantg, to make the following local improvement s: I�iPROVII�iED1T N0. I-. Conatruct eidewalk and curb on the Ea.st eide of Thirteeath Avenue North bet�een Fourth 3treet Aorth and the ldorth line oP Lot 12� Block 107, West Minneapolie, Second Division. IMPROVEMENT N0. 2. Constzuct curb ia the follo�ving location�: On the West aide oP T�relfth Avenne North between the South line of Lot 9. Block 76, . West Minneapolis, Second Division� aad the 3onth line of the ri�.t- of-way of the Minneapolis and St. Zouia Railw� Company; on the • North side of First Street North between Twelfth Avenue �orth and Fourteenth Acenue North; on the East eide of Fourteenth Avenne North bet�reen Firet Street North a.ad the South line of the ri�t- of-wa� of the Minneapolis and St. Louia Railvray Compa�y. AND WI�EA$, the coat thereof ahonld be asseased agaiast any property Pound beaefiteci thereby, a.nd WSERF�AS, moet of the owners of property againet which said coat wonld be assessed have petitioned the city council for the installation of said eidewalk and curb in eaid locations; �OW, TSEREF08E, BE IT BESOI�VV�D by the council of the city oP Hopkins that the mattera of the instatlation of sidewalk and. cnrb ia eaid locatioae be referred to Lee McNally and gesociates� city eagineers� to inveatigate the neceaeity and feasibility of auch im- provemeat �nd report to the �uncil ae aoon as possible. ADOPTED 'by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held this 19th dey of April, �9�+9• JOSEPH C. VESELY. MAYOfi A. W. Eimqaiet, Secretatg of the council I�rank N. Whitney, , City gtto rney �opy to Lee McNally mailed April 27, 1.9�9 C ITY OF HOPKINS' . RESOLUTION NO. 60 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ACCEP- TAATCE OF COATSENT OF CHICAGO, MIL9VAUF�, �T. PAUL ADTD PACIFIC R�ILWAY CON!PANY TO PERMIT GRAN TEB BY Tf� MINnTEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL SUBURBAN RAILROAD COMPANY. ULiI�REA5, on February 1, 1949, the .Minne�polis .and St. Paul Sub- urban Railroad Company g,ranted a per.mit to the city of Hopkins to lay and maintain a sanitary secuer pipe about 70 feet in len�th, under�round, at and across the northwesterl� corner of Lot 14, �iest Minneapolis, at or near the interaection of Ninth Avenue and Second Street South, and � WHEREAS,.said permit provides as o�e of ite.conditions that the city obtain the consent to said:.permit of the Chica�o, Milvuaukee, ; St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company, lessee of said premises, and �- WHER�AS, on March 23, 1949, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company as�er.ted to sai.� permit' and endorsed ita assent thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R�SOLVED that the city of Hopkins accept�the consent of �the �hicago,, h�ilwaukee, St. Faul and Pacific Railway �ompany to Qaid permit, and tha t the ci t� mr�nager be authorized for and on behalf of the city to execute an acceptanc'e of auch congent. � � . ADOPTED by the cauhcil ci' tre.city' oP Hopkins at a re�ular meeting thereof held this 19th day of April, 1949. - JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank .N. ��Jhitney, City Attorney. � +��"-�...–�'�,..r- —..,–f L..,�c•-.r � � THE MINI�IEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL SUBURBAN RAILROAD COMPANY P:;inneapoLs, R�iinn. ��ril 11, 191�9 i:ir. Lee PFc�laily Cit�T �,r�ineer Hopkins, lt�iinneso ta Dear Lee: - Subsequent to our recent telephone discussion,,I understand that �yrou and P:�-r. kr+I. F, Clarlc, ou-r �Engineer 1�iainten�.nce oi T1Jay, have vieti•red on the ground and discussed in detail� the proposal of the Cit�r of Hopkins, in installir�E; a �etiver, to loi�rer the level of 2nd Street betv:�een Central and P:�Iadison l�venues. 6� Second Street is �arallel to and adjoins the nortn side oi our right-o�-r�ray, and inasmuch• as our rigYit-of-ti�:a�� betti��;ecr. Ada.ms and Jeiferson .�venues passes tYirough a cut , i-rhich, ti�vitr� a lotiverit�; of the level of 2nd Street, l��roulci leave a considerable rid�e of c�.rt on our ri�;ht-ef-i�ray just sou�;h of 2nd ati eet; a.nd furtYier because the � Cit;r of ?�o,�lcins considers tnat such a ridgc ti�roula be undesir�.ble frorm �.n aestheLic vietivpoint and desires and �s ���rilling to rer_nove the rid.�e of dirt �rom our right-oi-tivay property, ��re �iereb;;r acivise you t,ticlt l'dE have no objection to the Cit�: of Hopk:ins cutting dovm Lhe ridbe ef dirt on our right-of-vray betzveen !ldams and Jefferson �ivenues and removi ng s arr� . I� is uriderstood tha� tne removal oi this rid`e oi dirt ��rill i��� done �,�rithout e:Lpense to �his Corapanv and a� a tirne anci in such r.2anner as to m�et :�vi�h the approval o� our P:s. Clar�;, Lngineer P��a.intenance of l�da�r. 1t is iur�her understood �hat th� Ci�y of I�op�:ins. vai11 l�iold tnis Corn��.n;;T iiarmless from an;y- claim for injur-�r or dama.ge :vhich ma�• arise in the course of or as a result of the rernoval o� sa.id dirt from our right-oi-tiva�r. %'Je are sendir� to you here��;ith tne a i�iri� ar�d one copy of this letter and ask th;:�t ;-ou indicate �TOIl�� unders�andin� and acce�7t�,nce of the terms under ti°rhich the desired re :wval oi thc ridge of dirt is to be accor�.plished b�- having e1ecuted by the appropriate City officer and returned to us the carbon copy of this letter. Yours very truly� D. J. Bren �issist��t to the �resident �flgreement ��:iith and acceptance oi the above understar�ctin� and terms is hereb;yr acl:novrlec�ed. City of Hopl:ins `- By - L'il�Y ��!' . . Pr / �. F�i c . . . � � ' _ ' • , . w N l� , i" . �� � ���'�p_�- �' _G/� �. � . ���� �- '� �- ., - � _� � �� �� , �; �,� . ;: � ;, ,�� /��y- i� �� �-� �. , � . �,./� f ��' �, ���. ,/ � ���-- .�v a �� r i �� � �!����/ �� � � %� �� � %e�'•��`G���-- ��� • � �/ � -- �' — 'hz�„'v� �.��'°Y��� . � -- �, . _ - ,i ' _ �� `_ . 'C � ��� �� '' �'� . ' \ � r - _ �9�-3 --/i- - �- '� � �- /� �- �- - ' � . c�� . � �._� � ,.�. . �.. CALL FOR BIDS The �ity Council of Hopkins will receive sealed bids until 8 P.M., Tuesc��y, May 17, 191�9, at the City Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota, for the furnishir-�g of all tools, labor, equipment and materials necessary for the installation of certain wate.r m�in extensions in the City of Hopkins. Plans, specifications and bid forms may be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk, �ity Hall, Hopkins, Minnesota. CITY CJF HOPKINS BY C. C. Congdon, City Manager � To be published in the Hennepin �ounty Review �fay 5th and May 12th, 1949. � �v NOTICE OF RDsULAR. CITY FLE�CTION TO TFiE L�AL VOTERS OF �IE CITY OF HOPKINS: 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT A P�ULAR FLECTIUN ` FOR SAID CITY, IN TfiE HARLEY HOPK7Ia5 SCHOOL FOR PRECINCT NUNBER ONE AND IPJ THE CITY HALL FCI� PRECINCTS NUMBEF TV�O AND NL�ER THRFE AND' II�� " THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FOR PR.F�CINCT NLTP.�BF�, FOUR, WILL BE HEL� IN SAID CITY, ON TUFSDAY, THE 17TH DAY OF It�AY, 1949, BETNfEEN THE HOURS OF 7:00 6'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON AND 8:00 0'CI,OCK IN TFIE AFTFRNOON . OF 2HE SAME DAY, FO?� THE FOLLOINING P'JR.POSES, VIZ.: TO ELECT: OA1E MAYOR, FOUR COUNCIL�F�1 AND OATE �INNICIPAL COURT JLTDGE: THE NAT.4 ES . OF THE CAIVDTD��TES r OR n4AY0R A:�.E: �1i. HAPI,AN PERBIX JOSEPH C . VESII�Y � ' `I'HE NAMES OF THE CA1��11IDATES� FOR COUNCILNIEN A:ZE: " � JOSEPH T. ANDERLA STUAFT E. EECKD.�AN ROBERT (BOB) CHENMACK LEN J. MILBERT LeROY A. OLSON ID VISKA � JOHN ZIEGLER THE NAMF,S OF THE C4'V DIDATES F'OF. R4UNICIPAL COITRT JUDGE ARE: , J. RUSSELL CA�.POLL K. M. (NL4X) OTTO ' � A. W. E�11�QUIST � CITY CLERK DA� r�aY 2rm, 19�9 TB BE PUBLIS�iED IN THE HIlVNEPIN C OUNTY REVIEGJ 1�ZAY5th 1949. Ofl�cial �allo� City EleCtio� �allot CITY OF YIOPKINS, HENIVEPIN COUNTY, MINN. MAY �c 17 � 1949 "I)irections to Voter�" MARK YOUR CHOICE WITH NUMBERS ONLY. (DO NOT USE "X" MA�tKS) Put the number 1 in the square opposite the name of your flrst choice. Put the number 2 opposite your second choice, the number 3 opposite your third choice, and so on. You may mark as many choices as you please: Do not put the same number opposite more than one name. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write his name on a blank line under the names of the candidates and put a number in the square opposite to show which choice you wish to give him. if you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. �� Mayor-�'Year Term ❑ W. Harlan Perbix ❑ JOSEPH C. VESELY � Of�"icial �allot City EI�Ct�o� �allot VITY OF NOPKINS, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. MAY � 17 � 191�9 . "Dia�eetions to Voters" MARK YOUR CHOICE W�YTIY 1VUIVI�ERS ONLY. (DO NOT �1SE "X" MARKS) Put the number 1 in the square opposite the name of your flrst choice. Put the number 2 opposite your second choice, the number 3 opposite your third choice, and so on. You may mark as many choices as you please. Do not put the same number opposite more than one name. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write his narne on a blank line under the names of the candidates and put a number in the square opposite to show which choice you wish to give him. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. ��icip � year Term ,�. RusseLl Carr.oll � �. ❑ K. N�. , Max Otto � Oflicial Badlot City Ei�ct�on ��llot CI�Y.= OF IFOPKINS, HENNEPIN COUNTY; MINN. • MAY �c 17, 1949 "I)irectflons to Voters" MAR.K YOUR, CHOICE WITI-I NUMB�RS ONLY. (DO NOT USE "X" MARKS) Put the number 1 in the square opposite the name of your first choice. Put the number 2 opposite your second choice, the number 3 opposite your third choice, and so on. You may mark as many choices as you please. Do not put the same number opposite more than one name. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write his name on a blank line under the names of the candidates and put a number in the square opposite to show which choice you wish to give him. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. Councilmen-� Year Te��n �JOSEPH T. ANDERLA LJ � STUART E. BECKMAN ❑ R�obert Bob Chermack � � �en J.. a. e �-� oy . son ❑ . is a � ��� ❑ John Ziegler . ; o `. y N � 'd � ti w O � � M M A� regular meeting of the council of the Ci,ty of .Hopkins, � Minnesota, was held at tY:e Cresentll fl�lt orOoosech�Ck Qes�e �n omicilmenaJoseph T9�An , The' following were P aY P • �Y' aerla, Stuart E, $eclanan, Len ivlilbert, John.Ziegler and City Manager,.C. C. Congdon. Members absent: none. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the follo�ring bills be paid. Carried, 4b9 C. �C. Congdon, `1'reas. �.70 �onsumers Uniori �.?2 Doubleday & Co, � �75 Gaylord Bros. Iric: l�76 General Mills Inc. l�77 Herzari & Bastyr 1�78 Hopkins Fire Dep�t. l�80 Jean Karr �C Coo 1�81 Kokesh Hd�. � l�82 V�. E. Lahr Co. !�8?� Leef $ros. Ince � 1�85 �6iller-Davis Co. l�86 Miiie Safety Apple �t87 Minn. Ne�tis C o 0 1�88 N. W. Bell �Tel. Co. 1�90 Oriei �"�ariani �t91 Piper Co, 1�9L� H. A,. Ro�ers Co, l�95 Rosenwald-Cooper . - 9? Suburban Henn.. Co. �.98 Suburban Press Inc. 502 �. W.�2ipoy Wages, hourly Salaries 113 I�okesh Hdw. I1l� C. C. Congdon, Treas. 115 N. Vfi. Bell Tel. Co. 117` Republic Creosotin; 119 Rosenv�ald-�;ooper �Tages, hourly Salaries GENERAL FURiD Petty--Cash � Reports for library Books " �� Supplies for « Grass seed & Vigoro SuPPlies . .. _. _ Fire ca11s and pfiones Books for library Siipplies Rep.�speedometer VPipirig rags �" Supplies � Suppl'ies for fire dep't. Books for library . phone service , , � Balance. due 1�'arkridge storm sewer Rat baits f Maps , Shovels-street brooms-etc. Relief 'Board ' �rinting-Stationery Miirieographing & ma.terial Periocl ending 1}/30/�.9 Last half of April RQAD � BRI.IUGE FUND Supplies Petty Cash Phon e s ervirc e Road tar Shovels-street brooms-etc. Period ending 1�/30/1�9 La.st half of April WATER FUND �101 Ce C. Con don T eas. g , r Pett�r Cash 102 Rosenwald-Cooper Shovels & Red warning flags 103 Wallace & Tiernan Parts Salaries La.st half of Apri�. SPDCIAL ASSFSS!dIE�]T FUND 7 I'irst National Bank of Hopkins Bonds and interest g n u n n n n n fi REVOLV ING FUI�ID 8 Americari �ast Iron Pipe �o. Pipe 9 Woodrich Construction Rental of crane � � 901�7 5e00 22,62 75.62 15:�.0 356a5o 1l�s98 2.99 2.75 9.00 5.8l� 153:3? l�4.69 57:l�3 5276.50 11.88 10:30 5e93 355.Zi.9 !�9 070 3025 789e15 1537 090 �e65 .99 Le00 35:85 ... 300l�2 389000 347030 3s69 7081� 6e61 370.20 41 s �3 ?690.00 21�38.2l� 2�..50 Zi�gler moved, Anderla seconded, that resolution �8�. T1A RESOLUTIGl�T R�ERRIZV� T Q� CITY. ENGINEII�.S TH�'_�,ATT�R OF CONSTRLTCTII�TG SIDEf1ALK AN1�_CL??�B 11V CERTgIN LOCATIONS AND ALSO THE MATTER."OF TREATING A PORTION OF FIFTEENTH AVENUE NORTH WT� TA.'� OIL" marked F��hibit A, be ado*�ted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the Civic & Co�nmerce Associatiori request for a 3.2� beer and soft drink license, durin� the 191a9 baseball season, be granted except for the Sunda.ys on which Naspberry �ay and the Czech Harvest Festival,are held. Carried. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that a gas and oil burner license be granted to Adolph Reinke. Carried. a Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded, that the request of th e Minneapolis Gas Compa�y for main extensions, their Nos. 109 and 125, be gran ted subject to a pproval by the city en�ineer. Carried. Ziegler moved, �'iilbert seconded; that tkie request of the �Iinneapolis Gas Company as set �forth at meeting of April 5, �19�.9, to install a new gas main on 8th Avenue Nox'th be now approved as per original request, �9 �e 4 i� o Axiderla moved, Ziegler secorided; that the request of t he P:T.A. to condt�ct a bingo game at the Junior High School on May 1lt, 19lt9, be grarited. Carried. Ariderla moved, 7,iegler seconcied� that tYie city attorney prepare an amend,ment to the liquor ordi.nance pertaining to closing hourse Carrieds Anderla moved� Ziegler seconded, tYiat the communication dated April 28, 191a.9, by , A. F. Ess be placed on file�. Carried. Ziegler moyed� Anderla secor�ed, that resolution �86 "A RESOLUTI�N 0'�ERING A HEA�iIP1G ON ENGINFERS � RF�PORTS ON THE INSTALLATIOTd OF SIDE�hfALK:& CUP� IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS AND '.►�iF T?��iTING OF A POI'TION QF WASHN�TON A��iJE _NORTH �!�TTH TAR OII," marked �chibit B, be adopted. Carrie�.. Beckremari moved, Milbert seconded, that the election judges, cZerks an d counters salary, ior the election to be held May 17, 1949, be set at �1.25 per hour. Carried. Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded, th.at the following be appointed deputy assessors subject to the furnishing of bonds. Carried. , Car1 Towley Vernon Gager Mrs. N'ina �Burna P�rs. A1bia Zipoy Mrs. Helen Hils�ad Andzrla moved, Milbert secondeci, that Qrfei 8c I�riani. �be pa.id tlie. sum of �5,276.50 as full sett]:ement of the Parkridge storm sewer account and they be notified to this effect. Carried. � � _ _ � ,� Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the rea.di.ng of Ordinance #12 "AN ORD7NANCE RELATING TO A S�11fAGE CONNDCTIOPI CHARGE; AMENDING tAP1 ORDINANCE PROVIDING A SEINER CON- NDCTIOPI CH�GE AND PRFSCRIBI?ViQ PENALTIES FOR FAILtTP`E TO PAY SAME, � VIT�ICH WAS ADOPTID �- BY THE VILLAGE OF HOPKINS ON THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 191�7, and REPF�AI,ING ORDINANCE N0. 6 QF THE CITY OF HOP�INS �VHI�;? 1�iA5 ADOPTID ON THE 17TH DAY OF AL�GUST, 1948�' be accepted as the first reading. Carried;. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #13 "AN �RDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING AUCTIOIVEERS AND PROVIDING A PENAL`L'3C FOR VIOLATION �iiEREOF; REPEALING �AN ORDINANCE R�ULATING THE, SALE OF P.1ER,CHAAIDISE AT PUBLIC AUCTION BY - LICENS� AUCTIQdEE..�S OF TRANSIENT PdE�CHANTS�, WHICu WAS ADOPTID BY THE VILLA�E COUNCIL OF HOPKINS-0�? FEBRUARY 19, 1929", be accept ed as the first reading, Carried.< Ziegler moved, Pdi.lbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #1l�, "AN ORD]NANCE RELATING T0 7HE �F'FDCTIVE DATE OF DRDINANCES, OTHE,R THAN Ef�R�.F�TCY ORDINANCFS, ADOPT� BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF HOPKIN�° be accepted as the.f'irst readir�. Carried. ZieGler mwed,�Milbert seconded, that resolutiori #82 °RESOLUTION DIRF7CTING PUBLICATI�N OF NOTICE OF HF�IRING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMFNTS, marked �hibit C, be adopted. Caxried. The Council recessed at 8s30 until 9:15 P.�. as �ayor Vese�y an d Councilman Ziegler had to attend a meeting at the Junior High School. Beclflnan moved, Ziegler secorided, that the Cit�r of Hopkins open negotiatirn s w'ith the State Highway Commi:ssioner for th e purpose of acquiring a parcel of l�.rid f�n the Fifth ' Avenue saiid pit" for park purposes, and Mayor. tTesely, Councilman Anderla and �ity fl4�ager, C. C. Coaagdon, be delegated to represent the City. Carried. I�ilbert moved, Anderla;�. seconded, that Councilman BeclQnan a�id City Manager, C. C. Congdon, be appoi.3ited to represent the City Counci.l as members of the Suburban gire Dep�t. �ommittee,: Carried. . . . . Az�derla moved, Ziegler seconded, that resolution #85 "RESOLUTION ME�dORIALIZING THE BOA�?D OF COUNTY, CQIVIlUIISfiIONERS C�F H�IEPIN COUNNTY AND HEIWEPIlV COUNTY EN�II�TEF�R. T0 REPAIR AND MAIIVTAIN, CHANIGE, � CERTAIN COUNTY �tOADS IN THF� CITY OF HOPKINS" marked �chibit D, be adopted. Carried. _ . _ . ,. Ziegler moyed, BeclQaan seconded, thatthe meeting be adjourned. Carried. . � ATTEST: A. . Elmquis ,� ecre ary to the ouncil -� C� - - � . ,�. � �� Joseph C. Vese].�r, Mayor : �-:��'���_''� �'�r� "r��' '��°'� ►� � � CITY OF HOPBINS RESOLIITION A0. g�+. A RESOLiJTION REFERRINa TO TSE CITY ENGI�EERS THE MATTER OF CONSTRIJCTING SIDEWALK AND CURB IN CERTAIN LOCATIOPi3 AND ALSO 't'xE MATTER OF TREATINa g P08TION OF FIF'3'EENTH A9EN[JE qOHTS WITH TAR OIL. W�BEAS� the council of the cit� of Hopkina deems it aecessar� for the health� �elfare and convenieace of the city and its inhabitaata, to make the following local improvementa: IMPROVII++IE�1T N0. 1: Conetruct sidewalk on the Weat side of 9an Buren Avenue between First 8treet South and Second Street South. INII�HOYIlKENT �. 2: Conatnict curb on both sides of FiPteeath gvenue DTorth from Fourth $treet gorth to the 3outh line of state trnnk hig�way No. 7. IMPROYEME� �D. 3: Treat Fifteeath Avenue North from Fonrth Street DTorth to the South liae oP state trunk hi�way No. 7 wi.th tar oil. AN'D WS�EAS, the cost thereof ehould be aeaeseed agaiast aay property iound benefited thereby, and W�SEA3, most of the owaers of propert� againet which said coet wonld be aaeeased have petitioned the cit� council for the installatio a of eaid aidewalk and cnrb ia eaid locations a.nd for the treating of euch portion of Fifteenth Avenue Aorth a�rith tar oil; NOW, TSEF�FORE, BE IT BESOL9ED by the council of the cit� of Hopkias that the installatioa of eidewalk and carb in said locationa and the treating of euch portion oP Fifteenth Avenue North with tar oil be referred to Lee McNa11y a.nd Associ�tes, city engiaeere, to investigate the neceseity and feaeibilit� of such improeemente and report to the con.ncil aa eoon as poeeible. ADOPTFD by the council of the city of Eopkins at a rega.lar meeting thereof held thi e 3rd day of May, 19�+9. JOSEPH C. VESELY� MAYOH A. W. Elmqaiat. Secretary of the council Frank N. T�hitne�, City Attorney to Lee McNally on May 5, 1g�9 � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLiTTIODT N0. g6 A BESOLIITIOIJ ORDERI2IG A I�ARINQ OAT ENGINEERS' REPORTS OAi THE I14S�'�.I,LATION OF SIDEWALR & CUAB IN CERTAIAI LOCATIODTS ABT'D THE TRF�ATING OF g PORTIODT OF WASHIAIG�.'ON AVEDIITE 1J08TS WImH TAR OIL. WSEEEA3, the canncil of the cit� of Hopkina�on April 5, 1949, adopted a resolution referring the matter of treating with tar oil and inatalling cnrb on both sidea of Washington Aeenue North bet�reen �celsior Boulevard and 3econd Street North to Lee MclQall,y aad Associatea, city engineers, for their inveatigation an.d report, aad �PFiEREAS, the council of the cit�r of Hopkins on g�ril 19, �9�g� adopted a resolutioa referring the matter of the followin� local improvr� enta to Lee Mc�ally and Associates, city engineera. ior their investigation and report, namely: IMPEOVFMENT A0. 1: Conetract sidewalk and curb on the East side of Thirteenth Avenue gorth betvaeen Fourth Street DTorth and the ATorth liae oi Lot 12, Block 107� west Minneapolis� Second Division; IA9PROYIl�IENT N0. 2: Constract curb in the followfng locatione? On the Weat eide of Twelfth Avenue North betaeen the south line of Lot 9, Block 76� Weet Minneapolie� 3econd Diviaion, and the Sauth line of the ri�t- of-�vay of the Minn�apolie and St. Louis aa,ilway Comp�ay; on the North aide oP First Street North between Twelfth Avenne �orth and �'ourteenth Avenue North; on the East eide of Fourteenth Aveaue Idorth between Firat Street North a.ad the 3outh line of the right- of-aay of the Minneapolis and 3t. Lonis Railway Oompea,y. AND WHEREA3� said engineers have investigated the neceaeity and Peasibility of eaid improve�cnte and on May 3, 19�9� reported thereon to the council and filed their written reporte with the secretarq of the cvnncil; NOW� THEBEFOHE� BE IT BESOLVED that eaid engineere reporte Nill be conaidered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the conncil to be held oa �esday� the 7th de�y of June, 19�9� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. and FUHTHER BE IT/ BESOL9ED that the citym�,n$g.er-� give notiae of such heariag by pub- lishing a notice once in each week for two ancceseive weeke in the official newepaper of eai d city, said notice to describe ia general la.ng�age the improvemeate recommended in the enginaere reporte and the eatimated cost thereof. AUOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held thie 3rd day of M�y� 1949. JOSEPH C. YESELY, MAYOH A. W. Elmquiet� Secretary of the Council Fraak N. �hitney� C� t� AttornAy NOTICE OF HEARING 0� THE INSTAZLATIO� OF CURB I1V CEHTAIAT LOCATIO�S AND THE TREATING OF A PORTIOA OF WASHINC,li'ON AVENUE AOgPH WITH TA& OII,. � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIPEN that the city engineera of Hopkina did on the 3rd day of Ma.y. 19�9, file reporte with the city council relating to the following improsements: Treatiing with tar oil and inatalling curb on both sidee of Washingtoa Avenue North between �celsior Boulevard and Second Street DTorth, at an eetimated cost for said tar oil of $2600.00 and an estimated coet Por eaid curb of �3975•00. Coastrnc�ing sidewalk and curb on the Eaet aide of Thirteenth Avenue �orth betweea�Fourth�Street North and the North line of Lot 12, Block 107� Weet Minneapolie� Second Divieion; Constructing curb only in the following locationa: on the Weet aide of Twelfth Avenue North between the South line of Lot 9. Block 76, West Minneapolis. 3ecoad Division, and the South line of the ri�t-of-way of the Minneapolie a.nd 3t. Louie Ra.ilway Company; � on the North side of First Street North betKeen Twelfth Avenue �orth and Fourteenth Avern�.e North; on the East eide of Fourteenth Aeenue North between P'irat Street North and the South line of the rigk�.t-of-r��y of the Minneapolia ead St. I+ouis Railway Company, at an estimated cost for all oP such sidewalk and curb of $3970.00. ' NOTICE IS FtJRTHEB GIVEN that the city council has by reeolution fized Tuesday, the 7th da� of June� �9�+9, at 7:j0 o�clock P.M. at the oouncil chambera at the city hall as the time and plac.e at which the council t�vill hear snch persone as care to be heard with reference thereto and aill consider said engineers' reporta.and act thereon. Dated at Hopkine� Minnesota, this 5th dqp oP May, 19�9 Clair� C. Congdon� ` City Ma.nager Frank DT. Whitney, City Attorney Pu.bliehed in Hennepia County Review May 12th and 19th.. 19�+9 copy to Review M�r 6, 19�t9 •' a � CITY OF HOPKIYS RESOLUTION N0. g2 4� RESOLUTIOPi DIREOTIPTG PQBLICATION OF NOTICE OF HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMIIJT3. 1�HEREAS, contracte have been let for the local improvemente hereinafter listed, a.nd the coets of ench imp rovemente have been determined, and the amouat to be specially aseeased for each improvemeat against every aseessable lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon euch improvement ha.s been calculated� a.nd such asseesments are on file with the Secretary of the Council aad open to public �apections� ta-voit: Aeaesement No. 1: Installing sanitary eewer in all of the streets in the plat oP Hobby Acres� at a total coat of $�F2�9148.00• Aeseesment No. 2: Installing aater ia the following locationa in the plat of Hobby Acree, namely: Commencing at the intereection of Ha.zels.ne aad Wayside Road� thence Eaeterly oa Wayside Hoad. to Wayside Ho11oN; elso commencing at the inter- aection of Hazela.ne and Farmdale Road, theace Easter�y-on Farmdale Road to Holly- hock Lane; also commencing at the intereection of Wayside Road and Hollyhock Lane� thence Southerly along Hollyhock Lane to Farmdale 8oad, at a total cost of $9,05�.00. Assessment No. 3: Conatracting curb on both sides of YanBurea Avenne from L�cceleior Avenue to B'i.ret Street eouth at a total coet of $2.658.00. Aseeesment No. �: Constructing curb on both sides of VanBuren Avenue from Firet Street South to Becond Street South a�,a�total coat of $1�99�.00. Aesessment No. 5: Constructing curb oa both sides of Harriaon Avenue from Firat Street South to Second Street South at a total coet of $2,33g.00. Aeseasment Ro. 6: Tar oil treatment on l�+th. Avenue North from Firet Street North to Second Street bTorth at a total coet oP $792.00. Asseasment No. 7: Tar oil treatment oa lOth Avenue North from Bourth Street North to Minnetonka Mille Hoad at a total coet of $137.00. Assessment No. 8; Sewer on Fifth Avenue North from Second Street North to Minrietonka �ills Road at a total cost of �4998.l�0. AND WHE�AS, the areae propoeed to be aesessed for said improvemente are all lots, pieces and parcels of land abntting npon said improvementa; NOW, T�REFOxE� BE IT RESOLVED that notice be publiehed in the.official paper at least twenty (20) days before the meeting, that the council of the city of Hopkine will pasa upon said proposed aesesements at ite regular meeting to be held in the council chamber� ia the city hall on Tuesday� June 7, �g�+9� at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ADOPTED at a regalar me eting of the council of the city of Hopkine held thie 3rd cle,y of May, 19�9• � A. W. Elmqaiat, Secretary of the Council � Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney JOSEPH C. PESELY, Mayor NOTICE OF HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMEI�TS. AOTICE IS 1iEREBY GI9EN that the conacil of the city of Hopkina will meet at the council chambers ia the city hall on Tueadey, June 7� 19�9, at 7:j0 o'elock P.M. for the pur- pose of paeaing upon pmposed aseeesments upon all the lota, pieces or parcels of land abutting upon the following local improvements, to-�a'it: ASSESSMENT BTO. l: Installing sa.nftary se�rer in all of the atreets in the plat of Hobby Acree, at a total coat of $�F2,9�.00. ASSESSMENT &0. 2: Inetalling v�ater ia the following locatione in the plat of Hobby Acrea, na.mel�: Commencing at the intersection of Hazelane and Wayside Road� thence Easterly on W�yside Roa.d to W$yside Hollow; aleo commencing at the iatereection of Hazelane and Farmdale Road� thence Easterly oa Farmdale Road to Hollyhock I,e.ne; also commencing at the in�ereection of Wa,,qside Eoad. and Hollyhock Lane� thence Southerly along Ho,llyhock Lane to Farmdale Road� at a total coet of $9.05�.00. AS3ES� D?0. j: Constrncting cnrb on both aidee of VanBuren Avenue from Excelsior Avenue to Firet Street south at a total coat of $2,65s.00. ASSESSMEN2' DTO. �F: Conetracting curb on both aidee of VanHurea Avenue from Firat Street South to Second Street South at a total cost oP $1,99�+.00. AS3ESSMENT N0. 5: Coastructing cnrb on both eide� of Earrieon Avenue from Firet Street Sonth to Secoad Street South at a total coat of $2,33g.00. ASSESSMENT N0. 6: Tar oil treatment on 1�Fth. Avenue North frnm Fi,rst Street DTorth to Second Street North at a total coet of $792.00. ASSESSMENT N0. 7: Tar oil treatment on lOth Avenue•North Prom Fourth 3treet North to Minnetonka Mills Road at a total cost of $137.00. ASSESSN�TT N0. 8: Sewer on Fifth Avenue North fro m�econcl Street North to Minnetonka Mills Road at a total cost of �4998.1�0. na.tea: �ay 3, 19�9 C. C. Congdon, City Manager Frank N. Whi tney, Citg Attoraey � Pnbliahed in The Hennepin County Review oa Thursday, May 12, �94g � C ITY OF HOPf�INS RF�OLUTION� N0. 85 ftESOLUTION �I!ORIALIZING THE BQAP,D OF COUNTY CO��ZISSION�tS OF HENNEPLN CQTTNTY AND HENNEPIN CQUN`!'Y EI�INE� TO REPAIR .AND MAINTAIN, CHANGE, CEftTAIN ' COUNTY ROADS IN .'1�iF C ITY OF HOPKII� � Z�IEREAS, County Road #18 is a county highway runnir� at present in a northerly southei�ly direction oorinecting with �celsior Avenue in the _ _ City of Hoplciris arid tYience traveling west to 5th A��ue in Hopkins and thence northerly along 5th Avenue to the northern pa.rt of the county� and VQHEREAS, said County Road is a heavily t,raveled higYiway bringin;� • tion of Hopkins and thence out, and considerable thru traffic into the business sec _„ UVHEREAS, 17th Avenue North is �onnty Road #73 and is on tk�e boundary line between Hopkins and B�i.nnetonka Township and is in a bad state of repairs, and ti1f�iEREAS, Blake Road is County Road #6)� and is also in a bad state of repairs, and WHEREAS, the �ity of Hopkins is unable to repair and ma.intain all of these County Roads, and _ _ . - - � 1NHEREAS, County Road #18 would be better rerouted by continuing in a northerly direction from its intersection vvith F�ccelsior Avenu.e along bVashirigton Avenue northerl.y to NLinnetonka�Mills Road and •thence nort,h�resterly along �1linnetonka Mills Road to 5th Avenue North; N�iIT, THEREE'ORE� _ BE IT HER�Y RF50LVED by the city council of the City of Hopkuls as follows: No. 1 That the County Board`of Commissioners and'�the County Highw�r Department immPdiately take over, repair and maintain. ' (a) Blake Roa.d from the Street Railwa;� �ompany�s right of way to �ccelsior Avenue - , - . - (b) 17th Avemwe North froM �xcelsior Avenue to the north boundary line of the City of Hopkins No. 2 That County Boad #18 be rerolited and 'immecli:ately repaireci and maintained by the County Board of �omnission.ers and the County Highwa;� Department , from the southerly boundary line of Hopkins across E�celsior Avenue alorig WasYiington Aven�ae to Mirinetonka �Iills Road and thence northwester]4y , along Minrietonka Mills �oad� to 5tki Avenue �Torth and thence along 5th Avenue North to the north boundary line of Hopl�ins � No. 3 That in returri and iri consideratiori for tYie above, the City of Hopkins wi.l.l take over, repair �id maintain that part of 5th Avenue North .(now County xoad #18) from Excelsior Avenue to b�inretonka Mills Road and Mtka. Mills Road from 5th tiAve., thence NV6esterly �to Highway No. 7.. PASSID AND ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the City Council, held �day 3, 191t9. . � A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the �ouncil � 'JOSEPH C. .VES��.I' ,Y, I�dAYOR copy to County:Board Commissioners .. copy to L. .P. �'immerman, F�gineer, ��--- � . 1. , A. special meeting of the council of th e City of Hopkins, �Ifinnesota, v�as held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.M. on Tuesday, May lOth, 1949. The follow- ing were present; Mayor Joseph C.. Vesely, Counci]men Joseph T. Anderla, gtuart E. Becl�na.n, John Ziegler a1d City Manager, C. C. Con�don.. Councilman Len Milbert was absent. Ziegler mo�ed, Beckinan seconded, that resolution #79 "RFSOLUTIQN ORDER.IAIG , EXTENSION OF WATER MA�.NS ON A PORTIQTd OF WASHINGTON AVF�M,� �QUTH" marked Exhibit A, be adopted. �arried. _ Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded, that application of �dilliam Murphy, for gas burner install.ation � d plumber�s license, be granted. Carried. r Becl�nan moved, Anderla secorried, that the reading of Ordinance �12 "AN ORDINANCE RF�,ATING TO A S�LiGE CODTI�TECTIQid CHEIRGE; A�lENDIi� �AN ORDINANCE PROVIUING A.S�F�'� CO�TNDCTION CHA.RIE Ai�ID PRF�CRIBIi�TG. PENALTIF� .FOR FAILURE .TQ PAY S_�, � WHICH VJAS ADOPTID. BY THE VIIZAGE OF HOPKINS ON THE. �'IRST DAY_ OF APRZ[,,1947, and REPEALING ORDIiVANCE N�. 6 0�' THE CITY 0�'. HOPKINS t"7HICH WAS ADOPTED ON TI?E 17TH DAY OF . AUGUST, 1948," �rked �hibit_B� be.accepted as the second reading thereof and that the.ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Ziegler moved, BeclQnan seconded, that the reading of Ordinance -�13 "AN 0_RDII�IANCE LICEi�TSING AND RF�ULATIldG AUCTIO�EF�R.S AATD PROTTIDIATG A PP�VAL`I'Y I'OR VIOLATIO�t �HERFAF; REPF.A.LING �AiV OP.DIIVANCF I�ULATING �iE SALE OF MERCHANDIS� AT PUBLIC A�UCTION BY LICIIVSID AUCTIONE-r�RS OR TRANSI�TT ME:R,CHANTS' , VJHICH VdAS ADOPT�, BY THi VIL�i.,1�E COUNCIL OF HOPKINS ON FEBRUARY 19, 1929", �arked �hibit C, be ' accepted as the second reacling thereof and tha t the_ordinance be adopted and published according t o lawe Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the reacling of Ordinance #l�. "AN ORDINAP?CE R�LATIIVG TO THE EE'FECTNE DATE OF ORDINANCF�� OTHER THAN ID�ENCY ORDI1dAl�TCFS, ADOPTID BY THF CITY C�UNCIL OF HOPKINS" marked F�hibit D, be ac- cepted as the second reading thereof and th� the ordinance b e adopted and published according to lativ. Carried. BeclQnan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #15 "AN ORDII�TAIdCE RII�ATING TO THE SALE OF INTOXICATI2dG LIQUOR; AII4IIVDING S�TICN 7.OF !AN O.RDINAZ�TCE LICIIdSITJ�G AND. R�U� TING . THE SALE. OF INTOXICATING LI�UOR, _ REPEALING.- INCONSISTENT OP�INANCFS AN!) PRO�TDI� A PENALTY FOR THE .�IDLATION T�iER.EOF, �.V9HICH WAS ADOPTID BY THE VII�AGE C�UNCIL OF HOPKINS ON FEBRUAN,Y 27,,1934,"be accepted as_the_first reading.. Carried. _ ,' Beclrnian moved, Ai�derla seconded, that ,the reading of Ordinance #16 "ATJ ORDINAPJCE R�,ATING TO THE,SALF OF NON-INTOXIC�1TLdG MALT LIQUOR; _AI�L�E,.'NDIVG SECTION 7 OF �AN ORDINANCE. LICEAISING AND R�ULATING THE SALE OF.. NON-INTOXICATING MALT I,16U OR, _ REPEALII� INCONSIS^1ENT ORDINAiJCES, .AND PROVI�ING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO.LATIOid HEREOF, � 1VHICH ti1AS ADOP`i'Ell BY THE VILI,�iGE COUNCII� OF HOPKINS ON APRIL ` 4, .1933, AND REPF�LING CF,P�TAIN ORDINANCES" be_ accepted . as the . first readin;.. Carried. �ecl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, thati the amount of �L�1l�o96 be transferred from the general to the library fund to tak e up deficit as at December 31, 1948• Carried. Bec�anan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the lifeguaxds at t he bea.ch be paid an additional p.10 per hour over the 1948 rates. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that the meeting be a djourned. Carried. �TTEST : JosepK' C. , 9. UJ. Elmquist� ecretary to .the Council COUNCILMEN: � � � A � t � /� esely, l��ayor �` '� � a�� u � I" I CITY OF HOPKINS R�SOLUTION N0. 79. RESOLUTION ORDERING EXT�NSION 0�' WATER MAINS ON A PORTION OF WASHINGTON AVENIIE SOUTH. , WI�EREAS, on January 4, 1949, the city countil of HopkiAs re- �erred to the city engineers the matter of proposed installation of water mains commencing at Excelsior and 1Mas?�ington Avenues, thence running southerly along Washington Anenue to the aouth line oP Lot 16, Block 30, Weat Minneapoli9 Center, aad WHEREAS, said engineers investigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvement, and on April 5, 1949, re ported thereon to the a�uncil anc� filed their written report with the secretary of the coun- cil, apd , WI�:�AS, on April 5, 1949, the city council of Hopkins adopted a reso].ution setting Tuesday, the lOth dav of May, 1949, 7:30 0' clock P. M., at the cour.ci� chambers in the city hall as the time and place for cons idering said report, and WHEREAS, a notice of said hearing has beep published in the Henne pin County Review in its iasues of April 14th and 21st, 1949, and the affidavit of publication of said notice has been f iled with the secre tary of t�e council, Qnd WHEREAS, no petitione �in oppoeition to �he in�tallatioa of said Mater maias avere filed aith the council, and no one appeared in oppoeition thereto at said he�►riag; AOW, T�EFOBE� BE IT R�Sfl LVED by the cit� council of the city of Hopkins that said improvement is nQcessary for the health, welfare and aonvenience oP the cit9 a nd its inhabitante, and that it ia hereby determined and ordered that said improvement be made as set forth in the en�ineers� report, and that the cost thereoi be asseased a�ainst All of Blocks 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 and 32, West Minneapolis Center, aad the westerly one-half of Blocks 23 and B3, West Minneapolis Center, and Lot 25, Auditor�s Subdivision No. 242, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and ri�hts' of way of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway Compaa�, and the Chicago, P�iilwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Companq. ADOP'I'�D. b'y� the� couacil of the city of Hopkins at a special meeting thereof held this lOth day oP May, 1949. JOSEPH C. VESELY, MAYOR A. jN, Elmquist, . . Secre tary of the coun cil Frank _N. Whitney, . � City Attorney - � -2- , � . ��� `.k `� , � . ` f��``' �'� ��p � , � � � �� � Y1 �� 1" �v CITY Og HOPgIPTS HENI�EPIN COIINTY. MINNESOTA OBDINANCE N0. 12 AN OEDIiV�NCE REF,ATIYG TO A SEWAGE CONNECTI08 CHAHGE; AMENDING "ADT ORDINANCE Pi�OVIDING g SEWER CONNECTION CHARGE AND PRESCRIBING P�iNALTIES I+nR FAILURE TO PAY S�AME�" WSICH WAS ADOPTED BY THD VILI�GE OF HOP$IN3 ON THE FIRST DAY OF � APRIL, 19�F7. AND BEPEALING ORDINANCE N0. C OF TSE CITY OF HOPgINS WffiCH WA3 ADOPTED ON T� 17TH. �AY OF AUQ�T9P, 191}g• BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the citg of Hopkiae: 9ec. 1. 3ec. j of "An ordinance providing a eewer connection cha.rge and preacribing pena].ties fo� failnre to pa� same�" which �ae adopted by the village of Hopkins on the firet dsy of April, 19�7� ie amended to read: Sec. 3. Subdivieioa 1. A�y aingle family average domestic individual housing uait in a�hich the estimated aQera.ge monthly water coneamption will not exceed 8��00 gallone per moath, which has not been connected to the sanitary eet�vage ayatem of the cfty because of lack of lateral. seaers ac'�jacent thereto, ma� be connected to the saaitary eewage eystem of the city upoa payment of a aewage connection charge of Fifty Dollars ($rj0.00). 9n.bdivieion 2. An�► person who desiree to connect e�y building other than a aingle Pa.mily average domeetic houaing unit to the sanitary eerrage egatem sha.11 pay a sewage connection charge equal to fonr timea the co at of the city water to be used in snch bnilding during a period of 125 days after its completioa and i1i],1 occupancq. 9uch amonnt ehall be estimated by the city maaager and the amount so eatimated shal�. be paid to the city before a permit for euch eewage conaection ia iasned. IIpon the espiration of said 125 day period after the building has Deea completed a.nd �lly occupied and the amount oP such sewage connection charge hae been computed by the city mana,ger� the city ahall refvnd any over-payment to the person paying the eame. or ehall charge the owner of eaid propertp Evith the difference between the amount of the sewage connectioa charge and the amount paid� if any, which charge� if not paid by the owner� ehall be collected Prom said owner in the same maarier that a charge Por r�aaater �rni shed to snch bnildiag would be collected. Sec. 2. Sec. � of "An ordinance providiag a eewer connection charge and pre- ecribing penaltiea for failure to pay eame,� which was adopted by the village conncil of Hopkias on the firet dey of April, 1947, is hereby repealed. Sec. j. Ordinance �o. 6 of the city of Hopkine which r�vae adopted on Augast (1) 17, 19�. ia hereby repealed. First read at a regular meeting of the conncil of the city of Hopkins held on May 3, �9�+9, and finally read and pasaed at a.SPEGiA t. meeting of the council of said city held on the i o day of Mey, 19�9 A. W. Elmquiet� JOSEPH C. 9E SELY, MAYOR Sectetary of the council Frank DT. Whitney� Ci ty At to rney Publiehed in• The Hennepin County Re�iev� on Thursd�y� May �� 19�9 � 2) � ' CITY OF HOPgINS �IA COIINTY� MII�SOTA 08DI NAI+TCE N0. 13 . t�i� � �i �� `��� � � � :ti 'Y �' ,`2 � � ti ,,�` �, �' A1Q ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGIILATINa AIICTIOIdEERS AND PROVIDIATG A PENALTY F�DS VIOLATION TEFR�]OF; REPFALIN(� "AAT ORDINANCE REGULATIIQG TIiE SALE OF MEROHANDI3E AT PUBLIC AIICTION BY LICENSED AIICTIOI�EB$ 08 T8Al1J9IE1Q'1' MERCHANTS," WSICH WAS gDOPTED BY THE VILI,AQE QOIIACIL OP' HOPKINS ON FP�RIIARY 19. 1929• BE IT ORD6INED BY T� COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPSINS: Sec. 1. "Anctioneer" ag used in this ordinance means any pereon vho either as principal or agent ehall engage in the occupation or profeeaion of conducting ealee at euction For'o.there for hire. and �ho has been liceneed as an anctioneer ia the etate of Minnesota ia accordance �vith the laws of Mianesota. Sec. 2. 8ubdiviaioa 1. Eacept ae provided in 9nbdivision 2� it ehall be ualawfli]. for any pereoa, firm or corporatioa to conduct an anction eale in this city or to act as aa anctioneer at euch an euction or to engage in the profeasion of suctioneer within this city withont firat procuriag from the city a lioease so to do. 3ubdivision Z. 9ach license sha7.1 aot be necessary ia order to conduct a �udicial eale, or a eale by an eaecator, admiaietrator or guardia.n, or a ea.le by a public officer in the manner prescribed by law� or a eale pursuant to statute to satiafy any lien upon the property eold. Sec. 3. Subdivieion 1. Applicatioa Por auctioneers licenee ahall be made to the city on a form provided by the citg mana�er and shall be accompanied by the licenae fee as set forth in eabdivieions 2 e.nd j of thie sectioa. $10.00. 9ubdiviaion 2. The license fee for one apecific calender day only ehall be 9ubdivieion j. The licenae see for one year aha11 be $125.00, aad, eacept aa provided in enbdiviaion 2� no license ehall be iasned for a fractional part oP the armaial fee. Each yearl� licen�e ehall expire on December 31st oP the year ia mhich issued. Sec. 4. Applicationa for liceneee ahall be considered by the council, a.nd, if approved, a lice�nae eha11 be iesued aad delivered to the applicant. Licenses ahall be revocable at the trill of the council and ehall not be traaeferable eacept npon approval of the council. 3ec. 5. 9ubdivision 1. AAt� person licensed as an auction�er in the city shall be held responaible for (1) the manner in which he condncts ealea by auctioa, and (2) the conduct of such peraons as may be employed to eell goods, waree or merchandiee at a sale conducted by ench auctioneer. Subdivision 2. 2'he licensee ehall aot make or permit to be made by eayone (1) � employed by him eay unttuthful atatemente or miarepreeentatioae to biddere with reference to the articlee oPfered for eale or as to the deecription, quality or kind oP gooda. v�ares or mercheadiee eo offered. Subdivision j. The licensee ahall not employ, nee or pe�it the emplo�meat, or nee of by-biddere or pe�sons commonlg known as "cappera,° "boosters" or "shillere," nor ahall he offer or kno�ingly permit aay person to offer or make a false or pretended hid or by an,p other artifice attempt improperly to iadnce biddera to make offere or bida or to purchaae a�y gooda, waree or merchandiee, nor ehall he practice or permit the practice of any speciee of Praud or deceit whatsoever in the selling or offering of auch goods, rnsres or merchandiee for sale at auction. 9ubdiviaion �. No �uctioneer eha11 offcr or give or permit to be offered or given aqy promieee of inerchaudiae or othex�viae as aa incentive to biddera. 9u,bdivieioa 5. No auctionaer eha11 aell or attempt to eell or offer or cry for eale at pnblic a�uction in the city any goods, ch�ttele, �aree, mercha,ndiae or personal property whatever, to aay person npon the aide�ralke or etreets within the city; nor ahall aay person by ringing a bell, gong or triaagle, or a�y loud cries upoa ar�y of the etreets or aideaslks give notice oP any a�ction or eale of aay kind in the city. Sec. 6. Evexy pereon, firm or corporation aho ehall v�iolate eay of the pro- visions of thie ordinance ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 7. "An ordinance regulating the sale of inerchendise at pablic auction by liceased auctioneere or tra.aeient merchante�" mhich was a.d.opted by the village couacil of Hopkins on the 19th da� of Febxuary, 1929� is hereby repealed. First read at a regu2.ar meeting oP the conncil of the city of �opkine held oa the 3rd d�q of May, �9�9. end finally read a.nd pasaed at a SPEc �� c meeting of the oouncil of eaid city held on the i o dt� of Me�y, �9�9• A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the Council JOSEPH C. VESII,Y. MAYOB Fraak N. Whitney� Cit� Attorney Publiehed in The Hennepin Couaty Review on Thursda�� M�p �� 19�9 i2) � CITY 0�' HOPgIPTS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE DTO. 14 ��� �, �` � �,,, �� vS �� �'� M � ��� :.� ��� � � �� AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE EFFECTIVE nATE OF ORDIPTANCES� OTHEE THAN EMERGENCY ORDINADTCES, ADOPTID BY THE CITY COIINCIL OF HQPgIN$. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COIINCIL OP' THE CITY OF HOPKIIGS: Sec. 1. The publication of an ord.in�nce ehall be completed at the expiration of the siath� ftii].l� ca].endar d�y after the date of the publica.tion of the newspaper in whi ch the ordinance appeare, but not including in said eia days the da,y of each publicatioa. Sec. 2. An ordinance� except an emergency ord.inance, ehall take effec% twenty (20) da�ys after the da.te of ita pablication, which tr�enty day period aha11 commence to ru.n the eecenth full calendar d$y after the date of the newspaper in mhich it appears, not including the d�y of the ieeue of eaid papar. First read at a regu].ar meeting of the council of the city of Hopkine held on the 3rd day of May, �949 � and finally read aad paseed at a.S' Pr' � i s� L meeting of the couacfl of eaid city held on May � o� �9�9• A. W. Elmqui st , JOSEfPH C. 9ESELY, MAY08 Secretary of the Council Frank N. iVhitney� Citg Attorney Published in the Hennepin County Review on Thursday, May 19, 1949 A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins,, Minriesota., was held at the City Hall at 7;00 o�clock P.M. on Tuesday, May 17th, 1949. The follovain,g were � present: I�2ayor Joseph �. Vesely, Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart �. Bec�nan, Len Milbert, John.Ziegle.r and City �ganager, C. C. Congdon. �embers ahsent: none. Ziegler moved, Beclflnan seconded, that t,he reading of Ordinance �15 '�AN ORDIl�IANCE RF�FiTING ZL THE SALE OF INTOXICATIIdG LIQUOR; AME�DING SECTION 7 0�' �AN ORDINANCE � LICENSIII� AI�ID R�ULATING `rHE SALE OF INTOXICATII�T� LIQUOR, REPEALING INCONSISTL,NT ORDINANCFS AND PROVIDINC� A PENALTY FOR T�iF ,VIOI�ATIQId THF�REOF, � WHICH �.AS ADQPTID BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HOPKINS ON FEBRUAr;Y 27, 1931�9"- ��.rked E�chibit A, be ac- cepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinarLce be adopted and pub- lished accordin� to law. Carried. Ziegler moved, 3eclQnan seconded;: thaL the rea.ding oi Ordinance #16 "AN ORDINANCE Rr�,ATINs TO THE SALE OF NON=INTOXICA'�ING NIALT LIQUOR; AMENDII� SF7CTION 7 OF �AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND R�UI,ATING: THF SAL� OF NO1T-INTOXICATING MALT LIO,UOR, RE- PEALIPIG INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY F�R THE VIOLATION THF'REOF, � 11V�iICH Wl�S ADOPTED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL" OF HOPKINS ON APRIL 4,� 1933, A1�ID REPEALING CEI�TAIN ORDINANCFS" markeci Exhibit B, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance be adopteci and published according to law. Carri�d. Ziegler moved, p,2ilbert seconded, that the follawinu bills be paid. Carried. 5a3 504 505 5i8 520 52i 523 524 526 528 529 530 53� 533 534 538 5l�2 544 GIIVE.RAL FUND Postmaster First National Bank � Treas., State of N1�nne American I,inen Coa Al1an J. Blake, �I. De �uncan Meter Corp�n. , Gambles ; R. H. Gardner Gustafson & Fuxa, rep. & install. Henn. Co. Re�riew Mi}�e Ho1m, Secty. of State Hopkins Fire Dep�t. Johnson & Vogt Inc. Kinn Serv. Kokesh Iidw. Lyon Chemicals Inc. Lee McNally & Associates Skelly pil Standard Oil 1FJages, hotzrrl,y Sal:aries 12l� First� National Bank 125 �'Y'P.a.3 . , State of Minn. 127 Johnson & Vogt Inc. 128 Kokesh Hdw. 129 l'�m. He �cCoy 13Q Ne�wman Rhoads �Iotors 135 �• 1�• Ziegler Co. �Tages, houx],y Salaries 104 Postmaster 105 First National Bank 106 mreas., State of Minn. 111 Justus Lbr. Co. 112 Mona.rch.Soap & Chem. 113 N. ��. Be11 'l�elo Co. 11l� Pioneer Lbr. 115 Skelly Oil 116 Standard Oil Salaries 3¢ envelopes, imprinted � April withholding tax - April retirement fund ded. Ap ril service house call - jail parking meter receipts & disb. 1 hot plate �or pow House parking.meters lift station controls; repl.lamp post �tg., adv. " regist�°ation info. . fire calls keys windshield for fire truck shove�s, etc. - for s�!Rers, . pa'rks, weeds eng. fees, to� survey- grease jobs - oil gaS , period �ain� 5/i5/49 �st haLf of �ay:.'_ � RQAD & BRIDGF FUND `April �vPithYiolding' tax April retirement fund deductions truck lubricant - tire rep. - shovels, etc. diesel. oil axle shaft for truck parts for grader pe^ied. ending 5/15/1a9 first half of P�2ay WATEP FLTND 1¢ postcards April withholding tax April retirement fund deductions sevrer pipe ctilorine phone se'rvice - cesspool"cover grease jobs - oil gas � first.half of May SPF]CIAL ASSFSSM�VT FUND 9 Northwestern Nat�l. Bank of Mpls. infarest coupons 36eoo 202. t�o 75:67 i.65 �.,00 �.58•77 3•95 48,00 497�:52 186.90 .90 ' 92000 1:30 10.00 3:70 52:20 160000 4.85 216.84 600;35 i280.50 51.20 32073 27.85 12;00 12.66 �s:65 ,109.75 484.�7 347.30 15.00 !�:l.�a6o 10.00 7,00 58.50 8:13 6000 3.10 3.60 370.20 56e35 � SE�fAGE DISP0.SAL �'[TND 12 Northwestern National Bank of Dllpls. interest coupons � 13 Qrfei &�ariani'Coe sanitary sewer, Fst. #6 14 H. A. Rogers Co, field books � 15 P�alph D. Thonas &. Associates trunk sewer, enge f ees 2380008 6333:39 5.00 8525.23 Ziegler presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: V9HII�E',AS THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF HOPKINS is in receipt of an invoice presented by Ralph D. Thomas & Associates, �girieers, to cover engineering fees on the ne� main tri,uzk sewer project, and that erigineering fees in corulection with the said seti�er project being financed by the �247,000 Sewer Revenue gonds, dated Dedember 1, 19�, �re in excess of �8525.23 NCf�, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVF� THAT the B�ayor and City Clerk of t he �ity of Hopkins are authorized and instructed to deliver to the Northwestern Nationa.l gank, P.ti.nneapolis, Depositary, instructions to release �852�j.23 to the Citg'�ofi Hopkins. for the purpose of paying for said engineering fees. � �� ; � BE IT FURTi�R RESOLVID that said Depositary is authorized to liquida.te such U. Sa Treasury securities in � ich said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make S�. a �8525.23 pa3Tment. , . Becl�nan seconded the motion and upon vote it w as declared duly adopted. Vese�y, Bec�nan, DQilbert, Anderla�'and Ziegler voting i.n the affirmative and no one voting in the negative. �ilbert moved, Beclnnan seconded, that the application of Heriry F. and Lucille A. Jensen for an on and off sa1.e malt liquor, sof� drink and milk license be granted. Caxried. ` Eecl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that ll�rs. Lloyd A. Jorgenson be appointed deputy assessor, subject to furnishin; bond.. Carriede Beclanam moved, Anderla seconded, that the fol.lo�ving be added to paragraph 3 of Resolution #85, adopted May 3, 1949: "and �1linnetonka I'�ills Road from Fifth Avenue thence�northwesterly to Highway No. 7:'.' Carried.. - BeclQnan moved, Ziegler secondecl, that the petiiion presented by taxpayers of West Minneanolis 3rd �idition for annexation to Hopkins be referred_to tlie city attorney for check of legal ownership � d if found OKeh to draw up an c¢�dinance annexing sa.me. Carried. Beckman moved, Milbert seconded� that the City Council �vill meet at S:OO o�cloc� P.�. on Friday, May 20th, 1949, iorthe purpose of canvassing t he ballots of t he city election held May 17th, 1949. Carried. Pursuant to notice bids were opened at 8:00 otclock P.M. for storm sewer and water ma,in extensions and the following bids were r eceived: STOR�H SE7JVER IAISTALLATION- , BIDDER E. Hopkins Sixth Ave. Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Bart Carlone � � 7;115.80 Orfei & I�ariani 85,5b�.26 5,924•92 �ifestern Underground Const. 105�282;00 10;213.00 Phelps- Drake �.� 61�;92I1.00 6;232.80 De�raff V�Tolff ' ?5,906.16 6,208.36 : �� • Bart Carlone Phelps Drake DeGraff Wolff Leo Lahti Orfei & �fariani waTEx �rnr ExTn�rszoNs 12th Ave. �ater �Iain Extensiom 6l�9:80 6l�t.5o 567,50 ' 53�.73 �.59.l�0 17th Ave. Storm Sewer 3,615:00 3,066.50 �;755.00 3,205.00 3,063.� 5th Ave. No. ll�ashington Ave. Water Main Water Main Extension F�tension 27�2.00 , 1�3l�9:10 4�-33s�� �9���V� la.122.00 l�210050 2235:78 3296.l�2 2535•00 5054.54 Beckaran moved� Ziegler second�d, thatthe above bids for further study and reco�endation. Carried. 12th Avea Storm�Sewer 5,347.50 3,926e50 5,758.00 . 1�,571.50. l�,772.10 be referred to the city engineer Ziegl�er moved, BeclQnan seconded, that the meeting be adjourned.- �arried. ATTEST : • � J se h Vesely, Mayor - . . . � Si--�-�-�.s� A. 1(� Elmquist, cretary to the Council COUNCILMEN: � � , , �` �`�t �,,,�,.° ;°`' � � . , .�R� CITY OF HOPI{I1QS �IA COIINT�, MINNESOTA ORDI NANCE 1J0 . 15. � AN ORDIIQANCE REL�TING TO T� 3ALE OB INTO%ICATING LI�OH; AMENDIAa SECTIOIP 7 OF "AN ORDINAIJCE LICENSIPTa AND BEGIILATING THE SALE OF INTOXICATING ZIQIIOH� REPEALINQ INCONSIS7.'ENT ORDINANCES AND PROPIDIDTG A PENALTY FOR THE YIOLATION THERE�F," WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY TSE YILLAGE CODNCIL OF HOPKINS 0� FEBi�[TARY 27, 193�• BE IT ORDAIITED BY THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF HOP%IDTS: Sec. 1. Section 7 of "An ordinance licen�ing and regulating the eale of intoxicating liquor, repealing inconaiatent ordina.ncee, and providing a penalty for the violatioag thereof�" which sae adopted by the villa.ge council of Hopkine on February 27, �93�+, is amended to read: Section 7. No aale of intoxicating liquor ehall be made after one A.M. on 9unday� nor between the haura of one A.M. and three o'clock P.M. on auy Memorial Day. nor bat�veen the hours of one A.M. a,nd eight o'clock P.M. on any electioa day, in the dietrict in vahich such election shall be held. No "On-Sale" ehall be ma,d.e betareen the houre oP one A.M, and ei�t o'clock A.M. on a�y weekd.ay. BTo "Off-Sale" sha11 be made bePore ei�t o'clock A.M, or after eight o'clock P.M. of any d.�y exc��pt Saturd.qp� on which day °Off-Sale" map be made until ten o' clock P.M. No "Off-Sale" shall be made on New Year's day, Januar�y 1; Memorigl day, May 30; Independence day, July �F; Thanksgiviag day; or Chrlstma.a day, December 25; bat on the eveninge preced3ng ench days� "Off-Saleau may be made until ten o'clock P.M. except that no "Off-Sale" sha11 be ma.de on December 2� after eight o'clock P.M. �� Fi ret read at a speci al meeting of the council of the city of Hopkins held on the lOth day of May, 1911�9 � and finally read and passed at a regular me eting of the conncil of said city held on the 17th day of May, �9�9• JOSEPH C. PESELY� MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the conncil F�axtk N. Whitney, City Attorney to Review Pu.bliahed in The Hennepin County Reviear on May 26, �9�9 , CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 16. �� � AN ORDINANCE RII,ATINa TO T� SAZE OF DiON'=IPTTOxI CATING MALT LI QII08; ANIEItiIDI1VG SECTIO� 1 oP "AN ORDIDIANCE I,ICENSINa AND REGIILATING THE SALE OF NOId-IbTTOXICATIDTa MALT LIQUGH, REPEALING IriCON3ISTENT ORDIR�TCES� AND PROVIDING d PENALTY FOH THE VIOLATION HERFAF�" WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE VILLAGE COIINCIL OF HOPgINS ON APEIL �, 1933. � ��I�a CEETAIDT ORDINA�TCES. BE IT OR�FiINED BY THE COIIDTCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPSINS: Sec. 1. Section 7 of °An ordina.nce liceneing and reg�lating the sale of non-intoaicaZing malt liquor, repealing inconsistent ordi�ancea, and providing a penalty for the vio7a tion hereof�" which was adopted by the village cauncil of Hopkins on �pril �, 1933. i g�ended to reads 3ection 7. No sale of non-intoaicating malt li quor ehall be made on any 9unday betaeea the houre of one A.M, and 12:00 o�clock aoon� nor between the houre of one A.M. and eight o'clock P.M, on ar�y election da,y in the district in which the election eha11 be held. No sale aha11 be made between the hours of one A.M. a.nd 5:00 A.M. on any weekday Monday throu� Saturda� inclusive� and no such liqnor aha.11 be eol�� served or coasumed in or on the licenaed premises during the closing hours aforesaid. Sec. 2. "An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled 'An ordinance licensing aad regulating the sale of non-intoaicating malt liqnors, repealing inconsiatent ordinances, aad providing a penalt� for the violation hereof,'� paesed and app roved April �+, �933,"' which amending ordinance was adopted by the village council of Hopkine on April 12, �933+ ie hereby repealed. Sec. j. °An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled: •An ordinance licensing ead regulat ing the sale of non-intoxicati ng malt liquore, repealing in- conaistent ordinancee� and providing a penalty for the violation thereof,° which amending ordinance was ad.opted b1r the village council of Hopkine on Febrnary �+. �936, ia hereby repealed. First read at a epecial meeting of the council of the city of Hopkine held on the lOth day of Ma�, �9�+g, and finally read and pasaed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the 17th day of May� 19�9• JOSEPH C. QESII,Y, MdYOR A. W. Elmquist, 3ect'etary to the Council Frank N. Whi tney, City Attorney Published in the Hennepin County xevfew on May 26, 19�+9 � A special meeting of the council of t he �ity of Hopkins, IVlinnesota, was held at t he City Ha].1 at 5:00 0� cloc�t Per�. on Friday, May 20th, 1949• The following were present:, .Councilmen Joseph T. knderla, Len Milbert, John Ziegler and City �anager, C. C. Congdon. PJfa�or Joseph C, Vesely and Council�nan Stuart E. Beckman.were absent. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconcled, t•hat councilman Joseph T. Anderla be appointed mayor pro tem. Carriede Milber.t moved, Ziegler seconded, tha.t the �inutes of 6ity �lection° as submitted by the judges and.clerks of t.he four voting precincts._ in Hopkins and the "Statement oi potes�� as submitted by the Director of the �ount and four assistant directors, for t he city election held in the city of Hopkins on Tuesday, IUIa�T 17, 1949, be acceptei-1 , and placed on file, and that the city council hereby officially certifies the resi�lt of said election to be as follows: � �'�. Harlaz Perbix, elected mayor for a.term of two years; and Joseph T. Xnderla, Suart E. aeclffian, Len J. Milbert and John Ziegler, elected councilmen for a term of two years; and K. M. �Max) Otto� � elected municipal judge f.or a term of four years. Motion carried unanimouslye Zie�ler rnoved, IVLilbert �seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. � ATTrST : Josen T Anderla, May pro t em a�•u-�.-� A..V'�. E].mquist, Se etary to the Council i ,, _/`� ' _ u.-_-.�_-.;a �dINiJTES OF CITY ELECTION At the regu.lar election of the citJ of Hopkins, in the �ounty of Hennepin and,-Sta.te of Miru�esota, held at the Harley Hopkins school in the city of Hopki.ns for Precinct No. 1, • ''' being the place where it was directed to!be held by the city couricil after giving due notice th ereof as provided by law, on the 17th day of May, 1949, Gladys Escher, Rose Nickoc�ym, Se]�na M...Pahl, Elizabeth Slavin and Ardis Patterson, five qualified voters of sao.d election district in said city to act as judges and cle.rks of such Election, each of whom had within t en days before such time been designated an d appointed by the city council to act as �Judges and Clerks of such election at said precinct, who, being present, at the hour of 7;00 o�clock A.P.2., each of them duly took an d subscribed an oath to faithfully dischaYge the duties required of tkiem at such Election; and the sai d Judges and Clerks being duly qualified� forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and t he E1_ection pro- ceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed. , were: The sibjects voted on at such Election, as stated in the Notice thereof, lo elect a mayor, four councilmen and a municipal judge. , At 8;00 o�clock in the afternoon of said day the polls were closed, pro- clamation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previous thereto. As soon as the polls,were closed, said Election officials at such votin� place did, without opening them, seal the ballot boxes and sent th�n at once, in the custody of said officials and the officer assigned to such precinct, to t he city hall, the place designated as the central counting place for t he city. There was also sent with each of sai d ballot boxes a record of the number of ba.11ots cast therein. Dated May 17, 19�.9. , , ( MINUTES OF CITY ELElCTION � At the.regular election of the city of Hopkins, in the County of Hennepin �. and State of Ninnesota, held at the city hall in the city of Hopkins, for Precinct.No. 2, � / being the place where it was directed te be held by t he city council after �iving due notice thereof as provided by law, on the 17th day of May, 1949, �arian Stepanek, Olga Kelley, Elizabeth Lemke, Nona Sundquist and Louise Lussier, five qualified voters of said election district in said city to act as judges and clerks of such �'�lection, ea.ch of whom had within ten days before such tine been designated and appointed by the city council to act as Judges and Clerl;s of such election at said precinct, who, being present, at,the hour of 7:00 o�clock A. M., each of them duly took an d subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Election; and the said Judges and Clerks being duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and the Election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed. The subject��-voted on at such Election, as stated in the Notice thereof, were:. � ,� , ' To elect a ma.yor, four councilmen and a municipal judge. At 8;00 o�clock in the afternoon of said day the polls were closed, proclamation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previous thereto. As soon as the polls were closed, said ELection officials at such voting place did, �ithout opening them, seal the b allot boxes and sent them at once, in the custody of said oificials and the officer assigned to suc�n � precinct, to the city hall, the place designa.ted as the central counting place for t he city. There was also sent with each of said ballot boxes a record of the number of ballots cast therein. Dated; May 17, 1949• . � j � ' 1.�� �. `•/�/' i, s MINUT� OF C ITY ELECTION At the regular..election of the city of Hopkins, in the County of h�nepin and State of Minnesota, held at the city hall in the city of Hopkins, for Precinct_ No. 3, ' being the place where it was di.rected to be held by the city council after giving due notic� thereof as provided by law, on the 17th day of May, 1949, Anne C. Borland, DQae B. Good, Esther M. Koss, Margar.et C. Qwens an d- Lola M. Yackel, five qualified voters of said election district in said city to act as judges and clerks of such Election, each of tivhom had within ten d�,ys before such time been desianated and apAointed by the city cour�i]: to act as Judges an d Clerks of such election at said precinct, who, being present, at the hour of 7:00 0� clock A.I�i. , each of them du�y took and sub- scribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Election,• and the said Judges and Clerks bein� duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and the Election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed. were: The.subjects voted on.at such Flection, as stated in ;he Notice thereof� To elect a mayor, four councilmen and a municipal judge. . At 8;00 o�clock in the afternoon of said day the polls were:closed, pro- clamation thereof having been made by one of the Jud�;es thirty ininutes previous thereto. As s.00n as the polls vrere closed, said Election officials at such voting place did,:without opening them, seal the ballot boxes and sent them at once� in the eustoc�y of said officials and the officer assigned to such precinct, to the cit,v ha11, the place designated as the central counting place ior the , city. � There was also s ent with each of said ballot boxes a record of the number � of ballots cast therein. �! ; f� � Dated: May 17, 19�9. C-��'i%''-�- C.�: 9r�,�/�.-7�1i;^ �, � .-; ��., . �%'l�) _ . 7%T (Q � �• � � � � ` . ' ., � . MINUTFS OF CITY II�F�CTION At the regular .election of the cit�T of Hopkins, in the Courity of Heruzepin and State of �innesota, held at the Junior HigYi School in tlze city of Hopkins for Precinct No. )�, being the place where.it ��ras directed to be held by the city council_after giling due notice thereof as provided by law, on the 17th day of May, 191�9, Alice i�. Anderson, Ida K. Olson, Charles Her�an, Bridget Larkin azd Adeline Sedesky, five qualified voters of said election district in said city to act as judoes and clerks of such Election, each of whom had within ten days before such time.been designa.ted arxi appoi.nted by the city council to act as Judges and Clerks of such election at said precinct, who�.bein; present, at the hour of 7;00 otclock A�:N., each of them duly took azd subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Flection; and the said Judges and. Clerks bein.g duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and t he Election proceeded by ballot yrithout adjournment or intermission until closed. The subjects voted on at such Election, as stated_in the Notice thereof, were= � To elect a mayor, four councilmen and a murLi.cipal judge. At 8:00 o�clock in the afternoon of said day the polls v�rere closed, proclaanation thereof,;having been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previous thereto. As soon as the polls were closed, said Election officials at such voting place did, without opening them, seal the ballot boxes and sent.them , at once, in the c�astody c�' said officials and the of�icer assigned to such precinct, to the city hall, the p�ace designa.ted as the central counting place for the city. There was also sent with each of said ballot boxes a record of the number of ballots cast therein. Dated: Ma.y 17, 191�9. t _ 0 � y.,.-�-,�-..:.y , - . .. ' STATIIVLI� OF VOTES ' At the regular election of t he city of Hopkins held on May 17, 191.�9, for the purpose of electing a mayor, four_councilmen and a municipal judge, the undersigned, Carl K..Towley, Director of the Cotuit, William J. Cermak, Frank F. Sefcik, Clinton K. Blomquist and Otto G. Cermak; assistants, hereby ma.ke the follotiving return of the count of the ballots at said election. We received at the central counting place designated by th e council, namely: the city.hall, all of the ballot boxes used for t he four precincts in said city, from t he election officials of each precinct. Each ballot box when received by us v�ras sealed and accompanied by a record of the number of ballots cast t herein. �Ve thereupon opened the ballot boxes serit from each precinct, and compared the number of ballots forwarded with the records sent from the corresponding voting places. The following discrepancies between the•numbers of ballots in the boxes and the records received from t3�e votinb precincts appeared: �- 3 (o Z v � i3-a=Q.Q.a� . ' � v / , c.u.e,:�.,v . , � The ballots in each box were then examined for validity and those which were found to be invalid or blank were separated from the rest. The number of valid, invalid and blank ballots for each voting place an d the total number for t he city were found to be as follows: `�-:'` F� MAYOR: precinct No. 1 - precinct No. 2 Precinct No. 3 Precinct No. 4 (1) FQ� C OUNC II�AII: Precinct No. 1 Precinct No. 2 Precinct No. 3 Precinct No. 1� FCfl� MUNICIPAL JUDGE: Precinct No. 1 precinct No. 2 precinct No. 3 Precinct No. !� TOTAL FQR THE CITY: � VALID SALLOTS � /s-� � �G 3 �oF� 3 �lS— ��/ 3 ��T�TALID BALLOTS - . � i ' o � 0 0 0 BLAI�TK BAT�O TS� OfficiaL Ballot Cit Election Baliot y CITY OF HOPKINS, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. MAY 17, 1949 � - "Directions to Voters" MARK YOUR CHOICE WITH NUMBERS ONLY. ( DO NOT USE "X" MARKS) Put the nurn�ber 1 in the squore opposite the name of your first choice. Put the number 2 oppasite your second choice, the number 3 opposite your third choice, and so on. You may mark as many choices as you please. Da not put the same number opposite more than one name. To vote for Q person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write his name on a blank line under the names of the candidates and put a number in the squQre apposite to show which choice you wish to give him. If you tear or deface or wrongly, mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. Councilrnen — Two Year Te�m ❑ JOSEPH T. ANDERLA ❑ STUART E. BECKMAN ❑ ROBERT (BOB) CHERMACK ❑ LEN J. MILBERT ❑ LeROY A. OLSON ❑ ED VISKA ❑ � JOHN ZIEGLER � H = w .�C � � o °' _ � � � o ,� � •� o V � � . .. . - . . . _ . . The Director of the C.ount thereupon determisied the quota sufficient to elect, and said quota was declared to be as follow; For I�a�ror: 73 � votes. Far Councilman: �,ys-' votes. For Municipal Jud;e; 7 3-�: votes. The valid ballots from the four precincts were then mixed together before ariy counting was donee As each ballo t was then reanoved from the� ba.11ot �ox, it �ras numbered � upon its reverse side an d sorted according to the fixst choice r�arked on it. After sorting the ballots according to their first choices, the following result was obtained: , F�i MAYOR W, Harlan Perbix received ��� first choice votes,, Joseph.C. Vesely received �i�� first choice votes. received � first choice votes. receivecl first ch oice. votese received first choice votes. received first choice votes. , �, ��,,�, , having received. more than the quota required for election, was thereupon declared elected mayor of t he city of Hopkins I for a,two year term, _ , - FOR COUNCSLMAN Joseph Te Anderla received �,5 S first choice votes. Stuart Ee Bec�anan received � 3� first choice votes. Robert (Bob) Chermack received (o � � first choice votes, , Len- J: �llilbert received o2 S(o first choice votes, LeRoy Ae -0lson received /�? first choice votes. Ed Viska received /� O first choice voteso John Ziegler received / 7 O first choice votes. received ' first choice votes. received first choice voteso received first choice votes. received first choice voteso �2) � having received more t han the quota required for election � there- upon declared elec.ted councilmi�n"of the city of Hopkins.for a ti�o year term. � / � h in; received more.first choice votes than �� quota�;. alY.�.first choice . � � ,. votes in excess of � quota� on � respective pile� were removed . therefrom in the order of the.numbers on the�reverse thereof and credited to the second choices sliown thereon, an d after such transiers were made, the following results a.mong the continuin� candidates were obtained; - ^c <_ ._c� � �� � - - . - , - � ;, , _..? ._ .:.� ;.,:.. Beckman received 11�such��second choice-ballots for a total of Cherm�ck received 12 such be��n�3.. . choice ballots_ for a total of Milbert received -13 such �second choice��ball'ots for �a total of Olson received. 8, such second choice ballots for _ a;�_total:�of . Viska received 6 such second choi�ce ballots for a total of Ziegler. .. received lA such second choice� ballots. for a tot�,l of _ _ :;�,E_..� 267 81' 269 1?5 �46 180 Chermack then having the lowest total among the continuing candidates�,, was declared defeated and his ballots were then transfered acco� ding to the lo�est continuing choice, �it h the following results: Beckman received 10 such ballots for a total of .. o. o.... 277 ' B6ilbert received 22 such ballots for a total of o e. o, o, a.- 291 Olson received 18 such ballots:for a total of ,...... o.. 193 Viska received 13 such ballots for a total of o.... e s s. e 159 Ziegler received 7 such ballots:for a total of ...,.. o.. 187 On this trans�'er 11 ballots �ere exhausted. Viska then having the lowest total among the continuing candidates, �as declared defeated and his bal��ts were then trans�ered ac�.brding to the lowest continuing choice, �ith the folTowing results: Beckman received 18 such ballots for a total of . e.... o.. 295 �lbert received 4 such ballots for a total of .. o.... .... 295 Olson received 45 such ballots for a total of o... e.. o. 0 238 �iegler reaeived 62 such ballots,for a total of ... o o.. o. 249 On this transier 30 ballots were exhausted Beckman and DQilbert ha�vsng��each.reached their quota, �ere thereupon. declared �uly elected councilmen of the city of Hopkins f or two year terms.- _-. : . .. . - . . . . . . . . . Olson then having the lovrest; total ainong" the continuing candidates, was declared:defeated:-and �iegleriwas�_�declared duly elected�councilman of the city of Hopkins for �a -t�o year term. Thisy�completed� the counting for the ,.elec:�ion of=�the= members of the councilo �.. -. �. - . .� i ; _ . ,.. '. �_. _� .. - i --. _-,. . ;�,. . �, , .. -. _ .. _ . . � . s :� -_. I . .. _.. . ._. _...�..._ _ _. ..__.;.. :. .� ...... ___ . .._ I /(, .-j%'1; ( YGC..a.�� �� . �having received more than the quotia , required for election, was thereupon declared elected municipal judge of the city of Honkins for a four year term. (3) � � (Signed) Director of the Coun . � _.�--- � � - -- - -- - --� s . Assistants. . A special �eetinJ cf the council of the Cit�r of Hopkins, �Iinnesota, wa.s held at the City Hall at 7:30 o+clock P.M. on Tuesday, r1lay 2�th; 1949• The follo�*- ing were present: Mayor Joseph C. Vesely,.Councilmeri Joseph T. Anderla, Len 1Vrilbert, John Ziegler and City Manager, C. C. Con��-on. Councilman Stuart E. Beckman was absent. , Ariderla moved, p,�ilbert seconded, that the b id of Phelps-Drake Compan�r, Inc., in the total amount of �78,933•30 for tYie construction of four storm sewer , projects listed belo�r be accepted. Carried. East end storm se�rer �6�;92�..00 6th Avenue storm sewer 6,232.80' 17th Avenue storm sewer 3,205.00 . 12th Avenue storm sewer l�,571•50 Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the bid of Phelps-Drake Company, Inc., in the total amount of �.10,725.30 for the.construction of ]_2th Avenue North Vrater inain in the amount of �6LG1.50, \ � 5th Ati•enue DTorth water ?nain in the amount of �;Ja.1.33.00 and Mashington Avenue v�ater main in the amount of �fi5950.80� be accepted provid.ing that the bids iriclude 198 lineal feet`of 36r� � concrete pipe �a.sing_�at �25000 per lineal foot and that if such a�iount of casing is not used ncr required, a deducti:on of d�25.00 per lineal foo't for such reduction in lenoth of concrete casing be made. Carriede Anderla moved, Zie�ler seconded,�that resolution #88 "A RFSOLUTION PROVID]NG, F�R THE ISSUANCE AI�TD SALF OF �80,000 STOP1.4 SIINER BONDS" marked Exhibit A, be adopted. Carried unanir�ot.sly. � � I1�lbe.rt moved, Anderla seconded,,that a fee of �50.00 be set for t he license for exclusive concessions at the beach for the 1949 season. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconcle�, that the meeting be adjourned. Carriede C OUNC IT�'�N: N �a CIT.Y OF HOPKINS BESOLUT I ON �TO . 88 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOH THE ISSCTANCE AND SALE OF $g0,000 STORM SEWER BONDS. WI�REA3, the Council adopted an it�itial resolution providing for the i ssua.nce of $50�000 Storm Sewer Bonds� and WHEREAS, eaid proposition xas approved by the electors at a special election held March 22� 19149� bg more than the requieite majority vote, and WHEREAS, the Council is authorized to proceed with the issuance and aale of said bonds� NOW, 'LiERF�E'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hopkins� Minnesota, as folloaos: 1. The City ahall forthtnrith iaeue and sell ita negotiable conpon,Storm Sewer Bonds in the amount of $50,000 bearing date July 1, �g�9, bearing interest payable eemi-aanually and matu ring aerially on July lst in the amount of �5,000 in each of the �ears 1951 to 1960� both inclueive, all without option of prior payment.. 2. The Council ahall meet at the city hall oa the 21st day of June, 19�+9� at g:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of receiving and considering bida for the purchaee of said Storm Sewer Bonds. j. The City Ma.na.ger is authorized a.nd directed to cause notice of sale of eaid bonda to be given by publica.tion once each week for two euccessive weeka in the official. newepaper of the City. Said.notice aha11 recite the time and pl�ce when and where bids will be received; that the City will furnish the printed bonds and approving legal opinion of Messrs. F�egre & Benson, 1260 Northwestern Ba,nk Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, without cost to the purchaeer; that the bonds will be mad.e payable at any suitable bank or trast compa�p deaignated bg the successful bidder; � ahall call for aealed bids there�i; which name one or more interest rates in mtiltiples of 1�4 or 1�10 of 1`�, a.nd sha11 require a certified check. cashier's check or bank draft in the amount of at least,$2�000. ADOPTED at a apecial meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins held May 2�+, �g�+9 . . JOSE C. VESELY, MAYO Filed and atteated this 2�+th day of May, 19�+9 Secretary of he Council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney NOTICE OF CALL FOH BIDS. 1QOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the city council of the City of Hopkins� Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet on Tuesday, the 21st day of June, 19�9, at g:00 o'clock P.M. at the council chamber in the city h�,ll to receive and consider bide for the sale of $80,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of said city. Saidt>'oiads will be dated July 1, �g�g� will be in the denomination of $1�000 each� will bear intereat at a rate or rates to be deei ated by the purchaser in his bid, in an integral m�zltiple oY 1/�th or 1�lOth of 1� payable January 1, �95o and semi- annually thereafter on Ja.nuary lst. and July lst. in each yeax; will be payable aa to principal and intereet at ax�y �itable bank or truet compaqy the successful bidder may designate, and will mature on July let in the emount of $g�000. in each of the years �95� •to 1960� both inclusive� all without option of prior payment. All bida muat be eealed and unconditional egcept as to legality, which may be made conditional upon the legal opinion of Messrs. Faegre & Beneon, 1260 Northwestern Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minaesota� whose opiniom m�et be accepted by the pur- chaser. The city will flxrnish the printed bonds and the above legal opinion to the pur- chaser without coet. Deliver� of the above bonds will be ma.de to the purchaser arithin thi rty days after the s�le, or at hia option thereafter. All bi�s muat be acco a.nied by a certified check, caehier'g check or bank draft in the �mount of at least�2,000, payable to the order oP the City of Hopkins, to be forfeited as liquidated damagee in case the bid is accepted and the bidder sha11 fai:l to comply with ite terms. Only eealed bids will be received a.nd the same must be filed with the secretary of the council at or before the time fixed for said sa].e. The city council reservea the right to reject any and a11 bida. �(� G. �, ,��`=- Claire . Congdon City Manager Fra.nk N. Whi tney. City Attorney Pnblished in The Hennepin County Review on June 2 and June 9, �9�g i ` A special meeting of the cot�ncil of t he City of Hopkins, Mirinesota, _ � _ . was held at the Citv Hall at 7:00 o�clock P.�I. on Thursda;�, June 2nd, 19�9. The following were present: Pdayor Joseph C. Vesely, �ouncilmen Len L4ilbert, John Ziegler � d City Manager., C• C.:Congdon. Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla and Stuart E. �eckman •i�rere absent. 7ie�ler moved, rtlilbert sec onded, that the plat of the Elmo park Addition be approved on condition that streets and alleys be developed at the expense oi the owner. Carried. 'Liegler moved, �,Qilbert seconded, that the meetir� be adjournedo Carried. sT-•-�'-�-� _ A. �. Elmquist, Secretary to the Council ATTEST: i p regular meeting of the council of T.he City of Fiopkins, Minnesota., was held at the Cit`T Hall at 7:30 o�clock P.M. on muesday, June 7th, 1949. The follovuing were present: Mayor Joseph C. Vesely, Councilraen Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. Bec�nan, Len P.2ilbert, John Zie�ler and City I�3nager, C. C. Congdon. Members absent; none. Becl�nan moved, Zie�ler seconded, that Orfei ���ariani Estimate �7 on trunk sewer be�tabled pendin� the checking 'oi the �8000.00 char�e for extra work. Carried. Ziegler moved, n4ilhert seconded, that t he following bills be paid. �arried. #545 � 560 607 608 609 � 610 611. 612 613 614 6i5_ 616. 617 618 619 620 621, 622 623 62L� 625 626 627 628 629 GF�IVERPJ� FiTI�D Norten �, Schleeter ll�pls . Gas Co. Andex, Automatic Control Club Cafe C. C• Congdon, Treas. Dahlberg Bros.. Ir?c. Falk Paper Co, Henn. Co. Agricultural Society Henn. Co. Revie�n* Hopkir.s Fire Dep't. Independent �chool Dist. ,�19 Kokesh Hdtiv. Lampert Yarc�s League of Mirui. Municipalities Wilbur Locke Lee McNally ��Associates Mi11er Meters In.c. • D.�Iinnetonka Motor �xp. Northern States Power N.VIf.Bell Tel. Co. H. A. pegers Co. Suburban Henn. Co. Ray mesarek D� J . ��oll Salaries to Mayor, councilmen and municipal judge lM1fages to electien juci�es, clerks a�� cotmters - 5/17��.9 ?��ages, �hourly Salaries 143 Glenn Johnson Contr. 141� Lampert Yards 145 North�m States Pob^rer 1�.6 N.W.Bell �j�el. Co. . 1l�7 Republic �reosotino VVa�es, hourly Salaries Flag pole painted Gas �adder &�floor wax safety �witch , �ieals for nrisoners Pett� Cash- � Parts &��abor (police,c�rs) pap er to�Nels 19�9 Fair appropriation Printing - ads . Fire calls �C Bhones Storm Drain For beach � Cerment - lbr. - nails - paint 19�!9 municipal directorv Pick u� cat . Storm sewer surveys part,s , Frta on paper towels power Phone service Section maps �telief Board State fire school - 1 day Police badges lst half of 19�9 Period en ding 5/31/49 I,ast half of l�iay ROt1D & BRIDGE FUND 121 C.;E. �ongdon, Treas. 122 Electro I?ust-Proofing Cor�tn. 123 121� 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Flox Co. Inc. Just�s Lbr. Co. ,Kokesh Hdw. Nlinnetonka Motor�Exp: Neptune Meter Co. NortYi� Stat�es Power Pokorny Plbg. Suburban Press, Inc. ti'Uaterous Co. Salaries Blackto� Cement-lbr.-nails-paint POVTEY' Phon e s er�ric e F�oad Tar ' . Yeriod endin� 5/31/�9 � Last half . of I�Zay �hTATER FUND petty �asr , - (1 �rr! s. serv. .for .cathodic (,protection syster� Nalco f eeders �ement Supplies . Frt. on Nalco bal_ls Parts and Meters Pov�*er -�--" Supplies for �3 pU-'►�p . pt�. v�ater bills ' Su�plies for hydrants Last half of RRay _ S �.uAGE DTSPOSAL FL�ND � 18.00 51.87 10.47 35:58 7-90 17.53 45.05 21.90 100,00 2l�..60 83.50. 700•0� 9.11 221.30 1.50 2.00 1200,00 13.06 1.05 708.11 6o.lt� 5.20 ��5.07 10.00 48.00 600,00 �.34:39 711�. �0 1537 •9� 7V2s�� 47:07 7490 11.00 1!�9:31 419.80 31�7.30 17.53 120,00 11�6. 85 6.2� 23.6� l�.96 9�7.30 525p48 10.10 16.30 38.5b 370,20 17 Am. Cas� Iron Pipe Co. Pipe 2737.28 18 - La.mpert Ya_rds Sta:ces 10;00 �Vages, hourly Period ending 5/31��9 _ _� 5�..25 IO American Cast Iron pipe Co. 11 Ca.rl Anderson . 12 Lee �.4cNallv � �ssociates REVOL�JING FUND �ipe � � 100.00 Curb 1322.1�2 Curb-Pzrlcridoe surveys 92.s1� Ziegler moved, PBilbert seconded; that Resolution #83�'�RESOLUTION ADOPTIATG SPDCIAL ASSESSMENTS" marked �chibit A, be adopted. Carried. -� Ziegler moved, �4ilbert seconded, tha t Resolution #87 ��R�OLUTIQ�1 ORDERIN'x T NE IATSTAL- LATION OF SID��VALK AAt D CURB .N1 CER.TAIId LOCATIO�S" ma,rked �Ch.ibit B, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beck�an seconded, that Resoluticn #89 "-�4 RF�SOLUTION R�'�'�RING TO THE CIT� EN�?n?FERS THE I12ATTER OF CONSTRUCTI!�iG SIDENIALK AI�?D CUPB OI�r A PORTION OF � MOtJROE A�TENUE SOUTH AND TRF.�ITIT�� A PORTIOP� OF TEXA�S AVLNIJE tiVITH TAR OIL" marked Exhibit C, be � adopted. �arried. , Becl�a.n moved, Z�egler seconded, that the request of the Fir.e �epartment for an in- crease from �p2.50 per man fire call be r2ised to �3.00, y$1.50 per man call to �2.00 and each fireman be paid �1.00 for attending a fire dri11, not to exceed 12 such drills each year, be granted. Carried. Milbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the request of th.e T,*eterans of Foreign�'dars, Geo. R. �Nolfi PoSt #425, to hold their bingo games at.�a.tt�s Cafe instead of the Club Cafe, be �;ranted. Carried. L�eckr.ian moved; Anderla seconded, that the request of the Miruzeapolis C}as Co�nar�,v for main extension on Holly Road be granted. Carried. BeclQna.n moved, Anderla seconded, that license application of Roger M. Bjorkliand For gas an d oil burner installation be granted subject to ap proval of bond by city attorney. Carried. Zie�ler moved, Becl�an seconded, that notice of hearing before the R.ailroad'& Warehouse Commission on removal of tracks from the Minneapalis Moline Hopkins yard be placed on fil e. Carried. � •- Ziegler moved, Ariderla seconded; that the City Council go on record as general�y approving the nroposed change in alignment o� Excels��_or Avernze in Hopki.ns as per sketch st?bmitted by the �ounty HighTnray Department. �arried. _ Beckman moved, Anderla sec.onded, that the s�ety bonds of�deputy assessors, Helen K. Jorgenson, Albia A. Zipoy, Vernon V. Gager and Dlina V. Burns, be accepted subject tq aPnroval by citv attorney. Carried. Beckman rnoved; : Anderla::.: secTnnded, that deput;l assessors doing field wo rk be paid at the rate of �$1.15 per hovxa Carried. . Ziegler r�oved, -Anderla:::seconded, that a rate of .��1.00 pex haur be eatablished for all election board personnel; Beckman, Milbert, voting no. Carried. 4nderla mo�red, Milbert seconded, that sewer assessment against that part of Lot 6 lying south of'�a line 75� south of the south"line of First Street North as opened, Auditor.'s Subdivision #21�2, be transferred to that part of Lot 6 lyin� soutr of a line 75 t s outh �, of the south line of First Street North as � opened, Auditor � s Sub- division #2�.2, and nort2ier]tiy of a li.ne 110� north of and p�rallel to the north line of F,�ccelsior Azre. Carried�. � . Councilman A4ilbert.presented the follow,'.ng resolution and moved its adoption: WHE�.EA.S THE CI�Y C�UNCIL OF THE City of Hopltins is in receipt of an invoice fromt�e Aznerican Cast Iron Pipe Compar�y that the value of improvements and additions comqleted, in connection with the Se'•�rer Project being financed by the �2l�7,000 Sewer Redenue bonds, dated �Jecember 1, 191�5, is in excess of �2,737e28 � N�IP, THEl��'ORE, BE IT RFSOLVED that the :,�ayor �d� City Cl:erk of the City of H�pkins are authorized and instructed to'deliver to the Northz^restern National Bank, Minneapolis, DepositarR,l, instructions to release �2,737028 to the City of Hopkins, for the pttrpose of payiiag for said invoic e. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate such U. So Treasury securities in�which said funds are invested in an amourtt sufficient to make said �2,737•28 payment. . Councilman Ziegler secorided the motion and upon vote it v�as declared d�a]y adopted, Vesely, Anderla, �eckinan, Milbert ald Ziegler voting in the affizmative; and no or_e voting in the negative. " �-- Zieoler moved, Bec�a.n seconcied, that the reading of Qrdinance #17 '�AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHIIJG , A PUBLIC RECREATION CQNIDIfISSION FOR THE CITY OF HOPI{IIQS, �( � MIRRdESOTA, AND RF�'EALING CEPTAIiv ORDINANCES" be accepted as t he first reading. �' Carried. � �ecl�nan moved, Anderla seconded; that the City Mariager cooperate with the School. Board of School District #135 in the i.mprovement of tY±e ground at the H�rley Hopkins School by grading Second Street Seuth between Monroe and Van Buren Avenues to conform �th the new grades and plans of their playfield. Carried. Beclrn�an' moved, Ziegler secoia:ded, that the �ity Manager have ��slow�� signs placed where required. Carried, � Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that, the reacling of Ordinance #18 '!4IV ORDINANCF DF7CLARING TI�IEST MINNEAPOLIS, THIRD DIVISION, TO B� A PART OF THE � CITY OF HOPKINS" be accepted as the first reading. Carried. � � Bec�an � moved, 11Bilbert seconded, that the �it;� Manaaer prepare and advertise for bids for a g;as heatir� plant to be installed in the Dow gouse... Carried. Anderla inoved, Milbert seconded, that the �ity Manager prepare and advertise for bids for t he sale and removal of the Leathers � house from the Do�r Park. Carried. Beclana.n moved, Ziegler seconded, th� the sidewalk in:front�of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 78, tiVest Minneapolis, Second Ilivision, be replaced and charged to H. B. Pederson. Carried. � Bec�na.n moved, Anderla secorided, that the City accept the pro;�osal�of the Library Board as outlined in their communication dated J�ane 7, 1949, to conduct a story hour, three days each week, for youn.gsters from I� to 12 years old. Carried. � fl2il.bert moved, Liegler seconded, that t he placing of a��stop�� sign at lOth �venue North and lst Street be referred to,,the Police Chief. Carried. Beckma.n moved, Ziegler seconded, tYiat the meeting b e adjourned. Carried. pmmr.�c�m_ � t , d A. .W. F�aquist, Se�etary to �the Counci]_ . C� Ul`l� .. - ,��� � CITY OF HOPgINS � RESOLUTION N0. 8j. RESOLUTIO� ADOPTING;�PECIAT;_�ASSESSMENTS. o.-�`' `F �;.��,� r ��F�'; i�,,.,�L � N � ���`` �� �dHEEF�iB, pursuant to direction from the council, notice v�a publiahed ia the � official paper of the city �f Hopkine at least tarenty days prior to June.7, �9u9� stating that the council drill meet at the couacil chambers in the city hall on Tnesday, June j� �949 at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. fo r the purpoee of paseing�upon propoeed asaesements upon all of th� lote, piecea or parcele of land abutting upoa the following loc�l improvement s � to-�vi t : ASSTSSME[JT N0. 1: Inatalling sanitary searer in all of_ the streeta in the plat, of of Hobby Acree. ASSESSMENT N0. 2: Inatalling water ia the folloraing locatione in the plat of Hobby Acrea� namely: Commeacing at the interaection of Ha,zelane and Wayside Eoad., thence �asterly oa WAy�ide Road to Wqpaide Hollor�; slso commencing at the interaection of Hazelane.and Farmdale,Road, thence Easterly on Farmdale 8oad to Hollyhock La,ne; also commeaciag a� the intereection of Wayside Road and Hollyhock Lane, thence Southerly along Hollyhock I,ane to Farmdale Road. ASSESSMENT N0. j: ConatYucting curb on both sides of PanBtiren Aveane from Excel��sior Avenue to First Street south. ; ;�., �: ., ., .-. � , ASSESSME�T N0. �: Conetructing curb on both aides of oanBaren Avenne from First Street South to 3econd Street South. ASSESSMENT �0. 5: Conetructing curb on both sides of Eaxrieon Avenue from Firet Street 3outh to Seco nd Street South. � ASSESSMENT A0. 6: Tar oil treatment on 1�Fth. Avenue North from Firat Street North to Second 3treet North. ASSESSMENT N0, j; Tar oil treatment on lOth. Aeenue North from Fourth Street DTorth to Minnetonka I�ills 8oad. a ASSESSI�ATT �0, g: Sev�er on Fifth Aveuue North from Second Street North to Minnetonka '� � Milla Road.:,'� ._.. ..: _: . . AND WHEREAS� no objections to said assesaments, or any or �ither of them, were filed with the secretary of the council, and no one appeared in person at the hearing thereon to object thereto; NOW� TIiF,ffi+'ORE� BE IT RESOLVED by, the council of the city of Hopkine that sa.id propoeed asaeasmeats se above set forth� and each of them, are hereby adopted and an aeeeaement is hereby levied against each of the lota� parts of lots, piecea or parcels of land described therein in the sume therein reepectively set forth, and each of eaid �1) � � tracts of land is hereby f ound to be benefited in the amount of the asaesament. levied against it thereia. BE IT PURTHER RESOLYED, that each of said asseasmente,.with accruing interest thereon st the rate of sfx (6) per cent per annum, ehall be a li:en upon the property againat which the same ie asseaeed, concurrent with general taxee and �hall be payable in equal annual inetallments� extending over the following perio de, namely: . a a ;, '-: . �Assessments numbered 1�r.2:f8,'sha11 estend over a period of ten years from January 1, 1950 to Jarniary 1, 1959 inclusive. , Aasesamente rnimbered j�, � and.5 ahall extend.over a period of five years from January 1, 1950 to Ja�ary 1� 195�+' inclusive. Aaeesemente mimber 6 and 7 ehall extend over a period of three years from Janua.ry 1, 1950 to Janv.ary 1, 1952 inclusive. ADOPTED�by the city council of Hopkins, Nlinneaota, at a regalar meeting thereof held this 7th day of June� 19Z49. JOSF�H. C. VESELY� NiAYOR A:...W: _Elmqui et, ,.. Secretary of the Council - Frank N. t�ihitney, City Attorney �_ � i 2) , � CITY OF HOPgINB BESOI,UT I ON NO . g7 RESOLIITION ORI7ERING THE INSTALLATION OF SIDE`VALg AND CIIRB IN CERTAIN ZOCATIONS. . WHEREAS, on April 5, i9�+g� the city council of Hopkine referred to the city engineera the ma.tter of treating with tar oil and installing carb on both sidea of Washington gvenue North between Excelsior Boulevard and Second Street north; and W�AS� on April 19, ig�+g, the city council of Hopkins referred to the city engineers the matter of the following local improvementa: Constracting sidewalk a,nd ctirb on the Eaat aide of Thirteenth gvenue North between Fourth Street North and the north line of Lot 12. Block 107, West Minneapolia� Second Divi�n; constructing curb only in the following locations: On the west aide of Twelfth Avenue North between the south line of I,ot 9, Block 76, Weat Minneapolie, Second Divieion� a.nd the south line oP the ri�it-of-way of the Mir�neapolie and St. Louia Railway CompaRy; on the north side of First Street North between Twelfth Avenue North and Fourteenth Avenue NortY�; on �he Ea.st side of Fourteenth Avern�.e �tv�th between Fi rst 9treet North and the south line of the ri ght-of-way of the A�Iirneapolis and St. Louie Ra,ilwa,y Ccmpaziy, and WHT+�T+'.AS� said engi,neers investigated the necessity a.nd feasibility of said improvementa and on May 3, �9�+g� reported thereon to the council and filed their ooritten reporta with the eecretary of the council� a.nd WHEBEAS� on May j, 19�+9, the city council of Hopkins adopted a reeolution eetting '1`aeaday, the 7th day of June, �g�+g� at 7:30 o�clock P.M. at the council chembers in the city hall as the time and place for considering�said reports, and VJEEREAS, a notice of said hearing ha,s been published in The Hennepin County Review in its issuea of May 12th and 19th. �g�+9, and the affidavitaf publication of eaid notice has been filed with the secretary of the council, s.nd WHEREAS, no petitiona setting forth opposition to said improvemente have been filed with the council, and W1�REAS, Frank H. Kriz appeared before the council and object,�to installing carb on the north side of First Street No.rth between Twelfth Avenue North a,nd the a11ey in Block 76� Weat Minneapolie, Second Division, and `VT�BEAS� t�e maintenance of Washington Avenue DTorth has now been taken over by the County of Hennepin, NOW THERE�OEE: (1) BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkina that sa.id imp ro vemente with 'the egceptions of treating Washington Avenue DTorth between F�celsior Boulevard and 5econd. Street North with tar oil aad installing curb on F'i rst Street North between Twelfth Avenue North and the alley in Block 76, Weat Minneapolis. Second Div3�.on� and each of them are neceasary for the health, welfare and convenience of the citg and its inhabitants and that it ie hereby determined and ordered that eaid improve- mente, but not including aaid execrpt3ona, be made ae set forth in the engineers' reports and that the costs thereof be assessed against a.ny property benefited thereby. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a reg�lar meeting thereof held this 7th day of June, 19�+g. A. W. Elmqni at � Secretary to the Council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney copy to Carl Anderson Emil Brokl Lee Mcl'Ially C. C. Congdon � 2) JOSII'H C. VESELY, MAYOR � �� CITY OF fiOPgIN5 RESOLUTION N0. 89. � � � �! �`� �� � A RESOLIITION REF'ERRING TO T�E CITY ENGINEERS TAE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTING SI�WALK AND CURB ON A POHTIODT OF i�O:T&OE AVENUE SOUTH AND TBEATING A PORTION OF TExAS AVENUE WITH TAR OIL. WSEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkina deema it necessary for the health� welfare and coavenience of the city a.nd its inhabitante, to ma.ke the following local improvement s: IMPROYIl�IENT PTO. 1: Conatruct aidewalk a.nd curb on the West side of Monroe Avenue between F'irst Street South and Second Street South. IMPROPII�iENT N0. 2: Treat Tegae Avenue between Diviaion Street and Lake Street with tar oil. AND WiiEREAS, the cost thereof should be assessed againat any property found benefited �hereby� and 0 WgF�EAS, moet of the owners of property against which eaid coets would be aeseased have petitioned the city council for the installation of said �idewalk and curb in eaid location a.nd for the treating of euch portion of Texas Avenue with tar oil; NOW, THERF�'OHE, B� IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the installation of sidewalk and carb in said location and the treati�tg ofsuch portion of Texas Avenue with tar oil be referred to Lee McNally a.nd Associatea, city engineers, to investigate the neceeBity and feasibility of such improvemente a.nd report to the council as soon as possible. � 9DOPTED by the council of the city of Hogkins at a regular meeting thereof held thi s 7th day of June. �9k9. A. Sh'. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney� � City Attorney to Lee McNally on June �� �g�+g JO SEPH C. VESEI,Y � MAYOR .+ � ^ r CITY OF HOPgINS �sozu�riorr xo, g2. A RESOLIITION REF�RRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTER OF INSTALLING SID� WALK AND CIIRB ON BOTH SI DES OF FOIIRTEEN APENIIE NORTH BETWEEN FOIIRTH STREET NORTH AND THE SOIITH I,INE OF STATE TRUNg HIQiWAY N8. 7, AND TREATIN(3 THE SAME WITH TAR OIL. - Wf�REAS� the council of the city of Hopkine deems it neceasary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabitants, to make the following local improv�ents: IMPROV�MENT N0. 1. Install sidewalk �nd carb on both aidea of Fourteenth Avenue North between Fourth Street North and the South line of State Trunk Highway No. 7. IMPROVFMENT N0. 2. Treat Fourteenth Avenue North between Fourth Street North a.nd the South line of State Trunk Hi�.raay No. 7 with tar oil. AND WHEREAS, the cost thereof ahould be assessed aga.inat a�qy property found benefited thereby� and WHF�tF�AS, mo et of the owners of property .against which said casts would be asaeased have petitioned the city council for the inatallFation of said sidewalk and curb in eaid location and for the treating of said street with tar oil; NOW, THF�tF�'ORE, BE IT &ESOLYED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matters of the installation of sidewa,lk and curb ia eaid location and the treating of aaid street with tar oil be referred to Lee McNa].ly and Aseociatea� city engineers, to investigate the necespity and feasibility of such improvemeats and report to�the couacil as soon as po ssible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a-regular meeting thereof held thia 21at day of June. �9�9• JOSEPH C. PESEZY� MAY08 A. W. Elmqui et, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney copy to Lee McATally 6/22/49 �� �� CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLUTION N0. 93• RESOLUTION ORDERIidG A HEARIi�G ON ENGINEERS' REPORTS FOR CONSTF�TCTION OF SIDEWALK AND CURB IN CERTAIIV LOCATIONS. WEEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkina on January 18, �g�+9, adopted a resolu- tion referring the matter of conatructing aidewalk a.nd curb on the eaat side of Twelfth Avenue North from SPcond street North to Third street DTorth to Lee McNally and Aasoci ates� city engineera� for their investi gation and report, and , WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkine on June 7� ig�9, adopted a reaolution referring the matter of const nicting sidewalk and curb on the West aide of Monroe Avenue betr�een Firat street South and Second atreet South to Lee McNally and Aasociates, city engineere, for their inveatigation and renort, and WHEREAS� Said engineers have investigated the necessity and feasibility of eaid im- promvements and on June 21, 19�F9, re�orted thereon to the council and filed their written reports with the secretary of the council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said engineera' reports will be co.nsidered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the said council to be held on Tuesday, the 19th. day of July, �9�+g� at 7:30 o�clock P.M., and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city manager give notice of euch hearing by publiahing a notice once in each week for two successive weeka in the official newspaper of the city� said notice to deacribe in general la.nguage the improve- ments recommended in the engineere' reports and the estimated costs thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held thi s 21st dt�y of June� 19�t9. A. W. Elmquiat, JOSEPH C. 9ESELY, ldAYOR Secretary of the council Frank N. Whi tney, City at to rney NOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEEflS' REPORTS FOR CONSTF�TCTION OF SIDEWALK AND CIIRB IN • CERTAIN LOCATIONS. 1QOTICE IS HF�REBY GIVIIJ that the city engineera of Hopkins did on the 21st day�of June, �g�+9� file re?aorts with the city council relating to the const nzction of side�a.lk and curb on the East side of Twelfth Avenue north from Second Street north to Thi rd Street 1Qorth, and on the Weat side of Monroe gvenue from First Street South to Second Street South� and that the city council has by resolution fixed 'Iw.esda.y, the 19th d.ay of July. �9�+9. at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall as the tfine a.nd place at which the council will hear such persons as care to be heard in reference thereto and will conaider said engineera' reports and act thereon. The eatimated cost of said improv�nents is Four Thousand Sig Aundred Ninety Si� (��+,696.00) Dollars, plus a.n additional cost of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each driveway installed. Da.ted at Hopkins, Minnesota, this 2jrd da.y of June� 19�9. Frat�c N. Whi tney, City Attorney Claire C. Congdon, City Manager Pu.blished in the Hennepin County Review on Jun.e 30th a.nd July 7, 19�. copy to Revi ew 6/ 23 .� � ,� � � C _ ' � r t.,' ' , ; ,% i l i r ,.' � . � � � ` I �� "�J 9 `i � ' `. �� � ~ S / �6.�/ , a. � . I . i �n� �� 'a• I4 ' �,z 8. s z � °� , ��. /� � /st�i �' „ � •,' 6.1 /�9.�3' � rr 3•� /5 1,?9. 44' E.�' , ,`n,, �q iz 9. �6 3.s' _- __"_. �P� �3 l O ��o. o�- _--- , Z, � Gc,�a � � iz ' 'i � � /30.,�8 • 5' �P/' �� /,�o. 7 " �o �,�..o� . �3 ;,r ,Z.4 9 (iRM� �o %��..�,� . �q� 3 R� i ST. No. �` � k � �V �'ke fch o� .�'«r v�y of � 10�,� /0/ ,�il/��sf /Y��o/s. ,�%�q'I�i� I .�0�7�'�/?�, /Y%//?/Z . �howir�� ��zcro�tch�l�rz fs �n a//�� s<cr/c�. • / ='.50 ' ✓ �n � /8,1��,9 St r ✓�y�c'� b — � ,�� � . ,,_ _ i'/_?- - � - - - ;� . ; 9 regular meeting of the coun.cil`of the �ity of Hopkins, �innesota, was held at the City Ha11 at 7;i30 o�clock P.M. on �iesday� June 21st, 19�t9. The follo�ing were present: �ayor Joseph C. Vesely, Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart' E. Becl�a.n, Len �a.lbert, John Ziegler:and City Manager, C. C. Congdon. �Members alisent: none. I . Beckman moved, 9I,n►derla seconded, that the fol].owin� bills be paid. Carried� � G�L . FUND � 643 First� National Bank 6141�. Treasurer, State of �i.nn. 662 American Linen Coe ' 663 Am. Playground Device 664 Bi-Lateral Fire.Hose Co. 665 Bleck co. 667 C. C• Congdon 668 Dahlberg �Bi�os. 669 Donova.n F�arn. � Co. 670 Duncan �eter Corp�n. 671 A. w. Elmquist - 6?3 Feudner-Daei�n 67l� Full� �rush Coa 675 Gustafson & Fuxa b76 Hennepiri County 6?7 Mike Ho1m, Secretary of State 678 Hopki.ns . Drag 679 Hopkins Fire Dep�t. 680 ffiokesh Hdw. 681 Leef Bro�. Inc. 582 Lund�s Siriclair - 683 Lee McNally & Associates '684 �iller Lavis Co. 685 B�pls. Gas Co. 686 Motor Cargo Inc. 687 I�orthern States Po�er 688 RoserYVPa.ld-Cooper Co. . 689, Skel],y Oil Co. 690 standard oil co. 691 Tropical Paint Co. 692 Frank T�hitney 691� to 705 aury autY Sala.ries �ages, hourly 151 First,National Bank 152 Treasurer, State of �dinn. 162 Derrel Slais. 163 wm. xe �dcCoy 161� Northern States Poa�er 165 Ziegler Co. Sala.ries Wages, hourly . 136 137 138 139 Il�O 1lrl : �3 1lal�. First Natiorial Bank Treasurer, State of Minn. �unicipal Equip.Co. Miller-Davis Co. �onarch . Soa.p �o. Northern States Power Ne �P. Bell Tel. Co. Roaral. Typewriter Co. Ske11y.0i1 Cos Salari.es 19 Wages, hourly `- 10 Northwestern Nat'1. Bk. 13 Carl Anderson 11� Lee B�cNally & Associates BQay v�ithholding tax I+day retirement fund deductions May service Springboards for beach i Fire Hose ' Repairs� police car ' Conv�erition expense, Hibbing ' Spot ].ight, parts, police car BGattresses & covers for jail chair tips & mops , Parking meter receipts. & disbursement� Conventi�� egpense, Hibbing � Bonds for deputp assessors "� Brush Check lift at gla.ke Rd. , , Board of poor Registratiori info. � Supp�es %r beach � Fire calls and drill Nails, etc. 'p�hhi.te wi.ping cioths , Tire & Tube - Garbage truck'� Field surveys �ffice supplies Gas Fre�ght on stl. drm. pai.nt - . po�ver Street signs � ; � Gas � Tire rep., grease jobs Street m�rking paint , Convention expense�� Hibbing ' 6�8/1�9 , ' � First haTf of June Period ending 6�15��19 i ROAU &.BRIDGE-FUND May �rithholding t ax ' May retisement funci deductio;ns Rental equipment, tractor & ma�rer Diesel oil i power Cutting edge : First half of June i Period ending b�15/49. i WATER FUI�ID B�,}r vaithholdi.ng tax ' M�y retirement fnnd deductions �Suction hose Desk ; Liquid chlorine ' Power phone service i �2,ribbons � Ddotor oil First half of June SE�AGE DISPOSAL FUI�ID Period ending 6�],5�1�,9 SPDC IAL ASSESS�T- FUND � Bond & Interest REVOLVING.FUND $�1irb - - . , . Eng. fee � � 192000 79.L�7 lo6K 87.50 Iur0,00 i9.85 22.9lt 17035 50021� 396e8� 18000 20QQ0 1a68 3.20 ' 1�6.00 080 1.b2 176.00 � 5e81� 2.50 " 60.00 55 s�0 , 5092 13.23 � - 3e0 ?03• 3i�1a.a 102.00 7e25 i3.o5. 16.20 �z o00 1280.50 1167.35 67.70 ?�1.i.37 83.88 13e19 . 7 s90 6ei� 347•30 ?90.66 14)a..60 10.00 25000 �6000 58.50 527 o�t5 8.13 3.70 ie5o 370.20 1220�0 1394.16 1859 41;7 � �c�=.t � 9 Becl�aui moeed, Aaderla seconded, �that the request of the BGinneap olis Gas Compangr for gas main extensions, Nos. 176,, 177, 185 and 187 be granted: �arried. Beclunan moved, Anderla seconded, that gas burner licerise application of Millard G. Lee and gas and oil_buruer license application of Oak Knoll Heating and Sheet B�etal Co..be granted, subject to approval of bonds by City Attorney. Carried. ° Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded, that Resolution #92 "A RESOLUTION RE�'EftRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE M�TTER OF INSTALLING SID�NALK AND CURB ON.BOTH SIDES OF FOURTEENTH AVENUE NORTH BETWEII�T FODRTH STREET.. NORTH AND ZYIE SOIITH LINE OF STATE TRUNK HIGI3V�AY N0. 7, AND TRF.�ITING THE SAME 119ITH TAR. OIL" marked prhibit A� be adopted. Carried. 9nderla moved., Becl�axi seconded� th� engineers � report pertaining to the 'tai'r'ing of Texas Avenue be referred to the City Man�ager for checking v�.th Ste Louis park. Carried, Beclunan moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolntion #93 "1�OLUTION ORDERII� A HFARING ON ENGINEERS' RF�OftTS FCfi. CONSTRUCTIC�1 OF SID�AIx AND CURB IN CERTAIN -IACATIONS" _ marked �i.bit $- be adopted. Carried. _ . _ - � - BeclQnan moved� BBilbert seconded, that the city engineer+s sketch of survey of Block 101� marked E�ch.ibit C� showi.ng eacroachments in t�e a]1.ey� be referred to the city attorney to request ov�n.ers to move same from the all.ey. Carried. _ Milbert mpved, Beckman seconded, tha.t the request of the Hennepin Connty Agricultural Society to operate bingo games at their annual Fair to be. held August 11th, 12th aad 13th, be granted. Carried, Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, that the readin� of Ordiriance #17 "AN „ORDINANCE � �STABLISHIN('r A PUBLIC RT�CREATION COPdP6ISSI0A3 FOR`II� CITY OF HOPKINS,_MINNFSOT�i� A1VD RF�EALII� CF�TAIN ORDINANCFS" m�s'ked Exhibit D, be accepted as. the second� reading thereof and that the ordinance be adapted and_published according to laW. Car"ried. Ziegler moved, Becl�nan seconded, that the report of the city attorney in the matter of the petition for a.nnexation of �Pest Pdpls. Third Division to the City of Hopkins, be placed on file. Carriedo . Ziegler moved, Becl�nau seconded, that the � B g P�TroF �Ce�#�Y p�HOP�'KIl�T "$ jC�rked CI�tING 11P�T BdIltiNEAPOLIS, THIRD DIVISI�T, F,�iIBIT E, be accepted as the second reading ther�f and that the oxdinance be adopted a.nd.published according to law. Carried. At 8:90 0� clock PeM. the �ay'or anxiounced that this �a.s the t ime and. place for the openi.ng of bids for the purchase of �80�000.00 . sbrm see�er bonds of the City advertised for sale in accordance with Resolution #88."A RF�OLUTION PROVIDING FOR TI� ISSUANCE AI�ID SALE OF �80�000 STORM SE111PER BONDS", ..adopted �ay 24� 19Zt9. - The Secretary of the Covncil then presented an affidavit sho�aing publication of notice of sale two weeks in the official newspaper �hich was �Y_�ned, foUnd satisfactory and ordered placed on file. �he Secretary reported that three sealed bids had been received. �ese were then opened, tabulated a�l found to be as follows; N1�1DQE OF BIDDF� � DTorthwestern.National Bank, Minneapolis Combined bid of J. �Q. Dain & Compar�y gllison-�filliams Compa.npr and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood I13TII�E.ST RATE 1.90� 2e10� Combined bid of Fixst National B�, Hopkins, Miruz. and First Idational Bank, �inneapol�s, �• 2�1� AMOUNr OF BID �80,110000 80�290.00 60,7.l�7•50 Councilman Becl�an then introduced Resolution #90 "� RF�OLUTIOIV A�ARDING Ti� SALE OF �80�000 STORM S� BONDS" attached E3(�iIB2T F,_and_moved its.adoption. The motion for the adoption of said �esolution was.duly.seeonded � by Gouncilman Anderla and. upon the vote being taken tk�.ereon was carried unanimou.slY. Said resolution was de— clared duly passed a,nc3. adopted and the Mayor and Secretary of the Council being preseat, affixed thei.r signatures thereto in approva7. thereof. ' Covncilman Ziegler then introdwced Resolutivn #91 "A�R�OLUTIIVG FIXING �iE FORM �ND DETAILS OF �80�000 STORM SF�ER BONDS, , DIRDCTING THE�LR ��ICgTION AND. DII,NERY AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THIIft _PAYD�iT!' _ attached bchibi�. G' and moved' its .adoption. The motion forl;he adoption of _ said. resoluti� was duly seconded by Couricilm�.n B�ilbert and upon vote being taken tdae reon �as carried ���� mously. Said resolution �as declared duly .passed and adopted and the �ayor and Secretary of t he Council b eing present, affixed their signa.tures thereto in approval t hereof. Anderla moved� Becl�an seconded, that Resolution #95 "RF�OLUTION RFJLAT7NG TO IN— STALLING SE9ffER AND WATER ON FIFTH AVENiTE NORTH ACROSS_STATE TRZINK HIGIif�AY IdO. 7" marked �cYiibit H� .be adopt ed. Cari'i.eda - �ti.].bert moved� Anderla seconded� that the plat of Burnside Addi.tiai be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign sa.me. Carriedo Anderla moved� Ziegler seconded� that the plan and profile of alley in Block:7l�, West P�pls. 2nd Divi.sion, as prepared, by the city ergineer, be tabled until next meeting. Carried. ' Ziegler moved, BeclQnan seconded� tha�t the Board of Equalizatian meet at 7:30 o�clock P.M. on June 27 � 191.a9 � JuI,Y 8, 191.�9. Carried. , - B,nderla moved, �63.lbert seconded, that the next regvlar meeting of the City Council be held on Jur� 11, 1949, and not on July 5, 191a9� to conform with the City Chartero Carried. Ziegler moved, Beekman seconded, that Dickey & BG�.].bert be permitted to remove the curb along the east side of 12th Avenue North, opposite Lot 1.5, Block 70, �est �dpls. �d Division, for a drive�vay opening 30� wide, the north_ end of said driv�ay to be at least 12 f south of. the sw.th line of _allep. Ca.rried4 Becl�axi moved, Ziegler seconded, that the City Bdanager be authorized to employ a temporary clerk to work on checking all city ordinances and extra detail work around the office. Carried. Becl�an moved, �ilbert seconded, that the City Council go on reaord as approving tdle � style a.nd installati� of fla.g holders to be attached to street light standards on �cc e1s i� Avenue. Garri ed. I�ilbert moved� BeclQnaxi seconded, that the City Hdanager be authorized to advertise for bids for a ne�w leader to be attached to the Moline tractor. Carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the City BQanager be authorized to receive bids for the wrecking �d removal of the Leathers � house at 92l� lst, Street South and the bandstand in the 9th gvenue Plorth Park. Carriede . Beckman moved, Anderla seconded., that the City Manager xrite to the �Iiruzeso ta State � Highway Department requesting the installation of traffic actuated traffic lights on #7 Hi�way at the intersection of 5th and 17th Avenues. Carried unanimously. Ziegler moved, Becluman seconded� tha.t the additional storm se�er charge of '�150.00 be deducted from payments due Earl Geard �otors. �arried. � The B�ayor recommended the following for appointment to the Zoning Commi.ssian for � a term of four years from Ju7,y l, 19l�9: _ A. G. I,arson, Chaix�an Edyraxd_ L. Kokesh Oe J. Parks Andre� N. Justus p:inton g. , Blomquist Anderla moved� I1�iilbert seconded, that the above appointments be confirmed. Carried. geel�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, tha.t the meeting be adjourned. . Carried. � A. . Elmquist, cretary to the Council �TTFST: � � C UNCIL�1:. Joseph C. Vesel,y, Mayor �,�� 4/j A. X 1 �i , ' . � G" ,y� ��� ` w4 9 O�V�° �, ` .� t 1 CITY OF HOPBIN9, �,,��'�� � HENftEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0.;17. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLI SHING A rtTBI,I C RECBEATI (�N COMMI SS ION F'OR THE CITY OF HOPgINS� MI1Q�IiESOTA ; AND REpF�Ai,IDTG CERTAIDT ORDINANCES. . � BE IT ORDAIIdED by the council of the�city of Hopkina: Section 1. Subdivision 1. There ie hereby created a Recreation Commiaeion �OTthe City of Hopkins� Minnesota, consieting of five members to be appointed ae follows: one member from the Board of Education of School District.No. 19 to 't • be appointed by that boaxd for a term of three yeara; one member from the Board of Education of School giatrict rTo. �35 to be appointed by that board for a term of three years; one member from the City Council to be appointed b� the Council for a term of two years, a.nd two members at large� one for a term of two years and one for a term of one year, at least one of which Qhall be a woman� to be ' appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city.council a.nd the chairmen of the Boarda of Education of School Dietricta PTo. 19 aad No. i35. 9ubseqnent appointmenta eha.11 be made for three year terme or until successors are appointed and qu�lified. S�bdivision 2. Members of the Commiseion aha,ll serve veithout compeneation and their respective terms of office ahall egpire at the end of.the time for which they a.re appointed� not to exceed their term of office for which they have been ; elected to the reepective governing bodies. Snbdiviaion j. Immediately following the appointment of, and acceptance of such appointment by, all membera of the original Commiasion, it shall meet a.nd organize by electing auch officers as may be neceseary, and ehall adopt such rules, by-laws and regulationa for the conduct of its work as it deema neceasary and advisable. The Commisaion shall meet at least oneeeach month. Three members p resent at a regular or special meeting of the commission ahall constitute a quo rum . ' � Section 2. The Recreation Commiasion sha11 advise in conducting a public re- creation program for the City of Hopkine and its immediate vicinity and�to-that - end shall advise in the p roviding, conducting and supervising of recreation areas� �'' �I . facilities, services and•programs for public recreat�ion in_ite broadeat senae, in- cluding playgrounda, parka� playfields, a�imming.poole, beachea,..campa, indoor. recreation centers and as�y and all other recreation facilities and activitiea either within or without the corporate limita of the city upon property under the custody (1) � r . f. .� , a . and management of the city or on other public or private property with the con- sent of the owners of such property. The Hecreation Commission ahall advise the city in the operation of park and recreation areas and facilities now owner or here- after acquired by the City. 8aid Commi�sion may advise the city to enter into agreemente of a co-operative natLtre with other public � private agencies, organiza- tions or individuals when, in the judgment of the commission, such procedure would prove advantageous. Section 3. Subdiviaicn 1. The Eecreation Commiasion aha11 have the power to re- commend to the city manager the employment of a trained and qualified superintendent of recreation and auch other expert assista.nts� supervisors, directo rs, play leaders and teachers� inspectors, engineere, caretakere and other emplo�ees as may be necessary, in ita judgment� for the efficient adminietration� conduct and development of the public recreation system of Hopkins and its immediate environe. 9abdivision 2. The superintendent of recreation may, with the approval of the city manager� serve as the executive officer of the Recreation Commie�n, a,nd ma,y act as ita secretary� in a relation similar to that c� the 9�iperintendent of Schoola to the Board of Education. It ehall be the duty of tne Recreation Commieaion to make recommendationa to the city council and echool boarde concerning the property acquisitione needed to complete a comprehensive recre�tion eystem. Sect on li The Commission sha11 on or before each September firat render a full report to the city council and the school boards of School �istricts No. 19 and No, i35 covering ite operation for the preceding 12 months, together with its recommendations and a.n estimate of the fund$ required for its wori� for the enauing year. It shall also render euch other regular or apecial reports, advieory recommendationa or make such investigationa as it deems advieable, or ae may be requested by the.city council or the school boards. Section 5. A recreation fund ehall be established in the city budget into which all taxee levied and collected for recrea�ion purpoaea a,nd all gi�t�, bequests or endowments of money ae donatione or granta from peraons� firms or corporations including government agencies and a11 feee and charges for recreational aervices or facilities ahall be deposited. The Recreation Commis�on by action taken in regular or apecial meetings of the commission may advise the city manager and city council as to dis- buraementa from said fund. Secti9n 6. 8abdivision I. "An ordinance establishing and creating a park board,° which was adopted by the village council of the village of West Minneapolis on May 15. 192g, is hereby repealed. � 2) � ,"►� � a S�.ibdivieion 2. "An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled 'An ordinance establishing and creating a park board�' adopted May 15, 1928," which amending ordina.nce was adopted by the village council of Hopkine on Febrnaxy 15, �932, is hereby repealed. S�bdieision j. °An ordina,nce to amend an ordina.nce entitled: "'An ordinance eatabliahing and creating a park board,� approved May 15� 192g��' which amending ordinance waa adopted by the village council of Hopkina on December lg, �93�+, ie hereby repealed. F'irst read at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on the 7th d.ay of June� 19�9, and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the cauanil of eaid city held on the 21et da;� of June, 1g�+9. A. W. Elmquiat, 3ecretary to the Council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney to Review on: � 'E9FLY� MAYO Published in The Hennepin County Heview on Thursd�y� June j0. �9�+9 CIT Y OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COU::�TTY, MINNESOTA ORDI i�TA�'�C E No . 18 �� ! <',14' � t �� *4 �� �� � 4� " � � AN ORDINAIJC� DECLARLNG WEST MII�?E�.POLIS� THIRD DIVISION� TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF HOPgINS. � WHEREAS, the real estate comprising the plat of West Minneapolis� Third Diviaion� has been platted into lots a.ad blocks, and Wf�REAS, said plat of West Minnea�olis, Third Di�ision� abuts upon and adjoins the City of Hopkina, which is a city of lese than 10,000 inhabita.nte� and VT�REAS� pursuant to Minnesota Statutes �g�+5, Section �+lj.l�+, a majority of the owners of property in said plat of West Minneapolis, Third Divieion, ha,ve petitioned the city council of Hopkins to a.nnex said land to the City of Hopkina a,nd to declare said plat to be a.n acldition to �u.ch city; NOW� THEREFOP�E, BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the City of Hopkina: 3ection 1. The plat of West Minneapolis, Third Division, according to the dul�� recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the offices of the Register of Deedg and Registrar o f Ti t�ee of Hennepin County, Minnesota, in- cluding a11 lots, blocka, atreeta a.ad a11ey� constituting and forming a part of eaid plat� and also includiag ax�y a.nd all portions of said plat heretofore or hereafter vacated� is hereby anne$ed to and declared to be a part of the City of Hopkina, Henuepin County, Minnesota� as effectually as if it had. been origin�lly a part thereof. First read at a regulax meeting of the council of the City of Aopkins held on this 7th day of June, �9�+9, and fina.11y read and pasaed at a regnlar meeting of the council of said city held on the 21st day of ne 9�9. �Y JO SEPH C. VESII,Y � DiAYOR A. W. Elmqui s�t � Secretary of the Council Frank N, tiVhitney� City Attorney PUBLISHID IN THE HENNEPIN COUNTY REVIEVY ON THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1949• � �� � CITY OF HOPIiINS RESOLiTTION �0. 90. A RESOLIITION AWARDING THE SALE OF �8U�000 STORM SEWER BONDS BE IT RESOL9ED by trie Council ot tne City oi' Hopkins� MiL121eSOL8 � that the bid Oi Northvrestern National Bank � Of Minneapolis, Minnesota f to purchase $80�000 Storm Sewer Bonds as advertised for sale pursuant to a resolution of the council, wnich bid is to pay � go�loo.00 for bonds bearing interest at Lhe rate of One and 90�100 (1.90) percent intereat peP ar121Um� is hereby i'ound to be tne most favorable bid received� ana snall be and is nereby accepted. BE Il FuRTHER RESOLVED that the city manager shall return tlze good faitih checl�s oY' all other bidders ana retain tne cneck oi' saic� successful bictder until aelivery ot' tne bonas. Adopted at a regular meeting or the Council ot tne City or Hopkins� Hennepin County� Minnesota� held on June 21� 1949. . cretarq o tine Counci Mayor CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION IdO. 91 A RESOLUTION FIXIIVG THE FORM AND DETAILS OF $80�000 STORM SE'uJER BOivDS� DIRECTING THr;IR EXECUTION AND �ELIvERY AND LEVYING A TAX FOx Tri�Ix PAYM�Ni. BE IT RESULVED by the Council or tne City or Hopkins� Minnesota� as i'ollows: 1. The City or Hopkins shall t'orthwith issue ana deliver� its negotiable coupon Storm Sewer Bonds in tne aggregate principal amovnt of $80 � 000 � ciated July 1� 194g, saici bonas to ne 80 in number ana numbered from 1 to 80� both inclusive� in tne denomi- nation of $1�000 each� to be�,r interest at the rate of one and ninety hundredths (1.90) per cent per a.nnum, payable semiarinually on tne lst day of January a.nd tne lst day o�' July in each year� and to mature serially in order o�' serial numbers, lowest nwnbePs first� on July lst in th� amount of �8�000 in each o�' tne years 1951 to 1960, botn inclusive� all without option or prior payment. Both principal of' and interest on said boncis snall be payable at Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis� Minnesota and tne citg sna11 pay the reasonable charges or such bank for acting as paying agent. 2. The boncls ana tne interest coupons to be attached tnereto snall de in substantially the t'ollowing t'orm: No. . UN ITED STATES OF AMER ICg STAT� 0!� MIIuN�SOTA Cuu�TTY O�� H�NNErIN CITY OF HOPKIiVS � $1�000 STORM SEWER BOivD OF 19�+y. � RNOw ALL MEN BY TI3�SE PRESEATTS that tne City o�' Hopkins � a municipal corporation of Hennepin County� State or Minnesota� hereby acknowledges itselt' to pe indebted and i'or value received promises to pay to bearer tne principal sum of ONE THOuSAND -1- DOLLARS on the lst day of July� 19 , ana to pay inLerest thereon from the date hereoi' until the principal sum is paid at the rate oY one and gp/iootha per cent ( 1.90 �) per annwn� interest to maturity payable semiannually on the lst ctaq of January ana tne lst day oi' July in each year in accordance witn and upon presentatlon ana surrender ot' tne inzeresti coupons hereto attached as they severally become ciue. Botih principal and in- terest are papable 8t Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis., Minnesota � in any coin or currenep ot tne Unitied States or America wnich at tne time or paymenti is legal tender for public ana private debts� anci ror tne prompt pagmenti or said principal and in-�erest as tnep become due the iull faitn, credit ancl taxing powers o�' tne city have been ana are hereby irrevocaely pledged. This bond is one ot' an issue in the total prfncipal amount of' �80�000� all or like date and tenor egcept as to maturities� all of' wnich are issued to defrag the egpenses incurred and tio be incurred in tne construction or storm sewers pursuant to Section 7.14 of tne Home Rule Charter ot' Lhe city and by autnori�iy of a resolution adopted b9 majority vote of tne council and a favorable vote o�` a majority of those voters who voted on tne proposition of tneir issuance at an election auly and regvlarly called and. held, and pursuant to and in full con�'ormitp witn tne Constitution ana Laws oi tne State oi' Minnesotia and tne cnarter ot' saict city. Il I5 IiEREBY CERTIFIED ANli RECI�rED tnat all acts� conclitions anct tn�ngs required by tne Constitution and Laws of the State o�' Minnesotia ana tine cnarter ot' tne city to �e done� to happen ana to be performed precedent to and in Lne issnance oY tnis bona have peen done, have happened and have been performed in regular ana ctue t'orm� time ana manner; �cnat prior to Lne issuance hereoi' a direct annual irrepealable ad valorem t�ax: Y�a�s� -2- � � been levied upon all of the taxable property in said citp sufficient to pay and for the purpose of paying this bond aad interest thereon when due� and that this bond� together with all other indebtedness oi' said city outstanding on the date of its issua.nce, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory or charter limitation of indebtedness. IN WII�NESS WH�REOF� the City ot' Hopkins� Hennepin County, Minnesota� has caused this bond to pe signed in its behalf by its Mayor and countersigned by the City Manager and its corporate seal to be hereunto affized anct the attached interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures o�' said oi'ficers� all as ot' tihe lst day of July� 19'+9. . � �i�_� _ 6tt No. . City �ager (Form o� Conpon) or On Lhe lst day ot' January (July)� 19 � • � the City or Hopkins� Hennepin County� Minnesota, will pag to bearer the sum Of Nine and 5of 100 (�9.50) DULLARS lawful money ot' the United States of America at DTorthwestern National Bank in Minneapolis, Minnesota � for interest then due on its Storm Sewer Bond dated July 1, 19�+y� No.r, . Mayor tv�'ana�er 3. The city manager shall cause said donds to be printed at zhe cost ot' Lne city� and said bonds shall be executed in behalt' o�' the city by the mayor and countersigned by Lhe city manager� and snall be sealed witn the offieial corporate seal� -3- � . � and said coupons snall be egecuted and authenticated by the printed�.engraued or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers� i�Jhen said bonds have been so executed they shall be. delivered to the purchaser thereot' upon receipt of' the purc.hase price and the purchaser shall not pe obligated to see to the proper application ot' such purchase price beyond its payment to the city. � 4. 'The. t'ull faith and credit of the city are hereby � �. irreeocably pledged.to the prompt and t'ull payment of the � principal of and interest on said ponds as such principal and interes.t become ctue, In compliance with Minnesota Statutes 194-5� � � Section 475.26� and in order Lo provide moneys f�or the payment : �' of the principal anci interest on saict bonds � there shall be ana is � � hereby levied upon a1T the_.taxabie property in saict city a direct� annual ad valorem tax to be spread upon the ta.g rolls and collected with anci as a part o2' other general city taxes in the years ana amounts as �'o"11ows: . Year �Amount Year Amount. � i9�9 �io,soo.00 i95�+ $9.300.00 � i95o� io,7oo.0o i955 9,l00..00 1951 9,l00.0o i956 g,9oo;:00. 1952 � 9, 600.00 .�, . 1957 s, goo,.00 � . 1953 9,�+00.0o i95g g,600.00 - . ' ��` 1 � 5. The secretary' �of�`�he .counci�l is nereby� directed to �,2�`� �� �°f ' � ��� cause a copy oY this resolution, certified by_ him� to ae iiled in�"' � ..�.... _ .�._,..._.� - .�..�- - .�.. - , .��,._..a...� ��. ... . .,,.�... _�...._ � W� . .. tne oftice oi' �tine C.ounty Auditor of Hennepin: County� Minnesota�`_ _ and to obtain i'rom him �the` certiticate requirea by �Minnesota Statutes � Section 475.26:� . ' . 6. Said levy shall pe irrepealable proviaed that when anci ii' other moneys are available in the special sinking furid to pay said principal ana iiiterest, the secretary shall certify such amount to zhe county auclitor on or before Uctober 15 of any year and direct him to reduce or cancel said levy. -4- 7. Tnere is hereby created a separate sinking fund for the payment of the principal a��d interest on said. bonds � kn,own as the "Storm Sewer liond Fund"� into wnicn snall be paia Lne proceeds ot' Lne Y'oregoing levies and such otrier sums as may be d.irected to be used far Lhe paymeui, of said oonds aua out oi' wnich rund tinere snall ne paia Lne inLerest on ana principal oi' saia �onus as such prir�cipal ana iu�eresz pecome aue� and. saia iund shall be used t'or no oLner purpose unt11 all ot' saici boncls have deen paid. 8. It is hereby determined that tne proceedings snall be completed under the laws as in force prior to July 1� 19�+9 but trie � boncts sna11 be signed by the Mayor ana City Manager in ofi'ice on that date. Adapted a� a regular meeting of' the Council of' the City oi' Hopkins� Minnesota� held on Jur�e21� 194y. �cc��� • Secretary oj�/ the Council- - 5- CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION N0. 95• RESOLUTION RELATING TO INSTALLING SEWER AND WATER ON FIFPH AVENiJE NOaTH ACfiOSS � STATE TR[TNK HI (�IW9Y N0. 7. � � � . WHEREAS� the denartment oP highways of the state of Minnesota has issued a public utility permit for construction of ro�ater and eanitary aewer croasing state trunk hi ghwa3r DTo. 7(formerly No. 12) at Fifth Avenue North in the city of Hopkina, as req�tested by the ci ty in its application d.a,ted May 23, �9�+9, and WHEREAS, such permit is in the possesaion of Mr. Glenn H. Martz, district maintena,nce engigeer� to be delivered to the city providing the city aasumea all reaponeibility for backfilling, finishing and ma.int�.ining of the trench on said trunk highway right-of-way in a manner satisfactory to Mr. Martz; 1QOW� THE'�FtEFORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkina that the city assumes all responsibility for backfilling, finishing and maintaining of a trench in which water or aewer pipes, or both, are to be placed, acroes atate trunk highway No. 7 at its intersection wi th �.fth Avenue North in the city of Hogkins� said work to be done in a manner eatisfactory to Mr. Martz, diatrict maintex�e.nce engineer for the department of highways of the atate of Minnesota. AUOPTED at a re gv.lar m eeting of the council of the city of Hopkins held thie 21st day of June, 19�. A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney JOSEPH C. PESELY� MAYOR � � 0 A meeting of the Board oP Equalization of the �ity of Hopkins was held on Monday, June 27th, 1949, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall, fort3�e purpose of reviewing the assessments of the City for t he year 19�9. Members present: Councilmen Stuart E. Beclanan, John Ziegler, Joseph T. Anderla; City Manager, C. C. Congdon and Deputy Nssessor, Mike W. Zipoy. Members absent: Mayor Joseph C. pesely and councilman Len J. Milbert. ' After consid.erable discussion on ta.x assessments, the meeting �ras adjourned to July 8, 1949, at 7;30 o�clock P.M., at whicYi time County Supervisor of assessments, Roy Haeg, �rill be present. � A. �. Elmquist, �ity Clerk � special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, ��iinnesota, was held at the City Hall at 8:OO.o'clock �.jti. on Tuesday, July 5, 1949. The following vlere present; _lillayor �;'p. F�arl��n Perbix, Councilman S.E. Beckman, Sohn. Ziegler, soseph T. �inderla. Councilman P��Tilbert was absent. , � ' Ziegler m�ovecl, Beclflnan seconded, that permis;:ion be granted to Carl ��::_ �?eterson _Company for the renloval of top soil f'rom the property. otvn.ed by 't�`�i.J. Lund, described as follows: Lots 69 and70, auditors subdivision P�T_o. 239 as per their rec�uest . and agreement as approved� by the zoning corr�aission, marked Fsxh,ibit ,� and made a part of these �.inutes. Carr%ed. � ' Beckrnan �oved, Ziegler secorided, th.at the meeting b�� adjourned. Carried. � �-� �-l.r���. �lmquist, Secretary to the Counc� � C�ARL H. PETERSOiV & CO. .ROAD CONTRACTORS EXCAVATIMG & GRADING ��}���'}�`X '�'�cii�'� MINNEa,POUS, 6, MIN,NESOTA 59a6 Pleasant A.venue South June 15, 1949 P1�nnin��Commission City of Hopkins, Minnesota Gentlemen: Phone Drexel 9834 � � �7e herewith request permission to remove top-soil from the property ov�ned by W. J. Lund described as folloa�s: Lot #69 and #70, Auditor's Sub-division #239, on Oxford and C&mbridge Avenues. Thia material is to be used.for the New Athletic Field at the Hopkins High School. We agree to refill any depressions caused b� the removal of top-soil. The area involved is approxi- mately 82 acres and the average level of the ground will be only slightly over one foot lower than the present level after removing the top-soil used for the A.thletic Field. CHP/kw Respectfully, CARL H. PETERSON C0. B Carl H. Peterson, Pres. S�� dTh'E/�' SiD.�� � ,,�c,. �,�- �. � ��� . _ � �� � � � � ��� �1�. � � � �� G- �'�� � �� � �� �� � � � �� ` � �� � ��� ��� l���. � � °� �� �C � � � �� .. � �� � �. � ` �.�� .� , � , ������ ... � . An adjourned meetine oi the �oard of' Equalization of the� City of hopkins was held on Friday, July 8, 1949, �.t 7;30 o'clock P.���. at the City, tIall for the purpose of revie�ving the assessrnents of the city for the year 1949., T:�embers present : T�,�'ayor. ;"�i.ri. �'Erbix, Councilmari S.E. Beckman, John Ziegler, �Joseph T. knderla, Len J. Tv`ilbert, City.I���anager, C.C. Congdon, Deputy .4ssessor, T�;2.'?T. Zipoy, and Roy Haeg, County � Supervisor of. Assessments. Leonard Benson, oi 109 R�inth �venue SoutYi, and Otto v;lenzel, of , 217 TZvelfth Avenue North, appeared be:�ore the Board pretaining to re�l estate taxes and were informed that they must file an � affidavit of abater2ent through the County Auditors office for any refund that they f eel are due t hem. Ziegler moved, �xiderla seconded, that the i�ed OvJl Stores Incor. be notified to have some representative present at an adjourned meeting of the Board, to b e held- at 7:30 0' clock r.�1. on Friday, July 15, 1949, for a hearing on personal property assessments`. Ziegler r�oved, Beckman seconded, that the neeting be adjourned to Friday, July 15, 1949 at 7:30 o'clock P.i���. �i.t'�. Elmquist, City Clerk r / • � • • _ , r � , � J . . � . � . r _ J.uly 11 s 191�9 ,� �� . x�' . . . , � . . � -- � / .. , . , • o - _ � : - . . � �� � � � ,Red O��T Stor��, Inc.., ' . � . , , 215 E.. Excelsior Aee.s; � � , Hopkin;� �innosota. • , '. _ - dentlemena Atte I�r�a A].f I�ez�erud , - - � This i� to adviae you that .at the raee't,�.ng of th� 13oard of �.� - � Fclual3zat�on held Friday evoiningD Ju].g athD lyla9, the Board v�oied ths� yrou be aeked to havo some represen�tive present � '-_ - ` at an adjourned meet►2n� o£ -the _Board to be held at 7:30 Pe�o , on N'riday�e July Z�tize 191►9, for� a hearin� on personal prop- erty assessmenis. � ���" . . , . ' � , , - . , ;Very truly yaurs, . ` - � . -� , ' Cl2it' OF IiJPKIN� � . , � . \ . A6�JE:�H t _� n: �7. Elmquist9 �ity Clerk � _ , ; . . ' �� � - ' � • - . . � . " � - � ` d ' - , � ` _� � •. � � ' , , , . , � " - � A re�ular nee.ting of the council of the City, of gopkins, N_in¢nesota, was held at the City Hali at 7:30 0' clock P.It�. oil ��;_�onday, July 1], 1949. All members �+rEre present. Ziegler r�oved, .�nderla seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried GII�T��'�fiL r �„IV'D 735 American Linen Co. June service �;1.65 7�6 Andex Paint � 3.16 7�7 Frank �. ,;rchar�.bo Firemen belts . 40.00 738 Automatic Control Co.Ceramic float for Floatrol 3.79 739 Stuart E. Becl�.an Convention expense, Hibbing 18.00 740 P.J. Caroline Error in reporting �larch 1948 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 ?65 Ja�es Chmel Dahlberg Bros. I �rnest J. Duda Farnham Statione Louis G. Faucher Vernon Gager Gustafson 8c Fuxa Hopkins �'ire Dept Engner J'ohnson H�len K. Jorgenso Justus Lumber Kokesh Nardv�are Dr. r�. J. Kucera fines, per suditor � Hourly salary nc. ror police car For Bolice car ry Supplies for library Hourly salary Ijourly salary Electric suk�plies . Fire cal�, phones, & ins. �remium Convention expense, Albert lea n Hourly salary Supplies for beach Supplies for beach Health off icer services Jan.l to June 30.1949 I�ampert Yards Supplies for beach Thomas bd. I,apic Jr. Hourly salary nlbert �. �,arsen Auditorf s fee Lee �,Icl�Tally & Asso. Storm se�ver ext. h:inn. Fire Equip.Co. Sup.�lies for f ire dept. ii��inn. Toro Inc. Rep. of po�ver rnower T�T.;P. Bell �1'el. Co. Phone service Paulsor rTardv�are Supplies for beach Phelps,Drake co. Storm seUrers Suburban Henn. Co. Relief board ',:anner Co. 2nd hand four-dra�frer steel file �a�� ��e�' ��int er r��-� ou 1�r1 s 1 r ourly salaries P���oc����d���e6/30/49 R0:'�::� & �3HIDGL ITUi�D 179 Bren rIard�vare 180 t�nil �rokl 1'81 �1enn_:.Johnson Con- tracting Co. 182 t�Jm. h. �.�icCoy 183 I�i.,'�.Bell Tel. Co. 184 Pfeiffer Const-ruction Co. 185 :. 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 �epublic Creosotirig Co. Fred Sv��anson Salaries IIourly Salarie�r Supplies lst 2f1949 tel. �:�2.00 mo. B�.acktop �iesel oil Phone Service Grading Streets �oad tar RenL� of` bulldozer last of �Tune �e�,�d�$ing 6/30/49 Bergerson-Casvrell Inc.Su�plies for ti��ells Consolidate� �lec. �o.�ump controls & ins�callation Flox Co., Inc. Nalco Balls Homelite Corporation Punip Joseph �. Hroraadko lst � 1949 tel. ��2.00 mo. I�okesh H�rd�vare Supplies i or beach I�eptune T�:eter �o. T�::eters & parts Herman Qlson lst ? 1949 tel. C� �;;2.00 mo. Salaries Last '= of June 2 SL,��-�G.� �3I�S C�� �TtJ��;D 21 Larr_pert Yards Stakes 20 Hourly sal�ries �eriod endin� 6/30/49 SPL�I�-iL �1SS�� 'SI����di'S 11 First i�:ational Bank Bond & interest 12 First P?ational Bank �ond & interest .50 33.00 38.65 5.00 33.41 67.00 11.50 133.25 485.82 10.00 18.40 32.82 11:33 100.00 30.73 82.10 262.50 893.97 206.65 6.50 81.51 18.77 17879.15 326.12 45.00 ����:� 35.58 12.00 215.62 10.69 11.00 315.00 67.48 80.00 347.30 1004.96 46.12 430.50 402.40 164.34 12.00 1.21 81.00 12.00 370.20 23.20 121.53 1498.00 1250.00 15 Carl � . 1-�nd er�on 16 Glenn Johnson Con- tracting �o. 17 I,ee Mc��7ally _& t1s �o. 18 Republic Creosoting RL+T�OLVI��IG FU1V'D Curb 8c Driveways ( 5th 1�ve . Iv o.) Blacktop � �ng. curb cc drivev,�ays �o.Road tar w 1620.58 4581.04 113.44 1072.19 Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution �96 4tA �7.;SOLJTTGlv � i���iR�II�TG TO �l'HE CITi� ���;GTtvzs'L�S TH�' i�,LA i'1�"R OF TP�S'P=�LLI1�7G �,"'I�TF� n�iINS � �11D Sr.=vI�'�1nT� .5`E4`uER. I+1L�II`•}S I��T AL'L �O�1DS 'r;.Iv� S'I'I��_;TS. Ii�'. EI1���17 r�^-�r'�i liT.iJITIGTV;..:• ALSO 'i�'�IE IV��AT'��RS OL IN,�..iTALLIT�7G CUR't3.O.i: FI:'�:�rl' ,STi��T I�TORTH C�?V �i�iE T��GRTH � SIDi, OF `1,OT 2,�; �3LOCI�i 73, .. ;"V�{�T Tt�IIvI�'L.��FQL1S, ��C:;'i';D LiVISIC��`� �'1��D i�I�a �1�F�E �:�`,'�,ST ;�IDE UF .�'�;�i��T�L AV��:CiE :�v�I�TH BE`?':,'�fIl��, �EC�1��� r��D . rl,!�I?3D STR��'!+;�i'� _^dURTH, �I�:1� Or TR r�TIi�TG .E� rC�RTI0i1 Q� 1'I� ST i�H;"-L��'T� TTd i� UBBY �iC ��ES .?'�I `i'I� T1'ir� OIL � rt marked Exhibit _tL, be adopted. Carried. � Anderla r�oved, Beckman seconded, that the requesi oi' the Vei,erans of Foreign L'�iars and Oakridge Country Club for per�ission to cnnduct b�ingo games be �raiited. Carried. ,:_ilbert �;.ovecl, 1�ecknian seconded, that Richard �. Beauman be granted the Shady Oak �3e�;.ch concession license for the ;�ear 1949 season. Carried. � Beclnnan �oved, I�,�ilbert seconded, that the request of the I3orthwe��ern Bell lelephor_e Company to place buried cable in St. Louis Streets fror� Excelsior to Sackson 1�venue be granted.. Carried.. � �eckman moved, Anderla seconded, that the request of the ?+:iir�r�eapolis Gas Company for main extensions, tneir numbers-198, 206, and 214 be �ranted. Carried. Becl-�raan rnoved, Anderla seconded, that the interest due Orfei F� iviariani as per agreeraent, dated June 3, 1947 be paid. Carried.. Beckman moved, Ailderla. seconded, that the hopkiris Civic and Cortlr_ierce Association Corimunication, da�Led Jund 28, 1949, pretaining to parking '�eters be tabled until next nieetin,. , �arried. I�+iilbert �noved, Beckman seconded, that the bond of T�f!uYlicipal Judge, K. I4�axfield Otto, be accepted sub ject to a�U�proval of bond by the City �ttorney. Carried. - l��iilbert moved, T��iayor �'erbix seconded, that the Suburban Press be clesignated the official pa�er of the city for tne fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, t��rith the understandin,g that 1723 copies of the paper be distributed in Hopkins ��vhenever legal notices are published. Beckman and Ziegler voting N0. Carried. � Ziegler nioved, �nderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance ,�11 rf-GRs1�TI1vG TQ Tv�IT,TT'��F�F'O�IS Gl� COi:'Ti'.+'�I`rY� IT,S SLTC��ESaO� �"�TvD 'ruSjI'uNS � TI� i�IGHT TO �rAI�:[���'ACTUR�, IT:��'Q�T, `l'RA.i�TSi�O�T, S�.t�,L, �-u�'i7 �IS`�'"RI�UTL G�S I�OR i?F�L`I'iI:��G, ILLLTTt�Zi'�.ATIi`�G r1:i�.iD GTt�� �"[T'_-'tiPOSES-.Ii�t �i'�I� CITY OF HGPT�I7�TS; �iT�TD TO US� `1'�±i, S�l'R�YETS , �v �i-��,1�:V-1+'.."'� l�T�'�D �LL`�.��"1`S i 0P. . T`i�`1' �'"l1Ri�OS �''� be .. a�cepted as the first reading. Carried.� _ - Beclflnan moved, �nderla seconded, that the plan and profile of all�y in Block 74 ��Jest T:�Tinrleapolis Secorid Divi�sion as prepared by the City Engineer be tabled until next meeting. Carried. Anderla rrioved, T��:ilbert secorlded that Resolution r�97 �'P��SOLUTI01� OttL-��RIZuG A �!�i+��RIT,1G CIvT +.lv''GIivE��' R-'�i:'ORTS � OR `I'H'L+' II`ZS1 +'sLL�1`I'I01�T _ U`li' :�I�iT�R �:���'1I1VS ��1 S�dIlARY SE4'�fER T��.il-"�T?�.S II�? ALL R0.'�S �!D S'.I'R�+�LTS.. IN �+ '��iG F�i �1D�ITIOTV ; T�i� CG�vSTRUCI'I�G Ol ��T?L�`;,�1�I�I�: O:tv T�-l� �'uEST SIDE GF �Thi� BUTRE�� �V ���lUE B�r�'EC� FI'�ST STRE�' SOUT�-i_ �?�TD SEC01.��v S'I'RE��'� SuUTr� : CG?�STRUCTTi�TG CURB Qi'v BOT?I SIDE� OF FIr'1 �t�TTH i�V +E�'i'�Z7E I:�rORTH FR01:�r ��OURT�± STRt ��:T I,;URTH TO "'H�+' SOUTH LIiTE OF ST�1TE 'I'l��Ti��K KIGN'�,:AY NUNBER 7; TRr.�TTIvG �+'IF'i'EIl�TTK KV�NE NOFZTH ��RO����� I�'OURTH. STR�LT_ TvORT1T TC Tfi� S.�UTH LI�.TE 0� ST�1'E �I'RliNK tlIG�-I�,''V�Y TNil1;E� 7��1ITH 2'gR GIL � I'.1'�aST�.LLITvG CU� �llV�J �IllEt':r1�i UI? i3t3TH SIi7ES . CF .. ��' OURT�-�3�� TH . A v u,>Z7E T�: URTH . B�'��''1�i�� F OURTH S'I`R� . i� GRTH �i�('�i3 1 I-� S GU^1 FI LIN� OF STA�rE TRUNri �i'-IG�-L���Y rNi,�:�3� 7, �vD TR��TING FCURT-� � � iH AVIl�IUTE iv 0£-2TH BET'J��II`Z FOURIH STR�F�-�T "t�O��Tii �i�?U inrI� SC't7`ir� LINE QF 3TATL TRUN� %iIG��`yAY NU�,���R 7�;'�lITH 1�� OIL " marked �xhibit B be . adopted, Carried. �. - Dr. F.J. Kucera `vas appointed Health Ofi�icer ior a term of 1 year endin� Jund 30, � 1950 by City T��.�anager,- C.C. Congdon. Anderla moved, ll+�ilbert seconded that the rneeting be adjourned . Carried. � r'�.���. Elmquis�t Secretary to the Cc�uncil ATT.,T,ST : . �� � • uJ. Harlan Fer�ix, �layo 0 1 " C CIJ11�`CIyTt:�1: 0 CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION N0. 96. A. RESOLT�TION REFERi�ING T0. THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTER OF INSTALLING WATER MAINS AND SANI TARY SEWER MAI V 8 I N ALL RC�ADS AND ST REET S I N II,MO P9Ri{' ADDI T I ON ; AL SO THE , MATTERS OF.INSTALLING CII�B ON FIRST ST�EEP NOE�TH ON THE NO$TS SIl�E OF LOT 2�, BLOCg 73�_ WEST MINNEAPOLIS, SEC�ND DD$ZSION AND ON THE W'�ST SIDE OF TWELFPH APII�IIIE�NORTH BETWEEN SECOND AND TSIRD STR�ETS NORTH, AND.OF.TREA'�ING A PORTION OF THE STREET S IN HOBBY ACRES WITH TAR OIL. WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins deems it necessary for the health, welfare and conven��n�e of the city and its inhabitanta, to make the following local improvement s: IMPROPF�dENT N0. 1. Install water maine and sanitary sewer maine in all roads and streets in Elmo Park 6ddition;. IMPROFIl�IENT N0. 2. Install curb on Firet street north on the north �ide of Lot 21+� • Block 73, west Minneapolis, Second Division; � IMPROVEMENT N0. j. Install curb on the Weat side of Twelfth avenue North between Second and Third streets North, IMPROVII�SIIdT �io. �+. Treat WayBide Eoad from HazelB.ne to Hollyhock Lane and Hollyhock Lane from Wayside 8oad to the South line of Lot g� Block 6, Hobby Acres, with tar oil. AND WHEREAS� the costa thereof should be aesessed against ar�y property found benefited thereby, and Wi�REAS, moeb of the orvaere of the property against which said costs would be asaesaed have petitioned the city council for said local improvements in such locationa; NOW, THII3EF08E, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the mattera of installing sanitary aewers, water maine, curb in the said locations and the treating of the etreets above described with tar oil, be referred to Lee McNally and Associates, city engineers, to inveatigate the necessity �nd feasibility of such improvements and report to the council as soon as poseible. gDOPTED by the council oP the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this llth day of July, �9�9• W. HARI�AN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney to Lee 1�fcNally July 21, �949 CITY OF HOP%INS RESOLIITION N0. 97. RESOLIITION ORDERING A HEAHI NG ON ENGINEERS' REPORTS FOH THE INSTALLATION OF WATER N1AIPiS AND SANI�'ARY SEWER NiAINS IN ALL ROADS AND STREETS IN II,MO PARK ADDITION; THE CONSTRiTCTING OF SIDEWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF VAN BIIRIId AVENtTE BEI'WEEN FIRST STREET SOUTH AND SECOND STREET SOIITH; CONSTRUCTING CIIRB ON BOTH SIDES OF FIFTEENTH APENCTE NORTH FROM FOURTH STREET NORTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY NiJMBER 7; TREATING FIFTEENTH AVENtTE NORTH FROM FOIIRTH STREET NORTH TO THE SOIITH LINE OF S'PATE THUNK HI GIi��AY NUMBEE 7 WITH TAR OIL; INSTALLING CtJRB AND SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTEENTH AVENtTE NORTH BETWEEN F'OIIRTH STREET NORTH AND TEE SOUTH LINE OF STATE TRIINK HIG�iWAY NUMBER 7� AND TREATING FOIIRTEENTH AVENIIE N TH BETWEEN FOURTH STREET IdORTH AND THE SOIITH I,INE OF STATE TR[TNK HI GHWAY NiTMBER 7, WITH TAR OIL. \ WAEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on July 11� �g�+9, adopted a reaolution referring the ma.tter of installing water mains and eanitary sewer maine in all roads and streets in Elmo Park Addition to Lee I�icNally and gsaociates, city engineere, for their investigation and report, and WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on May �j, 1g�+9� adopted a resolution referring the matters of conatructing sidewalk on the West side of Van Buren Avenue betv�een Firat atreet South and Second street South, and of constructing curb on both sides of Fifteenth Avenue North from Fourth atreet Nort�h to the South line of atate trunk highway No. 7 and of treating Fifteenth avenue North from Fou rth street North to the South line of etate trunk hi�hway No. 7 with tar oil, to Lee McNally and Aesociatea� city engineere. for their investiga.ti@n and report, and WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on June 21, �g�+9� adopted a resolution referring the matters of installing sidewalk and curb on both sidea of Fourteenth avenue NortYi between Fourth street North and the south line of state trunk highway No. 7 and of treating Fourteenth Avenue North between Fourth street 1Vorth and the South line of etate trunk hig�way No. 7 with tar oil, to Lee McNally and Asaociates, city engineers, for their investigation and report, and WI�REAS, eaid engineera have investigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvements, and each of them, and on July 11, ig�+9, reported thereon to the council and filed their written reports arith the secretary of the council; NOW� THERF�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said engineers' reporta will be consic3ered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the said council to be held o n Tuesday, the 16th day of Augnst, ig�9, at 7:30 o'clock P.�I.� and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city ma.nager give notice of such hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for two successive weeka in the official new�- paper of the city, said notice to describe in general language the improvementa re- commended in the engineers' reporta and the estimated costs thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hox�kfns at a regular meeting thereof held thie.11th day of Jul,y� i9�9. w. HART,� pERgIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City attorney NOTICE OF HEARIZdG ON ENGINEERS' REPORTS FOR THE IDTSTALLATION OF WATER MAI NS AND SA1QI TARY SEWER A'IAI N S I N ALL HOADS AND STREET S I N II,MO PAi� ADDI T I ON ; THE CONSTRiTCTING OF SIDEWALK OPd THE WEST SIDE OF VAN BUREN AVENUE BET��EN FIRST STREET SOUTH AND SEQOND STREF,T SCIUTH; CONSTRUCTING CURB ON BOTH SIDES OF FIFTEEN'I'H AVENIIE NORTH FROM FOIIRTH STREET NOATH TO THE SOIITH LINE OF STATE TRtTNK HIC�WAY NUMBER 7; TREATING FIFT�N�.'H AVENIIE NORTH F"A01� FOURTH STREET NORTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF STATE TRUNK iiIC�iWAY NUMBER 7 WITH TAR OIL; INSTALLING CURB AND SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTEENTH 9VENUE NO1�PH BETWEEN FOIIRTH STREET NORTH AND THE SOUTH LINE OF STATE TRUNK ffi(�WAY NIIMBER 7� AND TREATING FOURTEENrH AVEN[TE NORTH BETWEEN FOIIRTH STREET NORTH AND TIiE SOUTH LINE OF STATE TR[TNK HIGHWAY NUNIDER 7 WITH TAR OIL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha.t the city engineers of Hopkins did on the llth da�rr of July� �9�9, file reports with the city council relating to the following local improve- memte: IMPROYII+4ENT N0. 1. Installing water maina and sanitary sewer maine in all roads and streets in Elmo Park Addition, at an estimated cost for eaid water mains at $5,100.00� and an estima.ted cost for eaid ser�er maine at $10 , 30 �+..00 ; • � INiPROVEMENT �o. 2. Constructing aidewalk on the West side of Van Buren Avenue between First street South and Second atreet South, at a.n estimated cost of �i,37o.00; IMPROVEMEI3T N0. j. Conatxt�cting curb on both sides of Fifteenth avenue North from Fourth street North to the South line of state trunk hi�.way numt�er 7, at an estima,ted cost of $1,288.00; IMPROVEMENT N0. �+. T reating Fifteenth avenue North from Fourth street North to the South line of state trunk hi�way number 7 with tar oil, at an estimated coat of $1,200.00; IMPROVIl�SENT N0. 5. Installing eurb and sidewalk on both aides of Fourteenth avenue DTorth between Fourth street North and the South line of state trunk highway number 7, at an estima.ted cost of $j�014.00, plue �50.00 for each driveway inatalled. IMPROVF�MENT N0. 6. Treating Fourteenth avenne North between Fourth atreet NortYi and the South line of state trunk hi�way No. 7 with tar oil, at an eatima.ted coet of $1200.00. NOTICE I8 F[TRTHER GIVEN that the city council has by reaolution fiaed Tueada.y, the 16th day of Augast, �9�+9, at 7:j0 o�clock P.M. at the cou�cil chambers in the city hall ae the time aad place at w�ich the counci�. will hear such p eraona as care to be heard in reference to said improvements, or aay of them� and will consider said engineers' repo rt s a.nd act the reon. Dated at Hopkins� Minnesota, this 21st day of July, 19�9- Claire C. Congdon, Frank N. Whitne�, City Attorney City Ma.nager Published in the Suburban Preas on July 28th and August �Fth., �9�9 to paper July 21st An adjaurned meeting of the Board of Equaliza�ion of the ��ity of Hopkins was held on Friday, July 7a� 19l�,9, at 7;30 o�clock P.M., at t he City Hall, for the purQose of further revie�ring the personal property assessments of.. the City forthe year 1949. Members present: Mayor Y�. Harlan Perbix and Councilman Ziegler; also Deputy Assessor M. W. Zipoy. Councilmen Becl�an, Anderla a.nd � Milbert were absent. Mr. Archie H. �dil.ler and �r. Childs, representatives of Red O�rl Stores, Inc., were pres�t to discuss personal property assessments but as there was not a quorum of the Board present, the meeting was postponed until 7:00 o�clock P.M., Tuesday, July 19, 1949• A. W. Elmquist, �ity Clerk A postponed meeting of the Board of Equalizatirn , from July 15, 1949, was held at 7:00 o�clock P.M., July 19� 191�,9, for the purpose of re- vie�ring personal praperty assessments �rith representa.tives of t he Red Oorl Stores, Inc. All members preserit. � After a half.=hour discussion with Red Owl representatives, the meet- ing was adjaurned at 7:30 o�clock P.Au. vntil after the regular council meeting which was scheduled for 7;30 o�clock P.�o The regular council meeting was adjourned at 10:10 o�clock P.M., at which time the Equalization Board continued its meeting adjourned � at 7:30 o�clock P.M. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that t he personal property assess- �nts-of the Red 0�1 Stores, Inc., be raised by �30666.00 over and above the deputy assessor!'s figures which he had raised �39,992.00 over and above the figures submitted by them. Notice to be mailed the Red 0�1 Stores of the above intended raise and notified of an adjaurned meeting to be held at 7;30 o�clock P.M., July 2t�, 19�9, to further consider above raise. .Carried. A. W. Elmquist, City �lerk , l � ` � NOTICE OF ASSES5PIENT AND E(�,UALIZAT�Ob1 FO:� THE YEAR 19lt9. TO t RID Oo�IL S TORES, INC . Yon are 2beseby nati.fied that your Personal Yx�c�perty in the Citp of Hopkins has b een aase�sed at the Pollo�ring amount for the year 191�9, eeib,ect to chan�es of Board oY Equaliaation, �ounty Board and Commissioner of Tax�tion. Atnount of Personal Propert`y a� dsterm:i.ned by Asseasor �1t26,597•00 Intended i4aise by Baard of Equalisation 30,666.00 Tobal amount of True aad Full Pei^sonal Propert,y �1�5T,2b3.� And you are also notified that t he City of Hopkins Board of ' grqualization will meet in the Council room of the City of Hapkins on .Tul,y 22nd' 19Lt9, at ?a3� P•M• ior the furthe,r conaideration of such assessment. Dateds Jul,y 20, 19l�9 Original mailed 7/20/!�9 .� CTFY tF HOPKINS —��LG�,HI�a'`'`-+,-� eoretary the C'ounC A regular meeting of the council of the Citg of Hopkins, Minne�a,,was.held at the �ity Hall at 7:30 o�clock P.�. on Tuesday, July_19, 19�.9• all members presenta Beclan�an moved, �ilbert seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried. 799 800 801 802 803 80�. so5 806 807 808 809 810 811 813 8i5 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 ?78 ?79 C. K. Blomquist City of Mpls. Club' Caf e �. C. Congdon, Treas. Duncan �eter Corp�n. Eairbanks, Morse - lst Nat'l. Ins. Agency Henn. Ca. Revie� �,ike Holm Hopkins Fire Dep't. Johnson & Vogt Jean Karr & Coe �6m. H. McCoy �r; n; can r`hoto. Bdpls. Gas Co. MpTs . Nf�line Mirmo N�s Co. Northern States Power Orf ei & �ariani The Piper Co, Paucher Ptg. Skelly Oi1 Co. St.andard 0� Co, lst Nat�l. Bk. Trea.s., _State of B�inn. Salaries " hourl,y � 201 C. C. Congdon, Treas. 202 Johnson & Vogt . 203 Northern States Power Coe 20l� Wm. H. Ziegler Coo 190 First National Bank - 191 Treas.,. State of Mi.nn.. Salaries �� , hour�y 163 �e C. Congdon, Treas. B6l� Carl Dibble 165 Harry.Jackson 166 BQine gaf ety Appl. � 167 D�onarch Soap Co. . 168 No,rthern States Power Coa � 1.69 N. W. Bell ,Tel. Co. ` 161 First National Bank 162 1'rea.s., State of �Iinn. ga.Taries � 23 DeGraff 1�Yolff 22 Salaries, hourly GENERAL FUND gallot files , Bd. & room for prisoners Meals n u � Petty Cash _ . parking meters S�wage pump Bond for judge Printing � Registration ?xifo. Fire calls & drill Tires & repairs Books for library �soline F'or library Gas For beach For library Power gal, due per statement rat baits Supplies � Gasoline n June withholding tax �� retirement fund deductse � . First half of ,ruly Peri od ending 7/15��.9 ROAD.& BRID�E FUAID Petty Cash ; , �l�ir�s & rep. power Hydraulic pump & pa.rts June withholding tax n retirement fund deductss � First half of July Period ending Z/15/L�9 �ATER FUI�ID Petty Cash i�fater repairs �� �� lst aid lats & mask Liquid chlorine Power Phone _ dune withhol.ding � ax " retiremerrt fund deductse First half' of July S�iiiAGE DISPOSAL FUND Est. #1, trunk_sewer : Period Pnding �7�15�l�9 � REVOLV�NG FU�ID - 19. Lee McNal],y & Associates Eazg. fees 20 �arl �. gnderson - Sid�alk.& curb - 6000 69.00 11.70 1L�e28 427 09? 224e86 25.50 �54s25 1Q00 i52.00 216e83 11.28 101:00 10•00 5.36 90?5 i 55eoi 710e26 1�74a89 2l�.00 7t�.�5 102000 3•°� 253•90 S1m38 1319.23 1208.91 2e93 1101.9 7.90 118e60 9L�m80 51.37 , 347030 8o7e31 19e86 10e50 io.5o 22022 78s�� 690.62 8.13 �� 10.00 370s20 23, 8l�5.19 113e80 196.70 281�e�.2 Ziegler moved, Beckman�seconded, that Resolution �91�_"�OLUTION ORDERING CONSTRUC-` . TION OF SIDF�iTALK AAID CURB IN�CERTaIN IACATIONS" ,;marked. �hibit A, be adopted. CarrieclB Ziegler moved,�Beckman seconded, that Al A. Be'nson be'granted a license to`operate � five gas pumps at 1123,�ccelsior Avenue..._�axried. - " � , , Anderla moved, BBilbert seconded, that the City �anager submit a written report contai.nirig recommendation as to the proposed 20 year gas f�anchise to the Mi'nneapolis Gas Compar�r. Carriedo Ziegler mo�ed, Anderla seconded, tha.t Resolution #99, "RESOLUTIOAI REFERRING TO T HE CITY ENGI��ERS THE MATTER �F COTdSTRUCTING SID�iALK ON 7HE NOR7�I SIDE.�' EXC,II,SI�t AVEffiUE BETWEFN WASHINGTON AND ADADdS AVENUES�' marked E�hibit B, be.adopted. Carried. Anderla moved, B6ilbert seconded� that tie City purchase filling up to �y500e00 to be furnished from the Elmo park Addition upon recommendation by the City.�danager. Carried. Ziegler moned, Beckman seconded, thact the proposed cha.nges in the.two sewer lift stations for the new trunk sewer as recommended by the State Bo�'d of Health and the engineers, be accepted providing the cost does not exceed the esti.mates — Anderla voting no. �arriedo ,. Bec�nan moved, �i..lbert seconded, that the City Attorney drav� up a new contract for . fire protection to be preserrted to Minnetonka Township.. Carri.ed. , Councilman Ziegler presented the followring resolution and moved its adoption: W�REAS THE EITY OOUNCIL,.OF THE City of Hopkins is _in receipt of estimates in writing by Ralph D. Thomas & Associates, �ngineers, that the value of improvements and additions completed, in connection vn.th the S�rer Project being fina�ed by the �21��,000 5ewer �evenue Bonds, da.ted Dec. l� 1945, is ` in exc es s of �23,$la.5 • 19 - N�d, THEP,.EFO�,E, BE IT RFSOLVID THAT the Mayor and City Clerk of. the �ity of Hopkins are authorized and instructed to deliver to the Northwestern Natioiial Bank, Mirineapolis, Depositary., instructions to release $23,8l�.19 to :the City of Hopkins, for the purpose of paying for said co�leted por— tion of the improvements,argi additions in accordance with the engineer�s estimates. � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate.' such U. S. Treasury securities in which said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make said �G23�8?�019 payment. Councilman Milbert seconded the:motion and upon vote it was declared du�y adopted, Perbix, Anclerla, Becl�an, Blfilbert and Ziegler voting in the affirmative; and no one voting in the negative.� �Bilbert mo�ed, Anderla seconded, that the municipal court clerk salary be set at �25000 per month. Caxried. Ziegler moved, �nderla seconded,that the meeting be adjourn'ed.� Carried. ATTFST: �� W�arlan Perbix, �ayor .; q� - - g. . E]�quist, S retary to the Cauncil COUNCI LMFN: �' J ��� .��'I�%/.i� b �p CITY OF HOPgINS BESOLUTION N0. 9�F: RESOLUTION ORDF�RING CONSTAITCTION OF SIDEWALK AND CiJBB IN CERTAIDT LOCATIORS. Wf�REAB, on Janua,ry lg, 1g�+9, the city council of Hopkins referred to the city engineera the matter of the proposed constr�ction of aidew�lk a.nd curb on the east side of T�velfth A�enue North from Second Street North to Thi rd Street North� and WHEREAS� on June 7, 19�9, the city council of Hopkins referred to the city engineers the matter of the propoaed construction of sidewalk a.nd curb on the West side of Monroe Avenue from First Street South to Second Street South, and WAF�&EAS� eaid engineera investigated the necessit� and feasibility of said improve- menta, a.nd on June 21, �g�+g� reported thereon to the council aad filed their written reports taith the aecretary of the council, and WHEREAS, on June 21, 1g�+9� the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolution setting Tuesday, the 19th day of July, �9�9, at 7:30 o'clock P.hi. at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and place for conaidering said reports, and � WnEREAS, a notice of saa.d he�ring has been publiahed in The Hennepin County Eeview in its issues of June 30th and Julg 7th., 19�� and the affidavit of publication of said notice has been filed with the aecretary of the council and WSEREA.S, no objections were filed with the secretary of the coun.cil to the installation of said aidewalk and curb in such locationa, and no one appeared at sach hearing in opposition thereto; NO�V� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVr,D b�r the city council of t�he city �f Hopkins that sa3d improvements� and each of them� are necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabita.nte, and that it is hereby determined and ordered that said improvemente be made as set forth in the engineera' reports, and tha�t the costs thereof be assessed against abutting p roperty. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a rega].ar meeting thereof held this 19th d.a.y of July, 19�+9. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAY08 A. W. Elmqui st. Secretary of the council Frank N. WhitneY, City Attorney to Lee hicNaa�y Ju�y 2T, Emil Brokl Ju�y ��: � Carl Anderson Jul� 21�, � V � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLIITION N0. 99. RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTER OF CONSTRIICTING SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EXCELSIOR AVENtTE BETWEEN WASHINGTON AVENiTE AND ADAMS AVENtTE. WHEEtFaAS, the council of the cit� of Hopkina deems it necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and ita inhabita.nts, to constract sidewalk on the North side of Excelsior Averiue between Washington Avenue and Adama Avernze, and WHEREAS, the cost thereof should be assessed against ar�y property fouad benefited thereby; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of constructi ng aidewalk in sa.id location be referred to Lee McNally and Associatea, city engineers, to inveatiga.te the necesaity and feasibility of euch improvement and report to the council as soon as possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 19th day of July, 19�+9• W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Sec�etary to the c ouncil Frank N. Whitney, Ci'ty attorney to� Lee McNally July 23rd. An adjourned meetin.g of the Board of Equalization of the City of Hopkins was held at the City Hall on Friday, July 22, 19lt9, at 7;30 otclock P.M. for the purpose of futher reviewing the assessments of the city for the year 191�9. Members present; Mayor VP. Harlan Perbix� Councilmen Stuart E. Becl�an, Joseph T. Anderla, $en J. B�i].bert. Also present was Deputy Assessor Mike W. Zipoy. John Ziegler.being absent. Milbert moved, BeclQnan seconded, that persuant to notice and hearing the personal property assessments of the Red 0►�1 Stores Inc. be raised �30,666.00 over a.n.d above the Deputy Assessors figures. Caxried. � Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the additional true and full value of real property� exclusive of land as set up by the Deputy Assessor against Lot 6 Block 6, West Minneapolis, be reduced by �7.,000.00. Carried. Becl�an moved, B�i.lbert seconded, that the clerk be authorized to make above adjustments with the Deputy Assessor on assessors books and that same be eei�ified ts� the County Auditor �eith Deputy Assessors figures. Carried. � • • w.s i y er CALL FOR BrDS The City Council of Hopkins wi 11 receive sealed bids until 5:00 o�clock P.M., Tuesday, August 23, 19l�9, at the City Hal�, Hopkins, Minnesota, for tkie furnishing of a11 tools, labor, equipment and �a.terials necessary far the installation of water mains and sanitary sewer mains in all roe.ds arxi streets in Elmo Park addition in the City of Hopkins. Plans, specifications and bid forms may be obtained from the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Hopkins, Minn. CITY OF HOPKINS BY C. C. Congdon, �ity Manager To be published in the Suburban press AugUst 4 and August 11, 1949• .A regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, DH�.nnesota, was held at , the �ity Hall at 7;30 otclock P.M. on Tuesday, August 2nd� 191t9• The following were � present: Mayor Harlan W. Perbix,,CounoilJnen Joseph T. Anderla, Len �Hilbert, John Ziegler and.. City Bdan,ager, C. `C. Congdon. . Councilman, Stuart.. E. Becl�an was absento Ziegler moved, And,erla seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carriede �3� 856 857 858 659 860 861 862 863 861� 865 866 867 868 869 870 -871 872 873 871� 875 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Clerk of Cau.i`t Bren Hardware Ci:ty Treas., �pls. Dahlberg �ros. �oepke �fovers Eaegre � Benson Harold R. Hegberg Hopkins Fire Dep't. Hapldns Plumbing. Ki.nn Serv. Station Walter Kinn 1Yilbur Locke I,und' s _ Sinclair Lee McNa1�y & Associates N. �. Be7-1 Telephone phelps Drake Co, Inc. Rosenv�ald-Cooper I�. Suburban Henn. Co. Suburba.n Press Inc. Frank N. �hitney fl�. �. .Zipoy . Salaries Hourly payro]1 Bury & Carlson Jari Products Inc. Johnson Contracting Co. Lampert Yards Wm. H. R�cCoy N. l�f. gell Telephone Republic Creosotin g Derrel Slais ga�aries Hour�p payroll 170 Postmaster 176 F&E (Fink) 177 Bdtka. �Htr. Expe 178 Wallace.& Tiernan Co. Inc. 179 �aterous �o. Salaries HourlyY P�'�u 13 First National Bank #27 Hour�y pa3rro11 GENERAI� FUND JulY salary � dry cells board & room, prisoners ,parts & labor movi.ng l�ndstand legal service on storm sewer bonds firements coiivention fire calls & phones closet tank & installation trailer rental 8c greasing fire trunk firemen's convention pick up-dog tire repairs East Hopkins storm sewer phone s ervic e Estimate #2 sign posts relief board printing fee to Register of Deeds assessor salary last half of July La.st ha]i of Ju�l,y period ending _7/30/Lr9 •��i : :'a i s bla.cktop parts blacktop cement diesel oil phone service road tar furnishing equipma�.t Last half of Ju�y period enc�. ng 7/30�1�9 V�ATII3 FU1�1ID 2000 1¢ postcards rebuilt check protector frt. on insecticide chlorinators hydrant last ha]i of �.ily period ending 7/30/!�9 SPDCIAL ASSFSS1�FdVT . FUND bond & interest SF�A�E_ DISPOSAL F'U1VD , 21 Johnson Contracting �o. 22 Lee McNall$ & Associates 23 Phelps-�rake..Co. Inc. 21� Republic Creosoting period ending 7/30/l.�9 REVOLVII� . FUND 24.Q0 3.90 12000 � 1�0.21� 350.00 175 °00 18085 252000 �s9� 4e5o l0al�0 30 00 1.2 e�� 1102.58 71.59 22o5�e53 76.�5 291.71 10.80 1.00 99.30 1621.13 982.86 137.�8 iie57 554.56 5e25 v..35 11e00 139.86 28.88 347.30 8l�8.06 � 20000 �•5� i.o5 3357 e� 126.75 370e20 72.00 1030.00 107.90 blacktop 1218056 water mai.ns Washirg ton Ave. & 12th Ave. 127,12 esti,mate #1 1816s02 road tar _ 235•15 �dilbert moved, Anderla. seconded, that the following applications for licenses be granted. Carriede AmericansLeg on,�John Wilbur B� ore P sts#320 on-saledno lumbing, �2,00; � - n-intoxicating malt liquors during _ 191�9 Hennepin �ounty Fair, �l�.00; c V•F.W., on sale non-`intoxicating malt liquors during 1949 Hennepin �ounty Fair and Raspberry Festiva]., �.a.�JO. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution #100, ��A RFSOLUTION R,F�'ERRING �0 THE CITY ENGIN�ERS THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTING SID�fALK ON Tf� �T SDE OF TYi1ELFTH gVENUE NORTH BEl'UJEEN 2ND AND 3RD STREETS NORTH" marked Exhibit._9,_ be.adopted. �arried. � _ 2iegler moved, Anderla seconded�, <�tha,t the reciprocal fire service agreement be approved and the Bdayor and City Manager be authorized to sign same. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that ftesolution #103, "A RESOLUTI�N REQUF�TII�T 2'I� MINNF�pTI� RAII,ROAD AND ViTARIIiOUSE COMr�SSION TO INVESTIGATE THE CONDITIONS AT A CERTAIN RAILROAD CR0.SSING" marked F�hibit B, be adopted. Carried. Anderla moved, �ilbert seconded, that Resolutica� #10?�, "A R�OLUTION REQUESTII� STREEr EAS�1T FROM THE COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ma.rked �hibit C, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moped, BlLiilbert secorxied, that the report on the Miruineapolis Gas'Company franchise as made by City �anager, C. C. Congdon, be accepted and placed on file. Caxried. Ziegl.er moved, I�ilbert seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #11� '"AN ORDINANCE GRgNTING TO MINNF�APOLIS GAS COMPANY, ITS SUCCFSSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE_RIGHT T0 MANUFACTURE, IB�PORT, TRANSPORT, SELL .�TD DISTRIBUTE GAS FOR.HEATING, ILLUDHINATII� _ AND OTHER PURPOSES: IlV THE CITY OF HOPKIlVS; AND TO USE THE STREETS, AVENUF�.AND . ALL�CS FOR:THAT PURPOSE" marked bchibit D, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance be adopted affil published according to law. Carried. �dilbert moged, Ziegler seconded� that Resolution #101 "A ftF�OLUTION ORDERING A HEAR.IlVG ON ENGINEENS' REPORT ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEiIQQ9,LK ON. TF� NORT:i . STDE OF F�XCELSIOR AVENUE BETf�1 W�SHINGTON AVENUE . AND ADAPdS AVIIQUE" marked Exhibit E, be adopted. Carried. - Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that a street light be ordered placed at Fifth. Avenue South, south of the Nb & St. L. right. of way. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the City Attorney draft an ordinance establishing the alley grade in Block�7;4; �est' Minneapolis,Second Division. Carried. �C Ziegler moved, J�ilbert seconded, that the cgzat`: cla�m deed, as drawn up conveying 6.36 acres in the Paxkridge area to the �ity of.Hopki.ns by the State of Bdinnesota, .be accepted. �arried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that:•the'City D�an�ager�s report on engineers� earnings be placed on file. Carriede - Ax�derla moved,_Ziegler seconded, t hat.:the.city accept and approve agreement for easement given by Leonard J. Milbert and wife to the city,for a starface water drain across the south two (2) feet of Lot Seven (7)., Block Ninety-one (91), West Mpls., Second Division, and that the action of the mayor ar�l city mana.ger in executing the same on behalf of the city be approved., B�otion carried, Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the city accept and approve agreement for easement from Henry J. Slyce ar�cl wife to the city for the righ�t to construct a storm se�ver pipe ,across the. northerly five feet of Lot 11, Block 20, West I�d,i.nneapolis � Center, and that the mayor and city mana.ger be authorized to execute the same in be- half of the city. �otion carried. Ax�derla moved, Ziegler secca�.ded, t hat the city accept and approve agreement for easement from K. E. Johnson� a.nd �ife to the .city for the right to place d.irt on the southerly Ten feet of Lot Ten (10), Blook TPrenty (20), West �dinneapolis Center, and that the mayor and city manager be authorized to execute the same in behlf of the city. Motion carried. Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, thatthe meeting be adjourned. Carried. ATTEST: � W. Harlan Yerbix, Mayor . A. V�. quist, S retary to the Council.. COUNC II��1: � CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLIITION N0. 100. A FESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTER OF CONSTRUCTING SIDEWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF TWELFTH AVENtTE NORTH BETWEEN 2ND AND 3RD STREE�S NORTH. WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins deems it necessary for the health, welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabitants, to construct sidewalk on the West side of Twelfth avenue North between 2nd and 3rd atreeta PTorth, and WHEREAS, the coat thereof should be asseseed against an,y property found benefited thereby, and WHEREAS, some of the owners of property againat which said coste would be aaseseed have petitioned the city council for the installation of aidewalk in said location; NOW, THEREI'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of constracting sidewalk in said locatioa be referred to Lee McNa,lly and Associates� city engineers, to investigate the necessity a,nd feasibility of such improvement and report to the council as soon as poasible. ADUPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 2nd day of August, i9�+g. 0 t�7, Harlan Perbig, 2�Iayor A. W. Elmqui st � Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City At to rney copy to Lee McNally August j, i9�+9 CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLIITIOR N0. 103. A BESOI,IIg'ION RE�TESTI�ia TSE MINDTESOTA RAILROAD gND WARgiC1USE COA�IIS3ION TO I1�PESTIC*ATE Ti� �NDITIONS AT A CERTAIN RASLRQAD C�SSIAa. 0 W�REAS� The Minneapolie-A�oline Compaay receatly conatr+xcted a large b�tild3.ng on Lot Fonr (�) � Auditor's 9nbdiviaioa �o. �95. Hennepin County� Minneaota, which building is near the tracke of the Ntiaaeapolie & 3t. Lonis Bailx�y Co�pa�y and ia also near Eleventh avenne South, in the city of Hopkins� Hennepin County� I�innesota� and Y�AEA3, the constraction of sach building has made eaid croeaing a pblind� croeaing to all vehiclea approaching the crosaiag from the eonth, and , WEE�EdS, su.ch condition ia d.angerone to traffic on Eleventh avenue aouth crossing said railway tracka; NOW� TSE&EP'ORE� BE IT F{ESOLYED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the Hailrnad and Warehouse Commisaion of the atate oP Mianeeota be reque�ted to iaveetigate the conditioae egiating at said cro saing a.nd to order the installation of aqy eigna].e which may be aecessary. ADOPTED 'by the oouncil oP the ci ty of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held this 2nd dqy of August, 19119. W. HAAZAN PERBIB� MAYbH A. W. Elmqniat, Secretary of the council Frank N. �ihitney. Citv Attorne� � y � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLUTION N0. 10�. A RCSOLUTION REQiTESTING STREET EASF��lENT FROM THE COUNTY OF HENNEPIN. WHEREAS, the county of Henne�in is the o�,mer af that part of the Northwest Qia.arter (NW�) of the Northv�est �.iarter (NW�) of Section Twenty-five (25), Toumship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-two (22), lying northerly of the right-of-way of the hiinneapolis & St. Louie Railway Compa.ny, subject to street and hi�way easements, and WHr�tEAS, the city of Hopkins desires to construct and main- tain a sixty-six (66) feet wide street acroas said tract of land in a northerly and southerly direction which will be a contirivation of Sixteent h avenue, as shown on the nlat of L. P. Crevier's First Addition to West Minnea�oii �; N0�'J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the council of the city of Hopkins hereby requests the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County to grant to the city the perpetual right, p rivilege and easement of constracting and maintaining a street over and across said tract of land at the above designated location. ADOPTED by the council of the cit;� of Hopkina Pi a;;regular meeting thereof held this 2nd day of August, �9�+9. W. HARLAN PERBI$, tdAYOR Q. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney, City attorney N CITY OF HOPgINS ORDINANCE N0. 11. AN ORDINANCE GR�NTIIVG TO �IINNEApOLIS GAS CObdPAATY, ITS SIICCESSORS AND A�SIGI�S, THE RIGHT TO MANU�'ACTt]RE, IMPORT, TRANSPORT, SELL,-AND DISTRIBUTE GAS FOR HEgTING, ILLUMINATING AND OTHER PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF HOPKINS; �ND TO USE THE STREETS, AVENUE$ AND ALLEYS FOR THAT PURPO$E. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: �> ti, � iL' � 4 1 , ti "� �'' Section 1. GRANT OF AUTHORITY. There is hereby granted to Minneapolis Gas Company, hereinafter called the "Company, n ita successors and assigns, for a� period of twentg (20) years after the ad,option hereof, the right to manufacture, import, transport, sell, and distribute gas for heatin�, illumin�ting, and other purposes within the limi�s of the City of Hopkins, hereinafter c�lled the ��City, p as the same now exist or as they map be extended in the future, and for that purpose to establish the necess�ry facilitiea and equipment, and to maint�in a manufacturing plant, gag mains, service pipes, and any other appurtenances necessary to the mariufactvre, 8ale, and d3stribution of gas in a�d along the streeta, alleys, avenues, and other public places of said municipality, and to do all things which are reaeon- able, necessary or customary in the accomplishment of this objeotive; sub j eet, ho�ever, to the further provi aiona of thi s f ranchi se. ProviCled, however, that before the said Companq �hall establish any plant in said City for the manufacture of �as the approval of the City Council of the location thereof, in the ezercise of a reasonable d.iscretion by said Council, shall first be obtained bp said Company. No such plant $hall be conetrueted or operated in �iolation o� the soning and building ordinancea of the Ci�Ey. Section 2. OBBTRUCTING STREETS. The Comp�ny shall exercise its privileges hereunder subject at all times to the police power of the City a.nd shall not unneeessarilp or unre�sonably obetruct the use of or in jure any street, avenue or alleg, 8,nd shall, upon the completion of any conetruction or repair, restore all streets, avenues, and alleys of the municipality which ehall be opened by it or its agents or e�►ployees for the purpose of laping, placing, or repairing its aforesaid gae mains or aervice pipee to ae nearly the same order �nd condition as they were before the excavation was m�de ae i s reasonably posaible, a.nd ehall maintain, repa.ir, a.nd keep in good condition for a period of three ( 3) months all portiona of said s�reets, a�enues, and alleys disturbed by it or its agents; provided that the three-month period shall b:e computed from the time of closing the egcavation, but in oase of frost before the three-month period has expired, the same ehall continue for the stat�d period after the frost leaves the ground. Any obstruction of a.np street, alley, park, boulevard, bridge, or other public place, or any f�ilure properly to fill and ma,intain a street after excavatior�, after proper notice demanding removal or repair, as the caee may be, shall be ta.ken care of bp the City and the costs thereof ehall be charged againat the Comp�ny and may be deduoted from any payments due it from the City. Section 3. PLATS. The Company, prior to the laying of any m�ina under this franchise, shall present to the Council a complete plat aho�ring the location, size, and estimated cost of all proposed mains. The Company, before laying or relaying anp mains, ehall obtain approval from the Ci�y Co�nncil, or ite agent, in the exercise of a reasonable discretion by it. Failure of the City to insist upon this provision shall not be deemed a waiver thereof. 2. ♦ 1 � Section 4. DADdAGE CLAIMS. The Company shall indemnify, keep and hold the City iree and harmlese from liability on account of injury or damage to persons or property growing out of the construction, maintenance, repair, or operation of its property, and in �he event that suit shall be brought against the City, either independentlp or jointly with the Company, on aocount thereof, the Company, upon notice to it by the City, shall defend the City in any suit, at the cost of the Company; and in the event of a final judgment being obtained against the City, either ind�pendently or jointly with the Company, the Company shall pay such judgment, with all costs, and hold the City harmlese therefrom. Section 5. STANDARD3 OF SII3'PICE. The Compa.ny shall at all times provide a.nd furnish an adequate, safe and continuoua supply of gas to the City a.nd its inhabitants �eithin ite ability as the same may be limited by the supply of na,tural gas furnished to the Company by ite pipe line supplier. Provided, that if service is tempora�ily suspended through no fault or negligent act on the part of the Company, such auepension sha11 not be made the basi s of any action or proceedia� to terminate this fr�nchise. The quali�y of gas sold in the City shall be the same as that sold to the Compa.ny+s customers in the City of Minneapolis. Section 6. EXTENSI�IVS OF SERVICE. The Company agrees to lay euch of its maine a.nd pipes ae come within i�s reqnirements for suburban servioe as eoon as reaeona'bly possible to do ao. The Council of the City shall ha,ve the right to make such reasonable rules and regulatione as may be neces$arg to provide adequate and proper service. Section 7. RATEB. The Compa,ny agrees for and in behalf of itself, its lessees, su�cessors, and assi�ns that all anthority and 3. / � � rights in this ordinance contained shall at all times be sub ject to all right, po�er and authority now or hereafter possessed by eaid City or a,ny other regulatory tribunal h�.ving jurisdiction thereover to reg�late, iix, and control just, ree.sonable, and. compensatory gas rates, ezcept as herein�fter limiteci. The Citq recogaizes that the entire euburban are� adjacent to and near the City of �iinneapolis, �hich inoludes the City of Hopkins, may be regarded as a eingle zone for rate-making purposes; and a,grees that the Company has the right to insist upon a uniform rate for all of its cansumere in said suburban area. All rates charged under this ordinance shall st all times be fair, just and reasonable. Section 8. ACCOtJN'I'ING REPORTS. The Compa.np agrees on or before July lst of each year, to file with the City Clerk a copy of its annual report to its security holders for the preceding calenda,r year, together with a balance sheet and income statement of the snburban divi sion and 8 balance sheet and income st�tement for the Oity of Hopkins on an allocated basi s. Section 9. FORFEITURE. If the Company ahall be in default in the performance of any of the material terma and conditions of this ordinance and ehall continue in default for more than nine�p (90) days after receiving notice from the City of suoh default, the City Council m�y, by ordinance duly passed and adopted, terminate �11 ri�hts granted under this ordinance to the Company. The said notice of default shall be in writin� and shall e�pecify the provi- sions of this ordinance in the performance of �hi�h it ie claimed that the Company ie in default. Such notice shall be served in th� manner provided by the lawe of Minneeota for the serv�ce of original notices in civil actions. Th� reasonablenesa of any ordins�nce so passed declarin� a forfeiture of the rights �nd privileges granted by thi s f ranohi se ordina�nce sha11 be sub j ect to review by the IInited States District Court for the District of Minnesot�, Fonrth Divi sion. 4. Section 10. NOIJ-EXCLIISIVE. The rights and privileges hereby granted ; i i � are not exclusive and the City expressly reserves the right to grant rights and� privileges to other persona or corporations. Section 11. _:ACCEPTANCE. The Company shall within tu�enty (20) days after the adoption of this ordina.nce by the Council, file with the City Clerk :its acceptance of the same 'in writing, signed by its proper officers and,: attest�ed,,by ita� corporate seal. - , Section 12. .EFFECTIYE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force twenty (20) days af.ter,the,da.te of its publication. . F'i.rst reading the: llth day of July,-19�9: . 9ubmitted by the council to the. City Mana,ger for a written report a.nd recommendations th�:; l9th day of July, 7.9�+g. Written report and�recommendatioria of the City Manager presented to the Council, and the ordinance read a second time and adopted the.�. 2nd d.a.y oi August, 1g1�9. � . W. HARLAId PERBIX, MAYOR ATTEST : A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the Council Publiehed in The Suburban Presa on August 11, �9�9• , 5- CITr 0�' fiOP�i�B �. ORDI I�ADiC�I H0. li . .�� �������� u�?��,:�''�i 7� AI� � 9�� ��z�t3,�x � �� �l��C, �fi�� ��3�C�������� ,�!�� �"�.��a��3� '�j� ��+�ii�. 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Q� L� G��' i�S +��l�OS�1il� �O � �iD'�LK1f,�"�'�.r 111,'#� �k� �1��I:t1�tQ1A #"� A+ !IAlf2�DA� �i�,l� S�'1� ��?�iA#� �'i�E `�l�. � O� A+�,���. ��• �. �i� ����. ��� �. i�. �t�t�:�o�� �er���► ot �• �!� ��1i+�d� ��'�►� �irptrb�a ���a oa �,�a*at 11# 1��+�. 5• u r� � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLIITION N0. 101. RESOLIITION ORDERING A AEP.RING ON ENGINEERS' REPORT ON THE CONSTRIICTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SIDE OF E'RCII,SIOE AVENUE BEI'WEnQ WASSINGTON AVF' [JE AND ADAMS APENfJE. WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on�July 19� 19�j, adopted � a reeolution referring the matter of constrncting sidewalk on the north side of Excelsior Avenue between Waehington Avenue and Adame Avenue to Lee MeNally and gssociatee, city engineers, for their investigation and report, a.nd S�REAS, eaid engineers have investigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvement and on August 2, 19�, reported thereon to the council and filed th�ir written report with the secretary of the council; NOW� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOL9ED that said engineera' report will be considered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the council to be held on Tuesday� September 6, i9�+9, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT FtTRTAER RE�LVED that the city mana.ger give rwtice of such hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for two succeasive weeks . in the official newspaper of the city, said notice to describe in general language the improvement recommended in the engineers' report and the estimated cost thereof. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkine held thia 2nd day of August� 19�9. W. HARLAN PERBI%, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiet, Secretary of the council Fra.nk DT. Whitney, City Attorney NOTICE OF FiEARING ON E'i1GINEERS' fiEPORT F'OR CONSTE�UCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SII� OF �%CEL5I08. AVENIIE BETWEEN WASHIN(�I'ON AVE2IUE AND ADAIJI S AVENU� . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEIJ that the city engineers of Hopkina did on the 2nd day of August, �9�+9, file their written report with the aecretary of the council relating to the construction of side- walk on the North side of �xcelsibr.. Avenue between Washington Avenue a.nd Adams Avenue, a.nd that the city council has �Sy resolution figed 'I'�iesday� the 6th day of September, 19�9, at 7:j0 o'clock P.M. at the council chambers in the city hall as the time and pl�ce at which the council will hear such persons as care to be heard in reference thereto and will conaider said engineers' report a.nd act thereon. The estimated cost of said improvement is Six Hundred Twenty- one (�621.00) Dollars. Da.ted at Hopkins, Minnesota, this jrd day of August� 19�. �'ra,nk N. Whitney, City Attorney C. C. CONGDON, City Manager Published in the S1lburban Prees on August 11 and 18, �9�+g one to naper �-' � g �e�ular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins,-Nlinnesota, was held at the , City Hall at 7:00. o� clock P.�I. on Tuesda.y, August 16th, 1949. The foll�av�i:ng were present: �4a�or W. Ha.rlan Per�x, Councilmen Joseph T. Anderla,. Stuart E. �eclanan, Len J. TuIIilbert, John Ziegler and �ity �a.nager, C.C. .Congdon. Members apsent; None, Ziegler :noved, P�,iilbert seconded, that the following bills be paide Carriedo GENERAL FUND 905 Aia. L�nen Supp�y Coo . 906 Bergerson Caswell Inc. 9(�7 City of Mp1s�,City Treasurer 908 vickey & Milbert Inc. 909 Dunca.n� �deter Corporation 910 Elkhart Brass Mfg..Coo 911 Hennepin County Review 912 Hennepin �ounty Sheriffs Office 913 Johnson &-Hemza 911a. Koehler Manufacturi�g Co. � 915 Lampert Yards 916 Landers-Norblom-Christenson Co. 917 League of Minn, Municipalities 918 Lyon �hemicals Inc. 919 VPm. H. McCoy 920 Miller-Da,vis �o. 921 West Ehd Blacks:nith Shop 922 Frank N. Whitney �76 H.Maxfield Otto 877 State of I�ffinn. .Dept. of Highways 891 First tyational Ban�; of Hopkins 892 Treasurer, State of Minnesota : j:� Salaries .. ; Hourly Payroll 228 229 238.: 239 2l�0 2t�1 21�� Linen Service Service Call to'Beach Board of Prisoners Gasoline � , Par'king Iueters Fire Dept. 5upplies Printing � Rad'io Rental Police Car Repairs Firemen�s Spotlights Lumber for Beach Sand � � Membership Dues Lime & DDT _ Gasoline Office Supplies Repairs Register of Deeds July Salary �ecution of Quit Cla� Deed �withholding Tax July Retirement Deductions First half August Period endi'ng 8/15/49 ROAD AND BRL7GE FUND First ��ational Bank of Hopkins Treasurer,State of P,dinn Johrison & Vogt lnc. Landers-Nor�lom-Ci-_ristenson �o. VJm. H. �cCoy �erral- a]�a�es�• . , . � � �m. H. Ziegler �o. Inc. �laries Hourly Palrroll 181� First National Bank of Hopkins 185 Treasurer, State of I�innesota 187 �cnerican Cast Iron Pipe Co. 188 F�og Co. Inc. 189 IQortherwrestern Bell Tel. �o. 190 Phelps-Draker'Co. Inc: 191 Skasol Corporation 5alaries Hourly Payroll VPithholding Tax July t�etirement.�edactions �: Oil & Repairs Gravel Diesel Oil Cu��ii� V�eeels Pump Fixst half August Period ending �/15/1�9 WATER FUND . Withholding Tax July �etirement Deductions Ext. Sections r Nalco Balls & Frt. Phone Service Resetting Hydrant Nu-Coil �'irst half August Period �ding 8/15/1�9 SPECIAL ASSESSI�.ENT FUAID 1�. First National �ank of Hopkins Coupons. S�A�E DISPOSAL FUND 2!� First National �ank of Hopkins Withhold.ins�; Tax 25 Hour],y P�r roll Period Ending 8/15/1�9 REVOLVING FUND � l.EiS �14.80 l�6.50 � 2i4000 5i8e7o 86.90 .1l�..30 700,00 27.23 52.32 8.60 5.01 102.00 25.52 106v00 6.35 1050 �3.75 �.0.00 50.00 377.10 8i�, 40 1367.93 1121.90 �:5�..60 51.1�3 50.20 81.32 13.16 !�l�.00 77.00 3l�7•30 760031 1�4.60 10.00 2I�900 1687.i0 8.13 38.00 16:69 370e20 105090 473.60 2,20 i24.55 25 Carl A. Anderson Side�alk & Curb 2089s96 26 I,yon Chemicals Inc. Chemical for Water i�a.ins 21.50 27 Lee �cNally & Associates � 5idse2alk &�urb 11�(��9 . . � � °'�r �.,,r,�,F� �filb.ert moved, Anderla seconded, that the Nlinneapolis Sad e& Briddle Cl�ab be granted an On.Sale Non-intoxicating MaltLiquor Licens for 9ugust 27 and 28, 19l�9, at the Hennepin County Fairgrounds. Carried. Ziegler moved, I�Zilbert seconded, that Resolution #106� "A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTERS OF CONSTRUCTION CURB ON BaTH - SIDFS OF FIRST STREET � SOUTH BET�i EF1�T HAR�ISON AVENUE AND VAN BUREN . AVENUE, �. � T�EATING FIRST- STREET SOUTfi BETV'SE�.N HARI3,ISON AVENUE AND VAN BURII3 AVEIJiJE � V�ITH TAR OIL, TRFATING.F'ARr�ALE ROAD FRO�R HAZELANE EASTERLY ABOUT 200 FEET " �NIITH TAR, D�T; AND- INST�LLING WATER AND SANITARY SE��t NAINS �Pd TOYELF'TH AVE[�iUE - NORTH FROP� THE S.OUTH LINE OF LOT ll� TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 18; BLOCK 7.7� � WEST.MIN�VEAPOLIS, SECOND DIVISION�" marked �cYiibit�A be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved, 11�ilbert seconded, that the request of the llU.nneapolis Gas Co.., for main extension, their number #186, be granted. _Carried. Beckman moved, �.i.lbert seconded, that_I�drs. Ray P. Schutz and Mrs. Don A. Nelso be reappointed to the Library Board for a term of three (3) years from 7�1/49 to 7�1�52• Carried. � � , � � n4ilbert moued,.Anderla seconded, that CouncilmAn Stuart E. Beckman be � appointed as a'member� of the Recreation Board for a term of two �( 2) yea'rs � from 9/1/49 to 9/1/51. Carried. _ �- - � " Ziegler moved, Anderla sec'onded, that Resolution #98,.'�A.R�SOLUTION ' � �' ORDERING THE INSTALLAT:ION :OF VdATER: �2AINS A�hTD SANZTARY 5��. MAINS IN ALL ROADS AND -STREETS IN EI;MO '�PARK ADDITIQN; THE COIV�STR,U�TION OF S:CDEIIALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF VAN BUNEN AVENUE BETwEEN FIRST STREET SOVI'H Al`dD SECOD]D STR�T SOUTH; C0�?STRIICTING CURB ON BOTH SID� OF FIFT�ENTH A�IUE iJORTH �. FROM F�URTH STR�,ET •;�TORTH �TO �THE 80UTH LINE OF STATE .TRLINK HIGHVPAY NUb1Br'�t 7; TRF�TING �"IFTEENTH AVENUE NORTH FRb�;' FOjJRTH STREET'' NORTH. �0 TI�E SpUTH LINE OF STATE TRUNK H�IG1-.��ViTAY NUDdBER -� ��VIQT� TAR OIL; �IVSTALLIAiG CUI�.B- ON� �OTH SIDF� OF FOURTE�,'NTH AVENUE NORTH BETWEEN FnURTH STRFE�T �R,TH AND THE SC�UTH LINE � OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY NUDdBER 7; INSTALLING SIDEP�ALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF .. FOURTEENTH AVENUE �10RTH BE'�B�EEN� FOURTH STFi.EET N�RTH AND. THE SOUTH LINE OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY� NUL4B�ft`,7' AND �IN FRONT-:OF LOT 10, BLOCK 108, WEST �IIl'IS. SE�CON�D DIVISION AND TREAT�iG FOURTEENTH AVENZJE. NORTH BE'P4�'EEN FOURTH STREE'I' NORTH AND fiHE S OUTH LIl�TE OF S�'ATE TRUNK HIGHOPAY NiJMBE�t 7 VOITH TAR OIL, p inai�ked -Exhibit B be adopted. . Carried. , � ,.Meeting was�recessed at 8:20 otclock P.M: at which time the council met in the auditorium v� th the people from the ne�ly annexed Third. Division to discuss ways and means of special� improvements and, wha.t facilities will be extended to them, and after.one hours discussion the council returned to the council:room to coruplete their regular meeting. . Mayor W. Harlan Perbix appointed Ear1 D. Dahlberg for a two (2) year term and B�rs. Quentin G. Anderson for a one (1) yeax term to the . Recreation Board commenci;ng 9/1/49• � . • aPPoint^�ents � Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded,.that t he above two �s be_confirm.ed. Carried.. . � ; - _ . � . Beckr�n moved, Anderla seconded, that Resolution �105, "A RESOLUTION OBJECTITdG'T0 THE ESTABLISH�:�NT OF A HENNEPIN COUNTY HEALTH�D�ARTRlfEIVT," _ marked bchibit C be adopted. Carried. � Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded; that�the Budget report. �or 195�; as subrriitted by City PQa.nager C.C. Congdon; be placed on file. Carried;.`� . Beckinan moved,.Milbert seconded, thatthe meeting be adjourned. Carried. A.Y�.� Erlmquis , ecre ary o t e Courici� ATTEST: ' . COU LMF�1: ,� . r an Per i.x, Mayor . . � � . �� � � CITY OF HOPKI�S RESOLIITION N0. 106. A RESOLUTION &E�SRiNG TO TSE CITY EN(�I1QEE8S TSE MATTEaS OF CODTST�JCTIDTa CIIBB � ON BOTH SIDES OF FIRST 3TREET SOOTH Bpi'WEEDT HARRI SON AVENITE 9ND VAN BIIRE[�T AYENUE, TF�ATING FISST STREET �L1TH BETWEEN Hl�tRISON AVENUE �IID YgN BUREN AYENUE WITH TAR OIL, TREATIRG FARMDALE EpAD F'gpM AAZELANE EASTERLY ABOiJT 2pp FEET WIR'H TAR OIL AND IASTALLING WAT�R AND SANITASY SEWER MAINS IYd TWII,FTH AVENUE �OETH P'EOM THE SOIITH LINE OF LOT l� TO THE biOHTA I,INE OF LOT 18. BLOCg 77, WEST MINNEAPOLI S, SEOObTD DIVI �� • W1i�EA3� the council of the cfty of Hopkina deema it neceasary for the health, �elfare and convenience of the city a.nd it8 inhabitants, to conatract and install the folloaing local improvemente, to-�rit: IMPAOVF,NIENT N0. 1. Coast=uct curb on both sides of Firat etreet Sonth bettiveen Earrisoa Avenue and Van �ren Avenue. IMP80YEN�NT R0. 2. Treat the follor�ing atreeta with tar oil: Firat Street 3onth between Harrison Avenue and Vaa Buren Aaenne. and Farmdale Road from Ha.zelane Eaeterl� about two hundred (200) feet. I1�80VF�MENT ATO. j. Inatall �oater aad eanitary serer maine in Twelfth Avenne �orth from the 3outh liae of Lot 14 to the North line of Lot 18� Block 77, Weat Mianeapolie. Second Division. of property WHEREAS� most of the o�a�aers/aga,inet which said coets taould be aseessed have petitioned the city council for each oP ea.id improv,ementa in �ch locationa; NOW� Ti�REFORa^,� BE IT EESOLVED by the council of the cit� of Hopkine that the matter of making each of eaid local improvemente in ench locations be referred ': :�� bee McNally and. Asaociatea, city engineere� to inve�tiga.te the neceseity aad feasibility of each imp rovements and report to the conacil ae eoon as poseible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a rega.lar meeting thereoP held thie 16th da� of Augast, 19�9• W. HARLADT PERBIIG, N1AY08 A. W. �lmqui st. Secretar9 to the council Frank N. Whitne�, City Attoraey cop� to I+ee McNally on Auguat 17th. ciTY o� Ho�ixs aEsoLu�rioR �o. gs. RESOLII'I'ION ORDERIDTG 'PHE INSTALI,A'PIOI� OF WATER MAIATS AND SAN!'PAflY SEWES MASNS IA ALL �OADS AND ST�TS I� ELMO PARK ADDITION; TSE COASTI�CTING OF SIDEWALg 0& TSE WEST SI� OF' QAN BIJ� AVENUE B�ETWEEft FIRST STT�ET 30II'Pii AB1D SECODTD 3T&EbT!' SOIITH; CODTSTffiCTING CUEB �ON BOTH 3IDES OF FIFTF�PH AVEiQIIl� 1QOBTS P'80M �"OIIHTS STR�T NORTH TO TSE 30IITH LI�E OF STATE T� HIGHWIY NUNIDF� 7; TREA�'INa BIFTEE�1'PH AYENQE NORTH FROM �OIIS'PH SI'REE'P NOBTH TO TSE SOII'PH LIAE OF. $TATE TE�K HIG�f9Y RQ1�E8 7 WITH TAR OIZ; IAiSTAI,LING CII� 0� BOTH SID$S OF P�tiHTEE�TH AVEDIQE NOHTH B�Il'WEER I�OIISTH STBEET �OETH AND T�; SOIITH LI1QE OF 9PATE TRUNK HI(�WAY ��ER 7; IDTST�I,LING 3IDEWALS ON 'i'� WES�' SIDE OF FOURTEENTH g9E1QiTE AORTH BETWEEN FOIISTH STRF�Jl' NO$TH AND THE SOUT� LIRE OF S'!'ATE TF�NK III GHWAY RQI�I'BES 7 ASD IN FRONT OF I,OT 10, B��C$ 108 � WES'� MI�EAPOLI S, SECOAD T7IPI SIO�, AND THEATINa FbUATEENTH 99ENUE NORTH BETWEE� FOIIBl'H 3T&EET NORTS AND THE 3CJU'1'S LIIQE OF STAT� T� HIGHWAY NUNIDER 7 WITH TAH OIL. ` - W�3� the council of the city of Hopkins oa July 11� 19�+9, aclopted a resolntion referring the matter o� installing vrater maine a.nd eanitary sewer mains ia aIl roads and streets in Elmo Park Addition to Lee McDTally and Asaociates, city engineers� Por _ , their inveatigation and report, and WHE�AS. the couacil of the city of Hopkins on May 3, 19�, adopted a resolution referring the matters of coastrncting aide�valk oa the West sids of Yaa Barea Ave�ne bet�een First street South a.ad Second street 8outh� and of coaetrnctiag cnrb on both sides of B'i.fteenth avenue �orth from Fourth street �orth to the South line of etate , trnnk hi�v�ay No. 7 and of treating Fifteenth avenue l�orth from �'ourth street DTorth to the Sonth line of atate trunk hig�may No. 7�i,th tar oil� to Lee Mc�Ta11y and Aseociatea� city engineers, for their ineeetigation and report� and WHEREAS� the conacil of the city of Hopkin� on June 21. 19�9. adopted a reeolution referring the matters of installing side�ralk and curb oa both sides of Fonrteenth avenue �orth bet�reen Fonrth street North and the south line of atate truxlk highra,y nnmber 7 and of treating Fourteenth avenue ldorth betweea Faurth atreet North ead the Sonth line of state trunk hig�w�y anmber 7 with tar oil, to Lee Mcl�ally and Aesociatea, city engineers� for their investigation and report, �nd WSFREAS, said engiaeers have ineeatigated the necessity and feasibility of said improvements, and each oP them� and on �uly 11'w 19�49. reported thereon to the conncil and filed their written reporta with the secretary o� the council; e.nd W�AS, on July 11. �9�g� the city con.ncil of HopkinB adopted a resolution eetting Tueaday, the 16th day of 9ugust, 191N9. at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the council chambere ia the city he11 as the time and place Por coneidering eaid reporta, and WHEREA3, a notice o� said hearing has been pubiished ia The Subnrban Prese in its issuee of Jnly 2gth and.Auguet �+th. 19�9, and the aPfidavit of publication of ea3d notice hae been filed with the secretar� of the oounc3l. and WSEREAS, no one appeared at said heaxing in oppoeitioa to said improvemente� or (1) either of them, except that written objectioae �ve�re filed ia oppoeitioa to �� Bloc �108� conet=v.ctiag aidewalk in front of Lota 9 d 11 to 15 inclusive,� est Minneapolis, Second Division; the owners of eaid ota�also appeaxed ia person in oppoeition to the coastraction of eidewalk in�euch locatione; �OW� T�FEFOBE, BE IT RESO�,VED bp the ci�ty council of the city of Hopkina that eaid improve- menta. and. each of them� with the aaceptioa of conetmcting �idewalk in froat Block lOg� of Lots 9 aad 1`to 15 incluaive,/Weet Minneapolis. 8econd Diviaion, are =-�.a.,=.;..� . _ .. . ,/, � / _ ... _ . , neceseary for the health, arelfare and convenience of the city and ita inhabitante� and it is hereby determined a.nd ordered that eaid improvements be made as set forth in the en�i.neere' reporta� and that the coats thereof be sesessed against abattiag property. ADOPTED by the coancil of the cit9 of�Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held thie 16th day of �uguet. 191i9. A. W. Elmqui st , Secretary to the Conncil -,., Fraak g. Whi tuey � City Attorney copies eent on August 17, �9�+9, to Lee MeNally ✓ Emil Brokl Carl Anderson �' � 2) W. BA1�i,AN PERBIX, MAYOg _� y ��' __ . _� � � . . . /1 / /�'LM ^ "t' ! .:i ����. 6 � V� � � M�i���r��� 9•t� �.i.i,7M� � . ���6Fd' �l+�: �a �t����`� �r.1.��#�� �� ��i'����i`��� �� �'fi��,� ���� �i� ��a,�.�`�� ��.�° ��� �� +�1 �#,A� �`� �'t'������ �� � �:� �k�"��`�;".R� �����'�"��#�:,�"�` #�;t�� � "�C 9��` '��� #�' �tik� ��`� ���lM�� ��'�`'�;�3�� �;��': ''�'��' �� #��t � �'`�� . �`�:�:a�` .�`i#,, C�, ��!`�� �i� �� s� � ��.� a�� ����: �:�� �`=� � �t'�'� ��3" �k'� �."�#� �� k'�� �� s��� ��� ��� ��� �� ��� ��� ����� �� � �� ��� �� �' '�� ;��'� :���� s�� ��� x�k� �5��'� ��. � �'�rw�i. ���: ���� � ;���,���.�� ��t. � :�`� �`�t�"� i��' ���� ;��' ��� �� i���� � �'`�;�:��'. �'!� ��' '�i� . � �� �� �� 7���'� �'�' ����`��` ��i�"�k �� ��«�'�l��t+���� �'��y �►�i � �!'��`�!° #��; +Q�°� �`��'�t �� � '�Sr���4 �C�! 3-��fii4�� �fi� �f�iM �F�lk� i�ltali-7'?�' 7f�i!::y� 4yT" .�1R�:� ��1�'8llli. �l.��� ���!aR, �. �� �AP �lDk'�� k'� 4� �'�� _'��iN �6.e"�#1� �" r�a{r ,R�F.�+a��+,`'�a�: r���a #��..�►+?u6,�.� 1�9R�' �+6`�}.di:�/�.�17F ��`�.++�� ���6� .�1� :��'s`� .'�'�� '�'�1,��° ��� .$���' �`Y �',i� ���� �+`�' '��`A� °�'��` ���,�� .�;id��?'�� �" '��'� '��f��' ?���a¢ , �. ��+�'�� . 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WE�REAS, laws �9�+9, Cahpter �{05, permits the eetablishment by the Board of County Commisaioaers of a couaty health department, and WSFREAS, there ie pending before the Board of County Commissionere of Hennepia Connty a reeolution creating and establishin� snch a department, and W�R�A,S� the enpport for thie plan appeare to come mainly from the Lake Minne- tonka area� and arises beca�aBe of the �.leged polntion of the waters of Lake Minnetonka, and S�iSEHEA3, the State Board of Health has control over the matter of polntioa of the �aaters ia the etate of Minneeota aad is conata.ntly watching mattera oP water polution and compelliag many governmental unite a.nd othere to chaage their methods of eewage cliepoeal aad to 80 other thinga to protect and puriFy the watere of the etate, aad WfiERF,AS, the Department of Coneereatioa, Divieion of Drainage a.nd Watere, has geaera]. coatrol and ma,nagement of the waters of this state, and WS�REREAS, both of these departmente have ample resaurces at their command and nnmerous employees and field mea �orking and. checkiag on snch mattera� and WHEBEAS. the State Board oP Health� operatiag in co�o�junction with local health boarde aad local health officer�� has general control and auperviaion oeer the other health problems in the couaty, and WSFREAS� the eetabliehment of an �dditional nnit known aa a covntg health depart- ment wov.ld onl� duplicate servicee alreac�y performed� ead �vonld deprive local govera- mental bodies inclnding local boasde oi heelth and health o fficere, of their powers ead duties� and �ronld strike a Qeriaue blow at local governmeat and wou7.d be another etgp in depriving local citisene of the management of their ot�n affairs and would be aaother atep in the dangerona trend of concentratiag power and autha�f,ty in larger nnit8 of goverament, and i�R�AS� once euch a conat�► health board wa.s establiahed� it �ould demaad and pro- bably get anthority for constantly increasing taa levies� ail of �ich arould be levied avithout the coneent of local governmental units and wonld greatly iacrease the taa bn.r- den in rnral Hennepin Co�nnty rai.thaut the conaent of thoee �rho are taaes; AOW, T�REF08T, BT IT HESOL�ED by the council of the city oP Hopkina that the conncil is (1) vigorously opposed to the eatablial�ment of a countp health department, and BE IT �TH'!.'�R RESOL9E� that copiea of this reeolution be eent to each county commiasion�r of the cronnty of Henn�pia. APPIiQ9ED by the council oP the city of Hopkin� at a regu].ar meeting th ereof held thi a 16th day of Auguat, 1949. l. W. E'1.mqai st � Secretarg to the council Bnank N. Whi tney, Cit� Attoraeg � 2) W. BA�AN PF�RBIZ � N1AY08 w �.��'7�' Q� '��91r;�fie� ' � � � �?��CiL�??:�°i �c1!e 1Fi�� d� �r"`�i �.�'�"��8:� tJ:�"J��`�':��i "f� i��Tf ��'�>Jf��^'a,,����?�'.�'�' �7}?' A i�i.N�x�.n�� �' ;i3�t`�'i' L��''�,�� s���1i'����i'!"o ����.�,9A 1��8 1��p� Chr�r�ter it,'.�5, �rr��9.� ttt� asta�bl�.�t�nt t�r �h� �3o�rrt ��' �cnaa�y Co�3:�s�3nr�r� �� � ��ru�t� :l�+�l�h �.�.,��r,�e�a�C, �r�d % � ��i�-�� t;�,��� � ;�„�s�a.� bea�'az� �3�e �rt3 � �o�aaL� �'c►r��a��an�::r� c�� �3e��ap� 4��*� a �a��],u��,�r� ���3.r�r, . ���3 �a�t.�b���h�� ; e�u��s �► al�pttr#���p ��d S��'����'��?:�� ��ie �tap;�r� .fc�r ��a� �l�n ��a��r� �� e�r:�s ��y �r��i �k�e� �e ��ir�e�• t:oa�a �rea, �rr�i �x�� '�bo�ias� a.� t�:� a��.lc��e� ���t�ia�n c� �i�a �t�r.� of T,�ka� �o�c�n�� ��d . ��$��.�A�� �h� 6fi.ata �?a� o�' ����h h� ��t►rol� �rex* th� r,�a� a� �cs�.ub��� b� �h� a�t.�r� �.r3 ih� �r��e �►_ ;'P.�Sn��tr� ac�� �.� aa��ttt�i�t2� �uta�3.z�c a��,,t�x�s �� w�t�t� �a��ut,��n �d ���I�.r.� s�r �pv�����. un��Gs �d �o�laf�F� ta ct�ari;,,;e G��i� z�etftad� at �enr��e d�pt�a�l azz� tro dv ot��r t,��a� �o p�a�e�b �z°��i �rif',� #��► �t��x�s of t�e t���es� � . ' � t�Gi��� t�ad �:�art,r�� +��. Go�a�er�r�t��r�r i��;v�eior� aA I�r�mic�ga� aaid �a�-e�sr, 3n►� . _ � . ,1 � q�x��. �ontrol �►n�i r�m�m�erat af �,h� ��e,ra a:� �til:� e���e, nrr� �9��:i�, �ttrth crf 'G�� r��r°t�n�e ha�a� �.a��,e a��aur�ae at th�is aarp�,�d �d 3��it�e ��:;�}.c����� �q�3 fi�1c� s�z� v�q�k�.� s��d ei��a� �r� euch r�tt�a�a� t�d . ����t�.[i�, ihe �ta'te ��.�sar� ��' Fi+�3,th� �ap�a�in� in avn�u�titsA r�.�?► lecal' tt�%th t�acerci� mrad ��e�1 t��3.t�, oi�'�.c�°s, i`� �g�iieaa2.. avn�Crc>i �n� �npe�%isiean vLre� O� ' ot��r %�.t� prt�b�� �.cz �tae ca�un�,y�� �. ����`�l; ,�i�� �a�'�19.eh�t c� �►n ���t,��]. urai� � aa a oa�ur�r h�th de�a�* msu'� �ee�u�e3 �t�,� duga�.�.c�: � fii� �c�rvSa�� :�lx*�edy pe��`ox�, �rtd a�u�3 e�ep�►3v� xao�9� �Qv�: �rt� 1,od9„Q� i�acictd�� �,s�� �� +a� Y��altl� �xi�. lr��'� �rf�9aaer�a a�f` �fie�it° �a�r�a� ac� 8u�i�a�, r�ud iro�,d �tr�� a� �8ri�u� ��o� �►� 10���; �ov�rs�� ar�d �v ou� be+ a�na��a�r �te� 9E� r�e�r3:�ri� Ao�s3, ��,t�� a� t�e ra�au�;e�a� af t�a�33.r a�m at'�r�.� �� �r�a7.c! �e� �t�h�r �� �a� �t�� �,a�rr�as tz��i c��' .�r�r��t�,r�t��g �c�rr�� au�ri a�t�as�a�.� �an lar��r �.��.9.�s of ��o�rta��L� +��i I ��tf��':��� a�a�e �uoia a aa�v�Ly tes�l�t� �c►�rci � ��#�►b�.a�, �t �ld de�nd � �►ro� 9aab� ��rt �utiic�r3.t,,y ,fox� coro��t�3;� ���a►s�.� t� �v�rsa+ �.]. o�' �ka�� �s�u1�i �� lov��dt wit��ut t2�o carfa�� �f �asr�. �e�far�.t,ti3 '�'� �i e�au�€Y � �gr+e�� '� rr��c� �,�e� � brar� der� in rur�►.i id+�s�� �ow�r�, arit�i�au� �h� coisee�rG r�f �ha�e ar�o a�� ?�e�c1A �i�R', �:H'�.�r�,''�fi��, �� iT a��b57t';� by �ha c�rnrut�a Qr .th� c��y o� fi�ogic.�. ttw� tr� a��zcil se� tZ� v,'��ar�u�� a��r�o�e� �� t�.hc� �.��L�1�.��m+�G r�.� � eo�ui�,� 3�r�r�.�� �e,�a�#�� and �3�d' � e �tJ�'?°�3r?"� "r"c"r�c:�i�I��3 �tu�t �opi�ts 4� ���3.� x�e�soluli�►q� �� �enL �R ea►ct2� count�y aa���.on�r o� th� oc���,y c��' t�e�;��t;?irts A�•I"�:►��� by �h� cou�o�i o� ti� �a�.�* .o� �tic�ic�ns at a r��ar .�aca��bing t�hersa� hel� t,�is 1� dr� o� 1��, �.9l�90 �t's F�«141�i! r,%h��1Jp Y�,�i� i ' I ` . i �.�t. �R°L�E�,�JZ>;'� �e�r��a�y � tho Couno�.3� Pfi�Yi�� .yJ�, :,idi�'�i�Y' f�'��?� A�iorr�eyr A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesot� was held at the City Hall a.t 5:00 o�clock P.�. on Tuesday, August 23, 1949• The following • were present: Mayor �P. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Stua�t E. Becl�nan, Len J. Niilbert, and City Manager, C.C. Congdon. �,2embers absent were Joseph T. Anderla and John Ziegler. -� Pursuant to notice bids were opened at 5:00 o�clock P.M. for the installation of sewer and water main extensions of the Elmo Park Adcaition and the following bids were received: SEu'JER n7AI�T FxTENSIONS : u�a�• Orf ei & Mariani Leo Lahti Jack VPelch Construction Co. DeGraff Wolff Phelps Drake Co., Inc. V�estern Underground Construction Co. WATER DbAIlIli,t F�TENSIONS Orfei & Mariani . Leo Lahti DeGraff Wolff Phelps Dra�ke Co., Inc. Western Underground Construction Co. BID PRICE � l�650.70 4801.30 5969.3� 5896.50 6345.50 7782.50 : n .. � 6911.50 6793•02 6854.75 7257•00 7511.38 Milbert moved, Beckman seconded, that the above bids be referre� to the city engineer for further study and recommenda.tion. Carried. Bids were also called for 5:00 o+clock P.I�. for a gas fired boiler to be installed in the Dow House and the follo�ring bid was received: Henx^J Pokorny Crane Basmore gas fired boiler Anerican Ra.d. Boiler � 91�7•00 975.00 BeclQnan moved, �a.lbert seconded, that the above bid of Henry Pokorny for the Crane Basmore gas fired boiler be accepted. Carried. Beckman moved, �Li.lbert seconded, that on recommendation of the city engineer the bid of Orfei & I�ariani for the installation of sewer and water mains into the Elmo Park Adclition be accepted. Carried. Mi�bezt moved, Becl�an seconded, that the city accept the proposal of Phelps Drake Co., 1nc., dated August 19, 1949, modifying the original contract on the East End Storm Sewer. Carried. ATTEST: ' � . ���.yl �Y. Harlan Perbi�, I�ayor � � A.W. Elmquist, ecretary to the Couzicil • �yl . ♦ A reol.lar meeting of' the council. of the City of T3opkins ,h2innesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 o+clock P.�I. on Tuesciay, September 6, 1949e The follo�in� ?�ere � present: Mayor 1�T. Harlan Perbix, Councilman Joseph T, Anderla,.Len J. Milbert, John Ziegler, Stuart E. Beckman, and City�l�danajer, C.C. Congdon. Members absent: none. Bec!cm.an moved, T�Iilbert seconded, that th'e following. bills be paid. Carried. GFNENA:L FUI�'D 91�1= Hopkins ,nhu.nicipal Band 956 First National Bank of Honkins 95? Automatic Control Co. 958 Bren Hardware 959 Club Cafe 960 C.C. Congdon, Treasurer 961 Dahlberg Bros. Inc. 962 Donovan F�i.rniture Co. 963 Gasoline (1948) 961� Gustafson & F�ixa 965 Mike Holm, Sec. of State 966 Hopkins �'ire Department 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 9 80 981 982 983 984 985 262 263 261� 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 Japs-Olson Co. ' - Kinn Service Wilbur Locke Lund�s Sinclair Service Miller Davie Co. ���iller NIeters Inc. t�inneapolis Gas Co. Minn. Fire Extinguisher Co. ita.nn. 1Vews Co. Northern States Power Co. IVorthwestern Bell Tel. Co. Hopkins Library � Postmaster, Hopkins H.A. Rogers Co. Mrs. Ray Schutz Burnham Sparks Standard 8ervice Station. Suburban Henn. County Relief Bd. Frank Id. Whitney Salaries Hourly Salaries 19�.9 Season Loan to Spec. Asa. Ftiind Sewer Lift Eqiiipmen�, Axe, � saw, �, rope , Meals for prisoners Petty Cash Items.. Police Supplies Picture frame for library Used by Police, fire, garbage, parts dept. Lar.tps for pow House Clerkts Notations Fire calls, drill, tel. & ins. premium � 1000.00 . 1000.00 17�s�0 10.76 13.50 16.35 38.52 i�e95 and 1071.82 6.93 1.15 Led;er Cover Services Pick up dogs Garbage truck repairs Ofiice Supplies Supplies for Parkino Meters Services Fire Supplies Books for library Services Ser�rices Subscription for book Envelopes Blueprints Library Supplies Meal�Checks Repa ris Relief �cpenditures Ddpls. �ity Clerk for I�Zpls. Charter & OEdinance Copy Last 2 of gugust Period ending 8/31/L�9 ' ` RQAD & BRIDGE FUiVD Carl Bolander & Sons H�en Hardwrare �mi.l Brokl C.C. Congdon Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Gasoline Glacier Sand � Gravel Glenn Johnson Contracting Co. Lampert Yards Northern States Power Co. Id� Bell Telephcne Co. Republic Cressoting Co. Standard Service Station Fred Swanson Salaries Hourly Salaries 202 C.C.Dongdon 203 Gasoline 204 Idorthern States Power Co. 205 Phelps-Drake Co.. 206 Standard Service Station Salaries Hourly Salaries Equipment Rental Repairs & Oi1 6 mos. use of car Petty Cash Items Ford Truck repairs 19�.8 Sand Blacktop Stakes Services Servides ' �.oad Tar Repairs Dozer Use La.st a of August Period ending 8/31/49 1��ATER FUIJD Petiy Cash Items 1948 Services S ervic es Repairs Last � of August � Period ending 8%31/!�9 3072 • t�.5 13.40 9.Z5 b.00 3.00 127.90 42.17 4.81 13.00 25.31� 722.90 70.17 4.00 36.76 1�.68 18.2l� �.95 6.90 424.72 25.00 1693•23 io25.35 658.00 8.25 90.00 e39, 10.10 1202.50 1535.03 907.23 10.00 7.90 11.25 38i�8.65 _ 10.55 237voo 347•3� 759.1�3 6.35. 116.55 74�e1� 24.84 2.02 370.20 119.65 SPECIAL ASS�ST,�!�1T FUND 15 & 16 First Nati.onal Bank of Hopkins 28 DeGraff 1ir'olff 29 Villa�e of St.Louis Park 30 O���i �e Mariani riourly Salaries 2$ Glenn Johnson Contracting Co. 29 Carl A. Anderson Bond & Interest SE�VAGE DISPOSAL FUPdD ' Estir.�ate #2 Expense of St. Louis Park Main Trunk Sewer Estimate #7, Sanitary Sewer Construction Period II1ding 3/31/49 �,EvoLvmru FUNn Blackto� Sidewalk & Curb � 295s.43 208la.la.. ll 3512.97 11559.52 135.80 189 e 11 341�.2 . 76 Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded,that Resolution #102, "RF,SOZIITION ORDE�II� COTtSTRUCTION OF SIDEVI(ALK ON T.iF I�TORTH SIDE OF EXCF�SIOR AVENUE BETU�EEN VVASHINGTON AVENUE AND. ADAI�S A?rENUE'� marked bchibit A, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the following license applications be ;ranted. Carried. A.W. Haimaerlund, installation of gas and oil burner� �2.00. Ray�,T. Gustafson, to do plumbing, �1.00. ` Karel Lhotsky, for transfer of license of Burnham Spark$� �63.00. Beckman moved, Milbert seconded, that Resolution #107, nA RFSOLUTIOIi RFFER.RING TO THE CITY II�dGINEERS THE i�ATTF�.S OF COiVSTRUGTING STDF��ALK ON THE �dF�T SIDE OF .VAN. BUREN AVEIViTE SOUTH BETV"TEEN EXCII,SIOR BOULE�IARD AND FIf�ST STRFET SOUTH AND OF TREATING WITH TAR OIL THE EE�ST AND '�:'�ST ALLEY I�J BLOCK 13, 'JPF�T MINNEAPOLIS, AND THE ALI,EY IN BLOCK 11, ti'�„ST NlID�iIEAPOLIS, THIRD DIVISIOPZ" marked Exhibit B, be adopted. Carried. �3eclQnan moved, �ilbert seconded, th�.t the request of the Minneapolis Gas Company for Main �rtensions, their #299, be grantQd. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the request of the Master Block Company for the placing of a sign at 17 and �Scelsior Avenue�s be tabled until tre next meeting. Carried, � ZieglE.r moved, Anderla seconded, that the petition.presented�by tax payers of Drill La.ne l� Addition in Ntinnetonka Township for annexation to Hopkins be referred to the City Attorney� for check of legal ownership, and if found in order to draw up an ordinance annexing sa.me. Carried. ' Anderla moved, Beckman secor_ded, that the reading of Ordinance #19, "AN ORDINANCE LICETdSING AND t�EGUI,ATING THE SALE OF INTOXTCATIIdG LI�lUOR; PROVIDP_�TG A PE�Ji ALTY FOR T'�E VIOLATIOid A?�1 ��PEALTNG CERTAIN- OR�INAi�10ES; be. accepted as the first reading. Carried. 11Bayor Perbix appointed Councilmen J.T. Anderla, and John Ziegler, together with City Attorney ,"Jhitney as a committee to investigate conditions pretaining to water damabe done at the Roy Westling property. I�2ilbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #20, nAN ORDINANCE LICENSIPdJ AND R.EGULAT�VG THE SALE UF IdON-INTOXICATING IV�ALT LIQUORS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TI� VIOLATION THEF,EOF AI�1D REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES�� be accepted as the first reading. Carried. _ Beclanan moved, Milbert seconded, that the City Attorney dxaw up an ordinance giving the Nlunicipal Court Judge the power to stay eviction for 30 days in hardship cases. Anderla t,roting N0. Carried. Beclanan moved, I�lbert seconded, that the proposed changes in the �ewer Lift Stations #1 & 2 in connection with the new Trunk Sewer be accepted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that Orfei & 112ariani�s Estimate #7, in the amount of �11559.52 and extras in theamount of �3512,97, due the Village of St. Louis Park in connection with the new mr.unk Sewer, be paid. Carriede Counciln�n Anderla presented the follov�ing resolution and move� its adoption; WHERF,AS T:IF CITY COUi�CIL OF THE City of Hopkins is in receipt of estimates in writing by Ralph D. Thomas & Associates, IIzgineers, that the value of iTnpro�rements and additions_cornpleted, in connection with the Sewer Project being financed by the �247,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, dated December l, 19�.5, is in excess of �ii559.52 and �2081�.iie NOW, .TH�REFORE, BE IT Rr_."S. OL�TED THAT the llrayor and City Clerk of the City of Hopkins are authorized and.instructed to deliver to the idorthwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Depositary, instructions to release �11559•52 and �2081�..11 to the City of Hopkins, for the purpose of paying ior said completed portion of the irm�ro�rements and adclitions in accordance with the engineer�s estima.tes. BE IT FURTH� R�OLVED that said Depositary is authorized to liquidate such U.S..Treasury securities in which said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make said �11559.K2 and $208l��.,11 payment. Councilman Bec�na.n seconded the motion and upon vote it was declared duly adopted, Perbix, Anderla, Reckma.n, Pltilbert, and Ziegler voting in the affirmative; an�3 no one voting in the negative. • Becl�nan moved, Anderla seconded, that the motion passed,at the �egular �neeting held on August 17, 191t8, granting June Sullivan the use_of the auditorium on Saturday mornings be rescinded and that the use of the auditorium to come under the jurisdiction of the City Manaber. Carried. Anderla,moved, T,ZilL�ert seconded, that Resolution #108, nA RESOLUTTON ORDER�NG A HEARI_dG OF EidGINEERS� t��RTS FOR THE IPdSTALLATION OF SID:��j9ALI�� CUxZB, WATER AND SAVITA��,Y SE�'�R P.�INS IlJ CERTAIN LOCATIOi�1S AND Tfi� TREATIPJG OF CERTAIIJ STR�ETS WITH TAR OIL", marked Exhibit C be adopted. Carried. Upon recommendation by the �ity Manager the Engineers� repor.t dated June 7, 19�9, pretaining to tar oil treat�nent to Te�as Avenue from Division Street South to Lake Street be referred back to the City N�n.gineer for further report. Carried. Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Carrieda � A.1Pt. Elmquist, S retary o the Counci'�5. ATTFST: �i�.r�� ' W. Harlan.Perbix, :�ayor C OUNC ILPII�T : � � � y a� CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLUTION N0. 102. RESOLUTION ORDERING CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEL4AZK ON THE NORTH SI DE OF EXCII,.SIOR AVENUE BETWEEN WASHI NC�I'ON AVEN�E AND ADAMS AVENIIE. WI�REAS, on July 19, �g�+g, the city council of fiopkina referred to the city engineers the matter of the pronosed constru.ction of sidewalk on the north side of E�celeior Avenue between Washington Avenue and Adams Avenue, and WHEREA.S, sai.d engineers investigated the necessity and feasibility of said improdement, a,nd on August 2, 1g�+9, reported thereon to the council , and filed their written renort with the secretary of the council, and WHEREAS� on Auguat 2, 19�+9, the city council of Hopkins adopted a resolu- tion setting Tuesday� the 6th day of Se�ntember, �g�+g, at 7:30 o'clock P.I�. at the council chambera in the city hall as the time and place for considering said report, a.nd VJF�LREAS, a notice of said hearing has been published in the Suburban Prese, _ in its iasues of Augv.st llth and gugust lSth, �g�+9, and the affidavit of publication of said notice has been filed with the secretary of the council,and WHEREAS, no written objeciions to the construction of said eidewalk in eaid locatioa were filed with the secretary of the council� and no oae appeared in oppoeition thereto; NOW, THEREFOEE� BE IT RESOLYED by the city council of the city of Hopkins that said improve- ment is necessar�r for the health, welfare and convenience of the city a.nd its inhabita.nts, and that it is hereby determined and ordered that said improvement be made as set forth in the engineers' report, and tha,t the coate thereo� be assessed againat abutting property. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hovkine at a regular meeting thereof held this 6th day of September, 19�. W. AARLAI� pERBI�, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council Frank N, Whitney. City Attorney copy to Lee Mcrlally Sept 7i 19�+9 Carl Anderaon " � � � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLIITION PiO. 107. ►,. A RESOLIITION REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MATTEES OF CObTST&'tTCTING SIDEWAI� ON THE WEST SIDE OF YAN BIIREA APEAIIIE SOUTH BFJi'WEEN EXCELSIOx BODI,�YABD AND FTBSi' S�tEEET SOUTH AND OF TREATING WITH TAR OII, THE EAST AND WEST ALLEY IPt BI,OC� 13. WEST MINNEAPOLIS, AND THE AI�LEY IN BLOCK 11. WEST MINNEAPOLIS� THIRD DIVISION. W�BEAS� the conncil of the city of Hopkins deema it necessary for the health, welfare aad convenience of the ci ty and ite inhabitants, t0 meke'.the.. follot�ing local improvemeats� to-wit: I1�IPROVIlKENT A0. 1. Cohatruct eidewalk on the West side of Yan Buren Avenue South between Egceleior Boulevard and Firet Street South; IP�iPHOVII��T N0. 2. Treat the following alleye arlth tar oil: The Eaet and West alley in Block 13, Weat Minneapolie, and the alley ia Block 11� Weat Minneapolie, Third Divieion, e.nd WHERF.AS, most oP the owners of property against which said coste would be asseased have petitioned the city council for each of eaid improvemente in such locationa; NOW� THEREFOBE, BE IT BESOLVID by the council of the city of Hopkine that the matter of making each of said local improvementa in sach locatione be referred to Lee McNa11y and Aseociatea, city engineers� to investigate the neceseity and feaeibility of such improvements and report to the council ae soon as posaible. ADOP�ED by the council of the city of Hopkina at a regnlar meeting thereof held thie 6th day of September� �9�9• W. HAI�AN PERBI%� MAYOR A. W. Elmqaist, ' Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney copy to L�e A4crTally Sept. 7th. 0 � a C CITY OF HOPBINS RESOLUTION NU. 108. A RE30LIITION ORDEflING A FiEARING O1Q ENGINEERS' B.EPORTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALg, CIIHB, WATER AND SANITARY SEWER MAINS I1Q CE&TAIN LOCATIOAS �ND THE TREATING OF CERTAIN STREETS WITfi TAR OIL. WHEREAS� The council of the city of Hopkins m July 11� 19�+9, adopted a re- solution referring the matters of installing curb on First Street North o� the North�eide of Lot 2�+� Block 73, West Minneapolis, Second Divieion, and inetalling curb on the West side of Twelfth Avenue PTorth between Second and Third Streets North� aad treating Wa,yside Road from Hazelane to Hollyhock I+a.ne and Hollyhock Lane from Wayaide Road to the Sonth line of Lot g� Block 6, Hobby.Acres� with tar oil� to Lee McNall� and Aesociatee� city engineera� for their inveetigati8n and. repo rt, and WHEREAS� the council of the city of Hopkins on August 2, �9�g, adopted a re- solution referring the matter of constrncting eidewalk on the West side of Twelfth Avenue North between Second and Third Streete North� to Lee�McBTally and lesociates, city engineers, for their investigation a,nd report, and WBEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkine on August 16� 19�+9� adopted a resolution referring the matters of conetracting�curb on both sides of Firat Street South between Harrison Avenue and Vaa �uren Avenue; treating the following streeta with tar oil, namely: Fir,st Street 3outh between Iiarrison Avenue and Yan Buren Avenue� and Farmdale Road from Hazelazie easterly about two hundred (200) feet; and installing water and sanitary eewer mains on 2'vuelfth Avenue North from the South line of Lot 1�+, to the North line of Lot 18, Block 77, West Minneapolie� Second Divieion, to Lee McNally and Aseociates, city engineera, for their inveatigatioa and report� and WHEREAS, said engineers ha.ve investiga.ted the neceseity and feasibility of said � improvements, and each of them� and on September 6, i9�+g, reported thereon to.the council and filed their written reports with the secretary of the council;NOW,THEHEFOBE� BE IT HESOLVED that eaid engineers' reports vuill be coa�aidered by, the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of said council to be held on 'i'ueaday, the �+th day of October� �949, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT FURTHER RESOI;9�D that the city manager give notice of snch hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for two succeaeive weeka in the official news- paper of the city, eaid notice to deacribe in general language the improvements re- commended in the engineers' reporte and the eatimated cost thereof. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held this Gth d�p of September, 191U9. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOH g. W. Elmquist� Secretary to the council Frank N. Whi_tney� . City Attorney NOTICE OF HEARINa ON ENGINEERS' REPORTS I+'OR THE INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALS, CIIRB, Wg'PEE AND SADTtTARY SEih�ER MAINS IN CERTAIN LOC�'1'IONS AND THE TREATING OF CERTAIN STREETS WI TH TAR OIL. NOTICE IS HEF�BY GIVEN that the c3ty engineers of Hopkina did on the 6th day of September, 19�+9, file reporta with the city council relating to the following local improvement�: IMPHOYFMENT N0. 1. Inatalling curb on First Street North on the North aide of Lot 2�+, Block 73� West Minneapolis, gecond Diviaion, at a.n eatimated coat of $210.00; . IMPROYPM ENT N0. 2. Treating Wayside Road from Ha��lane':to Hollyhock Lane and Hollghock Lane from Wayside Road to the South line oP Lot S, Block 6, Hobby . Acres� e.nd Farmdale Road from Ha,zela.ne easterly about 200 feet,with tar oil, at an eetimated coat of $1150.00; IMPHOVF�IENT N0. j. Constracting sidewalk and curb oa the West eide of Twelfth Avenue BTorth between Second and Third Streets North at a,n estimated cost of $2,375.�0, plus $50.00 for each drivewap required; IMPROVEMENT N0. �F. Conetructing curb on both eidea of Firat Street Sotith betrveen Harrieon Avenue a.nd Ya.n Buren Avenue at an eatimated cost of �955•00; IMPROVIl�IENT DTO. 5. Treating Firet Street South between Harrieon Avenue aad Vaa Buren gvenue with tar oil at an estimated cost of $900.00; IMPROVII►dENT N0. (. Inatalling water and sanitary eewer maine from the South line of Lot 1�+� to the North line of Lot 16� Block 77; Weat Minneapolie, Second Division, at an estimated cost of $�F,500.00. NOTICE IS F4RTHER GIVEN that the city couacil has by resolution fixed Tueaday, the 4th day of October, 19�� at 7:30 0'clock P.M. at the conncil chambers in the city ha,ll as the time and place at which the conncil will hear such pereona as care to be heard in reference to said improv�ente, or antiy of them, and �rill conaider aaid engineera' reports and act thereon. Dated at Hopkins� Minnesota� thie 7th day of September, 19�+9. � C. C. Congdon, Fraak N. Whitney, City Attorney Published in the Subuz�ban Press oa September 16th and 23rd. �9�+9 • copy to paper 9/7/�+9 0 City Manager A.regular meeting of the council oi the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Ha11 at 7:30 o�clock P.M. on Tue�dap, September 20th, 19�9. The following were present: Mayor,W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Joseph.Ta Anderla, Stuart E. �eckman, Len J. Milbert, John Ziegler and City Manager, C. C._Congdon. �embers absent: none. Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the following bills be paid, Carried.e 986 First Natianal Bank 987 Treas., State of Minn. 1009 9merican Linen Co. 1011 Dahlberg Bros. Inc. 1012 Daniels Studio 1�13 Duncan �Ieter Corpn. 1011� Gaylord Bros. 1015 Frank Goldman 1016 Griswold Signal Coa 1017 Gustafson & Fbxa 1J18 H enn. Co. Review 1019 Johnson & Vo�t 1020 Kilgore Lbr. Co. 1022 �m. McCoy 1023 Lee �IlcNally & Associates 102l� 1Vlpls. Gas Co. 102s I�inne sota. News Co. 1026 Northern States po�rer Co. 1027 8helps-Drake Coe Inc. 102$ Standard Qil Co. 1029 Frank N. Whitney ; 1030 T+°�ilcox & Follett Co. gala.ri es Hourly Payroll 276 First Adational �ank 277 Treas., State of lUlinn. 288 Johnson & Vogt 289 Newman-Rhoads Mtrs. Ince 290 Northern States Powe'r 291 Standard Oil Salaries Hourly payroll 207 First National Bank 208 Tre�s., State of Minn. 214 Harris Bros. Ylbg. 215 Koehler Mfg. Coe 21b Northern States Power 217 N. �. Bell Tel. Co. 218 Skelly Oil Co. 219 StaZdard Oil 220 Suburban:Chev. Co. S�laries Hourly payroll 1� First National Bank 18 General F�ind 19 N. U�J. National Bank 31 First National Bank 32 Hourly payroll , � �I:,��llrl�: A,�g. �t�holding tax " retirement fund deductioils j �� service service on �olice cars �� photos parking meters library supplies �� books traffic light head sunn�ies & labor recei�nt books for fire truck & police car poli:ce signs - F�aspberry Day gasoline E. Hopo storm sewer, _:' : �:<;,-,,. � .,> ,.....::: � : service library books serv�.ce Est. #3, E. Hop. storm se�rer gas-oil-repairs fee pd. Register of Deeds library books lst half of September period endinb. 9�15�1-�9 ROAD & BRIDxE FUND gug. withholding tax Aug. retirement iund deductions for tractor g�, truck for Int�l. .truck serv�.c e . gas-oil-repairs ls t half of September periad ending .9/15/1�9 WATE,�t FUNN� Aug. withholding tax P�g. retirement fund deductions replac�ng hydrant battery service �� oil gas-oil=repairs ior truck lst half of September period ending 9/15 �1t9 BOND & INTE.REST FqJND bond �, interest reimburse loan bond & interest S�VAGE DISPQSAL FUND Aug. withholding tax period ending 9�15�1�9 REVOL9ING FUND 3400l�0 105 oI�O 1.65 1�5 e79 15•00 398.76 15.57 10.60 68.60 899.57 30a00 74.39 3.60 106.00 50l�.19 5.09 85e27 739.47. 10083,81 121.21 1a25 31�.48 1367�93 605;80 122,00 1�3 m02 93e70 1lG.81 7.90 1�.73 347.30 528.s0 6�e70 10.00 35�..2$ 11�. 0l�0 600A87 8e13 2s25 1.10 2.35 370•20 89e10 i1i6545o 1000e00 1700050 2,20 111.15 30 $ee b'lcNally & Associates sidewalk & curb 776.07 31 Phelps-Drake Coe.Inc. final est. of contract of 6�2��.9 7643�98 Bec�Lman nloveci, ,I�>�ilbert secorlded, th.�.t trie lic�rise of J'a�es C. T��iontgoraery , be transi erred to L�t�,rrence �;'�l. Colso�i ,, &; -Lil'�:: ,C,. Colson. Carriecl. nnderla moved, l�,�iilber�� seconded, that ResoTution �110, 'P� �";;SOI:uiIG1�T I-�EF����L+�iG rl'0 �i'�i� ��I'J'v �;;GTNL:�� �'��iE j,1'�'1"_����Z 0�+ II!TS`I'�:�LI.�I1�iG "�';kT�,7� �;I��D S_��IT�z1�Y S�;`T� �'�'�.4ii��S I��� �. C�R��Ii�; LOCr�`�'IOlVT,'� r�.,ar� ed. Exhibit .�, be . adopted. Carried. �eckman moveci, .E=snderla s�coi�ded, that the request of the T��innea_��olis Gas Company for r�_ain e:�terision, tneir nu�ber 303, be granted. Carried. Becliman rzoved, T;,�iloert seconded, that the rec�uest of the ivorthern States I�ovrer Coinpany, their rur:lbers 2965 and 2966, for the placing of tv1o.. (2) poles by granted. Carried. ' �n.derla moved, �3ec�rian seconded, tha� the request of the �Iopkins Baseball Club and the h'ni"h�s oi Columbus, council �2232, to ecnduet bingo games be �ranted. Carried. Bec%a.n rr�oved, i+i�ilbert seconded, that the contracts and bonds of Orz'ei & Tiariani, for the installation of vvater and sev°rer r�a�ns into El�so �ark t�ddition be accepted, subject to ap�roval by the City .�ttorney and that the I�::ayor and City T4!ana�;er be authorized to e�ecute same. Cari ied. Eeckr�ar_ r:loved,. knderla seconded, trat the rolice �7epartment yvorn �^Jith the Fire Departraent in coiiducting a purade to be neld October 14, 1949, in corinec�tion witiz Fire Prevention -�;"y�eel�. Carried. Ziegler rnoved, Beckman seconded, that the City.rlttorneyts letter dated Septernber 8, 1949, pertaining to the request of the I��Iaster Eloc1_s Company to place a sign on 17ti� hvenue at �xcelsior be placed on file. Carried. iv�ilbert moved, tinderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance �19= 41_�v ORllTT� 'hT�iCE iIC:���SI�,'-G 1�1: �1 �E�:�ULh'lIT�dG `l� :� S.��Li �r, i:='<�l'Oi;1.Vh`1'l�_�TG LI��;Ui;�R; PiiO- � , ---, -i r;� n:---r ��-�, �' ��.i�il`Jlr �i�Fi��i�ll'� �:il�; H "' tt �TI]��':G �? I'i;l';',�'iLT':�' � Ul� 1':� �TIGI�=�. IC���. 1:,..;-+;r'�i�lr 1-�I�:.'•� RLP + H� Oi�Il�'� �C"� rr�arked Exhibit B, be acce�tec� as t�e second readin� thereof �zd that the �.. Ordinance be adopted and published accordin� to law. Carried. � Zieoler ��oved, 4nderla seconded, that the readino of Ordinance -;�20, "'�T 01'��ll�t��I'�rCi; I,IC-1:f�Slidis �'�i:i) i����U3�'ill�:�G `I'�� Sl��' Ol�' ivv1�-I��T03.�IC4i11YG .l�iALl _. LI �LGrS; PROVIDII�G 1� P�.�s�.I.�`l'Y FGR `I'HL '�TIO�`r'IC�T,; �l�t.�'0��' .riLvL E�_�T�':�LLTi�G �:��-�`�'nII'T 'ORI�irTrlivC�,f' r:��.rked Exnibit C, be accepted as the second readin�. t��ereof, , and that the Ordinance be adopteci and l�u_blisned �ccording to lavi. Carried. �eckrnan` �.oved, i;rilbert seconded, tha� the :Eden Frairie Tot�vflship contract ior Fire Pro�;ection be accepted for the calendar year October l, 1949, to x Septeraber 30, 1950, if so re�uested by the Toi�rn 3oard and ti�at the �;�iayor � and City r��ianaber be a'uthorized to sion sarrie. Carried.. �, %«�ilbert rl�oved, .nnderla seconded, �hat the report b� the City .�ttorney in the r�iatter of trie petition ior annexation oi Drill Lane ,�ddition in T,.�in��etonka Tov�mship, to the Cit;; oi iiopkins, be placed on file. Carried. � �3ecki;�an r^oved, I:Tilbert seconded, that the reading or C}rdinance ;; 21, "1-�i.�� • � � � ;'*T?.;."� �,\T � �.'I'._.-c:�':-7 fl � • � i_.�'"i .. , f.rT.r�-i G��D'1T,�riI�:�CL i)ECLI`'y��i;iG `I'�-:..� S�U^li-� GI�!i,-i-i1� Gl �.1:_�:. C��.L��.�;.�51 ::=�1;�,_R`-�h..Cii+ i1��, SGU''ri� {' i�,li�'��'�C: 0�' Sr�CT1G1�,: 13, �l'G';°�i�rS�r1I' llr1, ��s'L�E 22, �l�G BE .� rr�l�`1' . Ot� '�'�T� CIL'�l ar r_Otr�kIl;;S,T' be acce��ted as th� first readin�. Carriea. Ziegler ��oved, Beckmarl seconded, that the re�ding of. Ordinance r;'22, "rs� ORDI�i�;�I"CL T���A�r'LI�:�G '1'0 L'�'�L�; rl�(TI� i�Eri':�3�T1;��'�? r''�CTICl:S tsT�� iC's �i��L'' TFSU.�`CE GF a`��FITS Cr R: S`�'I`Iti�TIGi�:- �i'��R���'1_`,-, Il�: C�Ri�lIT� �.��5�+� DUR1�'�!G �i:�l �Li+::�'FcG�:ivCY �ECL�'h�'� �ra �iIST,"be accepte:�' as the f irst readin�: :�nae'rla.voting I��O. Carried. � � � i�o�ilbert �aoved, Anderla seconciea, tn4t the PJlayor be authorized to ayopoint a cos��i�tee to ir_vestigate claims oi Cnarles and r�r_na Vaslio, �.nd LeRoy K and Clement J. Tror.��.bley, for a1le�ed daLna��s to craps. Carried. I � The ��,�Iayor thereupon appointed the follov�ing comn.ittee : City P.�'ana�er, C.C. Congdon:; Councilmen, Stuart �. Reckman, Len J. T;iilbert, and Attorney, Frank I�T. a`�hitney. " . , �� - _ , Anderla moved, R�Tilbert seconded, that Resolution ��111, "PLF50ZUTIQN �IR.�CTING PCTBLICATION �UF I�TOITCE OF N"_.t��.RTNG UF SPECIr'1i, .�S `'Slv`�'NTS;'r� marked.Fxhibit.D, be adopted. Carried.. � . .� Ziegler moved, Becl�an seconded, that the meeting�be adjourned. C'arried. � . , - � �i.y�T. �lmquist �ecretary: to the C�ouncil � ATTEST : � C OUT�I C ILP:�� : /"� �'� �/ - ` . �`V. I�arlan Perbix, Mayor � `l. �'k"���� _ , _ �_ - n a 0 e 0 M M � CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLIITION DTO. 110. A RESOLIITIOIV REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS TAE MATTER OF INSTALLING WATER ARD SANlTA$Y SEWEB NIAIIv'S IIvT A CE&TgIN LOCATIOfi. WFIEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins deems it neceseary for the health, welfare and conve�i�ence of the city and ite inhabitanta� that water and sewer mains be installed in the following location, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Farmdale Raad and the etreet running southerly from Farmdale Road between Blocke Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Hobb� Acres; thence rur�ing aoutherly along eaid street to the south line of the plat of Hobby Acrea; thence continuing southerly a distance of Two Hundred (200) feet. Wf�REAS, the cost thereof ehou ld be asseased ag�.i�st any property found benefited thereby and WHERFAS� the owner of the property against which said costs would be . assessed has petitioned the city council for the installation of water a.n.d aewer maine in said location; 80W, TEEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkina that the matter of installing water a.nd eanitary se�er maina in eaid location be referred to'Lee McNally a.nd Aasociates, city engineers, to inveatigate the nec�esity and feasibility of such improvement and report to the council aa eoon ae possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a regular meeting thereof held this 20th d�y of September, 19�9- W. AAFiLAN PERBIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney� City attorney one to Lee Sept. 21st. CITY OP' HOPgINS �tAEPIN COIINTY� MIANESOTA ORDINANCE N0. lq. N � » � �l`''p �� � �u�� . �� N� AN ORDINANCE LICE�SING AND REGUI�ATING T� SAZE OF INTOgICATI1dG LIQJJOE; P80VIDING A PENALTY FOR THE YIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALIATG CERT�IPT OEDINANCES. SE IT ORDAIA�D by the conncil of the city of Hopkina: Section 1. Defiaition of �'erms. The toorde and phrasee a.nd definitione of terma as naed and defined ia Mianeaota Statntee,Ciiapter j�0, ia so far ae the eame are applicable to the City of Hopkina, are hereby applied and adopted by refereace, and hereby declared and incorporated as part of thia ord.inance with the eame force and effect as though herein bodily iaserted in f1i11. Section 2. Zicense required. Snbdivision 1. DTo person shall, directly or in- directly� upon any pretense or b� aay device, manufacture� import, sell, eachange, barter� dispose of, or keep for sale� aqy intoxicatin� liquor, without firet having obtained a license therefore as hereiaaf ter provided. Licenses ehall be of tro kiada: "on eale" and "off sale." 9ubdivieion 2. "On eale" licensea ahall be gra.nted oaly to qualified applicante for aa exclueiee atore, and but four (�) such licenaee shall be iesned. The license fee for an "on sale" licenae ie hereby fiaed at the eum of $2,000.00 per year. 3ubdiviaion 3. "Off sale'� licenaes ehall be granted to permit the sale of liqaor at retail or wholesale in the original package for coneu�ption off the pre- miaes only. 9uch licensee may be issued only to proprietora of Drug Storee and exclusive Liquor 3tores subject to the approval of the Liquor Control Commiasioaer. The license fee for a.n "off eale" licease is hereby fiaed at the enm of $100.00 per year. Section j. Application for Licenee. 9ubdiviaioa 1. Every person desiring a licease for either "on" or "off sales" ehall file a verified application therefo r in writing v�ith the secretary of the council in the form to be preecribed by the Commiesioner and with such additional informatioa aa the City Conncil may reqnire. 9abdiviaion 2. A surety bond ahall accompany each application for a license. In the caee of e,n application for aa °on sale" license,• the applicatioa shall be accompanied bg a corporate earety bond ia the eam oP $3,000 to be approved as to legal form by the attornep for the city� and ae to safficiency by the Council; or ia lieu of euch bond, caeh or bonde of the IInited States of a market value of $3,000 may be poeted. In the caee of an application for a.n "off eale" liceaae, a similar surety bond or cash or IInited States bonda ec�uivalent shall be reqnired, but the amo�unt of (1) � ,�: , such_bond ahall be`�1,000 and sh'all also be approved by the Commiasioner. - Stibdiviaion 3. All such bonde, sha11 be conditioned ae folloms: (a) That the licenaee will obey the law relatiag to such licenaed buaine:�ea; � (b) That the licensee voill pay to the municipality when due all teaes, licenae fees. peaalties and other chaxgee provided by lar�; (c) That in the event of any violation of the provisioas oP any law relating to the_ � retail "off sale" and ret�i�. "oa eale" of intoaicating liqnor� euch bond shall be forfeited to the mnnicipality ia which euch licenee arae iasned; ' (d)_ That the licenaee will pay to the extent of the principal amnount of euch bond ar�p damages for death o,r injury caused by or reeulting from the violatioa of an,y pro- visioas of law relating thereto� e.nd in such casea recovery may be ha.d from the aurety on his bond. 9ubdivision �. The amouat epecifi ed in such bond i s declared to be a penalty� the amount recoverable to be me a.sured by the_actual damages. In no caee ehall such surety be liable for any amount in excesa of the penal amount of the boad. 9ubdivieion 5. It ahall be unlawful to make aqy fa1 ee statement in an application. Section �. Fees. 9ubdiviaion 1. All applications for licensea sha11 be ac- • companied by a receipt from the city for the required annual Pee for the respective licenee. All such fees shall be paid into the general fund of the manicipallty. IIpon rejection of a.qy application for a li�ense� the city shall refund the amonnt paid , and the bond of said applicant ehall be returned to him. 9ubdi�ieion 2.. All licenses shall e$pi re on the last day of December in eac3� . year. If an,y part of the license year has elapsed when the application is made, then the licenae fee sha11 be one-fonrth of. the fee for each three monthe.or part thereof for the rema.inder of the license year. S.ection 5. (3ranting of Licenaea. 9ubdividion l. The council ehall canse ' inveetigation to be ma.de of a11 representations-aet forth in the application. Oppo rtunity ahall be given at a regular or special meeting of the couacil to any pereon to be heard for or against the granting of any license. Aft�r such investigatioa and approval of the required bond� the council shall gra.nt or refuse euch licenae in ite discretion p rovided that no "off sale"'licenae shall become effective until�it� together with the. bond, has the approval of the Liquor Control Commiseioner. 9a.bdiviaion 2. All licenaed premie�,s ehall,hane the license poated in a conspicuous place therei n at all timee. No license ehall be traneferable either ae to, licensee or premiee� rrithout the approval of the council and also the Liquor Control f 2) Commiesioner in the case of "off aale" licenses. Section 6. Conditione of Licenee. S�ibdiviaion 1. A7.1 licenaea granted here- under ahall be gra.nt ed subject to the following coaditiona of this ordinance� and subject to all other o rdinsncea of the City applicable thereto �nd to all regaatione promulgated by the Liquor Control Commiseioner applicable thereto. 9ubdivieion 2. Ebery licensee ahall be reeponsible for the condnct of his, place of businees a.nd the conditiona of eobriety and order thereia. Subdivieioa j. Ido intoxicating liqaor aha,ll be aold or furnished for at� pur- poee whatever to aqy pereon under the age of 21 yeare, or to an habitual drunkard or to aqy peraon obviouely intogicated or to any oP the peraona to �vhom eale is prn- hibited by etatute. Bo license ehall be granted to a minor aad no minor eha.11 be em- ployed in any rooma constituting the place in rahich i ntogicating liqaors are sold re- tail at "oa eale.a 9nbdivieion �.No pool or billiard table shall be kept or used in an,y "oa saYe": pre- mises. �o licensee ahall keep, poseess or operate or permit the keeping� posaesaion or operation of� on the premiees� or in any room adjoining the liceneed premisea coa- , trolled by him� aay slot machine, dice or other gambling deviae or apparatus, nor permit any gambling therein, nor permit the liceneed premisee or any room in the same or in a�y ac'�joining building, directly or indirectlp in hie control, to be ueed as a reeort for proetitntes or other disorderl� peraons. ' 9ubdieision 5.�No licenae shall be ieeued to aqy peraon not a citizen of the IInited States and each licenaee shall be of good moral character and repute. �o license_ahall be issned to any person who ehall hereaPter be coavicted of aqy �vilfiil violation of any la�o of the United States or the State of Minnesota or of a�y local ordinance �sith rega.rd to the ma.nufacture, sale� distributior► or poeeessioa for sale or diatribntion of intogicating liquor, nor to az�y peraon mhose licease under this ordiaance sh�.l be revoked for ar�y �ilful violation of any such la�ve or ordinances. 9ubdivision 6. No licenee ahall be granted to any manufacturer or dietiller of iatoxicating liqaor� nor to anyone interested in the ownerehip or operation of any such place��nor to a peraon operating a licenaed"place owned by a mannPacttirer, distiller, or excluaive wholeeale distributing agent unless such intereat vvae acquired at least eig montha prior to January 1. i934, and no equ.ipment or figtnre in aay liceased place ehall be o�aned in whole or in part b�r aqy such manufactnrer or distiller. 9nbdiviaion 7. No license ahall be issaed in co�,junction �rith any bu.aiaess, until auch business has been in continued operatioa in the p remiaea p roposed to be licensed for at least sig_monthe immediately preceding the date of application for such ( 3) licenee. No more ,��a,a one licenae of either class aha.11 be graated to one pereon or to one management, except in the case of excluaive liqaor stores. S►ibdivision g. �o license ehall b� granted for operation on any p remiaea upon which,tazee or assesemeata or other;financial claims of the city are delinqnent aad unpaid. 9abdieiaion 9. All premiees where any license hereunder i'a gra.nted ahall be open to inspection b� an� police officer or other propertly deeigna.ted officer or emplo�ee of the city at a�y time during which the place so liceneed ehall be opea to the public for buaiaesa. Snbdiviaion 10. No intoxicating Liqaor shall be procar,ed for� or eold o"r ilzrnished for aay purpose whatever, to a epeadthrift or improvident pereon or to an habitual drunkard or to a.n� pereon who i s or f e likely to become a public charge, or to any person who, by reason of intogication, becomea disorderly or commits any crime, for li or one year after written notice forbidding saZe of such intoxi�cating�to such person, arhich notice m�r be made and served or cau sed to be served upoa a�y or all liceneeea hereunder by the Council of the ciiy or b� a�y pareat, guardian, r�ife or husband, son or daughter of euch pereon. Said l�otice and the ePfecte thereof iney be revoked at a.qy time prior to the one year herein prnvided by the person or authnrity responsible for� its prepara- tion and eervice or by a Conrt of competent juriadiction by proper Order; egcept that thie provieion shall not apply to a licensed pharmaciat selling or furniahiag intogicating liquor pursua.nt to a proper medical preacription there�or. Whoever sha11 in an,y wqy procure any intogicating liquor for the use of any such person to whom euch liqnor ie forbidden ahall be deemed to ha.ve sold to, such person. Section 7. M�y eell food, etc. The licensee of any egcluaive liqnor atore� hsviag aa °On sale° license. is hereby permitted upon euch licensed premie�s to aell food�;,�igars, , cigarettes� all forms of tobacco�.non-intogicating malt beverages aad.soft dririks� after firet procaring proper licenses for the sale thereof. Section g. Hours of operation. No sale of intogicating liquor sha11 be ma.de after one A.M. on 9unday� nor between the hours of one A.M. and three o�clock P.M. on aq� Memorial Day, nor between the honre of one A.M..and eight,o'clock P.M, on any election day,�ia the district in which such election ahall be held. �To "On-Sale" sha11 be made betv�een the hours of one A.M, and ei�t o'clock A.M. on ang areekday. DTo,"Off-Sale" ehall be made before eight �'clock A.M. or after ei�t o'clock P.M, of a�y day egcept Saturdaty, on which d� "Off-Sale" may be made until ten o'clock P.M. No "Off-Sale" shall be made on �ew Year's Day, January 1; Memorial da,y, May j0; Independence ds�►, July �F; � Thanksgiving d.ay; or Christmas dey� December 25; but on the evenings preceding euch d�ys, "Off-Salea" may be made until ten o'clock P.M. egcept that no "Off-Sale" eha.11 be ma.de on December 2� after ei�t o'clock P.M. Section 9. 8eetrictione on Consumption. 9abdivieion 1. All wiadowa in the front of ai�p sach plaee shall be oP elear glaes, aad the view of the whole interior ahall be unobatrn.cted by screeas, curtains or partitiona. There shall be no parti- tion� boa� atall. ecreen, curtain or other devise ahich ehall obetruct the view of a�y part of sai,d room from the general obeervation of pereone ia said room; provided� how- e�er, that partitiona, aubdi�isions or panels � aot higher than forty-eight (�) inches from the Ploor • shall not be conetrued as ia conflict with the foregoing. __ , 9ubdivisioa 2. DTo such intoxicating liquor ahall be aold or served or consumed at or ia any theatre, picture ehow, public da,nce hall� or otber place of public gather- ing Por the purpose of entertainment or amueement� or upoa ar�y public highway or in a.n automobile; and it ahall be unlaw�l for ar�y pereon or persons to mix or prepare liquor for coaaurnptioa in a�y public place or place of baeiness where no "on eale° license is held; or to consume liquor in each piacea. Section 10. Bevocation. Any licenae graated herennder may be revoked by the conacil withaut notice to the grantee aad a hearing ahall be first held by the council and the revocation then made for cause. A�y violation of any provision or condition of this ordinance or the etate licensing law or aay falaification oP any etatement in the I application ehall be ground for revocatioa. Any euch license ahall be revoked auto- matically upon the conviction of the licensee of a feloay. DTo portion of the license fee paid iato the cit� treasury ehall be returned npon revocation. Section 11. Repeal. Subdivieion 1. aAa Ordi�aace Defining Intogicating Liquor, Prohibiting the Marlufacture� Sa1e, Giving Aw�r� Diapoeition, F�raiahiag or Poeseaeion or Transportation of or geeping or Having in Poeseasion for Sa1e� Giving Aa�ay, Die- position� �5.irnishing or Transportation of or Soliciting, Receiving or Taking an Order for Intoaicating Liqnor Escept in Certa3n Casee, and Providing a Penalty Therefor"; which was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on Auguet 2, 1927, is hereby repealed. 9ubdivieion 2. "An Ordina:nce yicensing and Hegulating the Sa1e of Intoxicating Liqnor� Repealing Inconaistent Ordinences, and Proeidiag a Penalty Por the Violation Thereof", which aas adopted by the village council of Hopkins on February 27, �93�, ie hereby repealed. 9►xbdivieion 3. "An Ordinance to Amend an Ordiaance Entitled: 'Aa Ordina.nce Licensing and Regulating the 3ale of Intogicating Liquor, Repealing Inconaistent ( 5) Ordinances, and Proeiding a Pesalty for the Yiolatioa Thereof "', wh3ch wae adopted by the village council of Hopkina on December 10, �935, is herebg repealed. 9ubdivieion �. "An Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance entitled: 'An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Iatogicating Liqaor, Repealing Inconaietent Ordinaacee, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof'", which was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on April 2, �936� is hereby repealed. 9nbdivision 5. "An Ordinance amending a.n Ordina.nce �titled: 'An Ordinance Licensing a.ad Reg�lating the Sale of Intoaicating Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances� and Providing a Penalty for the Violativn Thereof'", which wae adopted by the village council of Hopkins on May 25, 1937, is hereby repealed. 9ubdiviaion 6. Ordinauce �o. 10 of the city of Hopkina, which v�as adopted by the city council of Hopkins on October 28, 19�F8, together with the ordinance repealed thereby, are�hereby repealed. 3nbdieiaion 7. Ordinance 80. 15 of the city of Hopkina. which aas adopted by the city couacil of Hopkins on May 17, �949, is hereby repealed. Section 12. Penalty. Aqy pereon v�iolating ar� proviaion of thie ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemea.nor. Firet read at a regular meeting of the couacil of the city of Bopkine held on the 6th day oP Sept�ber� 19�+9� and finally read and passed at a regalar meeting oP the council of said city held on the 20th da,y of September, 1949. W . EAF�AN PERBIX , MAY08 A. W. Elmquist. Secretary of the Council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney Publiahed in the Stiiburbaa Preas on Thursday, September 29, 191F9. copy to paper Sept. 21et ( 6) d v 0 CITY OF HOPKIi1B �N1�TEPIN COIINTY, MINBTESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 20• N � � M,��. �� � � ��� e�s AN 0&DINANCE LICENSING AND REGIILATI�G THE SALE OF NON-INTO%ICATING MA,L�' LIQUOES; PRiDVIDING A PENALTY �E THE HIOLATION THER�F AND REPEALING CEflTAIN ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Hopkins: Section 1. Definitione. 9ubdivision 1. "Person" means a,nd includes a natural peraon of either sex, persone� copartnershipa� corporations and aeaociations of peraona; and includes the agent or mana,ger of an� of the aforesaid. The eingular number includea the plural� and the masculine pronoun includes the feminine a.nd ne�uter. 5lubdivieion 2. "Noa-intogicating malt liquor" means any potable malt beverage arith an alcoholic conffient of more than one-half of one per cent by volume and not more than three and two-tenths per cent by wei g�t. Section 2. Licenee Required. 9ubdieision 1. No person shall aell� vend, deal in or diepose of by gift, sale or otherwi se, or keep or offer. for eale in the city of �Hogkins, ar�y aon-intogicating malt liquor withont first having received a license therefor se hereinafter provided. Licenees sha,ll be of two kinds: "On Sale" and "4ff Sale." Annual 9ubdivision 2./ "On Sale" licenses sha.11 be granted only to dnig etorea. cafes� reataurante and hotele where food is p repared and served for consumption on the premisea a.nd in bona fide cluba� and shall permit the sale of each liquor for consump- � tion on the premiaea aai].y. "On 3ale" licenaes ma�s also be granted to other persone, for specified days, not to exceed ten days to one peraon during any oae calendar year, for a fee of $1.00 for each day named in the license. 9ubdivieion 3. "Off-Sale" licensea ehall be granted to permit the eale of such liquor in the origiaal packagee for removal from and consumption off the premieee only. Section j. Applicationa for Licenaea. 9abdiaieion 1. All applicatione for a�y licensea to eell aon-intogicating malt liquor ahall be made on forms to be supplied by the city, setting forth the name of.the peraon aeking for such license� his age� repreeentations as to hia character �vith such refereicea as may be required, hia citizen- � ship� the location where sach bu.sinese ie to be carried on, whether such applica�ion is for "On Sale" or "Off Sale," the businese in connection with vohich the propoaed licenee t�ill operate, rahether applicaat ie ovuner and operator of such bueineee, the time each applicant has been in tha,t business at that place, and such other inforB►ation aa the • city may require from time to time. � ( i) � 0 9ubdivieion 2. It ahall be unla�vftiil to make any false atatement in an application, and in addition to all other pena.ltiee hie license ehall be revoked by the city council for a violation of this eection. Section �4. Feea. All applicatione for licensea ahall be accompanied by a receipt from the city for the required annual fee for the respective license. All such fees sY�all be paid iato the general fuad of the mnnicipality. IIpon rejection of aay application for a license� the treaenrer ehall refund the amount paid. The anrnial fee for an "On Sale" license ahall be $50.�0. The anaual fee for a,n "Off Sale" Iicense ehall be $10.00. All licensea ehall eapire on the last day of December in each year. Section 5. aranting of Licenaea. The City Council ehall cauee an investigation to be made of all facte set forth in the application. Opportunity ehall be given to e�y peraon to be heard for or againet the granting of aqy licenee. After auch inveetigation� the City Council ehall grant o r re�,iae ar�y euch applic�tion in ita diecretion. 3ection 6. Conditione of Licenees. 9ubdivieion 1. All licettses granted hereunder ahall be granted snbject to the followiag conditioae� and all other conditions of this ordinance� a.nd eubject to all other ordiaancee of the cit� applicable thereto. 9ubdivision 2. Nv licenae sha11 be granted to any pereon under twentg- one yeara of age. 9abdivieion j. No license ehall be gra.nted to any applicant who a1 ready owne a licenee of the kind applied for. 9abdicision �F. No licenee ehall be iaeued to an applicant unless he be the actual owner or proprietor of the businese at the location ahere he intende to aell such ma.lt liquor. 9ubdiviaion 5. 8o auch malt liquor aha.11 be sold� served or coneumed at or in any theatre� picture ahow or dance hall. Diothing hereia ehall be conatrned to prohibit euch eale in a duly licensee restaurant or cafe� hotel or club where dhancing ia permitted in the dining room thereoP a.nd ae an incideat thereto; nor ahall euch malt liquor be eold or eerved for conaumption, or consumed, at, in� or upon any public highw�y or in any motor vehicle upon any � 2) � 0 piiblic�:hi�way:;- ..- .�.: ..; -. �,. 9nbdivision �. l�o person ehall have in hia poseeseion for sale aqy noa- intoxicating malt liquor �oithout first having obtained one or both of the licenses herein provided for. S�Zbdivieion �. It aha11 be� unlawful for any licensee to mix, or sell for the purpoae of mixing, any euch malt liquor or to saffer or permit upon the premises named in hia license a�y mixing or epiking of ma,lt liquor, soft' drinke or aRy other � liquid or beverage b� adding to or with the eame a�y alcohol or other intoxicating Iiq�aor. S�ibdiviaion 5;,. No license ehall be granted for aale on ar�p premises where a licenaee has been convicted of the violation of thia ordinance or where an� licenee hereunder hae been revoked for caaise for at least one year after the ea.id conviction or revocation. Subdivision :.g�. No sale of aqy non-intogicating malt liquor ahall be made to any person under guardianahip� nor to sny person under tarenty-one yeara of age. Subdivieion ]t7.. The written license shall at all times be posted in a y conapicuoua place on the premises named herein. � Subdivision 13:. All licenaes gra.nted under thia ordinance shall be iasued to, the applicant only, and eh�].l be issued for the premisea described in the applic�tion. Such Iicense shall not be transferable. Sub division l�C. DTo manufacturer of such non-intogicating malt liquors ahall have aqy ownerahip� in whole or in part� ia the businese of any licenaee holding an "On Sale" licenee. 9ubdivision 1�, Licensee hereunder shall be iasued only to persona who are citizena of the IInited Statee and who are of good moral character and repute. Subdivision 1?�. No non-intoxicating malt beverage eha11 be p rocured for, o r eold or furnished for a�y purpose wh�tever to a spendthrift or improvident peraon or to an habitual dxunkard or to ar�y person who ia or is likely to become a public charge� or to ax�y peraon who by reason of intoxication becomes dieorderl� or commite any crime� for one yeax after �rritten notice forbidding the sale of such malt beverage to euch person, which notice may be ma.de and served or caused to be aerved upon any or all liceasees hereunder by the City.Council or by any parent, guardian� wife or husband� son or daughter of such person. 9uch notice and the effects thereof may be revoked at a.r�,y time prior to the one year herein provided by the pereon or authority reepon- eible for its preparation and aervice or by a court of competent jnrisdiction byr a proper order. (3) 0 Whoeeer ahall in a�y way procure any non-intogicating malt bevera.ge Por the use of any such person to whom such beverage ia forbidden ehall be deemed to }�:ve aold to - such pereon. Subdivision 1,5. All windows in the f ront of aqy place or premisea in which _ non-into$icating malt liquors are eold "on sale" as provided iffi this ordinance ahall be of clear glaes and the view therefrom of the bar� counter or other device at� through, or from arhich such non-intoxicating malt liqnora are drawn or diepeneed, shall be unobatracted by ecreens, curtains or partitioas. Section 7. Closing Hours. 1Qo eale of non-intoxicating malt liquor ehall be made on a.ny Sunday.betr�een the houra of one A.M. and 12:00 o'clock noon, nor between the hours of one A.M. and eight o'clocic P.M. on a.ny election day in the district in which the election sha.11 be held. No eale ahall be mad.e between the houre of one A.M. and �:00 A.M. on any weekday Monday throu� 3aturd�y incluaive� and no such liquor ahall be aold� aerved or coneumed in or,oa the licenaed premises during the closing hours aforesaid. Section S. Revocation. 9ubdivision 1. The license of ar�y pereon who shall be found guilty of violation of the intoxicating liquor law� ahether the offenae be committed on the premises named in his license or elaewhere, and the license of any peraon who shall keep� aell, manufacture or possesa intoxicating.liquor at or upon the premisea named in hi s licenae, contrary to laar, shall be revoked by the city .council. Subdivision 2. Any licenae granted hereunder may be revoked by the council� without notice to the grantee or a heariag may first be held by the council and the revocar tion then made for cau ee. Any violation of any p mvision or condition of thie ordinaace or aqy false, atatement in the application ehall be ground for revocation. No portion of the license fee paid into the city treaeury ahall be returned upon revocation. _ Section 9. Penalty. .Any person violating ar�y provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a.miademeanor. Section 10. Repeal. 9ubdiviaion 1. "An Ordinance Liceneing and Regulating the Sale of Non-intoxicating Malt Liquors, xepealing Inconaiatent Ordina.ncee, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Hereof," which was adopted by the village council of Hopkina on April �F, �933, ia hereby repealed. 9ubdivision 2. "An Ordinance To Amend an Ordina.ace Entitled, 'An Ordinance Licenaing the Sale of Non-intoxicating Ma.lt Liquora, Repealing Inconaistent Ordina.nces, and Providing a Penalty for the Piolation Hereof,' Pe,�sed and Appro�ed April �F, �933��� vuhich was adopted by the village conncil of Hopkins on May 2, �933. is hereby repealed. �bdiv3eion 3. "An Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance Entitled: 'Au Ordinance Liceneing and aegulating the Sale of Non-Iatoxicating.Malt Liquors, Hepealing Incon-. , � � �) aietent Ordinancea, and Providing a Penalt� for the Violation Thereof "', which �as adopted by� the village council of Hopkina on Aovember 1, i93�+, is hereby repealed. 9ubdivision �. "An Ordinance to Amend a.n Ordinance Entitled: 'An'Ordinance� Licenaing and 8ega1 ating the Sale of Aon-imtoxicating Ma.lt Liqaora, Repealing Incon- sistent Ordinancea, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof,'" wh�ch raas adopted by the village council of Hopkins oa November 26, �935+ is hereby repealed. Subdivieion 5. "An Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance Entitled: 'An Ordinance Licenaing and Regulating the Sale of Non-intoaicating Malt Liquore� 8epealing Incon- sistent Ordinances. and Providing a Penalty for the Yiolation Thereof�'" wffich was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on Ap�l 7, �936, is hereby repealed. Snbdieiaion 6. "Au Ordinaace to Amend an Ordinance Entitled� 'An Ordinance I+icenaing �nd Regulating the Sa1e of Non-Intogicating Malt I+iquors� $epealing Incon- siatent Ordinancee� and Providing a Penalty for the Yiolation Hereof�' Pasaed a.ad gpproved April �4, �933," �ahich was adopted by the village oouncil of Hopkins on March 16, 1937, is hereby repea].ed. 9nbdivision 7. "An Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Entitled. 'An Ordina.nce Liceneing and Regulating the Sale of 8on-intoxicatiag Malt Liquors, 8epealing Inconaistent Ordinancea, and Providing a Penalty for the Pioletion Thereof,'" which was adopted by the village council of Hopkine on May 25. �937, is hereby repealed. 9ubdiviaion g. Ordinance No. 16 of the City of Hopkins� rahich was adopted by the city council of Hopkina on Ma.y 17, 194�9� is hereby repealed. First read. at a regular meeting oP the council of the city of Hopkina held on the 6th day of September, �9�+g� and finally read and passed at a regular meeting of the council of eaid city held on the 20th dqq of September,�1949:: W. HARLAN PERBIS, NlAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the council ` Fra.nk .N. Whitney, City Attorney Publiahed in the 9uburban Presa on Thursda,y� September 29, 19�+9. copy to paper Sept. 21et. ( 5) 0 N �p CITY OF HOPKII6S RESOLIITION N0. 111. RESOLOTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF FiEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMEZJTS. WHEftF�AS, contracts have been let for the local improvementa hereinafter listed� ; and the costs of such improvements have been determined, and the a�ourit to be epecially assesaed for each improvement againat every asseseable lot. piece or parcel of la.nd abutting upon such improvement ha.s been calculated, a.nd such assessmenta are on file with the secretary of the council and open to public inspection:� to—�it: Aeseasment No. 1. Installing curb on the North eide of Excelsior Avenue from the West line of Lot 13, Block 5, to a linel�0�ft.Weat of Washington � , Avenne, at a total co st of �1�518:00. � Aesessmeat No. 2. Installing curb on the South side of F�ecelaior A�enue from Washington /� Avenue eaeterly to M.& St. L. Ry. right.of way and North side of � . _ _� - . , � � Excelsior Avenue from Washington to Adams Avenue at a total coet , ' of $2,�3�.90. � Asaeaement No. j. Installing curb on the West eide of 5th avenue between P�Ccelaior �- Avenue and lst atreet north� at a total cost of $I,e57.62. Assesement No. �+. Installing curb on the east aide of 5th Avenue between the end of the preaent curb by the Hopkina Theatre and lst stx�eet north ✓ at a total cost of $So6.00. '�.s�eesment No. 5. Inatalling curb on the west eide of Harrison avenue south be ween the north line` of Lot 9, Block 20, Weat Minneapolis Center, and `� , y �t lst etreet .eouth �� 8'� total cost of ��71.15. �� . � ti Asseasment No. 6. Inetalling curb on the eaet ,aide of Harrison Avenne South be�tween the �� north line of Lot 29� Block,l9', ti�est Minneapolis Center, and lat� . - � �� � y� atreet south, at a total cost of $1,027•5�• -�---� � � Assessment DTo. 7. In�talling additional curb in front of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkridge Addition, at a total coet of $37.10. X Aasessment No. S. Installing curb at Lot 5, Block 102� West Minneapolis, Second Division, at a total cost of $265.70. X Assessment No. 9. Installing curb at Lot l� Block 85, ti�est Minneapolis, Second Division, at a total cost of �290.76. � ' Asseesment No. 10. Installing curb on the West eide of 12th avenue north between the south line of Lot 9� Block 76� Weat Minneapolis, Second Divieion, � and the south line of the right of wativ of the M. & St.L. i�p. Co., and on the 1Qorth side of lst atreet north from the alley, west of 12th avenue no rth to l�+th avenue no rth a,nd on the east sid e of l�th avenue . (1) north between lst atreet north and th e south line of the ri�t of way of the M. & St.L. Ry. Co. at a.total coet of $j,325•30•� Assessment IQo. 11. Co�structing sidewalk on the west side of. Van Buren avemze south between lst and 2nd atreets eouth at a total cost of $1,339•�g• f Aasessment No. 12. Conatrncting sidewa.lk and curb on the.east aide of ljth avenue north between �+th street north and the south line of Lot 13, �! Block 107, at a total cost of $1,032.50. Asaessment �o. lj. Constructing sidewalk and curb on the east aide of 12th avenue north between 2nd and jrd streets north at a total cost of $2,�4pj•39• �/ Aesessment No. I�-. Constnicting aidewalk and curb on the west aide of l�+th svenue north , ,,_ from �th atreet north to State Trunk Highway No. 7; CIIRB on the east ✓ aide of I��th avenue north from �-th. street north to State Trnnk Highway � _ i � No. 7, and, SIDE'rlALK in front oi Lot 10, Block 108"� West Minneapolie, 'ii' . , , Second Divisicn, at a tot al cost of $2,116.66. Assesament No. 15. Placing black top on Boyce Avenue from Blake Road to Interlachen Road at a total cost of $1,�+1�.70. � Assesament No. 16. Placing black top on Van Buren avenue from Excelsior avenue to 2nd street sauth, at a total cost of $1, 6�+8.00. �( Assessment bTo. 17. Placing black top on l�th ave�ue north f rom 2nd. street north to M. & St. L. Ry. tra�s, at a total coat of $635•�• % Assesament No. 1g. Placing black top on 6th avenue north from jrd etreet north to I�iinnetonka Mills ro�d at a total coat of $373•00. �, � , Assessment No. 19. Placing black top on Harrison avenue south f rom ist to 2nd streets � � � south at a total cost cf $739•g�• ' Aaseasment DTo. 20. Placing black top in alley between 15th and loth avenuea,north from 2nd to 3rd streets north, at a total coet of �25(,�6p. ,,j Assesament i3o. 21. Placing black top on Boulevard street�from 5th avenue south to 6th �� , ;v-. avenue south; and on 6th avenue south ,from Boulevard street to 7th. etreet south; a,nd on 7th avenue south from 5th street south to 7th ,�. ' atreet south; a.nd on llth avenue south from 2nd street south to 6th �. atreet eouth; and on, 5th street south' from 6tn avenue eouth to 7th. � avenue south, asid on 6th street south from 6th avenue south to � llth avenue south� at a total cost of �r ,3�+�.5p. L Assessment No. 22. Additio�al aewer assesament for the replacing of BLACK TOP on Wayside road from Farmdale road to Hazelane; on Farmdale Road from ,� 2) Assessment No. 23. Agsesament No. 2�F. Assesement No. 25. Wayeide Road to Hazelane; on Althea Lane from Waygide Hoad to Farmdale Road; on Hazelane from Wayeide Road to Farmdale Hoad� and on Sweet Briar Lane from Farmdale Road to aouth line of Hobby Acrea. at a total co�t of $3,2�40.60. Inatalling water main on Waehington dvenue between Firat etreet north and First street south, at a total coet of $g,680.00. Inatalling water main on Fifth Avenue north from Wayaide Road northerly to a point 1175 feet northerly of the point of beginning� at a total cost of $6,9zg.00. Installing water main on Twelfth Avenue north from First atreet north to the north line of Lot 13� Block 77� West Minneapolia, 5econd Division. at a total cost of $1,158.00. AND S�ffEAS� the areaa proposed to be asseseed for said improvementa are all lots� pieces a.nd parcele of land abutting upon eaid improvements; NOW, THEEEFO&E� BE IT RESOZVED that notice be published in the official paper at least twenty (2p) days before the meeting, stating that the council of the city of Hopkins will pass upon eaid proposed assessmeate at a apecial meeting to be held in the council chambere in the city hall on Thursday� the a0th day of October, �g�+9� at 5:00 o�clock P.M. ADOPTED at a regalar meeting of the council of the city of Hopkins held thie 20th day of September� �9�+9 • A. W. Elmquist, � Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney (3) VT. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR k1►�� �I � NOTICE OF HEARING ON SPECIAL ASBESSMENTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the council of the city of Hopkine will meet at the council chambers in the city ha11 on Thursday, October 20, 1g�+9, at 5:00 o'clock P.M, for the pu rpo�e of pasaing upon propoeed aseesements upon all the lota, pieces or parcels of land abutting upon the following local imprasementa� to-wit:. gsaessment No. l. Installing curb on the north eide of Escelsior Avenue from the West line of I,ot 13, Block 5, to a line 100 ft. a�e st of Washington Avenue, at a total coet of $1,51g.00. Assessment No. 2. Installing curb on the south eide of Excelsior Avenue f rom Washington Avenue easterly to M. & St. L. Ry. ri�t of way and north eide of Excelsior Avenue from Washington to Adame Avenue at a total coat of $2,131.j0. Asseesment No. 3. Inatalling curb on the v►e§t aide of 5th avenue between Excelsior Avenue aad lst atreet north� at a total co st of �1,057.62. Aesessment No. �. Installing curb on the east side of 5th avenue between the end of the preaent curb by the Hopkina Theatre a.nd lat street north at a total cost of $806.00. Assessment No. 5. Inatalling curb on the eaest side of Harrison averYue south between the north line of Lot 9. Block 20� Weet Minneapolia Center� and lst st�eet south at a total cost of $871.15. Asses�ent DTo. 6. Installing curb on the east side of Harrison Avenue south between the north line of Lot 29, Block 19, Weat Minneapolie Center� and Iet etreet south� at a total coat of $1,027.5�+. Asaessment No. 7. Installing additional curb in front of Lot 1, Block 2� Parkridge 6rldition. at a total cost of $37.10. Aesessment No. 8. Installing curb at Lot 5, Block 102, Weat Minneapolis, Second Diviaion� at a total coat of $265.70. Assessment No. 9. Inatalling curb at Lot 1, Block 85� West Minneapolis, Second Division, at a total coet of �290.76. Assessment No. 10. Installing curb on the west side of 12th avenue north between the south line of Lot 9, Block 76� West Minneapolis. Second Dividon� and the south line of the rig�t of w�y of the M. & 3t.L. $y. Co., a.nd on the North eide of let atreet north from the alley weat of 12th avenue north to l�th avenue north and on the east side of l�+th avenue north between lat etreet north and the south line of the right of way of the M. & St.L. Ry. Co. at a total cost of $3,325•3�• Aasessment DTo. 11.• Conatracting aidewalk on the west side of Van Buren avenue south between lst a.nd 2nd street s south at a total cost of $1�339•�g• Asseesment No. 12. Constructing eidewalk a.nd curb on the east side of 13th avenue (1) north bet�een �th street north and the south line of Lot 13, Block 107. at a total cost of �1,032.50. Aasesament No. lj. Conetructing aidewalk and cnrb on the eaet side of 12th avemie north between 2nd and jrd streets north at a total coat of $2.�p3•jj• 9esessment No. 14. Constructing eidervalk a.nd curb on the w�at aide of l�th avenue north from �th street north to State Trank Highway No. 7; CtTFfB oa the east aide of 1�Fth avenne north from �+th atreet north to 8tate Tr�nlc Highway No. 7, and SInEWALB in front of Lot 10, Block lOg� weat Minneapolis, Second Division, at a total cost of $2, �16. 66. Assesement No. 15. Placing black top on Boyce Avenue from Blake Hoad to Interlachen Road at a total cost of $1,�+1�F.70. Asaesament No. 16. Placing black top on Yan Buren avenue from Egcelsior avenue to 2nd � atreet eouth� at a total cost of $1,6ZF8.00. Assessment DTo. 17. Placing black top on 14th avenue �orth from 2nd. street north to I�. & St. L. $y. tracka, at a total cost of $635.20. Aasessment DTo. 18. Placing black top on 6th avenue north from 3rd street no rth to I�innetonka Mills ro ad at a total cost of �373.00. 0 Aaeesament No. 19. Placing black top on Harrieon avenue south from ist to 2nd streeta sonth at a total coet of $739.So. Aeaesament No. 20. Placing black top in alley between 15th and 16th avenuee north from 2nd to 3rd. etreets north, at a total coat of �256.60. Aesessment No. 21. Placing black top on Boulevard street from 5th avenue south to 6th avenue sonth; and on 6th avenue south from Boulevard atreet to 7th street south; and on 7th avenue south from 5th street south to 7th street south; and on llth avenue south from 2nd etreet sonth to 6th street eouth; and on 5th street aouth from 6th avenue south to 7th avenne south� and on 6th etreet south from 6th ave�ue south to llth averrue south, at a total cost of $6,3�FU�.50. Aasessment No. 22. Additional eewer aseessment for the replacing af BIrACg TOP on Wayside Road from Farmdale road to Hazelane; on Farmdale Road f rom V�ayside road to Hazela.ne; on Althea Lane from Wayside Road to Farmdale Eoad; on Ha,zelane from Wayaide Road to Farmda.].e 8oad. and oa Sweet Briar Lane from Farmdale Boad to south line of Hobby Acres� at a total cost of �j,2110.60. Aesessment DTo. 23. Installing water main on Waehington avenue between �irst street aorth and F`irat atreet eouth� at a total cost of $g,680.00. Assessment No. 2�+. Installing water main on Fifth Anenue north from Wayside road northerly to a point 1175 feet northerly of the point of beginning� at a total cost of � 2) d $6,929.00. Assessment No. 25. Installingtaater main on Twelfth Avenue aorth from Firet street north � to the north line of Zot 13, Block 77, Weat Minneapolis, Second Division� at a total cost oi $1.15g.00. Dated: September 26, �949. C. C. Congdon, City Manager Frank N. Whitney� City attorne� Published in the Suburban Press on Thursday, September 29, 19�+g � �-r_��.�,- -�- %'' �,� �� � g ,� i (3) A.special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, tiqas held at the City Hall at 7:30 o►clock P.M. on Friday, September � 30, 191�9. The following �rere present; Mayor W. H. Perbix, Councilmen John Ziegler, Joseph T. Anderla, Len J. Milbert, anc� City Manager, C.C. Congdon. Councilman S.E. Beckman �ras absent. • alilbert moved, Anderla seconded, that the f ollowing levy for City taxes be certified to the County Auditor for the year 1950. Carried. R..ECAPITITLATION OF LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1950 GENERAL POLICE PARILS t�.E�CREEITIOV PPIiUUSIC FIRE RELIEE LIBRARY �E 5 H r+ � 7�4 1�•. , FIR��1V � S RELIEE' � RQAD & BRIDGE FIRE EQUIPMENT BONDS Carried. ATTFST : TOTAL , iA��XY'��t.r� W. Har an Per ix, Mayor � 0 � %-�`� �� � ���1 ��` '�''�''`� � � 20;000.00 10; 7I�0.00 3;900.00 10;000,00 1,000:00 �,, 800. JO ' � 5,000.00 5,100.00 1l�, 900.00 200.00 53,360:00 1,500.00 � 130,500.00. � Secretary o t Council a � .i� / � / �� � � � � � � L J r! � �� / Z 7 d v,, O a g � v. , a� � p .�-�G 7 ,t' ,�,, d a 64A—Certiflcate of Sums Voted. �tate of �it�rte�ota�, county o f ...... ���-1���........ 11'l$lti� of......�QP��� .............. 88. e , �� �� � �� �� � � �1 �/ �- 9 WALIEPl. lOOTM �lON� MINNG�OLI{ �i �- I � �'"°.1�' I,..........C.......G......CengrinH ..........................................�'��5���� said �of..._...---......�0„�?�:��.F�................ hereb� cerCt,if�� that th.e foll.ozvi.n,s Res��l,ution g� uas pcassed ata"����"'"'Z ge����''_ held in saic� ' i' bi. a mc� ora o the eleetors resent or vottin ihereat: � ��°-r....3-0....--�--�.19.49......., ./ i �� i P � � On motion it was ordered that the followLn�% sums of money be raised b� iax upon the ta.xable propert� in said ���, for the follozuin�s purposes, for the currsnt year: For C�eneral V�� Purposes, - - - - - - - - - - - - �•--�Z�s�!���-�= For.... �arkee ...................................................:................................................�--��---....................-�-----....---�---...---......-�----...--�----1�l900:Ofi'.... For....���.'�tr�91# .................................... � ......................... -.............................--�---....--�----...................................--�--�....�..Q;QQQ..�QQ.: .. Mueic 1,000.00` ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - �9.re ............................................................. . ............ ................. ......... .. .� -- -�-�-�--�--. . ...... .... ... . ----..... ..... ............-�--�-�-- ��800�00.,... ........................RelieF................................--�-�--.......--� - �--......................................-�-----�--�--....--�---...-�--� -�-�� --..... ...S.sQ�Q�QQ..... ...................�-��-�--�--..... I,ibrary 5,100.00 ...._ ..... ....... ..Qarbage....... ........_......... - ....:.............._.................- �---.........................---- �--........._.............- � -�� -.._......................_..Y�i-�900��.... Firemen� e Relief -....... 200,00..... ........... ..... .. .......... . ... . .... .. . . . . ................. ..............................................................................�-� - ...................................- - ...... Roaa�& �.ag�. 53,36v.00 ......................gire�-�qtiipmen�...$oads.......... ..._...........................................�`�0'�'At,���11.���'�OO:o��-... -�.� --............�;�oo�oa.... �1 n.d i f urthei• cert� f z that I lr,aae com>>ared the f re oan uith the ori�Si�a�Ll entry o f tlac minutes o f eC�al meeti S ��er�be� proceedin gs o f the ��� held ��'.� b�r F•--------------------�0.-.-.----..---.---, 19..�......., c�s the same are rer,orded in tlze 13oolc o f I�ecords o f sa.id VGl�a��se, and th a,t the same is a correct transcript there f rom. Givc�z uiader my hand this ......................�t!h....................da'J °f�-----..... ...... ... .. .. .... 1J...,4. D. 19..�....... / . ................ .�- --•--... -----.. ...... ..... ..:_. . .... ....... . .. ... .... . ,� City f[anager 0 �� A regular ineeting of -the council of the City of Hopkins; I�,;Zinnesota, vras helci at the City Hall at ;7:30 o�clock P.P��?. on Tuesday, October 4, 1949.. The following w�i�e present; lu7ayor��`�r. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Joseph T�'Anderla, Len J. l�ilbert, John Ziegler, Stuart �. �eclQna.n, and �ity ^�4anager, �.C. Cor�,don.. Members absent: � none. - Anderla inoved, T�1loert secnnded, that the follo�ai.ng bills be paid. Carriede 1067 Berge.rson-Caswell 1068 Boc�y Guard i:-�g. Co. i069 Cairns & B�other 1070 City of ?��p? s. 1071 C.C. Congdon, Treasurer 1072 Dahlberg Bros. 1073 Elkhart Brass Tf�'g. Co. 107� Ess �C Sons 1075 Feudner-Davidson 1076 R.H. Gardner . 1077 Gustafson �, Fuxa 1078 Hennepin County 1079 Ho�kins Fire Department 1080 Uliilbur Locke 1081 i�Jlullikin Company 1082 John D. iJa;el 1083 N�T Bell Tel. Co. 1084 Rosern�dal�.-Cooper 1085 Standard Oi1 Conpan� 1086 Sv.burban Chev. 1087 Suburban Chev� 1088 Suburban Heru7. i�elief Board 1089 SSuburban Press Inc. Salaries Hou.rly Payroll Jurors GEi�IERAZ FiJi1D I�epair traffic light Firemen�s coats & boots Helmets _ Board of prisoners Petty Cash To�ring & wash car 2 axes -- Switches-at library � 1 year bond Court Clerk 76 sacics, Parking I�eters Alarm S�Cstem � Reinstall Stop & Go June, July, �ugust board of poor �ire Calls & Telephones Pick up do� Arm & nec� bands Refund of speed limit violation Services Signs Gas R� Oil Repairs � iiee Dair_ag e F�penditures Sept. 1949 Printing �,ast � Sept. Period ending 9�3���9 Jury Duty � , ROkD & BR.IDGE FU� 300 C.C. Congdon, Treasurr-.r 301 Dahlberg Bros. 302 Win. H. It�cCo� 3�3 NW Bell Tel. Co. $01� Fred Swanson � Salaries Hourly Payroll Petty Cash Towing <<: �dash car Diesel F�zel Oil Services Dozer Use �,a;st z Sept. Period ending 9/3�/1�9 �'VATER F�JI�ID 226 Am. Cast Iron Pipe TTalve box ext. sections 227 C.C. Congdon, lreasur.er Petty Cash 228�,I�onar•ch Cleanino Inc. Chlorine • Salaries I�.t half Sept. Hourly Payroll Period ending 9�3��1�.9 20 P.I.Ft. F�nd 34 9nton A. Olson Houriy Pa jrroll 32 Car1 A. Anderson 33 McNally & Associates � 13.43 65.25 39.�9 3T.�0 23;aa i-:5o l0:05 6:75 7s�0 76.00 l02.03 1�6.00 2�i1�.00 3:00 1�..60 25.00 60.86 39:25 107.00 3a:s6 133.29 261:57 l�05: i5 1690:33 591:63 11.00 2.b0 9.00 17.78 11.00 1�27.00 347.30 562.45 18.00 8.10 78:00 370.20 53.!�; SPECI�IL ASSE:SSlu�IVT FUND Reimburse amount ioaid on vouch��r �E6 1153.00 S�PJAGE DISFOSAL �UiJD Use of car, Septe 191�9 Period en�ing 9/30/!�9 REVOLVIi�1G FUiVD Sideti^ralk, Curb, Driveway Sideylalk & Curb 21.00 125.90 2a6o.o3: 200.20 BeclQnan moved, D.4ilbert seconded, that Resolution 109, "RESOLUTIOid ORDEEtING THE TNSTALLATIDT3 OF SID�I[ALK, CURB, �dATER Ai�1D SA�IITARY SE�'I'_�',R I4�AINS 1P1 CLRTAIN LOCATIONS AND THE TREATii�tG OF CFR.TAIi�I STRJETS 1�dITH T�.R O1Z" marlced �chibit g, be adopted. Carried. Beck�an ?noved, �?Ii�bert seconded, that the application of Godfrey J. Totushek, for an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License be placed on file. Carried. Beckman moved, �nderla seconded, that Resolution 113, "A �'�F.SOLUTIOi�t h�'ERP�II�iG TO THE CITY ENGINE.F.�RS T:HE i�;ATTEFi OF T.�EATINi.� THE ivORTH Ai�D SOUTH ALLEY II�? BL�K 7T, ?N�ST i�INi�TEAF'ULIS, SECOI�D DIVISION, VIfITH TAR OIL" marked �hibit B, be ad.opted. Carried. t�ilbert �noved, Anderla second.ed, that the two .requests of the P�irineapol.is Gas Co. for main extensions their number 301� and Elmo Park Addition be granted. Carried' Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance 21, ".AN URDINAJCE DDCLARIi1TG `I'HE SOUT'i OIdE-I-�ALF OF THE NORTH6'IiEST QUART�. OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SDCTION 13, TCI`tiF�dNSHIP 117, RANGE 22, TO B� A PART OF THE CITY OF HOPKINStt'�raarked �ibit C, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that tihe Ordinance be adopted and published according to laz�r. Carried. Ziegler moved, Becicman seconded, that the reading of Ordinance 22, "AN ORDINANCE R.�;LATIVG TO UNI�A"'JFL'L DETAIi�]Et'� ACTIONS AA1D TO THE ISSUAIVCE OF tiifRIT$ OF RFSTITUTION THEREIN IN C�2Ti� � IJ CASF� DURIi� AN EId�ENCY D�LARID TO EXIST" marked Exhibit D, be accepted,as -the�second reading thereof and that the Ordin� ce be adopted and puUlished according to laVr. Carried. Jalbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that the report as submi.tted by the Committee investi�ating the claims for alleged��loss of minnows and dainage to ?ninnow ponds owned and operated by R. A. T7estling, be accepted and placed on f ile, and that a copy of tkie r��ort be mailed to b;r. U'destlino. Carried. Anderla moved, Beckman seconded; that the reacling of Ordinance 23, rrAN ORDINANCE R.EI,ATIi�JG TO THE Ai�T��A'.1'lOnt UF �VE:=:T IuiITd�dE'�1POLIS, T�-±IRD 17IVISIOid, TO HOPKINS, Al�]D A1!:�1�1DIl�1G O1�.DINANCE N0. 18 OI' T'rIE CITY OF ?30PKTNS" be accepted a� the first reading. C�rried. Eeckma.n move�, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTF�.ST : � G%/�/ , . �Ii. Har an Perbix, Mayor �* ��. A. .. Elmquist, cretary to the ouncil C OUNC II�h-�EN ; . � -� / ' J, .���`L•: .� �..�. N ~A az�Y o� HOPgias RESOLUTIOPT �0. 109. RESOLUTION OR�RING T� IIJSTALLATION OF SIDE��TALg, CURB� W9TER AND S�IrTITABY SEWEx MAI�S IAT CERTAIAT LOCATIONS AND TFiE THF�ATING OF CERTAIN STEEETS WITH �DAR OII,. WSEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins on July 11, �9�+9, adopted a resolu- tion referring the mattera of installing cu.rb on First Street North on the North eide of Lot 2�+, Block 73� West Minneapolie, Second Diviaion, and installing curb on the Weat,eide of Twelfth Aveane North bet�veen Second aad Third Streets North. a.nd treating W�yside Road from Hazelane to Hollyhock Lane a.nd Hollyhock Lane from Wqyside Eoad to the South line of Lot g, Block 6, Hobby Acres, with tar oil, to Lee McNa11y and Aesociatea, cit� engineers, for their inveatiga.tioa and report� and W�xEAS� the council of the city of Hopkia8 on Augu st 2, 1949� adopted a reaolu- tion referring the matter of conetructing eidewalk on the West side of Twelfth Avenue Piorth between Second and 7�ird Streets Aorth, to Lee McNally and A,ssociatea� city engineers, for their inveetigation and report� a.nd WSEii�BS, the council oP the city of Hopkins on August 16, �g�+9� adopted a reaolution referring the mattere of conetxucting curb on both eides of �irst,Street South betweea ga.rrieon Avenne and Yan Buren Avemze; treating the following atreeta with tar oil, namely: Firat Street South between 8a,rrison Avenue and Van �uren Avenue, s,nd Farmdale Eoad from Hazelaae eaaterly about two hundred (200) �Oet; and installing water aad saaitary ae�rer mains on Twelfth gvenue �orth from the South line of Lot l�F to the North line of Zot 18, Block 77� West Minneapolis� Second DiQision, to Zee McNally aad Aesociates, city engineere, for their investigation and report, and WHERFAS, eaid engineers have inveatigated the necessity and feasibility of eaid improvemente, and each of them, a.nd on September 6, 19�9� reported thereon-to the council and filed their �vritten reporta with the Qecretary of the council; and WAEREA3, on September 6, 19�+9� the city conncil of Hopkins adopted a resolution setting Tuesda,y, the �th da�* of October, 19�9, at 7:30 0' clock P.T�2. at the council chambers in the city ha11 ae the time and place Por coneidering sa.id reports� and WHEREAS� a notice of said hearing has been published in the Suburban Prese in its iaeues of September 16th and 2jrd. 19�9, and the affids,vit of publication oP eaid notice has been filed with the aecretary of the conacil, aad WHEfiEA3, no one agpeared at said hearing in oppoeition to said improvementa, of either of them, a.nd no written ob�ections to eithe•r or all of said imprnvements were filed with the eecretary oP the council; NOW, THERE�BE, (1) 0 BE IT BESOL9�D by the city council of the city of Hopkins that said improvemeats, and each of them, ara neceasary for the health, melfare and conQenience of the citg and ite inha.bitante. aad it is hereby determined and ordered that said improvements be made as eet forth in the ea�ineers' reports, and that the coete thereof be aeseesed againat abutting propert�. ADOPTED by the conucil of the city of Hopkina at a regular meeting thereof held thia 4th day of October, 19�9. A. W. Elmqni st, Secretary oY the oouncil F'rank N. Whi tney� City Attorney copy to Lee McNally on October 5th. Emil Brokl Carl Anderson W. HABLAN PEFiBIS � MAYOE � CITY OF HOP�INS RESOLUTION N0. 113. A RESOLUTIOi� REFERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEERS THE MA7'TER OF TR�ATING THE NORTH AND �IITH AI,LEY IN BLOCg 71, WEST MIffi�APOLI S, SECOAtD DIVI SION � WITH TAR OIL. WHEREAS, the council of the city of Hopkins deems it necessary for the health, welfare aad convenience of the city and ita inhabitants� to treat the North and South alley in Block Seventy-one (71), West Minneapolis� Second Division, with tar oil� and WHEREAS, the cost thereof ahould be asaessed againat any property found benefited thereby, and WHEREAS, some of the ownera of the property against which said costs would be aesesaed have petitioned the city council for the treating of said a��ey with tar oil; NOW, THEREFC)RE, BE IT RESOLTTED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of treating the North and South a11ey in Block Seventyone (71), West Minneapolis, with tar oil� Second Division,�be referred to Lee �cNally and Associatea� city engineera, to investigate the necessity and feasibility of euch improvement and report to the council as soon as possible. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Honkins at a regular meeting thereof held this �Fth day of October, 19�F9. W. Hp,RLAN PERBIX , MAYOR 0 A. W. Elmquiat� Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney� City attorney copy to Lee McNally on October 5th. CITY OF HOPKIDTS HF�NNE'PIN COIIN'I'Y, MIDTNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 21. N ADT ORDINANCE DECLARING THE SOIITH ONE-H6ZF OF THE IJORTHWEST QIIARTE& OF TSE SOIITH- EAST QFARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 117. &ANGE 22� TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS. WHEREAS, the real eState deacribed as the South One-half (g-2) of the Northweet Quarter (ftW�) of the Southeast Quarter (SF�) of Section Thirteea (13), Tovonship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twent�-two (22)� Hennepin Count�, Minneeota, abuts npon and adjoine the city of Hopkins� which is a city of lesa than 10,000 inhabitants, and WF�REAS, pureuant to Minneaota Statutea� 19�+5, Section �+13.1�� a m�jority oP the oa►nera of aaid tract of land have petitioned the city council of Hopkine to a.nnex eaid lattd to the city of Hopkina and to declare the same to be an addition to such city; bTOW, THEflEF08E, _ BE IT ORDAINED by the conncil of the city of Hopkins: Section 1. The South One-half ( S�) oP the �Torthwest 4�arter (NW4) of the Southeast t�,iarter ( SE'�) of Section Thirteea (13) , Townahip One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twent�-two (22), Hennepin County� Minnesota, including all lote� blocks, streeta, alleye and other tracta and parcels of land constituting and forming a part thereof, is hereby a.nnexed to and declared to be a part of the city oY Hopkine, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as effectually as if it had been originally a part thereof. FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkins held on thf s 20th day of Sept�ber. 19�, axid finally read and pasaed at a regular meeting of the council of said city held on the �+th day of October, 19�9• W. HARLAN pEF{BIX, MAYOR A. W. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney� City Atto rney Publiehed in the 9uburban Preee on Thuredsy� October 13, �9�9. copy to paper on October 5th. CITY OF HOPKIDTS, HENNEPIIJ COUN'�Y� MINNESOTA ORDINANCE IdO. 22. AN 0&DIAANCE RFLATING TO IINLAW�TL �TAINER ACTIONS AND TO 2'HE ISSIIANCE OF WRITS OF RESTITIIT.ION THEREIN IN CERTAIN CASES DQEING gN F,MEEGENCY DECLARED TO EXIST. Section 1. The City Council hereby finds that serious public emergency eaiets in the housing of a considerable number of persona in the city of Hopkina, which emergency has been created b� the effecte of the recent rvars and the after- math of hostilitiea; that this emergency has produced an acate ahortage in housing accommodations; that, while a measure of protection ie f5�rnished to tenants of houeing accommodationa by exiating federal laure and regulatione, evictions have been a.nd are taking place �rhich are lawfnl under theee federal lawe and regulatioas but which have cau sed and are causing eat�eme hardship by reason of the fact that the pereona so evicted are unable to secure other housing acconmodations; that this condition will continue for a coneidera.ble future time; that the preaent lawa relating to unla�vful detainer, permit the immediate iesua,nce and execution of writa of reetitution except in cases of appeal; that the remec�y by appeal ie not snfficient becauae in mar�p casee the evicted person is nnable to furnish bond, or, if able to itirniah bond, ie required, in order to secure a stay� to take an appeal v�hich may be groundless, thereby burdening the courte and causing needless expense to the public; that by reason of the foregoing, the public health, safety and welfare are imperiled, and action by the City Council under the police power of the cit�r ie i�perative; and that the provisions of this ordin,ance are aeceaeary and deeigned to p rotect the public health, s�fety and general welfare. Section 2. 9ubdivision 1. "Houeing accommodation" meana a�y building� etracture� or part thereof� or land appurtenant thereto, or a�y other real or pereona.l property rented or offered for rent for living or dwelling purpoees, to- gether with all privileges, services� farnishing, ii�.rniture, equipment, facilitiee and improvemente connected with the use or occupa.ncy of euch property� but does not include reeort property, a hospital, coneent� public institution� or college or school dormitory. 9ubdivision 2. "Court" or "the court" meane a municipal court a.nd �icludes a judge thereof. Sectioa 3. 9ubdivieion 1. Whenever a jud�ent for restitution of any houeing accommodations in an action for an unlawilil d�tainer only ia entered by any court, if the party aga.inet whom the jud�ent is rendered or hia attorney atates to the (1) court that he desirea to apply for a etay of iesuance of a writ of restitution upoa the ground th�.t undue hardghip will reeu.lt to that party or hie family if a writ ie immediately ieeued� the court ehall set a time for hearing the applica- tion for a atay, �Jhich may be oral, within twenty-four houra� during which time a writ of restitution shall aot isaue. 9ubdiviaion 2. If, after a hearing on the application for a etay, the court finds tha.t the immediate iseua.nce of a�rit of reatitution will reault in unciue hard.ehip to the party againat whom the jud�nent for restitution has been rendered� or his family� that the granting of a stay ie just a.nd proper and in ac- cordsnce with the purpoees of this act� and that anA detriment which may resalt to the plaintiff b� reason of the granting of a ete,y ia not commensurate with the hardahips �hich will resalt to the party againet whom judgment has been rendered o r his family. the conrt may etey the ieeuance of a writ of restitution for a period of not to exceed thirty (30) days, upon euch terme and conditione as he may preacribe, among which terme a.nd conditiona ehall be one that the party to whom the stay ie granted shall pay say rent in arrears and the regnlar rental for the housing accommodationa ia qaestion during the period of the stey, at snch times and in stich installments aa the court may direct. Subdiviaion 3. The order for a stay ahall aleo provide that the party to whom it is gra.nted ehall not commit or permit a�y nuisance upon the premiaes or damage them, or permit them to be damaged, or use� or permit nse thereof, for a�y immoral or illegal purpose. Subdivision �+. The at�y may be nacated by the court by which it ie granted at any time thereafter if he find.s .after a hearing, upoa aotice� that aay ofthe terms or conditione of the stay have been violated. Section u. Aa application for or the,grantiag of a etay puraua.nt to the terme of thie ordinance ahall not bar the party against whom judg�ent for reetitution has been rendered from any ri�t of appeal now proeided for b�r law. The proviaione of Minnesota statut�a�g45, Sectiona 566.11 a.nd 566.12, granting to a plaiatiff the ri�it to an immediate �arit of restitution upon the giving of a bond shall have no application�to etay granted pureuant to the provisiona of Section j of this ordina.nce. Section 5. This ordinance shall remain in effect until the Council shall declare the emergency aet out in Section 1 hereof to be at an end. . FIBST read at a regular meeting of the council of the cfty of Hapkine held on this �th. day of September� 19Z1�9, and finally read and pa.esed at a regular me eting of the council of eaid ci ty held on the �+th day of October, 1911�9. W. HABLAN PERBIX� MA.Y08 A. ��1. Elmquiat, Secretary to the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney (2) Publi�hed in the Subnrban Preee on Thursday� October lj, 19�+9. copy to paper on Oct. 5th. A�regular meeting of the council of the �ity of Hopkins, Mirinesota, was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�c.lock P.I��. on Tuesday, October 18, 1949• The following were present: �4ayor U1. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Len J. �,Tilbert, John Ziegler, Stizart E. Beckman, and City :�.ana�er, C.C. Congdon, N:embers absent; Joseph T. Anderla. Becic�aan moved, Milbert seconded, that the following bills �e paid; Carried. G��1EP�AL FUND 1103 First Nat�onal Banlc of Hopkins 110)� Treasurer, State of Minnesota 1111 American Linen Company 1112 Automatic Control Company 1113 Duncan ivReter �orporation 11.11� iiennepin �ounty Review 1115 Mike Holm, Sec. of State 1116 n n u n �r 1117 Hopkins Fire Department 1118 Institute for Municipal Administration 1119 Johnson'& Vog� 1120 Kokesh Hardwa�e 1121 Lea�ue of Minn. l�unicipalities 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 308 3�9 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 233 23l� 235 236 237 238 239 240 Lund�s Sinclair Service R.S..Maetzold Minneapolis Gas National Fi.re Protection Iuorthern States Pow�r K. Maxfield Otto Panama._Carbon �ompany Skelly Oil Company Standard Oil Company Salaries Hourly Payroll Withholding Tar. Retirement Fund Deductions l� R.T. HR Alternator parking Receipts 8c Disbursements postcards & Advertising 1950 license plates (2) Listing � Fire Calls & Drill Iv�[TidICIPAL ' 1 copy FZVAt�10E ADi:'iIiJISTRATIOiQ Supplies Bolts f or signs and st�nlies 1 GOV. RESPONSIBILITY FOR TORTS II� 1V1II�II��SOTA Garbage Truck Repairs Transportation for J3a.seball Team Services 1000 Trapped�:'.by Fire Services Refund of Retirement F�ind Carbon Repair Grease Job & Oil lst 2 of Octobe� Period ending 10/15/�.9 ROA.D Rc BRIDGE FUND First National Bank of Hopkins '�ithholding �ax . Treasurer, State of Minnesota � P�etirement Fi�nd Deductions Anderson Brotners Tractor Repairs Dahlberg Bros._�nc. Truck Repairs Johnson �. Vogt Suppl_�es Johnson �oritracting Co. Blacktop &. Repairs Landers-1Torblom-Christenson Co. Gravel Northern States Power Services - Republic Creosoting Company Road tar 3� repairs Frank N. V9hitney Fees for a;��,ea.rinv before Railroad Commission lst 4 oi October Period ending 10/15/�.9 Salaries Hourly Pay roll �TATER FLTND Ei:rst National Bank of Ho�kins T.r.easurer; State of I'�tinnesota American Cast Iron Pipe Compar�y Kokesh. tiardti�rare I�lepturie. iu1eter Co. l�lorthern States PouJer �o. N�F Be11 Telephone �ompany Skelly Oil �ompany Salaries Vdithholdin5 'Pax Retirement F'und Deductions Valves & box covers Bolts for sijns & supplies I��eter & Flanges S ervic es �tiires for Gauge Repair lst � of Octo�er � S�°TAi�E DZSPUSAL FUND 35 First National Banlc of Hopkins titiithhold�no `rax 37 Lampert Yards Stakes Hourly Pay roll �eriod ending 10/15/!�9 �264.60 92eU5 1:65 46.00 509.27 7.47- ,70 .80 2�.3.00 7..5a� 29:95 3.15 2.25 6:00 21.00 21.10 17.50 726.93 1.67 �a:23 �.60 9.i5 1367.93 536.20 �p 107.1�0 47.7p6 7 3 s U'J 13.19. 53.95 1237.34 55.02 7•90 �439.43 25.00 347•30 381.30 � 69.60 10.00 11�8 a 30 14.18 106.3�. 473:08 8.13 l�:60 37�.20 4.60 30.00 111. 80 � �� REVGLVTNG FUiVD 3�. Carl A. Anderscn Ct�rb & Drivez�ray � 2213.86 35 Johnson Contracting Blacktop & repairs 698.00 36 Lee McNaZly & Associates ;liasrington kvenue Curb 15�.•98 37 H. Pokorny, Plumbing &�Ieating Ins�Lall�'seyrer for VJilliam Kocher 329.15 3g Republic,Creosoting Company l�oad tar & reapirs 101�.21. Beclu�an n�ioved, Ziegler seconded, that the license of Noel 5tranci, doing business as �East End Grocery, be transferred to Donald S.,Edsono Carried. Ziegler moved, Bec�nan seconded, �that the 'reading of , Orc�snance #23, "AP� ORDI�tATdCE R�LATIP+TG TO THE AiV�vEXATI01d OF 'at1ST I�IIVidEAPOLIS, THIRD �7�TISIOTd, TO HOPIiINS, AND A�f�I�ING ORDINANCE N0. 18 OF THE CITY OF HU�KIid5," marked Exhibit A, be accepted as the second reading thereof, and that the ordinance be adoptec� and published?accordinP to law. Carried, Beckman moved, I�ilbert seconded, that the ��ty P�anager advertise for bids for a Vding Snow Plow to be used with the new road grader. Carried. PiTilbert moved, Zie�ler seconded, that the City blanager be authorized to sell the old P�rotor Drawn Road Grader. Carried. Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, that the �ity ivTana�er advertise for bids for a Street Sweeper and a Tractor with Loader. Carried. Councilman Joseph T. Anderla arrived at the meeting at 9:30 P.N. Bec��;ian moved, iQilbert seconded, that the reaG.ing of Ordinance #24� ��AN URDINAI�ICE DEF'TNING C��TAIN iV[ISD�vIEAiuORS A�ID PRFSC1tIBIIvG A PE�idALTY FOR TNE VIOLATIOi� T?;�Rt�F A?V�� REPEALII�G C�1�.TAIN OI�1DIPdANCES," be accepted as .the iirst readin�. Carriede Anderla moved, 1�Iilbert seconded, that the property owners on the East side of 17th Avenue Tdorth be reimbursed their just shar.e of water and seRer assessments collected from property owners on the West side of 17tti Avenue Nortn, on acc�unt of the double assessments placed abainst their property at the ti�e of the original assessments. Carried. � . eckman moved, Ziegler seconded, that the meetino be adjourned. ' , ATTEST : � � 1Pd. Harlan Perbi.x, I�ayor . s�� A:�T. Elmquist, S retary to the Council C OTJNC ]ZIvI�iJ : The Mayor appointed Councilmen .7oseph T. Anderla and Len J. n�ilbert to serj�e on a co:nr.:ittee with hir�self to canvas a�plications received for the position of City Engineer, CITY OF HOPgINS HEI�ATEPIN COIINTY� MINN�SOTA ORDI1QAlVCE NO . 2j . AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNERATION OF WEST MINREAPOLIS, THIRD DIVISION� TO HOPBINS, AND AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. lg OF THE CITY OF HOP�INS. BE IT ORDAINED BY the council of the city of �opkins: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. lg of the city of Hopkins is amended to read: Section 1. The plat of West Minneapolis, Third Division� according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file �nd of record in the offices of the Register of Deeds and Regietrar of Titles of Hennepin County, Minneeota, including all lots� blocks, streete and alleys conatituting and forming a part of sa,id plat, and also inclnding any and all portions of said plat here�ofore or �r hereafter cacated and inciuding that part of the ri�it-of-way of the Mianeapolis and St. Louis Ra.ilway lying within the Southeast Q�arter (9�) of the Idortheast f�iarter (ND�) of Section 23� Townehip 117, Range 22, is hereby annesed to and declared to be a part of the City of Hopkina� Hennepin County� Minnesota� as effectually ae if it had been originally a part thereof. FIRST read at a regular meeting of the conncil of the City of Eogkine held on thie �th day of October, 19�+9� and fina.11y read and pasaed at a regular meeting � of the couacil of said city held on the 18th day of October, �9�+9. W. HARLAN PERBI%� MAYOR A. W. Elmqn.iet. Secretary of the council Frank �T. Whitney, City At torney Publiehed in the Suburban Press on Thursday, October 27, �9�9 / �i copy to paper on October �r. A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota� was held at the City Fiall at 5;00 otclock P.M. on Thursday, October 20, 1949. The following were present: I�ayor�V9�. Hayrlan Perbix, Couneilmen John Ziegler, Joseph T. Anderla, Len J. �4i].bert, an� City I�anager, C.C. Congdon. Members absent; S. E. Becl�an• 6nderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution #112, "RESOLUTION ADQPTING SPr7CTAL A.SSFSSIt�NTS," marked bchibit A, be adopted. Carried. Ziegler moved, Milbert seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTFST : • � t�,c> �/ VP. Harlan Perbix, Mayor A.YT. mquist, Se etary to the Council COUNC ILM�N : � � .!.'� :.t - -�' :.rti _ , y. / / /' � �� �. ^ - �� i " , _ � N jJ n CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLIITION N0. 112. BESOLIITIOZd ADOPTIIrTG SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. WFiEREAS, pureua.nt to direction from the council� notice was published in the official paper of the city of Hopkine at least twenty d�ye prior to October 20, 19�+9� atating that the council will meet at the council chambere in the city hall on Thursday, October 20, �g�+9 at �j:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of passing upon proposed aesessments upon all of the lota� piecea or parcels of land abutting upon the following local improvements� to-wit: ABsesement No. 1. Inatalling curb on the north aide of Exceleior avenue from the west line of Lot 13� Block 5� to a line 100 ft. west of Washington gvenue. Aasesament No. 2. Inetalling curb on the south eide of Escelsior avenue from Washington avenue easterly to M. & St. L. $y, right of way and north side of Excelaior avenue from Waahington to Adame avenue. Asaessment No. 3. Ingtalling curb on the west side of 5th avenu,e between Exceleior avenue and let atreet north. Asaeasment No. �F. Inatalling carb on the east side of 5th avenue between the end of the present curb by the Hopkina Theatre and lst street north. Aesessment No. 5. Inatalling eurb on the west aide of Ha.rrison avenue aouth between the north line of Lot 9� Block 2p, West Minneapolie Center, and lat atreet south. Aaseasment No. 6. Installing curb on the east side of Harrison avenue south between the north line of Lot 29, Block 19, Weat Minneapolie Center, and lst etreet south. Asseasment No. 7. Installing add3tional curb in front of Lot 1� Block 2, Parkridge Bdditioa. gsseesment No. S. Installing carb at Lot 5, Block 102. West Minneapolis, Second Divieion. Assesament No. 9. Installing cnrb at Lot 1� Block 85� Weat Minneapolis, Second Division. Aesessment No. 10. Installing curb on the weat side of 12th avenue north between the south line of Lot 9, Block 76� Weet P�Iinr_eapolfs, Second Division, and the south line of the right of way of the M. & St.L, Ry. Co.� and on the north eide of lat street north from the alley weat of 12th avenue north to l�+th avenue north a.nd on the eaat si@e of l�+th avenue north between lst street north and the south line of the right of wa.y of the M. �& St. L. R,y. Co. , Assessment �To. 11. Constru.cting aidewalk on the west eide of Va.n �uren avenue south between let and 2nd streets south. Assessment DTo. 12. Conetructing eidewalk and curb on the east si de of 13th avenue north between �+th etreet north a.nd the aouth line of I,ot 13, Block 107.`'�est Minneapolie� (1) Second Divieion. Aesessment No. 13. Constr�cting sidewalk and curb on the eaet side of 12th avenue . north betweeB 2nd and 3rd atreets north. gssessment No. 1�F. Constructi ng aidewalk and curb on the weet side of l�th avenue north from �th street nori,h to State Trunk Hi�►way Dio. 7; CIIRB on the east aide of 1�Fth avenue north from �+th atreet north to State Trank Highway No. 7, and SIDEWALK in front of Lot 10;. Block lOg, weat Minneapolis� Second Division. i' Assessment No. 15. Placing black top on Boyce gvenue from Blake Road to Interlac en Road. Assesement No. 16. Placing black top on Van �uren avenue from Excelsior ave�xue t 2nd. street south. � Assessment No. 17. Placing black top on l�+th avenue north from 2nd street north to M. & St.L. $p. tracks. � Aaseaement No. 18. Placing black top on 6th avenue north from jrd street north to Minnetonka Mills road. Asaessment �To. 19. Placing black top on Harrison avenue south from ist to 2nd streets'�outh. Assessment No. 20. Placing black top in a11ey between 15th and 16th avennes north from 2nd to jrd streete north. � � �,;,.��� f..�- ����. �:�,,�. . Assesament No. 21. Placing black top on Boulevard street from 5th avenue south to 6th avenue south; and on 6th avenue arnzth from Boulevard etreet to 7th street south; and on 7th avenue south from 5th atreet south to 7th atreet south; a.nd on llth avenue south from �d etreet svuth to 6th st�eet eonth; and on 5th etreet south from 6th s�enu e south to 7th avenue south� and on 6th etreet south from 6th avenue south to llth avenue �outh. Aesessment No. 22. Additional sewer asseasment for the replacing of BLACg TOP on Wayside Road from Farmdale road to gazela.ne; on Farmdale Road from W�reide road to Hazelane; on Althea Lane from Wayside fioad to Farmdale road; on Hazelane from Wayside Road to Farmdale 8oad� and on Sweet Briar Lane from Farmdale E,oad to south Iine of Aobby Acrea. Asaessment No. 23. Installing water main on Washington avenue between First atreet north an.d Firat street south. Aasessment No. 2�+. Installing water main on Fifth avenue north from Wayside road no rtherly to a point 1175 feet northerly of the point of beginning. Aesesement No. 25. Inatalling water main on Twelfth avenue north from Firet atreet North to the north line of Lot 13� Block 77, West Minneapolis, Second Division. AND WHEP�EAS, no objections to said aseessments� or any or either of them� were filed with the aecretary of the conncil. axid no one appeared in person at the hearing thereoa to object thereto; � 2) � NOi9, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that said proposed aesessments as above set forth� �nd each of them, are hereby adopted a.nd an assessment is hereby le4ied aga.inet each of the lots, parta of lota, piecea or parcels o� land described therein ia the surns therein f respect�vely set fo'r.tiY� and each of said tracta of l�.nd is hereby found to be benefitPd in the amount of the aseessment levied agaiast it therein. BE IT FtTP.T?�� RESOLVED, that each of aaid asaeasme�ts� with acc�^sing interest thereon at the rate of eix (6) per cent per annum, ahall be a lien upon the p roperty against which the eame ia� assessed� concurrent with general taxes a.nd ahall be pay�,ble in equal annual inatallments� extending over the following periods� namely: e Assessmente numbe 1 to 14 inclu�ive� shall extend over a period of five (5) yeara, from January 1, 1950 to January 1;� �95�+ incluaive. Assessments numbered 15 to 21 inclueive, ahall extend over a period of three (3) years� from January 1. 1950 to Ja.nuary 1, 1y52 incluaive. A.eaessments numbered 22 to 25 inclusive, ahall extend over a period of ten (10) years from January 1, 1950 to January 1, �959 inclusive. ADOPT�,D by the city council of Hopkine, Minnesota, at a ap�eeial meeting thereof helfl t�is 20th day of October, 191F9. W. HARI�Aid PERBI�, MAYOR ��_ A. W. Elmquist� Secretary of the council Fran?� N. �'Thi t ney, City Attorney (3) w � � CIT� �7? g�P�I�9 R���p�l fiIU. llc. /,r � . � . � �47{lf�V�iA4✓JR :i�M1I�h�V M:i iY%/LA4i7 �NtdRlli��'�e � , � _. �i�.�� pur4aat�� �o directios t�� �he cou�eiio nct��e vae �blie�eat in the ot�i�ia�1 pape� of �hh� oit�€ of �a�i�� d� 3��et E�,�ufi�y d+�e pr�or �� Octaber E�. 19�9. � . rtating ti�ee� �hm ccv.aail; �li see�� nt �he aoa�aoil chambdr� is� t,he eity h�►il on � �arer�. 0ctober �l?. ig�� a� 5at?q ��clo� �'.�. f4se �he p��Are a� ��esi� �poa ; p�opased d�a�eesemen�s upo�i �ll of Ehe 14�s, pieces pr p�rcels ot lan+� a�nt�tiag upoa � the �ollo�r'in� l�c.�l S�r�orem�nL�. �o-vrie� Aese�s��nt �o. 1. IneL�.1l.ng a�rb on ti�e �rL� ei�e �� �sceleior s�ez�ae tro� the we�� lime �t� ��� 3�, �1a� �b t� � 1i�►e lflQ f�. We�t a� �'�aah�ag�on ar��e. � Aseesement �o. 2. E�netu�lling curi� vs� 6he �ou�Ch aide t�t �'atcaistor aveaue Pa�m �ahir►gtoa �oe�tne e�e'�e�1,� #�a �i. �� S�e L. 1�. �rf�� aP w� �d n�r�h d�Ee o! �'acceZ�i���r ��enae �rom i�aehin�u to A��e aYe�e. � a�r�esmea� �o. j. Installf� cr��b o� �� w��t sid� o� �ah a+�enae br�t�reaa �ce�.pior � ; . ar�e�ue ead 3s4 etree� 'nart3i. Aa��emen� �to. 40 ��eL�allir�g c��b os� the e��� ��ele Q! �jth a►v��rne be�rreen #.�e end �f t�hs preseat cnrb �p t�t►e �E�iae �b.ea0re e�n� �,e� ��reet nar�h. A�ees�mea�p i�'o. �j. It��t�llin� au�rb on t�he x�st ei� o� �►rri�oa r�ve�e sout� be�ereen the nos�h liae ot �+oL g, Hle�ck ?Ao Weet� Mi�ae�palie Qenter, �ntl leC etrmet ec��h►. ��sesa��aC �'o. 6. iz�et�lin� ca�rb on �he east �ide pf F��a'i�ora ��e�e epn.ii� betiweea tihe �. �frth line of �,o� �9,�H2ock 19. ��sb �i�apclls Qeatero as�d 1�� �Creet eouRb. ��se�a�en� �o. '�. 1a.�tbl��ag ad�itior�ol .rarb �n f�coat o! Lo� Io Aiocic �a i'arl�ridge dtldiltioa. Jleaes�man�C 9�0. �. ��sL�1ii� Cutxb �� E+o� �, i�3.afl1s 1�2, W�a�� E�iase�olte, S�cand Di�r#eioa. Aas�B��et �o. g. IneielllAg carb :�,� Lo� 1, $locZ� �5, �e�ti �ianpa�lis, 3�eoa8 Divis9, oa. _�ese���ea� �o. 10. �asLal7.i� oa�cb o� ihe re�� ef de ot 12�� ave�►ue aozth be�weea the o�th liae oi Lot 9, Bioe� �b, �e4t �lam�a�olle, �ect>a+� flioi�ion� 8�ut1 ehe �th liae ot Lhe rl�t of w�t o! the �t. � S�.L. $y. Gb. � e�'! oa the nc�rth eide of le� s�PeeL nor�h f�m t�e alle�r yept o� 12L1� ��ean� north to l�tk� ���,e aor�h aad oa the �e�� �ic3e ai' l��h a�venue nor�h �etre'in l�t etr�ea� i�or�h an8 the aoni� li4e o! �e �lght of �► o� the i�. &, B�. y. �. �Co. �, � ��seesaeat �o. 11. �oa�trncti� �i�d�w�lk os Lhe rea� ei@e oS Y� Hn�an �,�eraue �on�h betYeen let aad 2nd etree�� �onP►h. �saes�ea� �'o. 12. ConeBrne�i�g si,dex� ,e�r.�d curb o� t�e east e�t3,e Qf 134h sveane nor4�t 'betv�en ��� stree� �orth aad the gaut� 19�.�ne �i� Lot 13� ����k 1Q�.west 14tinneapolis, e�'� ' Seconti D iv i sion. � .� A�aesA�eaO 8€►. l�. Coneiraa�in� sl.d��11c aad eus� on Lhe ��! side ot 12�h ��e�� n+�a�R1� be��ise� 2ad e�ac� 3rd straei� �to�. L�aes�rs�en6 Ao. 1$. t�one�m�ti� siderrs3.�r sefl cu�b on t�e ve�t sid� of l�t�b ��reans nQrth �`ram ��� �t�teeti aoa� �o S���a gru�k �,��+a�► No. 7s +�t7'� aa� t�ie �s� side 4� 14tb s�reaae �orRh ��t�n �1l8 •�ErBet nor#�h tp �t�aCe '�ratnl� �i�hwa�► B1o. �?, sx�� �i:�� i� �s+�n! o! Lot 10� �lct�� lti8, We�� 1�,aQes�ooiie. ��+�nd nivieion. A�ue��m•at �o. }.j. � �����a�aent �a. �6. ��x�set routb. Plaaiag Dlac3� �p� on Bpyoe. �reame from ���e �osd io Iater],�chen �a�►d. Pl�+�. ng �lsck �a;� an �'ar► �ret� svanue tro;� 3�ccei sia r����e ��a �had. ��s��ra�aa� �ia. �le P�acing b2�ek fAA on 1�t�h r��en�e aQr�R fsbm 2�td. atseet �r�h Lo �4. > � 8t.�►. ay. trsWca. � � �s,��sam�,a` �e. 16. �aoing blsa�C tap o�n 6t►I� u�re�ne nqr�h �rom 3rd m�iree� nQrth bo �#i�retcaks �lil�s s�aft. �' Asresau�,�nt �a. ��. Plaa$g�r bl�c� top oa Aan�rison s*oa�ae eanth �r�►m 1+� to 2a� sLree��t rtu�ffi. Ass�esemeat 8e. �. Plac3ng b1�tc Lo» Sn a��f� �e�veaa 15l,h �nd 16tR I�rrs�rnes. aort�h fro� �sQ �0 3rd ��x�deta� ua�Eh. A�����,�C �'v. ��. P3:t+cing bla►c� tia� og �a�cleve►r� s�reea t�m �� e��e�rt� ��xt�h to fsth ��e�me aouth= and on 6th a�►era�e eaat� f�a� �anle�►e►rd atree� to y1�h s�ree0 nrn=�n� sa�# on 7�h �►iemn� sou� i"�om �i�Lh r�ree� �u�h �0 7�h stra�e� �n�h� aat! o� �,1�h a�ex�e sont8 !'�om 2nd �trse� eotx�h �0 6ti� r�C�ae� ��hg �d oa 5�1� ��ree� sou�� ��ro� �t� 1►�tentt• +�auth �Co 7tih �►�ea�e sou�h, a�a8 o�s 6�3► strae� ronth fram �th �ve��e �uLh te llt�t a�eun� bot�uth. ��seea�e�a� ��. 2�, �f"�ions�, s�we� aa�er�em� fox �he repl�aing a� �CK T6�� �a �sysids �ioad �"a�m �nad�a3.e ro�►d. �o i�,�e�.ane� �n hrr�d�.le �ioe� �xaaa W�,yeid� r�asd �0 8ssm24�e� on l�l�haa �ane �rom '��qsi+3e �ora� to ��rmn�e �ds on �s�a}.�ne �s�om �ay�ld� �o� to �,��3.e �c�, +�►►nd oa ��reeL �xidx i�ane trm�► �'a�mdaie �oe�d ��a sonth 31n� o! &►bby ,Aczre�s. �sse�em�nt �o. 2j. ��aC�alling veLer �I►ia bn ��►si�ing6o� a�enne b�tw�sn �'i.rst stteet north a�d �'Sr�t sareet eo��h. l��a�ssmsati �q. 2�. Tne�tallin� �ater r,sir� on �'9.tth �re�me aQr4b ��m W�rride r+�sd� nartherl�► io a po�nL 11j� f�eL anr�her�* of the palm� of be�l.nnin�. &�sesrse�t �oe 2�. �����l�ing �ster �►in oa T�tel,tt�ta aven�e north t7rom �i�� �tr�e� ��rth to t�� nort4 lime o� Lp� 1�, H�oo� jT. bQ�Z �4i�n�apoli�, 8eeond �?Svisivn. ��+'A�Ji�. nu ab�e���om� �a vaic� s�rde�uen�e, or a�r cr sither �g them, rrer� i�led v3,t,is t�he seoastsr�► o� fi�e cauQo+11, aaa ao one �ppeare8 in persas� i�t the he�t'l►a� ��►sireoa 4� ob� e�L t�iereLo t f �} <-� ��� '���4�„ �9E i� ��t:I,YgD .U�r the �uaci�. of �Yae ci� .0i' �io�pkisss Oi�� $aid p�o�pm�ed �►���seia�n��- a�r �baae �s� 4��rbh. �and e�� ot' thr.�. �►xs��ere'b�r �� �tim� �� �u ��sesw►�at is �ieiceby $erried� ai��n:'� aac�h os the ld�r, � pa�� .t�8 ' . 1�rtpQ �i���� 'mr� �art�l� c�f l,�a�� d��arim�� ��a��reia i� �aa sun�� �herei��. . , ' �: �e�rsat�oi��. �tfo�t��th�, �t� e�e�► v� s�d �r���r �g 1�s� �� her�b�►. i��fl �o �� . �esaei���d ir� �&�e @��it �� 9t�e �i���rsa�ox�� 3.evi�Q r���,s�e�E it' t1�e�e+i�a. �E Y`� �P�`� �S�L��, �T�C� �� �� �iQ� .��aesa�a�*���0 vrl�� �►��s�i�,g in���est �I�er�ae �a# Lhe� �+.�e of �ix .i6) pex �:en6 p�r o�h�ll �e s� liea upon t�� . � �����g ���a�� +�hic�h ��ae ��e i�; � �s���edB �m��;�r�en� uei�� �e�al tt��� �@ sh�.i. 6� �$�bl.� i� •�t�.t �1 3���1.1ma���, a�Loa�ii�i�g o�es �he fo��taw�„� , �. peri��a@ nei�e'��ra � � . �se��e�tr �be�l �� 1� �nclu�iTe, al�ai��, eaz�end. ore� �► p�a�3o�. c��' �'��r� i 5� ����p firo� ��� i, �9� �� d�.aa°� Z; 19��4 iacl�si�c. �seeasmeatar t�m��r�� 1� � 21 iSt�luri�'eo �1]E �c�,,�� os�r � ge8'i@� �P tF2�ree �3� 3'�+��, ��rom ��� ls 19� �t►c 3'asv�►�°y I. 1��2 in�lusivae � - �sees�enee �u�bered �� t�s �� laQ��r�vea e��� �c�ez�� o��� � perl.o� �t �a�n �3n� �e�r� �i°�roa� J�aa� 1Q 1�'Sf� � a��i�r 1'. 1��� �nclutii�a►. .A�0�1 by tiu mi�y couscil of Hc�a�ine, �inneso�a�. �� � sj�e,cial �eeti�� t►he�re�f h��@ fi�b�,o �Dth d�► o� Us��c►b*rD 3.g4Ej. � . ,- � �• �Lii'/f�L� �, l�i}71/Aq 17��WIK �. �o �.�l��.B�i9 . ��1.°Z'8�i8�i Oet �i16 ��AO��. �871i1k p3. ' �1`$4 � Ile�' • � City .���srn� ,. , . 'y �V Notice To Bidders 8tids �rill be received by the City Clerk of Hopkins until 7:30 p.m. of �esd�y November 15th 191�9 for furriishing to the City of Hopldns one motor tractor equinpec� �rit�} front— end loader of at least 2 yard capacity��and snow bucket. Bidder will submit f1�11 specifications on tractor and loader� andthe proposed date of.del�very. The right is reserved to accept or reject a�r or �]. bids. The City of Hopkins C.C.Congdon,City �ana.ger. . J n, U � Notice To Bidd�rs Bids will be received by the City Clerk of Hopkina until 7� 3� p.m. �iesday November 15th 19�t9, for flirnishing to the City of Honkins one Power operated Snow �Wing. Viiing to be designed for and mounted on the #112 Caterpillar Motor � GradeT owned by the City of Honkins � an d t o be i�ydraulically operated from cab. Bidder will state price and date � delivered and ir� talled. All bids will be read in open meeting of City Council� andthe right is reserved to accept � or reject any or a]1 bids. The City of Hopkins C. C..6ongdon, City M�a,ger� � � Notice to Bidders Bidswill be received,by the City Clerk of Hopkir�s until 7s30 p.m.� �esda�y Noveraber 15tn �949� for furnishing to the City of Hopkina one Motor pick—up Street S�eeper. Spe cif ications may be obtained from the City Clerk. Al1 bids will beread in op� meeting of City Council, affi the right is reserved t o acoept or reject any or all bids. 0 The City of Hopkins � G.C.Congdon, City Manager• A regular meeting�of the council of the �ity of Hopkins, I�i.nnesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30.otclock P.P,�. on Tuesday, November l, 1949. The following were present;.T.�ayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilman Joseph T. Anderla, Len J. I�rTilbert, John Ziegler, Stuart E. Beckman, and City Manager, C.C. Congdon. Members absent; none. Becl�aan moved, Anderla seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried. 1161 1162 1163 116I� i165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 �-174 1175 1176 GENER�L FUND Carl A. Anderson Firemen�s•Convention Farnhan S'chool Suppl�r Co. 3 doz. crayons Gaylord Bros. Inc. Oifice Supplies Hopkins Fire Department Fire drill, ca]1, telephones Jean Karr & Co. July, August, September Titles Kilgore �r�'g�. Co. Police Supplies . Koss paint Co. pai�t Supplies Lee It�cNally & Asso. East Hopkins Storm Sewer I�ller Davis Co, Office Supplies b�.nnesota News Co. Library Books N4Y Bell Tel. Company Services Phelps�rake Co. Estimate No. 1� Skelly Oil Co. 500 Gal. gas Speec�y Jeep Sprayers Spraying Suburban Henn. County Relief October F�cpenditures Robert Sundin Delivery of S`tar & Tribune Salaries T�ast 2 of October Hourly Payroll Period ending 10/31/I;9 329 NNf� Bell Tel. Co. 330 Radosta Garage 331 Smith—Dunn Salaries Hourly Pay roll 245 Burroughs Adding Co. 21�6 Waterous Comapny 247 Miller—Davis Salaries 39 Axiton A. Olson 1�0 DeGraff ti�olff Hourly Payroll ROAD A1�TD BR2DGE FUND S ertTic es Sharroen Seythe Sweeper Rental Last 2, of October Period ending 10�31/I�9 �AT�'R. FUND ��echanical Service ��ater Dept. Supplies Office Sizpplies Last 2 of October S�nTAGE DISPOSAL FU:VD Use of car for October Estimate No. 3 Period ending 10/31/!�9 •� REVULVING FUND � 36.00 1.20 l0:05 286.00 11.28 18:70 ►�..57 526.6l� 132.90 84.57 58.55 io,s32.s3 105.00 115. o0 l�40.69 5.00 1692.00 929.67 11.00 1.1�0 1000.00 31�7.30 393•�-5 29w30 306.59 51s00 37�s20: ZU��� 28,922.30 125.90 �1�0 Lee P,ZcNally & Asso. SetRer, water, & curb 679.14 39 Carl A. Anderson Curb & Drive�ays 121�8.97 C"ouncilmen Beckrr�n pr. esented the follo�ring resolution and moved its adoption; an V1H��2EA.S THE CITY COUi�TCIL UF TH� City of Hopkins is in receipt of�estimate in YdT'ltl� b.y Ra]_ph D. Tho�nas �c �sseciates., Engineers, that the value of improvements and auditions com_pleted, in connection with the Sewer troject being financed. by the � �247,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, dated Dedember l, 1945, is in excess of �28,922..30.. N��f, THF�1�Er ORE, B� IT P�ESOLVID THAT the ?�!Iayor and City Clerk of the City of ?io�kins are authorized and instructed to deliver to the Northwestern IVational Bank, �,2inneanolis, DePos�_tary, instructions to release �28,922,30 to t,he City of Hopkins� f'or the purpose of paying for said comp�eted nortion of the �nprotrements and additions in accordance with tne engineer�s �estimates. BE IT FURTHPR RESOL�;� that said Depositary is authorized_to liquidate such U.S. Treasury securities in Wnich.said funds are invested in an amount sufficient to make said �28,922.30 pa3rnient. Cotuzcilman Ziegler seconded th.e motimn and u�on vote it was declared duly adopted� Perbix, Anderla, Beckman, T�I�lbert, and Ziegler v�ting in the affirmative;: and no one voting �n the negati�e. ' Zie;ler �oved, Beckman seconded, trat Resolution �11�.� "A ,'�ESOLUTION RELATING i0 A PROYOSED ORDII�IAivCF," marked �chibit A, be adopted� Carried. Bnderla moved, Milbert secon�ed, that the petition presented by S`.P. Carey in It2innetonka Township for annexation to Hopkins be referred to the City Attorne3T for check of legal oVrnership, and i� found in order to draVr up an ordinance annexing , same. Carried. Anderla �oved, P�Tilbert seconded, that the report by the Cii,-y Attorney referring to the ahove petition f.or annexation be accepted and �laced on fi_le. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the reaciing of Ordinance �25, 'r�il�i ORDrNAIdCE ' DECLARIIJG A P�RT OF THE idO�T fi;Vx'`ST �UAR.TER ( NViT4 ) 9F THE SGUTH4'TES`�' �UAF�.TER ( S4' �) OF Sr�.CTION Th'I�iVTY (20), TD'.�J�i�dSHIP OivE HiJNDRF� S�TE�iQT'=EIQ (117), RAI�dGE TI�TY-QPIE (2.l), HEi�i�iEF'I'i�1 CO'JNTY, :��INivr�OTA, 1^0 RE 1� Yi�RT OF THE CI'I`Y OF HOPKINS," be accepted as the fi.rst reading. Carried. Anderla moved, IRill�ert seconded, tha.t the request oi' the Donovan Constrtzction Company for a permit to make a connection to our main sewer system to take care of the con- templated 556 unit ��roject to be built at P�4eadowbrook �Ilanor in St. Louis Park, di.rectly North of P,neadowbrook Gol_f Conrse be denied. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that tne application for change of zoning map, as pres.ent�d �y E.J. Gerard and �nil �lson be ref.err.ed to the Zoninb Cor.imission. Carried. Anderla. moved, Beckman seconded, that the application of Michael J.�Hadreas for an on sale :intoxicating`.-�. liquor license be placed on file. Carried. ?�fLr. Jerry I3olt and Barney Gross appeared before �tY:e council with reference to the construction and operation of an Outdoor.Theater on the Jasperson property �Iest of �;Zonk Avenue and idorth oi St. Louis Street. Beckman moved, Anderla seconded� that the above subject be r.ef erred te the �oning �om�ssiona Ca-rried. DtIilbert mov�d, Beckman seconded, that the City Attorney contact Allison�and Williams with reference to additional.trunk sewer bonds in the amou_nt of �L.�0,000.00. Carried. Eeclflnan moved, PZilbert seconded, that pesolution 115� "A R:r�OLUTIOIJ PR09IDIi�1G FO�. THE IS:�UANCE AivTL SALE OF NE�OTTABLE CO?JYGl�t BOiVDS 'TO ?�`iAINTAIiv THE �P��"�IviA�1II�tT IL'�'ROVEta�iT REVOLVTNG FUND," marKed �chibit B, be adopted. Carr�ed� unanimously. Beckman moved, Ziegler seconded, that the reading of Ordinance �21.�, "AiJ ORDINANCE DE- FIl�IING CERTA� 11d�SDE��QRS 9.�D BRFSCR�B�G 9 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF AND RE- PEaLING CERTAIN ORDINANCES�" marked F�cYiibit C, be accepted as the second reading thereof and the ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Beck.znan moved, Ziegler sec:onded, tnat tne meeting be adjourned. �.�tJ�s.. c�.-t-c.. A.W. Elmqulst, Secr ary'to the ouncil COUNC ILTVLN: � . ��� . �'4:.. Harlan Perbix, I�.4ayor s CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLUTION N0. 11�+. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A PROPOSED ORDINANCE. 4 M ,/( V1, Wi�REAS, at its reg�zlar meeting of September 20� 1949, the council of the city of Hopkins adopted a motion accepting a first reading of a proposed ordinance "Relating to IInlawful Detainer Actiona and to the Iasuance of Writs of Restitution Therein in Certain Casee During an Emergency Declared to �ist�" and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting of October �, �g�+9, the council adopted a motion accepting a second reading of aaid ordinance and orderin� ite publication, and WHEREAS, said propoaed ordina.nce hae never been publiahed in the legal newspaper of the ci ty, and WI� REAS� it now appeara that aaid ordinance is unneceasary and that the 1911�9 sesaion of the legislature of the e:t�ate of Minnesota enacted Chapter 22�+ which relatea to un�awful detainer actiona and accompliahea the same purpose intended to be accompliahed by auch propoeed ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the �ction of the council on September 20, 19�9, accepting a firet reading of eaid proposed ordinance, and the action of the council of October �+� 19�+9, accepting �, second reading of aaid ordinance and ordering ita publication, both be cancelled, anrrulled and reacinded, and that said ordinance be not adopted and not publiahed in the official paper of the city. ADOPTED by the council of the city of Hopkins at a re�lar m eeting thereof held this lat day of November, �9�+9. W. HARLAN PERBI%� MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, Secretary of the cauncil Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney CITY OF HOPgINS RESOLIITION N0. 115. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUA�TCE A1VD SALE OF NEGOTIABLE COIIPON BONDS TO MAINT�IN THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING.FUND. WHEREAS, the City of Hopkins has heretofore undertaken numerous local improvements for which special assessments may be levied against property,�and � WHEREAS� the city has insufficient funds in the Permanent Impronement Revolving Fund to pay the amount due on.contracts hereto_fore entered into or hereafter to be made for the con- � struction of said improvements� and w�iER�i�S � the city counc il has determined that it will ,.- be necessary to provide the sum of �50�000 in said fund for such purpose� - NOW� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the City of Hopkins� Minnesota� as follows: � 1. In order to provide monep in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and for the purpose of maintaining said fund� the city shaTl forthwith issue and sell its negotiable coupon Perma.nent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $50�0OO�.said bonds to be dated December 1� 1949, to be 50 in number and numbered from 1 to 50� both inclusive�'and in the denomination of �1�000 each, to bear interest at the rate designated by the successful bidder,:payable semi- annually� and to mature serially on December lst in the amount of �5�000 in each of the years 1951 to 1960, both inclusive� all without option of prior payment. �� 2. The city council shall meet at the city hall on � Tuesday� the 6th day of December, 1949� at eight o'clock P.M.� for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for the purchase of said bonds� and the city clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of sale of said bonds to be given as provided by law by publication in the official � newspaper and in Commercial West, a financial newspaper published in the City of Minneapolis� Minnesota.:.:Said notice shall call for sealed bids� at one or more,interest rates`in multiples of one-quarter or one-tenth of one percent, shall state that the bonds will be made payable at any suitable bank or trust companp '' designated by �the purchaser and �that the city will '-furnish � printed bonds and approving legal opinion of Messrs. Faegre.& Benson� 1260 1Vorthwestern Bank Building� Minneapolis� Minnesota� both without expense to the purchaser, and shall require that , each bidder shall furnish_a good faith check,or bank draft in the sum of.at least $1�000.00. � Adopted at a regular meeting of the city council of Hopkins held on the first da� of �ovember, 1914�9. i^ �; A. �V.Elmqnist, Secretar9 �.. . �� rank .. /�itney,. Oitg to the c ouncil Attorney W. HARLAN PERBI%, MAYOH � NOTICE OF,BOND.SALE' c il � � . . - , .. �'� . :��.. . ,- City of Hopkins:� �Minnesota� �, � . �� � , . . : . .. Not3ce is. �hereby giveri that tYie city;,council of the City of Hopkins�� Minnesota� will meet at the city hall in said city on Tuesday;,the 6th day of December, 1949, at.eight o'clock P.M., for the purpose of receiving and considering sealed bids for the purchase of $50�000 �ermanent Improvement Revolving, Fund Bonds of said city dated December 1� 19�+9, sald bonds to be in the denomination of �1�000 each� to bear interest at the rate designated by the successful bidder� payable semiannually, and to mature seriallp on December lst in the amount of $ 5�000 in each of the � years 19.5T to 1960, both inclusive, a1T without option of prior payment. � The city will furnish printed bonds and the approving legal opinionc�f Messrs. Faegre & Benson� 1260 Northwestern Bank Building! Minneapolis� Minnesota� . without,expense to the purchaser. Sealed bids stating one or more interest rates in multiples of one-quarter or one-tenth of one percent must be mailed to the undersigned prior to the time of said meeting� accompanied by a certif ied check, bank draft or cashier's check in the amount oY at least $1�OOp payable to t he order of the city to be forfeited as liquidated damages in case the bid is � accepted and the bidder shall fail to comply therewith� The bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid produces the lowest net interest cost to be determined by computing at the rate or rates specified in tYie bid the total amount of interest from the date � of the bonds to maturity and declucting the premium offered, if any. The bonds will be payable at any suitable bank or trust company designated by the bidder and �rill be delivered at said place of payment_or at the purchaser's office within thirty days after the date of sale. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to adjourn tYie sale if deemed expedient. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL� Lu•trf,e.... �- — -- City Clerk FRAIVK N. WHITNEY 202 Strobeck Building Published in The 9aburban Preas on November Hopkins � Minnesota 17, �9�+9, and City Attornep in Commercial West oa �.�� ��y , (- Mc CITY OF HOPgINS HEAiNII'IN COUNTY, MIDTi�TESOTA � ORDINANCE N0. 2�F. AN ORDINANCE DiFIDTING CERTAIN MISDE'i�I�A.'30RS AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING CE�TAIN ORDITJANCES. BE IT OP.DAINED by the council of the city of Hopkins: ' � Secticn 1. Offenaes againat Public Juetice. Subdivieion 1. The doing of any of the acts or things prohibited or the failure,to do a.ny of the thi ngs or acts commanded to be done as set forth in this section, is hereby declared to be an offense againat the public justice of this city and unlawfal, and an;� person, firm or corporation convicted of violating any of the provi�ione of thie section sha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 2. Rescuing Prieoners. Every person who� by force or fraud, shall rescue from lawful cu stoc�y, or from an officer or person having him in Iawful cuatoc�y� a prisoner held upon a charge, arrest� commitment� conviction� or sentence for violation of a city ordinance, ehall be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdivision 3. Escape from Jail. Every prisoner who shall escape from cuatody, or who shall depart from the city j ail without permission or shall fail to return in accord.ance with hia permieaion� shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 9nbdivision �+. Aiding Eecape from Custody. Every peraon who wit�z intent to eifect or facilitate the escape of a prisoner, whether such escape aha.11 be eifected or attenpted or not, shall enter the city jail or convey to a prisoner any information or aend into the jail any diaguise� inatrument� weapon and other auch things and every person who ahall aid or assist a prisoner in escaping or attempting to escape from �awful custoc�y shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 5. Concealing Escaped Prisoner. Evexy peraon who sha11 know- ingly or wilfully conceal, or harbor for the pu rpoae of concealment a person who has escaped or is eacaping from cuatody for violation of any city ordina.nce ehall be guilty of a miedemeanor. 3ubdivision 6. Refueing to bcecute Judicial Orders. Every person who, after having been laiafully commanded by a�p magiatrate to arrest another person for violation of a city ordinance shall wilful.ly neglect or refuse to do so. and every person� mho� after having been lawfully commanded to aid an officer in arresting any person or in re- takirsg a.ny peraon who has escaped from la�aful custody or in egecuting any legal procesa for violation of a city ordinance, shall be gailty of a misdemeanor. 9�abdivision 7. Gbstructing an Officer. Every person who in any case or under any circumstances not otherv:iae provided for ehall wilfully resist, delay or obstruct (1) a city officer in diacharging or attenrpting to diecharge a duty of his_office� shall be guilty of a miedemeanor. Shibdivision S. Threatening an Officer. Every peraon who aha11 directly or indirectly address any threat or intimidation to a city officer or an appraieer or asaeeaor, or to any other person authorized by law to hear or determine ar,�p con- troaeray o r matter, with intent to in�.uce him, contrary to his duty; to do or make, or to omit or delay any act� decision or determination, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 9. Conspirac� Againet Justic.e. Whenever two or more pereone shall conspire to commit any act injurious to the public health, public morals, trade or any act v�hich obstructa the commerce or/public justice or the due administration of the laws of this city, every such perdon shall be guilty of a misdemeanor whether said act ie committed or not. Slibdivision 10. Compromising Offenses. Any person, firm or corporation who hae made a legal cQmplaint againat any other person� firm or corporation before the municipal court for the violation of any city ordinance, who eh�.11 settle or compromise the same at aqy time after said complaint is filed� and before the trial of such case without permi asion from the municipal court judge, shall be gailty of a miedemeanor. S�.bdivision 11. Imperaonating an Officer. Any pereon who ehall exercise or aseume to exercise any of the poH�ers conferred upon a peace officer or who sha.11 falaely represent himself to be such an officer or to possees the power and authority thereof, except he be a duly authorized officer of the Iaw, ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2. Offenses agair�t Public Peace. 9ubdivieion 1. The doing of a.ny of the acta or things prohibited or the failure to do any of the things or acta commanded to be done as aet forth in this section� is hereby declared to be an offense againet the public peace of thie city and unlawful, and any persoa, firm or corporation convicted of vialating any of the provieions of this aection shall be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdivision 2. Diaturbing Peace. Every person who, without authority of law� eha11 wilfully diaturb any assembly or meeting not unlawful in ita character shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Shbdivieion 3. IInlaw�l Aasemblage. An assembly of three or more persons, who aseemble with intent: (a). To commit any unlawful act by force; or (b). To carry out ar�y purpoeea in such a manner as to dieturb the public peace; or (c). Being aseembled, ehall attempt or threaton ar�y act tending.toward a . breach of the peace or an injury to persons or property or any unlawful act; is unlawful, and every person participatin( jherein by his presence. aid, or inatig�.tion, 2 shall be gu.ilty of a misdemeanor. �.ibdivieion �. xefusing to Disperse. Every pereon who ahall remain preseat at the place of an unlawful asaembly� after having been warned by a magistrate or officer to disperse, unleae as an officer or at the request of any such officer he sha11 assist in dieperaing the same or in protecting persona or property or in arreating offenders, ahall be guilty of a misdemea.nor. ' Subdivision 5. Aiming Weapons Toward Human Beinge. Every person who shall �im ariy gun� piatol� revolver, or other firearm, whether lo�.ded or not, at or towards any human being, or who shall wilfu�ly diecharge any firearm� air gun, or other weapon, or throw a�y deadly misaile, in a public place, or any place where there is ar�y pereon to be endangered, although no injury actually results, Subdivision 6. Nlinors not to use Firearms. ahall be gailty of a misdemeanor. No minor under the age of fourteen years shall ha.ndle� or have in his poseeasion or under his control except wh3,le accompanied by or nnder the immediate charge of hia parent or guardian, a�y firearm of any kind for hunting or target practice or any other aurpoae. E�rery person violating ar�y of the foregoing provisions or aiding or knowingly permitting any stzch minor to violate the same, shall be gu.ilty of a misdemeanor. 9ubdivision 7. Disturbing Peace in Public Yehicle. Every person who shall wiI- fully use profane� offensive, or indecent lan�a.age or engage in any quarrel in any public conveyance, or aha11 interfere with or ax�noy aqy passenger therein, or ha,ving refused to pay the proper fare, sha.11 fail to leave any such conveyance upon demand� or� with the in- tent to avoid the payment of fare, ehall ride upon an� part of such conveyance not commonly nsed for the carriage of passengers� or shall take any dog into such car or conveyance or smoke therein contrary to the niles of the corporation or pereon operating the same� ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision S. Provoking Assault. Any person who ehall use in reference to any person in the preaence of another� or in reference to or in the presence of any member of the family of another, al�uaive or obacene language intended or actually tending to provoke an aseault or any breach of the peace, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 9. Aesault. Any pereon who ehall attempt unlawfiilly to strike or who shall atrike� or in any unlawful manner offer to or do az�,y bodily harm to a.nother person or who shall unlawfully make an attempt to apply a,ny degree of force or violence to the person of another or who ehall in a violent� rade� angry or insolent manner touch or lay hands upon the peraon of another, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. S�bdivieion 10. Intoxication. Every person who becomes intoxicated by voluntarily drinking intoxicating liquors, or who makes or assista in making anq noise� (3) diaturbance or aasault which disturbs the public peace and order, ahall be gailty of a misdemeanor. Subdivieion 11. Except as otherwise provided by the lawa of the state of T�9innesota. it shall be unlawful for any person to offer for sale, expose for eale, eell at retail, or uee or explode any fireworks in the city. Section j,. Offenaea against Public Health and Safety. 9ubdivision 1. The doing of any of the acts or things prohibited or the failure to do any of the acts or thinge commanded to be done as aet forth in this eection� is hereby declared to be an offense against the public health and eafety of the city and unlawfitl, and any pereon, firm or corporation convicted of violating any of the provieiona of this section ahall be guilty of a miedemeanor. 9ubdivision 2. Adulteration. Every person who, v�rith intent that the same may be sold as unadulterated or undiluted� shall adulterate or dilute milk, or any drugs, medicine, food or drink for man or beast; or shall offer for sale or eell the same in this city as unadulterated or undiluted or without discloaing to or informing the purchaser that the same hae been adulterated or diluted; or ehall manufacture� sell or expose or offer for sale� as such article of food or drink� aqp substance in imitation thereof without disclosing the imitation by a suitable and plainly vieible mark or brand; or with intent that the eame may be used as food, drink, or medicine, shall aell� offer or expose for aale� any article whatsoever which to hia knowledge ha.s become spoiled� tainted or for any cause unfit to be ueed as food, drink or medicine, ehall be guilty of a miademe�nor. 9abdivieion 3. Protecting Freah Meat. Every peraon engaged in the traneporta� tion of slaughtered fresh meats, fish, fowl, or ga.me for human food, who eha11 fail to protect the eame from dust, flies, a.nd other vermin or subatance, which may �in- juriously affect it� by securely covering it while being so transported, ahall be guilty of a mi sdemeanor. Subdivision �. Sale of Firearma to T�Iinors. Ebery pereon who shall aell, give away, or in ax�yy wise furnieh any firearms or ammunition to a minor under the age of eighteen yeara caithout the written consent of his parents or gaardian or of a peace officer or magistrate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivieion 5. Setting Fire. Every pereon U�ho shall negligently or carelessly set on fire, or cause to be eet on fire, aqy combustible material whether on his own land or not, by means whereof the property of another ehall be end.angered or shall negli- gently suffer any fire upon his own la.nd to extend beyond the limits thereof� ehall be guilty of a miedemeanor. ��� S�.ibdivision 6. Espoeare to Disease. Every pereon who ehall wilfully ex- pose himself or another affected with any contagious or infectioue disease in a.n� public place or thoroughfa.re, except during hia neceesary removal in a manner not dan- gerous to the public health, ehall be guilty of a miademeanor. 9ubdivision 7. Samples of Medicines. E�ery person, directly or indirectly, by agent or otherwise� who she,ll acatter, distribute or give away any sampleaof any medicinee, pills� drage or medical compounds, aalve or liniment of ar�y kind unlesa the same is delivered into the handa of an adult person� or mailed to auch persons throu�i the regular IInited Statea Mail eervice, ehall be gailty of a misdemeanor. 9ubdivieion g. Public Drinking Giips aad Roller Toe�els. The uae of a common drinking cap or endless roller towele in public places, public conve�ancee. and public buildinga, ie hereby prohibited. Whoecer violates the provisione of thie anbdivision ahall be guilty of a miedemeanor. 3ubdivieion 9. Expectoratiag. Any pereon arho shall egpectorate ia or on ar� public building, or public conveyance, or upon auy sidewalk abutting on any public etreet� shall be guilty of a miedemeanor. Subdieieioa 10. Adulterated Cigarettee. Every, person who sha.11 manufacture, aell, give away, or use any cigarette containing aqy substaace deleterione to hea�th� other than tobacco, shall be guiltv of a misdemeanor. 9ubdiviaion 11. Vagrants. The following persone are vagranta: (a). 9 person, who being a habitual d�nkard� abandons, negleEts or reilisea to aid in the eupport of hi s family; (b) . A peraon ovho has coatracted an infectious or other dieease in the prac- tice of drankenees or debauchery, requiriag charitable aid to restore him to health; ( c) . Every male peraon �rho livee wholly or in part on the earnings of pro- stitution, or who in any public place solicits Por immoral purpoeee; (A male . person who lives aii th or ie habitually in compaay oP a prostitute and has ao viaible means of eupport� shall be deemed to be living on the earninga of proatitution) ; (d). A common prostitute who ahall be found wandering abont the etreeta or loitering in or about aqy reataura.nt or lodging houee; (e) . Every female who shall be fotind wa.ndering about the streets and addreseing male pereone for the purpose of soliciting the commission of any lewd� indecent or ualat�oful act, or for the purpose of eaticing any male person into a house of proatitution or asaignation� bedhouee, room or other place for any unlawful . ( 5) a purpoae; (f). Fortnne tellera� a,nd such other like impostere; (g). A person knot�n to be a pickpocket, thief� burglar, "yeggma.n" or "confidence man, u and having no visible or lawf�.il meana of support, a�hen found loitering around an,y railroad depot� railroad ,�yard, banking institution� broker's office� place oP public amuaement, hotel� auction room, store, ahop, or crorvded thoroughfare� car or omnibns, or at ar�y public gathering or assembly; (h). A peraon engaged in practicing or attempting any trick or device to pro- cu re money or other thing of value, if such trick or device ie made a public offenae by the law of thie state� or an�► person engaged in eoliciting, pro- curing, or attempting to eolicit or procure money or other thing of value by Pa1ee1� pretendf.ng and repreeenting himaelf to be blind, deaf, dumb, with- out arms or legs� or to be otherwi se ph3rsically deficient or to be suPfering from a�y p�ysical defect or infirmity; (i) . A pereon wandering about �,nc� lodging in taverne, groceriea, ma.rket , places, ehede, etables, barne or other uninhabited buildinga or in the open air aad not giving a good account of himaelf; (j). Any pereon not blind� over eixteen years of age, and who ha.s not reeided in the county in whi ch he may be for a period of si� montha� a.ad not having visible meane to ma.intain himaelf, lives witrout employment or wandera about and bege or goee from door to door or..placea himself in the streeta, hig�ways, or public paseagea to beg or receive alme; (k). Any person who by word of month or in writing advocatee or teacheH ia the city, or ie abont to advocate or teach therein, or habituall� advocates or teachea. or is engaged in whole or in part in the occupation, whether for gain or gratuitously, of advocating, advi�ing or teaching the �ity, necesaity or propriety of crime or of violence as a meane of accomplishing industrial or political ends; (b) . An�y person� who by word of mouth or in writing� advocates or teaches fn the city, or is about to advocate or teach therein, or habitually advocatea or teaches, or ie engaged in whole or in part in the occupation� whether for gain or gra.tuitously, of advocating� adviaing or teaching the violation or die- regard of any duty or obligation imposed by a�p atatu.te of this 3tate, or of the United Statee, upon a�y person or class of peraons; (m). Any pereon, who by any written or printed matter whatsoever, or by oral s�eech, teaches, advicea or advocates or ie about to teach, advise or advocate ( 6) r or mho habitually advocates or teache� or who ia engaged in whole or in part in the occu.pation, whether for gain or gratuitouely, of advocating� teaching or advieiag that citizens of thia State sha11 not or ought not , aid or aseist the IInited.States in prosecuting or carrying on war vuith the public enemies of the IInited Statea.,, ��very such peraon shall be guilty of a miademeanor. 9ubdivision 12. Lurking. Any peraon found lurking, lying in wait or con- cealed in any building, yard or atreet within the city �i.th iatent to do miachief, or to pilfer, or to commit any crime or miademea.nor whatever, ehall be guilty of a miedemeanor. 9ubdivieion 13. Burial of Human Boc�y. A�y person who ahall bury any human � body in the city limits except in a public cemetery, shall be guilty of a misdemea.nor. 9ubdivision 1�. Offeneive Smella. No person ahall, anthin the limits of the city, permit, or suffer to be or remain, npon hie premiaes, or upon landa or premisea occapied or used by or uader his control� any outhouae� privy, vault, sewer, private drain� sick or unaound fleah, meat, fish, skin� carcass� or other unwholesome ofi offensive subatance� liquid or thing whatever which ie offenaive, nauseous� hurtilil; dangerous, unhealtiiy or uncomfortable to or for the neighborhood in which it is located. Aqy person or peraons violating the provisions of this su.bdivision shall be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdieision 15. Disposal of Filth. No peraon eha,ll le ave� deposit, or place or cause to be placed, left or deposited within or upon aay street� a11ey, lane� a.venue or public place in the city az�y dead animal, or ax�y animal, vegetable, excrement or other substance u�ich ie offeneive or which by decomposition may become offensive or unhealthy� nor shall the same be left on any private ground nnlesa the same be buried at least three (3) feet under the surface of the ground. Any person violating ; ar�y of the proeisions of this eubdivisioa ehall be gnilty of a misdemeanor. . � Subdivision 16. Discharge of firearms. DTo person ehall fire off� diacharge or ' esplode any gun, piatol, or other weapon within the city limits�:except when done in the .� lawfnl d"efem.e�e of person or property or family� or the neceasary enforcement of the la�. Any person violating any of the proviaions of thia subdivision shall be guilty _ of a misdemeanor. S�bdivi8ion 17. Animals �.inning at Large. Any person who shall keep eny hog, pig or ewine within the city limits� or who shall permit or allow his cattle, horses, mn.lea, �hee�, goate� or an� poultry; turkeys, chi`ckens, ducka or geese to nui at large, unattended by him or other pereone, or permit ar�y euch animals to do any damage to ( 7) ` ,. property, public or private� ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor Subdiviaion lg. Nuisances. The follo�ving are herebg declared to be public nuisances affecting health: (A). All decayed or unwholesome food offered for sale to the public; (B). All diseased animals running at large; (C). All ponds or pools of water or vessels holding stagnant water� in �ehich mosquitoea can breed; (D). Carcases of aaimals not buried or otherwise disposed of in a eanitary manner within 2� houra after death; (E) . Accumulations of manure or rabbiah which. are breeding places for flies, moaquitoee or vermin; (F). Privy vaulta and garbage cans which are not fly-tight; (G). The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream, lake, canal� or boc�y of water by sewa,ge, creamery, or industrial wastea or other subetancee; (H). All noxious weeds and other ra.nk groe�tha of vegetation upon public or. private property; , � (11. Dense smoke� noxioua ilimea, gae and soot� or cinders in such quantities � - as to render the occupancy of property uncomfortable to a person of ordinars► senaibilities; (J). Offeneive trades and businesses as defined by etatute or ordinance of the city not licensed by the city, as �rovided.by law or ordinance; (g). All other acta, omiesion� of acts, occupations, and usea of property which are in fact a menace to the �ublic health. ;Any person� firm or corporation who ahall knowingly cauae or create any nuisance:a . as defined in thia sabdivision, or permit any such nuisance<� to be created or to � be placed upon or to remain upoa any_premisee owned or occupied by him or them�ahall , be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdiviaion 19. 9urface Waters into Sanitary Sewer. DTo person� fd:rm or co rporation ahall con$txu ct, build, maiatain, repair or uae an.� drain� pipe, ditch, trench or o ther method throu�h which rain o r surface watere from roofa, yards, laains, atreets or alleys will be admitted into the sanitary eetaer syatem of the city of Hopkins. A.ny pereon who violates the provisiona of thie �ubdivision ahall be.guilty of a miedemea.nor, and each day that the violation is permitted to egist.shall , �constitute a aeparate offense. \ Section �+. Offenaea aga.inst Morality and Decency: Subdivision 1. The doing aF any of the acts or thinga prohibited or the failure to do aa,y of the things or acte ig) _ 0 commanded to be done as set forth in thia eection, is hereby declared to be an offenae against the morality and decency of this city and unlawilil, aad ax�p person, Pirm or corporation convicted of violating any of the provisions of thie aection sha,ll be �u.ilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 2. Minors using Tobacco. Every pereon under the age of eighteen year�, and every minor pupil in any achool, who shall amoke or use cigarettes� cigars, or tobacco in an�y form on any public road., atreet, alley, paxk or other landa used for public purposes or in ar�y public place of busineas, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor and evezy person who ahall fl,irnish ar�,y cfgarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form to any euch minor person� or who aha,ll permi•t ar�y euch minor per�on to frequent any pre- misea ourned, held or mana.ged by him� for the purpoee of indulging in the use of cigarettea� cigars, or tobacco in any form, shall be guilty of a miedemeanor. 3ubdivision j. Employment of Minors. Every person who ehall employ or cau ae to be employed� eahibit, or have ia hie custody for exhibition or employment, a�y minor actually under the age of eighteen yeara� and every parent, relative� guardian, employer or other peraon ha,ving the care, custod*y or control of any such minor� who shall sell, let out, glve away� or in any way procure or consent to the employment of such minore: (A), As a rope or wire walker, da,ncer, gymnaet� contortioniet, rider or acrobat; (B) .�In beg�ing, receiving alms, or in auy mendicant occupation; (C). In a�y indecent or immoral exhibition or practice; (D) . In a,qp practice or exhibition dangerons or injurioua to life� limb, health or morals; (E). In labor of any kind outaide the residence of the family before eeven o'clock a.m., or after six o'clock p.m.; or (F). As a mesaenger in delivering letters�,telegrams� packages, or bundlee to an,p known house of proatitution or asaignation; , ehall be guilty of a miademeanor. 9ubdivision �+. Cruelty to Children. Every peraon who eha.11 tortnre, torment� or cruelly or unlawfully puaiah any child under the age of eighteen yea.ra, or who eha11 commit any act of cru.elty toward such child� ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdiviaion 5. Indecent Eaposure. Every person who ehall wilfully and lewdly expose his peraon� or the private parta thereof� in any public place, or in any place where others are present, or shall procure another to so expose himself, and eeery person who shall be guiltg of ar�y open or grose lewdnesa or lescivious behavior, or any public indecency other tha,n hereinbefore apecified� shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (9) 9ubdivision 6. Lottery Tickete. Every peraon who shall aell, give or in any way whatever i'urniah or tranafer to or for another a ticket, chance, ghare, or intere�t, or any paper, certificate, or inetrument purporting to be or to repreeent a ticket, chance, share, or interest in or dependent upon the event of a lottery, or who, by writing, printing� circular� letter, or in aay other wsy� ahall advertise or publish a.n account of a lottery, stating hoar, when� or wh ere the same is to be or has been drawn or wha.t are the prizee therein, or any of them, or the price of a ticket, or any ahare of intereet therein� or where or how it may be obtained, eha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor. 9abdivision 7. Lotteriea. Ebery person who ahall offer for sale or distribution ia an� way real or peraonal property, or any intereat there�in to be determined by lot or chance dependent upon the drawing of lottery, or who �sha.71 eell, fiirnish, or procure or cauae to be sold, Furnished or procured� in ar�y manner� a chance or share of any interest in p rop�rty offered for sale or dietribution in violation of this subdivision or a ticket or other evidence of such chance� share� or interest; or �rho shall open� set up� or keep by himaelf or anothery, aan office or place for registering the numbers of the tickete in a lottery or for making, receiving� or registering any bets or atakes. for the drawing or result of such lottery; or who shall advertiee or in any way publiah any account of an opening� eetting up� or keeping of euch ofiice or glace; or who shall let or permit to be used any building or portion thereof owned or controlled by him knowing that it ia intended to be used for aqy of the purposes specified in this eubdiviaion, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 9abdiviaion 8. Gambling. Gambling with ca.rda� dice, gaming tables� or a,ny other gambling device whatever ia hereby prohibited� and every person who shall bet any money or other property at or upon a gaming table, game or device shall be guilty of a mi sdemeano r. 3ubdiviaion 9. Allowing Premiaes to be IIsed for Gambling. Every peraon who shall suffer any gaming table, faro bank or gambling device to be set up or used fo r the purpoae of gambling in any house, bnild�g. lot, yard, or garden;-owned, occupied, or controlled by him, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 10. Profa.nity. Any peraon who ehall use profane� vulgar or indecent langv.age in or about any public building� store, or place of business� or upon any of the etreets, alleys or sidewalke of thi s city or so as to be audible thereon, so as to be offenaive, shall be gnilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 11. Dieorderly Houeea. Every person who ahall open, keep� maintain, frequent or inhabit any disorderly or immoral house shall be guilty of a miedemeanor. 9ubdivision 12. Co-habitation. Every ffian and womaxi not married to each other, (IO) aho ehall abide and co-ha.bit with each ather� ehall. be guilty of �, miedemeanor. Subdivision l�j. Obseene Literature. Every peraon, firm, or corooration who shall bring or cauae to be brought into this city or who shall b�p, eell, or cause to be , b rought or eold, o r adverti se� give away, offer, show, exhibit� poat up, dietribute, de- sign, copy, draw, photograph, print, etch, engrave� cut, carve, make� publish or other- wise p repare or aasist in �reparing or receive aabscriptions f or, any indecent or obscene picture, book, pamphlet� or magazine shall be guiltyr of a miademea.nor. Stitbdivision 1�F. Gambling Devices. Any person, firm or corporation who shall set up, operate, or permit to be set up or operated in or on aqy premisee owned or controlled by him or them, a�y elot machine, puach board or other device_which ie or caa be used for gambling.purpoaes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivieion 15. Immoral Shoc�e. Ar�y person, firm or corporation who shall pro- duce� give, take part in producing� or giving any immoral ahow or permit the same to be done shall be gailt� of a misdemeanor. Subdiviaion 16. Indecent Exposure of Animals. �y person who ehall publicly exhibit or exerciae or let to any animal of the oppoaite sex� aqp stallion, jackass, bull� boar or ram, in thie city ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Slibdieision 17. Leaeing Dieorderly Housee. 9ny person who ahall knowingly let� or hire, or lease� or demiae any hou se or premiees within the lfmita of the city to any pereon or persons of ill name or ill fame, or who are known by common reputation to be common proatitutes, or keepera of, or proprietora of houees of ill fame, or placea ,reeorted to for the purpoee of prostitution, assignation, fornic�tion o r immora,l, lewd� lascivious or other immoral or immodest condtict and behav3or; and aay person or persona� being the owner or owners of� or having the control of any house� building or premises within the limita of the city, who sha,ll knowingly permit or a��.ow or auffer any such person or persons to occupy or remain in occapatioh and poesession of said houae, building or premiees� shall be guilty oP a miademeanor. � 9ubdivi sion lg. IIse of Bathing 9aits. Any person who ahall bathe in any lake, .% _�`�; , stream or pond within the limits of the city, or who ahall appear at any bathing beach� � or the �aatere adjacent thereto, owned, oper�ted or controlled by the city, without wearing a bathing auit� ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 19. Nuisancea. The following axe hereby declared to be public nuisa,nces affecting public morals and decenc�r: (A). All places where intoxicating liquora are manufactured, sold, bartered, or given away in violation of law or where persona are permitted to reaort for the purpoee of drinking intoxicating liquore as a beverage in violation of law, or where intoxicating (11) li quora are kept for eale, barter, or distribution in violation of law� and all li quors, bottlee, kegs, pumpe� bars, and other property kept at and used for maintaining auch a place; (B). Any vehicle used for any immoral or illegal purpose; (C). Betting or bookmaking, and all apparatua used in such occupationa; (D). Placea nsed for the holding of pnblic dances unless conducted as pronided by ord.inance or by atatute. An� person, firm or corporation who shall knowingly cauae or crPate an,y nuieance as defined in this subdivision, or permit any such nnisa.nce to be created or to be placed upon or to rema.in upon a�y premiaes owned or occupied by him or them shall be guilty of a mis- dem ea.no r. Subdiviaion 20. Failure to Support Wife or Child. Every man who, without lawil�l excuse, ooilii111y faile to ilirnish proper food� ehelter, clothing or medical attendaxice to his wife� such wif e being in deetitute circumetancea; and every person having legal responsibility for the care or support of a child.who is under sixteen yea,rs of a,ge and unable to support hfrmself by lawful employment, who wilililly faila to make proper provision for auch child, is �ilty of a misdemeanor. But if any pereon consicted under this eubdivision giveB bond to the city, in euch amount �nd with such sureties as the court preecribes and approves, conditioned to iiirnish the wife or child with proper food, shelte�, clothi ng, and medical attendance for such a period� not exceeding five years, as the court may order, judgment ehall be suspended until some condition of the bond ie violated. The bond may, in the discretion of the court� be conditioned upon the payment of a epecified sum�of money at atated intervals. IIpon the filing of an affidavit showing the violation of any of the coaditions of the bond, the accueed ahall be heard upon an order to ahow cause, and� if the charge be sastained� the judgment ahall be egecuted. The wife or child, and any p erson furniah�ng neceaeary food, ahelter� clothing, or me dical attendance to either, may sue upbn the bond for a b reach of an.y condition thereof. Section 5. Offenses Against Property, Public and Private. Slzbdivision 1. The doing of a�y of the acta or things prohibited or the failure to do ar�p of the things or acts commanded to be done as set forth in this section� ie hereby declared to be a.n offense agaiaat property� public aud private, in the city, aad anFq person, firm or corporar tion convicted oP violating any of the provisions of this aection ahall be gnilty of a mi sdeme ano r. 9ubdivision 2. False Advertising. Any pereon, fiim� corporation or asaociation who, with intent to sell or otherwise dispose of inerchandise, securities, servicea, or (12) anything offered by such pereon, firm, corporation or asaociation� directly or in- directly, to the public, for sale or di�tribution, or with intent to increase the consumption thereof� or to induce the public in any manner to enter into ar�p obli- gation relating thereto� or to acquire title thereto, or any interest'1�erein, makes, publiahes� disseminates, circul�tes, or placee before the public or causea directly. or indirectly, to be made, published� diaseminated, circnlated, or placed before the public in a newspaper or other publication, or in'the form of a book, notice, handbill, poster, label, circular, pamphlet, or.letter, or in any other way, an , advertisement of any sort regarding merchandise, securitiea� service or ar�pthing offered to the public, which advertieement containe a�y aasertion, representation or statement which is untrae, deceptive� or misleading, ahall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. Subdivision 3. False Meagures. Eeery pereon who shall injure or defraud a.nother by using, with knowledge that the eame ia false, a falae weight, measure, or other apparatus for determining the quantity of any commodit� or article of inerchan- dise or by knowingly delivering Iese than the quantity he repreaenta; or who ahall retain in his possession an�r weight or measure, knowing it to be false,.unless it appeara beyo�� a reasonable doubt tha,t it was so retained without intent to use it, or permit it to be used in violation of the foregoing provisions of this aection;.or who.ahall knowingly m�.rk or atamp false or ahort weights or false tare on a.ny package or acale ticket or knoruingly sell or offer for sale any package so marked, shall be guilty of a mi sdemeano r. Subdivision �. Damaging Property. Every person who shall wilfully or mali.ciously displace� remove, inj.ure or deatroy: (A) . A highway, �or private way laid out by _authority of law, or a bridge upon such public or private way; (B). A pile or other material fixed in the ground, and used for eecuring any bank or dam of any river or other water; (�). A tree, rock, post� or other monument which has been erected or ma,rked for the purpose of deai�na.ting a point in any boundary or any mark - or inecription thereon; (D). A mileboard, milestone, or guidepost erected upon a highwa�� or an,y inacription�thereon; 0 (E), A line of telegraph or telephone or electric lig�t, heat and power or ax�p part thereof, or any appurtenance or apparatus connected with.the working of any magnetic or electric telegraph or telephone or electric line or the send- ' (13) ing or conveyance of inessages or electricity thereby; (� . A pipe: or main for conducting gas, water, or heat, or, a�r worka erected for supplying build.ings with gas or heat or water, or any appurtenance or appendage connected therewith; (G). A public sewer or drain� or a pi�e or main connected therewith or forming a part thereof; (H). 9r�y fence, guidepost, sign board, awning, light pole, li�t or lantern in any etreet� park, square or public place in the city, ` shall be guilty of a miedemeanor.. Subdivision 5. De.stroying Trees, etc. Ever,y peraon �+ho ehall wili�lly: (A) . G�t down, destroy or injure a�y a�ood or tree standing or growing or w}�ch ha,s been cut down and ia lying upon lands of another; (B) . Sever from the freehold of another az�y .produce thereof, or as�y- thing attached thereto; (C). Dig, take�.or carry away, without lawful authority or consent from az�,y lot of land, or from ar�y landa included within the limits ' of a atreet or aveziue laid down on the map of the city, or otherwiee recognized or established� any earth, soil or stone; (D). Enter, without the consent of the o wner or occupant, any orchard, frait garden, vineyard., garden, field, or ground whe.reon ie eultiv�ated or growing a!zy fr�it or vegetable, with intent to take� injure o r deatroy ar�ything grown or growing; (E). Cut down, destroy� or in a�y way injure any�ahrub� tree� flowere or vine being or growing within a�y such orchard, garden, vineyard, or upon any such ground, or any building, framework or.erection thereon; ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. � 9ubdivision 6. Malicious Mi�schief. Every peraon who� not being the owner thereof, and without lawful authority, ahall wiliiilly inju re, diefigure, remove or� , destroy a gravestone, monument, work of art, uaeful or ornamental improvement, shade tree� shrubbery� flowers, or ornamental plant, whether upon private gzound, or upon a road, atreet, or aiderualk, or in a cemetery, or public z�ark or place, or who shall remove from any grave in a cemetery flowers� memorials, or other tokens of �ffection, or an,ything connected therewith; or who shall wilfully mar or deface, paint or atain any building or aignboard or other property not his o�an; or who ahall extinguish a lemp, or break, destroy, or remove any lamp or lamp-post, or any raili�ng or poet erected on a b�ridge, aidewalk, etreet� alley or Yiighu�ay, shall be guilty of a mis- (1�+) demeanor. Subdivision 7. Defrauding Public IItilities. Every p erson who shall wilftilly make a.ny connection with a.ny meter, pipe� conduit, wire, line cr other apparatua belonging to an�r person or company using, or engaged in the manufactu�re, supply� sa1e, or dietribution of, electric current, gas, water or heat for the puroose of taking, using or waeting such electricity or electric current� gas, water�_ or heat or who shall wil�lly prevent an electric, gas, �vater or heat' meter from duly meaeuring or regietering the quanti ty of electricity� gas� water o r heat supplied, or ahall in any way interfere with ita proper action o�r just regiatration, or who ehall without the consent of such person or compan,p� wilfully dicert a.z�y electrical current.or power, gas� water or heat of such peraon or company or in any way wilfully use or cause to be used without the consent of such person or company any electricity, gas, water or heat, manufactured or @iatributed by such person or company, or shall aid, agree with, employ, or canspire with any other person to do any of said acts, or who aha11 deposit in any meter or other apparatus used by an electric light, gas, water, heat or telephone compar�y for th� pre-payment of current or servic� any token, article or device except the law�ful coin of the United Statea, for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining sach current or service� shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision g. DTo Smokin� Signs. Every person who ehall light a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in, or shall enter with a lighted pipe� cigar.or cigarette an�r �actory or other building on which is poated in a conacipuous place, over or near the entrance� a notice� in pla3 n legible charactere� stating that no amoking is allowed i n such building� and every peraon who sha11 deface, destroy, or remove an.y such notice�,_ ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 9. Molesting Ra,ilway Property. Every person taho, without law- ful authority, shall break down or carry away any part of an,y fence, bars, or gate at a croasing over any railway track, or plank used for auch crossing� or sha.11 destroy or in- jure any hedge, ditch, or other structure used or intended as a fence to include,any rail- way tracks; and eqery peraon using any gate or bars, oropening the same for any purpose, at any railway croesing, who ahall permit any a.nimal to stray upon a railway track or enclosed right of way� or who shall leaee snch bars do�un� or gate open, ao tha,t animal a may stra� upon such railway track; and every person who shall lead, d rive, or turn upon su.ch track a�y animal for grazing or other purposes, eha.11 be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdivision 1�. Trespaesing on.Right of Way. Every.person, not an employee of a railway company� who without pe rmission from such company� on foot or with a.ny animal or vehicle, shall enter upon a�y railway bridge or trestle, or who� without a permit, shall �15) � . � � ride, onerate, or propel any vehicle on or along the tract of any railway, shall be - � g�ilty of a miademeanor. 9ubdivision 11. Obatracting Streets. No person ehall obsttta�ct any public road or street b� leaving, placing� keeping, or cauaing to be left, placed, or kept a.ny railway car upon or across the s�me, or to stop or cauae to be etopped a.ny engine or train of cars across any public road or street except for a sufficient time, not exceeding five minutes, to couple or separate the care. Whoever violates a�p p rovision of thi�. sub- division shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivieion 12. Breaking Windows, etc. Every person who shall in ar�y manner wilfully damage any building or �art thereof, throw ar�y stone, or other missile at or break any window therein, or who shall aid, counsel, hire or procure a,ny pe rson so to do, shall be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdivision 13. Joy Riding. Any perapn who shall take and use any horse or other domestic animal or ar�y automobile or other vehicle or conveyance or other personal property belonging to a.nother, with intent to deprive the owner of the pro�erty of the temporary uee thereof without the owner's kno�Jledge, but not r��ith the intent to eteal or convert the same permanentTy to hie o4�n use� s�ia,l� be gailty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 1�. Barb Wire Fence. Any pe rson who shal 1 place any barb wire or other sharp �'An points on any railing, or poets in or adjacent to any of the sidewalke of this city, unl�sa the same is pla.�ed a sufficient heighth from the ground that it will not be dangerous to.persons walking on or ac�jacent to snch sidewalks, and a,ny person who fails immediately to remove the same, ah�ll be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdiviaion 15. Barriers and (�ards. It aha11 be the duty of every person who shall have charge of the conatruction of any excavation or obetraction adjacent to or under any sidewalk or street� during the p rogress of such �ro rk, to cause auch excavation to be �securely gaarded by a fence with at least two atringa of good sig-inch '�oards nailed not less than eighteen inches apart to posts aecurely fixed in place. 9uch posts ahall be not more tha.n six feet apart a.nd the top of the highest post sha.11 be not less than four" feet and a half from the surfac� of the sidea�alk or atreet, and from one-half hour after sunset to one- half hour before sunrise, such excavation or obetruction shall be illuminated with red lights sufficient in number and so placed as to ehow the full extent thereof. Ar�y peraon vio]�ing an� of the proviaions of this eubdivieion shall be guilty of a misdemea.nor.. S�bdivision 16. Removing Barricadea. It eha,ll be unlawfu.l for any person to � remove, throw dovrn, ran over� or int erfere voi th any barricade or barricades lawililly erected, placed to guard and protect an,p grading� paving, sidewalk, construction or other r�ork, and any person or persona who sha,ll violate the p rovisions of thia eubdiviaion shall (16) � be�guilt� of a miademeanor. Subdivision 17. Molesting IInfiniahed Paving. Aqy person who aha.11 walk upon, drive or ride over or acroas aay pavement, in courae of constru.ction� any un- completed grading or eidewalk oonstruction v�hich ha.s not beea opened for travel, sha,ll be guilty of a miademeanor. 9ubdivision lg. Blasting. It ehall be unlawful for ar�y person to blast or cause to be blasted, within 300 feet of any building_ in this city, rocka or other material without having the sam� covered by a good sound timber, or sheet metal of sufficient. weight, length and thickness and so placed as effectively to prevent fragments.of rock orcther material blasted from ascending into the air� or to fail to notify peraona approaching the scene of any blasting that blasting is being done. Any peraon violatiag b ' any of the provisions of this�ivieion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. S�Zbdivision 19. Glasa, Tacks� Nails in Streete. It aha11 be unlawftil for a.ny person to place� throw, or cause to be placed or thmwn on any street, alley, sidewalk, or cther public property in thie city, any, glass, tacks, naila, crocker�r, scrap iron, , bottles, or other substancps or things that might wound an� person or animal, or cut or puncture a.ny pneumatic tire when paseing over th� same. .An� person violating any of the p rovieions of this subdivision aha11 be gu.ilty of a miedemea.nor. Subdivision 2p. Hauling Loose Material. It shall be�unlawfuT for any peraon to haul ov�r the streeta or alleys of this city a�y looae material of any kind except in� a vehicle having a tight box eo,constructed as to prevent the snlashing or apilling of any of �he subatances therein contained upqn said streets or alleys. Any person eiolating any of the provisione of thia subdivision shall be guilty of. a miademeanor. 9ttbdiviaion 21. Hedge Fencea. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling any property at any intersection of streets to allow any shrnbs or hedge fence � bordering on a�p atreet or sidewalk. ' ,:_.. = to grow to a h�Qight rrhich obstructa the vision of persone driving motor vehicles on aaid street. Any person violating any of the provisions of this snbdieision ahall be guilt�* of a miedemeanor. 9ubdivision 22. Hitching to Trees, etc. It sha11 be unlaurful for any pe rson to hitch any animal to any lamp post, hydrant, water trough, drinking fountain� shrab or. shade tree or to picket any animal in any of the atreets, alleys, park�a or public gronnde , of this city. Any person violating any of the p roeisions of this sub diviaion ahall be gtiilty of a misdemeanor. Sl�.bdivision 2j. Obstracting Sidewalks. Any person, firm or corporation who shall leaee�.or allow to be �eft any implementa, tools, boxes, mercha.ndise, goods, trash� ; ca.ns, cratea, cornrpoppers, peasiut roasters� ice cream containers, advertising or shot� . (17). . . . .,,. . - . . , � . .. _. -. . � - ; _. . . , __. . , _ .. . . . � .� cases on any of the sidewalka or other public ways of.this city longer than is necessary for loa�ing or unloading the eame, exdept when authorized in writing by the city manager, ahall be guilty of a miedemeanor. , Snbdivieion 2�+. Sidewalk Pro�jectione or Holes. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any propertg having a eidewalk adjacent thereto to permit any pl�nk� brick, stone or segment of said sidewalk to be raiaed above the established level of said sidewalk more tha.n one-half inch� in any ma.nner which might catch the foot of a pedestrian, or to permit any holea or depressione to occur in the sidewalk in which a: pedeetrian mi�t step or catch hia foot in a manner liable to cause injury. A�y person vio7a.ting any of the provieione of thia subdivieion ehall be guilty of a mie- demeanor. 9ubdivision 25. Poating Bills. Az�y person who shall put up any hand bill� advertisements� posters, show bills, or other sign on any building� pole, or property not his own, without permiseion from the o�uner thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivieion 26. Defacing Public P*�operty. Any pereon who sha.11 cut� carve, mark, etch or engrave anycheractcr, figure, letter, or name upon any building owned� occupied or used by the city, or who shall in any manner mar� deface, or injure any trees, ehrub, plant, vines or any other public Property, in, on, or �round the grounda upon which such building i a situated� ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. � S�ibdivision 27. Injury to Park. Ar�y person who shall t�ilfully and with- out authority cut, pluck, or otherwise injure any flowers, ehrabs� or trees growing in or around ax�y publi c park, o r o th er publi c grounde of thi e ci ty o r who ahall wilfully in jure or destroy an�p atand, bench or other property situated on such park or ground� ahall be guilty�of a misdemeanor. Sabdivieion 28. Molesting Se�rers and G�,ilverte. An,p person who shall wililxlly injure or destroy or attempt to injure or destroy any public eewer or culvert or who shall molest any aewer or culvert or any part of said sewer or culvert by removing the cover of eay fluah tank, manhole or other part of said public sewer system or culvert without authority so to do� eha,ll be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdiviaion 29. Witk+holding Posaeasion of City Property. Any person who ahall take possession of any property, real or peraona.l, belonging to thie city or to the possession of which the city shall be entitled, or shall commit a�y trespass thereon, or who shall unlawfully withhold the property from the city shall be guilty of a mis- demea.nor, provided the unlawful withholding of such property after demand therefore has been made by the city mauager shall be deeined a new and separate offense for enery ciay the posaeseion i� withheld after auch demand. Subdiviaion j0. Earth �9aehing on Sidewalke. Whenever an,y lot or piece of land abutting on any aidewa].k in this city ahall b�come or remain in auch a condition that earth or other substances therefrom ehall accumulate �a such eidewalk and the owner oP auch lot or piece of land ahall refuse or neglect to place the same in euch a condition ae to prevent sach waahing or accumulating on such sidewalk, sach owner shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each day that auch owner sha11 refliae or neglect to abate said condition after notice �rom the city manager eha.11 conatitute a separate oPfense. Subdivision jl. Injury to Wa1ke� etc. Any person who ehall l.Qosen or remove any plank, brick, block, or su.pport fmm any eidewalk or crosa walk or any curbing or gutter ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Provided, this eabdiviaion ahall not a�rp3y to persone making repaira on any such sidewalk� gutter, curb or cross-walk, or an,p person temporaril�r removing the same on account of lsuilding operationa. Slibdieision 32. Signa. It ahall be unlawflil for any person to erect or main- tain any sign or other stracture for advertising or other purpoaes across or u�ori any etreet or aidewalk nnlesa the same is ten f�et or more above the eidewalk or street and does not egtend more tha.n eight feet out from the building. No aign larger tha,n three feet by three feet in eize ahall be constructed wi:thout the written permissioa of the city manager firat having been aecured. Signs upon atreets.or aidewalks or eigns extending Prom one side of a atreet to the other side are prohibited unlese first approv�d in writing bg the city manager. Before granting ar�,y permisaion required by this subdivieion, the city manager may impoae such conditione a.nd requiremente regar$ing the erection aad maintenance of such sign as he deems necessary, and may require a bond from the person to whom the permission is granted. Ar�y person violating any of the provisions of this subdiviaion shall be guilty of a miademeanor. �ibdivision 33. Awnings. It sha.11 be unlawful for any person to constract or install or maintain or eauae to be conatructed or inata.11ed or maintained any awning which is supported in whole or in part by poata or other supporta set into the sider�ra.lk or street without first obta3ning the written approval of the city manager, and any peraon� firm or corporatiba who ehall violate thia eubdiviaion ahall be guilty of a misdemeenor. 8u.bdivision 3�+. Throwing in Street. A�y person who ahall throw or bat a.ny ball, atone, or other hard eubatance into, on or acrose ar�y atreet, or a11ey or in aqy public Alace or at or against aqy building or vehicle or at or tovaard a.n.y person, ahall be guilt� of a misdemeanor. Subdivision 35. IInlawful IIse of Iasig�nia. Ever�r person who ahall voilfully wea r the insignia, badge or button of the Grand Army of the Republic, the American Legion, the Peterans of Foreign Wars, or a�y other veterans organizations, or any aimilitude thereof; (19) , or who shall wilfully wear any badge, emblem, or insignia pertaining to the order of Masona, Odd Fellowa, gni�ts of Pythiae, or a�p other aecret order or eociety, or any similitude thereof; or� who ahall uae any such badge, button, or insignia to obtain aid or assistance� or who aha.11 use the name of such order or aocietg for gain in thie city unlesa heshall be entitled to so use the seme under the constitution, by-lawa. x�u].ee a.nd regulationa of such order� shall be guilty of a miademeanor. 9nbdivieion j6. Desecrating Flag. Every pereon, who� for exhibition or display, ahall cauae to be placed upon or a.ffiaed�to any flag, ata.ndard,color, or enaign of the United States or the State of Minnesota or upon one purporting to be either of said flaga, atandards, colore, or ensigna, any inacription, deeign, device, symbol, name, advertisement, words, character, marke or notice whatever; or who ehall publicly mutilate, tremple upon, deface� or defy any such flag, standard, color, or ensign, ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdiviaion 37. Ticket Scalping. Every peraon� firm� or co rporation who ahall sell or offer to expoae for sale any tickets of admission to any theatre, opera, athletic conteat� or other public entertainment at a greater price than the sa.me are being aold for or offered for sale by the mana,gement of the same� shaTl be guilty oP a miademeanor. Subdivision jg. Protecting Streets and Alleys. No person ehall erect� build, set up or maintain aqp house� atore, shop or other building or structnrc in or upon any street, sidewalk� avenue, alley, lane or pnblic ground within the limits of the city; no peraon ehall depoeit or place and leave ar�y box, merchand3se� timber, planl�, board, ehingle� caek, barrel� hogsh��.d� lumber, brick or etone in or upon any street� sidewalk, acenue, alley, lane or public ground voithin the limits of the city, nor shall any person suffer or permit any wood, atone or other aubsta.nce to drop from tracks or wagons, or other vehicles� while tra,nsporting the same through ar�y street in the city, and pernnit the same to remaia therein or thereon, nor ahall an,y person place� leave, throw, drop or deposit aay offal, filtY�p water, garba,ge, crude petroleum� coal, rock, earth or other material or sub= stance wha.tever in or upon ax�y atreet� eidewalk, avenue, alley, lane or public ground within the limits of the city. Any person violating a.ny of the proviaions oi thfs sub- divieion shall be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdivision 39. Occupying Sidewalks or Streets. Any peraon bui�.ding or re- pairing ar�y building near any aidewalk, atreet� avenue, alley or �ublic ground in the - city, or desiring to remove any building along any etreet of� the city, shall apply to the city manager for a license to place building matetial upon such aidewalk, street, lane� avenue, a.11ey or public ground during the process of such building or repairing, or to re- move euch building. The city manager may grant such licenae under such conditions and ( 20 ) restrictions to be set forth in such license as will prevent needless inconvenience. No such permission shall be � ven to any person to occupy with such material more than one-thi rd of the roadway of such street, nor to permit euch obstru ction to remain in said street or alley for more tha.n three months. An,y person violating any of the pro- visions of this au.bdivision ehall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision �40. ExcaPating in Streeta. No peraon ehall make ar�y egcavation in ar�y of the etreets, avenuea, alleys or public grounds in the city for any purpoae� or remove the earth or soil therefrom, until he ahall be allowed eo to do by a written license from the city manager; and no person when ao authorized ahall make any excavation until he ahall erect a suitable guard or fence about the place of such excavation snfficieat to prevent persona or animals from being injured by falling into the same; and every peraon making such excavations� when it is accomplished, or when ordered by the city manager, ahall, without delay, fill the same eo that it ahall at least be in as good condition as before said egcavation, Any pereon violating aqp of the proviaions of thia subdivi�on ehall be guilty of a miademeanor. Subdivision �F1. Street fire. Any person who shall build or cause to be made ar�p fire within the limits of aRy street� avenue or alley within the corporate limits of the city ahall be gnilty of a misdemeanor. 9ubdivieion 42. Protecting Sewera. An,y person who ahall deposit in� place in� or permit to run in, or cause to be placed or run into a.ny eanitary or etorm �ewer in any street, avenue or alley of the city through a,ny manhole or other hole or conduit lead- ing into such sewer fron the surface of any such street, avenue or alley. any dead animal, or an.,p anima,l, vegetable excrementive, or other eimilar subatance, or any substance of an,y kind taken from any privg vault. or other vault of any outhouse, aha11 be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdieision �+j. Driving acrose Sidewalka. An,p person who shall drive any vehicle over or across any.sidewalk from any atreet to any lot, or from any lot over or acroas any sidewalk to a street or �venue� except over a regularly constracted driveway. shall be guilty of a miademea,nor. � 9ubdivision �+�+. Nuisances. The following are declared to be public nuieances affecting property� public and private� and public peace and safety: (A). All snow and ice not removed from public sidewalka t�velve houre after the �now or ice has ceased to fall thereon; (B). All trees� hedgea, billboarde, or other obatractions,except buildings erected in accordance with city ordinancee, which prevent persons driving vehiclea approaching an intersection of public highways from having a clear view (21) of traffic approaching such intersection from cross streeta for one hundred feet along such croas atreeta, measured from the property line, when one hundred feet from such intersection, meaeured from the property line; (C). All limbs of trees �hich project over �public sidewalk or street and are less than eight feet above the surface of euch public side- walk and nine feet above the sarface of such etreet; • (D), gll wirea except clothea line wires which are strang less than fifteen Peet above the surface of the ground; (E). All buildings, walls and other stractures.which have been damaged by fire, dec�y, or otherwise� and which are so situated as to endanger the eafety of the public; (F) . All explosivea, inflammabl�. liquids and other da.ngerous sub- stances stored in ar�y manner or in ax� amount other than that pro- vided b� ordinan.ce; (G). All loud or unusual noiaes and annoying vibration Nhich off�nd the peace and quiet of persona of ordinary sensilibilitiea; (H). A�y use of the public streets or eidewalks which causea large crowda of people to gather, obetructing traffic and the free uae of the etreets or sidewalke; yvater, (I) . The allowing of/rainwater� ice, or snow to fall from any 'b�iild- ing or structure upon aqy atreet or sidewalk or to flow acrcFs any sidewalk; (J). All dangerous, unguard.ed machinery, in an,y public place� or so situated or operated on private property as to attract the public; (g). The doing of any thing or act, or any occupation, or 8ny failure to act which (1). Shall e.nnoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, comfort. or repose of ar�y considerable number of persons; or (2). Shall offend the public decency; or (3). Sha11 unlawfully inter�ere with, obstruct, or tend to obstruct or reader da.ngerous for paesage, a lake� atrea.m� caxial, or basin, or a public p�rk, square� �treet� alley, or highwq}r; or (�). Shall in aay way render ariy considerable number of per- sons insecure in life or in use of property. ( 22) A�p person� firm or corporation �ho ahall knowingly cauae or create any nuisance as defined in thie subdivieion, or permit such nuiean.ce to be created or to be placed upon or to rema,in upon anp premisea owned or occupied b� him or them, shall be guilty of a miademeanor C elty to Animals. Section 6.�9ubdivision 1. The doing of any of the acta or thinge prohibited or the failure to do any of the things or acts comnanded to be done ae set forth in thia eection, ie hereby declared to be craelty to animals in the citp. and any person, firm or corporation convicted of violating a�y of the proviaions of this section ahall be guilty of a misdemea.nor. Subdivi � on 2. Cruelty to Animals. Every person who sha.11: (A). Overdrive, overload, torture, cruelly beat, neglect, or unjuatifiably injure� maim� mutilate, or kill aa�y animal, or cruelly work the same when unfit to labor, whether belonging to himself or another; (B). Deprive of necessary food, water, or ahelter ar�y a.nimal of which he ha.s charge or control; (C). Keep co�us or other animals in any enclosure wi.thout wholesome exercise a.nd chan�e of ai r; (D). Feed cows on food which produces impure a.nd unwholesome milk; (E). Abandon aqy maimed, sick, infirm, or disabled animal to die in ar�y public place; (F). Allow any such animal to lie in the street, road, or other �ublic place for more than three houre after notice; or (G). Wilfully set on foot, instigate or in any way further any act of cruelty to animals� or any act tending to p roduce such craelty; shall be guilty of a misd�meanor. Subdivision j. Animal Fighting. Every pe rson who ahall engage in, be employed at� aid or abet cock-fighting, dog-fighting� bear-baiting, pitting onc animal against another of the eame or a different kind, or a.r�y other similar craelty �to a.nimale, or who aha,ll receive money for the admissionc� a�y person to any place used� or about to be uaed, for a.ny such purpoae, or ehall wilfully pe.rmit ax�y one to enter or use for ax4Y such purpose, premises of which he is owner, a.gent, or occupant;, and every person who ehal�lu.ae� train or posaesa a dog or other animal for the purpose of seizing, detaining, or mal�reating a.ay domestic animal� ahall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Subdivision �. Diaeased Animals. Every owner or person ha,ving cha,rge of ar�y animal knowing the same to have a.ny infectious or contagious diaeasc or to have recently been exposed thereto� who shall eell or barter the same or knowingly permit such a.nimal i 23) to run at large or come into contact with any o ther animal, or with another person without the knowledge and permissfon of such peraon, ahall be guilty of a miademeanor. Section 7. Penalty. Whoever is convicted of a misdemeanor, whether the mis- demeanor is defined by thi� or a�y other ordinance of the�city, sha11 be puniahed by im�risonment in the city or county jail for not more than three months, or by a fine of not more than $100.OQ. Secti on g. Repeal . 9ubdivi sion 1. "An Ordinance Relating to Miedemeanors� Breaches of the Peace and Diso rderly Condact," and "An Ordinance Rela.ting to Disorderly Houses axid Houses of I11 Fame and Common Proatitutes," and "An Ordinance to Prohibit Gaming and Gambling Houses," and "An Ordinance to Punish Vagrants," and "An Ord.inance Relating to Creatin� Nuisancee," end "An Ordinance Relating to Nuisances," and "An Ordinance to Prcvent the Introduction of Certain Cont�agioua Diseases into the Village of Weat Minneapolis," and "An Ordinance Concer� ng Streets, Sidewalke and Alleys and to Prevent Injurious, Dangerous and Unl�a�ful Practices in the Same,'� and "An Ordinance Providing for the Dispoeal oi Filth, Offal and �ther 9ubatances of Lake Nat��re," and "An. Ordinance Relating to Fire Works and to Prevent the IInlawful Discharge of Fire-Arme," and "An Ordinance Regulating Bathing Within the Limita of the Village of West Minneapolis," and "An Ordinance to Prohibit Fishing and Gunning on Sanday,.'� each of which twelve ordinances heretofore enumerated in this subdivision was adopted by ' the village council of W�st Minneapolis on Febrnary 2p, 1g9�� e.re, individually ar�.d collectively� he reby rep ealed. Subdivision 2. "An Ordina.nce to Amend an Ordinance Entitled 'An Ordinance Con- cerning Streets, Sideuralks and Alleys� and to Prevent Injurioua, Dangerous and Unlawful Practices in the Same,' Approved February 20, 189�," and "An Ordinance Declaring Certain Prohibited Acts to be Nuisances," both of which two ordinances heretofore enumerated in thia subdivision were adop ted by the village council of West Minneapolis on March 6, 1900, are, individually and jointly, hereby repealed. ( 2�+) 0 Subdivieion j. "An Ordinance Rel�ting to F'ines and Puniahments and Providing Hard Labor Sentences for Jail Priaoners," which was adopted by the village council of West Minrieapolia on Feburary 6� 1912, ia hereby re�ea.led. Subdivision �. "An Ordinance Relating�to Miademeanors� Breacres of the Peace a.nd Disorderly Conduct," a.nd "An Ordfnance Relating to Penaltiea for Violations of Village Ordinancee," both of which two ordinancee heretofore enumerated in this subdivision were adopted by the village council of j'deet Minneapolis on October 3� 1912, are individually and jofntlq� hereby repe�I.ed. Subdivision 5. "An Ordinance Defining an.d Punishing Vagrancy," which was adopted by the village council of Weat Minneapolis on July 10� 1j�7, is hereby repealed. 9nbdiviaion 6. "An Ordinance to Prevent Injurious, Dangerous and IInlawful Practices in the Streete, Avenues and Alleys of the Village of Weat Minneapolis, Minneeota�" which was adopted b� the village council of West Minneapolia, and publiahed in The Heanepin County Enterprise on September 16, 1920� is hereby repealed. 8ubdivision 7. nAn Ord.inance to Prevent A.nimale and Poultry from Sunning at Large," which was adopted by the village council of West Minneapolie and �ppears on page g6 of the book of "Rules of Procedure, Ordina.nces and By-Lawe° of the Qillage of West Minneapolis, vuY�ich book was publiehed on Febxuary 15, �g23, is hereby repealed. Subdivision 8. "An Ordin�nce Defining Cer�ain Misdemeanors and Prescribing a Penalty for Piolation Thereof," and "An Ordinance Defining Public Nuisances, Prohibiting Their Creation or Maintenance and Providing a Penalty for Violation Th�reof�" and "An Ordinance Relating to Failure to Support Wife or Child and Prescri�i�ng a Penalty for Violationg Thereof�" each of which three ordinances heretofore enumerated in th3s subdivision was adopted by the village council of Hopkins on Feb ruary 19� 1�2g, are, individually and collectively� hereby repealed. Subdiqision 9. "An Ordina.nce to Repeal an Ordina.nce to Prevent the Sale or IIse of �y Species of Firemorks or Explosive Contrivances Within the Pillage of West Minncapolis (Now the Village of Hopkins) and to Provide for the Seiztire a.nd Destruction of 8ame," and "An Ordinance to Repeal an Ordinance to Prohibit Firewo rks and the Discharge of Firearms Wfthin the Corporate Limits of the Villa,ge of West Minneapolis, Nlinr.esota (Now the Pillage of Hopkins� Minnesota) ," - both of which two ordinancea heretofore enumerated in thia subdiviaion were adopted by the village council of Hopkins on June 23, i93�, are, individually and jointly, together with � 25) the ordinances repealed thereby, hereby renealed. 9ubdiviafon 10. "An Ordinance Regulating the Use and Dis- charge of, Licensing and xegalating the Sa1e, Display� Storage, Disposition of Exploaives and Fireworks, a,nd Providing a Penalt;� for the Yiolation Thereof,'� which waa adopted by the village council of Hopkins cn April 20, �937, ia hereby repealed. 3ubdivision 11. Ordina,nce No. j of the Cit� of Hopkins, which k°as adovted by the city council of Ho�kina on May 13, 19�F8, is hereby repe al ed. First read at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on the lSth day of October, �9�+9, and finally read and passed at a regulax meeting of the council of said city held on the lst day of November, 19'+9 . W. HARLAN pER3I%� A4AYOR A. j'J. Elmquiet, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney � City Attorney Published in The 9uburban Press on November 10, 19�9. ( 26) I ��f �':-' Q regular meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, l�innesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:30 otclock P.bR. on Tuesday, November 15, 1949. �embers present were: Mayor V6. Harlan Perbix, Coiincilman,Joseph T. Anderla, Stuart E. BecMnan, and City Manager, C.C. Congdono`�D�embers absent �ere: Len J. Milbert; John Zieglero ,� Beclffnan moved, Rnderla seconded, that the following bills be paid. Carried unanimouslyo 117_7. 1178 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1201� 1205 1206 i2o7 i208 I209 1210 1211 1212 1213 (121li. (1215 335 336 33? 338 339 31�0 341 342 343 31.�1a. 31S �l�6 3�.7 348 3U9 350 248 - 21.5t9� 255 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 265 GENER�iL FUAID Champion Motors Coe Desk, fan, chairs, typewriter. University of N[innesota Registration for �own Planning (for C.CoC. & J.T.A.) First Nat,t;l. Bank of Hopkins ,�ithYiol:ding Tax Treasurer, State of B�innesota,,Retirement Deductions �nerican Linen 3upply Co. !� roller towels Bren Hardware�, ;Supplies C.C. Congdon, Treasurer Petty Cash � Dickey & Milbert Inc. Gas• Duncan Meter Corporation parking Meters ' Feudner Davidson 4gency Bonds for City Mgr. & �ity Treas. n �� �� �orlamen � s C omp o policy Gustafson & �axa _ Repairs.& Supplies Hennepin County Revievr Printing- �ike Holm, Sec. of State Listing 6 Hopkins Fire Department Fire Call Johnson & Vogt . Repaa.rs l�ilbur I,�cke , pick up dogs �i11ez�Davis �� � �'�` � Supplies � Nelson�s Inc. Gloves, repair rubber goods Northern States Power Co. Services R.ail�a.y �press Agency 1 ctn. Skelly Oil Co. Gas Standard Oil Coo Repairs Suburban Chev. Co, Repairs Suburba.n Press Inc. , Printing Sa.laries � lst 2 of Nov. RQAD AND BRIDGE FU1�ID First Nat � 1. Bank of Hopki.ns �JithYiolding Tax Tressurer, State oP Muuiesota Retirement Deductions Anderson Broso Tractor parts Bren Hardwaxe ,� Supplies C.C. Congdon, Tressurer Petty Cash Gustafson & �.ixa -Repairs & Supplies Glann Johnson Contracting Co. Blacktop & repairs Johnson &..Vogt � Repairs Kokesh Hardware Repairs & supplies La.mpert Yards Cement Landers-Norblom-Chxistenson I,iiaestone Don �+cClellan Co. 2 hr. use of scraper �m. H. �'QcCoy Diesel F�el Newman-Rhoads Motors Supplies Northern Stares Power Services Republic Creosoting Repairs Salaries lst z of Nov. �ATER FUND _ ._ . ...�,�.� _ Postmaster, Hopkins 1500'Postcards - Champion �otors Co. Desk, fan, ch�irs, typewriter First,Nat�l. Bank of Hopkins �ithholding Tax ' Treasurer� State o� ]ldi.nnesota; Retirement Deductions Hennepin County Review Printing Sia.burban ll�ress Printing Addressograph-L�ultigraph Co. 2000 cut cards C.�'.Congdon, Treasu�er Petty Cash Gustafson & F�xa Repairs & supplies Kokesh Hardware Repairs & supplies Neptune Meter Co.. Supplies . Northern States Po�rer Services . NBP Bell Tel. Co. �ffires Suburban.Chev. Co. Repairs Sa.laries lst z of Nov. � i9i.5o . 8.00 2�1.�,00 93oL�9 1.65 ?3000 10.73 105e00 �97o�.lG, 137a5o 1176.l.i.3 1�3•70 45.75 .50 ].l�6.00 17.89 6eo0 i3.5o 17.50 702.9]. 2.57 105s00 10.80 10.77 1la..63, 1l�77.93 68.80 l�0.37 30.60 2.05 075 1.75 161.68 7.80 9e95 , 2. 00. 137.23 39.00 16.13 3.60 7090 92ot�o 347•3� 15.OQ 127.50 �9.30 io.00 7.50 i9.5o � i.25 6086 9031 8.96 � 9.54 52i.z5 8.13 `•�r3j�90 370.20 BOND AND INTEt�EST FUI�ID 21 N�T� N�t-11e Bank of Minnea.polis Sewer 1iParrants & Reveriue Bonds � 1, 829.56 22 Sewage�.Disposal F�nd � Transfer from Special 9ssnt. Fund 1,250.00 S�IIfAGE DISPQSAL FUPID � 1�.]. First Nat�l. Bank of Hopkins �ithholding Tax 2.80 �.2 Nfl� Nat�l. -Bank of Minneapolis Sewer Warrarits & Revenue Bonds 11�,395a08 ` REVOLVII� FUND 1,�1: Glenn Jot�nson Contracting Co, Blacktop & repairs Lt2 Republic Creosoting Co. Repairs 945.87 172.55� Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the follo�aing license applications be grantedo Carried unanim.ous],y. , The �merican Legion Oak Ridge Country Club Centre Liquor Store Hopkins Liquor Store Sheehan�s Liquors On-sale club liquor. On-sale club liquor, on-sale non-intoxicating ma.lt liquors, soft drinks, cigarettes... Off-sale liquor, off-sale non-into�acating malt liquors, soft drinks, cigarettes. Off-sale liquor, soft drinks. � Off-sale liquor, off-sale non-intoxi.cating malt liquors, soft drinks, cigarettes. , Bursch�s Cafe & Bar Off-sale liquor� on-sale i:ntoxicating liquor, on-sale & Liquor Store non-intoxicating malt liquor, off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor, soft drinks,.milk, 2 mechanical amusement devices (five ball)� cigarettes. Archiets Off-sale liquor� on-sale intoxicating liquor� on & off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors� soft drinks� 1 mechanical a.musement device (five ball), cigarettes. 908 Bar Off-sale liquor, on-sale �ntoxicating liquor� on-sale non-into�dcating malt liquors, off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks, cigarettes. Blue Ribbon Bar Off-sale liquor, on-sale intoxa.cating liquor� on-sale non- into�.cating malt Liquors, off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquors, soft drinks� 1 mechanical armzsement device (five ball), cigarettes. Becl�na.n moved� Anderla seconded, that the request of the Northern States Power Company to place a pole on Interlachen Road between Excelsior Blvd. and Preston Lane, and the �di.nneapolis Gas Compar�yts request for main extensions their numbers 33�,.331� �d 343 be granted. Carried unanimouslyo Pursuant to notice bids were opened at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for one power operated snow wing� one motor pick-up street swreeper, and one motor tractor e:c�ppeel �-th front end. loader of r at least 2,ya�d capaeity and snow buckets The following bids w�re received:. : u��• George T. Ryan �o. �Pm. H. Ziegler �o. Austin�estern Co. George T. Ryan �'o. Smith-Dunn �o. .. ,� BID PRICE pos+rer operated snow wing, �ausau model �P-12, � 1225s00 Caterpillar snaw �viriga 908000 Motor pick-up street �eeper� model l�0. ; 6900�00 Model E, �utter-Snipe 6307.00 Wayne motor svJeeper �8685000 less credit allowance �1000e00 net price 7685000 The l�inar Co. I�otor tractor� 8 N model Ford Tradtor 1636.90 George T. Nyan Coo Case model D I tractor 4728e00 - Wm. H. Ziegler Co. B�pls. Bdoline RTI tractor 3105�00 Ander]a moved� Becl�nan seconded, that the above bids.be tabled until next meetinge Carried unanimousl$. Beckman moved� Anderla seconded, that the communication dated November 15� 19Lt9, b.Y Rev, Lasse J. Stohl, pertaini.ng to tYie re-aoni.ng of property along Number 7 for _ commercial use be referred to the Zoni�; @offinission. Carried �?�*+;mous],ye Aziderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the petition presented by tax payers of Blvda B�anor Addition in �.innetonka Totivnship for annexation to Hopkins be referred to the City gttornep for check of legal ownership and if found in order� to draw up an ordinance annexing sameo Carried »�ni mO11S�. �nderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #25s,!'AN ORDINANCE DFr CLARIIVG A PART OF THE NORTHWF�T QUARTER (Al�) OF THE SOUTH9PEST QUARTER (S9P�) OF SECTION �rY (?e),�Trn�rnrsx� orr� xuTanx� sEvn�rrm�- (v.7)s R�NGE TGVBNTY-ONE (21); ��rN _ COUNTY,_�INNFSOTA,-TO BE A P�R.T OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS" marked �hibit A, be accepted as the second reading thereof and that the ordinance be adopted "and published accord.ing to la�r, Carried unani.mous]�ro • gnderla moved, BeclQnan seconded� that a credit of �720�2 be allowed against future due sewer assessments, assessed against Lot I, and �60,00 against Lot 11, Block 102�. West �dinneapolis Second Division, on account of assessments having.been made against above lots on both front and sidee Carried unanimously. �_ Anderla moved, Becl�oan s econded� that the reading of Ordina.nce #27 � rrAN pFiDINANCE DE- CLARII� THE SOUTHFAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SF7CTION 13� . T(�VffNSHIP 117, RAI�E 22, TO BE A PART OF THE CI'�Y OF HUPKIl�," be accepted as the f irst reading. Carried unanimouslpa , - BeclQnan moved� �derla seconded, that the reading of Ordinance #26, "AN ORDIlVANCE TO ESTABLISH STR�'�,ET AND ALLEY GRADFS," be accepted as the f irst readinge Carried unanimouslyo. Becl�an moved� Anderla seconded, that the read.ing of Ordinance #22, "6N ORDIIdANCE R�- I�ITING TO CONTRACTS BETWEEN CONTRACTORS AND THE M[TNICIPALITY AND REPEALING.A CERTAIN ORDINANCE," be accepted as the f irst reading. Carried unanimously. _ .. �ider�.a moved, Becl�an seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATTEST: U �. ' r / ��l/G� �II. Hax a� Perb�.x, B�ayor ' o. Elmquist, Sec etaxy to_ e Council COUNCII�IV: �- _ �. CITY OF.HOPKINS HENNEPIN aOIINTY, MINI�TESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 25 AN ORDINANCE DECLA.RING A PART OF THE NORri'H4JEST �ARTEfl (N�4�) OF THE SOIITHWEST QUAHTER ( SWQ) OT SECTIODT TWII�ITY ( 2p) , TOWNSHIP ONE HIINDRED SEVENTEE�T (117) , RANGE TWENTY-ONE (21) , HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA, TO BE A PA�i' OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS. WHEREAS, the rea.l eatate described as folloWs: All that part of the Northwest (�.iarter (Nl�) of the Southwest Q}iarter (SW�) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (21), lying IJortherly of the center line of Egcelsior Soad, and Easterly of the West line of Section Twenty (20), and Weaterly of the Wegt line of Gerard's Meadow- brook Addition, according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the register of deeds of Hennepin Countiy� Minnesota; abuts upon and ad�joine the city of Hopltins� which is a city of less tha.n ten thousa.nd inhabitanta, and WHEREAS� pursuant to Minnesota Statutes �9�5� 3ection �F1j.1�F, the owner of said tract of land has petitioned bhe city council of Hapkina to annex said land to the city of Hopkins and to declare the s�me to be an addition to auch city; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIIJED by the council of the city of Hopkins: Section 1. All that part of the Northwest Qzarter (i�) of the Southwest �iarter (SW�) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117)� R�nge Twenty-one (21), lying Northerly of the center line of Excelsior Road, and easterly of the West line of Section Twenty (20)� and Westerly of the West line of Gerard's Meadov�brook Addition, according to the duly recorcled plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the regieter of deeds of Hennepin County� Minnesota; which tract of land conetitutes a11 of the township of Minnetonka, Hennepin County� lying Easterly of the city limite of Hopkins� Southerly and Westerly of the vill.age limita of St. Louis Park, and Northerly of the center line of Excelsior Road, ia hereby a.nnexed to and declared to be a part of the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as effectua.11y as if it had been (1) originally a part thereof. FI�ST read at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkina held on this lst day of November, �g�+9, and finally read and passed at a regular meetin�bf the council of eaid city held on the 15th day of November� �9�9. A. W. Elmqui st, VJ. HAT{LAN PERBI%� MAYOR Secretaxy of the council Frank N. Whitney, City Attorney i7 Published in The suburban Press on November � 19�+g. I A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, Mi.nnesota. was held at the City Hall at 7;30 o�clock P.Me on Tuesday, November 22, 191�9. The following were present: Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen John Ziegler, ,Toseph T. 9nderla, Len,J. Milbert, Stua.rt E. Beckman, and City Manager C. C. Congdon. Menbers,absent; none. • Anderla moved, PeclQnan seconded, that the report by the City Attorney in the ma.tter of the petition for annexation of Knollwood;Add.ition in Minnetonka Township to the City of Hopkins be accepted and placed on fileo Carried. Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that the reading of ordinance #27, nAN ORDINANCE DDCLARING THF SOUTiHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SDCTION 13, TQWNSHIP 117, RANGE 22, TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS," marked exhibit A, be accepted as the second reading and that the ordina.nce be 'adopted and published according to la�e Carried. Bec�an moved, the amount of Carried. Milbert seconded� that the bid of �mo H. Ziegl.er Company in �90$.00 coYering one power operated snow �ing be accepted. Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that resolution #116� "A RF50LUTION REF'ERR- ING TO THE CITY �NGIN�.'ER THE 111ATTEft OF INSTALLING .SANITARY S�JER. AND WATER MFiIN EXTENSIONS IIV'PO AND THROUGHOUT THE. PLAT. OF 1NFST D�'LNNEAPOLIS,.,THIRD DIVISION," marked �hibit B, be accepted.._Carried�� l�/iilbert moved, Anderla seconded, that all bids received for one motor tractor and loader be rejected a.nd the City Manager re-advertise for bids to be open- ed at the regular meeting of December 6, 1949. Carried. Becl�an moved, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjournedo AT���/ W. Harlan Perbix, Mayor. �I�L_�Lr�sa..e.e.u.� A.�. Elmquist, S retary to the Council COUNCILMEN: 3 � � � �,�, � T �' `. .� .,a/-< �.�,. :+Iur�:�_,-r+.� � - v - . .�. - ..�'; � � ../�' � �v�F � ' �� /y � � '� � CITY OF HOPgINS, HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA ORDI NANC E 1J0. 27 . � � N A� ORDINANCE DECLA�I6G THE SOIITHEAST �ARTER OF 'i'SE S�THEAST f�JARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 117, RANGE 22, TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF HOPKIbTS. WHEREAS, the real estate deacribed ae the Southeast Q.iarter (S�) of the Sontheaat �.iarter (SE�) of Section Thirteen (13)� Townahip Oae Hundred Seventeen (117)� Range Twenty-two (22), Aennepin County, Minnesota, abuta npon and adjoina the city of Hopkine, which ie a city of lesa than 10,000 inhabitants� and q 5, WHEEEAS� pursuant to Minnesota Statutes.7 Section �13.1�+, a maj'ority of the ownera of esid tract of land have petitioned the city council of Hopkins to annex ea,id land to the cit,y of Hopkina a.ad to declare the same to be an addition to s�ch city; NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Hopkina: Sectioa.:.l . The 3ontheast Qiarter ( SE�) of the Southeast Q�iarter ( SE�) of Sectioa Thirteen (13), Township One Hundred Seventeea (117), Eaage Twenty-tt�o (22), Hennepin County, Mianesota, iacluding all lota, blocks� etreeta� alleys and other tracts and parcela of land co nstituting a.nd forming a part thereof, is hereby anneaed to and declared to be a part of the city of Hopkina� Hennepin County� Minneaota, as effectually as if it had been originall� a part thereof. I�'IRST READ at � regular meetiag o f the council of the cityJo� Hopkins held on the 15th day of �ovember� 19�9� and finally read and passed at a special _,�__ f � meeting of the council of said city held on the � day of Aovember, i9�+9. W. HARLAN PERBIR , MAYOR A. W. E].mquiat, Secretary to the council. Frank N. Whitney� City Attorney. Published in The 9Ltburban Press on govember 2S� , 19�9• �„«,. �LY� • � 1 � �N � �+ G � � � � � � � ��r.i � a " � CITY OF HOPKINS RESOLII'I'I�N N0. 116. A RESOLIITION REFERRING T�'THE CITY ENGINEEfi THE MATTER OF INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS IIJTO AND TAROIIGHOIIT THE PLAT OF WEST MINNF�APOLIS, '1'HIRD DIPISION. WHEREA5, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk presented to the city conncil a petition asking for the egtension of sanitary sewer and water mains along Esceleior Avenue between Seventeenth gve; and Eighteen �i�Avenue, a.nd WI�REAS, sanitar� sewer and water main extensions ha.ve not previous y beea made into and throu�pout the plat oP Wegt Minneapolis, Third Dieision, and the eatension petitioned for should be, in the opinion of the council, a part of a general plan for the extension and installation of sanitary sewer and wa.ter mains into and throug�out eaid plat, and Wf�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkine deems it necessary for the health� welfare and convenience of the city and its inhabita.nta tha,t eanitary sewer and aater main� be extended and installed into and througk�out the plat of �est Minneapolis, Thi,sd Division, and WHEREA3, the coet thereof shc�uld be assessed againat any property found benefited thereby; NOW� THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkina that the matter of installing and eatending sanitary sewer and water mains into and throughout the plat of West Minneapolis, Third Division� be referred to Fra.nk Laska, city engineer� to inveetigate the neceaeity and feasibility of �uch improvement and to report to the couacil as soon as poasible. ADOPTED by the conncil of the ci ty of Hopkins at a apecial meeting thereof held this 22nd d�y of Plovember� �9�9. W. HAF�LAN PERBIR� MAYOR A. W. Elmqni s t� Secretary to the council Frank N. Whi tney, City Attorney , copy for Fra.nk Laska � � � (�i#� u# �n��'tn� NENNEPIN COUNTY HOPKINS, MINNESOTA �iOTiCF . TO - BIDnEH3 Biris will be received by the City Cl�rk of Hopkist$ until 7s30 p.m. of Tuesds,y �ec�mber l6�h 19d�9, far furni�h3na to the City of Hopkina a wheel—type tractor �vi.th front-end loader. Alternate proposala nn�y be ��zbr�,tted with r,iat�ria7, bucket of at leasi � yard cap�oitY, 3/1� ya�d capacity, and 1—yard capacity. Ride ana].1 include snow bucket, i�stalled cab� �or tractor, st,arter arxi li�hte. The right is reserved to accept or reject .�nFy or all bids. The City of Hopkins By C.C.Con�don Cit;� i,4ana�;er. � � �,� G�.�.� � � �=�'`'"�r (' � � a�*Tk��. �� �'��E'�e � � q / � ,^i' � � ,�� .�� � ,�, (i r . � ,, �/�.ea.".�t�.� � Z � �.� '�/� � 7� _ z-� ����� � � ��!�c.,��� ti � pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was duly held at the council chambers in the City Hall in said city on the 6th day of December, 1949, at 7:30 o�clock P.M. The iollowing members were present; Couiacilmen Len J.�Milbert, Stuart E. Beckman� Joseph T. Anderla, and John Ziegler, and Mayor W. Harlan Perbix; also City Mariager, C.C. Congdon; and the follovring were absent; none. Ziegler moved, Becl�a.n seconded, that the follovring bills be paid. Carried. [� �ia�:�:rr����7 12l�. Pliinneapolis Gas Co. Services � 73•31� 1257 Joseph Anderla Councilman Salary last 2 1949 50.00 1258 S.E. Beckman �� �� �� �� n 50.00 1259 L.J. B�ilbert �� n ,�r n n 50.00 1260 W. Harlan Perbix n n n r� �� �0.00 1261 John Ziegler �� �� �� n�� 50.00 1262 Carl Anderson Repai�ing _ _ 190.l�7 1263 Club Cafe Board of prisoners 3•!�5 1264 Dahlberg Bros. Car repairs 112.?I� 12b5 �ickey and Milbert Gas 105.00 `1266 Hopkins Fire Department Fire call, drilly telephones 269.00 1267 Kokesh HardvPare L� Padlocks 1.60 1.268 La.mpert Yards Cement I�.15 1269 League of B�inn. Municipalities VILLAGE HANDBOOK 9.00 1270 Wm. H. McCoy Gasoline 189.00 1271 Lee McNally & Associates Engineering 10l�5.I� 1272 Minn. Fire bctinguisher Co. Recharge 2.50 1273 NW Bell Tel. Company Servi.ces 5�..38 127l� E. Dudley Parsons nSeeing Mpls.n 2.90 1275 Phelps Drake Co. Fina.l Estimate 17539.0� �, c; v n .. �� �� � �� •,�7n nn 1277 J.E. Quest Foundry Co. Catch basin frames 140.00 1278 Remingto{} Rand Co. Shelves & brackets 5l�.00 1279 H.A. Rogers Supplies 61.l,S 1280 A.C. Stahr �.D. Care of prisoner 5.00 1281 Suburban Henn. Relie.f Board E�cpenditures for Nov. 191�9 270,63 1282 Tonka Sign Co. 1 sign 35.50 1283 J.C. Vesely Attorneyts fees 225.00 128l� Frank N. �Phitney Register of deeds 5.00 1285 Williamson Stamp Co. 195� I!4ilk Tauck Lic. & Dog tags 96.80 1286 Club Cafe Board of prisoners 2.75 Hourly Payroll Last z of Novemver 777.30 Salarie5 Period ending 11/30/!�9 1822.1.40 360 Anderson Bros. 361 Bren Hardware 3b2 Justus Lumber 363 Kinn Service 364 Kokesh Hardware 365 �m. H. Mccoy 3� NVff Bell Tel. Company 367 Service Parts Co. 368 Wm. H. Ziegler Co. Hourly Payroll Salaxies 270 Dresser N1fg. Co. 271 Hennepin County Review 272 Johnson & Vogt 273 Kokesh Hardware 27�. Phelps-Drake Co. 275 Colon Swink 27b VPallace & Tiernan Salaries ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Tractor repairs Supplies Supplies Trailer rental 4 days Rule & welding seal Diesel fuel Services Truck chains Caterpillar Snow Wing Last 2 Dlovember Period ending 11/30/la.9 �YATER FUND Dresser Cnlg. �Tater bill notices Tires Lenses & valves Removin.g & relocating Y�,ya}rant Refund water meter Solution Period endi.ng 11/30/!�9 BOND & INTERFST 8.86 136.19 65.91 4.00 1�.80 11�.89 11.00 94•64 908.00 272.60 343•10 7-la.6.73 60.00 l�5.60 6.80 50.00 18.00 2.9? 370.20 23 IWP Idat � 1. Bank of Bdpls. Bonds & coupons 18, 820.69 1�5 Anton A. Olson !�6 Phelps-Drake Co., !�7 R,alph D. Thomas Hourly.Pay'roll S�TAGE DISPOS!�_T� FUND 20 days use of car Inc. Lift Station No. 1 . �gineering servi.ces Last 2 November !�3 Carl g. Anderson !�. Commercial �Pest !S Lampert Yards !t6 Frank V. I,a.ska 1�7 T+�pls. & St.Louis Railway Coo REVOLVING . FUI�ID Sidewalk & curb on Monroe Notice of bond sale Stakes l�iles per day Fla;ging protection � � 20.00 16;556.96 1,101�.16 io5.3o 1,791.72 9.00 lO.OQ 1l�.21 11s44 Councilman Ziegler presented the following resolution and moved its adoption; 1N�iEREAS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE City of Hopkins is in receipt of an estimate in writing by Ra1ph D. Tho�as & Associates, Engineers, that the value of improvements and additions cor�leted, in connection with the Sewer Project being financed by the �2l�7,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds, dated December l, i945, is in excess of $16,556096. N�, THE�'ORE, BE IT RE50LVID THAT the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Hopkins are authorized and instructed to deliver to the Northwestern National Bank, 1Vfinneapolis, Depositary, instructions to release �16,556,96 to the City of Hopkins, for the purpose of paying for said completed portion of the improvements and additions in accordance with the engineer�s estimatese BE IT EURTF�R R.ESOLVID that said Depositary is authori�ed to liquidate such U.S�. , Treasury securities in wizich . said funds are imrested in an amount sufficient to ,make said �$16,556e96 payment. Councilman ►,idilbert seconde� the motion and upon vote it was declared duly adopted,. Perbix, Anderla, Beclan�an, �IIilbert, and Ziegler voting in the affirmative; and no one voting in the negativeo ll�i.lbert moved, Beckman secon�ed, that ftesolution #118, nA RESOLUTION t�'ERRING TO THE CITY ENGINEER THE B�ATTER OF INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER. AND.PJATER MAIN.EX- 1^ENSIONS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS," ma.rked Exhibit A, be adopted, Carried. 9nderla'moved, Milbert seconded, that the petition for street lightir� in Elmo park Addition be tabled for fur.ther consideration and a report from the City Mana;er. Garried. A petition was submitted signed by members of the Hopkins Parent and Teachers 9.ssociation requesting the Hopkins City �;ouncil to negotiate�arith the management of the Hopkins theaters to install Junior admission prices at both of the theaters in the City of Hopki.ns• A.motion was made by Anderla, seconded�.by Milbert, and carried, tha,t the Hopkins City Council go on record as endorsi:ng the above petition. Milbert moved� Anderla seconded, that tkie Baseball Club sponsored by the Hopkins Civic and Commerce Association be permitted to hold bingo games on Friday evenings, December 23 and 30, in place of Sundays which.fall on Christmas and New Years Day. Carried. • Ziegler moved, Anderla seconded, that the Northern States Power Compar�y�be granted permission to place one pole'in the alley between 14th and 15th Avenues North, and 3rd and l�th Streets, subject to approval of the City Engineere Carriedo At 8;00 o�clock P.M., the� 11Qayor announced tha.t this was ,the time and place for the opening of bids for the purchase of �50,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving �nd Bonds of the city advertised for sale in accordance with a resolution adopted November lst, 1949. The secretary of the council then presented affidavits showing publication of notice of sale in the official ne�rspaper and in Co�ercial West, which were examined and found satisfactory and ordered:placed on file. The City Clerk reported that seven sealed bids had been received. These were then opened, tabulated, and found to be as follo�s: Name of Bidder :1: Iritereat Rate Combined bid of First Nationa,]. Bank, Hopkins, NLinnesota; First National Bank, Pti.nneapolis, N1�nnesota, and First National Bank, St.Paul, Minnesota, 1.75� Kalman & Company Combined bid of Northwestern National Bank, l�.inneapolis, and ldorthwestern National Bank, Hopkins,- J.�. Dain 8c Compar�r piper, Jaffray & Hopwood �l.lison�Pillia,ms �omap=�y E.J. Prescott �C Com�ar�y Amount of Bid �5b,o3oaoo 2.5� up to 12-1 50 and 1.60� thereafter �50,000.00 �.75� 1.80� 2� . 1.70% i.7o� �50,427.00 �5o,o87e5o �50,038.00 � �5o,o5i000 �50�170.50 Counci].man Ziegler moved, Councilman Becknan seconded, that Resolution #119, �� A RFSOLUTION ANfARDIIVG THE SALE OF �50,000 PEFZB�ANF�ITT I1�ROVEl1�NT REPOLVING FUND BONDS; marked Eghibit B,.be adoptede. Motion carried.unar�ously, and the'Mayor being_present affixed his signature to said resolution in approval thereof. � Anderla moved� �iilbert seconded, that Resolution #120,.."A R�SOLUTION FIXING THE FOR�Ii AND DETAIIS OF $�50,000 PII�ANENT Il�ROVEb11E[VT _.ftEVOLVING FUND: BONDS, DIRECTING THEIR EKDCLiTION AND DELIV�RY AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THEIR PAY11�dT," marked.�CYiibit C,. be adopted. Carried unarii.mous].�, a.nd. the Mayor�_being present affi.xed his signature �� to said resolution in approval thereof. � � Pursuant to notice bids were also opened for the furnishing of one truck and one motor tractor with loadera ,The follo�v-ing bids were received: B1IDDEft N1AKE BID PRTCE Truck: - Subuxban Chevrolet Co•. � ton 195� Chev. panel truck $ 1343e01, 2 ton 195� Chev. pick-up truck 1169.61 Dahlberg Bros. Earl Gerard Motors ' General Truck and Equipment Compa.�y Tractor: George T. Ryan Company � ton 1949 Ford panel truck 2 ton 191.�9 Ford pick up truck � ton 1950 Dodge panel truck -� ton 1949 Dodge pick-up truck � ton 1949 Dodge pick-up truck � ton 19s0 Dodge pick-up truck � ton 1950 Dodge pick-up truck 2 ton 1950 Dodge pick-up truck G�dC pick-up truck; model FC101 Case model SI tractor Case DI tractor Case LAI tractor 1542.50 . 1175.00 i�.o5.35 1190.22 1311.98 i256.75 , 1284.a90 1319.20 1267.73 � 3710.00 4633.00 5635000 Win. H. Ziegler Company ��I tractor 3670.00 � UCIL tr�,ctor � r e s t��' ���•; " 60l�7.50 � J,�•7 ✓'" Rosholt Equipment Co. HF HOUGH payloader 5500000 BeclQnan moved, Nlilbert seconded, that the truck bids be tabled for consideration at a later meeting. Carried. Anderla moved� Becl�nan seconded, that the tractor bids be tabled for consider�tion at a later meeting. Carriedo ' Anderla moved, Beckman seconded, that tr.e reading of Ordinance 26� "Aid ORDINANCE TO F�TABLISH STREE'P AND �LLEY GRADFS," marked �hibit D, be accepted as the second rea�d�ng thereof and.that the ordin�nce be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Beclffian moved, Anderla seconded, that the read.ing of Ordinance 22� "AN ORDINANCE RII�ATING T� CONTRACTS BE'I'90EEN CONTRr1CTORS A1�ID THE MUNICIPALITY AND 3EPF�LING A CERTAIN ORDINANCE," marked Exhibit E, be accepted as tkie second readin; thereof and that the ordinance be adopted and published according to law. Carried. Becl�nan moved, Ziegler seconded, that Resolution 117� "g RFSOLUTIOAt DIRECTING REIMBURSEl�NT TO CERTgIN PROPERTY O�NERS ON SEVENTEENTH AVENUE NORTH.OF MONIF� PAID FOR SPE1CIgL ASSESSMENTS FOR SEWER AND WATER�" marked.Exhi.bit F, be adopted. Carried.• Becl�an moved, Anderla seconded, that the following bonds be accepted subject to approatal by the City Attorney Carried. Q. W. Kraut�remer, Clerk of �unicipal Court Police Officer �onds: Engner g. Johnson Howard A. Puck La.wrence E. Schutz Theodore H. Johngon Thoma.s �fi. Lapic Jr. Louis G. Faucher George H. V�inter Anderla moved, Milbe�t seconded� that Resolution 121, "A RFSOLUTION APPROVING AN AG� �' 11�ITH THE STATE OF MINNE50TA ROR �iE USE OF A._VPATER MAIN," marked Exhibit G, be adopted. Carried. . �- BeclQnan moved, Ziegler seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ATT T • , %. ar an Perbix, Mayor � ..�.a.c.... A.11�. Elmquist, Se eta.ry to the ouncil. • � � iat •� %/ <i..�il.r . :.�t��r�� _ / � / / / ,�- /, �- -- � N y�� ~ �'•� � ' CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MIIQNESOTA RESOLIITI ON DTO . llg . A RESOLIITION REFERRIPTG TO THE CITY ENGINEER THE MATTER OF INSTALLIAG SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN �XTENSIONS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the city clerk and by the clerk preaented to the cit� council a petition asking for the eatension of sanitary sewer a.nd water mains in the following locations: SEWER: Beginriing at a point 358•5 feet westerly of the East line of Section Nineteen (19), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (21)� and 6.5 feet North of the North line of Excelaio r Boulevard, which ie the termination of the preaent sanitary sewer line; thence running north- eaeterly along a line parallel to and 6.5 feet north of the north line of EXcelsior Boulevard a diatance of about 375 feet. WATEH: Beginning at a point 56.5 feet westerly of the east line of Section Nineteen (19), Townahip One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (21), and 15 feet north of the north line of E�celeior Boulevard, which is the termina- tion of the preaent water line; thence running northeseterly along a liae parallel to a.nd 15 feet north of the north line of Excelaior Boulevard a dietance of about 96 feet. AND WHEREAS, the coet thereof should be assessed against any property found benefited thereby, and WHEREAS, the owner of the property aga.inst which eaid oo�st� would be asaessed ha,e petitioned the city council for said improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the city of Hopkins that the matter of inatalling �:�nd. egtending eanitary aewer and water maina in said locations be referred to Frank Laska� city engineer, to inveatigate the neceseity a,nd feasibility of sach improvemente and to report to the council as soon aa poasible. ADOPTED by the council of th e city of Hopkine at a regular meeting thereof held this 6th day of December, 19�. A. W. Elmquiat, Secratary of the council Fra.nk DT. Whitney, City Attorney copy to Laska, Dec. lOth W. HA.RLAN PERBIR, MAYOR kl CITY OF HOPKINS� HENNEPIN COUNTY� MINN�SOTA . &ESOI,UTION 13U. 122 A.�RESULUTION .�UTHORIZING AAID DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITY REVENUE BONDS OF 1949 AAID PRE'9CRIBING THE TERMS AND COV�N�INTS T?-IEREOF �� � BE IT RE30LVED by the Council of the City of Hoplfl.ns, Iviinnesota, as follows; Section 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared: � 1.1 That t,he City of Hopld.ns no�v ovons and operates its combined municipal v�ater and sewerage system as a reverrue producing public utility and convenience for the purpose of furnishing vyater and seaverage``yservice to its inhabitants and other custamers and for municipal use, the com- bination of such sereices into a single utility having been effected by resolution adapted Februaz^,r 25, 19lt7, by the Council of the then Village of Hop kins, entitled ��� Resolution Creating a Combined Public Utility In- cluding Al1 'JVater and Sewer Facilities Owned and �perated by the Village and Determining to Borroor Money to Complete said Utility by the Issuance of Public Utility Revenue Bonds'�. 1.2 That in and by said resolution the Village of Hopkins determined� to borrow money to complete said combined public utility by the construction of additional se�rers, through the issuance of public utility revenue bonds in an amount not exceeding �1U0,000, to be payable primaxily f'rom income � from the services of said atility and from special assessments; and it i,s - now necessar�r and expedient that the City of Hapkins issue and sell such bonds to the amount of �lt0,000 for said purpose. 1.3 That the City of Hopld.ns, acting by and through this Council, is authorized to issue, s ell and deliver said public utility revenue bonds and to pledge the net revenues of said utility for the payment thereof and to make further covenants and provisions for the.security thereof, under the provisions of the Constitution and la�rs of the 3tate of Minnesota, and of the �harter of said City, adopted December 2, 191�7, including, but without limiting the generality hereof, Chapters 161� and 518, Session Laws of Minnesota for 19�7, and Sections 1.02, 3.0�, 7.11, 7.11� ( subdivisions 2 and 1t) , 11.02, arid 12.09 of said Charter. l.I� That the City is presently obli.gated for the payment of $199,000 Sewerage 9ystem Revenue Bonds of 19l�5, dated Dece�nber 1, 19�5, authorized by ordinance of the Village of Hopkins adopted December ?�, 19lt5, entitled "An Ordinance grovid�ng for t,�e Issuance of Sanitary � Se�ver System Revenue Bonds��, to which ordinance reference is hereby made; that said bonds constitute_a first lien on the net revenues derived from se�rerage service f.urnished by said utility, being the gross�income and revenue from said source, less the c�rent- �reasonable and proper costs � oi" operating and maintaini.rig the improverilent described �in said ordinance, and less 10� of said gross income and revenue as an allowance for de- preciation; that out of said net revenues the Citg is obligated to credit and pay into the Sinking Fund, 1�ccount �of its Seu+rexage �stem Revenue F�d, a.rid to use only for payments of principal and interest on �,;cT.b�ds,:such: : amounts at such t9mes that the moneys in�said Account shall always aggre- gate 120� of t he total of such payments to become due in the next succeed- � ing twelve months; that the moneys in said account are now in excess of . said required amount, and the Cit;� is authorized to credit such excess reve- nues to the Surplus Account oi said Fund and to appropriate and pledge t�he same, together with other revenues of said combined utility, to the payment of the bonds of the issue Yierein authorized; and when and as said bonds shal 1 be redeemed and paid in full, said Se�erage Syste9n Revenue Fvnd shall be discontinued, and aL1 ex,�enses of the operation and mainten�r�ce of said sev,rerage �mprovement shall be chargeable and all revenues there�ara shall be credited to the Public Utility R.evenue Fund and the separate accounts therein '� as provided in Section 2 h ereof. . -1- � �ry / L:.. Section 2. There is hereby created and, until full payment of the Public Utility Revenue Bonds herein described� there shall b e maintained on the books and records of the City of Hoplcins a special fund to be designated as the Public Utility Revenue F�nd. All of the income an+d revenues received in respect of services; products, arid by- products of said combined utility sna11 be credited and paid into said fund as received, save and except those revenues heretofore appropriated to the °5ewerage System Revenue Fund. Within said Public Utility Revenue F�uid there shall be maintained t}ire� accounts to be designated and to be administered as follows: . 2.1 An Operation and �aintenance each month as much of said revenues as operating and maintaining said utility for contingencies. Moneys iri said acc of items which, according to sound acc expenses of operation ar�i maintenance e�enses pa3rable fr�n the Operation .an S�stem Revenue Fund. The remaining in '�net revenues". �ccount, to which �all be credited may be needed to pay the costs of and to provide a reasonable reserve �unt shall be used only for payment �unting practices, constitute proper �f said utility, exclusive of those �Iaintenance Account of the Sewerage ,ome and revenues are herein called 2.2 A Sinlri.ng Fund A.ccount, into which there. shall be credit�i and paid each month, out of said net revenues, not less than one-twelfth of the sum of the principal and interest paytnents to become due on the bonds herein authorized within the then neatt succeeding twelve months, and also the additional sum of � 1��.�0 per month, commencing January, 1950, until there shall have been created in said account a reserve in the amount of � 1+Sp0.p0 over �d above the amount of the monthly payments before men ion , w ich reserve shall thereafter at all times be maintained by additional transfers of net revenues whenever necessary. Moneys in the Sinking Fund Account sha11 b e used only for payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds herein authorized as such principal and interest become due. 2.3 A Slirplus Account, into which sha11 be credited a11 net revenues in excess of the amounts pledged to the Sinldng Fund Account. B�oneys in said Surplus Account_may from time to time be transferred to either of tk�e other accounts or used for any purpose permitted by law and authorized by the City Council. Section 3. For the purposes above recited, and in anticipation of receipt of said net r evenues, there are hereby authorized to be issued the City� s Public Utility Revernze Bonds of 1949, in the aggregate principal amount of �It0,000, said bonds to be 40 in nUmber, arxi numbered f�am 1 to 1�0, inclusive, each in the denomination of �1000, all dated December 1, 1949, and bearing interest at the rate of 2-3�1�� per az num, payable sani- annually on June 1 and�Decemb er l of e ach year.. Said bonds shall mature serially in order of serial n�nbers, lowest ntunbers first, in the amount of �t000 on December 1 in each of the years 1950 through 1 959, a11 �i.thout option of prior pa�ment. The principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable at the m ain office of the Northwestern National Bank of I�inneapolis, in a�inneapo�is, Minnesota. � Section 1�. Said revenue bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substantia]1y the following form: . -2- � tTNITID STATES OF A �ERIC.� STATE OF MINNESOT�1 COUNTY OF HENIVEPII� CITY OF HOPKINS PITBLIC UTILITY REVENUE BOND OF 19�9 No . �1000 KNOVP ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Hopkins, a duly- organized municipal corporation of Hennepin County, Bdinnesota, for value _ received aclmowledges itself to b e indebted and promises to pay to b earer, but solely out of the special account and fund hexeinafter described, the � swm of ONE THOUSAI�ID DOLI,��RS on' the lst day of December, I9 , wi.thout " option of prior payment, and to pay interest thereon out of said account and fund, from the date hereof until said principal sum be paid, at the rate of tv+ro and three-quarters per cent (2-3/1��) per annum, payable semi- annually on the lst day of Ji.me and the lst day, of December of .each year� interest to maturity being payable in accordance vvith and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both pri.ncipal and interes� are payable at the main office of North�restern National Bank of Minneapolis, in ABinneapolis, Minnesota, in ar�y coin or currency of the United �tates of Aznerica �u}zich on the respective dates of payment is legal � tender for pUblic and prinate debts. � This bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $�40,Q00, a11 of like date and tenor exce�pt as to m aturity, issued to pro- vide money to f3nance the construction of necessary _uuprovements to the water and sewerage system owned and operated by said Gity as a public utility arid convenience, and issued pursuant to ordinances duly�adopted by the City Council and pursuant.to and in full conformitp with the Charter � of said City arx.i the Gonstitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota there- unto enabling. The bonds of this issue are payable solely f`ram the net revenues of said.utility heretofore appropriated to the Sinld.ng Fund Account of the PUblic Utility Revenue Fund of the City, as defined in xesolutton � No. 122 , adopted December 20 , 1949, authorizing.the issuance of said bonds, and this bon does not constitute a general indebtedness of the �ity within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory liini.tation� and the general creciit and taxi.ng pov�ers of the City are not pTedged for the payment thereof . � IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECIT'ID, COVENANTED 41AID .AGREED: That all acts,�conditions and things required_by the Constitution and I,aws of the State of I�dinnesota and the.Charter of s aid City to be done, to happen, to exist aazd to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bor�cl, to malse it a valid and bir�ling special obligation of the City according to its terms, have been d one, have happened, do exist and have been p erformed in due form, time and manner; that out of said net revenues tdie City has appropriated and �rill credit to said special Sinldng Fund Account such amounts at such times as shall b e required to make all payments of principal and interest when due on the bonds payable �am said accourit, and to create and maintain a reserve therefor, a nd will use moneys in sai.d account for no otdzer purpose, and v�ill at all times maintain a schedu7.e of rates and charges for a11 services and products of said system sufficient to produce net reve- nues adequate.for said:payments; all as more fully set forth in said author- izing ordinance, to w hich reference is hereby made for further details and other covenants and recitals of the City with respect hereto; and that the City will promptly do, perform and observe each and every covenant, agree- ment, stipulation and provision set forth in said ordinance and given or intended to be given as security for the holder of this bond. -3- IN iNITNESS Wf�REOF the City of Hoplpns, Hennepin County, bti.nnesota, . by its City Council, has caused this b ond to be executed in its behalf by the signatures of the �ayor and City I�anager, and its corporate s�a1. to be hereunto affixed, and the attached interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said of-. iicers, and has caused this bond to be c3at s f December , 191�9• � f ' � � - — Mayor. �'� y.e�7�G� �� . i y a ger � ( s�,) �� (Form of Co�on) No. �13.75 On the lst day of June (December), 19 , the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer, ou�of the special account and f�uld defined in the� bond to which this coupon is appurtenant, the swn of TfiIRTEEN .ADID 75/I00 DO�ARS lawful money o f the United ;�tates af America at the main office of Northwestern National Bank of Minnea�olis, in Misineapolis, �dinnesota, for, interest then due on its Public Utility Revenue Bond of 1949, dated �ecember l� 191�9, No. . . (racsimile signature) (Facsimile si.gnature) City Manager �ayor . . . Section 5� Said bonds sha11 b e prepared for execution under the direction of the City Manager, arul when so prepared shall be axecuted on behalf of the City by the signatures of the �Iayor and City Manager, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto, and the interest co�ons sha11 be eXecuted and authenticated by the p ririted, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of s aid officers. �When said bonds have b een so executed� they sha11 be delivered by the Gity Treasurer to .E#llison-�.l.liams Compa�r, of �inneapolis, bdinnesota, as purchaser thereof� upon payment by said purchaser of the par value td�ereof plus interest accrued thereon to the d ate of said delieery and payment. The contract heretofore entered into on the part of the City for the sale of sa.id bonds �on said terms is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. =�ection 6. The City of Hopld.ns sha11 and does hereby covenant and �ree with the purchasers and holders f�an tvne to time of said revenue bonds as follo�vs: 6.1 It will fully and promptly perform each and all of the covenants conta.ined in the foregoing form of borxi. 6.2 It �vill complete the improvement authorized hereby within the amount of funds presently available therefor, including the proceeds of the sale of the r evenue bo nds of this issue. 6.3 It will continue to o�n and.aperate said utility, free and clear of all liens on the ph�sic�7. praperties thereof, and will grant no franchise to any plant or system for the furnishing of like services to the City or its inhabitants until said revenue b onds and interest thereon have been �.illy paid. 6.l� It v�ill at all times maintain rates and charges for a11 services, products ar�l by-products furnished by said-utility to the City and its inhabitants and other customers, in �nounts and.accordi.ng to schedules -1�- siifficient to produce gross revenues adequate for the proper operation and maintenance of said utilit�r and to provide excess or net revenues adequate for the payment of said bonds and interes�.thereon and the maintenance of the reserve therefor as herein agreed, and vvi1Z provide for in its budget _ and pay into�said Public Utility Revenue F�nd the reasonable value of all services furnished by th e utility to the City. 6.5 If moneys in the Sinking Fund Account of the Public Utility �Revenue F�nd should at any time be insufficient for principal arpd interest payments then due on said bonds, and cannot be made suff`icient by transfers Prom other accounts in said fund, said moneys shall first be applied to pay the interest then accrued on all such bonds, and the balance shall be ap- plied in payment of maturing principal, in order of the serial rnimb ars of the bonds _ then due and payable, lowest nimmbers first; and the City reserves the right and privilege of refunding any matured bonds for the payment of which funds are not at the time available, by the issuance of refunding revenue bonds payable from said ��i.nking Fund Account on a paxit3� as to interest with the bonds issued hereunder, b ut ir�ich shall mature subsequent 'to the maturity of all bonds payable from saa.d account and then outstanding._ 6.6 The City reserves the further privilege of refunding ar�y or a11 • of the Se�verage System Revernze Bonds of 1945, described in Section 1.1� � hereof, either at maturity or on,any date when said bonds shall b ecome prepayable according t o t heir terms, b y the issua.nce of public Utility t�evenue Bonds .payable as to principal and interest from said Sinking F�nd Account on a parit;� �cith the bonds of this issue; provided, that the ma- turities of said Sewage Disposal Revenue Bonds sha11 not be advanced or� the interest rate thereon increased by an;j such refunding. 6.7 �he City reserves the further privilege of issu ing additional Public IItility Revenue Bonds to provide moneys for necessary extensions and improvements to said utility, which may be made payable as to principal and .interest from s aid Sinlang F`und Account on a parity with the bonds of this issue, and with refunding bonds issued as aforesaid, provided that the net revenues of said utility, as defined in Section 2 hereof, for the fiscal. yeax iunnediately preceding the issuance of such additional bonds� shall have b een at least one and one-quarter times the average anrrual principal and interest requirements, for the remainder of the term of the revenue borrls of this issue, on the bonds of this issue and any refunding revenu� bonds,then outstanding, together.with the additional obligations so to b e is sued.. 6:8 Fi�om and after the issuance of any additional p�ablic utility revenue bonds as provided in Sections 6.6 and 6.7 hereof, there sha11 be transferred each month to said Sinking Fund Account all of the net revenues of s aid utility until the reserve in said account sha11 equal the maximi,un principal and interest p ayments required to be made from said account in.ar�y fiscal year during tlie term�of the bonds of the present issue, which reserve shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2 hereof. 6.9 Except as pro�ided i.n Sections 6.5 to 6.7 hereof, inclusive, the City will issue or incur no additional obligations payable from said net revenues unless the same shall e�ressly b e made juuior and subject to the lien and charge on �sa.id net revenues in favor.of„tYre�r.e�venue:bonds af .this issue: 6.10 The City wi7.1 at all times keep praper books of r ecord and ac- aount sfiowing all receipts and disbursements of the revenues of said utility and the proceeds of said bonds, and the credit of net revenues - to the Sinking Fund �ccount of the Public Utility Rsvenue �i.nd as provided in� Section 2.2 hereof, wrhich records shall at all reas� nable times be open for inspection and cop�rin.g by the holder of any of said bonds or his agent or attorney. -5- �-a i�. . � 6.11 It ��il.l at all t�es keep said utility insvred against loss or daanage by causes customarily insured againsi for like properties, in amoun�s adequate to protect the City and the holders of said bonds� and will keep the officers and er�loyees of the City adequately bonded for the proper handling of all monej�s of the Public Utility Revenue Fund in theis possession; and amounts received on any and al.l such insnraxiae � policies and bor�ls shal]. be used to repair or restore the damage or loss compensated thereby, or tfl pay and retise said bonds. 6.12 The holders of not less tha.n 20� in pri.ncipal. amount of said bonds at any time outstanding .shall have the right, power and privilege of enforcing, by any action or proceedi.ng at law or in equity, in beYialf of the holders of all such bonds then outstanding, the covenants and agree- ments herein undertaken and agreed to by the�City.� � Section 7. The City officers are autharized.and.dixected to = prepare and iurnish to the purchaser of said revenue bonds, and to the - attorneys approving the Zegality thereof�,certified cvpies of all.ordi- . nances, resolutions, and records, and a11 certificates, affidavits a�i � �� other instruments which may bexequi.red to evidence the validity or marketa- � bility of said bonds, and all such certified copies� certificates and af- fidavits,.incl uding aray heretofore furnished, sliall constitute representa- �� tions of the City as to the truth of_all statane ts contai - therei.n. �` . ���� ADOPTED December 20, 19�-9. i���� �da�or Attest: ' �� Secretary of he ouncil � - � , - � -(�- � _ CiTY " �' ��P�I�TS . , ,•p� G�� �ITd"i1t�,5�'� � . R�LiiTZON F10. i22 . �. .� ��SC�LQ'�ICi�J �tT�'II�i I'� �I�3t�TIY1w i� : � a�DAt�C� S��' P�C U'IiLZTY'. � Jt°�U� �i3�JI�9 dF 79�9 � l�11) P�i.�C�Z�1(3r Tk�I� 'lr�Tyu 1�D CDV"�1��T3 T� ^i�OF �� �T �"�� b�r t"he �out�c� . o� � C�.�y o�' �Pop�, T�ineaata�, a� �o%]�q�a'�s � _ � �C�i,o�► �. �t ia h�reb� fc�i� �a�d ar� dc�t�reds � 3..1 T3�at the City of Hopkins naw �s arx3 apor�te� it� ca�ab�tsd r .mu�a3.clp�1. �#�ar and se�r�,� ��t�r, a,+s a�ertwe pro�duc,� publ�,c uti�3�y and ca�.enr,� for � the pu�oea �f f�n3� �r �ter �d �e�ra��a ��,ce ta 3.ta �b#�tan�� and �i:h.her cu�tampre a�i for �nicipal usg� t�s �omb�aat.t3.em Of �liCl'1 S8I'i/�C98 �.i��rQ R S� t1�.1.1i�f hAO�; 96@II �@C� �]'8A41t1'%�QA, ado�t�d �ebrna�y 25� �.91�i'� �Y the C�uarrz��. O� :�i� fi.kic�II i��13a�9 bf IiapkinB� ���t,l� "A F�c�a�.u�tioa �z�eg� a Com�i�ri Pttb�3.c Ut�.�,ty Ir�+cludirl� All �1a#�er airui "�ar F�c�.l.�t�.es �ed and �rated by td�e 9�3,1a� . and Dete�.r�g t� Borz�a�r �iarua�r � Comp�ete said U#�,ty 1�� �ha ��sn�nc�s of l�blia bti39.'�► �dv'v� Hr�r�' • � � i.2 Tha� �.n arei b,y �a�d ra�alu�#.oa ��a �`i�lage of Aqg�.ng detarm��aad � #�p bot� no�.�y . to +cc�pleto ,st�1.d comi>�n� pu.�al�.� ufi.�3.tg `�� t�.e +co�c�Gi�ucti� c�f adc�t.tiona�. �►s* it�u� �1� 3,s�� dF pv►"b�i.c ut�.l'l�,y x�rn�s boa� 3.� att �taaunt t�� aac+cse� ��Ldt?DOOt�� �4 be P�►blo Prf�rilq Frcta �.nao�s i'�c�m t�� serv�.ces �� �3c� u#�#.�ty and f� mp�a1 assess�ne�ts; and i.t i� ��r ne�a�� m�d e�rcd3.e�t t�� �Lhe .�3,t� oi' �o�ari� i�� �c� 6��. a�to� �o� �o �� �n �t ot �St�4�0�0 Sor �I.d gurpo�e, � 3�.3 T�at �a� C�.tg af ��iop��, �ct� by� �d tiizronx�h ta�,� �our�ciii � �� gufi�or3.��d � ��su�� �e3�3. �c3 c�e],�.�rar ��a pub].�� u��Ly reev�r,� 'bvnds �n� f,o p�ed�e t� n�� z�av�ne� o�' said ut,�li�y �or th� payt�nt '�her�ot r�nci fi,o m� f'tzrt►i�r cdvenants s.�ad garov�.s9�o� %r �t12� sa�9.t� #.heravf� arrd u�.�r th� g�ov��l.on� s�f. �� Comst�iuti� and �s vf tkis Stat,e oS i�na�t�ta� �! ot �aa �i�r'f,�r �� �ii �ityt �dop�c� �acemb�e 2 191�7 �clud��, bu� �tbant �.tin� t� �e��a7.'�'t� her�t, Ci�ip�rm 16� ���, �e��on Lawd af i��ian�sa#�a tor �,9l►7, �r►d �ec#�.oa� 1.02� 3.f�1�,. �'.19.,, 7 isabQi�3.��,on� 2 snd �,� � 11.EYa�, „�nnd 7�2��Q9 a� ��i� �h�ste�. 2.4 TD�t �he Cit�r ie ��en'�r obli�at�d �o� tha pa��t c�` �1,99�OOp �ewera�,�'e 3y�em �s�v`er�e Hond� Qf 391c5d dat,ed Deomnbe� �, 7.9�5a �u#ho�ix,ed . b�r �d�gna� a�' t,�� �i�Lagv c� �a�k9.�� �pt�ed �ea�tnb�c �s �,94��r en�t3t,�.ac� '�� Qr�ir�,�ce F� �qr t�ie . a�na�c$ bt �aait,�► �en�r Sy�te�, �t�venu,e Bcu�' a.�o �r�zlch Q�,ce �e�e �s h�re&�r �.e; that �a9si bon�.s Cu� �t9.#a�te a f�3ss�t 1L�a� ou tlt� n�� r�vernase� d�r�.�red � se�rer�e s�a�' ��ad 'b�* sa�tid �'�3.ty� b�� t�e �os� fmcoa� mz�3 �v$riue i'�rcm �ai.d �ae� ib�s t�e a�rran�- :�►sonable� and p�ap�r coet� of op�ra� aad . m�a9.at� #,he 3mprrnr�a� flesca�J.�ied' 9A sa�„d. o�c�.r�aces and lve� ]rb� nf � �a�,d gro�s �nccuse m�d �nu� :�e� an �lpwen��� �'o� de�ec�.ati.c�ay f�t c�t o�' �� �tet revar�►uea �t% Cii� 9.s ab14.�#a'Ge8 tc► cre�.� and ��r 3,nto t�e S� �cl �ieeou�t of its Se�rera�,re �te� Reveau� l�qnd� and �t�c�. us� on�,y tb� . p�tqa�� ��' p'ri��g�]. �,rtd intere�st� o� �a9.d,�d��, �au.ch �ant�, at �uch � ��;a� �i:� th� �y� �,n 't�id A�oaua� �h�. �1�ys �e�t� �24� of fi�2e �i8�. Of �CYI �? '�'.9 .tfl b9C01113 C�tlB �11 '�'i� 1�DXti BIiC� �.V�°1 iROII'�1Bj Xs �t3� '�� E�� S�C�` 8'�� Iit� 9.�1 �XC�l98 03' �.C� 1�Bq�'Q(� �IDp�,� _• 1B E#� �'►h@ C�'Ey ' ��pl'�.� �O C��►d�.'D� �tC�! �C898 �"eR��Ot� '�A �$q a�t�X'�'f�,�,9 �lccbuxs� of � �'ut�d an�. �a �pp�rog��e �nd g1�d�� �te sa�ne t�g�a�he� t�th ot1�r x�►eraie� at ea3� �omb9on�d u#31�..�� to fi�e �� � the boncl� of �t� is�ue 2sere�n 8ut�tox�ed� ar,d t�tcen �nd �s. �aid b�d,s $i,a�1 t�e re• d�e� ��aa�d in f�i17.� sa�:d �e�rage ��tem Rever�e l�C}. �ha13. �b� c�.is,• �afi��ci„ and r� e�n��� af th4 ctip�r�tt�.on a�¢l r�.nt�nc� af se�9.d sew�es�e imp�v�caalt shal�].. �� cY�r�eabls� a�nd �11. �oronue� th�re#�am a�a13. ba credit�d, � 'Eh9 Pi�b�.�.0 iT��.� �9 � E� '� t38��'�$9 8CCt1�1�8 '�h91"e� �1 �i��.d� 3.3�. �c3Ct$t� � h9F@0�� uats�.on '2. _ There i� hereb�r c�ested �� u�ti7. �. pa�eitt c�f t�e i'u�a�.c U�.t�r R�v'e� Bonda he��e3.n de�c�'�ad�, f�ere ahal.,i be maa�nt�x�e$ on �a b�ss ancl �ecv� o� �le Cit�t o� �pkdx� a�ecia'� �nd �Ga � de�- 3,�aatet9 �s �ha 1���� U��y k�e�r�ns�,a i�. " d� af �Eh� �cams ar�ci �ave�� �ac�iv�i �.n rt��pec� Qf �+�,rv$.c�d�� �r�od�atc'�� arxl b�tr.rp�oduc�� at �.c� ct�s9.�yac� u�.ity ��I.1 b� c�a��d �i ��Ld' ��o t� ,�iind as ri�caived�, sav�a mnd euCept� �ho r�e x�v�a� ��'�a��� �p��t to - t� S�,rerage System �� �1• ��ialtt�9.� �d I�k.h�4� tT'�.�y �� �'und �heara �ha11 b+� m�irrta�ne�d th�ee - accpvnt� tfl 'be des�.�� ana� �� b� a�ffter�c! a� ��e 2.1 i�n 5��,�3.on aziet t1t�.�7;t��e Aa�c7�u�t� �i �rh`�CS �i�,7. be �arsd�,ted aach� m�rz��h ��ach of t�a�d �ev��� � t� be� �t��d+�e�: �a �$Y �he cos'G�e a�' �'a�� and m�tai� �a9.c� �u''�13.��► a�d fi�a p� � r�as+�nab3.e r�$erv�p far �ant3n�endee�. i�.on�qs 3a� saill accaunt sh� be u�ed oni� �ar pa�Ont t�� ifi� �c�,i.ch�, �.ccor�iz� ta �ccr�uux3 accowac��;, pra��ice�� �ar�s�3.ta.� px�p� cr.�ans�s �� apa����.on �3 ta��nt��ancs ag sa�..d ufi�l��y� e�clt�iv� o,� tl�ose e�pen,�e� �aa�ya'��.s� f°ira�, t�+ic Qp3ra`t:io� ran� I�ain"fi�n�nce ..�ccow� of t'he �;e�rex�e ���m Ra�.c� �. � ra� �'�a,r� �na� mr.d r�r�s a�a her��.n o�,7.�d � 1�i 1�39c3�ll��r �, 2.2 � Sinki.n� �td Ac�olut�,� �x�� tar�,i.ch $h�a� ��. $� cz�di'Ee� � �aid eacb, r�oi�tb� cntt af �9.d n�t revery.ues� n�t l�s� f� ona�-t�e�� of� f�i,� sum o�' t�e p�nc�.p�,i ��� �i.��,��..I'3$�i �t,s to �oco� ctue3 0� �he i�o�t �er�eix� �u'th��:d �Pliain �kre thr�n n� �uac�� t�re7.ve �n�hs,� �d �.� �h� �.d�3.t�.�. �ut of � 20C3.�0 ,�pet� u�nth! ca�nc�g �tar�r' :L9�Q� unt31 '�r� �h� h� ��aon � a�ec�fm ��,d t�c�ou�tt; a ��serp� �.n �.'3� �nt�ct� � a. (94.Ut3 p�t�r ,,.�t�. �'e �aw a�,o�t t��' #�.� s�bn�,Y gaym�nt� ��%�►x�e: msat�.on�d�, ��.ch ra�¢x� sha3.�. �h��r s�t �. �im� be ma��.n�ed 'by adc3�$#��a�. tx'ax�f�rs o� r�t rev�rn�� tirhdn��er n�ac��s�ry. ��2oneys 3n the �i�ng, � Aceqqrt� si�.1. �a ��d vz�.ly �br p�,rrt o� the pz•in�ipa�. o�' �n9,. i�#�aet cm the b�nds h�z'e�ri a�t'h��� �.pucsh pz�.r�ai� e�ud intare�t b�� r�. • 2•3 Ll Sur3a�,u� b�c�t f�i��o -��.�h sh�.�. b� �����.��ci �'i;l r�e� reve�� in c�tess c�� tY�c� amcn�at� p3.�,ed �o '�n S�,�in� Ttu�d �ccourst. P�e�€t � �Af+d :�U�1� dCRC�6ZY1t nk�y► f�'c�1 �51� 1;0 $� b8 �I'�d�`6Uc'1"e�.� �'A eS.i►hei� O� �1� ot,�ex accaunts �or us� for a� pn�z�o�a �ex�,tted �r 3�w �' �thoa3tied hy �hc� C�tg G��,. �cttdn ;�. �'a� the p�tr�s�� ab,�v� re�3��dt aac� in �atic�,p�,�i.aa of` ra����at of ��,�. n�t ��v'sraXe��, tl��e� �a har�Y�� a�►�ho�� �a 'b� ��cu,er� � �i� � �,b�.f,v U�.t� fer�ve�,e ��s ��` ],ql�q�, in th� t��s��,t.� p�3nct� .� � r�maarl� pS ��i�>QpO,� �,d �q�is 't� be �0 3.r� ttt�mbe�r �d xnzmb�red i�t�� Z�ci ' I�O, in�clv�ve� o�ch ���� d�na.t�on af �"`10�Q� a�.1. datad l�er,�a�� 1 �'��� �,n#sraa� �� f� r�ts a£ 2 3 i�9�A9t � �' s�� p�3►�b�.a ��-a�t,�ual�3,y c�n Junc� � atz� i� a c e m b e r 1 o P smc h ��,r. � S� Sd bond.� �.1 ma'l�rs 5�e:� � carc�,r of �� m�b�c�� �as�Bt rnmibsr� �st, i� the t�tpunt a� ,`;�%�t3�U r� �ie+c�ni�e� �. � ea�h �� th�a �,ars �.95t) �Yu�au.g� �.959,� a'�.� w�,thc�� c��gaz� o� � Px�J.o�. �a�mat�t. ThQ �pz�3.n�3pa1 a!` �nd �ear��9t cro s�,9.d bQztc� a�ha],1 be � a� the �aiz� aff�ca of �� �'ortl��ter� rTa�.o��. na�ik aS �1$nneapo],�.�� �n i�kisuaea�o�.�: 3�3�g c�. �c�t�.t�r� !�. �a� �avetn�iv bnr� a�act t� in�s� cx�iport� co b� �a�tach�si: �here�v �h�3 � �, �ubsf,an�i.�y tha f'cc�r�g f+o�� �� � �iI3�� ���T�� �' �IC�l, . ` �AT� �` 3�ii�d'�,� ��J�J�X .0�' �t� ` . cz�r a� �c��ttas � �� u�� �rr:�� ��. o� �l�9 �Ta. „_,_,,,,� � �p ��.1�,L � 13�' T��� s���3 tht�ti"the ��.t Qf H�p�iss ,t� c�'� a�8a�.�;mwxi.aSp�, corparat�►n of �tennep3.n G�unt3r� i��aLaa �o�r value� ��v+� �akn�►�.�d,�ea i�e�,P to bv ��t�ct� a�d pa�+aa�d.�e� ta p�yr tc� ���f b�iZ ��.e1�► ta�;� o�' � ee�e�l. a�ac�m�t . and fimd �er�:�na�'t�� de���.t��, �he �uan a�f ON� �SAfi�! �� csr� . k�ha 1�� d�r oF Dacmnber# 19 �iho�t +�tio� r�i' prf.�z' p��t;� an�. #ao pa�r i�'h�e�� �re.on ou�. �+�d aacoa�►t � �214�D �'C�'.1 '�'iYl$ f�8�i@ �l@�� 'l�il�. _ RB�.� g3I`3:AC�. $UJf! �8 .p8,'1,f�f Qt`, '� �a�' 0�' �Ci 331f� ��PB �?9n' C�a"!ti t 2++� 3/� p�3" $a�m! �ayabLa ' oa� ��s �t .�ay� �f �'� r�d �EPie l� da�r of ��c�em'be� o� �r•??i � �� �tere�� to r�,tw►�,tg be� Pa�rab]s � a�cdrdar�ce ���h a�ci �pan pr�•• ses�taf.�an arzc� �ux7►o�,dq� of th� 3x�ts�e�t �aRtpoz� 3�e� at�acii�i. �oth � �- 1"��I� �d �`esti ar+� �e�bl�s ,�L t� m�i: t� �f�ae o£ �Tio�hveste��n Natic�al � o� I�nn��tpt��# �n %�9s�ne�3.s �sv�� 3�t a�y �oin or' �u��ey ot t,�+� U'�i.#�d ��F�,t� o� �ar3.c�n �„ch or� � rc��a�c�ive d�tes t�f p�y�� � �5�. �� ��rr pLtb�C , a� �arl.�r�1t� d�'�t�►, � � bon� �.s osa� c►�' a� �+� �.s� ��e f�o�3 pr�.ncipa7. �� df ��Ot�d� �1, o� �a d�te �d t�uaar � a� �o m�ta�.'�$',; i�su�ad � p�avir�a mene�► • � �o f'is�mu.d tha cc�ns#�c�i�si af` :t�se� ��M�� �a f�hQ w�t� a�ct �ar+�o .��am oz�ned at�E ��d , ltr� �,�,d C9�ty as a pn�3,a ut�1,t� �c3 . �a►rnrc�fanc�� eru� 9.�su�d -�ra�n�� �� orr��aoea c3v3,y ��op�ad 1�r td� C�.ty� . � Ca� and �� �4 �r�cl 9.�a fi.�13 c�n�c3�l,tt�� c�l.#�i tbe Cha�r�ea� of ���.d C�t�f z�nd ��i� Co���u�iLv�a. ar� .�is +o� ���a�aa a� ��� t�er�n°�� �r��. 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A RESOLIITION AWAxDING THE SALE OF $50�000 PERI�IANENT IMPROVFMENT REPOLVING FOND BONDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the city council of the city of Hopkias, Minnesota, that the bid of IQorthwestern National Bank� Minneapolis, and Northweatern National Bank, Hopkins, to purchase $50,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving F�nd Bonds as advertised for sale pursuant to a reaolution of thia council paesed DTov�nber 1, �g�+9, which bid is to pay $50��+27.00 for bonde bearing interest at one and three-fourths (1.75) per cent is hereby found to be the most fa�orable bid received, a.nd ahall be and ia hereby accepted. BE IT FfTRTHER RESOLPED Tha,t the city clerk shall retnrn the good faith checks of all other bidders and retain the check of eaid succe�sful bidder until delivery of the bonds. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the council of the city of Hopkine held this 6th day of December, 19�+9. / L� t . -�� W. HAF{LAN PERBI%� MAYOR �'`'`��� A. W. Elmqu a4' t, Secretary of the council Frang N. Whitney, City Attorney a I Exhibit °C" CITY OF HOPKIN5, HENNEPIIQ COUNTY, MINNESOTA � BESOLIITION N0. 120. � A RESOLIITION FIXING THE FORNI_AND 17ETgILS OF $5�,000 pERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVI NG F[TND BONDS , DI RECTI NG THEIH EXECUTIOY AI�D DELIVERY.AN'D LEVYING A TAX FOB THEI R PAYI�IENT . , BE IT RESOLYED by the city council of the city of Hopkina, Minneaota, as followa: (1) � N � 1. The City of Hopkins,shall f orthwith issue and deliver its-`negotiable coupori Fermanerit Improvement Revolving Fund, Bond�s in the aggregate..principal amount of •�50_�000, dated Decembe�r 1�' 1949 �� said bonds to be 50 in number and'� numbered - f rom 1 to 50, both inclusive� in the denomination of �1_�OOO each� to bear interest a� tYie�"rate of on� and three-foiirthe (1.75) per cent _ . - .. � payable semiannually on the lst day of June and the lst day of December in each year, and to mature serially in order of serial numbers, on December lst -in the'a�ount of �5�000 in each of the years 1951.to 1960, both inclusive� all without.option of prior payment. Both principal of and interest on said bonds shall be payable . at Northw�st�rn National Bank of Minneapolie, Minn�sota . � and the city srall pay the reasonable charges of such bank.for acting as paying agent. 2. The bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF Ai�IERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HEN�TEPIN CITY OF HQPKINS No. . $1 �000 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BQND OF 19�+9• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the Cit,y of hopkins� a municipal corporation of Hennepin County� State of Mi.nnesota�_ hereby acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer the principal sum of ONE THOUSAATD DOLLARS on the lst day of December� 19 � and to pay.interest. � trereon from the date hereof until the principal sum is paid at �the rate of one and three-fourthsperCerlt ( 1.75 �) per annizm� interest to maturity payable semiannually �on the lst day of June.and the lst day of December in each year in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable at Northwestern National Bank of hlinneapolis, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at, the time of payment is legal tender f or public and private debts� . arid for the prompt payment of said principal and interest as they respectively become due the full faith� credit arid taxing powers of the city have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. � This bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of � 50�000, all of like date and tenor except as to maturities� all of which are issued f or the Fermanent Improvement Revolving Fund,to pay for any improvement, the cost of which is to be assessed against benefited property pursuant to Section �.14 of the Home Rule Charter of the city� and b,y a.uthority of a resolution adopteci by four-fifths vote of the city council� and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and Laws.of the State of Ninneso.ta and the Crarter of said city. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITE�.That all acts� conditions and things reauired by the Constituti on and Laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of the city to be done� '��-..:��'i:�.i' . ��.:,:', _.�., to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been done, have happened and ha.ve been , performed in.legal a.nd due form; time and manner9.that prior to the issuance hereof a direct annua.l irrepea.lable ad valorem tax has been levied sufficient to pay and for. the purpose of paying this bond and.interest thereon when due9 and that this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said city out- standing.on the date of its issuance� does not e xceed any consti�;ution.al, statutory or charter limitation of indebtedness. � II�itiITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Hopkins� Hennepin County� Minnesota� has caused tY�is bond to be signed in.its behalf by its Mayor and City Manager and its� corporate seal be hereunto affixed and the attached in�;erest coupons to be executed by the f acsimile signatures of said officers, all the lst day of December, 1949. L�%I' • ��G�i � `--_ � � �� City, M ger No. . to as of (Form of Coupon) Mayor On the lst day of June (December)9. 19 � the City of �Hopkins9 Hennepin County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer the sum ofeight and 75�1.(X)(�8.75) DOLLARS lawful money of the United States of America at Northweatern National Bank, Minneanolis� Minnesota � for interest then due on its Permanent Improvement Revolving Funa Bond dated December l, 1949, No. . � � �r� �� ., City ianage o� ��� �� Mayor 3. The city manager shall cause said bonds.to be printed at the cost of the city, and said, bonds shall be executed on behalf of the �city by the �_mayor and the cit,y manager and shall be sealed wlth the corporate seal of the city�� and said coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the pr-inted� engr�vea or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers. When said bonds have been-so executed they_shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon r.eceipt of�the purchase price and the purchaser shall not be obligated to see .to the�proper application of such purchase price beyond its payment to the city. 4. The full faith and credit `of' the city are hereby irrevocably pledged to the prompt and full payment of the.principal.of and interest on,_said bonds as such principal and interest become due. In compliance with Minnesota St�,tutes and in orcler :to provide moneys for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, there shall be and is hereby levied upon . a_ll the taxable property in said city a direct, annual ad valorem c•; tax to be spread upon the taX rolls and collected with and as a part of other general city t�xea in the.years and amounta as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 1950 �6700 . 1955 �5goo: i95i 6ioo i956 5700 1952 6000 1957 5600 1953 '�e� p y,� � 5900 195g 5500 195� � o��� J`.fi"' 5900 1959 5�0 • Said levy ehall be irrepealable provided that when and if �ither•moneys are ✓ available in the special sinking fund to pay said principai' amd interest� � the aecretary shall certify such amaunt to �.the county a�uditor on or b�fore October 15th of any year and direct him to reduce or cancel said levy. 5. There is hereb� created a separate sinking fund for the ps,yment, of the principal and interest on said bonda, known ae the "Permanent Improvement Revolving ESind Bond Sinking F1ind", into which shall be paid the proceeds of the foregoing leviea, and such other sums'as may be direct�d to be uaed for the payment of said bonds a.nd out of which fund there shall be , paid the interest on and principal of said bonds.as euch principal and ', interest become due,�and said fund sha11 be used for no other purpose until ' all of said bonds have been paid. � � 6. The secretary of the council is hereby directed to cause a copy of this reaolution, certified by the secretary, to be filed in the office of the County Auditor of.,Hennepin County, �Iinneaota, and to obt�in from him the certifica.te required by law. , .��, �, �� :� � Passed December 6, 19�+9. . ����r � �, � �,N.�:�� , � � � � . �' � � � ,,�' � _ - � � ;�`'' � Filed and attested thi,s . 6th day of December, �9��9• � . Secretary of e Council G�i���� �.v�J � � . . Mayor � � �CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0. 26. � AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH STRF�,T AND ALLEY GRADES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CCJiJNTIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS: _� ��,� � M ' ,/ � Section 1. S�bdivision 1. The following elevations are hereby adopted ae finished elevations of the intersection of the center line of the designated streets a.nd alley, and as the finished elevation of the designated alley. Subdivision 2. All elevationa given are with reference to the bench mark on the Southwest (SW) corner of the city ha.11� the elevation of said b ench mark b ei ng 9� .�Fl . Subdivision j. Starting at the intersection of the center-line produced of the alley in �lock 7�, West Minneapolis Second Divieioa and the center-line of First Street North� where the elevation shall be 103.96; thence north on the center-line of alley at a minus grade of O.S per cent to station 1 plus 00, being a point 100 feet north oP the point of beginning, where the eleeatioa shall be 103.16; thence north along ceater-line of alley at a minne grade of 0.16 per cent to station 3 pins 00, bein g a point j00 feet north of the point of beginning, �ahere the elevation ahall be 102.8�+; thence aorth at a plue grade of 1.Sj per ceat to station �F pina 00, being a point �00 feet nnrth of the poiat .� of beginning, where the elevation eha11 be 103.67; thence north along center- line of a11ey at a plua grade of j.�F per cent to atation �F plue 75, being a point �75 �eet aorth oP the point of beginning, where the elevation shall be 106.22; thence north along center-line of alley on a 100 foot vertical curve to etation 5 plue 75, being a point 575 feet north oP the point of beginning, where the eleva- tion ehall be 105.g�+ feet; thence north on the center-line of alley at a minue grade of �4.16 per cent to the south line of Second Street North where the elevation shall be 103.3�+. FIRST READ at a regular meeting oP the council of the city of Hopkina held on November 15, 19�9 � and finally xead and passed at a regalar meeting of the coun�l of ea,id ci ty held on the 6th day of December, �9�+9. A. W. Elmqui at, Secretary of the conncil Frank N. Whitneg� City Attorney W. HA�LgN PERBI%, MAYOE 1'ubli ehed ia The Suburban Presa on December 15, �9�9• C+1�"1 �r xs ��.c., i y/ 7� � y 7�,�c�.G.+af r � V � 0 CITY OF HOPgINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINAI3CE N0. 22. AN ORDIRANCE RELATING TO COPITRACTS BETWEEN CONTRACTORS AND TfIE MTTIJICIPALITY AND RE,PEALING A CERTAIN OFiDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Hopkina: Section 1. "An Ordina.nce Relating to Contracta and Contractora with the Yillage of Weat Minneapolis," which wae actopted by the village council of West hiinneapolis o�i February 20, 1g9�, is hereby repealed. FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the council of the cit�r of �opkins held on the 15th day of November, i9�+9, and fina.11y rea.d and passed at a regular meeting of the council of s�id city held on the 6th day of December� 19�. A. W. Elmquist� Secretary of the council. Frank N. Whi taey, City Attorney. � W. HARLAN PERBI%� MAYOH Published in The Suburban Press on December 15. 19�9• copy °to paper ' 7 x� -7,�,a�.G�-q � ' �_ N � CITY OF HOPgINS, HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINiJESOTA RESOLIITION N0. 117. M / Y A RE30LIITION DIRECTING REIP�IDIIRSEMENT TO CERTAIN P80PERTY OWDTEHS ON SEYENTEIIJTH AVENIIE NORTii OF MONIES PAI D FOE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS F'OR SEWER AND WATER. WHEREAS, the folloWing deacribed lote in Gibb's Firat Addition to Weat Minneapolis have heretofore been assessed for the inetallation of sewer and water in Seventeenth Avenue l�orth in front of said lots, the amounts hereinafter eet forth for each of said lota, to-wit: Block Number Lot Number Sewer Assessment Water Assesement 7 � 3 �7 18 �9 20 21 22 23 2� 25 26 1� 7.5 i6 �7 lg �9 20 21 22 2� i3 i� �6 �7 lg i9 20 21 22 23 2�F $ � i.� �g.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60;00 60.00 60.00 60.00 :� �� •� �� •• •• •� •� •� •� •• �� •� �� •� �� •• �� •� •� •• •� .: :• 60.00 60.00 60 . o0 60.00 60.00 60 .00 60 .00 60.00 60.00 60.00 �+g .00 �+6. io $ 2oo2.3g � 56.63 52.go 66.00 66.eo 66. o0 66.00 66.00 66.00 6s.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 19g.73 19g.73 19g•73 19g.73 19g.73 19�.73 227.g3 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60 .00 60.00 60 .00 60.00 �g.00 �+6. io � 3ogi.7�+ AND WSEREAS, at the time aaid asaeasmente were levied against said lote� the real eatate oa the westerly side of Seventeenth ave�ue 1Qorth was aot part of the then Village of Hopkina� and no portion of the cost of installation of said sewer and water was aeeeeaed againet the property on the weaterly eide of Seventeenth avenue 1Qorth, and the entire coet of such inetallation was aseesaed against the above named lote in the amounts hereina,bove set forth� a.nd (1) � � � WSEREAS, aiace said seseasmenta were made� earioue ownere of property on the Weat aide of Seventeenth ave�ue North which lie acroas Seventeenth Avenue North from the lote so aseessed, have entered into contracts with the village (now city) of Hopkins for the ila.rniehing of sewer and water service to their properties and have paid into the �� sev�age disposal,', fund narioue sume of money which represent the suma of money for which their properties would have been assessed at the time of in$tallation of said eewer a.nd water had their said properties at tha,t time � been a portion of the village of Hopkina, and WEEREAS, there has been paid into said ilind at the present time by said property oa►nere on the Weaterly side of Seventeenth avenue Idorth a enm which ie approaimately eqn.ivaleat to one-half of the asseasmenta for sewer and water installation aboee set forth, and WHEREAS, the preaeat owners of the above deecribed lote are juetly entitled to- reimbnreement from the monies so paid into said i'und b� the o�nere of property on the Westerly aide of Seventeenth avenue North� to the extent of oae-half of the original aeaeeements against said lota for sewer a.nd water inatallations; PTOW� THEREF'ORE, BE IT HESOLVED that each of the fee owners of the above described tr�cts or parcels of land, said ownerehip being determined ae of the date of the adoption of thie reaolution by the city council of Hopkins, be paid Prom the sewage disposal fund .: of said city one-half of the amount, without interest, origina.11y assessed for the installation of sewer and water against each of the above named lots, and that each of aaid fee owners ehould present to the eecretary of the conncil proof of such owner- ship, and file a claim for his or her refund wlth the secretary of the conncil, and BE IT FI7RTHER RESOLYED that no further claims or demands of any kind a.nd nature. arising from the installation of eewer and water in Seventeenth avenue North adjacent to and in front of said lots, other than the claims of eaid fee owners of said property at the date of the paeaage of thie resolution� will be allowed o r paid by the city of Hopkins to a.ny other person or persons. ADOPTED by the conncil oP the city of Hopkins at a regalar meeting thereof held thia 6th. da� of December, �9�+g. W. HARLAN PERBIX, MAYOR g. W. Elmqni st, Secretar� of the conncil Frank 1V. Whitney, City Attoraey � 2) ��} p� '��xo,� ��o aooq�ca�oao� ��cmom� �q� u� a�o� P��t aac►q�a �I,��j '�llil�t,'t� p�g���� O�w II0�'j1?'[j9'�R�� �(OQS �O ;p0� oi�,�IIO �5�� !i� �i�4�dA� �1�7R8d� ��Qna��e�►� �o ��Z� d�o��o�e at�� c�o �7�.tado�d oq� A�s�a��a ����ap��a ���► .ao�v� �ae aaaa� P��� �o eo'i�et'[�gea� ;�o �soa ��g �o aa�3ao�i +ov psav� •qu#�I�I3 Sa a8v�'L'iL� ���� eV3 �o .�ss�[ �o�a s�+ew ��.to� o���►e ��II�sa�g��c�g �o +��p�� .��a��.��e� aq� �� e�v�e� t�aa �� `���t �L'�o �ou� pa;a�� r�saw c���ca�os��� �►t'ev ���� o�ia 9� °�Y�i�1 #�I�d' � t��' I�� � . • � �7U' � �°� ' 0(�' � . �' � �� � � �°0� �° oq � ��� . Ol�' UU� tK3' f�► DO' f� �S `1.�� � �L•�6t �l'��t '€F°��t £!•�6� �L'�6� �1'��i a�•9g �'�99 c��•� � �'�9 �•gg �°99 '�°9g �'99 ou°969 �+�i ��'99 ao•99 � • �. �g °9� ;� ��� S�' �t3� � � Q63' �t� UC}• t� �'� ��� OU°Q� ��� �' �9 f'�t'\ a pyy 6JW w� Q�• � 0(i' � Ofl' �j �' �9 c�c�• � �` �9 u�• c� ��•Q9 l7U° CJc! o�°a9 �'� �' � �• �g c�• r�9 ��' � � 0 L �'� ����$ Y��►"a�- '�aQ'€ ���te jo �aa� ao� �aml ��g ,ta�g�u��.��u �atrrru� s�� '���'[ �fi�� �yo{paaaz� �Z �a�ca� �r�a�oq ��u��aa��►e� �� .t�;�r�► �a� ��wo� ,�a na'�9'�`�`��ss�� �� .;oy p��e�rv� a�aq e.xq�o���m� �s� �T�T��T� �+�a� �� go�� ZPP'► �sa'� � a��tifl II� gJ�� ��Qi3vsop �t���o�'tp3 ��{4 `8'q9��N1!t •S�I��iD6 Q�9' ��� �Qdt 8+��8���1► '�"I�I�idC� �E}� ti1Yc� S�I�Ifl� ��i �f� ��A11 �i��8 I�4 3H�l9� $�cC(}�d bt8i9�;�: A� d���liC� flHI�O��Q ����iQ'i� Y . '�.'[t: `Q� B�Sr►#11'It3S� v��iS� "X�� S�� `S�I�ifi� �4 X�X� �c S, e1,�de o�i� ���eaemea�Le Me�e toede, . ra�r�,pue o�n►e�a of �n��er�y fl� '�he t�eet ��de of 8eremteea��, s�venue ��rih �hlch iie� e.ort�e� �eTen��aent� are�e �dt�h Sra� the lot� so �eee�eed, h��e. es��red i��v �oALra�ete u�tih 4he sillage (ao+r eftY) . ra� �o�l�iae fo�r ti�e ila�riie�ing o� eer�resc �nd �ra�e� sea�rice tt� theia p�rope��ie• sxi� h��e ��►ic� �a�o t,be sewage disposaZ �;�8 vai°loue trum� oi moaey rhfcb r�resen� tha s+a�� og �to�r t�r �hi�+h �heis �ropert4eti eao��.8 t�axe b�en ,�esessed a� fi�e �3ms of i�a��la��,oa �f e�aid s�w�r +�d �e�te�, he,d �Y���r sald ��ope�p�e� a� a'i�t �ime bee� � pox8ion of t,l�e vrf,�Z�� oi ��ki�a, �d i��,�3, there hss U�sn ��� into s�id t'aad �� the �resea� tioe by ea3d pr�perty o�e� aa the ���ote�.�r s�de o! Se��a�te�anth �r►e�ae l�ar�h �s e�un ahich ia sp�a�ro�9,mat�ely ecYa►ivsa�ent ta oan-he►!.£ p�' thm seee�mente fe�r ea�rer ar�d watiex laetasll�stlan abovs ee� i�orth, a�d ��, �he present avtn�as o!' �P�e db�oa� descMbed xvte �a� juut7.y eati�led tie reimtfux�ee�ent ��m �hhe meniee sa Pa��! lntp s��8 i� b�r �.e a�raere oP p��er�q pr� �h� �esLe�18 �fa�, o� Seveateeati� a�enue l��rt�� ta� the e�z�ent of one,s..hB1f et hhe priginel �s�esemente �g�iast s�id lbte f�r se�e� �d ris�er lae�IlaLione, 3Qe�f, "�HEI�E�'QRPw, �E Ifi �1$f?�V� t�'� each vt L2t� !ee v�aaer� of the aDor►e d.�aeribed �r�c�C� or �arcaale ot lau8, said �terahin Defug detet�i�ne8 �e oS the 8ate ot the �►9optioa af �ph� e ras�lu�9.os by the �4�ty conaoll Q�' Ho�cina, be pe�id t�rom �he se�tage. disposal fund � o� eeid ci�� oae-»ha�.f c►�' tih� amouat, w�tP►rnst iate�esC, mri�inali�r aeae��eii for Ehe ins��3.Ia�3o� ot° aewer asd ree�dr a��net e�ah of �he a�ve aeueed lo�e� a�nd th�t each of saifl �'e� e�vaere eha�a3,r� p�*e�emt tv the se:arel�r�r mt Lhe counoll pro�f of snoh e��ear- e�hh9,�, aes�d file � �sla�3� �o� hie �r her �ai�z►d i�i.tk �hm eeaa�et�.s�► �!' bhe �oetnai3.,, �d BF3 IT �f)R�� �St)�'P$D Lhe�� ao f4�rther c18l.ms or demaade ot �n,y 1���►@ an8 a�►.ta�re� aaiel,n� fran the l:n�t�ll+�tion �+f �e�rer end vate� �a Se�e�aOeenCh a�eau8 �ior�h ad�ffi��nti �� azc8 f� !'�at sa� �ei�! lntg, cith�r th� 4,he , �sLaiffi� af' s�aid lec� ��►ere o� s�►1d �,re�per�q a� t�e d�te o� the p�sea�e oS �hlti ra,�oluOiQa, v4�3 be aglo�e8 or �a�d 1� the cidy oP �{a�ki�ne �o an� othea� pe�oa e,a �er�oae. �Qi"P��1 by t�� coua�li af �he City af �pkis�s aE ��ega�a►s m�eti#a��; �here�p�' ?�e1d �h3,s 6�h4 8� of De�emDe�, 7,gt��. i�► HA.�LIIt� P�i](. �1l4.iF0� ' 11a �o� di1Lffi�i�11p . SeClab��r v�' C�e Cn�nexi9. �'ra�k 4�. Wh1 ta�, ci ty ��to raey � �, � � � CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COIINTY, MINNESOTA HESOLIITI @T PTO. 121. A RESOLIITION APPROVTNa AN A(3REF�aIENT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FbR THE IISE OF A WATEB MAI�Y. W�RE,�S, there has been eubmitted to the city council a propoaed agree- ment whereb� in consideration of the payment of Two Hundred Sixty-two and fifty hundredths Dollars ($262.50) by the etate of Minnesota to the city of Hopkins, the city agrees to permit and a.11ow the state to connect from its present or future buildiaga, or other hig�iway facil3ties, located on a certain tract of land in the city which is described in said proposed agreement, to the city water main located on Washington Avenue adjacent to said state land and buildings, on the terms a.nd conditiona set forth in said agreement; NOti�I, THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, that eaid proposed agreement be, and it hereby ie, approved by the city conncil of Hopkins� and the mayor and clerk are hereby authorised to ezecute the eame on behalf of the city. ADOPTED by the city conncil of Hopkina held at a regular meeting thereof held thi e 6th day of December, 19�j. W. IiAE�I,AN PERBIS, MAYOR A. W. Elmquist, � Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitney� Citp Atto rney A special meeting of the council of the City of Hopkins, �innesota, was held at the City Hall at 7:00 o�clock P.M. on Thursday, December 8, 1949. The following were present: Mayor W. Harlan Perbix, Councilmen Joseph T. dnderla, Stuart E. Becl�nan, Len J. Milbert�,and City Manager� C.C. Congdon. Members absent; John Ziegler: Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the city purchase the 2 ton 1950 Chev. panel truck from the Suburban Chevrolet Company as advertised in the.amovnt of $13l�3.01. Carried. Beclanan moved, Milbert seconded, that the city nurchase the Minneapolis Moline UTIL tractor with lull—loader less the cab as advertised from the �ffm. H. Ziegler Company in the amount of �5557•50. Carried. Beckman moved, Milbert seconded� that the meeting be adjourned. AT . . J . Har Per ix, Mayor g.W. Elmquist, cretary to the Council 0 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hopkins, �innesota, was duly held at the council chambers in the City Hall i.n said city�on the 20th day of December, 19l�9, at 7:30 o�clock P.M. The following members were present: Councilmen Len J. Milbert, Stuart E. Becl�an, Joseph T. Anderla, and John Ziegler,']�ayor W. Harlan Perbix; also City Manager, C.C. Congdon. The followLnj were absent; none. Bec�nan moved, Milbert seconded, that.the follo�ring bills be paid. Carried. 1300 1301 1312 �313 1311� 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1321� 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 372 373 371� 375 376 377 37� 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 281 282 283 28� 285 286 287 288 289 290 ?91 292 293 GEN�RA.L FUND First National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of It�.nnesota Hopkins Second Hand Store American Linen Supply Coa Bursch� s Cafe Duncan_B�eter Corporation Feudner-Davidson Agency Gustafson & F�xa Hennepin County Mike Ho�, Sec. of State Hopkins Fire Departmen.t Lucille Ao Jensen Johnson Trucking Johnson & Vogt Kokesh Hardware Miller-Davis Coo Miller Meters Ince Mpls a Gas C ompar�y M�.nn. Paper & Cordage Co. Northern States Power Co. Ray Petersen Rosenv�ald-Cooper Co. Standard Oil Co. Frank N. �Iihitney Fred Swanson Salaries Hourly Payroll VPithholding Tax Nov. Retirement Ded�actions S�ove for Jra High warmi.ng Nov. service Meals for prisoner Parking Nreters Clerk of court & Policemen Light bulbs " Board of poor Listing 6 Fire Calls Meal for prisoner Mov�ng warming house on 9th Supplies Lock Sizpplies parY.ing meter parts Services Sweeping powder & wax S:ervices Testing fire pumps Posts Police car repairs Copies of Mpls. electrical Rental of dozer lst 2 December Period ending 12/1K/1�9 •�� � : :• u � First National Bank of Hopkins Treasurer, State of M�.nnesota Red 0�1 Stores Inc. Bren Hard�sare �ni.l Brokl Johnson & Vogt Clenn Johnson Contracting Kokesh Hardware Landers-Norblom-Christenson Coo Morton Salt Co. Northern States Power Republic Creosoting Co. � Ruffridge-Johnson Geo, T. Ryan Co�pany Fred S�ranson Salaries _ Withholding Tax Nov. Retirement Deductions Grading Adams Avee Supplies 2ndz1�9te1.& Supplies Blacktop Bolts Limestone Rocic Salt Services Road tar Cutting edges Cutting edges Rental of dozer 1st 2 Decembe'r VPATI�- FUND First National Ba.nk o.f Hopkins Treasurer, State�of P�innesota Coast to Coast Dresser Mfg. Division Gustafson &. Fuxa Joseph A.. Hromadko Ne�w England Meter Co. � Northern States Power IVP� Bell Tel. Co�npany Herman Olson postmaster, Hopkins Skelly Oil Co�ar�y Standard Oil Compar�p Salaries Tl�ithholding Tax Nov. Retirement Fan for Utility Pipe fittings 3ulbs �;� 'W house bonds Ave. ord. per agreement use of car Deductions Truck 2n@ 2 �.9 telephone Parts Seruices Servi.ces 2nd z 49�telephone Envelopes Oil Utility Truck Tire Repair lst 2 December 280.90 108.23 12000 1.80 -1.25 368.18. _. ` _ �2.50 - i5.65 75.50 .80 75s00 .55 475.00 22.9? 3.50 16.35 101.ltlt 130.10 20.38 736095 4.06 26.50 10.79 1s05 154.00 11�98033 909.85 61�e5o 3i�e78 50s00 15a75 7.2.00 7�209� 52,68 1.Ql� 1l�4.93 53.50 9.31 741.34 52.00 55e]1 �22.20 31�3•10 1�l�,60 10,00 5s22 i4ao8 2000 12.00 16.02 �2�s� 8,13 12.00 71.1�8 4.30 .75 370.20 Page 2. SF�WAGE DISPOSAL FUI�ID !�8 First National Bank of Hopkins Withholcling Tax �?�.�.0 Hourly Payroll Period ending 12/15/1�9 119.9� REPOLVING FUND 1�8 McNallty & Associates Sidewalk, curb, water, sewer 358.52 1�9 Orfei & Mariani �mo park sewer &�atermains,&11782.79 12th sewer and �atermains � Bec�nan moved, Anderla seconded, that the fol].o�ing license applications be granted subject to approval of bonds by the City Attorney and that the license application of Betty & Carl�s Cafe be referred to the Police Departr�ent for �report at nexG meeting, Carried. I�IAME Cam� Ha Ha, Dewey Anderson Hopkins Bowling, Thoma.s �. Sheehan Mpls. Gas Heat �g. Co. Tom r�otzko Co. Wm. H. McCoy Phillips 66 Skelly Oil Co�upa�r H.G. Dirks Furnace Co. Gas Keat �gineering Co. Adolph Reinke Standard Heating Co. Suburban Home Hea.ting Co. The Waterbury Compar�p Harris Brothers Pluznbing Co. VPilliam L. Mallery Dahlberg Bros., Inc. EhID.i.11er & Mi11er Kinn Service �lover Leaf Creamery Compar�y Delano Dairy E�ald Bros. Sanitary Dairy Franklin Co—operative Creamery Norris Creameries, Inc. Northland Milk & Ice Crea.m Co. Ohleen Dairy Co� FOR Trailer camp. S.oft drinks, Bo�rling alleys. Installation of gas burners. Installation of gas burners� Pluraber. Gasoline bulk storage station. Gasoline bulk storage station. Gasoline bulk storage station. Installation of gas and oil burners. Installat�on of gas�and oil burners. Installation of gas and oil burners• Installation of gas and oil burners. Installation of gas and oil burners� Installation of gas and oil burners. Installation of ,;as and oil burners, Plumber. Installation of gas and oil burners� Plumber. 3 gasoline serui.ce filling pum�ns, � 5 gasoline service filling pumps. 3 gasoli.ne service iilling pumps. 1 milk truck. 1 milk truck. 2 milL trucks. 3 milk trucks. 2 milk trucks. 3 mil:{ trucks. 1 milk truck. Pederson Bros. Dairy Superior Daisies 2nc. Hovander Foods Inc. National Tea �ompar�y Cres and Bruce Shonka Milbert�s Grocery & Conf. Red OaPl Stores Inc. Sclzmitz Grocery Club Cafe & Ta� Room Night Hawk Tavern T.D. Gustafson Compariy Hopkins Plumbing & Heating Co. Hopkins Theater� �gler Bros. & Sons Star Theater, Engler Bros. & Sons Paoe 3. � milk trucks. 2 milk trucks. Mills, Cigarettes. Milk, Cigarettes. On-sale non-intoxicating ma.lt, Off-sale non-intoxicatir�g malt, Soft drinks� Mechanical amusement device, 1 ball� Cigarettes. On-sale non-intoxicating malt� Off-sale non-ir_toxicating malt� Soft drinks, Milk, Mechanical a.musement device, 1 ball� Cigarettes. Oif-sale non-intoxicating malt� Soft dri.nks� Mil::, 5 gasoline service filling pumps, Cigarettes. Off-sale non-intoxicating malt� S'oft drinks, BIU.lk, Cigarettes. On-sale non-intoxi.cating malt� Off-sale'nori-intoxicating malt� Soft drinks, Mi11t, Mechanical amusement device, 1 ball� Cigarettes. On-sale non-intoxicating malt, Off-sale non-intoxicating malt� Sof t drinks � Milk, Mechanical ar¢usement device, 5 ball� 1 gasoline service filling pump. Dance ha�l, Cigarettes. Plumber. Plumber. Moving picture sho�r� Cigarettes. S�oft drinks, Moving picture sh�r� Cigarettes. page �. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the comm�nication dated December 15, 19�9, from the Hopkins Zoning Commission pertaining to zoning along Number 7 Highway be placed on file. Carried. ' The cor�nunication dated December 15, 191�9, by Peterson & Hede Company pertaining to zoning on 17th Avenue North was referred to the Zoni.ng Cor�ni.ssion. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the request for permission by Meyers Outdoor. Ad.vertising, Inc. dated December 15, 1949, to erect a road si.bn on the Joe Zztka property along Number 7 FIighway be denied• Carried. resolution #122, being Councilman Beckman moved, Councilman Ziegler seconded that;�A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ— li�?G AI�?D DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITY R.E�T�'i�JE BUNDS OF 1949 AND PRESCRIB— ING THE TEFt��LS AND C�VENANTS THEREOF�', ( attached �thibit "A" ) be adopted� Said resolution was fu]1y and distinctly_read and all of the members of the council were present and voted in favor of the motion.to adopt said resolution, which was carried unanimously. fl4ilbert moved, Ziegler seconded, that the city accept the offer of A:Llison � Willia,.-ns for the purchase of �40�000.00 Public Utility Revenue Bonds of 1949, which anticipated amount is needed to complete the new trunk sewer. Carried. Anderla moved, Milbert seconded, that the report dated December 12, 19it9, by the City Attorney pertaini � to the p�archase of road equipment be placed on file. Carried. Beclaaan moved,�Anderla seconded� that Resolution #123, "A RFSOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON ENG�NEER�S RF�PORTS FOR THE INSTAT�,ATION OF SANITARY S��ER AND WATE�R N1AIN EXTENSIONS IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS," marke� �hibit B, be adopted. Carried. Bec�nan moved, Anderla seconded, that four street lights be authorized for the Elmo Park Addition. Caxr.ied. Anderla moved, Ziegler seconded, that the co�rununication by Barney Gross pertaining to estimated�bill for damage to his car be referred to the City Attorney. Carried, Ziegler moved, Beckman seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. AT TFST : � , �If. Harlan Perbix, Mayor• . A.W. Elmquist Secretary to the Council a � CITY OF HOPKINS HEiWi EPIId COUNTY� MINNESOTA �ESOLIITION I30. 123. �� A RESOLUTION ORDEBIIQG A IiEARING ON FTdGINEER' S REPORTS FOR THE INST9LLATION OF SANITARY SE4JER AND WATEE MAIN F�TENSIONS IN CEIiTAIN LOCATIONS. Wf�REA5� the council of the city of Hopkina on December 6, �9�+g, adopted a resolution referring the matters of the extension•of sanitary sewer and water mains in the following locat�,ons: SE�'IER: Beginning at a point 35g•5 feet westerly of the East line of Section l�ineteen (19), Township One Hundred Sevonteen (117), Ra.nge Twenty-one (21)� and 6.5 feet idorth of the North line of Excelsior Boule4ard, which ie the termination of the present sanitary sewer line; thence running north- easterly along a line parallel to and 6.5 feet north of the north line of Excelaior Boulevard a dietance of about 375 feet. WATE&: Beginning at a point 56.5 feet weaterly of the eaet line of Section DTineteen (19), Townahip One Hundred Seventeen (117), Ra.nge Twenty-one (21), and 15 feet north of the north line of Excelsior Boulevard, which is the termina- tion of the present water line; thence running northeasterly along a line para11e1 to and 15 feet north of the north line of E�celaior Boulevard a di stance of about 96 feet, to Frank Laeka, city engineer� for hie investigation and report, and W�REAS, said engineer has investigated the necessity and feaeibility of said improvements, and m December 20, �g�+9� reported thereon to the council and filed his written report with the aecretary af the council � and WHEREAS, said engineer's report recommends that said aewer be not installed in the above described location but in lieu in place thereof that it.be inatalled in the following locations: Commencing at an existing manhole in the main trunk sanitary sewer which is located approximately in the center of Interlachen Road and five (5) feet southerly of the south line of F�celsior Avenue; thence running northerly acro se Excelaicr Avenue to a manhole to be conetructed in Excelsior Avenue and about five (5) feet southerly of the north line of Excelaior Avenne� at an estimated cost of Sig Hundred Dollars ($600.00), and WI�EEAS, said engineer's report estimates the oost of the conatru.ction of the water main at the above described location at the eum of Eight Hundred Dollar� ($500;00)� but aleo auggesta that said water main be conti nued along the line � above described for a.n additional distan.ce of abant 350 feet at a total estimated (1) al di atance � coet� including eaid additfon,� of Thirty-three Hundred Dollara (�3300.00); NOW� THEREFOFtE, � BE IT RESOLVED that said engineer'e report; will be conaidered by the council and action taken thereon at a regular meeting of the city council to be held on Tuesday, J an.uary 17, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., and BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVID that the city man2,ger,gi�e notice of such hearing by publishing a notice once in each week for tho auccesaive weeka in the official newspaper of saic? cit�, said notice to deacribe in general language the improvemente recommended in the engineer's report� and the estimated cost thereof. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the city council of Hopkine held on the 20th day of December� 19�9. A.. W. Elmquiat, Secretary of the council Frank N. Whitne�, City Attorney 7 � �2� Dd. IiARLAN PERBIX � MAYQH', � NOTICE OF HEARING ON ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF S9bTITARY SEWER AATD WATER M9SR F,�TENSIONS IN CEHTAIN LOCATIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha,t the city engineer of Hopkine did on the 20th day of December, �9�+9, file a, report with the city council relating to the installation of sanitary eewer and water main egtensione in the following locatione: SEWEH: Commencing at an e$isting manhole in the main trunk eanitary sewer wrich is located • approximately in the center of Interlachen Road and five (5) feet southerly of the south line of Excelsior Avenue; thence running northerly acrosa Excelsior Avenue to a manhole to be constracted in Excelsi�r Avenue and about five (5) feet southerly of the north line of Excelsior gvenue� at an estimated cost of Six Hundred Dollare ($600.00)� '� W9TER: Beginning at a point 56.5 feet weaterly of the east line of Section Nineteen , � (19)� Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (21), and 15 feet north of the north line of Exceleior Boulevard, which is the termination of the present water l.ine; thence running northeasterly along a line parallel to and 15 feet north of the north line of Excelaio r Boulevard �, distance of about 96 feet, at an estimated coet of �ight Hundred Dollars ($500.00); or, as an alternate in lieu of said extensian, to continue said water main extension along the same line for an additionn.l di stance of about 350 feetat a total estimated coet, including said additional dista.nce, of Thirty-three Fundred Dollars ($33oa.00). � PdOTICE IS FURTHER GIVII3 that the city council hae by resolution fized Tuesday, the 17th dey of January, 1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M, at the council chambers in the city hall as the time a.nd place at which the council will hear euch peraons as � care to be heard in reference to said improvements, of ar�y of them, a.nd will consider aaid engineer's report and act thereon. Dated at Hopkine, Minnesota� this 2jrd da� of December, �9�+g. C. C. Congdon, City Ma.nager Frank N. Whi tney, Ci ty At to rney Published in The 9uburba,n Press on December 29, 19�+9 and Ja.nuar� 5, 1950. copy to paper: