2020-024 Approving Revisions to the City's Legislative Policy Manual Chapter 7 Related to Neighborhood Meetings CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota RESOLUTION 2020-024 A RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE CiTY'S LEGISLATIVE POLCY MANUAL CHAPTER 7 RELATED TO NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS WHEREAS, the applicant,the City of Hopkins(the "Applicant"), initiated an application to revise Chapter 7 of its Legislative Policy Manual related to neighborhood meetings; WHEREAS,the proposed revision are detailed in the attached draft policy(Exhibit A): WHEREAS, the procedural history of the application is as follows: 1. That the City has an existing an existing neighborhood meeting policy detailed in Chapter 7 of its Legislative Policy Manual; 2. That staff initiated an application to revise the above stated section of the City's Legislative Policy Manual on April 24, 2020; 3. That the City Council reviewed such application on May 5, 2020; 4. That the written comments and analysis of City staff were considered; and, WHEREAS, staff recommended approval of the proposed revision detailed in Exhibit A attached based on the findings outlined in City Council Report 2020-031 dated May 5, 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Hopkins hereby approves revisions to Chapter 7 of the City's Legislative Policy Manual related to neighborhood meetings as detailed in Exhibit A to this resolution. Adopted this 5`h day of May 2020. / � 7 � �� y� � � � " _ Jason Gadd, Mayor ATTEST: r f -� �,��� ����,�� l�%�� Amy Domeier, City Clerk �TY C)F' HOPI�NS, M1NNE�C)TA NEIGHBORHOOD ��'��&�MEETING YOLICY SECTION 1: PURPOSE �:(-�k l.LIt is the City's intent to expand and enhance the dissemination of information to the residents of the City and to encourage involvement by t�e residents in the planning process. A��s�- �= -�esa�sFor these reasons_ �nnlicants or either new_ �,�s�J,ti�,>>>�l s���.�� 1�:��1u�4in� I���n���,) or rezonin� reouests that are located adjacent to or within �t���f�xesidential zoning c�+s��sdi�l shall �f.�cilitate and ho� a neighborhood meeting ��- �E„�:i,���,�a�:( {�4�� ?�t��t��FE•�. (<����<<��_���,� Ee+�r��- �� -�# �+����. �ccordauce_with tliis on licv-. The City may also require a nei�hborhood meeting for other land use applicants; as determined necessary and appropriate. The nei�hborhood meetin� �uired under�hi'��is senarate and distinet from anv nublic hearine lhat is re�tired_ p�1��L-�Q���• '-.- SECTION 2: SCHEDULING ?-� �1 The applicant shall schedule the meeting tc� take�lace onlv��I��;�. tl���.it� li.�� a�«�t�s� 1� ��plic;ation ��L-at least one week prior to the �e�—p� D�� ��--- RAe��statutorilv reauired �,ublic hearin� on the a�lication. Meetin,44 shall onlv be scheduled �Monday through Thursday after 6:30 p.m. �,�lthou�h �eetir�gs,�� shall not talce l�e-on a+}���� a of the followi Y dates: ,�1) on a #� holiday . ��-�a-�#e-�ee�-i�g-. as that term is defined in Minnesota Statutes. Section 645.44: on October 31_ on the evening of�c�r palitical �a,rtv caucus: or on the date of an election being held within the Citv's boundaries. The applicant shall host the meeting and present the �project for questions and�: ��. �#a�--�e--I�e�-a�t�+ �113e--C-�}-..�+�, ae<ri�t��# t�e-���;-� -� ��4�e F'-�� •�. I SECTION 3: ���$NOTICE AND INVITATION 3:� t�F�+�-�+��-�e3.1 Notice of the �er-�ree�meetin�,and an invitation thereto shall be �mailed at least 10 davs before the meetin� to those names and addresses listed on the public hearing notice list �-�e-provided by the City's Planning & Economic Development c���+�e��}p��rtment. The area of notification may be e+3l��modified b_y Citv staff based on the specific project, in the sole discre ion of C'tv � — - �:? �The applicant shall make available to the ublic a complete description of the �tnr�n�sed prc�aect nece5�itatin tIP �e dnnlicR ation including copies of printed materials and maps, where appropriate. The noticeti�-���=�1_it�vitation shall include the following: (1� �ate_ tin�e_ and Ic�cation of the r��eetin� (2� -�-:Project location map;�n (3) 2, Contact �e��rr,inf�rmation for the a�nlicant_ including,,,an email address; and� telephone number__ � ��������a+��as�u�u?�z$�+-�;:�.�,�� 3.-� .�_,The applicant shall }�e�-� -a-� s€���a.l� �e5e�circt�late a ti�n-in sheet at the meetin�s�_��ig,ned at the o�tion of thos�itL�ttendans�. The applicant �N�h�ll also l�e ���1�4e #e� �aIH�+��� minutes at the meeting. A copy of this information �v+41�1 be provided to��staff the day following the meeting. 3:4 �.�The schedule of rriee�tinQ dates for �g-� Planning & Zonin� Commission, Park and Recreation Commission, and City Council Ear���to consider the a�pltCa inn_ ati �lis�.�Z1� should be provided to those in atten iance at the meetin�, if �� dates are known. � $�.�,A copy of the meeting invitation shall also be �� to the members of the �g b� Planning �2��_Commission, �City Council, and� City Planner. A list of these individuals and their email addresses shall be provided to the�nlicant l�v the City Planning & Economic Development�t+��f��ri�. �-:€� �.�If the applicant desires to use a room in City Hall for the meeting, this needs to be coordinated with the City A4-a��ge�'��--}�Clerk. or its design�e . I SECTIUN 4: STAFF DIS("RF,TinN Tn n�+:ViATF. ��__.__�:he City reco�ni�es that not all land Lse a�,nlicatiom or circLm�tance� are similar in na �r �nd certain Stt��atinns mi�ht warrant deviating from thP ex re�c reoL�iremPnt� contained herein for rea�on� that cannot necessarilv be nredicted or contemnlated ��vithin a rigid c of ulicv nrovisions_ To that end_ the C'it,y Manag,�� OT lt� �?Sl�>Cl P ehall havP tha riicrrPtjOn I,t� aLthorize a land use a�nlicant to devi�te from an4� of the ex»recc re�Lirement� contained in this no�l'�c� if s/he determine� that �Lch deviation is rea�onable �nd n c �irc �m�tances This__�;ara�nh �hall not be internreted to act a� a mechani�m thro�gh �x�hich an �nli an �Iiav reauest or a�jv for deviations. bLt rather is onlv intended to:rovide Citv�staff�=�ith the �1 xibili v to initiate a devjation if and �x�hen it deem� it anpronriate to do��o, I ��nroved b tl�e Citv ' _ I ���:i.t�uninc�n�Gcn���"i�;�� Document comparison by Workshare 10.0 on Thursday, April 30, 2020 10:23:19 AM Input: Document 1 ID Powerpocs://DOCSOPENJ650227/1 Description DOCSOPEN-#650227-v1-Neighborhood_Meeting_Policy Document 2 ID Powerpocs://DOCSOPEN/650227/3 Description DOCSOPEN-#650227-v3-Neighborhood_Meeting_Policy Rendering set Standard Legend: 1Sf;I'llUll__ ��. �(�E�-�-}'tl�l t ,. �il �ll Style change Format change Inserted cell Deleted cell Moved cell Split/Merged cell Padding cell Statistics: Count Insertions 72 Deletions 47 Moved from 2 Moved to 2 Style change 0 Format changed 0 Total changes 123