2020-1156 Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Hopkins City Code Regarding Chickens CITY OF HOPHINS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ORDINANCE NO. 2020-1156 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE HOPHINS CITY CODE REGARDING CHICKENS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPHINS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Hopkins City Code, Part II, Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-1 is hereby amended by adding the double-underlined language and deleting the�language as follows: Sec. 6-1.—Definitions. The following words,terms and phrases,when used in this chapter,shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Animal means any warm-blooded mammal, inclusive of,but not limited to, dogs and cats, as well as any reptiles or birds. The term "animal" does not include non-domesticated animals. Animal control authority means the city police department. Animal shelter means premises designated by the council for the purpose of caring for animals impounded pursuant to this chapter. Butchering means to slaushter or cut un (an animall for food. Chicken means a domesticated fowl of the senus Gallus or snecies G. Gallus. Chicken coop means an enclosed structure used for the housin�of chickens. Chicken run means an enclosed outside vard for the keenin�and exercisin�of chickens. Dangerous animal as defined by state law. Dog at-large or running at-large means a dog not on the owner's premises and not under restraint. Dwelling unit has the meaning provided in section 102-4. Farm animal means an animal that is normally found on a farm, ranch or stable. Such animals include,but are not limited to, horses, cattle, sheep, goats;and swin.,, ^�a ^'��^'��"". Harvesting means the slaushterine of chickens. Hen means a female chicken. Non-domesticated animal means any wild animal, reptile or fowl that is not naturally tame or gentle but is of a wild nature or disposition and which,because of its size, vicious nature or other characteristics would constitute a danger to human life or property. Other poultrv means domesticated fowls such as turkevs. �eese and ducks excludin�chickens. Owner means a person who owns, keeps or harbors an animal. Potentially dangerous animal means as defined by state law. Premises means a building, structure, shelter or land where a dog or other animal is kept or confined. Rooster means a male chicken. Tag means the license tag required under this chapter. Under restraint means on a leash of not more than six feet in length and in the custody of a person of sufficient age to adequately control the dog; in a vehicle, or on the owner's property. SECTION 2. Hopkins City Code, Part II, Chapter 6, Article II is hereby amended by adding the double-underlined language as follows: Sec 6-30 —Chicken icen ec (a) Purnose. The nuroose and intent of sections 6-30 throush 6-32 is to nermit the keenin�of chickens in certain residential areas in a manner that is clean and sanitarv and unlikelv to become a nuisance or otherwise become detrimental to the nublic health safetv and welfare of the communitv. These sections are intended to onlv allow hens nursuant to the reauirements contained__herein and the keenin� �r harborin� of roosters and other noultrv is exnresslv brohibited (b) License reauired. No nerson mav keen harbor maintain care for or control chickens in the Citv without a license issued nursuant to this section Chicken licenses mav onlv be issued to nersons located in reauestine to keen chickens in the Citv's R 1 zonin�districts R-1-A. R-1-B. R-1-C. R-1-D. R-1-El. (c) Annlication for license. A nerson annlvin� for a chicken license must sunnlv the information reauired on a Citv-nrovided license annlication which shall include but not necessarilv be limited to. the number of chickens to be kent dimensions and materials of a chicken coon and/or chicken run a site nlan showin� the location of a nronosed chicken coon and/or chicken run in relation t� other existin� structures and lot lines and a written �lan for keenin� the nremises clean and free of waste material obiectionable odors and nredators. For non-homesteaded nronerties written nermission from the owner of the pronertv must also be submitted with anv license annlication (d) License fee. A license fee mav be established bv the Citv and included in the Citv's fee schedule. and said fee must be naid at the time of makin�annlication (e) License issuance: term. A license mav be issued bv the Citv if all reauirements of the Honkins Citv Code are deemed satisfied and will remain satisfied unon the issuance of the license under the circumstances nronosed A license shall be valid for two vears and a renewal annlication must be submitted bv a licensee at least 30 davs nrior to license exniration to ensure no lanse in licensure. 2 -31 —Proaer confinement care and maintenance of chickens. (a) Chicken reauirements In addition to obtainin�a license.all chicken owners within the Citv shall adhere to the followin�reauirements: (1) Onlv hens mav be mav kent harbored maintained cared for or controlled in the Citv The keenin� harboring. maintainin�. carin�for. or controllin�of roosters or anv other noultrv is nrohibited under all circumstances. (2) The maximum number of chickens allowed shall comnlv with the information detailed in the table below. Maximum Number of Chickens Allowed in Residential Districts District Number of Chickenc Allowed4 -R 1=A & 2 nlus 1 addirional Chicken for eve 4�qL�are R_1_B feet of lot area over 6 000 sauar�eet (maximum of R-1-C 3 nlus 1 addirional Chicken for ever;�4.356 sau� feet of lot area Q r 12 000 uare ee (maxiinum of R-1-D &R-1-E 4 (3) Chickens must at all times remain confined on the nremises and in a chicken coop and/or chicken run located in the nrobertv's rear vard as that term is defined in Honkins Citv Code, section 102-4. (4) Chickens mav not be located in anv nart of a dwellins. �ara�e. or anv other accessorv structure other than a chicken coon or chicken run. excent that chickens under the ase of six weeks mav be temnorarilv kent indoors for broodin�nuraoses. (5) Licensees must nrovide Citv staff with access to the nremises at anv time reauested to verifv comnliance with the Citv's chicken resulations or in resvonse to anv complaint of a violation. (6) The harvestin�or butcherin�of chickens on the nremises is nrohibited. (7) Selline chickens or chicken esgs on the nremises is nrohibited. (8) No chickens mav be kent or raised in a manner as to cause iniurv or annovance to nersons or other animals on other nronerties in the vicinitv of the nremises. whether due to noise odor filth� or otherwise. (9) All �rain and food stored for the use of the chickens shall be kent in rodent-nroof and leak-nroof containers with tight-fittin�covers. (10) Chicken coons and chicken runs shall be maintained in a clean and sanitarv condition and in sood renair Flies rodents and obiectionable odors shall be contained. 3 (11) Chicken coons and chicken runs shall be kent free of accumulated fecal matter and all collected fecal material shall be ba ed and nronerlv disnosed of at least once a week. Stored fecal matter must be kent in a leak-nroof container with a ti t-fittin� cover until removal from the remises (12) Chicken feces. discarded chicken feed. and dead chickens shall not be comnosted (b) Chicken coon reauirements All chicken coons in the Citv shall adhere to the followin reauirements: (1) Must be constructed to adeauatelv keen chickens in and nredators out A coon shall be fullv enclosed and wind nroof with a well-ventilated roof to nrevent escane bv chickens or entrance bv mi�ratorv birds and rodents. (2) Maximum size must comnlv with the information detailed in the table below and must not exceed seven feet(7'1 in total heieht xi m f i Maximum N mb r of �aximum Size Ghickenc�llowed T T f 1 f F n T F 2 (3) Be screened from view bv a fence or landscaned buffer with a minimum heieht of four(41 feet. A fence shall reauire a senarate nermit consistent with the standards in Section 102-13. Landscanin�mav consist of shrubs or trees but shall nrovide a minimum 50 nercent onacitv screen when nlanted (4) Provide adeauate nrotection from the elements and be able to be winterized Heaters are strictiv t�rohibited (5) Be located in the rear vard of the nremises and shall be setback at least five (51 feet from anv on-site or adiacent residential structure or business and conform with the probertv line setbacks detailed in the table below 'r District k fr 11 r R-1-A & 10 Feet from a side(includin�corner lotsl or R-1-B rear nronertv line. 3 feet from a rear ro ert line abuttin an alle . R-1-C 15 Feet R-1-D & 20 Feet R-1-E (6) Mav be made mobile. but must meet all reauirements of this section at all times and must be returned to their nrot�er location while unattended or after sunset 4 (c) Chicken run reauirements All chicken runs in the Citv shall adhere to the followin� reauirements: (1) The maximum size must comvlv with the information detailed in the table below and must not exceed seven feet(7'1 in total hei�ht. M�xim�m Size of Chicken Run Maximum Number of Maximum Size ('hicken� Allowed 'I' F r ' k f n (2) Must be enclosed with fencin� weather resistant/�reen treated wood and/or sealed with a weather resistant nroduct and/or woven wire materials, and mav allow chickens to contact the ground. (3) Must have a nrotective overhead nettin�to keen the chickens senarated from other animals. (4) A fence nermit mav be reauired nursuant to Honkins Citv Code. Section 102-13. (5) Must be located in the rear vard of the nremises and shall be setback at least five (51 feet from anv on-site or adiacent residential structure or business and conform with the nronertv line detailed in the table below. h' i i r' f r R-1-A & 10 Feet from a side (includin�corner lotsl or rear R-1-B pronertv line. 3 feet from a rear ro ert line abuttin an alle . R-1-C 15 Feet R-1-D & 20 Feet R-1-E (6) May be made mobile but must meet all reauirements of this section at all times and. must be returned to their nroner location while unattended or after sunset. Sec 6-32 —Revocation: denial. (a) A license avnlied for or issued under section 6-30 mav be denied or revoked for anv of the followin�reasons: (1) The licensee has violated anv reQulation or vrovision of this code annlicable to the keenin� harborins maintainin� carin�for. or controllin�of chickens. (2) The licensee has failed to continuouslv comnlv with anv conditions attached to the license. 5 (3) The licensee has been convicted of anv crime in anv iurisdiction that relates to the mistreatment of or crueltv toward animals (4) The licensee has exceeded the maximum number of chickens nermitted in their zonin� district. (5) The licensee has an active arrest warrant for a Pronertv Maintenance Code or Zonin� Ordinance violation nertainin�to anv nrovertv which the licensee annlicant or nronertv mana�er has a le�al or eauitable ownershin interest or is involved in mana�ement or maintenance. (6) The licensee or his or her a�ent is denvin� the buildin� official or authorized renresentative to nerform a licerise review insnection (7) The licensee or anv nerson(sl who has had an intere�t in twr, (�l nr mnrP �i�aneae revoked nursuant to this article or canceled nursuant to section 6 32 or a combination of revocations or cancellations shall be ineli�ible to hold or have an interest in a chicken license for a neriod of five(51 vears. (8) The dwellin�is in substandard condition (9) The owner has allowed weeds ve�etation iunk debris or rubbish to accumulate reneatedlv on the exterior of the nremises so as to create a nuisance condition If the cit is reauired to abate such nuisance conditions or collect �ather un or haul solid waste more than three (31 times durin� a neriod of twelve (121 months or less it shall be sufficient erounds to denv revoke susnend or refuse to renew a license (b) The cit council mav revoke a license at anv time after �ivin� the licensee at least seven da s' notice bv reeistered mail at the licensee's address shown on the license annlication or. if no address is shown at the licensee's last-known address The notice shall state the intention of the council to revoke the license and the reasons and it shall �ive the licensee an onbortunitv to annear before the council at a date certain for the nurnose of bein�heard wrth reeard to the revocation SECTION 3. Hopkins City Code, Appendix A, which contains the City's fee schedule, is hereby amended by adding the double-underlined language as follows: LICENCE FEES Chicken License 150.00 Initial Term or anv chan�es reauirin� site lan review and re-ins ection Chicken License Re-Ins ection 60.00 Re-ins ection Chicken License Renewal 30.00 Renewal—No chan es. SECTION 4. In accordance with Section 3.03 of the City Charter and Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd.4,due to the significant length of this Ordinance,City staff shall have the following summary printed in the official City newspaper in lieu of the complete ordinance: 6 On August 18,2020,the Hopkins City Council adopted Ordinance 2020-1156 that amends Chapter 6 of the Hopkins City Code. The purpose of amending the City Code is to allow for the chickens in single-family residential neighborhoods in the city. Council received requests earlier this year regarding chickens and asked staff to review the issue. By adding language regarding chickens, to our City Code, residents in single-family residential neighborhoods would have the option to have chickens on their property with certain restrictions and regulations. A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection during regular business hours at Hopkins City Hall and is available online at the City's web site located at www.hopkinsmn.com. SECTION 5. The effective date of this ordinance shall be the date of publication. First Reading: August 4, 2020 Second Reading: August 18, 2020 Date of Publication: August 27, 2020 Date Ordinance Takes Effect: August 27, 2020 B ason Gadd, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk 7