1987-584 Ordinance 87 - 584 % An Ordinance relating to publ~c nuisances; amend~ng Section 2005.59 of the Hopkins CityCode. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS DOES ORDAIN: Section I. to read: Hopk~ns City Code. Section 200S.SY. is amended 2005.59. Nuisances. Subdiv~son 1. Genera 1 rule. ihe things descr~bed ~n the subdivisions of thiS sectiOn are declared to be publ~c nuisances affecting property. public and private. ana public peace and safety. Subd.2. Snow and ice not removed from public side,.,ralks twelve hours after the snow or ice ceased to fall thereon. 'tl Subd. 3. Trees. hedges. billboards. or other obstructions. except build~ngs erected in accordance With thiS cOde. which prevent persons drivine veh~cles approaching d~ intersecc~on of public h~ghways from having a clear view of traffiC approaching such intersection from cross st.reets for one hundred teet along such cross streets. measured from the property line. when 0ne hundred feet from such intersection. measured from the property 1 ine . Subd. 4. Limbs of trees which project over a publiC sLdcwdlk or street and are less than eight feet above the surface o[ such public sidewalk and nine feet above the surface of such street. Subd. 5. Wires ~xcept clothes llne wires strung less than fifteen feet above the surface of '.,rnicn are --:-;.l;';:--l-Ol} tl1e f,round. Subd. 6. Buildings. walls and other structures winch nave been damaged by fire. decay. or otherwise. and which are so Situated JS to endanger the safety of the public. Subd. 7. Explosives. inflammable substances stored in any manner or provided by this code. liqUids and other dangerous in any amount oener than L.hd'. -. Subd. 8. Loud or unusual noises and annOying Vibration wnich offend the-peace-"and--quiec"of persons of ordinary senSiDillties. Subd. 9. Use of public streets or Sidewalks which causes large crO\~ds of people to gather, .obstructing t"raf~ic and the free use of the streets or sidewalks. Subd. 10. Allowing of water. rainwater. ice or snow to fall from any bUilding or structure upon any street or sioe..,ralk or to flow across any s~dewalk. Subd. 11. Dangerous. unguarded machinery, ~n any public place. or so situated or operated on private property as to attract: ,~ the public. Subd. 12. The doing of any thing or act, or any occupation. or any failure to act which: a) annoys. injures. or endangers the safety. heJ~th. comf0rt. or repose of any considerable nUffioer or pers0ns; 01 b) offends the public decency; or c) unlawfully interferes with. obstructs. or tends to obstruct or renders, dangerous for passage. a laKe. stream. canal, or basin. or a public park. square." street. alley. or highway; or d) in any way renders any considerable number o[ persons insecure in life or in use of property. I It is a misdemeanor for any erson. firm or C0r oration to cause or create any public nUlsance. as e[ine in ChiS ~ubsection. or to perm~t such nuisance CO be creaced or to be placed upon or to remain upon any premises owned or occupiea by such person. [Lrm or corporation. Section 2. This Ordinance is effectlve on 1937 in accordance wich Subsection 110.11 and the City Charter. Adopted this day of . 1937. day of . 1987. Approved this Mayor Attest: Clty Clerk Minn sola Suburban Newspap rs AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authOrized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as HopkIns SaIlor ,and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A rJ1, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed OrdInance No. 87-584 . which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each Monday 28 one successive weeks, It was first pUblished on , the week, for of Sept ,19 87 , and was thereafter printed and published on every and including , 19_, and printed below IS , the _ day of a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclUSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice .~'~'..m:._~ l1l!~ TITLE Oper~tlons Man~~er ~:'":7"" 'oj NOTMY PUGLlC - MINNESOT8 \<->~,"~i/ HcNNmN COUNTY ".:.'~>::/ My commiSSion expire" 7-2-92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 1 85 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 4014: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 384: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ ~. ! l. day City of Hopkins (Official Publlcallon') ORDINANCE 81-584 An Ordmance. relatmg, to pU!\hc ' nUIsances, amel1dmg SectIOn 2005 59 ' of the H~j{Jns City Code 6~tg~iI~n~~~\)~~W~ CJ,F~I SectIOn 1 HopklJ\'$.C.ty Code,'Sec/' tlOn 2005 59 IS a to read " 2005 59 Nu...Iii HSlon 1 I General rule T d 19 the subdiViSIOns re. ~ decla[lld.tltbe pu c- , . tmg property, pu .it J pubhc peace and saf . Subd 2 Snow and I from pubhc s.dewal hOUrs :~~~~ot~e snow or Ice . . fall subd 3 Trees, b es, :6ll1boards, or other obstruct I cept bUild- lOgs erected mace e wlth",t'"s., code whleh prevent ns drl1!ing', vehICles approachlJ\ ntersectloll 1 of pubhc hlghway,s havlIlg, a, clear view of tra approach'nl!' such mtersectlOnc'c ross : lor one hundred f ,ng, su " streets, measured the prop '! hne when one ed feet f I such'mterseellon, sured fro 'I property hne '.. " / Subd 41.1mb trees WhiCh,; project over a sidewalk' or . street and are I an eight (eet above the surfac h pubhcslde- w<llk and nme (eeL' ve the sllr{ace of such street ~ll~ .. _ ......~ Subd 5 Wlres[ pt clothes Imc< wues which are slrung less than fifteen feet ab(l~' the surface of the ground 1 """ Subd 6 BUlldIQ~~ ails and other structures whICh Jl-ave been damaged by lire decay, therwlse, and whIch are so s~tu s to endanger the safety of tt;!, - \. SlIbd 7 Expf , mflanlmablE" liqUIds and othel"~'.dangerou& sub- stances stored lD anJ! manner or in t any amount olher fb<ln that provldW by thiS code ~...- Subd 8 Loud or udusual nOises and annoy,"g v..bra(~Qn~..whlCh offend the peace and qUlet-.ps' persons of or- dmary senslblhlles'f, , , Subd 9 Use of'pubhc streets or Sidewalks whIch clluses large crowds"' of people 10 gather, obstructmg tral-,.! flC and tile free use of the streets or ' sIdewalks, ~ { (, Subd 10 Allo:,ing, of water. raiD'- water. Ice or sDJiW,to fall from any bUlldmg or stru,,/:\i\'t,upon any street'" or Sidewalk or'i!o".uow across allY" Sidewalk d..~' " ," Subd H DaJlti~ous, unguarded' machmery. ID 'llW"l!~bhc place.'dr so' sItuated or ope.iiil.l\'<lton private prop- erty as to altrao;!hc<,lbe pUbhc Subd 12 The,foiDg of any thmg or act or any occ'!lt#,!'!.n or any lallure to act whl('h 't::~ ...':;..~ a) annoy res, or en- dangers the health, com- . fort, or r f any 'Con- Siderable n persons. or b) offend IIc decency or c) unldW obstructs, renders, d a lake str a pubhc p ley, or hlg d) 10 an S1derable _ill .,.- 1&1. a m I firm or co any public lubsectt nuisance UPOD or . owned or.. lirm or Secllo tlve on I With Su Charter Adopte Approve 1987 '" ~-~ ~'1 ~'~fj ol ':.: I to rferes With. o obstruct or for passage, I or baslD, or e street, al- i.;~tde~::' I ., ........ f..._~ aase or ereale Attest SCOTT RENNE City Clerk (Sept 28, 1987) -HOP