1987-585 , , ~ Ordinance No. 87 - 585 An O~dinance relating to hours of intoxicating liquor and non-intoxicat~ng Subsect~on 1200.27 of the Hopkins City sections to the Code. sale ana consumpt~on of malt l~quor; amenaing Code; and add~ng new THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS DOCS ORDAIN. Sect~on 1. amended to read: Hopkins City Code, Subsect10n 12UU.27, 1S . 1200.27. Hours of operation. No sale oC 1n(0~lcat~ng 11quor shall be made atter 1:00 o'clOCK a.m. on Sunday except by l~censees duly licensed under special ILcenses for Sunaay sales as provided in section 1200.13 of this code, nor beforc 8:00 o'clock J.m. on Mondays, nor between the hours of 1:00 o'clock 3.m. dnd 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the day of any elect~on durlng wlncll such sdles ()re forbidden by state law. No on sale shall oe made betwecn the hours of 1:00 o'clock a.m. and 8:UO O'ClOCK a.m. on allY weekday. Sales under a special "Sunday sale" license may be made before 10:00 a.I". No off sale shall be made before 8:00 a.m. or aftcr B:OU p.m. or any day except Friday and Saturday, on which days 0[[ ~~le mdY be made until 10:00 o'clock p.m. No off sale shall be made on Ncw Year's Day. January 1; Independence Day, July 4; ThanksgivLng Day; or Christmas Oay. December 25; but on the even~ngs preced~nr, such days. if the sale of liquor is not othen-rise prohl bit:ed on such evenings off sales may be made untLI 10:00 o'c~ock p.m.. except that no off sale shall be made on December 24 afer 8:00 o'clock p.m. No intoxicatin Ii uor shall be sold, served or consumed ~n or on a ~cense premLses during the c OSlng hours atores.nd. Sec t ion 2. Hopkins City Code lS amended by ddd tng .J ne\.J subsection to read: 1200.28. PremLses. No licensed SectLon 3. Hopkins C~ty Code ~s amended by adding a new subsect~on to read: 1210.14. Evacuation of Li~ensed Prem1ses. No 11censed oremises named 1n an "ON SALE" Non- Intox~cat1n t")2!-: L1Quor L~ce'lse sha_ remain open for busLness ~ore than 15 ~l~utes attQr tne - . closing t~me st5ted in SubsectLon 1210.13 of thLS Ora1nance. It is unlawful ror a ~Lcensee or an emplo ee or a l~censee to permLt anx erson other than a Lcensee or an emp_ovee to remaLn on saLO icensed ,premLses more t an 15 mLnutes arter C os~n tLme; Lt is a so un_awtu tor an erson not a ~~censee or emp ovee ot a ~censee to remaLn on saL ~cense prem~ses more tnan 15 m~nutes atter clos~n~ time. This subsect~on does not apnlv to any restaurant nor to any premises ho Id~ng a "ClUD 1 ~CC'1<;e. " Section 4. ThLS Ordinance ~s effect~ve on 1987 in accordance with Subsection 110.11 and the C1ty Charter. Adopted this day of day of , 1987. Approved this . 1<J87. Mayor Attest: Cl.ty Clerk ... " Minn sota Suburban Newspap rs AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION _ STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that helshe IS the publisher or authOrized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopklns Sallor ,and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied With all of the requirements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A rJl, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordlnance No. 87-585 . which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each MondaY 28 one week, for successive weeks, It was first published on , the of Sept ,19 87 ,and was thereafter printed and published on every and Including , the _ day of , 19_. and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclUSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice ..~""""m:"w3wi llJ!~ TITLE Operatlons Mana~er Subscribed and sw to before me on thiS day of . N ry .~ MEl El M HEDBLOM l1~~T>o~:~",,\ ',;; -;--:-'<;" ol NOTARV PU~lIC - MINNEsor,s \[<. ,: -.) HLNN~~JN COUNTY :",>,--'.-) Mv commiSSion expires 7.2.92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 1 85 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 401Cl: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 38Cl: per line (Line, word. or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ ~ -i. ~-. I day ,: CiiJ:"OrH~pl(,ps . _ (OH'I'lal PublleatloD) , , ORDINANCE KO 87.585 . A,n Ordinance r'elatmg.to hours of sale and consurilp,.tlon of IOto <lca~mg liquor anJl;non:II)'ox ' g malt liq- uor, amend.hg' Sub "1200 27 of the HopkInS. :Cf . -~<!dlDg new see tJons. to t "' , THE CITY CO 'CITY OF HOPKIN:S' , ,SectIOn 1 . sectIOn 12 1200 27 . sale of . made a Shnday . ,licensed S for' Sunda section 1 before 8 days. nor' ;~ 0,0,0,' cloeJ< ' . p,ro. pn 1h ,duhng wh. bIdden by,s )shall be m o{ JrM ~o o'clock' a Sl\les UDder sale" lIeen before 10 00 be made bef 8 00 I' m of day and Satui off sale may o'clock I' m made on New ary I, Indepe Thanksg,vlng Day I!ecem ~;:~::J~~fr~e prohibIted on s sales may be o'clock I' m , e sale shall be m 24 after 8 00 IDtoxleatlnl 119' served "0," eons licensed prem , '1loslng hours a Section 2' Ho amen/led by add. to read 120028 Exeav Premises No named ID an H Icatlng Liquor main open1for 15 minutes all slated In' Sub this O~dlnanc '8 Ueensee or licensee &0 p other than a ployee to rem premises mo after closing lawful for licensee or e to remafn 0 mlses more cIOS'U,i tlrn does Dol app Dor to~ any! "club- license SectIOn 3 amendedJbY a to read' , " 1210 14 Elie Premises' N named 1ft a Intllx!eatlng shall remal more r"han 111 c10alng time 1210 13 of . unla wful fa employee 01 aDY perllOD or aD emplo lleenoed p mlnUlea 'af al80 ualawf IlceDIf'e or -to I remain .- ... ...- - Ie uelabD SectIOn 4 hveon 150 with'Subse Charter . , . Adopted thl Appro"ed th)s I 1987 to , , .1 LIcensed , f.~N:~ r LlcfIIlse busbies; after the ubsectJoD ce It i. ee or an to perlDll Ueensee In on aald e tbau 15 me, Uti "SOD Dot a lieeDsee ed pre. lea aloe. a. I ce IS eflec- accordance' nd the <:\ty I August, 1987 I of September DONALD J MILBERT 1,0' J' Mayor Attest , SCOTT RENNE' CIty Clerk (Sept 28 1987) .HOP