1987-589 . I Ord1nance 87- 589 An Ord1nance relating to ParKs; amend1ng Section d30 or tne Hoph1ns C1ty Code. TH:= CITY COUNCIL OJ? TilE. CITY OF HOPKhlS DOES OKDAIi~: Sect10n 1. Hopk1ns C1ty Code, Subsect10n 830.05, Subd. 2., 1S emended to read: Subd. 2. Refuse and trash. It lS unlawful for a person to ~~_~~g~-k~-~--b~~ dump, deposlt or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dlrt, rubbish, waste, garbage, ~_ snow, refuse or @G~~- trash ln a park except in roper rece tacles as ermitted b tnlS subdivls10n. ~o retuse or trasn sna 1 be place ln any waters ln or contlguous to any park, nor left anywhere on the grounds thereol, but shall be placed ln the proper reccptacles where these are provlded; where receptacles are not so prov1ded, all such ruoblsh or waste soall be carrled away from the park by the person responslblc for 1ts prcspncc, and ~-@pe~~~ Erope~l1. dlsposed Ot e 1 se\.Jhere . Sectlon 2. Hopkins Clty Code, Subsectlon 830.11, Subds. 1 2nd 6, are amended to read: 830.11. Blcycles. Subdivls10n 1. Conflneo to roads. No person may rlde a blcycle ln a par~ on otner tnan a paved vehicular road or path designated for that purpose. A bicyclist may ~~1--~F push a blcycle by hand over a grassy area or wooded tral1 or on d paved area reserved for pedestrian use. Subd. 6. Nl~ht OperaLlon. No person mzy ride a bicycle on any r02d or patn oetwecn ten minutes after 6-\:H'rt=-:6e sunset and ten mlnutes ber:ore --&Y-a~eG- sunrise wltoout an attacneo headllght plalnly vlsible at least IUU feet ln front of, and wlthout a red tall 11ght or red reflector pld1nly Vls1ble from at least 2UU feet from the rear of the blcycle. Sect10n 3 to read: Hopklns Clty Code, Subsection 830 17, 1S amendeo 830.17. Hunt ln~ and flrearms. It lS unl awful for any person ln a park to ount, trap or pursue wl1d 11fe at any tlme. No person snaIl use, ca~y, or possess flrearms or any descrlpt10n or alr rlfles, spr1ng guns, bow and arrows (except 1n an area desl~n2ted for archery by the director), sllngs or any other torm ot weapons potentlally lnlmlcal to wild 11fe ---a-ftti or dangerous to human safety, or any lnscrument t~at can De loaoeo with and r1re blank cartrldges, or any ~lnd or c:applng deVlce. ShooClnb lnCO park areas fro~ beyond par~ ~oundarles lS proh:LD1ced. ..... i Sect10n II Hoplnns Clty Code, SUDsectlon 1330.31, lS a ended to read. 830.31. Domestic Animals. Dogs or other domestlc animals are pe rm 1 t t e don I y *B----a.1J..t-O-"""llG-Q~_l-B--.p..a:c....ki Ag_-G~~----d-.-.d-~:w.:;.:; ~m~a.t;.e-l-:f--~a-G.e-n-t;.--H~~e.t-0--d-~d 1n such-G..th..3-I=- areas as may be clearly marked by t...ne. S1gns bearlng the words "domestic animals perm1tted 1n trns area." Noth1ng hereln shall be construed as permlttlng the runnLng of dogs at large. Dogs in tnose areas where sucl) anlmals arc per~ltted shall be restralned at all tunes on adequate leashes not greater than e1ght feet III length. ThlS Ordlnance lS eftectlve on accordance wlth Subsection 110.11 and the C1ty Charter. , 1987 111 AJoptcd thlS cay of 1987. ^PIHOved Lh is day or , 1987. . i-layor Attest: City CierI<. Minn 018 Suburban Newspap rs AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION srATE OF MINNESOfA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopklns Sallor ,and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the reqUIrements constituting qualification as a qualified newspaper, as prOVided by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A rn, and other applicable laws, as amended (B) The printed Ordlnance No. 87-589 which IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each . Monday 28 one week, for successive weeks, It was first published on , the of Sept , and was thereafter printed and published on every ,19 87 and Including , the _ day of , 19_, and printed below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclUSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of the notice .'''.'..''"m:'''"~J. ~ TITLE Operat~ons Mana~er me on this , Nota 1~;;1^'t;;.> MEi~l ,. _ M HEnnOM (e:, '. =.' _, NOTArY PUSLlC - ,,,'NN:SOT,o, \::. ,,) HtN~K~:N COUNTY ~V My commiSSion eJ,plre5 7-2.92 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) MaJClmum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 1 85 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 40 111: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 3811: per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ day to