1987-591 ~4 ~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 87- 591 An Ordinance relating to the HopkIns BuildIng Code and various Mechanlcal Permit Fees; deletlng Sections 1020.09, 1020.11, 1020.13, 'and Section 1020.15 and addIng a reVIsed Section 1020.09 reading as follows: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOPKINS DOES ORDAIN: Section 1020.09 is amended to read as follows: 1020.09 Mechanical PermIt Fees. Job Valuatlon o - $1,000.00 2% (.02) of Job value - minlmum of $10.00 1,001.00 to 10,000.00 $20.00 for first 1,000.00 plus $1.25 for each additional 100.00 or fractIon thereof; to and IncludIng $10,000.00 10,001.00 to 50,000.00 132.50 for the first 10,000.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 50,000.00 and up 532.50 for the first $50,000.00 plus $7.50 for each addltional $1,000.00 of fraction thereof Adopted thlS day of , 1987. Approved this , 1987. day of Donald Milbert, Mayor Attest: ~ City Clerk '.. ~.. Minn sota Suburban Newspap rs AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESarA) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald K. Mortenson , being duly sworn on an oath says that he/she IS the publisher or authonzed agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Hopklns Sallor ,and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below (A) The newspaper has complied wIth all of the reqUIrements constItuting qualifIcatIon as a qualif,ed newspaper, as provIded by Minnesota Statute 331A 02, 331A fJ1, and other applicable laws, as amended (8) The printed Ordlnance No. 87-59~ whIch IS attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each . _k, 10, 0 n. """'s,,,,. "oks, " ... .'" pub'''''''d .. H. n d . y ,... 28 da, of Sept , and was thereafter pnnted and published on every ,19 87 and including , the _ day of , 19_, and pnnted below IS a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclUSive, which IS hereby acknowledged as being the size and kmd of type used m the compOSition and publication of the notice """~"'m:~_~ Ie. ~ TITLE Op~ratrons M~n~~pr . RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest claSSified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 1 85 per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 40 llt per line (Line, word, or Inch rate) 38lt per ',ne (Line, word, or Inch rate) $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ Cit, of Hop~ins (O.lidal P1I ~- , ORDINANCE l!l An Ordmance relatmg to the Hopkuu:;! cal Permlt Fees, deletmg Sechons _ 1020 15 and addmg a reVised Section 1020. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Section 1020 09,IS amended to read as J~ 1020 09 Meehanlcal:Permll Fees \ Job \(ataallon ""'"~ . 2% ( 02)";;' 0-$1,000 00 - , $20 00 lor. 1,001 00 to. addItional \Dcluding 132 50 for each addlt and Inclad 532 511 for " each addlt ~sl, 1987 "' September, 1987 ,1- Attest SCOTT RENNE , ' CIty Clerk to (Sept 28 1987