06-08-2010 WS Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Raspberry Room Tuesday, June 8, 2010 Mayor Maxwell called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Kristi Halverson, Rick Brausen, Cheryl Youakim, Bruce Rowan, Hopkins City Manager Rick Getschow, Director of Planning & Economic Development Kersten Elverum, Finance Director Christine Harkess, Facilities Manager Jay Strachota, Public Works Director Steve Stadler, City Engineer John Bradford, Members of Blake School; John Herman, Roger Martin, Dan Johnson PE, Troy Miuez. BLAKE SCHOOL DISCUSSION: Representatives of the Blake School provided an update to the City Council on the progress that they are attempting to make to come to an agreement with City for the use of residential property that they have purchased on Harrison Avenue. Much of the discussion focused on the storm water and ponding analysis Blake School has done. They hope to present the city with a proposal that allows for some ponding on the block while also allowing single - family residential uses to be maintained and improved.' Mayor Maxwell stated that Blake School still has much work to do before a proposal can be considered by the Council. Also, neighborhood input will be important at a time when a plan can even be considered. STAGES LEASE DISCUSSION: Mr. Strachota discussed the lease agreement between Stages Theatre and the Hopkins Center for the Arts. He stated that he and Mr. Montilino have agreed to a term to 2027 with 40 weeks in the theater. He stated that weeks returned from the JC Studio will be reimbursed at a rate of two days occasional user fee per week returned. He stated that Stages Theatre Company has provided a document that clarifies income sharing on dates that STC releases their rights to the theater for an occasional user rental. This was left to interpretation in the original lease and it's important that it's clear in the future lease with additional theater time going to STC. He also stated that "regular" occasional users will be grandfathered in and assured space - groups such as Pen Pals, dance companies, Raspberry Festival, etc.... This is critical with STC having more theater time. Mr. Strachota stated that Stages has also provided a document for the future lease that clearly spells out their intentions for hours of usage in other rental room which is far more specific than the information in the original lease and is very helpful. Mr. Strachota stated that he is striving to negotiate a rent and escalation rate that includes the additional theater weeks rather than calling out a lease payment amount for 36 weeks and an add -on amount for the additional 4 theater weeks. Page 2 Mr. Strachota stated that the process of negotiating this lease has opened a line of communication and understanding between STC and the City that did not exist prior to these negotiations. Stages Theater Company is a very important part of the formula for a successful Hopkins Center for the Arts and securing the STC as a partner for 15 years helps promote a successful HCA well into the future. Council expressed gratitude to Mr. Strachota for all his great work at the Center for the Arts. A potential lease extension should be placed on a future Council agenda. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) DISCUSSION: Ms. Harkess discussed the summary of changes in the 2011 -2015 CIP. She also discussed the cash flow statements by fund, projects summarized by year and funding sours for the years 2011-2015, and individual project sheets regarding projects, justification and funding. EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM (ERP) DISCUSSION: Ms. Harkess stated that the ERP goals are to maintain the integrity , reliability and safety of city equipment, provide funding for replacement of current equipment as needed and forecast funding needs and tax implication s to assure strong long -term financial stability. Ms. Harkess discussed with the council the summary of changes, ERP cash flow analysis, 20 year plan, projects by year, funding source summary, projects by funding source, department summary, projects by department and individual project sheets. OTHER: • City Manager Getschow stated the National League Conference is to be held from December 1 to December 4 of this year. City Manager Getschow stated that the employee picnic is scheduled for August 12th at Valley . Park. In case of rain it will be held at the Activity Center. r On a motion -by Youakim, and second by Rowan, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm. Page 3 Debbie Sperling, Secretary CITY COUNCIL w ATTEST: Eugene J. a ell, Mayor