08-05-2013 WS after CC mtgMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AT CONCLUSION OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, August 5, 2013 The meeting was started at 9:06 p.m. Present were Mayor Maxwell and Council members Molly Cummings, Jason Gadd and Kristi Halverson, City Manager Mike Mornson, Finance Director Christine Harkess, Public Works Director Steve Stadler, Parks & Streets Superintendent Jay Strachota, Water & Sewer Superintendent Doug Anderson, Park Board Members Norman Teigen, Bob Hatlestad, Caroline Rinker and Abbey Bryduck. New business: Park need and expenditures over next five years: Mr. Stadler addressed Council regarding the park improvement needs and funding. Mr. Stadler reviewed the 5 -year and 15 -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the park system. The CIP is subject to change and review each year. Mr. Stadler gave an overview of the improvement categories. Park Board Chair Bob Hatlestad addressed the Council regarding the importance of stable funding to sustain needed improvements in the parks. The Park Board has reviewed the different means to generate revenue and have drafted a motion for use of franchise fee increase to support a revenue stream for the parks. Ms. Harkess gave an overview of cash flow financials for the parks and discussed the analysis of franchise fees vs. a bond referendum to finance the parks. A proposed 50 cent franchise increase would impact a home owner with gas & electric $1.00 a month on each or $12 a year in franchise fees vs. a $21.13 annual increase in a property levy for a home valued at $225,000. One advantage of franchise fees is that it affects properties that do not pay taxes such as churches or nonprofits. There was much Council discussion regarding the up front money advantage of a referendum but would need to be spent in 18 months and the importance of working together with Park Board to engage the community. Mr. Hatelstad stated that the Park Board is unified and in favor of funding park improvements with the increase in the franchise fee. The Park Board is focused on improving the quality of the city parks and embracing input from the community on how they want area parks to be developed. There was Council discussion regarding the October 2, 2013 Citizen's Academy Alumni Event to encourage their park improvement input and the 90 -day requirement by the utility companies for the franchise fee to be in effect. There was also much discussion regarding the ending date for the franchise fee increase. The Park Board did not include an ending date because they feel there is a need for a steady income stream. Ms. Harkess advised the Council that currently the ordinance is reviewed every 2 years. The Council discussed changing the ordinance to be reviewed every 5 years. There was much discussion that Hopkins franchise fees are low in comparison to other cities. Ms. Harkess will provide Council with information regarding franchise fees in other cities. Mr. Stadler will investigate what other cities are doing with their franchise fees and if residents are notified of franchise fee increase. There was much discussion about the importance of informing residents how the money is being directed and looking at other funding sources such as grants and development funds to support park improvements. Council consensus was in support of the 50 -cent franchise fee increase and changing the review date to every 5 years. The first reading will be on August 20 with final approval scheduled on September 3 to meet utility company deadlines. The City Attorney will review the ordinance regarding opt in or opt out language. Council suggested that the Park Board compose a letter to local editors why they support the increase in the franchise fee. The Park Board was asked to participate in the Citizen's Academy Alumni Event on October 2, 2013. 2014 budget request to fund one additional PW position: Mr. Stadler addressed Council regarding a 2014 budget request to fund one additional Public Works position. Mr. Stadler gave an overview of the Utility Locator position, salary, job duties and objectives of the new position. The cost of the position would be shared between Water & Sewer and Parks divisions. Mr. Strachota explained the improved efficiency of the work force to have a dedicated person doing the utility location. Mr. Anderson provided an explanation of the utility locates procedure. There was much Council discussion regarding number of locate requests, moving forward with the GIS technology, improving efficiency of staff, approximately 5 -years to input GIS data and that there is no need for an additional vehicle with added position. Mr. Stadler gave an overview of the current staffing levels at Public Works. The additional position will be included in the budget presentation at the next Work Session. Other • Discussion of a resident complaint regarding use of no parking signs by another resident. • Discussion of adding another neighborhood meeting for the Shady Oak Road landscaping plan. • Council Member Gadd gave an overview of the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Action Plan with a tentative date for the proclamation ceremony on September 28, 2013 in Downtown Park. • Council Member Youakim will attend SWLRT meeting on Wednesday. There was Council discussion regarding the SWLRT, OMF facility and municipal consent. • National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6, 2013. With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Vold ATTE T: Eugene J. ell, Mayor Kristine A. Luedke, City Clerk 2